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Q: How do you eat an elephant ?
A: One bite at a time !
This website is full of what will be new material for most readers. Please do not give up at the sight of such a large meal. It is the results of 14 years of research of many faithful people standing on the shoulders of hundreds, in fact of thousands of years of research of many more faithful people.
1AC: First Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12:1-3
1BC: First Blessing Covenant from Melchizedek to Adam's Father aka the FBC
1EC: First Elijah Covenant, from John the Baptist to the first true Christian church
1HS: First Holy Spirit. God's first wife.
1HSC: First Holy Spirit Covenant, mediated by Satan
1NC: First New Covenant of Luke 22:29-30. Made by Jesus with the first new covenant saints, the kings of the 3rd heaven of the kingdom of God
2AC: Second Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 17:6, 22:17-18. The promise to Abraham for the ICC.
2BC: Second Blessing Covenant from Gabriel to Noah aka the CBC
2EC: Second Elijah Covenant, from Paul to the second true Christian church
2HS: Second Holy Spirit. God's second wife.
2HSC: Second Holy Spirit Covenant, mediated by Jesus.
2NC: Second New Covenant, from Gordon to the greater sons of Rachel, the earthly Kings and Lords of the kingdom
3AC: Third Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 15:5, 17:6, 22:17 aka the AAP. The promise to Abraham for the IAP and the JAC.
3BC: Third Blessing Covenant from Michael to Adam aka the ABC
3EC: Third Elijah Covenant, from Russell to the third true Christian church
3HS: Third Holy Spirit. Jesus' first wife.
3HSC: Third Holy Spirit Covenant, mediated by Peter.
4EC: Fourth Elijah Covenant, from Ritchie to the fourth true Christian church
AAP: The Abrahamic Angelic Promise for the JAC
ABC: Third Blessing Covenant from Michael to Adam aka the 3BC
ACP: The Abrahamic Church Promise for the ICC
AHCL: Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon - Benjamin Davidson
AOL: Angel of Laodicea
AOP: Angel of Philadelphia
ARC: Angelic Ransom Covenant from God to Michael, the master sealing covenant for all those who are born again and whose works perfect their faith under the test of the spirit baptism.
BDAHCL: Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon - Benjamin Davidson.
BLC: Biblical Lunar Calendar with 12 months of 30 days each. Or the Brotherly Love Covenant.
BNM: Barclay Neuman Morphology.
CAH: Cambridge Ancient History (Cambridge University Press)
CBC: Second Blessing Covenant from Gabriel to Noah aka the 2BC
CEA: Conception Engagement Agreement
CNC: Countable Noun Count
DAC: Demonic Angelic Covenant. Made between Satan and his wicked sons. They get angels which are baptised into the second death. The Hell's Angels covenant This enables him to possess them - see U70.
DFD: Disfellowshipped. Thrown out of the church.
EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse
ES1: The 1st Evil Slave, FDS1 after it lost its appointment over the saints which are Jesus' belongings
ES2: The 2nd Evil Slave, FDS3 after it lost its appointment over the saints which are Jesus' belongings
EHC: Earthly Helper Covenant, from Paul to the greater sons of Bilhah, who help the 2NC saints in some way. We think they are the priests of the Kingdom of God in some way possibly to do with procreation. (Obsolete name for the ELC)
ELC: Earthly Lord Covenant, from Paul to the greater sons of Bilhah, who are the Lords for the 2NC Kings. Paul is the Lord of Lords, the head bureaucrat, the mayor of the Kingdom of God! (New name for what was the Earthly Helper Covenant)
FBC: First Blessing Covenant from Melchizedek to Adam's Father aka the 1BC
FDS1: The 1st Faithful and Discreet Slave, the administration of the first true Christian church
FDS2: The 2nd Faithful and Discreet Slave, the administration of the first true Christian church
FDS3: The 3rd Faithful and Discreet Slave, the administration of the first true Christian church
FDS4: The 4th Faithful and Discreet Slave, the administration of the first true Christian church
FRC: The Faith Ransom Covenant from God to Melchizedek. The Master sealing covenant for all those with sincere faith in God who obey the law of their own conscience, but do not necessarily ever enter a true religion (Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Bhuddists etc).
GLT: J P Green's Literal Translation of the bible.
GNS1: The first Good for Nothing Slave. FDS1 after it lost its water baptism and before it became a false religion due to idolatry with the early Catholic church.
GNS2: The second Good for Nothing Slave. FDS3 after it lost its water baptism on 2001Tishri30 and before it became a false religion on 2004Elul14.
GT: Great Tribulation of Matthew 24. Runs from 2008Sivan26 to 2009Sivan26, when the last son of Adam dies.
HARC: Human Adamic Ransom Covenant from God to Gabriel, the master sealing covenant for all who enter a true religion through water baptism and who keep their faith and the law of the true church. Old name for the CRC.
PCC: Pelegian Church Covenant. The peri-flood system covenant of the CRC, mediated by Peleg.
HHC: Heavenly Helper Covenant, mediated by Apollos, to the greater sons of Zilpah, the heavenly lords of the kingdom (obsolete name, now called the HLC)
HLC: Heavenly Lord Covenant, mediated by Apollos, to the greater sons of Zilpah, the heavenly lords of the kingdom (New name for the HHC)
IAP: The Isaaic Angelic Promise for the JAC. Genesis 26:4
IAC: Isaaic Angelic Covenant/Promise. The promise to Isaac for the JAC.
Genesis 26:4
ICC: Isaaic Church Covenant. The Abrahamic System Covenant for the water baptism of the flesh into the true church. Genesis 26:4.
ILCC: Isaaic Land and Circumcision Covenant/Promise. Genesis 26:3-5, 26:24
ILCP: Isaaic Land and Circumcision Covenant/Promise. Genesis 26:3-5, 26:24
INC: Interpretable Noun Chains
JAC: Jacobian Angelic Covenant. The Abrahamic System Covenant for the spirit baptism. Genesis 35:10,11
JLC: Jesus Love Covenant of Luke 23:39
JLCC: Jacobian Land and Circumcision Covenant/Promise. Genesis 28:13-15, 35:12
JLCP: Jacobian Land and Circumcision Covenant/Promise. Genesis 28:13-15, 35:12
JW: Jehovah's Witness
KI: Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Watchtower.
KJV: King James Version of the bible.
LCC: Land and Circumcision Covenant. Genesis 12:7, 13:14-17, 15:17-21, 17:1-2, 17:7-11.
LCNC: Literal Countable Noun Count
LINC: Literal Interpretable Noun Chains
LRC: Love Ransom Covenant.
LW: Lord's Witness
LWT: Lords Witness Translation.
LXX: Septuagint Version of the Old Testament. A Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures by 70 (LXX in latin) scholars in Alexandria in Egypt made around 300 BC. The New testament (being written in Greek) quotes from it extensively.
MZ: Mediator of the greater covenant of Zilpah for the Heavenly helpers, the lords of the new heavens of the kingdom. He is Apollos, from 1Corinthians 1:12-13.
NIVHEOT: New International Version Hebrew English Old Testament by Kohlenberger.
OMC: The Omega Covenant, the last salvation covenant mediated by Jesus Christ at the 6th hour of 33Nisan14 to the faithful evil doer: Truly I tell you today. you will be with me in paradise.
PARC: Pre-adamic Ransom Covenant from God to Melchizedek, the master sealing covenant for those with faith who do not necessarily enter a true religion but keep their faith and the law of their conscience. Old name for the FRC.
POL: The President of Laodicea
RSV: Revised Standard Version of the bible.
SCNC: Symbolic Countable Noun Count
SFC: Semitic Faith Covenant. The Peri-flood System Faith Covenant, from Shem to those with faith before Abraham.
SINC: Symbolic Interpretable Noun Chains
TCC1: The 1st True Christian Congregation
TCC2: The 2nd True Christian Congregation
TCC3: The 3rd True Christian Congregation
TCC4: The 4th True Christian Congregation.
UN5: The second form of the League of Nations/United Nations beast, governed by a security council with 5 Permanent Members chose by the UK.
UN10: The third form of the UN beast, governed by a peace/security council with 10 permanent members, the 5 new ones being chosen by the US.
UNGA: The 4th and last form of the UN beast governed by the whole General Assembly, the most democratic form of the UN.
UNPBC: The United Nations Peace Building Commission
UNSC: The United Nations Security Council
UNSCPM: A United Nations Security Council Permanent Member
WSS1: The 1st Wicked and Sluggish Slave. FDS1 after it lost its authority over the saints and before it lost its water baptism.
WSS2: The 2nd Wicked and Sluggish Slave. FDS3 after it lost its authority over the saints and before it lost its water baptism (the headless and legally divided Watchtower after 2001Chilsev14 and before 2005Sivan14).
YHWH: Abbreviation for Jehovah, recognising that we do not know how to pronounce his name.
YWBD: The 'Your Will be Done' book about the prophecies of Daniel published by the Watchtower Society
Abraham: The Father of Isaac, who was the father of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel and was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel
Adamic Human: A genetic descendant of post fall Adam.
Anointed Remnant: Those left of the first new covenant saints on earth during either presence who have not yet died and been resurrected as angels.
Associated Angel: An angelic body given to all humans when they are born again. One can only enter it after death.
Baptism:: A Baptism of a believer by a priest into the name of a mediator of a covenant with God, is a 'washing' of that person in the blood of that mediator. Such a washing imparts to the believer the cleanliness of the mediator. So the believer has his sins forgiven to an extent determined by the cleansing power of the blood of the mediator.
Bible Code: The false bible code of Michael Drosnin and Eli Rips is a Statistical Hoax. It is a computerised form of crystal ball gazing. The true bible code reveals how many metaphorical meanings every bible account has. It reveals where each bible account stops and starts. And it reveals what these metaphorical meanings are. It also gives us the chronology of key events which is missing in the literal meaning of the holy scriptures.
Bilhah: Jacob's second wife Rachel's maidservant, she gave birth to two of the tribes of Israel: Dan and Naphtali.
Blessing Covenant: A Blessing Covenant is a covenant for the salvation of all humans and is between a human and Master Mediator.
Blessings Mediator: A Blessing Mediator is a human who covenants with a Master Mediator and mediates between him and one or more system mediators. Blessing Mediators mediate Blessing Covenants.
Blood of a Covenant: The Blood of a covenant is the blood of the validation sacrifice for that covenant.
Body: A human or angelic vehicle for the spirit.
Born Again: Being born again either as a resurrected human on earth or as a resurrected angel in heaven, or as an angel in heaven whilst your spirit remains alive in a human on earth.
Covenant: A covenant is an agreement between two parties.
Demon: A wicked free willed angel who has rebelled against God's rulership.
Dirty Water Principle: One cannot clean anything with dirty water. Using this as a metaphor, a priest cannot confer to a worshipper a cleanliness that he himself does not possess.
Everlasting Life: Life for ever. The mathematical definition of this is that at any future date, one is still living. Life everlasting is life until time indefinite with the extra guarantee, that there will never be a definite time after which one is not living. It is life until further notice where such further notice will never be given.
Faith Baptism: The baptism of a Covenant of Faith, such as the 1AC, is the water baptism not of your flesh but of your conscience by the angels (or at the end of a true religion by humans). This is the forgiveness of your past sins against your conscience. It is a forgiveness of sins not against the law of God, but against the law of your own conscience. It is the entrance into the angelically run church of Melchizedek. The candidate is completely unaware of its occurrence (in the majority of cases which are angelic baptisms). It is the entrance into the 1AC, the System covenant of the PARC.
Faith Baptism Test: The test of the baptism of a Covenant of Faith, is that one should obey one's conscience. One cannot do this without faith, since no 5 year old who says I taught myself to spell is telling the truth.
Faith Perfected Works: Works of the law of the church or the law of your conscience which are maintained over a period by faith.
Faithful and Discreet Slave: The administration of one of the 4 True Christian Religions in one of the two presences of the Christ. Another term for the same is Faithful and Discreet Steward
First Death: The spirit if placed into a sleeping angelic body. Consciousness is switched off temporarily. This is God's general anesthetic.
Gabriel: An angel even younger than Michael, who announced the birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph and he announced the birth of John to Zechariah, and he angelically possessed John the Baptist and presided over the entrance of Michael into Jesus and the coincident rapture of Immanuel, the original inhabitant of Jesus' body.
Gehenna: The Metaphorical place where every ex human in the second death does their time.
Hades: The metaphorical place where everyone in the first death is sleeping.
Hagar: Abraham's wife Sarah's maidservant who gave Abraham his first son, Ishmael.
Holy: Set apart by God for a use in accord with his will.
Immanuel: The name of person who inhabited Jesus' body before Michael took it.
Indefinite Life: Life until some time in the future, which time is not stated. This time may be tomorrow, or it may be never.
Isaac: The second born son of Abraham, whose son Jacob was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Ishmael: The firstborn son of Abraham by Hagar. He is prophesied to have his hand against everyone and everyone shall have their hand against him.
Jacob: The second born son of Isaac, the twin of Esau. His name was changed to Israel, and he fathered the 12 tribes, having 12 sons.
Jehovah: The name of the God who created the time, love, the angels the universe and humans. It means: He who causes to become (or the creator).
Jesus: The human born of holy spirit to Mary and Joseph who was Immanuel for his first 30 years, and then became Michael for the next 3½ years. After his sacrifice for us he returned to heaven as a God to be worshipped like Jehovah. He was given the name above every other name, named, which name is Jehovah. He became the first true son of God in his image, in his likeness as regards his grasp of love and justice. The first free willed son of God to make the grade. Today we call the second God Jesus rather than Michael, because we are more familiar with Michael's activities whilst possessing Jesus than we are with his heavenly activities.
Judicial Life: Not being subject to the adamic death sentence.
King: The King of a group of people: Is the law maker for the group, the supreme Judge of the group, the owner of the group.
Kingdom of God: The 1,000 year kingdom that starts on 2008Nisan16, March 23rd, 2008. Wherein Satan and the demons are locked up for the duration. God and Jesus and the 144,000 first new covenant saints rule from heaven in one to one correspondence with Melchizedek and Gordon and the 144,000 second new covenant saints who rule from earth. There are also heavenly lords/administrators and earthly lords/administrators, and earthly priests and of course earthly citizens. 29% of mankind survives Armageddon through a rapture. . And presumably the same percentage are resurrected from the dead of the past generations. All humans in the kingdom have bodies which do not age, like Adam had in the Garden of Eden. This Kingdom is the antetypical garden of Eden, the second Eden.
Law of Moses: The covenant made between God and Moses, and then between Moses and the sons of Israel at mount Sinai on 1513Sivan3. The 10 commandments plus several hundred other laws in the books of Moses.
Life until time indefinite: Life which has no predetermined end point or maximum. Literally there is no definite, or defined end to this life. It may however end at some future date which has not as yet been defined. It is life until further notice, where such further notice has not yet been given and may be given at some future date or may in fact never be given.
Master Covenant: A Master Covenant is a covenant between God and a Master Mediator.
Master Mediator: A Master Mediator is a Cherub, an angel who covenants directly with Jehovah, and mediates between him and a Blessing mediator. Master Mediators mediate Master Covenants.
Mediator: A Mediator of a covenant with God is man/angel with whom God (directly or indirectly) has made a covenant, who subcovenants with a third party man/angel or group of men/angels in order that he/they too may enter into a covenant with God through him.
Melchizedek: He started life as the non adamic human Jared, the surrogate father of Enoch. He gave his life as a ransom in Jared, but was resurrected in the post flood system as Melchizedek, who was Cainan. Cainan just appeared, beamed down if you like. Since there was no legal grounds for Melchizedek to remain in the first death after he was killed, God presumably resurrected him as an angel first, before he came back down here as Cainan - see I20.
Michael: The 42nd generation angel who agreed to give his everlasting life as a gift to mankind, in order to ransom us from the sin of Adam. He angelically possessed Jesus at his baptism and ministered to mankind in that human body for 3½ years, then he was killed by the Romans at the insistence of the crowds of Jerusalem who were incited to hatred by the jealousy of the Pharisees who condemned him but were forbidden by Roman law to execute anyone directly.
New covenant: Made between God and the first Christians through Jesus the Mediator. Agreed to by the 11 apostles (not Judas) at the last supper. This covenant grants a resurrection to be an angel in heaven, who will judge and rule over mankind in the kingdom of God. The New covenant is a subcovenant of the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, the JAC, which was promised to Abraham in the third Abrahamic Covenant, the AAP.
Non Adamic Human: A genetic descendant of pre-fall Adam, who is not a genetic son of post-fall Adam but is a son of God as Adam himself was. A human who was never under the adamic death penalty.
Paul: The apostle Paul, the mediator of the ELC. The High priest of the Kingdom of God.
Pre-Adamic Human: Any human created before Adam was or a surrogate son of such.
Presence of the Christ: Existence on earth of true new covenant saints with a valid water baptism. These are the living stones of the spiritual temple of Jesus' body, his fiancee by the marriage proposal of the new covenant. And to the Ancient Hebrew a fiancee was a wife, because agreements were not broken easily as they are today.
Priest: A Human priest is a man who is clean to carry out a baptism. A Priest must be baptised himself. He can be baptised from heaven or by a human. No Priest can baptise with a baptism that he himself does not have. Any priesthood which is clean to carry out a baptism is also clean to maintain and to terminate that baptism, in accordance with God's law.
Possessed: A human body containing a spirit different from the one that first inhabited it.
Post-Adamic Human: Any human in the Kingdom of God. These humans are all non-adamics.
Ransom: A sacrificial mechanism by which the salvation status of one person is given to a mediator.
Ransomee: A Mediator who gains the salvation status of a Ransomer.
Ransomer: One who gives his life sacrificially in order that his salvation status can be given to a mediator.
Rapture: The instantaneous transfer of a spirit from a living human body into an angelic body
Remnant: Those left of the new covenant saints on earth in either presence who have not yet died and been resurrected as angels.
Resurrection: The awakening from the first death.
Righteous Decree in the Conscience: The Righteous Decree in the conscience is the successful end of the test of a water baptised conscience and is the entrance into the 1BC, which is the gaining of an indefinitely lasting human body like Jared and citizenship of the Kingdom of God. The passing of this test is judged by God, not by man.
Righteous Decree in the Flesh: The Righteous Decree in the flesh is the successful end of the test of a water baptised believer and is the entrance into the 2BC, which is the gaining of an indefinitely lasting human body like Methuselah and a priesthood in the Kingdom of God. Sons of Methuselah have no better body than sons of Jared in the Kingdom, but are resurrected earlier in order that they can attend the marriage of the lamb as friends of the bridegroom. The passing of this test is judged by God, not by man.
Righteous Decree in the Spirit: The Righteous Decree in the spirit is the successful end of the test of a spirit baptised believer and is the entrance into the 3BC, which is the gaining of an everlasting angelic body like Michael had and a Kingship or Lordship in the Kingdom of God. The passing of this test is judged by God, not by man.
Satan: The first angel that God created. He was the first head of the holy spirit and mediated the holy spirit covenant with the original pre big bang 9 angelic apostles - see U41. He lied to Eve, deceiving her into murdering herself. He then conspired with her to murder Adam. He lost his firstborn rights through these murders and took a 6,000 year kingship over the mankind which started on 3993Nisan16 when Adam and Eve left Eden and ends on 2008Nisan14. On 2008Nisan16 we all enter the second Eden of the Kingdom of God, but that will not be apparent until Jesus comes on 2008Iyyar29.
Sacred Year: This ran from Nisan1 to Adar30 after the Exodus, when the Jews left Egypt, in 1513. This calendar system, starting in the spring, is used for everything in the bible except agricultural years, which are the secular (non religious) years, or fiscal years, or tax years, in what was an agricultural economy. The UK has the tax year running from April to April, but everything else running from January to January. The Jews after the Exodus had the farming year running from Tishri to Tishri but everything else running from Nisan to Nisan.
Sealing: The sealing of a person under a baptism test occurs when he passes once and for all, that test.
Second Death: The spirit regains or retains consciousness. But it has no body at all, neither angelic nor human. This is God's maximum security prison for ex humans. It is a living death. A soul-less existence.
Second New Covenant: Made between God and the last Christians through Gordon the Mediator. The blessing of this covenant is to be a earthly king or lord in the Kingdom of God. It is a covenant for half a kingdom, the earthly half. The Second New covenant is a subcovenant of the Jacobian Angelic Covenant, the JAC, which was promised to Abraham in the third Abrahamic Covenant, the AAP.
Secular Year: This ran from Tishri1 to Elul30. This was the agricultural year, ending at the harvest festival. Most ancient calendars including the calendar used by the bible before the Jews left Egypt in 1513, started in Tishri (September/October).
Definition: A Soul, by which is meant a living soul, is one spirit, inside a self sustaining living physical or spiritual body.
Spirit: The character, the personality, the person, you!
Spirit Baptism: The spirit baptism, is the baptism in holy spirit which is being born again, which is having an angelic body created for you in heaven, which is having an associated angel. It is having all you sins forgiven from the time of the spirit baptism until an indefinite date in the future. It is the gift of a clean future conscience. It is the entrance into a subcovenant of a System covenant inferior to the 3BC and the ARC.
Spirit Baptism Test: The test of a spirit baptism, is that one should keep faith under persecution. One must join the true church to be sealed and pass this test.
Spiritually Dead: Being subject to the adamic death sentence.
Sub Covenant: A Covenant immediately inferior to a System Covenant.
Sub Mediator: A man who mediates a Sub covenant. One who has a covenant with a System Mediator.
System Covenant: A System Covenant is a covenant for the salvation of all humans in a system (Pre-flood, Peri-flood or Post Flood).
System Mediator: :A System Mediator is a human who covenants with a Blessing Mediator and mediates between him and either one or more submediators or directly with a group of humans. System Mediators mediate System Covenants.
Tartarus: The holding prison for demons before they are put into Gehenna or released.
Validation Sacrifice: A Validation Sacrifice of a System covenant, is a person who ransoms the System Mediator of that covenant. A Validation Sacrifice of a Master Covenant is a person who ransoms the Master Mediator of that Covenant. Submediators do not have their own ransomers, they pass on the cleanliness of the System Mediator, who is ransomed by a Validation Sacrifice.
Vassal King: King representing someone else.
Water Baptism: A water baptism, is the entrance into a true religion and a forgiveness of all sins in the past and an entrance into System covenant inferior to the 2BC and the CRC, normally through a subcovenant of that System Covenant. It is a baptism into the test of following the law of a true religion.
Water Baptism Test: The test of baptism in water, is that one should obey the Law of the church. Once cannot do this without faith.
Works Perfected Faith: Holding on to faith under test and proving your faith through works.
Zilpah: Jacob's wife Leah's maidservant, she gave birth to Issachar and Zebulun, the fathers of 2 of the tribes of Israel/Jacob.
Zion: One of the two hills in the city of Jerusalem. The King's Palace in the days of King David and his descendents was on this hill. Solomon's temple, was on the other hill, mount Moriah.
The below Abbreviations List is thanks to
absol. = absolute, absolutely
acc. = accusative
acc. to = according to
Act. = Active voice
act. = active signification
Adj. = Adjective
Adv. = Adverb
Aeol. = Aeolic, in the Aeolic dialect
Aesch. = Aeschylus
Aeschin. = Aeschines
Anth. = Anthology
aor. = aorist tense
Ar. = Aristophanes
Arist. = Aristotle
Att. = Attic, in Attic Greek
Babr. = Babrius
c. = cum
c. acc. cognato = with cognate accusative, i. e. when the Subst. has the same or similar signification with the Verb
c. gen. partit. = cum genitivo partitivo
c. gen. pers. = cum genitivo personae
cf. = confer, compare
collat. = collateral
Com. = Comic, in Comic Poets
Compar. or Comp. = Comparative
Conjunct. = Conjunction
contr. = contracted, contraction
dat. = dative
Dem. = Demosthenes
Dep. = Deponent Verb, i. e. a Verb of Middle or Passive form with Active sense
deriv. = derived, derivation
disyll. = disyllable
Dor. = in Doric Greek
Ep. = in Epic Greek
esp. = especially
etc. = et cetera
Eur. = Euripides
f. or fut. = future tense
fem. = feminine
fin. = finem or fine
freq. = frequent, frequently
gen. or genit. = genitive
Hdt. = Herodotus
Hes. = Hesiod
Hom. = Homer
imperat. or imper. = imperative mood
imperf. or impf. = imperfect tense
impers. = impersonal
ind. or indic. = indicative mood
inf. = infinitive mood
intr. or intrans. = intransitive
Ion. = Ionic, in the Ionic dialect
irreg. = irregular
Isocr. = Isocrates
Lat. = Latin
lengthd. = lengthened
Luc. = Lucian
Lys. = Lysias
masc. = masculine
Med., med. = medium, middle voice
metaph. = metaphorically
metri grat. = metri gratia
Mosch. = Moschus
n. pr. = nomen proprium
N. T. = New Testament
negat. = negativum
neut. = neuter
nom. = nominative
oft. = often
opp. to = opposed to
opt. or optat. = optative mood
orig. = originally
part. = participle
Pass. = Passive voice
pass. = passive signification
pecul. = peculiar
perf. or pf. = perfect tense
Pind. = Pindar
pl. or plur. = plural
Plat. = Plato
plqpf. = plusquamperfectum
Plut. = Plutarch
poët. = poetically
Polyb. = Polybius
Prep. = Preposition
pres. = present tense
q. v. = quod vide
qq. v. = quae vide
radic. = radical
regul. = regular, regularly
shortd. = shortened.
signf. = signification
sing. = singular
Soph. = Sophocles
sq. = sequens
Strab. = Strabo
sub. = subaudi, subaudito
subj. = subjunctive mood
Subst. = Substantive
syll. = syllable
Theogn. = Theognis
Theophr. = Theophrastus
Thuc. = Thucydides
Trag. = Tragic, in Tragic Greek
trans. = transitive
trisyll. = trisyllable
usu. = usually
v. = vide
verb. Adj. = verbal Adjective
voc. = voce, vocem
vocat. = vocative
Xen. = Xenophon
To follow this book/website we recommend that you get a New World Translation Bible (NWT) or a Greens Literal Bible (GLT).
If you normally read a King James Version or a Revised Standard Version Bible you can make some progress but you will miss a lot of the detail in the scriptures and you will get stuck. All the scriptures that we quote in this website/book are from the NWT or from Greek or Hebrew Interlinear Bibles, or from our own revisions to the NWT where it does not follow the original Greek or Hebrew sufficiently well, (There are many examples of this). Interlinear bibles quote the original Hebrew and Greek texts on the top line and they use a very precise English word for word translation regardless of whether it reads very well on the line beneath.
The NWT is the most accurate English translation of the Original Hebrew Old Testament and the Original Greek New Testament that we are aware of except possibly for the Literal Version of J. P. Green (GLT), which is actually a reworded form of his Interlinear Bible. We have included an electronic version of the Literal Version on our download page. It is in html format so you can view it with your web browser offline. It is also included in our fantastic bible research program at Bible Linguistics available free from
The NWT is the Jehovah's Witness Bible, printed by the Watchtower. The easiest way to get hold of one is or the likes. Please also invest in an interlinear bible...
New International Version Hebrew English Old Testament, Kohlenberger
New Greek English Interlinear New Testament,
Brown and Comfort
Both of these bibles, being interlinear, are more accurate than either the NWT or the Literal Version of J. P. Green and Sovereign Grace Publishing . Don't worry! You do not need to be able to either speak or read Greek or Hebrew to understand these books. They will give you God's word, as exactly as mankind can translate it (with no knowledge of the bible code). The Hebrew Interlinear includes the New International Version, as a parallel text, and the Greek Interlinear includes the New Revised Standard Version as the parallel text. These bibles will show you just how inaccurate these two translations can be. We advise every reader to get these two interlinear bibles, in addition to either the NWT or the G LT.
We have written a quick guide to the bare basics of the bible, for those who have never read it before, and for those who are a bit rusty. It is the basic plot of the holy book, and no man or woman can consider themselves fully educated until they have made some attempt to familiarise themselves with the one book that may actually be the work of God. You do not need to read the whole thing to get the basic flavour, or to assimilate enough background information to understand this website/book. You need only read about 10% of it. The bible is not one book, it is a collection actually of 66 books. So for your quick introductory guided tour click here, or turn to the Quick Introduction section.
The Bible expresses dates using the Biblical Lunar Calendar, the BLC (see - Biblical Lunar Calendar). There are twelve 30 day months in this calendar and they are the following:
Nisan |
March/April |
1st |
Iyyar |
April/May |
2nd |
Sivan |
May/June |
3rd |
Tammuz |
June/July |
4th |
Ab |
July/August |
5th |
Elul |
August/September |
6th |
Tishri |
September/October |
7th |
Heshvan |
October/November |
8th |
Chislev |
November/December |
9th |
Tebbeth |
December/January |
10th |
Shebat |
January/February |
11th |
Adar |
February/March |
12th |
Year CE |
Nisan 14, the Passover (see - BLC) |
33 |
March 31 Gregorian |
66 |
March 26 Gregorian |
70 | April 11 Gregorian |
1914 |
April 10 |
1917 |
April 6 |
1918 |
March 26 |
1919 |
April 14 |
1922 |
April 11 |
1925 |
April 7 |
1926 | March 28 |
1931 |
April 2 |
1935 | April 17 |
1950 |
April 1 |
1955 |
April 7 |
1977 | April 3 |
1988 |
April 1 |
1989 |
March 21 |
1990 |
April 9 |
1991 |
March 30 |
1992 |
April 17 |
1993 |
April 6 |
1994 |
March 26 |
1995 |
April 14 |
1996 |
April 2 |
1997 |
March 23 |
1998 |
April 11 |
1999 |
March 31 |
2000 | March 20 |
2001 |
April 8 |
2002 |
March 28 |
2003 | April 16 |
2004 |
April 4 |
2005 | March 24 |
2006 | April 12 |
2007 | April 2 |
2008 |
March 21 |
The Watchtower Society has done well in translating the two different Hebrew words for these two concepts:
The hidden time meaning, seems to imply that there actually is a hidden limit, in which case the translation as 'time indefinite', or 'a time not yet defined' would not strictly be correct, for such a time may never be defined. However if we allow ourselves the latitude that the time hidden may itself be forever, then we can correctly translate a hidden time as being time indefinite. Whether this is the true meaning of the Hebrew I do not at this point know.
The 'until' symbolism is rather a wonderful use of language. It is almost an omission symbolism - see the Omission Principle of the code, because the obvious question is until when?, but the when is deliberately omitted, which is symbolically saying: there is no when, no hidden time, there will be notice of termination at any future date. It is as the Psalm says:
Jehovah will rule as king to time indefinite [
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