2 And it must occur in the final part of the days [that] the mountain of the house of will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream.
3 And many peoples will certainly go and say: Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of , to the house of the God of ; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. For out of law will go forth, and the word of out of Jerusalem.
4 And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples.
And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.
5 Oh men of the house of ,
come and let us walk in the light of .
6 For you have forsaken your people, the house of . For they have become full of what is from the East, and they are practicers of magic like the Philistines, and with the children of foreigners they abound.
7 And their land is filled with silver and gold, and there is no limit to their treasures. And their land is filled with horses, and there is no limit to their chariots.
8 And their land is filled with valueless gods. To the work of one's hands they bow down, to that which one's fingers have made.
9 And earthling man bows down,
and man becomes low, and you cannot possibly pardon them.
10 Enter into the rock and hide yourself in the dust because of the dreadfulness of , and from his splendid superiority.
11 The haughty eyes of earthling man must become low, and the loftiness of men must bow down; and alone must be put on high in that day.
12 For it is the day belonging to of armies. It is upon everyone self-exalted and lofty and upon everyone lifted up or low;
13 and upon all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up and upon all the massive trees of Bashan;
14 and upon all the lofty mountains and upon all the hills that are lifted up;
15 and upon every high tower and upon every fortified wall;
16 and upon all the ships of Tarshish and upon all desirable/valuable boats/vessels.
13 February: Hi Dave,
Ant is going to come up and see you about the illustrations.
Here is an unbelievable sign!
The lives of his true firstborn son and his human firstborn son Adam both obey the fundamental pattern. Both of these firstborns are the image of their father. So God's life must also have obeyed this pattern. So dear reader behold how great this pattern is! Here is our attempt at matching it to the life of our heavenly father...
Event | God (time in real years) | Adam |
Born | 0 Invented bidirectional time 12,066 years before the Big Bang, 12,066 BBB | 4027Tishri10 |
Commissioned to build temple of his body | 11x360 = 3,960 AT (After Time) Created first living beings, heavenly animals | 4016Tishri (entered Eden) |
Appointed to feed | 30x360 = 10,800 AT. System ready for feed the angels (Kid's room prepared) | 3997Tishri10 (deep sleep) |
Wife born, feeding starts | 30x360+42 = 10,842 AT. born | 3997Heshvan22 (Eve born) |
Passover lamb enters house | 30x360+1260 = 12,060 AT. enters heavenly temple (his priesthood starts) | 3997Heshvan22 (Eve born) |
End of old system | 30x360+1264 = 12,064 AT. First Heavens end. spirit covenant made between and 12 apostolic angels ( + 12). All the other direct sons of were passed over as regards ever being able to be a part of God's wife. Only the firstborn sons were killed in Egypt. The angelic sons of these passed over angels could enter the holy spirit by baptism into one of the 12 tribes. The spirit is these 12 and their kids (by baptism not by procreation), modulo the replacement of and reserves etc. These were the 12 angelic sons of . Well Esau really who got surplanted. | 3993Nisan14 (Adam sins) |
New system inaugurated appointed over all true seed |
30x360+1266 = 12,066 AT. Big Bang. The physical universe created. Time becomes unidirectional. Sin is shown up. God's laws implemented. This is 0 ABB (After Big Bang) | 3993Nisan16 (New body) |
Entrance | 30x360+1305 = 12,105 AT = 39 ABB: Angels, all of whom are still direct sons of God, physically enter the physical universe. | 3993Iyyar25 (Adam enters Eve) |
Conception | 30x360+1316 = 12,116 AT = 50 ABB: Angels start procreating themselves | 3993Sivan6 (Eve conceives) |
Birth | 35x360+120 (-9/+20) = 12,711-12,740 AT = 645-674 ABB. 144,000 spirit angels all baptised. | 3992Shebat (Cain born) |
Birth | 37x360 (-9/+20) = 13,311-13,340 AT = 1245-1274 ABB. Lords, heavenly administrators all baptised. | 3990Tishri (Abel born) |
31 July: Greetings everyone with ears that hear and eyes that see,
It is indeed sad that loving New Yorkers, and advertising dates widely in an attempt to save them from what we believe will be a massive tragedy, hardly brings even a thank you. In fact it brings condemnation for the most part. It would have been so much easier to take 8 small adverts in a local paper in the UK and the just wait until we are right and then publicise like crazy.
In that case we would have got loads of praise and glory for being true prophets, once it happened, but have saved nobody physically. That route would have given us no grief at all. The world gives grief to those who show it love. And the world embraces those who exploit it and abuse it, but who do not condemn it. The world is truly like a vain status hungry woman. Yet God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
Well we have given our credibility to the citizens of New York. And hardly a one of them sees it.
Anyhow, I hope you all had a better sabbath than me!
Our new date of 2006Ab3/4 which is now 2006Ab4 has produced quite a few nice 'confirmations' recently. Here are some that I thought of yesterday...
[1] We delivered the first letter,
'letter to the society' to Brooklyn on September 11, 1992 (1992Elul11).
But I was not commissioned to build the temple of the saints until September 16th 1992, (1992Elul16) the day we celebrate the second new covenant. So there was a 5 day gap between the book arriving on September 11th and the covenant being made on 1992Elul16. Likewise we presently have a 5 day gap between 911 and the Watchtower starting to compete with us prophetically.
[2] If the first birth pang truly comes on 2006Ab4, then this is 322 solar days or 46 weeks after September 13th 2005, the day the came first appeared. This birth pang is a birth pang of this church. It is the start of the raising of the mountain of above all the other mountains and is really the birth of the big growth of (the 4th true Christian Church). Now the Kingdom itself is full of indefinitely long living kids. These kids have a double gestation period as we saw in the pre-flood system. Now if we count not 46 weeks but 92 weeks 644 solar days, from 2006Ab4, we end up on 2008Iyyar29, which is when comes and the church ceases growing.
David had the idea that our church is like a big baby, all it does is grow. And since the birth of this baby is in kingdom bodies, it's gestation period is a double length period to what we see today.
So the church itself is born as an evangelizing force after 46 weeks, and the congregation itself is completed after 92 weeks.
This fits remarkably well. Is it just a coincidence? I am too tired to say.
[3] The 12 baskets of fragments in the feeding of the 5,000 are 12 years of unauthorised food distribution from the Watchtower to the remnant. We had authority to feed them from 1994Ab2/3 onwards. So these years runs from 1994Ab to 2006Ab. This month is 2006Ab.
That is a really strong witness to the Watchtower losing the contest this month.
[4] Schwingenschloegl has had another dream. Here is his statement of the dream...
Then I dreamt that I and a brother were in an ancient surrounding in a kind of palace and there was a battle going on. We did something like a vow that we are going to fight in this battle now, although we knew that we were going to die. We were wearing some ancient breastplate and a bow and arrows.
When we entered the battlescene we were in a hall where we saw our brothers die and we shot arrows against the enemies. This enemy army was great and powerful and in this room where only we two left. My friend was hit by two arrows but not fatally. Then they enemies instead of killing us closed the door to this hall and we locked the door then. I collected the arrows that were all over the floor, the broken arrows and some very small pieces of wood together to the middle of the hall. I don't know exactly what happened then but we saw an equitation on the floor in the middle of those arrows and I knew that if we were able to solve this equitation/this riddle we could win against the enemies. I think the equitation was something silly like a+2b+3c+4d+5e+6f=5001. And I felt in my dream the significance of "5001".
That's all I remember. Maybe you could use it.
and Daniel Kobsday had a dream that I would tell him that he would die on his birthday. The really wierd thing is that he joined the conference call on his birthday yesterday, and I told him he would die in 19 months time.
Now I am perfectly capable of giving you an explanation of 's dream that ties up beautifully with Daniel's dream and pretty much confirms 2006Ab4 as the date. Here is said interpetation...
is Me, his un-named friend is Massoud,
who delivered the Letter to the Society to Brooklyn on 1992Elul11,
and has not yet joined the s. The door is the door of the Watchtower that I knocked on and that they did not answer on September 11,
1992. They shut the door in my face, denying me entry to their temple as a priest. I then locked their door having the key both to their temple and to mine (well both temples are ' of course but you know what I mean).
7 And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write: These are the things he says who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens so that no one will shut, and shuts so that no one opens (Revelation 3)
They did not disfellowship me but instead they did what Herod did:
20 For Herod stood in fear of John, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man; and he was keeping him safe. And after hearing him he was at a great loss what to do,
yet he continued to hear him gladly (Mark 6).
They would not accept me but neither could they reject me for a long time. Anyhow Thie period that we spend in this room with the door shut is 5001 days according to the Great Equation of . Now 1992Elul11+5001 days is 2006Ab2. And 1992Elul16 + 5001 days is 2006Ab7. But 1992Elul13 + 5001 days is 2006Ab4.
1992Elul11 was Friday/Saturday September 11th/12th. 1992Elul13 is Sunday/Monday September13th/14th
So it is entriely possible that the letter to the Society was first read on the Monday i.e. on 1992Elul13 and they decided to close the door on that day and not to accept my priesthood. In which case God lets us out of the room by knocking down their temple 5001 days later on 2006Ab4. Try it in the software calendar!!
Here is the freaky thing. My birthday is September 13th. So they killed off my priesthood on September 13th and that kind of ties in with Daniel's dream. They you ask what are the arrows? Well they are assaults on Massoud, who stole a business from me and left the church in 1994 (before we took the name s). I hope this dream and interpetation are true because it would be great if he survives these arrows and eventually rejoins.
So now we have the scriptural backing, we have the inspired dream backing and we have the physical realities backing this bomb interpretation.
I do hope that is enough to win this contest.
So it is time for me to call again on our Father and to say...
36 Oh , the God of , and Israel, today let it be known that you are God in Israel and I am your servant and it is by your word that I have done all these things.
37 Answer me, O , answer me, that this people may know that you, , are the [true] God and you yourself have turned their heart back (1 Kings 18).
1 August: Hi Brothers and Sisters,
Don't forget that I come from a race of people who beat the english at the 8th attempt at Bannockburn!
According to legend, after his defeat at the hands of the Comyns and the subsequent incarceration of his family, Bruce hid himself in a cave, which is located near Gretna and can still be visited today. While in the cave, Bruce observed a spider trying to spin a web. Each time the spider failed, it simply started all over again. Inspired by this, Bruce returned to inflict a series of defeats on the English, thus winning him more supporters and eventual victory. The story serves to explain the maxim: "if at first you don't succeed, try and try again." Other versions have Bruce defeated for the seventh time by the English, then let him watch the spider spin seven webs, fail, then spin an eighth and succeed
Blessings ta ye all
10 August: Greetings brothers and sisters,
I was speaking to Bill and Dave earlier today about a UN ceasefire. The thing is that the image of the Beast only loses one head, which stands for one month. So this month the UN has to re-establish its headship over the world. So we theorized that there would be a UN ceasefire and then the UN would say Peace and Security and then... well you know the rest.
I said to Bill, I cannot see how this will happen before this sabbath. But apparently the US and France have now agreed pretty much everything for Israel and Hezbollah. So it is possible that there will be a ceasefire announced tonight or tomorrow,
and Kofi Annan will truly stand up on TV and Say Peace and Security tomorrow and that will put the head back on the UN and then sudden destruction will be instantly upon them on the sabbath!
Certianly the 12 baskets full of fragments in the feeding of the 5,000, which are 12 years of unauthorised Watchtower food to the remnant, which started on 1994Ab2/3 when was exclusively appointed as I told them at the time, must end in 2006Ab being 12 full baskets, 12 full years. It was Joesph who interpreted a basket for a day and as we know Ezekiel and Moses tell us to take a day for a year. So the Watchtower must announce the fast of Jonah 3 this Hebrew month, and they will not do that without God doing a big sign through us. And it will take a while for the men of Nineveh to repent and then the King to hear about it and to get up off his throne and call for a Watchtower fast in what will be mock repentance for thie UN harlotry.
So really Ab15 is looking better than ever as the correct date, since it gives 15 more days for the fast to spread from the men of Nineveh to the King and for the command to be given.
These are interesting and scary times to live in!
The day of is about to begin.
The draft resolution was set to be unanimously approved by the Security Council later on Friday, diplomats said. The Lebanese government accepted the draft, an official source said.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told President Bush that he backs the resolution, an Israeli government official said.
"The prime minister spoke with President Bush and thanked him for his assistance in keeping Israeli interests in mind at the Security Council," the official said. Olmert will urge his cabinet to approve the U.N. resolution at a meeting on Sunday.
An Israeli official, however, said the Israeli army would not stop its offensive until the cabinet met on Sunday to consider the resolution.
So we would appear to have peace and security about to be declared at the UN. And this is supposed to be the lasting peace, not the quick fix peace. So the stage would appear to be well and truly set, and the UN appears to have got its headship back. Time to leave NYC I would say - sorry Reggie!!!
May God protect the faithful from all lawlessness
According to their latest understandings this will be their last prediction of Nuclear Doom and Gloom for the UN and for Midtown Manhattan. They therefore advise people with faith in God not to be in NYC on either of the last two Jewish Sabbaths in August. These run from Sundown Friday August 18th to Sundown Saturday August 19th and from Sundown Friday August 25th to Sundown Saturday August 26th.
London, UK (PRWEB) August 15, 2006 -- The Lords' Witnesses Bible Scholars are the people that correctly predicted the date of the Beslan terrorist atrocity in Russia on September 1st 2004.
Although their nuclear predictions have had little success to date, they correctly predicted that the UN would lose its military headship over governments last month. This was fulfilled when Israel invaded Lebanon on July 12th, without a UN mandate. And they correctly predicted that it would regain its military headship over governments this month. This was fulfilled on Friday August 11th, by means of UN Security Council Resolution 1701,
which calls for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and all Lebanon. The UN therefore lost its military headship for one month as they have been predicting since the G8 summit at Gleneagles in 2005. The UN did actually lose its headship over the government of Israel for one month. So they have been very accurate with their non nuclear predictions. For the details of these predictions see www.truebiblecode.com
Their president, Gordon Ritchie, who claims to be the head of the 4th and last true Christian church, the Lords’ Witnesses, said:
"This bomb must go off on a Sabbath in August in our current understanding. If it does not then we have run out of options as far as I can see."
The Lords’ Witnesses believe that many bible accounts have extra symbolic meanings in addition to their literal meanings. They have been working on a grammatical bible code, which they call the true bible code, which tells the reader whether a bible account has a greater meaning in addition to its literal meaning or not.
They have found that the nouns in every bible account obey certain grammatical rules. They have verified these grammatical rules for around half of the bible stories in the 4 Gospels. For more information on this see www.truebiblecode.com/understanding49.html.
Their president was recently asked: Why would God make the bible in a manner so complicated that even people who spend much of their life studying it do not understand it? He answered as follows: “God told Adam that he would eat bread in the sweat of his brow. The same is true with spiritual food, which is accurate bible understanding. God has set his text book at the limit of our intellectual capability, but not beyond that limit. Mankind has cracked the genetic code of life. We have sequenced the DNA of the human genome, an inordinately difficult task. But we have not yet fully cracked the grammatical code of the bible, the scriptural code of everlasting life. The reason for this failure is not that this task is more difficult than sequencing the human genome. It is because the human genome project had a funding of several billion dollars and a research team of several thousand people,
whereas the bible code project has a funding of a few thousand dollars and a research team of a few dozen people. The irony is that the victory over age and death that both groups seek in this research will not come from studying the genome, the code of physical life, it will come from studying the scriptures, the code of spiritual life.
The certainly of an everlasting future for mankind in human bodies that do not age or die comes not from the work that Crick and Watson did in the twentieth century, but from the work that Christ did in the first century. For the bible clearly states the Adam and Eve had such bodies before they sinned. And though they lost those bodies, God, through various ransoms, will not fail to get them back for us.
came up with a lovely understanding of words when he said with reference to the : Unless those days were cut short not all [chosen] flesh would be saved. But for the sake of the chosen ones, those days will be cut short.
Now we all assume that this means that Armageddon was in some way brought forward so as to happen earlier. But rightly points out that Aramgeddon cannot be moved, it was always going to be 6000 years after Adam's sin which was the founding of the world of sin.
So instead it is cut short the other way, in other words although it started on 2004Elul14 as we predicted in advance with Beslan, it does not really kick off badly until the day of begins either this weekend or next weekend. In this way the Great Tribultation is effectively shortened by 23 months. I mean we are all just going about our daily lives in the west without a huge amount of great tribulation in general. This will change wehn the day of begins.
I will be working on the landing page this evening, God willing, and I will start with 13 different proofs of the date of Armageddon. If you want to know how bad the Day of will get for our enemies, have a look at Zechariah 14:1-12. Verse 12 says this...
12 And this is what will prove to be the scourge with which will scourge all the peoples that will actually do military
service against Jerusalem: There will be a rotting away of one's flesh, while one is standing upon one's feet; and one's very eyes will rot away in their sockets, and one's very tongue will rot away in one's mouth (Zechariah 14).
So I think we have chosen the right side to be on in this battle.
20 August: Greetings everyone,
The new date is the last sabbath in Ab, which is also the last sabbath in August, and is 2006Ab29. This is an interesting date as it is precisely 4 months beofre the Image of the Beast gives its headship to the on 2006Chilsev29 616 days before 2008Elul15.
Now the image of the beast is the 2nd beast of Daniel 7. It is not the third beast, because in Word1 the order of the second and thrid beasts is swapped - see U156. They say to this beast: Get up, eat much flesh. This counts as 4x. since a plurality of people tell it to do 2 things.
The Image so far has most definitely sat on its backside. It has not got up at all. But when it does, there will be huge carnage. So whatever happens in the next 4 months there will be terrible carnage. What will happen is that the actually put its head over the parapet and do something, we may even see the 10 kings!?!?!
The 3 ribs in its mouth, being 25% of mankind, and being between its teeth, look like the Muslims, who are 25% of mankind.
I have done a few other sentence counts, have a look at U701.
In particular the image of the beast, or the 2 horned beast is said to kill all those who will not worship the image of the beast. Another sentence which counts as 4x. So there will be 4 months of what amounts to a political killing I believe.
I also managed to count Micah 4 and the final part of the days when the mountain of the house of is raised up. I got 736x from Micah 4 and 723x from Isaiah 2 which is a very very similar account, but as always not quite identical.
Anyhow there are 736 days from 2006Ab29 until 2008Elul15,
since 736 = 120 + 616.
So it all looks rather like 2006Ab29 is the big day. I have nothing beyond that date. The 12 baskets of leftovers end in 2006Ab, the 12 years of the woman with the flow of blood end in 2006Elul, but she starts bleeding the month after was appointed to feed and so the Watchtower started living off baskets of leftovers from what was their authorised food.
So, yes I know I have said this before. But I do think we have it now. Incidentally I could see none of the sentence count confirmations before the sabbath was over as usual. I saw them all a few hours ago!
The other thing is that the UN Beast itself has its last 4 heads, which stand for 2004Elul to 2008Elul, in the and in Armageddon. Now if the day of starts on 2006Ab29, then the image of the beast has its last 4 heads, which run from 2006Ab29 to 2006Chislev29 in the day of . So in both cases the last 4 heads 'get it'! Things get bad in both cases at the beginning of the 4th head!
Another nice argument. If the image of the beast not only looks the same but gets the same trouble then we are there.
What I am saying is the the started with the 4th head of the UN Beast, in 2004Elul, and now we have the Day of starting with the 4th head of the image of the Beast on 2006Ab29. This seems quite a strong argument to me.
Especially as we most certainly got the right, since it is merely a count back from Armageddon and Beslan was an act of unprecedented depravity on children.
The other argument is that of Bruce Willis in the movie Armageddon... "I can pretty much guarantee that Ab29 will be correct, because if not then we are screwed!"
In any event may the true God raise up his mountain in his time through the true God !
21 August: Greetings seers of the invisible realities and hearers of the inaudible words,
Sorry I missed the conference call, I was deep in research trying to confirm the coming sabbath as the date for the start of the day of . As a result we now have a much more understandable U67 on the feedings of the 4,000 and the 5,000. And U701 has some reasonable sentence counts in it.
Thanks for all the proof reading of www.unwatchtower.com
Well now the world has no excuse. 12 proofs of the date of the end for all the world to see. I will now do the sections on top 10 improvements to understandings and Top 10 misunderstandings and Top 10 understandings that the s do not have.
21 August: Hi fellow sufferers of this system,
I just had an amazing conversation with Anthony who works with me, and I thought I'd tell you about it before I forget it. I was telling him that in the next system we will all go to Egyptian parties where we dress up like Egyptians and eat like Egyptians and walk like Egyptians and watch holographic
daily highlights of Cleopatra's reign etc.
Then I said and of course one of the most popular DVDs will be of ' crucifixiction. Then it hit me that all of the pain and suffering in this system is of use not merely in teaching us, but actually in teaching our children born in the new system who will not themselves experience the kind of pain and suffering that we all know.
What I am saying is this. It is not only who has a bible written of his ministry and his exploits. We all have a bible of our lives, every one of us, even the wicked, and these bibles are a vital part of the innoculation from sin of the new system.
So our pain and suffering makes us all the heroes of the next system, where our very lives in this system will be the text books of the new morality of the next. Not the text books on how to live a moral life, but the text books of what goes wrong if we do not live a moral life! Just as useful!
We are all stars of the pain and sacrifice movie of 's system, a 6,000 year long movie. So when you suffer and are in pain remember please that your forebearance is not merely educational to you and those around you, but also it will teach millions of your and of other people's descendents in the new system.
We are all stars in the knowledge of bad movie!
Literally was saying do not let anyone condemn you for not complying with any feature of the law of Moses, since died to end that law. But was also literally saying that the law was a type in the case of eating, drinking, festivals, new moons and sabbaths. The s now understand this. We celebrate a greater sabbath system, with both daily and monthly sabbaths. We have the Biblical Lunar Calendar which governs our entire chronology through new moons. We eat and drink at our festivals, and now we have the 3 greater annual festivals. 3 Christians covenants to celebrate.
So as usual the understandings have become better, the path has become brighter, and we can now obey God's laws more closely. All from making a mistake.
1 September: Greetings sons of the holy book,
Here is a nice scripture I found yesterday. describes how our true worship should work...
14 On the other hand, we exhort you, brothers, admonish the disorderly, speak consolingly to the depressed souls,
support the weak, be long-suffering toward all.
15 See that no one renders injury for injury to anyone else, but always pursue what is good toward one another and to all others.
16 Always be rejoicing.
17 Pray incessantly.
18 In connection with everything give thanks. For this is the will of God in union with Christ respecting you.
19 Do not put out the fire of the spirit.
20 Do not treat prophesyings with contempt.
21 Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.
22 Abstain from every form of wickedness.
23 May the very God of peace sanctify you completely. And sound in every respect may the spirit and soul and body of you [brothers] be preserved in a blameless manner at the presence of our Lord Christ (1 Thessalonians 5).
So we should for a fact be prophesying something. In fact something which is open to being held in contempt! This chapter is of course the same chapter that defines the day of from the pregnancy and from the declaration of Peace and Security!
So I have now put together 11 proofs of the month of 2006Elul as the start of the Day of , the start of the final part of the days of Isaiah 2. These are at the bottom of U271.
I further have 4 proofs/indications that the first sabbath after the 1750th day, or 2006Elul13 (September 8/9) will be the sabbath of the UN bomb (not the second sabbath of 2006Elul20 as I had originally thought). These are listed below the 11 proofs of the month of the attack.
There is a bit more work to do of that section as regards the Chronology of Josephus, but I put it up now, for you all to get familiar with it, if desired.
I am of course aware, that if nothing happens in Elul then people might say, 11 proofs of the start of the Day of and no fulfilment means that your 12 proofs of Armageddon are equally suspect.
Each of the 23 proofs are different and of different worth so that is not totally true. What is needed is one completely correct proof of course!
Lets hope 11 proofs are enough!
Their calculations show that the attack must occur on a Jewish sabbath, i.e. from Friday evening to Saturday evening eastern time. The most likely sabbath is September 8/9. The other two possibilities are September 15/16 and September 22/23.
London, UK (PRWEB)
September 3, 2006 - They claim to have fixed the bug in their decoding that caused their earlier mistaken predictions. As a result they have so many different scriptural calculations leading to the same month for the UN bomb, that "coincidence is no longer an option" for their research team. See for yourself at www.truebiblecode.com
If you do a quick back of an envelope calculation attempting to asses the probability of predicting the correct day and location of the first nuclear terrorist attack, the odds of a successful prediction are at best 1 in 40,000 according to their chief researcher - Gordon Ritchie. He says: "Let us say that the chances of such an attack ocurring anywhere in the world in the next 5 years are 50%. Then there is a 1 in 4,000 chance of getting the day right. Then let us say that the chances of this attack being against the UN in Manhattan rather than being against some other high profile target are 1 in 10. Then the chance of getting both the day and the location are 1 in 40,000."
He further computes the chances of 11 different scriptural calculations all pointing to the same month as follows...
"It is hard to determine what the chances are of two scriptural calculations giving the same month and the same year. But it is easy to see what the chances are of them both giving the same month, that would be 1 in 12, since there are 12 months in the year. So the chances of 11 calculations all giving the same month are 1 in 12x12x12x12x12x12x12x12x12x12 or 1 in 61,917,364,224 or around 1 in 61 billion."
So even though a nuclear terrorist attack on the UN this month is very unlikely, it is much more likely than 10 coincidences all getting you to the same month and year as your first scriptural calculation. Incidentally they do not have any calculations suggesting a different month for this attack. Therefore they would argue that an attack has got to happen before the end of this present biblical lunar month (Elul), i.e. on or before September 26th.
Best to avoid Manhattan on the next 3 sabbaths according to those calculations!
Perhaps persistence is futile as regards saving New Yorkers? But we still have to try!
7 September: Greetings all,
Just a note to say that in the last 48 hours nearly 16,000 people have visited the site and we have had just under 120,000 hits.
Furthermore the US military is now our 8th largest visitor, more people from the US military visit our site than visit it from Great Britain?!?!?
Here are September's figures for the first 6 days...
Top 30 of 86 Total Countries | |||||||
# | Hits | Files | KBytes | Country | |||
1 | 60977 | 42.92% | 50011 | 43.36% | 2731218 | 43.31% | Network |
2 | 33014 | 23.24% | 26402 | 22.89% | 1436517 | 22.78% | US Commercial |
3 | 21848 | 15.38% | 17733 | 15.37% | 987894 | 15.67% | Unresolved/Unknown |
4 | 9658 | 6.80% | 8371 | 7.26% | 415819 | 6.59% | Belgium |
5 | 3151 | 2.22% | 2535 | 2.20% | 134098 | 2.13% | US Educational |
6 | 2176 | 1.53% | 1728 | 1.50% | 94016 | 1.49% | Netherlands |
7 | 1383 | 0.97% | 1175 | 1.02% | 59764 | 0.95% | Canada |
8 | 1292 | 0.91% | 1149 | 1.00% | 56433 | 0.89% | US Military |
9 | 1220 | 0.86% | 779 | 0.68% | 46013 | 0.73% | Australia |
10 | 1216 | 0.86% | 868 | 0.75% | 55295 | 0.88% | United Kingdom |
11 | 993 | 0.70% | 837 | 0.73% | 43950 | 0.70% | Non-Profit Organization |
12 | 885 | 0.62% | 767 | 0.66% | 40811 | 0.65% | US Government |
13 | 808 | 0.57% | 670 | 0.58% | 35238 | 0.56% | United States |
14 | 351 | 0.25% | 260 | 0.23% | 15671 | 0.25% | Germany |
15 | 300 | 0.21% | 190 | 0.16% | 11536 | 0.18% | Japan |
16 | 295 | 0.21% | 252 | 0.22% | 21774 | 0.35% | New Zealand (Aotearoa) |
17 | 197 | 0.14% | 95 | 0.08% | 5442 | 0.09% | France |
18 | 166 | 0.12% | 150 | 0.13% | 7796 | 0.12% | Mexico |
19 | 123 | 0.09% | 96 | 0.08% | 6121 | 0.10% | Italy |
20 | 117 | 0.08% | 86 | 0.07% | 5068 | 0.08% | Ireland |
21 | 111 | 0.08% | 75 | 0.07% | 4082 | 0.06% | Singapore |
22 | 93 | 0.07% | 77 | 0.07% | 4132 | 0.07% | Macedonia |
23 | 88 | 0.06% | 76 | 0.07% | 3897 | 0.06% | Old style Arpanet (arpa) |
24 | 88 | 0.06% | 41 | 0.04% | 2474 | 0.04% | Sweden |
25 | 86 | 0.06% | 52 | 0.05% | 3579 | 0.06% | Russian Federation |
26 | 82 | 0.06% | 70 | 0.06% | 4279 | 0.07% | Austria |
27 | 80 | 0.06% | 54 | 0.05% | 3285 | 0.05% | Malaysia |
28 | 77 | 0.05% | 68 | 0.06% | 3464 | 0.05% | Finland |
29 | 74 | 0.05% | 64 | 0.06% | 2955 | 0.05% | Switzerland |
30 | 72 | 0.05% | 46 | 0.04% | 2873 | 0.05% | Croatia (Hrvatska) |
11 September: Greetings brothers and sisters in the certainty of God and in the perfection of his word,
I could not call the conference today as my phone has been cut off by BT. Their mistake not mine (for a change!) My sentence count of Isaiah 2 was no good. But Ian directed me to a much better proof of the saints coming in next month, (which means that the kings come in this month) from John 4 which has now replaced the Isaiah 2 sentence count as proof 9. Have a look at the greater meaning of the account of the Samaritan woman and the 4 months until the harvest. So we still have 11 proofs. In fact I have a couple more wheat related proofs which I have not put on the web.
Ian also came up with a blinder for the genealogy of . We know that was the 41st generation of angels from one of 's brothers but we did not know which brother. Ian pointed out that Samuel passed over the 7 older sons of Jesse before he came to David. So is a descendent of the 8th born first generation angel ('s 7th brother). I have written up 's angelic genealogy in U254.
I have also put a few very very simple proofs that good angels do possess humans at the end of Intro18. Here they are...
21 and [while] I was yet speaking in the prayer, why, the man, , whom I had seen in the vision at the start, having been
made weary with tiredness, was arriving by me at the time of the evening gift offering (Daniel 9).
So was a man whom Daniel has seen in a vision. But here he arrives physically.
3 In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually (Hebrew 7).
Yes, , was made like the son of God, like . He was a human, a son of pre-fall adam.
1 Now the 2 angels arrived at Sodom by evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot caught sight of them, then he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the earth (Genesis 19).
5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them (Genesis 19).
10 So the men thrust out their hands and brought Lot in to them, into the house, and they shut the door (Genesis 19).
So these two angels were men. QED.
Bill managed to see the PO of his local congregation and got him to agree to read our 12 proofs and report back. May God open his eyes!!
Let us hope that 12 proofs are enough for him!
The Jonah 40 day thing now makes next weekend the more likely of the two remaining candidates in my opinion. One can argue that had the bomb gone off this weekend then effective, one way or another, the Watchtower would have been constructively fixed with 47 days warning which is too long. So if it goes off next weekend, then due to my previous actions, and given that they do follow the site and probably laugh at our predictions, they will then actually get 40 days warning.
But Tony and Jeff are going for the last possible sabbath because of the last minute nature of the plan!
May Jah and bless your faith and kingship and sainthood and priesthood and may they give us all one hundred fold more than what we have lost in our attempts to serve them as the scriptures promise.
17 September:
Greetings once more brothers,
The final sign of Jonah letter is at www.truebiblecode.com/jonah2.html
Mary sat at '
feet, which is a witess to 10x. Mary is the saints and ' feet are his flesh his wife on earth (feet are in contact with the earth). So these 10 years run from 1994Tishri when the saints started to be sanctified according to the pattern of to 2001Tishri when the saints lost their water baptism,
and then from 2005Nisan with the baptism of George to 2008Nisan when the saints die.
So that is a proof that the pattern of is correct.
Furthermore Moses stretched out his hand over the Read sea,
which is a witness to 5x, which run from 2001Tishri30 to 2006Tishri30. A dry period between two water baptised congregations - see U271 proof 6.
So I just get more and more confirmations of the month and we only have one sabbath left. There is still time for the Watchtower to repent at this new sign of Jonah after next weekend and before Tishri30.
21 September:
Greetings children of ,
Here is an incredible interpretation based on an idea from Ian and Edwin. I must dedicate this to Bill's wife though since it relates our church beautifully to the Reformation and the 95 Theses of Martin Luther. Have a look at the last section of U150.
Guess who became a leader 69 weeks of years or 483 years after Luther posted his 95 Theses on the castle church door? Guess what happens 70 weeks of years or 490 whole years after he nailed that door?
In other news,
Greg has pointed out that the first item on the agenda of the 61st session of the UN General assmebly is... Peace and Security!
Have another look at the link to the 61st session webpage...
So they will be discussing Peace and Security as the first item on their agenda during the General Assmebly Debate period which runs from September 19 to September 29.
24 September:
Greetings brothers and sisters keeping in expectation,
has come up with a brilliant interpretation to solve our present dilemma. Evidently the '7th something' of 1 Kings 18:44 is not a weekly sabbath. So really it must be the 7th month. But the bomb has to go off in the 6th month, Elul, not the 7th month, Tishri. Then remembered that the sabbath in the UK ends 5 hours before the sabbath in the US. So it is actually possible for the bomb to go off in Elul in NYC, but for the attendant in the UK to say to in the UK: Look, a small mushroom cloud like a man's palm, in Tishri, since we get into Tishri 5 hours before our US cousins get there.
So by that theory the bom must go off during the last 5 hours of Elul, i.e.. between 2:30 and 7:30 EST on Tuesday 26th September.
Which reminds me of John Cusacks line from Serendipity when Kate Beckinsale said perhaps it is not the right time for us, John said: Maybe we should have met on British Time and we are 5 hours too early!
For most of our chronology the bomb must happen in Elul. But the conversation must now happen in Tishri,
hence the fix. Ingenious yes! Correct -
So we have recovered from an impossible situation to the most accurate prediction we have ever had for this event!
26 September: Greetings brothers and sisters in faith,
Here are the Sun Set times for NYC. I am not sure which one God would use. So now you can bite your nails until the bomb or until 8:21 EDT!
September 26, 2006 |
Rise |
Set |
Actual Time | 6:49 AM EDT | 6:48 PM EDT |
Civil Twilight | 6:21 AM EDT | 7:16 PM EDT |
Nautical Twilight | 5:49 AM EDT | 7:48 PM EDT |
Astronomical Twilight | 5:16 AM EDT | 8:21 PM EDT |
Moon | 10:59 AM EDT | 8:24 PM EDT |
Length Of Visible Light: | 12h 54m | |
Length of Day |
11h 58m Tomorrow will be 2m 48s shorter |
27 September:
Greetings little flock or long suffering faith,
Fixing the pattern was not that hard - see U42.
The Watchtower did not lose authority to feed the saints until they had some saints in their church. Then, since they had no authority to feed these, they lost authority to feed all their saints, the minute the first saints appeared on 1994Tishri22. So the 12 months runs from 1994Tishri to 2006Tishri. Also the 100 years of feednig of the saints runs from 1895Tishri to 1994Tishri inclusive now.
As regards the last day of Armageddon... The 1.1 million days of U40
and 1 Chronicles 21 work much better from 1048Nisan16 when David purchased the threshing floor of Ornan, than from 50 days earlier when we thought perhaps Joab finished his census. So the end date goes 50 days forward to 2008Heshvan6. But then the midpoint of the Day of (which started on 2004Elul14 with Beslan and now ends on 2008Heshvan6) is 2006Tishri10,
atonement day.
That is a good day to wake up the Watchtower and the world.
So that looks like the day for our bomb
The other proofs are all fixed except the 'woe, woe' proof which I have discarded. Not sure how to interpret that one anymore. So now we have 10 proofs of the month of Tishri and one of the day of Tishri10. I have updated all the relevant web pages. Have a look at U271.
So now the dawn really does begin precisely at the mid point of the 50 month day of , which is an improvement. Also we do not need the 50 day fix in U42, which is another improvement. And every proof of Tishri really is a proof of Tishri this time,
rather than indicating that something happens earlier in Elul as we thought in the case of the 11 'proofs' of Elul.
So we were screwed a few hours ago, but the holy spirit unscrewed us yet again!
This thing must happen before Booths, since the attendant has been looking since before Pentecost and he does have to see something before the next festival, I think.
On the negative side. If nothing now happens by Tishri30, we really really are screwed. But the promise of is that we will be answered, so he will unscrew us whatever happens! We just have to ensure that we do not become unhinged in faith in the meantime!
Gods Bless
28 September: Good evening fellow faithful followers of Christ,
Today was a good day.
I have updated U40,
have a look at the section on the 1,100,000 days. Fire comes down and consumes David's sacrifice in that account just as it does in 1 Kings 18. Also both the 1,100,000 days and the 470,000 days are an integral number of years plus 200 days. So we now know that Armageddon lasts for 200 days. The rapture is not on 2008Tammuz1 after 75 days but on 2008Elul16 after 150 days when the ark hits the mountain and when the 5 months represented by the 5 fingers on the hand of lot and on the hand of his wife and of the hands of his daughters are fulfilled. I mean the angels took them by all 5 fingers of their hands, not by two and a half fingers! Doh! is therefore 2008Nisan16 to 2008Elul16, the period of the kingdom that is still in this system for the sons of the . A small thing, a small part of the Kingdom.
The waters in the account of the flood are the angels in the greater meaning at Armageddon.
There are only 3 accounts in the bible where fire comes down from the heavens and consumes a sacrifice.
[1] The sacrifce of David on Orana's threshing floor after the registration on 1048Nisan16
[3] The contest of 1 Kings 18
[2] The innauguration of Solomon's temple, on the site David purchased in 1026Tishri
So this fire from heaven is a big link between the regsitration account and the contest account.
Then Wheat went to $4.48 per bushel at one point and finished the day at $4.45 the highest it has been since I started investing biblically (gambling biblically) in September 2002. It is now actually at a 10 year high. Today was a very significant day in the wheat market.
So Bill and Tony and I are doing great. The s have a bit of finance - on paper anyway!
Reggie who lives in NYC emailed and said that he was not downhearted - so none of us have any excuse!
29 September: Invitation to the Christianized Festival of Booths,
As you know this church believes at present that on Atonement day, the UN will get nuked and that this sign will result in a huge wall of waters coming into the s. Such a thing would change all of our plans for Booths. It almost seems faithless to devise a plan B for a Booths in the event that no nuke goes off before it, but we are commanded to turn up 3 times per year, and since we finally know when the 3rd festival is, we should at least turn up.
So let us make temporary simple plans for Booths knowing that these plans will be superceded on Tishri10.
In this vein I suggest that everyone ensures that they meet up with at least one other and then then can eat the last breakfast on a beach with barbecued fish and bread and wine on the morning of Wednesday October 11th. Tishri15 runs from Tuesday evening October 10th until Wednesday evening October 11th.
These simple arrangements can then be upgraded on Tishri10. I am guessing a German speaking festival, one UK festival and a couple or three US festivals.
As regards the cups and covenants - see U209. I should make the with everyone at the festival. This can be done by phone since it is merely a verbal agreement.
Any questions please email me ASAP
2 October: Blessings all you who serve God with your own minds and with your own hearts,
The home page looked a little bit manic, launching straight into nuclear prediction etc. So following discussions with the Goldsmiths and Dave, I have 'Kingdomified' it. I have put the nuclear prediction is its proper Christian context. In this way we look a little less like lunatics.
I mean no one is interested in logical and beautiful and insightful interpretations and the only way to get through to them is a big sign sure. But we are first and foremost a Christian church, and secondly I am Jonah, the prophet of doom. Doom I say!
I have increased the number of proofs of the date of Armageddon to 14. I mean can one have too many proofs of 2008? The Martin Luther proof is great. I have also updated U154, U152,
U14, U40 and U101. See the Site Index page for the latest updates and links.
If anyone is feeling a bit insecure about that date do not worry, I am sure the holy spirit will provide a few more proofs in due course.
Here is our latest road map for Armageddon.
2008Nisan14 End of world
2008Nisan16 Start of Kingdom, Start of 150 days of .
2008Iyyar29 saints turn up
2008Tammuz26 100 day battle of Armageddon
2008Elul15 End of , of sons of .
2008Tishri30 7 year saints malediction ends
2008Heshvan6 Last human dies. End of the 100 day battle of Armageddon.
Have a look at U154 for some interesting ideas about the 50 righteous men that bartered with about.
Now there is something quite important that we have to get straight in this church. It espcially applies to me and to Ian and to Bill and to US Barb.
Here are my thoughts for your consideration and comments...
I am concerned about how much 'anti government' stuff we send to each other and how much 'anti government'
stuff is residing on our computers. There will certainly come a time in the future when we are investigated. At that time we do not want to present a target to the investigating authorities. I think we are being a bit naive. I think we have to be very careful about taking political or anti government positions. I know as members of this system we all want to 'fix it'. Or at least point out where they have gone wrong. And of course John the Baptist pointed out to Herod what he was doing wrong. But made absolutely no political statement to anybody about anything and he could see it all so clearly.
Our aim is to be able to preach the good news as far and as wide as possible for as long as possible.
Is sending the congregation anti government info (however true it may be) going to help us accomplish this?
We all know that Bush is corrupt,
Blair is corrupt, and every government is corrupt and every part of the public sector is corrupt and much of the private sector is corrupt and we are surrounded by a sea of immorality yes. And with our increased understanding of God's law, we see corruption far more clearly than most other people.
Furthermore we actually understand how to solve it in many cases from our scriptural training. BUT. Has God employed us to research and fix this system, or to research and preach the next?
Many of us have delved into 911 and the Iraq war abuses and all sorts of other dispicable attrocities that the wild beasts are perpetrating. I have put some of it on the website in the past. But we must be so careful. If we give something to hit us with, he will hit us with it!
Look at it like this. The entire administration of this planet has terminal cancer - right? So what difference does it make which organ has it the worst? I mean if Bush is the worst or the CIA or some extra judicial group contracted by the CIA or the Israelis or the Taleban or Al Quaeda or some awful terrorist group that is completely out of everyone's control, what does it matter? The geopolitical system is riddled with cancer and it will self destruct. What more do we need to know really? We must try and float above all this nonsense.
Do you see the danger? In this regard I recommend shredding any anti government stuff on our PCs and trying to be apolitical in everything we do. I am not saying I can actually obey this recommendation. But I truly believe that we can damage the future of this church and can cause people to be locked up and possibly even killed by being too political. Yes our world leaders are crap. But actually if Al Gore had been given the presidency that he actually won,
all that would have happened is that Armageddon would have been delayed for a few years. So the world would have died from cancer a bit more slowly. Would that be better for us? I mean when you have terminal cancer, surely the quicker it all ends the better? And Tony and George might just be the boys to achieve that for us! (They sound like hair dressers) Putting this another way: Do you want to delay the coming of the Kingdom?
What I am saying is that bad political leadership might not be a bad thing right now as it will result in a much quicker death from cancer for this system if you see what I mean. As Shakespeare said: Twere best twere done quick! I mean is God cutting the days short, whilst we are trying to extend them by fixing a few political problems?
In any event it must be the job of the angels to sort that sort of thing out. We should not attempt to 'improve' on their efforts.
Have this mind set... We will be investigated, your computer will be removed from your house and every file on it will be checked.
When this happens what do you want them to see? If they just see bible interpretations and no political stuff at all, then we are all in a much better position. And then if we are persecuted, it will be purely due to our work for the Lord, not due to our taking some kind of political position. so we can then jump for joy, for in this way they persecuted the prophets who came before us (and who were considerably more accurate in their predictions!) I mean Kordokovsky was fine until he became political. There is a lesson in that.
2 October: Greetings brothers and sisters,
If you just delete a file from your PC it becomes unavailable to Windows but is still on your hard disk. In order to completely remove that file from your hard disk you need to overwrite it. But then since the Hard Disk is a magnetic storage device is has remnance. So it is possible to see what has been overwritten. Therefore software companies have produced file shredders that overwrite files 7 times or more. This totally removes them. Here are some links to examine...
"Those (civil libertarians)
who are likely to come into conflict with their goverment,
should overwrite at least six times."
a google search for 'file shredder' or 'overwrite times'
will bring up many alternatives.
5 October: Greeting brothers and sisters in the promises of God,
We can now add to the 10 year high in the price of wheat, the news that today wheat went 'limit up' (it rose by 30 cents per bushel). The last time it did that was on the last day of the Jubilee, which was 2003Adar24 (the next day was 2004Nisan1), this was March 21st 2004.
So without any doubt the grain offering is presently going up (very nicely). So the stage is set for them to stop behaving as prophets from the standpoint of 1 Kings 18...
29 And it came about that, as soon as noon was past and they continued behaving as prophets until the going up of the grain offering, there was no voice, and there was no one answering, and there was no paying of attention (1 Kings 18).
So the Watchtower must start the fast of Jonah before this present wheat rally ends. So all the scriptural criteria that we can see are met for an answer from God. And what better day for him to speak that the day of Atonement, ' birthday?
So for the 16th or time expect the first birth pang between Thursday evening and Friday evening EST.
The Festival of Booths!!
This is the time of year to celebrate the final ingathering, the harvest festival of the faithful at Armageddon. For we farm crops but God farms righteousness with the fertilizer of love in the soil of faith. So please come and join us at your nearest grain silo!
For those of you living anywhere in the
For those of you in the
Bill and Steve and Gordon
8 October: Greeting brothers and sisters in interpretational prophecy,
I went to Poland to a wedding and only got back here 15 minutes ago.
Hence my tardiness in updating the site. Poland is a beautiful unspoilt place. Not very commercialized and not status seeking and not pretentious. The people are friendly and helpful and humble and drink a lot of Vodka and sing all these Polish wedding songs. It was a beautiful experience. 95%
of Poles are Catholics apparently. And while I was there,
before I had loads of Vodka or was it after - no I managed to stay upright the whole evening actually,
I though that perhaps the second half of the Day of had begun on Tishri10 but that it did not necessarily need a bomb during its first 24 hours.
However in the UK, on Friday morning (i.e. on Tishri 10) the headline of the Times Newspaper (our most prestiguous daily national paper)
was: Seizures of radioactive materials fuel dirty bomb fears.
Which would seem to be a good healine for the start of the last half of the Day of . Also found a threat to the UN building in Geneva made on Tishri9 at
So I think our position should be that the second half of the Day of did start on 2006Tishri10,
but that it started with the warning about a terrorist dirty bomb, rather than the bomb itself. I mean since the started with Beslan, it was reasonable to assume that its second half would start with the UN bomb.
But no. That did not trun out to be the case. What we got was a front page UK dirty bomb warning on Tishri10.
However the bomb must go off before Booths in our current understanding of 1 Kings 18 and it must go off before 2006Tishri30 (Sundown October 26th) according to our 10 proofs. I will update the website accordingly and then I am going to get some sleep.
8 October: Greetings fellow tabernaclers,
Bill has had a lovely idea for Booths. Of course it would be great if we could all take 8 days off and spend Wednesday to Wednesday together. But it might get a bit boring for 2 person booths, since each person would have to listen to 4 days of speeches from the other!!!
So his diea was that we try to meet either from Breakfast or lunch or dinner or just for a cup of tea,
once a day, during the festival, so that we do celebrate it for the entrie period from the sabbath on Wednesday 11th to the sabbath on Wednesday 18th. We just do not celebrate it continuously!
As regards my making the with the saints, I think it should be loike a baptism. You call me when you have finished your meal and wish me to make the covenant with you. It is a service from God, through and and myself to you.
We are at your disposal I pray and hope and understand, in this regard.
I will be on
0781 809 3544 in the UK which is 01144 781 809 3544 from the US.
I am also wrestling with the date of the last breakfast itself. I mean if someone new came in on Thursday 12th, could he partake of the Lord's morning meal?
It would certainly be the wrong day for the . So Ian right now I think I might have to come up Friday/Saturday, and then do a late Booths 30 days later as well!!
I will sleep on it. And tomorrow Tony and I will find a place for a beach Barby in the UK.
11 October: Greetings sons and daughters of the kingdom of God's love,
It gives me great pleasure to announce the IAN
has returned home to the s.
He is going to preside over the Northern celebration of Booths in Southport with his daughter Claire.
May God bless their true worship. and may they build a magnifcent Booth for God!
I must confess here, that I did not give him enough time to be repentant after I warned him for apostasy. And I must re-iterate for my and for our future reference that judicial committees for disfellowshipping people must be conducted in person where at all possible. I disfellowshipped Ian by email and this is entirely unsatisfactory. I should not have done it that way. Had I seen him face to face then perhaps we could have communicated better and I maybe would not have chucked him out.
As you may remember at the time of the disfellowshipping I understood that Ian was a Satanic Diadem, someone sent to corrupt and damage the church. I still believe that he was abused by in this way, but the good thing about Satanic Diadems is, that since there are 7 of them, they are temporally successive. So the second one starts going after the first one has stopped. In other words the first 6 of them all repent or leave permanently. Ian chose the former - a wise choice!
Ian and I have both learned a lot about God's love, about true worship,
about our own mistakes and failings and about each other's faith and love for God. So I it is a great thing and a blessed thing that we are both now working together to try and serve God as best as we can.
What better day for a son to return to a father than Tishri15, the first day of Booths, the day of the festival of the , the covenant of the final ingathering of the saints?
May God bless his innings and all our innings so that they last for ever
12 October: Greetings brothers and sisters in the holy families,
We made some history today, being the first Christian church for 1500 years to attempt a Christianized version of the Festival of Booths. A great (if somewhat drenched) time was had by all. It was holy. It was fun and it was coooool.
I have fixed the bomb chronology by decoupling the 7 festivals from the 7 bombs. Coupling them seemed like a cute and neat idea. But it is actually very sick and totally absurd from a moral standpoint. What do holy festivals have to do with terrorist nuclear bombs? Absolutely nothing. So please accept my apologies there, I put chronology before common sense. So now all we know is that there will be 7 bombs before the rapture and 7 festivals before the rapture. But there is no temporal relationship between the holy festivals to God and the nuclear bombs which are effectively festivals to I suppose. What fellowship does Christ have with Belial? Well literally none, although in the word symbolic meaning his wife does become satanic, and she rides a 7 headed beast which is being controlled by .
Seriously though, it was a morally repugnant interpretation. I just did not see it.
certainly appears to be raising up his mountain financially right now however. Wheat went limit up again.
Please feel free to criticise interpretations if they are daft from any perspective (they often are).
No Papal Infallibility
No Papal Interpretational Exclusivity
Non Habemus Papem
May God bless our faith with endurance
13 October: Greetings faithful tabernaclers,
Barby Matthews has come back home.
The first flying pig of Mark 5, the first to leave the Watchtower for the s has landed (again) in the Lake.
Let's hope that this time she is joined by a few million more!
May God bless her love for him and keep her faithful always!
14 October: Greetings again my brothers and sisters in the things that matter,
once said that a persistent feature of God's dealings with his people is that he permits them to appear to get into impossible situations, and then at the very last minute when from a physical perspective all hope is lost, he rescues them.
He is rather like the script writer for a batman episode or a James Bond screenplay. Just when the Dr Evil has got our hero suspended over the vat of boiling oil, he finds a hitherto unmentioned ludicrously unlikely escape mechanism.
The script of this church is becoming more and more like a Spielberg production. It would be approaching farce if it were not so serious in its consequences. Here we are with 13 days left until Chronological meltdown, and Schwingenschloegl comes up with this beauty...
Tishri22 is the 8th and last day of the Festival of Booths (The Harvest Festival of the , from Tisrhi15 to Tisrhi22, which has a shadow of the things to come according to the apostle ).
Tishri22 is a festival sabbath (so it is a 7th 'day' in this sense)
Tishri22 is the 7th (and last)
festival sabbath of the year.
Sabbath1 Nisan15 (First day of Cakes)
Sabbath2 Nisan21 (Last day of Cakes)
Sabbath3 Sivan6 (Pentecost)
Sabbath4 Tishri1 (Trumpet day,
first day of agriculatural year)
Sabbath5 Tishri10 Atonement day
Sabbath6 Tishri15 (First day of Booths)
Sabbath7 Tishri22 (Last day of Booths)
Tishri is the 7th month of the year.
Tishri22 is the 7th day of the festival of Booths after the first day. And the s have been looking out for a date for a bomb since 2006Tishri15, because we knew the bomb would be in Tishri, and but had run out of interpretations as to which day in Tishri it might be on Tishri14.
These criteria would appear to be an almost perfect fit for 1 Kings 18:43,44
43 And he said to his attendant/boy: Go up, now/please [an].
Look in the direction of the sea. So he went up and looked and then said: There is nothing at all. And he went on to say,
Go back, 7 times.
44 And it came about in/during the 7th [one/day/time/month/festival/sabbath]
that he got to say: Look! There is a small cloud like a man's palm ascending out of the sea. And he said: Go up, say to Ahab, 'Hitch up! And go down that the downpour may not detain you!
During the 8 day festival of Booths, from 2006Tishri15 to 2006Tishri22, one goes back for 7 days after the first day to one's Booth. On goes back 7 times. And the 7th time of going back is the last day of the festival. This day is the 7th and last festival sabbath of the year and is called the Great Sabbath. It also occurs in the 7th month.