Emmanuel Diaz Sanchez has done it again. God has given him something amazing.
Emmanuel Diaz Sanchez - the star! wrote on 2023December25 at 16:14 (2023Tebbeth9): I'm Emmanuel Diaz Sanchez I continue to write about Prophetic Chronology, and I publish my research on the Blog Jubileo70.wordpress.com It is a page in Spanish. The last thing I found in chronological terms: Each year from Adam to the Flood represents 1335 days
Gordon: FANTASTIC !! Daniel 12:12 has 'time' and 1290 days. We substitute 1290 of verse11 for 1335 of Verse12 to get the following fulfilments.
Taking a time for 1290 days from the transgression causing desolation of Adam and the loss of the constant feature of true worship in Eden, to the start of the lava flood on 2371Heshvan17.
Taking a time for 1335 days from the period of keeping in expectation from the start of 's 6000 year lease on 3993Nisan21, to the start of the lava flood on 2371Heshvan17.
The ratio of the pre flood world from 3993Nisan21 to 2371Heshvan17 to the world from 3993Nisan21 (the start of 's lease, his appointment over Adam) to 2025Iyyar5 (the ark rapture Pentecost from 2024VeAdar16)
is one time (360 days) to 1335 days.
The ratio of the pre flood world to the the world from 3993Nisan14 (Adam's transgression causing desolation and loss of edenic constant feature) to 1822Tammuz2 (the beginning of End Times Chronology (the day when we suspect that the Rev John Aquila Brown first took a day for a year in the 7 times of
Daniel4, published on 1823January1 in his book: The Even-Tide) is one time (360 days) to
1290 days.
81The 1335 days of Daniel12 from 2008Tishri1 to 2012Sivan16, Abrahamic first fruits, when we finished our adamic to transformation from 2012Sivan14, the adamic to Abrahamic Passover. We thought that the sacred and secular calendars would be combined on 2008Tishri1 back then - starting the Kingdom - hence the expectation. 2012Sivan15 is the end of the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy - see U108. 2012Sivan14 is the end of the 6,000 year working week of Adam as a priest for God from 3989Sivan5 BC, the first monthly Jubilee from his sin - see U317.
8 And I heard, but I could not understand. And I said: Oh my lord, what [will be the] final part [to] these?
9 And he went on to say: Go, Daniel, because are hidden and sealed up the words until [the] time of [the] end.
10 They will separate themselves and they will whiten themselves and they will be refined many. But the wicked will cause disturbance/noise and not will understand all of the wicked [ones]. But the seeing [ones] shall
11 And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed/transferred [1x] and to/for the giving/placing/setting up of a disgusting thing/abomination that is causing desolation/amazement [1x], there will be 1,290 days (Daniel
12 )
Verse11 could mean: From the time that the constant feature is removed and [the time] to/for the placing of the abomination causing desolation there will be 1290 days
OR it could mean: From the time that the constant feature is removed and to the placing of the abomination causing desolation there will be 1290 days
Or it could mean: From the time that the constant feature is removed and to the placing of the abomination causing amazement there will be 1290 days (as in the case of the Repentance of )
Verse11: 1290 days from the time of the removal of the constant feature AND 1290 days from the time of the placing of the disgusting thing making 2580 days. Since the bible is maximally distributive. But we can only fit that between 2012Sivan14 and 2019Ab14 - see U152.
Blessednesses/Happinesses of the one keeping in expectation and he reaches/touches to the 1335 days!
And you [], Go to the end
[advice for interpreting verse11, the end of the world on 2008Nisan14 and of the Red Soup world on 2012Nisan14 and of the Adamic world on 2033Nisan14, the absolute end of Adam, from which we can count backwards]; and you [Daniel] will rest [in the ark[, and you will rise/stand up for/to your inheritance at/to the end of the days [rise up into the ark at the end of the 1335 days] (Daniel 12).
Verse12: 2x.1335 days = 2670 days
Benjamin Davidson Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon: The word for Blessednesses/Happinesses rv,a, a masculine noun - happiness, is found only in the plural construct. yrEv.a;
The singular form rv,a, is a purely hypothetical grammatical construction in Hebrew (Daniel 2:4 to 7:28 is Aramaic = Chaldee). So we can count the singular (or as plural) because there is no singular or dual. We therefore count it as 1 (i.e. as a plural only for politeness or for emphasis). But we apply it in substitution for the 1290 days of verse 11 and get:
1290 days from the loss of the constant feature by adamic death on 2012Sivan14-16 to 2015Tebbeth14, which might have been the placing of the abomination causing desolation to Abrahamic Laodicea
1335 days from the loss of the constant feature by adamic death on 2012Sivan14-16 to 2015Shebat29, during the 40 days of spying from 2015Shebat21 to 2016Nisan1? Did they see something amazing then?
2x1335 = 2670 days of Daniel12 from 2012Ab16, the appointment of Laodicea over , to 2019Tebbeth15 is the 2 rapture of the 6th bride, the late Bethelite s.
1290 days from the loss of the constant feature by abrahamic death on 2016Ab14 to 2019Adar14, the Passover before the fall of reappointed Laodicea on 2019Adar16, when they became a false church an abomination causing desolation.
1290 days from the loss of the constant feature by abrahamic death on 2016Ab14 to 2019Adar14, the Abib Passover for their appointment over
2x1335 = 2670 days from the loss of the constant feature by abrahamic death on 2016Ab14, when we died to and were converted genetically to , take us to 2023Tebbeth14, when??
Laodicean Daniel (, Caleb, the temple floor) himself is not raptured until 2024Shebat20 into 3.
Daniel himself (4, Solomon, the temple rock mass) is not raptured until 2024VeAdar20 into 381.
3989Sivan5 was the installation of Adam as priest to mankind in the Jubilee month and his appointment on 3989Nisan16-22 MUST follow after a great Sabbath (because it is a release based upon ' ransom given on 33Nisan16 to God after the Great Sabbath of 33Nisan15). So 3989Nisan15 was a weekly Sabbath in order that it is also the first Sabbath of Cakes and therefore a Great Sabbath.
So if 3989Nisan16 BC was the weekly Sabbath, then since there were 360 days precisely in the pre flood year, we can calculate that 3993Nisan21 was first fruits after Adam's sin (the 1st day of the week) - see U317.
30Nisan15 was NOT a great Sabbath. So could not have died then. 33Nisan15 was a Great Sabbath.
Also 33Nisan was the 966th Jubilee month from 3993Nisan14 (starting 3993Iyyar1). must die in a Jubilee month. 30Nisan was not a Jubilee month. So he died on 33Nisan14.
Now 3993Nisan21 (start of 's 6000 year lease) to 2371Heshvan17 (the start of the flood) is 1622y 206d of pre flood world = 584126d
Then x1335/360 = 2166133.916 = 6017y 14d from 3993Nisan21 to 2025Iyyar5
The ark rapture Pentecost from 2024VeAdar16, the start of the rapture..
360:1335 is the Daniel Ratio prophecy and is the ratio of the pre flood world to the entire world. But we can and must also make the substitution one time (360 days) = 1290 days of verse12. Because when Adam sinned that was the transgression causing desolation of all mankind And was the end of the constant feature of true worship in Eden by Adam.
So 584126 x 1290/360 = 2093118.166 = 5814y 78d from 3993Nisan14 BC to 1822Tammuz2 (1822June23/24). Now Rev John Aquila Brown published 604 to 1917 for the 2520 years of the on 1823January1 in his book: The Even-Tide: Or, Last Triumph of the Blessed and Only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords ...
Author: John Aquila Brown. Publisher: J. Offord, 1823. But in those days publishing was not an instant matter. The book had to be written. proof read, formatted, printed etc. So it is reasonable to assume that he made the interpretation in mid 1822. Well we now know he made in on 1822Tammuz2 (June23/24) !!
John Aquila Brown is the father of the . He it was that made the substitution of a day for a year in the 7x of Daniel4, before William Miller and the Millerites. JAB began End Times Chronology.