[210] Genesis 16:The Symbolic Drama of Hagar and Sarah, the two Women of Galatians 4

Red is for literal interpretations
Blue is for symbolic interpretations
Orange is for double designations
Brown is for failed double designations

Paul, in Galatians 4, gives us the account symbolic meanings of Genesis 16 through the literal meaning of his words. The classic phrase is:

24 These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these [women] mean two covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar (Galatians 4).

The explanation of Genesis 16 in Galatians 4 is as follows...

22 For example, it is written that Abraham acquired 2 sons, one by the servant girl [the law - see verse 24 - the covenant from mount Sinai] and one by the free [woman] [the second holy spirit covenant. The 2HSC -  - see verse 26 - the Jerusalem below was God's earthly administration in biblical times, so the Jerusalem above is God's heavenly administration which is the holy spirit, which is God's wife - see I11].
23 but the one by the servant girl [the law] was actually born in the manner of flesh, the other by the free [woman] [2HSC] through a promise.
24 These things stand as a symbolic drama; for these [women] mean 2 covenants, the one from Mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar.
25 Now this Hagar [meaning flight] is mount Sinai in Arabia, and she corresponds with the Jerusalem now, for she is in slavery with her children.
26 But the Jerusalem above [God's heavenly organisation] is free, who is our mother [the holy spirit, this is God's heavenly organisation, she is the mother of all angelically born again children].
27 For it is written: Be glad, you barren [woman] who does not give birth; break out and cry aloud, you [woman] who does not have childbirth pains; for the children of the desolate [woman] are more numerous than [those] of her who has the male [Moses, the mediator of the law covenant, the husband of the woman of the law] [The holy spirit itself, being a collective does not actually have kids. But barren female angels in child rearing agreements with male angels have more angelic children when authorised by the Holy Spirit than the human women married to husbands have human children - see Intro5. There were around 2.5 million sons of Israel in the day of the registration of Joab. A lifespan was around 70 years at that time. So from Moses to Jesus, 1500 years, we have 21 lifespans with 2.5 million souls each, making around 52 million souls. Therefore we must have more than this number of saints. We have 15 million saints upstairs and 15 million downstairs who are registered and male. Then we have another 15 million upstairs and downstairs presumably who are female. That makes 60 million saints] (Galatians 4)

The point is that the Free woman, the Jerusalem above, the 2HSC, the 2nd Holy Spirit woman, did not have her husband Jehovah, until her mediator, Michael, had ransomed Adam, at which point he gained the firstborn angelic rights which he purchased from Satan and was therefore in a position to arrange the 2nd marriage. That ransom occurred on 33Sivan5. Prior to that date the 2HSC was a barren woman.

28 Now we, brothers, are children belonging to the promise [the ACP] the same as Isaac was [Isaac was the promised seed of the ACP - see Intro28].
29 But just as then the one born in the manner of flesh [Ishmael] began persecuting the one born in the manner of spirit [Isaac] so also now [Those under law from flesh persecute those from spirit, the saints. the fleshly Jews persecuted the spiritual Jews].
30 Nevertheless, what does the Scripture say? Drive out the servant girl and her son, for by no means shall the son of the servant girl be an heir with the son of the free [female] [the saints, the sons of the 2HSC].
31 Wherefore, brothers, we are children, not of a servant girl [the law], but of the free [woman] [2HSC] (Galatians 4).

1 Cry out joyfully, you barren woman that did not give birth! Become cheerful with a joyful outcry and cry shrilly, you that had no childbirth pains, for the sons of the desolated one are more numerous than the sons of the owned/possessed woman, Jehovah has said. (Isaiah 54 NWT)
1 Sing out, barren one [who] never bore; break out a song and shout, [you] who never travailed-in-labour. For the sons of the desolate one [are] more than the sons of the owned/possessed woman, says Jehovah. (Isaiah 54 GLT)

The 2NC Kings are children of the 3HSC woman (the holy spirit of the kingdom, 144,000 1NC Kings in heaven) but she is a daughter of the 2HSC woman since all the 1NC Kings are children of the 2HSC. The 2NC Kings must be the firstborn of the 1NC Kings since we have the rights. Now the 3HSC woman (Jesus' fiance) could in theory have conceived the day after the last supper since she was within a marriage agreement at that time. But we do not think that she did because the 2NC Kings must come first from her womb.

Abraham had two wives, Sarah, and Hagar, her servant. Hagar gave him Ishmael, 'born in the manner of flesh' and then Sarah, gave him Isaac, who was 'born in the manner of the spirit' as Jesus was . So Isaac was non adamic as we know from I21. In any event Sarah was barren and 90 years old at the time of her delivery. 

Sarah stands for the 2HSC, the second holy spirit covenant, mediated by Jesus, after the first one, mediated by Satan was terminated when Satan sinned so as to incur death.

Paul specifically does not say that each woman is a covenant, he does not say these two women are two covenants, it says: These women are two covenants. It is worded deliberately ambiguously. For in fact each woman is two covenants, one covenant in each word symbolic meaning. In the first word symbolism which the literal meaning of Galatians describes, Sarah is the 2HSC and Hagar is the Law, the covenant of slavery from mount Sinai. In the second word symbolism Sarah is the 2NC and Hagar is the ELC. The seed in the name designation symbolism comes from the Jews and the Christians in the first century, the seed in the position designation symbolism comes from the first true Christian church (TCC1) and the 2nd true Christian church.(TCC2)

Since we adduce these words of Paul as fundamental evidence that the whole bible is in fact a symbolic drama, because there is nothing special about Genesis 16, and because the whole bible was inspired by the same Genius, we should certainly decode the symbolic drama of Genesis 16 in order to confirm our assertion and to follow the direction of the holy spirit through Paul.

1 Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children; but she had a maidservant, an Egyptian, and her name was Hagar [flight].
2 Hence Sarai said to (construct) Abram: Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Go, now to (construct) maidservant of me. Perhaps I may get children from her. So Abram listened to the voice of Sarai.
3 Then Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar, the Egyptian, her maidservant, from end 10 year to dwell Abram in the land of Canaan [1943Tishri1 to 1933Tishri1 BC], and gave her to-Abram, her husband, to him for-wife.
4 And he went to (construct) Hagar, and she became pregnant. When she became aware that she was pregnant, then her mistress began to be despised in her eyes.
5 At this Sarai said to (construct) Abram: The violence done me be upon you. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became aware that she was pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me and you.
6 So Abram said to (construct) Sarai: Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes. Then Sarai began to humiliate her so that she ran away from her face.
7 And Jehovah's angel found her at a fountain of waters in the wilderness, at the fountain on the way to Shur [wall].
8 And he began to say: Hagar, maidservant of Sarai, just where have you come from and where are you going? To this she said: Why, from [the] face of Sarai, my mistress I am running away.
9 And Jehovah's angel said to her: Return to your mistress and humble yourself under her hands (dual) [10x-1x=9x].
10 And Jehovah's angel said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude [Hagar's Seed Promise].
11 Further Jehovah's angel added to her: Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael [God hears]; for Jehovah has heard your affliction.
12 As for him, he will become a wild ass of a man. His hand in/against all, and the hand of all in/against him; and upon/before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle
13 Then she praised the name of Jehovah, the [one] speaking to her [saying]: He is God of sight, for she said: Have I here actually looked upon [the] back of him who sees me? [This being a Binary Question]
14 That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi. Here it is between Kadesh and Bered
15 And Hagar bore to-Abram a son and Abram called the name of his son whom Hagar bore Ishmael.
16 And Abram was son of 80 year and 6 years in Hagar's bearing [construct] Ishmael to-Abram (Genesis 16).

First Word Symbolism (Word1)

Sarai = 2HSC
Abram's wife = 1NC
Hagar = the Law covenant
Egyptian = Originally from Egypt
Ishmael = Rueben call into the 1NC
Abram = Jesus

1 Now Sarai [2HSC], Abram's wife [], had borne him no children [no saints had yet been resurrected as angels since Jesus had not yet given his sacrifice. So BIRTH is resurrection here.]; but she had a maidservant, an Egyptian, and her name was Hagar [the administration of the law].
2 Hence Sarai [2HSC] said to (construct) Abram [Jesus, the mediator of the 1NC and the 2HSC]: Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Go, now to (construct) maidservant of me. Perhaps I may get children from her [ saints from the JAC under law, the inferior wine of Cana]. So Abram [Jesus] listened to the voice of Sarai [Jesus listens to the 2nd holy spirit].
3 Then Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar, the Egyptian, her maidservant, at the end of 10 years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, and gave her to-Abram, her husband, to him for-wife [in 1463BC This is the JAC call under law]
4 And he went to (construct) Hagar [the law covenant], and she became pregnant [with saints baptised into the JAC, under law. The line of Kings must be sanctified - whilst not under a Gentile Times malediction -  because the administration of God's people comprises saints. The line of high priests must be sanctified because they go into the most holy. The line to Jesus must be sanctified. When the priesthood realises this, they started becoming big headed]. When she became aware that she was pregnant, then her mistress began to be diminished/ despised in her eyes [].
5 At this Sarai said to (construct) Abram: The injury/violence done me be upon you [Jesus gets all the violence done to the holy spirit due to this despising - he was sacrificed by Caiaphas, the last valid sacrifice under law]. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became aware that she was pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me and you [He certainly did, Jesus became a God. He was elevated above every other name named including the entire second holy spirit]
6 So Abram said to (construct) Sarai: Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes. Then Sarai began to humiliate her so that she ran away from her face [Maledictions, conquests by Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians. Exiles etc. The Aaronic and Levitical priesthood abandoned God].
7 And Jehovah's angel [Gabriel possessing John the baptist] found her [the sons of the Law. she is identified with her covenanted sons] at a fountain of waters [John the baptist] in the wilderness, at the fountain on the way to Shur [wall] [TCC1].
8 And he began to say: Hagar, maidservant of Sarai, just where have you come from and where are you going? [She came from Egypt and is going into destruction] To this she said: Why, from [the] face of Sarai, my mistress I am running away.
9 And Jehovah's angel [Gabriel in John] said to her: Return to your mistress [Repent and resubmit to the direction of the holy spirit] and humble yourself under her hands (dual) [10x-1x=9x. 4 of the first 5 presidents of FDS1 (all of whom had authority over the saints) except Epaphras who does not sound like a Jew and so did not have the door opened to him by John the baptist and so should not have been the president. Then the first 5 presidents of FDS2 until the last saints to have been under the law (which ended on 33Nisan14), the last of the Reuben call saints, died in 126 AD, the 86th year of the first presence of verse16].
10 And Jehovah's angel said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude [all the Christians are the seed of the 12 apostles all of whom used to be under Law and so are the sons of Hagar or 'Hagar'].
11 Further Jehovah's angel added to her: Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael [God hears] [the Jewish 1NCs]; for Jehovah has heard your affliction.
12 As for him, he will become a wild ass of a man. His hand will be in/ against everyone [Reuben has control of everyone in the true church during the first 5 presidencies of FDS1. But it appears that only 4 out of the first 5 presidents of FDS1 were Jewish. Then the 6th president was Pope Linus - whoops], and the hand of everyone will be in/ against him [The first 5 presidents of TCC2 had authority over Reuben] and before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle [Jewish 1NC saints practiced their faith before the face of the rest of physical Israel and spiritual Israel!]
13 Then she praised the name of Jehovah, the [one] speaking to her [saying]: He is God of sight, for she said: Have I here actually looked upon [the] back of him who sees me? [Moses, the mediator of the Law, the administrator of Israel did this]
14 That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi [the well of the living one]. Here it is between Kadesh [holy - the first baptism of John] and Bered [hail - frozen judgemental water - the last baptism into TCC1 on 79Tishri14]
15 And Hagar bore to-Abram a son and Abram called the name of his son whom Hagar bore Ishmael.
16 And Abram was son of 80 year and 6 years in Hagar's bearing/bringing forth [construct] Ishmael to-Abram [ the last Reuben call 1NC saint died and raptured into his angel 126 AD, the 86th year of the first presence and so was borne to Jesus in heaven then]

Second Word Symbolism (Word2) - Substituted

Sarai = 2NC
Abram's wife = 1NC
Hagar = ELC
Egyptian = A member of a dual kingdom, with an upper and a lower part.
Ishmael = Naphtali call into the ELC
Abram = Jesus

1 Now Abram's wife [~r"b.a; tv,ae] [1NC], had borne him no children [no 1NC saints since 66Tishri14, the end of the calls into TCC1]; but she had an Egyptian, and her name was Hagar [the ELC].
2 Hence Abram's wife [1NC] said to (construct) Abram [Jesus, the mediator of the 1NC and the 2HSC]: Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Go, now to (construct) Egyptian of me. Perhaps I may get children from her [ saints from the ELC]. So Abram listened to the voice of Abram's wife [1NC] [Jesus listens to his fiance].
3 Then Abram's wife [~r"b.a;-tv,ae], took namely the Egyptian, her maidservant [does not substitute Hagar in verse 4 properly. So this is not a triple designation. The ELC of Bilhah is the slave girl of Rachel. but Rachel is under Leah in the Kingdom since Leah is the 3HSC. So Bilhah is actually a slave girl of Leah too], at the end of 10 years to dwell Abram in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband, to him for-wife [The 1NCs accept the ELC after the 10 year gap in the first presence from 79Tishri14 to 89Tishri14]
4 And he went to (construct) the Egyptian, and she became pregnant [with the Jewish Dan call into the ELC from 66Chislev29]. When she became aware that she was pregnant, then her mistress began to be despised in her eyes [].
5 At this Abram's wife said to (construct) Abram: The injury/violence done me be upon you []. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became aware that she was pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me and you [He certainly did. The 1NC administration was rejected. The saints of Bilhah became the administration of the next true church, TCC2]
6 So Abram said to (construct) Abram's wife: Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes. Then Abram's wife began to humiliate her so that she ran away from her face [].
7 And Jehovah's angel [Paul, Elijah2, the mediator of the ELC] found her [the ELC] at a fountain of waters [of TCC2] in the wilderness, at the fountain on the way to Shur [wall] [TCC2].
8 And he began to say: Maidservant of Sarai [the 2NC], just where have you come from and where are you going? [She came from TCC1 and she is going to TCC2] To this she said: Why, from [the] face of Abram's wife, my mistress I am running away.
9 And Jehovah's angel [Paul] said to her: Return to your mistress [Repent and resubmit to the direction of the 1NCs in TCC1] and humble yourself under her hands (dual) [10x-1x=9x. 9 years from late 70 to 79Tishri14, when the 1EC ended].
10 And Jehovah's angel said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude [There will be 15,600,000 male and 15,600,000 female ELC Lords and Ladies - whoops just numbered them].
11 Further Jehovah's angel added to her: Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael [God hears] [Naphtali, the Gentile Call ELCs from 66Iyyar to 126Iyyar - see U42]; for Jehovah has heard your affliction.
12 As for him, he will become a wild ass of a man. His hand will be in/against everyone [??], and the hand of everyone will be in/against him [??] and before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle [Naphtali is in the front line of the Kingdom administration, the Gentile earthly underlords]
13 Then she praised the name of the [one] speaking to her [saying]: He is God of sight, for she said: Have I here actually looked upon [the] back of him who sees me? [Moses, the mediator of the Law, the administrator of Israel did this]
14 That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi [the well of the living one]. Here it is between Kadesh [holy - the first baptism of Paul into the 2EC] and Bered [hail - frozen judgemental water - the last baptism into TCC2]
15 And Sarai's maidservant bore to-Abram a son and Abram called the name of his son whom Sarai's maidservant bore Ishmael.
16 And Abram was son of 80 year and 6 years in Sarai's maidservant's bearing [construct] Ishmael to-Abram.

86 years into the first presence take us to just under 37 years into the 2nd part of it which takes us from 89Tishri14 to 126Iyyar more or less which is the end of the Gentile Call into the ELC of Paul. So Ishmael would be Naphtali (meaning my strife, my wrestling)

21 Naphtali [is] a hind/doe/wild she-goat [hl'Y"a; ] let loose giving one beautiful sayings. (Genesis 49 GLT).

Sarai (6), Fountain (2), Abram (10), Woman/Wife (2), Abram's-wife (1), Husband (0), Hagar (6), Ishmael (3), Maidservant (2), Mistress (0), Year (0), Angel (4), Land (1), Hands (1), Son (3), Egyptian (2)

Do inseparable prepositions mean the noun is not countable??

'The Egyptian, her maidservant', cannot be 'her Egyptian maidservant', with 'Egyptian' acting as an adjective, because in Hebrew the adjective always comes after the noun (Weingreen p32). 'Her maidservant, the Egyptian' would be 'her Egyptian maidservant'.

Here are the double designations:

Sarah, Abraham's wife
Hagar, the Egyptian
Hagar, maidservant of Sarah

But all of these take the form of 'name' then 'position' which was helpful to us and enable us to first identify what these double designations were and how they worked. There are no successive descriptions. So we have one literal meaning and two word symbolic threads. We only do a count for words which are acting as nouns (these of course are normally nouns). Nouns acting as possessive adjectives such as 'of Sarah' or 'of Abraham' are not counted - see the Double Designation Principle.

So today her sons, who are the Ishmaelites, who are Arabs (for Hagar means a mountain in Arabia), are wild asses whose hand is against everyone and everyone's hand is against them. So her seed do indeed tabernacle before the face of the sons of Jacob in Israel, even in the Mosque on the temple mount. 



[Second Presence interpretation]

1 Now Sarai, Abram's wife [1NC = 3HSC], had borne him no children [no 2NC Kings were born until 1996. these being the firstborn sons of the 1NC Kings of the 3HSC]; but she had a maidservant, an Egyptian, and her name was Hagar [flight] [the 3EC, the water baptism covenant for the Watchtower, which was supposed to be ruled by the 1NC. So the 3EC was supposed to be a maidservant of the 1NC. It was for a hundred years].
2 Hence Sarai said to (construct) Abram [FDS3, appointed over all of Jesus' belongings on 1916Nisan20]: Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Go, now to (construct) maidservant of me. Perhaps I may get children from her [2NC kings from those in the WTBTS, who are sons of the 1NC kings in one to one correspondence]. So Abram listened to the voice of Sarai [Abram listened to his wife].
3 Then Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar, the Egyptian, her maidservant, at the end of 10 years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan [This is would be the Proselyte call into the 2NC on 1999Tishri2. So somehow the Watchtower was the land of Canaan from 1989 to 1999?], and gave her to-Abram, her husband, to him for-wife []
4 And he went to (construct) Hagar [Jesus chose some people in the Watchtower to be baptized in holy spirit into the 2NC], and she became pregnant [2NC Watchtower saints were baptised from heaven]. When she became aware that she was pregnant, then her mistress began to be despised in her eyes [She became insubordinate to the holy spirit of the Kingdom, Jesus' wife].
5 At this Sarai said to (construct) Abram: The violence done me be upon you []. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became aware that she was pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me and you []
6 So Abram said to (construct) Sarai: Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes. Then Sarai began to humiliate her [through LW understandings] so that she ran away from her face [].
7 And Jehovah's angel [AOL] found her at a fountain of waters [The stolen water baptism of the LWs] in the wilderness [of Laodicea - poor and blind and miserable and pitiable and naked], at the fountain on the way to Shur [wall] [4th Christian Church].
8 And he began to say: Hagar, maidservant of Sarai, just where have you come from and where are you going? [She comes from the Watchtower, she is going to Hell] To this she said: Why, from [the] face of Sarai, my mistress I am running away.
9 And Jehovah's angel [AOP first and AOL after he comes to his senses] said to her: Return to your mistress [Who is now residing in the LWs through the 1NC reserve kings].
10 And Jehovah's angel [AOP] said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude [this is the human holy spirit baptism of 2NC Lords by the 1NC reserve Kings, the sons of Sarah].
11 Further Jehovah's angel added to her: Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael [God will hear] [Watchtower 2NC Kings, who are to be sealed. Conception is being born again. Being born is being sealed]; for Jehovah has heard your affliction.
12 As for him, he will become a wild ass of a man. His hand will be against everyone [The ex JW LW kings will be against the JWs, they will be unhappy about Laodicea. They will be against all other churches and religions. They will be in a similar position to the first Jewish Christians], and the hand of everyone will be against him [Muslims versus the world] [Even the non JWs who join the LWs will blame the JWs for hiding the doctrine of the LWs for 20 years, when this doctrine means their salvation. The JWs are effectively guilty of spiritual genocide. The rest of the religious world will be insanely jealous of the fact the God plainly chose the JWs and then the LWs] and before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle [Ishmael settled in Gaza before the face of Isaac] [ex JWs will join the LWs in large numbers right in front of the faces of their ex brothers]
13 Then she praised the name of Jehovah, the [one] speaking to her [through the angel] [saying]: He is God of sight [A God who gives sight to the blind], for she said: Have I here actually looked upon [the] back of him who sees me? [I did not see it coming as the LWs did. But I do see it now after the event.]
14 That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi [the well of the living one]. Here it is between Kadesh [holy] and Bered [hail - frozen judgemental water!]
15 And Hagar bore to-Abram a son and Abram called the name of his son whom Hagar bore Ishmael [ex JW 2NC Kings.].
16 And Abram was son of 80 year and 6 years in Hagar's bearing [construct] Ishmael to-Abram [86 years from 1915Nisan to 2001Nisan when the call into Ephraim, the Samaritan call to be a 2NC King began] (Genesis 16).

So Sarah means the Second Holy Spirit Covenant in the first presence symbolism and the First New Covenant, which is the 3rd holy spirit covenant in the Second presence symbolism.


First Word Symbolic Meaning (The name designation symbolism)

The first word thread substituted account is as follows:

1 Now Sarai [the sons of the ICC], had borne him no children; but she had a maidservant [a subservient covenanted group] and her name was Hagar [the sons of the Law of Moses - the Aaronic priests had to be in the ICC].
2 Hence Sarai said to (construct) Abram [Isaac and his genetic seed]: Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Go, now to (construct) maidservant of me. Perhaps I may get children from her. So Abram listened to the voice of Sarai.
3 Then Sarai, took Hagar, her maidservant, at the end of 10 years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan [10 subcovenants of the 4 Abrahamic covenants had been made (6 of the LCC, and then the ICC, the Law, the IAC and the JAC, making 10)], and gave her to Abram, her husband [the mediator of the ICC] as his wife [the 1EC].
4 And he went to (construct) Hagar, and she became pregnant [sons of the law became water baptised sons of the 1EC]. When she became aware that she was pregnant, then her mistress [the administration of the sons of 1EC, FDS1] began to be despised in her eyes.
5 At this Sarai said to (construct) Abram: The violence done me be upon you. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became aware that she was pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me [the sons of the ICC] and you [Isaac and his genetic seed, the sons of the LCC].
6 So Abram said to (construct) Sarai: Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes. Then Sarai began to humiliate her so that she ran away from her face.
7 And Jehovah's angel found her at a fountain of waters in the wilderness, at the fountain on the way to Shur.
8 And he began to say: Hagar, just where have you come from and where are you going? To this she said: Why, from [the] face of Sarai, my mistress I am running away.
9 And Jehovah's angel went on to say to her: Return to your mistress and humble yourself under her hands (dual).
10 Then Jehovah's angel said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude.
11 Further Jehovah's angel added to her: Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael; for Jehovah has heard your affliction.
12 As for him, he will become a wild ass of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and the hand of everyone will be against him [Muslims versus the world]; and before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle
13 Then she praised the name of Jehovah, the [one] speaking to her [saying]: He is God of sight, for she said: Have I here actually looked upon [the] back of him who sees me? [Moses, the mediator of the Law, did this]
14 That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi. Here it is between Kadesh and Bered
15 And Hagar bore to Abram a son and Abram called the name of his son whom Hagar bore Ishmael.
16 And Abram was son of 80 year and 6 years in Hagar's bearing [construct] Ishmael to Abram.

Sarai (6) Sarah, then sons of the ICC, then substituted out of third thread (this takes two meaning in the two threads in which the word actually appears after substitution).
Fountain (2) is people trying to move heavenwards in both word symbolic meanings
Abram (9) is Abraham, then Isaac and his genetic seed, then Jesus
Wife (3), physical wife, water baptism covenant, spirit baptised covenanted group
Husband (0)
Hagar (6)  (Hagar's bearing of Ishmael is a possessive use of Hagar) Hagar, then the sons of the Law, then sons of the 3EC of Russell
Ishmael (3), Ishmael, then the law to ACP guys who get sanctified and 3EC to 4EC guys who get sanctified (i.e. Hagar to Sarah guys who get sanctified).
Maidservant (2), Maidservant, then sons of a covenant in subjection to sons of another covenant
Mistress (0),  Mistress, then the administration of the sons of a ruling covenant, then the administration of the sons of a ruling covenant
Egyptian (2). Egyptian, then a group under an earthly resurrection promise

Year (1), A year
Years (2), Years and then Abrahamic covenants
Angel (4) Real angel, and then a sanctified messenger who is president of a true religion (Peter, Gordon).
Land (1) of Canaan, just means the promised land.
Conceiving is a started baptism (water or spirit)
Bearing is completed baptism (water or spirit)
Hands (1) just means literal hands, but is a baptism with hands in the word symbolic thread.
(Singulars and Plurals count separately, possibly because plurals are two times anyway.)

Sarah means sons of the ICC, Abraham means Isaac and his genetic seed. Hagar means the sons of the Law covenant.

1 Now Sarai, had borne him no children; but she had an Egyptian maidservant and her name was Hagar.
1 Now the ICC, had borne no sons to Isaac for some time, but the ICC had a subcovenant first made in Egypt called the Law covenant.

Hence Sarai said to Abram: Look! now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Go! now! to my maidservant. Perhaps I may get children from her. So Abram listened to the voice of Sarai.
2 Hence the ICC had a clause binding Isaac, it said: In the event that Jehovah shuts the ICC off from gaining new sons from a given subcovenant of the ICC (the law which stopped producing sons of the ICC in 25Tishri), then he should go and make a new subcovenant of the ICC with the sons of the old subcovenant, this would then perhaps make some further offspring for the ICC. So Isaac of course is bound by this covenant.

And Sarai, took Hagar, at the end of 10 years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, and gave her to Abram, her husband as his wife.
3 And the ICC legally required that the sons of the law covenant, at the end of the period of Isaac's seed dwelling in Canaan during which 10 Abrahamic covenants had been made (6 of the LCC, and then the ICC, the Law, the IAC and the JAC, making 10), should be able to enter into the ICC through a new subcovenant of the ICC which was the 1EC (the covenant mediated by John the baptist).

And he had relations with Hagar, and she became pregnant. When she became aware that she was pregnant, then her mistress began to be despised in her eyes.
4 And Isaac made a new subcovenant for the sons of the Law, and some of these sons entered into the new subcovenant by being baptised by John. When the sons of the law became aware that some of them were becoming sons of the ICC through water baptism, then the sons of the ICC began to be despised in their eyes (due to jealousy).

At this Sarai said to Abram: The violence done me be upon you. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became aware that she was pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me and you.
5 At this the sons of the ICC said to the sons of Isaac (the Jews): The violence done us (the violent persecution of Christians, in particular the death of Jesus) be upon you. I myself gave the sons of the law over to your bosom, and when they became aware that some of them were becoming sons of the ICC, the ICC began to be despised in their eyes. May Jehovah judge between the spiritual sons of Isaac (the sons of the ICC, the Christians) and the physical sons of Isaac (the Jews). (This judgement resulted in Christianity becoming the new true religion).

So Abram said to Sarai: Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes. Then Sarai began to humiliate her so that she ran away from her.
6 So Isaac (as mediator) pointed out to the sons of the ICC (the Christians) that contractually, the Law covenant is at their disposal. Do to it what is good in your eyes (Jesus ended it). Then the Christians began to humiliate the Jews (by exposing the sons of the law as hypocrites and murderers of Jesus), so that they ran away from the sons of the ICC (the Christians).

Later Jehovah's angel found her at a fountain of waters in the wilderness, at the fountain on the way to Shur.
7 Later Jehovah's angel (Peter the first angel of FDS1) found the sons of the law amongst the Gentiles of Babylon the great who were searching for God on the way to the wall (Shur) of the true Christian congregation of FDS1.

And he began to say: Hagar, just where have you come from and where are you going? To this she said: Why, from Sarai, my mistress I am running away.
8 And he began to say: Sons of the law, just where have you come from and where are you going? To this they figuratively said: Why, from the ICC we are running away.

And Jehovah's angel went on to say to her: Return to your mistress and humble yourself under her hands (dual).
9 And Jehovah's angel went on to say to her: Return to the ICC and humble yourself under her hands (get baptised).

Then Jehovah's angel said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude.
10 Then Jehovah's angel said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude {being all the Christians in a baptism path starting from the Jews, i.e. everyone in FDS1 (John the baptist) and in FDS2 (Paul), seed by baptism}.

Further Jehovah's angel added to her: Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael; for Jehovah has heard your affliction.
11 Further Jehovah's angel added to the sons of the law: Here you are with sons also of the ICC, and they will complete their water baptism, and then will be sanctified, and the whole group of your sons who enter the ICC and complete their water baptism and are sanctified we shall call 'Ishmael' (which means God hears), for Jehovah has heard your affliction.

As for him, he will become a wild Ass of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and the hand of everyone will be against him; and before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle.
12 As for him, he will eventually become a wild ass of a man (i.e. a disfellowshipped congregation - at the fall of FDS1). His hand will be against everyone, and the hand of everyone will be against him; and before the face of all his brothers (both Jew and Christian) he will tabernacle.

Then she began to praise (proclaim the name of) Jehovah, the one speaking to her [representing that]: He is God of sight, for she said: Have I here actually looked upon [the] back of him who sees me?
13 Then the sons of the law began to praise Jehovah, who was speaking to them [representing that]: He is a God of sight, for they said: Have we here actually looked upon him who sees me (Jesus Christ)?

That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi. Here it is between Kadesh and Bered.
14 That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi (well of the living one who sees me, the baptism of FDS1 in water). Here it is temporally between Kadesh (the physical Holy place) and Bered (Hail, the end of the Jewish system of things).

And Hagar bore to Abram a son and Abram called the name of his son whom Hagar bore Ishmael.
15 And the sons of the law became sons of the ICC and completed their water baptism and were sanctified into the 3AC

And Abram was son of 80 year and 6 years in Hagar's bearing Ishmael to Abram.
16 And the entire period of the sons of the law becoming sons of the ICC covered 80 years (29Nisan to 109Nisan, the law ended completely in 70 CE) and 6 Abrahamic covenants (Elijah1, Elijah2, ICC, New covenant, Bilhah, JAC).

The Second Word Symbolic Meaning (The position designation symbolism)

The Second word thread substituted account is as follows:

1 Now Abram's wife [The 1NC saints of the second presence], had borne him [Jesus] no children; but she had an Egyptian [a group under an earthly resurrection promise] and her name was Hagar [sons of the 3EC].
2 Hence Abram's wife said to (construct) Abram [Jesus]: Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Go, now to (construct) maidservant of me. Perhaps I may get children from her. So Abram listened to the voice of Abram's wife.
3 Then Abram's wife, took the Egyptian, her maidservant, at the end of 10 years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan [1NC saints in the physical land of Canaan in the two presences covered by 10 covenants, 1AC, 1EC, 2EC, 3EC, 4EC, ICC, 1NC, 1NHC, ELC, JAC ], and gave her to Abram, her husband as his wife [sons of the 2NC].
4 And he went to (construct) the Egyptian, and she became pregnant [some sons of the 3EC were spirit baptised into the 2NC, but not yet sealed]. When she became aware that she was pregnant, then her mistress [the sons of the ruling 1NC covenant] began to be despised in her eyes.
5 At this Abram's wife [The 1NC saints of the second presence] said to (construct) Abram [Jesus]: The violence done me be upon you. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became aware that she was pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me [the errant sons of the 1NC, WSS2 and then GNS2] and you [the master of that slave, Jesus].
6 So Abram said to (construct) Abram's wife: Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes. Then Abram's wife began to humiliate her so that she ran away from her face.
7 And Jehovah's angel found her at a fountain of waters in the wilderness, at the fountain on the way to Shur.
8 And he began to say: maidservant of Abram's wife, just where have you come from and where are you going? To this she said: Why, from [the] face of Abram's wife, my mistress I am running away.
9 And Jehovah's angel went on to say to her: Return to your mistress [now the administration of the sons of the 2NC after 2001Tammuz1, FDS4] and humble yourself under her hands (dual) [get water baptised by FDS4].
10 Then Jehovah's angel said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude.
11 Further Jehovah's angel added to her: Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael; for Jehovah has heard your affliction.
12 As for him, he will become a wild ass of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and the hand of everyone will be against him; and before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle
13 Then she praised the name of Jehovah, the [one] speaking to her [saying]: He is God of sight, for she said: Have I here actually looked upon [the] back of him who sees me?
14 That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi. Here it is between Kadesh and Bered
15 And Abram's wife's maidservant bore to Abram a son and Abram called the name of his son whom Abram's wife's maidservant bore Ishmael.
16 And Abram was son of 80 year and 6 years in Abram's wife's maidservant's bearing [construct] Ishmael to Abram.

Sarai (6) Sarah, then sons of the ICC, then substituted out of third thread (this takes two meaning in the two threads in which the word actually appears after substitution).
Fountain (2) is people trying to move heavenwards in both word symbolic meanings
Abram (9) is Abraham, then Isaac and his genetic seed, then Jesus
Wife (3), physical wife, water baptism covenant, spirit baptised covenanted group
Husband (0)
Hagar (6)  (Hagar's bearing of Ishmael is a possessive use of Hagar) Hagar, then the sons of the Law, then sons of the 3EC of Russell
Ishmael (3), Ishmael, then the law to ACP guys who get sanctified and 3EC to 4EC guys who get sanctified (i.e. Hagar to Sarah guys who get sanctified).
Maidservant (2), Maidservant, then sons of a covenant in subjection to sons of another covenant
Mistress (0),  Mistress, then the administration of the sons of a ruling covenant, then the administration of the sons of a ruling covenant
Egyptian (2). Egyptian, then a group under an earthly resurrection promise

Year (1), A year
Years (2), Years and then Abrahamic covenants
Angel (4) Real angel, and then a sanctified messenger who is president of a true religion (Peter, Gordon).
Land (1) of Canaan, just means the promised land.
Conceiving is a started baptism (water or spirit)
Bearing is completed baptism (water or spirit)
Hands (1) just means literal hands, but is a baptism with hands in the word symbolic thread.
( Singulars and Plurals count separately, possibly because plurals are two times anyway.)

1 Now Abram's wife, had borne him no children; but she had an Egyptian maidservant and her name was Hagar.
1 Now the sons of the 1NC, had borne to Jesus no children (for some time). But the sons of the 1NC (The remnant of the new covenant saints in the Watchtower) had an enslaved group of servants called the unsanctified Jehovah's witnesses (the sons of the 3EC, those who had been water baptised into the 3EC).

Hence Sarai said to Abram: Please now! Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. Please, have relations with my maidservant. Perhaps I may get children from her. So Abram listened to the voice of Sarai.
2 Hence the sons of the 1NC (including those in heaven) said to Jesus: Please now! Jehovah has shut us off from bearing children. Please, make a subcovenant of the JAC for all our servants worldwide, all genuine Christians (the second new covenant). Perhaps I may get children from them. So Jesus listened to the voice of the sons of the 1NC.

Then Abram's wife, took the Egyptian maidservant of her, at the end of 10 years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband as his wife.
3 Then the sons of the 1NC, took the enslaved group of servants of the sons of the 1NC in the Watchtower, at the end of 10 Abrahamic covenants covering Jesus' two presences (wherein some 1NC saints lived in the promised land, these being 1NC, ELC, HLC, 1AC, law, 1EC, 2EC, 3EC, ICC, JAC), and gave some of them to Jesus as a newly covenanted group (the first call of the 2NC was in1994Elul to the JWs).

4 And he had relations with Hagar, and she became pregnant. When she became aware that she was pregnant, then her mistress began to be despised in her eyes.
4 And he made a new subcovenant initially with the sons of the 3EC (called the 2NC), and some of them entered into it (by being baptised as 2NC saints from heaven). When the sons of the 3EC became aware that some of them were becoming sons of the JAC, then the those in authority over them began to be despised in their eyes.

At this Sarai said to Abram: The violence done me be upon you. I myself gave my maidservant over to your bosom, and she became aware that she was pregnant, and I began to be despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me and you.
5 At this the 1NC sons of the JAC said to Jesus after the start of the 2NC baptism: The violence done us (by the Nethinim who must have abused their status and attacked the 1NC saints) be upon you. We gave the sons of the 3EC to you for the 2NC, and they became aware that they were sanctified, and we began to be despised in their eyes. May Jehovah judge between us (the 1NC saint sons of the JAC) and you (Jesus).

So Abram said to Sarai: Look! Your maidservant is at your disposal. Do to her what is good in your eyes. Then Sarai began to humiliate her so that she ran away from her.
6 So Jacob said to the 1NC saint sons of the JAC: Look! The sons of the 3EC are at your disposal. Do to them what is good in your eyes. Then the 1NC saint sons of the JAC began to humiliate the sons of the 3EC so that they ran away from them.

Later Jehovah's angel found her at a fountain of waters in the wilderness, at the fountain on the way to Shur.
7 Later Jehovah's angel (Gordon the first angel of FDS4) found the sons of the 3EC amongst the Christians in Bablyon the Great, who were searching for God on the way to the wall (Shur) of the true Christian congregation of FDS4.

And he began to say: Maidservant of Sarai, just where have you come from and where are you going? To this she said: Why, from my mistress I am running away.
8 And he began to say: Sons of the 3EC, just where have you come from and where are you going? To this they figuratively said: Why, from those in authority over me in the JAC I am running away.

And Jehovah's angel went on to say to her: Return to your mistress and humble yourself under her hands (dual).
9 And Gordon went on to say to the sons of the 3EC: Return to those truly in authority over you in the JAC (who are the sons of the 4EC) and humble yourself under her hands (the hands of the JAC - get baptised in water).

Then Jehovah's angel said to her: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude.
10 Then Jehovah's angel said to the sons of the 3EC: I shall greatly multiply your seed, so that it will not be numbered for multitude.

Further Jehovah's angel added to her: Here you are pregnant, and you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael; for Jehovah has heard your affliction.
11 Further Gordon added to the sons of the 3EC: Here you are with sons also of the 4EC, and they will complete their water baptism, and then will be sanctified, and the whole group of your sons who enter the 4EC and complete their water baptism and are sanctified we shall call 'Ishmael' (which means God hears), for Jehovah has heard your affliction.

As for him, he will become a wild ass of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and the hand of everyone will be against him; and before the face of all his brothers he will tabernacle
12 As for him, he will eventually become a wild ass of a man (i.e. a disfellowshipped congregation - at the fall of FDS4). His hand will be against everyone, and the hand of everyone will be against him; and before the face of all his brothers (both JW and LW) he will tabernacle.

Then she began praise (proclaim the name of) Jehovah, the one speaking to her [representing that]: He is God of sight, for she said: Have I here actually looked upon [the] back of him who sees me?
13 Then the sons of the 3EC began to praise the name of Jehovah, who was speaking to them [representing that]: He is a God of sight, for they said: Have we here actually looked upon him who sees me (They see God's back, through the code).

That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi. Here it is between Kadesh and Bered.
14 That is why the well was called Beer-lahai-roi (well of the living one who sees me, the baptism of FDS4 in water). Here it is temporally between Kadesh (the temple of FDS3) and Bered (Hail, Armageddon) .

And Hagar bore to Abram a son and Abram called the name of his son whom Hagar bore Ishmael.
15 And all the sons of the 3EC who became sons of the 4EC completed their water baptism and were sanctified into the 3AC

And Abram was son of 80 year and 6 years in Hagar's bearing Ishmael to Abram.
16 And the entire period of the (unsanctified) sons of the 3EC becoming sons of the JAC through the 2NC covered 80 years (1926Elul 2006Elul) and 6 Abrahamic covenants (3EC, 4EC, 1NC, 2NC, ICC, JAC).

24 Abrahamic salvation covenants. Ishmael got a blessing not a covenant. I am the alpha and the omega, 24 letters in the Greek alphabet. 24 comings of angels (Michael, Gabriel and Melchizedek) and 24 salvation covenants and subcovenants with Abraham.

LCC and 6 subcovenants (ILLC, JLLC, Levi, Kohath, Amram, Aaron)
2AC and 6 subcovenants (ICC, law, 1EC, 2EC, 3EC, 4EC)
3AC and 6 subcovenants (IAC, JAC, 1NC, ELC, HLC, 2NC)

We are the church of the 4EC the 2NC the GCC. These are the 21st and 22nd subcovenants of the 2AC and the 3AC with Abraham. We are therefore the fc church. The two rapture covenants are the yw covenants.

So the LWs are the Phi Kai church.