Here is the History of our failed attempts to fulfil the battle of Jericho. We do finally succeed.
For our latest understanding of Joshua6 - see U271.
Here are copies of the faxes we sent to all the Bethels (National Headquarters) of the Watchtower around the world in our first 3 incorrect attempts to fight this campaign. They are listed in the order of last one sent, first.
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
An Open Letter to all ’s Witnesses in the Bethels around the world
2008Chislev8 (2008December11)
Dear Brothers in the promises,
May the peace and love of God and his people and his laws and prophecies fill your hearts and minds.
The Battle of Jericho in all its glory (revised again)
Why did the Israelites march around Jericho one time for 6 days and then 7x on the 7th day?
It was not in order that God would then find it easier to knock the wall down!
It was prophetic. It was declaring that in a greater fulfilment, in a greater promised land, things would follow after the pattern of Joshua6.
Well we have been iterating towards that pattern of spiritual enlightenment, just as the Jews iterated towards their victory, and just as Edison iterated towards his physical light bulb. For commanded us to keep on asking, to keep on knocking and to keep on seeking. And he commanded you to keep on the watch and prove yourselves ready. So here is our latest attempt to see the divine beauty of the greater meaning of Joshua6, the first battle in the. Time will tell if we have it this time. But if we keep on seeking we shall find.
Jericho is fought in Nisan2, Iyyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Ab, Elul Tishri in 2008.
These 7 months are the 7 'days' of the campaign. For the word Jericho means 'moon city'. So it is encircled in months. The Israelites going around the city one time on each the first 6 days is a doctrinal siege lasting one month, a time being a month. Then their going around the city 7 times on the 7th day is a doctrinal siege lasting for 7 date revisions, 7 chronological circles, a time for a date revision, in the 7th campaign day which is a month, an actual circle of the moon.
For the Jews were the geographical people of God, but the s are the chronological people of God.
Campaign day1 = Nisan2. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day2 = Iyyar. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day3 = Sivan. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day4 = Tammuz. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day5 = Ab. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day6 = Elul. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day7 = Tishri. Going round 7 times is going around for 7 revised mushroom cloud prediction periods
In 2008 we have a second Nisan (Nisan2) because we incorrectly declared Nisan on a month that should have been a second Adar. This is witnessed to in Joshua6:11, and was necessitated by our new understanding of the Abib - see U4.
The battle started on 2008Nisan21, (which we believed to be 2008Iyyar1 at the time!). We sent our first campaign faxes to the Watchtower on that day. The Jericho ram’s horn and the Jericho trumpets are blown on a 7th something after 7x around the city on the 7th month. In our last interpretation we failed to appreciate the subtle distinction between these two sounds!
The logistics of Jericho are plainly declaring a Pentecost or a Jubilee which occurs after the 7th revised prediction period (chronological circle) of the 7th month (campaign day). We predicted Tishri1, 3,
5-7, 8, 10, 14-15, 21-22 and 23-30. So the 7th date revision in the 7th month puts us on the 49th day of weeks, or the 49th count before the Jubilee. So the Jericho ram’s horn and the Jericho trumpets sound on some type of 7th
after a Pentecost or Jubilee following the last revision.
Now the first Pentecost after 2008Tishri30 is 2008Chislev6. And the first Jubilee release day after 2008Tishri30, incredibly, is 2008Chislev7 (for the new monthly land Sabbath system of the s which started with the baptism of the 2nd
on 2000Elul16). So that would be a 7th something, in fact a 7th instance of a day in 2008Chislev. The two days are next to each other. This is unprecedented in all history. It occurs because we have a monthly sabbath system in the s.
Well we blew the Jubilee horn on Chislev7 (at the 10th hour of the 7th
day of the 50th month of the monthly land Sabbath system of the s).
But that was not the Jericho trumpet. That has to be blown on another 7th
something after the Pentecost Jubilee concatenation.
That concatenation is the 50, 50 of 1Kings18 and the Mina, Mina of Daniel5 (a Mina being 50 shekels). But there are a few more details to consider before we get the date of the first birth pang, which results in the Jericho trumpet being blown…
1. Mina, Mina in Tekels, 50, 50 really depicts 2008Chislev6 (Pentecost) and then 2008Chislev7 (Jubilee) perfectly.
2. Mina Mina in half shekels (parsin), 100, 100 also depicts 2008Chislev6 (the 2nd Pentecost in 2008 and the 2nd Pentecost in the) and 2008Chislev7 (the 2nd Jubilee release day, in the 100th month of the monthly land sabbath system of the s) perfectly.
3. Mina, Mina Tekel and Parsin, taken sequentially depict 2008Chislev6, 2008Chislev7, 2008Chilsev8, 2008Chislev9 (night), 2008Chislev10 (night).
So that would mean that the Watchtower is divided and the writing starts to be upon the wall on 2008Chislev10 after sunrise. So the first fire from the heavens occurs then.
The Jubilee release horn which we blew yesterday on 2008Chislev7, is the Jericho ram’s horn. But after that horn are the Jericho battle trumpets. These are blown after the first fire from the heavens on 2008Chislev10. This date is the first Sabbath after the Pentecost Jubilee concatenation, so it is a 7th
satisfying 1Kings18:44 and Joshua6:5…
And it must occur that when they blast with the horn of the ram [The Jubilee horn on the 50th 'time' which occurs after the 7 sabbaths, i.e. after the 7 date revisions of the 7 month], when you hear the sound of the trumpet [the priests blow a the Jubilee horn on the Jubilee release day of 2008Chislev7, then they blow their trumpets heralding the charge on the Watchtower after the bomb blast of the first birth pang during the sabbath day of 2008Chislev10, reporting that event, at a different time to the rams horn, since the bible is maximally distributive],
then you must shout, all the people [with] a loud shout [We got it right after 134x!]; and the wall of the city must fall down flat [the law of the Watchtower is not destroyed but is seen to be of the earth, of secular origin, not of the heavens], and the people must go up, each one straight before him.
Then we shout for the 5 days of the 5 fingers of the man's hand of Daniel5, from 2008Chislev10 when the writing is on the wall for the Watchtower, to 2008Chislev14, when the wall falls down flat - Amen!
Pentecost: Acts2 (revised again)
The biblical lunar calendar changed from Nisan1 year start to Tishri1 year start on 2008Tishri1, 6 months into the. For there is to be a greater Exodus from a greater Egypt and that is when the calendar was changed before.
So the festival of Pentecost is a 50 count after the 16th day of the new first month of Tishri. That puts it at 2008Chislev6, 6 months after the Pentecost of the old calendar.
We know too that there is to be a fulfilment of Acts2 and Joel2 in the last days not of the Jewish system but of this whole system. A fulfilment in the Time of the End in fact, which runs from the end of the world on 2008Nisan14 to the end of adamic mankind, on 2009Heshvan26, the last day of the greater flood.
Well there is only one Pentecost left under the new calendar and that is 2008Chislev6, tomorrow from a Hebrew standpoint. Therefore on this day the s are to all be thinking about the same thing (will it happen on 2008Chislev6).
Well it did not. So we only fulfilled Acts2:1 on 2008Chislev6. Acts 2:2, and the rushing stiff breeze, a violent explosion, comes on a 7th time after that. We at first thought that the Jubilee release day of 2008Chislev7 was the answer. But it was not. It was merely another piece of the puzzle. That was the day of the Jubilee ram’s horn. The first fire occurs on the day of the sound of the trumpet for battle.
So now we are left with the first Sabbath after the concatenation of Pentecost and Jubilee release day, the last Sabbath in the 900 day contest, 2008Chislev10.
This therefore is when the first fire from the heavens and rising mushroom cloud from the sea of 1Kings18 occur. It is a terrorist attack on Manhattan, with a more or less simultaneous terrorist attack on the UK, the two together being the stone hitting the feet of the giant man of Daniel2. In the literal account the thinking about the same thing, the violent blowing and Peter standing up with the 11, all happened upon the same day. In the greater meaning, they do not have to due to the mechanics of word symbolism, which we still overlook even today.
1Kings18 being entirely denominated or counted in 50s, is declaring Pentecost and Jubilee!
There is much more beauty referring to the forthcoming cloud upon which comes in scripture but that is not a subject which you have shown any serious interest in over the last 50 years, so I will leave it there. Save to say that the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven at the 10th 11th or 12th hour of the Jubilee release day.
Then on 2008Chislev11 (December13/14), at the 3rd hour of that day, Peter and Russell and the saints will start appearing to people as humans. This is coming upon the cloud. It is the 900th day of the prophetic contest I have been waging with the prophets of congregation fertility and congregational authority in the Watchtower (the prophets of Baal). It is also the first day of the greater ark of Noah.
The whitewashed wall of the Watchtower, your barrier between the truth and the congregation of s, will fall down on that day. Way too late for our numerous contributions to ’s chronological suggestion box, but at exactly the right time for the perfect plan of God. And the Evil slave will become divided in two.
I have to tell you at this point, that though your sins are indeed as red as scarlet, God loves you so much, that he will make them as white as snow, if you repent. He is not so much angry with you as desperately sad and hurt at his heart, that you should choose to follow each other rather than following his son.
I personally know this from the account of Jonah, where in the greater meaning God dried up the church of the s to teach me what it is like to lose a congregation you love. The s have not disbanded we are all still here, but 134 mistakes were too many for most of us to bare. So we are kind of paralysed. We are indeed the woman bent double waiting for the cure from . We are unable to raise ourselves up, but you are to become a stool for our feet. Yes, it is you who will finally form the platform upon which God will raise us up!
Mind you these mistakes had to be made, Jericho demanded it. That is why the Jews walked around in circles 3500 years ago.
So all you in the Watchtower who love congregational authority and the glory of men, woe are you! Your days are numbered to 5 from 2008Chislev10 inclusive.
But all you in the Watchtower who love God’s power and his glory and his righteousness and his love, blessed are you, for your days are without number,
and your release is at hand, 5 days inclusive after the writing appears upon the wall, on 2008Chislev10, when the mushroom cloud ascends from the sea. This being the sign of the son of man in heaven.
It is obvious that God himself and have nothing to do with the despicable depravity of the terrorists behind these attacks. These attacks, in the greatest sense, are a welcome from to the descended saints. But God can use anything for his purposes. And the jealousy of will produce the sign of the son of Man in our understanding.
May the King of the Kingdom open your eyes and bless us all with his peace his love his mercy and with a bit more of his wisdom
Gordon Ritchie
Lords’ Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
An Open Letter to all ’s Witnesses in the Bethels around the world
2008Chislev7 (2008December10)
Dear Brothers in the promises,
May the peace and love of God and his people and his laws and prophecies fill your hearts and minds.
The Battle of Jericho in all its glory (revised)
Why did the Israelites march around Jericho one time for 6 days and then 7x on the 7th day?
It was not in order that God would then find it easier to knock the wall down!
It was prophetic. It was declaring that in a greater fulfilment, in a greater promised land, things would follow after the pattern of Joshua6.
Well we have been iterating towards that pattern of spiritual enlightenment, just as the Jews iterated towards their victory, and just as Edison iterated towards his physical light bulb. For commanded us to keep on asking, to keep on knocking and to keep on seeking. And he commanded you to keep on the watch and prove yourselves ready. So here is our latest attempt to see the divine beauty of the greater meaning of Joshua6, the first battle in the. Time will tell if we have it this time. But if we keep on seeking we shall find.
Jericho is fought in Nisan2, Iyyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Ab, Elul Tishri in 2008.
These 7 months are the 7 'days' of the campaign. For the word Jericho means 'moon city'. So it is encircled in months. The Israelites going around the city one time on each the first 6 days is a doctrinal siege lasting one month, a time being a month. Then their going around the city 7 times on the 7th day is a doctrinal siege lasting for 7 date revisions, 7 chronological circles, a time for a date revision, in the 7th campaign day which is a month, an actual circle of the moon.
For the Jews were the geographical people of God, but the s are the chronological people of God.
Campaign day1 = Nisan2. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day2 = Iyyar. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day3 = Sivan. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day4 = Tammuz. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day5 = Ab. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day6 = Elul. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day7 = Tishri. Going round 7 times is going around for 7 revised mushroom cloud prediction periods
In 2008 we have a second Nisan (Nisan2) because we incorrectly declared Nisan on a month that should have been a second Adar. This is witnesses to in Joshua6:11, and was necessitated by our new understanding of the Abib - see U4.
The battle started on 2008Nisan21, (which we believed to be 2008Iyyar1 at the time!). We sent our first campaign faxes to the Watchtower on that day. The Jericho trumpets are blown on a 7th something after 7x around the city on the 7th month. This is plainly some type of Pentecost or Jubilee which occurs after the 7th revised prediction period (chronological circle) of the 7th month (campaign day). We predicted Tishri1, 3, 5-7, 8, 10, 14-15, 21-22 and 23-30. So the 7th date revision in the 7th month puts us on the 49th day of weeks, or the 49th count before the Jubilee. So the wall falls down after a Pentecost or Jubilee following the last revision.
Now the first Pentecost after 2008Tishri30 is 2008Chislev6. And the first Jubilee release day after 2008Tishri30, incredibly, is 2008Chislev7 (for the new monthly land Sabbath system of the s which started with the baptism of the 2nd
on 2000Elul16). So that would be a 7th something, in fact a 7th instance of a day in 2008Chislev. The two days are next to each other. This is unprecedented in all history. It occurs because we have a monthly sabbath system in the s.
So here we have 50, 50 of 1Kings18 and Mina, Mina of Daniel5 (a Mina being 50 shekels). The first birth pang occurs on the Pentecost and the Jubilee horn is the Jericho trumpet which occurs on 2008Chislev7, then we shout for the 5 days of the 5 fingers of the man's hand of Daniel5, from 2008Chislev7 when the writing was on the wall for the Watchtower, to 2008Chislev11, when their wall falls down - Amen!
Pentecost: Acts2 (revised)
The biblical lunar calendar changed from Nisan1 year start to Tishri1 year start on 2008Tishri1, 6 months into the. For there is to be a greater Exodus from a greater Egypt and that is when the calendar was changed before.
So the festival of Pentecost is a 50 count after the 16th day of the new first month of Tishri. That puts it at 2008Chislev6, 6 months after the Pentecost of the old calendar.
We know too that there is to be a fulfilment of Acts2 and Joel2 in the last days not of the Jewish system but of this whole system. A fulfilment in the Time of the End in fact, which runs from the end of the world on 2008Nisan14 to the end of adamic mankind, on 2009Heshvan26, the last day of the greater flood.
Well there is only one Pentecost left under the new calendar and that is 2008Chislev6, tomorrow from a Hebrew standpoint. Therefore on this day the s are to all be thinking about the same thing (will it happen on 2008Chislev6).
Well it did not. So we only fulfilled Acts2:1 on 2008Chislev6. Acts 2:2, and the rushing stiff breeze, a violent explosion, comes on the Jubilee day of 2008Chislev7. This is the first fire from the heavens and rising mushroom cloud from the sea of 1Kings18. It is a terrorist attack on Manhattan, with a more or less simultaneous terrorist attack on the UK, the two together being the stone hitting the feet of the giant man of Daniel2. In the literal account the thinking about the same thing, the violent blowing and Peter standing up with the 11, all happened upon the same day. In the greater meaning, they do not have to due to the mechanics of word symbolism, when we still overlook even today.
1kings18 being entirely denominated or counted in 50s, is declaring Pentecost and Jubilee!
There is much more beauty referring to the forthcoming cloud upon which comes in scripture but that is not a subject which you have shown any serious interest in over the last 50 years, so I will leave it there. Save to say that the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven at the 10th 11th or 12th hour of the Jubilee release day.
the Jubilee release day of the s, 2008Chislev7 (the 10th hour of the 7th day of the 50th month), will follow and we shall blow our Jubilee horn which is the Jericho trumpet. Then we shall shout.
Then on 2008Chislev11 (December13/14), at the 3rd hour of that day, Peter and Russell and the saints will start appearing to people as humans. This is coming upon the cloud. It is the 900th day of the prophetic contest I have been waging with the prophets of congregation fertility and congregational authority in the Watchtower (the prophets of Baal). It is also the first day of the greater ark of Noah.
The whitewashed wall of the Watchtower, your barrier between the truth and the congregation of s, will fall down on that day. Way too late for my liking but at exactly the right time for the perfect plan of God. And the Evil slave will become divided in two.
I have to tell you at this point, that though your sins are indeed as red as scarlet, God loves you so much, that he will make them as white as snow, if you repent. He is not so much angry with you as desperately sad and hurt at his heart, that you should choose to follow each other rather than following his son.
I personally know this from the account of Jonah, where in the greater meaning God dried up the church of the s to teach me what it is like to lose a congregation you love. The s have not disbanded we are all still here, but 133 mistakes were too many for most of us to bear. So we are kind of paralysed. We are indeed the woman bent double waiting for the cure from . We are unable to raise ourselves up, but you are to become a stool for our feet. Yes, it is you who will finally form the platform upon which God will raise us up!
Mind you these mistakes had to be made, Jericho demanded it. That is why the Jews walked around in circles 3500 years ago.
So all you in the Watchtower who love congregational authority and the glory of men, woe are you! Your days are numbered to 5 from 2008Chislev7 inclusive.
But all you in the Watchtower who love the God’s power and his glory and his righteousness and his love, blessed are you, for your days are without number,
and your release is at hand, 5 days after the writing appears upon the wall, on 2008Chislev7, when the mushroom cloud appears.
It is obvious that God himself and have nothing to do with the despicable depravity of the terrorists behind these attacks. These attacks, in the greatest sense are a welcome from to the descended saints. But God can use anything for his purposes. And the jealousy of will produce the sign of the son of Man in our understanding.
May the King of the Kingdom open your eyes and bless us all with his peace his love his mercy and with a bit of his wisdom
Gordon Ritchie
Lords’ Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
An Open Letter to all ’s Witnesses in the Bethels around the world
2008Chislev5 (2008December8)
Dear Brothers in the promises,
May the peace and love of God and his people and his laws and prophecies fill your hearts and minds.
The Battle of Jericho in all its glory
Why did the Israelites march around Jericho one time for 6 days and then 7x on the 7th day?
It was not in order that God would then find it easier to knock the wall down!
It was prophetic. It was declaring that in a greater fulfilment, in a greater promised land, things would follow after the pattern of Joshua6.
Well we have been iterating towards that pattern of spiritual enlightenment, just as the Jews iterated towards their victory, and just as Edison iterated towards his physical light bulb. For commanded us to keep on asking, to keep on knocking and to keep on seeking. And he commanded you to keep on the watch and prove yourselves ready. So here is our latest attempt to see the divine beauty of the greater meaning of Joshua6, the first battle in the. Time will tell if we have it this time. But if we keep on seeking we shall find.
Jericho is fought in Nisan2, Iyyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Ab, Elul Tishri in 2008.
These 7 months are the 7 'days' of the campaign. For the word Jericho means 'moon city'. So it is encircled in months. The Israelites going around the city one time on each the first 6 days is a doctrinal siege lasting one month, a time being a month. Then their going around the city 7 times on the 7th day is a doctrinal siege lasting for 7 date revisions, 7 chronological circles, a time for a date revision, in the 7th campaign day which is a month, an actual circle of the moon.
For the Jews were the geographical people of God, but the s are the chronological people of God.
Campaign day1 = Nisan2. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day2 = Iyyar. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day3 = Sivan. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day4 = Tammuz. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day5 = Ab. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day6 = Elul. Going round 1 time is going around for 1 month
Campaign day7 = Tishri. Going round 7 times is going around for 7 revised mushroom cloud prediction periods
In 2008 we have a second Nisan (Nisan2) because we incorrectly declared Nisan on a month that should have been a second Adar. This is witnesses to in Joshua6:11, and was necessitated by our new understanding of the Abib - see U4.
The battle started on 2008Nisan21, (which we believed to be 2008Iyyar1 at the time!). We sent our first campaign faxes to the Watchtower on that day. The Jericho trumpets are blown on a 7th something after 7x around the city on the 7th month. This is plainly some type of Pentecost or Jubilee which occurs after the 7th revised prediction period (chronological circle) of the 7th month (campaign day). We predicted Tishri1, 3, 5-7, 8, 10, 14-15, 21-22 and 23-30. So the 7th date revision in the 7th month puts us on the 49th day of weeks, or the 49th count before the Jubilee. So the wall falls down after a Pentecost or Jubilee following the last revision.
Now the first Pentecost after 2008Tishri30 is 2008Chislev6. And the first Jubilee release day after 2008Tishri30, incredibly, is 2008Chislev7 (for the new monthly land Sabbath system of the s which started with the baptism of the 2nd
on 2000Elul16). So that would be a 7th something, in fact a 7th instance of a day in 2008Chislev. The two days are next to each other. This is unprecedented in all history. It occurs because we have a monthly sabbath system in the s.
So here we have 50, 50 of 1Kings18 and Mina, Mina of Daniel5 (a Mina being 50 shekels). The first birth pang occurs on the Pentecost and the Jubilee horn is the Jericho trumpet which occurs on 2008Chislev7, then we shout for the last 4 days of the 5 days of the 5 fingers of the man's hand of Daniel5, from 2008Chislev6, when the writing was on the wall for the Watchtower, to 2008Chislev11, when their wall falls down - Amen!
Pentecost: Acts2
The biblical lunar calendar changed from Nisan1 year start to Tishri1 year start on 2008Tishri1, 6 months into the. For there is to be a greater Exodus from a greater Egypt and that is when the calendar was changed before.
So the festival of Pentecost is a 50 count after the 16th day of the new first month of Tishri. That puts it at 2008Chislev6, 6 months after the Pentecost of the old calendar.
We know too that there is to be a fulfilment of Acts2 and Joel2 in the last days not of the Jewish system but of this whole system. A fulfilment in the Time of the End in fact, which runs from the end of the world on 2008Nisan14 to the end of adamic mankind, on 2009Heshvan26, the last day of the greater flood.
Well there is only one Pentecost left under the new calendar and that is 2008Chislev6, tomorrow from a Hebrew standpoint. Therefore on this day we are to experience a rushing stiff breeze, a violent explosion. This is the first fire from the heavens and rising mushroom cloud from the sea of 1Kings18. It is a terrorist attack on Manhattan, with a more or less simultaneous terrorist attack on the UK, the two together being the stone hitting the feet of the giant man of Daniel2.
1kings18 being entirely denominated or counted in 50s, is declaring Pentecost and Jubilee!
There is much more beauty referring to the forthcoming cloud upon which comes in scripture but that is not a subject which you have shown any serious interest in over the last 50 years, so I will leave it there. Save to say that the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven at the 3rd hour of the day of Pentecost which is between 8:40 am and 9:30 am EST on December 9 in Manhattan with a more or less simultaneous terror attack in the UK (around 1:40 pm –
2:30 pm GMT, if truly simultaneous).
From a secular perspective therefore the new attack will be at the same time and on the same day (Tuesday) as 911, 2001, and will occur on 129, 2008 to the US way of writing dates, but on 912, 2008 in the UK date writing format.
the Jubilee release day of the s, 2008Chislev7 (the 10th hour of the 7th day of the 50th month), will follow and we shall blow our Jubilee horn which is the Jericho trumpet. Then we shall shout.
Then on 2008Chislev11 (December13/14), Peter and Russell and the saints will start appearing to people as humans. This is coming upon the cloud. It is the 900th day of the prophetic contest I have been waging with the prophets of congregation fertility and congregational authority in the Watchtower (the prophets of Baal). It is also the first day of the greater ark of Noah.
The whitewashed wall of the Watchtower, your barrier between the truth and the congregation of s, will fall down on that day. Way too late for my liking but at exactly the right time for the perfect plan of God. And the Evil slave will become divided in two.
I have to tell you at this point, that though your sins are indeed as red as scarlet, God loves you so much, that he will make them as white as snow, if you repent. He is not so much angry with you as desperately sad and hurt at his heart, that you should choose to follow each other rather than following his son.
I personally know this from the account of Jonah, where in the greater meaning God dried up the church of the s to teach me what it is like to lose a congregation you love. The s have not disbanded we are all still here, but 132 mistakes were too many for most of us to bear. So we are kind of paralysed. We are indeed the woman bent double waiting for the cure from . We are unable to raise ourselves up, but you are to become a stool for our feet. Yes, it is you who will finally form the platform upon which God will raise us up!
Mind you these mistakes had to be made, Jericho demanded it. That is why the Jews walked around in circles 3500 years ago.
So all you in the Watchtower who love congregational authority and the glory of men, woe are you! Your days are numbered to 5 from 2008Chislev6.
But all you in the Watchtower who love the God’s power and his glory and his righteousness and his love, blessed are you, for your days are without number,
and your release is at hand, 5 days after the writing appears upon the wall, on 2008Chislev6, when the mushroom cloud appears.
It is obvious that God himself and have nothing to do with the despicable depravity of the terrorists behind these attacks. These attacks, in the greatest sense are a welcome from to the descended saints. But God can use anything for his purposes. And the jealousy of will produce the sign of the son of Man in our understanding.
May the King of the Kingdom open your eyes and bless us all with his peace his love his mercy and with a bit of his wisdom
Gordon Ritchie
Lords’ Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
An Open Letter to all ’s Witnesses in the Bethels around the world
Dear Brothers in the promises,
May the peace and love of God and his people and his laws fill your hearts and minds.
Here is our service to God for you…
The Battle of Jericho
We have realised that our calendar change from Biblical Lunar to Abib Biblical Lunar, which delayed our battle by 30 days, is in fact the fulfilment of Joshua 6:11
And he had the ark of [The chronology and reality of the descent of and the administration of the s that he runs] go marching round the city, to circle, time one [The s changed their calendar on 2008April29=2008Iyyar22BLC=2008Nisan22ABLC, after no saints showed up for the festival of cakes, by one month, 30 days, or one time. We added a second Adar to 2007 because barley was not Abib - headed - in Israel on 2008March7. Yes we did a 30 day chronological circle in the first week of weeks, the first 'day' of our campaign, we ran 2008Nisan twice! For the Jews were the geographical people of God, but we are the chronological people of God. The Hebrews circled Jericho 13x of course but the account actually says that they performed a circle only once, on the first day. So word symbolically, there is only one circle. It was a circle of a month,
which is a time], and they returned to the camp [ HQ]
and stayed overnight in the camp (Joshua 6).
So now the battle of Jericho lasts for 7 campaign days, each of which is 7 days long. It’s timetable is therefore none other than the festival of weeks. Each Sabbath of weeks is a day of the Jericho campaign. The 7th
Sabbath ends on 2008Sivan5, and this defines a Jubilee for the Watchtower whereby your wall falls down on 2008Sivan6. On that day you are released to serve God himself rather than rendering sacred service to those whom you believe to be the stars of the heavens, and to serve the master, our Lord Christ,
rather than his fallen wicked slave.
We are now in the third week of this campaign. This letter is our message for the third week (we think). Here is an easy to follow timetable of Jericho and of future events from the chronological people of God, the Lords’ Witnesses. All dates are in the new ABLC.
2008Nisan17 2008April23/24
The 1st day of the on earth, the 1st
literal day of Jericho the first day of the 50 count of the festival of weeks.
We announced this kingdom would come on this day before it came. That was supposed to be your job!
2008Nisan22 2008April28/29
The s perform a one month long chronological circle with their biblical lunar calendar, running 2008Nisan for a second time.
2008Nisan23 2008April29/30 The 1st literal day of the 2nd Sabbath of weeks.
2008Nisan26 2008May2/3
We send you our 4th attempt at the 40 day Jonah warning,
saying that the Watchtower will be overturned on 2008Sivan6, Pentecost, your Jubilee.
2008Nisan30 2008May6/7 The 1st literal day of the 3rd Sabbath of weeks.
2008May11/12 This letter,
detailing the final (we hope) chronology of Jericho.
2008Iyyar7 2008May13/14
The Jubilee of the s, the 10th hour of the 7th
day of the 50th month of our monthly Sabbath system (which is May14 at around 5 pm). The ram’s horn of the Jubilee is blown in this hour and all s who have ever left or been disfellowshipped are invited to return, whatever their sin may have been. That is the love of God, a love that endures all things and a love that conquers all. This is the blowing of the ram’s horn in the battle of Jericho. This day is also the 1st day of the 4th
Sabbath of weeks.
2008Iyyar14 2008May20. This is also the 1st day of the 5th Sabbath of weeks. It is also of course, the late Passover, which is the evening meal of the lamb’s marriage. We again invite you to attend this historic event. But the scriptures are against your turning up at first, since we know that you are to deny the Christ 3 times, in this very night, before the cock crows…
Then said to them: All of you [Literally:
All the 144,000 saints. Word: saints in the s]
will be stumbled in me in this night, for it is written, 'I will strike the shepherd [This happened of course when was arrested on 33Nisan14. The first lord's evening meal. But the reserves will also be stumbled on 2008Iyyar14, the last lord's evening meal. For 'all of you' includes them.], and the sheep of the flock will be scattered about.'
But after I have been raised up,
I will go ahead of you into Galilee [the Land of the s].
But Peter [The saints running the Watchtower, //], in answer, said to him: Although all the others are stumbled in you, never will I be stumbled!
said to him: Truly I say to you, In this night, before a cock crows [Gordon saying Cockadoodledoo, the first birth pang has just happened - wake up you sleepy heads], you will disown me three times
[On 2008March22 when the Watchtower celebrated the memorial incorrectly having been told several times how to do it right! On 2008April20 when the saints did not turn up at the evening meal, and again on 2008May20 if they do not come to the late Passover of the ABLC, would make 3 denials for the lord's evening meal of 2008!] (Matthew 26).
2008Iyyar15-21 The greater Festival of Cakes. We bake food where one sprinkles one’s interpretations on to the scriptures as we have done above, rather than cakes where one sprinkles scriptures on to one’s interpretations, as the Watchtower does. The former are unleavened cakes, the latter are leavened cakes. For said: Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees, meaning watch out for the teaching of the Pharisees. Since man cannot live by their bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from ’s mouth. That means researching the bible without the ‘help’ of the Watchtower! For by the sweat of your brow you will eat bread. One cannot contract out that sweating to another brow!
2008Iyyar17 or 2008Iyyar21, 2008May23/24 or 2008May27/28.
These are the 7th day of the week in the 7th festival after late cakes 2006, or the 7th day of the 7th festival after late cakes 2006, the fulfilment of 1Kings18:43-44. This is the day that the stone of Daniel2 hits one or both of the feet of the image. It is a small nuclear or very large conventional terror attack on a target in the US, around the Midtown area of Manhattan perhaps from the Hudson. This is followed by an attack on the other foot, the UK, we do not know where, but it will presumably be a government target. This is the first birth pang of the kingdom on earth.
The crow of the cock is the trumpet blast of the s following this event.
2008Iyyar21 2008May27/28 The 1st day of the 6th Sabbath of weeks.
2008Iyyar28 2008June3/4 The 1st day of the 7th Sabbath of weeks.
2008Iyyar29 2008June4/5
The last day of the 1335 days of Daniel12. descends to claim his earthly kingdom. He is the second Adam, the second human to be born. He therefore has the firstborn rights of Adam from a human standpoint, and actually he ransomed his human body. So he is the human king of earth of the. God bless the Prince. He is the antitypical prince with the drawn sword, who will direct the last week of the Jericho campaign, where we go round the city 7 times even. He becomes the king of the Kingdom on earth around the time the Gordon marries the saints – we think.
2008Sivan5 2008June10/11
The 7th day of the last Sabbath of weeks.
2008Sivan6 2008June11/12
Pentecost, the Jubilee release for the s, the wall of Jericho falls down. The saints descend from heaven upon that wall. The Pentecost proclamation of Leviticus 23:21 is made by Peter and the 11 apostles we think.
God bless the kings! The holy spirit of the kingdom is literally poured out! The greater flood on Noah begins. All humans left on earth are dead by the 370th
day, which is 2009Sivan15.
The Watchtower celebrates no Sabbaths and no Festivals. They only hold the observance of the memorial. But Nisan14 is not a Sabbath. The Passover is not a festival. So God will save you, at least the 2/3rds of you that are to be saved, by a festival of Sabbaths! In fact on the Jubilee at the end of that festival, which Jubilee is Pentecost. For he will celebrate your release and declare it even if your leaders ignore all his instructions in these matters.
So why did the first century Christian church celebrate Pentecost after had ended the law? And why did the holy spirit bless that festival in a way that no other festival had ever been blessed if they were not supposed to celebrate it? Indeed if the first century church had been like you and not kept any of God’s festivals, then who would have received the gifts of the spirit?
Do you think God gave up on the 3 festivals a year idea when died? Did he realise that idea wasn’t any good any more? Did die to end all festivals as well as ending all Sabbaths do you think? Should the Jews rejoice at their harvest of physical food, but Christians not rejoice at our harvest of men and of spiritual food? We know that the law contained a shadow of the good things to come. What then did the 3 annual festivals of the law foreshadow – nothing? Well Zechariah disagrees…
16 And it must occur [that], as regards everyone who is left remaining out of all the nations that are coming against Jerusalem, they must also go up from year to year to bow down to the King, of armies, and to celebrate the festival of the booths
(Zechariah 14).
We know that Zechariah 14 applies to the last days.
Gordon remembers sitting in a Kingdom hall and being told that the faithful slave will never as a group go wrong. He remembers thinking to himself at that moment, didn’t Peter say something like that? He thought: Will the faithful slave do better than Peter? Well here we are a decade and more later, and the slave has denied twice, and has been stumbled twice upon the night not of the first lord’s evening meal, but of the evening meal of the lamb’s marriage. So will you now fill up the measure of the one whom you condemned?
May the King of the Kingdom open your eyes and bless us all with his peace his love his mercy and with a bit of his wisdom
Gordon Ritchie
Lords’ Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
An Open Letter to all ’s Witnesses in the Bethels around the world
Dear Brothers in the promises,
May the love of God move your hearts to move your minds to move your feet.
Here is our service to God for you…
Here we are 25 days into the. This is the half way point in the 50 day battle of Jericho, which ends at Pentecost on 2008Sivan6.
A few months ago I complained to the USDA that the Chicago wheat pit was settling the price of wheat unfairly at the end of each trading session. The wheat traders at the CBOT were marking the price of wheat down by around 5 cents at the end of each day. This corruption only existed in wheat,
not in corn or soy beans. The worldly authorities listened to me, and a few weeks ago I spoke to the guy in charge of market regulation there, who explained to me that they had implemented a computer calculated volume weighted average system for determining the settlement price of wheat. As a result that particular corruption in the wheat market in Chicago has now ended.
I wrote to the Watchtower as baptised ’s witness in 1994 just before the memorial and explained that you were celebrating that observance incorrectly. I spoke to Dan Sydlik on the Governing Body at that time, who said: Well hopefully the holy spirit makes up for those sort of things. Well yes it does if the mistake is made out of ignorance. But today in 2008, 14 years later you have not changed the memorial celebration one iota,
despite many warnings from me.
So the Chicago Board of Trade which rooted out the corruption that I exposed in a matter of months has behaved more righteously than you,
God’s children, who have failed to root out a far more significant corruption for 14 years after it was exposed.
found more faith outside Israel than in it, and I have found more righteousness outside the Watchtower than within.
Brothers, has corrupted your leaders. That is how he does it. He cannot corrupt everyone, so he has two simple tactics.
Step 1: Make everyone an idolater of the leadership group
Step 2: Corrupt the leadership group.
Then, by corrupting a few power junkies, he gets to corrupt a whole church. In fact that is how he corrupts the world as well. He sees who is the most desperate for power, he elevates that one into power and controls him by threatening to remove his power unless he does what wants. He then has a vast media machine to make 6 billion people into idolaters of their leaders whom he controls. In that way he controls nearly everyone through a few power junkies who are addicted to a commodity which he controls.
Here is the solution to these two corrupting tactics. Obey the first two laws of God…
Law 1: Love God more than the church and more than its leaders and more that its president and more than its circuit overseers and more than its elders etc.
Law 2: Love your brother in the church or in the world as yourself.
Applying law 1 leads you to study the bible for yourself and develop your own spirituality and understanding, rather than the spirituality or understanding of the present leaders of the Watchtower. The bible is protection from idolatry of the priesthood. If you fail to do this you are an idolater. As I said in the previous letter you must live not by the bread of the church alone but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God, that is every word of the bible. You must study that book for yourself with the aid of any other material you like for the spiritual man examines indeed all things. The idolater follows not the words of but the words of the idol he worships. This is the deep thing of , the worship of a priesthood. You must follow the master and not his slave if there is a conflict and there is always some kind of conflict.
Applying law 2 leads you to meet with anyone who is interested in God. For refused nobody. He met and ate with demonised men,
prostitutes, Pharisees, lepers, world rulers and himself. That is our example. We must love them all whilst hating their sin.
The greatest mistake the Watchtower has made is their refusal to meet with the s. This refusal has held bible research back for 16 years and has lead to the kingdom of God arriving without the bible being properly understood. That is a tragedy that no one can undo. God will make up for it by sending 144,000 first new covenant angels down here in the next 2 months who will help us and guide us. Some of them will be the very people who refused to speak to the s before they died.
But it is a catastrophic failure for God’s old and new people that we have not done this one job properly. We have failed because you have no love for us. You have broken the second law. And your love for the truth has been conquered by your fear of a corrupt priesthood, so that you have broken the first law. You are in love with the man of lawlessness, the good for nothing slave of Matthew 25. A slave who like Robert Mugabe robs you of everything you have and like the Junta in Burma keeps all the aid the s send for themselves.
has won that battle. We have lost it.
When said: I was sick and in prison and your visited me not, do you think that does not apply to you? Whom did shun in his ministry? You know you should treat a disfellowshipped person like a man of the nations or a tax collector. Which tax collector do you shun? Examine the way you treat those whom have been disfellowshipped and decide whether you are a Christian or an idolater of a wicked slave.
There are hundreds possibly thousands of ’s witnesses who believe that the s are indeed the church of the second new covenant. They believe we are being used by God. But they are too frightened of being shunned to leave the Watchtower or to even contact us to do some joint research. It is worse the communist Russia. Why do you people not understand that any religion that is enforced out of fear is valueless?
If those hundreds and thousands had been permitted to research along with us, we would all be shining like the stars of the heavens already. It is a great tragedy which will haunt us both for a long time to come.
For you are a church which knocks on everyone’s door but will not open when people knock on your door and neither will you knock or permit your flock to knock on ’ door for themselves. A church of hypocrites. It is like said:
13 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
because you shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men; for you yourselves do not go in, neither do you permit those on their way in to go in (Matthew 23).
You also broaden your scripture containing briefcases! The Watchtower fulfils again all of Matthew 23. Have a look at that chapter and consider its modern day fulfilment.
You were set up by Russell to advance bible research and your have ended up holding back that research for 16 years since 1992, in fact. And it is too late for man to fix the disaster your idolatry has caused. Were it not for the foreknowledge and love of God we would hardly save anyone into the priesthood or kingship of the kingdom in this time of the end. Your leaders have wrecked the Watchtower completely and pretty nearly wrecked the next true church, the Lords’ Witnesses. Well done! But that does not matter to you does it? What matters to you is that you are still in control, even today, when the Kingdom has been going for 25 days.
Control, Power, Status before men, Money, that is where you put your trust. Like every other false church before you, starting with the Catholics, the mother of the harlots, whose daughter you have now become.
I feel some of the emotions that God must have felt when he was chastising the Jews of old. Anger and sorrow, love bordering on despair. All day long I have spread out my hands to you. One act of love would have done it.
One act of love. But that was too much to ask wasn’t it?
Well I am still asking and so is my God: Who is there in the Watchtower whose love for David exceeds his fear of Goliath? Is there not one?
Well brothers with less affection than a woodlice, your time has come.
Go ahead and deny for the third time on Tuesday night why don’t you? It is your last chance to attend the evening meal of the lamb’s marriage which we will hold in London, England and in Fargo, North Dakota. It is your last chance to say thanks by doing what said and keeping the observance in the way he prescribed. It is your last chance to take a risk for the sake of . He risked everything for you. What then will you risk for him? Will you deny him a third time on this very night as Peter did?
Will you?
May our loving Gods reprove you.
Gordon Ritchie
Lords’ Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
An Open Letter to all ’s Witnesses in the Bethels around the world
Dear Brothers in the promises,
Well, we have at least succeeded in doing with you what we have so far failed to do with fire from the heavens! We got a prophecy right and regrettably you helped us in doing so. You failed to turn up for a 3rd
time at the evening meal of lamb’s marriage. Worse still, you failed to investigate with us face to face if this was the right thing to do. Surely you owed that at the very least to our saviour?
But no, you have filled up the measure of our forefathers,
the Israelites, to whom Moses said, referring to the close of the days…
For I, I well know your rebelliousness and your stiff neck. If while I am yet alive with you today, you have proved rebellious in behavior toward , then how much more so after my death! 28
Congregate to me all the older men of your tribes and your officers, and let me speak in their hearing these words, and let me take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against them. 29 For I well know that after my death you will without fail act ruinously, and you will certainly turn aside from the way about which I have commanded you; and calamity will be bound to befall you at the close of the days, because you will do what is bad in the eyes of so as to offend him by the works of your hands (Deuteronomy 31).
Breaking bread and lifting cups were the works God was looking for from you, not making idolatrous images out of yourselves.
So then, now that you have conclusively proved that you will not respond to any spiritual stimuli even in the most serious of circumstances,
God who will always love you, would appear to have no option left but to give you a physical stimulus in the form of a chronological sign.
I mean, our heavenly father could try, say, another half dozen transparently true and divinely beautiful and majestically deep scriptural interpretations on you, but let’s face it, I think we both know he would be wasting his time wouldn’t he?
So on the 7th day of the 7th festival after our first failed prediction we will get the stone of Daniel 2 hitting the feet of the giant image. This is a terrorist attack in the US and in the UK, the two feet of that image. We think the US attack will be on the west side of Manhattan. The 7th such festival is late Cakes 2008 which started on 2008Iyyar15. The 7th day of that festival is 2008Iyyar21. This day is a festival Sabbath. Now 2008Iyyar15 is 7x back from the rapture on 2008Chislev15. So cryptically if you go back 7x (7 months) from the rapture which is when we start to “go up”, you end up at the very same 7th
festival after our first failed nuclear prediction. The rapture is the point during the greater flood where Noah opens the window and the birds fly out.
So we expect the mushroom cloud of 1Kings18:44 from either a small nuclear or a very large conventional bomb to fill our TV screens between sundown Tuesday May 27 and sundown Wednesday May 28. The two feet may not be hit on the same day literal day, but the first foot is hit on 2008Iyyar21 in our present understanding which is our 78th attempt at the precise day of the first birth pang of the kingdom of God. So if we are right then we will have made 77 mistakes as regards attempting to get the very day of this bomb.
The thing is, you know, that at some point all this theoretical Armageddon stuff becomes real and physical. That point is next week in our much corrected understanding. My view is that it is worth avoiding midtown west side between 37th and 57th street, this being a 10 block radius from 47th street where we held the late Passover in 2006. But that isn’t going to happen either is it? So may God look after those with faith and those with love.
It has not been my favourite job being a prophet of doom to the greater Nineveh, but thankfully that job is now almost over. It is so lovely when one gets an account correct however, one feels that perhaps at last one knows precisely what God is asking of us. I hope this time our information is of some use physically as well as spiritually.
May our loving Gods save you.
Gordon Ritchie
Lords’ Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
How bad a sin was it for the Watchtower to join itself to the UN as an NGO affiliated to the UN DPI??
All churches are subject to the law of the land but no church should make itself subject to the rules of another organisation. Such an agreement is a corporate joining which gives the church a second head. It is therefore an act of harlotry to a God who requires exclusive devotion...
16 What! Do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body? For, The 2, says he, will be one flesh. (1Corinthians6).
Anyone who brings an idol into the temple is an idolater. So if you spend the whole meeting trying to sell double glazing to your brother you are an idolater. But if a church agreed to install a permanent double glazing sales booth in selected congregations near you, for a limited period, whilst stocks last, then the church itself, as a body, would be an idolater, but not a harlot. The harlotry occurs when the church agrees to follow the rules, the headship, of a worldly organisation. For once subject to the rules of any other organisation by agreement, it has become one body with that outfit and the outfit has a permanent wing in the temple. This is harlotry by the church.
So if for example a church joined the tennis club as a corporate member, this would also be harlotry. Even if the only result was that every member of the church had to mow the lawn of the tennis club once a year, it is still harlotry, because the church is joined by agreement to the tennis club and subject to its laws, which have added to the laws of God.
So the harlotry of the Watchtower with the UN, was not that the UN would one day battle with the lamb nor was it that the UN is the throne of (Revelation 2:13), nor was it that they had condemned the UN in 1963 and resolved never to have anything to do with it. The harlotry was merely that they joined the temple to a worldly outfit by agreeing to follow its rules, specifically the rules that apply to any NGO associated with the UN DPI.
However the bottom line is that the Watchtower was joined to the throne of , in fact to the palace of the 8th
world power. For the 2 became one corporate body. His throne was therefore placed in the temple of the Watchtower for almost 10 years from January 1992 until October 2001. Any knowing this, who remains in that church is a worshipper of .
He is condoning the biggest possible insult to God and that a church can make. In fact since the temple was joined to God, the truth is that succeeded in joining his throne to God himself through the UN-Watchtower association. This was the disgusting thing having stood in a holy place, that both and Daniel referred to. It is true that the throne has now been removed, but the Watchtower has put in writing that it is absolutely unrepentant for this act. So by remaining a you condone the act of putting ’s throne in God’s temple. If that is not a sufficiently strong reason to persuade you to leave the Watchtower, then you are lost to idolatry of your Lord, the head of the Watchtower. You have become a status worshipper, a worshipper of your human spiritual leaders rather than of God. This is the greater Baal worship. For Baal means Lord.
This of course was one of the 3 tests that passed. However his church fails all 3 of them. For all scripture must have power. In this case offered all the territories of the world to the Watchtower for evangelism in return for one little UN NGO signature.
May our loving God save you.
Gordon Ritchie
Lords’ Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
Our reference: Jerichos71
What is a Harlot Church and who is the Mother of the Harlots??
“We must go further and implicate, other churches united to the empires of earth. Every church claiming to be a chaste virgin espoused to Christ, but in reality united to and supported by the world, we must condemn as being in scripture language a harlot church.”
(Watchtower November 1879).
“What has been the truth about the world’s religious situation, particularly that of Christendom? In November 1879 The Watch Tower stated:
“Every church claiming to be a chaste virgin espoused to Christ, but in reality united to and supported by the world . . . we must condemn as being in scripture language a harlot church. . . . Yes we believe the nominal church of today to be the Babylon of our text, which falls. . . . The fall we expect will not be instantaneous; it will have a beginning and will gather momentum as it falls until it is dashed to pieces.”
While it was not clear at that time just how this would come about, forewarned by God’s prophetic truths concerning false religion, ’s servants told their hearers to get out of this world’s religions, for these religions were not serving God and would receive his adverse judgments.” (Watchtower August 1971)
In human terms, a wife plays the harlot when she permits another man to control her body. She does this for whatever she can get from him in terms of comfort or security or excitement.
In scriptural terms, the true church is indeed wedded to the Christ who is her head. And it is subject to God’s law. For is the head of the Christ.
If a church permits another organization to control its body, which is its congregation, by agreeing to submit itself to the law of that organization, then it is playing the harlot to God. It is adding worldly law to God’s law. It is joining itself to the world. It is uniting itself with the world through the agreement with the worldly organization. It becomes a worldly church like all the others before it.
So a harlot church is a church which joins a worldly organization thereby becoming subject to laws which are not from God, who is supposed to be its only lawgiver.
We know that the Watchtower joined the UN as an NGO for nearly 10 years. The excuse that this was only done in order to get a library card does not lessen the harlotry. It merely cheapens it.
We have recently discovered that the Watchtower is presently joined as an NGO to the OSCE, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Whilst this organisation may well have laudable goals, it is a worldly outfit and no such outfit has goals as laudable as those of God. The Watchtower is sadly once again playing the harlot.
The Mother of all Harlots is the Roman Catholic church for this was the first true Christian church to sell out to a worldly outfit, which outfit was the Roman state. Later born churches which follow the Catholics in this harlotry are daughters of the Roman Catholic church. They are harlot daughters of a harlot mother. This is the first century meaning of Revelation 17. This interpretation, known in the first and second centuries, is most likely the reason that the book of Revelation does not appear in the manuscript. Of course the Catholic church has NGO agreements with both the UN and the OSCE. It is one hell of a harlot!
There is a ghastly claim by the OSCE that:
"Representatives of civil society sit with governments on an equal footing." Whereas said: Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers (2Corinthians6:14).
10. Administrative Centre of 's Witnesses,
ul. Srednyaya, bldg. 6, pos. Solnechnoye; 197739 St. Petersburg; Russian Federation
Web site:
Mr. Sergey CHEREPANOV, Deputy Chairman
Tel: +7-911-238 88 93
Fax: +7-812-437 09 70
93. European Association of 's Christian Witnesses
Rue d'Argile, 60; B-1950 Kraainem; Belgium
Web site:
Mr. Marcel GILLET, Chairman of the Religious Freedom Subcommittee
Tel: +32-2-782 00 15; 785 08 13
Fax: +32-2-782 05 92
Mr. GILLIES, Press Officer
Tel: +44-208-906 22 11
Fax: +44-208-906 39 38
94. European Association of 's Christian Witnesses
IBSA House, The Ridgeway; London NW7 1RN; United Kingdom
Mr. Marc HANSEN, Counsel for Religious Freedom
Tel: +32-2-782 00 15
243. Office of General Counsel for 's Witnesses
100 Watchtower Drive; Patterson, NY 12563; U.S.A.
Mr. Gregory ALLEN, Associate General Counsel
Tel: +1-845-306 07 11
Fax: +1-845-306 07 09
328. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society - Poland
ul. Warszawska 14; 05-830 Nadarzyn; Poland
Mr. Michal HOSZOWSKI, Public Information Desk Coordinator
Tel: +48-608 575 000
Fax: +48-22-739 19 97
“Apparently Eusebius ignored ’ requirement that His followers be “no part of the world.” (John 17:16; 18:36)
“Adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God?” asked the disciple James. (James 4:4) And how appropriate is ’s admonition: Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers”! (2 Corinthians 6:14) May we remain separate from the world as we “worship [the Father] with spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) Watchtower 2003 15th July, p31
The latest Watchtower says: “As a travelling missionary was well acquainted with the religious practices and philosophical scruples of diverse people. Thus to the Christians in Corinth he wrote…
14 Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness?
Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever?
And what agreement does God's temple have with idols? For we are a temple of a living God; just as God said: I shall reside among them and walk among [them],
and I shall be their God, and they will be my people.
'Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,' says , 'and quit touching the unclean thing'; 'and I will take you in.' (1 Corinthians 6). Watchtower 2008 June1
We cannot improve upon these words. The Watchtower having played the harlot with the UN and having learned nothing from it, continues to play the harlot with the OSCE. It is therefore unclean, by its own admissions in the most recent copy of its magazine. In fact, it stands condemned by its own mouthpiece in articles stretching back to the days of Charles Taze Russell and forward to this very day. Do you read your own magazines?
If, therefore, you are a Christian, you will leave the harlot church of the Watchtower and God will take you in. If you support church harlotry you will stay and God will not take you in.
May our loving God save you.
Gordon Ritchie
Lords’ Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
Our reference: Jerichos72
When someone attacks you, trying to kill you, they lose their right to their life,
their blood. You gain the right to use their life, their blood, only to save your own. You can choose to kill them and spill their blood in self defence with impunity. If your life is in danger then you can make any use of their blood,
their life, that in your judgment protects or saves your life, your blood. So you can make any life protecting use of an attacker's blood without his consent,
since his attack on your life, your blood, is an implied consent. The legal effect of the attack is merely to grant a consent to the victim to use the attacker's blood in a life protecting way. Therefore you can make any life protecting use of a non attacker's blood with his consent. Therefore you can take a blood transfusion from a consenting person in order to protect your life.
Putting this in a more simple way. God's law on blood exists to protect the sanctity of physical life which is represented by the blood and is owned by God. Therefore a use of blood which saves a life, does not break the law which forbids abuse of blood. It is actually the purpose of blood to protect life!!!
This is not true of God's law on idolatry. If a false worshipper tells you he will shoot you unless you do an act of false worship, the thing to do is to refuse,
and if necessary, kill him, run or get shot.
Here is the relevant part of 1Samuel14:
23 And proceeded on that day to save Israel, and the battle itself passed over to Beth-aven.
And the men of Israel themselves were hard pressed on that day, and yet Saul put the people under the pledge of an oath, saying: Cursed is the man that eats bread before the evening and until I have taken vengeance upon my enemies! And none of the people tasted bread.
And all those of the land came into the woods, when honey happened to be over all the surface of the field.
26 When the people came into the woods, why, look! there was a dripping of honey, but there was no one putting his hand to his mouth, because the people were afraid of the oath.
As for Jonathan, he had not been listening when his father put the people under an oath, so he stretched out the tip of the rod that was in his hand and dipped it into the honeycomb and drew his hand back to his mouth, and his eyes began to beam.
At this one of the people answered and said: Your father solemnly put the people under oath, saying, 'Cursed is the man that eats bread today!' And the people began to get tired.
However, Jonathan said: My father has brought ostracism upon the land.
See, please, how my eyes have beamed because I tasted this little bit of honey.
How much more so if the people had but eaten today from the spoil of their enemies that they found! For now the slaughter upon the Philistines has not been great.
And on that day they kept striking down the Philistines from Michmash to Aijalon, and the people got to be very tired.
And the people began darting greedily at the spoil and taking sheep and cattle and calves and slaughtering them on the earth, and the people fell to eating along with the blood [they did not bleed them before they cooked them].
So they told Saul, saying: Look! The people are sinning against by eating along with the blood. At this he said: You have dealt treacherously.
First of all, roll a great stone to me.
After that Saul said: Scatter among the people, and you must say to them, 'Bring near to me, each one of you, his bull and, each one, his sheep, and you must do the slaughtering in this place and the eating, and you must not sin against by eating along with the blood.' Accordingly all the people brought near each one his bull that was in his hand that night and did the slaughtering there.
And Saul proceeded to build an altar to . With it he started altar building to .
Later Saul said: Let us go down after the Philistines by night and plunder them until the morning lightens up, and let us not leave a single one among them. To this they said: Anything that is good in your eyes do. Then the priest said: Let us approach here to the [true] God.
And Saul began to inquire of God: Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will you give them into the hand of Israel? And he did not answer him on that day.
So Saul said: Come near here, all you keymen of the people, and ascertain and see in what way this sin has come to be today.
For as , who is the Deliverer of Israel, is alive, even if it is in Jonathan my son, yet he will positively die. But there was no one answering him out of all the people.
And he went on to say to all Israel: You yourselves will come to be on the one side, and I and Jonathan my son -- we will come to be on the other side. At this the people said to Saul: What is good in your eyes do.
And Saul proceeded to say to : Oh God of Israel, do give Thummim! Then Jonathan and Saul were taken, and the people themselves went out.
Saul now said: Cast lots to decide between me and Jonathan my son. And Jonathan got to be taken.
Then Saul said to Jonathan: Do tell me, What have you done? So Jonathan told him and said: I did for a fact taste a little honey on the tip of the rod that is in my hand. Here I am! Let me die!
At this Saul said: Thus may God do and thus may he add to it, if you do not positively die, Jonathan.
But the people said to Saul: Is Jonathan to die, who has performed this great salvation in Israel? It is unthinkable! As is alive, not as much as a single hair of his head will fall to the earth; for it was with God that he worked this day. With that the people redeemed Jonathan, and he did not die
So Saul withdrew from following the Philistines, and the Philistines themselves went to their place (1 Samuel 14).
This is a very interesting and technical account. Jonathon instigates an attack on the Philistines. Saul makes the people swear an unnecessary oath that limits their ability to do God's work.
Jonathon inadvertently breaks this oath being unaware that it existed and God blesses him and the attack nonetheless. Saul then attempts to instigate a further attack on the Philistines on the next Hebrew day, but God does not indicate that he will bless Saul's attack. It must have occurred to Saul that he might be at fault, because he asks for Thummim to decide whose fault it is that God refuses to bless the second attack. The Thummim decides that the fault lies with either Jonathon or Saul. Thummim should be used by the priest not by the king, although Saul may have asked the priest to use it. So the Thummim result may not have been from God.
So the lot came for Jonathon, and so Saul instantly and immediately condemned his own son to death, a son whose battle against the Philistines had been blessed by God all day long. But in truth it was Saul who was to blame by putting his men in an impossible position with an oath that was tantamount to killing them. He took Israel into the oath in order to appear to be as courageous as his son Jonathon, with whom he was competing. He was actually jealous of his own son,
and he risked the lives of the whole army in order to enhance his popularity (he could have run for office today on that ticket and won). Now God did not kill those of the sons of Israel who had eaten blood along with their meat. He could have instructed Saul to attack the Philistines and arranged for everyone who had eaten blood to be killed for example. He could have instructed Samuel to speak to Saul and tell him to kill everyone who had eaten blood. He could have sent an angel and struck them all down as he did in the case of 70,000 of those who agreed to be registered by Joab. But God did not punish any of his people, he merely embarrassed Saul by failing to bless him as he had blessed his son. This was in fact the perfect punishment for a King who had sought to increase his popularity by risking the lives of his soldiers. God's response was to save the lives of his soldiers and decrease the popularity of the King!
Now clearly God did not make a mistake or forget about the men who had eaten the blood! So there must have been extenuating circumstances for the sons of Israel who abused blood. Well if you are prosecuting a war which requires you to chase after people and hack them to pieces with swords, then being tired and hungry and therefore weak, is a life threatening problem. So the extenuating circumstances were that the soldiers were in mortal danger. If the Philistines had launched a counter attack on tired hungry and weak Jews, the result could have been fatal. So obviously there are circumstances wherein abusing blood carries no penalty. We deduce from this account that such circumstances are when the abuse of blood is for the purpose of saving or protecting life. Here is some more simple blood logic...
10 As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in your midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people.
11 For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for you to make atonement for your souls,
because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul [in it].
12 That is why I have said to the sons of Israel: No soul of you must eat blood and no alien resident who is residing as an alien in your midst should eat blood (Leviticus 17).
So the only permissible use of blood under law was sacrificial in order to redeem your soul. The purpose of a sacrifice being to save life. So God only permits blood to be used sacrificially in order save life. So if someone sacrifices his own blood in order to save another persons life, through a blood transfusion, then that is precisely the permitted use of blood by God. In fact the one who sacrifices his blood in order to save another's life is doing what did with his blood, is he not? And the one who sacrifices his kidney in order to save his brother's life is likewise doing what did with his body,
surely? For we both eat his body and drink his blood.
If we are Christians, should we not then sacrifice both our body parts and our blood in order to save our brother's lives, like our exemplar Christ did, in order to save all of our lives?
Or shall we stand here, saved by the sacrificial use of ' body and blood, claiming to be following in his footsteps, but forbidding the sacrificial use of our own body or our own blood to save anyone else – doh!
So dear brothers and sisters in the patriarchs of Israel and in the cherubs and Seraph of God, we have become like our archetypes the Pharisees whom we deride. We have gulped down the details of the law of Moses and strained out its lesson and its fulfilment, which is the absolute necessity of the sacrifice of one man’s body and blood for another. For it was a tutor leading to the sacrifice of the Christ. And we as Christians should likewise stand ready to sacrifice ourselves or parts thereof for our brothers. said:
A greater love than this no man has, that he lays down his soul for his friends (John 15:13).
If you care about the lives of 6 million s, respond and prove us wrong scripturally or accept our light and repent from your blood guilt and stop inciting those who are saved by the blood of to commit suicide on the altar of your false interpretations.
May the lamb of God open your eyes,
Gordon Ritchie
Lords Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
Our reference: Jerichos73
But in their journeying he entered into a
village, a certain one. A
a certain one, Martha in name,
received him into the house
39 But to her was a sister
called Mary,
who, also, having sat down beside the feet
of the Lord
was listening to his word.
40 But Martha
was distracted about much ministry.
But having approached she said: Lord,
does-it-not-matter to you that my sister
has left me alone to be ministering? Tell her, therefore, to help me.
41 But answering the Lord said to her: Martha,
you are anxious and you are disturbed about many [things].
42 But of few [things] [there] is need or of one [thing]. For Mary chose the good portion [meriV],
[when the whole is defined then its a division of land. So this is a metaphorical 'area'
to work in, not a real physical portion] which will not be taken away from her (Luke 10, /KI made more literal).
Mary (2), Martha (4), Sister (2), Lord (2)
Now has told us that the two women, Sarah and , stand for two covenants in the prophetic drama of Genesis 16. It is not therefore a huge leap of monumental mental agility to realise that these two women also stand for two covenants in the prophetic drama of Luke 10. The first stands for the sons of the water baptism covenant of the s, the congregation of the s. The second stands for the sons of the water baptism covenant of the s, the congregation of the s. They are both sisters in , the father of water baptism in the Abrahamic system.
The Watchtower is very busy with field service and simplified publications and judicial committees and all the business of running a church. Regrettably, it is too busy doing that to listen to the word of God.
The s do not care much for field service or simplified publications or judicial committees or great administration. We spend our whole time at the feet of . So we keep our portion, but the Watchtower has lost their portion, becoming a false church.
For really this is about headship. Martha is too busy and self important looking after her spiritual kids, to sit down humbly like a little child at the feet of her Lord, , the head of the true church. Mary is a research oriented congregation which understands that she is not her own head, but is, and he speaks through the true priesthood. She knows that being a wife (listening to her head) is more important than being a mother (caring for the kids). Most women reject that concept today. They cannot accept that the husband might be able to direct them better than they can themselves. This drama is the spiritual equivalent between the s and the s. Martha was effectively saying to , that her agenda for Mary was more important than his agenda for Mary – she was being a Jezebel.
May the lamb of God open your eyes,
Gordon Ritchie
Lords Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
Our reference: Jerichos74
The scriptures describe this ransom as follows:
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ ,
who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all, which is to be witnessed to at its own particular times (1 Timothy 2).
For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15).
The ransom was simple, it was soul for soul as stipulated in the in the case of damages:
And in case men should struggle with each other and they really hurt a pregnant woman and her children do come out but no fatal accident occurs, he is to have damages imposed upon him without fail according to what the owner of the woman may lay upon him; and he must give it through the justices.
But if a fatal accident should occur, then you must give soul for soul,
eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
branding for branding, wound for wound, blow for blow (Exodus 21).
And in case a man strikes any soul of mankind fatally, he should be put to death without fail.
And the fatal striker of the soul of a domestic animal should make compensation for it, soul for soul.
And in case a man should cause a defect in his associate, then just as he has done, so it should be done to him.
Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; the same sort of defect he may cause in the man, that is what should be caused in him.
And the fatal striker of a beast should make compensation for it, but the fatal striker of a man should be put to death (Leviticus 24).
No son of Adam can offer his soul to God as a ransom for Adam because his soul is already given to the heavenly court, owned by God, as is Adam’s soul. This is not because God visits the sins of Fathers on to their sons, it is because Adam had all of his children after the death penalty was incurred. So his children are owned by the maker of the penalty, the judge, God. It is purely a question of timing.
However a man who is not a son of Adam can ransom Adam, by giving up his soul. Of course the soul must not be under any death penalty, so it must be free from sin at the time of it’s offering. In ’ case this meant that he had to obey the law of Moses. Something that no other man was able fully to do. This was a rather more difficult test than obeying the law of the tree in the garden. But there again was a rather more experienced test pilot.
From a legal standpoint, once Adam is finally resurrected as a human, all of his sons who have not at that point been resurrected as humans can never again be humans.
And once he is resurrected as a human, this being the result of applying the human ransom for him, none of his resurrected sons can die from his death sentence any more. At this point God would be unrighteous if Adam's sons continued to exist in ageing dying bodies.
Did mention the system before this system of things, the edenic system?
May the lamb of God open your eyes,
Gordon Ritchie
Lords Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
Our reference: Jerichos75
May the lamb of God open your eyes,
Gordon Ritchie
Lords Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
Our reference: Jerichos76
Here are the humble words of the great bible technician Charles Taze Russell:
The author’s ministry was divinely limited to the Parousia,
it should not be expected that he should have given accurate descriptions of the Epiphany (Preface to The Time is at Hand).
That we should be prophets is undeniable since Joel said:
‘And they will certainly prophesy’ (Joel 2:28) and Peter said: ‘And they will prophesy’ (Acts 2:18).
Yes, we should both prophesy. But you, being the church of the Parousia, as were your brothers in the first presence, were given in advance some details of the second presence. Whereas we, being the church of the Epiphany, the manifestation of the presence, have been given in advance the dates, relating to that manifestation.
This is what Russell said about the last cornerstone…
‘A wonderful modern device, which serves well to illustrate the divine arrangement of time prophecy,
is what is termed a Combination Time-Lock, used in some of the largest banks.
Like other combination locks, the key or handle remains in the lock constantly.
Certain peculiar movements of the handle, known only to one aware of the arrangement, are needful to open it, while the slightest deviation from the proper movements only complicates the matter and makes it the more difficult to open. The Combination Time-Lock adds the peculiar feature, that by a clock arrangement inside the bank vaults, the doors when closed at night are so locked that they cannot be opened by any one until a fixed hour the next morning; and then, only in response to the use of the right combination upon which the lock has been set.
Thus our Heavenly Father has closed up and sealed many features of his plan during the night with his great Time-Lock, which was so set as to prevent their being opened until "the time appointed"--in the morning of the great day of restitution. And then 's Anointed, "he that hath the key" and understands the combination upon which it has been set, "openeth, and no man shutteth." (`Rev. 3:7`) He opens unto us by giving us the necessary information as to how the key of prophecy is to be operated by those desiring to find the treasures of infinite wisdom. And we may unlock the treasures of divine wisdom now, because the morning hour has come--though it is early and not yet light to the world. But only by carefully heeding the instructions, and applying the key to the combination set by the great Designer, will its treasures open to us.
Well the time of the end began on 2008Nisan14, and the appointed time of the end begins on 2008Sivan15, one precise year before the last son of Adam expires. Russell was correct. One cannot know the date of the time of the end until one is in the time of the end which actually occurs in the 7th day as he said. He just did not know when the 7th day,
the great day of restitution, began. But he prophesied that the anointed of , actually the angel of Philadelphia, would know this.
Now if you declare the words of Russell, your founder, to be apostate today, then it is you who are apostate to the church that he was anointed to build on the foundation stone of the Christ.
Russell, was humble enough to admit publicly that he made chronological mistakes, saying…
‘Dealing with subjects so difficult that they are rarely touched by others, it is not to be considered strange if some of the suggestions made in this Volume have not been fulfilled with absolute accuracy to the letter.’
‘We could not, of course, know in 1889, whether the date 1914, so clearly marked in the Bible as the end of the Gentile lease of power or permission to rule the world, would mean that they would be fully out of power at that time, or whether, their lease expiring, their eviction would begin. The latter we perceive to be the lord’s program…’
But he believed correctly that just as the Jews knew from the 69 weeks of years of Daniel9, the month and the year of ’ physical presence which began with his baptism by John, so God’s people would know the day and the hour of his future presences and his future epiphanies. He said…
‘At the first advent Simeon and Anna, and the wise men of the East, knew to expect the Messiah. In fact, the expectation was general then. (Luke2:25-38; Matthew2:2, Luke3:15) If God so dealt with the house of servants, shall he do less for the house of Sons? Our Lord and Head has said: “15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know what his Lord does. But I have called you friends, because all the things I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” (John15). certainly shall know of the times and seasons in due time, since he is to accomplish the plan, and unless he has changed, he will make them known to those close to him and associated in his work – his friends, his saints.’
Well, he has indeed made them known, and we have made them known to you.
May the lamb of God open your eyes,
Gordon Ritchie
Lords Witnesses (
To the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
Our reference: Jerichos77
The ’s witnesses have this awful practice of shunning those who have been disfellowshipped. They refuse to acknowledge their existence. This causes all sorts of problems in marriages and families when one party or one member is disfellowshipped. It is therefore an attack on love and on the family every bit a pernicious as homosexuality. It is based on a misinterpretation of the 2nd
letter of John (they are told):
For many deceivers have gone forth into the world, persons not confessing Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.
Look out for yourselves, that you do not lose the things we have worked to produce, but that you may obtain a full reward.
Everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God. He that does remain in this teaching is the one that has both the Father and the Son.
If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a [brotherly] greeting to him.
For he that says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works
This scripture only applies to antichrists within the congregation - see U81.
It does not apply to everyone who has been disfellowshipped. The scripture means that one should not receive such a man as a Christian teacher or as a Christian brother and no more than that. We should not say a Christian greeting to him. We know how to treat disfellowshipped or excommunicated people:
If he does not listen to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector (Matthew 18).
Only a fool would refuse to say a greeting to a tax collector! Jews did not shun tax collectors or Gentiles. They dealt with them, especially their Roman governors!
They did not worship with them however. ate with tax collectors and spoke to and listened to the Syrophoenician woman even healing her daughter. So likewise a disfellowshipped man should not be allowed to eat with the congregation, he should be banned from congregation meetings. And that is it! No shunning.
Actually fornication is reported among you, and such fornication as is not even among the nations, that a wife a certain [man] has of [his] father (1 Corinthians 5)…
In my letter I wrote you to quit mixing in company with fornicators,
not [meaning] entirely with the fornicators of this world or the greedy persons and extortioners or idolaters. Otherwise, you would actually have to get out of the world.
But now I am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man (1 Corinthians 5).
The Watchtower also uses the scripture above to justify shunning people who have been disfellowshipped. But it plainly applies to people within the congregation who should have been disfellowshipped, not people outside the church. The advice from is to avoid mixing with people who are known to you to have committed a disfellowshipping offence but for some reason have gotten away with it. But you should not shun them, just avoid mixing with them.
Respect is the most basic form of love. And saying a greeting is the most basic form of respect. Refusing to say a greeting is disrespectful and not loving, but has taught us to love even our enemies. He shunned absolutely no one and there is no account in the gospels of his refusing to eat a meal with anyone. He ate with tax collectors he went around with prostitutes, he spoke to the devil himself when he was tempted, he did not shun . He loved them all. This would mean showing them basic respect at the least. So we should say greetings to them and eat hamburgers with them.
But I say to you who are listening: Continue to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you (Luke 6).
Have you have forgotten words to his disciples in his sermon on the mount?
However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you;
that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.
For if you love those loving you, what reward do you have? Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing?
And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing?
Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?
You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5).
May the lamb of God open your eyes,
Gordon Ritchie
Lords Witnesses (
The s are besieging the s for the 7 days from 2008Iyyar1 to 2008Iyyar7 inclusive. Iyyar7 is the Jubilee in the sabbath system of the s. On this day we expect that the wall of Jericho, the prohibition on s to study any religious material from the s or anyone else other that the Watchtower, to fall down flat. This means that it fails and is seen as a law of men from the earth not a law of God, from the heavens. It will fall as a result of the s finally getting the date of the first answer by fire from the heavens of 1Kings18 correct. For every number in that chapter is a multiple of 50, so the whole thing is saying: Jubilee! Jubilee!
The first fire from the heavens comes on 2008Iyyar7 at the 10th hour of the day, this being the 10th hour of the 7th day of the 50th month in our present timetable, rather than the 10th day of the 7th month of the 50th year as was the case in the days of Moses. The sabbath system is a greater meaning of Leviticus25, for the law has a shadow of the good things to come (Hebrews 10:1).
That is 2008April14 around 4:45-5:45pm local time. We understand from Daniel2 that this is a radiological terrorist attack on the UK and the US, the two feet of the image of Daniel 2 - see U167. After this attack, the 10 kings of Revelation 19, who give their kingdom to the UN will finally appear, these being the 10 toes of the image.
The administration in fulfilment of Joshua6 for the last time is sending one message per day to around 100 Bethels of the s. Here are the messages (with minor corrections).
As you know we have for 2 years been trying to get the date of the first fire from the heavens of 1King18 in its last fulfilment. In a wonderful example of what can be achieved by co-operation between the s and the s in furthering bible understanding, one particular who we cannot name in case you visit upon him a cruel and inhuman penalty for his faith, and love of bible research, recommended that we consider the Jubilee as the reason why every number in 1Kings18 is denominated in 50s, when we had been looking more at Pentecost.
We realised that we had not fully understood how to apply the Jubilee release to the Sabbath timetable of our church. We had failed to fully interpret Leviticus 25. Without going into detail just as the Jubilee release occurred on the 10th day of the 7th month of the 50th year under the , so it occurs at the 10th
hour of the 7th day of the 50th month under the law of the s. Well that would be 2008Iyyar7 at the 10th hour of the day. This is what 1Kings18 is screaming at us by all of the 50s and multiples of 50s in the account, as our friend in the s said. This is the holy spirit showing us how to co-operate you know.
Now that day is a release from slavery and a return to family and possession and an atonement between God and the s and between the s and the s who will thereafter be able to research and evangelise and serve God together rather than continuing to give the demons a victory with our ungodly division. Every day we are separated mankind’s understanding of God’s word suffers.
Now the blast of the horn of the ram (which means Jubilee – thanks for that one), is the end of the 7 day campaign of Jericho by the s on the walled up s. So we start that campaign today thanks to your help with our understandings.
This campaign is your liberation so please embrace it and enjoy it for it is God’s will that we unite.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of the holy covenants,
May the love of the Christ and the guidance of the holy spirit deliver us all.
Since this is day 2 of our Jericho campaign let us explain how Joshua6 applies symbolically today.
God does not need half a million people to march around in circles 13 times in 7 days in order to knock down a wall with his great heavenly power that built a 15 billion light year universe.
The actions of the Israelites were prophetic. They walked around the city in circles not because this was a great new military strategy which should now be taught at West Point, but because God wished to declare through them how the greater battle of Jericho would work. He could plainly have had the sons of Israel sit down for tea and then knocked the wall down with his little finger.
But the armies of walked around the city one time for each of 6 days and on the 7th day they walked around it 7 times. So the campaign defines the 7th day as being a temporal campaign Sabbath. It does this by taking 7 days and by marching around one time on each of the first 6 days so the that 7th day becomes the 7th time. Then having defined this campaign Sabbath, they march around the city 7 times on that day, this is saying 7 campaign Sabbaths. Then they blew a ram’s horn. Well the word for ram’s horn in Hebrew means Jubilee, since the horn of the ram is blown at the release to on atonement day in the Jubilee year.
Well a campaign Sabbath 7 times or 7 campaign Sabbaths followed by a rams horn is saying: Jubilee!!!
So the greater fall of Jericho occurs on a Jubilee. The Jubilee release in the Sabbath system of the s occurs at the 10th hour of daylight on 2008Iyyar7 = 2008April14 at around 4:45-5:45 pm local time.
Now the Watchtower Society has never given its children a Sabbath of any type. So just like the Jews before them they will be evicted from their land for a period equal to the number of land Sabbaths they have missed. It is true that died to end the law, but he did not die to end the principle of the Sabbath, since he is now Lord of the Sabbath and the whole kingdom of God is a giant Sabbath. We are saying that the Watchtower should have had a Sabbath system with a rest every 7th day and a rest every 7th year, and a Jubilee every 50th year. The s have a monthly Sabbath system which began when we first started feeding from our website in 1999Shebat.
The Watchtower was appointed to feed as the faithful and discreet slave on 1914Tishri15 at the end of the . So the first whole Sabbath agricultural year began on 1915Tishri1. The Jubilee was1965Tishri10. Then we have 5 more Sabbaths starting 1972Tishri1, 1979, 1986, 1993, 2000Tishri1. The Watchtower fell in 2004Elul14, 1290 days of Daniel 12 before the end of ’s system on 2008Nisan14. So there are 13 years of land Sabbath error.
The 4th faithful slave of the s was appointed on 1995Tishri18 - see
On 1995Tishri15, after 100 years of feeding the saints, the Watchtower lost authority over the saints and actually became the wicked and sluggish slave of Matthew25. And 13 years after that is 2008Tishri. The water baptism of the s ends on 2008Tishri30, having been exclusive for precisley 7 years from 2001Tishri30, when the Watchtower lost its water baptism. And the administration, which is run by the descended first new covenant saints, begins on 2008Heshvan6. So there it is, your 13 year land Sabbath error. And in God's righteousness, there is your penalty!
As you know the Sabbath exists in Genesis 1, and in Revelation the length of the kingdom Sabbath is given as 1,000 years. So the Sabbath should be a feature of every true religion. taught in the synagogues on the Sabbaths for a reason!
The in Joshua 6 is the means of salvation of mankind through Armageddon which is the rapture. We do not walk through it because it ends with an extinction level volcanic event, a flood of fire, the greater destruction of Sodom, which evaporates all the seas and sends all the water back up to where it was before the flood. There will only be molten lava to walk upon. The ark is angelic this time. We are saved by the rapture which has not been a Watchtower doctrine since the days of Macmillan, whose faith will have been blessed. But billions now living will never die, to paraphrase Rutherford. 50% of mankind is raptured, since the two women grinding at the mill and the two men in the field are split 50:50. True it is that few are the ones on the road to life, judicial life, angelic life, but many are those who are saved dead, for the dead come to life at the end of the 1,000 years. 3 billion are saved, the number of letters in our gene sequence. These ones are the DNA for the new system.
Macmillian may have got the date of his ascension wrong, but we have got the date of his descent right. He will turn up perhaps on the very bridge he failed to ascend from (Proclaimers p62), between 2008Sivan6 and 2008Tammuz15, in the first 40 days of the greater flood of heavenly waters, which are angels.
Lot knew that to save his soul he should leave Sodom for . Lot’s house where the angels, who are also described in the same account as men, ate the feast and the unleavened bread, is the house of the second new covenant for 144,000 earthly kings. And we host the evening meal of the lamb’s marriage to which you are all invited. The feast stands for that meal. Lot is (the administration of the s), is the administration that follows us, for more info see
Once Lot reached , his soul was safe. His wife, became a pillar of salt. This is not such a bad thing, it means the s lose their water baptism but remain a true church, for pillars exist inside churches, and buttresses outside. Salt is the dehydration of Mrs Lot. The chronology of the end is the chronology of the flood for Daniel said: The end will be by the flood (Daniel 9:26).
We will give this church to the descending first new covenant saints at the appointed time on 2008Heshvan6, when it becomes . But you will give us the faithful ones in your church when the wall of Jericho falls down (if we are correct). For we are to be partners for 1,000 years. Now following the timeline of the account of the flood, the ark reaches the mountain after 150 days which is 2008Heshvan6. Then the window is opened through which the birds fly. That is the start of the rapture 40 days later on 2008Chislev15. For more on the rapture see
That’s all for today folks. See you tomorrow for day 3 of Jericho.
May God bless our faith our love and our understanding
Gordon Ritchie and Mike Schwingenschloegl
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Greetings sons of ’s first covenant,
Since we are marching around your city, let us explain what a march symbolises today. The design of man declares that unless we continually adjust our step, we fall over. We are a statically unstable but dynamically stable design. This is a prophetic statement that we tend to stumble, unless we work to avoid it. God uses stumbling to picture sinning. For mankind is morally unstable too! We tend to sin unless we work hard to avoid it. Those who can walk without sin are the ones whose sin God has forgiven in advance, those who have been given the gift of a clean conscience, those who are spirit sanctified. For when God takes you as a spirit son he ignores your sin on the basis that if you keep faith and keep trying to obey his commandments then he will keep teaching you until you sin no more.
So he who can walk is born again. When said: Get up pick up your bed and walk, he was saying in the greater meaning: Join the true religion, have a resurrection and be born again. For full length treatises on spirit baptism see intro32 and and intro12.
But what then is a march in spiritual terms? It is a spirit sanctification which is temporally co-ordinated by humans. In order for this to occur we have to baptise people in holy spirit according to the timetable of God. Now timetables of God are what this church is all about. We have not yet baptised anyone in holy spirit because that time has not yet come. It is God’s will that it should not come apart from you. For God’s love is everlasting and once he starts loving a person he never stops.
The wall which you have erected between our research and 6 million people, many of whom could improve our research and mankind grasp of God’s book dramatically, is also stopping this spirit sanctification of the second new covenant lords, by humans, from starting.
Second new covenant? What is that we hear you ask. Does this man have a demon? is the mediator of the one and only spirit covenant for there is one mediator between God and man,
a man Christ right? No, had a covenant too, several in fact as did Moses. The Abrahamic covenant and the Law covenant cannot be subcovenants of the first new covenant, since they preceded it. The simplest way for us to explain all the 24 salvation covenants that God has made with man is to invite you to look at our chart of them all. We will attempt to fax it to you but you
will get a better look from the PDF at
For a simple proof that there is a second new covenant let’s consider the famous scripture…
Also, I say to you, You are Peter, and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation [with you as the first stone placed on me the rock-mass], and the gates of will not overpower it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you may bind on earth will be the thing bound in the heavens, and whatever you may loose on earth will be the thing loosed in the heavens.
Then he sternly charged the disciples not to say to anybody that he was the Christ (Matthew 16).
It is a famous scripture that none of us have understood for centuries upon centuries. Most Christian churches interpret these 3 keys as 3 calls into the Christian church, one to the Jews which they say occurred at Pentecost in Acts 2, one to the Samaritans which occurred in Acts 8 and one to the Gentiles which occurred in Acts 10. The s fell victim to an improved version of this flawed and daft understanding until March 2006 (Wednesday 22nd evening or Friday 24th evening).
If the 3 keys are 3 calls into the first new covenant (), then we have 3 keys to the same door. This plainly will not work. For when we open with the first key the door will still be locked shut by the other 2 keys. The correct analogy for calls into the is calls to board an aeroplane through a departure gate. The gate is opened with one key and then different groups are called one after the other. But there is only one key and only one gate at the airport.
So for centuries most Christian churches had saints entering in through a locked door - something that could do after he had been resurrected as a spirit, yes, but not something men can do, other than in Harry Potter movies.
Now the bible plainly declares that the house of has one key, not three keys...
27 And all around the house of the [true] God they would spend the night; for guard service was upon them, and they were in charge of the key, even [to open up] from morning to morning (1 Chronicles 9).
22 And I will put the key of the house of David upon his shoulder, and he must open without anyone's shutting, and he must shut without anyone's opening (Isaiah 22).
There is one key per house.
So if Peter is given the Keys (plural) of the Kingdom, then the Kingdom has at least two houses in it. These are two temples, two worship systems. This means that there are at least two covenants and at least two true religions (successively) under Peter. So here we have found at least two True Christian Churches and at least two Christian covenants, for each true church has a covenant, and each true Christian church has a spirit covenant.
So these plural keys are the simplest possible proof of a second temple of true worship of which Peter is the key holder, which requires a second covenant amongst other things, since God creates no worship system without a covenant. For more on the second new covenant please see intro35.
So we are marching around according to the second new covenant a door which Peter has the key to, but he puts that key upon the shoulder of the messenger of Philadelphia, who is the writer of this letter. Brotherly love is what we have been trying to extend to you for the last 16 years. What will it take for you to see that? Well have a look at Acts 3.
ACTS CHAPTER 3 [Blue is the second Word symbolic meaning of the account, the meaning that applies today]
Now Peter [ reserves] and John [ Kings] were going up into the temple for the hour of prayer, the 9th,
and a certain man that was lame from his mother's womb [unsanctified from the time that he was water baptised] was being carried [by the angels to the temple of ],
and they would daily put him near the temple door that was called Beautiful [because the blessing of the baptism is so incredibly attractive. This is the Lord baptism], in order to ask gifts of mercy [baptism, a free gift of mercy from God]
from those entering into the temple.
When he caught sight of Peter and John about to go into the temple he began requesting to get gifts of mercy [to be baptised].
But Peter, together with John, gazed at him and said: Take a look at us [take a look at our understandings].
So he fixed his attention upon them, expecting to get something from them.
However, Peter said: Silver and gold I do not possess [the reserves do not have the capability to baptise kings or kings in holy spirit, these are the gold and the silver respectively],
but what I do have [copper,
authority to spirit baptise Lords]
is what I give you: In the name of Christ the Nazarene,
walk! [be sanctified in the name of the Nazarene, Word2,
walk without stumbling, live without sin to God, this authority comes from the covenant made with the little sprout]
With that he took hold of him by the right hand [5 months of spirit baptism] and raised him up [water baptised and spirit baptised].
Instantly the soles of his feet and his anklebones were made firm [soles of feet are in contact with the ground, the land, the congregation of . The ankles are needed for leaping, which is the rapture];
and, leaping up, he stood up and began walking [a spirit baptism leaping up to heaven to catch an associated angel], and he entered with them into the temple, walking [spirit sanctified] and leaping [having a guaranteed rapture so long as he stays faithful] and praising God [continuously,
without dying].
And all the people got sight of him walking and praising God [Omission symbolism - not leaping - since one cannot see a rapture].
Moreover, they began to recognize him, that this was the man that used to sit for gifts of mercy at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, and they became filled with astonishment and ecstasy at what had happened to him (Acts 3).
The Lords get arguably the best deal of all those who are saved. They do not have the burden of kingship in the. They are merely the administrators, bureaucrats,
the public servants of the Kingdom. Don’t those guys always get a cushy number?
The beauty of their salvation is that they are raptured as angels without dying. This is true for all who reach the administration and who are not baptised into death as the reserve kings and kings are. But the Lords get a powerful position in the kingdom of God without having to die to receive it. They along with all those who are raptured fulfil the famous words of quoted at many funeral when he said…
said to her: I am the resurrection [wherefrom death has no victory] and the life [wherefrom death has no sting]. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life [this being the resurrection];
and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all [this being the life]. Do you believe this? (John 11).
We can now explain this scripture to you in a way that no one has understood it since the days of the Gnostics.
said to her: I am the resurrection [from the first death, from ] and the life [judicial life, angelic life, born again life,
having an angelic soul]. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life [this being the resurrection from the first death];
and everyone [in general, barring a few special cases - c.f. 1Corinthians15:27- with the exception of the one who subjected] that is living [judicially,
born again, spirit sanctified, having an associated angel, the second life]
and exercises faith in me will never die into the age [eternally] [he will be individually raptured into his angel if his human body dies for any reason or he will be raptured during the first rapture at the end of the first presence or from at the start of the kingdom with the other 3 billion if he makes it there. He will not enter in to the first death, he will not lose consciousness but have a seemless transition from human to angel. Neither will he enter the second death for it has no authority over those sealed in spirit. But this excludes those whose spirit baptism requires a death. So it excludes all mediators of covenants and all of the first 12 tribes of the saints, and kings, who are baptized into his death, so must die and give their human bodies as a ransom as he did. But it says there are many more saints than these who will not die at all. These are the sons of the , the and the Lords]
Do you believe this? (John 11) [Good Question].
14 For if our faith is that died and rose again,
so, too, those who have fallen asleep [in death] through God will bring with him.
15 For this is what we tell you by 's word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep [in death];
16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call [to the sons of the who listen to his commands and obey them], with an archangel's voice [to the angels, the saints] and with God's trumpet [to the priests, the sons of the , who blow the festival trumpets to gather the congregation together] and those who are dead in Christ will rise first [the Christian sons of the from the 4 true Christian churches, in ].
17 Afterward we the living [angelically or non adamically]
who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds [So the dead in Christ rise before the s who rise during the fire signs. The dead in Christ do not rise before the s who do not meet the Lord in the air during fire sign clouds. The clouds were NOT of the Beirut Ammonium Nitrate explosions on 2020Ab12 (2020August4 at 18:00 local time). They are volcanic clouds and the explosive clouds of fire signs and WW3]; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord.
18 Consequently keep comforting one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
Air (1), Cloud (1)
90There should be a fire sign cloud at the rapture for says...
14 For if our faith is that died and rose again,
so, too, those who have fallen asleep [in death] through God will bring with him.
15 For this is what we tell you by 's word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep [in death];
16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call [to the sons of the who listen to his commands and obey them], with an archangel's voice [to the angels, the saints] and with God's trumpet [to the priests, the sons of the , who blow the festival trumpets to gather the congregation together] and those who are dead in Christ will rise first [the
saints upon resurrection, the sons of the from the 4 true Christian churches, the sons of the from the 4 true Christian churches who are asleep in . Also to rapture the 3 seahs of risen flour, the Gentile call s, the
Laodicean s and the s].
17 Afterward we the living ones left around [angelically or non adamically]
will, together with them, be caught away in clouds [So the dead in Christ rise before the s who rise during the fire signs. The dead in Christ do not rise before the s who do not meet the Lord in the air during fire sign clouds. The clouds are volcanic clouds and the explosive clouds of fire signs and WW3]; and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord.
18 Consequently keep comforting one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4 )
Air (1), Cloud (1)
Rosh Hashana is the festival of Trumpets, Shouting and Alarm: 3 features of one festival, standing for 3 raptures or 3 seahs of flour being raised:
0. s are resurrected from from 2024Tishri10-14 in the month of adamic Tishri1 Rosh Hashana, starting at the 50 years of not working as priests adamic Jubilee release, (36½ from 4027Tishri1 BC and 12½ years after 2012Nisan14 AD).
1: Gentile call s from 2024Tebbeth16-20 in the month of Abrahamic Tebbeth1 Rosh Hashana
2: Abrahamic Laodicean (Samaritan) s from 2024Shebat15-20 in the month of late abrahamic Tebbeth1 Rosh Hashana
3: Isaaic (Jewish) s from 2024VeAdar15-20 in the month of isaaic Adar1 Rosh Hashana
0. of all the dead s in Christ in
1. rapture of the saints
2. rapture of the priests
3. rapture of the faithful citizens
A commanding call, (Alarm) an archangel's voice (Shouting), God's trumpet (Trumpets) = 2024Tishri1: Adamic Rosh Hashana and 2024Tebbeth1: Abrahamic World Exodus by Rosh Hashana and 2024Adar1: Isaaic World Exodus by rapture Rosh
The s are ark raptured on 2024Tebbeth16-20 (Gentile call s), 2024Shebat15-20 (Laodicean) and 2024VeAdar15-20 (), the 3 seahs of flour that have leaven hidden in them until the whole mass is raised into the ark.
and his s cannot have been angelic for 2,000 years and then live as earthly Lords in the Kingdom. They would corrupt the Kingdom with angelic technology. We have to advance under our own steam. So they have been in and are
born again angelically upon resurrection therefrom. His phrase: 'We the living ones left around' refers to the saints, which s are constructively, but not actually angelic, until resurrected from .
4 'You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, that I might carry you on wings of eagles [RAPTURE] and bring you to myself.
So all the dead s are resurrected on 2024Tishri10-14, before the rapture. Then the dead true church s are resurrected on 2025Tishri10-14, again before the rapture, and starting upon Rosh Hashana90.
3 Or do you not know that as many as were baptized into Christ, were baptized into his death? [the saints, who are baptized into the name of Christ, the mediator of the , must die physically and that death is used as a part of the multi-level ransom after the pattern of the ransom deal of Numbers3]
4 Therefore we were buried with him through our baptism into his death [getting the same resurrection as he did], in order that, just as Christ was raised up from the dead through the glory of the Father, we also should likewise walk in a newness of life [ is now taking the physical death to come and applying it earlier in a symbolic way].
5 For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall certainly also be [united with him in the likeness] of his resurrection;
6 because we know that our old personality was impaled with [him], that our sinful body might be made inactive, that we should no longer go on being slaves to sin.
7 For he who has died [physically]
has been acquitted from [his] sin (Romans 6)
20 However, now Christ has been raised up from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep [in death].
21 For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a man.
22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.
23 But each one in his own rank: Christ the firstfruits,
afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence [the kings].
24 Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power [the rapture from , during Armageddon] (1 Corinthians 15).
49 And just as we have borne the image of the one made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly one.
50 However, this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom, neither does corruption inherit incorruption [one cannot enter into the kingdom without becoming an angel either through rapture of angelic resurrection of the first death which is being alseep in a temporary angel which is being boarn again as an angel but not realising it].
51 Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed [raptured,
changed from humans to angels],
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible [the angelically dead sons of the and the will be raptured through the 2BRC and the 1BRC respectively],
and we [the living] shall be changed [raptured into angels].
53 For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality.
54 But when [this which is corruptible puts on incorruption and] this which is mortal puts on immortality, then the saying will take place that is written: Death is swallowed up forever.
55 Death, where is your victory? [the resurrection denies death a victory] Death, where is your sting [the rapture denies death even a sting]? (1 Corinthians 15).
So is telling Martha his twin salvation roles which derive from his twin sacrifice of his human body and his angelic body on 33Nisan14. He provides an escape from the first death through the first Abrahamic covenant which he is the validation sacrifice for,
the greater sacrifice of by , the lamb that provided on the mountain.
He provides total escape from any form of death by his angelic sacrifice, for all those who are born again but not mediators of covenants or baptised into physical death as the kings and kings are (not sure about the and reserve kings though). So that his born again sons are raptured and will not enter into at all if they keep faith and get sealed for everlasting life.
If we die
and are put in the grave of the first death, our spirits continue to dream in rented angelic souls until they are resurrected into the kingdom. In fact all in the first death dream in a temporary angelic soul, but those who are born again own that soul. For in that day their thoughts do perish, in the ‘day’ of their death they have thoughts in their dreams, but these are forgotten. It is a general anaesthetic brothers, and we dream all the time we are asleep or anaesthetized. For if not then we cease to exist and what is resurrected would be a clone of us and not us. During every second of our lives and during every second of our deaths we make our own unique and individual free willed decisions either in the physical world of the earth or in the virtual subconscious world of our dreams. Those free willed decisions unique to our character, define us and define our continued existence. That is why we dream. If we did not dream at night we would wake up being someone else. That is why every person who resurrected he first described as being asleep. And he was not lying. Death is sleep in a borrowed angelic vehicle for those who are not already born again.
Yes it is deep. But then the genetic code of our bodies is not shallow, so why would we expect the bible code to be any more superficial? Now please do not behave as swine in the face of such a pearl. has conquered death and he through us has now told you the result of that conquest. He has lead us to conquer the mechanism of death.
The first death is being asleep and dreaming in an angelic soul. The dreams are forgotten except those had at the moment you wake up as in the case of an anaesthetic.
Better stop now or this might become another book. So we hope to march with you in the near future.
That’s all for today folks. See you tomorrow for day 4 of Jericho.
May God bless our faith our love our understanding and our works
Gordon Ritchie and Mike Schwingenschloegl
Your little brothers in spirit and faith,
the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
WoodHill House, Hendon Wood Lane, London NW7 4HR (Transmitted on April 10th, 2008).
Greetings sons of ’s faith and ’s spirit,
Our apologies brothers, we made a mistake in our Jericho3 message. Well, we are supposed to be going round in circles! Here is the improved understanding and our Jericho4 message…
We can now truly explain this scripture to you in a way that no one has understood it since the days of the Gnostics.
said to her: I am the resurrection [from the first death,
from ] and the life [judicial life, angelic life, born again life, having an angelic soul].
He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life [this being the resurrection from the first death];
and everyone [in general, barring a few special cases - c.f. 1Corinthians15:27- with the exception of the one who subjected] that is living [judicially,
born again, spirit sanctified, having an associated angel]
and exercises faith in me will never die into the age [eternally] [he will be individually raptured into his angel if his human body dies for any reason or he will be raptured during the first rapture at the end of the first presence or from at the start of the kingdom with the other 3 billion if he makes it there. He will not enter in to the first death, he will not lose consciousness but have a seemless transition from human to angel. Neither will he enter the second death for it has no authority over those sealed in spirit.
But this excludes those whose spirit baptism requires a death. So it excludes all mediators of covenants and all of the first 12 tribes of the saints, and the reserves, who are baptized into his death, so they must die and give their human bodies as a ransom as he did. But it says there are many more saints than these who will not die at all. These are the sons of the , the and the Kings and the Lords] Do you believe this? (John 11) [Good Question].
For if our faith is that died and rose again, so, too, the [judicially living]
ones [of us] who have fallen asleep [in death] God, through , will bring [to be] with him.
For this is what we tell you by [the] Lord’s word, that we, the [ones] [judicially]
living [those who have an indefinite future, i.e. those baptised in spirit. People who have been declared righteous in the flesh only have another 1,000 years for sure, and so are still 'dead'] the [ones] left around into the presence of the Lord
[the descent of the saints to pick up the kids by rapture],
shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep [in death];
because the Lord himself will descend from heaven [into ]
with a commanding call [to the saints in the first death, he commands them since they are his wife], with an archangel's voice [to individually rapture the non dying saints of the , and as they die.
These are under the authority of the archangel, being his possessions. As their human bodies die, they are raptured so as not to see the first death which does not apply to them] and with God's trumpet [on earth at the manifestation of the presence, comes through the flesh of his descended wife, the saints, to sort the sheep from the goats, also at the end of the first presence of Christ, since two angels said: men of Galilee,
why do you stand looking into the sky, the sheep are then raptured from ], and those who are dead in union with Christ [the saints]
will rise first.
Thereupon we the living who are left around together with/at the same time as/
them [the non dying saints], will be caught away in clouds [groups of saints in various raptured groups, perhaps daily or weekly or something,
together with the saints are led up into heaven at the final rapture at the end of the manifestation] into a meeting of the Lord [ himself in person] into [the] air [the real oxygen, the real life giving atmosphere, which is heavenly oxygen, which is God's love];
and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord
Consequently keep comforting one another with these words (1 Thessalonians 4).
Or do you not know that as many as were baptized into Christ,
were baptized into his death? [This is his physical death. did not die to sin, since he was never alive in sin, he never sinned. The saints, who are baptized into the name of Christ, the mediator of the , must die physically and that death is used as a part of the multi-level ransom perhaps after the pattern of the ransom deal of Numbers3?]
Therefore we were buried with him through our baptism into his death [getting the same resurrection as he did], in order that, just as Christ was raised up from the dead through the glory of the Father, we also should likewise walk in a newness of life [ is now taking the physical death to come and applying it earlier in a symbolic way].
For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall certainly also be [united with him in the likeness] of his resurrection;
because we know that our old personality was impaled with [him], that our sinful body might be made inactive, that we should no longer go on being slaves to sin.
For he who has died [physically] has been acquitted from [his] sin [and he who is baptised in spirit has the gift of a clean conscience and so is dead to sin in God’s eyes].
Moreover, if we have died with Christ [physically died with him, did not die to his sin, he had no sin, he died for our sin]
we believe that we shall also live [physically as an angel] with him.
For we know that Christ, now that he has been raised up from the dead, dies no more; death is master over him no more [literal death first or second has no authority over him].
For [the death] that he died, he died with reference to sin once for all time;
but [the life] that he lives, he lives with reference to God.
Likewise also you: reckon yourselves to be dead indeed with reference to sin but living with reference to God by Christ .
Therefore do not let sin continue to rule as king in your mortal bodies that you should obey their desires (Romans 6).
This chapter is classic Gnostic knots. There is a deliberate ambiguity between dying physically and dying in the sense of ceasing to be active in sin. did not die to sin because he was never alive to sin. He died physically. But [and this is outside the scope of this letter] in the two word threads of this account the mediators of the () and the (Gordon) do die with respect to sin,
being sinners, and so those baptised into the and the die with us with reference to sin but do not die physically as mediators must.
20 However, now Christ has been raised up from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep [in death].
For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a man.
For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive.
But each one in his own rank: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence [the kings during the presence of his fiancé on one mountain, mount Hor, the Watchtower, a la Aaron. But the reserves later during the presence of his descended wife, on another mountain, the s, a la Moses. The older brother and the younger brother. They see as far as , but they do not reach it.].
Next, the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power [the rapture from , during Armageddon] (1 Corinthians 15).
And just as we have borne the image of the one made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly one.
However, this I say, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom, neither does corruption inherit incorruption [one cannot enter into the kingdom without becoming an angel either through rapture of angelic resurrection of the first death which is being asleep in a temporary angel which is being born again as an angel but not realising it].
Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed [raptured, changed from humans to angels],
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible [the angelically dead sons of the and the will be raptured through the 2BRC and the 1BRC respectively], and we [the living] shall be changed [raptured into angels].
For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality.
54But when [this which is corruptible puts on incorruption and] this which is mortal puts on immortality, then the saying will take place that is written: Death is swallowed up forever.
Death, where is your victory? [the resurrection denies death a victory]
Death, where is your sting [the rapture denies death even a sting]?
(1 Corinthians 15).
So the whole picture is that the saints are baptised into the death of the Christ and so die physically, go to sleep in in their own angels, and then are resurrected as angels as was before he descended. But then he descended as a human and appeared for 40 days, whereas they will descend as humans over 40 days and stay down here to sort the sheep from the goats and manage the rapture.
Now everyone who is living judicially, born again and exercises faith in will never die at all ().
Do you believe this? Well no you cannot. Because the only ones who are born again in Watchtower theology are the anointed remnant, the saints, and they all die sacrificially as did.
So ’ words require that there be other saints, baptized into other covenants who do not die but continue to live in angelic bodies after they leave their human bodies behind when they are raptured. Their spirit being instantly transferred from the human vehicle to the angelic vehicle as we might see in an episode of Stargate. Furthermore since says ‘everyone’ who is living and exercises faith in me will not die at all, this is the Greek or Hebrew idiom for ‘in general’, ‘this is what happens excluding the obvious special cases’. So the majority of the saints do not die. So more saints avoid the sting of death through the rapture than avoid the victory of death through the resurrection. This returns us to the words of Isaiah54:1 where the children of the desolate one are more numerous than those of the one with the husbandly owner.
The reason we have gone into this in detail is to explain to you the ‘saint-icidal’ effect of your wall. This is why God will knock it down. And the various designations for the ark of the covenant in Joshua6 stand for the various ways in which people are saved at the time of the end.
So we will now attempt succinctly to explain these various mechanisms of salvation.
The []
The of [, the descended the saints]
The of the Covenant [the means of salvation at the end for the sons of which is the rapture covered by the 1BRC and the 2BRC]
The of the Covenant of [The saving means of the . The gift of everlasting life paid for by ]
This is a slice and dice of all the ways in which all the different covenanted people are saved in the time of the end. Of course in the literal account they are all the same ark, yes, yes, but the bible does not give the ark 4 designations for no reason. It does it because in the greater meaning, the word symbolic meaning,
this box stands for 4 different salvation means. When said every particle of a letter will be fulfilled and when said the word of God has power, they both meant it.
We have explained the , which is the administration, in Jericho1. This is the rapture assembly and embarkation administration. It is Mrs collecting the kids from the school of and taking them home to her husband in heaven.
The of , is the descended first new covenant saints, who come down to do the school run.
The of the Covenant is the legal basis of the salvation of non-saints. These fall into two groups, those who have a true religion water baptism, i.e. an water baptism and those who have faith like but did not join the s. Everyone who is saved will join the church of the administration. These two groups are saved by two covenants depicted by Lot’s two daughters – see We do not yet know their names, so we presently rather bureaucratically call them the first born rapture covenant (1BRC) and the second born rapture covenant (2BRC). The 1BRC covers s and the 2BRC covers the sons of by his first covenant, the .
This is how ‘we shall be changed’. The mediators of these covenants are unknown to us at present. These covenants save the ‘dead’, those who are not saints. They save around 3 billion people.
The of the Covenant of is the saving means for those kings sealed for everlasting life. They are in a master covenant which we call the Angelic Covenant of the . The French might call it the Arc de Triumphe! This is simply the gift of everlasting angelic life.
But the kings, reserve Kings and Kings and Lords get there in 3 different ways.
48 And proceeded to speak to Moses [the reserve kings] on this same day, saying:
49 Go up into this mountain of Abarim [meaning passers-over, passoverers], Mount Nebo [prophet, interpreter of divine will – the administration], which is in the land of Moab, which fronts toward Jericho [yes, you guys – look at Jericho!], and see the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the sons of Israel as a possession.
50 Then die on the mountain into which you are going up [the mountain of the s, which will be raised above all the other mountains starting on 2008Iyyar7, when your wall will fall down], and be gathered to your people, just as Aaron [the first 12 tribes, the original 144,000 saints, who died before 2001Heshvan7] your brother died on Mount Hor [The Watchtower administration, the harlot that rode the beast –
you think God has no sense of humour? This does not apply to Aaron of course since Hor does not have that connotation in Hebrew] and got to be gathered to his people;
51 for the reason that you men acted undutifully toward me in the middle of the sons of Israel at the waters of Meribah of Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin; for the reason that you men did not sanctify me in the middle of the sons of Israel [Yes, you led the s into idolatry of yourselves, the wide awake John class, the exclusive channel for the holy spirit to give bible understandings through, the people who direct God’s spirit rather than being directed by God’s spirit].
52 For from a distance you will see the land, but you will not go there into the land that I am giving to the sons of Israel (Deuteronomy 32).
So the 72,000 second presence kings died on Mount Hor, the mountain of the Watchtower. They generally died of old age or natural causes.
The 6,000 second presence reserve kings go up another mountain, mount Nebo, the administration. They die in their sleep, they die a la Moses, they are taken by God.
The 144,000 Kings, 12,000 reserve kings and the 14.4 million Lords reach and are raptured into their own angels.
The of for Adam is described in This was the ransom of an angel with everlasting life for Adam’s associated angel. It must be an angelic ransom or the saints cannot become angels. But also ransomed , this is how he gave his life for the many, the world, for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. His human body ransomed ’s human body.
These two ransoms are discussed in
Here is the thing. When you are born again you have an angelic soul. For the life forms that get generated from above are angels –
So if you are born again but are not baptised into death,
then when your human vehicle packs up, you simply jump into your alternate form of transport. That is the rapture for the saints. That is how those who are living (in spirit) who exercise faith in , do not die at all. They just swap cars.
That’s all for today folks. See you tomorrow for day 5 of Jericho!
May God bless our faith our love our understanding and our works
Gordon Ritchie and Mike Schwingenschloegl
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Greetings brothers in expectation,
Yes folks, its day 5 and we are still going round in circles!
We have amended yet again our interpretation of the 4 designations for the ark of the covenant of in the account, since the light gets brighter for us on a daily basis. Or putting this more dramatically…
Our understandings which were forged in the furnace of creativity have now been tempered in the freezer of prolonged scrutiny.
We know understand the greater meanings of the various designations to be as follows…
The []
The of [The administration of , the descended the saints]
The of the Covenant [The mass , the means of salvation from ]
The of the Covenant of [The means of salvation by rapture at the end for the covenant sons of (the sons of the ),
the 2BRC. The covenant of here being the .]
You may be asking yourselves the following type of question. Why would we, the Watchtower, who have been around since 1884, join the Lords’ Witnesses for 7 months in order then to be taken over by the saints who run the administration? Do we not just end up back where we started?
Well yes and no. The descended saints take over the s not the s. You can join us before they do that or lose your spirit baptism, because all the saints are collected by the s before Mrs Lot turns into a pillar of salt and we lose our water baptism. In fact all true churches are collection vehicles for saints. And a saint who is a son of by covenant, must become a son of by covenant before he dies. Entrance into the Isaaic church covenant () is by water baptism. If you wait until the administration then you will not end up back where you started if you are a saint. There are at present 120,000 saints in the Watchtower who do not know their left hand ( church) from their right ( church). All of these are in fact sealed in holy spirit, and so will join the s. However we cannot resist making the following bold claim to you our estranged relatives in Jericho:
Millions now dead in the Watchtower will soon be living as saints!
We have authority to baptise in at least 14.4 million people 100x 144,000 to be Lords. The harvest is great, but presently the workers are very few.
Since today is a Sabbath, this letter will hopefully not be too long! But it is appropriate to talk about the 1,000 year Sabbath that we are now in. This will be the theme of Jericho5.
come and enter into God’s rest. We have a Sabbath system in this church. The Watchtower has no Sabbath system and so is not in God’s rest.
We have a monthly Sabbath system, because we understand the greater meaning of Leviticus25. But if you prefer something slightly more literal consider Revelation 22.
And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb
2 down the middle of its broad way. And on this side of the river and on that side [there were] trees of life producing 12 crops of fruit, yielding their fruits each month. And the leaves of the trees [were] for the curing of the nations [of this world].
3 And no more will there be any curse. But the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in [the city], and his slaves will render him sacred service;
4 and they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.
5 Also, night will be no more, and they have no need of lamplight nor [do they have] sunlight, because God will shed light upon them, and they will rule as kings forever and ever (Revelation 22).
Who ever heard of a fruit tree producing fruit on a monthly basis! They all do it on an annual basis. The whole agricultural cycle is annual. But then in spiritual terms our food cycle in monthly and has been for 9 years. So there we are fulfilling Revelation 22. The 12 months of verse 2 runs from 2008Iyyar to 2009Nisan, the end of the rapture. Come be a tree on either the right or left side of our river, depending upon whether you are a first new covenant or a second new covenant saint!
For now that we are returned to the second Eden, the first Adam is about to put out his hand and actually take from the tree of life. 5 months of spirit baptism by humans, through the laying on of stretched out hands awaits the sons of Adam.
The reserves, the remnant of the once faithful slave of the Watchtower have ’ name on their foreheads. The saints, the earthly Kings and Lords,
have the name of their lamb upon their foreheads. That name can be found at the bottom of this letter. He being the mediator of their covenant. And look! The two of us share the same throne brothers. For we are to be united. We two share the same river of water of life clear as crystal, the same water baptism.
Because s see life clearly and unambiguously through the understandings of this church. We have no muddy waters here in regards to salvation. We see the terms and conditions of our baptism clearly. Our chronological river could do with a good clean up however!
The leaves of the trees are the understandings of the kings. The fruit of these trees are water baptised s. Both the leaves and the fruit result from sucking up the water of life. That water goes into the fruit, the new Christians. The leaves respond to the light of God and convert it into spiritual medicine to fix mankind’s destructive competitive and self-centred condition. We call this applied Christianity. If you like this sort of thing please visit and
you do realise don’t you, that every miracle performed in the new testament is a trailer, an advert, for the capability of priests in the new system. So we will resurrect the dead, each one resurrecting his parents and each one choosing the scene that the parent will first see, just as our parents furnished our baby rooms. And we shall cure the sick, the lame, the blind, the deaf, the epileptic etc. just as and the apostles and those touched by the hands of the apostles did. Here’s the crazy thing. We are in that kingdom! These miracles could kick off at any time!
Prepare therefore for the first miracle!
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of Adam who are also sons of ,
We have a warring as said between our flesh and our spirit. Our flesh is animalistic it wants to control to dominate to compete to build a vast empire with loads of subjects within it. Our spirit is divine and loving in nature it wants to liberate, to assist, to co-operate to help others build their lives and their empires.
Our very design declares this. We are completely symmetric in these bodies, the one half representing the physical and the other half representing the spiritual. For we are the bridge between the animals and the angels. We have all the behavioural characteristics of the animals in the one half of our character and all the behavioural characteristics of God in the other. It is the victory of the spiritual half over the physical half that results in our salvation by means of Christ and the other mediators of salvation covenants, according to the plan of God.
matched the two sides of our character equally as our symmetric design declares so that our left arm wields the claw of the lion whilst our right protects with the embrace of the Christ. Our left hand reaches for the dagger of the mugger whilst our right reaches for the sceptre of God’s righteousness.
This is the ‘school’ in which we live. Each one of us a walking contradiction.
Now brothers, it is time for you to stop thinking about building up the empire of the Watchtower which amounts 6 million people and start thinking about saving the other 6 billion people who are your brothers in Adam and in fact half of them are your brothers in . You must love your brother. You do not have the interpretational power to bring these people in. We do. We do not have the evangelising power or the teaching power to bring these people in. You do.
Gerrit Loesch recently commented that Matthew 24:14 has been fulfilled. This is quite close to the truth. Actually the good news has been preached first in fulfilment of Mark 13:10. But this good news of the kingdom, the good news which includes a full understanding of Matthew 24 is yet to be preached. That is our, and I say that meaning the s and s combined, task.
If you would spare a thought for 99.9% of mankind and stop thinking about 0.1% of mankind, then you will contact us and arrange for us to join forces for the next few months to save 50% of 6 billion people. It is a nice job to have from God. Are you going to help?
It will mean your leaders losing control of 6 million people for 6 months but gaining salvation for 3 billion for 1,000 years. Which is more important to them? If they think physically you will get the one answer. If they think spiritually you will get the other.
Let us explain why 3 billion will be saved at Armageddon and in doing so how can we resist declaring that:
It is true that narrow and cramped is the path to life and few are the ones finding it whereas broad and spacious is the road to destruction and many are the ones going down there. But ‘life’ does not mean ‘salvation’ it means judicial life, angelic life, born again life. Few are the ones sanctified who keep their baptism is what is saying. And many are those who go to yes. But how many are saved dead? How many are saved who do not find the path to life?
Now a certain man said to him: Lord, are those who are being saved few?
He said to them:
24 Exert yourselves vigorously to get in through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will seek to get in but will not be able,
25 when once the householder has got up and locked the door, and you start to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, 'Sir, open to us.' But in answer he will say to you, 'I do not know where you are from.'
26 Then you will start saying, 'We ate and drank in front of you, and you taught in our broad ways.'
27 But he will speak and say to you, 'I do not know where you are from.
Get away from me, all you workers of unrighteousness!'
28 There is where [your] weeping and the gnashing of [your] teeth will be, when you see and and and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves thrown outside.
29 Furthermore, people will come from eastern parts and western,
and from north and south, and will recline at the table in the kingdom of God (Luke 13).
But then Matthew gives the game away saying...
But I tell you that many from eastern parts and western parts will come and recline at the table with and and in the kingdom of the heavens;
12 whereas the sons of the kingdom will be thrown into the darkness outside. There is where [their] weeping and the gnashing of [their] teeth will be (Matthew 8).
So the answer is no, those being saved are many! But those going through the narrow gate into judicial life, i.e.
those being born again in spirit other than through a rapture covenant are few.
Now the percentage of people saved in the end is very plain from the Gospels.
Matthew 24 refers to the invisible presence of the bride of Christ before Armageddon...
For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark;
39 and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.
40 Then 2 will be in the field: one [male] will be taken along and the other [male] will be abandoned [in the old true church];
41 2 will be grinding at the hand mill: one [female] will be taken along and the other [female] will be abandoned [in the old true church] (Matthew 24).
50% of those men and women working in the old true church enter into the new true church. But Luke 17 refers to the visible presence of his bride at the start of the kingdom and the rapture...
Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.
29 But on the day that Lot came out of Sodom it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all.
30 The same way it will be on that day when the Son of man is to be revealed.
31 On that day let the person that is on the housetop but whose movable things are in the house not come down to pick these up, and the person out in the field, let him likewise not return to the things behind.
32 Remember the wife of Lot.
33 Whoever seeks to keep his soul safe for himself will lose it, but whoever loses it will preserve it alive.
34 I tell you, In that night [might not be a literal night] 2 will be in one bed; the one [male] will be taken along, but the other [male] will be abandoned [to the fire of Armageddon, the lava of an extinction level volcanic event].
35 There will be 2 grinding at the same mill; the one [female] will be taken along, but the other [female] will be abandoned [to the fire of Armageddon, the lava of an extinction level volcanic event] (Luke 17).
So Luke 17 tells us that 50% of men and 50% of women are saved.
17 I shall surely bless you and I shall surely multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens and like the grains of sand that are on the seashore; and your seed will take possession of the gate of his enemies (Genesis 22).
12 And you, you have said [to ], 'Unquestionably I shall deal well with you and I will constitute your seed like the grains of sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.' (Genesis 32).
7 Now as soon as the 1,000 years have been ended, will be let loose out of his prison,
8 and he will go out to mislead those nations in the 4 corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war. The number of these is as the sand of the sea (Revelation 20).
Now plainly the grains of sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude,
are not few. So the old/present? Watchtower doctrine that only s will be saved and that all of these are saved through the cramped path and the narrow gate is plainly wrong. There is another job to do brothers.
Let’s do it.
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of the end,
Today we have for you 7 proofs that we are presently in the. The Watchtower was found on one such proof, the .
That was enough for your forefathers. We hope that these 7 will be enough for you, their sons, having first seen many of these 16 years ago. For true sons of have to leave the house of their father and the country of their birth and the city of their relatives and go to the land that God is showing them.
Well here is that land.
Well it did not correspond from a salvation status standpoint because Adam did not have everlasting angelic life but did. That is why the saints and other saints get everlasting life. over-ransomed Adam actually. So how then did this ransom correspond? Let us examine with the particle letter microscope the holy words of …
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ ,
who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all -- [this is] what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times (1 Timothy 2 - ).
For One God [there is], one [who is] also a mediator of God and of men, a man Christ
The [one] having given himself a corresponding ransom, over all [ones], the witness to appointed times own (1 Timothy 2 - Interlinear translation).
It is even so written: 'The first man Adam became a living soul.' The last Adam became a life-giving spirit (1 Corinthians 15).
As mentioned, the ransom did not correspond in sacrificial value, for Adam did not have everlasting life before he sinned, whereas did have everlasting life before he paid for that sin...
how much more will the blood of the Christ, who through an everlasting spirit
offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works that we may render sacred service to [the] living God? (Hebrews 9).
For it is quite plain that our Lord has sprung up out of Judah, a tribe about which Moses spoke nothing concerning priests.
And it is still more abundantly clear that with a similarity to there arises another priest,
who has become such, not according to the law of a commandment depending upon the flesh, but according to the power of an indestructible life,
for in witness it is said: You are a priest forever according to the manner of (Hebrews 7).
So the correspondence is not judicial, because the ransomer had more to give than the ransomee had to lose. But 1 Timothy 2 tells us that this correspondence involved particular times, and therefore was a temporal correspondence.
Furthermore it says that it is a witness to appointed times. So the ransomer and the ransomee have a temporal correspondence which is witnessed to repeatedly at various appointed times. What is this temporal correspondence? Well the significant dates in life are...
died on 33Nisan14 (April 1) and he was born on 2Tishri10 BC (October 9) - see
So really is Adam is going to correspond to temporally he must have had a corresponding life course. So ’ life up to his ransom corresponded temporally with Adam's up to his sin requiring a ransom. Now died 33½
years after he was born. So Adam sinned 33½ years after he was born. It is as simple as that. This temporal correspondence acts as a witness to ' life being a ransom for Adam. This we shall see gives us another way to calculate the date of Armageddon.
Now the society have Adam as being born in '4026 BC'. But before the calendar was changed at the Passover in the days of Moses, the year ran from Tishri to Tishri, not Nisan to Nisan. We know this because the ancient bible calendar (before the flood and before the Exodus) started then, and in fact all very ancient calendars started in Tishri because this was when Adam was born - see Ancient Calendars - Now if you count back very carefully from Noah to Adam you find that Adam was born in the Old Hebrew Year, the year from 4027Tishi to 4026Elul - see So actually since he was born in Tishri, he was born in 4027Tishri. So he sinned 33½ years later in 3993Nisan. So Armageddon is 6,000 years after that, i.e. it is in 2008Nisan.
To sum up, here are some of the reasons why Adam was born in Tishri and sinned in Nisan
Early human calendars began in Tishri
was born in Tishri and died in Nisan.
Adam was actually passed over when he sinned. His associated angel was killed yet his fleshly body was preserved albeit on death row.
Adam's sin was an archetype for ' death which occurred on the passover.
So let us now credit our brilliant God with the perfection Moses declared he had, shall we?
4 The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice (Deuteronomy 32).
So no, he did not make a correspondence that was a few days out. The lives of Adam and of , the last Adam, correspond perfectly, to the very day. Adam was born on 4027Tishri10 and he sinned and died judicially 12064 days (33 years, 6 months and 4 days) later on 3993Nisan14 and was born on 2Tishri10 BC and he did not sin but died physically 12064 days later on 33Nisan14.
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of the end,
Today we have for you 7 proofs that we are presently in the. The Watchtower was founded on one such proof, the .
That was enough for your forefathers. We hope that these 7 will be enough for you, their sons, having first been given many of these proofs 16 years ago. For true sons of have to leave the house of their father and the country of their birth and the city of their relatives and go to the land that God is showing them. Well here is some of the fruitage of that land.
died in the exact centre of the First Abrahamic Covenant, the mid point between its inauguration and the end of 's system, the last day of entry into the .
This can be generalised to: is temporally central in his 'salvation activities'
Some religions believe that the First Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12 lasts into the. Well it is true that its blessing, which is to be a citizen of the, continues through the kingdom of God, but it is not possible to enter into the covenant once the has started. For it is a covenant of faith. The sons of the (First Abrahamic Covenant) are the sons of the faith of . They must put faith in a kingdom that has not yet arrived.
and a father of circumcised offspring, not only to those who adhere to circumcision, but also to those who walk orderly in the footsteps of that faith while in the uncircumcised state which our father had (Romans 4).
And faith is the evident demonstration of realities which are not beheld (Hebrews 11:1). So once they are beheld, faith is no longer necessary to see them! So once the kingdom becomes visible it is certainly too late to join the . But since the kingdom did not come with striking observableness (Luke 17:20), there is a period after it has started when you still need faith, but actually it is too late to join the .
This is because crossed the Euphrates leaving the land of the Chaldeans, the land of Babylonia and entering the promised land through water. He stopped getting wet when he set foot on the promised land of Greater Canaan, on the other side of the Euphrates. So once we enter the, we can no longer enter into the (First Abrahamic Covenant). We all enter the through a water baptism conducted by the angels. They baptise us as a result of our faith not necessarily in , but in God.
Symbolically Chaldea is the world, and the promised land is not Canaan but is the kingdom of God. The Euphrates is the baptism into the and is himself and his progeny. All of these enter the Euphrates from Chaldea, the world, not from Canaan, the promised land. So entry to the must be from the world, so that entry ended at the end of the world. That is the bad news. The good news is that 50% of mankind had been baptised by the angels by then. These ones are the sheep whom will separate and rapture from .
The Hebrew and Greek words: $wt
and brq and mesw:
all mean: midst, middle, centre, mid-point among or within depending on the context. When preceded by 'in', they mean 'in the midst of'.
45 And I will tabernacle in the midst ($wt) of the sons of Israel, and I will prove to be their God.
46 And they will certainly know that I am their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I may tabernacle in the midst
($wt) of them. I am their God (Exodus 29).
God resides among the sons of Israel in the Tabernacle, the first moveable temple of God.
2 In the midst (brq) of the years Oh bring it to life! In the midst (brq) of the years may you make it known (Habakkuk 3).
In the middle of a period of years, something is resurrected, something is made known!
15 A prophet from your own midst (brq), from your brothers, like me, is what your God will raise up for you ......... 18 A prophet I shall raise up for them from the midst
of their brothers, like you, and I shall indeed put my words in his mouth (Deuteronomy 18).
This prophet was , he was raised up in the middle of his brothers!
3 And he said to the man with the withered hand: Get up and come to the centre (to meson) (Mark 3).
positioned himself in ‘the centre’.
27 I am in your midst (mesw) as the one ministering (Luke 22).
26 John answered them, saying: I baptize in water. In the middle (mesoV)
of you one is standing whom you do not know (John 1).
So John tells us that stands in the middle of the sons of the . And Habakkuk tells us that, 'in the midst of the years' something is brought to life and something is made known.
Well was brought to life and God’s plan for salvation was made known by him, so he is the ‘something’. So was resurrected and he made something known in the middle of a period of years to do with the sons of the . Plainly these years are the years of the . The climax of ’ ministry, was his death, and in fact died in the middle of the years of the . Of course he was raised 3 days later inclusively. But Habakkuk said in the midst of the years bring it to life, so he was speaking in years not in days.
Now we know that the started in 1943Nisan, when crossed the Euphrates,
and that died and was resurrected in 33 Nisan, precisely 1975 years later.
So Armageddon is a further 1975 years after ' death, i.e. 2008Nisan.
But we know that , who was , the 30 year old human, was transferred so as not to see death at his baptism on 29Tishri10, with the entrance of . His body, a slave’s form, was taken and used by during his ministry. It became the validation sacrifice for the . died 3½ years after his baptism on 33Nisan14. This was when his fleshly body validated the . We know that the Jews left Egypt on 1513Nisan14 for the promised land, so it would be likely that left Mesopotamia for crossing the Euphrates into greater Canaan, the promised land, 430 years earlier on the same day, since we know it was the same month, that would be 1943Nisan14.
So since we believe in the perfection of God, we trust that his Midst Prophecy will be exact to the day of the . Now since crossed the Euphrates on 1943Nisan14, and since died on 33Nisan14, we deduce that entrance into the ends on 2008Nisan14, which is the last day of the world.
Now beloved reader, can you see the great symbolism of this prophecy? For God's plan to save mankind rests entirely on the shoulders of one man, Christ. And in the case of those born after 1943BC, all are blessed through the . The rests entirely on the validation sacrifice that made as . So given that the whole covenant is supported by one man, where should we place him underneath it to balance it all upon his shoulders? Obviously 'dead' centre by the principle of the see saw. So here it is:
Nisan 14, 1943 BCE Nisan 14, 33CE
Nisan14, 2008 CE
Covenant inaugurated
' sacrifice
End of this system
1975 Years
X 1975 Years
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of the end,
Today we have for you 7 proofs that we are presently in the. The Watchtower was founded on one such proof, the .
That was enough for your forefathers. We hope that these 7 will be enough for you, their sons, having first been given many of these proofs 16 years ago. For true sons of have to leave the house of their father and the country of their birth and the city of their relatives and go to the land that God is showing them. Well here is some of the fruitage of that land.
In 1823 the reverend John Aquila Brown deduced that the phrase 7 times in Daniel 4 meant 2520 years. He did this by taking a day for a year in the 360 days of the biblical lunar calendar year. In 1884 Charles Russell found the Watchtower Society based upon his improvements to the work of the Presbyterian minister. He famously predicted that the would end in 1914Tishri. And they did.
So every knows that Daniel 4 has a greater meaning over and above that which was interpreted by the great prophet to the great king Nebuchadnezzar. And they all know that in this greater meaning the phrase ‘7 times’, means 2520 years.
Now the very same society invited one Gordon Ritchie to give a talk on the 3 rights of the firstborn in 1991. Not a talk on one of these rights but a talk on all three. As a result of giving this talk Gordon realised that every true people of God had three rights. The right to a King, the right to a and the right to some Land. This lead him to ask the question: Are there two parallels to the which is a malediction on only one of the 3 rights of God’s people?
the answer was yup. God’s people had a land malediction of 7 times stretching from their eviction from Eden on 3993Nisan15 BC to their first eating food in the promised land on 1473Nisan15 BC (a prophetic time is 360 years accurate only to the month).
And God’s people suffered a 2520 year priesthood malediction wherein the saints could not be sealed for everlasting life from the 2488Sivan BC when God told Noah that he would limit man’s lifespan to 120 years and that he was going to wipe them all out in Genesis6, until Pentecost on 33Sivan6, when the apostles were baptised into the name of the holy spirit, which is being sealed for everlasting life.
Now the 7 times of the , the holy land malediction, are to be found in the greater meaning of Genesis 4 from the 7 times penalty given to anyone who would kill Cain. Whereas the 7 times of the are to be found in the accounts of Aaronic priests spattering blood 7 times before the altar.
This work then begged the question: If Daniel 4 is written in a code wherein the phrase “7 times” stands for 2520 years. Then what about Daniel 5 and what about the rest of the bible? The end result so far of this work is that we have around a dozen prophetic periods with lengths that are integral numbers of prophetic times. Here is a table of these…
Think of this as your times table!
Name |
x times |
Start |
Finish |
Chapter |
Web Section |
7 times |
3993Nisan16 |
1473Nisan15 |
Genesis 4:15 |
7 times |
2488Sivan |
33Sivan6 |
Leviticus 4:6,17 |
7 times |
607Tishri |
1914Tishri15 |
Daniel 4:25 |
Balfour's Times |
7 times |
604Tishri |
1917Tishri |
Leviticus 26 |
Wineless Times |
5 times |
95Tishri |
1895Tishri |
John 5:2 (5 Collonades) |
Temple Times |
3 times |
1048Nisan16 |
33Nisan16 |
1 Chronicles 21:12 |
Joseph's Times |
2 times |
2488Sivan |
1768Sivan |
Genesis 45:6,7 Not proved |
Not proved |
Pharaoh's Times |
10 times |
1593Nisan |
2008Nisan14 |
Genesis 31:7 |
Lamech's Times |
11 times |
3928Nisan |
33Nisan14 |
Genesis 4:24, Matthew 18:22 |
Vaguely covered in [133]
Separating Times |
time |
1918Nisan16 |
2008Nisan16 |
Luke 12:54,55 |
Not covered in website |
Waterless Times |
4 times |
444Tishri |
1884Tishri |
Revelation 7:1 |
Returning to the . We know that the Israelites entered the promised land in 1473Nisan BC, which is a Watchtower date. We count back 7 , 2520 years and get 3993Nisan BC, which is when they were evicted from Eden. We then add the 6,000 years of this system as instructed by Peter, and we get 2008Nisan.
Thank you very much.
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of the end,
Today we have for you 7 proofs that we are presently in the. The Watchtower was founded on one such proof, the .
That was enough for your forefathers. We hope that these 7 will be enough for you, their sons, having first been given many of these proofs 16 years ago. For true sons of have to leave the house of their father and the country of their birth and the city of their relatives and go to the land that God is showing them. Well here is some of the fruitage of that land.
We know that Solomon’s temple was inaugurated in 1026Tishri, at the festival of Booths because...
And in the 11th year, in the lunar month of Bul [Heshvan], that is, the 8th month, the house was finished as regards all its details and all its plan; so that he was 7 years at building it (1 Kings 6).
So all the men of Israel congregated themselves to King Solomon in the lunar month of Ethanim [Tishri]
in the festival, that is, the 7th month.
So all the older men of Israel came, and the priests began to carry the .
And they came bringing up the ark of and the tent of meeting and all the holy utensils that were in the tent; and the priests and the Levites came bringing them up (1 Kings 8).
The first regnal year of Solomon was 1036, the 11th was 1026. The temple was fully functional in 1026Heshvan and inaugurated the month before in 1026Tishri. Had it not been ready in the 7th month then it would have been inaugurated at the Passover. But this did not occur so it must have been ready then.
Every temple is commissioned 22½ years before it is inaugurated, see This is why was in the temple teaching the Pharisees aged 11, 22½ years before he died and completed the temple worship system of the living stones of the body of his wife, the saints. With a physical temple you need to get all the stones in place before you start worshipping in it. With a spiritual temple, you start worshipping once you have a foundation cornerstone. The worship is actually the construction of the temple! So Solomon was commissioned to build his physical temple in 1048Nisan, 22½ years before 1026Tishri when it was inaugurated.
There is another really cute proof that David purchased Ornan's threshing floor and Solomon was commissioned to build his temple in 1048Nisan and it is this.
Go, and you must speak to David, saying: This is what has said: There are 3 things that I am directing against you. Choose for yourself one of them,
that I may do it to you.
Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: This is what has said:
Take your pick,
whether for 3 years there is to be a famine; or for 3 months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for 3 days there is to be the sword of , even pestilence, in the land, with 's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.' And now see what I should reply to the One sending me (1 Chronicles 21).
3 possible punishments all of which David and his sons actually suffered - see Each penalty involves the concept of 3 times, be they 3 days, 3 months or 3 years. This is the getting cryptic with us. The whole thing is a witness to 3 , or 3 x 360 years, which is 1080 years. These years run from 1048Nisan, when David purchased the threshing floor of Solomon's temple from Ornan to 33Nisan when purchased and laid the foundation stone of the temple of the body of his wife, by dying sacrificially. We call this period of 1080 years the Temple Times.
The prelude to this purchase was David's registration sin...
1 And proceeded to stand up against Israel and to incite David to number Israel.
So David said to Joab and the chiefs of the people: Go, count Israel from Beer-sheba to Dan and bring it to me that I may know their number.
But Joab said: May add to his people a hundred times as many as they are. Do they not, O my lord the king, all of them belong to my lord as servants?
Why does my lord seek this? Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel?
The king's word, however, prevailed over Joab, so that Joab went out and walked through all Israel, after which he came to Jerusalem.
Joab now gave the number of the registration of the people to David; and all Israel amounted to 1,100,000 men drawing sword, and Judah 470,000 men drawing sword (1 Chronicles 21:1-5).
Not a particularly accurate census by Joab who hated the whole enterprise. Please notice that there is a lot of drawing of swords that goes on in this account:
16 When David raised his eyes,
he got to see ’s angel standing between the earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 21).
26 Then David built there an altar to and offered up burnt sacrifices and communion sacrifices, and he proceeded to call upon , who now answered him with fire from the heavens upon the altar of burnt offering.
Moreover, said the word to the angel, who accordingly returned his sword to its sheath (1 Chronicles 21).
Now Joseph has told us that 7 cows stand for 7 years. And he has told us that 3 baskets of bread stand for 3 days in the case of inspired dreams. But is the whole bible not an inspired dream in the sense that inspired writing comes not only from the conscious mind but also from the subconscious mind which God works upon to give the writing, since we are certainly not conscious of how he inspires us? So a dream comes from our subconscious mind as does inspired writing.
So here is another aspect of the bible code. A number of animals or a number of things can stand for a number of time units. So what about 1.1 million men drawing sword then? What time period might they represent in the greater meaning of 1 Chronicles 21? For who are we,
having given Daniel 4 and Genesis 4 a greater meaning, to deny the same prophetic power to the writings of Samuel?
Well in order for them to fit into the time span of this system of things they must be 1.1 million days or 3055 years 200 days.
They start on 1048Nisan16, when David purchased the threshing floor of Ornan and offered up his sacrifice that was accepted by fire coming down from the heavens. They end when the passover angel himself, , puts his sword back in his sheath when he no longer has to punish any of God's people because they have all entered into the administration of . After this fire comes down from the heavens and wipes out everyone who has not been raptured from . So the administration of occurs 200 days into the, i.e. on 2008Heshvan6. For more on this chronology and the greater meaning of the account of the destruction of Sodom in Genesis 19, see
That's what we call symbolism! The 470,000 men of Judah, are 470,000 days or 1305 years 200 days. They count backwards to 2354Elul26 BC when the first separation between good and bad, 16 years after the flood, occurred, incited of course by , as was the registration. The bible describes how Canaan abused Noah's nakedness in some way and how Ham, looked upon his father Noah’s nakedness and told his brothers.
Whereas Shem and Japheth covered their father’s nakedness by walking in backwards with a mantle into the tent where the naked intoxicated Noah lay without looking. Ham did not honour his father. The other two sons did (Genesis 9).
he final separation is 470,000 plus 1,100,000 days later. So in the symbolic meaning, the greater registration is of the time period of God’s people after the flood, from when the first distinction between the true and the false seed is made in Noah’s tent, and the fight begins and the swords are unsheathed until the last distinction in the kingdom of God when the greater Noah’s ark hits the mountain and is safe, then the passover angel's sword is sheathed.
So here it is, the only history book with no dates. There is of course no such thing, so the dates must be coded. Many can be decoded using Joseph's interpretation. Here is a pictorial summary of the above:
2354Elul26 1048Nisan16 2008Heshvan6
Ham dishonours Noah David purchased site The faithful enter the administration
's seed appears 3 day plague ends
Angelic protection guaranteed
Swords are drawn
1,100,000 of Israel start No more fighting between seeds
470,000 days
1,100,000 days
In fact ‘the end’ lasts 370 days after the flood of angels begins. This being the length of the flood of Noah, its archetype.
The end of it will be by the flood (Daniel 9:26).
And arriving at is the antitype of the ark being raised up by the waters to the top of the mountains of Ararat and coming to rest there on the 150th day. So 2008Heshvan6 is the 150th day of the greater flood of the end of the world
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of the end,
Today we have for you 7 proofs that we are presently in the. The Watchtower was founded on one such proof, the .
That was enough for your forefathers. We hope that these 7 will be enough for you, their sons, having first been given many of these proofs 16 years ago. For true sons of have to leave the house of their father and the country of their birth and the city of their relatives and go to the land that God is showing them. Well here is some of the fruitage of that land.
Proof 5: The Watchtower joined the UN on January 28th 1992, 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 before they became a false church on 2004Elul14, when their constant feature ended, 1290 lunar days of Daniel 12 before the last day of this system, 2008Nisan14
This proof is quite advanced and technical. Let's start with Daniel 8. The key verses are 11-14. Here is the literal interpretation...
11 And all the way to the Prince of the army []
it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down [Antiochus attacked Jerusalem again and defiled the temple and set up the abomination causing desolation on 168Chislev15, putting an idol altar on the altar of the temple].
And [the] army [sons of Israel and the ] was given over, together with the constant [feature], due to transgression [The transgression causing desolation was wicked Jews who made covenants with the Greeks. This lead to a new unified world order of idolatry at the command of Antiochus]. And it kept throwing truth to the ground [hiding truth in its administration],
and it acted and had success.
And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking: How long will the vision be [of] the constant [feature] [used as an adjective] and the transgression causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on? [How long will it be from the transgression causing desolation to the restoration?]
So he said to me: Until evening [and] morning 2300, and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition/restored [National idolatry at the written decree of Antiochus began in the 142nd year of the kingdom of Greece, the transgression starting on 171Elul29 (6th September 171)
and the temple was restored and the altar rededicated by Judas Maccabeus on 165Chislev25 in the 148th year of the Kingdom of Greece over Israel, 2300 Solar days later]
(Daniel 8).
The 2300 evenings and mornings start with the transgression that causes desolation, and at some point during this period due to that transgression, the constant feature is removed.
Throughout the period the holy place and the army are trampled on. The holy place is restored at the end of the period along with the constant feature.
National idolatry with Antiochus Epiphanes Temple Restored and Rededicated
Transgression causing desolation to Jews By Judas Maccabeus
6th September 171 BC
23rd December 165 BC
171Elul29 BC
165Chislev25 BC
X___________________________________ X
2300 Solar Days
For more on the literal meaning see But just as in the case of Daniel chapter 4, there is a greater meaning, in fact there are two greater meanings,
one which applies in the first century and one which applies in the last days,
i.e. 'today'.
And all the way to the Prince of the army []
it put on great airs, and from him the constant [feature] [sufficient true Christians so that some are always teaching, evangelising or researching] was taken away, and the established place of his sanctuary was thrown down [not a living stone was left upon a stone].
12 And an army itself [The sons and ex sons of the ] was given over, together with the constant [feature], due to transgression; and it kept throwing truth to the ground [Hiding the truth within its administration], and it acted and had success.
13 And I got to hear a certain holy one speaking, and another holy one proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking [There are going to be two fulfilments of this, one for each holy one]: How long will the vision be [of] the constant [feature] and [of] the transgression,
causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on? [How long will it be from the transgression causing desolation to the end of the constant feature or to the restoration?]
14 So he said to me: Until evening [and] morning 2300 [this is 4600 solar days in Word2], and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition/restored [perhaps at the immediate end of the 2300 evenings and morning or perhaps years after that] (Daniel 8).
Letter to President Wilson with FCC resolution
Convention where Watchtower gets divine name
FCC commits idolatry with League on Nations
''s Witnesses'
Transgression causing desolation to Babylon
place brought into right condition
December 18th 1918
24th July 1931
4600 Solar Days counting exclusively
There is no abomination causing desolation in the first fulfilment (the evening fulfilment). The Watchtower had the constant feature all through this vision.
The Harlot rode the Beast
The Constant feature of true worship ends in
Watchtower join the UN as an NGO
Abomination Causing Desolation placed before this
Transgression causing desolation to
Army released to , no longer true worshippers.
January 28/29, 1992
September 1st/2nd 2004 (2004Elul14)
4600 Solar Days
So Daniel 8 confirms the Watchtower as a true religion giving the very day that the Society took ’s name. But it also gives the very day that they became a false religion ceasing to be able to offer a constant feature. In the word symbolism we take a 12hour day for a 24hour day, or rather take a constant feature offering for a day. This is similar to Daniel4 where we take a day to be 360 days. Here we take a day to be 2 days.
Then from Daniel12 we know there are 1290 days from the end of the constant feature until ‘the end’ which is the end of the world.
Constant feature ends, Watchtower becomes false church
Abomination causing desolation placed in temple of ()
End of World
1290 days
So in other words this system ends 4600 Solar days plus 1290 lunar days after the Watchtower committed the transgression causing desolation, which was their joining the UN DPI as an NGO, which was the harlot riding the beast.
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of the end,
Today we have for you 7 proofs that we are presently in the. The Watchtower was founded on one such proof, the .
That was enough for your forefathers. We hope that these 7 will be enough for you, their sons, having first been given many of these proofs 16 years ago. For true sons of have to leave the house of their father and the country of their birth and the city of their relatives and go to the land that God is showing them. Well here is some of the fruitage of that land.
Proof 6: The UN has headship over the world for 7 years and it took that headship in the year 2002Nisan-2003Nisan actually on 2002Tammuz19 (July 1)
This proof is really simple. The Beast has 7 heads. We take a head for a year. The UNICC which took power on July1 2002, has the authority to arrest Bush43 and Gordon Brown for war crimes. So it is legally the military head over the 7th power.
So the last year of its headship, the 7th year, is 2008Nisan to 2009Nisan. We should say that it had no accession year but took 2002Nisan onwards as its first regnal year because there was a contest between the 8th world power and the 7th, which the 8th
power won, when the US agreed to the authority of the UNICC. And the tradition for ancient kings in these circumstances was that the winner of the battle got the year (if you wanted to keep your life in his kingdom as a historian!)
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
Dear sons of the end,
Today we have for you 7 proofs that we are presently in the. The Watchtower was founded on one such proof, the .
That was enough for your forefathers. We hope that these 7 will be enough for you, their sons, having first been given many of these proofs 16 years ago. For true sons of have to leave the house of their father and the country of their birth and the city of their relatives and go to the land that God is showing them. Well here is some of the fruitage of that land.
Proof 7: The Midst prophecy according to a true Solar Calendar
Further to proof2, God arranged for ’ sacrifice to also be dead centre of the Abrahamic covenant as measured by any true solar calendar such as the extended Gregorian calendar.
If we look at the First Abrahamic Covenant from the Solar Calendar (Gregorian)
point of view we have 1943Nisan14 BC being April10 and 33Nisan14 CE being March31 and 2008Nisan14 being March21. So each half of the covenant is 1975 Solar years less 10 days. So died in the middle of the Abrahamic covenant to the day, as measured both by the and the Gregorian (True Solar)
Nisan 14, 1943 BCE
Nisan 14, 33CE
Nisan14, 2008 CE
April 10 1943 BCE
March 31 33CE
March 21 2008 CE
Covenant inaugurated
' sacrifice
End of this system
1975 Years less 10 days X 1975 Years less 10 days
721,344 Solar days
721,344 Solar days
Both half periods of the covenant are 10 days less than 1975 years with 493 Leap years and 20 Century years and 5 Quadracentury years. The Gregorian calendar has an extra day (a leap year) if the year is divisible by 4 and but not if the year is a Century year unless it is a Quadracentury year. So the total number of Solar days in the 1975 Gregorian years in question, in both cases is:
975x365+494(Leap years 36 to 2008AD) - 20 (Century years) + 5(Quadracentury years) = 721,354 days
1 975x365+494(Leap years 32 to 1941BC) - 20 (Century years) + 5(Quadracentury years) = 721,354 days
To get a true Solar calendar BC, since there was no 0BC, we take as 0, and 101BC as -100 etc. So we just move the leap years one year back BC.
Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its]
agitation (Luke 21).
The chances of the true solar and biblical lunar calendar coinciding like this are in fact 1 in 19 due to the Metonic cycle. So this is a 1 in 19 chance heavenly sign! So ' death is dead centre of the as measured by the Biblical lunar Calendar and as measured by a true Solar calendar.
Concluding Salvo
It is truly a tragedy that beautiful interpretations are insufficient to get through to you people of Jericho, who were founded as an organisation of bible students, but who now shun those who are better bible students than you. How good would our interpretations have to be before you accept that we are providing the food at the proper time?
I think we both know what your answer is: Make them as good as you like. We aren’t getting off this throne until we are thrown off by God himself. We love our position more than we love the truth. We prefer power over 6 million for 6 more months to power over billions for 1,000 years. We want power now, there is no future, there is no God. That of course is the position of the adversary who is presently in .
You have had a good shot a frustrating God’s plan with your wall. Now is the time for him to knock that wall down to the earth where it belongs, with his finger.
Gordon Ritchie et al.
Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses
Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)