webpages.txt and titles.txt Matching Table when copying the 2nd column to notepad++ some rows with this apostrophe (’) get concatenated - search for it - then convert titles.txt to UTF-8 to avoid black diamonds with question marks

history.html history The history of Gordon's communications with the Watchtower Governing Body
history1.html history1 1992January: Messianic Prophecy in Leviticus
history2.html history2 1992September10: Covering letter to Dan Sydlik with 'Letter to the Society' and 2 charts
history3.html history3 1992Elul11: Letter to the Society (a large book) is hand delivered to the Brooklyn Bethel. 12 copies, one addressed to each Governing Body Member.
history4.html history4 1992Heshvan16/17: Genesis Book, sent to the 12 Governing Body members of the Watchtower
history5.html history5 1992Chislev1: Covering Letter to Todd Ellison
history6.html history6 1993Chislev1: Letter to Governing Body re 2nd New Covenant
history7.html history7 1994Adar17: Letter to Governing Body declaring that Gordon is an Elijah and the messenger of a new covenant.
history8.html history8 1994Nisan3: Letter to Governing Body explaining how to celebrate the memorial.
history9.html history9 1994Sivan24: Letter to the Elders of the Leytonstone Congregation: Giving each one a different proof of the date of the end of the ARC world as 2008Nisan14 (thought at that time to be the physical end of the system)
history10.html history10 1994Tammuz9: Re Milton Henschel's Sanctification
history11.html history11 1994Heshvan20: The Doors of the House of Jehovah Are Now Open
history12.html history12 1994Heshvan20: Covering letter to Todd Ellison
history13.html history13 1994Heshvan30: The Upper House and the Lower House: The Theocrats and the Democrats
history14.html history14 1994Heshvan30: Covering letter to Todd Ellison
history15.html history15 1994November18: Letter from EZF acknowledging receipt
history16.html history16 1994Chislev12: Invitation to dinner: Dan Sydlik responded by phone.
history17.html history17 1994December7: Thank you letter to Dan Sydlik
history17original.html history17original 1994December7: Thank you letter to Dan Sydlik
history18.html history18 1994December20: Letter to Milton Henschel
history19.html history19 1995January17: Diary of events from 1994November14
history20.html history20 1996January17: Letter to John Barr
history21.html history21 1995Nisan10: Letter to EZF telling the society that the 1995Nisan14 memorial will fail.
history22.html history22 1995Nisan25: Letter to the Writing Committee about falling in LOVE.
history23.html history23 1995July7: Letter to the writing Committee/EZF: Do not release any of my work or your wineskins will burst.
history24.html history24 1995November9: Letter to the Governing body re: The Brooklyn Brothel.
history25.html history25 1995Heshvan20: Letter to the Governing Body: Re future mailing of: the Faithful and Discreet Slave is cut in two.
history26.html history26 1996: The Faithful and Discreet Slave is Cut in Two.
history27.html history27 1995Heshvan30: 1995November26: Invitation to the writing committee to come to the Speculators Banquet at the Hilton Mid Town NYC.
history28.html history28 1996February26: Letter to the Elder Roger Hollis of the Leytonstone Congregation copying him in on my letter to Presiding overseer of US Congregations containing Governing Body Members, explaining why the Faithful and Discreet Slave has become the Evil Slave and that Milton Henschel is is not sanctified.
history29.html history29 1996February28: Record of Gordon's disfellowshipping from the Watchtower.
history30.html history30 1996April14: The Cock always Crows Twice.
history31.html history31 1996May20: Letter to the Presiding Overseer of the Leytonstone congregation (Ray Eden) explaining the shunning is satanic and anti scriptural.
history32.html history32 2006April20-22: Letter to Don Adams re Passover, explaining how it should be celebrated.
intro0.html i0 Why should I study the Bible, what use is that old book to me in the 21st century?
intro1.html i1 There is a God - His name is Jehovah, Yahwey, Yihevuhe, Yihvuh
intro2.html i2 Why did God create the Angels? Why did he create the universe? Why did he create us?
intro3.html i3 The Armageddon Equation and the Corruption Equilibrium
intro4.html i4 The Bible and its Translations
intro5.html i5 Pre Adamic Man, Male and Female Angels, Angelic Procreation, Pre-adamic Procreation, Post-adamic Procreation
intro6.html i6 Who were Adam and Eve?
intro7.html i7 The strange way the bible is written: Cain and Abel, No man has ascended, Get thee behind me Satan, the sleeping spirit of Jairus' daughter, Enoch was transferred so as not to see death and Paul's spaghetti speech in Romans4
intro7a.html i7a Logical Pathways and one step thinking
intro8.html i8 From Adam to Noah to Abraham to David to Jesus, The Patriarchs
intro9.html i9 What is a Soul, What is a Spirit?
intro10.html i10 Why do we die?
intro11.html i11 The Holy Spirit is God's Wife!
intro12.html i12 How is one born again without dying?
intro13.html i13 What is physical death?
intro14.html i14 What the Hell is Gehenna? Why does God permit Demon Possession? Universal Salvation: God will save each and every one of us. For God is love and love is salvation
intro15.html i15 120, 240, 480, 960 and indefinite lifespan humans
intro16.html i16 Jesus is the archangel Michael, Michaelmas is Christmas and Jesus came to earth before his ministry as Enoch. Michael possessed Enoch
intro17.html i17 Jesus was non adamic and created by in vivo fertilisation and genetic enhancement
intro18.html i18 Gabriel was John the Baptist
intro19.html i19 An introduction to Satan, Michael, Gabriel
intro19a.html i19a The first few verses of John 1
intro20.html i20 Melchizedek was Cainan in the post flood system and Jared in the pre flood system
intro20a.html i20a Methuselah was the firstborn human son of the Archangel Michael in Enoch. Melchizedek was Jared, the 2nd Adam
intro20b.html i20b Gabriel was the firstborn angelic son of the archangel Michael. Abraham was also his direct angelic son.
intro21.html i21 The 18+ non adamic humans (for more see U506 and U107 and U8)
intro22.html i22 Satan, Judas, demon possession, Jesus' torture and the gifts of the spirit
intro23.html i23 Satan is the ruler of this system of things
intro24.html i24 Methuselah, Jesus' first born human son, is the physical ruler of the next system of things, the Kingdom of God
intro25.html i25 Monarchy, Democracy, Qualifying Democracy, Constitutional Democracy, Qualifying Constitutional Democracy, Qualifying Constitutional Meritocracy, Qualifying Constitutional Philanthropocracy, Qualifying Constitutional Patriarchal Philanthropocracy.
intro25a.html i25a Men, Women, Love and Power
intro26.html i26 When Jesus gave his life for us, he became the second God to be worshipped like his father Jehovah.
intro27.html i27 Our destiny is to become Gods like Jehovah and Jesus
intro28.html i28 The 24 Salvation Covenants (The FRC/LRC, FBC, LBC, JLC/OMC/2LC, CRC, CBC, ARC, ABC, SAC, NAC, JAC, ICC, Mosaic Law, 1EC, 2EC, 3EC, 4EC, AFC, SFC, 1AC, 1NC, 2NC, ELC, HLC) Part1
intro29.html i29 The Plan so far for the salvation of Man and the Angels
intro30.html i30 The Power of the Law of Moses today, Observe the Sabbath, Obey the 10 + 2 commandments for Christians
intro31.html i31 The First New Covenant
intro32.html i32 What exactly is baptism?
intro33.html i33 The start and end of the 3 baptisms
intro34.html i34 Loved Animals will be resurrected into the Kingdom
intro35.html i35 The Second New Covenant (see also U11)
intro37.html i37 The Lord's Witnesses, the church of the 2NC, the 4th true Christian church, the Church of 1000 corrected mistakes, Institutional Papal Fallibility
intro39.html i39 The Top Ten Trinity Busters
intro40.html i40 Why does God not just tell us all the whole plan from start to finish in plain English or Greek or Hebrew? Why is the bible not written in a way that everyone can understand?
intro41.html i41 When is abortion murder?
intro41a.html i41a How can one reconcile the vindictive God of the old testament with the forgiving God of the new testament?
intro41b.html i41b How can an omnipotent loving God permit so much pain and suffering?
intro42.html i42 The real heavenly currency
intro43.html i43 Get up, pick up your bed and walk
intro44.html i44 Do you have to be a Lords' Witness to enter into the ark? Can gays be saved?
intro45.html i45 The 2 presences of the Christ
intro46.html i46 The 4 True Christian Churches
intro47.html i47 The fall and the fix of Adam and Eve
intro48.html i48 The Hidden Goal of the Hidden World Government
intro49.html i49 The Brotherly Love Covenant, the Philadelphia Covenant, the Jesus' Love Covenant, the 2nd Law Covenant, the Omega Covenant, the BLC, PAC, JLC, 2LC, OMC
intro50.html i50 Definitions and Acronyms
intro51.html i51 We are all human angelic hybrids. Everyone borrows or owns an angel which is his real time backup
intro52.html i52 Humans, Gods and Angels, all have 2 souls
understanding0.html 0 Am I Brainwashed? How can I tell?
understanding1.html 1 Millions of years of human fossils reconciled with Genesis
understanding2.html 2 A Quick Introduction to the Bible
understanding3.html 3 The difference between a prayer and a blessing and who can pray to Jehovah?
understanding4.html 4 The Biblical Lunar Calendar (BLC)
understanding5.html 5 How Ages & Reigns are counted
understanding6.html 6 Jesus only referred to himself as THE Son of Man after John was imprisoned by Herod AND Job was non adamic
understanding7.html 7 How do Women become Gods?
understanding8.html 8 The Structure of the Kingdom of God: New Jerusalem and the Great Crowd of Revelation 7:9
understanding9.html 9 The 24 Salvation Covenants (The FRC/LRC, FBC, LBC, JLC/OMC/2LC, CRC, CBC, ARC, ABC, SAC, NAC, JAC, ICC, Mosaic Law, 1EC, 2EC, 3EC, 4EC, AFC, SFC, 1AC, 1NC, 2NC, ELC, HLC) Part2
understanding10.html 10 Abel, Cain and Seth
understanding11.html 11 Jeremiah31 and Hebrews 8: The Earthly Lord Covenant of Paul, the covenant of Bilhah, the ELC, the 2NC of Rachel and the HLC of Zilpah
understanding12.html 12 Jesus spent 5 hours in the Gates of Hades without actually entering the place and 10 hours in Gehenna
understanding13.html 13 The Roman Catholic Church removed parts of the present Bible Canon
understanding14.html 14 If you do not hate your brothers you cannot be my disciple - What? You must hate your own soul - Really? If you find your soul you will lose it - Uh?
understanding15.html 15 The 4 cups of the the Last Supper
understanding16.html 16 The Date of the end of the 6,000 year World of Michael's lease without using the Code
understanding17.html 17 Satan sold his firstborn rights to Michael for a 6,000 year kingdom over mankind, this being the greater bowl of soup, bowl of red, deal
understanding18.html 18 The Role of Women in the administrative structure of the Christian Church
understanding19.html 19 Making mistakes, false prophets and Papal Infallibility
understanding20.html 20 How Can Mankind Avoid Armageddon?
understanding21.html 21 Do True Christians have to give up all their Material Possessions?
understanding22.html 22 The Evening Meal of the Lamb's Marriage
understanding23.html 23 The Sermon on the Ridge (Totteridge)
understanding24.html 24 The Grand Unifying Theory of Bible festivals: Cakes and Booths are to be united into one giant festival of Cakes Booths
understanding25.html 25 The First Blood Sacrifice Ever Made
understanding26.html 26 The Logical step from Existence and Uniqueness to Identification (a short tutorial in Logic)
understanding27.html 27 Satan got an extra 2,000 days in heaven to repay his 2,000 day eviction for Jesus' ministry and the gifts of the spirit thereafter, and was repaid the 42 months of Jesus' ministry (1254 days) before the Kingdom of Jesus was appointed/installed as Caesar over Adam on 2020Tishri20/Chislev9
understanding28.html 28 Who is the Antichrist and who are the Antichrists?
understanding29.html 29 The circumcision of the flesh, the heart, the mind and the spirit and the triple anchor
understanding30.html 30 The 50,000 year Jubliee to Divinity
understanding31.html 31 The Date of the end of the original ARC world from the Exedenic Times and from Pharaoh's Times using the Prophetic Times Substitution Principle of the Code
understanding32.html 32 The 7 Mediators and Submediators of the ACP, the LCC and the AAP
understanding33.html 33 The 2 Presences of the Christ - Continued
understanding34.html 34 The 4 Slaves of the Master in the 2 Presences, 4 True Christian Religions appointed by Jesus
understanding35.html 35 Matthew 25: The parable of the slaves given the talents
understanding36.html 36 Luke 19: The 10 slaves the 10 minas and the 10 cities
understanding37.html 37 The application of the 7 stars and the 7 lampstands to the Lord's day
understanding38.html 38 Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia
understanding39.html 39 The Word Symbolic Meaning of the Last Supper
understanding40.html 40 1Chronicles 21 & 2 Samuel 24: The Registration sin, the 3 times of the Temple Times, the 1.1 million days of 1AC entrance
understanding41.html 41 The Fundamental Pattern of Adam's life and Jesus' life
understanding42.html 42 The Fundamental Pattern of Adam's Life and Jesus' Life, the Kingdom of God and every true church
understanding43.html 43 75% are saved into the Kingdom of God and 25% are not
understanding44.html 44 Who should worship Jesus?
understanding45.html 45 What is Worship and How should we do it?
understanding46.html 46 Did the Holy Spirit commit adultery with the virgin Mary?
understanding47.html 47 The Church of Cain
understanding48.html 48 The real heavenly currency, righteous acts, versus the fake earthly currency, money
understanding49.html 49 Grammatical proof that the Bible is written in a Symbolic code
understanding50.html 50 To a hidden time, into the age, of the age, into the ages of the ages
understanding51.html 51 Isaac Rebekah and the Twins, the battle of the seeds
understanding52.html 52 Babel and Pentecost: Scrambling our Tongues and Speaking in Tongues
understanding53.html 53 God's view of Prostitution
understanding54.html 54 Eden2 and Eden3. Star Trek is a Reality: To where was David resurrected?
understanding55.html 55 The greater meanings of the Crucifixion Scene
understanding56.html 56 6x of Slavery followed by a Sabbath Release into Religious Freedom
understanding57.html 57 Can Women be 1NC Kings or 2NC Kings in the next system?
understanding58.html 58 Mary and Martha: Which portion are you choosing?
understanding59.html 59 Beaming and Rapturing: The Sci-Fi Epic of Mankind's Salvation, the Greater Ark of Noah
understanding60.html 60 John 10: The Doorkeeper, the Shepherd, the Thief and the 2 Flocks
understanding61.html 61 The Rich Man and Lazarus
understanding62.html 62 4 Apostles leave or mend their nets
understanding63.html 63 The Parables of the Sower of Matthew 13, Mark 4 & Luke 8
understanding64.html 64 Judas, the Man of Lawlessness, the one acting as a restraint, the thing as a restraint and the Final Betrayal
understanding65.html 65 The 10 Virgins of Matthew 25
understanding66.html 66 The Dragnet
understanding67.html 67 The 4 feedings of the 5,000 and the 2 feedings of the 4,000
understanding68.html 68 The 4 Gospels relate to the 4 True Christian Churches. There are only 4 Gospels and 5 books of Psalms making 70 books.
understanding69.html 69 The Parable of the leaven hidden by a woman in 3 Seah's of flour
understanding70.html 70 The Wheat vs the Weeds, the JAC vs the DAC, the 1AC vs the VCC and the OMC vs the CSC
understanding71.html 71 The Phoenician Woman and her demonised daughter
understanding72.html 72 Give us the sequence of the Signs of the Times!
understanding73.html 73 The First Rock and the Rock Mass
understanding74.html 74 The Stater Coin (4 Drachmas) in the Fishes Mouth! 4 Christian Churches that Stand up
understanding75.html 75 The young child stood in the midst of the church
understanding76.html 76 The parable of Star Trek III
understanding77.html 77 The Signs of the Times
understanding77a.html 77a Matthew 24:7: In the Conclusion of the age there will be regional crises/shakeups and regional famines (not just physical earthquakes)
understanding78.html 78 Matthew 23: Jesus Condemns the Pharisees of the Law, the first Christian Church and the Watchtower.
understanding78a.html 78a Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem
understanding79.html 79 Matthew 2: Two Greater Nativity Drama's.
understanding80.html 80 The 12 Apostles: The 12 Apostles: Peter is Joseph, the rib that was formed into the woman of the 3rd Holy Spirit and brought to the man of Jesus: Lazarus and Joseph surnamed Justus of Acts1 are Ephraim and Manasseh, his two half tribes
understanding81.html 81 The 3 Tents of the Transfiguration
understanding82.html 82 Lazarus was the disciple whom Jesus loved and Lazarus Mary and Martha were at the last supper!
understanding83.html 83 The first meaning of the first few Chapters of the Gospel of John
understanding84.html 84 You must be born from above to see the kingdom of God and born from water and spirit to enter it
understanding85.html 85 Water baptism becomes wine baptism at Cana
understanding86.html 86 The Sermon on the mount
understanding87.html 87 Matthew20: The Vineyard Cultivator Parables
understanding88.html 88 The Temptations of the Christ and of his Wife (and some more things to do)
understanding89.html 89 Jesus was first resurrected in his Yeshuaian human body
understanding90.html 90 Ancient Calendars
understanding91.html 91 The Chronology from Solomon to Zedekiah
understanding92.html 92 Saul David & Solomon
understanding93.html 93 The 450 years of Acts 13
understanding94.html 94 The Chronology of Judges
understanding95.html 95 The Chronology from Abraham to the Exodus
understanding96.html 96 Chronology of early Genesis, from Adam to Abraham
understanding97.html 97 Jehoiakim’s accession and the 7800 day famine in Jerusalem of Ezekiel 4
understanding98.html 98 The 20th year of Artaxerxes I was 455 BC
understanding99.html 99 Evidence for 604 being the first regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar
understanding100.html 100 The Midst Prophecy
understanding101.html 101 The Master Chronology of God’s people from Adam to Armageddon
understanding102.html 102 Resurrection Timetables for the Kingdom of God
understanding103.html 103 The Weekly and Monthly Sabbath System of FDS4 and Atonement day fasting and affliction rules
understanding105.html 105 The Great Jubilee of the Final battle of Jericho
understanding106.html 106 The 120x of the Warning Times and of Moses
understanding107.html 107 The problem of the 414 or so years between the birth of Boaz around 1450 BC and the death of King David in 1036 BC (Jesse was non adamic) and 6,000 year Hebrew Calendar corruption. Samson and Samuel were also non adamic
understanding108.html 108 The 2:1 Temple (Sanctuary) Ratio Prophecy of Emmanuel Diaz Sanchez
understanding109.html 109 The inobservable Kingdom of Jesus precedes the Kingdom of God
understanding110.html 110 The hour of the test, the sheep and the goats, everyone takes the love test
understanding111.html 111 Amos1-2: 7 years of revolts against Isaaic Zoar, lead to 8 years of Mark of the beast Registration which God shall not turn back
understanding112.html 112 More End Times Chronology with the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 occurring on 2023Iyyar28-Sivan7 (2023May18-28) and on 2023Sivan20-23 (2023June9-13)
understanding113.html 113 The 6½ year secular Kingdom ministry of the 3rd Holy Spirit from 2026Heshvan5, when they take over Abrahamic Zoar, to 2033Iyyar14, the late 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Cain
understanding114.html 114 Anybody who is adamic cannot work for God during the 1,000 year sacred Sabbath for Adam from 2012Sivan14 to 3012Sivan14. Therefore nobody who is adamic is in a true church and all those in true churches are now non adamic or Cainian.
understanding115.html 115 The Roman Catholic Church fell as a true religion on 84Nisan14. The founding of the Papacy on 67Tebbeth20 was the transgression causing desolation to the first True Christian Church (TCC1)
understanding116.html 116 Unless the days of the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24:20 were cut short no flesh would be saved and unless Jehovah had cut short the days of the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark 13:19 no flesh would be saved
understanding117.html 117 The 2 leases: The 6,000, the 6004 year ARC headlease of Michael over Adam and the 6,000 year sublease of Satan as Caesar to Adam
understanding118.html 118 A first installation occurs at the relevant 1st Pentecost festival date, a 2nd installation at the 2nd Pentecost festival date, a 3rd at the 3rd and so on
understanding119.html 119 You only live 7 times Mr. Bond
understanding120.html 120 John Brown's Gentile Times and 1914
understanding121.html 121 Leviticus 26: The Curse of the Law, the 98 year Maccabean and 4 year Jesus' Jewish Ministry and 4 year Paul's Gentile gapped Gentile Times and the 4 year Jesus' Jewish Ministry gapped Davidic Israeli Gentile Times
understanding122.html 122 The Two 70 year exiles of Judah and Israel
understanding123.html 123 The Daniel 4 Determination of the Exedenic, Alienation and Gentile Times
understanding124.html 124 The Third Determination of The Gentile Times
understanding125.html 125 3 giant leaps for mankind - The realisation that the Gentile Times is one of three large maledictions
understanding126.html 126 The 3 blessings for God’s children and the 3 rights of the firstborn
understanding126a.html 126a The 3 stages to the end of a true church or a system
understanding127.html 127 The Family under Law
understanding128.html 128 The Alienation Times
understanding129.html 129 Spattering blood 7x before the altar and the 7 times of the Alienation Times
understanding130.html 130 The Sabbath and the Jubilee debt releases and the 7x of the Alienation Times
understanding131.html 131 The Ground is cursed due to Adam and baptised in the flood
understanding132.html 132 The Exedenic Times
understanding133.html 133 Genesis 4: The 7 Prophetic Times of the Exedenic Times and the 11 Prophetic Times of Lamech's Times
understanding134.html 134 The 3 Annual Festivals and the 3 Maledictions
understanding135.html 135 The 6 Maledictions of Balak the Watchtower administration, and Balaam, the Laodicean administration and the Sabbath payback understanding of the Ass
understanding136.html 136 Daniel 4: The 4 triple Maledictions of 7x
understanding137.html 137 2 Peter 3:8: Taking a day to be a millennium in the bible
understanding150.html 150 The 70 'sevens' of Daniel 9 and the Wittenberg Castle Church
understanding151.html 151 Revelation Decoded
understanding152.html 152 Daniel 12: The water baptisms of FDS1 and FDS3
understanding153.html 153 The first and last century fulfilments of the 1290 and 1335 days of Daniel 12
understanding154.html 154 Genesis 18/19: Armageddon, and greater destruction of Sodom by fire, the greater flood of Noah
understanding155.html 155 The Watchtower Society’s 1290 days does not work & their 1335 days do not fit: For Jehovah’s Witnesses
understanding156.html 156 Daniel 7: The lion the bear the leopard and terrible beast
understanding157.html 157 Daniel 8: The ram the goat and the 2300 evenings and mornings
understanding158.html 158 Revelation 13 and 17: Earth born and Sea born wild beasts and an image: The meanings of 616
understanding159.html 159 Revelation 17: The Roman Catholic Church and the UN
understanding160.html 160 Ransoms of humans and of domestic animals and Jesus laid with the animals in a manger since there was no room at the inn
understanding161.html 161 The first and 20th century fulfilments of the 1365 days
understanding162.html 162 A possible fulfillment of the 1365 days of Numbers 3
understanding163.html 163 Daniel 10: 1NC reserves see a vision of 2NC Zoar on 2020Sivan24
understanding164.html 164 Daniel 5: Mene Mene Tekel and Parsin
understanding165.html 165 Revelation 12: Satan and the Angels of his dragon were passed over in heaven on 2022Elul14, after losing the 8 month war of Revelation12 from 2021Tebbeth10, the end of the 2000 day first century eviction pay back period from 2016Sivan20, first fruits after the end of Michael's 50 month non adamic restoration lease over Adam from 2012Nisan16 after Satan's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam from 3989Nisan16 BC to 2012Nisan14
understanding167.html 167 Daniel 2: World Powers and The Christian congregation
understanding168.html 168 2 Peter 3: The Lord's Day and the Day of the God: Peter Reveals that the flood account has a greater meaning applying to a lava flood and a greater ark
understanding169.html 169 Daniel 6
understanding170.html 170 Daniel 11:The King of the North, The King of the South, The contemptible King, Historical Theologians vs. Evangelical Theologians
understanding171.html 171 Daniel 3: The musical instruments, the image of gold and the fiery furnace
understanding172.html 172 Daniel 1: Testing the 4 Hebrews for 10 days with the delicacies of a king
understanding173.html 173 Revelation11: The 2 Witnesses are the LWs and Laodicea. The Spirit of life from God is the 3rd Holy Spirit
understanding174.html 174 To WW3 or not to WW3? That is the question
understanding175.html 175 Taking a time (360 days) for 1335 days of Daniel12 gives us the ratio of the preflood ARC world to the pre ARK world: Taking a time (360 days) for 1290 days gives up the ratio of the preflood ARC world to the world before End Times Chronology began when John Aquila Brown first took a day for a year in Daniel4
understanding190.html 190 The 5 Gods so far and definitions of God...
understanding191.html 191 John 5: Bethzatha, 5 Colonnades and 38 Years
understanding192.html 192 Matthew 20: 5 Calls to work in the householder’s vineyard. The Householder left the Vineyard 5x to hire a new set of workers, a new true church
understanding193.html 193 Acts 10,11: The 100 years of the Centurion Cornelius.
understanding194.html 194 The significance of Dinah's listing in Genesis 30 amongst the sons of Jacob, and the 2 daughters of Lot sleeping with their father
understanding195.html 195 Jeremiah 52, 1 Kings 7, 2 Kings 25, 2 Chronicles 3,4: Boaz and Jachin, lillies and pomegranates
understanding196.html 196 The 2NC Kings are the angelic sons of their corresponding 1NC fathers
understanding197.html 197 Faith perfected works and Works perfected faith
understanding198.html 198 The baptisms of Acts 2, Acts 8, Acts 10, Acts 19 and 1John5, the spirit, the water and the blood
understanding199.html 199 The Pre Trib Rapture of the Saints, the Pre Trib rapture of the Priests and Pre Trib/Mid Trib rapture of the FRCs, into the ark
understanding200.html 200 The 4 tablets of the covenant, tablet shattering day and the date of 2NC first fruits and the 2NC Pentecost
understanding201.html 201 Malachi 4: The 4 Elijah’s
understanding202.html 202 Mankind will be vomited out from his land
understanding203.html 203 The Baptism into Moses
understanding204.html 204 The Minimum Belief Set of the LWs and the method of baptising
understanding205.html 205 Mesopotamia
understanding206.html 206 The two groups of 144,000 standing on mount Zion
understanding207.html 207 1Kings6: 10 cubit Cherubs and the 2 angelic salvation covenants for the angels in heaven
understanding208.html 208 John 21: 200 Cubits and 153 Big Fish
understanding209.html 209 The Mandatory Christian Festivals are the Christianisation of the Mandatory Mosaic Festivals - How to celebrate the 2NC and Booths and Cakes
understanding210.html 210 Genesis 16:The Symbolic Drama of Hagar and Sarah, the two Women of Galatians 4
understanding211.html 211 New Watchtower Passover and the great late Passover of Hezekiah of 2 Chronicles 29 and 30 and Exodus 12 and Josiah of 2Chronicles35
understanding212.html 212 John 11: The resurrection of Lazarus (the 1NC reserves in Laodicea). His 2 sisters are 2NCs in Laodicea and the 2NCs in the LWs
understanding213.html 213 Where is Jesus' Body? The Mechanics of Validation Sacrifices
understanding214.html 214 Acts 3: In the name of the Nazarene - Walk to the beautiful gate!
understanding215.html 215 Code Proofs that Need More Work
understanding216.html 216 2 Samuel 7: The Throne of David and his Covenant
understanding217.html 217 Levi runs the earthly true church administration, the Holy Place. Aaron runs the heavenly true church administration, the Most Holy Place
understanding218.html 218 The descended new Jerusalem of Revelation21, the administrative structure of the Kingdom of God and the John Lennon covenant, the Jesus' love covenant, the JLC, the Omega Covenant, the OMC
understanding219.html 219 1Peter3: The Greater Ark of Noah
understanding220.html 220 Historical Evidence for the Flood of Noah
understanding221.html 221 Evolution & Creation: Darwin's Finches may all be in the same species
understanding223.html 223 What is a Cult ?
understanding224.html 224 How the Nations Descended from Noah and the 120 year max human lifespan from Josephus
understanding225.html 225 The Role of John the Baptist in God's Plan
understanding227.html 227 The Politics of Reversing Babel
understanding228.html 228 Isaiah 1,2,3: Nations will stream to the mountain of the house of Jehovah not the mountain of the house of David
understanding229.html 229 Job's 7 Sons were Resurrected!
understanding231.html 231 The way the truth and the life
understanding232.html 232 Relative submission and the sacred secret police
understanding233.html 233 The 7 presidents of FDS1 and the first 7 presidents of FDS2
understanding234.html 234 The Munrose Hypothesis: A Brief History of Light - The date of the Big Bang from Genesis 1
understanding235.html 235 Why do I have to do what God Says?
understanding236.html 236 Genesis 3: The heavenly and earthly rebellions
understanding237.html 237 Matthew 24, Mark 13: Concerning that day AND hour, nobody knows, Concerning that day OR hour, nobody knows
understanding238.html 238 There weren't any pre adamic humans in the ark
understanding239.html 239 3 Days of sacrifice in the wilderness for the sons of Israel
understanding240.html 240 The 7 appearances of the Christ to his disciples after his resurrection
understanding241.html 241 The True Meaning of Christmas
understanding242.html 242 Satan has already been abyssed for at least one period of 1,000 years
understanding243.html 243 The 30 cubit height and 50 cubit width of the ark means that every SAINT who enters into the ark must spend 50 days in the ark before climbing Jacob's 30 step, 30 day, 30 cubit ladder
understanding244.html 244 How Adam and Eve were created
understanding245.html 245 23 attempts to prophesy the date of the expansion of the permanent membership of the UNSC. And How might the World End?
understanding246.html 246 The Watchtower joined the UN for 10 years in secret, the Harlot rode the Beast
understanding247.html 247 The UN accepted the Watchtower as an associated NGO on January 28th 1992 - This was the transgression that causes desolation to them of Daniel 8, it leads to the placing of the disgusting thing that causes desolation of Daniel 12, Matthew 24 and Mark 13.
understanding248.html 248 The Manifestation of the first Presence was the Apocalypse of John. The Manifestation of the 2nd is the Jesus' wife descending into the ark and rapturing those to be saved into the ark
understanding249.html 249 Isaiah40: Giving advice to God
understanding250.html 250 Becoming Acorporeal
understanding251.html 251 3 days and 3 nights of Jonah in the heart of the earth
understanding252.html 252 Numbers 12: Miriam spends 7 days outside the camp
understanding253.html 253 Contributions Ananias and Saphira
understanding254.html 254 Michael was a 40th generation angel
understanding255.html 255 Sleep Death and the Heavenly Modem link
understanding256.html 256 The Greater Altar and how angels worship God
understanding257.html 257 The Spirit is the Mind and the Heart together. It is Software which can run on Human, Angelic or Divine Hardware
understanding258.html 258 Conundrums: How did Melchizedek have no beginning of days? How is John the baptist less than the lesser one in the kingdom? How did the one coming behind me advance in front of me? etc
understanding259.html 259 What happens if you knock on the door of the Watchtower?
understanding260.html 260 The Blasphemy of the 2008 Twickenham Watchtower convention
understanding261.html 261 The chess game played by the angels and the demons through your modem link
understanding262.html 262 Whitewashed Walls Fall Down
understanding263.html 263 A Greater meaning of the annual festivals under law and the traditional fasts of the Jews
understanding264.html 264 How did Jehovah become a God? (created on 2010Feb10 at 1am and finished on 2010Feb17 at 1am)
understanding264a.html 264a How did Jehovah become a God? Latest Version
understanding265.html 265 Is the Universe Real or is it a Virtual Reality?
understanding266.html 266 Genesis 11: The new tower of Babel. One set of words for the Watchtower
understanding267.html 267 Ezekiel's Temple: The Salvation of Man in Mosaic format
understanding268.html 268 Judges 19-20: The folly of Levi and Benjamin, the cut up concubine
understanding269.html 269 2 Samuel 21: 4 Physical battles with giant Philistines at Gath are the 4 spiritual battles to establish the 4 Christian churches
understanding270.html 270 Isaiah prophesied the 911 twin towers attack. And he prophesied that something similar and a lot larger would occur afterwards
understanding271-10.html 271-10 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14 Chronology: How we deduced it
understanding271-11.html 271-11 Latest Chronology: A brief summary of the reasoning behind the 2nd and 3rd fire sign prediction dates of 1Kings18
understanding271-12.html 271-12 Latest ChronologyII: A brief summary of the reasoning behind the 2nd and 3rd fire sign prediction dates of 1Kings18
understanding271-2022Adar5.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Adar13.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Adar21.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Chislev4-6.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Chislev5.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Shebat5.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Shebat19.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Shebat21.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Tebbeth5.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Tebbeth13.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2022Tebbeth21.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271-2023Nisan21.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271Timelines.html 271Timelines 1Kings18: The history of our Timeline Charts from the 547th to the 552nd subprediction and Further Chronological Understandings
understanding271a.html Fire Sign Prediction
understanding271aq.html Latest Fire Sign Prediction of 1Kings18
understanding271az.html 271az 1Kings18: The history of all 401 fire sign predictions
understanding271b.html 271b Signs in the Sun and Moon and Stars: Triple Total Solar Eclipses, Quadruple Total Lunar Eclipses and the Double Signs of Acts2 and Joel2
understanding271c.html 271c 1Samuel11: 300,000 men who fought the Ammonites under Saul
understanding272.html 272 Measuring the Great Day of Jehovah, the Fearful Day of Jehovah and the Day of Jehovah of Joel1/2/3, Zephaniah1, Malachi4, Amos5 and Isaiah13. Obadiah, Ezekiel13, Acts2, 2Thessalonians2, 2Peter3
understanding273.html 273 Ezekiel 37: The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone - hear the word of the Lord
understanding274.html 274 The Sign of Jonah
understanding275.html 275 2Kings7: 4 Lepers and an Asses Head
understanding276.html 276 Isaiah 60 and Isaiah 61: The acceptable year, the year of acceptance, the accepting year, the year of goodwill
understanding277.html 277 Ezekiel 8: Making a hole in the wall
understanding278.html 278 Haggai
understanding279.html 279 Isaiah 7
understanding280.html 280 Ezekiel's Visionary Chariot, Cherubs and Living Creatures
understanding281.html 281 Micah 4 and 5: The Greater Bethlehem Ephrathah
understanding282.html 282 Hosea 11: Out of Egypt I called my Son
understanding283.html 283 Jeremiah 30-31: Weeping in Ramah and a New Covenant
understanding284.html 284 Isaiah 9: Galilee of the nations, the people sitting in darkness saw a great light!
understanding285.html 285 Isaiah 53: He took our sickness and carried our diseases
understanding286.html 286 Hosea 6: I want mercy and not sacrifice
understanding287.html 287 Micah 6: Conduct a Legal case with the Mountains!
understanding288.html 288 Micah 7: I came to cause division
understanding289.html 289 Malachi 3-4: Look I am sending my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way ahead of you!
understanding290.html 290 Isaiah 42: No bruised reed will he crush. No dim flaxen wick will he extinguish until he sends out justice with success
understanding291.html 291 Isaiah6: Hear but do not understand. Look, but do not see
understanding292.html 292 Isaiah29: These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me
understanding293.html 293 Zechariah 9: Your king comes riding upon an ass
understanding294.html 294 Isaiah56 and Jeremiah7: The house of prayer for all the nations becomes a cave of robbers
understanding295.html 295 Isaiah66: The woman who gives birth before she has birth pains!
understanding296.html 296 1Kings3: Solomon's threat to cut the child in two must be fulfilled (FDS as well?)
understanding297.html 297 Judges16: Samson is the 7th angel, the Laodicean Star
understanding298.html 298 The Time of Calamity versus the Time of Distress
understanding299.html 299 Isaiah 54: The Barren desolate and widowed woman with no birth pains versus the slave girl with the owner
understanding300.html 300 Genesis 1: The heavenly creations and the earthly creations
understanding301.html 301 Genesis 2-4: Forming the Man and identifying Adam's true seed
understanding302.html 302 Genesis 37: Joseph is sold into slavery
understanding303.html 303 Genesis 29: Jacobs' marriage to Leah and Rachel
understanding304.html 304 Genesis 41: Corned Beef: The 7 fat cows and the 7 thin cows and the 7 fat and thin ears of grain are famines and feasts in physical and spiritual food and the last 14 years and the last 14 months of this world
understanding305.html 305 Genesis 2: The two will become one flesh
understanding306.html 306 Genesis 42-47: Some initial thoughts
understanding307.html 307 Genesis 14: Rescuing Lot mustering 318 men, 4 kings against 5
understanding308.html 308 Genesis 6: The Nephilim that ruin the Earth
understanding309.html 309 The greater 400 years of affliction of one seed by another
understanding310.html 310 Genesis 30: Laban and Jacob's flocks
understanding311.html 311 Genesis 15: 400 years of affliction of a seed in a land not theirs
understanding312.html 312 Genesis 40: The cupbearer, the Baker, the chiefs of the same and Joseph
understanding313.html 313 Genesis 17: Heavenly Moses moving the rod from one hand to the other with Aaron and Hur in support
understanding314.html 314 Genesis 3-4: The Gory Detail of Original Sin and the Origin of the Nephilim, Satan was the father of Cain - and he or a demonic son of his was Arba the father of Anak.
understanding315.html 315 Genesis 27: The greater blessing of Isaac meant for Esau but given to Jacob
understanding316.html 316 Genesis 29: Jacob's Well/Fountain
understanding317.html 317 Genesis3: Adam was installed as priest to his family on 3989Sivan6, the Pentecost and mankind was released back to the tree of life on 3989Sivan10 BC, Jubilee release day of the first 50 month Jubilee of Michael's 6,000 year headlease
understanding318.html 318 Genesis 22: 2 Horns in a Thicket: Isaac becomes non adamic
understanding350.html 350 Deuteronomy 8: Man will not live by bread alone but by every saying coming from the mouth of God
understanding351.html 351 Deuteronomy 24: The Certificate of Divorce (greater meaning)
understanding353.html 353 Numbers 21: The Copper Serpent - The snake bite cure of the copper serpent of Moses and the snake bite cure of the crucifixion of Jesus by the true church
understanding354.html 354 Exodus 20: Honour your father and your mother
understanding355.html 355 Matthew 18 and Deuteronomy 19: At the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses
understanding356.html 356 The Chronology of the Exodus and of Moses in the Mountain. The first Sabbath on 1513Iyyar22. The law covenant on 1513Sivan7 a festival Sabbath, the day after the weekly Sabbath
understanding357.html 357 Numbers11: Our eyes are on nothing at all except the manna. Give us meat! Beware low flying quails
understanding358.html 358 Exodus 14: Stretch out your hand and lift up your rod and 600 chosen chariots
understanding359.html 359 Exodus 3: The Burning Thornbush and the Exodus Route
understanding360.html 360 Numbers 13-14: The Greater spies and the 40 month penalty
understanding361.html 361 Numbers 20: Moses strikes the rock and fails to sanctify Jehovah in the eyes of the sons of Israel - the waters of Meribah
understanding362.html 362 Leviticus 23: What is the Solemn Assembly all about?
understanding363.html 363 Exodus 33: No man can see God and live. What is immortality?
understanding364.html 364 Numbers 33 prophesies 533 to 546 fire sign predictions and subpredictions made in a chronological wilderness
understanding365.html 365 Numbers 25: Who wants to be the greater Phinehas? The job could be yours! God chooses the saints. Priests choose themselves.
understanding366.html 366 Numbering the Saints and the Citizens of the Kingdom of God
understanding367.html 367 The 2 Spies of Joshua 2 are Laodicean Joshua and Caleb who come to see us after being raptured
understanding368.html 368 The Greater 10 Plagues upon the Egypt of this world (Pharaoh is the Dragon of Revelation13, Pestilence on livestock is Coronavirus on the unsanctified)
understanding369.html 369 Joshua10: The greater meaning of time standing still for Israel whilst fighting the Amorites is that time stands still on earth for those in the ark - a greater twin paradox of special relativity. Access to the ark is through the Chariots of Fire of 2Kings6
understanding370.html 370 The sons of Israel crossed the Red Sea at the Gulf of Aqaba and Mount Sinai is in Arabia
understanding400.html 400 Psalm 82: You are Gods and all of you are sons of the Most High
understanding401.html 401 Psalm 78: I will cause riddles of long ago to bubble forth
understanding402.html 402 Psalm118: Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord
understanding403.html 403 Psalm 8: Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have furnished praise
understanding404.html 404 Psalm 90: Counting days with a heart of wisdom
understanding405.html 405 Psalms 122-127 and Psalm 130: The Songs of Ascent
understanding407.html 407 Proverbs 15: A Multitude of counsellors is required for success.
understanding409.html 409 Psalm 91: 1,000 will fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand but not even a plague will draw near to your tent
understanding410.html 410 Proverbs 8: The Master worker beside God was the 1st Holy Spirit, Wisdom, Sophia, feminine, God's first wife
understanding450.html 450 2 Corinthians 3: The Face of God and the Written Code
understanding451.html 451 Romans8: The law of the flesh and the law of the spirit
understanding452.html 452 1 Corinthians 15: Non adamic men are sown and then raised up
understanding453.html 453 The literal meaning of Colossians1:13-20:and 1Corinthians 11:1-6
understanding454.html 454 2 Thessalonians 2: The secular apostasy, the secular man of lawlessness
understanding500.html 500 Ezra 7&8: The Return From Babylon the Great to Heavenly Jerusalem
understanding501.html 501 The 2 registrations of Israel in numbers
understanding505.html 505 The greater showbread or layer bread
understanding506.html 506 The 5/6 earthly identities of Michael, Gabriel and Melchizedek (see also I21)
understanding507.html 507 The 390 year error of Israel and the 40 year error of Judah
understanding508.html 508 Manna from Heaven
understanding509.html 509 The end of the Law, the Ark of the Covenant and its heavenly equivalent
understanding510.html 510 Letters to Don Adams, The President of the Watchtower, on How to Celebrate the Lord's Evening Meal
understanding511.html 511 Will Humans really rule over Angels?
understanding600.html 600 Beware the Ides of March: Cave Martias Idus
understanding610.html 610 Esther
understanding650.html 650 2Kings2: Elijah, Elisha and the she bears
understanding651.html 651 Isaiah40: The mission of Elijah
understanding652.html 652 2Kings5: Naaman bathing 7 times in the Jordan, Elisha rejecting his blessing gift, Gehazi taking some of that gift
understanding653.html 653 Zechariah13 and Ezekiel5: Strike the Shepherd and Scatter the flock - The 3 thirds division of the Watchtower Church!
understanding654.html 654 1Kings8 and 2Chronicles5-7: The Inauguration of Solomon's temple and its acceptance by fire and cloud
understanding655.html 655 Dreams and their Interpretation
understanding656.html 656 Covid Vaccines are Genetic bestiality, which is the disgusting thing causing desolation of Matthew 24:15 and Daniel 11:31
understanding657.html 657 The Transsexual Dilemma: Are there any female spirits trapped inside male brains (people in need of a sex change)?
understanding658.html 658 Stanford Mouse Study Destroys The Trans Narrative
understanding659.html 659 Evidence for the ark rapture of the saints beginning on 2024Tebbeth16, the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover being 2024Tebbeth14, and the 1st death Passover being 2033Nisan14, 2x 1000 year recreative days of Genesis1 after Jesus' sacrifice fulfilling the 2:1 Temple Ratio Prophecy for the 6000 year recreative/salvational working week of Genesis1
understanding660.html 660 2Thessalonians2: The mystery of the man of lawless, who is revealed at the manifestation of the presence. The Repentance of Satan and Cain
understanding661.html 661 Research
understanding662.html 662 Gordon's Awakening
understanding663.html 663 Operation Al Aqsa Flood may be fulfilling Matthew24
understanding664.html 664 The seed of the kingdom through salvation covenants verses the seed of the serpent through satanic counter covenants: The Total failure of human bible research to expose this covert conflict
understanding665.html 665 1st Century Wheat Prices for a Modius of wheat in Assarii (Asses): There were 16 Assarii to a Denarius
understanding666.html 666 The Fraudulent Duplicitous Slander Festivals of the UK General and US Presidential Elections
understanding667.html 667 Biblical Intelligence Matches Secular News & Predicts the Next 9 Years to the End of Satan's Administration of the Planet and the start of the Kingdom of God on Earth
understanding700.html 700 Old Testament Noun Counts
understanding701.html 701 Sentence Counts
understanding702.html 702 Mark 9 and Matthew 17: The epileptic demon and the length of the 1st and 2nd parts of the first presence
understanding703.html 703 Matthew 9: The two blind people cured in the house of non adamic Sodom give the length of that house
understanding704.html 704 2Corinthians11: Paul's Over abundance of Christian qualifications, confirming the combined length of the presence of the Deacons of Christ as 240 yearsEarly Christian, late Christian and Gnostic Writings and the Book of Jashar (Genesis2)
understanding800.html 800 The Letter of Barnabas
understanding801.html 801 The Treatise on the Resurrection shows that the transfiguration was not a vision but a reality
understanding802.html 802 1 Enoch
understanding809.html 809 The Odes of Solomon
understanding850.html 850 Apparent contradictions between the accounts in Acts 9, Acts 22 Acts 26 of Paul's Damascene conversion
understanding851.html 851 The Law of the Light and the Law of the Darkness
understanding852.html 852 Isaiah6: What are the Seraphs? Who is fooling who?
understanding853.html 853 Satan possessed the President of reappointed Laodicea. He entered him on 2019Tishri10-12, after the morsel/little fragment, the 3rd wife, the smallest group to marry Jesus, was dipped/baptised into the 3EC by the descended 3rd Holy spirit on 2019Elul10 and 2019Tishri10. He presided over the 2019Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 Passovers honourably. THIS WAS HIS REPENTANCE!
understanding854.html 854 Salvation Testing by Deception
understanding855.html 855 The Morality of War in General and In Ukraine
understanding856.html 856 BLAST Comparison of Covid-19 with Bat Coronavirus
understanding901.html 901 Balance: Who wants to save his soul will lose it. You must hate your relatives (relatively speaking)!
understanding902.html 902 Matthew25: The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
understanding903.html 903 How did Jesus cure people instantly?
understanding904.html 904 John 4: The Samaritan Woman is the Laodicean Church. Living water is a non adamic water baptism.
understanding905.html 905 John 6: The Bread from heaven
understanding906.html 906 The Fig Trees of the Gospels
understanding907.html 907 Falling asleep for 3 times and 3 denials before the cock crows once or twice
understanding908.html 908 The Kingdom of the Heavens of Matthew versus the Kingdom of God of Mark Luke and John
understanding909.html 909 2 Swords are Enough! But those that live by the sword will die by the sword
understanding910.html 910 The 77x of Peter's 1NC reserve brothers sinning against him by testing God Peter in the Contest of 1Kings18 and the 10,000 talent debt
understanding911.html 911 The parables of the Mustard grain: The Smallest Seed makes the Largest Tree [Salvadora Persica]
understanding912.html 912 God's light shines on the congregation as well as the priest so Stop Moonbathing and Start Sunbathing
understanding913.html 913 Jairus' Daughter, The Widow of Nain's Son and Lazarus: The 3 Stages of adamic death
understanding914.html 914 The Prodigal Son
understanding915.html 915 John 8: The Woman caught in adultery: Let the one of you without sin be the first to cast a stone at her
understanding916.html 916 My hour has not yet come
understanding917.html 917 John 19: The Crown of Thorns braided by soldiers of the governor of Judah is the Coronavirus of spike proteins gene spliced by bio weapons military personnel of the US government who are Caesar to the 1NCs in reappointed Laodicea and non adamic Sodom, is given to Jesus' head, the 1NC reserves, by spitting and through the forced spikes of the vaccines
understanding918.html 918 Mark 9: The epileptic demon and the length of the 1st part of the first presence
understanding920.html 920 Luke5: The deeper the water, the larger and more abundant the fish
understanding921.html 921 Matthew13: The Parables of the Treasure hidden and re-hidden in the field and the Pearl Trader
understanding922.html 922 John9: The Blind Beggars of the Watchtower Congregations and the remouldable clay of Laodicea
understanding923.html 923 Matthew15 and Mark7: The 'Parables' of the Sewer
understanding924.html 924 The Eye Lamp Body Parables: Simple Minds or Single Minds
understanding925.html 925 Matthew7: The house built on sand
understanding926.html 926 Matthew18 Mark9 Luke9: A Millstone of an Ass around the Neck and thrown into the Sea
understanding927.html 927 Matthew19 Mark10 Luke18: How to put a Camel through the Eye of a Needle
understanding928.html 928 Matthew18: The 10,000 Talent Debt verses the 100 Denarii Debt
understanding929.html 929 Matthew21 Mark11 John 2: The Tables of the Money Changers and the Benches of those selling Doves
understanding930.html 930 Judas is said to be One of the 12, seven times and Thomas once
understanding931.html 931 Matthew22 and Luke14: The Parables of the Marriage festivities of Jesus, which the invited ones decline, and only those who leave the city accept and partake
understanding932.html 932 John's Head on a plate and the half kingdom dance of Herodias' daughter
understanding933.html 933 The Long Conclusion to Mark only as recorded in the Alexandrinus is Canonical. The HQ of FDS1 was arranged by Jesus to be in Galilee, NOT in Jerusalem and NOT in Rome.
understanding935.html 935 Matthew16 Mark9 Luke9 Luke17: 25 For whoever wants to save his soul [with a COVID mRNA vaccination] will lose it...26 For what benefit will it be to a man if he gains the whole world [with a Vaccination Passport] but forfeits his soul?
understanding936.html 936 Matthew 27: Jesus tasting then refusing the sour wine mixed with Gall is Christians taking and then rejecting the COVID Vaccines
understanding937.html 937 The Second Presence fulfilment of John 1-5, the greater meaning of John1-5
1samuel15.html Scratching the surface of 1Samuel15
7vials.html The 7 Vials of Revelation15-16 and the 7 jabs from Covid vaccination vials before the end of the world
14proofs.html 14 Proofs that 2008Nisan14 was the end of the ARC world founded by Michael, the end of his 6,000 year lease. But not the end of the world of Satan.
2020Iyyar14.html How to Celebrate the Lord's Evening Meal
ChildrensLivesMatter.html Children's Lives Matter. Dead Lives Matter and the corruption of Black Live Matter
GuyCramer360.html Guy Cramer's arguments for the solar year having 360 days in it prior to the flood
JASHARPARRY.html The book of Jashar translated by J.H. PARRY & COMPANY SALT LAKE CITY: 1887: "Is not this written in the Book of Jasher?" Joshua10:13. "Behold it is written in the Book of Jasher." 2Samuel1:18
July15.html Fatal flaws in the new Watchtower understanding on the Faithful and Discreet slave published in the July 15, 2013 Magazine
MoonPhase.html Table of the First 2 New Moons in March and April from 2400BC to 3100AD
RedLobster.html Letter written to the Watchtower about the JW and the LW 2006 Passover celebrations
Setterfield360.html Guy Cramer's arguments for the solar year having 360 days in it prior to the flood
acts.html The book of Acts
alexandrinusunicode.html Codex Aliexandrinus in Unicode
bezaeunicode.html Code Bezae in Unicode
bienvenue.html Bienvenue aux toutes
c19.html The Covid-19 Power grab.
chronology.html A link to our Master Chronology of U101
churches.html Comparison of Church Doctrines
churchill.html 76 Quotes from Sir Winston Churchill
claromontanusunicode.html Codex Claromontanus in Unicode
code.html The Principles of the Code of the Bible.
codexalexandrinus.html Codex Alexandrinus
codexbezae.html Codex Bezae
codexclaromontanus.html Codex Claromontanus
codexrescriptus.html Codex Rescriptus
codexsinaiticus.html Codex Sinaiticus
codexvaticanus.html Codex Vaticanus
codexwashingtonianus.html Codex Washingtonianus
congregation.html Some Old Congregation Circulars
credit.html Applying Christian Principles to Modern Political and Social Problems
doctrine.html Fundamental Lords' Witnesses Church Doctrine
download.html Downloads available from the truebiblecode.com site
expose.html Articles written by Gordon for The Exposé
gospelquotes.html All the Old Testament Scriptures Quoted in the Gospels
help.html Abbreviations, Glossary and Help
helpus.html Come and Help us Decode the Scriptures and Produce the Apocalypse of John - the Final Revelation to Mankind
homopaedo.html The Massive Statistical Link Between Homosexuality And Paedophilia
index.html Home Page
indexBCI.html Home Page of biblecodeintro.com
invite.html Calling all ex JWs….God is as upset with the Watchtower as you are!
joel.html The Book of Joel
john.html The Gospel of John - Noun Counted
joining.html How to Join us and How to leave us. This page has all the judicial doctrine of the LWs. It is our understanding of God's law for the church of the 4EC.
jonah1.html 2nd Letter to the Watchtower on the Sign of Jonah
jonah2.html 3rd Letter to the Watchtower on the Sign of Jonah
jonah3.html 4th Letter to the Watchtower on the Sign of Jonah
jonah4.html 5th Letter to the Watchtower on the Sign of Jonah
jonah.html Letter to the Watchtower on the Sign of Jonah
kisiimbs.html LW Minimum Belief Set in Kisii
logic.html Logical Pathways and One Step Thinking
luke.html The Gospel of Luke - Noun Counted
mRNA.html mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) and DNA (Astra Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson) Vaccines are an attempt to turn us into the seed of Cain, who is Satan2, the Antichrist
mark.html The Gospel of Mark - Noun Counted
matthew.html The Gospel of Matthew - Noun Counted
mayan.html The 13 Baktun (144,000 solar days) Mayan Calendar predicts the expulsion of the demons on 2023Elul8/9, whereas the bible has it on 2023Elul10 in our latest chronology
meetings.html LW Meeting Schedule
misunderstandings.html Failed Fire Sign Predictions for 1Kings18
nyc.html Brief Warning to NYC for the fire signs of 1Kings18
philip.html The Gnostic Gospel of Philip (not canonical but true)
press1.html Fire Sign Press Release
press2.html Fire Sign Press Release
press3.html Fire Sign Press Release
press4.html Fire Sign Press Release
prwebrejected.html Fire Sign Press Release Rejected by PRWeb
qa.html Some Questions and Answers
rabbi.html Leading Kabbalah Rabbi (aged 108) posthumously recognises Jesus as the Messiah!
relativesubmission.html A Response to a Question from 2 LWs about Submission to Worldly (Temporal) Authorities
relativity.html Special Relativity and The Lorentzian Ether vs French Philosophy
rescriptusunicode.html Codex Rescriptus in Unicode
sinaiticusunicode.html Codex Sinaiticus in Unicode
slavery.html Slavery was the original form of Social Services
statedept.html US State Department letter of 2000April5 re UN Security Council Expansion.
talks.html Some talks given by Elijah4
thanks.html A Note of thanks to God
think.html How to Think like a God
titles.html The titles of every webpage on this site
translate.html How to translate this site using Google Translate
true.html How to Determine which Church is the true church
understandings.html Website Index Page
understandingss.html Recently Expired Fire sign Predictions
unpbcdod.html UN Draft Outcome Document (intro and peace keeping and peace building sections only) 13 September 2005
unwatchtower.html The Watchtower joined the UN for 10 years in secret, the Harlot rode the Beast
vaccinegenetics.html The Lords Witnesses and The Exposé Guide to Vaccination Genetics
vaticanusunicode.html Codex Vaticanus in Unicode
voltaire.html From Free Speech to Dictatorship, from Voltaire to Stalin in 7 Steps
washingtonianusunicode.html Codex Washingtonianus in Unicode
watchtowerdoctrine.html A Direct Comparison of JW Doctrine with LW Doctrine
welcome.html Welcome to all mankind
understanding99b.html Abbreviation Expansion Test Page