For a slightly sanitized version of the history of the Codex please see
For a more entertaining version of its history please see Sinaiticus#Discovery">
Essentially, according to Tischendorf, who is responsible for making the Codex available to mankind, the trail started in a wastepaper basket in St Catherine's Monastery. Tischendorf was the Indiana Jones of the oldest bible Codices. He travelled the world on a mission to make the oldest codices available to all mankind. We are privileged to be able to help finish that mission.
We downloaded the entire Codex page by page from, stuck it together, deabbreviated it as in the table below and replaced regular sigmas with final sigmas at the end of words.
Download the entire New Testament of the Codex as a Word 2000 document in the bwgrkl.ttf font here.
Abbreviation | Full Word |
ij | ihsouj |
in | ihsoun |
iu | insou |
cj | cristoj |
ce | criste |
cn | criston |
cu | crsitou |
cw | cristw |
kj | kurioj |
ke | kurie |
kn | kurion |
ku | kuriou |
kw | kuriw |
qj | qeoj |
qe | qee |
qn | qeon |
qu | qeou |
qw | qew |
isl | israhl |
pna | pneuma |
pnj | pneumatoj |
pni | pneumati |
anoj | anqrwpoj |
anon | anqrwpon |
anou | anqrwpou |
anw | anqrwtw where not anw |
anoi | anqrwpoi |
anoij | anqrwpoij |
anwn | anqrwpwn |
anouj | anqrwpouj |
pra | patera |
prj | patroj |
prn | patron |
pri | patri |
mra | mhtera |
mrj | mhtroj |
mri | mhtri |