THE TRUE BIBLE CODE: Every Bible Account Has 1 Literal or Symbolic Meaning And 0-4 Extra Noun Symbolic Meanings Each of Which Has 1 or 2 Fulfilments Home | Welcome | Our History | The Bible Code | Help/Abbreviations | Joining/Leaving Us | Basic Bible Plot | Online Bibles | Biblical Lunar Calendar | Master Chronology | Introduction Site | Site Index | Download Site/Fonts | Donate | Q & A | Thanks to God | Translate Site | Meetings | The Appointed Times
1. How a true church is appointed and how it falls.
'This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But perhaps it is the end of the beginning.' - Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
It is not possible to overstate the importance of understanding this chapter of Daniel. The transgression causing desolation of Daniel 8 was the Watchtower signing the UN NGO agreement on 1992January28. The placing of the disgusting thing causing desolation in Daniel 12 was the Governing Body of the Watchtower consciously accepting people who did not think they were saints. This puts an unclean soul on the altar of the sacrificial death.
The agreement joined the WTBTS of New York which was the temple of the Watchtower, to the UN, which is the throne of . That put 's throne in the temple of the Watchtower. That is the abomination that causes desolation to that temple. The s first saw this clearly on 2008Iyyar20 (just before midnight on May 26th). But this cannot be what causes the loss of the constant feature, since the sin was paid for on 2001Chislev14 with the loss of the water baptism.
There was a further agreement between the Watchtower and Laodicea, under which Laodiceans agreed not to evangelise any understandings to anyone outside the Watchtower and not to communicate with the s at all etc etc. God's response was, fine, if you will not evangelise my interpretations (as understood by the s) then you will not evangelise on my behalf at all, so on 2004Elul14 = 2004September1, the first day of the Watchtower field service year, they became a false church and lost the constant feature, which for them was doing field service for God as a true church. So the transgression causing desolation did lead to a placing of the disgusting thing (the throne of in the Watchtower temple) immediately.
40 And in the time of [the] end the king of the south [US/UK - 2 horned ram] pushes/butts/gores together-with him [2x], and upon/against him the king of the north [Russia and the BRICS] will storm [2x:
from 2021Adar14-17, the Russian invasion of the Donbas]
in/with chariot [1x] and in/with horsemen [3x] and in/with many ships [3x.
So 2x.(1x+3x+3x)=14x]. And he will certainly enter into the lands [3x]
and overwhelm/flood/inundate [them] [3x] and pass-over [them] [3x.2x = 6x].
41 And he shall enter into the glorious land [1x], and many will be stumbled [3x]. But these shall escape out of his hand: Edom and Moab, and the chief part/first part of the sons of Ammon [5x.(1x+1x+3x)=25x].
42 And he will thrust [
43 But he will rule in/over the treasures of gold and silver [6x], and in/over all the desirable [things] of Egypts [3x.2x = 6x]. And the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be in/at his steps [6x.3x=18x].
44 But reports/news shall trouble him from the east and from the north [3x.2x=6x]. And he will go out in great fury to destroy and to annihilate many [3x+3x=6x].
45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace in the midst of/between the seas/waters TO the glorious holy mountain [3x.(1x+3x)=12x].
And he will enter/come until end of him [2x], and there is not a helper for him [1x] (Daniel 11).
Verse 40: 2x+14x+3x+3x+6x = 28x
Verse 41: 1x+3x+25x = 29x
Verse 42: 15x+2x = 17x
Verse 43: 6x+6x+18x = 30x
Verse 44: 6x+6x = 12x
Verse 45: 12x+2x+1x = 15x
Total = 28x+29x+17x+30x+12x+15x = 121x. From Putin's invasion of Ukraine on 2021Adar14-17 (the start of the butting) to 2032Nisan, the end of Russia or of the BRICS or both.
So the Time of the end must begin before 2021Adar14, when the King of the North started storming into Ukraine. This must reconcile with Daniel8 - see U157.
The Time of the End of the world of divine authority for runs for 7 years 9 months, from 2012Nisan14, the end of 's 6,000 year lease, to 2019Tebbeth10 (2020January10/110, the end of the 's ministry payback lease
The largest possible Time of the End for Adam/Cain runs for 25 years 0/1 months (300/301 months) from 2008Nisan14, the end of the world of 's lease, to 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the absolute end of Adam/Cain, the 1st/late 1st death Passover.
The Time of the End from the end of 's divine authority on 2019Tebbeth10 to the end of the last chance saloon, the late 1st death Passover on 2033Iyyar14 is 13 years and 4 months or 400 years a month for a day in an unauthorised Egypt.
and comes in the middle of that period, following Genesis15, after 200 years, a month for a day , which is 6 years and 8 months on 2026Elul16
The Time of the end from ' post quad gapped appointment/installation as Caesar over Adam then Cain on 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 then 2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 (2020December24/25) to 2033Iyyar14 is basically 3 Jubilees, 150
1And during that time [
The Time of the End is the period of Transition Government between 's administration and people and God's. It is longer than one time long because it contains a time of distress which is one time long from
2028Heshvan14, the early Laodicean Passover into the 1st crop of Revelation22, to 2029Heshvan14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22. Its first presence predecessor, ran from sometime after 69Tishri15, the beginning of winter in the land Sabbath year of 69Tishri-70Tishri, to the Diaspora. That period contained a Time of Distress from 69Tishri16 to 70Tishri15 or thereabouts] he will stand up , the prince, the great, [a triple designation so 3 word symbolic meanings plus the literal meaning. These refer to the end of Jewish system, end of world, end of and end of ]
the [one] standing in behalf of the sons of your people [being baptised into reappointed Laodicea on 2019Elul10 beginning the 3rd part of the 2nd presence and being baptised into Reverted Laodicea on
2020Tammuz10, restarting the 2nd presence and being baptised into from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5, starting the 3rd presence, with its manifestation when the lawless one is revealed]. And there will certainly occur a time [
Everyone in the ark gets their inheritance by lot and by Lot. Cryptically was 'by Lot' - since Lot named it and saved it.
The Time of Distress of Daniel 12:1 (2028Heshvan14, the early Laodicean Passover to 2029Heshvan14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22 is defined as follows...
1 And during that time will stand up, the great prince who is standing OVER the sons of your people [over those in , the sons of the s who are Daniel's people, the 12 tribes of the and ]. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape [Escape out of Adam, out of this world and out of and into the ], every one who is found written down in the book [of the and ] . (Daniel 12 )
The Time of the End has many fulfilments
2008Nisan14 to 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14: The end of 's lease to the end of Adam/Cain, at the 1st death/late 1st death Passover, the end of the world physically.
2008Nisan14 to 2028Heshvan14: The end of 's lease to the end of demon possession.
2012Nisan14- 2029Ab7: The end of 's Red Soup lease to the end of non salvation covenant Adam/Cain.
2012Nisan14 to 2028Heshvan14: The end of 's Red Soup lease to the end of demon possession.
2012Nisan14- 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14: The end of 's Red Soup lease to the end of Adam/Cain and the physical world.
2019Tebbeth10 - 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14: The end of 's ministry payback lease, to the end of Adam/Cain and the physical world
2019Tishri10 to 2020Tishri10: The start of the baptism for s into the 1st Watchtower Passover in reappointed Laodicea, to the end of the baptism for the 3rd into the 3rd marriage Passover in Reverted Laodicea
The Fearful Day of is 6 years of Zephaniah 1:14-16 from 2025Shebat6/7 (2026January29-31), the start of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse (the trigger event for the 1044 day of Matthew24 and Revelation7 from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2) to 2031Shebat6/7: 2032January23-25. Whereas the Great Day of is 17 years long from 2016Ab14-16, the died to and was converted to become non adamic , to 2033Iyyar14, the end of the world, the absolute end of Cain. Whereas the Day to of Armies is 95 months of Isaiah 2:11-17 long from 2025Iyyar21, the end of the rapture of the 2Nc reserves, the pouring out of the gifts of the spirit, the elevation of God and his people, to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover. Whereas the Jericho Campaign of and his 3rd against the World runs for 6 whole adamic secular years from 2026Tishri1 to 2032Tishri1, then for 7 months in the 7th campaign year to 2033Nisan, then the Jericho Jubilee release is 2033Iyyar10, the last day of entry into Kingdom salvation, entry day into the late 1st death Passover.
The sad/great/epiphanaic day of is a day of gloominess, darkness, thick cloud etc. This must result either from the US and rom Bill Gates 'solar geo-engineering' blocking out the sun in order to turn this planet into Mars or from a huge volcanic eruption which puts a worldwide ash cloud into the atmosphere. Here is the Reykjanes Peninsular Volcanic eruption 2 miles from Grindavik starting 2023December18 at 22:17 - (2023Tebbeth2)
1 And during that time will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress [2028Heshvan14 to 2029Heshvan14] such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape [via the 12 crops of Revelation22], every one who is found written down in the book [of Kingdom salvation]. (Daniel 12 )
5 who are being safeguarded by God's power through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last appointed time [
502 I shall without fail finish everything off the surface of the ground, is the utterance of .
3 I shall finish off earthling man and beast. I shall finish off the flying creature of the heavens and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked ones; and I will cut off mankind from the surface of the ground, is the utterance of
14 The great day of is near [1x], and it is hurrying near(er) greatly [1x]. The sound of the sad day of is
bitter [1x]. There a strong man cries-out-audibly/clearly [1x].
15 That day is a day of fury/outburst [1x]
a day of distress and anguish [2x]
a day of storm and desolation [2x]
a day of darkness and gloominess [2x]
a day of cloud and thick gloom [2x],
16 a day of shofar/trumpet and alarm/terror signal [2x], upon the inaccessible cities [3x] and upon the high corner towers [3x].
17 And I will cause distress to mankind, and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung.
18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of 's fury [which is the day of , since according to Joel2 that day is a day of fury]; but by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth [Yes, by the 'fire' of his zeal. By Passover execution and by non Adam lava flood execution and by the final failed
execution on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14] (Zephaniah 1).
Israel = 1x. House of Israel = 1x. Sons of Israel = 12x. All the sons of Israel = 13x.
By the 8 Happinesses principle, to the 6 instances of "a day of ...", the deadly part of the day of lasts for 6 years precisely, which must begin as the start of the ride of the 4th Horseman on 2025Shebat6/7 and so ends on 2031Shebat6/7, 8½ months before the end of WW3, on 2032Tishri22/23.
Verse14: 1x+1x+1x+1x = 4x of the Great Day of being near, from 2012Sivan14-16 to 2016Ab14-16, the period Abrahamic .
Verse15: 1x+2x+2x+2x+2x = 9x
Verse16: 2x + 3x + 3x = 8x
The Great Day of of Verse 15-16: 9x+8x = 17x from 2016Ab16, when became Isaaic, to 2033Nisan14/2033Iyyar14 the end of the world, the absolute end of Adam/Cain.
The period of proximity of the Day of is the period of extermination by God of Adamic and s to become . It runs from the adamic to Abrahamic conversion of on 2012Sivan14-16, to the Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion of on 2016Ab14-16. The the Great Day of runs for 17 years from 2016Ab14-16 to the end of the final extermination of Adam/Cain on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st death/late 1st death Passover, the end of entry into the 1st death, the end of non kingdom citizens being alive upon the planet, the end of the 6th recreative day. Everyone on the planet cops it during the 21 years from 2012Sivan14 to 2033Iyyar14, in one way or another.
Those who enter cop it by death to Adam/Cain and a sleeping/ free or resurrection to . So the s (those with faith), the s (those with love) and the double failures (those without love or faith) all die during the day of . There is no escape. The 21 years period of God killing humans from 2012Sivan14 to 2033Iyyar14 is also referred to in Isaiah13.
4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, as of a great people! A noise of tumult of the kingdoms of nations gathered together; of Hosts is calling up an army for the battle. ()
5 They come from a distant land, from the end of the heavens, and the weapons of His wrath, to destroy all the earth. ( adapted)
6 Howl, you people, for the day of is near! As a despoiling from the Almighty it will come. ()
7 Due to this all hands themselves will drop down [20x], and the whole heart itself of mortal man will melt [1x]. (Isaiah 13 adapted)
So the period of the proximity of the Day of counts as 20x+1x = 21x from 2012Sivan14-16 to 2033Nisan14.Iyyar14, the period during which God kills (by baptism or by lava flood absolutely everyone whom does not kill. But the Great Day of does not begin until 2016Ab14-16 and the Day of , the day of despoiling of man, does not begin until 2025Shebat6/7, the start of the ride of the 4th horseman, and runs for 6x precisely to 2031Shebat6/7.
1 Blow ye a trumpet/shofar in [3x:
for Rosh Hashana, the only one they had at that time]
And shout ye in hill of holiness of me [3x:
for Rosh Hashana]
Let them tremble, all of ones sitting of the land [3x:
for Rosh Hashana, the festival of trumpets, shouting and alarm, terror]
Because he comes, day of [1x]
Because close (he is) [1x]
Verse1: (3x+3x+3x).1x.1x = 9x. from 2016Tishri1, the first Rosh Hashana in Isaaic (appointed/installed over on 2016Tishri16/Chislev5 but an Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion does not involve entry into the 1st death, and so does not defile us. So we keep our constant feature. So we remain a true church with a baptism but with no appointments for our new Isaaic incarnations), to 2025Shebat6/7, the start of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse to 2028Heshvan14, and the start of the 6 year Day of to 2031Shebat6/7..
2 Day of darkness and gloom (he is) [2x]
Day of cloud and darkness of/from clouds [
Like dawn spreading upon the mountains [is] a great and strong people. One like it has not been made to exist from the indefinite past, and after it there will be none again to the years of generation after generation (Joel 2: )
Verse2 re Day of : 2x+2x/4x=4x/6x. These must be 4/6 years of darkness and gloom and cloud and blackness. This is the volcanic and nuclear winter from the of Matthew24 and from the of Mark13 and from the lava flood of Genesis 7/8.
11 The haughty eyes of earthling man must become low [2x], and the loftiness of men must bow down [3x, bow down is singular]; and to separation of him, must be lifted up
in that day [2x].
12 Because day to of armies [1x.3x=3x] upon everyone self-exalted and lofty
and upon everyone lifted up and low [1x.3x+3x+3x+3x+3x=15x];
13 and upon all the cedars of Lebanon the lofty and the lifted up
and upon all the massive trees/oaks of Bashan [3x+3x+3x=9x]
14 and upon all the lofty mountains
and upon all the hills the lifted up [3x+3x=6x]
15 and upon every high tower
and upon every fortified wall [3x+3x=6x]
16 and upon all the ships of Tarshish
and upon all boats the desirable [3x+3x=6x]
17 And the haughtiness of the earthling man [1x]
must bow down, and the loftiness of men [3x]
[it] must become low []; and , to separation of him must be lifted up in that day [2x] (Isaiah 2)
Verse 11-17: 5x+2x.(15x+9x+6x+6x+6x)+6x = 95x. From the start of the Day to [not of] of Armies, the day of elevation of and separation on 2025Iyyar21, the pouring out of the gifts of the spirit at the end of the rapture of the reserves, to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover.. .
So the Day to of Armies runs for 95 months.
18 And the valueless gods themselves will pass away completely.
19 And people will enter into the caves of the rocks and into the holes of the dust because of the dreadfulness of and from his splendid superiority, when he rises up for the earth to suffer shocks.
20 In that day the earthling man will throw his worthless gods of silver and his valueless gods of gold that they had made for him to bow before to the shrewmice/moles/burrowers and to the bats, (Isaiah 2 adapted from the Hebrew).
Whereas the Day of , a.k.a. the fearful day of of Joel2 (as opposed to the great Day of ) runs for 6 years precisely from the start of the ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse on 2025Shebat6/7 to 2031Shebat6/7.
The final Jericho campaign by the 3rd on this world runs for 6 adamic secular years from 2026TIshri1 (after the 3rd presence begins on 2026Elul16) to 2032Tishri1. Then for 7 months in the 7th campaign year to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam. Then the Jubilee release is 2033Iyyar10, entry day into the late 1st death Passover, the last day of entrance into Kingdom salvation, the end of the release of Kingdom citizens from this world. Then the world ends on 2033Iyyar14.
Verse 20 Those who take the Covid-19 vaccine as a cure for a man made virus (a double CGG codon in a furin cleavage site does not occur in any natural virus. It does occur in bacteria and humans and cows) are seeking salvation from the genes of mice and bats whence it was made and whence the vaccine spikes are copied. of Armies is put on high by the rapture and ark resurrection of the s, half of mankind. And ALL the plastic meaningless media manufactured satanic status of man so beloved by women will be destroyed.
So putting Joel2 and Zephaniah1 and Isaiah2 and Acts2 together:
11 And himself gave his voice before his army. For his camp is exceedingly great/numerous. For powerful is [one] working his word; for the day of is great and exceedingly fearful, and who will
measure/contain/endure him/it? (Joel 2 )
20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before to come day of Lord [ or ], the great and epiphanaic/conspicuous (Acts 2 ).
Well the one working his word can measure it as follows...
1. The period of proximity of the Day of runs for 4 years of conversion from 2012Sivan14-16 to 2016Ab14-16.
2. The Great Day of covers all judicial execution for 17 years from 2016Ab14 to 2033Iyyar14. And it involves the collecting of the great and strong people, the
Zoarites who resist the demonic bullshit of the age.
3. The Fearful Day of runs for 6 years precisely of tragedy from 2025Shebat6/7 to 2031Shebat6/7, from the start of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman.
4. The Day to of Armies runs for 95 months of Isaiah2:11-17 from 2025Iyyar21, the end of the rapture of the reserves and the pouring out of the gifts of the spirit, which elevate , to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death
5. The Day of the 3rd presence of the Lord runs for 80 months on 2026Elul16, 1st row baptism day, to the late 1st death Passover on 2033Iyyar1450.
2 And there will be many from [ones] sleeping of ground of dust who will wake up [all those who have been in a true Christian church, since John the baptist, being friends of the groom, and hearing the voice of the groom, are invited to evening meal of God, a ringside seat to view Armageddon, or have declined that invitation by falling away from a water baptism. The rapture is coincident with the resurrection of the Christian sons of the . So those raptured in no way precede those who have died in this respect also. First the saints, the sons of are resurrected, not long after they die, then the sons of at the rapture, then the sons of according to the last is first timetable. This is so that the priests of the kingdom attend the lesson of Armageddon, which battle occurs during and ends during the flood?]
But there is a further meaning too. Namely those of dust (who are dust constructively, who are under a human death sentence) and are from the ground of the congregation of the , will wake up spiritually and begin to see what is going on. They will only see the kingdom of God if they are born again - John 3. But not all who see it will understand it. No wicked at all will understand it and be saved into it. Those who see and understand will enter into the and the and the and wake up to indefinitely or everlasting life. Those who see but refuse to understand will get indefinitely lasting abhorrence in . Those who refuse to see will also go to .
these to indefinitely lasting life [well there is an ambiguous statement. Everyone in the has indefinitely lasting life by virtue of their not being under a death sentence] and those to reproaches [and] to indefinitely lasting abhorrence [The sin bin of . Those in get to see Armageddon from the cheap seats! They need the lesson more than the righteous. Everyone who was sanctified but failed the baptism test, the rotten saints, must serve their sentence entirely within the kingdom of God, since that is what they are sentenced to miss. Even though there is no forgiveness for the sin against the holy spirit in the world or in the kingdom, those who so sinned in the world can be forgiven in since he who has died is acquitted of sin. So they may get early parole from the sin bin and appear during the kingdom if they pass the repentance criteria of . So perhaps the rotten saints are resurrected in the Time of the End?]
Also all those asleep in the will wake up spiritually either to become and gain indefinite life or to see things physically and go the
And the ones having insight [researchers]
will shine/teach like the brightness of the expanse [the sun, the light of the world, ]; and those who are bringing the many [not millions but hundreds of millions] to righteousness [evangelisers,
helping people to take and to finish their baptism tests], like the stars to time indefinite, even forever [The stars picture the loyal angels]
And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book [by writing it in an ambiguous code], until the time of [the]
end. [When]
Many [descended saints]
will rove about [and many humans will rove about through the hidden meanings of the bible], and the [true] knowledge will become abundant [].
And I saw, I Daniel, and, look!... there were two others standing, one on the bank here of the stream [ reserves in Laodicea with a water baptism] and the other on the bank there of the stream [ reserves in the s with a water baptism].
Then one said to the man clothed of the linens, who was up above the waters of the stream [Physically ,
the head of the second holy spirit, having received the firstborn angelic rights from who is no longer an angel but a God. presides over angelic procreation. But symbolically this is , the kings having authority in the period between the two banks]:
How long will it be to the end of the astonishing/strange/wonderful things? [The strange/wonderful things being represented by an angel floating above water -
rather than walking upon it! Or in crude terms what is the distance between me and my friend upon the other bank? The angel floating above the river is representing a saint without a water baptism, and given that walked upon water this is without a water baptism i.e. a gap in his presence. The two banks are two true churches]
And I began to hear the man clothed of the linens, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] [two sides refer to the two churches of kings declared righteous which sit at ' right and left hands, in each presence.
These are the Kings and the Kings. Both congregations are raised up to the heavens in the time of the end - the word hand is not used but he hardly lifted his feet to the heavens to swear! So right plainly means right hand here. So somehow this is 10 fingers i.e. more than 9x and less than 10x (since his hands were not stretched out). Laodicea is a left hand church but it is controlled by the right hand church, whereas is a left hand church and is a right hand church which is initially controlled by a left had slave,
, but finally is controlled by the descended saints, who are at the right hand of ]
to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite [as are all those are who are raptured and float up in the air like . represents . He is without a water baptism for the period represented by his dry levitation. So how long are theses angels without a water baptism?]: It will be for an appointed time appointed times [Hebrew dual/plural] and a half [not necessarily half an appointed time, but either that or half of the preceding times. So it means both. It means 4½x=3x+1½x and it means 5½x=1x+2x.2x+½x, which together make 10x of two hands]. And when a finishing of the dashing of the hand/power of the holy people to pieces occurs, all these things are finished [in other words when the power of the s stops being curtailed by the wall of the Watchtower.
Actually when the priesthood of the reserves s is restored by water baptism then the period of no presence comes to a finish].
1x+2x/3x/4x/5x... + ½x =
3½x/4½x/5½x/6½x etc. ??
Or is it 1x+2x+½(1x+2x)=4½x?
Or is it 1x+3x+½(1x+3x)=6x?
Or is it 1x+4x+½(1x+4x)=7½x?
Or is it 1x+5x+½(1x+5x)=9x?
could be defining the distance between the two banks, the length of time during which the angel floats above the river (without a water baptism - even though at least the water baptism is available), the gap in the presence. Or he could be defining the length of the bank which is the period after the end of the river, the water baptism and before the end of the church 9the finished of the dashing of the power of the people to pieces. That would be one Time of the End of the church.
raises his hands to the heavens and swears by the one living to time indefinite, which directs us to an angelic fulfilment for the hands. So the gaps in the 2nd presence are 4½x or 5x or the two of them add up to 10x or in fact both.
Whereas the earthly fulfilment is simply a time, times and half a time, where times can be dual or Hebrew plural. So the earthly fulfilment is 3½x or 4½x for the length of the banks. Russell was baptised as 3 from heaven on 1871Heshvan21, the Pentecost, then 3½/4½ years later is 1875Iyyar21/1876Iyyar21 when began and the first water baptism occurred (Russell used to just accept people who had already been immersed). So likewise the far bank after 2001Chislev14 runs for 3½/4½ years as well since the vision is symmetric with one man on each bank yet only one man asks essentially: How long is my bank? So both banks are the same length - because either of the two men could have asked that question. So the Watchtower fell as a true church on 2005/2006Sivan14. The reclining in green leek beds of Mark6 by 50s and 100s gives us 100 years of feeding of 5,000 water baptised s in the Watchtower from 1901Heshvan21, the installation to feed to 2001Chislev14, the end of the water baptism - see U67. So this means Charles Russell must have been baptised from heaven as 3 (born at year 0 of the pattern of the Watchtower church of U42) on 1871Heshvan21. Also Russell was born physically on 1851Shebat21, so his first Pentecost after becoming 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning (Tishri1 year starts) was indeed 1871Heshvan21. So he CANNOT have been baptised from heaven in the year before since he would not have been of age.
We can get the precise date for the fall of the Watchtower as a true church from the contest of 1Kings18 because the 450 prophets of Baal go first they being in the majority over the 100 prophets of plus plus his attendant plus Obadiah (team ). that is a majority of 347 and began contesting with his Revised Sign of Jonah letter of 2006Sivan1. So 347 days before then is 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower fell and its prophets became prophets of Baal.
So the far bank of the Watchtower is 3½ years long from 2001Chislev14 to 2005Sivan14. So the near bank is also 3½ years long from 1871Heshvan21 to 1875Iyyar21.
Since the earthly fulfilment, the length of the two banks is so obviously ambiguous (being either 3½x or 4½x from the dual or the Hebrew plural and from the time times and a half rather than time times and half a time) it follows that if the 2nd presence banks are 3½ years long (which they are) then the first presence banks are 4½ year long. In the first presence the 1290 days of verse 11 from the removal of the constant feature (the disgusting thing causing desolation having been set up) to the end of something, which cannot be the end of the Jewish system in 70 AD, because the baptism continued for 46 years of John2 after 33Nisan16, the rebuilding of ' body temple and for a green (water baptised) leek bed of 50 years of Mark6 from late 29 AD, when was feeding 5,000 saints (baptised by John) to 79. And the constant feature falls after the baptism. So it must be the end of as a true church. So the first presence banks are longer than 1290 days and are therefore 4½ years long.
Now there is a gap in the second presence between the end of the water baptism of the Watchtower and the start of the second part of the second presence in Laodicea. So in one meaning the guy on the left bank is a water baptised reserve with a water baptism, and the guy on the right bank is a water baptized reserve in Laodicea with a water baptism from . The gap in the second presence is the period between these two banks, when only exists in angelic form floating above the water baptism without getting his feet wet in it. During this time he is absent, since cannot be present in unclean flesh. This gap is 4½x long from 2001Chislev14 to 2006Sivan14. Then the 2nd part of the 2nd presence runs for 93 months of exile in Laodicean prison, from 2006Sivan14-2013Adar10, which is 2,000 flying pigs of Mark5 before 2019Elul30, when the first Watchtower Passover reserve pigs jump off the overhang of a false but continuing church into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the . Likewise there is a gap between 2013Adar10, when Laodicea ran dry, and 2019Elul10, when the period of strange/wonderful things ends with the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd presence, the baptism of the first reserves on 2019Elul10, when gets his feet wet (his feet are the reserves, the last members of his body, his wife, the 3rd ). So the 3rd part of the 2nd presence starts non adamically by reserves entering into Laodicea. There are 5½x from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul10.
So that is a 5½ year gap (to the day) between the end of the water baptism of the church of Laodicea and the 3rd presence. Now since the account does not specify which of the two men on the two banks was questioning the angel floating above the stream it is apparent that there are two of these questions posed and therefore two streams to be bridged in one meaning/one presence but not in the other for then both men would have asked the question. So there is a dual gap in the second presence but only a single gap in the first presence. This is the precision of the vision. In the second presence the gap between the banks is 4½x+5½x=10x which is a sum of two figures which are both in the time, times and half a time format and 10x and so is represented by the 10 fingers of the left and right hands of . Except that the word hand is absent from the account.
So the two gaps between banks in the second presence add up to 10x in years. Whereas in the first presence there is only one gap of 10x between 79Tishri14 and 89Tishri14. The first presence began on 29Tishri10 (when entered into ), so it ends on 159Tishri10 (130 years later to the day - 120 years of Moses' life plus a precisely 10 year gap). Peter stretched out his hands and another girded him and bore him where he did not wish. He does not wish to be outside of ' body, for he is the head of that body, the head of the wife of . So Peter was without a water baptism for 10 years precisely - this being the numerical meaning of stretched out hands. So the gap in the presence cannot have been any longer than that. Peter was not slow to respond among men. So the gap in the presence would have been precisely 10 years.
The question is asked by one of the two men on the banks. But because they are two possible questioners there are two answers. The second hypothetical answer relates to the second gap in the second presence. Jehoiada lived for 130 years. These are the total length of the second presence - precisely including the 4½+5½ = 10 year gap. What this understanding does is make sense of the man clothed in linen holding up his right and left hands while answering the question with the answer of time, times and half a time, which at first seem contradictory.
Caiaphas condemned in the early hours of the morning and handed him over to Pilate to be executed in the early morning. This is when he offered up to the Roman executioners. This is therefore when the law ended. Pilate did not end the . Caiaphas did. Adam must likewise have sinned in the early hours of the morning.
The Watchtower showed that it was unrepentant for installing 's throne in God's temple via their UN NGO agreement on 2001Heshvan10/11 with their awful letter to the branches.
[George was water baptised into the s on 2005Nisan30. Then George resigned and his resignation was accepted by the church on 2008Nisan3. But contrary to our understanding at the time, he was not a reserve saint being too young!]
7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish. (Daniel 12 )
[m;v.a,w" | vyaih'-ta, | vWbl. | ~yDiB;h; | rv,a] | l[;M;mi | ymeymel. | raOy>h; | ~r<Y"w: | Anymiy> | AlamOf.W | ~yIm;V'h;-la, | [b;V'YIw: | yxeB. | ~l'A[h' |
7 and + heard | namely + the + Man | TO PUT ON of | the + separations | which | from + treachery/above | to/for + waters of | the + River | and + caused to lift up oneself | right side of + him | and + to turn left of + him | towards + the + heavens | and + was sworn in/at | + alive of the | + hidden time |
yKi | d[eAml." | ~ydi[]Am | ycixew | tALk;k.W | #Pen: | vd,qO-~[;-dy: | hn"yl,k.Ti | hL,ae-lk' |
that/because | to/for + appointed time | appointed times | and + half | and + as/like + to be of completed | to break of | Hand of + people of + holiness | will be completed | all of of + these |
Verse7: (2x+3x) + 5x.(10x.2x/3x).(a time, times and a half) = 5x + 100x/150x (a time, times and a half)??
Now as for me, I heard, but I could not understand; so that I said: O my lord, what will be the final part/end/outcome/result of these things? [what happens in the final part of the time of the end, the final part of the last bank? 'these things' are the banks and the river?]
And he went on to say: Go, Daniel [run like , you have a lot of decoding, of unsealing of words to do!], because the words are made secret and sealed up until the
time of [the] end
[which began either on 2008Nisan14,
the end of the world ('s lease extended 48 months into the Kingdom just as got the first 4 years of the world from 3993Nisan14 to 3989Nisan14) or on 2012Nisan14, the end of 's 6,000 year lease. But since we now understand these verses, verses 1-8, which contain 'these words'
at last we must be in that time! Whereas Sir Newton regrettably was not which he wrote his Observations on the prophecies of Daniel and the apocalypse of Saint John. The sealed up words are of this chapter of Daniel or of the whole book of Daniel or of he whole bible?]
Many [during the final part of the things,
the final part of the wonderful things of verse6, i.e. the final part of the time of the end] will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined [during the final part of the time of the end]. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly, and no wicked ones at all will understand [and be raptured]; but the ones having insight will understand
[and be raptured] (Daniel 12 ).
And from the time was removed/transferred the constant [feature] and to/for giving/placing/setting up of a shocking/desolating abomination, [are] 1,290 days [Various fulfilments: From 2004Elul14 = 2004September1, the start of the field service year, the day that God rejected Watchtower constant feature of their field service,
due to lack of repentance over UN NGO harlotry, 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 after transgression causing desolation when the Watchtower joined the UN on 1992January28, to 2008Nisan14, the end of the world judicially, etc.] (Daniel
12 )
Qal infinitive construct +preposition+conjunction |
and + to/for + to give of |
11 And from the time [that] the daily [sacrifice] shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, [there shall be] 1290 days. (Daniel 12 )
11 And from the time that the continual [burnt-offering] shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall 1290 days. (Daniel 12 )
11 And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be 1,290 days. (Daniel 12 )
11 And from the time the regular [sacrifice] shall be taken away, and the abomination that desolates set up, 1290 days [shall occur]. (Daniel 12 )
11 and from the time of the turning aside of the perpetual {sacrifice}, and to the giving out of the desolating abomination, {are} days 1290. (Daniel 12 YLT)
11 And from the time that the continual burnt offering will be taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there will be 1290 days. (Daniel 12 MLV)
11 Now from the time of the change of the daily sacrifice, when the abomination of desolation shall be set up there will be 1290 days. (Daniel 12 THOM)
11 And from the time of the removal of the perpetual sacrifice, when the abomination of desolation shall be set up, [there shall be] 1290 days. (Daniel 12 LXXb)
0. There were 1290 days of Daniel12 from 29Elul10, when left heaven go down the 30 steps of 's ladder in 2. to 33Nisan10 when the sheep entered into the house of the Passover.
1. 2004Elul14 to 2008Nisan14.
Loss of constant feature of field service in WTBTS to end of the world.
2004Elul14 was 2004September1, the first day of the field service year.
2004Elul14 was the end of the 4600 solar days of the 2300 evening and mornings of Daniel8 from 1992January28, when the Watchtower started riding the UN beast as a Harlot church, by becoming a UN NGO affiliated to their department of information. This was the transgression causing desolation to the Watchtower.
2. 2022Adar24 to 2026Tishri24: From the end of 's access to his heavenly view of mankind, which was the removal from him of his constant feature at his eviction from heaven, to his completed repentance! The Time of the End of . The repentant
firstborn angel of God enters into just before we hand over to the 3rd . other repentant demons will also enter after him. Whereas their unrepentant firstborns are sent to . For first the strong man must be bound.
That man is . He will be baptised into ! For must expel . 1 must expel 2.
And he cannot do that without a baptism. The end of the 2000 pigs of Mark5 of demon possession is 2028Heshvan14. then 30 days up 's ladder to 2028Chislev14. Then entrance into the heavenly prison of .
3. The sentence count of verse 11 is 2x 1290x = 2580x only if we take the lamed prefix to 'to give/to set up' as disappearing into the the Qal infinitive construct. If we take the lamed as a preposition then it counts as 1290 days. But we
can only fit that between 2012Sivan14, the loss of the constant feature of adamic worship in true churches to 2019Ab14 the Abib Passover for Reappointed Laodicea resulting from their appointment over on 2019Ab16.
4. 1290 days of the Time of the End of Jerusalem from 66Heshvan5 when Cestius enters the temple, the disgusting thing enters the Place and then retreats to a place called Scopus (Watchtower!) without any reason in the world, to 70Sivan4, when Titus finishes the 'fortification with pointed stakes'
(Luke 19:43) Jerusalem is surrounded, the only escape is now to the Romans.
Constant feature ends. Transgression causing desolation is in place or until it is placed | 1290 days/years/millennia | The end of a system, the final part of the things, the end of the miraculous/extraordinary things |
593Iyyar14 BC: Chief priests of Zedekiah defile Solomon's temple. Constant feature ends (2Chronicles 36:14). | 1290 years | 698Iyyar14: Transgression causing desolation to occurs, 1335 years before 2033Iyyar14 AD. |
29Elul10: starts 30 day descent to baptism | 1290 days | 33Nisan10: Palm Monday: Passover lamb enters the house |
66Heshvan5: Cestius enters the temple | 1290 days | 70Sivan4: Titus finishes surrounding Jerusalem with pointed stakes (Luke 19:43) |
743Iyyar14: Constant feature of ends | 1290 years | 2033Iyyar14: The absolute end of the world. The late 1st death Passover. 1st death entry ends. |
2001Heshvan10-14 and 2004Elul14: The Watchtower commits the Transgression causing desolation, their denial of UN NGO culpability, by setting the disgusting thing causing desolation, the lie that they joined the UN as an NGO in order get a library book. They fail to show repentance for putting the throne of into the temple of . Then on 2004September1, the start of their field service year, the constant feature of Watchtower field service is rejected | 1290 days | 2008Nisan14: End of 's original 6000 year world. |
2012Sivan14/2012Tammuz14: True churches die to Adam/Cain, losing their adamic/cainian constant features. | 1290 days | 2015Tebbeth14/Shebat14: Laodicea commits the transgression causing the desolation of their fall as a true church on 2017Elul10. |
2016Nisan10: Laodicea loses its constant feature as a result of its bad spying report. | 1290 days | 2019Heshvan10: Entry into the late 1st Watchtower Passover. The last Bethelite is baptised |
2012Sivan14: True churches die to Adam, losing their adamic constant feature. | 2x1290 days ?? | 2019Ab14: The Abib Passover for reappointed Laodicea resulting from their appointment over on 2019Ab16 |
2022Adar24: The constant feature of a demonic heavenly viewpoint ends. starts down 's ladder in the ark, reaching the bottom on 2023Nisan24. Then 2000 days of demon possession of Mark5 begin. then mirrors ' ministry entering into the house of on 2026Tishri24! Get the behind me ! | 1290 days | 2026Tishri24: repents and Joins whilst it is run by Isaaic Hallelujah, Halleluyeshua, Hallelucifer? |
147,327Chislev14 BC: The light universe big bang, the angelic rebellion in Archeden, the end of the constant feature of true worship in Archeden, the original angelic sin, the transgression causing the desolation of angelic 1st death in , the beginning of fully causal time, the birth of the angel , to the end of fully causal time, the day when the last human becomes a God, the end of the light universe. | 1290 millennia | 1,142,674Chislev14: The end of the light Universe. The end of fully Causal time. The day when the last human becomes a God. The end of 's waiting in causal time for his children to become his children - see U234. |
And there will be arms [plural] that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. And they will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation.
32 And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God,
they will prevail and act effectively.
33 And as regards those having insight among the people, they will impart understanding to the many. And they will certainly be made to stumble by sword and by flame,
by captivity and by plundering, for [some] days (Daniel 11)And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant, he will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. But as regards the people who are knowing their God,
they will prevail and act effectively.
33 And as regards those having insight among the people, they will impart understanding to the many. And they will certainly be made to stumble by sword and by flame,
by captivity and by plundering, for [some] days (Daniel 11).
12 Such Blessednesses/Happinesses of the one keeping in expectation [for] and he reaches/touches to the 1335 days! [The contest fulfilment is from 2006Sivan12 - the first Watchtower destruction date failure until 2009Shebat27 (2010February17, 1am), when the blessing of U264 was completed (to include all the necessary sacred secrets). 2012Sivan16, was , first fruits, when the s got bodies, the blessing of the . So on 2012Sivan16, God's official people, the sons of the , were blessed greatly with bodies, because the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy runs from 4027Tishri2, the birth of Adam, through 2Heshvan21, the birth of , to 2012Sivan15/16 (June5/6), the end of Adamic bodies for those in the temple. So 2012Sivan16 was first fruits day for 2012 and 2012Sivan14 was the end of Adam for s and Laodicean, the 2 true church. We died to Adam on 2012Sivan14 and were resurrected in on 2012Sivan16. The Venusian transit occurred on 2012Sivan15. The symbolises the love (Venus) of the Sun () for the earth (man). That is indeed a really really great blessing] (Daniel12 )
was here from 29Tishri10, his baptism, until 33Iyyar25, his ascension at the end of the 40 days of Acts1 of earthly interaction following his earthly resurrection on 33Nisan16. A period of 1305 days. But it took him 30 days to descend down 's ladder before he entered into at his baptism. So he left heaven on 29Elul10.
So the entire length of his heavenly expedition was the 1335 days of Daniel12.
1. 1335 days from 2006Sivan12/13, the first fire sign prediction failure of the contest of 1Kings18, to 2009Shebat27, when we got the
blessing of U264. We got an intimate view of God's family and of Archeden and we first saw that God sacrificed himself for the angelic rebellion in archeden just as did for the human rebellion in Eden.
2. 1335 days of expectation from 66Heshvan5 when Cestius enters the temple, the disgusting thing enters the Place and then retreats to a place called Scopus (Watchtower!) without any reason in the world, to 70Tammuz19, when Titus parades those who have fled to the Romans and been saved alive in Gophna around the wall. Then he starts the final assault on the temple.
3. Substituting 1335 days for 1290 days in verse 11:
2x1335 days = 2670 days runs from 2012Sivan14 to 2019Heshvan14. Then 2019Heshvan15 is the 2 rapture of the 4th bride, the congregation s.
4. The sentence count of verse12 is 3x.(1335x+1335x) = 6x.1335x = 8010x. From 2001Heshvan10, the awful Watchtower letter to the Bethels showing no repentance for joining the UN as an NGO, for putting the throne of into the temple of
and for riding the beast of the UN as a harlot church. 8010 days (22¼ years) later is 2023Shebat10, when the s saw that the 1290 millennia of verse11 ran from the Big Bang to the day when all humans have become Gods, the end of
time - see U234.
Expectation begins | Specific Multiples of 1335 days/years/millennia | The end of a system, the final part of the things, the end of the miraculous things |
29Elul10: starts his 30 day descent down 's ladder to possess and be baptised by John in the Jordan on 29Tishri10, Atonement day, for the greater Atonement sacrifice. | 1335 days | 33Iyyar25: ' ascension into heaven after 40 days of appearing on earth of Acts1. |
66Heshvan5: Cestius enters the temple | 1335 days | 70Tammuz19: Titus parades those who have fled to the Romans around the wall in Gophna (Josephus) |
698Iyyar14 AD: Transgression causing desolation to occurs | 1335 years | 2033Iyyar14: The absolute end of the world. The late 1st death Passover. 1st death entry ends. |
2006Sivan12/13: 1st fire sign prediction of 1Kings18 fails | 1335 days | 2009Shebat27: s saw Archeden and God's sacrifice to fix the angelic rebellion - see U264a |
2012Sivan14: True churches die to Adam to be resurrected to after having agreed the eye boring agreement with Nahash of 1Samuel11 | 2x1335 days | 2019Heshvan14: The late 1st Watchtower Passover of the Bethelite s. Their Passover execution prior to their ark resurrection. |
2001Heshvan10: The awful Watchtower letter to the Bethels showing no repentance for putting the throne of in the temple of and for riding the beast of the UN as a Harlot church | 6x1335 days | 2023Shebat10: The s saw that the 1290 millennia of verse11 ran from the Big Bang to the day when all humans have become Gods, the end of time - see U234. |
192,327Chislev14 BC: The start of 100% undo non causal divine time. God starts waiting in expectation for his children to arrive and become Gods. You cannot wait or be in expectation in the absence of time! | 1335 millennia | 1,142,674Chislev14: The end of the light Universe. The end of fully Causal time. The day when
the last human becomes a God. The end of 's waiting in causal time for his children to become his children - see U234. |
Chief priests of Zedekiah defile Solomon's temple Constant feature ends 593Iyyar14 BC X_________________________ |
The transgression causing desolation to occurs 698Iyyar14 AD X________________ |
The absolute end of the world The late 1st death Passover 1st death entry ends 2033Iyyar14 AD X______ |
1290 years | 1335 years |
Solomon's temple is defiled by Zedekiah 14 Even all the chiefs of the priests and the people themselves committed unfaithfulness on a large scale, according to all the detestable things of the nations, so that they defiled the house of which he had sanctified in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 36 ). The constant feature ends in Solomon's temple, 1290 years of Daniel12:11 before the transgression causing desolation to on 698Iyyar14 AD. This is 1335 years of Daniel12:12 before 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of the world. Zedekiah's first regnal year was 596 BC of 11 in Jerusalem.
81The 1335 days of Daniel12 from 2008Tishri1 to 2012Sivan16, Abrahamic first fruits, when we finished our adamic to transformation from 2012Sivan14, the adamic to Abrahamic Passover. We thought that the sacred and secular calendars would be combined on 2008Tishri1 back then - starting the Kingdom - hence the expectation. 2012Sivan15 is the end of the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy - see U108. 2012Sivan14 is the end of the 6,000 year working week of Adam as a priest for God from 3989Sivan5 BC, the first monthly Jubilee from his sin - see U317.
8 And I heard, but I could not understand. And I said: Oh my lord, what [will be the] final part [to] these?
9 And he went on to say: Go, Daniel, because are hidden and sealed up the words until [the] time of [the] end.
10 They will separate themselves and they will whiten themselves and they will be refined many. But the wicked will cause disturbance/noise and not will understand all of the wicked [ones]. But the seeing [ones] shall
11 And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed/transferred [1x] and to/for the giving/placing/setting up of a disgusting thing/abomination that is causing desolation/amazement [1x], there will be 1,290 days (Daniel
12 )
Verse11 could mean: From the time that the constant feature is removed and [the time] to/for the placing of the abomination causing desolation there will be 1290 days
OR it could mean: From the time that the constant feature is removed and to the placing of the abomination causing desolation there will be 1290 days
Or it could mean: From the time that the constant feature is removed and to the placing of the abomination causing amazement there will be 1290 days (as in the case of the Repentance of )
Verse11: 1290 days from the time of the removal of the constant feature AND 1290 days from the time of the placing of the disgusting thing making 2580 days. Since the bible is maximally distributive. But we can only fit that between 2012Sivan14 and 2019Ab14 - see U152.
Blessednesses/Happinesses of the one keeping in expectation and he reaches/touches to the 1335 days!
And you [], Go to the end
[advice for interpreting verse11, the end of the world on 2008Nisan14 and of the Red Soup world on 2012Nisan14 and of the Adamic world on 2033Nisan14, the absolute end of Adam, from which we can count backwards]; and you [Daniel] will rest [in the ark[, and you will rise/stand up for/to your inheritance at/to the end of the days [rise up into the ark at the end of the 1335 days] (Daniel 12).
Verse12: 2x.1335 days = 2670 days
Benjamin Davidson Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon: The word for Blessednesses/Happinesses
The singular form
1290 days from the loss of the constant feature by adamic death on 2012Sivan14-16 to 2015Tebbeth14, which might have been the placing of the abomination causing desolation to Abrahamic Laodicea
1335 days from the loss of the constant feature by adamic death on 2012Sivan14-16 to 2015Shebat29, during the 40 days of spying from 2015Shebat21 to 2016Nisan1? Did they see something amazing then?
2x1335 = 2670 days of Daniel12 from 2012Ab16, the appointment of Laodicea over , to 2019Tebbeth15 is the 2 rapture of the 6th bride, the late Bethelite s.
1290 days from the loss of the constant feature by abrahamic death on 2016Ab14 to 2019Adar14, the Passover before the fall of reappointed Laodicea on 2019Adar16, when they became a false church an abomination causing desolation.
1290 days from the loss of the constant feature by abrahamic death on 2016Ab14 to 2019Adar14, the Abib Passover for their appointment over
2x1335 = 2670 days from the loss of the constant feature by abrahamic death on 2016Ab14, when we died to and were converted genetically to , take us to 2023Tebbeth14, when??
Laodicean Daniel (, Caleb, the temple floor) himself is not raptured until 2024Shebat21 into 3.
Daniel himself (4, Solomon, the temple rock mass) is not raptured until 2024VeAdar21 into 381.
On 2012Sivan14-16 ex adamic Laodiceans and s got bodies. These theoretically age at half the normal pace having twice the normal lifespan of a 120 year (Mosaic) body. lived to be 175 years old. But had the Pelegian lifespan of 240 years
On 2016Ab14-16 s got bodies. These also theoretically age at half the normal pace having twice the normal lifespan of a 120 year (Mosaic) body. lived to be 180 years old - see Intro15
But since and Isaaic only lived 50% more than the max lifespan of post Mosaic people, perhaps we age at 2/3 of the normal rate rather than ½ of it?
13 And you [], Go to the end [advice for interpreting verse11, the end of the world, and verse12, the end of 's lease on mankind]; and you [Daniel] will rest, and you will rise/stand up for/to your inheritance at/to the end of the days [the 1335 days] (Daniel 12).
The is good here translating
's 1254 day ministry payback lease (29Heshvan29 to 33Sivan5 less 33Nisan14-16 and 33Iyyar25-Sivan5) runs from 2016Sivan20/Tammuz16 to 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10 over Adam/Cain - 1254 days.
138 starts his 30 day descent down 's ladder. The constant feature of his worship in heaven ends 29Elul10 X___________________ |
possesses at baptism by John. The dove lands on his head to symbolise angelic possession 20Tishri10 X_____________________ |
40 days in the wilderness inclusively end 29Heshvan19 X___________ |
tested by possession begins 29Heshvan20 X___________ |
Jewish call into the begins Water turned into wine on veil lifting and marital supper day of the wedding at Cana Start of ' miracles 29Heshvan29 X____________________________ |
Palm Monday The Passover lamb enters the Passover house 33Nisan10 X___________ |
sacrificed 33Nisan14 X_________ |
resurrected as a human 33Nisan16 X___________ |
ascends on 40th day inclusively of Acts1 33Iyyar25 X___________ |
Mosaic and Pentecost. Apostles sealed Gifts of the spirit given End of ' miracles 33Sivan5 X138_______________ |
30 days | 39 days | 1 day | 9 days | 1211 days | 4 days | 2 days | 39 days | 10 days | 1211+4+39 = 1254 |
1290 days of Daniel 12:11 | 45 days | 1290+45 = 1335 days of Daniel 12:12 |
entire earthly trip ran from 29Elul10 to 33Iyyar25, 1335 days of Daniel 12:12, after which became of God to be worshipped on 33Sivan5, 10 days later.
From the loss of the constant feature of ' worship in heaven, due to the transgression causing desolation of Adam necessitating a ransom, we have 1290 days of Daniel 12:11 to the end of ' ministry outside of the temple on
' miracle ministry lastied 1266 days in 12 of which was absent. So he was here doing miracles for 1254 days.138
Adam was passed over from death to on 3993Nisan14 BC and from to Death on 3989Nisan14 BC. Sorry that was a bit gnostic. Adam was passed over from his death sentence to on 3993Nisan14. Then he was passed over from to (whose name is death, he having brought it upon Adam and Eve) on 3989Nisan14. 2012Nisan14 when 's 6,000 year leased passed back over to . It was granted on 3989Nisan14. Adam is always passed/handed over on the Passover.
Nonetheless consider this glaring omission in the festival calendar....
Nisan1: Sacred year start
Nisan14: The Passover
Nisan15-21: Cakes
Nisan22: first fruits (one year in 7)
Tishri1: Secular year start
Tishri14: ?
Tishri15-21: Booths
Tishri22: Solemn Assembly
The Passover is defined as the 14th day of the first month. It is not said to be either of the sacred or the secular year. And every ambiguity has power in the scriptures. So there is to be a of some type Passover on Tishri14 too. Actually the Isaaic Passover, since we were appointed over on 2016Tishri16!
Tishri14 must therefore be as big a deal for as Nisan14 is for Adam.
3993Nisan14 and 1513Nisan14 and 33Nisan14 are the earthly Passovers for God's people. But the 3rd marriage Passover was 2019Tishri14. So Tishri14 began the heavenly Passovers for God's people. Also 2024Tebbeth14 is the World Exodus by rapture Passover for the Gentile Call s, whose ark rapture begins on 2024Tebbeth16.
is an Isaaic church. The Kingdom is a Methuselaian or Melchizedaic church. is a half way house (having a holy sacred administration under a satanic secular administration until the start of the rapture of Zoarites on 2024Tebbeth16). Hence we have half-kingdom bodies ( 240 year lifespan. So the physical body represents the spiritual state of the church. So we do not get ageless Methuselaian or Melchizedaic bodies in until we are raptured into the ark.
The Nisan1 calendar which began on 3993Nisan14, is a sacred or festival calendar and exists due to the 6,000 years between the first Passover of Adam when he sinned on 3993Nisan14, to 2008Nisan14. It was followed by the marriage of the lamb on 2008Nisan22.
The Tishri1 calendar began with the birth of Adam on 4027Tishri2. It is a secular or agricultural calendar.
was here from 29Tishri10, his baptism ,until 33Iyyar25,
his ascension at the end of the 40 days of Acts1 from his earthly resurrection on 33Nisan16. A period of 1305 days compared, But it took him 30 days to descend down 's ladder so he left heaven on 29Elul10. So the entire length of his heavenly expedition was the 1335 days of Daniel12.
Also there were 1290 days of Daniel12 from 29Elul10, when he left heaven,
to 33Nisan10 when the sheep entered into the house of the Passover.
leaves the house of in heaven
Palm Monday: The Passover lamb, , enters into the house of
starts descending 's ladder
teaches in the temple every day until 33Nisan14 (Passover lamb must remain in the house)
1290 days of being outside of God's house
leaves the house of in heaven
finishes his 40 day ascension into heaven, then 10 steps more to divinity on 33Sivan5.
starts descending 's ladder
The end of ' appearing to his disciples throughout 40 days of Acts1 from 33Nisan16
1335 days of being outside of Heaven
UN accepts Watchtower application
to join them as an NGO associated with the UN Department of Public Information. Watchtower rides the beast as a harlot and puts the throne of in the temple of . Transgression causing desolation to to make the holy place and the army things to trample on 1992January28 1991Shebat18 X_______________________________________________________ |
Army released to - not serving God any more just build the size of the church for men End of acceptance of Watchtower Field Service. lose the ability to baptise into the but remain s until the church falls The constant feature of the Watchtower is rejected by God Abomination causing desolation placed - what? 2004September1 (new field service year starts) 2004Elul14 X__________________________________________________________________________ |
End of the world 's 6000 year lease ends Christian Churches go from bad to worse 2008March21/22 2008Nisan14 X_________________ |
4600 solar days of Daniel8 | 1290 days of the Time of the End of the 6000 year lease, the world of |
First failed Watchtower destruction date seen Blessings of U264 finished
s must keep in expectation until we get it right A spiritual acceptance by God, an introduction to his family
1335 days of keeping in expectation from 1st failure until end of blessings of U264 (1st uploaded on February10, 1am)
25 He will intend to change times and law and they will be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time (Daniel 7)
God is not stupid. He wants to say more than 4½ or 6 with the phrase a time, times and a half.
Many faithful men, including all the s have struggled with these words. The above is the closest we have got yet!
To understand Daniel 12:1 we must read from Daniel 11:40 first...
And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through.
41 He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration, and there will be many [lands] that will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand, Edom and Moab and the main part of the sons of Ammon.
42 And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee.
43 And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.
44 But there will be reports that will disturb him, out of the sunrising and out of the north, and he will certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction.
45 And he will plant his palatial tents between [the] grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him (Daniel 11).
Well NATO did provoke Putin. And Putin stormed into Ukraine. the Russians are the bear of Daniel7. But NOT the he goat of Daniel8. The he goat is China. The Chinese are behind the Russian attack on Ukraine. The Leopard beast of Daniel7, the BRICS nations, are headed by China. Ukraine is resisting globalism on behalf of the 7th world power (US/UK/NATO)..
1 ...a tribulation such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape (Daniel 12) [The word 'time' is repeated enough times for us to wonder whether it does not mean: a time, chronologically i.e. a year or a month. The time of the end of the Jewish system ran from 69Tishri15 until the diaspora. So it was a time period. But the time of distress ran from 69Tishri15 to 70Tishri15, this being a land Sabbath year. The last one of the law, for the law ended physically with the destruction of the temple by Titus on 70Ab10. It ended judicially with ' impalement. So both at the end of the Jewish system and at the end of the world, the Time of the End is a general time period and the Time of Distress is a year long].
Please indulge Gordon and Tony whilst we tell you the story of our first partial unsealing of Daniel 12:
4 And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant (Daniel 12).
9 Go Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of the end (Daniel 12)
The time of the knowledge of the date of the End (which we once though incorrectly was the time of the end), in this presence, started on 1991Shebat21, which was February 1, 1992, the day that Gordon worked out the date of the end from the and Genesis 4 - see [157]. The bible was unsealed in the first presence through and and in the second presence, today, it was and is being unsealed through Gordon and . Although all of it is through and from the true God, the owner of all interpretations (if we have it right that is). It’s like Daniel said:
28 However, there exists a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what is to occur in the final part of the days (Daniel 2).
It’s like said:
7 But we speak God's wisdom in a sacred secret, the hidden wisdom, which God foreordained before the systems of things for our glory (1 Corinthians 2).
It’s like the meaning of the name that Pharaoh gave to Joseph: Zaphenath-Paneah, meaning ‘Revealer of Hidden things’ (Genesis 41:45).
And himself became overjoyed in the holy spirit and said:
21 I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes. Yes, O Father, because to do thus came to be the way approved by you (Luke 10).
On Sunday 8th March 1992, Gordon had been complaining to Tony that he had a 6 month discrepancy in the length of the . This arose because he did not realise at that time that the 120 years of Genesis 6 ended after the flood at the time when men’s maximum age was changed from 960 years to 480 years, just before the birth of Arpachshad. He thought that it ended at the flood. Gordon was actually thinking that the change in the calendar at the time of Moses might have something to do with this problem. In any event, on Sunday night Tony had a dream! On Monday he said to the Gordon: 'I have had a dream!'. Gordon responded with some cynicism, to the effect that this sort of thing was supposed to have stopped 2,000 years ago. Tony said: 'I know how to solve your 6 month problem, look at the account of the shadow going back on the 6 steps of Ahaz' or such-like.
So on Tuesday 10th March, after the book group of the 's Witnesses, we both had a look at this account in Isaiah 38. The first thing that we noticed was that there were not 6 steps but were in fact 10 steps. The next thing that Gordon did was to pray and ask to let the meaning of the account be seen to both of us that night because Tony had up to that date never been around when Gordon had worked anything out. Gordon thought that this would be a great thing for the true God to do, in order that Tony's faith would be strengthened. Well, yes, is a very great God, and a kind and a loving God, and he answered Gordon's prayer. Because Gordon became aware that the whole account about the shadow was symmetric, and whenever this shadow was moving up the ten steps it was also moving down the ten steps so he said to Tony: This account is saying that died in the middle of something. Furthermore we both realised that Hezekiah's three days of sickness were ' 3 days in the 'heart of the earth'. And Isaiah confirmed this view, when Hezekiah said after he had recovered:
10 In the midst of my days I will go into the gates of Sheol (Isaiah 38).
Since there were ten steps, the writer was thinking of something complete, so he thought of the Abrahamic covenant. We were amazed that we hadn't seen it before! died in the middle of the covenant, the . Furthermore this did solve the problem about the six months and the calendar change at the time of Moses, because since there was no corresponding missing 6 months after ' death and since both halves of 's covenant were now known to be symmetric, then there could be no missing 6 months at the time of Moses.
Later on that week, either on Friday evening or on Saturday 14th, we think it was Saturday. Tony said to Gordon, 'why don't you have a look at Daniel?' The writer said, 'No, no, the Watchtower Society have worked Daniel out, they have already unsealed it' or the like. But Tony prevailed over the writer and we had a look at Daniel chapter 12. Tony then asked, what the 1335 days of Daniel 12:12 related to since the Watchtower had worked it all out. Gordon said that they related to a convention in the Albert Hall. Tony then categorically refused to accept that the last words of Daniel had anything to do with the Albert Hall. He said something like: Do you really believe that the dying words of God's great prophet Daniel refer to a happiness resulting from a talk in the Albert Hall?
12 Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the 1,335 days! (Daniel 12).
The writer has by now learned that when one of his associates refuses to accept something, then rather than brow beating him with the doctrine of the Watchtower Society, or indeed the current doctrine of the Lords' Witnesses in the manner of a lobotomised prison warden, it is better to listen and to re-think. Because more often than not it is not only his associate but it is also the true God himself through his holy spirit who is not accepting the teaching!
So in 1992, Gordon just stared at Daniel 12 and thought (the normal decoding technique!). After some time, around 30 minutes or an hour, a most fantastic thing occurred, and the writer can remember it as clear as day even now. All of a sudden he (thought that he) got the symbolism of Daniel 12 and he realised that the river Hiddekel was the river of life and that 1914Tishri, when became King over 's children was 3.5 years before Nisan 1918 when the first anointed brothers (new covenant saints) were resurrected is mirrored by the 3.5 years after Tishri 2004, after the last brothers are resurrected which takes us to 2008Nisan when becomes King over everybody. The angel floating above the river was representing the anointed brothers, floating off to heaven between the two banks of the river - fantastic. The holy spirit says to Daniel himself:
And as for you yourself, go toward the end; and you will rest, but you will stand up for your lot at the end of the days (Daniel 12).
And the answer that gave was to the question:
8 What will be the final part of these things ? (Daniel 12).
And what Gordon did, was he went to the end, the end of the world, which he already knew was 2008Nisan. And the 3½ year bank and 1290 days and the 1335 days basically count backwards from the end of the World (more or less). And Gordon, who is the antitypical Daniel, for this very reason, obeyed this instruction from the spirit, and since he actually understood it he unsealed Daniel (well he started unsealing it anyway). The reason that Daniel could not be unsealed before the time of the end, is that it works backwards from the date of the end. So you need to know this date first before you can unseal it. But the 'time of the end' is the time of the knowledge of the true date of the end. It is the time of the knowledge of the date of Armageddon - see [157]. The knowledge of this date is the Key to unlocking Daniel 12 and a lot of the rest of the bible.
It was really wonderful and the writer could not thank Tony enough for his stubbornness, and neither could he thank the true God enough for his open-handedness.
We are not absolutely certain whether this occurred on the night of Friday 13th or Saturday 14th or Sunday 15th. But we are pretty sure that it was the Saturday night because the writer does remember asking Tony to check the date and finding that it was Saturday March 14th, because he thought it was a bit like Nisan14th. He also realised that he would be very tired at the Sunday morning meeting, which was at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday 15th but what the hell, he had unsealed Daniel!
Well that is what we thought at the time. In fact we had begun to unseal it, but a bit more work was going to be required to finish the job. And here, 22 years later, we have finally got both symbolisms of the vision in Daniel 12 at the least. The treble successive designation for in the first verse relates only to the narrative. There is no successive designation in the vision so it has only two meanings, the event symbolic and the word symbolic meanings. There are two interpretations that we presently have for this chapter. Pictorially the visions are as below...
Event symbolic fulfilments...
I dual absence I
4½ + 5½ years
reserve saints without a water baptism
reserve saints without a water baptism
Adamic saints in X
reserve saints in Laodicea a - sect
X 2nd presence restarts, on 1st Watchtower Passover entry day
_________________________ ______________________X___________________________
until 2001Chislev14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
93 months of exile, 2006Sivan14 to 2013Adar10
2019Elul10 ( reserves re-enter into the )
year gap
year gap
The saints in were appointed/installed over as sacred king over all the saints on 2012Heshvan2/Chislev21 and as sacred king over all the reserves on 2012Sivan19/Ab8 (3rd after , and adamic Laodicea). The Watchtower Bethel/Congregation/Prison reserves join Laodicea on 2019Elul10/Tishri10/Heshvan10/Chislev10/Tebbeth10. The 5½ years ends with the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd presence, this being the end of the strange/wonderful things that last of a time times and a half. However the man on the bank did not ask how far away is the other bank? He asked how long with the strange/wonderful things? So there is scope for a different interpretation.
126 year 7 month of the Watchtower
3½ year true church Starting bank
from 1875Iyyar21 to 2001Chislev14
X 3½ year finishing bank
to Russell's baptism of 2nd brother
End of baptism to end of true church
1871Heshvan21 - 1875Iyyar21
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2001Chislev14 to 2005Sivan14
So the period from the heavenly baptism of Charles Russell as 3 on 1871Heshvan21 to the appointment/installation to feed on 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21 to the end of the 100 years of feeding in green leek beds of Mark6 on 2001Chislev14 is 130 years long.
I single absence I
10 years
saints without a water baptism
saints in X
X saints in
until 79Tishri14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
from 89Tishri14 run by saints
10 year gap
46 sacred years Herod's temple rebuilding period is also
the 46 years of body rebuilding period by the of
4½ year Starting bank
from 33Nisan16 to 79Tishri14
X 4½ year finishing bank
John () appointed as a true church to start of entry
End of baptism to end of true church
24Chislev10 - 29Sivan10
79Tishri14 to 84Nisan14
During his absence, is not in touch with either bank or with the water. This is because any saints on earth are without a water baptism even though the next baptism (the or the is actually available to them - hence they float above the water).
Since Daniel refers to himself as 'I, Daniel', we know that there are two vision threads in total, the event symbolic one and the word symbolic one in this case (this is an as yet undocumented part of the code).
53LAODICEA (the 2nd part of the 2nd presence)
3½ year starting bank for Laodicea Start of dry Laodicea to theft __________________X_______________________ |
96 months of the stolen baptism by Laodicea 2nd part of the 2nd presence ran from 2006Sivan14 to 2013Adar10 |
3½ year finishing bank of Laodicea End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church ___________________________X53_________________________ |
2002Elul1 - 2005Adar1 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 2013Adar10 to 2017Elul10 (Laodicea means People of Judgement) |
The far bank runs for 3½x, 1260 days of Revelation12 (of a dry church, a place prepared by God in the wilderness). So the near bank also runs for 3½x from 2002Elul1, the start of Laodicea (Roger Knight was baptised as the apostle to Laodicea on 2002Elul16 - he first contacted the s by email around a month before he was baptised) to 2005Adar1 (127 Jurisdictional districts (Pentecosts) 6350 days before 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea). Gordon Gary and Richard invented HyperOs in 2000November. Focus on that software lost Gordon the 2nd part of the 2nd presence and caused to be cut in two - see U3453.
52REAPPOINTED LAODICEA (the 3rd part of the 2nd presence)36 day starting bank of reappointed Laodicea Reappointment as true church to start of __________________X___________________________ |
150 days out of 153 Big Fish: The 3rd part of the 2nd presence from 2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10 | 36 day finishing bank of Reappointed Laodicea End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church ____________________X52_____________________ |
2019Ab1- 2019Elul7 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 2019Shebat10 to 2019Adar16 |
The first baptism into reappointed Laodicea on 2019Elul7 was for an unsanctified believer. The first for a occurred on 2019Elul10, the start the 3rd part of the 2nd presence.
300 Denarii of perfumed oil onto head of Mark14 start on 2019Elul10 when is present through 2 or more baptised s. NOT on 2019Elul7,
when unsanctified people or perhaps only one is baptised. They run to 2020Tammuz10, entry day into the 7th marriage Passover52.
41REVERTED LAODICEA (the 4th part of the 2nd presence)
Reverted Laodicea is appointed over the s Russell visits. 2019Ab27 X______________ |
Reverted Laodicea is appointed over s at 12th first fruits 2019Adar21 X____________ |
Reverted Laodicea is installed over s and appointed over s 2020Iyyar16 X________________ |
1st is baptised into Reverted Laodicea 2020Sivan12 X____________ |
Peter leaves fallen reappointed Laodicea. 200 cubits to land begin See John21 - U208 2020Sivan21 X____________________ |
Last (4th bride) is Passover executed. 2020Heshvan14 X_____________ |
1st is baptised into Reverted Laodicea. 300+300 Denarii of John12 begin. 200 cubits of John21 to land end. 1000x of 5000/5 loaves of John 12 start 2020Tebbeth11 X________________________________ |
Last is baptised into Reverted Laodicea. 300+300 Denarii of John12 end. 2489x of Pharaoh's chasing of Exodus14 to 2029Ab10 start 2022Elul11 X_________________________ |
baptism ends for Reverted Laodicea 2022Tebbeth6 X____________________ |
Reverted Laodicea falls. 1000 days of John6 end 2023Tishri21 X41_________ |
9½ month near bank of Daniel12 | 153 big / fish of John 21 | 300+300 Denarii of John12 on feet | 9½ month ending bank | see U304 |
There are 153 big fish from 2019Elul7, the start of the baptism to 2019Shebat10, its end too ??
9½ month starting bank of Reverted Laodicea Start of true church to start of baptism ____________________X______________________ |
924 days of Stolen baptism into Reverted Laodicea from 2020Sivan12 to 2022Tebbeth6 |
9½ month finishing bank of Reverted Laodicea End of Laodicean baptism to end of true church Fallen Reverted Laodicea becomes Sodom _____________________________X41______________________________ |
2019Adar27 to 2020Sivan12 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 2022Tebbeth6 to 2023Tishri21 |
Laodicea could not be reappointed over the s until the wilderness penalty had ended on 2019Tammuz30. Nor could its constant feature be restored until 2019Ab1. But it was reappointed over the s, becoming a true church on 2019Ab27,
when they met with the descended Charles Russell on the first Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20.
Reappointed Laodicea could not start a baptism until Russell had arrived on 2019Ab27. Then he saw Thomas the twin 8 days of John 21 later on 2019Elul5. And they must start with the s. So they started on 2019Elul7 with unsanctified
cainian brothers (Adam would have to be killed and become which was impossible under 's ministry payback lease) and baptised the 1NCs
from 2019Elul10 to 2019Tebbeth10. They finished with unsanctified cainian brothers on 2019Shebat10, when the ended. So that 2019Shebat14 could not be a Passover. So the presence ran from 2019Elul10 to 2019Shebat10.
Reverted Laodicea became Sodom of Genesis19, when it fell - see U15441.
But Daniel then asks: What will be the final part of these things? Or: What happens after this? And we read that from the time that the constant feature has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be 1290 days. Here is the hard part, the part we got last. What is the constant feature today?
The constant feature of the Watchtower is field service. They do that morning and afternoon every day. The lost that feature on 2004Elul14, which was 2004September1, the start of the field service year.
The constant feature of the s is this website.
1. An figure is baptised from heaven.
2. It is appointed/installed over s, its starting/near bank begins
3. Its constant feature is accepted
4. It is appointed/installed over some group of saints
5. It starts baptising into the water baptism covenant of the , its river begins
6. It falls over the saints
7. It loses its water baptism, its river ends, its far/ending bank begins
8. It's constant feature is rejected by God
9. It loses its status. Its far/ending bank ends.
A true church cannot fall whilst its is alive.
7 But, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord from heaven with his powerful angels
8 in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord .
9 These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength,
10 at the time he comes to be glorified in connection with his holy ones and to be regarded in that day with wonder in connection with all those who exercised faith, because the witness we gave met with faith among you (2 Thessalonians 1).
6 But when he again brings his Firstborn into the inhabited earth he says: And let all God's angels do obeisance to him.
7 Also, with reference to the angels he says: And he makes his angels spirits, and his public servants a flame of fire (Hebrews 1). (So comes as a human at Armageddon).
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in
lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity (Matthew 24).
31 When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne.
32 And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
33 And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.
34 Then the king will say to those on his right: Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world (Matthew 25).
38 For whoever becomes ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man will also be ashamed of him when he arrives in the glory of his Father with the holy angels (Mark 8).
26 For whoever becomes ashamed of me and of my words, the Son of man will be ashamed of this one when he arrives in his glory and that of the Father and of the holy angels (Luke 9).
So what precisely is this great happiness that the last words of Daniel refer to? According to ’s witnesses it refers to the great joy of the conventioneers who came out of the Albert Hall in 1926 and were very very happy! (Daniel book, YWp337-8) And why shouldn't they be? its a very nice hall, and no doubt it was a wonderful convention. But really, brothers, is this the great reward that the giver of every good gift and perfect present is giving to his faithful servants, a nice convention in the Albert Hall? Why even Frank Sinatra can match that!
'I remember when Tony & myself worked this one out, with a large amount of prodding and help from the spirit we had realised that the word 'times' in the bible stood for 360 years in more than one scripture, and we were feeling pretty pleased with ourselves and we thought that we had more or less discovered the entire sacred secret. I must stress that neither of us knew that we were anointed (sanctified in holy spirit, born again) at that time, because you do not have to be anointed to understand the bible dammit. In some ways I wish that I wasn't anointed so that this point could be more forcibly made now. For it is my job not to decode the bible myself, but it is my job to start all of God's people decoding the bible for themselves, indeed this is what I am anointed to do. Because I know for a fact that this work is too big for any one man, in fact it is too big for all of us, but with God's spirit we will decode it, every word of it, every jot and tilda of every letter of every word of it.
So there we were, the two holy wonder-decoders, and my friend said to me: Why don't you have a look at the book of Daniel, perhaps we could decode that? I responded: Oh no, the Watchtower Society have already unsealed that, they unsealed it in the time of the end which began in 1914. He then said to me: So what is this 1335 days then, when everybody becomes so happy? I said well it is an assembly in the Albert Hall. My poor friend couldn't stop laughing! An assembly in the Albert Hall? You must be joking! Why would Daniel prophesy about an assembly in the Albert Hall? I said no, no you don't understand, they've worked it all out in terms of the Hebrew calendar its all OK, well more or less. Then my friend, absolutely floored me with the following genre of question:
Are you trying to tell me, that the culmination of God's whole divine plan to save all of mankind from sin and death, to confer immortality on his firstborn son, and to vindicate his holy name, was a convention in the Albert Hall in 1926? Was that really the climax of his achievements for man??
Well, what could I say? I had to laugh as well, it was ridiculous. On that day, and ever after, the holy spirit made me realise that when a bible study does not accept some doctrine, it is very often not only the bible study who does not accept it, but also the spirit of truth is not accepting it. So that rather than bashing that doctrine into the head of the bible student in the manner of a lobotomised prison warden, one does better to reconsider the doctrine in the manner of a humble bible student.
That is what we did, and it was the most beautiful thing, because I looked at Daniel 12 and I saw a sparkling river of light, with in bright linen floating off to heaven above it and I knew that this river was the resurrection of the anointed, the new covenant saints, it was the river of heavenly life.
Of course I did not unseal it, it was actually unsealed by the holy spirit through to me. Because told the first Daniel to seal it up, so presumably he also told the last Daniel to unseal it. And it is my belief that was floating not only above the Hiddekel, the Tigris, in the time of the first Daniel, but he was also floating above the Thames in that day of the last Daniel, the one who is untying the knots and explaining riddles of his predecessor, for we were in the docklands, by the side of the Thames.'
Yea, even as Moses foretold:
Happy you are, Oh Israel
Who is like you?
A people enjoying the Albert Hall? (Deuteronomy 33:29). NO
Happy you are, Oh Israel
Who is like you?
A people enjoying the salvation in (Deuteronomy 33:29).
And as David prophesied:
Happy is the one acting with consideration toward the lowly one, In the day of calamity, will provide escape for him. will guard him and preserve him alive. He will be pronounced happy in the Albert Hall? (Psalm 41:1,2). NO
Happy is the one acting with consideration toward the lowly one, In the day of calamity, will provide escape for him. will guard him and preserve him alive. He will be pronounced happy in the earth (Psalm 41:1,2).
And as taught us all:
Happy are the meek for they will inherit the Albert Hall? NO
Happy are the meek for they will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).
And this they will do at the end of the 1.1 million days on 2008Heshvan7, for this is the end of the great tribulation for them.
As regards the last resurrection of the remnant, one can very easily deduce that all of the holy ones are in heaven before the kingdom of God starts. For if truly the were to start with any of the holy ones still on the earth and therefore unmarried, then since is not having two marriage feasts (for the 144,000 non reserves), he would have to be unmarried as well. In which case there would be no covenant in force for the 144,000 to wield any power as kings or priests, in which case the Kingdom would have actually started without them! That is without any of them!
It is also very difficult to explain how in the days of the earthquake of Uzziah (which days are standing for Armageddon, when 's earthly people flee to the valley of his mountains) it will be that will 'certainly come, all the holy ones being with him' (Zechariah 14:5), if in fact some of the holy ones are still here on the earth, and are therefore not with him. Well if there are any left remaining on the earth when the Kingdom starts then the will truly have overtaken them.
Also the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen........And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:14-16).
Let us not beat around the bush, these armies that are 'in heaven' are the 144,000 brothers of Christ. For is here called the King of kings (Revelation 19:16), he is not called the King of the number of kings who have so far been resurrected. The scripture does not mention any armies that were on the earth following him. Logic dictates that these ones do not become kings until after the marriage of the Lamb, which is their investiture.
So following after the pattern of the death of Moses, whose life prefigures the presence of Christ being equal in length to that at 120 years and remembering that...
37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be (Matthew 24).
3 My spirit shall not act towards man indefinitely in that he has erred (or is also flesh). Accordingly his days shall amount to 120 years (Genesis 6).
We have a 120 year second presence but with a gap in it from 2001Chislev14 to 2006Sivan14 - see Intro45. Then there is a further gap between the end of the second presence on 2013Adar10 and 2019Elul10 when the reserve Passover victims come into the church for the first New Passover.
does not come down in a cloud to accept a physical temple until the temple is fully built. However spiritual temple are accepted and inaugurated and then built.
8 And the sanctuary of God became filled with smoke because of the glory of God and because of his power and no one was able to enter into the sanctuary until the 7 plagues of the 7 angels were finished (Revelation 15).
To show that only comes down in a cloud into a finished temple consider the following two examples. In the case of the tabernacle we have:
So Moses finished the work. And the cloud began to cover the tent of meeting, and 's glory filled the tabernacle.
35 And Moses was not able to go into the tent of meeting, because the cloud resided over it and 's glory filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40).
In the case of Solomon's temple we have at the inauguration ceremony, once the ark was placed in the temple:
And it came about that when the priests came out from the holy place, the cloud itself filled the house of .
11 And the priests were unable to stand to do their ministering because of the cloud, for the glory of filled the house of .
12 At that time Solomon said: himself said he was to reside in the thick gloom.
13 I have successfully built a house of lofty abode for you (1 Kings 8).
41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness (Matthew 13).
31 When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne.
32 And all the nations will be gathered before him [in the kingdom of God with enthroned], and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (Matthew 25)..
who does not know the future, is in charge of the heavenly church of the , so the sons of must have shown faith before 2008Nisan14 to get into the covenant.
Where is the evidence that we are in the kingdom of God?
What are the angels doing right now?
How do we leave a temporal wilderness? We get good chronology. We unseal the bible chronologically. The Jews followed a cloud about a tent going around in circles in a geographical wilderness into a geographical promised land. The s follow a mushroom cloud over a temple round in temporal circles into a temporal promised land - where we actually get the chronology of the bible..
The Law ceases to provide John starts baptising
End of the water baptism
Peter water baptised into
entrance into the into the and of // The first saint from
X______________________X X____________________X
(3½ times)
(4 times)
of (46 years)
was finished physically when Peter left. He spent 10 years from 69Nisan to 79Nisan under and .
18 Most truly I say to you, When you were younger, you used to gird yourself and walk about where you wanted. But when you grow old you will stretch out your hands [10 times] and another [man] [The evil slave] will gird you and bear you where you do not wish (John 21).
started in 69Nisan with the appointment over all ' belongings (but not 's belongings) of . started with the end of the water baptism of in 75Nisan (4 years of the far bank of the river before the end of the 10 years of being mislead). The 1290 days and the 1335 days refer to the end of the Jewish system however, rather than the end of and the constant feature is that of the Law which ended on 33Nisan14. We know this because again tells us in Matthew 24:
15 Therefore when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment)
16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains (Matthew 24).
This flight occurred after 66Heshvan5, the day when after Cestius invaded the temple and then retreated 'without a reason in the world' (Josephus). The reason was indeed not of this world, it was the fear of God that came upon him. He must have suspended the constant feature during his little visit to the temple. One does not suppose that much sacrifice to God was in fact carried out during Cestius' assault and conquest of the temple.
1290 days
45 days
1290+45=1335 days. Fine except this should be rather than Hebrew Calendar. Hmm.
66Heshvan5 | Cestius enters temple, the disgusting thing in the holy place, and then retreats without a reason in the world. |
70Sivan4 | Titus finishes the 'fortification with pointed stakes' (Luke 19:43) Jerusalem is surrounded, the only escape is now to the Romans (prefigures 2008Nisan14, after which the only escape is to God) |
70Tammuz19 | Titus parades those who have fled to the Romans and been saved alive in Gophna around the wall. Then he starts the final assault on the temple. |
floating above the waters of the stream |
The waters are governed actually by the father of all the water baptised. |
raises his left hand to the heavens | Authority of and the Aaronic Priesthood. |
raises his right hand to the heavens | Authority of . |
Waters of the stream |
Sons of the , the baptism of John |
Man standing on far bank | Disfellowshipped sons of the |
Man standing on near bank | Sons of Moses who are not sons of |
Far Bank | 1440 days, the time from the end of the water baptism of , which was the end of and the beginning of , to the first saint from to enter by water baptism (Peter). |
Near Bank | 1260 days, from the end of the law as a means of entering the to the baptism of John. |
How long will it be until the end of the astonishing things? | How long is my bank? |
What will be the final part of the things? | What happens after the time period of the far bank? |
So now we can understand why John the baptist (who was ) said to the Pharisees and Sadducees:
9 And do not presume to say to yourselves, 'As a father we have .' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to from these stones (Matthew 3).
These people were not sons of the since the law was no longer effective in preserving a water baptism. These stones were those whom John had already baptised in water for tells us that:
4 said: John baptized with the baptism [in symbol] of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in (Acts 19).
So imputing obedience to those whom he baptised makes them into stones,
living stones, sanctified Christians.