THE TRUE BIBLE CODE: Every Bible Account Has 1 Literal or Symbolic Meaning And 0-4 Extra Noun Symbolic Meanings Each of Which Has 1 or 2 Fulfilments
Thursday March 27 2025 (Gregorian GMT)
2024 VeAdar 22 until sunset (Biblical Lunar)

[101] The Master Chronology of God's people from Adam to Armageddon

Michael's (Jesus') 6,000 year ARC lease ran from Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC to 2008Nisan14 AD
THEN Satan's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam ran from 3989Nisan17 BC to 2012Nisan14 AD
THEN Michael's 50 month non adamic restoration lease from 2012Nisan16 to 2016Sivan14 over Adam and 2012Iyyar16 to 2016Tammuz14 over Cain.
THEN Satan's 1254 day ministry and 2,000 pigs of the 1st century demonic eviction payback ran from 2016Sivan20/Tammuz16 to 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10 over Adam/Cain
AND Satan's 2,000 pig 1st century demonic eviction payback ran from 2016Sivan20 to 2021Tebbeth10, during which time he could reamin in heaven
THEN 8x of the war of Revelation12 to 22Elul14. THEN 6x of no place being found in heaven to 2022Adar23 AND 1x+ 30x down Jacob's ladder to 2023Nisan24
THEN 2,000 pigs a day for a pig of demon possession from 2023Nisan24 to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession before the 40+40 day lava flood from 2029Iyyar17.
THEN the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of failed OMC Adam on 2033Nisan14, 2x1000 year recreative days after Jesus' sacrifice on 33Nisan14, ending the 4th such day
THEN the late 1st death Passover, the absolute end of failed OMC Cain on 2033Iyyar14.
THEN the Kingdom of Jehovah God is appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham on 2033Nisan16/Sivan5 and over non adamic Isaac on 2033Iyyar16/Tammuz5.
The Kingdom of Jesus was appointed/installed over Adam under Jesus as Caesar on 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 after the Quad Gapped Gentile Times ended on 2020Tishri15
The Kingdom of Jesus was appointed/installed over Cain under Jesus as Caesar on 2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 after the Quad Gapped Gentile Times ended on 2020Tishri15
The Kingdom of Jesus was appointed/installed over Abraham under Jesus as Caesar on 2012Sivan16/Ab5 and under Jehovah on 2024Shebat16/2025Nisan5
The Kingdom of Jesus was appointed/installed over Isaac under Jesus on as Caesar 2016Tammuz16/Elul5 and under Jehovah on 2024Adar16/2025Iyyar5


A Brief Prophecy for the Time of Distress of Daniel12

1202025August: Either Gregorian or Julian (up to 2025September13) The Greater Registration Decree of Caesar Augustus is made. The Mark Registration DECREE must occur in August (Julian, i.e. on or before 2025September13 Gregorian). Because Caesar Augustus (not Septemberus or Octoberus) decreed the entire Roman world should get registered in Luke2 and because Mike's dream had the pages of August being flipped through in speedy succession.

1 Now in those days a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered;
2 this first registration took place when Quirinius [of the supreme master from kurioj] was governor of Syria
3 and all people went travelling to be registered, each one to his own city [Ark city OR Mark city at the same time] (Luke 2).

2 And Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to assemble the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates [determined/absolute] and all the administrators [construct] of the jurisdictional districts to come to the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
3 At that time [!yId;aB] the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates and all the administrators of the jurisdictional districts were assembling themselves for the inauguration of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up, and they were standing in front of the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. (Daniel 3 NWT). 

Verse2: Command to gather counts as 7x.3x+3x.1x=24x (a month a time for verse3)
Verse3: Execution of the command to gather counts as: 7x.3x+3x.1x+24x.(1x+1x) =72x
Total: 24x+72x = 96x. These stand in front of i.e. temporally before of the image for 96 days before Mark Registration Day. Whereas the decree from the greater Caesar Augustus to get registered must occur in August 2024 (Julian or Gregorian, i.e. on or before 2024September13 Gregorian) which is 2024Elul for the most part. Mark Registration cannot start before all the 2NCs are raptured so as to be kept from the hour of the test. We do not go up until 2024VeAdar21. Then Registration starts on 2024VeAdar21/22. So the administrative inauguration occurs on 2024Chislev17/18, 5 days after the annual G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro.

2023Elul22: September10 Gregorian (August28 Julian): EU Chief, Ursula Von Der Leyen declares at Session III of the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam ONE FUTURE G20 (10 horns who are 10 kings making 20 months and 20 members) annual summit in India on 2023September9-10, that: “Many of you are familiar with the COVID-19 digital certificate. The EU developed it for itself. The model was so functional and so trusted that 51 countries on 4 continents adopted it for free,” Ursula Von Der Leyen. This could be the decree of Caesar Augustus or there could be a stronger decree in 2024August (Gregorian/Julian)

"Digital Public Infrastructures are an accelerator of growth. They MUST BE trusted, interoperable & open to all" - She tweeted on 2023September10

The EU has matured into a 'geopolitical union' Ursula Von Der Leyen during her state of the Union address on 2023September13

Translation: Digital IDs MUST BE trusted and forced upon all of us because they are an accelerator towards total control of every aspect of your life by unelected globalist politicians like me. The EU is a European globalist Caesar right now. It has designs on being a geopolitical (Worldwide globalist) Caesar. See See See 

Ursula Von Der Leyen means 'She bear from the rocks'. Leyen is the plural of Ley, an old German word for rock. So Ursula (whose name suggests she is allied to the Russian she bear of Daniel7:5 which is presently attacking Ukraine) may well be cut out from the rock, the administration of the world, not by hands, as described in Daniel2 - demon possessed. 

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which literally means "The earth is thus: family". Hence it was called the One Earth, One Family, One Future summit in English - see

2023Heshvan21: The EU commission agreed to implement Digital IDs throughout the block on 2023November8. 
2023Adar14: 2024February29: The EU voted to implement by law a Digital Wallet (335 to 190). And that is how the Mark of the Beast began.

2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21: 2025January6-2025March27: The 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 an attack producing a mushroom cloud over the river Thames around Dartford East of London or the river Hudson around he George Washington Bridge in Manhattan (500th main prediction, the 750th main and sub prediction)
2025March26/27: The LW 2NCs are raptured from Zoar into the Ark. They are caught away before the cloud of the 2nd fire sign to meet the Lord in the air of 1Thessalonians4.
2024March26-28: Mark of the Beast Registration Day. We can now get registered for the Mark of the Beast, our ticket to Hell.
2025April19/20: The 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 an attack producing a mushroom cloud over the river Thames around Dartford East of London or the river Hudson around he George Washington Bridge in Manhattan
2025Iyyar1-30: 2024April10-May10: Peace and Security of 1Thessalonians 5:3 is declared - 9 months of gestation before WW3 begins.
2026February12-14: The Daniel3 fiery furnace of WW3 begins as a result of the 2nd and 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 ostensibly. But in truth it was agreed between the 10 Kings of Revelation17 (1 Thessalonians 5:3 has the destruction of WW3 standing upon those who declare peace and security). It lasts for 7 months of Daniel3:19 longer than the 6 years and 32 days of WW2, to 2032Tishri22/23.

19 At/in that time Nebuchadnezzar was filled [with] rage, and the image of his faces [plural not dual in Chaldee - Gesenius] was changed/disfigured upon Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. He was answering and saying to heat up the furnace 7 times upon/above that which was beheld to be heated of him [in other world wars] (Daniel3 LWT).

1939September1 4:45 am (1945Elul13) Poland invaded (the biblical start of WW3).
1945May8 VE (1945Iyyar24)
1945August15 VJ (1945Elul3)
1945September2 VP Victory in the Pacific (1945Elul21)
1945September12 (1945Tishri1): Japan officially surrendered to the British in Singapore:  73 months in total.
1945September13 (1945Tishri2): Japan surrendered Burma to the British
1945September16 (1945Tishri5): Japan surrendered Hong Kong to the British (The biblical end of WW3).
1945 September20 (1945Tishri9): The Allied Control Council passed its Control Council Law No. 1 - Repealing of Nazi Laws in Germany.
1945September29 (1945Tishri18): Miyako and Ishigaki, the last islands of Japan to surrender to the US (But Japan itself had already surrendered). 

2025Adar21/22: 2026March15-17: Mark Enforcement and Criminalisation Day. Mark of the Beast Registration is enforced by law for 2400 days of Revelation 13:16-17 to 2032Heshvan21/22.after 6x60 = 360 days of the facade of the image of Daniel3 from 2024VeAdar21/22, the start of Mark Registration. BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH!
2028Heshvan10 - 2029Heshvan10:
Accepting year of Isaiah61
2029Heshvan21: 2NC Pentecost: Jesus starts his antitypical 3½ year LRC ministry, set precisely 2000 years after his first century ministry. 
2031Iyyar5: The end of Zoar
2031Iyyar5: Last chance saloon entry begins
2032Tishri22/23: The fiery furnace of WW3 ends
2032Heshvan21/22: 80 months (2400 days of Revelation 13:16-17) of Mark Enforcement from 2025Adar21/22 end
2033Nisan14: 2033April13/14: 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam. All humans left on earth are Passover executed
2033Nisan17: 2033April16/17: The sealed sons of Adam executed at the 1st death Passover are resurrected back on to the planet/ark non adamically. The unsealed (those who did not have a drink in the last chance saloon) go to hell for a minimum sentence of 33½ years and a maximum of 1,000 years.
2032Tishri29/30: 2032October6-8: The start of the 195 days of Jehovah's merciful responses to Abraham's negotiation of Genesis18, to 2033Iyyar14, the late 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Cain, when all humans left on earth are Passover executed fulfilling Zephaniah1. 
2033Iyyar22: 2033May21/22: The sons of Cain executed at the late 1st death Passover are resurrected back on to the planet/ark non adamically. The unsealed (those who did not have a drink in the last chance saloon) go to hell for a minimum sentence of 33½ years and a maximum of 1,000 years120


The Dragon is presently held back by the 1,000 day chain of Revelation20 from teh start of his 2000 day demon possession on 2023Nisan24 to 2025Shebat3/4. WW3 begins on 2025Shebat2/3 - wthe day before the chain ends, just under 4 years of Hell for Ukraine and Russia after Globalist puppet and FSB asset Putin invaded Ukraine in order to bring about WW3 on behalf of the demons. The Russian bear became a war beast at that time fulfilling Daniel 7:5. On 2021Adar14 (2022February21) Putin ordered 'peacekeeping' forces into the Donbas. Then on 2022February24 (2021Adar17), a full scale invasion of Ukraine occurred, before demon possession. Yes. Putin did that himself. The Russian bear is the current war beast of the Dragon until the BRICS11 Leopard, which starts making war during 2024Adar/VeAdar (between 2025February4-2025April5) 12 months of Daniel7:6 before the 4th beast takes over through Mark Enforcement on 2025Adar21/22..

2021Adar12: Saturday 2022February19 US defence Secretary Lloyd Austin (a retired military general) said to Baltic leaders in Vilnius the Lithuanian capital as reported by Reuters that Russian forces were " uncoiling and are now poised to strike,"  Comparing Putin's forces to a giant snake. He said: "Having done this before, I can tell you that that's exactly what you need to to attack and the and the stance that you need to be in to attack,"
2021Adar14: Monday February21. Putin unilaterally Annexes Donetsk and Luhansk by signing an agreement between himself and himself. The bear now has 3 Ukrainian ribs in its mouth, Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk.
2021Adar14: Monday February21: Putin sends Russian 'Peacekeepers' into Donetsk and Luhansk in tanks. They may not prove to be very successful at keeping the peace. (indeed they were singularly unsuccessful)
2021Adar14  Putin orders 'peacekeeping forces into the Donbas. 6 months before 2022Elul2, the end of the 1,000 day chain of Revelation20 from 2019Heshvan22, the start of the Dragon's 42 month authority lease of Revelation13 to 2022Shebat14 over Adam and to 2023Iyyar14 over Isaac..
2021Adar14 - 2022Elul23: 189 day sentence count of Daniel7:5 of the 3 ribs or 'they' telling the bear to get up and eat much flesh. This is the period of Russia having the 3 provinces of Ukraine (Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk) in its military jaws (but no other provinces of Ukraine) to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22) when Putin mobilised 300,000 reserves - see U156

‘We are now at war not just with Ukraine but with the collective West too’ 
‘The decree on partial mobilisation has been signed. Mobilisation activities will begin today, September 21.’ Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister) 

2021Adar17 (2022February24) Full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine occurs 6 months before the end of the Dragon's 1,000 day chain. He went a bit early and got chained back to the Donbas. Snakes attack by deception slithering sideways and uncoiling before they strike. Hence the 'peacekeepers' were sent in first. Daniel7:5 says: 'They' tell the beast to get up eat much flesh. 'They' are Putin's globalist handlers, the demons of the dragon. 


God executes non salvation covenant Adam and salvation covenant Cain during the greater lava flood of the greater Noah of Jesus Christ, which runs from 2029Iyyar17 for 40+40 days to 2029Ab7. It does not touch 1AC Adam or 1AC Cain (contracted to be Abraham) or non adamic Abraham himself because Abraham negotiated with God for the salvation of his potentially righteous covenant sons in the greater meaning of Genesis18. And God said to Abraham...

1 After these things the word of Jehovah came to Abram in a vision, saying: Do not fear, Abram. I am a shield for you. Your reward will be very great. (Genesis 15 NWT)

The lava flood is NOT the planet's reaction to global warming and/or nuclear abuse. It is God's reaction to mankind's demonically engineered species annihilating immorality. It is the fulfilment of Levicitus18:

20 'And you must not give your emission as semen to the wife of your associate to become unclean by it.
21 'And you must not allow the devoting of any of your offspring to Molech. You must not profane the name of your God that way. I am Jehovah.
22 'And you must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing.
23 'And you must not give your emission to any beast to become unclean by it, and a woman should not stand before a beast to have connection with it. It is a violation of what is natural.
24 'Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things, because by all these things the nations whom I am sending out from before you have made themselves unclean.
25 Consequently the land is unclean, and I shall bring punishment for its error upon it, and the land will vomit its inhabitants out.
26 And you yourselves must keep my statutes and my judicial decisions, and you must not do any of all these detestable things, whether a native or an alien resident who is residing as an alien in your midst.
27 For all these detestable things the men of the land who were before you have done, so that the land is unclean.
28 Then the land will not vomit you out for your defiling it the same way as it will certainly vomit the nations out who were before you.
29 In case anyone does any of all these detestable things, then the souls doing them must be cut off from among their people. (Leviticus 18 NWT)

In the original meaning of the scripture, the law of Moses, the land vomited people out metaphorically. They were in fact remove through warfare. But in the prophetic meaning, the greater meaning for today the land literally vomits people out. And the way land vomits is through volcanoes. So the lava flood will destroy all those who make it unclean by adultery, homosexuality, child sacrifice, bestiality, incest etc.

God protects Abraham during the nuclear abuse and during the lava flood, when the planet heals and fixes itself by sneezing violently at our expense and killing those who Leviticus 18 condemns..

Crudely speaking, what happens to the 1NCs and HLCs from 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover, to 2020Heshvan14, the 4th HLC marriage Passover, happens to the 2NCs during the Tetramenos from 2024Tebbeth16 to 2025Iyyar21, their ark rapture 5 years later.

86HOWEVER. Abraham (1AC Adam) is being tested for FRC or for LRC sealing. The final FRC sealing test takes 40 cubits/days of the walled testing part of Ezekiel's temple inner gates (and the length of the Holy before the Most Holy). Although it can be instant (as it was in the case of the faithful robber crucified at the side of Jesus). Mind you they still have to go through the same gates of Ezekiel's temple. If Abraham (1AC Adam) fails to be sealed, he loses his 1AC status. If OMC Adam fails to be LRC sealed then he loses his OMC status at one of the 5 late LRC Passover executions on 2029Tammuz14/Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14. God gives everyone a 2nd chance for non capital matters (2 witnesses are required) and a 3rd chance for capital offences (3 witnesses are required). Hence God provides the last chance saloon, the descended church of the 1AC/OMC, Hobah of Genesis14. One can enter into that church from 2031Iyyar5-2033Nisan10/Iyyar10 for Adam/Cain (see U307) and enter into the OMC/1AC therein from 2033Nisan3/4-10 and be sealed into the LRC/FRC by 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover, in the case of Adam and one month later in the case of Cain. 

So to go to hell you have to fail to be FRC sealed by faith, fail to be LRC sealed by love, and fail to have a drink in the last chance saloon. 

Likewise, nobody is killed for Gehenna at the regular Passover date. Triply absent firstborns are killed (in the sense of covenant failure- failure to hold on to the body their covenant promised) at the late Passover, having missed the early regular and late Passover. They must be given the opportunity to deny the Christ 3x in this Passover night as Peter did.

Salvation EventLaodiceansJWsChristianBabylonianNon religious
Symbolised byPharaoh on throneMaidservant behind millstonesCaptive in prison holeCaptive in prison holeAll
Day of early FRC Passover entry2028Heshvan10 2028Chislev10 2028Tebbeth10 2028Shebat10 2028Adar10
Day of regular FRC Passover entry2028Chislev10 2028Tebbeth10 2028Shebat10 2028Adar10 2029Nisan10
Day of late FRC Passover entry2028Tebbeth10 2028Shebat10 2028Adar10 2029Nisan10 2029Iyyar10
Regular non adamic edenic restoration2028Chislev14-16 2028Tebbeth14-16 2028Shebat14-16 2028Adar14-16 2029Nisan14-16
Late non adamic edenic restoration2028Tebbeth14-16 2028Shebat14-16 2028Adar14-16 2029Nisan14-16 2029Iyyar14-16
Passover execution of firstborn (pre kingdom 1AC baptised) non FRCs (loss of 1AC status) 2028Tebbeth14 2028Shebat14 2028Adar14 2029Nisan14 2029Iyyar14
Day of regular LRC Passover entry to get a non adamic ark resurrection 2029Sivan10 2029Tammuz10 2029Ab10 2029Elul10 2029Tishri10
Day of late LRC Passover entry to get a non adamic ark resurrection2029Tammuz10 2029Ab10 2029Elul10 2029Tishri10 2029Heshvan10
Passover execution of regular partaking LRCs  to their Ark resurrection2029Sivan14-16 2029Tammuz14-16 2029Ab14-16 2029Elul14-16 2029Tishri14-16
Passover execution of firstborn (pre-kingdom 1AC baptised) LRC sealing failures (loss of OMC status)2029Tammuz14 2029Ab14 2029Elul14 2029Tishri14 2029Heshvan14
Passover execution of late partaking LRCs to Ark resurrection of late partaking LRCs2024Tammuz14-16 2029Ab14-16 2029Elul14-16 2029Tishri14-16 2029Heshvan14-16

Passover executed FRCs get an ark rapture that day.
Passover executed LRCs get a non adamic ark resurrection from Hades on the 3rd day inclusively counting from the Passover (which will be the 16th of the month).

Whereas the 2019 1NC reserve archetype for the above in reappointed Laodicea is...

Salvation EventBethelitesCongregationsDisfellowshipped or DisassociatedLate BethelitesLate Congregations
1NC Marriage3rd4th5th6th (late 3rd)7th (late 4th)
Symbolised byPharaoh on throneMaidservant behind millstonesCaptive in prison holeLate Pharaoh on throneLate Maidservant behind millstones
Passover entry day for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th marriages in the ark2019Tishri102019Heshvan102019Chislev102019Tebbeth102019Shebat10
Marriage Passover day for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th marriages in the ark2019Tishri142019Heshvan142019Chislev142019Tebbeth14n/a 3EC baptism expired on 2019Shebat10
Late Passover entry day to remain engaged to be married and in the 1NC2019Heshvan102019Chislev102019Tebbeth10n/an/a
Passover execution of firstborn (all 1NC reserve angels) victimsPartaking nightPartaking nightPartaking nightn/an/a
Passover execution of 1NC Passover failures (they lose their 1NC status)2019Heshvan142019Chislev142019Tebbeth14n/an/a
Passover execution of firstborn of beasts (oldest 4EC by baptism per congregation) 2019Heshvan142019Chislev142019Tebbeth14n/an/a

And the 2020 1NC reserve archetype for the above in reverted Laodicea is...

Salvation EventLate reappointed Laodicean Congregation
1NC Marriage 7th (late 4th and late 5th). They merge because late 5th was baptised
into reappointed Laodicea then both were disfellowshipped by God. So
both were 3EC baptised and both were disfellowshipped..
Symbolised byMaidservant behind millstones
Passover entry day for 7th 1NC marriage in the ark2020Tammuz10
7th Marriage Passover2020Tammuz14
Passover execution of firstborn (all 1NC reserve angels) victims2020Tammuz14
Passover execution of 1NC Passover failures (they lose their 1NC status)2020Tammuz14

The maidservant is the congregation. In Exodus she is NOT grinding at the mill as in Matthew 24:41. She is behind the millstone, i.e. not making her own spiritual food.

5 And every first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh, the one sitting on his throne, to the first-born of the slave-girl who [is] behind the mill; and every first born of animals. (Exodus 11 GLT)

12 And I must pass through the land of Egypt on this night and strike every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man to beast; and on all the Gods of Egypt I shall execute judgments. I am Jehovah. (Exodus 12 NWT)

29 And it came about that at midnight Jehovah struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the prison hole, and every firstborn of beast. (Exodus 12 NWT)

41 two grinding at the mill; one is taken away, and one is left. (Matthew 24 GLT)

The first saints are raptured into the ark on 2019Tishri17, when it comes to a rest upon the mountains of Ararat (the 1NC and 2NC administrations of Laodicea). This means that those in said mountains can enter into God's rest in the ark wherein Jesus is Caesar rather than the Dragon. 2019Tishri17 is the 3rd marriage. For the ark to come to a rest upon the mountains of Ararat, people from those administrations (mountains) must enter into God's rest in the ark. So the 3rd marriage must occur on 2019Tishri17, for saints go into the ark initially for marriages.

For Sodom (the Watchtower), Gomorrah (False Christianity) and the other cities of the plain (all other false religions) are built upon the sand of the seashore, the sons of Abraham. But these cease to be Abraham if they fail to be sealed or to join Zoar in time. Ex Abrahamic Adam and never Abrahamic Adam is burnt by God during the lava flood not Abraham and not constructive Abraham (1ACs and OMCs).

Those of Abraham who fail to be seized, have shown no sustainable desire to be a part of the Kingdom of God, notwithstanding their faith in God which entered them into the 1AC and notwithstanding their love for their fellowman, which entered them into the OMC. They deceive themselves into believing that they taught themselves how to love. They fail to acknowledge the artist of love, the inventor of love, Jehovah God. They buy his masterpiece, then they falsely represent that they themselves painted it. So entrance into first death ends for non OMC Adam and non OMC Cain on 2029Ab7, the end of the ride of the 4th horseman, the end of the lava flood. But it ends for failed OMC Adam on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover and for failed OMC Cain on 2033Iyyar14, the late 1st death Passover. The two sides of Abraham, Mr last minute faith and Mr last minute love (and blasphemous derision) are pictured by the two robbers crucified on either side of the Christ. Remember me when you get into your Kingdom the repentant one said. But the derider had love which is greater than faith. For he said save yourself and us. He did not say: Save me!. 

39 But one of the hung evildoers began to say abusively to him: You are the Christ, are you not? Save yourself and us.
40 In reply the other rebuked him and said: Do you not fear God at all, now that you are in the same judgment?
41 And we, indeed, justly so, for we are receiving in full what we deserve for things we did; but this [man] did nothing out of the way.
42 And he went on to say: Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom.
43 And he said to him: Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise. (Luke 23 NWT)

But one should never underestimate the mercy of God - see U9#1

33 Oh the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments [are] and past tracing out his ways [are]! (Romans 11 NWT)

There is a final group of last chance salooners, the congregation of Hobah of Genesis14, the descended church of the 1AC, who can enter into that establishment from 2031Iyyar5 to 2033Nisan10/Iyyar10 for Adam/Cain. They are Passover executed on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover (2033April13/14), the end of entry into Hades, the 1st death, for Adam, and on 2033Iyyar14, the last 1st death Passover (2033May13/14), the end of entry into Hades for Cain.. The sealed ones are and then resurrected back to the earth at 1st death first fruits on 2033Nisan17 (2033April16/17) and late 1st death 1st fruits on 2033Iyyar22 (2033May21/22). They are sealed into the LRC and have absolutely no faith whatsoever (agnostics, atheists etc) but they have love. And LOVE IS ENOUGH! for Paul said:

13 Now, however, there remain faith, hope, love, these 3; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13 NWT).

Because, if faith is sufficient for salvation and love is greater that faith, then love is sufficient for salvation QED86.

The unrepentant firstborn of the dragon would be Passover executed at the late Babylonian LRC Passover on 2029Nisan14, except that their 2000 days of possession of Mark5 a pig for a day, ends on 2028Heshvan14. So they are expelled on 2028Heshvan14 (2028November5/6 evdently by our spiritual Guy Fawkes).  Because the Dragon runs the false and 100% anti Christian church of globalist wokeness, the church of the antichrist, with its priesthood of politically correct cancel culture paedophile protectors (the opposite of Christian redemption culture) that seeks to invalidate not merely the present generation of mankind but actually millennia of historic generations through the slander of white supremacy guilt, slavery guilt, racism guilt, capitalism guilt etc. And not satisfied with that, they seek to deny mankind any future through the abolition of gender, the corruption of the genes of our children with satanic snake bite gene therapy and government sanctioned medical profession sanctioned child genital mutilation. The high priest of that institution being Obama44/45/46.

4 And they worshiped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it? (Revelation 13 NWT)
8 And all those who dwell on the earth will worship it; the name of not one of them stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb who was slaughtered, from the founding of the world. (Revelation 13 NWT)

12 But as for the rest of the beasts, their rulerships were taken away, and there was a lengthening in life given to them for a time and a season. (Daniel 7 NWT)

Michael's original 6,000 year lease, the ARC world, ran from 3993Nisan21 to 2008Nisan14. But it was extended in order to give Satan a 6,000 year lease as Caesar over Adam from 3989Nisan16 to 2012Nisan14. Becasue God cannot make a covenant with Satan until he repents.
Satan's 6,000 year Red Soup lease, the world of destructive competition, ran from 3989Nisan16 to 2012Nisan14 - see U17.

15Satan's 6,000 year lease from 3989Nisan16 BC ended on 2012Nisan14 AD. Then we had 50 months of Michael's non adamic restoration lease (4 years of being installed as Caesar to Adam/Cain Abraham from 2012Nisan16/Iyyar16/Sivan16 to 2016Sivan14/Tammuz14/Ab14). Then the 2000 day possession payback period from 2012Sivan20/Tammuz16 to 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10. Then the 8 month war of Revelation12:7 to 2022Elul14, the heavenly demonic Passover. Then 6 months of Revelation 12:8 of no place being found for them in heaven plus 31 days of going through the Tsohar and down Jacob's ladder in the ark to to 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession. Then a further 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2023Nisan24 to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession - see U112#16

6004 year
extended ARC
lease ends
over Adam
Jesus is appointed
Caesar to Adam/
Satan's 1254 day
ministry and 
2000 day eviction
payback begins
over Adam/Cain
Satan's ministry
payback ends
over Adam/Cain
Satan's 2000
day eviction
payback ends
Start of war of
Satan loses the
war is Passed
over and tries
to remain in
Eviction from
heaven starts
Demons start
down Jacob's
Demons reach
bottom of Jacob's
ladder. Start of
2000 day Demon
Laodicean FRC
1st crop Passover
of Revelation22.
Demons expelled
from all humans.
Late non
religious LRC
12th crop of
Jesus' 3½ year
antitypical Love
ministry begins
Zoar ends
Final 3½ year ministry
ends. End of dying the
1st/adamic death for
1st/late 1st death Passover
50 month non adamic
Restoration lease
Satan's 1254 day
ministry payback
2000 days
less 1254
8x of war of
6x of no place in
heaven of Rev12:8
1+30 days down
Jacob's ladder
2000 day 21st century
demon possession 
11 months 3½ year antitypical ministry
of Jesus

The 80 month WW3, the fiery furnace of Daniel3:19, is the 80 day grand evening meal of God of Revelation19 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23 - see U151#19. This meal is eaten in the ark, when we are treated to the real time movie of the demons persuading not Adam and Eve to make our species extinct. But the house of Adam, and the house of Eve, to make our species extinct.

17 I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, (NWT)
18 in order that you might eat fleshes of kings and fleshes of chiliarchs and fleshes of strong [men] and fleshes of horses and of the (ones) sitting upon them, and fleshes of all freemen and and of slaves and of little (ones) and of great (ones). (Revelation 19 KIT)

The meal is WW3 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23. It is not a meal that anybody wants to eat. But it is our inoculation against the futility of war. So eat it we must. It ends at the end of non salvation covenant Adam and non salvation covenant Cain, when there is no flesh left to eat. The Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and the Unprecedented Tribulation on Mark13 end during Hebrew winter on 2028Tebbeth2 (132x of Revelation 19:21 before 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC victory). But WW3 continues until the summer of 2032.

14815 Whenever therefore you might see the disgusting thing of the desolation the (thing) spoken through Daniel the prophet having stood in place holy, the (one) reading let him be minding,
16 then the (ones) in the Judea let them be fleeing into the mountains,
17 the (one) upon the housetop not let him come down to lift up the (things) out of the house of him,
18 and the (one) in the field not let him return behind to lift up the outer garment of him.
19 Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and the (ones) giving suck in those the days
20 Be yeu praying but in order that not should occur the flight of yeu of winter and not to Sabbath; (Matthew 24 KIT)
20 proseucesqe de    ina    mh   genhtai h fugh umwn ceimwnoj mhde sabbatw (Matthew 24 VatB)
21 will be for then tribulation great of what sort not has occurred from beginning of world until of the now not-but not not should occur.
22 And if not were shortened the days those, not likely was saved all flesh; through but the chosen ones will be shortened the days those. (Matthew 24 KIT)

Verse 19: (2x+2x).2x = 8x: 'the in belly having' is challenging to count. The dog outside the house counts 2x. The dog inside the house counts 1x. The wine in the glass counts 1x. The wine on the table counts 2x. So the [one] in belly having [a baby] counts 1x. Whereas the woman having 2 sons counts 3x. The woman having a son counts 1x for the process of having (an action) and 2x for the condition of possessing sons (a state)
Verse20: 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
Verse21: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Total: (8x+4x).3x = 36x. But those days are shortened, by the sentence count of 36x in day from 36 months of 1080 days to 1044 days, the exact length of the GT - well WADDUUNO?      

The Great Tribulation runs for 1044 days of the sentence count of Revelation 7:13-17 from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2. 

14 However, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing where it ought not let the reader use discernment, then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.
15 Let the man on the housetop not come down, nor go inside to take anything out of his house;
16 and let the man in the field not return to the things behind to pick up his outer garment.
Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and to the (ones) giving suck in those the days.
18 Be yeu praying but in order that not it might occur of winter;
19 will be for the days those tribulation of which sort not has occurred such from beginning of creation which created the God until the now and not not should occur.
20 And if not shortened Lord the days, not likely was saved all flesh. But through the chosen (ones) whom he chose he shortened the days. (Mark 13 KIT)

Verse 17: (2x+2x).2x = 8x: 'the in belly having' is challenging to count. The dog outside the house counts 2x. The dog inside the house counts 1x. The wine in the glass counts 1x. The wine on the table counts 2x. So the [one] in belly having [a baby] counts 1x. Whereas the woman having 2 sons counts 3x. The woman having a son counts 1x for the process of having (an action) and 2x for the condition of possessing sons (a state)
Verse18: 2x
Verse19: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Total: (8x+2x).3x = 30x. But THE days are shortened (2x) by 2 days resulting in 28 days of the Unprecedented Tribulation during the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse. These are the 28 days of nuclear war, ending on 2028Tebbeth2, 132 days of the sentence count of Revelation19:21 before 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the late non religious FRC Passover, the end of FRC salvation. So the Unprecedented Tribulation runs from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2.
We take verse 20 logically rather than counting it completely. Shortening the days is recited twice.

So the Great Tribulation reaches into 4 winters148.

Likewise in the judicial example of Sodom and Gomorrah of Genesis19 is explained by Jude...

6 And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.
7 So too Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones [the demons of verse6] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before [us] as a [warning] example by undergoing the judicial punishment of age-lasting fire (Jude 1 NWT).

And explained by Peter...

5 and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with 7 others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people;
6 and by reducing the cities Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come; (2 Peter 2 NWT)

It is the descended demons who are causing the woke cult and the genital mutilation of minors for the sexual and financial gratification of perverted adults. The lesson of Genesis19 and Leviticus18 and Jude and 2Peter2 is that perversion brings lava. It is that simple. Climate change does not bring lava. Perversion especially of innocent children will bring it. For all the men of the city from boy to old man were trying to have sex with the two angelically possessed men staying with Lot.

4 Before they could lie down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob.
5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them. (Genesis 19 NWT).

3 demons to each pig denotes 3 demonic fulfilments of the 2,000 days of possession, making a total of 6,000 days of demon possession, a legion of days. One in the first century and 2 in the 21st (the payback and the possession)15.

The greater 10 plagues are not sequential (because there are 10 of them rather than 7). They start after 2024Tammuz5, the installation of Jesus as Caesar to Laodicean Abraham (his final installation as Caesar over mankind). So that he can tell Pharaoh to let his people go. Perhaps genetically Cainian people are Pharaoh's firstborn. Pharaoh's secondborn would be those who become Cainian through bad behaviour. His youngest would be those who become Cainian through genetic vaccine mediated rape and moral depravity (inhumanity)?

The 10 plagues are against all the false Gods of this world (money, status, fame, celebrity, corrupt doctors, corrupt science, corrupt technology, corrupt professionals, governments, churches) must be judged and shown to be fake, to be useless, to be genocidally incompetent at best and to be genocidally competent at worst. 

However all those who refuse the Mark of the Beast, which is compelled/enforced for 80 months, 2400 days of Revelation13:16-17 from 2025Adar21/22, Mark Enforcement/Criminalisation day, to 2032Heshvan21/22 (after the end of WW3 on 2032Tishri4/5) and by war time rationing using the pretext of a WW3 manufactured by Putin, Netanyahu, Obama46, the UK and the 10 horns who are 10 Kings of Revelation17 (the G20 nations and blocks) under the Globalists, for this very purpose (Worldwide communism), do not have to pay any tax to Caesar and therefore escape from having the dragon as Caesar. 

Ark2 entrance begins on 2019Tishri15 for the 3rd 1NC bride and for the dead in Christ (unsanctified sons of the true Christian churches) who rise first from Hades to prepare the ark for the 3rd marriage. But the door to the earth (not to Hades) was in the side of the ark. The ark (ark3) comes to a rest enabling those working under a Satanic Caesar ON PLANET EARTH to enter into it on 2019Tishri17, the 17th day of the 7th month of Genesis 8:4. The ark door is open for the engaged or married saints for 7+7 days (by 7s male and female) as follows...


ArkTimelineChart.png" width="1820" height="1332">

Many Christians and bible scholars have made calculations, attempts and some guesses at the true Chronology from Adam to Armageddon. We stand on their shoulders. They follow the advice of our saviour and our God:

9 Accordingly I say to you, Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you (Luke 11).

9 And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you; but if you leave him, he will cast you off indefinitely (1 Chronicles 28).

4 The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search; All his ideas are: There is no God (Psalm 10).

We hope that the reader will see that the below is none of it a guess. It is rather the collation of most of the sections of this website into an overall chronology. Sections [4], [5], [16], [41], [42], and the Chronological sections, and the Prophetic Times sections and the sections on Daniel, Revelation and Armageddon and [191], [193], [194] contain most of the Chronology. It is also the first ever synchronisation of Biblical, Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian Chronology at least for the period of the Kings of Judah and Israel. We have 3 helpful checks on this very complicated puzzle of the Kings:

1.  The 390 error year period of Israel of Ezekiel 4 which started with Israel's failure to celebrate the festival of Booths in the accession year of Jeroboam in 997Tishri and ended 390 years later in 607Tishri at end of the agricultural year within which Jerusalem fell to Pharaoh Nechoh, who appointed Eliakim as his Vassal King, changing his name to Jehoiakim to make him more acceptable to the people. The iron griddle of Ezekiel 4:3, which is God's protection for the city, failed at that point - see [16], [97].

3 Take to yourself an iron griddle, and you must put it as an iron wall between you and the city, and you must fix your face against it, and it must get to be in a siege, and you must besiege it. It is a sign to the house of Israel. 
4 And as for you, lie upon your left side, and you must lay the error of the house of Israel upon it. For the number of days that you will lie upon it you will carry their error. 
And I myself must give you the years of their error, to the number of 390 days, and you must carry the error of the house of Israel (Ezekiel 4).

6 And you must complete them. And you must lie upon your right side in the second case, and you must carry the error of the house of Judah 40 days. A day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have given you (Ezekiel 4).

8 And look! I will put cords upon you that you may not turn yourself from your one side to your other side until you have completed the days of your siege (Ezekiel 4).

So the siege is completed in 390 days before Ezekiel is allowed to turn over for the second case. So the 'siege' of Jerusalem by its enemies (whom Ezekiel represents) lasts 390 years with the protection of the iron wall (God's protection). The iron wall is breached after 390 years and Jerusalem itself falls to Pharaoh. But then there was a second 'siege' of 40 years, which did not involve an iron griddle, for we read:

7 And to the siege of Jerusalem you will fix your face, with your arm bared, and you must prophesy against it (Ezekiel 4).

This subsequent siege appears to coincide with the Babylonian domination of Jerusalem, through Nebuchadnezzar who made Jehoiakim his servant following his conquest of Egypt for three years (2 Kings 24:1). Then in the 37th year of Jehoiachin's exile, in fact on 561Adar25, Evil-Merodach, in his first year of kingship, took Jehoiachin out of the prison house and put his throne higher than the thrones of the other kings that were with him in Babylon (Jeremiah 52:31,32). This act ended 40 years of Babylonian anger at Jerusalem from Nebuchadnezzar.

2.  Nebuchadnezzar's real 509 day siege of Jerusalem is to be taken a day for a year. 509 years from the accession of first vassal of God, king Saul in 1116 to the first vassal not of God but of Pharaoh, King Jehoiakim in 607. For Ezekiel 4 is telling us to take a day for a year in the real siege of Jerusalem as well!

3.  300 silver talents of 2 Kings 18:14, are 300 years from the finishing of Solomon’s house in 1014 to the taunts of Sennacherib, in the 14th year of Hezekiah, 715 inclusive.

We have three historical dates we take as true:

  1. The 3 year siege of Samaria from 725 to 723: Assyrian chronology

  2. The first regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar was 604: Babylonian chronology

  3. Necho defeated Josiah in 608/609: Egyptian Chronology

We are not so lazy and naive as to simply add up all the reigns of the kings of Judah or of Israel and say that this is the length of the whole period from the first king to the last. For we shall see that there are co-regencies, inferior coregencies, periods of no king at all due to conspiracies, and kings who ‘became king’ several times on several different occasions years apart before they actually got any regnal years! God rarely gives the whole puzzle in one piece. Rather he gives it just one piece at a time. For even Moses did not get to see his face:

22 And it has to occur that while my glory is passing by I must place you in a hole in the rock, and I must put my palm over you as a screen until I have passed by.
23 After that I must take my palm away, and you will indeed see my back. But my face may not be seen (Exodus 33).

It is easier to see what he has done than what he is doing, or going to do!

The Big Picture


The Great Prophetic Times


The True Churches of the Abrahamic System



The Chronological Basis for our 501st Main prediction for the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 to fall on 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 (2024January6-2025March27), the 2nd 50- and chief of 50 of 2Kings1. And the 3rd fire sign to fall on 2025Nisan21 (2025April19-20) going back 7x of the LW Alienation Times from the 5th 2NC Pentecost on 2016Adar21 to 2023Adar21, then adding a year for the execution of the command to go up in 1Kings18:43 and the 30x/31x sentence count of 1Kings18:42-44.


1335 Millennia of Time (of being in expectation of Daniel12)

6 Then one said to the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream: How long will it be to the end of the wonderful/miraculous/extraordinary things?
7 And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the waters of the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right [hand] and his left [hand] to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.
8 Now as for me, I heard, but I could not understand; so that I said: Oh my lord, what will be the final part of these things?
9 And he went on to say: Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of [the] end.
10 Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly, and no wicked ones at all will understand; but the ones having insight will understand.
11 And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the abomination that is causing desolation, there will be 1,290 days (Daniel 12 NWT)
12 Oh the Happinesses/Blessednesses of the one keeping in expectation and [who] reaches the 1,335 days! (Daniel 12 LWT)

8 However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as 1,000 years and 1,000 years as one day. (2 Peter 3 NWT)

One cannot be in expectation in the absence of time. For without time, everything is instant. But the minute time exists then one has to wait for the time at which events occur. So God keeps in expectation for the entire duration of time, which is 1335 millennia of verse12.

There are two candidates for the big picture loss of the constant feature and the abomination that is causing desolation. One is the original sin of Adam, which ended the constant feature of true worship in Eden. True edenic worship being simply defined as not eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Bad. The other is the original sin of the angels in Archeden, which ended the constant feature of true worship there. For Genesis1 applies to the heavens AND the earth - see U300 and see U264a.

From the loss of the constant feature and the placing of the abomination that causes desolation (to Adam - adamic death, the 1st death or to angels, angelic 1st death - Tartarus) to the end of the wonderful things to do with baptism, the end of the smashing of the power of the Holy People to pieces by sin, the end of the final part of the things, the end of sin, the day when all mankind and angels have reached divinity, is the end of time, the end of the 1335 millennia. Because Gods are outside of time. So when the last human becomes a God, then time ends.

If we take the original sin of Adam as the loss of the constant feature and the abomination causing desolation as adamic death, then we know that Adam sinned at the very end of the 6th light universe creative day. Because God then made Adam and Eve long garments of skin (their 960 year max lifespan ageing human bodies - a shorter version of which we all have today) on 3993Nisan14 (after having agreed the Angelic Ransom covenant, the ARC, with Michael, and after resurrecting them from the 1st death) and then went on his creative Sabbath.

31 After that God saw everything he had made and, look! [it was] very good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a 6th day. (Genesis 1 NWT)
1 Thus the heavens and the earth and all their army came to their completion.
2 And in the 7th day God came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the 7th day from all his work that he had made. (Genesis 2 NWT)

Obviously, being a Sabbath, God rested for the entirety of the 7th creative day from his creative works. So there are 5½ creative days from the 1st morning, when Lucifer (the first born angel who became Satan) said of God's behalf, in his capacity as the head of the first Holy Spirit, God's first wife: Let there be light. For Lucifer means bringer or carrier of light (Lux Lucem is light and Fero Ferre Tuli Latum is to bring/carry/ferry a very irregular Latin verb).

Now the whole period of the light universe must be 50 creative days long. Because mankind must reach divinity at their first Jubilee. Because the purpose of a Jubilee is to restore people to their birthright and the birthright of a Son of God is to become a God in whose image he was made. So all humans achieve divinity by the 50th angelic creative day, which is our Jubilee release to divinity. But Gods are outside of space-time. So the 4D universe ends at the end of the 50th creative day. So there are 49½ earthly creative days taking us from the Big Bang to the day when we all have become Gods, our Jubilee release in the 50th creative day.

10 And you must sanctify the 50th year and proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants. It will become a Jubilee for you, and you must return each one to his possession and you should return each one to his family.
11 A Jubilee is what that 50th year will become for you. You must not sow seed nor reap the land's growth from spilled kernels nor gather the grapes of its unpruned vines.
12 For it is a Jubilee. It should become something holy to you. From the field you may eat what the land produces.
13 In this year of the Jubilee you should return each one to his possession. (Leviticus 25 NWT)

If if Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC was 1290 millennia before the end of time. Then 44 light universe creative days would be 1290 millennia. So each creative day would be 29,318.181818 years long. So the first 6 creative days would be 175,909.909090 years long. So Time would last for 1290k + 175k years which is way too long.

So instead the removal of the constant feature over verse11 is the end of true worship in Archeden and the abomination causing desolation is angelic first death in Tartarus

But original angelic sin in Archeden resulted in the big bang which made time fully causal, which meant that sin became inescapable, It would stick to you and you could not get rid of it with an undo button any more. God needed that mechanism to teach people not to sin, rather than giving them a get out of sin free button. Let there be light is an illumination of sin and causal time is an indelible catalogue of mistakes and correct takes.

So from original angelic sin, the loss of their constant feature, the transgression causing desolation to the angels, to the end of baptisms and of people acting wickedly, to the miraculous things, to the end of the final part of these things, the end of sin, achievement of divinity for all humans and angels is 1290 millennia. Taking a day for 1000 years as instructed by 2Peter3:8.

So the Big Bang is 1290 millennia of Daniel12:11 before the end of sin, when we all have become Gods - see Code#c39. So 49½ creative days are 1290 millennia. So each light universe creative day is actually 26,060.606060 years.

We know that the 6th light universe creative day ended at Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC. So the 50th ends 44 light universe creative days later, 1,466,666.666666 years later on 1,142,674Chislev14 AD. And the Big bang was 5½ light universe creative days before Adam's sin, which is 143,333.333333 years earlier on 147,327Chislev14 BC. So time began 1335 millennia prior to that on 192,327Chislev14 BC

The period from the evening of the first angelic creative night, which began with the creation of a universe (the angelic universe, the dark universe) to original angelic sin in Archeden is isomorphic with the 5½ creative days from the creation of the light universe at the Big Bang to original human sin in Eden. So it must comprise 5½ angelic creative nights and end with God taking a Sabbath from angelic creation. So each angelic creative night (Dark universe creative night) is 7,500 years long, since 6 of them make the 45,000 years between the start of the 1335 millennia of Daniel12:12  and the start of the 1290 millennia of Daniel12:11. 

This in turn means that there was half an angelic creative night, the morning of the 1st one, prior to the Big Dark Bang. There must have been a type of time running for that half day too. Divine Time let's call it. This ran from 192,327Chislev14 BC to 3750 years later on 188,577Chislev14 BC. The 1st 7 angelic creative nights are the angelic meaning of Genesis1. They are the angelic equivalent of the first 7 earthly-human creative days. See U300.

The Dark universe Big Bang was 49½ angelic/dark creative nights before the end of dark/angelic time, when all those born as angels must become Gods at the first Jubilee of angelic/dark creative nights (7500 years per creative night). 
The Light universe Big Bang was 49½ human/light creative days before the end of light/human time, when all those born as humans must become Gods at the first Jubilee of human/light creative days (26,060.606060 years per creative day). 

The 1st angelic/dark creative night began on 192,327Chislev14. So the Dark Big Bang was 188,827Chislev14 BC
The 1st human/light creative day began on 160,357Ab25. So the light Big Bang was 147,327Chislev14 BC

This first Jubilee of angelic creative nights is 50 angelic creative nights or 375,000 years after 192,327Chislev14, which is 182,674Chislev14 AD.

So here is a the new biblical decoded chronology from the start to the end of our universe: 50 creative days, 26,060,606060 years long each. 1290 days of Daniel12:11 a day for a thousand years of 2Peter3:8 make 1,290,000 years which are 49½ creative days from the big bang: Original angelic sin, the transgression causing desolation to the angels and the loss of the constant feature of their worship, resulting in God making time causal through the 4D light universe to capture sin: Let there be light, the start of the morning of the 1st human creative day. to the end of the 50 creative day universe. Because God restores his people to their birthright at the Jubilee (the 50th year). And the birthright of sons of God is to be a God. And a God is outside space time. So it takes God 1,290,000 years from the Big Bang to raise all of his human children to become what he is - Divine, with perfect moral judgement and actions - and outside space time..

Real yearsApparent yearsEvents
192,327Chislev14BCn/a 1st Angelic Creative night begins. Divine Time begins. God makes a watch. Divine Time is perhaps full undo, totally non causal time?
192,327Chislev14BCn/a Morning of the 1st creative night begins. God's 1335 millennia of Daniel 12:12 of expectation (due to Time being in existence) begin. They run to 1,142,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the light universe, the end of time.
188,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 1st angelic creative night: Dark universe begins (Dark big bang). Non causal real time, dark time, angelic time begins (perhaps limited undo, partially causal time)  Darkness is not merely the absence of light. It can be the presence of not entirely causal angelic or fully non causal divine time. It may be the case that Dark Energy = Dark Mass x Speed of Darkness2 where Speed = Distance/Non causal time and where Darkness is the Dark Big Bang equivalent of light (Dark photons or something).
181,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 2nd angelic creative night begins
173,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 3rd angelic creative night begins
166,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 4th angelic creative night begins
160,357Ab25n/a The evening of the first creative day begins. No light as we know it exists. Dark matter and Dark energy and Darkness are all there is presumably. Time exists but is only partially causal (it has limited undo).
158,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 5th angelic creative night begins
154,827Chislev14n/a Morning of the 6th angelic creative night begins. Satan and the morning stars are created in the morning of the 6th angelic creative night.  
151,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 6th angelic creative night begins.
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478BC Big Bang. Satan (Lucifer) says: Let there be light. Mid point of first creative day. The light universe begins. 4D space time begins  Original angelic sin in Archeden. Satan builds his house (space-time) on his father's land (the dark matter and dark energy universe), for his wife, the 1st angelic salvation covenant (which God himself died for as the ransoming validation sacrifice. For Jesus does nothing that he does not see his father do - John 5:19). We got this date for the Big Bang on 2023Shebat10. Sent an email to the church at 20:17 on 2024January26 (2023Shebat11). This was going behind the Chronological curtain!
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Morning of the 7th creative night begins. God goes on a Sabbath creative night's rest from his angelic creative works.
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Morning of 1st creative day begins: Speed of light is 360kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 4,690,909,090.909090 years
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Angel Michael is born, 1260 millennia of Revelation12:6, before the end of ARC salvation on 1,112,674Chislev14.BC. Where the woman of the houses of the salvation covenants is fed in the true churches prepared by God through his original sacrifice for angelic 1st death (Tartarus), having fled into the wilderness outside the secular administrations of the rebellious angels of Archeden and their successors. The Angel Michael, a 40th generation angel, is the light of the cosmos of the light universe, the firstborn of all light universe creation, as well as being the light of this world (Jeff's understanding).
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 1260 millennia of death (1st angelic, 1st human and 2nd death: Tartarus, Hades and Gehenna) of Revelation 11:3 begin and run to 1,112,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the 2nd death, when: Death shall be no more, of Revelation 21:4 - is fulfilled, and every human is given everlasting angelic life thanks to the ARC ransom of Michael, who was born at the start of the 1260 millennia of death and of true churches. 
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Constant feature of angelic worship in Archeden ends. The first angelic church falls. The angelic transgression causing desolation, original angelic sin, is committed in Archeden (heavenly Eden).
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 1,290,000 years of Daniel 12:11, a day for a millennium begin and run to 1,142,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the light universe, the raising of the last ex human angel to divinity, the end of the 50th creative day.
139,827Chislev1420,754,562,478 Morning of the 8th creative night begins. God takes up his angelic creative works again.
134,296Nisan318,763,653,387 Evening of 2nd creative day begins: The atmosphere develops, the expanse between the seas and the clouds.
121,266Tammuz2214,072,744,296 Morning of 2nd creative day begins: Speed of light is 180kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 2,345,454,545.454545 years
108,236Heshvan1111,727,268,751 Evening of 3rd creative day begins: The land masses form permanently and the seas are defined, plant life begins.
95,206Adar19,381,835,205 Morning of 3rd creative day begins: Speed of light is 90kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 1,172,727,272.727272 years
82,175Sivan208,209,107,932 Evening of 4th creative day begins
69,145Tishri97,036,380,660 Morning of 4th creative day begins: Speed of light is 180kc. The Sun becomes visible. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 2,345,454,545.454545 years
56,115Tebbeth284,690,926,114 Evening of 5th creative day begins: Great sea monsters created (Dinosaurs) and first living sea animals created
43,084Iyyar172,345,471,569 Morning of 5th creative day begins: Speed of light is 90kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 1,172,727,272.727272 years
30,054Elul61,172,744,296 Evening of 6th creative day begins: Humans appear AFTER this.
17,024Chislev2517,024Chislev25 Morning of 6th creative day begins: Speed of light is c. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 13,030.303030 years
3993Nisan14 3993Nisan14  Evening of 7th creative day begins: Adam sins. God makes him and Eve long garments of skin (ageing human bodies), his last creative act. God then starts his creative Sabbath.
Speed of light is c. Morning length is 13,030.303030 non causal pre big bang years. Apparent length is 13,030.303030 years
3968Nisan14  n/a Evening of the 1st recreative day begins: Abelian Faith Covenant made (the first system salvation covenant).
3468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 1st re creative day begins: Non adamic light begins (through Jared, who became Melchizedek)
2968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 2nd re creative day begins:
2468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 2nd re creative day begins: Noah's light begins
1968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 3rd re creative day begins:
1468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 3rd re creative day begins: Mosaic light begins
968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 4th re creative day begins:
468Nisan14 BC n/a Morning of the 4th re creative day begins: 2nd temple light begins
33Nisan14 AD n/a Evening of the 5th re creative day begins:
533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 5th re creative day begins: Roman Catholic light begins
1033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 6th re creative day begins:
1533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 6th re creative day begins: Protestant light begins
2033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 7th re creative day begins:
2533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 7th re creative day begins: New type of Kingdom light begins?
2,674Chislev14 n/a 24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days. (Genesis 7 NWT). The waters overcame the earth at the angelic rebellion in archeden at the Big Bang on 147,327Chislev14. Then the earth rebelled on 3993Nisan14 BC. Then Michael fixed the heavens by winning the war of Revelation12 against Satan and evicting him on . But the earth does not get fixed until 2674Chislev14 AD, 641 years 8 months into the Kingdom of God from 2033Nisan14. So this is the end of 150 millennia of Genesis 7:24 after the big bang, when the waters stop prevailing upon the earth.
2,674Chislev14n/a The start of the 180 millennia of Ahasuerus' banquet of Esther 1:4, when he shows off his wonderful kingdom, until the day when all those born as angels have achieved divinity on 182,674Chislev14.
3033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 8th re creative day begins:
6,424Chislev14n/a Evening of the 6th creative night of the 3rd week begins. Speed of Darkness is now 4c.
9,038Ab3 n/a Morning of 7th creative day begins: Speed of light is 360kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. This must be the start of the 2nd 1,000 year Kingdom of God for mankind on this planet. Star Trek begins. Mankind starts colonizing the galaxy.
22,068Heshvan22n/a Evening of 8th creative day begins.
45,033-46,033n/a The recreative day Jubilee, the 50th recreative day. The entire house of Adam achieves angelicity during this millennium. 
52,674Chislev14n/a The first human achieves divinity. Because Jesus fasted from adding a divine body to his body for 40 day and 40 nights = 40,000 + 4x.40,000 years = 200,000 years from 147,327Chislev14 BC. 
182,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 50th angelic creative night. All the angelically born angels, the morning stars, are now Gods. Angelic/Dark time ends.
1,112,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 1260 millennia of Revelation 11:3 and Revelation12:6 of death and of true churches, from the Big Bang. The last human is given everlasting life through the ARC of Michael born at the start of this period. Mankind finishes taming the galaxies of the light universe, and extending the garden of Eden into the last corner of the wilderness of the light universe, just as he leaves the moral wilderness of life outside God's land.
1,142,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 50th creative day. The end of the light universe. The end of 4D space-time. All of mankind and all the angels have achieved divinity. We are all Gods and cannot be contained in a physical universe any longer. It's a 1,303,030.303030 million year project from the start of the Dark Universe, half way through the 1st angelic creative night until the divinity of the last ex human angel
1,142,674Chislev14n/a Causal time ends. Light universe 4D Space time ends. God finishes raising all of his human children up to divinity.
1,142,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 1335 millennia of time. The end of the 1290 millennia of causal time divinity training.

Time began on 192,327Chislev14 BC, 1335 millennia of Daniel 12:12 before the end of light universe causal time on 1,142,674Chislev14 AD
The Dark universe began on 188,577Chislev14 BC, half a creative night later, and 1331¼ millennia before the end of light universe causal time.
And the Light universe began on 147,327Chislev14 BC, 1290 millennia of Daniel 12:11 before the end of light universe causal time.

There are 3 threads to Genesis1 depicted above...

1. The the dark universe (angelic universe) thread, which has 7x 7500 year long creative nights from 192,327Chislev14 BC to 139,827Chislev14 BC
2. The light universe (physical universe) thread, which has 7x 26,060.060606 year long creative days from 147,327Chislev14 BC to 22,068Heshvan22
3. The salvation universe thread, which has 7x 1000 year long re creative days from 3968Nisan14 BC to 3033Nisan14 AD. The 1,000 year Kingdom of God is the 7th recreative millennial day from 2033Nisan14 to 3033Nisan14 AD

Years ran from Tishri to Elul from 4027BC to 1513BC (But for year numbers we use the Nisan1 year throughout our chronology)

Real years Events
192,327Chislev14 BC 1st Angelic Creative day begins. Divine Time begins. God makes a watch. Morning of the 1st creative night begins. Divine Time is perhaps full undo, totally non causal time?
192,327Chislev14 Morning of the 1st creative night begins. God's 1335 millennia of Daniel 12:12 of expectation (due to Time being in existence) begin. They run to 1,142,676Chislev14 AD, the end of the light universe, the end of causal time.
188,577Chislev14 Evening of the 1st angelic creative night. Dark universe begins (Dark big bang). Non causal real time, dark time, angelic time begins (perhaps limited undo, mildly causal time?)  Darkness is not merely the absence of light. It can be the presence of not entirely causal angelic or divine time. It may be the case that Dark Energy = Dark Mass x Speed of Darkness2 where Speed = Distance/Non causal time and where Darkness is the Dark Big Bang equivalent of light (Dark photons or something).
181,077Chislev14 Evening of the 2nd angelic creative night begins
173,577Chislev14 Evening of the 3rd angelic creative night begins
166,077Chislev14 Evening of the 4th angelic creative night begins
160,357Ab25 The evening of the first creative day begins. No light as we know it exists. Dark matter and Dark energy and Darkess are all there is presumably. Time exists but is only partially causal (it has limited undo).
158,577Chislev14 Evening of the 5th angelic creative night begins
151,077Tebbeth16/17 Evening of the 6th angelic creative night begins. Satan and the morning stars are created in the morning of the 6th angelic creative night. Just as Adam was created in the morning of the 6th human/light universe creative day.
147,327Chislev14 BC Apparent year: 23,454,562,478 BC: Big Bang. Satan (Lucifer) says: Let there be light. Mid point of first creative day. The light universe begins. 4D space time begins  Original angelic sin in Archeden. Satan builds his house (space-time) on his father's land (the dark matter and dark energy universe), for his wife, the 1st angelic salvation covenant (which God himself died for as the ransoming validation sacrifice for Jesus does nothing that he does not see his father do - John 5:19)..
147,327Chislev14 Apparent year: 23,454,562,478: Morning of the 7th creative night begins. God goes on a Sabbath creative night's rest from his angelic creative works.
147,327Chislev14 Apparent year: 23,454,562,478: Morning of 1st creative day begins: Speed of light is 360kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 4,690,909,090.909090 years
147,327Chislev14 Apparent year: 23,454,562,478: Constant feature of angelic worship in Archeden ends. The first angelic eden falls. The angelic transgression causing desolation, original angelic sin, is committed in Archeden (heavenly Eden).
147,327Chislev14 Apparent year: 23,454,562,478: Angel Michael is born, 1260 millennia of true churches of Revelation12:6, before the end of ARC salvation on 1,112,674Chislev14.BC. Where the woman of the houses of the salvation covenants is fed in the true churches prepared by God through his original sacrifice for angelic 1st death (Tartarus), having fled into the wilderness outside the secular administrations of the rebellious angels of archeden and their successors.
147,327Chislev14 Apparent year: 23,454,562,478: 1260 millennia of death (1st angelic, 1st human and 2nd death: Tartarus, Hades and Gehenna) of Revelation 11:3 begin and run to 1,112,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the 2nd death, when: Death shall be no more, of Revelation 21:4 - is fulfilled, and every human is given everlasting angelic life thanks to the ARC ransom of Michael, who was born at the start of the 1260 millennia of death and of true churches. 
147,327Chislev14 Apparent year: 23,454,562,478: 1,290,000 years of Daniel 12:11, a day for a millennium begin and run to 1,142,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the light universe, the raising of the last ex human angel to divinity, the end of the 50th creative day.
139,827Chislev14 Apparent year: 20, 754,562,478: Morning of the 8th creative night begins. God takes up his angelic creative works again 
134,296Nisan3 Apparent year: 18,763,653,387: Evening of 2nd creative day begins: The atmosphere develops, the expanse between the seas and the clouds.
121,266Tammuz22 Apparent year: 14,072,744,296: Morning of 2nd creative day begins: Speed of light is 180kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 2,345,454,545.454545 years
108,236Heshvan11 Apparent year: 11,727,268,751: Evening of 3rd creative day begins: The land masses form permanently and the seas are defined, plant life begins. 
95,206Adar1 Apparent year: 9,381,835,205: Morning of 3rd creative day begins: Speed of light is 90kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 1,172,727,272.727272 years
94,827Chislev14 Apparent year: 9,347,705,955: Morning of the 7th creative night of the 2nd week begins. God goes on a Sabbath creative night's rest from his angelic creative works. 
82,175Sivan20 Apparent year: 8,209,107,932: Evening of 4th creative day begins
69,145Tishri9 Apparent year: 7,036,380,660: Morning of 4th creative day begins: Speed of light is 180kc. The Sun becomes visible. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 2,345,454,545.454545 years
56,115Tebbeth28 Apparent year: 4,690,926,114: Evening of 5th creative day begins: Great sea monsters created (Dinosaurs) and first living sea animals created
43,084Iyyar17 Apparent year: 2,345,471,569: Morning of 5th creative day begins: Speed of light is 90kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 1,172,727,272.727272 years
42,327Chislev14 Apparent year: 2,277,393,319: Morning of the 7th creative night of the 3rd week begins. God goes on a Sabbath creative night's rest from his angelic creative works. 
30,054Elul6 Apparent year: 1,172,744,296: Evening of 6th creative day begins: Humans appear AFTER this.
17,024Chislev25 Morning of 6th creative day begins: Speed of light is c (3x108 m/s). Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 13,030.303030 years
4,827Chislev14 Morning of the 5th creative night of the 3rd week begins. 
4016Tishri Adam placed in the Garden of Eden, Tree Covenant made
3997Tishri Adam Born again angelically
3997Tishri10 Adam goes into deep sleep, rib removed
3997Heshvan29 Eve Born and brought to Adam
3993Nisan13 Eve is tempted by Satan and eats the fruit.
3993Nisan14 Adam Sins, loses Judicial life
3993Nisan14 Michael's 6,000 year headlease on Adam begins and runs to 2008Nisan14.
3993Nisan14 Angel Michael makes ARC with God to ransom Adam angelically.
3993Nisan14BC Evening of 7th creative day begins: Adam sins. God makes him and Eve long garments of skin (ageing human bodies), his last creative act. God then starts his creative Sabbath, his rest from creative works.
3993Nisan15 Adam gets new ageing body, evicted from Eden, 7 Exedenic Times start. First fruits of aging flesh.
3993Nisan21 First fruits. The ARC world begins (3989Nisan15 BC had to be a Great Sabbath before Adam was appointed as high priest to mankind on 3989Nisan16 BC)
3993Sivan5 Adam enters Eve, he first sleeps with her
3992Shebat Cain born. Son of Satan and Eve
3990Tishri Abel born. Son of Adam and Eve
3989Nisan14 Michael passes Adam over to Satan secularly. Michael agrees the Red Soup lease with Satan. He passes over Adam to Satan as Caesar for 6,000 years from 3989Nisan16 BC to 2012Nisan14 AD. Michael procures in return Satan's firstborn angelic rights. Then he fixes the 1HSC with those rights. Michael is given everlasting life as future mediator of the 2HSC. Wedding gifts precede the marriage.
3989Nisan16 The start of Satan's 6,000 year SECULAR ONLY lease over Adam to 2012Nisan14, in return for his angelic first born rights.
3989Nisan16 Adam is appointed as high priest to mankind. We did not need a priest whilst Jesus was Caesar because there was no division between the sacred and the secular under him.
3989Nisan16 1NC first fruits. The first Holy Spirit is reformed with one of Satan's first generation sons as its head. God marries the reformed first Holy Spirit. Michael makes the 2nd Holy Spirit Covenant with God. Michael is given everlasting angelic life, the sealing blessing of a baptism into the name of the 2nd Holy Spirit from then onwards. This is a bridal gift to Michael from God, an engagement present.
3989Sivan 50th Month under Michael's ARC lease from 3993Iyyar1. The first Jubilee. Adam is installed as priest on 3989Sivan5, the Pentecost. He can now access the tree of life with Jehovah's permission. But he cannot just put his hand out and take and eat. 50x is the sentence count of Genesis 3:22-23
3989Sivan5 Pentecost. Adam's 6,000 year sacred working week begins. It ends in 2012Sivan14, the first Jubilee of the Kingdom.
3968Nisan14 Abelian faith covenant made with Abel, 4 millennial creative days before Jesus' sacrifice by the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy applied to the 6 recreative days of Genesis1.
3928Nisan14 Cain kills Abel in field, 11 times of Lamech’s Times before 33Nisan14
3897 Seth born
3792 Enosh born
3702 Kenan born
3632 Mahalalel born
3567 Jared born
3405 Enoch born
3340 Methuselah born
3327 Michael enters Enoch, 144,000 years after the Big Bang and 5000 years before Robert Hooke published the existence of Gravity to the Royal Society in 1674 at Gresham College - see U234..
3153 Lamech born
3097 Adam dies
3040 Enoch transferred so as not to see death
2985 Seth dies
2971 Noah born
2605 Jared dies sacrificially aged 962 years. He is resurrected to Eden2. Mankind becomes multiplanetary. He becomes Melchizedek, the king of Salem.
2605 Eden2 begins in Orion's belt in Plaides?.
2491Heshvan17 Genesis 6:3 God says: They have erred/he is also flesh, accordingly his days shall amount to 120 years
2488Sivan 7 Alienation Times start.
2469 Shem born
2371 Noah's 600th whole calendar year
2371Tishri10? Methuselah dies sacrificially aged 969 years, in the year of the flood. His name means either his death shall bring judgement, or when he is dead it shall be sent, or man of the dart. If he was mourned for 30 days, and if God said the flood is coming in 7 days at the end of that mourning period then he died on 2371Tishri10 - atonement day. He was the validation sacrifice for the CRC. Everyone in the CRC is a permanent official human priest of God and therefore is at one with God. so he name must mean his death shall bring judgement or when he is dead it shall be sent, since the flood came just after he died.
2371Heshvan10 God said to Noah: Go, you and your household into the ark (Genesis 7:1)
2371Heshvan17 Flood starts, downpour begins
2371Chislev26 Downpour ends
2371Chislev27 150 days of flood waters overwhelming the earth begins and God causes a wind to pass over the earth so that the water begin to subside
2371Nisan17 Ark hits mountains of Ararat
2371Iyyar26 150 days of flood waters overwhelming the earth end. Waters are lacking. Noah opens window of ark.
2371Tammuz1 Tops of mountains appeared
2370Tishri1 Noah removed covering of ark
2370Heshvan27 Earth had dried off
2369 Arpachshad born
2368Sivan Sons of Adam born from this month onwards live a maximum of 480 years.
Sons of Adam born before this month lived a maximum of 960 years.
2354Ab6 Ham fails to respect his father Noah, Shem and Japheth do. The first member of Satan's seed after the flood is exposed, the battle between the seeds recommences, 470,000 days before Joab's registration
2334 Shelah born
2304 Eber born
2270 Peleg born
2240 Reu born
2233Sivan7 Babel. God splits up the languages and post flood false religion begins. 2 Prophetic Times pf Babel's Times of Genesis 11:6 and Revelation 18:2 - see intro15, 720 years, before the law was inaugurated at Pentecost on 1513Sivan7.
2208 Serug born (lived 330 years)
2208-2178 Mankind's max lifespan is reduced from 480 years to 240 years either in 2208 or in one of the following 30 year until the birth of Nahor who only lived 208 years...
2208-2178 Job was born the age reduction year in this period, since he lived to be 248 see Job 42:16 LXX. (or was he non adamic?)
2178 Nahor born (lived 208 years)
2149 Terah born
2021 Noah dies
2018 Abraham born
1968Nisan14 Abraham told to go out from his country and out from his relatives whilst he was dwelling in Ur with his father (he was not told to go out from the house of his father at this time) (Acts 7). The 25 year Time of the Beginning starts - which is symmetric with the 25 year Time of the End from 2008Nisan14 to 2033Nisan14, the absolute end of Adam
1944 1944Tishri to 1943Nisan: Terah dies
1943Nisan14 Abraham crossed Euphrates at 75, First Abrahamic covenant inaugurated (but not validated). Abraham told in Haran, after his father died to go his way out of his land, out from his relatives and out from the house of his father (Genesis 12). 25 years Time of the Beginning ends. This time is mirrored with the Time of the End of Daniel 12 from 2008Nisan14 to 2033Nisan14.
1943Sivan The LCC promise, but not the covenant itself, made to Abraham at Genesis 12:7, 430 years before the law covenant was made on 1513Sivan3.
1932 Ishmael born (Abraham 86, Genesis 17:1,25)
1920Tishri1+ Abraham circumcised LCC made. 
1919Tishri1+ Isaac born (Abraham 100 Genesis 21:5)
1913 Isaac weaned, teased by Ishmael, 400 years of affliction start.
1885Nisan14 Isaac as good as sacrificed (33½), Abrahamic Angelic Promise give..
1879Tishri1+ Isaac marries Rebekah
1878 Serug dies aged 330 (LXX Alexandrinus)
1869 Shem finally dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1859Tishri1+ Jacob & Esau born
1844/1843 Abraham died (1844Tishri-1843Elul) 
1800 Eber dies aged 504 (134 + 370 of LXX Alexandrinus).
1782Tishri Jacob visits uncle Laban & 7 years working for Leah start
1775Tishri Jacob marries Leah & Rachel, 7 years working for Rachel start
1768 Joseph born after Tishri1.
1768Tishri Jacob finishes working for Rachel, starts 6 years for flock
1762Tishri Jacob finishes 6 years working for the flock and leaves
1752Tishri Joseph is 17 and has dreams.
1739Tishri1+ Isaac dies sacrificially aged 180 (Genesis 35:28)
1737 Before 1737Tishri1, Joseph becomes Lord of Egypt aged 30.(Genesis 41:46)
1737Tishri 7 years of plenty start
1730Tishri 7 years of famine start
1728Nisan Jacob aged 130 and family enters Egypt in the 2nd year of the famine without delay - Genesis 45:6-9
Half way through the 430 years in Egypt’s territory of Abraham & offspring
1711 Jacob died aged 147 (Genesis 47:28)
1658 Joseph died aged 110 (Genesis 50:26).
1597 Aaron born
1594Adar1 Moses born
1593Nisan Pharaoh orders male babies thrown into Nile. 10 times of Pharaoh’s Times to 2008Nisan14 start
1554 Moses kills Egyptian and flees to Midian for 40 years (Acts 7:30)
1514 Moses sees the burning thornbush on Mount Horeb in or next to Midian/Arabia. The 10 Plagues of Egypt. (Moses was 80, Aaron was 83 Exodus 7:7)
1514Nisan Jehovah is installed as Caesar to Israel so that Moses can instruct Pharaoh to let God's secular people go.

Secular years now run from Nisan1 to Adar30 (honouring Jehovah becoming secular head, Caesar to Israel), rather than from Tishri1 to Elul30 (honouring Adam's birth on 4027Tishri2 BC). Regnal years are Nisan1 years. Ages are counted in secular years. The secular years returned to Tishri1 start under Saul. Jehovah is not divided against himself. When is Caesar the secular and sacred years merge.

1513Nisan10 Passover victims taken into Passover houses
1513Nisan14 Passover agreed and celebrated, 430 years of Abraham and seed under Egyptian dominion end. The 430 years before David leads armies of Jehovah out of Egyptian control begin. Firstborn of Egypt struck by Passover angel at midnight. Israelites strip the Egyptians that night and leave Goshen for Rameses.
1513Nisan15 Moses pulls away from Rameses for the 7 day march to Succoth (Booths). 7 days of unfermented cakes begin (Numbers 33:3)
1513Nisan21 7 days of unfermented cakes end
1513Nisan21/22 Israelites reach Succoth, so that Cakes ends in Booths.
1513Nisan22 Vanguard of camp of Israel arrives in Pihahiroth, the mouth of the gulf of Aquaba, Sharm El Sheik (Bum of the Sheik). They stop eating unfermented cakes and start eating fermented cakes
1513Iyyar10 Pharaoh reaches the camp of Israel with 600 chariots. Israel crosses the Red Sea. His chariots were not amphibious. This is the mid point between 1513Nisan14, the Passover execution and 1513Sivan6, when the law was agreed before 1513Sivan7, when the law began by sacrifice on Mount Sinai at the Mosaic Pentecost. The waterless 3 day journey in the wilderness that Moses asked Pharaoh to permit begins.
1513Iyyar13 Israel camps at Marah (to be bitter) during the night of 1513Iyyar13. The waterless 3 day journey in the wilderness that Moses asked Pharaoh to permit ends. 
1513Iyyar14 Israel camps at Elim (trees, palm grove) during the night of 1514Iyyar14. The sacrifice that Moses asked Pharaoh to permit occurs at the late Passover. They had plenty of animals (Exodus 12:38). They went into the wilderness for the express purpose of making this and other sacrifices to their God - see U356
1513Iyyar15 Israel camps in the wilderness of Etham (boundary of the sea - shoreline - other side of the gulf of Aqaba) during the night of 1513Iyyar15
1513Iyyar15 Moses reaches the wilderness of Sin (Exodus 16:1)
1513Iyyar16 First day of the week. Quails come and Manna starts in Wilderness of Sin (Exodus 16:13)
1513Iyyar22 First Sabbath is celebrated before of the Law of Moses
1513Sivan3 Israelites enter Wilderness of Sinai in Arabia (Exodus 19:1)
1513Sivan6 Law covenant stated and agreed by people (Exodus 19:16, 24:3)
1513Sivan7 Law covenant agreed again & validated with the blood of Bulls (Exodus 24:4-8).
First 40 days and nights up the mountain start
1513Sivan7 The year of Jehovah making his wife Israel rejoice as required by Deuteronomy24:5 now begins. No wars were fought and no complaints are recorded until after Pentecost on 1512Sivan8. The War with Amalek in Exodus17 preceded the marriage.
1513Sivan7 The 2 Prophetic Times of Babel's Times from 2233Sivan end.
1513Tammuz16 First 40 days and nights end. Moses shatters the 2 tablets given him by God.
1513Tammuz17 Levites kill 3,000 men at the command of Moses.
1513Tammuz18-Ab27 Moses goes back up the mountain a second time to beg forgiveness for Aaron and the people
1513Ab28-29 Moses is back down making the ark and the tablets with hands
1513Ab30-Tishri9 Moses goes back up the mountain receiving the law a second time.
1513Tishri10 Moses is back down with his people for atonement day.
1512Nisan1 Moses finishes Tabernacle, Jehovah's cloud comes down.
Aaron anointed, his installation starts, Reuben makes its presentation.
1512Nisan7 Last day of Aaron's installation
1512Nisan12 Naphtali makes the final presentation
1512Iyyar20 Israel pulls away from the wilderness of Sinai and heads for the wilderness of Paran (Numbers 10:11).
1511Nisan Israel arrives at Kadesh in he wilderness of Zin (Numbers 20:1, Deuteronomy 2:14)
1511Tammuz/Ab First ripe fruits of the grapes occurs in July/August whuich was 1511Tammuz/Ab. This is then the 12 spies were sent out for 40 days. 
1474Nisan-Tammuz Israel leaves Kadesh - see U360.
1474Ab1 Aaron dies ages 123 on mount Hor.
1474Ab+ Sihon defeated, the towns of Aroer and Heshbon taken
1474Adar1 Moses dies (March 1st 1474) 30 solar days before 1473Nisan7 aged 120 (1474Adar30=1473Nisan6)
1473Nisan1 First sacred year of clean worship under the law.
1473Nisan1 First observing of the new moon of Abib following Deuteronomy 16:1. OUTSIDE the promised land
1473Nisan7 Morning for Moses ends, God tells Joshua to get up and cross the Jordan. Joshua tells the people that 3 days from now they will cross the Jordan (Joshua 1:11).
1473Nisan10 Israel crosses the Jordan (Joshua4:19), Circumcision at Gilgal.
1473Nisan14 First Passover in promised land
1473Nisan15 Israelites first eat fruits of promised land, Manna stops, Exedenic Times end
1473Tishri1 First Tishri1 adamic secular year in the promised land under law begins. Annual Jubilee system of the promised land begins and runs to 
1467 Land distributed by Lot (Joshua 85)
1467Tishri1 First Sabbath year under Law starts
1442 Joshua dies (aged 110)
1437 First of 8 years of Cushan oppression serving the king of Mesopotamia
1435 Othniel becomes Judge, 450 years of Acts 13 end.
1430 Last year of Cushan, Othniel defeats him
1429 First of 40 years of no disturbance, saved by Othniel
1390 Last year of no disturbance
1389 First of 18 years serving Eglon
1372 Last year serving Eglon
1371 First of 80 years of no disturbance, saved by Ehud
1292 Last year of no disturbance inclusive
1291 First of 20 years serving Jabin
1272 Last year serving Jabin
1271 First of 40 years of no disturbance, saved by Deborah
1232 Last year of no disturbance
1231 First of 7 years serving Midian
1225 Last year serving Midian
1224 First of 40 years of no disturbance, saved by Gideon
1204-1197 First of 23 years of Tola judging
1196 First of 22 years of Jair judging
1185 Last year of no disturbance in days of Gideon.
1184 First of 40 years of Eli judging
1184 First of 3 years of Abimelech playing prince
1182 Last year of Abimelech.
1182-1175 Tola rose up to save Israel at some stage in his 23 year judging period.
1182-1175Tola dies, then Jair ‘rose up’ becoming head judge in some way over some area
1175 Last year of Jair judging Israel (60 before Saul inclusively)
1175 300 years from defeat of Sihon in 1474 when Ammonites don’t take land, end
1175 Ammonites take Gilead
1174 First of 18 (regnal) years of Gilead region in the hand of the Ammonites
1164 First of 40 years in the hand of the Philistines
1164-1144 First of 20 years of Samson judging (in the days of the Philistines - the 40 years) 
1157 Last year of Ammonite oppression
1157/1156 First of 6 years of Jehpthah
1152/1151 Last year of Jehpthah
1149 First of 7 years of Ibzan
1145 Ark captured by Philistines for 7 months
1145 Eli dies, last year of Eli judging.
1144 First of 20 years of ark being in Kiriath Jearim
1143 Last year of Ibzan
1142 or later First of 10 years of Elon
1133 or later Last of Elon
1132 or later First of 8 years of Abdon
1125 or before Last year (20th) of Samson
1125 Samuel delivered Israel from the hand of the Philistines, last of 40 years.
1125 or later Last of 8 years of Abdon
1116 Saul’s Accession year. He became King during the wheat harvest (Sivan - 1Samuel12)
1115 Saul’s first regnal year
1106 David born to Jesse
1083Nisan Samuel anoints David to be King, David kills Goliath, Armies of Jehovah start to escape from Egyptian dominion again at end of 2nd 430 years. David starts living like a wild beast in the wilderness for 7 years (Gentile Times)
1,077Chislev14 Evening of the 5th creative night of the 3rd week begins. Speed of darkness is now 360kc. So the Ark can get here from Eden 2 pretty quickly.
1076Tishri Saul dies. David Accedes over Judah in Hebron, 7 years as a wild beast end in 1083Tishri15 to 1076Tishri15, this being a Gentile Times. This reset the secular year to be a Tishri1 start.
1075 David’s first regnal year in Hebron (7 years and 6 months before he became King over all Israel - 2Samuel 5:5)
1068Nisan David first regnal year including Jerusalem too 1068Nisan he became King over all Israel
1048Nisan14 3 day plague due to David’s registration sin starts
1048Nisan16 Plague stops, David purchases the threshing floor of Ornan.
1048Nisan16 Solomon commissioned to build temple, 3 Temple Times start. 1,100,000 million days less 202 until 2008Nisan14, then the 195 of Abraham's negotiation of Genesis18, then the last 7 days of Daniel9:27 of extra 1AC entrance at the end of the system
1036 David’s last regnal year & Solomon’s first regnal year (David died aged 70)
1033Iyyar2 Solomon’s temple construction begins (1 Kings 6:1, 2 Chronicles 3:2), 4th regnal of Solomon
1026Tishri1 Last annual festival celebrated at the Tabernacle (1 Chronicles 6:32). 3000 whole years of the journey of Adam in the wilderness to sacrifice to God, a day for a year from 4026Tishri1 end.
1026Tishri7 Fire comes down from heaven and consumes Bull. Cloud fills Solomon's temple on the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year of temple construction (by Hebrew reckoning) - the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year of its construction - we think.
1026Tishri7-14 Altar of Solomon’s Temple inaugurated excluding Tishri10
1026Tishri15-21 Solomon’s Temple inaugurated
1026Tishri22 Fire comes down from heaven and a cloud fills the house of Jehovah. Solomon's temple is accepted by God.
1026Heshvan Temple construction finished, King’s house construction starts
1014 Solomon finishes the king’s house (1 Kings 7:1, 9:10 c.f. 300 shekels)
997 Solomon’s last regnal year, Jeroboam & Rehoboam accede before Tishri
997Tishri15 Booths not celebrated by Israel, 390 error years of Israel start (Ezekiel 4) - Hence the Gentile Times started on 607Tishri15, 390 error years later. 
997Heshvan15 Jeroboam’s bogus festival with golden calf at Bethel
996 First regnal of Rehoboam of Judah of 17 in Jerusalem
996 First regnal of Jeroboam of Israel, 22 regnal years on throne (1Kings 14:20l)
979 First regnal of Abijam of Judah of 3 (acceded 18th of Jeroboam = 979)
976 First regnal of Asa of Judah of 41 (acceded 20th of Jeroboam = 977)
975 Jehovah dealt a blow to Jeroboam that killed him in his 22nd regnal year from 996 (2Chronicles 13:20). The 3000 years of pestilence offered to David a day for a millennium begin and run to 2024 AD, when the last 2NC King is rapture on 2024VeAdar21. Jeroboam was the first king in the line of David to be killed by Jehovah.
974 First regnal of Nadab of Israel (acceded in 975, the 2nd of Asa), 2 years on throne (not regnal)
973 First regnal of Baasha of Judah of 24 (acceded 3rd of Asa)
951 First regnal of Elah of 2 (coregent with Baasha, acceded 26th of Asa)
950 Zimri accedes for 7 days
950 Omri accedes non comprehensively in 27th of Asa, rivalry with Zimri & Tibni
946 Tibni dies, Omri accedes fully in 31st of Asa
945 First regnal of Omri of 6 in Tirzah
939 First regnal of Omri of 1 in Samaria
938 First regnal of Ahab of 22 (acceded 38th of Asa)
934 First regnal of Jehoshaphat of 25 (acceded 4th of Ahab)
918 First non regnal year of Jehoram in inferior coregency with Jehoshaphat
917 First regnal of Ahaziah of 1 coregent with Ahab (acceded 17th Jehoshaphat)
917 Ahab and Ahaziah die in 18th of Jehoshaphat = 22nd of Ahab
916 First regnal of Jehoram of Ahab of 12 (acceded 18th of Jehoshaphat)
912 First regnal of Jehoram of Jehospaphat of 8 (5th of Jehoram of Ahab)
912 Jehoram of Jehoshaphat accedes to full coregency with father
906 Ahaziah of Jehoram (Judah) accedes in 11th of Jehoram of Ahab
905 First regnal of Ahaziah of 1 coregent with Jehoram of Judah who dies
905 Jehu anointed by Elijah’s attendant, kills Jehoram of Ahab and Ahaziah
904 First regnal of Jehu of 28 (accedes in 12th of Jehoram of Ahab)
904 First ‘regnal’ of Queen Athaliah of 6 whilst Jehoash hidden and 1 after
898 Athaliah killed 7th of Jehu, (her 7th) Jehoash accedes aged 7 under Jehoida
897 First regnal of Jehoash of Judah of 40
876 No recorded king in Israel
875 First regnal and accession of Jehoahaz of 17 (23rd of Jehoash of Judah)
861 Jehoash of Israel accedes (in 37th of Jehoash of Judah) inferior coregency
858 First regnal of Jehoash of Israel of 16, Jehoahaz his father dies
857 Amaziah accedes (2nd of Jehoash of Israel)
857 Jozacar & Jehozabad conspirators prevent Amaziah having this regnal year
856 First regnal of Amaziah of 29
843 Jehoash of Israel dies
842 First regnal of Jeroboam of 41 (acceded in 15th of Amaziah = 842)
828 29th of Amaziah, killed 15 years after Jehoash of Israel died (2 Kings 14:17)
827 No king of Judah until 816, conspirators killed Amaziah 2 Chronicles 25:27
816 Azariah = Uzziah of Amaziaz accedes aged 16 in 27th of Jeroboam
815 First regnal of Azariah of 52 in Jerusalem
802 Jeroboam dies in 41st regnal year
801 No king of Israel until 778
778 Zechariah of Jeroboam accedes 38th of Azariah for 6 months in Samaria
777 Shallum kills Zechariah, accedes for one month 39th of Azariah
777 Menahem kills Shallum accedes 39th of Azariah
776 First regnal of Menahem of 10 in Samaria
767 Menahem dies
766 Pekahiah son of Menahem accedes 50th of Azariah
765 First regnal of Pekahiah of 2 in Samaria
764 Pekah kills Pekahiah accedes 52nd and last of Azariah
763 First regnal of Pekah of 20 in Samaria
762 First regnal of Jotham of Azariah of 16 (out of 20) in 2nd of Pekah
747 Ahaz of Jotham accedes in 17th of Pekah
747 Last regnal of Jotham due to war with Pekah and Rezin of Syria
744 Pekah killed by Hoshea in his 20th regnal year
743 Hoshea accedes non comprehensively in 20th of Jotham
743 First regnal of Ahaz of 16 coregent with Jotham now Pekah is gone
732 Hoshea accedes comprehensively 12th Ahaz
731 First regnal of Hoshea of 9 in Samaria
729 Hezekiah accedes 3rd of Hoshea
728 First regnal of Hezekiah of 29 in Jerusalem
727 Shalmanezer accedes as King of Assyria (Cambridge Ancient History)
726 First regnal of Shalmanezer of 5 in Assyria (CAH)
725 4th of Hezekiah = 7th Hoshea, Shalmanezer besieges Samaria (2 Kings 18:9)
725 Shalmanezer’s main military campaign from 725 - 723 (Eponym Chronicle)
723 9th of Hoshea, Samaria falls between 723Nisan and 722Nisan.
723 Main event in Shalmanezer’s life is destruction of Samaria (Babylonian Chronicle)
722Tebbeth Shalmanezer dies (Babylonian Chronicle, CAH)
721 First regnal of Sargon II of 17 in Assyria (CAH)
715 Sennacherib taunts Hezekiah in his 14th regnal year, Angel kills 185,000
704 First regnal of Sennacherib of 24 in Assyria (CAH), Inferior coregent before
700 Last regnal and death of Hezekiah
699? First regnal of Manasseh of 55 in Jerusalem
693Tebbeth7 The law of Moses loses its ICC capability - deduced from the tent cloths of the tabernacle of Exodus26 - see U271-12#96
647/6 Josiah born
646/5 Josiah’s first year, he is one year old
644? First regnal of Amon of 2 in Jerusalem
643? Last regnal of Amon, killed by conspirators
638 First regnal of Josiah of 31 he was 8 this year or 9 if acceded in 639
626 13th of Josiah to first of Nebuchadnezzar is 23 years (Jeremiah 25:1-3).
612 Nineveh, the Capital of Assyria, the Rulers over the house of Israel falls to Nabopolassar, King of Babylon (CAH - Cambridge Ancient History)
611-610 King Nabopolassar marches victoriously around Assyria (CAH and Babylonian Chronicle Series no 3)
610Tishri Start of last land Sabbath year missed by Israel in the 390 error years
609Tishri End of last land Sabbath missed by Israel, start of the 70 year exile for the house of Israel serving the king of Babylon (Jeremiah 25)
608 Last and 31st regnal year of Josiah, killed by Pharaoh Necho at Megiddo
608 Necho defeats Josiah: ‘History of Ancient Egypt’ (Rawlinson), (609 CAH) on way to help Assyrians
608 Jehoahaz=Shallum (4th born of Josiah) reigns for 3 months, chosen by people of land
608Chislev10 Jehoiakim accedes, chosen vassal of Pharaoh Necho, not vassal of God, 7800 day famine starts
607 First regnal of Jehoiakim=Eliakim of 11 in Jerusalem 2nd born of Josiah. Jehoiakim becomes servant of Nebuchadnezzar for 3 years (Siege began in 3rd of Jehoiakim - Daniel 1:1)
607Tishri First agricultural year where people of land taxed for Pharaoh according to individual tax rate 2 Kings 23
607Tishri So God is no longer Caesar: Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar !
607Tishri End of 390 agricultural error years of nation of Israel. No King representing God left.
607Tishri Start of Gentile Times
605 Nebuchadnezzar, the king, starts beseiging Jerusalem, after his accession, but before his first regnal year, in the 3rd regnal year of Jehoiakim - Daniel 1:1.
604 First regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar (Berossus Ptolemy CAH)
604 7 Prophetic Times of curse of law of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 begins on sons of Israel.
597 Jehoiakim dies
597 Jehoiachin accedes for 3 months and 10 days, and then is taken to Babylon in the 8th year of Nebuchadnezzar (2Kings24:12). This is actually the sacred year because the Babylonian Chronicles establish that Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem the first time on 598 Adar2 (16 March) 597 BC. - D. J. Wiseman, Chronicles of Chaldean Kings in the British Museum (London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1956). So Jehoiachin was removed from Jerusalem at the end of 598 sacred and arrived in Babylon in 597 sacred. Exilic years from the land are counted as sacred years (since Adar is the 12th month in verse 27) and do not have an accession year. So his first sacred year of exile ran from 598Nisan1 to 598Adar30. He returned to being the King of Judah in the 37th year of his exile, when Jehoiachin, the KING OF JUDAH was lifted up out of the prison house and had his head lifted up and his throne was made higher than the thrones of the other kings that were with him (Jeremiah 52:31). that year was therefore 562Nisan1 - 562Adar30, which was the accession year of Evil Merodach who had two regnal years 561 and 560. But Jehoiachin was not raised above Evil Merodach himself. So the Gentile Times did have a gap then.
596 First regnal year of Zedekiah of 11 in Jerusalem
593Iyyar14 Solomon's temple is defiled by Zedekiah: 14 Even all the chiefs of the priests and the people themselves committed unfaithfulness on a large scale, according to all the detestable things of the nations, so that they defiled the house of Jehovah which he had sanctified in Jerusalem. (2 Chronicles 36 NWT). The constant feature ends in Solomon's temple, 1290 years of Daniel12:11 before the transgression causing desolation to TCC2 on 698Iyyar14 AD. This is 1335 years of Daniel12:12 before 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of the world.
588Tebbeth10 Nebuchadnezzar lays siege to Jerusalem
587 10th year of Zedekiah = 18th of Nebuchad(r/n)ezzar (Jeremiah 32:1)
586Tammuz9 Wall of Jerusalem breached. Zedekiah flees and gets caught upon the plains of Jericho not many days later.
586Tammuz Zedekiah captured blinded and deposed by Nebuchadnezzar. on 586Tishri15, the 2520 + 4 years of the Discontinuous Israeli Gentile Times to 1939Tishri15, 30 days after the start of WW2 on 1939Elul15, begin.
586Ab7 Nebuzaradan, the army chief, entered Jerusalem
586Ab10 Solomon’s temple burnt (Jeremiah 52:12,13), 7800 day famine of Ezekiel 4:9 ends. The siege of Jerusalem began on January 15, 588 and continued until July 18, 586, when the famine was so severe the people were cooking and eating their own children (Lamentations 4:9-10). The invaders broke through the walls and took the city, looting and destroying the houses and finally burning the temple on August 14, 586 (586Ab10) - The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: Old Testament
586Ab10 Second Exile of Jerusalem begins. Exile of Judah begins.
586Tishri Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan a Levite was assassinated
585Nisan Start of 70 sacred years of exile from temple for Judah
585Nisan Start of 70 sacred years of exile from temple for Judah
562Adar25-27 In the 37th secular Tishri1 year of exile of Jehoiachin in Babylon, Evil-Merodach, in his accession year, releases him from prison, lifts up his head and raises up his throne to be higher than the thrones of the other kings that were with him in Babylon - Jeremiah 52:31-34 and 2Kings25:27. Merodach gave him bread unit the day of his death. all the days of his life. That double description means the day of Evil Merodach's death too? YES. Evil Merodach only lasted 2 more years as did Jehoiachin. So Jehoiachin's throne was elevated for the remaining 2 years of his life and for the 2 regnal years of Evil Merodach. Jehoiachin is the last King of Judah to sit upon David's throne -  Jeremiah 22:30. But his last 2 years were under Evil Merodach.
562Adar27 Jehoiachin once again becomes King of Judah (once he is released from prison and his throne is raised up) for 2 years of the reign of Evil Merodach. He is the last King of Judah - None of his sons get a throne - Jeremiah 22:30. His grandson Zerubbabel (sown in Babel), the son of Shealtiel, became the post exilic governor of Judah, not the king. 
561 First regnal year of Evil-Merodach of Babylon
560 Evil Merodach dies. This is his 2nd and last regnal year.. 
539Tishri14 Babylon Falls without a battle, Nabonidus Flees - Nabonidus Chronicle
539Tishri14 70 year land exile of Israel in Babylon ends. Thanks to Ed Schnopp on
539Tishri16 Gobryas (Ugbaru) Army chief enters Babylon (from the text of the Nabonidus Chronicle). 
539Heshvan3 Cyrus enters Babylon (from the text of the Nabonidus Chronicle). 
[iii.15] Nabonidus fled. On the sixteenth day, Ugbaru, governor of Gutium, and the army of Cyrus, without battle
[iii.16] they entered Babylon. Afterwards, after Nabonidus retreated, he was captured in Babylon. Until the end of the month, the shield-(bearing troops)
[iii.17] from Gutium surrounded the gates of Esagil. (But) interruption (of rites) in Esagil or the (other) temples
[iii.18] there was not, and no date (for a performance) was missed. On the third day of the month Arahsamna, Cyrus entered Babylon.
538 First regnal year of Cyrus in Babylon. Cyrus claims God commissioned him to build temple. But he died before its completion, it was a false claim: Ezra 4
538Tishri Zerubbabel commissioned to build his temple (Zechariah 4:9)
537Tishri15-21 Zerubbabel and Joshua celebrated Booths on the temple site in Jerusalem in the second year of being in Jerusalem after the exile, the second year of return, the second year of Cyrus, the second year of Darius who was coregent with Cyrus over Babylon (Ezra 3:8).
537Chislev24 The Foundation of Zerubbabel's temple is laid (Haggai 2:18) in the second year of Darius the Mede being king over Babylon.
521Nisan Start of 7 ‘sevens’, Sabbath years (release from temple and law of Moses) of Daniel 9:25
521 First regnal year of Darius Hystapes. Daniel works out 70 years of Judah
521 Daniel makes entreaties, word went forth (Daniel 9:1,23)
516Adar3 Zerubbabel’s temple completed in the 6th regnal year of Darius Hystapes
516Adar/AdarII Word went forth to restore worship in newly completed/inaugurated Zerubbabel's Temple. Start of 62 ‘sevens’ Sabbath years release from law of Moses, Daniel 9:25
515Nisan 70 year temple exile of Judah ends, first sacred year with temple begins
515Nisan Last of 7 ‘sevens’ Sabbath years with no temple of Daniel 9:25, which follows after the 62 'sevens' i.e. Sabbath years without a temple from 586Ab7/10
515Nisan7-14 The priests cleansed themselves in order that they were clean to slaughter the Passover victims (Ezra 6:20). Zerubbabel’s temple inaugurated and the Passover and Cakes are held Ezra 6.
515Nisan14-21 Zerubbabel’s temple inaugurated at the Passover and Cakes - Ezra 6.
474 First regnal of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) (Insight: Persia - this one is right!)
455Nisan Word of Artaxerxes, in his 20th year, went forth to Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem
455Nisan Start of 69 weeks ending with anointed one John’s baptism in 29Nisan
455Nisan Last of 62 Sabbath years released from law (516 to 455 inclusively)
455Nisan Nehemiah appointed governor of Judah for 12 years, until 32nd year of Artaxerxes
455Tishri1,2 Word went forth to restore Booths in public square before water gate
455Tishri Start of 69 weeks of years ending with leader, Jesus’s baptism in 29Tishri
455Tishri24 Oath to obey law 2nd time, this is the last of 62 law Sabbath years of Daniel 9:25 inclusively
455Tishri24 Jews under law with temple again for 1st time since 586Ab7/10 when Solomon's temple was destroyed, this was the second inauguration of Zerubbabel's temple.
443 32nd year of Artaxerxes, last year of Nehemiah being governor of Judah, he returns to Shushan
323 Alexander the Great dies
312 First year of the Kingdom of the Seleucids over Israel
311 Ptolemy Lagos, Cassander, Lysimachus and Antigonus Monophthalmus signed a peace agreement to divide up the Kingdom of Alexander into 4 but as prophesied in Daniel 8
305 And then in 305 Ptolemy, Cassander, Lysimachus and Seleucus Nicator declared themselves 'kings' over the 4 quarters of the Greek empire
175 First regnal year of Antiochus Epiphanes (137th years of the Seleucids). He is the little horn that comes out of the Seleucid horn.
171Elul29 6 September 171, the transgression causing desolation to Zerubbabel's temple, the Jews sign agreements with Antiochus to worship false Gods. 2300 days of Daniel 8 start
170 Antiochus takes Jerusalem, and steals the gold and valuable items, the golden candlestick and censer etc.
168Chislev25 The Abomination causing desolation is placed in the temple, swine are offered on an idol altar placed on the holy altar.
165Chislev25 Judas Maccabeus restores the temple and the constant feature restarts, 2300 days of Daniel 8 end.
164 Antiochus Epiphanes dies of grief realising that his failures stem from his attacking of Israel
145Tishri16-144Tishri14 Demetrius II grants Jonathan Maccabeus exemption from paying tribute i.e. liberation for Judea and the 3 Samaritan Toparchies. He tells him to tell the people to pay the tribute not to the King but to the temple ! WOW !.
144Tishri15 The 98 year Maccabean Gap to 46Tishri15 in the Quad gapped Gentile Times to 2020Tishri15 begins
47 Caesar defeats Pompey at the battle of Thapsus and promotes Antipater, the Idumean to be the ethnarc of Judea, the Roman governor of that province with the right to raise taxes for Rome instead of Hyrcanus II..
46Tishri15 The Discontinuous Gentile Times recommences. The 98 year Maccabean gap ends.
3Tammuz16-30 Zechariah's service in the sanctuary in the 8th division of 24 in the year, Abijah
3Ab1-15 Elizabeth conceives John the Baptist
3Shebat Mary conceives Jesus (in Elizabeth's 6th month)
2Sivan10 1NC Pentecost: John the Baptist is born to Zechariah and Elizabeth by Pentecostal type archetype symmetry with Jesus born at the 2NC Pentecost and of course 6 months before Jesus' birth.
2Sivan18 John is circumcised and named by Zechariah
2Heshvan21 Jesus born to Mary on the 2NC/Human Pentecost, being a first ripe fruits of mankind.
2Heshvan29 Jesus circumcised
10Tishri1 Jesus becomes 11 years old by adamic Hebrew counting and enters into the ICC through Moses.
10Tishri2 Jesus (Michael) Commissioned to build new temple of his body, the temple of FDS1
11Nisan1 Jesus becomes 12 years old by non adamic Hebrew counting in Nisan1 years.
11Nisan14 Jesus Celebrates the Passover for the first time with his parents in Jerusalem.
15Tishri2 to 16Tishri1 Paul born
24Chislev10 John appointed as head of true church of TCC1. The 4½ years of the near bank of Daniel12 of TCC1 begin and run to 29Sivan10, the John is baptised from heaven as Elijah1.
28Tishri1 John becomes 30 years old
29Nisan Gabriel enters John the Baptist by Simeon, 69 weeks of years to messiah/leader from 455Nisan end
29Sivan10 John is baptized from heaven as Elijah1 at the 1NC Pentecost after he became 30 years old on 28Tishri1. Because starts a 1NC church. Just as Russell was baptised from heaven as Elijah3 on 1871Heshvan21 starting his 1NC church.
29Sivan10 Paul water baptised from heaven as Elijah2 at the ELC Pentecost after he became 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning on ? So Paul became Elijah2 on the very same day that John the baptist became Elijah1 !!!
29Sivan10 The start of the 6 month ministry of John from the sentence count of Matthew3:4 and Mark1:6 (clothing was hairs of camel 2x and leather girdle around loin 1x, food was locusts 2x and wild honey 1x). These months being 29Sivan to 29Heshvan21, when Jesus' ministry began.
29Sivan10 The start of the 62 or 62+7 solar weeks of Daniel9:25 applying to John's ministry until his beheading by Herod, when he was 'cut off with nothing for himself'
29Elul10 Jesus starts descending down Jacob's ladder
29Tishri1 Jesus becomes 30 years old.
29Tishri2 Michael appointed as priest to feed the 1NC saints on 2NC first fruits.
29Tishri2  2NC first fruits: Jesus was appointed Caesar to Israel. Satan must have fallen as Caesar BEFORE this day. 
29Tishri10 Atonement day: Jesus baptised by John to be the greater Atonement sacrifice. First day of 40 days of fasting and testing by the devil in the wilderness. BEFORE Satan tempts him with the 3 tests.
29Tishri10 Immanuel is raptured (being non adamic), Michael enters the non adamic human body of Immanuel, Jesus Baptised, appointed to feed
29Tishri10 69 weeks of years to leader/messiah end
29Tishri10 The first presence begins.
29Tishri10-Heshvan19 40 days and 40 nights fasting in the wilderness. Tishri10 was the atonement day fast!
29Tishri15 4 year Jewish Ministry of Jesus gap to 33Tishri15 in Quad gapped Gentile Times begins
29Tishri20 Satan and the demons are evicted from heaven 
29Tishri20 Satan and the demons of the Dragon start descending down Jacob's ladder
29Heshvan19 40th day of feasting and testing in the wilderness before Satan tests Jesus with the 3 tests
29Heshvan20 First day out of the wilderness. Satan tests Jesus with the 3 tests. He takes him up to his unusually high mountain (Ark1), his mid heavenly administration
29Heshvan20 Satan and the demons start their 2,000 days of demon posession to 35Sivan10. Satan still had access to his ark earlier in this day. But was denied that access when Jesus was installed as Caesar on 29Heshvan21.
13 And having concluded all temptation the Devil stood off from him until appointed time [of Jesus miracle ministry from 29Heshvan29 to 33Nisan14]. (Luke 4 KIT)
29Heshvan20 Jesus gets heavenly powers. Satan tempts him to use them. Satan is possessing a human. The 1275 day ministry ransom period begins.
29Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost: Jesus was installed as Caesar to Israel (2nd day of John1)
29Heshvan21Jesus installed to feed 1NCs on at the 2NC Pentecost.
29Heshvan21Peter met: You will be called Cephas (John 1:42).
29Heshvan21Jesus' ministry starts
29Heshvan22Marriage of Cana (3rd day of John1)
29Heshvan22-28 Marriage feast of Cana of John2
29Heshvan29Jesus' Galilean ministry starts. First miracle, water into wine at Cana
29Heshvan29Peter spirit baptised, Jewish call when water was turned into wine - 30 times after he was circumcised and 30x of the sower before the end of the Jewish call. So that Jesus' first miracle was dead centre of the Jewish part of Jesus - see U100.
30Nisan Jesus’ first coming to temple to drive our money brokers (John 2:13-16)
30Nisan Robbers in temple beaten with few or many strokes with a whip of ropes like the evil slave
30Sivan6 Pentecost. Jesus teaches in his synagogue in Nazareth on the DAY of the Sabbaths (plural) - which is Pentecost. He fulfils Isaiah 61 and gets thrown out, outside the city to the brow of a mountain upon which the city is built - Pentecostal. Luke 4 and Matthew 13 and Mark 6. so John was beheaded before this date.
30Ab29/Tishri18 John beheaded by Herod, 62/69 weeks of Daniel9 after the word went forth in the form of the preaching of John the baptist, to restore and rebuild Jerusalem on 29Sivan10
33Nisan10 Jesus’ 2nd coming to temple to drive out money changers: Cave of robbers
33Nisan10 Palm Monday.
33Nisan14 April 1, Jesus impaled, End of Law, New covenant made & validated, transgression causing desolation to the Jewish system, 2300 solar days of Daniel 8 start.
33Nisan14 Partial lunar eclipse 17:37 GMT April1. 
33Nisan15 Jesus is resurrected after 5/10 hours sleep at the gates of Hades of Psalm 31:5/Luke 23:46 into the ark in the clouds in the atmosphere of the earth.
33Nisan16 Jesus, in human form, offers his angelic soul as a ransom for Adam. This is angelic gain and loss day. 3 days and nights in the hearts of the heavenly congregation end. Jesus appears to Mary. 
33Nisan16 FDS1 appointed over all, end of 3 temple times. Jesus is resurrected as a human. 3 days and nights in the tomb end. Jesus blows onto the apostles and tells them that what they bind on earth will be bound in heaven. He gives them authority over the law of the church. 
33Nisan16 The 7 whole day temple inauguration of FDS1 begins and runs from 33Nisan16 to 33Nisan22 inclusively. then the temple is accepted and inaugurated on 23Nisan23, when Jesus appears to Thomas and even doubting Thomas recognises Jesus' resurrected body, which looks very different from the one in which he expired which has been given to God as a ransom for Adam (the validation sacrifice for the LRC).
33Nisan16 The Proselyte call into the 1NC
33Nisan16 Jesus' 50 day ascension up Jehovah's lad to become a God begins and runs to 33Sivan5
33Nisan16- 17 Jesus appears to the apostles in Jerusalem and takes them out to Bethany of Judea and ascends from there as in Luke 24. He shows them the holes in his hands and in his side. This is the virgin blood of his divine marital bedsheet? His 40 days of Acts1 of appearing to the apostles begins. 
33Nisan23 Jesus appears to 'the 11' including Thomas who now recognises the resurrected body of the Christ, which is the new temple. this body looks very different to the one he gave to God.. 
33Iyyar25 Jesus enters heaven, the ascension on the 40th day of Acts1 after his first appearances on 33Nisan16
33Sivan5 The first disciples are sealed. Pentecost. The apostles get the capability to intransitively give the gifts of the spirit by the laying on of the hands.
33Sivan5 Alienation Times ends
33Sivan5 God takes the angelic ransom of Michael for Adam. Michael dies as an angel and goes to Gehenna for 5/10 hours of Psalm 31:5 or Luke 23:46 Into your hand/hands I entrust my spirit.
33Tishri15 4 year Jewish Ministry gap of Jesus in Gentile Times ends. Quad gapped Gentile Times restarts.
34Nisan14 Jesus makes the 1NC with the first Proselyte 1NCs
34Shebat10 The Samaritan call into the new covenant, at the 6th hour, half way between Pentecost on 33Sivan5 at the 3rd hour and the Gentile call at the 9th hour on 36Tishri14 - see Acts 10:30
35Nisan14 Jesus makes the 1NC with the first Samaritan 1NCs
35Sivan102,000 days of demon possession end. Peter must have resurrected Tabitha (Dorcas) before this date.
35Sivan10Gifts of the Spirit end. They only exist whilst the demons are here - level playing field principle.
36Nisan16 Jesus appears to Paul on the Road to Damascus 1080 days (3 times) of 1Corithians15 after he was resurrected as a human on 33Nisan16.
36Nisan22 First fruits: Paul 1EC baptised into TCC1, 3 days of physical blindness + 3 days of spiritual blindness after the appearance.
36Sivan11 1NC Pentecost: Paul water baptised from heaven as Elijah2 at the 1NC Pentecost after Jesus appeared to him and he described himself as if being one born prematurely by Caesarian wound. This must have been after he became 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning (like Russell and Gordon) on 35Tishri1
36Tishri14 The Gentile call, Cornelius, the Circumcision covenant ends 4 days after the fast of Tishri10 which Cornelius observed see Acts 10:30.
37Nisan14 Jesus makes the 1NC with the first Gentile 1NCs
39Ab10 Brothers first called ‘Christians’ by divine providence 2300 solar days of Daniel 8 end
47Nisan17 1NC first fruits. Paul commissioned to build FDS2 worship system
Slave covenant of Bilhah made with Paul around this time. Paul is the mediator of Bilhah the Earthly Lord Covenant, the ELC.
48Heshvan2FDS1 appointed to feed the HLCs. Apollos, the mediator of Zilpah (the HLC) is mentioned in Acts 18:24 which is set around this time.
48Chislev21FDS1 installed to feed HLCs.
48Chislev2930 year Jewish call to Gad HLCs (Asher is the proselyte call) 8 days after the installation to feed (as was the case for the 1NC Jewish call on 29Heshvan29)
52Iyyar18FDS1 appointed to rule over the HLCs
52Tammuz7FDS1 installed to rule over the HLCs.
63Sivan5 30 year Simeon proselyte call into the 1NC ends
64Shebat10 The first half of the 60 fold Samaritan call ends.
66Nisan221NC first fruits. FDS2 appointed to feed the ELCs
66Sivan10Gentile Demon Possession begins: 7th Sabbath of 1NC Weeks, isomorphic with 29Heshvan20, the 7th Sabbath of 2NC Weeks, when Satan tested Jesus at the start of his 2000 days of possession.
66Sivan111NC Pentecost: FDS2 installed to feed the ELCs
66Tishri14 Gentile call into TCC1 ends 30 years after 36Tishri14, the conversion of Cornelius - on the last harvest day of the year, the day before the first Sabbath of Booths..
66Tishri14 30 fold, the TCC1 part of the 100 year Gentile call into the 1NC ends (Cornelius was a Centurion - with authority over 100 men). 30 years into TCC1 and 70 years into TCC2.
66Tishri15 4 year Gentile Ministry gap of Paul in Gentile Times begins
66Tishri22  Cestius arrives at Gabao and Jews go out to attack on the Sabbath, in fact the solemn assembly (i.e. Sabbath of the festival of booths) HC is the Hebrew Calendar not the BLC. Perhaps they were the same back then??
66Tishri22  The Great Tribulation of the Jewish system starts
66Tishri23,24,25  Cestius tarries at Gabao 3 days, whilst Jews seize elevated parts around
66Tishri26  Cestius attacks Jews & moves his camp to Scopus 'Watchtower'!?
66Tishri27/28/29  Cestius makes no assault for 3 days, collects corn from nearby villages
66Tishri28 Tablet shattering day for FDS1. The last tablet shattering day of the year (the 40+40th day inclusively from the late 2nd 1NC Pentecost on 66Ab9). It falls in authority over the saints, but keeps feeding and still has authority over the water baptised until 79Tishri14, the end of the 1EC water baptism.
66Tishri30  Cestius enters the city of David
66Heshvan2 Late 2NC first fruits. FDS2 is appointed to feed the 1NCs (2nd after FDS1)
66Heshvan5  Cestius breaks through temple wall with Roman tortoise, retreats to Scopus, 'Watchtower', 'without any reason in the world', Daniel 12:11, Matthew 24:16, Mark 13:14, Luke 21:22 fulfilled.
66Heshvan6  Cestius retreats to Gabao
66Heshvan8  Cestius retreats to Bethoron and gets taken apart by the Jews
66Heshvan9  Cestius escapes to Antipatris losing 400 men, the rearguard.
66Chislev21Late 2NC Pentecost. FDS2 is installed to feed the 1NCs (2nd after FDS1)
66Chislev29Dan, the 100 year Jewish call to sons of Jacob attending the worship house of Judah into the ELC
67Tebbeth20 (68January15) ES1 compromises with Rome. 1NCs ride the 7 hills of Rome as a harlot church. The first Bishop of Rome, the 1st Pope, St. Linus becomes its head  This is 4600 solar days before the end of their constant feature on 80Elul14. NO 1NC SAINT WAS CALLED AFTER TCC1 BECAME THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. But HLCs (Gad) were called into the Catholic church !
67Tebbeth20  68January15/16: The transgression causing desolation to TCC1. They compromise with Rome. 1NCs ride the 7 hills of Rome as a harlot church. The first Bishop of Rome, the 1st Pope, St. Linus becomes its head  . 
67Tebbeth20  68January15/16: 4600 solar days of Daniel8 start to count to 80Elul14, when the constant feature of FDS1, their evangelism, ceases to be acceptable to God, since it has become more about building a church for the benefit of the papacy than it is about salvation. 
c67-76 The Papacy of the first Pope, St. Linus. He was the 6th King of Revelation17. He was also perhaps the first fish of the feeding of the 5,000. 
69Tishri2FDS2 is appointed to rule as sacred king over the ELCs
69Tishri2/15-21Temple inauguration
69Heshvan21FDS2 installed to rule over the ELC saints
69Heshvan21No proselyte call
70Nisan14  Titus pitches camp by the city (Josephus bk5.13.7)
70Nisan23 Siege commences
70Iyyar7   Romans take the first wall on the 15th day of the siege
70Iyyar12  Romans take and then lose the second wall
70Iyyar16  Romans retake second wall
70Iyyar19/Tammuz8FDS2 is appointed/installed to rule as sacred king over the 1NCs (2nd after FDS1)
70Iyyar21  Romans begin to raise banks against the 3rd wall
70Iyyar29  Jews brake down the ramparts of one of the banks
70Sivan1  Jews destroy the rest of the ramparts, Jews reach camp at Scopus, Titus intervenes, Jews pushed back to city. Titus decides to build wall round city
70Sivan2  Titus starts building pointed stakes all round city, 'there came upon the soldiers a certain divine fury??'
70Sivan4  Titus finishes the wall 'in 3 days', 3 full days, and garrisons it
70Sivan5  Immediately upon finishing, in the first watch of the night Titus inspects the wall. Escape now impossible for the first time (defection still possible), Luke 19:43 is fulfilled
70Sivan10  Mosaic Pentecost: Titus starts raising his final banks.
70Tammuz1  Romans finish their final banks, whole place is devoid of trees for 90 furlongs all around. Manneus the gate keeper, in charge of all dead bodies taken out of the city paid for by public stipend 115,880 bodies, in all defected & lots of other eminent men followed, 600,000 poor thrown out of the gates.
Jews attack new ramparts and fail, and Romans batter and undermine the 3rd wall a bit. Final assault begins. Mid point of Armageddon for Jerusalem. The last day that Josephus records defectors as leaving.
70Tammuz2  3rd wall falls down due in the night, revealing a further wall built by John.
70Tammuz3  Sabinus and 11 others have a crack at the new wall
70Tammuz5   Romans take tower of Antonia, battle from 9th hour of night to 7th hour of day ensues
70Tammuz17   Physical Constant feature ceased in temple for the first time, Titus orders demolition of tower of Antonia and building of a road to temple for legions. This is the new fast of the 4th month of Zechariah8:19
70Tammuz19   Josephus speaks on behalf of Titus, explaining how the Romans had accepted to be put to death if they ventured into the sanctuary, the inner temple, and out of respect for the holy place had allowed a sign in Greek and Hebrew to this extent. Pleads not to defile the sanctuary but to fight elsewhere. Jews make insolent reply. Titus gives orders to besiege the temple starting at the 9th hour of the night. Those who had fled to Romans and been saved in Gophna, by Caesar's decree, were paraded round the wall, OK
70Tammuz20   Titus makes his first assault on the temple itself from the 9th hour of the night to the 5th hour of the day, with selected troops, through the breach
70Tammuz22   Jews set north west cloister adjoining the tower of Antonia on fire, to halt the advance of the Romans, thereby beginning the burning of the temple, and another group made an attack on the Roman wall outside to try to escape the famine, at 11th hour of the day, 'after one day had interposed since the Romans ascended the breach'
70Tammuz23   Legions finish the road and come near to the court of the Gentiles
70Tammuz24   Romans set fire to the adjacent cloister, the tower of Antonia is separated from the temple, general fighting in the court of the Gentiles
70Ab10   Titus burns the sanctuary
70Elul8   Jerusalem finally taken, after 5 months (135 days from Nisan23)
70Tishri15 4 year Gentile Ministry gap of Paul in Gentile Times ends
71Chislev302000 days of Gentile Demon Possession end
71Adar11/12n/a. Half way between 1NC installation Pentecost on 70Tammuz8 and the 1NC Gentile Call on 73Heshvan14, from 3rd 6th 9th hours of Matthew20 - see U192. This is NOT the start of the 30 year 2nd half of the Samaritan call into the 1NC (Levi) - which occurs in TCC3. The first part of the Samaritan call into TCC1 on 64Shebat10.
73Iyyar14Naphtali: The 60 year spiritual Gentile call to every spiritual Greek (1ACs outside a true of ex true church) to enter the ELC.
76-88  The papacy of St Anacletus, the 2nd pope, possibly the 2nd fish of the feeding of the 5,000 (fish hat) and the 7th king of Revelation 17.
78Chislev29 30 fold HLC Jewish call to Gad ends. It cannot end any later than this in order to fit into TCC1. A spirit covenant call has to be into a church with a valid water baptism
79Tishri14 FDS1 loses its water baptism, ES1 becomes GNS1. 46 sacred years of the rebuilt temple of Jesus' body of John2 from 33Nisasn16, rather than of Herod's rebuilt temple, and 50 years of 5,000 male 1NC reserves reclining in green water baptised leek beds from late 29 AD. The First part of first presence ends. 3½/4½ times of the far bank of the vision of Daniel12 before the fall of TCC1 on 84Nisan14.
79Tishri14 50 years of Mark6, the green water baptised leek beds of 50, and 100 in feeding of the 5,000, from Jesus' installation to feed in 29Heshvan21 or shortly thereafter in late 29 AD when he was feeding 5,000 1NC saints to the end of the 1EC water baptism. ES1 become GNS1. Tishi14 is the right day for the end of the harvest of the 1NCs into the 1EC, since it was the last harvest day in Israel and was followed by the festival Sabbath of the first day of Booths.
79Tishri14-89Tishri14 The 10 year gap in the first presence of Peter stretching out his hands and being mislead in John21. Revelation is written during this period. 1 John is written in the last hour of TCC1 (not sure when that was). 
80Elul14 The Constant feature of evangelism is no longer acceptable to God. It is no longer regarded as true worship. It is about bean counting for Rome, not about salvation. 1290 days of Daniel12:11 before the end of TCC1 as a true church on 84Nisan14. 4600 solar days of Daniel8 after the transgression causing desolation, the compromise with Rome, when St Linus was made the first Pope.
81-84Nisan14 John wrote Revelation in Domitian’s reign 81-96 according to Irenaeus, Eusebius and Jerome. And from Revelation itself, it must have been written during the gap in the presence, i.e. between 79Tishri14 and 89Tishri14 (since John came to be in the Lord's day by inspiration not by being in it). Revelation 1:1 says to show his slaves [plural] what is going to occur. So it must have been written before the fall of FDS1, i.e. before 84Nisan14. Paul also joined him on Patmos to help in this task. See U151. So Revelation must have been written between 81 and 84Nisan14 AD.
84Nisan14 Roman Catholic Church falls as a true church after feeding for 50 years from 29Heshvan21, the installation of Jesus to feed or shortly thereafter, when he was feeding 5,000 1NCs (John himself baptized 6,000 1NCs)
84Nisan14 TCC1 becomes a false church 4½ years of the far 1AC bank of Daniel12 after it loses its water baptism. Nisan14 is the correct day for the fall of the 1st 1NC church. Iyyar14 is the correct day for the fall of the 2nd (the Watchtower)
89Nisan14 10 year gap of Daniel12 and John 21 in the first presence from 75Nisan14/Iyyar14 ends.
89Nisan14 The end of the 10 years precisely of the stretched out hands of Peter of John21 being lead where he does not want to be - outside of Jesus' body. 
89Tishri14 The first 1NC is baptised into TCC2 (Peter) after 10x of Peter stretching out his hands and being taken somewhere he does not want to go - outside of the Christ - John21.
89Tishri14 First presence restarts after 10 year gap of Daniel12 - see U152. Peter is the 1st 1NC saint to leave the Roman Catholic Church to join Paul's church TCC2 because he was taken where he did not wish to go (outside of Jesus' body) for 10 years of his stretched out hands of John21. Two little dickie birds sitting on the wall (of the law of FDS1 judging TCC1 and the law of FDS2 judging TCC2) one named Peter one named Paul. Fly away Peter. Fly away Paul (both leave TCC1 for TCC2). Come back Peter. Come back Paul (both come back at the end of this system in the ark).
89Tishri141st presence restarts: The first 1NC is baptised into TCC2 (Peter) after 10x of Peter stretching out his hands and being taken somewhere he does not want to go - outside of the Christ - John21.
97Nisan1-Adar29 12 full baskets of leftovers from the feeding of the 5,000 (who continue reclining after the end of the leek green water baptism until the end of the chlorine green grass, the end of the church on 84Nisan14. This means that the fallen first church continued to feed 1NCs until 97Nisan1-97Adar29, for 12 full sacred years from 85Nisan1 to 96Adar30 and not 13.
133Iyyar14The end of the 60 year Naphtali Gentile call into TCC2 for the ELC.
159Tishri101st presence ends: 120 years from 29Tishri10 with a 10 year gap from 79Tishri14 to 89Tishri14. This is not the end of the 2EC water baptism. It is the death of the last first presence 1NC.
159Tishri10 First presence ends, 120 years of the post Moses adamic limit + 10 year gap of Daniel12 and John21 from 29Tishri10. 
159Tishri10 Gifts of the spirit end.  
159Tishri10 The Canon of the bible is complete.
166Chislev29The end of the 100 year Jewish call into TCC2 for the ELC.
169Nisan1The start of the 100th sacred year of authority of FDS2 of Cornelius a centurion from the italian coil over the ELCs. Paul was in Rome, the capital of Italy when FDS2 was installed over the ELCs.
1 Male person but some in Caesarea to name Cornelius, centurion out of band of the (one) being called Italian,
2 well-reverential and fearing the God together with all the household of him, doing gifts of mercy many to the people and supplicating of the God through all [time], (Acts 10 KIT)
169Nisan10Tablet shattering day for FDS2: The only possible 2NC tablet shattering day within reach of a festival Sabbath before first fruits is 169Nisan10, the 40+40th day after the late late 2NC Pentecost on 168Tebbeth21 inclusively. ELCs fall over the ELC saints - there are no 1NC saints left at this point! The festival Sabbath is 169Nisan15, the 1st of Cakes.
169Tishri2/Heshvan21?The HLC incarnation of FDS2 is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs (after the 100 year reign of Cornelius over the ELCs ends)? 169Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath and Heshvan2 was taken by FDS1 over the HLCs. Tishri2 had not yet been taken over the HLCs.
173Sivan15Possible Jewish Gad continuation call starting 8 days of circumcision after the Pentecost for 30 years from 173Sivan15 to 203Sivan15
173Nisan18/Sivan7The HLC incarnation of FDS2 is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs
173Sivan71NC Pentecost: The start of the 30+60+100=190 year Asher proselyte call into the HLC?
203Sivan15End of possible Jewish Gad continuation call starting 8 days of circumcision after the Pentecost for 30 years from 173Sivan15 to 203Sivan15
363Sivan7The end of the 30+60+100=190 year Asher proselyte call into the HLC?
400-460 Approx start date for the 1,000 year abyss of Satan as a penalty for betraying the righteous blood of Jesus whilst possessing Judas. Satan must have continued to be alive during the testing of the saints in FDS2
410 Rome sacked the first time.
426Tishri9End of the 2nd presence through HLCs in TCC2. The last HLC in TCC2 dies - from the 500 brothers at one time of 1Corinthians15. - see U455.
435Iyyar21End of the 2EC water baptism of TCC2. 4 Prophetic Times of the Waterless Times before 1875Iyyar21, the start of the 3EC water baptism of Charles Russell - see Revelation7 U151#7
455 Rome sacked the second time
698Iyyar14 Transgression causing desolation to TCC2 occurs, 1335 years of Daniel 12:12 before 2033Iyyar14 AD.
743Iyyar14 Constant feature of TCC2 ends, 1290 years of Daniel 12:11 before 2033Iyyar14: The absolute end of the world. The late 1st death Passover. The end of entry into the 1st death
1035Iyyar21TCC2 falls as a true church 5 goat's hair tabernacle cloths of Exodus26 after 435Iyyar21. So the Roman Catholic Church hid the Gnostic Church for almost a millennium.
1382 Wycliffe completes his first bible translation edition at Oxford University.
1384 December21. John Wycliffe dies.
1395 John Purvey completes the final version of the Wycliffe Bible at Oxford University. This was the word going forth of Daniel 9, 69 weeks of years before the first issue of the Watchtower Magazine in July 1879
1400-1460 Satan is released from Gehenna after 1,000 years with no repentance
1401Nisan13/14 March28 (Julian), April7 (Gregorian). De Heretico Comburendo. The first law passed condemning to death those who read Wycliffe's Bible. This was when the word of God in English really hit the Catholic church, hence the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Arundel, persuaded Henry IV to pass the law. 
1452-1519 Leonardo Da Vinci. The Renaissance
1491-1547 Henry VIII who broke England away from a Europe dominated by the Catholic Church, which was necessary for the British Empire to be formed.
1517Heshvan13 October31 (Julian), November10 (Gregorian). Martin Luther nails his 95 theses to the Wittenberg Cathedral door. this began the Protestant Reformation. 69 weeks of years before the Watchtower Reformation in 2000Heshvan whereby the GB became headless and so Gordon, Elijah4, became the one and only leader over sons of the ICC.
1871Heshvan21 Charles Russell becomes Elijah3. He is water baptised from heaven at the 2NC Pentecost.
1871Heshvan21 Charles Russell is sanctified into the 1NC aged 20 at the 2NC Pentecost. So that Jacob lives for 147 years of Genesis 47..
1874 Russell thought that Jesus would return in this year. 40 years of wandering in a chronological wilderness ensues until 1914, when the Gentile Times ended which Russell believed meant that Jesus has returned invisibly, and WW1 began. 
1875Iyyar21 TCC3 begins. The 2nd Russellite joins up by baptism (or by having his existing baptism accepted by Charles Russell) - 3½ year of the near bank of Daniel12 after Russell became Elijah3 on 1971Heshvan21.
1876 Russell in October issue of Bible Examiner says Gentile Times ends 1914
1879 May: Russell ceases his involvement with N. H. Barbour and the Herald of the Morning publication and sets up his own publishing outfit for the Watchtower Magazine. During this period he essentially begins his own church. The 69 weeks of years of Daniel9 ends starting when the word of the bible went forth IN ENGLISH
1879 First Issue of Watchtower Magazine (July).  
1881 First tracts are published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
1881 Watchtower Magazine calls for 1,000 preachers (colporteurs)
1882Tishri2 Russell commissioned to build FDS3 worship system, 22½ years before its inauguration in accordance with the fundamental pattern - see U42
1884December15 1884Chislev22/23. Watchtower legally incorporated
1887Sivan The 1411th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14
1887Tebbeth The 1st Sabbath of the 1412th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1888Ab The 2nd Sabbath of the 1412th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1888Adar The 3rd Sabbath of the 1412th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1889Tishri The 4th Sabbath of the 1412nd Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1890Iyyar The 5th Sabbath of the 1412nd Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1890Sivan11 The 100 year Asher Proselyte continuation call to 1990Sivan11.
1890Sivan14 Second presence begins, Lord's day begins. The 2nd HLC is 3EC baptised. The 2 HLCs make Zilpah present which makes Jesus present through her, since then two gathered together in Jesus' name (the same name - Zilpah)
1891Iyyar9-16 April 19-25. First Watchtower convention in Allegheny PA..
1899Chislev The 1414th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1900Tammuz The 1st Sabbath of the 1415th Jubilee
1900Shebat The 2nd Sabbath of the 1415th Jubilee
1901Elul The 3rd Sabbath of the 1415th Jubilee
1901Tishri2 FDS3 appointed to feed all the saints
1901Heshvan21 FDS3 installed to feed all the saints
1901Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost. FDS3 feeds officially, by appointment, for 100 years of Mark6 with a leek green water baptism to 2001Chislev14, the end of the 3EC baptism.
1901Heshvan29 Issachaar call. 60 year Jewish call into the 1NC for genetic Israel (on the mother's side). So that those called first will be called last. This call extends to 1961Heshvan29.
1903Shebat The 1415th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1905Iyyar14 Babylon (Christendom) falls?
1905Iyyar22 2nd 1NC first fruits. FDS3 appointed to rule as sacred king over the 1NCs and the HLCs.
1905Tammuz11 2nd 1NC Pentecost. FDS3 installed to rule as sacred king over the 1NCs and the HLCs
1905Tammuz11 2nd 1NC Pentecost. 60 year Issachar Proselyte Call into the 1NC under FDS3 to those in Watchtower, i.e. who have made themselves one of God's true people by 3EC baptism.
1906Nisan14 First Passover after FDS3 was installed over all the saints.
1906Adar12/13 The Greater Samaritan Call. The 60 year Zebulun call to those in a ex true church, i.e. Roman Catholics or Jews by worship, since the Gnostic church no longer exists. They are sanctified whilst in the ex true church/synagogue. Then they have to leave that church/synagogue and join the JWs. They can come into the JWs any time up to 1986Heshvan21, when the 3rd Holy Spirit completes its birth, according to the fundamental pattern of the Kingdom of God below.
1908Nisan The 1416th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1908Heshvan14 70 year Judah Gentile continuation Call. This call is to those not in a true church and not in an ex true church but nonetheless in the 1AC. So it is to all faithful Christians who are not JWs, LWs or Roman Catholics or Jews by worship. They have to join the Watchtower.
1912Sivan The 1417th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1914Ab10 August 4: Britain declares war on Germany.
1914Tishri15 The continuous Gentile Times end. This is NOT the end of the discontinuous Gentile Times. Jesus does NOT become Caesar. The Signs of the times of Matthew 24 are now visible. Nation has risen against Nation. So Daniel 4:17 is fulfilled:17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the command by the word of the holy ones, so that the living may know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever He will. And [He] sets up over it the lowest of men. (Daniel 4 GLT): 
1914Heshvan13 November 5: Britain and France declare war on Turkey.
1916Heshvan1/2 October31. Charles Russell dies.
1916Tebbeth8 1917January6: Rutherford becomes sacred king, spiritual head, over all the saints and all the sons of the ICC on earth, the 2nd president of the Watchtower.
1917Heshvan14 1917November2 Balfour Declaration. UK, the 7th world power, decides to work for Jewish Homeland in Israel. 
1918Iyyar24/25 President and Governors of JW’s arrested and incarcerated (May 7th 1918)
1918December12 Federal Council of Churches of America pass a resolution that the League of Nations is the political expression of God's Kingdom on earth and is 'of the Kingdom of God'
1918December18 Federal council of churches send letter to President Wilson saying: League of nations is the political expression of the kingdom of God on earth. This is the Transgression causing desolation to Babylon the Great - which had some sort of standing with God - as a prison for his people - prior to 1918Nisan14. Start of 4600 solar days of Daniel 8.
1918Veadar12/13 1919 March 21, President and directors of Watchtower granted bail.
1918Veadar17/18 1919 March 26, President and directors of Watchtower released on bail, 1260 days of prophesying in sackcloth of Revelation11 start
1919Tebbeth15 1920 January 10: League of Nation Covenant comes into force
1922Elul10-18 September 5-13: The Cedar Point Convention, which began the post WW1 evangelical campaign with the slogan Advertise the King and his Kingdom. End of the 1260 days of prophesying in sackcloth of Revelation 11 end,
1922Elul13 1922 Friday September 8th Rutherford gives famous King and Kingdom talk at Cedar Point Convention, telling people to ADVertise the king and Kingdom. End of the 1260 days in the Wilderness of Revelation 12.
1922Elul15 1922 Sunday 10th September: Resolution adopted at the Cedar Point Convention notifying the failure of the League of Nations as decreed by God and identifying it with the Wild Beast of Revelation 17.
1931Ab7-13 24th July - 30th July, Columbus Ohio Convention, adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses
1931Ab7-13 Sanctuary brought into its right condition, 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 end
1931Ab7-13 1365 days of Ransom archetype period begin
1935Iyyar28-Sivan2 Washington DC convention which starts with: Behold the great crowd, 1365 days of Ransom archetype period end
1937Veadar6 1938March13: Anschluss, Germany annexes Austria in breach of the treaty of Versailles, article 27 para 5. The League of Nations is abyssed and 'is not'.
1941Tishri15 The 2520 + 6 years of the Discontinuous Israeli Gentile Times end. The 2520 year curse of the law on the sons of Israel of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 ends. God no longer prohibits the sons of Israel from returning to the archetypical promised land. He no longer prohibits them from winning military battles etc. They become the same as any other race. This may account for their outrageous persecution by Hitler.
1941Tebbeth20/21 1942January13: Nathan H Knorr became president of the Watchtower.
1942Tishri5-7 September 18-20: Cleveland Ohio Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, President Knorr,  quoting Franz's work, stated: The Wild Beast is not, meaning the League of Nations was abyssed, then he said: The Association of worldly nations will rise again.
1945Tammuz13 June 26th UN formed by Charter
1945Heshvan13 October24, Charter ratified by China, the last of the security council members, Official UN Birthday.
1948Sivan4 British Mandate from the League of Nations to govern Palestine ended at midnight 1948May14. 
1948Sivan4 The State of Israel is declared by Ben Gurion and accepted by President Harry Truman. 
1957Elul16 September13. Gordon born.
1961Heshvan21/22 U Thant begins his first term as the acting 3rd secretary general of the UN.
1962Heshvan28/29 U Thant is elected unanimously as the 3rd secretary general of the UN for a term backdated to 1961Heshvan21/22. 
1964Nisan7 Vatican city forms its UN mission
1964Nisan22/23 April6. Vatican city joins the UN as the holy see. It gains permanent observer state member status as the Holy See. 
1965Tammuz11 60 year Issachar Greater Proselyte call ends
1966Adar12/13 60 year Zebulun, Greater Gentile Call, to those from an ex true church, Roman Catholics or Jews by worship.
1966Nisan Gordon born into the 1AC, 30 years of the fundamental pattern of U42 before 1996Nisan18, when FDS4 was appointed to feed the 2NCs
1975Iyyar18/19 May1. The Watchtower Governing Body vote unanimously to become democratic, deciding things by a 2/3 majority like the Catholics do. This was Jezebel usurping Ahab. Knorr and Franz And Barry were against this. But they went with the majority will. 30 years of idolatry of the governing body commence to the end of the Watchtower as a true religion on 2005Sivan14. 
1975Elul29 The date proposed by the president of the Watchtower Freddie Franz for the end of Satan's 6,000 year lease. The 130 second speech gives the date of sundown 1975September5 (1975Elul29, the last day of the month in the modern Hebrew lunisolar Calendar). The 8 minute speech gives the history of their attempts to get the date of the end of the world.
1975Elul29/30 September9/10 (BLC). The Watchtower give up on chronology. They stop Watching. They become a Watchtower without a watch. You cannot give food at the proper time if you do not know what time it is. Their 40 year chronological wilderness penalty runs from 1975Nisan1 to 2014Adar30. But is extended by at least two 12 month 2nd 1NC marriage celebration gaps of Deuteronomy 24:5 and evidently by further gaps.
1975Tebbeth23/24 1976January1: 2/3 Majority vote comes into force. Watchtower Idolatry begins
1976Nisan1 The 40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty to 2015Adar30. Then the Laodicean 40 month wilderness penalty runs from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30
1977Sivan10 1NC Pentecost: Gordon commissioned to build the temple of FDS4, 22½ years before FDS4 was appointed/installed over the 2NCs on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21
1977Sivan101NC Pentecost:  Gordon water baptized from heaven as Elijah4
1977Sivan20 June8. Knorr, the 3rd president of the Watchtower, the angel of Pergamum dies.
1977Tammuz4 June22. Franz becomes 4th president of Watchtower, the angel of Thyatira in this presence. He makes the mistake of tolerating Jezebel, his wife, the balance of the governing body,. He yields to a satanic democracy. 
1978Heshvan14 70 year Judah continuation Gentile Call, to genetic Jews.
1981Chislev19December 19th: UN Security Council Resolution 497 Condemns Israel for not abiding by UN Resolution 226, Declares that Israel's decision to impose its laws on Golan is null and void legally and has no effect. Calls on member states to cut off Israel and impose sanctions. Israel did not pay a lot of attention to this resolution!
1989Nisan22The last 1NC reserve is baptised into the Watchtower. The 3rd Holy Spirit is 'born' 30 years before 2019Nisan22, the start of their 42 month payback ministry which ends on 2022Tishri14, the end of the 42 month lease of the Dragon, the end of 42 months of the Holy City being trampled upon by ark based demons. This is an application of the Fundamental pattern to the 3rd Holy Spirit.
1989Tishri222NC Assembly. Gordon sanctified and the 2NC is made between Jacob on Eden2 and Gordon (Gordon had no idea at the time). Presumably the contract was released by Jacob.
1990Sivan11 100 years of the HLC Asher continuation call from 1890Sivan11, for Proselytes ends.
1990Ab9August 2: Iraq invades Kuwait
1990Ab9August 2: UN Security Council Resolution 660 condemns the Iraqi invasion and demands that Iraq withdraw immediately and unconditionally.
1990Ab12August 5: President George Bush Senior declares that the invasion: Will not stand.
1990Ab13August 6: UN Security Council Resolution 661 authorising mandatory sanctions against Iraq.
1990Elul21September 13: UN Security Council Resolution 666 Measures to do with Food Distribution in Iraq and Kuwait
1990Chislev81990 November 29: UN Security Council Resolution 678 Authorises all member states to use: All necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 and subsequent resolutions to restore international peace and security in the area.
1990Tebbeth271991 January 17: Allied air attack begins
1990Adar51991 February 24: Ground attack begins
1990Adar91991 February 28: Cease fire takes effect
1990Adar111991 March 2: Massive motor vehicle retreat from Kuwait city, 600 vehicles incinerated
1990Adar111991 March 2: UN Security Council Resolution 686: Relating to the suspension of combat operations and the importance of Iraq taking measures to end definitively the hostilities.
1990Adar121991 March 3: Iraqi generals surrender to Schwarzkopf. Saddam not present
1990Adar141991 March 5: Most POWs released
1991Nisan11991 March 17: First day of Biblical Hebrew year in old Calendar
1991Nisan181991 April 3: UN Security Council Resolution 687 Relating to the Restoration of Sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity to Kuwait and the return of its legitimate government, and to the status of sanctions.
1991Elul251991September8: The Watchtower Awake magazine published a pro UN article written by Ciro Aulicino (the JW UN main representative). These were a necessary condition BEFORE UN affiliation. - 
1991Chislev14 1991November25/26. The Watchtower applies to join the United Nations. This application, when accepted on 1992January28 (1991Shebat18), is the transgression that causes their desolation to the Watchtower. This date is calculated from the 10x of testing of God in Watchtower Egypt to 2001Chislev14, when the lost their water baptism having shown themselves to be unrepentant for putting the throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah and for riding the beast as a harlot church on 2001Heshvan10, in their letter to the Bethels of 2001November1 (2001Heshvan10/11). the 3EC water baptism was a baptism of repentance. God is not a hypocrite. 
1991Chislev14 The harlot church applies to ride the UN beast and to put the throne of Satan into the temple of Jehovah, by putting the church under the rules of the UN.
1991Chislev14 10x of testing God in Egypt of Numbers14 begin. They run from 1991Chislev14 to 2001Chislev14 when they lost their 3EC water baptism for lack of repentance at having submitted God's church to UN rules.. 
1991Shebat18 1992January 28th, The UN (DPI) accepts the Watchtower as an associated Non Governmental Organisation. The Watchtower agrees to support and promote the ideals and principles and charter of the UN. This is the transgression that causes desolation to FDS3. This is the start of the 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 (morning fulfilment in the second presence) to 2004Elul14, the end of the Watchtower constant feature of fields service being acceptable to God.  By this time it was evident that field service was for the purpose of increasing the size of the congregation for the benefit of the Watchtower administration rather than for salvation.
1991Shebat18 Satan says: Yes, go ahead, you can certainly put my throne in Jehovah's temple. I agree to that - no problem. Go ahead ride by UN Beast as a harlot church. I will give you all the kingdoms of the world for your evangelism for one little UN signature. Its just one little signature on a piece of paper.
1991Shebat21 1992 February 1st, afternoon, Gordon works out date of end from Exedenic Times, 7 times of vengeance on killers of Cain, Genesis 4. The Appointed Time of the end begins - in one meaning. 
1992Elul11 September 11th, 1992, Letter to the society hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud. 1260 days of second witness of Revelation 11 begin. The book prophesied that the UN would take over the world for the last 7 years of this system, since it is a Beast with 7 heads. And prophesying that since the World would end in 2008, so the UN would take over in 2001.
1992Chislev22 Freddie Franz, 4th President of Watchtower dies.
1992Chislev30 Milton Henschel, 5th president of the Watchtower takes office. He is the angel of Sardis, not a saint, having the name that he is alive but being dead.
1993Tammuz18 Saturday afternoon July 10th. Gordon baptized as a JW.
1994Nisan3 Gordon writes to the Watchtower asking them if an unsanctified brother can ask a blessing on a 1NC cup at the Passover. And if dead flesh can touch a living cup. And whether Jesus' blood can flow around the whole church or only around his wife. This is the direct fulfilment of Haggai2.
1995Nisan10 Letter about the memorial explaining precisely how to celebrate it and why God would make no allowance if the Watchtower failed to get it right knowing how to do it,
1995Nisan14 Passover. Watchtower denies Christ the first time in this night. But is forgiven because they did not have enough notice to change it.
1995Tishri 1437th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1995Adar11 1996March 6. Gordon Disfellowshipped by Watchtower, 1260 days of second witness of Revelation 11 end.
1996Nisan14 Passover. Watchtower denies Christ the 1st time accountably in this night (and is not forgiven - there is no excuse)
1996Nisan18 1NC first fruits. Elijah4 appointed to feed ALL the 2NC saints. The 100 month 2NC Gentile Call must end before Zoar begins since it is into adamic TCC4 - YES. The installation si 1999HEshvan21. But the 1st sacred year of Gordon over the 2NCs cannot start until there are some subjects to rule over! The congregation started on 2000Elul16. So the 1st sacred year over the 2NCs began on 2001Nisan1. So the 19th runs from 2022Sivan1-2023Iyyar30 (excluding 2013,2014,2015 which had no appointment on Sivan1)
1996Sivan7 1NC Pentecost. Elijah4 installed to feed the 2NC saints.
1996Iyyar The 1st Sabbath month of the 1438th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC 
1996Chislev The 2nd Sabbath month of the 1438th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC 
1997Nisan14 Passover. Watchtower denies Christ the 2nd time accountably in this night  (and is not forgiven - there is no excuse)
1997Tammuz The 3rd Sabbath month of the 1438th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC 
1997Shebat The 4th Sabbath month of the 1438th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC 
1998Nisan14 Passover. Watchtower denies Christ the 3rd time accountably in this night  (and is not forgiven - there is no excuse)
1998Elul The 5th Sabbath month of the 1438th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC 
1998Tishri27 Greater tablet shattering day, 40+40 days of Moses after the late 2nd 1NC Pentecost inclusively. FDS3 falls in authority over the saints, becoming WSS2, all Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT disfellowshipped by Jesus yet. FDS3 falls to make way for FDS4 after the 3rd failed Passover day, because they refuse to celebrate the Passover properly as instructed by God's messenger denying the Christ 3x in that night on 1996Nisan14, 1997Nisan14 and 1998Nisan14 - see U200. FDS3 becomes the Evil Slave, ES2. ES2 starts ruling over the saints, without Jesus' authority, but they are still ruling over the water baptised with Jesus' authority.
1998Heshvan1 late Rosh Hashana, Interposing festival Sabbath
1998Heshvan2/Chislev21 Gordon appointed/installed to feed the 1NC reserves (2nd after FDS3).
1999Nisan The 6th Sabbath month of the 1438th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC 
1999Nisan17 1NC first fruits, Elijah4 commissioned to build the 3rd temple of Solomon (after Solomon and Paul) 22½ years before the inauguration on 2021Tishri15-21.
1999Tishri12 September26: G20 established at G7 meeting by finance ministers
1999Elul26 Gordon realises that the 1st horseman of the apocalypse is the antitypical Joseph on a white horse with a bow: Conquering in a spiritual war. Evening of September 9th. Gordon abandoned his holiday in the Canary Islands to come home and start preaching outside the Watchtower.
1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21 Gordon and FDS4 (which does not require a plurality of persons) appointed/installed to rule over some of Jesus' future belongings (the 2NCs) 1999Heshvan was a Sabbath month and 1998Heshvan2/Chislev2 was taken to feed the 1NCs.
1999Heshvan The 7th Sabbath month of the 1438th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 BC 
1999Heshvan21 This website went live as (plus or minus 2 days). 
1999Heshvan21 4600 solar days of Daniel8 to 2012Sivan16, when we became non adamic Abrahamic and so the holy place came into the right condition (no longer under a death penalty).
1999Chislev 1438th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
1999Tebbeth2 1st meeting of G20 in Berlin
1999Tebbeth21 2NC first fruits. 100 month Manasseh 2NC proselyte call to those with a 3EC or 4EC water baptism
1999Tebbeth21 3rd 2NC Pentecost, LW administration begins
1999Shebat14 2000January25. The task of loading our understandings onto the website is completed. 
2000January26 Gordon (Elijah4) sent the first UK fax inviting people to visit this website (and US fax).
2000February8 Gordon (Elijah4) sent the US fax headed: Calling all Christians. 
2000March21 2000Nisan15. First public LW meeting held in London at the Cumberland Hotel. Talk on 3 different ways to prove that the date of Armageddon/End of the world is 2008 (in fact of Michael's 6,000 year lease on Adam, not of the world).
2000Nisan30 Fact Sheet from the US State Department "The U.S. supports the granting of permanent seats for Japan and Germany and is prepared to accept three additional permanent seats for developing nations from the regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America." Daniel 2, the two feet are the UK and the US, each chooses 5 toes, 5 Permanent Security Council Members. The UK chose the original 5, the US is beginning to choose its 5 members here - see [167]
2000Tammuz 1st monthly Sabbath of the 1439th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2000Elul16 Tony baptised into the LWs. The congregation begins. The first baptism performed by Elijah4.
2000Tishri1 1st month of LW promised land Sabbath timetable begins. Since we now have a congregation, a land - NOPE we follow the monthly Jubilee pattern from the fall of Adam.
2000Tishri16 Jamie baptised into the LWs. There are now 3 LWs!
2000Heshvan4/5 2000October7. Milton Henschel, the 5th president of the WTBTS resigns along with all the other GB members and Don Adams becomes the 6th president of the WTBTS of Pennsylvania. GB adopts a rotating chairmanship and there is no longer any real head of the Watchtower. So they become headless. Gordon is then the only leader over sons of the ICC. So this is the end of the 69 weeks of year of Daniel9 which began with the Reformation of Martin Luther and ended with the Reformation of the Watchtower, which decapitated it, making Elijah4 the only leader over the water baptised. 
2000Shebat 2nd monthly Sabbath of the 1439th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2000Shebat19 2001January20. Bush43, starts to ride. He is given the great sword of the US military at his inauguration as President of the US, when he becomes the commander in chief of the US military machine. Bush43 takes over on 2000Shebat19 precisely 7 months before 911 (2001Elul19). It is granted to him to take peace away from the earth. He starts the endless and worldwide 'war on terror'. He was NOT the 2nd horseman of the Apocalypse. It certainly was not Barack Obama. It was not Trump45. Perhaps Bush43 was given the authority to take peace away from the earth but failed to do that other than in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, whereas Trump47 proves more successful?
2001Elul 3rd monthly Sabbath of the 1439th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2001Elul19 2001 September 11, a.m. Twin Towers Atrocity. 10 months of unity of thought of 10 kings begins. 
2001Tishri16 2001 October8. The UK Guardian Newspaper exposes the Watchtower as having been a UN NGO associated to the UN Department of Information for 10 years. For more see U246.
2001Tishri17 2001 October9. Watchtower disassociates itself from the UN. It ceases to be associated to the UN Department of Information. 
2001Tishri30 October 22nd, Paul Gillies writes the cover up letter of no repentance to Guardian Newspaper, the UN having disassociated the Watchtower at the Watchtower's request on October 9th. The Woman demonstrates no remorse after having dismounted the beast. The Watchtower show no repentance for idolatry and harlotry with the Beast. But this was merely correspondence between the press office of the UK and the Guardian Newspaper. Perhaps God does not read the Guardian!
2001Heshvan4 2001 October 26: Bush43 signs the Patriot Act into US law 107-56. The 430 years of slavery to intelligence services, a month for a day, to 2015Adar4 in the post 911 world begin..
2001Heshvan10/11 2001November1, the awful letter to the Bethels proving no repentance for putting throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah and for riding the wild beast of Revelation as a Harlot Church. This finished the water baptism of the Watchtower, once the abomination causing desolation had been placed - fully received and digested worldwide.
2001Heshvan24-26 November15-16: 3rd meeting of G20 in Ottawa.
2001Chislev14 First part of the second presence ends. The Watchtower water baptism is removed by Jesus because a church which is unrepentant for placing the throne of Satan in God's temple cannot carry out a water baptism for those who are repentant.
2001Chislev14 1260 (3½ times) of the Time of the End of the Watchtower of Daniel12, the length of the post Isaaic river, Abrahamic bank, before 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower as a true church, their conversion to prophets of Baal, the start of the unilateral contest of 1Kings18, which is 347 days before NOT the 2006Iyyar1 Sign of Jonah letter, BUT the 2006Sivan1 Revised Sign of Jonah letter, the first failed prediction for Watchtower destruction, the start of the bilateral contest of 1Kings18. 450 prophets of Baal less team Jehovah which comprising 100 of prophets of Jehovah less Elijah, his attendant and Obadiah giving a majority of 347 to Baal. You go first because you are the majority said Elijah to the prophets of Baal. This is also 4½x of Daniel12 before 2006Sivan14, the Laodicean restart of the 2nd presence
2001Chislev14 All non reserve 1NCs are dead by this date.
2001Chislev14 3EC water baptism ends.
2001Tebbeth29 Saturday afternoon January18. The first LW meeting is held at which JWs attend (both spies and openly). Gordon reveals that the 2300 evening and mornings of Daniel8 run from the Watchtower joining the UN as an NGO on 1992January28 to 2004Elul14 (2004September1 - the start of the field service year), when they lost their constant feature of field service. Then the 1290 days of Daniel 12 runs from 2004Elul14 to 2008NIsan14, the end of the 6,000 years of the world.
2001Shebat21 Saturday evening 9th February. Barby Baptised at Burlington Hotel. The first JW who left specifically to join the LWs.
2001Adar18/19 Saturday March 9th Ian baptised. The first male JW who left specifically to join the LWs.
2002Nisan 4th monthly Sabbath of the 1439th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2002Nisan16 1NC first fruits. Invalid due to the Sabbath month.
2002Iyyar21 2nd 1NC first fruits. Elijah4 and FDS4 FAIL to be appointed to rule over the 1NCs (2nd after FDS3, 2002Nisan was a Sabbath month)
2002Sivan5 1NC Pentecost
2002Tammuz10 FDS4 FAILS to be installed to rule over the 1NCs at the 2nd 1NC Pentecost (2nd after FDS3)
2002Tammuz19 July 1: The ICC is established, giving the UN power over military personnel of every nation of the earth whilst these troops are operating in a nation which has signed up to it (The US and Israel have not yet). But their troops are subject to it, if they are operating in a nation which has signed up to it. This occurs 300 BLC days (inclusively) to the day, or 10 BLC months after the unity of thought began on 911. Now a period of 12 days of divided thought begins until the solution appears on July 12th. And I saw a beast ascending out of the sea with 10 horns and 7 heads. These (10 horns which are 10 kings - eventually) have 1 thought so they give their power... to the beast. 10 is compared to 1. This is a coded witness to 10 times, which is the duration of the period of unity of thought. This period is therefore 10 days, 10 months or 10 years.
2002Tammuz30 July 12: US backs down. They agree to the jurisdiction of the ICC effective in one years time unless the UN security council votes against it. Of course the UN security council can always vote against it at any time. Security Council Resolution SC/7450. The UN is now the 8th Biblical King of the World, the 10th horn, the US has given its power to the UN through the ICC.
2002Elul1 Laodicea is appointed as a true church, 3½ years of the near bank of Daniel12 before they steal the 4EC and their water baptised congregation begins on 2005Adar1
2002Elul16 Gordon baptises 'Roger Knight' from the Watchtower. He effectively steals the LW baptism and goes back to start the Laodicean congregation within the Watchtower. He is the Laodicean apostle. He first appeared at around the time that Laodicea was appointed as a true church on 2002Tammuz15.
2002Heshvan 5th monthly Sabbath of the 1439th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2002Veadar9  2003 Tuesday March 17th/18th, GW Bush gives Saddam a 48 hour ultimatum. No UN authority for such an ultimatum. This is the beginning of the sword stroke to the second head, the second year of headship, of the UN Beast.
2002Veadar11 2003 Thursday March 20th, the War on Iraq starts. The sword stroke (unauthorised war on Iraq) is delivered to the UN Beast by the two horned UK/US beast.
And I saw one of its heads as though slaughtered to death. The day that the UN gets headship, the US as good as cuts its head off because it has no desire for its troops to be desire to be subject to the UN ICC;
After the Iraq war, the US and the UK evangelise the expansion of the security council to 10 permanent seats. Bush and Blair together lead the Wild Beast ascending from the earth with two horns like a lamb that starts speaking as a dragon. To quote one New Yorker of Irish descent whose father helped build the Twin Towers. "I used to think that we were the good guys, now I am not so sure." The Warmongering of the UK/US world power is of course the work of the dragon, Satan's heavenly organisation. He is the one who wants unjust warfare, pre-emptive strikes etc. Saddam should have been arrested at the end of the Gulf War, yes, Mrs. Thatcher was right. But one cannot declare War on a country today, because we failed to arrest its leader 11 years ago. Yes, Saddam should go, not for WMD, but for genocide, but the ends do not justify the means.
It tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast that had the sword stroke and yet revived (Revelation 13). 
This image of the beast is the expanded security council with 10 Permanent members. It will become a UN within the UN if you like.
2002VeAdar12/13 2003 March 22, Milton Henschel, the ex 5th President of the Watchtower and the only president to abdicate, dies. This is NOT the beginning of the 12 full years of the 12 full baskets of fragments which runs after the Watchtower falls from 2005Sivan14 to 2017Elul10
2003Nisan14/Iyyar141st Passover denial of the Christ in that night. The Laodiceans made a valid attempt to celebrate the festival correctly but the Watchtower did not follow their example.
2003Iyyar29 2003 May 22, UNSC resolution 1483 legitimizing the coalition as the occupying power in Iraq. The US/UK by accepting the UN authorization have now accepted the UN as their authorizer, and so have given their authority to the UN. Also the second head of the UN (which runs from 2002Tishri to 2003Tishri) has now recovered from the sword stroke. Start of the 3 agricultural years of US/UK beast exercising all the authority of the UN. 
2003Sivan 6th monthly Sabbath of the 1439th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2003Sivan14 Gentile call, Ephraim call, into the 2NC for the sons of the 1AC (2nd call after the proselyte call - Manasseh). This is the 2nd 2NC call. It lasts for 100 months.
2003Chislev2 FDS4 is cut in two. We are split into Laodicea over the 1NC reserves and the LWs over the 2NC saints. Elijah4 did not get ready - he was running a software company instead. So he lost the 2nd part of the 2nd presence to Laodicea (people of judgement).
2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21 Laodicea are appointed/installed as priests to feed the 1NC reserves (3rd after FDS3 and FDS4). The installation is delayed from to 2003Shebat21. 2003Tebbeth was a a Sabbath month. 2003Shebat was a Jubilee month. Neither affect appointments or installations to feed.
2003Tebbeth The 7th Sabbath month of the 1438th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2003Tebbeth21 2003Tebbeth is a Sabbath month and 2003Shebat is the 1439th Jubilee prior to 2008Nisan, the 1440th monthly Jubilee from the fall of Adam. So actually Laodicea was not installed until 2003Shebat21 and the 12x of spying run to 2015Shebat21.
2003Shebat 1439th Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2003Shebat21 12x of Laodicean spying begin and run to 2015Shebat21, when the 40 day spying test on Laodicea begins. These 12 x are of Judas, one of the 12, who betrays yet again.

2nd Passover denial of the Christ in that night. The last Watchtower Passover which succeeds

2004Elul 1st Sabbath month of the 1440th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2004Elul14 1290 days of Daniel 12 start, first 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 (2300 evenings and mornings) from 1992January28 when the Watchtower joined the UN as an NGO, i.e. the harlot church started riding the beast of Revelation 17, end. The Watchtower constant feature (field service) is removed (it is not said to end because it is transferred to the LWs). This is September1, the start of the service year. God no longer accepts field service as a sacrifice to him. The LW constant feature which began on 1999Heshvan21, the 2NC Pentecost, is the continual updating and presentation of our understandings on this and other websites.
2004Elul16 4600 solar days of Daniel 8 (2300 evenings and mornings) after Gordon first worked out the date of the start of the Kingdom. Another possible fulfilment. 
2004Adar7 6,000 BLC day working week of the LW begins, in order to recover from our being split in two. It has a 51 and an 81 day Zoar installation gap. So it ends on 2021VeAdar18. The the LWs are raptured into the ark wherein Jesus is Caesar on 2021VeAdar21 of 2Chronicles 3:2, for temple building. The 1,000 BLC day secular Sabbath runs from 2021VeAdar22 to 2024Tebbeth1. Then on 2023Tebbeth2/Shebat21, the 2NCs are appointed/ installed as Caesar to the Kingdom. For if a day is like 1,000 years to God and if a day is like a year to God then a day is like 1,000 days to God. 
2004Adar7 Laodicea steal the 4EC baptism and baptise the 2nd Laodicean without reference to the LWs - see U42 and see U267
2005Nisan 2nd Sabbath month of the 1440th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2005Nisan14/Iyyar14 3rd Passover denial of the Christ in that night. This Passover fails. The Watchtower failed to follow the example of Laodicea which became a true church on 2002Tammuz15, 3½ years of the near bank of Daniel12 before 2005Tebbeth15, when they stole the 4EC baptism and their water baptised congregation began, 7 months of an Exedenic Times after 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower as a true church.
2005Sivan14 The Watchtower becomes a false religion, 3½ times (1260) days of Daniel12 after the loss of their water baptism on 2001Chislev14, when the abomination causing desolation of the library card letter to the Bethels of 2001Heshvan10/11 was fully placed/received/digested with 30 days to repent. 2005Sivan14 is precisely the finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, because it is the end of the Watchtower as a true church a process which began on 1998Tishri27 (tablet shattering day). when they fell over the saints due to failing to celebrate the 1996/1997/1998 Passover in accordance with the instructions of Elijah4 and due to Elijah4 being thrown out on 1995Adar11 and being appointed to feed the 2NCs on 1996Nisan18. They fell as a true church due to failing to celebrate the 2003Iyyar14/2004Iyyar14/2005Iyyar14 Passover with Laodicea. On 2005Iyyar14, at Hebrew Midnight, they once again denied Jesus 3x in this night. They can only feed 5,000 1NC saints for 12 more full baskets and not 13, 12 secular years from 2005Tishri1 to 2017Elul30 and not to 2018Elul30. Laodicean fell as a true church on 2017Elul10. 
2005Sivan14 The Watchtower prophets become prophets of Baal. These have a majority of 347 over the other named or counted contest participants/attendees (100 prophets of Jehovah and Elijah, his attendant and Obadiah - Team Jehovah). 347 days a day for a prophet majority NOT to 2006Iyyar1, the Sign of Jonah letter, BUT to 2006Sivan1, the Revised Sign of Jonah letter, containing the first prediction date that failed, the bilateral contest start.
2005Sivan14 The unilateral contest start of 1Kings18 (only in the sense that the Watchtower become prophets of Baal - who Elijah invites to go first because they are the majority).. 
2005Sivan14 The start of the 5215 missed weekly Sabbath payback + 82 missed Atonement days less 47 Sabbaths in Jail period to 2019Tishri5. The Watchtower missed every single weekly Sabbath from 1905Sivan6, the installation over the 1NCs to 2005Sivan14, their fall as a true church. The 1st Watchtower Passover occurred after this payback period on 2019Tishri14
2005Sivan14 Start of the 430 years a month for a day (14 years and 4 months) in the enslaving Egypt of the fallen Watchtower to 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover, the 3rd 1NC marriage Passover. On this day (from Passover entrance day on 2019Tishri10) ALL the armies of Jehovah start leaving the Watchtower.
2005Sivan14 Start of the 14x450 day of the contest actions of the prophets of Baal, to 2022Chislev14, the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover
2005Sivan14 Start of the contest day that runs for 6331 days to 2022Tebbeth15, the ark rapture of Elijah4.
2005Sivan14 The 7x of Naaman's bathing in the Jordan of 2Kings5 begin and run to 2012Sivan14, when his flesh become like that of a little boy due to the non adamic Abrahamic restoration of the Laodicans 1NCs from 2012Sivan14-16. 
2005Sivan15 7 months of an Exedenic Times begin and run to 2005Tebbeth15, the start of the 4EC baptised Laodicean congregation
2005Sivan15 7 years of the Watchtower non adamic Exedenic Times begin and run to 2012Sivan15, when the LWs and Laodiceans become non adamiic Abrahamic.
2005Tammuz29 2005July7/8. The Gleneagles G8 summit. Terror attack on July7 in London. This is 6000 BLC days precisely before the 3rd fire sign on 2021VeAdar29.
2005Elul16 POL tells Ahab (the future Laodicean members of the Governing body) about Laodicea: Here is Elijah: 3x from 2002Elul16 (the baptism of Roger Knight) from 1Kings18.
2005Tishri6 2005September12/13. The UNPBC is defined in the Draft Outcome Document of the 60th world summit.
2005Heshvan 3rd Sabbath month of the 1440th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2005Tebbeth15 2005 December 20. UNGA and UNSC make UNPBC Operational. First day of UNPBC.
2005Tebbeth15 2005 December 20. Laodicea teals the 4EC by baptising the 2nd Laodicean without reference to the LWs. This is 7 months of an Exedenic Times after 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower
2005Tebbeth15 Laodicea steals the 4EC baptism, by baptising the 2nd Laodicean without reference to the LWs - see U271-11#21
2006Nisan8April6: 1st Letter to Don Adams telling him how to celebrate the Passover
2006Nisan14 LWs hold fantastic Passover celebration in Chicago.
2006Nisan18/19 Red Lobster letter. A tale of two memorials
2006Nisan20 Dan Sydlik Dies
2006Nisan21 Gordon writes to the LW church saying he will write to Don Adams so that 1NC saints celebrate the Passover properly and do not die like Dan died without a proper celebration.
2006Nisan22 Gordon writes to Don Adams explaining how to celebrate the Passover. This is a fulfilment of 1Kings18:41-42, Elijah4 telling Ahab (Laodicean governing body members): Go up eat and drink
2006Nisan30 Saturday afternoon April29 US time. The Sign of Jonah Letter fax arrives at the Brooklyn Bethel. It predicts 2006Sivan11 for the fire signs of 1Kings18. This does not yet begin the bilateral contest of 1Kings18
2006Iyyar1 2006Iyyar1 UK time (Saturday evening April29) which was 2006Nisan30 US time (Saturday afternoon April29). The Sign of Jonah Letter is faxed to the Brooklyn Bethel. The first prediction for 2006Sivan11 is made.
2006Iyyar1 The bilateral contest starts, with our first prediction for 2006Sivan11 that we revised before testing to be 2006Sivan12. So it was replaced with our revised Sign of Jonah letter prediction sent on 2006Sivan1
2006Iyyar14 Saw the first no show prediction for a warning bomb on 2006Iyyar21 in Newark Airport with Dave.
2006Iyyar16 Published the 1st no show prediction for a nuclear warning bomb (dirty bomb we thought) on 2006Iyyar21
2006Iyyar21 The first warning bomb date fails. The church says: There is nothing at all on 2006Iyyar22. 
2006Iyyar28 The second warning bomb date fails.
2006Sivan 4th Sabbath month of the 1440th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2006Sivan1 The revised Sign of Jonah letter is faxed to Brooklyn, with 2006Sivan12 as the Watchtower destruction date. This is the first prediction that Elijah4 went with all the way to testing and failure. 
2006Sivan1 Elijah4 gets started with all of his prediction failures. 
2006Sivan6 1NC Pentecost. 
2006Sivan6 June4. PRWeb publish press release for 2006Sivan12
2006Sivan11 First unrevised prediction date. This is 11x 450 = 4950 days of Ostracism after Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn on 1992Elul11
2006Sivan12 Revised first prediction date (revised from 2006Sivan11 to 2006Sivan12 on 2006Sivan1). This is when people start paying attention of Elijah4 following 11x 450 = 4950 days of Ostracism after Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn on 1992Elul11
2006Sivan12 Sunset at the conclusion of the day - The first Watchtower destruction bomb date which was directly communicated to the Watchtower in the Sign of Jonah letter fails (having been revised by one day to 2006Sivan12 from 2006Sivan11).
2006Sivan13 The church says: There is nothing at all (1Kings18), once they have seen that the first bomb date has failed. 
2006Sivan14 The second part of the second presence begins with the first 1NC reserve being baptised into Laodicea. This is 4½x of Daniel12 after 2001Chislev14, when the first part of the second presence ended. Or perhaps 4½x of Daniel12 after the date of the awful letter to the Bethels of 2001Heshvan10. Also from Daniel12, the river of the 3EC for the Watchtower has two banks either side which are 3½x wife running from 2001Chislev14 to 2005Sivan14 and from 1871Heshvan21 to 1875Iyyar21, when the 2nd Russellite was baptised/accepted into the IBSA.
2006Sivan14 LWs publish their second Watchtower Destruction Date of 2006Tammuz3 (changed to 2006Tammuz2-6 later). So we had no finished the period in the camp of Joshua 6, until the revised prediction came out.
2006Sivan21 June19. PRWeb publish press release for 2006Tammuz3
2006Sivan24 June22: 6:44 pm UK time - sent an email saying could not decide whether it was 2006Tammuz2 or 2006Tammuz3. June 23: 3:00 am UK time - submitted press release for 2006Tammuz2-6 quoting email link to webpage with explanation and calculation for that date period. It used to take at least 2 hours to write and polish and submit and correct and resubmit any press release. So the website, which was always updated before the press release was written, would have been publishing the new date period by 1:00 am UK time, we think, which was 7pm Eastern US time. Sunset in NYC on 2006June22 was 8:31pm and civil twilight ended at 9:04 pm. So the website published 2006Tammuz2-6 to New Yorkers on 2006Sivan24. 2006Sivan24-Tammuz3 is the start of a Daniel4 7x prediction malediction on the LWs of 1Kings18:43.
2006Sivan25 June23. PRWeb press release for expansion of 2006Tammuz3 to 2006Tammuz2-6 created and submitted (date from PRWeb account)
2006Sivan27 June25. PRWeb publish press release for expansion of 2006Tammuz3 to 2006Tammuz2-6
2006Tammuz3 First attempt at our second fire sign prediction later revised to 2006Tammuz2-6. 
2006Tammuz7 Second Watchtower destruction bomb prediction date period of 2006Tammuz2-6 is seen to have failed.
2006Tammuz9 The LWs publish their 3rd Watchtower Destruction Date of 2006Tammuz28/29
2006Tammuz14 July12. PRweb publish press release for 2006Tammuz28/29 
2006Tammuz30 The first day, day 1 of our being 3 witness Asheraian prophets (no show prediction prophets after our 3rd fire sign prediction of 2006Tammuz28/29 was seen to have failed)
2006Tishri10 Atonement day is celebrated properly by the LWs for the first time, with a fast (Gordon was at 18 Middleton Road).
2006Chislev POL is baptised into Laodicea. This is 7 months of Joash before POL's 40 month reign in Jerusalem from 2007Tammuz6, the 2nd 1NC Pentecost, to 2010Heshvan28/Chislev26, tablet shattering day from 2010Elul9/Tishri7, the 4th/5th 1NC Pentecost..
2006Tebbeth 5th Sabbath month of the 1440th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2007Nisan14 The last year of the ARC world begins. This is not the start of the time of the end of Daniel12. That was a cute interpretation though! 
2007Iyyar14 Laodicean 2NC saints drink the 1NC cup at the Watchtower Passover. This is Jacob posing as Esau. 
2007Iyyar17/Tammuz6 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost (2007Ab was a Sabbath month). Laodicea is appointed/installed as sacred king to rule over the 1NC reserves (2nd after FDS3. FDS4 failed to be so appointed/installed)
2007Sivan6 1NC Pentecost is celebrated (although on the wrong day - it should have been 2007Sivan8) for the first time by the LWs at Luke House in Westminster. We make an international communal synchronized prayer in an attempt to fulfil Acts2.
2007Ab 6th Sabbath month of the 1440th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2007Adar 7th Sabbath month of the 1440th Jubilee from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2008Nisan 1440th Jubilee from the sins of Adam. the Jubilee month at the end of Michael's ARC lease, which was the founding of the world.
2008Nisan14 March 21/22: The end of Michael's original 6,000 year headlease upon Adam. The end of the ARC world judicially. Entrance to First Abrahamic Covenant ends (modulo the extra week of Daniel9). 1290 days of Daniel 12 starting with the removal of the constant feature of Watchtower field service on 2004Elul14 (2004September1 the start of the field service year) end. Adam sinned on 3993Nisan14 breaking his covenant with God and Satan sinned that day breaking his covenant with God. Jesus made the ARC with God on that day, reversing the disaster of Adam and Eve. Midst prophecy of U100 ends.
2008Nisan14 The 2nd Holy Spirit Passes away from sacred rulership and goes on its 1,000 year Sabbath and the 6,000 year ARC head lease ends. Then 12x (Passover to late Passover) run to 2020Iyyar14, the 7th 1NC marriage Passover, the Passover of the 7th and last 1NC bride, the late partaking reappointed Laodicean congregation 1NCs. (Day OR hour of Mark 13:32 is a direct comparison yielding 12x precisely).
2008Nisan15 The Kingdom Exedenic Times malediction from 2008Nisan15 - 2015Nisan15 begins. 1st day of Cakes to 1st day of Cakes
2008Nisan14 Entrance into the 1AC ends except for the 195 days from 2021Shebat25 to 2022Elul10 for OMC sealing by Mark of the Beast testing and the 7 days from 2022Chislev3/4-10, the last chance saloon.
2008Nisan22 March 29/30: First Fruits day after the weekly interposing Sabbath of 2008Nisan21. The kingdom of God starts judicially in heaven. Jesus marries his wife, the 144,000 1NC saints in heaven. This is the first day of the Kingdom of God, notwithstanding the fact that Satan's 6,000 year lease does not end until 2012Nisan14. That lease was for physical headship. So Jesus and the first presence 1NC Kings became spiritual heads, priests on 2008Nisan22. In fact the 1NC Kings become the holy spirit for mankind,. the holy spirit of the Kingdom, sons of the 3HSC. This is the 3rd heaven that Paul saw. But this was all subject to Satan's 6,000 year lease to 2012Nisan14 and then 2000 day eviction payback and the 1266 day ministry payback period to 2022Elul14. The secular/agricultural calendar runs from Tishri1 and the sacred/festival calendar runs from Nisan1. This is the first of 7 marriages of the lamb to the first presence, the second presence and the 5 1NC reserve marriages.
2008Nisan22-28 7 day first presence 1NC marriage feast of Leah.
2008Nisan22-28 The marriage feast is coincident with the celebrating of the full the week of the woman, which is her installation as a physical priestess of genetic physical genetic life. Aaron took 7 whole days to install. Likewise the bridal installation is 7 whole days. So veil lifting day is the 8th day.
2008Nisan29 Bride leaves the bridal chamber, which is in heaven, and lifts the veil. 
2008Iyyar1 Kingdom monthly Jubilee calendar begins, due to the 3rd Holy Spirit being appointed to rule as Aaron over the 1NC reserves at 2nd 1NC first fruits on 2008Iyyar20.
2008Iyyar7 Incorrect Jubilee day of the LWs (according to our old calendar). 
2008Iyyar20 Jesus and the 1st presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit (12 Legions of Angels) are appointed as Aaron to the 1NC reserves (after the 2nd Holy Spirit). No need to wait for the end of Satan's secular lease. No need for an appointment to feed and a test.
2008Sivan11 May 17/18. First 1NC Pentecost in the Kingdom of God. But this is during the 6,000 year lease of Satan who gets the first 3 years of the Kingdom. 
2008Sivan11 Jesus is NOT installed as Caesar to Adam since Satan's lease is still in force
2008Sivan11 1NC Pentecost: 
2008Tammuz9 2nd 1NC Pentecost: Jesus and the 1st presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit are installed as Aaron to the 1NC reserves (after the 2nd Holy Spirit). No need to wait for the end of Satan's secular lease. No need for an appointment to feed and a test. No secular kingship appointment is possible on this day since Satan's 6,000 year lease is still in force. 1st appointment with capability to seal the 1NC reserves.
2008Tammuz9 The Watchtower/Kingdom 1NC Alienation Times begin. The 2nd presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit is prohibited from acting as Aaron to the 1NC reserves for 7 years to 2015Tammuz9 (the 2nd 1NC Pentecost)
2008Tishri1 The first secular year of the Kingdom of God does begin. But Satan's lease is still in force until 2012Nisan14. So this is not the first secular year of the Kingdom under Jesus
2008Tishri1 We were in expectation of Kingdom bodies etc from this date, since it was the first year start actually in the Kingdom. We thought at the time, that the sacred and secular years combined in the Kingdom and that both of them started on 2008Tishri1. We were wrong. But that is what we thought back then. So we were expecting a kingdom manifestation from 2008Tishri1 (and actually from 2008Nisan14)
2008Tishri1 The 1335 days of non adamic pregnancy expectation of Daniel12 to 2012Sivan16, non adamic Abrahamic first fruits, begin in one fulfilment.
2008Tishri2 2NC first fruits. A WEEKLY SABBATH. No earthly appointment can be made. This does prevent the 3rd Holy Spirit from being appointed as Aaron. Aaron had to obey the Sabbath.
2008Tishri15 This is the first day of biblical Hebrew winter in the kingdom of God. The LWs did not celebrate Booths, mistakenly believing that the Marriage feast of the of the lamb was still ongoing a month for a day. The feast was actually 2008Nisan22 to 2008Nisan28.
2008Heshvan15-21 Late Booths? The LWs did not celebrate this since the marriage feast of the lamb was ongoing for 7 months until 2008Heshvan17 or so we thought at the time! 
2008Heshvan21 October24/25. The first 2NC Pentecost in the Kingdom of God.
2008Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost: 
2008Chislev2 Late late 2NC first fruits: Jesus and the 1st presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit are appointed as Aaron to the 2NC saints (2nd after the 2nd Holy Spirit, but 2008Heshvan was a Sabbath month)
2008Chislev6 LWs realise that Jericho is Laodicea, a hidden LW sect within the Watchtower. Joshua therefore 'arrives' at Jericho..
2008Tebbeth1-30 2nd Jubilee month of the LWs. NOT A REAL JUBILEE MONTH.
2008Tebbeth2 The 8th and last day of Judaic Hanukkah. 
2008Tebbeth10 Jubilee release day - Jubilee horn blown (2000Tishri1 start Sabbath calendar) - NOT VALID.
2008Tebbeth21 Late late 2NC Pentecost: Jesus and the 1st presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit are installed as Aaron to the 2NC saints.
2008Tebbeth21 The Watchtower/Kingdom 2NC Alienation Times begin. The 2nd presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit is prohibited from acting as Aaron to the 2NCs for 7 years to 2015Tebbeth21
2008Adar1 Shebat1 (ABLC). Gordon works out 2012Heshvan26 for the last day of adamic man thanks to the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy of Emmanuel and Mike. This gave the date of the final 40 day fire storm that wipes out unraptured mankind as running from 2012Tishri16 to 2012Heshvan26. 2012Heshvan26 was published this day. Actually the final lava flood runs for 40+40 days from 2022Ab14-2022Heshvan4 -  we presently understand.
2008Adar2 Shebat2 (ABLC) The LWs now have one beautiful witness to 2012Sivan15/16, the day we escape from our adamic bodies, given by God to Mike via Emmanuel (a human), the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy - see U108. And a second witness from the 1335 days of Daniel12 from 2008Tishri1 - the start of the first secular year after Jesus first presence marriage on 2008Nisan22. We thought at the time (incorrectly) that this was the start of the new combined kingdom secular and sacred year. Hence we were in expectation as written in Daniel12 for 1335 day of this new combined calendar (which did not exist).. 
2009Nisan16 1NC first fruits. 6 month Hebrew summer begins on this day and end on the last day of Booths the harvest festival.. 
2009Iyyar14 We celebrated the Passover late in 2009.
2009Iyyar21 2nd 1NC first fruits.
2009Sivan 2nd Sabbath month of the 1st Kingdom Jubilee
2009Sivan5 Not the 1NC Pentecost. Invalid due to the Sabbath month
2009Sivan6 Gordon and David worked out how Jesus comes upon a cloud at the manifestation of the presence. A few of the 1NC reserves join the LWs as a result of the clouds of the fire signs of 1Kings18. They go up into the LWs and are hidden by the media cloud which physically engrosses everyone. Nice try - But NOPE!
2009Tammuz5 1NC Pentecost, first ripe fruits. Moved from 2009Sivan5 due to it being a Sabbath month
2009Tammuz10 2nd 1NC Pentecost
2009Tammuz10 LW 1NC Alienation Times from 2002Tammuz10 ends. FDS4 becomes operational ONLY to feed and NOT to rule as sacred king over the 1NC reserves. We never passed the test to rule over the 1NCs.
2009Tammuz27 Total Solar Eclipse on this day. 
2009Heshvan2 late 2NC first fruits. 
2009Tebbeth 3rd Sabbath month of the 1st Kingdom Jubilee
2009Tebbeth21 Late late 2NC Pentecost. 
2009Shebat27 1335 days of keeping in expectation Daniel12 from 2006Sivan12, the first Watchtower Destruction bomb date (revised from 2011Sivan11 before that date), end. The blessing of U264 is complete. Happy is the man that reads this understanding.
2010Nisan11 The BBC reports that the UK Foreign Affairs Committee declares that the 'Special Relationship' between the US and the UK is over. Presumably because our foreign affair had ended! They issued the Ghastly Orwellian Declaration: "It is wrong to speak of the special relationship". Madness which is part of the scripturally predicted break up of the dual 7th world power (UK+US) to make way for the 8th, the UN. It is really a statement that both the UK and the US are ready to join the New World order, rather than continuing to run what is now the old world order. On 2010Ab7 Obama and Cameron declared it is still going strong, showing that the BBC is a globalist propaganda outfit..
2010Nisan18 1NC first fruits
2010Iyyar16 Second 1NC first fruits
2010Sivan24 Ted Jaracz the head of the Martha class, loses his portion, suffers a terminal stroke on 2010Sivan24 and dies at 7:30 am on June 9th (2010Sivan25).
2010Tammuz7 Late 1NC Pentecost. 
2010Tammuz27 Total Solar Eclipse. 
2010Ab 4th Sabbath month of the 1st Kingdom Jubilee
2010Ab5 Late 2nd 1NC Pentecost and Zoar Pentecost
2010Tishri15-21 Booths Celebration. LWs tried several dates for the 2NC celebration during Booths but omitted Tishri20. Dave and Gordon did actually try Tishri22 which was correct!
2010Tishri22 LWs correctly celebrated the 2NC on the 2NC Assembly day.
2010Heshvan20 LWs incorrectly celebrated a late 2NC on the 6th day of late Booths.
2010Heshvan28/Chislev26 Tablet shattering day - 40+40 days inclusively after 2010Elul9/Tishri7, the 4th/ 5th 1NC Pentecost
2010Heshvan28/Chislev26 POLs reign in Jerusalem over the 1NC reserves ends after 40 months of Jehoash from 2007Tammuz6. 
2010Chislev20-23 The first fire sign of 1Kings18. The worst fire in the history of Modern Israel occurs. It sets the mountains of Carmel ablaze!! Aircraft drop sea water on the blaze making a cloud from the sea!! This cloud was visible on the Sabbath of 2010Chislev22 (so that the attendant could see the cloud made from the sea, rising on the 7th day). In fact Ian saw the fire as a fire sign on 2010Chislev22. 2010Chislev21 was the late 2NC Pentecost. So this sign occurred during the late 2NC Pentecost.
2010Chislev21 Our first correct prediction date for the first fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel  (although we thought the fire sign would occur in the UK or the US)
2010Chislev21 The attendant says: There is nothing at all. There was no fire sign in New York or in London and the attendant did not recognize the fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel as a fulfilment of 1Kings18 until 2017Chislev22.
2010Chislev22 Our second correct prediction date for the first fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel (although we thought the fire sign would occur in the UK or the US)
2010Chislev22 Ian recognizes the fire upon mount Carmel in Israel as being a fire sign of 1Kings18. The weekly Sabbath.
2010Chislev22-23 December 4th. Senior Governing Body John E Barr dies. New Senior member is Gerrit Loesch. 
2010Chislev23-24 Our 3rd correct prediction date for the first fire sign upon Mount Carmel  (although we thought the fire sign would occur in the UK or the US)
2010Chislev26 LWs accepted the largest fire in Modern Israel's history upon mount Carmel as being the 1st fire sign on 2010Chislev26 - December8 at 06:00 - when the email was sent. 
2010Chislev26 Tablet shattering day. POLs reign in Jerusalem over the 1NC reserves MAY WELL HAVE ENDED after 40 months of Jehoash from 2007Tammuz6 (or it was 2010Heshvan28). We accept the fire sign and they lose their rule sounds right.
2010Tebbeth24 1,000th day after 2008Nisan14, the end of the world of Michael, the ARC world
2010Shebat2 1,000th day after 2008Nisan22, the 3rd marriage.
2010Adar 5th Sabbath month of the 1st Kingdom Jubilee
2010Adar29 - 2010VeAdar3 Fukushima disaster, first nuclear cloud rises from the sea on 2010Adar30 (KBLC). LWs predicted the right type of event, the right day but the wrong location. This was not the second fire sign of 1Kings18. Fukushima means 'blessed island'. The garden of Eden was a blessed enclosure. The Honshu disaster was also biblical sign because it was a 9.0 richter scale earthquake and a fulfilment of 1Kings18:44?
2011Iyyar14 LWs celebrate the 5th Passover of 1Kings 18 contest which Elijah4 asks the attendant, the church, to go up to. This is the 2nd that Elijah asks his attendant to go back to after the first Passover no show in the kingdom on 2009Nisan14
2011Tishri 6th Sabbath month of the 1st Kingdom Jubilee
2011Tishri1 First post satanic lease Kingdom secular year begins.
2011Tishri14 100 month Ephraim Gentile call into the 2NC ends.
2011Chislev9 Total lunar eclipse that deceived us.
2011Chislev15- 2011Shebat17 2011December15-2012February16. 344th recounted public fire sign prediction. The end of the publicly trumpeted LW circumnavigations of the Jericho of the shuttered up Watchtower.
2012Nisan14 Satan's 6,000 year lease from 3989Nisan16-22 ends. The 2000 day eviction paybak begins
2012Nisan14 Jehovah has the right to become Caesar to Gentile Adam, since Satan's lease has expired. 
2012Iyyar 7th Sabbath month of the 1st Kingdom Jubilee
2012Sivan The 1st Jubilee month of the post ARC Kingdom, the 1441st Jubilee month from 3993Iyyar, the 1st whole month after the fall of Adam on 3993Nisan14 
2012Sivan The first Kingdom Jubilee month from 2008Iyyar1.
2012Sivan1 The end of the 6,000 year sacred working week for Adam from his installation as priest on 3989Sivan10 BC..
2012Sivan1 New Abrahamic Sacred year begins, due to all in the 2 true churches becoming non adamic Abrahamic from 2012Sivan14-16
2012Sivan10 Jubilee release day. The LWs and Laodicea all enter into the Zoar congregation adamically. The Passover victims enter into the house for the Zoar Passover on 2012Sivan14.
2012Sivan14 The Zoar Passover - we missed this at the time. We die to Adam. This is a REAL DEATH meaning we do spend some time in Hades (whilst we are asleep), our spirits leave our born again angelic brains as we sleep and go into a shared angelic server for 5 hours - into your hand I entrust my spirit. And we are resurrected in non adamic Abrahamic bodies on 2012Sivan16, the 3rd day inclusively thereafter (as Jesus was from a human standpoint).
2012Sivan14 FDS4 and Laodicea lose all of its appointments over everything by virtue of all of its people being physically dead in the first death, asleep and not in our original adamic bodies.
2012Sivan15 Jubilee restoration. FDS4 is given back its lost flesh 1AC and 4EC salvation status and priesthood over Zoar as of 2012Sivan14. This is God's Jubilee love, signed by the Venusian transit.
2012Sivan15 Venus transit. Venus means love, Jesus is the Sun, the earth is the LWs and the future LWs. Jesus shows his love for the earth. This being the interposing festival Sabbath, the first day of Zoar Cakes, prior to Zoar First fruits. 
2012Sivan15 We appear to be transadamic - like the Venusian transit - on this day (neither adamic nor non adamic)
2012Sivan15/16 The 2:1 temple ratio prophecy of U108 is fulfilled. All the priests, the sons of the ICC, go through the wall at the far end of Adam's temple and gain non adamic Abrahamic but not yet Isaaic or Methuselaian bodies. They leave Adam but do not start reverse ageing until the ark. But these phase 1 non adamic bodies will not kill them for they are not under any fleshly death sentence any more. Ageing is now at half speed (since Abraham and Isaac had 240 year max lifespan bodies) but not suspended or reversed in these temporary non adamic bodies.
2012Sivan16 Abrahamic first fruits. This is 1335 days of expectation of Daniel12 after the 2008Tishri1, the first day of the first secular year of the Kingdom 
2012Sivan16 All LWs and Laodiceans become Abrahamic non adamic, following the pattern of the human death and resurrection of the Christ..
2012Sivan16 4600 solar days of the constant feature of this website from 1999Heshvan21, the 2NC Pentecost (but in a Sabbath month). The holy place of TCC4 is now in the right condition - non adamic - not under any death sentence.
2012Ab5 The start of 40 months in the wilderness until 2015Chislev17, when Jeff and Gordon and Dave realised that the 41 camp pitchings and the 41 camp deconstructions of Numbers33 as a result of the pillar of fire and cloud moving away to some other place by the sons of Israel stand for 41x13=533 prediction updates to LW fire sign chronology as a result of the pillar of fire and cloud moving to some other time. 
2012Ab16/Tishri5 Laodicea appointed/installed as a true church, as sacred king over non adamic Abraham.
2012Elul16/Heshvan5 FDS4 appointed/installed as sacred king over non adamic Abraham
2012Tishri2 2NC first fruits. 
Contest noon of 1Kings18. The Hebrew word for noon means double light. Abraham has two sources of authorized light during this period which ends with the death of the LWs to Abraham and begins with the installation of Abrahamic Zoar over Abraham
2012Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost
2012Chislev21 2nd and late 2NC Pentecost
2012Tebbeth The 1st Sabbath month of the 2nd post ARC World Kingdom Jubilee
2012Tebbeth4 Supposed end of the 13th Baktun of the Mayan Calendar.
2013Nisan1 1st Jericho campaign day/year of Laodicea against the Watchtower begins - see U112#8
2013Iyyar5/6 Fertilizer explosion in a town called West, in Texas. This caused a rising cloud of smoke upon West at sunset in fulfilment of Luke 12:54-55. 
2013Iyyar9 The LWs see that the fertilizer explosion in West at sunset was a fulfilment of Luke 12:54-55. 
2013Sivan7 1NC Pentecost
2013Tammuz3Gordon Apologizes to the Watchtower for the mistakes in the Sign of Jonah Letter and warns them of the coming New Passovers in a New Letter
3 months of Luke12:54-56 after the fertilizer explosion upon West in Texas at sunset. UK and Ireland have a 19 day heatwave -
2013Ab The 2nd Sabbath month of the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee
2013Tishri15 The Laodicean Gentile Times malediction from 2013Tishri15 - 2020Tishri15 begins delayed a year by Daniel 4:29.
2013Heshvan25 Total solar eclipse.
2013Chislev21-Tebbeth15 399th LW fire sign prediction for Nuclear terrorist attacks from the waterways around Manhattan and from the waterways around London. This prediction is published on PRweb and on this site.
2013Chislev25 Revised the 399th prediction to run from 2013Chislev21-Tebbeth2 (i.e. to include all of Hanukkah). We thought incorrectly at the time that this period ran from 2013November28 to 2014January3 due to an intercalary VeChislev prior to 2013Tebbeth1. 
2013Tebbeth18-Shebat1 400th prediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 and the second fire sign (two parts) of 2Kings1. The stone hitting the feet of the giant man of Daniel2. 
Extended 401st prediction for Nuclear Terrorist attack from the Hudson upon Manhattan or North New Jersey. And a UK nuclear terrorist attack on London from the Thames around Dartford.
2013Adar The 3rd Sabbath month of the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee
2013Adar10 The second presence ends. 93 months of exile after it began on 2006Sivan14. And 5½ years of Daniel12 before the 3rd part of the 2nd presence starts non adamically through the 1NC reserves on first Watchtower Passover entry day, 2019Elul10, the end of the strange/wonderful things of Daniel12 where the 1NC reserves float above the river of the 4EC without getting their toes wet.
2013Adar10 Laodicea loses its water baptism. They therefore revert from non adamic Isaaic to non adamic Abrahamic.
2013VeAdar10 2014March18: Russia signs an agreement with itself annexing Crimea. The sovereign state of Ukraine did not sign that agreement. 
2014Nisan15 The end of 4600 solar days from 911, 2001. Was this the transgression causing desolation to the US/UK world power?
2014Nisan15 2014April15 at 07:46. Total lunar eclipse but not on a blood sacrifice festival day. So this was not a Blood moon. For a blood moon, the moon is turned into blood by the blood of the sacrifice. The moon appears red due to light reflection from it which has come not directly from the Sun but from the earth. The light is red due to refraction (blue bends best) but symbolically it is red due to the earth being blood soaked since the blood of a sacrifice should be poured out onto the earth. 
2014Nisan15-21 Egyptian and Lord's evening meal Cakes.
2014Nisan29 Annular solar eclipse on 2014April29 at 06:05. The sun is not completely turned to darkness (since the eclipse was not total).
2014Sivan7 Broke the first seal of Revelation6, namely that dates are expressed in terms of festivals. We used to have this as 2014Sivan6 when our BLC was one day out for 2014.  
2014Sivan9 1NC Pentecost. 
2014Sivan16 Zoar first fruits
2014Tammuz7 Second 1NC Pentecost.
2014Tammuz9 Late 1NC Pentecost. 
2014Tammuz26 During the day of 2014July25 in Mosul in Iraq, the tomb of Jonah the prophet is blown up by ISIS.
2014Ab29 August 28. Putin Invades Ukraine after having claimed that his paratroopers went there by mistake and the rest of his troops were there on holiday. Truth is indeed the first casualty of war. But Hillary may have arranged a coup in Ukraine which provoked Putin to invade the place.
2014Elul5-8 1335 days of expectation of Daniel12 after the first fire sign of 1Kings18 on 2010Chislev20-23. Nothing.
2014Elul16 616 according to the Nisan1 kingdom calendar. 2014September12/13. Gordon/Elijah4's birthday both solar AND lunar. He was born on 1957Elul16=1957September13. This was not when the mark of the beast came in.
2014Elul22 On this day the LWs got some Zoar food from Jesus in the form of the Zoar baptism and administration regulations
2014Elul25 LWs extend the 401st fire sign prediction period of 2013Shebat3-Tishri3
2014Tishri The 4th Sabbath month of the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee
2014Tishri1 Rosh Hashana. The 7th Tishri1 secular/adamic/satanic/agricultural year of the Kingdom of God begins. The feast/festival of trumpets, shouting and raising the alarm. 
2014Tishri1 Rosh Hashana. The 4th Tishri1 secular/satanic/satanic/agricultural year of the Kingdom of God under God (post Satanic lease) begins. 
2014Tishri9 LWs deduce the 401st prediction extension of 2013Shebat3-Tishri25 and subprediction of 2014Tishri15-19 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2014Tishri10 Atonement day. LWs publish the 2013Shebat3-Tishri25 401st prediction and the incorrect 2014Tishri15-19 subprediction
2014Tishri11 October 8 at 10:56. Total lunar eclipse
2014Heshvan10 We publish the 401st prediction extension of 2013Shebat3-2014Heshvan22 and the subprediction of 2014Heshvan16/17
2014Heshvan22 We get and publish the 401st prediction extension from 2013Shebat3-2014Chislev6. This is the Solemn Assembly of Late Booths.
2014Heshvan23 We get and publish the subprediction of 2014Chislev4/5.
2014Chislev22 Published 2013Shebat3-2014Tebbeth6 401st prediction extension and the subprediction of 2014Tebbeth4/5. 
2014Tebbeth6 Published the 401st prediction extension from 2013Shebat3-2014Tebbeth11 and the subprediction of 2014Tebbeth7-10.
2014Tebbeth11 We extended the 401st fire sign prediction to run from 2013Shebat3-2014Tebbeth25 and made the subprediction of 2014Tebbeth16
2014Tebbeth20 Published the 401st prediction extension from 2013Shebat3 to 2014Shebat3, and the final subprediction of 2014Tebbeth29/30. 
2014Shebat1 401st prediction extension of 2013Shebat3-2014Shebat10 is published along with the subprediction of 2014Shebat5/6 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2014Shebat10 401st prediction extension of 2013Shebat3-2014Shebat17 is published along with the subprediction of 2014Shebat16 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2014Shebat19 401st prediction extension of 2013Shebat3-2014Shebat30 is published along with the subprediction of 2014Shebat22/23-29 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2014Shebat26 Subprediction of 2014Shebat22-30 and more specifically 2014Shebat29/30 is made.
2014Shebat30 401st prediction extension is made from 2013Shebat3-2014Adar9. Subprediction of 2014Adar3-7 is made.
2014Adar24 March 20 at 09.47 Total solar eclipse. This was not a part of the double sign of Acts2 and Joel2 for the great and fearsome and epiphanaic day of Jehovah, because it was not visible from the same place as the blood moon on 2015Nisan14.. 
2014Adar25 2015Nisan1
2015Nisan14 7th non late Passover of the Kingdom of God
2015Nisan14 April4 at 12:01. Total lunar eclipse. This is finally truly a at Blood moon. It is a total lunar eclipse on a blood sacrifice day.
2015Nisan15 End of the 7x of the Watchtower 1NC Exedenic Times from 2008Nisan15. 1st day of Cakes to 1st day of Cakes.
2015Nisan15-21 7th non late Cakes of the Kingdom of God
2015Nisan21 Interposing weekly Sabbath before 1NC first fruits
2015Nisan22 1NC first fruits. The first day of the 1NC Pentecost count. 
2015Iyyar The 5th Sabbath month of the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee
2015Iyyar14 The 2nd marriage Passover engagement bash, the Lord's evening meal. A 1NC marriage evening meal ALWAYS occurs during a real Passover?!?!
2015Iyyar20 2nd 1NC first fruits. The 2nd presence 1NC Kings marry Jesus in heaven (a 2nd marital appointment). This is the greater marriage of Rachel, 7 years after the greater marriage of Leah on 2008Nisan22.
2015Iyyar20 2nd 1NC marriage.
2015Iyyar20-26 2nd presence 1NC Kings marriage feast
2015Iyyar26 Extended the 401st prediction to run from 2013Shebat3 to 2015Sivan11. This being the 5th Sabbath of 1NC Weeks. This was its final extension.
2015Iyyar27 2nd 1NC marriage veil lifting and martial supper day. The year of rejoicing for the 2nd bride begins and runs to 2016Iyyar27. This is a gap in the 40 year wilderness penalty?
2015Iyyar27 Veil lifting and martial supper day of Rachel (the 2nd presence 1NC Kings)
2015Sivan12 Got and published the 402nd prediction of 2015Sivan13-25 - and the subprediction of 2015Sivan14.
2015Sivan15 Published the subprediction on 2015Sivan17 (got this at the end of 2015Sivan14)
2015Sivan17 Got the subprediction of 2015Sivan23/24
2015Sivan18 Published the subprediction of 2015Sivan23/24
2015Sivan25/26 Got/Published the subprediction of 2015Sivan30/Tammuz1
2015Tammuz2/3 Worked out/published the subprediction of 2015Tammuz6-11
2015Tammuz9 2nd 1NC Pentecost, 2nd presence marriage Pentecost
2015Tammuz11 The late 1NC Pentecost
2015Tammuz12 Got and Published the 402nd prediction extension from 2015Sivan13-Tammuz30 and the subprediction of 2015Tammuz14-17.
2015Tammuz17/18 Got/Published the subprediction of 2015Tammuz21-22.
2015Tammuz23 Got/Published the subprediction of 2015Tammuz28-29
2015Tammuz29 Got/Published the subprediction of 2015Tammuz30/Ab1 and the 402nd prediction extension from 2015Sivan13-Ab11 (2015June1-2015July30)
2015Ab2 Got and published the subprediction of 2015Ab2-5.
2015Ab4 We extended and published the subprediction of 2015Ab2-5 to be 2015Ab2-6.
2015Ab7 We got and published the subprediction of 2015Ab8-9.
2015Ab10/11 We got/published the subprediction of 2015Ab12-14 and the 402nd prediction extension from 2015Sivan13-Elul5..
2015Ab15/16 Got/published the subprediction of 2015Ab19-21
2015Ab22 Got/published the subprediction of 2015Ab26-28
2015Ab29 Got/published the subprediction of 2015Elul1-6 and the 402nd prediction extension of 2015Sivan13-Elul6
2015Elul6 Got/published the subprediction of 2015Elul6-8 and the 402nd prediction extension of 2015Sivan13-Elul14
2015Tishri2 2NC first fruits
2015Tishri10 Atonement day. But no atonement between 1NCs and 2NCs. 
2015Tishri10 Got/Published our 402nd prediction extension of 2015Sivan13-Heshvan7
2015Tishri19 Got/Published our subprediction of 2015Tishri21-22 for the 2nd fire sign and 2015Heshvan4-6 for the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18.
2015Tishri23 Got/Published our subprediction of 2015Tishri23-24 for the 2nd fire sign and 2015Heshvan4-6 for the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18.
2015Tishri27 Got/published the 402nd main prediction extension from 2015Sivan13-Heshvan23 and the subprediction of 2015Heshvan4-6 and 2015Heshvan20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2015Heshvan6 Got/published the subprediction of 2015Heshvan6-7
2015Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost festival which Alan missed by a few minutes, arriving just after sunset at 16:24 GMT in London.
2015Chislev The 6th Sabbath month of the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee
2015Chislev17 Around 9 pm Jeff and Gordon and Dave realize that the 41 camp pitchings and the 41 camp deconstructions of Numbers33 as a result of the pillar of fire and cloud moving away to some other place by the sons of Israel stand for 41x13=533 prediction updates to LW fire sign chronology as a result of the pillar of fire and cloud moving to some other time. We have records of 525 predictions and subpredictions. We overwrote a few subpredictions (between 2 and 10 we think) - see U364. This must have ended our 40 month non adamic Zoar wilderness penalty from 2012Ab5? In fact it is 41 deconstructions and 42 constructions for a maximum of 42x13=546 predictions in the wilderness.
2015Tebbeth21 Made Alan into the 6th who became the 4th apostle on 2015Chislev21. But the appointment was delayed for a month due to 2015Chislev being a Sabbath month. So he was appointed on 2015Tebbeth21 and installed to baptise or 2015Tebbeth28. Then 7 years and 127.944444/128.222222 days of the sentence count of Revelation 9:13-15 of the 4 angels bound upon the Euphrates runs to 2023Sivan5/6, when the 4 angels are untied because Jesus is installed as CAesar over Isaac on 2023Sivan5. So an Isaaic 4EC no longer removes the believer from having Jesus as Caesar!
2015Shebat21 The end of 12x of spying and betrayal of the greater Judas, one of the 12, by Laodicea from their installation to feed the 1NCs on 2003Shebat21.
2015Shebat21 1260 days of prophesying in sackcloth of Revelation11 starts for Laodicea, and runs to 2019Ab21, their reappointment over the 1NCs
2015Shebat21 1260 days of prophesying in sackcloth of Revelation11 before 2019Ab21, when Laodicean is reappointed over the 1NCs
2015Shebat21- 2016Nisan1 40 days of the spying test on Laodicea on the LWs of Numbers13/14.
2015Shebat22 Got and published the 403rd main prediction extension of 2015Tebbeth20-2015Adar7 and the subprediction of 2015Shebat28-30.
2015Shebat30 Got and published the subprediction of 2015Shebat30-2015Adar2.
2015Adar4 Made and published the subprediction for 2015Adar5-7 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2015Adar7 Made and published the 403rd main prediction extension from 2015Tebbeth20-2016Nisan9 and the subprediction for 2015Adar9-15 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2015Adar21 Isaaic Zoar installed over the 2NCs, 2nd after adamic FDS4
2015Adar21 to
The 7x of the LW 2NC Alienation Times, during which we cannot be raptured to be with Jesus, our God..
2015Adar24 We got and published the 534th subprediction/prediction of 2016Nisan1/2. 
2015Adar24 2016March9 at 01:58 GMT. Total solar eclipse over the pacific, the same area that saw the blood moon.   
2015Adar30 The end of the Laodicean 40 day spying test from 2015Shebat21
2015Adar30 The end of the Watchtower 40 year wilderness penalty from 1976Nisan1 (if it is continuous)
2015Adar30-2016Nisan1 The end of the Watchtower 40 year wilderness penalty - the start of the 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty.
2016Nisan1 1st Jericho campaign day/year of Zoar against Laodicea begins.
2016Nisan1 The greater night of weeping of Numbers14
2016Nisan1 Laodicea ostracised at sunset starting this day. The 40 whole calendar month Laodicean wilderness penalty begins and runs to 2019Tammuz30.
2016Nisan14 Egyptian Passover and Lord's Evening meal. The LWs did not celebrate this due to an incorrect interpretation of 1Kings18 (one of many such). 
2016Nisan22 Got the 404th main prediction of 2016Iyyar6-11.
2016Iyyar8 Got the 404th prediction extension of 2016Iyyar6-2016Tammuz14 and the subpredictions of 2016Sivan6/7 for the 2nd fire sign and 2016Tammuz6-11 for the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18.
2016Iyyar10 Published the 404th prediction extension of 2016Iyyar6-2016Tammuz14 and the subpredictions of 2016Sivan6/7 for the 2nd fire sign and 2016Tammuz6-11 for the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18.
2016Iyyar14 LWs celebrate the late/2nd Passover
2016Iyyar27 The year of rejoicing for the 2nd bride ends.
2016Sivan6 1NC Pentecost. 
2016Sivan12 Elijah4 is given the 540th subprediction, the 2nd fire sign prediction of 2016Sivan27-28..
2016Sivan15 Elijah4 publishes the 540th subprediction
2016Sivan16 Zoar first fruits
2016Sivan28 Elijah gets the 541st subprediction for the 2nd fire sign of 2016Tammuz6/7. This is when he 'sees' the 2nd fire sign cloud in the West. It is 3 months of Luke12:54-56 before 2016Elul28, which is the completed 3rd Holy Spirit veil lifting day.
2016Tammuz The 7th Sabbath month of the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee
2016Tammuz1 Elijah publishes the 541st subprediction for the 2nd fire sign of 2016Tammuz6/7. 
2016Tammuz7 Got the 542nd subprediction for the 2nd fire sign of 2016Tammuz10/11.
2016Tammuz8 Published the 542nd subprediction for the 2nd fire sign at 06:16 on 16June16 which is 6-16 (UK) of 6-16 and is 16-6 (US) or 6-16. 
2016Tammuz13 Elijah4 is given and publishes the 404th main prediction extension of 2016Iyyar6-Ab14 and the original 543rd subprediction of 2016Ab8-10 and 2016Ab10-12, these predictions are as a result of the first answer to the 1Kings18 contest (we suppose).
2016Tammuz20/21/24 Elijah4 is given/publishes of the web/uploads to youtube, the replacement 543rd subprediction for 2016Ab4-6 and 2016Ab8-10.
2016Ab The 2nd Kingdom Jubilee month
2016Ab7 We republish the original 543rd prediction as our 544th prediction 
2016Ab10 Got and Published the 545th subprediction for 2016Ab10-12 and either 2016Elul4-6 or 2016Elul8-10. 
2016Ab14-16 Zoarites NOT Laodiceans are upgraded from non adamic Abrahamic bodies to non adamic Isaaic bodies (without dying)
2016Ab17 Published the backwards extended 545th subprediction for 2016Elul4-6 and 2016Elul6-10. 
2016Elul9 Got and published the 546th prediction for 2016Tishri4-6.
2016Elul9 We got the blessings of the two 6,000 year leases understanding and the understanding that Satan's lease ran from 3992Tishri to 2009Tishri14, now revised to run from 3989Nisan17 to 2012Nisan14. 
2016Tishri1 Rosh Hashana.
2016Tishri2 2NC first fruits. 
2016Tishri7 Got the 547th prediction which was NOT the first part of the first answer from God of 1Kings18. It contained the 7 calendar week to divinity and the 11 Prophetic Times of Abraham's sacrifice of Genesis15, 3960 years from 1943Nisan14, the start of the 1AC, to 2018Nisan14. But this ignored Abraham's execution of the sacrificial instructions which adds a further 4 years to 2022Nisan14, the end of Zoar, the catching of the Beast.
2016Tishri11 Published the 547th prediction. This ended the 10x of testing of God as to whether or not he can get through to his prophet the correct prediction understandings for 1Kings18, begin 10 years after 2006Tishri11, which is when we made our 10th prediction. So we make 10 predictions and then we take another 10 years before we get an answer. So God is tested for two lots of 10x here - in the wilderness and in Egypt - in accordance with Numbers14. 
2016Tishri16/Chislev5 Isaaic Zoar (Isaaic FDS4, the LWs) is appointed/installed to rule over non adamic Abraham
2016Tishri20 We finally understood that the 2NC celebration is the Solemn Assembly which is not the Solemn Assembly but is merely, the Assembly. And that Booths is the one person church disassembly for 7 days following the convocation on Tishri15 and leading to the re-assembly on Tishri22.
2016Tishri22 LWs hold the 2NC Assembly for the first time! We drank the cup of the 2NC on the correct day!
2016Heshvan2 Late 2NC first fruits
2016Heshvan6/7 Got/published the 548th prediction for 2016Heshvan10-12, the 75th contest Pentecost from 2006Sivan11/12.
2016Heshvan12/13 Got/published the 549th prediction for 2016Heshvan20-22. And the 404th main prediction extension from 2016Iyyar6-2016Chislev1.
2016Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost. The 550th 2NC Pentecostal day of the contest. The 11th 2NC Contest Pentecost.
2016Heshvan22 Got and published the 550th prediction for 2016Heshvan23-25 or 2016Heshvan29-Chislev1. 
2016Heshvan24 Incorrectly deduced that the 2016Heshvan29-Chislev1 option in the 550th subprediction was going to be correct for a new 2NC Pentecost on 2016Heshvan30..
2016Heshvan26 First published the reasoning for the 2016Heshvan29-Chislev1 option in the 550th subprediction
2016Heshvan30 The 551st subprediction for 2016Chislev2-9 is given at 12:40 on Saturday November5. Together with the 404th main prediction extension from 2016Iyyar6-Chislev10.
2016Heshvan30 The 551st subprediction for 2016Chislev2-9 is emailed to the LW church at 14:12 on Saturday November5.
2016Chislev1 The 551st prediction is published at 01:55 on Sunday November6.
2016Chislev4 2016November8. The US presidential election. Trump is elected President. Hillary loses. This holds back the globalists for 4 years.
2016Chislev9 Got the 552nd prediction for Hanukkah 2016Chislev25-Tebbeth2.
2016Chislev13 Published the 552nd prediction for Hanukkah 2016Chislev25-Tebbeth2.
2016Chislev16/Shebat5 Isaaic Zoar (Isaaic FDS4, the LWs) is appointed/installed to rule over non adamic Isaac (Laodicea was appointed/installed over Abraham on 2012Ab16/Tishri5)
2016Chislev25-Tebbeth2 2016November29-December7. This is the 15th Hanukkah after 911, 2001, the day of the small slaughter when the towers fall of Isaiah30. 
2016Chislev25-Tebbeth2 552nd subprediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2016Chislev25-Tebbeth7 The 1st extended 552nd subprediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 with 2016Tebbeth7 as the (now known to be non existent) late Laodicean 2NC Pentecost.
2016Chislev25-Tebbeth9 The 2nd extended 552nd subprediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 with 2016Tebbeth8 as the (now known to be non existent) late Laodicean 2NC Pentecost.
2016Chislev25-Shebat1 The 3rd extended 552nd subprediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 with 2016Tebbeth26 and then with 2016Tebbeth30 as the (now known to be non existent) late Laodicean 2NC Pentecost.
2016Chislev25-Shebat22 2016November29-2017January26. The 4th extension to our 552nd subprediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18, which together are the 2nd fire sign of 2Kings1 occur. These are a nuclear terrorist attack from the sea, the Hudson, upon Manhattan AND from Thames, the sea, upon London near Dartford. 
2016Tebbeth1 Given the 1st extended 552nd subprediction from 2016Chislev25-Tebbeth7
2016Tebbeth2 Published the 1st extended 552nd prediction from 2016Chislev25-Tebbeth7
2016Tebbeth2/Shebat21 Isaaic FDS4 is appointed/installed to feed the 1NC reserves but not to rule over them. None of them join the church until 2026Elul16. But Abraham returned to the 2 young men of Genesis 22:19 after sacrificing Isaac - see U318
2016Tebbeth2/Adar21 Isaaic Zoar (Isaaic FDS4, the LWs) is appointed/installed to rule over the Isaaic 2NCs
2016Tebbeth5 Deduced incorrectly that the (now known to be non existent) Laodicean 2NC Pentecost ran from Tishri18-Chislev7
2016Tebbeth7 Got and published the 2nd extended 552nd subprediction from 2016Chislev25-Tebbeth9, with (now known to be non existent) late Laodicean 2NC Pentecost on 2016Tebbeth8
2016Tebbeth7 Deduced incorrectly that the (now known to be non existent) late Laodicean 2NC Pentecost in 2016 fell on 2016Tebbeth8, since the (now known to be non existent) Loadicean 2NC Pentecost ran from 2016Tishri19-Chislev8 being counted in weekly Sabbaths.  
2016Tebbeth9 2016Tebbeth11 (4-6pm on 2016December14) Realised that 2nd appointments over 1NCs occur at 2nd 1NC first fruits and 2nd appointments over 2NCs occur at 2nd 2NC first fruits. Therefore the new (now known to be non existent) Laodicean 2NC Pentecost had to be 2016Chislev30. So the late new and now known to be non existent Laodicean 2NC Pentecost had to be 2016Tebbeth30. Published this revised date for it.
2016Tebbeth9 Got and published the 3rd extended 552nd subprediction extension for 2016Chislev25-Shebat1 with the incorrect late and now known to be non existent Laodicean 2NC Pentecost date of 2016Tebbeth26.
2016Tebbeth9 Got and published the extended 404th main prediction for 2016Iyyar6-Shebat10.
2016Tebbeth10 The 10x testing of God as to whether he can get the correct date for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 through to Elijah ends upon the 10th day of the 10th month of the 10th year of the contest from 2006Sivan11/12, in the sense that the last prediction mistake has now been made? NOPE
2016Tebbeth10/11 3-6pm on 2016December14. Realised that 2nd appointments over 1NCs occur at 2nd 1NC first fruits and 2nd appointments over 2NCs occur at 2nd 2NC first fruits. 
2016Tebbeth11 Re-published the 3rd extended 552nd prediction from 2016Chislev25-Shebat1, with late Laodicean Pentecost (which did not exist) on 2016Tebbeth30
2016Tebbeth27 The last BLC day of Modern Hebrew Hanukkah in 2016 (which runs from 2016Chislev25-Tebbeth2 under the modern corrupted Hebrew metonic calendar)
2016Shebat1 Realised that there was no Laodicean Pentecost. Laodicea was simply appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs at 2nd 2NC first fruits/the late 2nd 2NC Pentecost on 2003Heshvan2/Shebat21 (2003Tebbeth being a Sabbath month)
2016Shebat1 Got and published the extended 404th main prediction for 2016Iyyar6-Adar10.
2016Shebat1 Got/published the 4th extended 552nd subprediction from 2016Chislev25-Shebat22 and for the 77th contest BLC Pentecost on 2016Shebat21
2016Shebat1 The 4th extended 552nd prediction is the second answer of Jehovah to Elijah, giving him the 'hour' of the fire signs (we assert) 
2016Shebat2/Adar21 Isaaic Zoar (Isaaic FDS4, the LWs) is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath, which has no effect on appointments/installations to feed.
2016Shebat21 Got the 5th extension to the 552nd subprediction for 2016Chislev25-Adar2 and for the resolving Pentecost of 2016Shebat30, the 24th Baalian Pentecost from 2013Heshvan1, the fall of Laodicea, when their prophets of Jehovah became prophets of Baal. NOPE
2016Shebat21 Gordon woke up with the 24th Baalian Pentecost at 8 pm GMT on 2017January24. This Baalian Pentecost idea was correct for the 2nd fire sign we now think. NOPE
2016Shebat21 The 5th extension to the 552nd subprediction was the finishing of the 1st answer from God to Elijah4 of 1Kings18 which ran from 2016Tishri7-2016Shebat21
2016Shebat21 The 77th contest BLC Pentecost from 2006Sivan12, the (revised) first fire sign prediction of the second Sign of Jonah letter, the start of the contest. 
2016Shebat21 25 years precisely after Gordon first got proof of the Exedenic Times on 1991Shebat21, from the 7x of vengeance of Gensis4, which gave him 2008Nisan14 for the end of the ARC world. 
2016Shebat22 Published the 5th extension to the 552nd subprediction for 2016Chislev25-Adar2 and the 2016Shebat30, 24th Baalian Pentecost from 2013Heshvan1.
2016Adar The 1st Sabbath month of the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee
2017Nisan1 9th regnal year of Jesus as heavenly King over the Kingdom begins
2017Nisan2 We publish the revised expected 2nd fire sign date as being 2016VeAdar30=2017Nisan6, the same day as the 3rd fire sign. We now have the 24th Baalian Pentecost of Laodicea and the 78th God testing Pentecost of the Watchtower as being 2016VeAdar30. 
2017Nisan6 2016VeAdar30. The last overlapping day of the old sacred year.
2017Nisan7 We get and publish the 7th extension to our 552nd subprediction from 2016Chislev25-2017Nisan13, with 78th God testing Pentecost by the Watchtower for a sign from 2006Sivan12, our first failed fire sign prediction contained in our revised Sign of Jonah letter, to 2017Nisan11. 
2017Nisan11 The 78th God testing BLC Pentecost from 2006Sivan12, the first prediction. The 8th extension to our 552nd subprediction is published.
2017Iyyar2 We get and publish the 9th extension to our 552nd subprediction, from 2016Chislev25-2017Iyyar8, with the 2nd and 3rd fire signs expected on 2017Iyyar7
2017Sivan1 11 BLC years after 2006Sivan1 when the Revised Sign of Jonah fax was sent.
2017Sivan7 We get the 11th extension to our 552nd subprediction from 2016Chislev25-2017Tammuz6, and the main prediction extension from 2016Iyyar6-2017Tammuz14.
2017Sivan7 1NC Pentecost. The 11th whole 1NC 50 count of the bilateral contest from 2006Sivan1 is completed.
2017Sivan7-11 The 11th-12th extensions to our 552nd subprediction.
2017Sivan11 The 12th extension to our 552nd subprediction for 1Kings18 is given at 21:10, 5 minutes before sunset in the UK on 2017June8.
2017Sivan16 2017May15/16. Zoar first fruits
2017Tammuz7 Elijah4 gets 13th extension to our 552nd subprediction
2017Tammuz8 We publish the 13th extension to our 552nd subprediction of 2016Chislev25-2017Tammuz12. 
2017Tammuz11 We get and publish the 14th subprediction 2016Chislev25-2017Tamuz22. 
2017Tammuz16 Late Zoar first fruits
2017Tammuz22 We get and publish the 15th extension to our 552nd subprediction for 2016Chislev25-Ab8 - with 2nd/3rd fire signs on 2017Ab4/5, the Zoar Pentecost.
2017Ab5 The late 2nd 1NC Pentecost and the Zoar Pentecost
2017Ab25 August21. The Great American eclipse. The 2nd part of the double sign of Joel2 and Acts2 for the new Sabbath year, the great day of the Lord.
2017Elul5 The late Zoar Pentecost.
2017Elul5/7 We got/published the subprediction 2016Chislev25-2017Tishri8 and main prediction 2016Iyyar6-2017Tishri14, the 17th extension to our 552nd subprediction. .
2017Elul10 Laodicea falls as a true church, 3½ years of the near and far banks of the river of Daniel12 after it lost its 4EC water baptism on 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence. One possible last day of Laodicean double light/noon of 1Kings18. Laodicea stops shining divine light having become a false church
2017Elul10 The fall of Laodicea. 12 filled baskets of fragments from the loaves from 2005Sivan14. stand for 12 years of Laodicea, a fragment of the Watchtower.
2017Elul11 September6: Hurricane Irma flattened St. Martins. Was this the wind of 1Kings19??
2017Elul11/12 We got/published the 2nd fire sign prediction for 2017Elul19, 16 years precisely after 911, 2001 (2001Elul19), and the 90th Watchtower Baalian Solar Pentecost from 2005Sivan10.
2017Elul11/20 We got/published the 2nd fire sign prediction for 2017Elul24, the 27th Laodicean Baalian Solar Pentecost from 2013Shebat1, vision day of Daniel10, the 24th (day) of the 9th (old then Zoar then new secular year) of Hagai2. 
2017Elul13 8.1 Richter scale earthquake in Mexico. This is the quaking of 1Kings19?
2017Elul24/25 Realised/published the 2nd fire sign prediction for 2017Tishri5 on the same day as the 3rd fire sign. We got that date on 2017Elul7.
2017Elul28/29 Autumnal Equinox is observed. The light of the moon becomes as the like of the sun (in duration). This fulfils Isisah30:26 for the start of the day of the binding up of the breakdown of God's people. Which start is a baptism of a 1NC Laodicean into Zoar..
2017Elul29 2017September23. The heavenly sign of the Virgo-Leo woman of Revelation12 gives birth to Jupiter.
2017Tishri The 2nd Sabbath month of the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee
2017Tishri2 The 551st 2NC Pentecostal contest day of a contest between 551 prophets. 2NC first fruits. Elimelec contacts us.
2017Tishri5 The late late Zoar Pentecost
2017Tishri5/7 We got/published the 19th extension to our subprediction 2016Chislev25-2017Heshvan8 and main prediction extension 2016Iyyar6-2017Heshvan14.
2017Tishri10 Atonement Day
2017Tishri15 LW Exedenic Times begins for 7 years to 2024Tishri15. During this time the 4EC water baptism does not provide transformation to non adamic Isaac. It only provides transformation to non adamic Abraham. This period does not run from 2012Sivan15 to 2019Sivan15, because non adamic Abraham did not last for 7 years in Zoar, he disappeared after 4 years and two months and reappeared on 2017Tishri18 with the baptism of Eli and then on 2019Tammuz2, with the 4EC baptism of Pastor Zach.
2017Tishri15 LW Gentile Times begins for 7 years to 2024Tishri15. It begins 12 months of Daniel4:29 after Isaaic Zoar became headed (Abib) over Abraham being appointed/installed on 2016Tishri16/Chislev5.
2017Tishri22 2NC Assembly
2017Tishri23 Solomon sends the people home from the 2NC Assembly (we were not especially joyful - this did not fulfil 2Chronicles7)
2017Heshvan2 Late 2NC first fruits. Nothing
2017Heshvan2 The 551st late 2NC Pentecostal day of the contest of 1Kings18, between 551 prophets.
2017Heshvan5/7 We got/published the subprediction 2016Chislev25-2017Chislev8 and main prediction 2016Iyyar6-2017Chislev14, the 19th extension to our 552nd subprediction. 
2017Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost
2017Heshvan21 At sunrise on Wednesday November15 Gordon proposed that there will be a fire sign on 2017Chislev21, 7 years after the 1st fire sign on 2010Chislev21 upon mount Carmel in Israel..NOPE it is 12 years of 12 stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel, not 7 !!
2017Chislev5/7 We got/published our last prediction failure, the 20th extension to our 552nd subprediction and 404 main prediction and 2017Chislev10 2nd fire sign prediction and 2017Chislev21 3rd fire sign prediction. 
2017Chislev21 Late 2NC Pentecost
2017Chislev22 Get/Publish the correct sub and main predictions for Hanukkah and 3rd fire sign prediction for 2017Chislev29 and 2nd fire sign prediction for 2017Chislev27.
2017Chislev25-Tebbeth2 Hanukkah
2017Chislev28 We publish the 2nd fire sign prediction for 2017Chislev29
2017Chislev29/30 We get/publish the 2nd and 3rd fire sign prediction for 2017Chislev30, moving the fall of the Watchtower from 2005Sivan10 to 2005Sivan11, a majority of 350 prophets of Baal over the prophets of Jehovah excluding Elijah before the revised sign of Jonah letter on 2006Sivan1.
2017Chislev30/Tebbeth1 We get/publish the 2nd and 3rd fire sign prediction for 2017Tebbeth1, moving the fall of the Watchtower from 2005Sivan11 to 2005Sivan12, a majority of 349 prophets of Baal over the prophets of Jehovah including Elijah before the revised sign of Jonah letter on 2006Sivan1..
2017Tebbeth1 The 7th day of Hanukkah. This was thought to be a fulfilment of Isaiah 30:26, the glower becoming 7 glowers like the light of 7 days.
2017Tebbeth7 Sent an incorrect email about the Laodicean Passover on 2017Tebbeth14.
2017Tebbeth6-14 Satan and his angels lose the heavenly war of Revelation12 to Michael and his angels.
2017Tebbeth10 Late Atonement day of the Sivan1 sacred year
2017Tebbeth14 The heavenly Passover of Satan after the 8 day heavenly war of Revelation12 from 2017Heshvan6-15.
2017Tebbeth14-20 6x of the sentence count of Revelation12 of no place being found in heaven for Satan and his angels.
2017Tebbeth20 The heavenly defeated and passed over dragon starts down the 30 steps of Jacob's ladder to 2017Shebat20. the Dragon's 42,months of authority of Revelation13 runs from 2019Iyyar20 (1NC first fruits) to 2022Heshvan14.
2017Shebat5/6 We see/published the 26th extension to our 552nd subprediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
2017Shebat10 Elijah4 sees/publishes that the absolute end of Adam, the end of the 1st death, the final Passover execution as 2019Ab14, the late 3rd Abrahamic Passover (4 years and 2 months too early).
2017Shebat20 The Dragon reaches the bottom of Jacob's ladder and start to possess Laodiceans and high powered secular positions. 
2017Shebat20 Satan and his angels start possessing their human hosts, the sons of the DAC or the rotten saints, the serpents, for 2000 days of Mark5 to 2023Tammuz10 . The dragon is now entirely human. Hence all the spying laws. 
2017Adar11/12 We saw/published the sub and main predictions to 2018Nisan15.
2017Adar19 Theresa May gives her absurd and abusive and unjust and unjustifiable 24 hour ultimatum to Putin to own up to a crime for which she has provided no evidence and for which she has no independent proof of guilt. This was a national UK provocation of the bear. But it was not the provocation which leads the bear to get raised up to one side towards the West ready to attack NATO. It was not a fulfilment of Daniel7:5. British Justice is discarded. The British sense of fair play is trampled upon. The deep state is ascending in the UK. We have become a pariah nation. We are speaking as a dragon: Slander after slander.
2017Adar21 The 85th BLC US bomb prediction failure Pentecost from 2006Sivan1, the Revised Sign of Jonah letter.
2017Adar30 2018Nisan6. 
2018Nisan7 The 77th weekly Sabbath counted Asheraian Pentecost from 2006Sivan12, our first no show prediction for a US bomb
2018Nisan8/9 2018March26: 116 Russian diplomats from 23 countries are expelled. This is an international provocation of the Russian bear. But this does not cause it to become raised up towards the West in fulfilment of Daniel 7:5. 
2018Nisan11/12 2018March29: Russia reciprocates and expels 60 US diplomats and closes the US embassy in St. Petersburg - effective from this date (having given 7 days notice from 2018March29). 
2018Nisan14 The end of the 11 Prophetic Times of Abraham's Times of Genesis15. By what shall I know that I shall take it (the kingdom) in possession. Taken from the sacrifice of 11x from 1943Nisan14 BC to 2018Nisan14 AD. But then we must add the execution of the 11x of instructions. This adds a further 31 months (a prophetic time for a specific animal and a month for a generic animal), taking us to 2020Heshvan15, the resurrection of the 4th HLC bride, the completion of the 3rd Holy Spirit, who own the kingdom through their sons the 2NCs.
2018Iyyar The 3rd Sabbath month of the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee
2018Iyyar4 The 7th Sabbath of the 77th weekly Sabbath counted 2 witness Asheraian Pentecost from 2006Tammuz2-6, our 2nd no show fire sign prediction.
2018Iyyar5 The 77th weekly Sabbath counted 2 witness Asheraian Pentecost from 2006Tammuz2-6, our 2nd no show fore sign prediction.
2018Iyyar5 We saw the incorrect 2nd and 3rd fire sign prediction dates (2018Iyyar11/12 - the Laodicean Pentecost or 7th Sabbath thereof).
2018Iyyar13 The 7th Sabbath of the 93rd Baalian BLC Pentecost from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower as a true church.
2018Iyyar14 The 93rd Baalian BLC Pentecost from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower as a true church.
2018Iyyar26 The 77th weekly Sabbath counted 3 witness Asheraian Pentecost from 2006Tammuz28/29, our the 3rd no show fire sign prediction date.
2018Iyyar26 06:00. Elijah4 gets 2018Sivan3/4 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2018Sivan5 Elijah4 gets 2018Sivan9/10 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 and makes the 31st extension to the 552nd subprediction for 2016Chislev25 to 2018Sivan11..
2018Sivan9 Elijah4 gets 2018Sivan9/10 for the 2nd and 2018Sivan12 for the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 and makes the 32nd extension to the 552nd subprediction for 2016Chislev25 to 2018Sivan14..
2018Tammuz11 1600 stadia of Revelation14 from the start of the winepress of 2NC sealing to 2022Chislev21, the end of it, the end of the LW 2NC Alienation Times, the end of the rapture of the 2NCs, the start of the ride of the 1st and 2nd horsemen of the apocalypse
2018Ab9 We publish the sub main 2nd and 3rd fire sign predictions for 2016Iyyar6-2018Elul6, 2016Chislev25-2018Elul6, 2019Ab19 and 2018Ab19.
2018Elul25 2018September8-9: The 80th weekly Sabbath counted Asheraian Pentecost from 2006Sivan12, our first no show prediction - IRRELEVANT
2018Tishri7 The 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th sacred year after the expiration of Satan's lease. This is an antitype of 1026Tishri7 BC, when Solomon's temple was accepted. But it is not THE antitype we are looking for.
2018Tishri9 We got and published the 40th extension to our 552nd subprediction from 2016Chislev25 to 2019Elul15, together with our 2nd and 3rd fire sign predictions for 2019Elul5.
2018Tishri9 We got and published the first Super Pentecostal festival Sabbath patterns for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2018Heshvan17 Flood timetable begins when the 1NC angels of the 3rd Holy Spirit start descending the 30 steps of Jacob's ladder when the floodgates of the heavens open into the ark on 2018Heshvan17, the 17th day of the second month of the Tishri1 secular year of Genesis 7:11. Age is counted in secular years. Satan had no hold, no lease, over non adamic Jesus. Non adamic ages are counted in Nisan1 sacred years? 
2018Heshvan17 The 1st and 2nd presence 1NCs start down the 30 steps of Jacob's ladder in the ark.
2018Heshvan21 2NC Pentecost. 
2018Chislev 4th Sabbath month of the 3rd Jubilee of the Kingdom of God
2018Chislev17 The 1NC angels of the 3rd Holy Spirit arrive at the bottom of the 30 steps of Jacob's ladder and start interacting with the earth.
2018Chislev17 The 1st and 2nd presence 1NCs reach the bottom of Jacob's ladder
2018Chislev21 Late 2NC Pentecost. 
2018VeAdar13 The 13th day of the rerun of the 12th month. Adar means fire in Persian, and Esther was set in Persia. Esther9 is NOT fulfilled again. 
2019Nisan1 The 7th Jericho campaign day/year of Laodicea against the Watchtower begins.
2019Nisan14 The Lord's evening meal, the Egyptian Passover.
2019Nisan22 1NC first fruits
2019Nisan22 Not Satan but the Dragon gets 42 months of authority to act of Revelation 13:5 to 2022Tishri14,  the judicial end of the world
2019Nisan22 1,000 day chain of Revelation20 starts and runs to 2021Shebat2
2019Nisan22-2022Tishri14 42 month lease given to the Dragon over Adam in return for the 1st century ministry of Jesus.
2019Nisan22-2022Tishri14 42 months of trampling the Holy City underfoot, during the 42 month lease of the Dragon, who is permitted back into his ark for the duration of that lease.
2019Sivan11 1NC Pentecost
2019Sivan16 Zoar first fruits.
2019Sivan16 Summer Solstice. June21 at 15:48. 
2019Sivan24 Another 24th to the 9th of Haggai2. The 24th day of the 9th month of the Tishri1 year. No fulfilment however.
2019Sivan26 On Monday, officials acknowledged Iran broke through the limit the deal placed on its stockpile of enriched uranium. Mr Zarif confirmed that his country had exceeded the 300kg limit permitted under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. - Independent Online
2019Tammuz 5th Sabbath month of the 3rd Jubilee of the Kingdom of God
2019Tammuz2 The 2nd of the 2nd month in the 4th Sivan1 sacred year of Solomon's ISaaic reign/kingdom/dominion counting from 2016Nisan1, the first ISaaic rengal year and the day when Laodicea were ostracised and went into the wilderness and so were no longer eligible for the sacred year from 2016Nisan1. This was a fulfilment of 2Chronicles3:2 when Solomon's temple building starts. 
2019Tammuz2 Zachariah Tinega is baptised into Zoar on the 2nd day of the 2nd baptising month of the 4th regnal year of Solomon over Zoar from 2016Nisan1. This is the 2nd successful non adamic baptism into Zoar. Elimelec was baptised in 2017Tishri18, having contacted us on 2017Tishri2. But he later resigned.
2019Tammuz9 The 2nd 1NC Pentecost
2019Tammuz11 The late 1NC Pentecost
2019Tammuz16 Late Zoar first fruits
2019Tammuz24 2019July29 (2019Tammuz24) Iran and Russia signed a historic naval agreement on Monday 2019July29 (2019Tammuz24).  In this agreement the Russian will build a naval coalition with Iran to patrol the 'Indian Ocean', in particular the straight of Hormuz, the very waters where the British ship was seized. This is to rival any European or US coalition patrolling those waters. That signature was the Russian bear siding with Iran ready for WW3. 
2019Tammuz30 The end of the 40 whole calendar month ungapped wilderness penalty upon Laodicea from 2016Nisan1 (after the 12 years of spying and betrayal from 2003Shebat21 their Sabbath month delayed installation to feed the 1NC reserves to 2015Shebat21. Laodicea did not fall as a true church until 2017Elul10 - see U360). 2019Ab1 was the re-appointment of Laodicea as a true Abrahamic non adamic dry church. 2019Ab14 was the restoration of its constant feature. 2019Ab21/Tishri10 was its appointment/installation over the 1NC
2019Ab5 Zoar Pentecost. Non adamic first ripe fruits
2019Ab5 Zoar Pentecost, non adamic first ripe fruits, the 7th Pentecost of the 1Kings18 Super Pentecostal Pattern for the 2nd/3rd fire sign - NOPE
2019Tishri5 Laodicean non adamic Alienation Times from 2012Tishri5 ends
2019Ab9 The late 2nd 1NC Pentecost   
2019Ab1 250 Shekels for Russell from 2019Ab1 to 2019Adar11 (the appointment of reverted Laodicea as a true churc) + 2020Sivan14 to 2020Tammuz14 (1NCs in non adamic Sodom). Peter is over Russell. But he leaves it to Charles for this period?
2019Ab1 Laodicea is re-appointed as a true non adamic Abrahamic church, a dry land even. The greater Nebuzaradan arrives to burn the 1NC temple of the Watchtower.
2019Ab10 Temple burning day of Jeremiah52. Solomon's temple was burnt on 586Ab10 by Nebuchadnezzar and Zerubbabel's temple was burnt on 70Ab10 by Titus. The separation of Laodicea begins/occurs on this day. So the 1NC temple of the Watchtower begins to be burnt on 2019Ab10, the 10th day of the 5th month in the 19th sacred year not of Nebuchadnezzar from 604BC but of Gordon over the LWs under the law of the $EC from 2000Elul16, the baptism of the 2nd LW. A King needs subjects to have a regnal year! Perhaps the first Watchtower 1NC to join reappointed Laodicea, leaves the Watchtower on this day?
2019Ab14 The Laodicean constant feature is restored, 2x1290 days of Daniel12 after it was lost on 2012Sivan14. This is a reverse Passover of Laodicea.
2019Ab21 Laodicean first fruits, 5th 1NC first fruits. Laodicea is reappointed to feed the 1NC reserves 
2019Ab21 The last day of Laodicean Cakes. They complete their escape from the Watchtower into autonomous Sinai but remain under Watchtower control.
2019Ab21 1260 days of witnessing in sackcloth of Laodicea from 2015Shebat21, the start of their 40 day spying test, end
2019Ab27 The 3rd Holy Spirit, the new Eve, comes to Laodicea on the 1st SABBATH of Laodicean Weeks of John20, which is 5th 1NC Weeks. In the literal meaning this was the first day of Weeks (when Mary met Jesus, and when Jesus empowered FDS1 to forgive or retain sin, which he could not do upon a weekly Sabbath). In the greater meaning due to the ambiguity of the wording of John20:1 and John 20:19, it must be the first Sabbath of Weeks
2019Ab27 Russell starts directing Laodicea but is not yet baptised into it on this Sabbath.. 
2019Elul5 Russell appears to Thomas, 8 days of John20 after appearing to the other 11 Laodicean apostles.
2019Elul6 LWs get/publish the 41st extension to our 552nd subprediction for the fire signs of 1Kings 18 from 2016Chislev25 to 2019Tishri10. With the 2nd and 3rd fire signs on 2019Tishri5/7/9
2019Elul10 The 4EC Tetramenos of John4 for 1NC reserve saints begins at the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd presence. The Tetramenos runs to 2019Tebbeth10, the end of 1NC reserve Passover entry, the end of the 3EC non adamic baptism for 1NC reserves
2019Elul10 The 3rd part of the 2nd presence begins with the baptism of some Laodicean 1NC reserves into the 3EC by the descended Charles Russell presumably
2019Elul10 5½ years of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence..
2019Elul10 Early 1st Watchtower Passover sheep entry day. 
2019Elul10 1st collection of sheep into the house. Bethelite 1NC reserves from the Watchtower join the Laodiceans. They get the Mikveh.
2019Elul10 This is the one and only Passover entry day for Bethelite 1NC reserves for the early 1st Watchtower Passover. Only Passover victims can be baptised on the entrance day to a Passover (by which is meant the 10th-12th of the month). The waters of the Jordan dried up when the feet of the priests carrying the ark touched it.
2019Elul14 The early 1st Watchtower Passover - held by Laodicea. Left doorpost marriage. The virgin blood of the 3rd marriage must be seen. This is the Hananiah marriage of Daniel3.
2019Elul14 The CRC Tetramenos of John4 for 1NC reserves starts and runs to 2019Tebbeth14, the last day of 1NC reserve CRC foot drying.
2019Elul14 All 1NC reserves are sealed by this day. The whole field must be white before harvesting can start.
2019Tishri5 5215 solar day missed weekly Sabbath + 82 missed Atonement day - 47 Governing Body in prison Sabbath payback = 5250 day period ends. JWs in the Watchtower are liberated and can now become God's people again! 
2019Tishri14 The end of the 430 years a month for a day in the enslaving Egypt of the Watchtower from 2005Sivan14, when it fell as a true church. So all the armies of Jehovah, the 1NC, HLC and the 2NC saints, leave the Watchtower congregations on this very day - which day is not literal but runs from 2019Tishri10 to 2020Heshvan14, the 4th HLC marriage Passover. 
2019Elul14 LWs get/publish the final atonement of Adam as having to fall on 2020Tishri10, the Jubilee release day of the 3rd Kingdom Jubilee which is coincident with atonement day (such a thing occurring only once every 25 years). This was entry day into the 4th HLC marriage, the end of the collection of the Lords of the 3rd Holy Spirit
2019Elul15-21 Early 1st Watchtower Cakes
2019Tishri16/Chislev54th Zoar first fruits/Pentecost: Reappointed Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over non adamic Abraham. Laodicea were not Isaaic.
2019Elul30 End of the Tishri1 old secular year.
2019Elul30 End of 2,000 pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the end of the Laodicean water baptism. The first Watchtower 1NC reserve flying pigs jump off the overhang of the false church into the sea of the world, in order to drown in the waters of the 3EC at Laodicea.
2019Tishri1 Old secular Rosh Hashana. 
2019Tishri2 Weekly Sabbath - so NOT 2NC first fruits
2019Tishri3 2NC first fruits (2019Tishri2 was the weekly Sabbath). 
2019Tishri5 Late 2nd Zoar Pentecost. 
2019Tishri7 Russell baptizes Jonah=Thomas after 32 days of doubting from 2019Elul5 (John 20:26-28) and 40 days of needing proof from 2019Ab27 (John 20:24-25)  - see U367
2019Tishri7 LWs publish the 42nd extension to our 552nd prediction from 2016Chislev25-2019Tishri16, with the 2nd and 3rd fire signs on 2019October11-19, 2019Tishri9/10/16. We updated this to 2019Tishri9/10/11/16 on 2019Tishri8. 
2019Tishri10 Atonement day. A MANDATORY SABBATH AND FAST 
2019Tishri10 Passover entry day for Bethelite 1NC reserves into the 1st Watchtower Passover
2019Tishri10 Passover entry day for the early 2nd and regular 1st Watchtower Passover.
2019Tishri10 Laodicea is re-installed as a true non adamic Abrahamic dry church. 2019Tishri10 is NOT atonement day under the Sivan1 scared calendar
2019Tishri10 The Reinstalled Laodicean Pentecost from 2019Ab21. 2019Tishri10 is NOT atonement day under the Sivan1 scared calendar
2019Tishri10 5 Cities/Minas for Russell over Laodicea and over non adamic Sodom, start and run to 2019Adar13, the fall of Laodicea
2019Tishri14 Early 2nd Watchtower Passover and regular 1st Watchtower Passover held by Laodicea. 4EC Blood on the left doorpost and on the lintel of the Passover house door must be seen. The virgin blood of the 3rd and 4th marriages must be seen. 
2019Tishri14 The 3rd 1NC bride dies physically but does not enter into Hades. She remains asleep in her own angels.
2019Tishri15 The 1st day of Booths, the festival of the final harvest.
2019Tishri15 3rd 1NC bride is resurrected into Ark2, the ark of the 2nd Holy Spirit. She cannot go into Ark3, her groom's house until her wedding day, which is 2019Tishri17.
2019Tishri15-21 1st Watchtower Cakes AND early 2nd Watchtower Cakes, held by Laodicea. 
2019Tishri16/Chislev55th Zoar first fruits/Pentecost: Reappointed Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over Abraham
2019Tishri17 The start of the 300 discontinuous cubits of human entrance from the planet earth into the ark of Noah to 2023Chislev7 (1490 days). 2019Tishri17 - 2019Tebbeth18 (1NCs from reappointed Laodicea) and 2020Tammuz19 to 2020Heshvan18 (1NCs and HLCs from non adamic Sodom) and 2023Sivan15/17-20/22 (Abrahamic 2NCs from secularly reaccepted Laodicea) and 2023Tammuz15/17-20/22 (2NCs from 2NC Zoar) and 2023Elul15-28 and 2023Tishri4-5 and 2023Tishri8-2023Chislev7 (4ECs and Benjamin and FRCs from 1NC run Zoar).92 + 120 + 6 + 6 + 14 + 2 + 60 = 300
2019Tishri17 LWs see and publish the 43rd extension to our 552nd prediction from 2016Chislev25-2019Heshvan2, with the 2nd and 3rd fire signs on 2019October23-25, 2019Tishri21/22 AND then see and publish 2019October23-26, 2019Tishri21/22/23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs. 
2019Tishri17 Ark3 comes to rest upon the both the mountains (plural) of Ararat on the 17th day of the 7th month of Genesis 8:4 of the Nisan1 sacred year. Ararat means 'curse reversed'. The mountains of Ararat (meaning curse reversed) is the non adamic administration of Laodicea (is this split into 1NC and 2NC?). On this day the 3rd bride, who was raptured into Ark2 on 2019Tishri15, is transferred into Ark3 for her marriage. She enters into God's rest actually on 2019Tishri15, by escaping from a Satanic Caesar.
2019Tishri17 3rd marriage in the ark which is held on the 7th 1NC first fruits day after Laodicean was reinstalled over the 1NCs on 2019Tishri10. Also there are 430 years a month for a day from 2005Sivan14, when the Watchtower became Egypt, to 2019Tishri14, the 1st Watchtower Passover. And the 3rd 1NC marriage is first fruits to that Passover. The 2nd 1NC marriage was 2015Iyyar20.Each 1NC reserve must have 3 chances to deny or accept the Christ, 3 witnesses are required for a capital execution
2019Tishri17 3rd 1NC marriage, This is the start of ark3 entry from Laodicea, the left doorpost (reading left to right).
2019Tishri17-23 3rd 1NC marriage feast in Laodicea, and in the ark for the 3rd bride
Marital Ark3 entrance for heavenly baptised saints, birds of the heavens for 7,7, days - by sevens (actually for 14 days). Jesus cannot rapture any EARTHLY saints into the ark wherein he is Caesar, until after the end of the 98 year Maccabean and 4 year Jesus' Jewish Ministry and 4 year Paul's Gentile Ministry and 4 year non adamic lease gapped Gentile Times on 2020Tishri15, and further until he is installed as Caesar at first ripe fruits after that on 2020Tishri20/Chislev9 over Adam and 2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5 over Cain and 2020Chislev16/Shebat5 over non adamic Abraham and 2020Tebbeth16/Adar5 over non adamic Isaac.
2019Tishri24 3rd marriage veil lifting day. 
2019Tishri24 The greater Nineveh of the the Watchtower is not overthrown but is turned back to God, 40 days of Jonah after the early 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Elul14, the walking distance of one day out of 3 days into the city (the Watchtower administration), the first of 3 Watchtower Passovers nights for the Bethels
2019Tishri24 We publish the 44th extension to our 552nd prediction from 2016Chislev25-2019Heshvan11 with 2nd/3rd fire sign predicted for 2019Heshvan7/8. This is the 7th whole day of Jesus as Caesar. So again it is arguably the 7th day of Jesus reigning in the 7th month of the 7th sacred year of Zoar from 2013Nisan1.
2019Heshvan1 LWs realise that the final edenic restoration of Adam must also occur whilst Zoar is still going, because becoming non adamic is a Zoar blessing (or Laodicean). This now means that Zoar entry must continue to 2023Elul10
2019Heshvan8 We got at 15:40 on Sunday 2019November10 (2019Heshvan8) 2019Heshvan9, the 1st Sabbath of late 2NC Weeks from 2019Heshvan3, for the 2nd and 3rd fire sign predictions of 1Kings18.
2019Heshvan10 Passover entry day for the late 1st Watchtower Passover. The last 1NC reserves from the Watchtower Bethels enter into the Passover as victims on this day. They miss the 3rd marriage.
2019Heshvan10 Late Atonement day. 
2019Heshvan10 The 10th day of the 8th month of the 7th year of the Laodicean Jericho campaign against the Watchtower from 2013Nisan1. This is the Jericho Jubilee release day, the 10th day of the 8th manufactured Sabbath month of the manufactured Sabbath year of the 7th campaign 'day', the year to date from 2019Nisan1. This is entrance day into the late 1st Watchtower Passover for the 1NCs of the Watchtower administration - the city of Joshua6.
2019Heshvan10 Passover entry day into the late 2nd and the early 3rd Watchtower Passover
2019Heshvan10 First 1NC reserves from the world and the Watchtower prisons collected to Laodicea
2019Heshvan14 late 1st Watchtower Passover, regular 2nd Watchtower Passover and early 3rd Watchtower Passover. 4EC Blood on left and right doorposts and lintel of Passover house door must be seen. Virgin blood of the 3rd, 4th and 5th marriages must be seen..
2019Heshvan14 All the male 1NC reserves left in the Bethels lose their angels and the eldest male non saint by water baptism left in each Bethel dies physically as the firstborn of beast.
2019Heshvan14 1st day of wilderness sacrifice of Moses. 1st day of walking of Jonah. 1st stretching over the boy of Elijah
2019Heshvan15 We got and published the fire sign predictions for 2019Heshvan16 and 2019Heshvan20, the 2nd and 6th day of the 7th week of 2NC Weeks from 2019Tishri3.
2019Heshvan15-21 Late 1st Watchtower Cakes-Booths AND 2nd Watchtower Cakes-Booths and early 3rd Watchtower Cakes-Booths, held by Laodicea. The escape resulting from the first Watchtower Passover execution occurs. Cakes and Booths unite as prophesied by Israel reaching Succoth (meaning Booths) on the last day of Cakes. although how ones has the assembly of Cakes during the disassembly of Booths I do not know. Perhaps the Cakes assembly on the 21st is bumped to the 22nd?
2019Heshvan17 We see at 19:45 and publish at 23:20 on Monday 2019November18, 2019Heshvan20 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
2019Heshvan21 The last day of completed 1st Watchtower Cakes, the festival of escape.. And the 2NC Pentecost.
2019Heshvan22 Late 1st Watchtower and regular 2nd Watchtower 2NC Assembly
2019Heshvan22 2NC Pentecost from 2019Tishri3. 
2019Heshvan22 4th 1NC marriage, 2nd 1NC reserve marriage in the ark. This is attended by the bride but by no guests. 
2019Heshvan22-28 4th marriage feast no earthly guests for this lintel marriage feast).
2019Heshvan29 4th marriage veil lifting day
2019Chislev6 The 3rd marriage Pentecost.
2019Chislev10 Passover entry day for the late 2nd Watchtower Passover. The last 1NC reserves from the Watchtower Congregations enter into the Passover as victims on this day
2019Chislev14 Late 2nd Watchtower Passover and regular 3rd Watchtower Passover. 2nd day of wilderness sacrifice of Moses. 2nd day of walking of Jonah. 2nd stretching over the boy of Elijah4EC Blood on left (2019Tishri14) and right doorposts (2019Chislev14) and lintel (2019Heshvan14) of Passover house door must be seen. Virgin blood of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th marriages must be seen.
2019Chislev14 Late 2nd Watchtower Passover. All the male 1NC reserve saints left in the Watchtower congregations suffer the Passover execution and die physically. Also the oldest male by water baptism in every JW congregation dies. For there was not one house in which there was not one dead.
2019Chislev15-21 3rd Watchtower and late 2nd Watchtower Cakes- Booths. Escape resulting from late 2nd Watchtower Passover execution occurs.
2019Chislev20 5th marriage, the 3rd 1NC reserve marriage, the completing non late 1NC 3rd Holy Spirit marriage occurs in the ark.
2019Chislev20-26 5th marriage feast (no earthly guests for this lintel marriage feast).
2019Chislev21 2nd 2NC Pentecost. 
2019Chislev21 7th Sabbath of the late 2NC Pentecost effectively from 2019Heshvan3. 
2019Chislev26 We saw 2019Tebbeth3 as a possibility for the 2nd fire sign but rejected it in favour of 2019Chislev29.
2019Chislev27 5th marriage veil lifting day.
2019Chislev29 3:55 pm GMT - before sunset. We accepted 2019Tebbeth3 for the 2nd fire sign on New Year's Eve.
2019Tebbeth4 Saw and published 2019Tebbeth6 and 2019Tebbeth10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2019Tebbeth7 Saw and published 2019Tebbeth10 and 2019Tebbeth10/11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2019Tebbeth10 The entry day into the late 3rd Watchtower Passover. the last entry day into Watchtower Passovers. 
2019Tebbeth10 Late partaking ex Laodicean administration 1NC reserves enter into the 6th marriage Passover at Laodicea
2019Tebbeth11 The Taal volcano in the Philippines erupts at 1pm on 2020January12 (2019Tebbeth11)
2019Tebbeth11 The 4th marriage Pentecost.
2019Tebbeth11 We saw 2019Tebbeth13 for the 2nd fire sign. We published this on 2019Tebbeth12.
2019Tebbeth14 We saw 2019Tebbeth20 and 2019Tebbeth21 (and 2019Tebbeth17) for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published this on 2019Tebbeth14.
2019Tebbeth14 Late 3rd Watchtower Passover. 3rd day of wilderness sacrifice of Moses. 3rd day of walking of Jonah. 3rd stretching over the boy of Elijah4EC Blood on right doorpost of Passover house door must be seen. Virgin blood of the 5th marriage must be seen..
2019Tebbeth14 Late 3rd Watchtower Passover. All the male 1NC reserves in the Watchtower prison holes (disfellowshipped or disassociated and not joined any other church) die physically in the Passover execution, along with the oldest male by water baptism in each congregation prison (DFD or DAD from any ongoing congregation).
2019Tebbeth14 300,000 ex JW saints have entered Laodicea/LWs by this date according to 1Samuel11.
2019Tebbeth14 The end of the CRC 1NC reserve harvest Tetramenos from 2019Elul14. And the start of the harvest of the 2NCs. All 2NC must be sealed by this day because the whole field must be white before the harvesting begins.
2019Tebbeth14 The late 3rd Watchtower Passover for the 6th 1NC marriage on 2019Tebbeth18
2019Tebbeth14 The late reappointed Laodicean administration partakers marital Passover for the 6th marriage
2019Tebbeth15 The rapture of the 6th 1NC bride for the 6th marriage into Ark2. 
2019Tebbeth18 The late reappointed Laodicean bethelite partakers marriage, the 6th 1NC marriage in the ark
2019Tebbeth18 1NC first fruits, the 6th marriage. 
2019Tebbeth18 The transfer of the 6th 1NC bride from Ark2 to Ark3 on her marriage day.
20`9Tebbeth18-24 The 6th 1NC marriage feast on earth and in the ark - being the right doorpost for Laodicea?
2019Tebbeth21 The end of the 2NC hiding day from 1992Elul11, when letter to the society was hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud, with noon running from 2006Iyyar1, the Sign of Jonah letter, to 2006Sivan1, the revised Sign of Jonah letter, these two letters defining the period of noon mocking by Elijah. Not sure what happened on 2019Tebbeth21
2019Tebbeth22 We saw 2019Shebat6 and 2019Shebat9  for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published this on 2019Tebbeth22.
2019Tebbeth25 We saw 2019Shebat1 and 2019Shebat9  for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We published this on 2019Tebbeth25.
2019Shebat 6th Sabbath month of the 3rd Jubilee of the Kingdom of God 
2019Shebat2 We republished 2019Shebat6 and 2019Shebat9 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 and finished sending these predictions to our mailing list and updating the site to 2019Shebat6/9.
2019Shebat6 We saw 2019Shebat8 for the 2nd fire sign
2019Shebat7 We published 2019Shebat8/9 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs.
2019Shebat9 NOT The 5th marriage Pentecost. NOT The completed 3rd Holy Spirit marriage, Pentecost. Because 2019Shebat was a Sabbath month.
2019Shebat10 Laodicea loses its 3EC water baptism, a stretched out hand of Aaron over the waters of Exodus7 after 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd presence. The presence ended on 2019Shebat10 and then restarted on 2020Iyyar10, the early 7th marriage Passover entry day
2019Shebat10 The end of the Laodicean 3EC water baptism - a stretched out hand of Moses after 2019Elul10, the start of the Laodicean 3EC water baptism.
2019Shebat10 We saw 2019Shebat15/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Shebat10 non adamic Sodom is appointed, 60 days of the near bank of Daniel12, before the first 3EC baptism on 2020Nisan10
2019Shebat11 We published 2019Shebat15/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Shebat15-21 Late 4th Watchtower Cakes-Booths. Escape resulting from the late 4th Watchtower Passover occurs. Laodicean 2NC saints come to Zoar..
2019Shebat17/18 We saw/published 2019Shebat20/21 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Shebat22 We saw 2019Shebat29 for the 2nd fire sign and prediction extensions to 2019Adar11
2019Shebat23 We saw 2019Adar7 for the 3rd fire sign
2019Shebat23 We published 2019Shebat29/2019Adar7 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs
2019Shebat30 We saw a 7-7-7 solution to 1Kings18 that pointed to the 7th Sabbath of late partakers Weeks for the 2nd fire sign on 2019Adar6/7
2019Adar8 We saw and published 2019Adar9 for the 2nd/3rd fire signs.
2019Adar9 The 5th marriage Pentecost (delayed from 2019Shebat9 by the Sabbath month). The completed 3rd Holy Spirit marriage Pentecost.
2019Adar9 The 3rd Holy Spirit is installed over non adamic Sodom (delayed from 2019Shebat9 by 2019Shebat being a Sabbath month).
2019Adar10/11 We saw/published 2019Adar11 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
2019Adar12 We saw/published 2019Adar12/13 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
2019Adar13 We saw/published 2019Adar13/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
2019Adar14 We published 2019Adar14/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
2019Adar15 We published 2019Adar20/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
2019Adar16 5 Minas for Russell over Laodicea from 2019Tishri10, their reinstallation over the 1NCs end.
2019Adar16 The wall of Jericho falls down flat to the earth. The law of Laodicea becomes man made.
2019Adar16 450 Laodicean Prophets of Baal are commanded to be seized from 2019Adar16, the fall of reappointed Laodicea as a true church, the day that all their intepreters cease to be prophets of Jehovah and become instead prophets of Baal (the church administration). But let not a man escape from them. Meaning perhaps that all of reappointed Laodicea goes into reverted Laodicea. Or that one man, one month does not have entry into reverted Laodicea, which month would run from 2019Adar16 to 2020Nisan16, the 1st month after its fall. We know that the first saints enter in on 2020Sivan12, from the 127 jurisdictional districts of Esther - see U610.
2019Adar24 Last exclusive day of the sacred year.  
2020Nisan22/2022 We see/publish 2020Nisan24 and 2020Iyyar21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2020Nisan25 (03:00) We see 2020Iyyar20 for the 2nd fire sign.
2020Nisan25 We see (at 03:00) and publish (at 09:22) 2020Iyyar20 and 2020Iyyar21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. This is the 4th from correct 3rd fire sign prediction.
2020Iyyar22 08:00 BST 2020May16 we see 2020Sivan6/7 and 2020Sivan20/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18. We publish them on twitter at 19:20 BST same day (2020Iyyar22).
2020Sivan7 1NC Pentecost
2020Sivan12 HLCs start being 3EC baptised into non adamic Sodom for 5x of the stretched out hand of Exodus7 to 2020Elul10.
2020Sivan22 We see and publish 2020Tammuz7/8 and 2020Tammuz20/21 for he 2nd and 3rd fire signs.
2020Tammuz8 We published 2020Tammuz20/21 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2020Tammuz10 1NC reserves enter into Reverted Laodicea for the the 7th marriage Passover
2020Tammuz14 The 7th 1NC marriage Passover
2020Tammuz14 The Passover of 1NC reserves is completed!
2020Tammuz14 The late reappointed Laodicean congregation partakers marital Passover for the 7th marriage - held at non adamic Sodom, Reverted Laodicea
2020Tammuz15 The 7th bride is raptured into Ark
2020Tammuz19 The 7th bride is transferred from Ark2 to Ark3
2020Tammuz19 The late congregation partakers marriage (the 7th 1NC marriage)
2020Tammuz19-25 The 7th 1NC marriage feast
2020Tammuz26 7th marriage Veil lifting and marital supper day.
2020Ab5 The Zoar Pentecost.
2020Ab10 Entry day for the 1st HLC marriage Passover 
2020Ab14 The 1st HLC marriage Passover
2020Ab17 The 1st HLC marriage
2020Ab17 The 1st HLC bride ark rapture
2020Ab17-23 The 1st HLC marriage feast
2020Ab18 Mount Sinabung eruption on 2020Ab18, was a fire sign of 2Kings1 - the fire of God being volcanic?
2020Ab24 The 1st HLC marital supper and veil lifting day
2020Elul 7th Sabbath month of the 3rd Jubilee of the Kingdom of God
2020Elul3 Saw 2021Nisan14 for the end of Adam, the Passover of adamic death, the 1st death Passover,. We published that first on 2020Elul5, Wednesday 2020August26, at 8:25 pm.
2020Elul8 The 7th 1NC marriage Pentecost.
2020Elul8-2020Tishri8 The 7th 1NC bride who entered into Ark3 on 2020Tammuz19, ascends up Jacob's ladder into heaven, going through the Tsohar on 2020Tishri9. The Pentecost is a wave offering evidently prior to ascension to say hello to God.
2020Elul14 The 2nd HLC marital Passover in non adamic Sodom
2020Elul15/22 The Ark2/Ark3 rapture/transfer of the 2nd HLC bride
2020Elul16 2020September6/7: NOT 6-16 day of Revelation13:. 6-16 Nisan1 sacred, the 16th day of the 6th month of the Nisan1 sacred year. But the Mark of the Beast is a secular thing.
2020Elul20 Saw 2021Iyyar14 for the end of Adam, the Passover of adamic death, the 1st death Passover, 
2020Elul20/21 Saw/published 2020Tishri6/7 and 2020Tishri21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs (2020September11, 02:00 and 19:35 BST)
2020Elul22 The 2nd HLC marriage
2020Elul22-28 The 2nd HLC marriage feast
2020Elul29 The 2nd HLC veil lifting and marital supper day
2020Elul30 End of the one and only Zoar Tishri1 secular Sabbath year. 
2020Elul30 All Hebrew slaves SHOULD be released from having Satan as Caesar during the Tishri1 Sabbath year of Abrahamic Laodicean from 2019Tishri1 to 2020Elul30. But Pharaoh did not let enslaved Israel go. Hence he got 10 plagues - see U368. Jesus has absolute authority to remove people actually from 2019Tishri10 onwards from Laodicea and from 2021Tishri10 onwards from Isaaic 2NC Zoar, our Sabbath year running from 2021Tishri1 to 2022Elul30
2020Tishri 3rd Jubilee month of the Kingdom of God
2020Tishri6 The 1st HLC marriage Pentecost.
The 1st HLC marriage HLC saints (who entered into the ark (on 2020Ab17) ascend up Jacob's ladder and go through the Tsohar into heaven on 2020Heshvan7. 
2020Tishri10 Jubilee release day of the 3rd Jubilee of the Kingdom of God. This is the Jubilee release for Laodicean Zoarites.
2020Tishri10 Atonement day
2020Tishri14 3rd HLC marriage Passover
2020Tishri15 The end of the Laodicean Gentile Times from 2013Tishri15 (12 months of Daniel4:29 after 2012Tishri15)  - 2020Tishri15 - see U123
2020Tishri15 The end of the Quad gapped Gentile Times from 607Tishri15 - see U123
2020Tishri20 3rd HLC marriage.
2020Tishri20-26 3rd HLC marriage feast
2020Tishri23Solomon (AOL) sends the people home in non adamic Sodom, Reverted Laodicea, on the 23rd day of the 7th month as in 2Chronicles7:10
2020Tishri27 3rd HLC marriage veil lifting and marital supper day
2020Heshvan Late Jubilee Month
2020Heshvan10 Late Atonement day
2020Heshvan10 Entry day into the 4th HLC marriage Passover
2020Heshvan11 The 2nd HLC marriage Pentecost.
The 2nd marriage HLC saints (who entered into the Ark3 on 2020Elul22) ascend up Jacob's ladder and go through the Tsohar into heaven on 2020Chislev12. 
2020Heshvan14 4th HLC marriage Passover
2020Heshvan18 LWs see and publish 2020Chislev8-10 and 2020Chislev21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kigns18
2020Heshvan18 4th HLC marriage
2020Heshvan25 Marital supper day of the wedding of Cana, the place of Reeds, Lords, HLCs. Jesus' first miracle of his Zoar ministry occurs. The water of the 3EC is turned into the wine of the 2NC starting the 30x Benjamin call to 2023Iyyar25
2020Chislev Late late Jubilee Month
2020Chislev9 The 3rd HLC marriage Pentecost.
The 3rd marriage HLC saints (who entered into the Ark3 on 2020Tishri20) ascend up Jacob's ladder and go through the Tsohar into heaven on 2020Tebbeth10. 
2020Chislev10 Late late Atonement day
2020Chislev11/13 Saw/published 2020Chislev20-22 and 2020Chislev21/22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.
2020Chislev22/23 We see/publish 2020Chislev21/22 and 2020Tebbeth4-6 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2020Chislev24 We see and publish 2020Tebbeth4-6 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
2020Tebbeth Late late late Jubilee Month
2020Tebbeth7 Completed 3rd Holy Spirit (1NC and HLC) Pentecost, 4th HLC marriage Pentecost, from first fruits on 2020Heshvan18. 
2020Tebbeth7 We accept and publish 2020Tebbeth20-22 and 2020Tebbeth20-22 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
The 4th marriage HLC saints (who entered into the Ark3 on 2020Heshvan18) ascend up Jacob's ladder and go through the Tsohar into heaven on 2020Shebat8. 

Latest Key Dates:

34Key Dates:

1 For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens: (Ecclesiastes 3 NWT)

2008Nisan14: The end of 1AC entrance, the end of the original ARC lease world.
2008Nisan22: The 1st 1NC marriage of Jesus to the first presence 1NCs in heaven. The start of the Kingdom of Jesus (who is himself a God) in heaven. 
2008Nisan22 - 2017Elul10: Belshazzar's feast of Daniel5 - see U164.
2012Elul1: Start of the Abrahamic Zoar Sacred year due to true church Adamic to Abrahamic conversion on 2012Sivan14-16, true church Cainian to Abrahamic conversion on 2012Tammuz14-16 and the appointment of Zoar over Abraham on 2012Elul16 (when Zoar became Abib - headed): So the Abrahamic Zoar appointment Passover is Elul14. and the Abrahamic Zoar Pentecost runs from 2012Elul16 to 2012Heshvan5.
2012Tishri1: Month 1 day 1, the start of Zoar's Abrahamic monthly Jubilee system
2016Tishri1: New Isaaic sacred year starts. So the 1st Isaaic Jubilee release is 2020Chislev10 and the 2nd is 2024Shebat10.
2016Tishri1: Start of Isaaic Zoar sacred year. The Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion of Zoar was 2016Ab14-16. 50 months precisely of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease after the adamic to Abrahamic conversion. Isaaic Zoar was appointed to rule as sacred king over Isaac on 2016Ab16, and over Abraham on 2016Elul16, the birth of the Kingdom church. So the Isaaic Zoar appointment Passover is 2016Elul14 and the Isaaic Zoar Pentecost runs from 2016Elul16 (when we became headed over the entire church - Abraham - Abib) to 2016Heshvan5.
2017Adar21 - 2024Adar21: LW Alienation Times.
2020Tishri15: The end of the Quad Gapped Gentile Times from 607Tishri15 BC.
2022Elul11: The last 2NC is 4EC baptised into Reverted Laodicea. 30 years of betrayal from 1992Elul11 end. This is 1495 days of 4 jar filling and pouring instruction and execution of 1Kings18:33-35 before 2026Heshvan5, the end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism.
2023Nisan24 to 2028Heshvan14: 2000 days of demon possession, a pig of Mark5 for a day - see U112#16..
2023Tishri21: Fall of Reverted Laodicea, 127 Pentecosts of Esther, 6350 days after 2005Adar1, the start of the Laodicean 4EC congregation. It becomes non adamic Sodom on falling. Start of the 450 days of seizing of Laodicean prophets of Baal to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by the people rather than by Elijah4. The end of the rapture of non Laodicean non LW 2NCs, after which they refused to be seized by anyone except Elijah4 and the LWs.

2024Tishri10-14: ELCs (dead in Christ) resurrected from after Rosh Hashana of 1Thessalonians4
2024Chislev10/14-16: The 4th heavenly Kingdom Jubilee release day, entry day into the Isaaic conversion Passover for Abrahamic LWs.
2024Chislev17/18 (2024November22-24): The Digital Identity and CBDC Image of Daniel3 is shown by the EU to the administrators are the G20 (10 horns who are 10 kings making 20 months and 20 members), 96x of the sentence count of Daniel3:2-3 before Mark Registration Day on 2024VeAdar21/22.
2024Tebbeth1: Start of the New Abrahamic Kingdom secular year honouring Jesus extracting Abraham (the Abrahamic Gentile Call 2NCs) on 2024Tebbeth16-21 after the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover on 2024Tebbeth14.
2024Tebbeth10: The untying of the 4 cornerstone apostles of Revelation 9:13-15, to kill by non adamic blessing to sons of the 1AC or the OMC, outside the Euphrates of the 4EC baptism..
2024Tebbeth14-16: Abrahamic World Exodus by Rapture Passover and non adamic Abrahamic edenic restoration of Gentile call adamic and cainian 2NCs. They escape the adamic death penalty.
2024Tebbeth15: Great Sabbath
2024Tebbeth16: The end of the 1600 stadia of Revelation14, the end of ARC sealing of Laodicean 2NCs. 2012Elul6 (non adamic Abrahamic Laodicean city begins over the 1NCs) to 2017Elul10 (the fall of Laodicea). 2017Elul10 to 2020Heshvan25 (the start of the 30x of the Benjamin call) = 1155 days outside the city. 2023Tishri21 (the fall of Reverted Laodicea) to 2024Tebbeth16 = 455 days, the end of ARC sealing of Laodicean 2NCs.
2024Tebbeth16-21: Abrahamic Gentile Call 2NC rapture into Ark2/3: Rapture order is failed 2NC angels then 5th row first. This rapture must occur during Booths, that is during the disassembly of Booths - Leviticus 23:43. Not on 2024Tebbeth22, during the Assembly after Booths.
2024Tebbeth16-21: Non Laodicean, Non LW, Gentile call, 2NC rapture into Ark3. The Hen gathers the chicks under her wings. 1st seah of flour is raised, 90 days of Moses in hidden ark in reeds begin. They end on 2024VeAdar21, the rapture of the LWs to meet the rest of Moses in the ark.
2024Tebbeth16-21 (6), 2024Shebat15-21 (7), 2024VeAdar21 (1), 2025Iyyar21 (1) = 14+1 days of ark entry by rapture for the 2NC King + 2NC reserve birds
2024Tebbeth17: The 17th day of the 7th month of Genesis 8:4 of the Isaaic Zoar Jubilee system (2024Shebat is the 2nd Jubilee). The ark comes to a rest upon the Abrahamic mountain of Zoar (curse reversed - non adamic). This is fulfilled by a 5th row Abrahamic 2NC entering the ark.
2024Tebbeth21: The end of the seizing by people other than Elijah of Laodicean 2NCs, 450 prophets of Baal after the fall of Laodicea on 2023Tishri21. All 2NCs are raptured, or in Laodicea or in the LWs by 2024Tebbeth21. So no 2NC can be seized by the people of Laodicea or by JWs or by any church other than the LWs after 2024Tebbeth21.
2024Tebbeth16: The start of the 2NC rapture and the 649x of drawing out of the trained ones of Genesis 14:13-14 to 2026Heshvan5, the end of the 4EC baptism, when Zoar hands over non adamic Abraham to the 3rd Holy Spirit - see U307.
2024Shebat15-21 Abrahamic Laodicean 2NC rapture into Ark2/3: Rapture order is 2NC failures who kept their angels then 5th row first. This rapture must occur during Booths, that is during the disassembly of Booths - Leviticus 23:43. Not during the Assembly after Booths on 2024Shebat22.
2024Shebat21: Elijah4 finishes taking 12 2NC apostolic stones, 12x precisely after 2012Shebat21, Abrahamic Zoar's installation over the 2NCs, when Elijah4 was authorised to take non adamic 2NC stones. But actually the last 8 of these are raptured by 2024Shebat21 and so chosen by the Holy Spirit not Elijah4. But they are taken for Elijah4.

2024Adar: 7 dragon diadems begin and run to 2025Tishri.
2024Adar1: Start of the New Isaaic Kingdom secular year honouring Jesus extracting Isaac (the Isaaic Zoar 2NCs) on 2024VeAdar21 after the Isaaic World Exodus Passover on 2024VeAdar14.
2024Adar5-2026Heshvan5: 600 chosen chariots of Pharaoh of Exodus14, even all the chariots of Egypt, the period of chasing JWs heading for and being Isaaic 4EC baptised as Kingdom priests - see U358. They must arrive by 2026Elul14, the 3rd Holy Spirit baptism Passover from 1Kings18, 21¼ years of 1Kings 18:40 after the fall of the Watchtower as a true church on 2005Sivan14 - see para 142.
2024Adar21/VeAdar21: The 2NC Pentecost of Isaaic Zoar, the 24th festival day of the 9th Nisan1 year of Isaaic Zoar inclusively. SET YOU HEART FROM THIS DAY AND FORWARD says Haggai2.
2024VeAdar21: The establishment of the temple of Jehovah on the 24th festival day of the 9th year of Isaaic Zoar of Haggai2, before an Isaaic stone is placed upon an Isaaic stone of Haggai2 on 2025Nisan2. Because it is the end of the LW Alienation Times, the day when all successful LW 2NCs are sealed into the ARC. Yes our hearts are indeed set everlastingly as being regarded as sin free from this day. This is same day as 2024Adar21. 
2024VeAdar21 LW, 2NC rapture into Ark2/3: We cannot be raptured until the LW Alienation Times ends on this day. 
2024VeAdar21/22: Mark Registration Day: Mark Registration begins. 60x6 = 360 cubits of the image of Daniel3 before Mark Enforcement begins on 2025Adar21/22 and runs for 80 months of the sentence count of Daniel3:19 and 2400 days of the sentence count of Revelation 13:16-17 to 2032Heshvan21/22.
2024VeAdar21/22-2025Adar21/22: The year of Mark registration until Mark Enforcement begins: The  12 months of the further specification of all ones as: The small & the great, the rich & poor, the free & slaves of Revelation 13:16. The G20 steal all of our money and give it to the banking beast, through CBDCs because they can.
2024VeAdar28=2025Nisan4-2025Iyyar14: 40 day deluge of Genesis 7:17 starting 7 days of Genesis 7:10 after 2024VeAdar21, the end of 2NC king ark rapture. 

2025Nisan2: Solomon is laid as the rock mass along with the 4 cornerstone apostles (already attached to him) after he and the 4 cornerstones are sealed on 2024VeAdar21 (the end of the LW Alienation Times from 2017Adar21).
2025Nisan2: The Isaaic 4EC baptism of Caleb, the temple floor.
2025Nisan2-2026Heshvan5: 574 days of the Isaaic 4EC baptism of Bethzatha in Jerusalems (above and below).
2025Nisan9: The completion of the installation of its rock mass and 4 cornerstone apostles and the temple floor of Caleb from 2025Nisan2-9. 
2025Nisan10-2025Iyyar10: The 2NC temple building time of Haggai1 from 1st row baptism day to 5th row laying day. From Passover entry day to late Passover entry day. This being the period when the 2NC lamb enters the house of Zoar
2025Nisan10/14/16-2024Iyyar22/24: The baptism/sacrifice/laying of the 6½½ 2NC apostles, to the baptism/laying of the 7th row. 
2025Nisan17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of all 2NCs having been collected to God either in the ark or in Zoar, all the vast apostolic springs of the deep are broken open (7 days of transitive baptism installation after 1st row baptism day, which is Passover entry day) during the 40 day deluge of priests into Zoar from 2024VeAdar28 = 2025Nisan4 to 2025Iyyar14. These are the 12 2NC apostles who are springs to the land.
2025Nisan21-2025Iyyar8: 17 days of taking the 2NC sandal from upon the saintly foot of Joshua5 from meeting with Peter, to 5th row baptism day (instruction and execution - repeated) - see U112#8.
2025Iyyar10: Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release. The last Laodicean 2NC reserves are Jubilee released to Zoar.
2025Iyyar14: 2025May12/13: Mark Compulsion Day. Mark compulsion begins and lasts 4x precisely to 2029Iyyar14 for FRCs and 8x precisely to 2033Iyyar14, for the rest of mankind
2025Iyyar21: Rapture of Benjamin, ending 60 cubits of image height after Mark Enforcement day on 2025Adar21/22.
2025Iyyar21: Late 1st 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year honouring Jesus' rapture of the Isaaic 2NCs. The gifts of the spirit are given to the 2NC apostles, at the first whole 2NC Pentecost count after the Isaaic World Exodus Passover on 2024VeAdar14., just as the 33Sivan5 gifts were given to the 1NCs a whole 1NC Pentecost after the Passover.
2025Iyyar21/22 - 2032Tebbeth11/12: 55x50=2750 days = 7 years 7 months 20 days of the sentence count of Revelation17:16-17 from the start of the 10 horns, to the physical burning of the harlot of false democratic government by the 10 kings who are 10 horns (G20) and the beast, the fulfilment of the words of God of Revelation 17:16-17. The 10 kings stop giving their kingdom, the G20, to the banking beast - because they no longer have a kingdom. They are sell outs right to the end.. 
2025Iyyar23: 15 cubits above 2025Iyyar8 which is 5th row baptism day, when all the tall mountains (of Kings) are covered. On 2025Iyyar22, 7th row baptism day, the waters brake even with the Lords. On 2025Iyyar23, they prevail over them.
2025August (Gregorian or Julian): The Mark Registration Decree of Luke2 and Revelation13 and Daniel3 will be made by the G20 in August because Caesar Augustus was not called Septemberus or Octoberus. Similar to the comments made by Ursula Von Der Leyen at the G20 conference in India. It must be made in 2025August (Julian) . See See 
2025Tishri1-14: True church CRCs (dead in Christ) resurrected from Rosh Hashana of 1Thessalonians4
2025Elul15-21 to 2026Tishri15-21: 14x7 = 98 days of CRC ark rapture (7,7). All during Cakes-Booths
2025Shebat20/21-2032Tishri22/23: WW3, the means of Mark Enforcement. Whereas the nuclear part of it, the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13:19, lasts for 28x of the sentence count of Mark13:17-20 from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2. 
There is no Methuselaian transformation until there is an administration change. So we become Methuselaian n the ark on 2026Chislev5? Because mountains of Ararat (curse reversed) are plural. So the Methuselaian transformation should occur in a separate administration to the Isaaic one.
2025Shebat8-2028Tebbeth2: The 1044 day Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and Revelation7, from the 5th/6th day of WW3 to the end of nuclear war. The 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse runs from 2025Shebat6/7, the trigger event for the Great Tribulation, to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession, 2000 days of Mark5 after 2023Nisan24 - see U112#16. The Great Tribulation is the period of worry about and experience of nuclear war.

2026Ab5: Peter is Isaaic 4EC baptised by AOL, as the rock mass to the temple of the 3rd Holy Spirit in the midst of the brothers from 2019Tishri17 to 2033Iyyar22 and 120 names before 2026Chislev5. Then 2026Elul16/23/30, 2026Tishri7/14/21/28, 2026Heshvan5 are the baptisms of the 7 rows of the temple of the 3rd Holy Spirit.
2026Elul16-2026Heshvan5: The start of the 3rd presence, the baptism/laying of the 1st row cornerstone 1NC apostles, to baptism/laying the 7th row. The inclusive 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 gets an Isaaic 4EC baptism on 2026Heshvan5..
2026Heshvan5: The 4EC baptism ends on earth, 4½ of the far bank before Zoar ends on 2031Iyyar5, the installation and start of Hobah - see U307. It lasts for 574 days of Bethzatha in both Jerusalems from 2025Nisan2 to 2026Heshvan5. 
2026Heshvan5: The 3rd Holy Spirit is installed over Abraham in Isaaic Zoar (at the Isaaic Zoar Pentecost, the Isaaic Zoar installation Pentecost over Abraham)
2026Heshvan5: The hand over to the 3rd Holy Spirit of Abraham in Zoar at the inclusvie 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 (their installation over Abraham). 2026Heshvan is an Isaaic Zoar Sabbath month (perfect for the 3rd Holy Spirit - which is a release). Heshvan5 is the Isaaic Zoar installation over Abraham Pentecost, the Isaaic Zoar Pentecost.
2026Heshvan15-21 - 2028Heshvan15-21: 25x7=175 days of FRC rapture. 2,2 days of FRC ark entry (herself, 2 man and wife of him, of Genesis 7:2 and Genesis 7:9 and Genesis 7:15). 2 years precisely.
2026Chislev5: The hand over to the 3rd Holy Spirit of Isaac in Zoar at the exclusive 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1. Chislev5 is the Isaaic Zoar installation over Isaac Pentecost.
2026Chislev5: The 3rd Holy Spirit is installed over Isaac in Isaaic Zoar (at the Isaaic, Isaaic Zoar Pentecost, the Isaaic Zoar installation Pentecost over Isaac)

2027Tebbeth1: The end of the 1,000 day 2NC secular Sabbath in God's rest in the ark from 2024VeAdar22

2028Tishri10: Jubilee release day for the 1st Tishri1 Jubilee year of Adam in the congregation of Jehovah from 4026Tishri1 BC, the start of the 1st whole Tishri1 secular year of Adam's life (born on 4027Tishri2 BC). Adam is restored by FRC and LRC sealing to what Satan took from him through Eve. 
2028Heshvan10: Late Atonement day and late Jubilee release day, starting the Accepting year of Isaiah61 to 2029Heshva10, 6054 years and 1 month after Adam was born. Adam spent 6,004 years in the congregation of Michael under the extended ARC lease from 3993Nisan21 to 2012Nisan14.
2028Chislev4-2028Tebbeth2: The 28 days of the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13:17-20. Bilateral nuclear war from 2028November25/26 to 2028December23/24, before the end of the ride of the 4th horseman on 2029Ab7, the end of the lava flood. Nuclear war occurs during Hebrew winter of verse 18 and lasts for the sentence count of verses17-20 in days.
2028Chislev14 - 2029Heshvan14: 12 crops of Revelation22 to the end of the accepting year of Isaiah61. The waters feeding the tree come from the throne. So Jesus must be Caesar to Isaac before the tree can crop.
2028Chislev16/Tebbeth16/Shebat16/Adar16, 2029Nisan16/Iyyar16 = 6 days of FRC ark rapture. Total for birds and CRCs and FRCs is 21x+91x+182x + 6x = 300 cubits of ark length.
2028Tebbeth14: The 2nd crop of Revelation22, the late Laodicean FRC Passover. 6004 years of Michael's ARC lease + 6000 days of completed 1AC Abraham's working week after Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC.
2028Shebat2: The 1st 2NC marriage for Laodiceans and non LW 2NC at rapture.
2028Shebat20: The start of the 195 day OMC baptism to 2029Elul5 in the Kingdom of Jesus. The mid point of the city of Sodom (the Watchtower) during the sweeping away of the righteous (the rapture into the ark) from 2024Tebbeth16 to 2033Iyyar14, is 2028Adar15. So the 50 righteous in the midst of the city run from 2028Shebat20 to 2029Nisan10
2028Adar1: The earth drains dry from the waters upon it of Genesis 8:13. They leave for the marriage. Then the 2NCs must take their honeysun in the marital home in the ark.
2028Adar2: The 2nd 2NC marriage, 144 cubits after 2016Adar21, for LW 2NCs at rapture

2029Nisan2: ELC marriage.
2029Iyyar17 - 2029Ab7: The 40+40 day Lava flood, from the 17th day of the 2nd month of Genesis 7:11, to the end of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman, the absolute end of non 1AC non OMC Adam and non 1AC non OMC Cain. Only Abraham and constructive Abraham are left. 
2029Adar20: 195 days of JW LRC sealing end of Genesis18. The Watchtower is burnt. No one in it can be saved through Zoar after this point. It becomes a bundle of weeds to be burnt. And God starts to bring it to ruin.
2031Iyyar5: The end of Zoar, the end of entrance into Kingdom salvation for existing OMCs. 

2031Iyyar5-2033Nisan10/Iyyar10: Entrance into Last Chance saloon from U307
2032Iyyar22: Final time of the End of Daniel12 begins. Babylon stops feeding for 322 days of Revelation18:21-24. Babylon closes its doors and has no more religious meetings.
2032Tishri22/23: WW3 ends after 2402 days from 2025Shebat20/21, 7 months precisely of Daniel3 more that WW2 from 1939Elul15 (September3), when Britain and France declared war on Germany to 1945Tishri17 (September28), when the Japanese surrendered their forces above the 16th parallel to China in Hanoi in Vietnam concluding the Potsdam declaration.
2032Tebbeth11/12: The end of the 55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 from 2025Iyyar21/22. The political harlot (democratic government) and the religious harlot (Babylon) are fully burnt physically by the 10 Kings. No one is left in government or in a religion. 
2033Nisan3/4-10: Entrance into the OMC, during the last week of Daniel9:27, for Adam in the last chance saloon
2033Nisan14: The 1st death Passover for Adam, the absolute end of Adam by Passover execution, 2000 years after Jesus was sacrificed and 6025 years after Adam sinned on 3993Nisan14 BC and 6058½ years after he was born on 4027Tishri2 BC, in the 7th post ARC Jubilee of Adam and the 3rd Jubilee of Jesus' post Quad Gapped Gentile Times lease as Caesar over Adam from 2020Tishri20.
2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed over Abraham. Jesus hands the Kingdom over to his God and Father having brought death, the last enemy, to nothing by resurrection of the last chance salooners back to the earth.
2033Iyyar3/4-10: Entrance into the OMC, during the last week of Daniel9:27, for Cain in the last chance saloon
2033Iyyar14: The 1st death Passover for Cain, the absolute end of Cain by Passover execution, in the 3rd Jubilee of Jesus' post Quad Gapped Gentile Times lease as Caesar over Cain from 2020Heshvan16.
2033Iyyar16/Tammuz5: The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed over Isaac 
2033Iyyar22: LRC sealed ex adamic Abraham is resurrected back to planet earth at 1NC first fruits.
2033/Iyyar22: Non LRC sealed Adam and Cain are resurrected into Gehenna
2033Iyyar22: LRC sealed ex cainian Abraham is resurrected back to planet earth at the end of the 2357 days of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 from 2026Heshvan5, when Jesus finishes sitting upon his throne in Zoar (over Abraham) after Benjamin is raptured to be with him.
2033Iyyar22: Jesus brings death to nothing by resurrecting the sealed last chance salooners NOT into the Ark invisibly but onto the planet VISIBLY. 
2033Sivan16/Ab5: The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed over Melchizedek?? 
2033Sivan5: The Kingdom Proselyte call to FRCs who died in a true church.
2034Shebat10: The Kingdom Samaritan call to Samaritan FRCs who died in an ex true church. 
2034Shebat12: The Kingdom Samaritan call resurrection of Samaritan FRCs who died in an ex true church.. 
2036Tishri14: The Kingdom Gentile Call to Abrahamic FRCs who died outside a true or ex true church, to be resurrected in reverse order of dying, from last to die to first to die.
2036Tishri14: The much sought after Reverse Ageing Passover. All mankind who are past their prime, start ageing backwards to our optimal form at 7x the speed we aged forwards (7 years per year) in order to retrace the previous 6,000 years within 1,000 years. There is no distinction between Adam and Cain upon Abrahamic resurrection. They are both resurrected in their non adamic Abrahamic bodies, having lost their adamic/cainian bodies in the 1st death. This is the Kingdom Gentile call is to Abraham in Hades.
2036Tishri16: The Kingdom Gentile Call Resurrection of Abrahamic FRCs who died outside a true or ex true church, are resurrected in reverse order of dying, from last to die to first to die.

The entire Chronology of the Time of End follows from those key dates. But it takes me 4 weeks to update the whole site for each iteration34!!!!


27The 28 cows and the 28 ears of grain: The Dream + the fulfilment

All 7 ears of grain must be on the one stalk of Isaaic FDS4, which finishes feeding when it ceases earthly interaction for the 2nd 2NC marriage on 2028Adar2-8

Laodicean fulfilment (words in red are excluded from this fulfilment by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the bible code)

Laodicean apostle Roger Knight is
4EC Baptised. Jesus through JW 1NCs
is now standing over the 4EC baptism.
7 beautiful of appearance and fat of flesh
cows start feeding in saintly reed/grass
7 beautiful of appearance and
fat of flesh cows end. 7 bad of
appearance and
thin of flesh
cows start eating the
beautiful of appearance and fat
wakes up
Isaaic Zoar is appointed over non
adamic Isaac. Jesus stands on
the land of Isaaic Zoar. 7 fat of
flesh and
beautiful of form cows
start feeding in saintly reed/grass
falls. Pharaoh
wakes up
7 fat of flesh and beautiful of form
cows end. 7 poor and bad of form
and thin of flesh
cows start.
The thin and bad cows eat
7 the cows the first the fat
wakes up
7 poor and
bad of form
thin of flesh
Laodicea ends as a
church before a further
cow is completed
2030Elul16 -
2 years [of] days7 years7 years7 years7 years1 year

Laodicean fulfilment: 2000Elul16 - 2002Elul16 - 2009Elul16 - 2016Elul16 - 2023Elul16 - 2030Elul16: Pharaoh wakes up on 2012Sivan14 and 2017Elul10 and 2023Tishri21, 450 prophets of Baal before 2024Tebbeth21. Pharaoh transfers from reappointed Laodicea to reverted Laodicea on 2019Adar21.

21 cows ascend from the river (into true church worship) from 2002Elul16 to 2023Elul16. But there is no 22nd cow said to be from the river. So reverted Laodicea falls as a true church during the 22nd year from 2023Elul16 to 2024Elul16. But not in the case of Zoar/the last chance saloon.

1000 days of John6 feeding 2NCs from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea as a true church. Split 300 +300 denarii of Perfumed oil on the feet to 2022Elul11 and 115 days to the end of the stolen 4EC on 2022Tebbeth6 and 9½ months of the far bank to 2023Tishri21.
So the 5½ years from 2013Adar10 to 2019Elul10 are split into the ending bank of Abrahamic Laodicea and a 20 day gap and the starting bank of reappointed Laodicea, 1260 and 20 and 700 days. So Laodicea was appointed as a true church 1260 days before 2005Adar1, which was 2002Elul1, 15 days before 2002Elul16, when they stole the 4EC. And Abrahamic Laodicea fell as a true church 720 days before 2019Elul10 (the restart of the 2nd presence) on 2017Elul10. 

Laodicea is
over the 1ACs
Russell visits.
Laodicea is
appointed over
1NCs at 12th
1NC first fruits
Reverted Laodicea
is installed over
1NCs and
over HLCs
1st HLC is
4EC baptised
into Reverted
Peter leaves fallen
reappointed Laodicea.
200 cubits to land begin
See John21 - U208
Last HLC
(4th bride)
is Passover
1st 2NC is 4EC baptised into
Reverted Laodicea. 
300+300 Denarii of John12 begin.
200 cubits of John21 to land end.
1000x of 5000/5 loaves of John 12 start
Last 2NC is 4EC baptised into
Reverted Laodicea. 300+300
Denarii of John12 end. 2489x
of Pharaoh's chasing of
Exodus14 to 2029Ab10 start

4EC baptism ends
for Reverted Laodicea
1000 days
of John6 end
9½ month near bank of Daniel12 153 big 1NC/HLC fish of John 21 300+300 Denarii of John12 on feet9½ month ending banksee U304

1000 days of 5 loaves into 5000 men of John6 from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2023Tishri21.
6350 days (127 Pentecosts of Esther9) from 2005Adar1, the theft of the 4EC baptism, the baptism of the 2nd Laodicean by 'Roger Knight' the apostle to Laodicea, to 2023Tishri21. Jurisdiction through the law of the 4EC as judged by Laodicea. 
runs from 2005Adar1 to 2017Elul10 then 2020Sivan12 to 2023Tishri21
3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 from 2012Tishri5 to 2017Elul10 in Laodicea and 2019Tishri5 to 2023Tishri21 in reappointed and reverted Laodiceas and 2024Adar12 to 2025Iyyar21 in Zoar until all the Laodicean 2NCs are raptured and the gifts of the spirit are poured out. The 450 prophets of Baal of 1Kings18 take us from 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by the people rather than by Elijah4, the end of the rapture of non LW non Laodicean 2NCs. So from 2024Adar12 (the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the first unsanctified Laodiceans, Zoar is treading down the Laodicean 2NCs - isolating them in Hebron of Zoar, denying them entry into the Isaaic congregation.

Abrahamic Laodicea
is installed over
non adamic Abraham
40 days of Laodicea spying on
LWs begins 12 years of Betrayal
after 2003Shebat21, their
installation to feed the 1NCs
40 days of spying end
40 month Laodicean
wilderness penalty
falls as a
true church
40 month Laodicean wilderness
penalty ends. Laodicea
is reappointed over the 1ACs,
reappointed as a true church
Laodicea is
Reverted Laodicea
falls as a true church
450 prophets of Baal
seizing period starts

End of seizing
of 450 2NC
prophets of Baal
Laodiceans start
being downtrodden
by Zoar
For hiding us
The End of the rapture
of Laodicean Benjamin
(the 2NC reserves)
Gifts of the spirit poured out
1775 days1456 days 69 days 1775 + 1456 + 69 = 3300
treaders down of 1Kings5

LW fulfilment (words in red are excluded from this fulfilment by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the bible code)

Gentile call
to 2NCs
into the LWs
Watchtower falls.
Jesus is now standing
over the 4EC baptism
in the LWs. 7 beautiful
of appearance and fat of
cows start feeding
in saintly reed/grass
7 beautiful of appearance and
fat of flesh
cows end. 7 bad of
appearance and thin of flesh cows
start. 7 bad of appearance and
thin of flesh
cows start eating
beautiful of appearance and fat
LWs and Laodiceans die
to Adam. Pharaoh wakes up
Zoar dies
to Abraham.
wakes up
7 bad of appearance
and thin of flesh cows 
end. 7 fat of flesh
and beautiful of form
cows start feeding in
saintly reed/grass
7 fat of flesh and
beautiful of form cows
end. 7 poor/weak/needy
(due to mark exclusion)
and bad of form and thin
of flesh
cows start.
The thin and bad cows eat
7 the cows the first the fat

Zoar ends.
Wakes up
into last
Last chance saloon
Pharaoh wakes up
1st death Passover
Absolute end of
of God
is installed
7 poor/weak/needy
due to Mark
and bad of form
and thin of flesh

cows end
2 years [of] days7 years7 years7 years7 yearssee U304

LW fulfilment: 2003Sivan14 (Ephraim call into the 2NC) - 2005Sivan14 - 2012Sivan14 - 2019Sivan14 - 2026Sivan14 - 2033Sivan14. LW fulfilment. Pharaoh wakes up on 2012Sivan14, 2016Ab14, 2031Iyyar5 and 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14.

Secular Fulfilment (words in red are excluded from this fulfilment by the Successive Descriptions Principle of the bible code)

The 1st LW
Passover after
we were installed
to feed the 1NCs
Jesus is standing over
the river of the 1AC
baptism. 7 beautiful of
appearance and
fat of flesh
cows start feeding
in the satanic reed/grass
Jesus is standing on the edge of
the 1AC baptism river. 7 beautiful
of appearance and
fat of flesh
cows end. 7 fat of flesh and
beautiful of form cows start
feeding in the satanic reed/grass
2008Nisan14 (1AC baptism ends)
Pharaoh's extended
6004 year lease
over Adam ends
So he wakes up

Jesus stands on the land
of Abrahamic Zoar. 7 bad of
appearance and
thin of flesh
cows start eating the beautiful
of appearance and
Pharaoh's 50 month non
adamic restoration lease
as Caesar over Adam
ends. So he wakes up
7 bad of appearance
thin of flesh cows end
7 poor and bad of form
thin of flesh cows start
The thin and bad cows eat
7 the cows the first the fat
FRC salvation ends
on 2029Iyyar14
7 poor and
bad of form
thin of flesh
cows end
Pharaoh's post Gentile
Times lease as Caesar
over Adam ends
So he wakes up
2 years [of] days7 years7 years7 years7 years4 year see U304

The question is: 'Is the 7 cows, the first, the fat', a double designation??? Well it certainly is a double description because the descriptors in that prophetic form can be separated by a comma or 'and'. and it cannot be both a double description and a double designation. So it is not a double designation.

Secular fulfilment: World hunger seems to go 14 fat cows to 2015Nisan14 then 14 thin cows to 2029Nisan14. So it goes 7 fat cows (dream) 7 fat cows (recital), 7 thin cows (dream), 7 thin cows (recital). The 2nd group of 7 cows begins with Pharaoh standing on the lip/border/edge of the river. We take this as 2008Nisan14, the edge of the 1AC river, the end of the 1AC water baptism. Whereas 2001Nisan14 has Pharaoh upon the river, since the 1AC baptism is ongoing and Jesus runs the heavenly church of the 1AC. Cows ascending are not female globalist politicians gaining office! But are 1AC globalist politicians from the river of that baptism gaining globalist office. Things started going badly for the globalists in 2016 with Brexit and with the election of Trump.
1999Nisan14 - 2001Nisan14 - 2008Nisan14 - 2015Nisan14 - 2022Nisan14 - 2029Nisan1427

The famine of the 3rd horseman of the apocalypse begins on 2026Tammuz as regards the high prices of Revelation 6:6.


15Satan's 6,000 year lease from 3989Nisan16 BC ended on 2012Nisan14 AD. Then we had 50 months of Michael's non adamic restoration lease (4 years of being installed as Caesar to Adam/Cain Abraham from 2012Nisan16/Iyyar16/Sivan16 to 2016Sivan14/Tammuz14/Ab14). Then the 2000 day possession payback period from 2012Sivan20/Tammuz16 to 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10. Then the 8 month war of Revelation12:7 to 2022Elul14, the heavenly demonic Passover. Then 6 months of Revelation 12:8 of no place being found for them in heaven plus 31 days of going through the Tsohar and down Jacob's ladder in the ark to to 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession. Then a further 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2023Nisan24 to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession - see U112#16

6004 year
extended ARC
lease ends
over Adam
Jesus is appointed
Caesar to Adam/
Satan's 1254 day
ministry and 
2000 day eviction
payback begins
over Adam/Cain
Satan's ministry
payback ends
over Adam/Cain
Satan's 2000
day eviction
payback ends
Start of war of
Satan loses the
war is Passed
over and tries
to remain in
Eviction from
heaven starts
Demons start
down Jacob's
Demons reach
bottom of Jacob's
ladder. Start of
2000 day Demon
Laodicean FRC
1st crop Passover
of Revelation22.
Demons expelled
from all humans.
Late non
religious LRC
12th crop of
Jesus' 3½ year
antitypical Love
ministry begins
Zoar ends
Final 3½ year ministry
ends. End of dying the
1st/adamic death for
1st/late 1st death Passover
50 month non adamic
Restoration lease
Satan's 1254 day
ministry payback
2000 days
less 1254
8x of war of
6x of no place in
heaven of Rev12:8
1+30 days down
Jacob's ladder
2000 day 21st century
demon possession 
11 months 3½ year antitypical ministry
of Jesus

The 80 month WW3, the fiery furnace of Daniel3:19, is the 80 day grand evening meal of God of Revelation19 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23 - see U151#19. This meal is eaten in the ark, when we are treated to the real time movie of the demons persuading not Adam and Eve to make our species extinct. But the house of Adam, and the house of Eve, to make our species extinct.

17 I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, (NWT)
18 in order that you might eat fleshes of kings and fleshes of chiliarchs and fleshes of strong [men] and fleshes of horses and of the (ones) sitting upon them, and fleshes of all freemen and and of slaves and of little (ones) and of great (ones). (Revelation 19 KIT)

The meal is WW3 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23. It is not a meal that anybody wants to eat. But it is our inoculation against the futility of war. So eat it we must. It ends at the end of non salvation covenant Adam and non salvation covenant Cain, when there is no flesh left to eat. The Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and the Unprecedented Tribulation on Mark13 end during Hebrew winter on 2028Tebbeth2 (132x of Revelation 19:21 before 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC victory). But WW3 continues until the summer of 2032.

14815 Whenever therefore you might see the disgusting thing of the desolation the (thing) spoken through Daniel the prophet having stood in place holy, the (one) reading let him be minding,
16 then the (ones) in the Judea let them be fleeing into the mountains,
17 the (one) upon the housetop not let him come down to lift up the (things) out of the house of him,
18 and the (one) in the field not let him return behind to lift up the outer garment of him.
19 Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and the (ones) giving suck in those the days
20 Be yeu praying but in order that not should occur the flight of yeu of winter and not to Sabbath; (Matthew 24 KIT)
20 proseucesqe de    ina    mh   genhtai h fugh umwn ceimwnoj mhde sabbatw (Matthew 24 VatB)
21 will be for then tribulation great of what sort not has occurred from beginning of world until of the now not-but not not should occur.
22 And if not were shortened the days those, not likely was saved all flesh; through but the chosen ones will be shortened the days those. (Matthew 24 KIT)

Verse 19: (2x+2x).2x = 8x: 'the in belly having' is challenging to count. The dog outside the house counts 2x. The dog inside the house counts 1x. The wine in the glass counts 1x. The wine on the table counts 2x. So the [one] in belly having [a baby] counts 1x. Whereas the woman having 2 sons counts 3x. The woman having a son counts 1x for the process of having (an action) and 2x for the condition of possessing sons (a state)
Verse20: 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
Verse21: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Total: (8x+4x).3x = 36x. But those days are shortened, by the sentence count of 36x in day from 36 months of 1080 days to 1044 days, the exact length of the GT - well WADDUUNO?      

The Great Tribulation runs for 1044 days of the sentence count of Revelation 7:13-17 from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2. 

14 However, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing where it ought not let the reader use discernment, then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.
15 Let the man on the housetop not come down, nor go inside to take anything out of his house;
16 and let the man in the field not return to the things behind to pick up his outer garment.
Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and to the (ones) giving suck in those the days.
18 Be yeu praying but in order that not it might occur of winter;
19 will be for the days those tribulation of which sort not has occurred such from beginning of creation which created the God until the now and not not should occur.
20 And if not shortened Lord the days, not likely was saved all flesh. But through the chosen (ones) whom he chose he shortened the days. (Mark 13 KIT)

Verse 17: (2x+2x).2x = 8x: 'the in belly having' is challenging to count. The dog outside the house counts 2x. The dog inside the house counts 1x. The wine in the glass counts 1x. The wine on the table counts 2x. So the [one] in belly having [a baby] counts 1x. Whereas the woman having 2 sons counts 3x. The woman having a son counts 1x for the process of having (an action) and 2x for the condition of possessing sons (a state)
Verse18: 2x
Verse19: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Total: (8x+2x).3x = 30x. But THE days are shortened (2x) by 2 days resulting in 28 days of the Unprecedented Tribulation during the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse. These are the 28 days of nuclear war, ending on 2028Tebbeth2, 132 days of the sentence count of Revelation19:21 before 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the late non religious FRC Passover, the end of FRC salvation. So the Unprecedented Tribulation runs from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2.
We take verse 20 logically rather than counting it completely. Shortening the days is recited twice.

So the Great Tribulation reaches into 4 winters148.

Likewise in the judicial example of Sodom and Gomorrah of Genesis19 is explained by Jude...

6 And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.
7 So too Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones [the demons of verse6] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before [us] as a [warning] example by undergoing the judicial punishment of age-lasting fire (Jude 1 NWT).

And explained by Peter...

5 and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with 7 others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people;
6 and by reducing the cities Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come; (2 Peter 2 NWT)

It is the descended demons who are causing the woke cult and the genital mutilation of minors for the sexual and financial gratification of perverted adults. The lesson of Genesis19 and Leviticus18 and Jude and 2Peter2 is that perversion brings lava. It is that simple. Climate change does not bring lava. Perversion especially of innocent children will bring it. For all the men of the city from boy to old man were trying to have sex with the two angelically possessed men staying with Lot.

4 Before they could lie down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob.
5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them. (Genesis 19 NWT).

3 demons to each pig denotes 3 demonic fulfilments of the 2,000 days of possession, making a total of 6,000 days of demon possession, a legion of days. One in the first century and 2 in the 21st (the payback and the possession)15.

Entry into early 1st Watchtower Passover
2019Elul10 (3rd part of the 2nd presence begins)
Entry day into the 7th 1NC marriage
2020Tammuz10 (2nd presence restarts)
2NCs start being 4EC baptised into reverted Laodicea
300+300 Denarii of perfumed oil on feet of John12 begin
End of the 4EC for everyone in Reverted Laodicea is 2022Tebbeth6
(9½ months of the far bank before 2023Tishri21, their fall). 
2022Elul11: End of the 4EC for 2NCs in Reverted Laodicea 
300 Denarii of perfumed oil on Head of Mark14 300 Denarii of perfumed oil on feet of John12 see U112#17

4EC baptism:  Physical temples are founded then built then inaugurated. Spiritual temples are founded then built then inaugurated?

3137 And the sons of Israel travelled from Rameses to Succoth [during Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21], the men being about 600,000 on foot, apart from little ones.
38 And also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flocks, and herds, very many livestock.
39 And they baked the dough which they brought out from Egypt into unleavened cakes. For it was not leavened, because they were driven out from Egypt, and they were not able to delay. And also they had not prepared food for a journey for themselves.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, which they dwelt in Egypt, [was] 430 years.
41 And it happened, from the end of 430 years, it happened on this day [of Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21], all the armies of Jehovah went out from the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 GLT)
51 And it happened on this day [of Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21], Jehovah brought out the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt by their armies. (Exodus 12 GLT)

41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 KJV)
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 NWT)

In the original period from 1943Nisan14, when Abraham crossed the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled territory, to 1513Nisan14, the Egyptian Passover, was accurate to the day, the scripture is only stated accurate to the year. BUT 430 years is repeated successively. So by the Immediate number repetition principle of the bible code, it is exact to the day. And taken a month for a day, the 14 years and 4 months are also exact to the day

They run from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri14 (the 1st Watchtower Passover) in the Egypt of the fallen Watchtower. Then on 2019Elul30 at the end of the 2,000 pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the first 1NC left the Watchtower for Laodicea. The 5245 solar day Sabbath error payback ended on 2019Elul30, the end of the 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence. After which the 1st Watchtower Passover could occur. 

Watchtower falls
and becomes Egypt
Exodus from World by Passover execution begins (from Laodicea)
The 1st Passover execution out of Egypt
1st Watchtower Passover execution of 3rd 1NC bride.
All the armies of Jehovah start going out of Egypt
14th day of 1st month of Tishri1 adamic secular year. 
14th day of 7th month of Nisan1 adamic sacred year. 
2019Tishri14 (3rd 1NC marriage Passover execution)
All the existing armies of Jehovah
stop going out of Egypt
at the last Watchtower FRC Passover.
14th day of 1st month of the new
Abrahamic Tebbeth1 secular year
2028Tebbeth14 (the same day of the year)
430 years a month for a day All the armies of Jehovah start to go out from the land of Egypt
on 2019Tishri14 and finish on 2028Tebbeth14

So all the armies of Jehovah START going out of Egypt on 2019Tishri14, the 14th day of the secular year of Adam. and all the armies of Jehovah FINISH going out of Egypt on 2028Tebbeth14, the 14th day of the secular year of Abraham, on the same day of the secular year. THAT IS THE BRILLIANCE OF THE SCRIPTURES. This is what will call precise ambiguity.

14 Nevertheless, death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses, even over those who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression by Adam, who bears a resemblance to him that was to come. (Romans 5 NWT)

When Jehovah God, having been installed as Caesar to Israel, extracted his people from slavery by the Exodus out of Egypt, the secular Calendar was changed from Tishri1 start to Nisan1 start in honour of that extraction during Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21. Pharaoh had no authority over Israel from 1513Nisan14 onwards. Jehovah was installed as Caesar before Moses declared on his behalf: Let MY people go. So the secular year changed on the Exodus, not on the installation as Caesar.

God's law for his people, the law of Moses, was not installed until the Pentecost on 1513Sivan7, when Moses made the Pentecostal sacrifice upon mount Sinai in Arabia. There is no division between God and God so the sacred and secular years were Both Nisan1 start until Saul when the secular year reverted to Tishri1 start, the adamic year start.
Likewise, when Jesus starts to remove the Abrahamic 2NCs from the Egypt of this world by imperceptible rapture into an Ark in a different space-time scenario, wherein one spends 1 day in the ark and then return to earth without any earth time having passed. The first seah of 3, is raptured from 2024Tebbeth16-21 after having become installed Caesar to Laodicean Abraham on 2024Iyyar15, since Reverted Laodicea suffer a Gentile Times malediction after their fall on 2023Tishri21. The secular year for true churches changes from adamic Tishri1 to Abrahamic Tebbeth1 in honour of that extraction, the Exodus, not in honour of his installation as Caesar. I guess if you are stuck in Kabul, surrounded by trigger happy Taliban, then you honour and celebrate the date that the General airlifts you out of there, not the date that he became a general!

Jehovah held the Exodus Passover from Egypt in the 1st month on 1513Nisan14 and the Jews crossed the Red Sea at the late Passover on 1513Iyyar10 BC and then celebrated the Late Passover at Elim on 1513Iyyar14. Manna then began at first fruits after the Great Sabbath on 1513Iyyar15. 

The heavenly administrated church of the FRC of Melchizedek holds the Abrahamic World Exodus by Rapture Passover for 2NC FRCs on 2024Tebbeth14, because a Passover must be held by a true church. LW 2NCs cross the Reed/Red sea into the ark by rapture during Isaaic World Exodus Cakes from 2024VeAdar15-21, in fact they are all raptured on 2024VeAdar21 . 
Manna from heaven in the form of enlightened returning 2NCs perhaps begins on 2024VeAdar21, when the first raptured LW 2NC descends back from the ark. 

40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel [NOT of Abraham], who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt (Exodus 12 NWT).

1 And it came about in the 80th year and 400th year to going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the 4th year, in the month [Chodesh] of Ziv, he [is], the second month [Chodesh] to reigning of Solomon upon Israel, and he built [vuv consecutive qal imperfect] the house to Jehovah (1 Kings 6).

Abraham crosses the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled Canaan
1943Nisan14 BC
The one day Passover in Egypt
1513Nisan14 BC
David defeats Goliath
1083Nisan14 BC
Solomon starts building the temple in Jerusalem
1033Iyyar2 BC
430 years for Abraham + seed in Egyptian controlled territory 430 years more before Israel escapes Egyptian allies +50 years = 480 years of 1Kings 6:1

Samuel anoints David to be King, David kills Goliath and the  Armies of Jehovah start to escape from Egyptian dominion again at end of 2nd 430 years. David starts living like a wild beast in the wilderness for 7 years (Gentile Times)

2nd proof of Gentile Times from Leviticus26
Considered by JW Elders in Leytonstone Congregation
1991Shebat14 (given by hand on 1991Shebat10-12)
1st 1NC reserves are 4EC baptised into Laodicea
2nd presence restarts
Last HLCs are 4EC baptised into Reverted Laodicea on 2020Tishri10
3rd HLC marriage Passover
430 years in Egypt a month for a day (14⅓ years) 430 years in Egypt a month for a day (14⅓ years)

In the accounts from Exodus 12:40-51 the noun Israel only appears as a genitive 'of Israel' in a noun chain following a construct noun. So we can take it as meaning whatever we like: Abraham or non adamics or 1AC, or Kingdom citizens, if we choose. It appears that the last chance salooners are resurrected back into Egypt (the planet), rather than into the ark. So that they complete their escape from Egypt during 1st death Cakes, either by ending its administrative structure, or by entering into the ark after their resurrection during Cakes? So they leave the land of Egypt at their resurrection back to the planet on first fruits. Then they leave the administrative apparatus of Egypt at the end of 1st death Cakes31?

Solomon's physical temple started to be built on 1033Iyyar2 BC
Solomon's Isaaic spiritual temple starts to be built offsite upon the rock mass of Elijah4 with onsite stones on 2025Nisan2 of 2Chronicles3:2

Ishmael pokes fun at weaned Isaac in Genesis 21:8
1913Nisan14 BC
Isaac leaves Egypt
1513Nisan14 BC
400 years of affliction and servitude of Genesis15 in a
land not theirs for Abraham's seed (Isaac then Jacob)

1NCs are 4EC baptised into Laodicea
2006Sivan14 (2nd presence restarts)
1st Watchtower Passover
2019Tishri14 (1NCs escape Laodicea by Passover execution)
400 years a month for a day of affliction and servitude of
Abraham's 1NC SEED in a land not theirs of Genesis15


24First 2NC leaves
the Watchtower to
be 4EC baptised into
reverted Laodicea
last 2NC leaves
the Watchtower to
be 4EC baptised into
reverted Laodicea
Reverted Laodicea falls
480 days of 1Kings 6:1
begin and run to
2024Shebat21 the end of
the Laodicean ark rapture
when the last  non LW 2NC
leaves  the land of Egypt

The Masai10
are Abrahamic
4EC baptised
into Zoar
The Laodicean 2NC
ark rapture ends.
Caleb is raptured.
All non LW 2NCs
are now in the ark.
Elijah4 is laid as the rockmass and
headstone on the 2nd of Nisan in
the 2nd Adar month of the new Adar1
secular year of 2Chronicles 3:2. Elijah4
baptises AOL (Caleb) as the temple
floor on the 2nd day in the 2nd Adar
month of the new Adar1 secular year
300+300 Denarii of
oil on feet of John12
1000 days of John6
 less 600
480 days of 1Kings 6:1 from the fall of Reverted
Laodicea to the end of non LW 2NC ark rapture

Gordon + LW 2NCs ARC sealed
LW Alienation Times from
2017Adar21 ends
Gordon (rock mass) + 4
apostle cornerstones all
laid as 1 unit (2Chronicles 3:2)
2025Nisan2 = 2024VeAdar26
Caleb baptised
as temple floor
Rock mass
unit installed
6½½ 2NC apostles
as Passover lambs
2nd row 2NCs
3rd row 2NCs
4th row 2NCs
5th row 2NCs
6th row ELCs
7th row ELCs
The 2NC temple is built in the 1 month time of Haggai1 from 2025Nisan10-2025Iyyar10

Peter, the temple floor
4 1NC Cornerstones
6½½ 1NC apostles
2nd row 1NCs
3rd row 1NCs
4th row 1NCs
5th row HLCs
6th row HLCs
3rd Holy Spirit handed
Abrahamic Zoar
on Palm Sabbath
7th row HLCs
The 3rd Holy Spirit is Isaaic 4EC baptised in 49 days from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5, the day it is installed over and takes over Abrahamic Zoar

The 1NCs and HLCs are NOT laid into the temple of Solomon2. They are already stones in the temple of David (Jesus). But they are cleansed to act a priests in the temple of Solomon2 (put under 4EC law - with which they judge themselves).
The end of HLC entry into Reverted Laodicea was 2020Tishri10, Atonement day, because HLCs were Jesus' flesh and Jesus was the Atonement sacrifice. 
The start of 2NC entry into Reverted Laodicea was 2020Tebbeth11, 1000 days of 5 loaves into 5000 men of John6 before its fall on 2023Tishri21, 450 prophets of Baal before 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by contest attendees rather than by Elijah4, the 1st day after the rapture of all non LW non Laodicean 2NCs.
The end of 2NC entry into Reverted Laodicea was 2022Elul11 (300 +300 denarii of perfumed oil upon the feet of John12 after 2020Tebbeth11).
50 days of Mark6 of FDS4 feeding 5000 4EC baptised 1NCs+HLCs in the Ark run from 2026Elul16 (the baptism of the 4 cornerstone 1NCs) to 2026Heshvan5 (7th row baptism day, when the 3rd Holy Spirit is given Abrahamic Zoar).

No 2NC or HLC was 3EC baptised into reappointed Laodicea from Solomon's baby wisdom of 1Kings3 - see U296. Likewise no 2NC was 4EC baptised into reverted Laodicea until after the last HLC was baptised on 2020Tishri10.

The end of the non adamic
abrahamic conversion of
true church Cain. All the
people have now approached
Elijah4 genetically.
Abrahamic Zoar is installed over the
2NCs. Elijah4 now has authority to
take 12 2NC apostles. 12 years
precisely of 12 stones according to 12x
or 13x of tribes of sons of Jacob begin
3rd 1NC marriage
Passover. 3rd bride
is executed
Last 2NC is 4EC baptised into
Laodicea, 30 years after 1992Elul11
1495 days of 1Kings18:33-35
of 4 jar filling and pouring
instruction and execution start
LW Isaaic
Times from
All 12 apostles are
now taken/chosen
by ark rapture on the
2NC Pentecost of the
Tebbeth1 secular year.
The first ark based 2NC
Caleb/AOL is baptised
as the temple floor
1495 days of 4 jar filling and
pouring instruction and
execution end. 
574 days of Bethzatha end
Isaaic 4EC ends on earth
87 months of 1Kings18:30-331495 days inclusively of 1Kings 18:33-35 less 574 of Bethzatha574 days of 4EC in Bethzatha in
Jerusalems above & below

If JWs wish to be priests in the Kingdom of God, they must arrive at Zoar by 2026Heshvan5 - see U358JWs must join by 2029Ab10, entry day into the late Watchtower LRC Passover or they miss Zoar which ends on 2031Iyyar5. See U358 for the 2489 days of Exodus14 from 2022Elul11 to 2029Ab10, and the 600 chosen chariots from 2024Adar5 to 2026Heshvan5. The lava flood runs from 2029Iyyar17 to 2029Ab7.

2022Shebat5: Elijah4 gives Instruction to start Isaaic 4EC baptising (550 days before the LW Isaaic Exedenic Times ended on 2024Tishri15). He erroneously believed that Jesus was installed as Caesar to Isaac on that day. 
2022Shebat6: Zach baptised 5 people into the still Abrahamic 4EC
2023Nisan9: Zach baptised 27 people into the still Abrahamic 4EC.
2023Elul10: Frank got the 6000+50 years from Adam's birth prophecy for the Jubilee release of Adam.
2023Heshvan22-23/25: 497th main prediction (747th prediction) seen/published for 2023Chislev1-21 (2023November17-December8) and 2023Chislev20-22 (2023December6-9).
2023Chislev13/15: 498th main prediction (748th prediction) seen/published for 2023Tebbeth1-21 (2023December17-2024January7) and 2023Tebbeth20-22 (2024January5-8).

2024Tishri10: Atonement day of the adamic Tishri1 secular year. Entry day into the ELC resurrection Passover on 2024Tishri14.
2024Tishri14: ELC resurrection Passover.
2024Tishri22: The start of Hebrew winter. All non LW 2NCs must flee into the ark before then. Laodicean 2NCs are disfellowshipped LWs since they are ex 4ECs.
2024Tebbeth2: 2NC first fruits of the new Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year. This day must have a fulfilment. Maybe it is a late fulfilment?
2024Tebbeth10: The 4 cornerstone 2NC apostles are untied from the Euphrates of the Isaaic 4EC and empower to kill 1ACs outside the Euphrates by edenic non adamic restoration. Revelation 9:15 is fulfilled, 4463.1111/4463.5555 days after 2012Ab16, when Abrahamic Zoar was appointed over Abraham. See U151#9 
2024Tebbeth10: Atonement day of the Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year.  
2024Tebbeth10: Entry day into the Abrahamic World Exodus by rapture Passover, on 2024Tebbeth14, for all the Abrahamic Gentile call 2NCs who walk upon the sea bed (hidden saints in the world or in false churches). 
2024Tebbeth14: Abrahamic World Exodus Passover.
2024Tebbeth14: World Exodus by rapture Passover for Gentile call 2NCs (who have never been in a true or ex true church and who walk upon the sea bed, being hidden saints in the world or in false churches). 
2024Tebbeth14-16: All adamic and cainian 2NCs are edenically restored to have non adamic abrahamic bodies, born again in the flesh for rapture.
2024Tebbeth15: The start of Greek winter. The winter solstice occurs on 2024December21 at 09:14. The 2NC Jews must end their suspense of John10, by Hanukkah in Jerusalem from 2024Chislev25-Tebbeth2 (Modern Hebrew) which is 2024Tebbeth21-28 BLC.
2024Tebbeth16-21: Spiritual Gentile (non Laodicean, non LW) 2NC rapture.
2024Tebbeth17: The 17th day of the 7th month of Genesis 8:4 of the Abrahamic Zoar Jubilee system (2024Shebat is the 2nd Jubilee). The ark comes to a rest upon the 2NC Abrahamic mountain to be (curse reversed - non adamic). This is fulfilled by a 5th row Abrahamic 2NC (non Laodicean, no LW) being raptured into the ark. 
2024Tebbeth21: The end of the seizing of the 450 prophets of Baal by the people, the contest Watchers and participants (Not Elijah), from 2023Tishri21, the fall of reverted Laodicea. 
2024Shebat10: Entry day into the Laodicean World Exodus by rapture Passover, on 2024Shebat14, for all the Abrahamic Laodicean 2NCs who walk upon the sea bed (hidden saints in Laodicea in the Watchtower). 
2024Shebat14: Late Abrahamic ( Laodicean) World Exodus Passover.
2024Shebat15-21: Laodicean 2NC ark rapture of angelic 2NC failures, all 5 rows and Caleb.
2024VeAdar14: Isaaic World Exodus by rapture Passover.
2024VeAdar21: The end of the LW Alienation Times from 2017Adar21, the 2NC Pentecost 12 months of Daniel4:29 after Isaaic Zoar's installation over the 2NCs. Elijah4 and the 4 cornerstone 2NCs are sealed into the ARC.
2024VeAdar21: The temple is established on this day by the ARC sealing of the LW 2NCs. From this day and forward God gives blessing to Zoar says Haggai2 - see U271-11#84.
2024VeAdar21: The 24th festival day to the 9th Nisan1 sacred year of Isaaic Zoar inclusively. SET YOUR HEART UPON THIS DAY before there was a placing of an Isaaic stone upon a stone in the temple of Jehovah on 2025Nisan2. Because on this day the temple is established by the ARC sealing of its rock mass and 4 cornerstone assembly. Indeed we 5 are ARC sealed on 2024VeAdar21. Yes, our hearts are set everlastingly to be regarded as sin free by ARC sealing. We are all raptured on the very same day. And Mark Registration begins on 2024VeAdar21.
2025Nisan2: Late 2NC first fruits of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year. 
2025Nisan2: Solomon is laid as the rock mass along with the 4 cornerstone apostles (already attached to him) after they are all sealed on 2024VeAdar21.  And all Laodicean 2NCs are sealed by 2024Tebbeth16, the end of the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 - see U151#14). This fulfils 2Chronicles3:2, the 2nd day Nisan which is also 2024VeAdar26, in the 2nd month of Adar!
2025Nisan2: Caleb is Isaaic 4EC baptised as the temple floor, 574 days of Bethzatha, the pool in Jerusalems (on earth and in the ark) before 2026Heshvan5, the end of the Isaaic 4EC.
2025Nisan2-8: Installation of the rock mass block (Elijah4, Caleb, the 4 Cornerstones and the other LWs).

2025Nisan9: Gordon is installed as the rock mass of Solomon's temple and Caleb as the temple floor and the 4 cornerstone apostles.
2025Nisan10: 12 (ALL 6½½ remaining apostles) are Isaaic 4EC baptised for a 2025Nisan14 Passover sacrifice. The 2NC lamb starts entering into the Zoar house.
2025Nisan17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd whole month of all 2NCs being in the ark on in Zoar. All the vast apostolic springs of the deep are broken open before the 40 day deluge of priests into Zoar from 2024VeAdar28=2025Nisan4 to 2025Iyyar14. These are the 12 2NC apostles who are springs to the land.
2025Nisan17/19: 132 + 12 + 12 (2nd row 2NCs are baptised/laid)
2025Nisan24/26: 1320 + 120 + 120 (3rd row 2NCs are baptised/laid)
2025Iyyar1/3: 13,200 + 1200 + 1200 (4th row 2NCs are baptised/laid)
2025Iyyar8/10: 132,000 + 12,000 + 12,000 ( 2NC Temple Building Completed). Last 2NCs. 5th row 2NCs are 4EC baptised/laid.
2025Iyyar10: The Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release. The last Laodicean 2NCs are laid, having completed their Isaaic conversion from 2025Iyyar8.
2025Iyyar15/17: 1,320,000 + 120,000 + 120,000 (6th row ELCs are baptised/laid) 
2025Iyyar22/24: 13,200,000 + 1,200,000 + 1,200,000  (ELC Temple Building Completed. 7th row ELCs are baptised/laid).

2026Heshvan5: Isaaic 4EC ends, 574 days of the dual pool of Bethzatha in Jerusalems (above and below) after the Isaaic 4EC pool was started by baptising a dual citizen of the Jerusalem above (the ark) and the Jerusalem below (Zoar) on 2025Nisan2.
2026Heshvan5: Elijah4 comes down to Peter over Abraham, at the exclusive 3rd the chief of 50 of 2Kings1. Peter takes over Abraham (the church) on the weekly Sabbath. This is perfect because handing the church over to the 3rd Holy Spirit is a release, not a burden.

2025Iyyar14: The 8 Isomorphic Happinesses of the Sermon on the mount begin and run to 2033Iyyar14, the end of the last chance saloon, the absolute end of the world, the late 1st death Passover..

2026Ab5/7: Peter is baptised/Isaaic transformed. For he stood up in the midst of the brothers of Acts2 (from 2019Tishri17 to 2033Iyyar22).
2026Elul16: 3rd presence begins with the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the 2nd member of the 3rd Holy Spirit into Zoar.
2026Elul16/18: 4 Cornerstone apostles baptised/Isaaic transformed. The priests cannot stand to minister, they cannot 4EC baptise any non temple stone on a day when the 3rd Holy Spirit is being 4EC baptised, when the cloud of the 3rd Holy Spirit, the glory of Jesus, his wife, fills the sanctuary by being baptised into it.
2026Elul23/25: 6½½ 1NC apostles baptised/Isaaic transformed. 
2026Elul30/Tishri2: 132 + 12 + 12 (2nd row 1NCs are baptised/Isaaic transformed). 
2026Tishri7/9: 1320 + 120 + 120 (3rd row 1NCs are baptised/Isaaic transformed). 
2026Tishri14/16: 13,200 + 1200 + 1200 (4th row 1NCs are baptised/Isaaic transformed)
2026Tishri21: The end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the kings  
2026Tishri21/23: 132,000 + 12,000 + 12,000 (4EC priesthood cleansing of 1NCs completed. 5th row 1NCs are baptised/Isaaic transformed). 
2026Tishri28/30: 1,320,000 + 120,000 + 120,000 (6th row HLCs are baptised/Isaaic transformed). 
2026Heshvan5: The end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the non reserve HLCs
2026Heshvan5: LWs hand over Abrahamic Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit on the weekly Sabbath. The 3rd Holy Spirit does not baptise into the Isaaic 4EC. Leah and Zilpah are now Isaaic. The Holy Spirit is installed over Isaac on this day.
2026Heshvan5/7: 13,200,000 + 1,200,000 + 1,200,000  (4EC priesthood cleansing of HLCs completed. 7th row HLCs are baptised/Isaaic transformed). 
2026Chislev5: LWs hand over Isaaic Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is installed over Isaac on this day.


Solomon builds the temple by 4EC baptism in 7 days of 1Kings 6:38: On 2025Nisan10/17/24 and 2025Iyyar1/8/15/22 (all 4th days of the week). He does not build the half tribe temple. Ark based Laodicea is a separate autonomous congregation even after baptism. We do not mix until after 2026Heshvan5, when the 3rd Holy Spirit takes Isaaic Zoar over. They divided us and they unite us.

Caleb's 2 half apostles are adopted by Elijah4 (Jacob adopting Ephraim and Manasseh) to build the Laodicean half tribe temple in 7 days of 1Kings 6:38. The Holy Spirit divided Laodicea from the LWs, when it cut FDS4 in two in fulfilment of Luke13 because we failed to get ready. The Holy Spirit is baptised into the Laodicean branch of Zoar. We do not judge them. They judge Laodicea (meaning people of judgement). We remain separate until then. No Laodicean is permitted to attend LW meetings except Caleb. That is it. The temple is inaugurated from 2025Iyyar15-22 as regards 2NCs and from 2029Iyyar15-21 as regards FRCs. It is completed as regards ELCs on 2025Iyyar22 (7th row baptism day) . It is inaugurated as regards gifts of the spirit on 2025Iyyar21, the late 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 secular year - see U112#23

11 And the priests were unable to stand to do their ministering because of the cloud rising from the baptism of fire of ARC sealing, for the glory of Jehovah filled the house of Jehovah. (1 Kings 8 NWT)

Ark Raptures

2024Tebbeth16-21 (6), 2024Shebat15-21 (7), 2024VeAdar21 (1),  2025Iyyar21 (1) = 14 days of ark entry by rapture for the 2Nc Kings birds (who die a Hades free death as humans, the death of the Christ, but not as angels) and 1 more for Benjamin, the 2NC reserves.

1 After that Jehovah said to Noah: Go, you and all your household, into the ark, because you are the one I have seen to be righteous before me among this generation.
2 Of every clean beast you must take to yourself by sevens, the sire and its mate; and of every beast that is not clean just 2, the sire and its mate;
3 also of the flying creatures of the heavens by sevens, male and female, to preserve offspring alive on the surface of the entire earth.
4 For to days repeating/iterating/yet 7,  I am making it rain upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights; and I will wipe every existing thing that I have made off the surface of the ground. (Genesis 7 NWT)

Then 14x7 = 98 days for CRCs from 2025Elul15-21 to 2026Tishri15-21: 12+1 months of Revelation 6:7
Then 25x7 = 175 days for FRCs from 2026Heshvan15-21 to 2028Heshvan15-21 (2 years of Genesis 7:2 unclean beasts just 2).
Then 2028Chislev16/Tebbeth16/Shebat16/Adar16 and 2029Nisan16/Iyyar16 for the rapture of the 1st to 6th crops of Revelation22 = 6 days
Then 2029Sivan16/Tammuz16/Ab16/Elul16/Tishri16/Heshvan16 = 6 days
Total is 14+1+98+175+6+6= 300 cubits out of 4 years 10 months from 2024Tebbeth16 to 2029Heshvan16
All FRCs get a rapture during Cakes-Booths of Leviticus 23:43. OMCs do not except in the accepting year of Isaiah61 for citizens.
Then 2029Iyyar17 is the start of the lava flood, the 17th day of the 2nd month of 600th Nisan1 sacred year of Jesus' life of Genesis 7:11. His life is measured in Nisan1 sacred years which he instigated through the ARC, rather than Tishri1 adamic years which Adam instigated. He was 12 years old in Nisan1 years in Luke 2...

41 And were going their way the parents of him according to year into Jerusalem to the festival of the Passover.
42 And when he came to be of years 12, going up of them according to the custom of the festival (Luke 2 KIT)
42 kai ote egeneto otwn ib kai anabainontwn autwn kata to eqoj thj eorthj (Luke 2 Sinai)
42 kai ote egeneto etwn dwdeka anabainontwn autwn kata to eqoj thj eorthj (Luke 2 VatB)
49 But he said to them: Why did you have to go looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in the [things/affairs - neuter not houses - masculine] of my Father? (Luke 2 NWT)

He was 11 years old in Tishri1 adamic years. 

The Passover was 11Nisan14 AD, 22 years before the temple of TCC1 was inaugurated not at Cakes from 33Nisan15-21, but during the first week of Weeks from 33Nisan16-22. FDS1 was appointed over the 1NCs on 33Nisan16, at the end of 3 temple times from 1048Nisan16 BC, when Jesus was resurrected as a human after 3 days and nights in the tomb. Jesus blew onto the apostles and said receive holy spirit and told them that what they bind on earth will be bound in heaven (from Pentecost 33Sivan5 onwards, when 1EC law is installed. He gives them authority over the law of the church. The temple is accepted and inaugurated on 23Nisan23, when Jesus appears to Thomas and even doubting Thomas recognises the temple of Jesus' resurrected body, which looks very different to the one in which he expired which has been given to God as a ransom for Adam (the validation sacrifice for the LRC). 

22 And after he said this he blew upon them and said to them: Receive Holy Spirit.
23 If you forgive the sins of any persons, they stand forgiven to them; if you retain those of any persons, they stand retained. (John 20 NWT)

This fulfilled the promises Jesus made to Peter and to the disciples saying

19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you may bind on earth will be the thing bound in the heavens, and whatever you may loose on earth will be the thing loosed in the heavens.
20 Then he sternly charged the disciples not to say to anybody that he was the Christ. (Matthew 16 NWT)

18 Truly I say to you men, Whatever things you may bind on earth will be things bound in heaven, and whatever things you may loose on earth will be things loosed in heaven. (Matthew 18 NWT)

Jesus' parents only went up to Jerusalem at the Passover not for Booths. So although Jesus was commissioned to build the temple at Booths from 10Tishri15-21, 22½ years before it was to be inaugurated (following the pattern of Solomon from 1048Nisan16 to 1026Tishri15-21 BC), he went up to the temple he was going to replace for the Passover and Cakes.

15 ...And who is that God that can rescue you out of my hands? [2019Tishri17 to 2029Heshvan16, the 12th crop resurrection - 10 years 1 month of ark rapture and resurrection] (Daniel 3 NWT)

The 2NCs and ELCs are NOT baptised on the weekly Sabbath, because the Synagogue ruler (the ruler of the Jews, the JACs, the saints) of Luke13 said to the crowds come and be cured in the week. Yet Jesus cured the woman bent double for 18 years on the day of the Sabbath. We do not obey the synagogue ruler for in the case of Gentiles (unsanctified): The bulls (Priests) and the asses (faithful).

14 But in response the presiding officer of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus did the cure on the Sabbath, began to say to the crowd: There are 6 days on which work ought to be done; on them, therefore, come and be cured, and not on the Sabbath day.
15 However, the Lord answered him and said: Hypocrites, does not each one of you on the Sabbath untie his bull or his ass from the stall and lead it away to give it drink? (Luke 13 NWT)

2019Ab16/Tishri5: Reappointed Laodicea is appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. Only Cain could join it due to the Quad Gapped Gentile Times. The 3EC is not for 2NCs.
Reverted Laodicea was appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham in the same slot as Abrahamic Laodicea and reappointed Laodicea (being the same church, one slot per church per group). Watchtower 2NCs entered into Reverted Laodicea from 2020Tebbeth11 for 300+300 Denarii of feet oil of John12 until 2022Elul11.
2023Tishri21: The fall of Reverted Laodicea. Which then becomes non adamic Sodom. We deduce this from the 450 prophets of Baal seized until 2024Tebbeth21, the 127 Pentecosts of Esther, 6350 days from 2005Adar1, when they stole the 4EC by baptising the 2nd Laodicean without reference to the LWs.. See also the 1000 days of 5 barley loaves into 5000 of John6 - U67.. See also the 3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 at point8
1522023Tishri21-2024VeAdar21: The 17x/18x of the concubine of Judges19, fallen with her hands upon the spreading-out/snatching away/basin/vestibule/doorstep/threshold [@s;] (the future rock mass of Gordon laid on 2025Nisan2 and installed on 2025Nisan9). But is not seen to have so fallen by ' the man' until he gets up in the morning and opens the door to the house. She fell until 'the light' of Judges 19:26. See U268. The light of the life, the 4th true church, the LWs, for the life was the light of men, arrives to her in the ark on 2024VeAdar21. The light of Jesus at the start of the 3rd presence arrives to her on 2026Elul16, when we baptise the 1st row cornerstone 1NC apostles into Zoar. So she is seen fallen when her master opens the doors which occurs on 2025Nisan10-17 for 2NC apostles, who are the doors into the temple of Solomon152.

2024Tishri15: The end of the LW Exedenic Times. The 4EC baptism becomes Isaaic again.
The end of the seizing of the reverted Laodicean prophets of Baal, by the PEOPLE and not by Elijah or his attendant (the LWs). 450 prophets of Baal after the fall of reverted Laodicea on 2023Tishri21. 
2024Shebat15-2026Heshvan5: Isaiah30:26: The day of the binding up of the breakdown and the healing by rapture and 4EC baptism, of the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him: 2x from the start of Laodicean ark rapture to the end of the 4EC baptism.
2024Shebat21: The end of the 12x of taking the 12 2NC apostles from 2012Shebat21, the installation of Abrahamic Zoar over the 2NCs. And the end of the Laodicean ark rapture. The rapture of the apostle Caleb.
2025Nisan2 - 2026Heshvan5: The 574x inclusively of Bethzatha the baptism in Jerusalem above and Jerusalem below (where either the believer of the baptiser are ark based).
The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 6½½ doors of the house of Jehovah. They finish being opened on the first nanosecond of 2025Nisan17, the 17th day of the 2nd whole month of all 2NC being in the ark or in Zoar of Genesis 7:11, when all the apostolic springs of the deep are broken open..
The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the 1NCs, the HLCs and the ELCs. The 2NCs are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark. 
Verse 26: 1x+1x+1x+7x+1x+7x in a day of A and B = 18x.2x =36x: From the baptism of Caleb on 2025Nisan2 to the baptism of the last 2NC on 2025Iyyar8, the end of the division between 2NCs.
This is the light of 7 days of baptism of the 7 rows of Solomon's temple, 7x of temple baptisms. The Laodicean concubine falls with her hands upon the spreading-out/snatching away/basin/vestibule/doorstep/threshold [@s;], for 17x/18x from 2023Tishri21 - 2024VeAdar21/2025Nisan10 - See U268. But is not seen to have so fallen by 'the man' until he gets up in the morning and opens the doors to the house.
AND 7x of Isaiah30 of blinding light in the day of binding up the breakdown of all the 2NCs from 2024Tishri15-21 our first properly celebrated Cakes-Booths (from which came U455 and the realisation that we had to retranslate the entire bible) to 2025Iyyar21, the rapture of the saints (Benjamin). The light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun at the autumnal equinox it being less in length prior to that day. The autumnal equinox in 2024 is September22 at 12:36 (2024Tishri15). Then after sunset on that 2024September22, when the Equinox is actually observed, we are in 2024Tishri16, the first whole day after the LW Gentile Times and the LW Exedenic Times. The vernal equinox in 2025 is March20 at 08:51 (2024VeAdar15) - see U270.

2025Iyyar8 - 2025Iyyar23 15 cubits above the 5th row baptism. The waters up to the top of the tall mountains in Genesis 7:20 is the baptism of the kings in those mountains. The 15 cubits of water above the top of the tall mountains are 14 days of water baptism of Lords (the lower mountains) from 2025Iyyar8 (5th row baptism day) to 2026Iyyar22 (7th row baptism day), when the mountains (not just the tall mountains) become covered. Then 1 more day taking us to the mid point of the Isaaic conversion of the Lords and the first whole day when the mountains are completely covered and the waters overwhelm them. On 2025Iyyar22, the waters brake even with the Lords. On 2025Iyyar23, they prevail over them.

19 And the waters overwhelmed the earth so greatly that all the tall mountains that were under the whole heavens came to be covered. (NWT)
19 And the waters prevailed, exceedingly violent on the earth, and all the high mountains under the heavens were covered. (GLT)
20 Up to 15 cubits the waters overwhelmed them and the mountains became covered. (Genesis 7 NWT)
20 The waters prevailed, fifteen cubits upward, and the mountains were covered. (Genesis 7 GLT)

2025Iyyar21/22 - 2032Tebbeth11/12: 55x50=2750 days = 7 years 7 months 20 days of the sentence count of Revelation17:16-17 from the start of the 10 horns, to the physical burning of the harlot of false democratic government by the 10 kings who are 10 horns (G20) and the beast, the fulfilment of the words of God of Revelation 17:16-17. The 10 kings stop giving their kingdom, the G20, to the banking beast - because they no longer have a kingdom. They are sell outs right to the end.. 
2024VeAdar28=2025Nisan4 to 2025Iyyar14: The 40 day deluge of Genesis 7:17, which starts 7 days of Genesis 7:10 after the end of 2NC ark rapture on 2024VeAdar21, when all the 2NC Kings (the non reserves) have gone in to Noah (Jesus). The deluge lasts for 40 days of verse17. The WATERS of the deluge last for 40 days to 2025Iyyar14.

10 And it occurred for/to 7 of the days [literally after they finished boarding] [7 of THE days? What are THE days? The days of boarding or the days of being fully boarded? Well they went in BEFORE the deluge. So it is not the former. So it must be the later. Noah's family, Noah/Jesus and his wife, his sons and his son wives, finish going in from 2024VeAdar21] and the waters of the deluge [The 4ECs of the deluge as opposed to the 1ACs of the deluge] came UPON the earth [the 2NC Zoar congregation from 2024VeAdar28=2025Nisan4 to 2025Iyyar14, the 40 days of Genesis 7:17. So 7 days after all the 2NC kings (non reserves) have entered into the ark, the deluge of waters comes upon the earth. This is 6 cubits of the width of the image of Daniel3 after Mark Registration day on 2024VeAdar21]. (Genesis 7).

17 And the deluge [of believers not only of waters] was on the earth forty days. And the waters increased, and bore up the ark, and it was lifted up above the earth. (GLT)
17 and + was the + fluid deluge 40 day upon + the + Earth and + was multiplied the + waters and + lifted up namely + the + chest and + lifted up oneself from + upon the + Earth (LWTi)
18 And the waters prevailed, and were greatly increased on the earth. And the ark floated on the face of the waters. (Genesis 7 GLT)
18 and + prevailed the + waters and + was multiplied greatly upon + the + Earth and + walked the + chest upon + faces of the + waters (Genesis 7 LWT)

2024VeAdar21 to 2025Adar21: The Accepting/Goodwill year of Isaiah61 for Kings and priests, from the ark rapture of the LWs 2NCs to Mark Enforcement day on the Ides of March 2026March15/16 (2025Adar21)
2028Tishri10/Heshvan10 to 2029Tishri10/Heshvan10
: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from late Atonement day, the entrance into the early Laodicean FRC Passover into the 1st crop, to the end of entry into the 12th crop of Revelation22.
The end of all beasts, the absolute end of Adam/Cain, the end of the last chance saloon, the descended church of Melchizedek and Yeshua, Hobah of Genesis14. Entry into which begins on 2031Nisan14 (see U307) and ends on 2033Nisan4-10 for Adam and on 2033Iyyar4-10 for Cain, the last last weeks of Daniel 9:27 for each house respectively24.

The last chance salooners saved between 2031Nisan5 and 2033Iyyar10, appear to be represented by the non Abrahamic vast mixed company of uncircumcised people that came out of Egypt with the Jews (sons of Jacob) and the sons of Abraham. So they are not in the OMC - well not until the last 7 days of OMC/1AC entry of Daniel 9:27 from 2033Nisan3/4-10 for Adam and 2033Iyyar3/4-10 for Cain. Then they are saved into the Kingdom and resurrected back to the planet (or to the ark - not sure which) from Hades on 2033Nisan17 and 2033Iyyar22 and Mosaic first fruits (having been Passover executed on 2033Nisan14 and 2033Iyyar14, the 1st death and late 1st death Passovers). The last chance salooners are last minute proselytes to Abraham essentially.

301,100,000 men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 are days of 1AC entry running from 1048Nisan16, the acceptance of the David's sacrifice on the threshing floor of Ornan on Mount Moriah

So here it is, the history book with no dates? There is no such thing. The dates are encoded. Here is a tabular summary:

Ham dishonours Noah
Satan's seed appears
First post flood guy
enters the SFC
470,000 of Judah start
2354Elul26 BC
Joab completes
David's lawless
Registration. The
3 day plague killing
70,000 begins
1048Nisan14 BC
David purchases
Ornan's Mount Moriah
threshing floor. 3 day plague ends. 1,100,000
of Israel begin
1046Nisan16 BC
Michael's 6,000 year
ARC lease ends
1AC Registration 
Stops 202 days short.
Abraham is completed
2008Nisan14 AD

195 day
FRC Passover
into the 1st
crop of
Mid point of
the 50
righteous men
of Abraham's
50 righteous
men of
negotiation end
195 day 1AC
baptism ends
195 days of God's
(JW sealing) start
195 days of God's
responses (JW
LRC sealing) end. God starts to ruin
the Watchtower
Last week of
Daniel 9:27
for Adam. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Adam
Last week of
Daniel 9:27 for
Cain. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Cain
Late 1st death
The absolute
end of Cain
470,000 days of
3 days of
temple times
1,100,000 - 202
days of 1Chronicles21
195 extra days of 1AC baptism 149/150 days Last week of
Daniel 9:27
Last week of
Daniel 9:27

1,100,000 men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 = 1,099,798 + 195 + 7 days of 1AC entry

2029Heshvan14 (2029October25-26): 195 days of JW LRC sealing end of Genesis18 of 1ACs. The Watchtower is burnt. No JW in it can be sealed into the FRC or the LRC after this point, which is the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22. It becomes a bundle of weeds to be burnt. And God starts to bring it to ruin.

The love test is do you keep your humanity when your leaders have lost it? Do you advocate/fight for justice and basic human rights for the oppressed or take the seemingly easier route and side with the stronger?

Once David had built an altar on the threshing floor, and offered a sacrifice, then God sent fire down from the heavens to consume it on 1048Nisan1630.

30 If, now, God thus clothes the vegetation of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much rather clothe you, ye of little faith? (Matthew 6 LWT)

He clothes those of little faith with his covenant of love, the OMC.

1ACs are tested for FRC sealing by faith
OMCs are tested for LRC sealing by love.

Humans who own angelic souls can ascend or descend Jacob's ladder. Our human brains cannot double their clock speed, but God can double the bandwidth of the connection to the angelic brain until full bandwidth is achieved on day 30 of ascension. The human brain would then act as a full speed interface coprocessor between the angelic brain and the human body. Each step is a doubling/halving of angelic brain connection speed. 30 steps take us from 200Hz to 200GHz or vice versa. 

12 And he began to dream, and, look! there was a ladder stationed upon the earth and its top reaching up to the heavens; and, look! there were God's angels ascending and descending on it. (Genesis 28 NWT)
51 He further said to him: Most truly I say to you men, you will see heaven opened up and the angels of God ascending and descending to the Son of man. (John 1 NWT)

Possession targets are not in the ark during the descent. So demonic possession begins at the bottom of the ladder/snake not the top. 

64The new Tishri1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year and Tebbeth1 Abrahamic world Exodus by rapture secular year

1513Nisan1 began the sacred year (from Adam's sin and his new adamic ageing body) and the secular year from Jehovah becoming Caesar to Israel and extracting them from Egypt in that month. The sacred year and secular year were coincident until Saul because the same person was both sacred King and secular King over Israel. Only a God can hold both crowns and be Mother and Father to a people.

1 Jehovah now said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:
2 This month will be the start of the months for you. It will be the first of the months of the year for you.
3 Speak to the entire assembly of Israel, saying, 'On the 10th day of this month they are to take for themselves each one a sheep for the ancestral house, a sheep to a house. (Exodus 12 NWT)

Likewise 2012Elul1 began the Abrahamic Zoar sacred year (from Abrahamic Zoar being appointed/headed/Abib over Abraham on 2012Elul16, in the new non adamic promised land, after the completion of the true church adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion on 2012Sivan14-16 for Adam and 2012Tammuz14-16 for Cain, our rescue from Adam and from Cain genetically - 2012Tammuz16 being the weekly Sabbath and 2012Ab16 begin the appointment of Abrahamic Laodicea over Abraham). 

Likewise 2016Tishri1 began the Isaaic Zoar sacred year (from Isaaic Zoar being appointed/headed/Abib over Abraham on 2016Tishri16 (then over Isaac on 2016Chislev16, 2016Heshvan16 being the weekly Sabbath), in the new non adamic promised land, after the completion of the true church abrahamic to Isaaic conversion on 2016Ab14-16. So from 2016Tishri1, the sacred year of Isaaic Zoar was coincident with the secular year of Adam. This is precisely the situation that the Jews were in in Egypt after God changed the secular year from Tishri1 to Nisan1 to honour his extraction of his people from Egypt. 

Whereas 2024Tebbeth1 will begin the Abrahamic secular year from Jesus extracting the Abrahamic Gentile call 2NCs by rapture from 2024Tebbeth16-21 after the Abrahamic World Exodus Passover on 2024Tebbeth14. So that Abraham is raptured after new Rosh Hashana of 1Thessalonians4:16-17 on 2024Tebbeth1 - see P9. The sacred and secular years are not coincident because 2012Elul16 was the appointment of Zoar over Abraham, not of Jesus as Abraham's sacred king. 

Then 2024Adar1 will begin the new Isaaic secular year from Jesus extracting Isaaic 2NCs (LWs) by rapture on 2024VeAdar21 after the Isaaic World Exodus Passover on 2024VeAdar14. So that Isaac is raptured after the new Rosh Hashana of 1Thessalonians4:16-17 on 2024Adar1 - see P9

The 3 Pentecosts sent by Elijah4 to Ahaziah (the King of the Watchtower) in the greater meaning of 2Kings1

1Kings18 requires the first 3 fire signs to be Pentecostal. Actually it requires them to occur on Pentecosts, perhaps on the Sabbaths of the count or the festivals at either end?
2Kings1 requires fire signs to occur on the first two of the three 50 counts with chiefs (Pentecosts) which are (in the literal account) sent by Ahaziah to Elijah, but in the greater meaning since the wording is: He sent to him, they are sent by Elijah4 to Ahaziah.

Well there are 5 new Pentecosts which the LWs have discovered in addition to the Mosaic (1NC) Pentecost which runs from 1NC first fruits on Nisan16-22 to the Pentecost on Sivan5-11 depending upon what day in the week the Sabbath occurs during Cakes. These are...

1. The 2NC Pentecost of the Tishri1 secular year from Tishri2 (the day Adam was born, the first fruits of men designed by God himself without the angels) to Heshvan21 (the day Jesus was born, first ripe fruits of men designed by God himself)
2. The Abrahamic Zoar Pentecost from Elul16, Abrahamic Zoar first fruits (Due to the 2012Elul16 appointment of Abrahamic Zoar to rule over Abraham), to Heshvan5, the Abrahamic Zoar Pentecost (the day when the administration of Abrahamic Zoar was installed over Abraham)
3. The Isaaic Zoar Pentecost from Tishri16, Isaaic Zoar first fruits (Due to the 2012Tishri16 appointment of Isaaic Zoar to rule over Isaac), to Chislev5, the Isaaic Zoar Pentecost (the day when the administration of Isaaic Zoar was installed over Abraham)
4. The Isaaic Zoar 2NC Pentecost from the appointment of Isaaic Zoar over the 2NCs on 2016Tebbeth2, to the late installation on 2016Adar21.
4. The 2NC Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 secular year honouring Jesus extracting non adamic Abraham from a satanic Caesar by rapture into Ark3 from 2024Tebbeth16-21. This runs from first fruits on 2024Tebbeth2 to the Pentecost on 2024Shebat21, the choosing of the last 2NC apostles. It is coincident with the Isaaic Zoar 2NC Pentecost. 
5. The 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 secular year honouring Jesus extracting non adamic Isaac from a satanic Caesar by rapture into Ark3 on 2024VeAdar21. This runs from first fruits on 2024Adar2 to the Pentecost on 2025Nisan21. 

9 And he proceeded to send to him a chief of 50 and his 50. When he went up to him, there he was sitting upon the top of the mountain. He now spoke to him: Man of the [true] God, the king himself has spoken, 'Do come down.'
10 But Elijah answered and spoke to the chief of the 50: Well, if I am a man of God, let fire come down from the heavens and eat up you and your 50. And fire came descending from the heavens and went eating up him and his 50.
11 So he turned about/returned and sent to him a chief of 50 following and 50 of him. And he answered and spoke to him: Man of the [true] God, this is what the king has said, 'Do come down quickly.'
12 But Elijah answered and spoke to them: If I am a man of the [true] God, let fire come down from the heavens and eat up you and your 50. And fire of God came descending from the heavens and went eating up him and his 50.
13 And he went sending again a 3rd chief of 50 and his 50. But the 3rd chief of 50 went up and came and bent down upon his knees in front of Elijah and began to implore favour of him and speak to him: Man of the [true] God, please let my soul and the soul of these 50 servants of yours be precious in your eyes.
14 Here fire came down from the heavens and went eating up the 2 former chiefs of 50 and their fifties, but now let my soul be precious in your eyes.
15 At that the angel of Jehovah spoke to Elijah: Go down with him. Do not be afraid because of him. So he rose and went down with him to the king. (2 Kings 1 NWT adapted)

The 1st 50 of 2Kings1 is the late 2NC Pentecost from 2010Heshvan2 to 2010Chislev21. The inclusive chief of 50 is the late 2NC Pentecost on 2010Chislev21.The fulfilment was the fire upon mount Carmel from 2010Chislev20-23.
The 2nd 50 of 2Kings1 is the late 2NC Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year from 2024Shebat2 to 2024Adar21/VeAdar21, ending at the rapture of Solomon. The inclusive 2nd chief of 50 is 2024Adar21/VeAdar21, the late 2NC Pentecost festival of the Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year, the inclusive following chief after the 1st 50, 14 years 3 months later. The exclusive 2nd chief of 50 is 2025Nisan21 (for Elijah spoke to them when speaking to the 2nd chief of 50).
The 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 is the Abrahamic Zoar and Isaaic Zoar Pentecost from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5. The inclusive 3rd chief of 50 is 2026Heshvan5, when Elijah4 hands over Abraham in Isaaic Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit (at the installation Pentecost for Isaaic Zoar over Abraham). The exclusive chief of 50 is 2026Chislev5, when Elijah4 hands over Isaac in Isaaic Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit at (the installation Pentecost for Isaaic Zoar over Isaac).

Jesus completes sitting down upon his glorious throne in Zoar (over Abraham and Isaac) on 2026Chislev5, 3600 overseers of 2Chronicles2 after Isaaic Zoar was installed over Abraham on 2016Chislev5. Jesus starts judging the sheep and the goats of M\athew25Tishri5 on his throne, with all the nations gather before him in WW3, on 2026Heshvan5 (when he sits down over Abraham), 6 years 197 days (2357 days of Matthew25) before 2033Iyyar22 (2nd Mosaic first fruits), the late 1st death Passover resurrection, the final resurrection of end times Abraham.. 

So the 1st 2nd and 3rd 50s of 2Kings1 are the new types of Pentecosts with respect to the original Mosaic Pentecost which is also the 1NC Pentecost.

2Kings1 tells us that the first 3 fire signs of 1Kings18 occur at the two of these 5 new Pentecosts (regular or late). It is a simple as that. I do not know why I could not see this before - see point56. Mind you one has to have all the appointment/installations to feed and to rule over all groups by all 2nd and 3rd presence churches in order to see where the top of Carmel is (2016Adar21, the installation of Isaaic Zoar over the 2NCs and to feed the HLCs). From which 

15 For this is what we tell you by Jehovah's word, that we the living ['We' is earthly saints, which is ELCs in TCC2: time delay angelic] who survive to the presence [2nd part of 1st presence] of the Lord shall in no way precede those having fallen asleep [ELCs in Hades] 
16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call with an archangel's voice and with God's trumpet and the dead (ones) in Christ will stand up first [ELCs before 2NCs and CRCs in Hades before living CRCs are raptured]
17 Afterward we the living ones [We earthly saints: which is 2NCs today] left around will, together with them, be caught away in clouds [into the ark], and thus we [ELCs and 2NCs] shall always be with [the] Lord (1 Thessalonians 4).

15 For this is what we tell you by Jehovah's word, that we the living who survive to the [3rd] presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those having fallen asleep [in Hades
16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call with an archangel's voice and with God's trumpet and the dead (ones) in Christ will stand up first 
17 Afterward we the living ones left around will, together with them, be caught away in clouds, and thus we shall always be with [the] Lord (1 Thessalonians 4).

So the clouds of at least 2 fire signs must be coincident with rapture days of the 2NCs. Actually as required by 2Kings1:11-12, Elijah predicts the 2nd chief and his 50 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs which is either
1. 2024Tebbeth2-Shebat21 and 2024Adar21 - two Pentecostal predictions from Abrahamic Rosh Hashana 2NC first fruits
2. 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21 - two Pentecostal predictions from late Abrahamic Rosh Hashana 2NC first fruits
3. 2024Adar2-2025Nisan21 and 2025Iyyar21 - two Pentecostal predictions from Isaaic Rosh Hashana 2NC first fruits
4. 2025Nisan2-Iyyar21 and 2025Sivan21 - two Pentecostal predictions from late Isaaic Rosh Hashana 2NC first fruits

Do come down of verse9, which must have a fulfilment, is fulfilled on on 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, when we hand over Abraham/Isaac to the 3rd Holy Spirit, 16 years after the 1st fire sign on 2010Chislev20-23
Do come down quickly of verse11 is again fulfilled on 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, when we hand over Abraham/Isaac to the 3rd Holy Spirit, less than 2 years after the 2nd/3rd fire signs.

42 And Ahab proceeded to go up to eat and drink. And Elijah went up TOWARDS [la,] the top of Carmel and bowed down/crouched earth and put his face between his knees.
43 Then he said to his attendant: Go up, now/please. Look in the way/road/direction of the sea. And he went up and looked and said: There is nothing at all. And he said, Go back 7 times.
44 And it was/occurred in/at the 7th and he said: Look! A small cloud like a man's palm ascending from the sea. He now said: Go up, say to Ahab, 'Hitch up! And go down that the downpour may not detain you!' (1 Kings 18 LWT)

18642 And Ahab went up/ascended to eat and drink. And Elijah went up/ascended towards the top/head of Carmel [Garden] and crouched/bent down [to] earth and put his face between his knees.
43 And said to his servant/boy/driven out [one] [r[;n:], Go up [hl'['] now/please, look way/road of sea. And he went up/ascended [hl'['] and looked, and said: Nothing whatsoever. And he said, Turn back 7 times/anvils.
44  And it came about in/during/at the 7th [the feminine from of the adjective for 7th, not 7th time [Any 7th] And he said: Look! There is a small/cut short cloud [1x] like a man's palm [vyai-@k;K.] [1x] ascending/going up from the sea/west [1x] [A upon B is A+B. A ascending from B is AxB] (1Kings18 LWT).

Verse42 re Elijah: 1x+1x+1x+1x+1x = 5x
Verse43: 2x+2x+0x/1x+7x = 11x/12x
Verse44: 7x.(1x.1x+1x) = 14x
Total = 5x+11x/12x+14x = 30x/31x  From 2024VeAdar21, when every 2NC is in the ark and so under the direct control of Elijah4 (the rapture of Elijah4) to 2025Nisan21, the 3rd fire sign.

Well the Hebrew word for Palm is @K;, which is curved, hollow, the palm of the hand, the sole of the foot (LW Lexicon). 

So it must count as 1x for the palm, not as 5x for the entire hand. For even though the hand forms a much more convincing curve than the palm does. Indeed the entire purpose of the hand is to form a curve to grasp something. Fingers can be straight whereas the Palm is always curved. So the Hebrew palm excludes the fingers just as the English palm does. So the cloud is like 1x and is ascending from the sea, and the attendant said this upon a Sabbath.186

The top of Isaaic mount Carmel, of the Isaaic administration of the garden land, of Isaaic Zoar, is 2016Adar21, our final installation, which was to feed the HLCs and to rule over the 2NCs (on the same day).

Elijah went up not to, but towards, the top of the administration of Isaaic Zoar (2016Adar21). His attendant was instructed to go up now on 2016Adar21, which he did if we take his attendant to be Isaaic FDS4. But then the scripture describes the execution of that instruction as: So he went up and looked and said: There is nothing at all. Then Elijah instructs him to go back 7 times. And the attendant is not said to do that. But it occurs in the 7th and he said: Look a small cloud like a man's palm rising from the sea - that being a fire sign cloud.

If we take the account literally and interpret it as event symbolism then there is a fire sign on 2023Adar21. But there wasn't one on that day because the is no event symbolic interpretation of a literal account. We must interpret it word symbolically. So the instruction to go up was fulfilled on 2016Adar21. Then the execution of that instruction was fulfilled on 2017Adar21. Then the instruction to go back 7x was fulfilled from 2017Adar21 to 2024Adar21/2024VeAdar21 and on this 7th day of Cakes Booths or possibly at the 7th Sabbath of the late 2NC Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year on 2024Adar20/2024VeAdar20, we get the 2nd fire sign.

In the case of the 1st fire sign, Elijah of Laodicea administratively and Elijah4 temporally head toward 2003Shebat21, not the top but the start of the administrative mountain of adamic Laodicea. The attendant reaches the start [varO can mean start or top] of the installations of the garden land of Laodicea on 2003Shebat21, the fulfilment of the instruction to go up. Laodicea's installation to feed the 1NCs. And he goes back 7x of 2NC Pentecosts to 2010Heshvan21 in fulfilment of the instruction to go back 7x. And he goes to one further festival (the late 2NC Pentecost on 2010Chislev21) in fulfilment of the execution of the instruction to go up and look in the direction of the sea. 2010Chislev21 was the 1st fire sign 

Go back/return 7x is a fascinating choice of words. Because it refers in this fulfilment to returning to the earth 7x after being raptured. The rapture gives us a day in the ark for each day we spend down here. And time stands still on earth when we are planning and being victorious over our enemies in the ark as was the case in Joshua10 - see U271-11#10. Indeed VeAdar is the month wherein each day of Adar is repeated a second time. So the Isaaic LW boy returns back to earth on his rapture day, at the very nanosecond that he leaves the planet (in earth time). 

The 2nd 50 of 2Kings1 is 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and the inclusive chief of 50 is 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 and the exclusive chief of 50 is 2025Nisan21. The inclusive chief is the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 and the exclusive chief is the 3rd, because Elijah spoke to 'them' when speaking to the chief - see U271-11l#56.

11 So he turned about/returned and sent to him a chief of 50 following and 50 of him. And he answered and spoke to him: Man of the [true] God, this is what the king has said, 'Do come down quickly.'
12 But Elijah answered and spoke to them: If I am a man of the [true] God, let fire come down from the heavens and eat up you and your 50. And fire of God came descending from the heavens and went eating up him and his 50 (2Kings1 LWT)

Elijah4 asks his attendant to go up into the ark rather than going up and looking for the cloud himself, because the attendant is raptured first and Elijah is raptured last on 2024VeAdar21, the inclusive 2nd chief of 50, perhaps after the 2nd fire sign.. 

But we can also interpret as above that the instruction to go up was fulfilled on 2016Adar21, the installation of Isaaic Zoar over the 2NCs. Then the execution of that instruction was fulfilled on 2017Adar21. Then the instruction to go back 7x was fulfilled from 2017Adar21 to 2024Adar21/2024VeAdar21 and on this 7th day of Cakes Booths or possibly at the 7th Sabbath of the late 2NC Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year on 2024Adar20/2024VeAdar20, we get the 2nd fire sign.

For the 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 we argue that the attendant having gone back 7x from 2017Adar21 to 2024Adar21 then goes forward the sentence count of Elijah's actions having reached the peak which is...

Verse42 after going towards the top: 1x+1x+2x = 4x
Verse43: 2x+2x+1x+go back 7 times = 5x + go back 7 times
Verse44:7x.(1x+1x+1x) = 21x
Total: 4x+5x+21x = 30x = go back 7x.30x from 2024Adar21 to 2025Nisan21 the 3rd fire sign, the exclusive chief of the 2nd 50 of 2Kings1..

So we now predict the 2nd and 3rd fire signs for 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 (2025January6-2025February25-March27), and 2025Nisan21 (2025April19/20), the exclusive 2nd chief of 50 and his 50 of 2Kings1. 

First Fire Sign of 1Kings18 and 2Kings1, the largest fire in the history of modern Israel, which killed 24 people, occurred on mount Carmel in Israel from 2010Chislev20-23, covering the late 2NC Pentecost of the adamic Tishri1 secular year on 2010Chislev21 and the Super Pentecost thereafter on 2010Chislev22, when the Attendant of Elijah4 (Ian, an LW) saw the greatest fire in modern Israel's history (which killed 24 people) as that fire sign.

The 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 and 2Kings1, occurs during the late 2NC Pentecost of the Abrahamic Tebbeth1 secular year from 2024Shebat2 to 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 - during which period the LW 2NCs are raptured in accordance with 1Thessalonians 4:16-17.. 

Since 1Kings18 is Pentecostal we expect the 2nd fire sign to occur on 2024Adar21 or 2024VeAdar21, the late Abrahamic 2NC Pentecost and on 2025Nisan21, the Isaaic 2NC Pentecost.
Since 2Kings1 has Elijah4 speaking to 'them' when speaking to the 2dn chief of 50. We expect the 2nd and 3rd fire signs to occur at both chiefs of the 2nd 50, the inclusive chief on 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 and the exclusive chief on 2025Nisan21.

The 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18 occurs during the 2NC Pentecost of the Isaaic Adar1 secular year, which is the 2NC Pentecost on 2025Nisan21 - after the LW 2NC rapture and before the Benjamin reserves 2NC rapture fulfilling 1Thessalonians 4:16-17 as to a rapture period perhaps? 

2025Nisan17: The 17th day of the 7th month of the Tishri1 adamic secular and Isaaic Zoar sacred year. The ark comes to a rest upon the mountain of Zoar (curse reversed - non adamic). This is fulfilled on 2nd row baptism day - not sure how.

And on 2025Nisan17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd whole month with all the 2Ncs having been collected either into the ark or into Zoar. All the apostolic vast springs of the deep are broken open at the end of the 7 day installation of the 12 2NC apostles to baptise transitively from 2025Nisan10-17.

Happy (Western and Chinese) New Year as my favourite banker Christine Lagarde prophetically declared at the IMF dinner in 2014 at the National Press Club in Washington, when she described the importance of 7s in numerology and referred to the 7 fat and 7 thin cows (she being of the thin variety). The Chinese New year began on Wednesday 2025January29 (2024Shebat24/25), when the Red horse came out of its stables at the signing of the Laken Riley act by Trump47. The BLC new year begins on 2025Nisan1 = 2024VeAdar25, which is 2025March30/31.

My hope and my wish for 2014 is that after those 7 miserable years weak and fragile, we have 7 strong years. I don't know whether the G7 will have anything to do with it or whether it will be the G20. I certainly hope that the IMF will have something to do with it. She quoted Genesis41 the wrong way around. Christine Lagarde IMF Press Club Dinner 2014January15 - she starts speaking around 7 minutes into the video.

13 And he went sending again a 3rd chief of 50 and his 50. But the 3rd chief of 50 went up and came and bent down upon his knees to front of Elijah and begged for favour to him and said to him: Man of the [true] God, please let my soul and the soul [singular] of these 50 servants of yours be precious/heavily-valued in your eyes 
Here fire came down from the heavens and went eating up the 2 former chiefs of 50 and their fifties, but now let my soul be precious/heavily-valued in your eyes. (2Kings1)

So the soul of the 3rd chief was precious in the eyes of Elijah4 in two ways (eyes). And in one of those 2 ways, the soul of his 50 was not precious. Elijah4 comes down to the King with that chief, i.e. on 2026Heshvan5 (over Abraham), the inclusive 3rd chief of 50, when the 3rd Holy Spirit takes over over Abraham in Isaac Zoar. This 3rd chief represents the day 2026Heshvan5. He does not represent the chief of the 3rd Holy Spirit who is Isaaic 4EC baptised as the foundation stone on 2026Ab5. So that he stands up by baptism in the midst of the extracted brothers of Acts2 from 2019Tishri17 to 2033Iyyar22. The 3rd chief is a day of 4EC baptism because he kneels before Elijah4. He represents the day when the 3rd Holy Spirit is handed the Abrahamic part of the church, which must occur the minute the entire spirit is baptised. For the entire spirit is divine. but its components are not. And no no divine person can hold authority over a divine being. The 3rd 50 have highly valued souls because they are the period of Isaaic 4EC baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit.

2026Ab5 (Peter)
2026Elul16 (Cornerstone 1st row 1NCs)
2026Elul23 (Non cornerstone 1st row 1NCs)
2026Elul30 (2nd row 1NCs)
2026Tishri7 (3rd row 1NCs)
2026Tishri14 (4th row 1NCs)
2026Tishri21 (5th row 1NCs)
2026Tishri28 (6th row HLCs)
2025Heshvan5 (7th row HLCs)

Also Elijah4 goes down with the exclusive 3rd chief of 50 on 2026Chislev5, when he gives his body (Zoar) to Jesus, just as Immanuel did on 29Tishri10. 

First Fire Sign of 1Kings18: So Elijah4 went up to the top of adamic LW Carmel over the 2NCs on 1999Tebbeth21 by authority. Then he goes up to the top of the Laodicean mountain on 2003Shebat21 (Laodicea's 1NC installation to feed) temporally, not by authority, top meaning start in his case. He tells his boy (the 2NCs of the administration of Laodicea) to go up to the top of their administration as regards authority and to look in direction of sea/East from Brooklyn towards the Atlantic or South towards the East river and the UN. They see nothing. Elijah4 had been incorrectly predicting a war leading to the UN expanding its security council and taking over the planet with the 10 Permanent Members of the UN Security Council as the 10 kings of Revelation17 - see U245. The 10 horns who are 10 kings of Revelation17 are not a expanded the UN Security Council. They are the G20 (10 horns + 10 kings = 20 horns or kings) and 10 toes part iron and part potter's clay of Daniel2 = 20 toe parts likewise.

"What happened on September 11th was as we have been prophesying for years, an act of war (or unofficial war) which was the trigger for the UN taking over"

This was incorrect and no war lead to such an expansion. Although Bush43 used 911 as a pretext for his war Afghanistan. So none of Gordon's predictions for the UN across sea water of the East river from the HQ of the Watchtower at Brooklyn Heights came true. How long the administration of Laodicea was checking this is not known. We Go back 7x of 2NC Pentecosts from 2003Shebat21 (the 4th version of 2003Heshvan21) to 2010Heshvan21. Then add the 30x/31x sentence count from Elijah reaching the top of the mountain of 1Kings18:42-44 (shown below) to 2010Chislev21/22 the 1st fire sign. The largest fire in modern Israel's history upon Mount Carmel from 2012Chislev20-23, killing 24 people.

The first fire sign of 1Kings18 on 2010Chislev20-23 was a voice but not an answer. There was no voice and no answer prior to that sign. Ian (an LW) saw the fire as a fire sign of 1Kings18 on the weekly Sabbath of 2010Chislev22 (and it came about in the 7th of verse 44). But the sign was a paying of attention referred to in verse29.

26 Accordingly they took the young bull that he gave them. Then they dressed it, and they kept calling upon the name of Baal from morning till noon, saying: Oh Baal, answer us! But there was no voice, and there was no one answering. And they kept limping around the altar that they had made.
29 And it came about that, as soon as noon was past and they continued behaving as prophets until the going up of the grain offering, there was no voice, and there was no one answering, and there was no paying of attention. (1 Kings 18 NWT)

The first Chief of 50 and his 50 of 2Kings1 are 2010Heshvan2 to 2012Chislev21 the late 2NC Pentecost of the Tishri1 secular year. So that 2010Chislev20, which was eaten up by the fire sign, was a part of the first 50.

The 2nd Fire Sign: One new 2NC Pentecost that we have discovered is the Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year 2NC Pentecost from 2024Tebbeth2 to 2024Shebat21.

The 2nd 50 and the following 2nd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 are now predicted for 2024Shebat2 - 2024Adar21/VeAdar21, following day for day, 14 years and 3 months after 2010Heshvan2-2010Chislev21 for the 1st fire sign and being the late 2NC Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year. 

Elijah spoke to them by speaking to the chief, which must mean there are two chiefs, the inclusive chief on 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 and the exclusive chief, the late late 2NC Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 secular year on 2025Nisan21, which is also the Isaaic 2NC Pentecost from 2024Adar2..

Haggai2 tells us to set our hearts upon the 24th to the 9th, which is the 24th festival day to the 8th Nisan1 sacred year of Isaaic Zoar from 2016Tishri16 its appointment over non adamic Abraham. So we must set our hearts upon 2024Adar21, which is the end of the LW Alienation Times, the great malediction of the contest of 1Kings18. We set our heart because our hearts are set everlastingly on that day by being regarded as sin free due to ARC sealing into everlasting angelic life.

But perhaps we should also set our hearts on that day because the 2nd fire sign occurs on one or other incarnation of it - on 2024Adar21/VeAdar21. then the 3rd fire sign occurs on 2025Nisan21. So the 2nd and 3rd fire signs occur at the inclusive and exclusive chiefs of the 2nd 50 of 2Kings1. Hence Elijah spoke to 'them' by speaking to 2nd chief of 50.

And we know that the fire signs mislead mankind into taking the mark and possibly mislead the UK and the US into joining WW3, which begins on 2025Shebat20/21. For the scripture says...

13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.
14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke [from Tump47?] and yet revived. (Revelation 13 NWT)

Elijah spoke to them (the 2nd chief of 50 and his 50 or perhaps the inclusive and the exclusive chief of 50), by speaking only to the chief. So the chief is a part of his 50 AND 30 days after his 50 for the late Pentecost. And the pillar that lead Israel was of fire and of cloud, which stands for 2 pillars in the greater meaning. The pillar would be a cloud and darkness and it would light up the night says Exodus14:21...

20 And it came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel. And it was cloudy and dark. And it gave light to the night; and this one did not come near to that one all night. (Exodus 14 GLT)

Literally it meant darkness for the Egyptians but light for the Israelites. But that is not what the scripture says. In the greater meaning there are two pillars of cloud and fire because the bible is maximally distributive. One in the day and one in the night.

NB: If you are concerned about this site mainly quoting from the NWT, the Watchtower bible, the consider this: Satan gives massive positive status in the eyes of gullible, naive and mislead mankind to his outfits, and massive negative status to God's outfits. The Watchtower became a false church (due to idolatry and brainwashing and cult control freakery etc.) and is now as Satanic as any political party. But it was once the true church hence its negative status. And every church, true or false, has something to offer the faithful. Except perhaps the US churches of the nuclear bomb and of the bacon rasher. I guess if you worship at the one you find yourself becoming the other.. We nearly always correct the NWT or Greens or the KJV from the Greek and Hebrew using our online software. We call such corrected translations the LWT

This beast of Revelation13 and 17 has a Central Banking/Big Tech body/administration/secretariat from the sea (commercial, private sector), not from the land (bureaucratic, public sector).  It is the money beast and its image is the CBDCs. The harlot riding it is the false democratic governments of this world, who are harlots to their electorates. Prostitutes to central bankers, and big tech billionaires is what they have become. They have sold out on democracy and become a plutocracy. They are 'the best government/politicians money can buy' (Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Matt Taibbi, Andrew Bridgen). the 10 horns who are 10 kings of Revelation17 are the original G20 members. But the G20 has no overt body, no visible secretariat. It is therefore the perfect Satanic deception. That is because its body, its administration is not public sector. It is private sector. The politicians just meet annually and usurp democracy financially and decide amongst themselves what national governments should do which is generally the precise opposite of what the people voted for. It is hard for a national government to usurp the will of its own people. It is much easier for outfits with international standing having representatives from all the great national powers to out manoeuvre national democracy. That actually is the purpose of the WHO, the G20, the IMF, the Central banking cartel etc. These are the tools that malevolent billionaire dictators are using to override national democracy with their global plutocracy. The G20 members serve not their national electorates but their global paymasters who have secretly joined together to make a hidden private sector G20 administration, which has been manufacturing their digital prison. These things do not happen globally without an administration. 

The fire that comes down from the heavens in Revelation13 is the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 and 2Kings1 which misleads mankind into taking Digital IDs (the Mark of the Beast) and WW3 - we interpret.

The 3rd fire sign:  The LW Alienation Times malediction is now known to run from 2017Adar21 (the first Isaaic Zoar's 2NC Pentecost after the 12 months of Daniel4:29 from 2016Ab14-16 to 2027Ab14-16) to 2024Adar21 is the fundamental 7x malediction of the contest. It ends when the 2NC horse of the LWs, the 1st horse of the apocalypse, becomes white (ARC sealed) when the ride of the first horseman of the apocalypse begins. Because the contest is Pentecostal (all the numbers of prophets are multiples of 50, and it features fire licking up water - tongue of fire) and because the contest has a 7x waiting period for a 7x malediction, we thought that the LW Alienation Times would be the go back 7x. And it is.

Elijah goes up to the top of mount Carmel the administration of the garden land of Isaaic Zoar on 2016Adar21, when Isaaic FDS4 is installed over the 2NCs. Then he instructed his attendant not to come up but to go up now on that very day, which he does, being appointed along with him. for his attendant is the administration of Isaaic Zoar, Isaaic FDS4. Then the attendant executes that instruction and goes up himself and says: there is nothing at all at the next Isaaic Zoar 2NC Pentecost on 2017Adar21 (because the instruction and the execution in the literal account must each have a separate fulfilment in the word symbolic meaning. Then he is instructed to go back 7x and is not said to fulfil that instruction. So there is only one fulfilment of 7x, which is the 7x of the LW Alienation Times from 2017Adar21 to 2024Adar21 - see U123.

Also we can add the 30x sentence count of 1Kings18:42-44 above, to LW Alienation Times the fulfilment above and get from 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 to 2025Nisan21 (2025April9/10), the 3rd fire sign.

The pillar of cloud moving from leading to following

We know from Exodus 14 that the pillar of cloud moves behind Israel for 7x/8x/14x/15x days....

19 And withdrew/pulled up, the Angel of God [AOL], the [one] going to faces [polite plural OR actual faces?] of/before camp of Israel [3x: The faces of the camp, all the faces of the men women children of Israel plus the vast mixed company with them]. And he went behind them [3x+3x=6x, taking them as those in the camp]. And the pillar of cloud withdrew from faces [very funny! Could be polite plural. Could be real plural] of them [3x], and it stood behind them [3x+1x=4x].
20 And it came in between the camp of the Egypts and the camp of Israel [2x+1x+1x = 4x]. And it proved to be a cloud together with darkness [1x+1x]. And it kept lighting up the night [2x]. And this [camp] did not come near towards that all night [2x+1x = 3x] (Exodus 14 LWT)

Verse 19 Angel from the withdrawal of the angel: 3x+6x = 9x
Verse 19 pillar of cloud: 3x+4x = 7x (going behind adds but being behind subtracts? - No both Add)
Verse 20: 4x+2x+2x+3x = 11x. 
Pillar of cloud total: 7x+11x = 18x from 2006Iyyar1/Sivan1 the start/revised start of the contest predictions, to 2024VeAdar21, the 2nd fire sign.

The Night (a noun which appears twice countably, one appearance being as a partitive genitive) is the period of Laodicea, reappointed Laodicea, reverted Laodicea and reaccepted Laodicea until pillar of cloud predictions are fulfilled. The prediction acts as a cloud and keeps mankind in the darkness, because they reason: Let's wait and see if the LWs can get it right. Let's wait for a sign. Whereas for the LWs, the predictions are a part of our Chronological clock which lights up the night with hope for the proximity of the Kingdom. Our first prediction was made on 2006Iyyar1 for 2006Sivan11 amended on 2006Sivan1 to be 2006Sivan12. Our 500th main prediction for 2024Tebbeth2-Shebat21 and 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 was seen and made on 2023Adar14. Our 501st for 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21 was seen on 2024Nisan21 and made (published) on 2024Nisan22. So we have been at this for 18 years.

1513Nisan14/Iyyar14/Sivan7 vs 2024Tebbeth14/Shebat14/Adar14/2025Nisan21

The Mosaic Exodus began on 1513Nisan14 and the red sea was crossed on 1513Iyyar10. The late Passover was held at Elim and the Pentecost was held at mount Sinai in Arabia. The pillar of cloud and fire appeared after Cakes and went behind Israel before the late Passover. They arrived at the foot of mount Sinai on 1513Sivan3 and went under law on 1513Sivan7, the Mosaic Pentecost, after agreeing it with Moses in 1513Sivan6, the 7th Sabbath of 1NC Weeks.

The two Exodus Passovers and the Law Pentecost are archetypes for the Abrahamic World Exodus by rapture Passover on 2024Tebbeth14 and the Isaaic world Exodus by rapture Passover on 2024VeAdar14 and the 2025Iyyar21 late Isaaic 2NC Pentecost when the temple of Solomon is installed and we are given not the law of Moses but the gifts of the Holy Spirit of our God Jesus Christ, which is his acceptance of the installed temple..
The Rapture Exodus of the sea of reeds, the Gentile call 2NCs, begins during Cakes-Booths after 2024Tebbeth14, the Abrahamic World Exodus by Rapture Passover. The Laodicean 2NCs escape into the ark during Cakes-Booths after the late Abrahamic World Exodus Passover on 2024Shebat14. The Gentile call 2NC rapture from 2024Tebbeth16-21 is the parting of the Reed Sea, the never true church 2NCs. Then the pillar of cloud is seen mentally from the publishing of the correct fire sign predictions on 2024Nisan22. Then it is seen physically at the 2nd fire sign, at which point the pillar of fire and cloud moves from being ahead of Israel to being behind it.

The parting of the Reed Sea in the rapture.

Jesus ended the law of Moses on 33Nisan14. But that did not release anybody from Moses other than those with a 1EC baptism who were under the law of the 1EC, the first true Christian church. Jehovah is not a God of lawlessness from a sacred or from a secular standpoint. So as a Jew you could choose to be under the fallen (no longer true church) sacred law of Moses or under the true church sacred law of FDS1. You could not choose your secular law giver who was Caesar of Rome. 

Likewise when Satan's ministry payback lease expired on 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10 over Adam/Cain, the secular law of the government of the world was no longer authorised by God. But Adam and Cain did remain under it. It does have power over you, until you agree to go under the secular law of King Jesus (if you ever do). The way one transfers from worldly secular law to Kingdom secular law is by being raptured as a 2NC saint or by joining Zoar, the last true Christian church on earth, the Lords Witnesses, by 4EC water baptism. That puts you under Kingdom secular law and Kingdom sacred law from that point onwards so long as that point is after 2020Chislev9, when Jesus was installed as Caesar to Adam or after 2020Tebbeth5, when he was installed as Caesar to Cain. So government law is not invalidated if you choose to remain under it.

But you absolutely do NOT have to stay under it. You can leave it either to be a free man on the land, or to be under Jesus as Caesar.

Revelation 13 does not refer to 42 month lease for the Dragon. The 42 months of authority to compose/make/create of Revelation13 refers to the creation of serpentine genetic seed, not to rulership. So any non adamic person, that is any person who was a Lords Witness or who was a Laodicean after 2012Sivan14/Tammuz14 and before 2016Sivan14/Tammuz14 (the end of Michael's non adamic restoration lease over Adam/Cain) and absolutely everybody on earth after the end of Satan's 1254 day ministry payback lease over Adam from 2016Sivan20 to 2019Chislev14 and over Cain from 2016Tammuz16 to 2019Tebbeth10, does not have Satan or the Dragon as Caesar unless they choose it. And of course that fact has been hidden by Satan and the demons from all mankind, who have therefore been denied that choice. So a lot of people have been paying taxes that they should not have been paying if our present chronology is correct.

WOW: The whole nation of Israel goes across on dry land. BEFORE they are water baptised!! They go across on dry land which was under the sea, the sea bed. So they none of them go into the ark from a true church (except LWs). Yet they walk as saints, on a sea bed (not land). The waters of the 4EC (the LWs) are to their left. The waters of the 3EC (the 3rd Holy Spirit alone) are to their right64.

The 1NCs and HLCs started to be saved 7x after 2012Sivan14-16/Tammuz14-16, when they became non adamic Abrahamic and after their 40 month wilderness penalty ended on 2019Tammuz30, the 3rd bride being ark resurrected on 2019Tishri15 
The 2NCs start to be saved 8x after 2016Ab14-16, when we became non adamic Isaaic The 2 salvation patterns are 5 years apart, the 1st ELCs being resurrected into the ark from Hades on 2024Tishri10-14. 

The year of 2024 from Tishri14 (the ELC resurrection Passover) is to the 2NC what the year of 2019 from Tishri14 (the 1st Watchtower Passover) was to the 1NC

12The 33½ year fundamental pattern of the LW church to the Kingdom of God

FDS4 appointed to
rule over the 2NCs
FDS4 installed to
rule over the 2NCs
1st fire sign of 1Kings18
Largest fire in modern Israeli
history upon mount Carmel
12th crop Passover of Revelation22
Passover after the end of the Accepting
year of Isaiah61 from 2028Heshvan10
1st/late 1st death Passover
Absolute end of Adam/Cain
110 days inclusively11 years less 28-31 days19 years less 36-39 daysJesus' 3½ year antitypical ministry 11+19+3½ = 33½ years +12/42 days

The 33½ year LW ministry to the Watchtower and Laodicea

3½ year ministry
1st Watchtower Passover
Gordon attended
1st LW
Adamic to Abrahamic LW
and Laodicean Conversion
Cainian to Abrahamic LW
and Laodicean Conversion
Abrahamic Zoar
Abrahamic to Isaaic
LW conversion
Isaaic Zoar
1st Passover in
Reverted Laodicea
Laodicea falls
11 years19 years11+19+3½ = 33½ years

The 33½ years to unification of Watchtower and LW 2NCs

Gordon gave his first talk
 in the Kingdom Hall on
the 3 rights of the firstborn
1991Tishri (or thereabouts)
Elijah4 baptised Roger Knight,
the apostle to Laodicea
who stole the 4EC baptism on
behalf of the Watchtower
First article in the Exposé
Proving ADE from vaccines
The inauguration of Solomon's temple
at the 2NC Pentecost of the
Adar1 Isaac rapture secular year.  
11 years 19 years  3½ year ministry to 2NCs 11+19+3½ = 33½ years 

The 1NCs and HLCs are priests in Solomon's temple on mount Moriah and stones in the 3rd Holy Spirit  temple/palace of Jesus on mount Zion

Elijah4 does build the FRC outer courtyard of the Kingdom temple of Solomon. But not the OMC outer courtyard12.



1886Tishri2/Heshvan21: FDS3 appointed/installed to feed HLCs (1886Tishri was the Sabbath month)
1890Nisan22/Sivan11: FDS3 appointed to rule over HLCs (in order that the 100 year Asher HLC proselyte continuation call occurs this day, beginning the 2nd presence)
1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21: FDS3 appointed to feed 1NCs (1901Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath)
1905Iyyar22/Tammuz11: FDS3 appointed/installed to rule over 1NCs
1991Chislev14: 1991November25/26. Watchtower applies to join the UN as a NGO affiliated to the DPI. 10x of testing of Jehovah of Numbers 14 before 2001Chislev14, when it lost its 3EC water baptism. 
1992January28: UN DPI accepted 36 new NGOs one of which was the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Their main Representative at the UN was Ciro Aulicino.
1995Adar16/1996Sivan5: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed the 1ACs, i.e. as a true church. 1996Iyyar was a Sabbath month. 1AC Pentecosts are counted in virtual Sabbaths like Zoar Pentecosts?
1996Nisan18/Sivan7: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 2NCs
1998Tishri27: Late 2nd 1NC Tablet Shattering day: FDS3 falls over the 1NCs (1998Iyyar19/Tammuz8 2nd 1NC first fruits/Pentecost, +40+40 days and night up mountain = 1998Elul27 inclusively, then 1998Tishri27)
1998Tishri2/Heshvan21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed 1NCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1901Chislev2/Tebbeth21.
1998Heshvan2/Chislev21: FDS4 appointed/installed to feed HLCs, 2nd after FDS3 on 1886Tishri2/Heshvan21.
1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21: FDS4 (Gordon) appointed/installed to rule over the (adamic and cainian 1AC) 2NCs (1999Heshvan was the Sabbath month. 1999Chislev was the adamic Jubilee month)
1999Heshvan19/21: The LW website, our constant feature, which was initially called, was first uploaded to Pipex, 4600 solar days before 2012Sivan14/16 when adamic true church members became non adamic Abrahamic, is a fulfilment of Daniel8, because being non adamic is the right condition for the Holy Place after the expiration of Satan's Red Soup lease. The transgression causing desolation must have been Hyperos 2002. went live on 1999Heshvan21 (± 2 days). That was the start of our constant feature. 
2000Elul16: 2nd LW, Tony, baptised.
2000Tishri16: 3rd LW Jamie, baptised.
2001Elul16: Dave (1st LW apostle) comes to his first LW meeting.
2001Heshvan10/11 (November1). The Watchtower puts in writing in their awful letter to the Bethels that it was unrepentant for riding the UN beast as a harlot church and for putting the throne of Satan into the temple of Jehovah by joining the UN DPI as an affiliated NGO. 6x1335 = 8010 days of expectation of Daniel12 before 2023Shebat10, entry day into the Isaaic World Exodus Passover, the meeting of Laodicea with the LWs, 
2001Chislev14: The Watchtower loses its 3EC water baptism due to putting in writing in its 2001Heshvan10/11 2001Nivember1 letter to the Bethels that it was unrepentant for riding the UN beast as a harlot church and for putting the throne of Satan into  the temple of Jehovah by joining the UN DPI as an affiliated NGO.

2002Nisan16/Sivan5:  LWs failed to be appointed/installed to rule over 1NCs - due to focussing on HyperOs2002 - commercial software and not getting ready. We suffered maledictions due to this failure to be installed over them. We were cut into two, the LWs and Laodicea. And no 1NC or HLC was ever sent to us. Did we take that slot in failure? YES. We were prohibited from ruling over the 1NCs on that date. God cannot have two churches ruling of one group of saints at the same time.
2002Elul1: Laodicea appointed over the 1ACs as a true church (constant feature accepted), 3½ years of the near bank of Daniel12 before 2005Adar1, when they stole the 4EC to start their water baptised congregation, just after 7 months of an Exedenic Times after the fall of the Watchtower on 2005Sivan14 from 2005Sivan15 to 2005Tebbeth15. Roger Knight first contacted the LWs around 2002Ab16 by email.
2002Elul16: Gordon baptised a Roger Knight, who was a clandestine Laodicean, who became their apostle.
2003Tebbeth2/Shebat21: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (2003Heshvan2 was the weekly Sabbath. 2003Shebat was an adamic Jubilee month. 2003Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. A Pentecost is a festival Sabbath which is a secular Sabbath. It is not a sacred Sabbath because otherwise one could not be installed upon it! But one cannot prune vines in a Jubilee. So one cannot judge people in law. So one cannot enter into church law on a Jubilee or agree such entry at a later date. So a church cannot be appointed or installed to rule over anyone in a Jubilee month. One cannot sow seed outside the church in the field in a Jubilee. But one can teach in the church obviously (sow seed in the garden). So a church can be appointed/installed to feed in a Jubilee month): Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (after FDS3 and FDS4) for 100 months of Mark6 to 2012Sivan14, the death of adamic Laodiceans during their Abrahamic conversion, 7x 2NC Pentecosts before 2010Chislev20-23, the 1st fire sign upon mount Carmel in Israel.
2003Shebat21-2015Shebat21: Judas was one of the 12, standing for precisely 12 years Laodicea's installation to feed to the start of the 40 days of spying from 2015Shebat21-2016Nisan1. Then 2019Tammuz30 is the end of the 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty.

2005Sivan14: The Watchtower falls as a true church, 3½ years of the far bank of Daniel12 after it lost its 3EC baptism on 2001Chislev14..
2005Sivan15 to 2012Sivan15: 7x of an Exedenic Times from the 1st day of Cakes after the fall of the Watchtower on 2005Sivan14, to the 1st day of Cakes after the Zoar Passover on 2012Sivan14, when all those in the 2 true churches died to Adam.
2005Tebbeth15: 7x of an Exedenic Times after 2005Sivan15, the 1st day of Cakes after the fall of the Watchtower on 2005Sivan14
2005Adar1: 2nd Laodicean is baptised into the 4EC. Laodicean congregation begins (from 6000 day Laodicean leak of Ezekiel47 - see U267..
2005Adar10: 2nd 2NC tablet shattering day - FDS4 fell over the 2NCs (2005Chislev21+40+40=2005Adar10 inclusively). Temple burning day for 2NCs (the 10th day of the 5th month of the Tishri1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year), is 2028Shebat10, late Watchtower FRC Passover entry day into the 3rd crop of Revelation22. This MUST be in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar (Gordon over the 2NCs). So FDS4 must have fallen over the 2NCs in time to lose 2006 - see U271-11#38.
2006Iyyar1: Sign of Jonah letter sent by fax, arriving in Brooklyn on 2006Nisan30. Elijah4 joins the contest 347 days after the Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14, and all JWs interested in prophecy became prophets of Baal..
2006Iyyar1: Sign of Jonah letter sent by fax, arriving in Brooklyn on 2006Nisan30. 127 jurisdictional districts (a Pentecost for a jurisdictional district) = 127 x 50 = 6350 day before 2023Chislev21, the 3rd fire sign, the end of 2NC ark rapture, the end of the 1Kings18 contest.
2006Iyyar22/Tammuz11: Laodicea appointed/installed to feed 2NCs (2nd after FDS4 - 2006Sivan is the adamic Sabbath month). A first church must fall over the saints before a 2nd church can be appointed to feed those saints.
2006Sivan: Revised Sign of Jonah letter sent by fax.
2006Sivan14 to 2013Iyyar14: The 7x, of Naaman (1NC reserves) pre Passover bathing in the Jordan to get clean flesh as the fiance of Jesus before 2007Nisan14/Iyyar14 to 2013Nisan14/Iyyar14, before the end of the 2nd presence on 2013Adar10 - U652.

2007Sivan22/Elul11 (2007Ab being the adamic Sabbath) is when Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs (the 1st and 2nd slots being taken by FDS3 and FDS4). FDS4 FAILED to be appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs on 2002Nisan16/Sivan5. 2007Ab was the Sabbath month. 10x of testing God to 2017Elul10. Then 40 months of Joash of 2Chronicles24 take us to 2010Chislev26/Tebbeth24, tablet shattering days, 40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from 2010Tishri7/Heshvan5, the 5th/6th 1NC Pentecost - see U112#18.
2008Nisan, 2012Sivan, 2016Ab, 2020Tishri, 2024Chislev, 2028Shebat, 2033Nisan are Adamic Jubilees.
2008Nisan14: Michael Original 6,000 year ARC lease from 3993Nisan14 BC (Adam's sin) ends. But it was extended to 2012Nisan14 in order to give Satan 6,000 years from 3989Nisan14 as a secular only sublease.
2008Nisan14: 1975+1975 years of 1AC entrance from 1943Nisan14 BC ends. Its mid point is 33Nisan14. This is the midst prophecy - see U100
2008Nisan22: The 1st 1NC marriage of Jesus to the first presence 1NCs in heaven.
2008Nisan22: The start of the Kingdom of Jesus (who is himself a God) in heaven
2008Nisan22 - 2017Elul10: Belshazzar's feast of Daniel5 - see U164.

2009Heshvan2/Chislev21: Laodicea is NOT appointed/installed to rule over 2NCs (because they failed the test over the 2NCs just as we failed it over the 1NCs). 2009Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month. Laodicea takes this slot being prohibited to rule over the 2NCs on the installation date. God cannot have two churches ruling over one group of saints at the same time. 2009Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month.
2010Heshvan28/Chislev26: Laodicea falls over the 1NC reserves on Tablet shattering day (40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from the 2010Elul9/Tishri7 the 4th/5th 1NC Pentecost) after 40 months of Joash from 2007Tammuz6, their installation over the 1NCs.
2010Chislev20-23: 1st fire sign of 1Kings18, the greatest fire in Modern Israel's history producing a mushroom cloud rising from the sea above mount Carmel. 
2010Chislev22: The Mount Carmel fire in Israel is seen as the 1st fire sign of 1Kings18 by the attendant (Ian) upon this weekly Sabbath. 
2010Chislev22-2023Tebbeth22: 12x+13x of 12 stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob to whom the word of Jehovah came saying Israel will be your name to the end of the taking for Elijah4 for all 12 2NC apostles either into Zoar by 4EC baptism or into the ark by rapture.

31 So Elijah took 12 stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom Jehovah's word had come, saying: Israel is what your name will become
32 And he went on to build the stones into an altar in the name of Jehovah and to make a trench, of about the area sowed with 2 seah measures of seed, all around the altar. (1 Kings 18 NWT)

2012Nisan16/Sivan5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Adam (2012Nisan15 was a Great Sabbath)
2012Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Jesus appointed/installed as Caesar to Cain
2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to become Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar

Constant feature of this website began
with pipex as
FDS4 with constant feature
installed to rule over the 2NCs
LW Adam finishes becoming non adamic Abrahamic
The ex adamic Holy Place is now in the right condition, Jubilee restored
LW Cain finishes becoming non adamic Abrahamic
The Holy Place is now in the right condition, Jubilee restored
2012Tammuz16 (4 cornerstone apostles are Abrahamic)
4600 solar days of Daniel8 30 days

54THE 2:1 TEMPLE RATIO PROPHECY FOR BIRTHS (taking the temple curtain of Jesus' flesh to be the non adamic flesh of Immanuel that Michael possessed at baptism, which flesh lasted 33½ years and defines the start of the Christian era) 

2NC first fruits
Adamic Holy Starts
Adam born
2NC Pentecost. Temple
curtain (Jesus' flesh) begins
Jesus born in Bethlehem
2November20/21 BC
2Heshvan21 BC
Law Passover
Caiaphas sacrifices Jesus
Jesus flesh ends on earth
33April1 (Friday)
Zoar Passover
Adamic Most Holy ends
True churches die to Adam
1st day of Zoar Cakes/Zoar first fruits
Non Adamic Abrahamic flesh begins (Jubilee edenic restoration is complete)
All true church congregations born again non adamically (Laodiceans and Lords Witnesses)
4025 years 49 days (40 cubits) 2012½ years 24½ days (20 cubits) 40 cubits Holy chamber length: 20 cubits Most Holy chamber length = 2:1

We take the start of the curtain as defining the division between the Holy and the Most Holy and we permit the curtain to extend 33½ years into the Most Holy.

THE 2:1 TEMPLE RATIO FOR ADAM IN GOD'S FAMILY (taking the temple curtain of Jesus' flesh to be Adam under Michael's ARC lease, during which Jesus possessed Adam as leaseholder over him) 

2NC first fruits
Adamic Holy Starts
Adam born
Adam 'circumcised'
Adam Registered
into God's family
Adam sins and goes
into Adamic death
leaving God's family
3993Nisan14 BC
Michael's 6004 year ARC lease
over Adam begins on first fruits
Adam becomes Jesus' flesh
3993Nisan21 BC
Michael's extended 6004 year
ARC lease over Adam ends.
Adam ceases being Jesus' flesh
2nd crop Passover of
Revelation22. Late
Laodicean Passover. Last
Laodicean FRC is executed
Ark rapture of 2nd crop of Revelation22
2½ days after the 2nd crop Passover
The end of Laodicean FRC salvation
7 days
to registration
33½ years + 5 days
(40 cubits)
7 days
as an orphan
6004 years
16¾ years 2½ days
(20 cubits)
40 cubits Holy chamber length
20 cubits Most Holy chamber length = 2:1

So the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy gives us the date of the 1st escape from Adam into Abraham on 2012Sivan16 and the date of the last such escape from a satanic Caesar in this world, to a Caesar representing God (as is the right of members of God's family) for Laodiceans on 2028Tebbeth16. For the first shall be last. This appears to show that late partakers are executed when they partake. So the tree of life can double crop in a month.

THE 2:1 TEMPLE RATIO FOR CHRISTIAN ADAM (taking the temple curtain of Jesus' flesh to be the non adamic flesh of Immanuel that Michael possessed at baptism, which flesh lasted 33½ years)  

Adam sins and God makes him
a 960 year maximum lifespan
long garment of adamic flesh skin
3993Nisan14 BC
2NC Pentecost ( + 8 days?).
Temple curtain Jesus' ( circumcised?) begins
Jesus is born (registered ?) in Bethlehem
2Heshvan21 (2Heshvan29?)
Jesus ascends
after 40 days of Acts1.
Jesus' flesh ends on earth
The late Christian FRC Passover execution
The end of Christian FRCs.
3991 years 7 months 7 days
(40 cubits)
33½ years plus 4 days of Jesus'
non adamic flesh
1995 years 288½ days
(20 cubits)
40 cubits Holy chamber length
20 cubits Most Holy chamber length = 2:1

Births: 4027Tishri2 to 2Heshvan21 BC (4025 years 49 days: Adam's birth to Jesus' birth) to 2012Sivan15/16 (2012½ years 24½ days: Jesus' birth to non adamic Abraham's birth, the start of the escape of Adam into non adamic Abraham). Taking the curtain of Jesus' non adamic flesh as defining the start of the Christian era and extending 33½ years into that era
God's family: 4027Tishri9 (Adam 'circumcised'/registered) to 3993Nisan14 BC (33½ years 5 days: Adam's registration entrance to his sin exit from God's family) then 6000 year curtain of Adam being owned/possessed by Jesus and therefore being Jesus' flesh, to 2012Nisan14, the end of Michael's extended ARC lease. Then 2012Nisan14 to 2028Tebbeth16 (16¾ years 2½ days - Passover is at midnight on 2028Tebbeth14, the end of the escape from Adam into non adamic Abraham for Laodicean FRCs.
Christian Adam: 3993Nisan14 (Adam sins and God makes him a 960 year long garment of flesh) to 2Heshvan21 BC (Jesus' non adamic flesh is born to Mary): 3991 years 217 days) and 33Iyyar25 (Jesus' ascension) to 2028Adar14/15 (the late Christian Passover execution/resurrection, the end of Christian FRC salvation): 1995 years 288½ days).


Adam sins - evicted from Eden
Denied access to tree of life
3993Nisan14-17 BC
1st month of Adamic Jubilee system
Adamic monthly Jubilee systems begins
3993Iyyar1 BC
1st Adamic Jubilee month
50th month of Jubilee system
Adam installed high as priest to mankind
3989Sivan5 BC (granted access to tree of life)
Adamic to Abrahamic Passover: True church Adam becomes non adamic Abrahamic
Adamic Sabbath begins from working for God in a priestly capacity
2012Sivan14-16 AD
1 month 49 months 6000 year working week of  Adam for God

2012Sivan is the 1st adamic Jubilee of the post ARC lease Kingdom.


Learning good and bad begins
Adam appointed high priest over Adam and Cain
Satan's 6,000 year sublease begins
Satan appointed Caesar over Adam and Cain
3989Nisan16 (must follow a Great Sabbath)
1st Adamic Jubilee month
50th month of Jubilee system
Adam installed high as priest to mankind
3989Sivan5 BC (granted access to tree of life)
6000 year
lease ends
1NC first fruits
Jesus appointed
Caesar to Adam
2nd 1NC first fruits
Jesus appointed
Caesar to Cain
1NC Pentecost
Jesus installed as
Caesar to Adam
Adamic to
2nd 1NC Pentecost
Jesus installed as
Caesar to Cain
Cainian to
Satan's 6000 year sublease over Mankind 2nd 1NC Pentecost: Cain is under Adamic death

2012Sivan14-16: Adamic to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to become Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Tammuz14 - 2024Adar2/3 = 2024VeAdar2/3: 4600 solar days of Daniel8 from the loss of the constant feature to God due to adamic death prior to Abrahamic conversion, to 2024VeAdar2/3 (2025February5/6/7) 1/2/3 days after 2025February4, the start of Solomon rewriting LW bible research software - the LWs are a research church.

16113 And I got to hear a certain holy one [Gabriel] speaking, and another holy one [Michael] proceeded to say to the particular one who was speaking [2 fulfilments]: How long will the vision be [of] the constant [feature] and [of] the transgression, causing desolation, to make both [the] holy place and [the] army things to trample on? [Pairs of Everything. This is Michael asking Gabriel on behalf of Daniel]

14 So he said to me: [Gabriel answers] Until evening [and] morning 2300 [], and [the] holy place will certainly be brought into its right condition/restored [perhaps at the immediate end of the 2300 evenings and mornings or perhaps years after that]...

registered. It then took 2-5 days to
point that domain at Pipex
Constant feature of LWs installed?
1999November1/2 or 3/4 (1st upload?)
Sons of the 4EC die to Adam not Cain
Adamic constant feature is interrupted by death
Cainian constant feature is not. Adamic Laodiceans
and LWs become non adamic Abrahamic. So ex adamic
Laodicean and LW temples come into the right condition
Sons of the 4EC die to Cain
Constant feature is now
interrupted by death
Holy Place comes into final condition
Gordon starts rewriting the LW
bible research software
The LWs are a bible research church!!
2024Adar2/3 = 2024VeAdar2/3
4600 solar days evening fulfilment 4600 Solar Days morning fulfilment

2012Sivan14-2033Iyyar14: The 21x sentence count of Zephaniah 1:14-16 of the proximity of the Day of Jehovah of Zephaniah1, Joel2, Malachi4, Amos5, Isaiah13, etc. from killing of all those in true churches to Adam and their standing resurrection to Abraham at the Abrahamic conversion Passover, until the late 1st death Passover of Cain, the completion of the killing of every single human being on the planet. This is the day of judgement, starting with the house of God (the LWs and apostate Laodicea). A massive volcanic eruption that fills the atmosphere with ash TO THE FACES OF the day of Jehovah and BEFORE the day of the Lord of Acts2, which day begins on 2026Elul16, the start of the 3rd presence, when the Lord enters into Zoar by the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit. For the stars will withdraw their brightness and the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light - see U272.
2012Sivan16/Ab5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar to non adamic Abraham. 50 months to the Jubilee release on 2016Ab14, when Zoarites die to Abraham and are resurrected to Isaac on 2016Ab16.
2012Tammuz14-16: Cainian to non adamic Abrahamic conversion of Laodicea and the LWs who are to became Abrahamic Laodicea and Abrahamic Zoar
2012Tammuz17/Elul6: Abrahamic Laodicea appointed/installed to rule over 1NC reserves (having died to Adam and thereby paid for their sin which caused them to fall over the 1NCs). They are appointed over angels before they are appointed over humans. 2007Elul11 was NOT the 4th 1NC Pentecost which was 2007Elul9. It was the late 3rd 1NC Pentecost. So the 4th 1NC Pentecost slot is still free to be taken.
2012Ab: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Laodicea - when Laodicea became headed over non adamic Abraham). The Sabbath system ends on 2017Elul10, when the church falls.
2012Ab1: Laodicean Abrahamic sacred year begins due to their becoming Abib (headed) on 2012Ab16, their appointment over non adamic Abraham
2012Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea appointed/installed over adamic 1ACs and non adamic Abraham and Cainian 1ACs (having been denied due to the Jubilee on 2012Sivan16 and due to the weekly Sabbath of 2012Tammuz16). The Laodicean Exedenic Times runs from 2012Ab15 to 2019Ab15 during this time only Cainian people could join the church because Adam's working week had ended and entrance into Laodicea did not have the non adamic Abrahamic blessing. So no more Abrahamic land was created. The malediction ended before the presence restarted on 2019Elul10. But the presence restarted during the Gentile Times when no non adamic conversion can occur other than through death. So the adamic 1NCs in reappointed Laodicea associate with the church and are under law and are constructively non adamic, But do not become non adamic until death. Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed as a true church before Zoar because it has rulership over the 1NCs, whose collection is more urgent than the 2NCs (and they are senior to us). But Abrahamic Zoar is senior to Abrahamic Laodicea for 2NC appointments, since it is the church of that covenant.
2012Ab22/Tishri11: Abrahamic Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U3181NC appointments to feed should precede 2NC appointments to feed. God is patriarchal.
2012Elul: The zero month for the Abrahamic Sabbath system (for Zoar - when Zoar became headed over Abraham).
2012Elul1: Start of the Abrahamic Zoar Sacred year due to true church Adamic to Abrahamic conversion on 2012Sivan14-16, true church Cainian to Abrahamic conversion on 2012Tammuz14-16 and the appointment of Zoar over Abraham on 2012Elul16 (when Zoar became Abib - headed). So the Abrahamic Zoar appointment Passover is Elul14. and the Abrahamic Zoar Pentecost runs from 2012Elul16 to 2012Heshvan5.
Zoar (FDS4, LWs) appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. These dates are Zoar first fruits and the Zoar Pentecost. The adamic LWs had to die on 2012Sivan14, after 6,000 years of Adam working as a priest from 3989Sivan5. Then we became non adamic Abrahamic on 2012Sivan16. But could not be reappointed over adamic 1ACs on that day ( as a non adamic church) because 2012Sivan was an adamic Jubilee. Neither could it be appointed over the 1ACs on 2012Tammuz16 because that was a weekly Sabbath. Neither could it be appointed on 2012Ab16, because Laodicea takes that date to be appointed over adamic 1ACs and over non adamic Abraham and over cainian 1ACs - all flavours of Abraham basically. So Zoar did not become a true church until 2012Elul16. Actually the LWs did not fall as a true church on 2012Sivan14. The cainian brothers kept it going until 2012Tammuz14, when it again did not fall as a true church, it merely ended by having nobody left in it. Then on 2012Tammuz16, the cainian brothers finished becoming non adamic Abrahamic. YES
2012Tishri1: Month 1 day 1, the start of Abrahamic Zoar's monthly Jubilee system
2012Chislev2/Shebat21: Abrahamic Zoar (new group) is appointed/installed to rule over all 2NCs (an old group). 2012Tebbeth was an adamic Sabbath month and most 2NCs were still adamic.
Abrahamic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs (2012Tebbeth is a Sabbath month which does not stop appointments/installations to feed). 
Abrahamic Zoar appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs. (2012Tebbeth was a Sabbath month. 2012Shebat2 and 2012Adar21 were weekly Sabbaths. 2012Adar was the Abrahamic Laodicean monthly Sabbath. 2013Nisan was the Abrahamic Zoar monthly Sabbath). Genesis22 does not prohibit this - see U318

2015Shebat21-2016Nisan1: 40 days of Laodicean spying upon Zoar.
2016Nisan1-2019Tammuz30: The 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty upon Laodicea. This follows immediately after the 40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty from 1976Nisan1 to 2015Adar25/30, which was the result of their giving up on chronology post the 1975 End of the World failure (to avoid further embarrassment).

10940 year Watchtower wilderness penalty begins
Spying test starts
40 month Laodicea wilderness penalty begins
2016Nisan1 (night of weeping)
Laodicea falls as a true church
40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty ends
Laodicea reaccepted as a true church
2019Ab1 (reaccepted as God's people)
40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty 40 days spying 40 month Laodicean wilderness penalty see U360

2016Ab14-16: Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion only for LWs (4ECs). 2016Ab15 is a Great Sabbath. This is the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee release of ex adamic Isaac.
2016Ab14-16: Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion for all Zoarites, in the 50th month of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease over Abraham, the Jubilee release from the lease. Offer him up there to burnt offering upon one of the mountains (1x+3x=4x not to the month - Genesis22). This is the 2nd Kingdom Jubilee release. 2016Ab15 is a Great Sabbath. 2016Ab is the 3rd Jubilee of the 3rd Holy Spirit, the 3rd post original ARC lease Jubilee. . 
2016Ab14-16: 17 years of the Great Day of Jehovah of Zephaniah1 begin and run to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain - see U272.
2016Tishri was the Jubilee of Abrahamic Laodicea.
2016Tishri: The Zero month for the Isaaic (Zoar) Sabbath system (when Isaaic Zoar became headed/Abib over Abraham).
2016Tishri1: New Isaaic Zoar sacred year starts. So the 1st Isaaic Zoar Jubilee release is 2020Chislev10 and the 2nd is 2024Shebat10.
2016Tishri1: Start of Isaaic Zoar sacred year. The Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion of Zoar was 2016Ab14-16. 50 months precisely of Jesus' non adamic restoration lease after the adamic to Abrahamic conversion. Isaaic Zoar was appointed to rule as sacred king over Abraham on 2016Tishri16, and over Isaac on 2016Heshvan16, the birth of the Kingdom church. So the Isaaic Zoar appointment Passover is 2016Tishri14 and the Isaaic Zoar Pentecost runs from 2016Tishri16 (when we became headed over the entire church - Abraham - Abib) to 2016Chislev5.

2016Tishri16/Chislev5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Abraham. 2016Tishri is an Abrahamic Laodicean Jubilee month.
2016Chislev5 - 2026Chislev5: 3600 overseers of 2Chronicles2 from Isaaic Zoar's installation over Isaac, to the 3rd Holy Spirit's installation over Isaac, when they take over Isaaic Zoar. We get 10 years.
2016Chislev5: 10x of namelys Genesis 15 from 2016Chislev5, when the saints of FDS4 begin to be given the land of Abraham, their installation to rule over him, to 2026Chislev5, when we hand over Isaaic Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit.
2016Chislev16/Shebat5: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over Isaac. 2016Heshvan16 was the weekly Sabbath.
Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the 1NCs (5th after FDS3, FDS4, Laodicea, Abrahamic FDS4). Isaaic Zoar becomes Abib to the 1NCs in the sense of 'eared' for food rather than 'headed' for rulership
2016Tebbeth2/Adar21: Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed over all 2NCs.  2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath which does not apply to a non adamic church.
Isaaic Zoar is appointed/installed to feed the HLCs. 2016Adar was an adamic Sabbath, which has no effect on appointments/installations to feed.
2017Elul10: Laodicea falls as a true church (3½x of the far bank of Daniel12 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence).
2017Adar21 - 2024Adar21: LW Alienation Times.

2019Tammuz24 (2019July29) Iran and Russia signed a historic naval agreement on Monday 2019July29.  In this agreement the Russian will build a naval coalition with Iran to patrol the 'Indian Ocean', in particular the straight of Hormuz, the very waters where the British ship was seized. This is to rival any european or US coalition patrolling those waters. This is part of the coalition of the goat nations of Daniel8 which defeat the ram (UK US coalition). And in 2022Tishri they started using Iranian drones in Ukraine.. 

2019Ab1: Laodicea is reaccepted as a true church, 36 days of the starting bank before 2019Elul7, the start of the 3EC for 1NCs, then 2019Elul10 is the restart of the 2nd presence (the baptism of the 2nd 1NC), after the 40 month wilderness penalty from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30 has ended. They are reaccepted as God's people.
2019Ab1: 40 months given Saul of Acts 13:21, a month for a year given the archetype: Saul is reappointed Laodicea and reverted Laodicea and Ark3 Laodicea from  2019Ab1 to 2019Adar16 (7 months) from 2019Adar11-2022Tishri16 (31 months) and from Laodicean ark entry on 2023Heshvan16, to 2023Tebbeth16, the end of the seizing of the Laodicean prophets of Baal (2 months) - see point74
2019Ab7: Nebuzaradan arrives at Jerusalem following 2Kings 25:8
2019Ab10: The temple of the Watchtower starts to be burnt? People start entering into reappointed Laodicea (without baptism) which is separate from the Watchtower due to the 5245 Sabbath payback period from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Elul30??
2019Ab14: 2x1290 days of Daniel12 from 2012Sivan14 take us to 2019Ab14, the restoration of the constant feature in reaccepted as God's people (on 2019Ab1) Laodicea at the Abib Passover resulting from their appointment over non adamic Abraham on 2019Ab16.
2019Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled over Abraham. Cain could enter it (as could 1NCs but not HLCs or 2NCs) due to the Gentile Times preventing Jesus from being Caesar and making Adam non adamic other than through death and resurrection. AND due to the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 and due to the one woman one son aspect of Solomon's judging in 1Kings3 see U296. The 2NCs did not enter into reverted Laodicea until 2020Tebbeth11, after Jesus was installed as Caesar to Adam and Cain. So although Peter resurrected Dorcas when Jesus was not her Caesar, during demon possession, that appears to be a special case rather than a general rule. So reappointed Laodicea had Cain and Abraham as did Abraham Laodicea. It was the same church just reappointed, so we keep the same appointment/installation slot, one per church. There was only one type of saint in the church (1 son of one woman of 1Kings3)
2019Ab21/Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 being Atonement day): Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the 1NC reserves. YES: 2019Ab was not an Abrahamic Sabbath month. Laodiceas Ab1 Sabbath system ended when the church fell and then restarted in reappointed and Reverted Laodicea. 
2019Ab27: Reverted Laodicea is appointed over the 1ACs (as a true church), 9½ months of the starting bank before 2020Sivan12, their theft of the 4EC baptism. The descended Charles Russell, visits them on the first Sabbath of Reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20.

2019Ab21/Tishri11: The reappointment/reinstallation of Laodicea over the 1NCs (2019Tishri10 was the mandatory Atonement day Sabbath)
2019Ab21/Tishri11 (2019Tishri10 being Atonement day): Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled to rule over the 1NC reserves. YES: 2019Ab was not an Abrahamic Sabbath month. Laodiceas Ab1 Sabbath system ended when the church fell and then restarted in reappointed and Reverted Laodicea. 

FDS3 installed over the 1NCs
Watchtower directors imprisoned
Watchtower directors released on Bail
Fall of the Watchtower as a true church
End of the 5245 Solar day Sabbath payback from 2005Sivan14
2000 pigs of Mark5 after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence
2019Elul30 (October2/3)
4679 solar day 
unenforced working week
323 solar days in prison
47 weekly + atonement Sabbaths
31,470 solar day
enforced working week
5210 weekly + 82 atonement - 47 prison Sabbaths = 5245 missed weekly + Atonement Sabbaths
from 1905Tammuz11 to 2005Sivan14 (installation over 1NCs to fall of Watchtower excluding prison)

Laodicea has to be independent of the Watchtower in order to avoid the Sabbath penalty and therefore be a true church. The false Watchtower church had a 5245 day missed enforced Sabbath penalty to pay off before God could rescue the saints starting with the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14.150

3137 And the sons of Israel travelled from Rameses to Succoth [during Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21], the men being about 600,000 on foot, apart from little ones.
38 And also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flocks, and herds, very many livestock.
39 And they baked the dough which they brought out from Egypt into unleavened cakes. For it was not leavened, because they were driven out from Egypt, and they were not able to delay. And also they had not prepared food for a journey for themselves.
40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel, which they dwelt in Egypt, [was] 430 years.
41 And it happened, from the end of 430 years, it happened on this day [of Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21], all the armies of Jehovah went out from the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 GLT)
51 And it happened on this day [of Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21], Jehovah brought out the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt by their armies. (Exodus 12 GLT)

41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 KJV)
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 12 NWT)

In the original period from 1943Nisan14, when Abraham crossed the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled territory, to 1513Nisan14, the Egyptian Passover, was accurate to the day, the scripture is only stated accurate to the year. BUT 430 years is repeated successively. So by the Immediate number repetition principle of the bible code, it is exact to the day. And taken a month for a day, the 14 years and 4 months are also exact to the day

They run from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri14 (the 1st Watchtower Passover) in the Egypt of the fallen Watchtower. Then on 2019Elul30 at the end of the 2,000 pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the first 1NC left the Watchtower for Laodicea. The 5245 solar day Sabbath error payback ended on 2019Elul30, the end of the 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd part of the 2nd presence. After which the 1st Watchtower Passover could occur. 

Watchtower falls
and becomes Egypt
Exodus from World by Passover execution begins (from Laodicea)
The 1st Passover execution out of Egypt
1st Watchtower Passover execution of 3rd 1NC bride.
All the armies of Jehovah start going out of Egypt
14th day of 1st month of Tishri1 adamic secular year. 
14th day of 7th month of Nisan1 adamic sacred year. 
2019Tishri14 (3rd 1NC marriage Passover execution)
All the existing armies of Jehovah
stop going out of Egypt
at the last Watchtower FRC Passover.
14th day of 1st month of the new
Abrahamic Tebbeth1 secular year
2028Tebbeth14 (the same day of the year)
430 years a month for a day All the armies of Jehovah start to go out from the land of Egypt
on 2019Tishri14 and finish on 2028Tebbeth14

So all the armies of Jehovah START going out of Egypt on 2019Tishri14, the 14th day of the secular year of Adam. and all the armies of Jehovah FINISH going out of Egypt on 2028Tebbeth14, the 14th day of the secular year of Abraham, on the same day of the secular year. THAT IS THE BRILLIANCE OF THE SCRIPTURES. This is what will call precise ambiguity.

14 Nevertheless, death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses, even over those who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression by Adam, who bears a resemblance to him that was to come. (Romans 5 NWT)

When Jehovah God, having been installed as Caesar to Israel, extracted his people from slavery by the Exodus out of Egypt, the secular Calendar was changed from Tishri1 start to Nisan1 start in honour of that extraction during Cakes from 1513Nisan15-21. Pharaoh had no authority over Israel from 1513Nisan14 onwards. Jehovah was installed as Caesar before Moses declared on his behalf: Let MY people go. So the secular year changed on the Exodus, not on the installation as Caesar.

God's law for his people, the law of Moses, was not installed until the Pentecost on 1513Sivan7, when Moses made the Pentecostal sacrifice upon mount Sinai in Arabia. There is no division between God and God so the sacred and secular years were Both Nisan1 start until Saul when the secular year reverted to Tishri1 start, the adamic year start.
Likewise, when Jesus starts to remove the Abrahamic 2NCs from the Egypt of this world by imperceptible rapture into an Ark in a different space-time scenario, wherein one spends 1 day in the ark and then return to earth without any earth time having passed. The first seah of 3, is raptured from 2024Tebbeth16-21 after having become installed Caesar to Laodicean Abraham on 2024Iyyar15, since Reverted Laodicea suffer a Gentile Times malediction after their fall on 2023Tishri21. The secular year for true churches changes from adamic Tishri1 to Abrahamic Tebbeth1 in honour of that extraction, the Exodus, not in honour of his installation as Caesar. I guess if you are stuck in Kabul, surrounded by trigger happy Taliban, then you honour and celebrate the date that the General airlifts you out of there, not the date that he became a general!

Jehovah held the Exodus Passover from Egypt in the 1st month on 1513Nisan14 and the Jews crossed the Red Sea at the late Passover on 1513Iyyar10 BC and then celebrated the Late Passover at Elim on 1513Iyyar14. Manna then began at first fruits after the Great Sabbath on 1513Iyyar15. 

The heavenly administrated church of the FRC of Melchizedek holds the Abrahamic World Exodus by Rapture Passover for 2NC FRCs on 2024Tebbeth14, because a Passover must be held by a true church. LW 2NCs cross the Reed/Red sea into the ark by rapture during Isaaic World Exodus Cakes from 2024VeAdar15-21, in fact they are all raptured on 2024VeAdar21 . 
Manna from heaven in the form of enlightened returning 2NCs perhaps begins on 2024VeAdar21, when the first raptured LW 2NC descends back from the ark. 

40 And the dwelling of the sons of Israel [NOT of Abraham], who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years
41 And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt (Exodus 12 NWT).

1 And it came about in the 80th year and 400th year to going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the 4th year, in the month [Chodesh] of Ziv, he [is], the second month [Chodesh] to reigning of Solomon upon Israel, and he built [vuv consecutive qal imperfect] the house to Jehovah (1 Kings 6).

Abraham crosses the Euphrates into Egyptian controlled Canaan
1943Nisan14 BC
The one day Passover in Egypt
1513Nisan14 BC
David defeats Goliath
1083Nisan14 BC
Solomon starts building the temple in Jerusalem
1033Iyyar2 BC
430 years for Abraham + seed in Egyptian controlled territory 430 years more before Israel escapes Egyptian allies +50 years = 480 years of 1Kings 6:1

Samuel anoints David to be King, David kills Goliath and the  Armies of Jehovah start to escape from Egyptian dominion again at end of 2nd 430 years. David starts living like a wild beast in the wilderness for 7 years (Gentile Times)

2nd proof of Gentile Times from Leviticus26
Considered by JW Elders in Leytonstone Congregation
1991Shebat14 (given by hand on 1991Shebat10-12)
1st 1NC reserves are 4EC baptised into Laodicea
2nd presence restarts
Last HLCs are 4EC baptised into Reverted Laodicea on 2020Tishri10
3rd HLC marriage Passover
430 years in Egypt a month for a day (14⅓ years) 430 years in Egypt a month for a day (14⅓ years)

In the accounts from Exodus 12:40-51 the noun Israel only appears as a genitive 'of Israel' in a noun chain following a construct noun. So we can take it as meaning whatever we like: Abraham or non adamics or 1AC, or Kingdom citizens, if we choose. It appears that the last chance salooners are resurrected back into Egypt (the planet), rather than into the ark. So that they complete their escape from Egypt during 1st death Cakes, either by ending its administrative structure, or by entering into the ark after their resurrection during Cakes? So they leave the land of Egypt at their resurrection back to the planet on first fruits. Then they leave the administrative apparatus of Egypt at the end of 1st death Cakes31?

Midst of Pharaoh's Servants

10020 And it was, in the day, the 3rd, day of being-born of namely Pharaoh [3rd part of the 2nd presence OR the 3rd presence], and he proceeded to make a feast for ALL his servants and to lift up the head of the chief of the cupbearers and the head of the chief of the bakers in the midst of his servants.

Laodicea reappointed to feed
and to rule over the 1NCs

3rd 1NC marriage

6th (late 3rd) 1NC marriage

Reappointed Laodicean falls
56 days91 days58 days

First HLCs join Reverted Laodicea
by stolen 4EC baptism
4th HLC marriage marital supper and veil lifting day
Water is turned into wine. Benjamin call into the 2NC begins
Benjamin call to be
2NC reserves ends
Reverted Laodicea falls
as a true church
5 months plus 13 days 30 months5 months less 4 days

Isaaic Zoar is appointed
over the 2NCs
Ark rapture of the ARC sealed Abrahamic Gentile call 2NCs
the first part of the head of the chief of the cupbearers
Ark rapture of the ARC sealed Isaaic LW 2NCs
The last part of the head of the chief of the cupbearers
The installation of the
Kingdom of God over Abraham
8 years 14-19 days 2 months8 years 2 months 14 days

Laodiceans were never appointed to rule over the 2NCs. So the LW administration was their lawmaker actually.

The chief of the bakers, the 1NCs, are lifted up from the midst of the 1NC feast of the reappointed Laodicean administration (servant)
The chief of the cupbearers, the Laodicean 2NCs of Benjamin are lifted up from the midst of the saintly presence in Reverted Laodicea100.

2019Tishri10 -2020Tishri10: The Accepting/Goodwill year of Isaiah61 for 1NC reserves and HLCs, from entrance into the early 1st Watchtower Passover, to entrance into the 4th HLC marriage Passover, the end of the anointing of the 3rd Holy Spirit.
2019Tishri11 - 2019Adar16: 5 Minas for Russell over Laodicea.
2019Tishri14: 3rd 1NC marriage Passover

Ishmael pokes fun at weaned Isaac in Genesis 21:8
1913Nisan14 BC
Isaac leaves Egypt
1513Nisan14 BC
400 years of affliction and servitude of Genesis15 in a
land not theirs for Abraham's seed (Isaac then Jacob)

1NCs are 4EC baptised into Laodicea
2006Sivan14 (2nd presence restarts)
1st Watchtower Passover
2019Tishri14 (1NCs escape Laodicea by Passover execution)
400 years a month for a day of affliction and servitude of
Abraham's 1NC SEED in a land not theirs of Genesis15

2019Tishri15: The Ark2 resurrection of the 3rd 1NC bride. 
2019Tishri17: The 3rd 1NC marriage in the Ark3 after the 1st Watchtower Passover on 2019Tishri14. So the early 1st Watchtower Passover is 2019Elul14. So the 3rd part of the 2nd presence must start on 2019Elul10
2019Tishri24: 40 days of Jonah after 2019Elul14, a walking distance of one day into the city after the early 1st Watchtower Passover, the Watchtower was overturned on 3rd 1NC marriage veil lifting day, when the resurrected bride descended and lifted the veil on the ark for Laodicea and showed them that kingdom manifestation and showed them her resurrected self. The marriage feast occurs in the father's house, the Passover house, the true church on earth. The Ark is the bridal chamber.
2019Heshvan14: 2x1335 days of Daniel12 from 2012Sivan14 to 2019Heshvan14. Then 2019Heshvan15 is the Ark2 resurrection of the 4th bride, the JW congregation 1NCs.
2019Ab16/Tishri5: Laodicea is reappointed/reinstalled over Abraham. Cain could enter it and 1NCs but not HLCs or 2NCs due to the Gentile Times preventing Jesus from being Caesar and making Adam non adamic other than through death and resurrection. We also deduce this from the 1600 stadia of Revelation14 and from one woman one son aspect of Solomon's judging in 1Kings3 see U296. The 2NCs did not enter into reverted Laodicea until 2020Tisrhi25, after Jesus was appointed Caesar to Adam. So although Peter resurrected Dorcas when Jesus was not her Caesar, during demon possession, that appears to be a special case rather than a general rule. So reappointed Laodicea had Cain and Abraham as did Abraham Laodicea. It was the same church just reappointed, so we keep the same appointment/installation slot, one per church. There was only one type of saint in the church (1 son of one woman of 1Kings3)
2019Heshvan17: All the Watchtower springs of the vast unspecified fluid deep of Genesis 7:11 are busted open? No. Only the 1NC saints left for reappointed Laodicea at that time.
2019Tebbeth10: The end of the 3EC baptism for 1NCs in reappointed Laodicea on entry day into the late 3rd Watchtower Passover.

1046305 DAYS: From the end of 1Kings18 contest noon mocking to the start of entrance into the North Inner Gates for ARC sealing of Laodicean 2NCs

Revised Sign of Jonah letter
Noon mocking ends when the fire sign
predictions for 2006Sivan11/12 are being tested
Michael's ARC blood STARTS being poured out onto
Laodicean 2NCs who become sealed into the ARC
ARC sealing for Laodicean 2NCs ends
1600 stadia of Revelation14 end - see U151#14
17 years 6 months 5 days (6305 days) of
the sentence count of 1Kings18:27-28
see U271-12#109


On 1992Elul11, Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud. On 2006Iyyar1, 4910 BLC days later the sign of Jonah letter was faxed to the Brooklyn Bethel and the bilateral contest day of 1Kings18 began. 30 days later the Revised Sign of Jonah letter was sent. These two letters were the noon mocking by Elijah of the prophets of Baal.

Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn
GB meet
to discuss letter
1992Tishri2 (Sabbath)
Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn
2006Iyyar1 (noon mocking starts)
The Revised sign of Jonah letter
2006Sivan1 (noon mocking ends)
Noon mocking ends
Predictions start
being tested
Late 3rd Watchtower Passover entry day.
End of 3EC baptism for 1NCs
All 1NCs are now collected in reappointed Laodicea
21 days from delivery until GB meet to consider 4889 Day Morning 30 days of actual noon mocking 10 days in mockery to 1st prediction 4889 Day Afternoon Total: 21+4889+30+10+4889 = 9839 days

The 1NC Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the LWs and the JWs for the salvation of the 1NCs
The 2NC Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the LWs and the JWs and Babylon for the salvation of the 2NCs104

2019Tebbeth18: The 6th 1NC marriage
2019Shebat10: The end of the 3EC baptism for reappointed Laodicea (a stretched hand after.2019Elul10). The end of the 3EC baptism period.
2019Shebat10: End of 153 big fish of John21 from 2019Elul7, the 3EC baptism of the first 1NC into reappointed Laodicea.

Russell descended and gave reappointed Laodicea another shot at the 3EC. But when they lost that baptism and fell as a true church that was the end of the 3EC (because some of the 1NCs and HLCs will have left the Watchtower and been rebaptised before it lost the 3EC and therefore used up 2 or their 3EC baptism before joining reappointed Laodicea). So the only baptism available for reverted Laodicea was the 4EC. They should have asked for it officially. But they chose to steal it again, having previously stolen it for the original adamic Laodicea. But they put more faith in a church which they know to be false than they do in a church which they know to be true. Laodicea now has 2 witnesses to their being a church of theft, a Cave of Robbers. 

This is why we forbid the use of the 4EC for any Passover use on pain of instant disfellowshipping (which will be the end of the 3rd 4EC baptism in some cases) unless directly authorise by a face to face meeting with Elijah4, for the latest precise wording of the prohibition please  - see J39.

1615 And the 4 angels were untied, the [4 angels] having been prepared into the hour and day and month and year [4 Times: 4 years 4 months 4 days and 4 hours], in order that they might kill a 3rd of the men [were untied] (Revelation9)

The 4 angels are the 4 cornerstone apostles of the 1NC temple and the 4 cornerstone apostles of the 2NC temple who are their angelic sons, cornerstone for cornerstone, and are therefore regarded by God as their fathers (being in their fathers' houses, just as Israel is the sons of Israel). One 3rd of the men killed are 4/12ths of the tribes of the JAC, of angelic Israel and the Kingdom of God. The 1NC reserves and 2NC reserves are not in the 12 tribes. They are in the reserve tribe.

Given 147,327Chislev14 BC for the Big bang
from taking a day for a millennium in Daniel12:11
Given 26,060.606060 years for the length of
the light universe creative days
The light universe lasts for 49½ creative days
from 147327Chislev14 to 1,142,676Chislev14 AD 
Given 1335 days of God's expectation/waiting
for time to pass of Daniel12:12 as 1335 millennia
which is  of all the time there is:
from 192,327Chislev14 BC until 1,142,676Chislev14 AD
the end of the light universe
when all mankind has achieved divinity
Tweeted the table below at 7:44 pm GMT
Revealing the start of the Dark Universe
the Dark Big Bang, to be 188,577Chislev14 BC
And its end to be 182,674Chislev14 AD
49½ creative nights later. Each creative night
(morning + evening) in the dark universe is 7500 years long
The Isaaic
World Exodus
1 year + 1 month + 1 day + 1 hour

So our galactic understandings were the start of the preparation of the 4 Cornerstone apostles for baptising Solomon's temple16.

178Here is what we tweeted on 2024January28...

Now updated to be...

Real yearsApparent yearsEvents
192,327Chislev14BCn/a 1st Angelic Creative night begins. Divine Time begins. God makes a watch. Divine Time is perhaps full undo, totally non causal time?
192,327Chislev14BCn/a Morning of the 1st creative night begins. God's 1335 millennia of Daniel 12:12 of expectation (due to Time being in existence) begin. They run to 1,142,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the light universe, the end of time.
188,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 1st angelic creative night: Dark universe begins (Dark big bang). Non causal real time, dark time, angelic time begins (perhaps limited undo, partially causal time)  Darkness is not merely the absence of light. It can be the presence of not entirely causal angelic or fully non causal divine time. It may be the case that Dark Energy = Dark Mass x Speed of Darkness2 where Speed = Distance/Non causal time and where Darkness is the Dark Big Bang equivalent of light (Dark photons or something).
181,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 2nd angelic creative night begins
173,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 3rd angelic creative night begins
166,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 4th angelic creative night begins
160,357Ab25n/a The evening of the first creative day begins. No light as we know it exists. Dark matter and Dark energy and Darkness are all there is presumably. Time exists but is only partially causal (it has limited undo).
158,577Chislev14n/a Evening of the 5th angelic creative night begins
154,827Chislev14n/a Morning of the 6th angelic creative night begins. Satan and the morning stars are created in the morning of the 6th angelic creative night.  
151,077Chislev14n/a Evening of the 6th angelic creative night begins.
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478BC Big Bang. Satan (Lucifer) says: Let there be light. Mid point of first creative day. The light universe begins. 4D space time begins  Original angelic sin in Archeden. Satan builds his house (space-time) on his father's land (the dark matter and dark energy universe), for his wife, the 1st angelic salvation covenant (which God himself died for as the ransoming validation sacrifice. For Jesus does nothing that he does not see his father do - John 5:19). We got this date for the Big Bang on 2023Shebat10. Sent an email to the church at 20:17 on 2024January26 (2023Shebat11). This was going behind the Chronological curtain!
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Morning of the 7th creative night begins. God goes on a Sabbath creative night's rest from his angelic creative works.
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Morning of 1st creative day begins: Speed of light is 360kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 4,690,909,090.909090 years
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Angel Michael is born, 1260 millennia of Revelation12:6, before the end of ARC salvation on 1,112,674Chislev14.BC. Where the woman of the houses of the salvation covenants is fed in the true churches prepared by God through his original sacrifice for angelic 1st death (Tartarus), having fled into the wilderness outside the secular administrations of the rebellious angels of Archeden and their successors. The Angel Michael, a 40th generation angel, is the light of the cosmos of the light universe, the firstborn of all light universe creation, as well as being the light of this world (Jeff's understanding).
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 1260 millennia of death (1st angelic, 1st human and 2nd death: Tartarus, Hades and Gehenna) Revelation 11:3 begin and run to 1,112,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the 2nd death, when: Death shall be no more, of Revelation 21:4 - is fulfilled, and every human is given everlasting angelic life thanks to the ARC ransom of Michael, who was born at the start of the 1260 millennia of death and of true churches. 
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 Constant feature of angelic worship in Archeden ends. The first angelic church falls. The angelic transgression causing desolation, original angelic sin, is committed in Archeden (heavenly Eden).
147,327Chislev1423,454,562,478 1,290,000 years of Daniel 12:11, a day for a millennium begin and run to 1,142,674Chislev14 BC, the end of the light universe, the raising of the last angel to divinity, the end of the 50th creative day.
139,827Chislev1420,754,562,478 Morning of the 8th creative night begins. God takes up his angelic creative works again.
134,296Nisan318,763,653,387 Evening of 2nd creative day begins: The atmosphere develops, the expanse between the seas and the clouds.
121,266Tammuz2214,072,744,296 Morning of 2nd creative day begins: Speed of light is 180kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 2,345,454,545.454545 years
108,236Heshvan1111,727,268,751 Evening of 3rd creative day begins: The land masses form permanently and the seas are defined, plant life begins.
95,206Adar19,381,835,205 Morning of 3rd creative day begins: Speed of light is 90kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 1,172,727,272.727272 years
82,175Sivan208,209,107,932 Evening of 4th creative day begins
69,145Tishri97,036,380,660 Morning of 4th creative day begins: Speed of light is 180kc. The Sun becomes visible. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 2,345,454,545.454545 years
56,115Tebbeth284,690,926,114 Evening of 5th creative day begins: Great sea monsters created (Dinosaurs) and first living sea animals created
43,084Iyyar172,345,471,569 Morning of 5th creative day begins: Speed of light is 90kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 1,172,727,272.727272 years
30,054Elul61,172,744,296 Evening of 6th creative day begins: Humans appear AFTER this.
17,024Chislev2517,024Chislev25 Morning of 6th creative day begins: Speed of light is c. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. Apparent length is 13,030.303030 years
3993Nisan14 3993Nisan14  Evening of 7th creative day begins: Adam sins. God makes him and Eve long garments of skin (ageing human bodies), his last creative act. God then starts his creative Sabbath.
Speed of light is c. Morning length is 13,030.303030 non causal pre big bang years. Apparent length is 13,030.303030 years
3968Nisan14  n/a Evening of the 1st re creative day begins: Abelian Faith Covenant made (the first system salvation covenant).
3468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 1st re creative day begins: Non adamic light begins (through Jared, who became Melchizedek)
2968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 2nd re creative day begins:
2468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 2nd re creative day begins: Noah's light begins
1968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 3rd re creative day begins:
1468Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 3rd re creative day begins: Mosaic light begins
968Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 4th re creative day begins:
468Nisan14 BC n/a Morning of the 4th re creative day begins: 2nd temple light begins
33Nisan14 AD n/a Evening of the 5th re creative day begins:
533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 5th re creative day begins: Roman Catholic light begins
1033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 6th re creative day begins:
1533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 6th re creative day begins: Protestant light begins
2033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 7th re creative day begins:
2533Nisan14 n/a Morning of the 7th re creative day begins: New type of Kingdom light begins?
2,674Chislev14 n/a 24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days. (Genesis 7 NWT). The waters overcame the earth at the angelic rebellion in archeden at the Big Bang on 147,327Chislev14. Then the earth rebelled on 3993Nisan14 BC. Then Michael fixed the heavens by winning the war of Revelation12 against Satan and evicting him on . But the earth does not get fixed until 2674Chislev14 AD, 641 years 8 months into the Kingdom of God from 2033Nisan14. So this is the end of 150 millennia of Genesis 7:24 after the big bang, when the waters stop prevailing upon the earth.
2,674Chislev14n/a The start of the 180 millennia of Ahasuerus' banquet of Esther 1:4, when he shows off his wonderful kingdom, until the day when all those born as angels have achieved divinity on 182,674Chislev14.
3033Nisan14 n/a Evening of the 8th re creative day begins:
6,424Chislev14n/a Evening of the 6th creative night of the 3rd week begins. Speed of Darkness is now 4c.
9,038Ab3 n/a Morning of 7th creative day begins: Speed of light is 360kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. This must be the start of the 2nd 1,000 year Kingdom of God for mankind on this planet. Star Trek begins. Mankind starts colonizing the galaxy.
22,068Heshvan22n/a Evening of 8th creative day begins.
45,033-46,033n/a The recreative day Jubilee, the 50th recreative day. The entire house of Adam achieves angelicity during this millennium. 
52,674Chislev14n/a The first human achieves divinity. Because Jesus fasted from adding a divine body to his body for 40 day and 40 nights = 40,000 + 4x.40,000 years = 200,000 years from 147,327Chislev14 BC. 
182,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 50th angelic creative night. All the angelically born angels, the morning stars, are now Gods. Angelic/Dark time ends.
1,112,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 1260 millennia of Revelation 11:3 and Revelation12:6 of death and of true churches, from the Big Bang. The last human is given everlasting life through the ARC of Michael born at the start of this period. Mankind finishes taming the galaxies of the light universe, and extending the garden of Eden into the last corner of the wilderness of the light universe, just as he leaves the moral wilderness of life outside God's land.
1,142,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 50th creative day. The end of the light universe. The end of 4D space-time. All of mankind and all the angels have achieved divinity. We are all Gods and cannot be contained in a physical universe any longer. It's a 1,303,030.303030 million year project from the start of the Dark Universe, half way through the 1st angelic creative night until the divinity of the last ex human angel
1,142,674Chislev14n/a Time ends. Space ends. God finishes raising all of his human children up to divinity.
1,142,674Chislev14n/a The end of the 1335 millennia of time. The end of the 1290 millennia of causal time divinity training.

Reverted Laodicea stole the 4EC and baptised the 7th 1NC bride and all 4 HLC brides and all its 2NCs and all its priests with that baptism. They stole it on 2020Sivan12, the baptism of 8 JWs in Masai, Kenya into the LWs.

Both the 3EC baptism and the 4EC baptism can only be applied 3x (the 4 water jars were poured 3x and Peter denied the Christ 3x needing a prayer and 3 capital offence witnesses are terminal). The only semantic exception to that is a Jubilee restoration which is not a further baptism but a restoration of a previous one. So the advantage of having 2 types of baptism available is that you actually get 6 chances rather than 3178.

2019Adar7: The 6th 1NC marriage Pentecost from 2019Tebbeth18
2019Adar9: 5th 1NC marriage Pentecost from 2018Chislev20 (delayed from 2020Shebat9), the completed non late 3rd Holy Spirit Pentecost. This is the installation of non adamic Sodom?
2019Adar11: The appointment of non adamic Sodom as a true church (3 months ½ day of the near bank of Daniel12 before 2020Sivan12, the start of 3EC entrance into non adamic Sodom). A time, times and a half of a day of Daniel12:7
2019Adar11: The near bank of Reverted Laodicea begins by someone joining the church and runs for 90½ days (a month, months + ½ day, a time times and a half) to 2020Sivan12, the theft of the 4EC baptism 
2019Adar16: The fall of Laodicea as a true church 200 Denarii + 5 from 2019Ab21, their appointment to feed the 1NCs. For 200 Denarii of John6 was not enough to feed them. For more see U67.
2019Adar16 - 2026Tishri21: Total Hebrew word count = 79x in months from 2019Adar16, the end of the 1AC bloodline of reappointed Laodicea, the fall of that church, to 2026Tishri21, the baptism of the 6th row HLCs into Zoar, the start of the entry of the HLC spy into the land - see U367.  

2019Adar21/2020Iyyar16: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed and to rule over the 1NCs
5 January 2020 (2019Tebbeth4/5): WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan - 
12 January 2020 (2019Tebbeth11/12): China publishes genetic sequence of COVID19
11 March 2020 (2019Adar10/11): WHO declares COVID to be a Pandemic, 37 months of Covid-19 wilderness to 2023April10 (2023Nisan19) when Obama46 (Biden) and congress ended the state of emergency due to the pandemic.
14 March 2020 Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, announces the US is to extend its European coronavirus travel ban to include the UK from 16 March
14 March 2020 UK retailers release a joint letter asking customers not to panic buy products after some supermarkets sell out of items such as pasta, hand gel and toilet paper.
20 March 2020 UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak announces that the government will pay 80% of wages for employees not working, up to £2,500 a month, as part of "unprecedented" measures to protect people's jobs. Prime Minister Boris Johnson orders all cafes, pubs, restaurants, gyms and other social venues to close from the evening of 20 March, except for take-away food, to tackle coronavirus. All the UK's nightclubs, theatres, cinemas, gyms and leisure centres are told to close "as soon as they reasonably can"
23 March 2020 Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a televised address to the nation, says that Britons should only go outside to buy food, to exercise once a day, or to go to work if they absolutely cannot work from home. Citizens will face police fines for failure to comply with these new measures (most of Daniel's people - LWs - are in the UK)..
25 March 2020: UK Parliament closes down for a month
26 March 2020: UK lockdown regulations come into force
31 March 2020: A significant rise in anxiety and depression among the UK population is reported following the lockdown. The study, by researchers from the University of Sheffield and Ulster University, finds that people reporting anxiety increased from 17% to 36%, while those reporting depression increased from 16% to 38%.

2020Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs (having passed the 3½ year feeding test over the 1NCs). This being the 2nd such HLC appointment after FDS3.
2020Sivan12 (2020June5): The start of the 4EC baptism into non adamic Sodom for HLC saints. We 4EC baptised 8 JWs in Kisii on 2020June5.
2020Sivan21: Peter jumps into the sea, leaving reappointed Laodicea for Reverted Laodicea, 200 cubits of the little boat of John21 before 2020Tebbeth11, the start of 2NC entry into Reverted Laodicea from the Watchtower for 300+300 Denarii of John12 and Luke7 to 2022Elul11 - see U208.
2020Sivan21/Ab10: Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to rule over the HLCs (having passed the 3½ year feeding test over the 1NCs). This being the 2nd HLC appointment after FDS3 and 2020Iyyar16 being taken for the installation to rule 1NCs. A church can be appointed/installed to feed one group on the same day as to rule another. But it cannot be appointed/installed to rule two different groups on the same day.
2020Tammuz10: The start of the 4EC baptism into non adamic Sodom for 1NC saints. This is the restart of the 2nd presence. The 7th 1NC marriage Passover on 2020Tammuz14 is for the late partaking Congregation 1NCs. There is no early version of it.
2020Tammuz19: The 7th 1NC marriage, the completion of the Kingly part of the 3rd Holy Spirit
Reverted Laodicea is appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs.

2020Ab7: 2020July30: WEF announces COVIDPASS using blockchain technology and requiring an antibody blood test. It is a platform for nation states to use to develop a vaccine passport - 
2020Ab10: Entrance day into the 1st HLC marriage Passover in non adamic Sodom.
2020Ab14: The 1st HLC marriage Passover in non adamic Sodom.
2020Ab15: The 1st HLC bride Ark2 resurrection.
2020Ab16/Tishri5: Reverted Laodicea was appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham. It is the same church as Abrahamic Laodicea. One appointment date per church. 2020Tishri was the adamic monthly Jubilee.
2020Ab17: The the 1st HLC marriage.
2020Ab17-23: The 1st HLC marriage feast
2020Ab19: The 1st HLC marriage and ark3 entrance
2020Ab24: Veil lifting and marital supper day for the 1st HLC marriage. 
2020Ab/Elul: 2020August: First countries, 6 East African nations, try out the WEF Common Pass (a renamed CovidPass) - 
2020Elul8: The installation of the 7th 1NC bride, the installation of the completed 3rd Holy Spirit (as regards its 1NC kings).
2020Elul8: The word of Daniel9 cannot go forth because he must stay at home and make his wife rejoice for a year from marital supper and veil lifting day in accordance with Deuteronomy 24:5.
2020Elul14: 2nd HLC marriage Passover and Passover execution.
2020Elul15: 2nd HLC bride Ark2 resurrection
2020Elul22: 2nd HLC bride marriage and Ark3 entrance (2020Elul is a Sabbath month for adamics on earth, not for non adamics in the ark)

2020Elul/Tishri: 2020September: USA and European nations start using Common Pass as an air travel vaccine Passport - 
2020Tishri is the 3rd adamic heavenly Kingdom Jubilee. 
2020Tishri10: The end of the 4EC baptism for HLCs for the late 2nd HLC marriage.
2020Tishri10: 3rd Kingdom Jubilee release day and Atonement day (this coincidence occurs once every 25 years). The entire 3rd Holy Spirit (both kings and lords) is now 3EC baptised, Atoned.

4518 Therefore, in answer, the Jews said to him: What sign have you to show us, since you are doing these things?
19 In answer Jesus said to them: Break down this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up.
20 Therefore the Jews said: This temple was built in 46 years, and will you raise it up in 3 days?
21 But he was talking about the temple of his body. (John 2 NWT)

Watchtower falls
Last HLC is baptised into reverted Laodicea
2020Tishri10 (3rd Holy Spirit is completed)
3rd HLC marriage Passover
2020Tishri14 (+execution)
Ark2 resurrection of 3rd HLC bride
Veil lifting day descent
2020Tishri27 (+rapture)
4th HLC marriage Passover
Ark2 resurrection of 4th HLC bride
Veil lifting day descent
2020Heshvan25 (+rapture)
46/3 years of John2 = 15⅓ years from breakdown of Watchtower to build temple of Jesus' angelic body: The 3rd Holy Spirit

The temple of the reserves for the 3rd Holy Spirit, Jesus' wife, his Kingdom body, is built in 46/3 = 15 years from the breakdown of the Watchtower temple on 2005Sivan14 to Atonement day 2020Tishri10, the end of the 3EC baptism of HLCs, the completion of the laying of the temple stones of the 3rd Holy Spirit by 3EC baptism on 3rd HLC marriage Passover entry day which is also the 3rd Kingdom adamic Jubilee release day.

If we take the end of the 15years to be 3rd HLC Passover-Cakes-Booths from 2020Tishri10 to 2020Tishri21, then there a 3 further days of raising up after then. Two marital supper and veil lifting day descents and raptures and one 4th HLC marriage Ark2 resurrection. It is raised up non adamically in the day of Laodicea. It is raised up into the ark in the days of reappointed Laodicea and reverted Laodicea. 
The temple of the entire 3rd Holy Spirit is raised up into the ark during the 3 days of the 1st 2nd and 3rd presences of the Christ.

Baptising priests is not building a temple. The temple is made out of saints not priests. The priests officiate in it. But 46 years/3 days is 15 years and 4 months precisely from 2005Sivan14, the knocking down of the temple of the Watchtower to 2020Tishri14, the 3rd HLC marriage Passover, which is celebrated by the 3rd and 4th HLC brides, all the HLCs left on earth, the earthly balance of the completed body of Jesus' kingdom wife. The 4th marriage Passover is 2020Heshvan14. The 4th bride resurrection is 2020Heshvan15 into Ark2. Then she transferred into Ark3 for the 4th marriage itself on 2020Heshvan18 after the Jubilee month  It appears that 1NCs and HLCs can be married on adamic Sabbath months (2015Iyyar20 and 2020Elul22). The 4th bride would have been CRC sealed on 2020Heshvan14, when she will have died as a human as Jesus did. So all of the stones of the temple of the 3rd Holy Spirit were raised up into the ark by 2020Heshvan15, But all the stones were cleansed by 2020Tishri10. The 46/3 year prophecy is measured in 3 day blocks. So it is accurate to 3 days?? 

But Jesus had two bodies, the angelic body of Michael and the human body of Immanuel. So he was talking about both of his bodies when he said: Break down this temple and in 3 days I will raise it up. All 1ACs die to Adam or Cain and are raised up to non adamic Abraham by Jesus as Caesar. Then they are raised up again into the Ark by Jesus as Caesar (by some human angelic transformation). Then they die to non adamic Abraham/Isaac and are raised up to non ageing Melchizedek/Methuselah in the ark. Making 3 days of being broken down and raised up, remade in fact. We are to be thrice reborn. Blofeld sold Jesus short when he said you only live twice Mr. Bond. And there are again 46/3 = 15⅓ years between the end of entrance into the 1AC and the start of entrance into the OMC to be a son of non adamic Jesus, the mediator of the JLC/2LC/PAC/OMC/BLC (the Jesus Loves Covenant, the John Lennon Covenant, the 2nd Law Covenant, the Philadelphia Covenant, the Omega Covenant, the Brotherly love covenant) and hence become a son of non adamic Abraham, which Jesus was through David et al45.

2020Tishri14: 3rd HLC marriage Passover.
2020Tishri14: 2NC entry into Reverted Laodicean begins and runs from 300+300 denarii of perfumed oil on the feet of John12 to 2022Sivan14, the end of the 4EC for that church.
2020Tishri14: The Caesar Passover for the end of the 98 year Maccabean + 4 year Ministry of Jesus to Israel or 4 year Gentile Ministry of Paul + 4 year non adamic lease Quad gapped Gentile Times on 2020Tishri15
2020Tishri15: The end of the 98 year Maccabean + 4 year Ministry of Jesus to Israel or 4 year Gentile Ministry of Paul + 4 year non adamic lease quad gapped Gentile Times from 607Tishri15 BC. 
2020Tishri15: 3rd HLC bride Ark2 resurrection
2020Tishri20: 3rd HLC bride marriage and Ark3 entrance
2020Tishri20/Chislev9: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar over Adam
2020Heshvan14: The end of the division of the 3rd Holy Spirit (1NCs and HLCs) from earthly mankind MENE MENE TEKEL AND PARSIN in months from 2012Sivan14, the Adamic to Abrahamic Passover

50+50+1+Division = 101 Months from 2012Sivan14, when all true churches became non adamic, to 2020Heshvan14, the Passover execution of the last HLC..

2020Heshvan15: 4th HLC bride Ark2 resurrection. The 1NC and HLC marriage resurrections must be for residence or they would not count as ark entrance.
2020Heshvan16/Tebbeth5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar over Cain.
2020Heshvan18: 4th HLC marriage. The Cana marrage.
2020Heshvan25: Cana marriage marital supper and veil lifting day. The start of the 30 months Benjamin call to 2023Iyyar25. the water of the 3EC is turned into the wine of the 2NC for the Abrahamic Kings of Benjamin
2020Heshvan25 - 2023Iyyar25: The 30x of the sentence count of Acts3 verses 6-8 of Benjamin, the 2NC Abrahamic Kings, being called into reverted Laodicea from 4th HLC marriage veil lifting and marital supper day of the wedding of Cana (place of reeds), when Benjamin is called and starts walking in the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, to 2023Iyyar25, the end of his 30 months of baptism. Maybe his leaps during his baptism period are in scriptural understanding? - see U214
2020Heshvan25 - 2023Iyyar25: The 30x of the Benjamin proselyte call of the sower parable. This call is into non adamic Sodom until 2022Elul14, the fall of that church, and then into 2NC Zoar. It must end before the 2023Heshvan16-22, ark resurrection of Benjamin.
2020Chislev, 2024Shebat, 2029Nisan are Isaaic Zoar's  Jubilees.
2020Chislev16/Shebat5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar over Abraham.
2020Tebbeth7: Completed HLC Pentecost, the 4th HLC marriage Pentecost.
2020Tebbeth11: The first 2NCs enter into Reverted Laodicea by stolen 4EC baptism, the start of the 300 Denarii of perfumed oil on the feet of John12 to 2021Chislev11. 2020Tebbeth11 is  1000 days of 5 loaves into 5000 men of John6 before the fall of the church on 2023Tishri21. 
2020Tebbeth11: 1,000 days of 5 loaves into 5,000 of those coming to him rather than those already with him. So from 2020Tebbeth11 (when Watchtower 2NCs start joining Reverted Laodicea, rather than 2020Heshvan25 when the water is turned into wine for the Benjamin reserve call into the 2NC) to 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea - see U67.
2020Tebbeth16/Adar5: Jesus appointed/installed Caesar over Isaac.

2020Shebat29 (2021February16): Israel introduces Green Pass system.
2021Sivan7 (May19/20): Austria introduces its Green Pass for bars, restaurants, hotels, language classes, gyms, hairdressers, etc.
2021Sivan16: The physical end of reappointed Laodicea, 450 prophets of Baal after 2019Adar16, the fall of reappointed Laodicea. ON this day the last Laodicean enters into non adamic Sodom, the last reappointed Laodicean prophet of Baal is seized

2021Ab7: Gordon and Alex Jones realise that Boris Johnson's law to make double vaccination passports mandatory for nightclubs (of July19) confirmed that vaccination passports are the Mark of the Beast. Except that they were not introduced on October1 when first scheduled. 
2021Ab10: Mark of Beast email sent to all JW Bethels explaining that vaccines are the snake bite of Genesis 3:15 and coronavirus is the crown of thorns of Matthew27, Mark15 and John19 and that Vaccine Passport will become the Mark of the Beast. 

2021Ab28/29: Sunday August8: Senator Rand Paul advises people to resist authoritarian 'COVID' restrictions - indicating that the Senate has lost the battle. Youtube bans his constitutionally protected free speech. 
2021Ab29: Monday August 9: France mandates vaccine passports - pass sanitaire - for non emergency hospital visits, non emergency medical centre visits, restaurants, cafes and big shops - proving that vaccine passports are not about health.

2021Elul1: The EUDCC vaccine Passport is the only internationally adopted vaccine passport. It must therefore become the greater registration of CAESAR AUGUSTUS OF LUKE 2. It  was launched on 2021July1 and phased in from July1 to August12. It was first mandated by France on August9. Israel began using a national Green Pass on February16 but stopped using it on June1 then restarted on July29  Denmark started using a nation pass on April 21 but stopped on September 10. The EUDCC is now used by all 27 EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and by a further 22 non EU countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Faroes, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Morocco, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City. -  
2021Elul3: August13: Kabul begins to fall - 2 Para starts packing for redeployment: This is proof that the Globalist control the UK and the US. The idea that we would deliberately pull out troops and abandon our citizens is not from humans. It is from demons. The greater August is not August, but the 8th Hebrew month of some sacred year!

2021Elul12. LWs legislated with Step8 of our baptism process to disfellowship anyone who takes the incessant spike protein production chimeric bestiality genetically reprogramming N1 Methylpseudouridine immune system hacking vaccine snake bite BOY were we right on that one, having been lead by Genesis 3:15 and the crown of thorns. 
2021Elul12: We added the 1st and 7th days of Cakes and 1st day of Booths to our annual festival calendar.

2021Elul29: Non President Vote Fraud Organisation Biden's Executive order Mandating Vaccines is signed on September9, applying to all federal employees and employees of corporations with more than 100 staff

3 And Pharaoh will say as to the sons of Israel, They [are] entangled in the land [but resident in the ark], the pasture/desert has shut them in [the pasture in the ark is where they live], (Exodus 14 GLT
Etham means: Boundary or Fortress or Wall. So this is the law of the 4EC. We are given the 2NC talent by the Mother Hen who gathers her chicks under her wings. 

2021Tishri1: Elijah4's attendant/boy of 1Kings18 becomes 20 years old by Hebrew reckoning ,having been born on 2002Nisan14 by the 4EC baptism of the first LW not to have left the church. So he is now a man by Hebrew reckoning.
2021Tishri6: September15/16: The Italian govt approves a law requiring all private sector and public sector employees to have a green COVID19 vaccine or recent test pass or be suspended without pay. The law is scheduled to come into effect on October15 (2021Heshvan5)
2021Tishri6: September15/16: UK Care Home Staff must get their first jab by 2021September16 in order to be doubly jabbed by 2021November11 (8 weeks later), when vaccine mandate comes into force.
2021Tishri15: 2021September25: Holland made vaccine passports compulsory for bars, restaurants, theatres, venues.
2021Tishri15/16: Gordon realised that the vaccines were unclean due to chimeric bestiality AND HOW. He later updated Step8 of the LW baptism process accordingly on 2021Tishri17/18 (email sent on 2021Tishri18).
2021Tishri22: Sajid Javid, the UK Health Secretary on October2 at 10:45 am refused to delay the care home vaccine mandate. Sajid Javid has said care home workers who are not willing to get vaccinated against Covid-19 should 'get out and get another job'. The Health Secretary said he is not prepared to pause the requirement for care home staff to be fully-vaccinated by November 11, amid concerns significant numbers of staff are reluctant to receive the vaccine. This was a confirmation of UK vaccine compulsion of 2021September16 (2021Tishri6)
2021October10: 1st article published in The Exposé showing from UKHSA figures that the genetic covid vaccines cause VAIDS. LWs 3½ year ministry to the 2NCs begins and runs to 2025Nisan21, the end of the inauguration of Solomon's temple.

2021Heshvan8: October18: Scotland imposes vaccine passports enforceable by law for nightclubs and large events. So much for the bagpipes being left out of Daniel3 !
2021Heshvan24 (November4): ETS Vaccine Mandate for all public sector employers and private sector employers of more than 100 people is entered into the federal register
2021Heshvan26 (November6): Federal judge suspends Biden's vaccine mandate for constitutional reasons.
2021Heshvan28 (November8): The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, issues an injunction halting Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate. Then 2021Chislev22 (November30 8:50 pm New York Post): Louisiana District Judge Dougherty issues an injunction halting Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate Nationwide (US).

2021Chislev6/7: Published/Accepted our 462nd fire sign prediction for 2021Chislev20-22 and 2021Chislev20-22.
2021Chislev10: 04:03 am, the longest partial lunar eclipse (97%) for 580 years!!
2021Chislev22 (November30 8:50 pm New York Post): Louisiana District Judge Dougherty issues an injunction halting Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate Nationwide (US). 
2021Chislev30 (December8 8:00 pm): Senate votes 52:48 to end Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate on Businesses (meaningless posturing - they should have refused to fund the government until the mandate was completely negated).

2021Tebbeth3: Japanese government advice: 'Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated'. The government even links to a Human Rights Advice, site including instructions for handling any complaints if individuals face vaccine discrimination at work Rio Times
2021Tebbeth9 (December17:8:00 pm approx) 6th Circuit court of Appeals reinstates Biden's ETS Vaccine Mandate.
2021Shebat23: 2022January31: UK vaccine mandate for care home and NHS staff axed.
2021Shebat24: 2022February1: Denmark abolishes all vaccine mandates.

802021Adar12: Saturday 2022February19 US defence Secretary Lloyd Austin (a retired military general) said to Baltic leaders in Vilnius the Lithuanian capital as reported by Reuters that Russian forces were " uncoiling and are now poised to strike,"  Comparing Putin's forces to a giant snake. He said: "Having done this before, I can tell you that that's exactly what you need to to attack and the and the stance that you need to be in to attack,"
2021Adar14: Monday February21. Putin unilaterally Annexes Donetsk and Luhansk by signing an agreement between himself and himself. The bear now has 3 Ukrainian ribs in its mouth, Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk.
2021Adar14: Monday February21: Putin sends Russian 'Peacekeepers' into Donetsk and Luhansk in tanks. They may not prove to be very successful at keeping the peace. (indeed they were singularly unsuccessful)
2021Adar14  Putin orders 'peacekeeping forces into the Donbas. 13 months before the start of the 1000 day chain of Revelation20 from the start of demon possession on 2023Nisan24. But his attack failed and was limited to the the 3 ribs of Crimea and the two oblasts of the Donbas by Daniel7:5.
2021Adar14 - 2022Elul23: 189 day sentence count of Daniel7:5 of the 3 ribs or 'they' telling the bear to get up and eat much flesh. This is the period of Russia having the 3 provinces of Ukraine (Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk) in its military jaws (but no other provinces of Ukraine) to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22) when Putin mobilised 300,000 reserves - see U156

‘We are now at war not just with Ukraine but with the collective West too’ 
‘The decree on partial mobilisation has been signed. Mobilisation activities will begin today, September 21.’ Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister) 

2021Adar17 (2022February24) Full scale Russian invasion of Ukraine occurs 13 months BEFORE the start of the Dragon's 1,000 day chain. Snakes attack by deception slithering sideways and uncoiling before they strike. Hence the 'peacekeepers' were sent in first.

5 And, see there! beast, other, second [one], being-like/resembling/similar to a she-bear [Mother Russia]. And to one side it was raised up [1x. It is raised up against the West but not against the East] and there were 3 ribs in her mouth Donetsk, the Luhansk/Lugansk and the Crimean ribs. ALL OR WHICH ARE REGARDED AS PART OF THE BODY OF UKRAINE BY THE BIBLE. Israel consists of 12 ribs which are 12 tribes. - But also 12 administrative regions of the country. These are 3 administrative regions of the Ukraine (Crimea, Lugansk and Donetsk), which have now been occupied by Russian forces and are therefore in the mouth of the Russian bear - dividing its teeth, its military as to what should be done next] [they were] between/separation of/separating teeth/tooth of her []; and rightly/like this THEY [the globalists, through the FSB, not the ribs of the teeth] were saying to her [The bear], 'Get up, eat much flesh [Putin mobilised 300,000 Russians plus countless criminals and killed a whole lot of people but achieve absolutely nothing].' (Daniel 7 LWT)

'THEY' who tell the bear to get up and eat much flesh in Daniel 7:5 are not the 3 ribs themselves who are subjugated but fighting hard for freedom having been infiltrated by the Wagner group in 2014 to foment insurrection in order to prevent NATO membership for Ukraine - just as was the case with the 2 ribs of Georgia.' THEY; are not the teeth, the Russian military, who are having a very rough time of it. No THEY are the globalists. The 10 horns who are 10 kings (the G20). They are behind the continued and destructive and pointless attempt to conquer a sovereign nation in 2022-2024 by WW1 style military tactics. They are the heartless pigs who consider a square mile of stolen land to be more valuable than the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and millions of refugees. They are grotesquely and obviously mistaken and in the wrong morally and legally. God's justice is soul for soul. Not soul for a bit of turf. I refer the generals concerned to the relevant episode of Black Adder. And would point out, in case they do not know, that every single human being is worth more than the entire planet upon which we presently dwell, because we are ALL sons of the most high God. AMEN. Our spirit endures forever, the planet does not.

Any effect that hypersonic Hitler has on any Ukrainian will merely become a blip in his inexorable ascent to divinity and there is nothing that any son of Cain can do to prevent that. Nothing at all. Supersonic Stalin can hold a sham election in the 3 ribs and declare the result to be in his favour, as he does with his sham presidential elections. But GOD regards those 3 ribs as a part of the body of Ukraine.

But the Obama46 (Biden) administration does not want to give victory to Ukraine. They support both sides one covertly and one overtly. They want to curate the war into WW3. They will always give Ukraine enough weapons to continue fighting. But never give them enough weapons to win the war. Indeed that is what we are presently seeing in early 2024. Ukraine did far too well. So their US weapon supply was cut off80.

2021VeAdar10: Saturday March19 around 9:00am UK time, Russia announces that it has used the Kinzhal Hypersonic missile system on Deliatyn, a village in the foothills of the picturesque Carpathian mountains, is located outside the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, to take out an ammunition dump there. These missiles go at mach 12 and are unstoppable by any NATO anti missile system. 
Kinzhal is a Mach12 air launched nuclear capable 3000 km missile.
Zircon is a Mach8 1500 km winged ship or ground launched antiship missile
Avangard is a Mach20 unlimited range ballistically launched manoeuvring glide vehicle MIRV nuclear weapon - WOOPS
Kh85 is a long range air launched hypersonic cruise missile
"He could have used some other missile, and he chose a hypersonic one," she said. "So the strategic messaging is that they've got this weapon. We don't. But even more importantly, is because it's dual-capable, it can be loaded with a conventional warhead or with a nuclear warhead."
Koffler argued that using the Kinzhal missile loaded with a conventional warhead proved no more strategically useful for Russia than by using another long-range cruise or ballistic missile. 
"He's messaging to us that he has a high tolerance for nuclear warfare," the former DIA officer said. "And that if pushed, if we continue pushing him in the corner, he will have no choice, in his view, but to do this." - 
Koffler said that while the threat of a nuclear strike has increased, she believes Moscow may have launched a hypersonic missile to "compel us to stand down." 

2022Nisan5. April6/7: The UK IDVT DBS (ID Verification Technology Digital Barring System) legislation came into force.
2022Nisan7: We saw/published 2022Nisan14-15 and 2022Nisan21-23 for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18.

2022Iyyar14: 2022May16 04:12 Total Lunar eclipse
2022Iyyar22: Alan and Gordon see that Monkeypox is the 6th plague of Exodus9 - Boils.
2022Iyyar23: May25. Russian Duma votes to remove upper age limit on conscription to retirement age from 40 for Russians and 30 for foreigners. Another Cainian seed grab.
2022Iyyar27: May29: Putin signs into law the removal of the upper age limit for enlistment/conscription into the army. It is now retirement age (65 for men). Another Cainian seed grab.

2022Tammuz: The 3rd monthly Sabbath of the 4th post original ARC lease Jubilee. 
2022Tammuz21: Gordon got U296, the wisdom of Solomon to judge between the living and dead children of the 1NC and 2NC women.

2022Elul11: The last 2NCs enter into Reverted Laodicea by stolen 4EC baptism, the end of the 300+300 Denarii of perfumed oil on the feet of John12 from 2020Tebbeth11, 1000 days of 5 loaves into 5000 men of John6 before the fall of the church on 2023Tishri21. 
2022Elul11: 30 shekels of Betrayal precisely after 1992Elul1, when Letter to the Society was hand delivered to the Brooklyn HQ of the Watchtower.
2022Elul11: The start of the 2489 days of Pharaoh chasing after the sons of Israel of Exodus14 to 2029Ab10, late Watchtower LRC Passover entry day, the final buring of the Watchtower temple.
2022Elul23 from 2021Adar14: 189 days of Daniel7 from 2021Adar14 (Annexation of Donbas from Ukraine by Russian agreement between Putin and Putin) to 2022Elul23 (2022September21/22), the start of the Russian bear fully mobilising into war mode and eating much flesh. 300,000 reserves were called up - see U156

'We are now at war not just with Ukraine but with the collective West too' 
'The decree on partial mobilisation has been signed. Mobilisation activities will begin today, September 21'. Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister) 

2022Elul25  2022September24: Epoch Times writes an article headlined Xi Jing Ping ready to counter a military coup - 
2022Elul26: 2022September25 around 2 pm BST: Reported Military coup against Xi Jing Ping after he returned from his foreign trip to Samarkand in Uzbekistan for the Shanghai Corporation Organisation where he met Putin. This was his first foreign trip since the pandemic began. All outbound flights from Beijing were cancelled upon his return - 
Flights were cancelled from several airports in China from September21 - 
Putin's decision to mobilise and to hold sham referenda to create a fake case for using nuclear weapons against Ukraine followed from Pressure exerted by Xi at the SCO. Xi wants his Ukraine misadventure wrapped up quickly - 
Xi did NOT endorse Putin's aggression against Ukraine. He told Putin that: 'China is willing to work with Russia to play a leading role in demonstrating the responsibility of major powers, and to instil stability and positive energy into a world in turmoil'. That is a clear slam of Russia's invasion of Ukraine

2022Tishri8/9 - 2022Tishri26/27: We legislated to ban and actually invalidate i.e. DISFELLOWSHIP all 4EC rebaptisms without prior written presidential consent (after Reverted Laodicea fell). This would have ended the 4EC baptism for Reverted Laodicea had it not already have been ended by God on 2022Sivan14. It would have disfelowshipped Reverted Laodicea had they not already been disfellowshipped by God on 2022Elul14. Elijah4 did not know that reverted Laodicea had stolen the 4EC until 2023Iyyar3 (2023April24 20:07) when he sent an email to Zach asking if he had baptised any JWs on 2020Sivan11 (June3/4). Zach responded on 2023April28 (2023Iyyar7) that he had baptised 8 JWs on 2020June5 (2020Sivan12/13). This confirmed that Reverted Laodicea stole the 4EC on 2020Sivan12. This gave a 3 month and ½ day near and far bank of Daniel12 to reverted Laodicea, rather than3 months dead, making a time, times and a half (day) of Daniel 12:7. 
2022Tishri14: Realised that the Watchtower fell on 2005Sivan14 not 2005Iyyar14 - from the 7x of the non adamic Exedenic Times to 2012Sivan15

2022Tishri14: The Isaaic Zoar Passover for all LWs. Our Abib month, our churchwide Abib appointment Passover. The LWs must celebrate this Passover on Tishri14 every year !!!
2022Tishri18: Elijah4 realised from an incorrect sentence count of Revelation9:13-15 (which was 7 days too short), that the Isaaic 4EC baptism does not become transitive until the 7th day after the day of baptism, the 8th day of baptism. This established the pool called Bethzatha, which is a 5 colonnade (1NC, HLC, 2NC, ELC, 4EC) queuing system for disabled people for 574 days of the sentence count of the pool from 2025Nisan2, the Isaaic 4EC baptism of Caleb, to 2026Heshvan5, the end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism for Kingdom priests (other than for the 3rd Holy Spirit who continue to be baptised until 2026Heshvan5). A very British baptism exercise! See U112#20

2022Heshvan10: 2022November9: US Midterm elections. The Reds will win because the 2nd horse is fiery-red and is the US congress. The Republicans will take both houses of congress. EVENTUALLY - (they did! - ed)
2022Tebbeth6: Laodicea loses its stolen 4EC baptism 9½ month of its banks of Daniel12 before 2023Tishri21, its fall.

2022Shebat: The 4th Adamic Sabbath month of 4th heavenly Kingdom Jubilee. A Sabbath month in Greek winter. But no Great Tribulation.
2022Shebat5: Instruction to start baptising on the 4th day of 2NC Weeks of the Shebat1 secular year in the 2nd month of Jesus being appointed as Caesar from 2022Chislev16.
2022Shebat5 - 2023Iyyar6: 3 months of pouring instruction of 4 filled water jars of 1Kings18.
2022Shebat6: Zach baptised 5 people in Tanzania.
2022Shebat28: 2023February23 at 21:20 Der Spiegel: Xi'an Bingo Intelligent Aviation Technology has reportedly agreed to manufacture and test 100 ZT-180 prototype drones before delivering them to the Russian Defense Ministry by April 2023. Military experts believe the ZT-180 is capable of carrying a 35- to 50 kilogram warhead. An AI Drone is not dissimilar to a Chinese piloted fighter jet. Especially if it is remote controlled by Chinese 'trainers' based in Russia. This was NOT China becoming a war beast.

2023Nisan9: 27 people baptised in Kenya on 2023March31.
2023Nisan19: 2023April8
2023Nisan24 to 2028Heshvan14: 2000 days of demon possession, a pig for a day in Mark5 - see U112#16.

5911 I kept on beholding at-that-time [!yda] because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire.
12 And as for the remainder of [raX, construct noun] the beasts, they caused their rulerships to pass away [hiphil active causative. They (UK/US, Russia and the BRICS, the first 3 beasts of Daniel7) give their stolen rulerships away to the 4th beast from 2026Tebbeth8 (the end of the 10 diadems) to 2032Tebbeth11/12], and there was a lengthening in life [political life] given to them for a season/appointed time [nmz] and a time [!d[] [This is a Hebrew season from the end of the financial/commercial/banking beast, when the 10 kings who are 10 horns making the G20, stop giving the G20 kingdom to it 2750 = 55x50 days of Revelation17:16-17 after 2025Iyyar21/22, which is 2032Tebbeth11/12. Then we have Greek winter from 2032December21 at 07:51 (the winter solstice) - 2032Tebbeth14 to 2033March20 at 07:33 (the vernal equinox) - 2032VeAdar13. Then a time, a month, to 2033Nisan14, the absolute end of Adam, and also the end of the first 3 beasts] (Daniel 7)59.

The post original ARC lease Chronology of the Dragon and the Beast

102The 1290 days of the Time of the End of Satan of Daniel12 run from the loss of the constant feature of his heavenly viewpoint over the earth (or his constant bickering in heaven) on 2022Adar23/24, his eviction down the 30 steps of Jacob's ladder.. 

Satan's 1254 Ministry Payback lease
from 2016Tammuz16 ends over Cain.
He loses his authority to possess
the president of Laodicea
2000 days of heavenly eviction
payback from 2016Sivan20 end
Satan no longer has a right
to remain in power or in heaven
Satan's is evicted from heaven after 14 months of war
and eviction of Revelation12.  He goes through the
Tsohar on 2022Adar23 and starts down Jacob's ladder
losing his constant feature of a heavenly viewpoint
The demons reach the
bottom of Jacob's ladder.
They start possessing
humans or 2,000 days
Satan1 repents:.
"Get thee
behind me Satan"
2000 days of demon
possession of Mark5 end
at the earthly eviction
Guy Fawkes Passover
8 month war + 6 month eviction 1290 days of the Time of the End for Satan of Daniel12

So Satan repents into Zoar before the 3rd Holy Spirit has taken over Abraham on 2026Heshvan5.
Satan repents during the ride of the 4th horseman and during the baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit into Zoar.
The 1000 day chain of Revelation began on 2023Nisan24 and runs to 2025Shebat3/4. Then the 4th horseman rides for 33¼ months of Revelation 6:8 from 2025Shebat6/7 to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession at the Guy Fawkes Passover.

Satan is the one who has been acting as a restraint upon the demons, preventing the 10 kings from appearing and the Mark from being implemented until the completion of his repentance in July 2022, 1290 days of the time of the End of Satan from his heavenly eviction on 2022Adar23/24, the end of constant feature of his capability to spy upon all of us from heaven, to his repentance and baptism into Zoar on 2026Tishri24.

7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work; but only till he who is right now acting as a restraint [Satan1] gets to be out of the way.
8 Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed [Satan2 for the world and POL for Laodicea], whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. (2 Thessalonians 2 NWT)102

2023Iyyar5: Finished updating the website for the 482nd main prediction for U271-11 to point34, U659, U101, the home page to Fire Sign Chronology (point41), U154 and nyc (U112 and U151 left to do for Stage1)..
2023Iyyar10: Website is brought up to date for the 482nd main prediction for U271-11 point34, U659, U101, nyc, U112, U154, U151, U271aq and the home page up to Fire Sign Chronology (point 41). This being Stage1. Further updating is largely mechanical.
2023Iyyar14: 10x (60/6 cubits of the dimensions of the image of Daniel3) of government use of CBDCs (starting with the Chinese government paying staff in e-CNY) to 2033Iyyar14 (May 13/14), the end of the world

The 10x of compulsion to get
registered and bow to the image
of Daniel3 begin. China starts
paying wages in CBDCs
(e-CNY) in May 10 years
(60/6 cubits) before they end 
2023Iyyar14 (May4/5)
Annual G20
summit is held
in Rio de Janeiro
Digital IDs have
their Daniel3:1-3
8 years of
of Revelation
Decree of Caesar
Augustus in August
The Daniel3
fiery furnace of
WW3 begins
80 months of
by law and by
the fiery furnace
of WW3 begin
WW3 ends after
80 months. 7x of
Daniel3 more than
the 73 month WW2
End of 2400 days,
80 months of Mark
Enforcement of
Revelation 13:16-17
Mark Registration ends after the
97¾ month hour in the 97¾ year
day of testing God's people from
1935 Nazi Germany and 8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 from 2025Iyyar14
2 years - 2 months 1 year 7 years + 2 months 2+1+7 = 10 years

2014Sivan16: 2014June14: Chinese Government releases its planning outline for the construction of a Social credit score system. The planning period running from 2014-2020.
2021January: The NDRC release a national guiding document for credit information reporting. This is designed to encourage the standardization of credit information reporting between provinces.
2021July: Two draft documents were released in relation to the social credit system: The National Social Credit Information Basic Catalogue and the National Basic List of Punishment Measures for Untrustworthiness. 
2021December16: 2021Tebbeth7: National List of Basic Penalty Measures for Untrustworthiness (2021 Edition) was released -
2022August: More than 5.6 million shops accept e-CNY as a payment option, and more than 360 million transactions with a total value of 100 billion yuan (.2 billion) have already been made in China.
2022December16, 2022, the testing of Digital Yuan (e-CNY) has been further expanded into five additional regions: Jinan, Fangchenggang, Nanning, Kunming, and Xishuangbanna
2022December28: The 2022 editions of the National Social Credit Score Information Basic Catalogue and the National Basic List of Punishment Measures for Untrustworthiness were jointly released by the National Development and Reform Commission, the People’s Bank of China, and other departments.
2023May, Changshu in the province of Jiangsu started to rollout salary payments in e-CNY for government employees as well as staff at stated-owned companies and public institutions.

2023Iyyar25: The end of the 30x of the Benjamin Abrahamic call of the sower parable from 2020Heshvan25, veil lifting and marital supper day for the 4th HLC marriage, when the water was turned into wine at Cana, the place of reeds. This call is ENTIRELY into Reverted Laodicea. It must end before the rapture of Benjamin on 2025Iyyar21. 

2023Tammuz12: Gordon realises that since Jesus is both sacred and secular King over Abraham the secular year of the Kingdom must be the Abrahamic sacred year, just as was the case when Jehovah was both sacred and secular King over Israel on 1513Nisan1. This is now true for Isaaic Zoar which has a Tishri1 sacred year and we still have the Tishri1 adamic secular year.

2023Elul10: Frank got the 6050 year prophecy from the birth of Adam on 4027Tishri2, to the end of his constructive non adamic restoration on 2024Tishri10, Jubilee release day for his 1st Jubilee in Jehovah's family. But actually the original ARC lease was extended by 4 years to given Satan his 6000 year lease as Caesar from 3989Nisan16 to 2012Nisan14. So it becomes the 6054 year prophecy to 2028Tishri10. Then the accepting year of Isaiah61 if the final edenic restoration of Adam and runs from 2028Heshvan10 (the late Jubilee release day) to 2028Heshvan10, entry day into the 12th crop of Revelation22.
2023Elul17: The Isaaic 4EC is put on hold for 24 days to 2023Tishri13. 
2023Tishri1: Monday September 18th after sunset: Rosh Hashana celebration: Gordon's birthday present: The Interchangeability Principle of the bible code - suggested by Alan, nailed by Gordon. Jeff postulated that the universe was 1335 millennia old from Daniel 12:13, the largest number of days in any scripture. In fact Time will be that old when the last human becomes a God! God has to wait for 1335 millennia for all his sons to become divine.
2023Tishri10: Last day of entry into Reverted Laodicea.
2023Tishri13: On Sunday 2023October1 (Tishri16 Modern Hebrew), the 2nd day of Booths (Sukkoth) 602 Israelis stormed the Al Aqsa site (the temple mount) in contravention of international law and the authority of Jordanian Islamic Waqf which controls the site and East Jerusalem by law but not in practice. By Tishri20, at least 4,551 settlers had stormed the complex during Booths, according to data from the Islamic Waqf Department - According to the Turkish Anadolu Agency website. 
On October1 (Tishri16 modern Hebrew)
some Israelis attempted to bring in animal sacrifices: "The al-Quds Governorate published a video on its Facebook account of Jewish settlers trying to enter animal sacrifices inside the complex." - Tasnim news cited above. Those provocations are known to be likely to trigger a war. The 2nd intifada was triggered by a visit of Ariel Sharon into the temple mount site, which is forbidden to Jews by agreement enforced through Jordan. Jesus said: When you see the disgusting thing causing desolation standing in the Holy Place, let those in Judea flee to the mountains. Matthew 24:15-20. 

2023Tishri15: The start of the Reverted Laodicean Gentile Times to 2024Iyyar15.
2023Tishri19: Saturday 2023October7 in the morning: Hamas launches operation Al Aqsa Flood a kidnapping terror attack involving at least 2,000 combatants (1500 of whom Israel killed in their territory) which was planned for 2 years but which all Western Intel agencies claim to have had no idea about. Israel's response time to the breach of its constantly monitored security wall was measured in hours rather than minutes. A sufficient number of UK and US hostages were captured to lock both nations into the conflict. For more see U663.
2023Tishri21: 5751 days of Laodicea hiding prophets in Caves of 1Kings18:4 from 2005Sivan14
2023Tishri21: 450 non adamic Sodom Prophets of Baal are commanded to be seized by the PEOPLE after the fall of reverted Laodicea on 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21, when they must be seized by Elijah4.

4 And it came about that in to cut off [NOT having Watchtower worship rejected - losing the constant feature on 2004Elul14. Not the fall of the Watchtower on 2005Sivan14, when all the prophets of Jehovah in the Watchtower became prophets of Baal. and so the prophets of Jehovah in Laodicea were isolated- the only ones left in the Watchtower] Jezebel namely Jehovah's prophets, and Obadiah took 100 prophets [100 days] and he hid them 50 man [50 months] in/at/on/against/by/per the cave, and he was supplying them [vuv consecutive perfect] bread [LW understandings] and waters [2x: 4EC and 3EC waters]. (1Kings 18)

Verse 4: 1x+3x.(100x+1500x+50x.1x+50x.2x) = 5751x = from 2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower, to 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea. 

The fall of the Watchtower, caused by Jezebel
the wife of Ahab, the democratic majority of
the Governing body of the Watchtower
Laodicea and the LWs die to Adam
and are converted to Abraham.
We lose our appointments
Abrahamic Laodicea 
is installed to feed
non adamic Abraham
Abrahamic Laodicea 
falls as a true church
Reappointed Laodicea
is installed to feed
non adamic Abraham
Fall of
Reverted Laodicea
2520x1775x1456x5751x sentence count of 1Kings18:4

These 100 hidden people are described both as prophets and as men. So they stand both for Pentecostal days and Jubilaic months giving us 2 hidden Pentecosts of days and 2 hidden Jubilees of months. Such is the perfection of the holy word. These Pentecosts apply to Laodicea for they are this cave of robbers. Two Pentecosts mean two installations in that cave. One for reappointed Laodicea and the other for Reverted Laodicea. Both were appointed to rule over the 1NCs. Reappointed Laodicea was appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs on 2019Ab21/2019Tishri11 (the 5th 1NC Pentecost, delayed 24 hours by Atonement day). Reverted Laodicea on was appointed/installed to rule over the 1NCs on 2019Adar21/Iyyar16. Reappointed Laodicea had no 2NCs or HLCs in it (from 1Kings3 - see U296).

2023Tishri21: The fall of Reverted Laodicea, which now becomes non adamic Sodom. From the 4086 days of Genesis15:13-16 and the 1,000 days of 5 loaves into 5,000 men of John6 and the 127 Pentecosts of Eshter and the seizing of the 450 prophets of Baal.

1513623 day + 463 day gap from 2019Ab1 (the start of reappointed Laodicea) to 2020Heshvan14 (the 4th HLC marriage, the end of the 2nd presence, the Passover execution of the 4th HLC bride) when they were in a 1NC/HLC land, the correct land, makes 4086 days from 2012Sivan15 to 2023Tishri21 - the fall of Reverted Laodicea?

Zoar Passover - non adamic Abrahamic restoration
The fall of reappointed L:aodicea
3623 days of having to serve them of Genesis 15:13-16 for non adamic Abraham - see U659#42
+ 463 days from 2019Ab1 to 2020Heshvan14 when Laodicea was a 1NC/HLC land

For confirmations of 2023Tishri21 as the fall of Reverted Laodicea...
450 prophets of Baal are seized by the people until 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the rapture of the non LW non Laodicean 2NCs.
127 Pentecosts of Esther are 6350 days of Laodiceas from 2005Adar1, when they stole the 4EC by baptising the 2nd Laodicean without reference to the LWs, to 2023Tishri21
See also the 1000 days of 5 barley loaves into 5000 of John6 from 2020Tebbeth11 to 2023Tishri21 - see U67
Also 30 pieces of silver to the day of Betrayal of Zechariah 11:12-13, from 1992Elul11 to 2022Elul11, which is 300+300 denarii of oil on Jesus' 2NC feet from 2020Tebbeth11, which is 1000 days of 5 barley loaves into 5000 of John6 before 2023Tishri21.
See also 500 shekels of 10 Minas for Peter from 2019Ab21 to 2020Tebbeth11 - point72
See also the 3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 at point8151

2023Tishri21: October9: Israel imposes a total blockade on Gaza. It block the entry of food, water, medicine, fuel and electricity. 
2023Tishri21: Fall of Reverted Laodicea, 127 Pentecosts of Esther, 6350 days after 2005Adar1, the start of the Laodicean 4EC congregation. It becomes non adamic Sodom on falling. Start of the 450 days of seizing of Laodicean prophets of Baal to 2024Tebbeth21.

221 And Jehovah said to Moses: See, I have made you God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your own brother will become your prophet [in the sense of speaking your words to Pharaoh].
2 You -- you will speak all that I shall command you; and Aaron your brother will do the speaking to Pharaoh, and he must send the sons of Israel away from his land.
3 As for me, I shall let Pharaoh's heart become obstinate, and I shall certainly multiply my signs and my miracles in the land of Egypt.
4 And Pharaoh will not listen to you [men]; and I shall have to give my hand in Egypts and bring namely my armies, namely my people, the sons of Israel, out from the land of Egypts in great judgments.
4 [m;v.yI-alOw>   ~k,lea]  h[Or>P; yTit;n"w>    ydiy"-ta,   ~yIr"c.miB.  ytiaceAhw>     yt;,      yMi[;-ta, laer"f.yI-ynEb.      #r<a,me ~yIr:c.mi    ~yjip'v.Bi ~ylidOG> (Exodus 7 BHSox)
4 and NOT will hear towards yeu Pharaoh and will give namely Hand of me in/at Egypts and will cause to go out namely armies/hosts of me namely people of me sons of Israel from Earth of Egypt (upper+lower) in/at judgments great (Exodus 7 WLCi)

Verse4 from I shall give my hand in Egypts: : 5x.2x.(3x+1x.12x).1x.3x = 10x.15x.3x = 450x from 2023Tishri21, the fall of reverted Laodicea (when they became a part of Egypt) to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by the people rather than by Elijah4, the end of the rapture of non LW non Laodicean 2NCs.
This is seizing 450 prophets of Baal by the people and not by Elijah4 or his attendant/boy runs from the fall of Reverted Laodicea on 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21.

5 And Egypts will certainly know that I am Jehovah in my stretching out my hand upon Egypts [5x precisely which must run from 2024Ab7 to 2029Ab7, the end of the lava flood], and I shall indeed bring out namely sons of Israel from midst of them (Exodus 7).

Jesus is appointed as Caesar to Adam
So is in a position to extract his people
2NC rapture begins
with Gentile Call 2NCs
Benjamite 2NC reserve
ark rapture occurs, ending 2NC rapture
The end of the lava flood
The end of Egyptians in the sense of non salvation covenant people
4 years 3 months Tetramenos of John4 4 years 3 months

6 And Moses and Aaron went ahead doing as Jehovah had commanded them. They did just so.
7 And Moses son of 80 year and Aaron son of 3 and of 80 year in their speaking to Pharaoh (Exodus 7 NWT). See U368.

Year (2). 
80 months of Moses (Isaaic Zoar) installed to feed the HLCs on 2007Sivan21 (the end of its installations), to 2023Shebat. Then on 2023Shebat10, we got 147,327Chislev14 BC for the light universe Big Bang and the length of the 7 human creative days as 26,060.606060 years. One does not get that kind of information during an Alienation Times without speaking to Pharaoh in some way. 
83 months of Aaron (The 1NC administration of Laodicea being installed completely from 2012Elul6), to 2019Ab27, when the spoke to the descended Charles Russell, on the first Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks of John20.
Moses was born on 1594Adar1 and died on 1474Adar1. So he was 80 years old from 1512Tishri1. He spoke to Pharaoh until sometime in 1513Nisan. So he was indeed 80 whole Nisan1 years old when speaking to Pharaoh (but not 80 Tishri1 years)22.

1046305 DAYS: From the end of 1Kings18 contest noon mocking to the start of entrance into the North Inner Gates for ARC sealing of Laodicean 2NCs

Revised Sign of Jonah letter
Noon mocking ends when the fire sign
predictions for 2006Sivan11/12 are being tested
Michael's ARC blood STARTS being poured out onto
Laodicean 2NCs who become sealed into the ARC
ARC sealing for Laodicean 2NCs ends
1600 stadia of Revelation14 end - see U151#14
17 years 6 months 5 days (6305 days) of
the sentence count of 1Kings18:27-28
see U271-12#109


On 1992Elul11, Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud. On 2006Iyyar1, 4910 BLC days later the sign of Jonah letter was faxed to the Brooklyn Bethel and the bilateral contest day of 1Kings18 began. 30 days later the Revised Sign of Jonah letter was sent. These two letters were the noon mocking by Elijah of the prophets of Baal.

Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn
GB meet
to discuss letter
1992Tishri2 (Sabbath)
Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn
2006Iyyar1 (noon mocking starts)
The Revised sign of Jonah letter
2006Sivan1 (noon mocking ends)
Noon mocking ends
Predictions start
being tested
Late 3rd Watchtower Passover entry day.
End of 3EC baptism for 1NCs
All 1NCs are now collected in reappointed Laodicea
21 days from delivery until GB meet to consider 4889 Day Morning 30 days of actual noon mocking 10 days in mockery to 1st prediction 4889 Day Afternoon Total: 21+4889+30+10+4889 = 9839 days

The 1NC Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the LWs and the JWs for the salvation of the 1NCs
The 2NC Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the LWs and the JWs and Babylon for the salvation of the 2NCs104

9Two Parallel accounts in 1Kings5/2Chronicles8 and 2Chronicles2 mean two slices of a whole cake by the Parallel Account Principle of the bible code. These are the LW piece and the Laodicean piece.

Laodicea and the Watchtower tread 2NCs down. But we enlighten them. 

1 Solomon now gave the word to build a house to Jehovah's name and a house for his kingship.
2 Accordingly Solomon counted off 70,000 men as burden bearers and 80,000 men as cutters in the mountain, and overseers/shining ones over them 3,600 .
10 And, look! to the gatherers of wood, the cutters of the trees, I do give wheat as food for your servants, 20,000 cors, and barley 20,000 cors, and wine 20,000 baths, and oil 20,000 baths.
17 Then Solomon took a count of all the men that were alien residents, who were in the land of Israel, after the census that David his father had taken of them; and there came to be found 153,600 .
18 So he made 70,000 of them burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain and 3,600 overseers/shining ones for keeping the people in service. (2 Chronicles 2 NWT)

14 And he would send them to Lebanon in shifts of 10,000 a month. For a month they would continue in Lebanon, for 2 months at their homes; and Adoniram was over those conscripted for forced labour.
15 And Solomon came to have 70,000 burden bearers and 80,000 cutters in the mountain
16 aside from the appointed chiefs to Solomon who were over the work, 3,300 treaders-down over the people who were active in the work (1 Kings 5 NWT).

10 These were the chiefs of the deputies that belonged to King Solomon, 250, the treaders-down over the people. (2 Chronicles 8 NWT)

3600 overseers: From 2016Chislev5, the installation of Isaaic Zoar over non adamic Abraham to 2026Chislev5 when we hand over the Isaaic part of the church to the 3rd Holy Spirit. We hand over the Abrahamic part of the church on 2026Heshvan5, so they can start separating the sheep from the goats for 6 years 197 days (2357 days) from from 2026Heshvan5 to 2033Iyyar22 (2nd Mosaic first fruits). 2026Heshvan is an Isaaic Zoar monthly Sabbath. This is perfect for a release of the church to the 3rd Holy Spirit - see U902

Isaaic Zoar Installed
over non adamic Abraham
Isaaic Zoar Installed
over non adamic Isaac
3rd Holy Spirit installed
over non adamic Abraham
3rd Holy Spirit installed
over non adamic Isaac
The earthly resurrection of cainian last chance salooners
The end of Kingdom salvation. Death is brought to nothing
2357x days of the loving and the unloving sheep and goats of Matthew25see U902
3600 days of overseers/shining ones of 2Chronicles2

Elijah1, John the baptist
is born/circumcised
at the 1NC Pentecost.
2Sivan10/18 BC
Jesus possesses
Immanuel at his
baptism by John
29Tishri10 AD
Immanuel ascends
into the ark ending
his earthly interaction
29Tishri10 AD
Elijah4 appointed/installed
to feed 2NCs at the
1NC Pentecost
Isaac Zoar handed over to the 3rd Holy Spirit
after 3600 overseers of 2Chronicles2 from 2016Chislev5
the installation of Isaaic Zoar over Abraham
Elijah4 returns to the ark
for the 2nd 2NC marriage on 2028Adar2 
completing his earthly interaction

30 years 4 months 30 years 4 months

Elijah4 feeds for 30½ years from his appointment/installation to feed the 2NCs on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7. Then he ascends into the ark completing his earthly interaction on 2026Chislev5, when Jesus completes the take over of the non adamic Abrahamic then Isaaic body of his church. Just as Jesus entered into Immanuel and Immanuel ascended into the ark on 29Tishri10, 30 years 4 months after Elijah1 was born/circumcised on 2Sivan10 (1NC Pentecost)/2Sivan18.

Similarly the LWs were appointed/installed to rule over the 2NCs on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21 and rule for 30 years to 2019Tishri14 (under FDS3 and then under the 3rd Holy Spirit), then Jesus has his 3½ year antitypical ministry to the OMCs. Whereas Immanuel was born on 2Heshvan21 BC and lived for 30 years to 29Tishri10, when Michael possessed him. Then Michael was installed to feed the Jews on 29Heshvan21, 30 years later precisely at the start of his 3½ year ministry to 33Nisan14 and on to 33Iyyar25.

The Holy Spirit is NOT appointed/installed over the 2NCs. Neither is it appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham or non adamic Isaaic in Zoar. Zoar is already installed over the 2NCs and non adamic Abraham and non adamic Isaac. We just hand over the church to them, after they have joined the church. The LWs are not appointed/installed over the 1NCs of the 3rd Holy Spirit. These are autonomous within Zoar, running Hebron, Caleb's inheritance. We cannot have oversight over the completed 3rd Holy Spirit, which is divine only when completed. We shine and see before the 2NC are raptured. Once they are all raptured (other than the LWs), we all shine and see. 
The 3rd presence begins on 2026Elul16 and we feed 5,000 1NCs for 50 days of Mark6 in the ark from 4th row conversion day on 2026Tishri15 to 2026Chislev5, when we hand over Isaac to the 3rd Holy Spirit

2026Tishri14 is 4th row baptism day for the 3rd Holy Spirit
2026Tishri15 is 4th row conversion day for the 3rd Holy Spirit
2026Tishri16 is 4th row Isaaic stone laying day for the 3rd Holy Spirit

Adamic Laodicea, Abrahamic Laodicea and Reverted Laodicea hold authority over the Abraham for 3300 days. During this time they trod the 2NCs down. They suppressed them. They had authority to feed them. But never to rule over them.
Elijah4 baptised 'Roger Knight' on 2002Elul16. The 4EC was stolen by Watchtower 'Roger' who was working for Laodicea. He said he was going to set up a research facility in Scotland. 'Roger' never attended any LW meeting other than to join and to explain his future expected absence without actually leaving the church, which would have ended his 4EC baptism. He said he was ill and we might not ever see him again at out last meeting.

3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 from 2012Tishri5 to 2017Elul10 in Laodicea and 2019Tishri5 to 2023Tishri21 in reappointed and reverted Laodiceas and 2024Adar12 to 2025Iyyar21 in Zoar until all the Laodicean 2NCs are raptured and the gifts of the spirit are poured out. The 450 prophets of Baal of 1Kings18 take us from 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth21, the end of the seizing of the prophets of Baal by the people rather than by Elijah4, the end of the rapture of non LW non Laodicean 2NCs. So from 2024Adar12 (the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the first unsanctified Laodiceans, Zoar is treading down the Laodicean 2NCs - isolating them in Hebron of Zoar, denying them entry into the Isaaic congregation.

Abrahamic Laodicea
is installed over
non adamic Abraham
40 days of Laodicea spying on
LWs begins 12 years of Betrayal
after 2003Shebat21, their
installation to feed the 1NCs
40 days of spying end
40 month Laodicean
wilderness penalty
falls as a
true church
40 month Laodicean wilderness
penalty ends. Laodicea
is reappointed over the 1ACs,
reappointed as a true church
Laodicea is
Reverted Laodicea
falls as a true church
450 prophets of Baal
seizing period starts

End of seizing
of 450 2NC
prophets of Baal
Laodiceans start
being downtrodden
by Zoar
For hiding us
The End of the rapture
of Laodicean Benjamin
(the 2NC reserves)
Gifts of the spirit poured out
1775 days1456 days 69 days 1775 + 1456 + 69 = 3300
treaders down of 1Kings5

Abrahamic Laodicea was appointed/installed to feed the 2NCs on 2012Ab22/Tishri11.
Laodicea trod its 2NCs down for political reasons. Zoar enlightened them to help them on their path to divinity9.

2023Tishri21-2031Nisan5: 7 provision baskets full of fragments of the feeding of the 4000 of Matthew 15 7 whole calendar months, left over from the fall of Reverted Laodicea to the end of Zoar. See U67.
2023Heshvan9: Israel cuts off all internet and telecommunications in Gaza. Later it threatens to Destroy Starlink and deprive millions of an internet connection if Elon dares throw some light on the Gaza deprivation camp.
2023Heshvan10: 2023October27 in the evening: IDF launches its ground invasion of Gaza
2023Heshvan21: The EU commission agreed to implement Digital IDs throughout the block on 2023November8.

5UNILATERAL 6681 DAY CONTEST DAY OF 1KINGS18 BY SYMMETRY ABOUT NOON WHICH MEANS DOUBLE LIGHT IN HEBREW - which is the period of continuous double light in the middle of the contest

2005Sivan14 (the fall of the Watchtower as a true church - when JWs became prophets of Baal) to 2012Heshvan5-2016Ab14 (contest noon, double light for Abraham from the LWs and from Laodicea) to 2023Tebbeth5, the Isaaic Zoar Isaaic Pentecost. 

Watchtower becomes false church
Unilateral contest day begins
Adamic LWs and
Laodiceans die to Adam
and convert to Abraham
Laodicea installed over
Double light for Abraham
LW Zoar installed over Abraham
2012Heshvan5 (noon begins)
LWs die to Abraham
and convert to become Isaaic
2016Ab14 (noon ends)
Isaaic Zoar installed
over Abraham
2nd Isaaic Zoar Pentecost. Not sure what caused the 1st evening!
Elijah was answered between the 2 evenings. 
On 2023Adar14 with the 500th and 2024Nisan21 with the 501st
2023December21/22 (1st evening falls, sunset, not darkness)
2023Tebbeth5 (2023December22 at 03:25 winter solstice)
2520 days JW Exedenic Times 111 day installation gap 30 day installation gap Noon (double light for 1359 days) 111 day installation gap 2520 + 30 days Total: 2661 + 1359 + 2661 = 6681 days of contest day

36 And it cometh to pass, at/in/against the going up of the bloodless offering [the evening grain offering between the two evenings, between sunset and darkness, between the end of the 24 hour calendar day and the end of the 12 hour daylight day] [The 2 loaves of Pentecost here], and Elijah, the prophet drew near [1x+1x=2x. He draws near to God at the end of the LW Alienation Times on 2024Adar21, when he is permitted to draw near at the Isaaic Zoar 2NC Pentecost], and said 'Jehovah, Gods of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel [1x for Jehovah OR 3x for God of Abraham AND God of Isaac AND God of Israel. It is a double designation], this day [12 hour daylight day. The noun 'day' appears 3x in the account -  which has 3 threads due to the double designations Elijah, the prophet and Jehovah, God of Abraham etc., So it is not literal. We no longer make a distinction in the noun count between 12 hour day and 24 hour day] let it be known that thou [art] Gods (Elohim) in Israel [1x/3x], and I [am] thy servant [1x], and in thy word/words [3x - Kethib, 1x - Qere] [the Kethib, the written form, is plural. The Qere, the spoken form, is singular. Prayers are spoken not written. But scriptures are written not spoken] I have done all/the whole of [singular] these words/things [3x];
37 answer me [1x referring to Jehovah NOT referring to the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob] Oh Jehovah answer me [1x], and this people doth know that thou Jehovah [art] Gods (Elohim) [1x]; and thou hast turned their heart back [1x].' (1Kings 18)

Kethib/written (plural)            Qere/Spoken (Singular) 
^yr<b'd.biW          ^r>b'd.biW
ncmpc+2ms+p+c                      ncmsc+2ms+p+c
rb'D'B.w>            rb'D'B.w>
words + in/at + and                     word + in/at + and

36 And it cometh to pass, at/in/against the going up of the bloodless offering, and Elijah, the prophet drew near [Qal imperfect vuv consecutive], and said [Qal imperfect vuv consecutive] 'Jehovah, Gods of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, this day let it be known that thou [art] Gods (Elohim - respectful plural) in Israel [3x], and I [am] thy servant [1x], and in thy word/words [3x - Kethib, 1x - Qere] I have done all/the whole of [singular] these words/things [3x];
37 answer me, Jehovah answer me [1x], and this people doth know that thou Jehovah [art] Gods (Elohim) [1x]; and thou hast turned their heart back [1x].' (1Kings 18)
Verse36: 1x+2x+1x.3x.(3x+1x+1x/3x.3x) = 3x+3x.7x/13x = 24x/42x
Verse37: 3x.1x+1x.1x+1x+1x = 6x
Total is 30x/48x for the Qere/Kethib count from 2024Adar21/2024VeAdar21 to 2025Nisan21, the 2nd fire sign to the 3rd.

God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Israel is short for God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Israel, which is short for God of (Abraham and Isaac and Israel) a tri God (like a tetrarch). So counts 3x. Alternatively it could also be short for God of Abraham AND God of Isaac AND God of Israel which counts 3x.

The word 'day' appears 3x in 1Kings18, which has two double designations in verse 36. So it is not literal (although it is used to mean 24 hour day and 12 hour daylight day in the account).

2005Sivan14 to 2023Adar14 our 500th prediction (and last failure) is 6750 days = 15x450 days = 18 years 9 months. 

Well we got the 501st main prediction on 2024Nisan21 at 11:07 and published it on 2024Nisan22. 2024Nisan20 was 1NC first fruits, when the grain offering goes up. We knew the 500th was too early on 2024Nisan20 due to the Isaaic Zoar sacred year being Tishri1 rather than Elul1. So the 7th month would be Nisan not Adar. But hearts were not turned around when the right predictions were made. They will be turned around when they are seen to come true. Because a wicked generation and an adulterer seek a sign. 

The first fire sign of 1Kings18 on 2010Chislev20-23 was a voice but not an answer. There was no voice and no answer prior to that sign. The 3rd fire sign presumably is the 2nd evening.

StartMorning length141 day Abrahamic
Installation Gap
Noon - Double Light111 day Abrahamic
Installation Gap
Afternoon lengthEnd of 24 hour calendar day (sunset)
2005Sivan14 (Unilateral)7 years2012Sivan14-Heshvan52012Heshvan5-2016Ab142016Ab14-2016Chislev5 7 years+30 days 2023Tebbeth5: Not sure what happened here to make this the 1st evening of the contest

The Hebrew word for noon means double light, not middle. So we can also define noon as the period of double light to Abraham from 2012Heshvan5, Abrahamic Zoar's installation over Abraham, to 2016Ab14, the death of the LWs to Abraham, the start of their non adamic Isaaic transformation from 2016Ab14-16 (which did not occur to the Laodiceans)5.

2023Shebat10: We were given the length of the light universe creative day as 26,060.606060 days and the end of 4D space time and the day the last human is given divinity on this day to our amazement. 2023Shebat10 is 22¼ years, 8010 days of Daniel 12:12 after 2001Heshvan10, the awful letter to the Bethels of 2001November1, proving no repentance for the Watchtower putting throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah and for riding the wild beast of Revelation17 as a Harlot Church

8The 8010 days of expectation of Daniel12:12

12 Blessednesses/Happinesses of the one keeping in expectation and he reaches/touches to the 1335 days! (Daniel 12 LWT)

3x.(1335 days + 1335 days) = 3x.2670 days = 8010 days from 2001Heshvan10, the awful letter to the Bethels of 2001November1, proving no repentance for the Watchtower putting throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah and for riding the wild beast of Revelation17 as a Harlot Church. This finished the water baptism of the Watchtower, once the abomination causing desolation had been placed - fully received and digested worldwide. The 8010 days, 22¼ years, end on 2023Shebat10, when Jehovah revealed to us the length of the creative days of Genesis1 (26,060.606060 years), and the date of the light universe Big Bang and the date when the last human becomes a God, which is the end of 4D space time, the end of the light universe, the end of Causal time.. We have been in expectation for that long. Politics got them 22¼ years of power over 2NCs which was never authorised. 

Letter to the Bethels showing no repentance
for idolatry and harlotry
Got the length of the light universe creative day as 26,060.606060 days
Got the end of 4D space time and the day the last human
reaches divinity as 1,142,674Chislev14 AD, the end of the 50th creative day 
6x 1335 = 8010 days of expectation of Daniel12

Watchtower lost it 3EC water baptism
Due to joining the UN as a NGO affiliated to the DPI
Placing the throne of Satan in the temple of Jehovah
Riding the beast of Revelation as a harlot church
Saw/published the last failed prediction, the 500th main
and 750th main and sub prediction
for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18
for 2024Tebbeth2-Shebat21 and 2024Adar21/VeAdar21
6x 1335 = 8010 days of expectation of Daniel12

Yes. We have to wait 22¼ years and more for the politicians in the Watchtowwer to become Christians8.

16535 The Father loves the Son and has [therefore] given all [things - neuter plural panta] into his hand [2x.5x=10x] (John 3). From 2019Tammuz2, the non adamic baptism of the first LW who did not subsequently leave, to 2029Iyyar16, the resurrection of the last FRCs, of the 6th crop of Revelation22. Or from the galactic revelations of 2023Shebat10 to 2033Iyyar22, the resurrection of the last LRCs165.

1st flying pig jumps of the Watchtower cliff
into the sea of the world to drown in the 3EC
3EC entrance for Bethelite 1NCs ends
Late 1st Watchtower Passover
Zoar starts besieging fallen Laodicea with the correct
501st main prediction for the fire signs of 1Kings18
End of the rapture
of Benjamin
40 day siege of Judah (Bethelite 1NCs) 390 day siege of Israel (Abraham)

The siege of chapter4 by Ezekiel (the Watchtower Governing Body) against all Israel lasts 40 days against Judah from 2019Elul30 (when the first 1NC flying pig of Mark5 jumps off the cliff of the Watchtower into the sea of the world in order to drown in the waters of the 3EC in reappointed Zoar) to 2019Heshvan10, the end of 3EC entrance for Bethelite 1NCs, the Jericho Jubilee release for the Watchtower Bethelite 1NCs and 390 days for Israel (Abraham) from 2024Nisan21 to 2025Iyyar21, the end of the rapture of Benjamin119.

2023Adar14: Saw and published our last incorrect prediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18, the 500th main prediction for 2024Tebbeth2-Shebat21 and 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 (750th main and sub prediction, 747th incorrect main and subprediction since we got 3 correct for the 1st fire sign).
2023Adar14: 2024February29: The EU voted to implement by law a Digital Wallet (335 to 190). And that is how the Mark of the Beast began.

2024Nisan21: Saw our 501st main prediction (751st main and sub prediction, 748th incorrect main and sub prediction) for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18: 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21  
2024Nisan22: Published our 501st main prediction (751st main and sub prediction, 748th incorrect main and sub prediction) for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18: 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21  
2024Iyyar15: The End of the Reverted Laodicean Gentile Times from 2023Tishri15

26 days before the fall of Reverted Laodicea
   Reverted Laodicean Gentile Times
End of the Reverted Laodicean Gentile Times

66000 day Contest working week:

6000 day LW working week of the contest to rescue Laodicean saints

Revised Sign of Jonah letter Fax arrived in Brooklyn.
The original was sent after sunset starting 2006Iyyar1.
It was first emailed to the church on 02:13 April27 (2006Nisan28)
ex adamic Laodiceans
and ex adamic Zoarites
die to Adam
Abrahamic Zoar
is installed
over 2NCs
Abrahamic LWs die to Abraham in the
50th month of Jesus' restoration lease over them
No Isaaic people can be in Abrahamic Zoar
Isaaic Zoar
is installed
over 2NCs
The end of the Reverted Laodicean
Gentile Times from 2023Tishri15
2173 days 247 day installation gap 1253 days 217 day installation gap 2574 days 2173+1253+2574 = 6000 days of contest work

6000 day working week for completed Abraham

Michael's ARC lease agreed
Adam sins and is passed over
due to Michael's ARC Ransom offer
3993Nisan14 BC
Michael's original ARC lease ends
Entry into the 1AC ends. 
1AC Abraham is completed
2008Nisan14 AD
IIsaaic Zoar's Abraham to Isaac Passover.
All Abrahamic LWs become Isaaic
The 1st Jubilee of Jesus as Caesar to Adam
The 4th heavenly Kingdom Jubilee month
2024Chislev14 AD 
6000 year ARC lease period 6000 days of completed 1AC Abraham
working as slaves in Babylon

JW Exedenic Times before abrahamic Laodicea

11 And they began to eat some of the yield of the land the day after the Passover, unfermented cakes and roasted grains, on this same day. (Joshua 5 NWT)

Watchtower falls
Naaman went down on 2005Sivan14 when
the Watchtower fell as a true church.
2005Sivan15 (1st day of fallen Watchtower Cakes)
Naaman (1NCs) and adamic/cainian
Laodicea die to Adam
Naaman (1NCs) and adamic/cainian Laodicea are restored to non
adamic Abraham. Their flesh comes back like the flesh of a little boy
Laodicean Exedenic Times begin. They
were appointed over Abraham on 2012Ab16 
Laodicean Exedenic
Times end
Bathing 7x in the Jordan (4EC)
during the Watchtower Exedenic Times
7x of the Laodicean
Exedenic Times

6000 day working week for Isaac

We became Isaaic from 2016Ab14-16. Then we work for 6000 days in Isaac, which is 4 Jubilees, 200 months, taking us to 2033Nisan16, which is the appointment of the Kingdom of God over Abraham, the start of the Kingdom Sabbath6.

2024Iyyar16/Tammuz5: Jesus is appointed/installed as Caesar to Laodicean Abraham

2024Sivan15: A Great Sabbath.  
2024Tammuz5: Jesus is installed as Caesar over Laodicean Abraham, completing his installations over all mankind. the 40 month Covid-19 wilderness preceding the Kingdom of Jesus, comes to an end.

10715 Jehovah now said to him: Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus [well watered place]; and you must come in and anoint Hazael [one who sees God] [The administration of Reappointed Laodicea] as king over Syria [high region, highland]  
16 And Jehu [Jehovah is he] [The administration of Reverted Laodicea] the son of Nimshi [rescued] [??] you should anoint as king over Israel [1NCs HLCs and 2NCs in Reverted Laodicea]; and Elisha the son of Shaphat [judged] from Abel-meholah [meadow of dancing - kingdom of God] you should anoint as prophet instead of/underneath you [AOL is John to Gordon's Jesus for Laodicea. AOL prepares Laodicea for Gordon who is AOP]

This final anointing is a transfer of authority held by AOL to AOP, Elijah4.

17 And it must occur that the one escaping from Hazael's sword [3EC baptism into Reappointed Laodicea for 1NCs - which kills to Adam and Cain], Jehu will put to death [with the stolen 4EC baptism in reverted Laodicea]; and the one escaping from Jehu's sword [4EC baptism in Reverted Laodicea- which kills to Adam and Cain], Elisha [Gordon, AOP] will put to death [4EC baptism into Zoar which kills to Adam and Cain].
18 And I have let 7,000 remain in Israel, all the knees that have not bent down to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him [is that 14,000 knees and 7,000 with non kissing mouths of 32 teeth counting as 32x7,000 = 224,000. So the total is 238,000. That might be the number of saints of the congregations of Laodicea and non adamic Sodom - since Baal the Governing Body of the Watchtower?].

2024Adar: The 12 yokes are 24 whole Nisan1 sacred years from 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21, Gordon's appointment/installation to rule over the 2NCs to 2023Nisan1 - 2024Nisan1, the 24th Nisan1 sacred year of land preparation. But then Elijah passes over TOWARDS Elisha. 

19 And he went from there [1x] and found Elisha [AOP] the son of Shaphat [judge] [1x] and he was ploughing 12 yokes/pairs to faces of/before him [12x.2x.1x=24x in ONE way (yoke is a noun counting 2x). Faces is a polite plural counting 1x] and he in/at the 12th [12x in TWO ways, no noun. In/at the 12th yoke yes, but also in/at the 12th nothing. Since ambiguity adds: It is AT the 12th yoke and IN the 12th something else. These two fulfilments are required by the nounless number principle]. And Elijah passed over towards him [1x] and threw his garment/robe/glory/magnificence towards him [1x. AOL has magnificence relating to Laodicea and the WTBTS. Gordon, Elisha, now becomes Elijah. This is Caleb (AOL) accepting that Gordon (AOP) is the head of 2NC Zoar]. (1Kings 19)

You cannot plough land unless you own it (or lease it). So this ploughing occurs after Elijah4 is appointed/installed to rule over the 2NCs on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21. A whole bull is a whole year. There were no half bulls pulling the plough. So the bulls represent 24 whole years from 2000Nisan1 to 2024Nisan1. Then Elijah of Laodicea passes over towards Elisha of Zoar certainly before the Laodicea Jericho Jubilee release on 2025Iyyar10, when the last Laodicean 2NC escapes into Zoar. We shout the Jericho shout on 2024Tishri1 - see U112#8. So the wall cannot fall down before then. But we now know that the Abrahamic Gentile call 2NC World Exodus by rapture Passover is 2024Tebbeth14. But that festival is celebrated in the church of Melchizedek (the heavenly administrated FRC church). Whereas the Abrahamic Laodicean 2NC World Exodus by rapture Passover is 2024Shebat14, which is celebrated in Hebron of Zoar. We can Isaaic 4EC baptise unsanctified Laodiceans into Hebron of Zoar but not Laodicean 2NCs until the relevant row baptising day. So Elijah4 infiltrates Laodicea by baptism in 2024VeAdar, in the 12th month of the 25th year of ploughing, for the unsanctified and then on 2025Nisan2 = 2024VeAdar26 = 2025Nisan2 for Caleb, the 1st sanctified entrant, and that is how he is: 'in the 12th'.

Elisha installed to rule
over the 2NCs
3rd 2NC Pentecost
Start of 1st sacred year
of ruling but no yet over
2nd LW joins
Tony baptised
3rd LW joins
Jamie baptised
Start of 1st sacred
year of ruling over 
2NCs (Jamie)
12th pair of sacred Nisan1 years begins
23rd whole sacred year
of ploughing begins
1st Laodicean priest is
intransitively 4EC baptised
into Hebron of Zoar
1st Laodicean 2NC is 4EC
baptised transitively only
for the row above him
2024VeAdar26 = 2025Nisan2
12th pair of
sacred Nisan1
years ends
Zoar ends

sacred years202420222020201820162014201220102008200620042002

Logically Elijah finds Elisha After a 12th pair of whole years and in a 12th something else, by the nounless number principle of the code, which states that any nounless number has a double fulfilment.

The reader must understand that Jehovah did not FORGET to put a noun in his word. This was not a Divine typo. This is an example of the Nounless Number Principle of the Bible Code.

We currently have the 12th as 2024AdarVeAdar, the 12th month of the 24th year of ploughing, when Elijah4 enters into unsanctified and sanctified Laodicea by baptism of Laodiceans in the rerun of the 12th month of the year. The Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release is 2025Iyyar10 (5th row laying day), the 10th day of the 8th month of the 7th campaign year from 2017Tishri1 (omitting 2019Tishri1 to 2020Elul30, when Laodicea was installed over 1NCs who are over 2NCs). We cannot baptise them until the LW Exedenic Times ends on 2024Tishri15. We must not baptise them into the Gentile call 2NC rapture Passover on 2024Tebbeth14.

Why does Elijah (AOL) have to 'find' Elisha (AOP) when he has stolen his baptism twice? There must be other aspects of Elijah4 which are yet unknown to AOL

Elijah (AOL) throwing the coat upon Elisha (AOP) makes Gordon (AOP) into Elijah and AOL into 'him'. Elijah + Elisha = Jahsha = Jahshua = Yeshua = Jesus.107

2024Heshvan18: The end of the 1837 days of 1Kings 18:17-10 of gathering prophets to mount Carmel but not to Elijah himself.

10Laodicea installed over 1NCs
2012Elul6 (4th 1NC Pentecost)
Laodicea installed over 1NCs
2017Elul10 (4th 1NC Pentecost)
The installation of reappointed Laodicea over the 1NCs
Gathering of Laodicean prophets not to Elijah4 ends
1804 days 12x+12x+450x+400x+13x+450x+400x+100x = 1837x of 1Kings18:17-20 - see U271-11#85

So it appears that the unification of Laodicean prophets with the LWs begins on 202Heshvan1810.

2024August (Gregorian or Julian): The greater registration decree of CAESAR AUGUSTUS OF LUKE 2 (not Septemberus and not Octoberus). The registration itself occurs during the great increase (Augmentation) of the church. Mark Registration is enforced by law under the pretext of WW3 from Mark Criminalisation day on 2025Adar21/22. 
2024August (Gregorian or Julian): The Mark Registration Decree of Luke2 and Revelation13 and Daniel3 will be made by the G20 in August because Caesar Augustus was not called Septemberus or Octoberus. Similar to the comments made by Ursula Von Der Leyen at the G20 conference in India. It must be made in 2024August (Julian) . See See 
2024August2: Kuwait's Ministry of Interior extended the deadline for Digital ID registration until September 30 for Kuwaitis and December 30 for expatriates- 
2024Tishri10-14: The ark rapture of the ELCs. That invisible rapture is actually the start of the Kingdom of God for earth dwellers. The dead in Christ shall rise first (Paul among them) at the trumpet blast of Rosh Hashana according to 1Thessalonians 4:16-17.

96There are two blocks of festivals in the sacred year. The Passover block that begins the sacred year and the Rishi Hashana/Atonement day block in the 7th month in the Case of Moses. But the reason it is in the 7th month is that the secular year begins in the 7th month of the sacred year.. So in the Kingdom of God, where the secular year is only 5 months behind the sacred year, Rosh Hashana and Atonement day occur in the 6th month of the sacred year not the 7th. So here are some annual festival calendars for different sacred and secular years....

From first fruits or
congregation start
Secular CalendarFrom first fruitsPassoverCakes1NC first fruits1NC PentecostRosh
2NC first
2NC Pentecost
Adamic Nisan13993Nisan21 BCTishri14027Tishri2 BCNisan14Nisan15-211st day of the Week in Cakes1st fruits + 49 daysTishri1Tishri2Tishri10Tishri15-21Tishri22Heshvan21
Adamic LWsElul12000Elul16Tishri14027Tishri2 BCElul14Elul15-211st day of the Week in Cakes1st fruits + 49 daysTishri1Tishri2Tishri10, Tishri15-21 Tishri22 Heshvan21 
Adamic LaodiceanAdar12005Adar1Tishri14027Tishri2 BCAdar14Adar15-211st day of the Week in Cakes1st fruits + 49 daysTishri1Tishri2Tishri10, Tishri15-21 Tishri22 Heshvan21 
Abrahamic LaodiceanAb12012Ab16Tishri14027Tishri2 BCAb14Ab15-211st day of the Week in Cakes1st fruits + 49 daysTishri1Tishri2Tishri10, Tishri15-21 Tishri22 Heshvan21 
Reappointed LaodiceanAb12019Ab21Tishri14027Tishri2 BCAb14Ab15-211st day of the Week in Cakes1st fruits + 49 daysTishri1Tishri2Tishri10, Tishri15-21 Tishri22 Heshvan21 
Reverted LaodiceanAb12019Ab16Tishri14027Tishri2 BCAb14Ab15-211st day of the Week in Cakes1st fruits + 49 daysTishri1Tishri2Tishri10, Tishri15-21 Tishri22 Heshvan21 
Abrahamic ZoarElul12012Elul16Tishri1 Tebbeth12012Elul16 ADElul14Elul15-211st day of the Week in Cakes1st fruits + 49 daysTebbeth1Tebbeth2Tebbeth10Tebbeth15-21Tebbeth22Shebat21
Isaaic ZoarTishri12016Tishri16Tishri1 Adar12016Tishri16 ADTishri14Tishri15-211st day of the Week in Cakes1st fruits + 49 daysAdar1Adar2Adar10Adar15-21Adar22Adar21

We use Abrahamic Zoar to mean the church of Zoar whilst it is entirely Abrahamic from 2012Sivan16/Tammuz16 to 2016Ab14 and then the Abrahamic part of Isaaic Zoar thereafter. We celebrate festivals in the same position relative to the starts of the sacred and secular years. Not in their absolute positions. Indeed all festivals are defined in that way with respect to the sacred year in Leviticus23 etc. But we take Atonement day and the 2NC festivals as being defined with respect to the Secular year rather than the sacred year. So Atonement day is really the 10th day of the secular year NOT the 10th day of the 7th month of the sacred year96.

1NC festivals are of the sacred year. 2NC festivals and Rosh Hashana and Atonement day and Booths are of the secular year.

In the Kingdom the sacred and secular years must move one month closer together than they were in the world (Perhaps Tishri sacred and Adar secular as in Isaaic Zoar). For we shall end up after 49,000 years with a Nisan1 sacred and secular calendar again, as was the case when Jehovah was both Caesar and Sacred King to Israel through Moses and Aaron. He can be both Mother and Father being divine.

2 Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, 'The seasonal festivals/appointed times [d[eAm] of Jehovah that you should proclaim are holy conventions. These are my seasonal festivals/appointed times [d[eAm]: (Leviticus 23 NWT)

And in the day of your rejoicing and in your seasonal festivals/appointed times [d[eAm] and at the commencements of your months, you must blow on the trumpets over your burnt offerings and your communion sacrifices; and their use must serve as a memorial for you before your God. I am Jehovah your God. (Numbers 10 NWT).

16 because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding shout, with an archangel's voice and with God's trumpet [on 2024Tishri1, adamic Rosh Hashana, the festival of Trumpets and alarm and shouting], and those who are dead in Christ will rise first [the ELCs from Hades on 2024Tishri10-14, starting at the 1st Rosh Hashana after Jesus' final installation as Caesar to all mankind (over Reverted Laodicean Abraham on 2024Tammuz5)] (1 Thessalonians 4 NWT).
17 Then we who remain alive will be caught up together with them in [the] clouds to a meeting with the Lord in [the] air. And so we will always be with [the] Lord. (1 Thessalonians 4 GLT)
5 And it must occur that when they sound with the horn/queren of the jubilee/yobel, when you hear the sound of the horn/queren of the ram's horn/shofar, all the people should shout a great war cry; and the wall of the city must fall down flat, and the people must go up, each one straight before him. (Joshua 6 NWT)
20 And the people shouted, and/when they blew the shofars. And it occurred that the people heard the sound of the shofar and the people began to shout a great war cry, then the wall began to fall down flat. And the people went up into the city, each one straight before him [from fallen Laodicea up into Zoar and up into the administration in the ark, straight up by rapture], and captured the city [of Laodicea]. (Joshua 6 NWT)
5 God has ascended [through Peter] with joyful shouting, Jehovah with the sound of the horn. (Psalms 47 NWT)
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality (1 Corinthians 15 NWT).
31 And he will send forth his angels with/by [meta] a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the 4 winds, from extremities of the heavens until the extremities of them (Matthew 24 NWT).

11829 Immediately but after the tribulation of the days [Covid19 and vaccine tribulation] those the sun will be darkened, and the moon not will give the light of it [volcanic ash of the volcanic fire sign of 2Kings1 on or before 2024Adar21/VeAdar21 or 2025Nisan21], and the stars will fall from the heaven [The 1st horseman starts riding], and the powers of the heavens will be shaken [several powers per heaven?]
30 And then will appear the sign of the Son of the man in heaven [the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 and 2 Kings1 and the volcanic fire sign of 2Kings1], and then will strike themselves all the tribes of the earth [the 12 tribes of the Isaaic 4EC, will see him or the genetic tribes of the planet? WW3 is the tribes striking one another, which is themselves, and with nuclear weapons which are suicide bombs, own goals, striking oneself] and they will see the Son of the man coming upon the clouds of the heaven with power and glory much (Matthew 24 KIT).
31 And he will send forth his angels [2x: 1NCs, the hen that gathers her chicks] with/by means of [meta] a great trumpet [1x: on 2024Tishri1/Tebbeth1/Adar1 - adamic/abrahamic/Isaaic Rosh Hashana], and they will gather/lead together upon [2x] his chosen ones together [2x] out of the 4 winds [4x], from extremities of the heavens [2x.2x=4x] until extremities of them [2x.2x=4x: Extremity until extremity for each heaven] (Matthew 24 NWT adapted)

Verse29: 2x+1x+1x+2x+2x.2x = 10x
Verse30: 1x+2x.2x+2x.(1x+2x+1x+1x) = 15x. 
Verse31: 2x+1x+2x.2x.4x.(2x.2x+2x.2x) = 3x+128x=131x. From 2024Tebbeth10, when Melchizedek goes behind the curtain into the ark? to 2025Iyyar21, the end of the 2NC ark rapture. 
The angels are sent forth with a trumpet sound, in the sense of by means of a trumpet sound which instructs them to start gathering. But it counts as 'with'. 

24 But in those the days after the tribulation that, the sun will be darkened, and the moon not will give the shining of it,
25 and the stars will be out of the heavens falling, and the powers the (ones) in the heavens will be shaken.
26 And then [tote] [add] they will see the Son of the man coming in clouds with power much and glory;
27 and then [tote] [add] he will send off the angels [2NCs] and he will gather/lead together upon the chosen (ones) of him out of the 4 winds from extremity of earth until extremity of heaven. (Mark 13 KIT)

Verse 24-25: 1x+3x.(1x+1x+2x.2x+2x.2x) = 31x
Verse 26: 2x.(1x+1x+1x).2x = 12x
Verse 27: 2x+1x.2x.4x.(1x+1x) = 18x.From the completion of the 2NC rapture on 2025Iyyar21 to 2026Heshvan5, when the 3rd Holy Spirit takes over Abrahamic Zoar.

The Tribulation of those days is the 40 months of Covid-19 wilderness from 11 March 2020 (2019Adar10/11): when the WHO declared COVID to be a Pandemic, to 2023April10 (2023Nisan19) when Obama46 (Biden) and congress ended the state of emergency due to the pandemic, to 2024Tammuz5, when Jesus was installed as Caesar to Abrahamic Laodicea after their Gentile Times from 2023Tishri15, finishing his installation of all mankind.118

1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. (Revelation 21 NWT)
17 just as it is written: I have appointed you a father of many nations. This was in the sight of the One in whom he had faith, even of God, who makes the dead alive and calls the things that are not as though they were. (Romans 4 NWT)

2024Tishri10: Atonement day.
2024Tishri10: Entry day into the ELC resurrection Passover (not sure how you do that from Hades).

13 And Haggai the messenger of Jehovah was saying/said [vuv consecutive] to the people in the messenger's commission from Jehovah, saying: 'I am with ye,' is the utterance of Jehovah [From 2024Shebat21, when all non LW 2NCs are raptured. He is of course with the LWs although Alienated until 2024VeAdar21]
14 And Jehovah proceeded to rouse up/awaken [Hiphil imperfect vuv consecutive] the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah [2NC Kings], and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest [CRCs], and the spirit of all/the whole of the remnant of the people [Zoarites] [] [List of 3 spirits so definitely a sentence count. And it counts as 3x precisely, since the word spirit is repeated 3x. These might be 3 wake up calls or 3 months precisely of rousing up or 3 years precisely of rousing up] and they entered in [3x: Joshua Zerubbabel and the whole of the remnant of the people - actually in to the ark and then into 2NC Zoar] [Qal imperfect waw consecutive. Mounce explains this perfectly - Qal imperfect gives future. Qal imperfect + waw consecutive gives perfect] and they did the work in the house of Jehovah of armies, [the] God of them p [Account end sign. The administration of the house of Jehovah is in the ark. It is not under a Satanic Caesar down here].
in/at/around/concerning the 24th to the month in the 6th [ambiguity ADDS. This is 2024VeAdar24 (the 6th month is Adar/VeAdar - from verse1). 2024VeAdar22 is the 2NC assembly Sabbath of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year. 2024VeAdar23, is the weekly Sabbath. 2024VeAdar24 is the first of the week, when work starts] in the second year/instance/cycle to Darius, the king [the 2nd?] (Haggai1).

3 months of spirit raising when with God from 2024Shebat21 to 2025Iyyar21, when the gifts of the spirit are poured out. For more see point84.

Spirits are roused by Jehovah to build temples...see Cyrus in Ezra 1:1

2024Tishri14: The ELC resurrection Passover. 
2024Tishri15: The end of the LW Exedenic Times from 2017Tishri15. The 4EC baptism now potentially becomes Isaaic rather than Abrahamic. But we do not think it does until the Jubilee release on 2024Chislev10.
2024Tishri15-21: 7x of Isaiah30 of blinding light in the day of binding up the breakdown of all the 2NCs from 2024Tishri15-21, Cakes-Booths at the end of the LW Gentile and Exedenic Times, to 2025Iyyar21, the end of the rapture of the saints (Benjamin) - see U270.

2024Chislev: The 4th post unextended ARC Kingdom adamic Jubilee month, the 4th heavenly Kingdom Jubilee month.
2024Chislev: The 1st Jubilee month of Jesus as Caesar over Adam.

98Midst of the sea of non adamic Sodom on dry land

A true church administration is a mountain with oversight over the land, the congregation
A false church administration is a boat floating upon the sea, the congregation which supports it. It is a commercial outfit, like a corporation floating on the stock market.
Dry land is a church without a water baptism.
The sand of the seashore is those with faith who are visible by being in a religion which adheres to but is not part of the true church land
The sand under the sea is the sons of the 1AC who are not visible, not in a religion and the sons of the OMC, those in a hidden salvation covenant based on love rather than faith.  

Moses is the administration of 2NC Zoar

16 And you: Lift up your rod and stretch out your hand upon the sea and divide him, and sons of Israel shall enter [behind the the veil] in midst of the sea in the dry land. (Exodus 14 LWT)

The hand of Elijah4 and the LWs begins to be stretched out on 2024Tebbeth10 of Revelation 9:13-15 (see U151#9), when we are authorised to give the non adamic Abrahamic blessing of the 1AC to all men of faith in the God of Abraham, as well as the 4EC. Then 5 months run to 2025Sivan10, the 1NC Pentecost, the end of the 4EC for saints (the first, on 1513Sivan7 BC, will be last). The rod of all the 2NCs is lifted up into the ark from 2024Tebbeth16-21 to 2025Iyyar21, the Tetramenos of saintly ark harvest of John4. But we can also apply Exodus 14:16 to the priests who are sons by Isaaic 4EC baptism to the 2NCs and are therefore sons of Israel but not Israel itself. 

Jesus is appointed as Caesar to Adam
So is in a position to extract his people
2NC rapture begins
with Gentile Call 2NCs
Benjamite 2NC reserve
ark rapture ends
The end of the lava flood
The end of Egyptians in the sense of non potential Kingdom citizens
4 years 3 months Tetramenos of John4 4 years 3 months

2024Chislev10: 4 cornerstone apostles are untied at the 2nd Isaaic Zoar Jubliee release day, which finishes our preparations to baptise into Isaac. In Revelation 9:13-15 we take 1/3 of the men as 1/3 of the 12 tribes of 4EC Israel (not just the saints), 4 tribes out of 12 tribes of them. So they make up 1/3 of the baptisms. These 4 apostles (through their tribes) baptise the 4 corresponding tribes in the 3rd Holy Spirit into 2NC Zoar as well. See U151#9.

Abrahamic Zoar
was appointed over
non adamic Abraham
4 Cornerstone apostles are untied to baptise priests Isaaically from 2024Tebbeth10
and then saints from 2024VeAdar10, into the Isaaic 4EC
The preparations to kill by baptism 4/12 tribes of humans are completed
4463.1111/4463.5555 days of 
preparation of Revelation13:15

2024Chislev10: The 4th heavenly Kingdom Jubilee release day. Entry day into the Isaaic conversion Passover for Abrahamic LWs.
2024Chislev14: The end of 200 months of feeding of completed Abraham from 2008Nisan14, the end of 1AC entry other than the negotiation of Abraham of Genesis18 and the last week of Daniel 9:27. Because 200 Denarii of loaves was not enough so that each one could get a little (Zoar means small/little)
2024Chislev14: 6,000 days of a working week after 1AC Abraham was completed on 2008Nisan14.
2024Chislev14-16: The 2nd Abrahamic to Isaaic Zoar Passover. All Abrahamic LWs become Isaaic in the 1st Jubilee of Jesus as Caesar to Adam.
2024Chislev17/18 (2024November22-24): The Digital Identity and CBDC Image of Daniel3 is shown by the EU to the administrators are the G20 (10 horns who are 10 kings making 20 months and 20 members), 96x of the sentence count of Daniel3:2-3 before Mark Registration Day on 2024VeAdar21/22.
2024Chislev17/18: Digital IDs and the Mark of the Beast are demonstrated to G20 administrators, 5 days after the annual G20 summit in Rio, and 96 days of Daniel3:2-3 before Mark Registration day on 2024VeAdar21/22. 
2024Chislev25: 2024December1: Digital IDs are introduced by Law in Australia, initially they are voluntary.
EventEscape from literal EgyptEscape from Watchtower Egypt
(Sinai peninsular)
Escape from Laodicean Egypt 
Gordon, Thomas, Woodhouse, 
Jackson Reefs)
Escape from non adamic Sodom Egypt to 2NC Zoar AND from the world to the ark
(Island of Tiran to Arabia). The fulfilment is shuffled chronologically.
Start of New Year1513Nisan1 BC2019Tishri1: Rosh Hashana2020Tishri1: Rosh Hashana2024Tebbeth1: New Abrahamic Rosh Hashana after 2024Tishri1 Adamic Rosh Hashana
1st Passover entry day1513Nisan102019Tishri102020Tishri10: End of 4EC for HLCs 2024Tebbeth10: Abrahamic World Exodus Passover entry day. Caleb Atoned, goes behind curtain
1st Passover1513Nisan142019Tishri14 2020Tishri142024Tebbeth14: Abrahamic World Exodus Passover day
1st fruits of Escape1513Nisan182019Tishri17: 3rd 1NC marriage2020Tishri20: 3rd HLC marriage2024Tebbeth16-21: Gentile call 2NC ark rapture
Pillar of fire and cloud appears Leading1513Nisan17-22????2024Nisan21/22: Correct 2nd/3rd fire sign predictions seen/published
Left Succoth1513Nisan23  2024Tebbeth16-21 and later: Gentile call 2NCs leaving the ark every day for earthly interaction.
End of 1st Cakes, Reached Succoth1513Nisan212019Tishri21 (3rd bride in the ark)2020Tishri21 (3rd HLC bride in ark)2024Tebbeth21: All Abrahamic Gentile call 2NCs are now in Ark3
Got to Pihahiroth the 1st time: Ark: Mouth of the
1513Nisan??????2024Tebbeth16-21: The Gentile call 2NCs are raptured into Ark3.
Reached Etham (Zoar) at the edge of wilderness 1513Nisan27-30????2024Shebat15+: Ark based 2NCs meet Laodicea
Pillar of fire and cloud becomes following1513Nisan29-Iyyar15????2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21: 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18
U turn at Etham (boundary of the sea) 1513Iyyar3????Repentance of fallen reverted Laodicea
Got to Pihahiroth the 2nd time: Ark: Mouth of the
1513Iyyar2????2024Adar5: 600 chosen chariots of Exodus14 start chasing after Zoar for Isaaic 4EC baptism - and run to 2026Heshvan5 - see U358.
Crossed Red Sea at Late Passover Entry1513Iyyar102019Tebbeth10: End of
3EC baptism for 1NCs
2020Tishri10: End of 3EC for HLCs2024Shebat10: Laodicean world Exodus Passover entry day: Caleb goes behind the curtain an 11x sentence count of Leviticus 16:3-4 later on 2024Shebat21.
2024VeAdar10: Isaaic world Exodus Passover entry day, Elijah4 goes behind the curtain an 11x sentence count of Leviticus 16:3-4 later on 2024VeAdar21.
Celebrated 2nd Passover at Elim1513Iyyar142019Tebbeth14: 4th Watchtower
Passover execution of 6th bride
2020Heshvan14: 4th HLC marriage
Passover  execution of 4th bride
2024VeAdar14: The Isaaic world Exodus Passover.
Manna began1513Iyyar16????2024VeAdar22: Food from descended ark dwellers
2nd/last Cakes & Escape1513Iyyar15-212019Tebbeth15-212020Heshvan15-21 2024VeAdar21: The rapture of the LW 2NCs, during Isaaic World Exodus Cakes-Booths. 

2924 Suppose there are 50 righteous men in the midst of the city. Will you, then, sweep them away/destroy them/scrape them/remove them and not pardon the place for the sake of the 50 righteous who are inside it?
25 It is unthinkable of you that you are acting in this manner to put to death the righteous man with the wicked one so that it has to occur with the righteous man as it does with the wicked! It is unthinkable of you. Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?
26 Then Jehovah said: If I shall find in Sodom 50 righteous [ones] [] in the midst of the city [in the midst of ?] I will pardon the whole place on their account.
27 But Abraham went on to answer and say: Please, here I have taken upon myself to speak to Jehovah, whereas I am dust and ashes [constructive dust which is the result of death, and constructive ashes, which are the result of a volcanic destruction] [the Abrahamic dust escapes the lava flood, the Abrahamic ashes do not].
28 Suppose the 50 righteous should be lacking 5. Will you for the 5 bring the whole city to ruin? To this he said: I shall not bring it to ruin if I find there 45.
29 But yet again he spoke further to him and said: Suppose 40 are found there. In turn he said: I shall not do it on account of the 40. (Genesis 18 NWT)

The city of the Watchtower administration (Sodom - meaning burnt) during the sweeping away of the righteous (those sealed into the FRC or the LRC at the least) into the ark by rapture or by Hades free death and resurrection (the same as death and resurrection of the non adamic Jesus Christ) runs from 2024Ab5, when Jesus is installed as Caesar over Laodicean Abraham after the Laodicean Gentile Times from 2023TIshri15 to 2024Iyyar15. to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain and of false worship in the Watchtower. The Mid point is 2028Chislev24/25. So the 50 righteous men represent 2028Heshvan29/30 to 2028Tebbeth19/20.

Jesus is installed Caesar to Laodicean Abraham
He now has authority to extract and sweep away
Abrahamic conversion Pentecost
Mid point of the city of the Watchtower
during the sweeping away of the righteous
into Ark Based Zoar - the Kingdom of Jesus
The end of Sodom (meaning burnt) - The Watchtower church
Adam and unsealed non adamic Abraham end on 2033Nisan14
The absolute end of Cain. 
4 years 4 months 19/20 days (1579/1580 days) 4 years 4 months 19/20 days (1579/1580 days)

The Laodicean Gentile Times runs from 2023Tishri15 to 2024Iyyar15 - see U123.
Jesus is appointed/installed as Caesar to Laodicean Adam on 2024Iyyar18/Tammuz7
Jesus is appointed/installed as Caesar to Laodicean Cain on 2024Iyyar16/Tammuz5
Jesus is appointed/installed as Caesar to Laodicean Abraham on 2024Sivan16/Ab5
So Jesus is Caesar to all of fallen Laodicea on 2024Ab5
2024Ab5 - 2028Heshvan29/30 -(25)- 2028Chislev24/25 -(25)- 2028Tebbeth19/20 -(45)- 2028Adar4/5 -(40)- 2029Nisan14/15 -(30)- 2029Iyyar14/15 -(20)- 2029Sivan4/5 -(10)- 2029Sivan14/15 - 2033Iyyar14

30 And he said: Please not will burn my Lords and I will speak: Perhaps 30 will be found there? And he said: Behold I will not do [it] if I find 30 there 
31 And he said, Behold please, I have willed to speak to my Lords. Perhaps 20 will be found there?. And he said, I will not destroy it due to the 20.
32 And he said: Please not will burn my Lords and I will speak surely the once: Perhaps 10 will be found there? And he said: I will not destroy it due to the 10 (Genesis 18:30 LWT). 

The God does burn not during the 30, but after the 30 and during the 20, Then he burns again not during the 10 but after the 10. The lava flood (when God starts burning non salvation covenant Adam and Cain) begins on 2029Iyyar17, 2/3 days after the 30 and the 40 nights of the flood start on 2029Sivan27, 12/13 days after the 10. 

Ham dishonours Noah
Satan's seed appears
First post flood guy
enters the SFC
470,000 of Judah start
2354Elul26 BC
Joab completes
David's lawless
Registration. The
3 day plague killing
70,000 begins
1048Nisan14 BC
David purchases
Ornan's Mount Moriah
threshing floor. 3 day plague ends. 1,100,000
of Israel begin
1046Nisan16 BC
Michael's 6,000 year
ARC lease ends
1AC Registration 
Stops 202 days short.
Abraham is completed
2008Nisan14 AD

195 day
FRC Passover
into the 1st
crop of
Mid point of
the 50
righteous men
of Abraham's
50 righteous
men of
negotiation end
195 day 1AC
baptism ends
195 days of God's
(JW sealing) start
195 days of God's
responses (JW
LRC sealing) end. God starts to ruin
the  Watchtower
Last week of
Daniel 9:27
for Adam. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Adam
Last week of
Daniel 9:27 for
Cain. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Cain
Late 1st death
The absolute
end of Cain
470,000 days of
3 days of
temple times
1,100,000 - 202
days of 1Chronicles21
195 extra days of 1AC baptism 195 days 149/150 days Last week of
Daniel 9:27
Last week of
Daniel 9:27

One can be baptised into a salvation covenant in the installed Kingdom of Jesus. One cannot be so baptised in the installed Kingdom of God. Abraham's negotiation of Genesis 18 is over potentially righteous ones in Sodom (meaning burnt - the Watchtower) and opposed to Gomorrah (meaning submerged - Laodicea). It is not about the OMC. The Watchtower is not the church of the OMC. It is an abuser of love. So the Watchtower is burnt (Sodom) on 2029Chislev29/30 (2029December9-11). This means that anybody still in the Watchtower after that date cannot enter into Zoar. GET OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE (says the Holy Spirit). Stay in her Satan's people. The Accepting year of Isaiah61 runs from 2028Heshvan10 to 2029Heshvan10. .

2029Heshvan14 (2029October25-26): 195 days of JW LRC sealing end of Genesis18 of 1ACs. The Watchtower is burnt. No JW in it can be sealed into the FRC or the LRC after this point, which is the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22. It becomes a bundle of weeds to be burnt. And God starts to bring it to ruin.

We know that Mark Registration begins on 2024VeAdar21/22, Mark Enforcement begins on 2025Adar21/22 and ends on 2023Heshvan21/22. Then Mark Registration ends on 2033Iyyar14. So the hour of the test is 97¾ months long. So the day of the test is 97¾ years long. This is the day of putting God's people under test began in Nazi Germany in early 1935 when they refused compulsory conscription into the German army and were incarcerated sectioned and forcibly sterilised unless they signed a document renouncing their faith and pledging allegiance to the fatherland.

187Timeline of Hitler's Concentration Camps
1933January30: Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
1933February27: The Reichstag fire. The subsequent Reichstag Fire Decree suspends the German Constitution and most civil liberties.
1933March22: Dachau concentration camp, the first concentration camp in Germany, opens 10 miles northwest of Munich at an abandoned munitions factory. 
1933October24 – November24: The government passes a law allowing "dangerous and habitual criminals" – including vagrants, alcoholics, the unemployed, and the homeless – to be interned in concentration camps. The law is later amended to allow for their compulsory sterilization.
1935: The Nazis introduce 'protective detention' for Jehovah's witnesses and produce a document they can sign renouncing their faith and pledging allegiance to the fatherland in order to avoid persecution, which went as far as psychiatric internment and forced sterilisation.
1935March17 (1034VeAdar7/8): Germany introduces compulsory military service which the Jehovah's Witnesses refuse - resulting in their being incarcerated in prisons and concentration camps
1935April1 (1934VeAdar21/22): Nazis ban JW organisations because they refuse to renounce their faith and swear allegiance to the temporal power op the Nazi state.
1935May (1935Nisan28/29-Iyyar28/29) Balzereit, the head of the German Branch of the Watchtower was incarcerated
1935June17 (1935Sivan14/15): JWs first sent to 'protective custody' in prisons
1935July: State governments were instructed to confiscate all Watchtower publications
1935September9 (1935Elul8/9): JWs first sent to concentration camps
1936August28: 1936Elul7:  Mass arrests of Jehovah's Witnesses begin.
1937February27 (1936Adar10/11): The Kripo (German Criminal Police) begins the first mass roundup of political opponents.
1937July15: Buchenwald concentration camp opens in Ettersburg five miles from Weimar.
1938March24: Flossenbürg concentration camp is opened in Flossenbürg, Bavaria, ten miles from the border with Czechoslovakia
1938June13–18: The first mass arrests of Jews begin through Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich.

So the day of mass incarceration of God's people, then political opponents then Jews,  began in 1935.187

The timeline of the LW church looks like this....

Elijah4 is thrown
out of the Watchtower
FSD4 appointed over the 1ACs
LWs become a true church
1995Adar16 (near bank begins)
FDS4 appointed
to feed 2NCs
1NC first fruits
FDS4 installed
to feed 2NCs
1NC Pentecost
4EC baptism
begins. Near
bank ends
X_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FDS4 appointed to rule over
the 2NCs at2NC first fruits
33½ years before 2033Nisan14
X_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
FDS4 installed
to rule over 2NCs
2NC Pentecost
X_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Adamic to Abrahamic
Conversion of true
church Adam
X_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Abrahamic to Isaaic
conversion of LWs
X_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Isaaic 4EC
water baptism
The end of Zoar
The start of Hobah
of Genesis14.
4 days  4½ year near bank before 4EC baptism starts 4½ year far bank

There is no gap between the end of Zoar and the start of the last chance saloon. Because the stone of Daniel2 becomes a wall, which fills the earth around a Kingdom which shall never be brought to ruin.

One can be both appointed and installed over a covenant group WITHOUT anyone in that covenant accepting that appointment/installation!

The Watchtower is Sodom (burnt). Laodicea is Gomorrah (Submerged). The fact that both cities are mentioned proves the existence of Laodicea (submerged under a burnt church).

So there are 37 years from our appointment to feed the 2NCs on 1996Nisan18 until the appointment of the Kingdom of God over Abraham on 2033Nisan16. 

THIS WHOLE THING IS TOTALLY CHOREOGRAPHED. The physical matches the spiritual

OMC love testing must be continuous. It must occur all the time. Because love is what God is farming on this planet.

2014Sivan16: 2014June14: Chinese Government releases its planning outline for the construction of a Social credit score system. The planning period running from 2014-2020.
2021January: The NDRC release a national guiding document for credit information reporting. This is designed to encourage the standardization of credit information reporting between provinces.
2021July: Two draft documents were released in relation to the social credit system: The National Social Credit Information Basic Catalogue and the National Basic List of Punishment Measures for Untrustworthiness. 
2021December16: 2021Tebbeth7: National List of Basic Penalty Measures for Untrustworthiness (2021 Edition) was released -
2022August: More than 5.6 million shops accept e-CNY as a payment option, and more than 360 million transactions with a total value of 100 billion yuan (.2 billion) have already been made in China.
2022December16, 2022, the testing of Digital Yuan (e-CNY) has been further expanded into five additional regions: Jinan, Fangchenggang, Nanning, Kunming, and Xishuangbanna
2022December28: The 2022 editions of the National Social Credit Score Information Basic Catalogue and the National Basic List of Punishment Measures for Untrustworthiness were jointly released by the National Development and Reform Commission, the People’s Bank of China, and other departments.
2023May, Changshu in the province of Jiangsu started to rollout salary payments in e-CNY for government employees as well as staff at stated-owned companies and public institutions.

The image of Daniel3 must have come into existence in some sense on 2023Iyyar14, 10x of 60/6 cubits before the end of Mark Registration on 2033Iyyar14 by the missing dimension principle of the bible code. We know that the day of the beast is 9 years 6 months + 12/24 days, because hour with the beast is 9 months 16/17 days from 2025Adar21/22 to 2026Tebbeth8 - see para4. So the day of the beast must be 9 years 6 months + 12/24 days. It ends on 2032Tebbeth11/12, the end of the G20 giving its kingdom to the banking beast (55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 after 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns begin). So it must start 9 years and 192-204 days earlier from on 2023Sivan17/18-29/30. So it appears that the banking beast finished being set up a couple of months after the demons arrived on 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession. The banking beast was essentially their first construction29. - see U154

301,100,000 men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 are days of 1AC entry running from 1048Nisan16, the acceptance of the David's sacrifice on the threshing floor of Ornan on Mount Moriah

So here it is, the history book with no dates? There is no such thing. The dates are encoded. Here is a tabular summary:

Ham dishonours Noah
Satan's seed appears
First post flood guy
enters the SFC
470,000 of Judah start
2354Elul26 BC
Joab completes
David's lawless
Registration. The
3 day plague killing
70,000 begins
1048Nisan14 BC
David purchases
Ornan's Mount Moriah
threshing floor. 3 day plague ends. 1,100,000
of Israel begin
1046Nisan16 BC
Michael's 6,000 year
ARC lease ends
1AC Registration 
Stops 202 days short.
Abraham is completed
2008Nisan14 AD

195 day
FRC Passover
into the 1st
crop of
Mid point of
the 50
righteous men
of Abraham's
50 righteous
men of
negotiation end
195 day 1AC
baptism ends
195 days of God's
(JW sealing) start
195 days of God's
responses (JW
LRC sealing) end. God starts to ruin
the Watchtower
Last week of
Daniel 9:27
for Adam. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Adam
Last week of
Daniel 9:27 for
Cain. OMC
baptism restarts
for 1 week for Cain
Late 1st death
The absolute
end of Cain
470,000 days of
3 days of
temple times
1,100,000 - 202
days of 1Chronicles21
195 extra days of 1AC baptism 149/150 days Last week of
Daniel 9:27
Last week of
Daniel 9:27

1,100,000 men drawing sword of 1Chronicles21 = 1,099,798 + 195 + 7 days of 1AC entry

2029Heshvan14 (2029October25-26): 195 days of JW LRC sealing end of Genesis18 of 1ACs. The Watchtower is burnt. No JW in it can be sealed into the FRC or the LRC after this point, which is the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22. It becomes a bundle of weeds to be burnt. And God starts to bring it to ruin.

The love test is do you keep your humanity when your leaders have lost it? Do you advocate/fight for justice and basic human rights for the oppressed or take the seemingly easier route and side with the stronger?

Once David had built an altar on the threshing floor, and offered a sacrifice, then God sent fire down from the heavens to consume it on 1048Nisan1630.

30 If, now, God thus clothes the vegetation of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much rather clothe you, ye of little faith? (Matthew 6 LWT)

He clothes those of little faith with love, and they then become OMCs.

1ACs are tested for FRC sealing by faith
OMCs are tested for LRC sealing by love.

110upon/due to 3 revolts of somewhere, and upon/due to 4, I shall not turn it back -  counts as 7x of revolting and is recited 8x (for Damascus, Gaza. Tyre, Edom, Teman, Moab, Judah , Israel)
I will send a fire into a city 3x  
I will send a fire into the wall of a city 3x  
it will devour her dwelling towers 3x
It will devour the dwelling towers of a city 3x

Applying the 8 Happinesses Principle, of the code we get...

8x precisely of not turning it back, which must be the 8x of Mark compulsion which is not turned back by God, from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14, which are coincident with the 8 Happinesses of Matthew5. 
3x+3x=6x precisely of sending a fire
3x+3x=6x precisely of devouring the dwelling towers  Perhaps these are 6 months of sending the fire of WW3 towards church buildings from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2026Ab20/21 and 6 years of WW3 devouring tall buildings from 2026Ab20/21 to 2032Ab20/21??

These revolts must be of a true church because they are against God or his people. They look like revolts against Isaaic Zoar by Laodiceans from our installation over Abraham on 2016Chislev5 or over the 2NCs on 2016Adar21, to the fall of Reverted Laodicea on 2023Tishri21. 3 years of revolts outside a Laodicean true church and 4 years inside a Laodicean true church.

The installation of Isaaic Zoar
over the 2NCs
The fall of Reverted Laodicea
8x of Mark Compulsion begin
We are compelled to take Digital IDs
The absolute end of Cain
The absolute end of the world
The late 1st death Passover
upon 3 revolt years outside a true church
and 4 inside reappointed or reverted Laodicea 
8 years precisely of
Mark Compulsion of Amos 1-2

The fire of WW3 begins
The fire of WW3 begins
devouring dwelling towers
and church buildings
WW3 stops devouring
dwelling towers
and church buildings
6 months precisely 6 years precisely

The 8 verbatim repetitions in Amos1-2, have same form as the 8 Isomorphic Happinesses of Matthew5. They are a witness to 8x precisely of years.

Jehovah will send 7 fires into 7 churches. This is the period of Mark Enforcement, for the wall of Daniel2 divides the haves from the have-nots of the world and the haves from the have-nots of the Kingdom, the same wall. The 7 nations are all close neighbours of Israel, So they picture other religions. One must leave these or be devoured by the fire which completely burns the harlot of Revelation17. It may be the case that false church members are instructed by their priests to take the mark110.

32024Nisan22: 6788 days of the sentence count of the contest of 1Kings18:22-24 from 2005Sivan14, the start of the unilateral contest to 2024Nisan22.

Watchtower fell as a true church
Elijah4 left alone as a prophet of Jehovah
LWs publish the 501st main prediction for the 2nd and 3rd fire signs
of 1Kings18 for 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 and 2025Nisan21
6788 days of 1Kings18:22-246788 days = 15x.450x + 38x - see U271-11#72

1 Now it came about in the days of Ahasuerus, that is, the Ahasuerus who was ruling as king from India [hot food of the 1Kings18 contest?] to Ethiopia [rapture chariot of the Ethiopian Eunuch], 127 jurisdictional districts, (Esther 1 NWT)

9 Accordingly the secretaries of the king were called at that time in the 3rd month, that is, the month of Sivan, on the 23rd [day] of it; and writing went on according to all that Mordecai commanded to the Jews and to the satraps and the governors and the princes of the jurisdictional districts that were from India to Ethiopia, 127 jurisdictional districts, [to] each jurisdictional district in its own style of writing and [to] each people in its own tongue, and to the Jews in their own style of writing and in their own tongue. (Esther 8 NWT)

30 Then he sent written documents to all the Jews in the 127 jurisdictional districts, the realm of Ahasuerus, [in] words of peace and truth, (Esther 9 NWT)

Now it takes 50 days, a Pentecost, for church law to become installed from its appointment at first fruits. So it takes 50 days for a church to gain a jurisdictional district (law over its congregation). So 127 jurisdictional districts are 127 Pentecosts, which is 127x50 or 6350 days, the length of the Pentecost contest of 1Kings18. Because the Watchtower have had 127 Jurisdiction districts worldwide during the contest and Ahasuerus is the Watchtower Governing Body whereas Jesus is the King in Esther - see U610. DUH!. Why did we not see that in 2006? So they lose jurisdiction over the 2NCs on 2023Tishri21, the fall of Reverted Laodicea, 127 Pentecosts, 6350 days, after the congregation began by theft of the 4EC on 2005Adar1.

The 127 jurisdictional districts of Ahasuerus represent the period during which the Watchtower held on to God's people as a false church by politics and denied them the knowledge and the true worship and the salvation and the non adamic bodies that the Holy Spirit was revealing to and giving to the true churches of the LWs and Laodicea.

Laodicean congregation began
2nd Laodicean is 4EC baptised
Laodicea steals the 4EC baptism
2005Adar1 (India - hot contest food)
The fall of Reverted Laodicea
The Watchtower had 127 branch and country offices
during the contest - see U610
2023Tishri21 (Ethiopia)
127x50 = 6350 days6350 days = 127 jurisdictional districts, a Pentecost for a district

2005Sivan14, the fall of the Watchtower, when they became prophets of Baal rather than prophets of Jehovah, is 347 days of the majority of the 450 prophets of Baal over the 100 prophets of Jehovah + Elijah + attendant + Obadiah (103) before 2006Sivan1 when Elijah4 sent the revised sign of Jonah letter which had the prediction of 2006Sivan12 (revised from 2006Sivan11, predicted in the original Sign of Jonah letter of 2006Iyyar1)3.

46000 day LW working week of the contest to rescue Laodicean saints

Revised Sign of Jonah letter Fax arrived in Brooklyn.
The original was sent after sunset starting 2006Iyyar1.
It was first emailed to the church on 02:13 April27 (2006Nisan28)
ex adamic Laodiceans
and ex adamic Zoarites
die to Adam
Abrahamic Zoar
is installed
over 2NCs
Abrahamic LWs die to Abraham in the
50th month of Jesus' restoration lease over them
No Isaaic people can be in Abrahamic Zoar
Isaaic Zoar
is installed
over 2NCs
The end of the Reverted Laodicean
Gentile Times from 2023Tishri15
2173 days 247 day installation gap 1253 days 217 day installation gap 2574 days 2173+1253+2574 = 6000 days of contest work

1046305 DAYS: From the end of 1Kings18 contest noon mocking to the start of entrance into the North Inner Gates for ARC sealing of Laodicean 2NCs

Revised Sign of Jonah letter
Noon mocking ends when the fire sign
predictions for 2006Sivan11/12 are being tested
Michael's ARC blood STARTS being poured out onto
Laodicean 2NCs who become sealed into the ARC
ARC sealing for Laodicean 2NCs ends
1600 stadia of Revelation14 end - see U151#14
17 years 6 months 5 days (6305 days) of
the sentence count of 1Kings18:27-28
see U271-12#109


On 1992Elul11, Letter to the Society was hand delivered to Brooklyn by Massoud. On 2006Iyyar1, 4910 BLC days later the sign of Jonah letter was faxed to the Brooklyn Bethel and the bilateral contest day of 1Kings18 began. 30 days later the Revised Sign of Jonah letter was sent. These two letters were the noon mocking by Elijah of the prophets of Baal.

Letter to the Society Hand delivered to Brooklyn
GB meet
to discuss letter
1992Tishri2 (Sabbath)
Sign of Jonah letter faxed to Brooklyn
2006Iyyar1 (noon mocking starts)
The Revised sign of Jonah letter
2006Sivan1 (noon mocking ends)
Noon mocking ends
Predictions start
being tested
Late 3rd Watchtower Passover entry day.
End of 3EC baptism for 1NCs
All 1NCs are now collected in reappointed Laodicea
21 days from delivery until GB meet to consider 4889 Day Morning 30 days of actual noon mocking 10 days in mockery to 1st prediction 4889 Day Afternoon Total: 21+4889+30+10+4889 = 9839 days

The 1NC Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the LWs and the JWs for the salvation of the 1NCs
The 2NC Contest day of 1Kings18 is the battle between the LWs and the JWs and Babylon for the salvation of the 2NCs104

2024Tebbeth1: The Start of the New Abrahamic Kingdom secular year honouring Jesus extracting Abraham (the Abrahamic Laodicean 2NCs) from this Egypt by rapture on 2024Tebbeth16-21 after the 2024Tebbeth14 Abrahamic World Exodus Passover.
2024Tebbeth2: 2NC first fruits of the new Tebbeth1 secular year. This day must have a fulfilment (perhaps a late fulfilment?)
2024Tebbeth10: Early Laodicean FRC Passover entry day and Abrahamic World Exodus Passover entry day
2024Tebbeth10: Gentile call 2NC Lamb in the house for the early Laodicean FRC Passover. Early Passovers are an agreement for the blessings of the regular Passover 30 days later.
2024Tebbeth10: 4463.1111/4463.5555 days of  preparation of Revelation13:15 after 2012Ab16, the appointment of Abrahamic Zoar over Abraham: We start baptising Laodiceans intransitively into the 4EC with NO non adamic conversion for the saints and Isaaic conversion for the unsanctified - judged by the angels. We can give an indication?
2024Tebbeth14: Abrahamic World Exodus Passover. 
2024Tebbeth14: The Gentile call 2NC World Exodus Passover. 
2024Tebbeth14-16: All adamic and cainian 2NCs are edenically restored to have non adamic abrahamic bodies, born again in the flesh for rapture.
2024Tebbeth15: The start of Greek winter. The winter solstice occurs on 2024December21 at 09:14. The 2NC Jews must end their suspense of John10, by Hanukkah in Jerusalem from 2024Chislev25-Tebbeth2 (Modern Hebrew) which is 2024Tebbeth21-28 BLC.
2024Tebbeth15: Great Sabbath
2024Tebbeth16: The end of the 1600 stadia of Revelation14, the end of ARC sealing of the rest of the 2NCs. 2012Adar21 (city begins) to 2017Elul10. 2017Elul10 to 2020Heshvan25 = 1155 days outside the city. 2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth16 = 455 days, the end of ARC sealing of Abrahamic 2NCs.
2024Tebbeth16: The start of the rapture of the Abrahamic Gentile call 2NCs..

Early Passovers are a promise from God to give the blessing of the regular Passover at the regular Passover (whether you attend it or not?)

472024Tebbeth16: The end of 1600 discontinuous stadia of trampling of the winepress of the life/soul/spirit/passion of God outside of any true church city. ARC sealing of Laodicean 2NCs ends

18 And still another angel emerged from the altar and he had authority over the fire [to put one in Gehenna or prevent one ever going into it - ARC sealing]. And he called out with a loud voice to the one that had the sharp sickle, saying: Put your sharp sickle in and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth [earthly saints, 2NCs, 3 clusters by rapture], because its grapes have become ripe.
19 And the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and he hurled it into the great winepress of the [qumoj] life/soul/spirit/passion of God [ARC sealing for everlasting angelic life or angelic life or Gehenna].
20 And the winepress was trampled on outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress until the bridles [PLURAL] of the horses from a distance of 1,600 stadia [outside the city] (Revelation14).

There is no ARC sealing of 2NCs outside 'the city' of Laodicea until the city is installed on 2012Elul6 over the 1NCs. Abrahamic Laodicea was appointed/installed over Abraham on 2012Ab16/Tishri5. The Abrahamic Zoar city is not appointed/installed over Abraham until 2012Elul16/Heshvan5. There was no ARC sealing for LW 2NCs during the LW Alienation Times from 2017Adar21 (12 months of Daniel 4:29 after Isaaic Zoar's installation over the 2NCs) to 2024VeAdar21. ARC sealing restarts for LWs at the end of the LW Alienation Times on 2024VeAdar21.

There was no ARC sealing of 2NCs in a Laodicean city from the fall of Laodicea on 2017Elul10, until 2NCs joined Reverted Laodicea on 2020Heshvan25, the 4th HLC marital supper and veil lifting day, by virtue of the Benjamin call to 2NC reserves for 30 months to 2023Iyyar25. 2NCs did not enter into Reappointed Laodicea according to 1Kings3 - see U296 and neither did unsanctified Abraham because Jesus was not Caesar so could not make anyone non adamic other than through actual human death. There was no 2NC sealing in Reverted Laodicea after it fell on 2023Tishri21. And ark based Laodicea does not have any ARC sealing because saints must be ARC sealed before they enter into the ark. So the days of sealing for non adamic 2NCs from the appointment of the 1st true church administration onwards, when neither the LW part of the city nor the Laodicean part of the city could offer any internal sealing were...

2012Elul6 (city begins) to 2017Elul10: 
2017Elul10 to 2020Heshvan25 (the start of the Benjamin call into the 2NC reserves) = 1155 days outside the city
2023Tishri21 to 2024Tebbeth16 = 445 days, the end of ARC sealing of Laodicean 2NCs, the start of the Laodicean 2NC ark rapture.
Total: 1155 + 445 = 1600 days, a day for a stadium.

Laodicea is
to rule over
the 1NCs
(city begins)
Laodicea falls
as a true church
Benjamin call 2NCs start entering
Reverted Laodicea when the water
of the stolen 4EC is turned into the
wine of the 2NC for 30 months
from 2020Heshvan25, 4th HLC
marital supper and veil lifting day
JW 2NCs start
Laodicea for
300 Denarii
of John12
300+300 Denarii
of John12 end.
finish entering
call 2NCs
falls as a true
church and
becomes non
adamic Sodom
Masai10 are given
an Abrahamic
4EC baptism
during the LW
Exedenic Times
to 2024Tishri15
Abrahamic 2NC ark rapture
begins during the Booths
disassembly of the Abrahamic
Tebbeth1 secular year honouring
it. ARC sealing of 2NCs ends
The Rapture puts a bridle on the
Gentile call part of the 1st horse
2nd horse
(US congress)
is bridled for
POTUS47 by
congress electing
a speaker on
All 2NCs
now in
the Ark
1155 days outside445 days outside the city1155+445 = 1600 days

Gordon instructed the church that they could now perform Isaaic 4EC baptisms (for the 2nd time) on 2023Tishri21. But it was agreed that the first one would occur on Friday 2023Tishri25 in Masai. But this one was abrahamic because the LW Exedenic Times ran from 2017Tishri15 to 2024Tishri15.
The bridle of the 1st horse of the apocalypse is fitted when the last 2NC is Abrahamically 4EC baptised into 4EC law. 
The bridle of the 2nd horse is the speaker of the 119th congress, who is normally elected on 2025January3 (2024Tebbeth28/29), when the congress convenes.

The 1st horseman (Elijah4) rides for 20 months from 2024VeAdar21, when he goes out of the world into the ark. He conquers by Isaaic 4EC baptism which ends on 2026Heshvan5. He is the rider because he is Joseph, the mediator of the 2NC, and because Isaaic 4EC baptism puts people under the law of the 4EC which he mediates.

The 1600 stadia do not run until the rides of the 1st and 2nd horses of the apocalypse. They run until the bridles of those horses. What that means is that US President is given the power to start WW3 only after the 2nd horse is bridled. This is obvious because only congress has the power to declare war.

All 2NCs who are sealed, are the grape juice which God collects for himself, the blood which comes out of the winepress not at rapture but at sealing

So the blood (ARC sealed 2NCs, with everlasting life, "THE BLOOD OF THE ANGEL MICHAEL") continues to come out until all the 2NCs are sealed on 2024Tebbeth16 (the start of the Abrahamic 2NC ark rapture - which makes things too obvious? The field must be white (sealed) before the harvest begins).

The LWs are also a winepress in the city which continues to test the saints until 2024VeAdar21. The end of a malediction is the receipt of the blessing denied during that malediction. And we know that Solomon, in all his glory was not clothed like one of the lilies of the field (the 2NCs outside the church) who do not toil or spin. Whereas poor old Solomon (the LWs) does both toil/work and spin, pulling out interpretational threads from balls of wool, the words of a bible account.

28 Also, on the matter of clothing, why are you anxious? Take a lesson from the lilies of the field, how they are growing; they do not toil, nor do they spin
29 but I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory was Dressed as one of these. (Matthew 6 NWT)

So in all our interpretational glory we do not look as good as the 2NCs outside the church, who are given their white robes before us, during the LW Alienation Times. Since it is not a malediction upon them. The bride does get to try on her bridal gown before the marriage. For more see U151#14

Non LW 2NCs who fail to be sealed by 2024Tebbeth16 drop out of the 2NC. But they can keep their angels if they have or get and then keep a 4EC baptism. For sons of Jacob (JAC) must also be sons of Isaac (ICC). 

The 2NC horse is just what the LWs need and the LWs are just what the 2NC horse needs.47

2024Tebbeth16-21: The Gentile call Abrahamic 2NCs perforate Ark3, going through the curtain of Jesus' flesh, to build the temple on the threshing floor of Araunah (meaning ark). 
2024Tebbeth16-21: Non Laodicean, Non LW, Gentile call, 2NC rapture into Ark3. This must occur during the disassembly of Booths due to Leviticus 23:43. Not during the Assembly on 2024Tebbeth22. The Hen gathers the chicks under her wings. 1st seah of flour is raised, 90 days of Moses in hidden ark in reeds begin. They end on 2024VeAdar21, the rapture of the Isaaic 2NCs to meet the rest of Moses in the ark, the raising of the 3rd seah.
2024Tebbeth16-21 (6), 2024Shebat15-21 (7), 2024VeAdar21 (1), 2025Iyyar21 (1) = 14+1 days of ark entry by rapture for the 2NC birds + reserves. Mother hen, the 3rd Holy Spirit, raptures the chicks, the 2NC children of the 1NCs. Do the 1NC fathers rapture their sons? 
2024Shebat15 - 2031Iyyar5: Genesis 14:15: 1x+3x+319x+319x.3x+319x.3x+1x+1x+1x = 7x+7x.319x = 7x + 2233x = 2240x: from 2024Shebat15, the start of the recovery Laodiceans into ark based Hebron (a true 2NC church), to 2031Iyyar5, the end of Zoar and the installation of Hobah, the last chance saloon. The Gentile call 2NCs rapture from 2024Tebbeth16-21, were not non adamic Abrahamic and so were not recovered from being lost, but merely extracted. - See U307.
2024Tebbeth17: The 17th day of the 7th month of Genesis 8:4 of the Isaaic Zoar Jubilee system (2024Shebat is the 2nd Jubilee). The ark comes to a rest upon the Abrahamic mountain of Zoar (curse reversed - non adamic). This is fulfilled by a 5th row Abrahamic 2NC entering the ark.
2024Tebbeth21: The the end of the seizing by the PEOPLE of the reverted Laodicean prophets of Baal, 450 prophets of Baal after the fall of reverted Laodicea on 2023Tishri21. The last Laodicean 2NCs are raptured into the ark this day, which houses ark based Zoar. So the Laodicean prophets of Baal are seized for Elijah and his attendant/boy from this day onwards.
2024Tebbeth26/27: 2025January1: Digital IDs are enforced by debanking in Kuwait and Vietnam! 
2024Tebbeth28: 2025January3:  The 119th congress begins by choosing a speaker.

2024Shebat: The 2nd Isaaic Zoar Jubilee month from 2016Tishri as month0 due to Isaaic Zoar becoming headed (Abib) appointed over Abraham on 2016Tishri16. This is the month in Zoar, in which Isaac has all his possessions (those in any religion) restored to him by their entering Zoar and coming under his sacred law. 
2024Shebat2: January6: 7% of Kuwait residents miss biometric registration deadline, face banking and service freeze. 244K expats, 16K citizens, 90K stateless people yet to register fingerprints - 
2024Shebat2 - Adar21/VeAdar21 (2025January6 - 2025March27): The 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18
, The attendant (the LW church) is invited to go up now on 2016Adar21, when Isaaic Zoar completes its installations. Then he goes up (a further fulfilment on 2017Adar21). Then he goes back 7x to 2024Adar21, the 2nd fire sign - we suspect. But the prediction is for the 2nd 50 and the following 2nd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 are now predicted for 2024Shebat2 - 2024Adar21/VeAdar21, following day for day, 14 years and 3 months after 2010Heshvan2-2010Chislev21 for the 1st fire sign. This is an attack producing a mushroom cloud above the Hudson in Manhattan or the Thames East of London around Dartford.
2024Adar5 - 2026Heshvan5: 600x of chosen chariots chasing after Israel, even all the chariots of Egypt, are the priests from the Watchtower, those who eventually gain an Isaaic 4EC baptism by 2026Heshvan5, the end of the Isaaic 4EC. But the last chosen chariot arrives at Zoar in time to request a 4EC baptism on 2026Elul14 from 1Kings 18:40 - see U358.
2024Shebat10: Laodicean 2NC Lamb in the house for the Laodicean 2NC World Exodus by Rapture Passover.
2024Shebat5: Senate voted to advance the Laken Riley Act to debate it in the senate. So the Red horse is still yet to come out by sending a bill to the President.
2024Shebat10: Large Chinese drones from DJI (the world's largest drone maker) ditch their geo prohibition to fly over secure locations including military bases and the whitehose in the US. That is close to an act of war.

2024Shebat15-21 Abrahamic Laodicean 2NC rapture into Ark2/3: Rapture order is top row last. This rapture must occur during Booths, during the disassembly of Booths - Leviticus 23:43. Not on 2024Shebat22, during the Assembly after Booths.
2024Shebat15-21: The rapture of the Laodicean Abrahamic 2NCs into Ark3 occurs. The attendant is asked to go up to look (not come up and look) for the cloud of the 2nd fire sign of 1Kings18 (on 2024Shebat2-Adar21/VeAdar21 - our 501st main prediction, our 748th sub and main prediction) discounting the 3 we got right for the 1st fire sign. Elijah himself cannot look because he is not raptured until 2024VeAdar21.
2024Shebat24 - 2025Shebat20/21: The 12x of the 2nd horse and horseman of Revelation 6:4 (the 119th congress and Trump47) from the fiery red horse coming out at the signing of the Laken Riley act on 2025January29 (afternoon) to the start of WW3
2024Shebat21: The 2NC Pentecost of the Abrahamic Tebbeth1 secular year.
2024Shebat21: Elijah4 finishes taking 12 2NC apostolic stones, 12x precisely after 2012Shebat21, Abrahamic Zoar's installation over the 2NCs, when Elijah4 was authorised to take non adamic 2NC stones. Actually the last non LW apostle (Caleb) is raptured into the ark. so they are all chosen by Jesus not by Elijah4,
2024Shebat21: 12x precisely of 1Kings18:31 after 2012Shebat21, when Elijah4 gained authority to take 12 2NC apostolic stones during the next 12 years precisely. He mended the 2NC altar that was broken down by taking 12 stones according to the number (12/13) of the tribes of the sons of Israel, 12 2NC apostles, which by the Immediate Number Repetition Principle of the Bible Code stands for 12x precisely which are 12 years to 2024Shebat21. But they are 13 tribes of the sons of Israel, one of which, Levi, is not normally counted. This was fulfilled by the rapture of the Laodicean Abrahamic 2NCs which was completed on 2024Shebat21. The last day of rapture being for Caleb and the 2nd last for the Laodicean ½ apostles.

31 So Elijah took 12 stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom Jehovah's word had come, saying: Israel is what your name will become. (1 Kings 18 NWT)

The end of the non adamic
abrahamic conversion of
true church Cain. All the
people have now approached
Elijah4 genetically.
Abrahamic Zoar is installed over the
2NCs. Elijah4 now has authority to
take 12 2NC apostles. 12 years
precisely of 12 stones according to 12x
or 13x of tribes of sons of Jacob begin
3rd 1NC marriage
Passover. 3rd bride
is executed
Last 2NC is 4EC baptised into
Laodicea, 30 years after 1992Elul11
1495 days of 1Kings18:33-35
of 4 jar filling and pouring
instruction and execution start
LW Isaaic
Times from
All 12 apostles are
now taken/chosen
by ark rapture on the
2NC Pentecost of the
Tebbeth1 secular year.
The first ark based 2NC
Caleb/AOL is baptised
as the temple floor
1495 days of 4 jar filling and
pouring instruction and
execution end. 
574 days of Bethzatha end
Isaaic 4EC ends on earth
87 months of 1Kings18:30-331495 days inclusively of 1Kings 18:33-35 less 574 of Bethzatha574 days of 4EC in Bethzatha in
Jerusalems above & below

2024Shebat24: Trump signs his first act, the Laken Riley act on Wednesday afternoon 2025January29. This is when the fiery red horse of the doubly Republican congress 'comes out' fulfilling Revelation 6:4.

3 And when he opened up the seal the 2nd, I heard of the 2nd living [creature] saying Be thee coming and be thee seeing.
4 And went out another horse [a] fiery-red [one], and to the [one] sitting upon it was given to him to take the peace out of the earth and in that place they will slaughter one another, and was given to him sword great.

John is seeing as the group that has just been raptured into the ark to come and see the apocalypse from the place in which nothing on earth is hidden. This confirms that the rapture of the Abrahamic 2NCs was completed by 2024Shebat24.

2024Adar/VeAdar: The month in which China and the BRICS11 (the Leopard of Daniel7), become a war beast, by making war with somebody for 12 months of Daniel 7:6 (unless the verse counts as 13x in which case it will be 2024Shebat) - see U156.
2024Adar: 7 dragon diadems begin and run to 2025Tishri.
2024Adar1: Start of the New Isaaic Kingdom secular year honouring Jesus extracting Isaac (the Isaaic Zoar 2NCs) on 2024Adar16-21 after the Isaaic World Exodus Passover on 2024Adar14.
2024Adar1: The time of coming of the time of the house of Jehovah - for it to be built, of Haggai 2:1-2, runs from 2025Nisan10 (1st row baptism day) to 2025Iyyar10 (5th row laying day). The double time of Haggia1 and the How Charming, How charming of Zechariah 4:7 runs from 2025Nisan2/10 to 2025Sivan2/10 the end of the 4EC baptism of reserve 2NCs - see point84.
2025Nisan2-2025Iyyar22: 50 days of the sentence count of Haggai1: 3-4, the period of building Solomon's temple by 4EC baptism from the temple floor on 2025Nisan2, to the 7th row on 2025Iyyar22 - see point84.
2024VeAdar21: The end of the LW 2NC Alienation Times from 2017Adar21, the installation of Isaaic Zoar to rule over the 2NCs.
2024VeAdar21: Elijah4 and the 4 Cornerstone apostles are sealed into the ARC. The rock mass of the temple of Solomon2 is sealed. This is the antitype of 33Sivan5, when the 11/12 apostles were sealed.
2024VeAdar21: The establishment not the founding of the temple of Solomon. The 2NC Pentecost of Isaaic Zoar, the 24th festival day of the 9th Nisan1 sacred year for that church fulfilling Haggai2 - see U271-11#84.. 

17610 In the 24th [day] to the 9th [month], in the second year of Darius, the word of Jehovah occurred to Haggai, the prophet, saying:

15 'But now, please, set your heart [on this] from this day and from-upon/from-above/forward, before there was the placing of a stone upon a stone in the temple of Jehovah,
18 'Set your heart, please, [on this] from this day and forward, from the 24th [day] to the 9th [month], from the day that was founded/established, the PALACE/SPACIOUS PLACE/ARK  [lk'yhe] of Jehovah; set your heart [on this]:
19 Is there as yet the seed in the grain pit? And as yet, the vine and the fig tree and the pomegranate tree and the olive tree -- it has not borne, has it? From this day I shall bestow blessing.'

The rock-mass of Solomon's temple (Solomon) is (ARC sealed) along with the 4 cornerstone 2NC apostles on 2024VeAdar21, the end of the LW Alienation Times from 2017Adar21, 12 months of Daniel 4:29 after Isaaic Zoar's installation over the 2NCs on 2016Adar21. And all the LW 2NC apostles are laid with him as one prefabricated unit on 2025Nisan2. We cannot lay ourselves. Jesus has to do that with us. He does that in the ark.

Then Caleb (the ground floor of the temple) is baptised on 2025Nisan2, with Isaaic conversion from 2025Nisan2-4 = 2024VeAdar26-28.
We and the temple floor are installed from 2025Nisan2-9. So on the first nanosecond of 2025Nisan9, the rock mass and 4 cornerstones and floor are installed in the ark. That is the founding/establishment of Solomon's temple. 

2024VeAdar21: The ARC sealing of the LW 2NCs at the end of the LW Alienation Times, is the glorious day when we get everlasting angelic life (if successful). So our hearts are set everlastingly as being non sinful to God from that day and forward! This is the founding of the temple of Solomon, when our names are written in the heavens, on the 24th festival day of the 9th Nisan1 sacred year for that church fulfilling Haggai2 for the ark based temple.

15 'But now, please, set your heart [on this] from this day and forward, before there was the placing of a stone upon a stone in the temple of Jehovah,
18 'Set your heart, please, [on this] from this day and forward, from the 24th to the 9th, from the day that the foundation of the temple of Jehovah was laid; set your heart [on this]: (Haggai 2 NWT)


Nisan14: Passover (1)
Nisan15-21: Cakes (7)
Tishri1: Rosh Hashana (1)
Tishri10: Atonement day (1)
Tishri14: Isaaic Zoar Passover (1)
Tishri15-21: Booths and Isaaic Zoar Cakes (7)
Tishri16: Abrahamic first fruits, the appointment of Isaaic Zoar over Abraham (0)
Tishri22: Solemn Assembly (1)
Heshvan16: Isaaic first fruits: The appointment of Isaaic Zoar over Isaac (1)
Chislev5: Abrahamic Pentecost: The installation of Isaaic Zoar over Abraham (1)
Tebbeth2: 2NC first fruits: The appointment of Isaaic Zoar over the 2NCs (1)
Tebbeth5: Isaaic Pentecost: The installation of Isaaic Zoar over Isaac (1)
Adar21: 2NC Pentecost: The installation of Isaaic Zoar over the 2NCs (1)

Total is 24 festival days.

So we are to set our heart actually on 2024VeAdar21 (2025March26/27) because upon that day, the end of the LW Alienation Times, we are to be sealed into the ARC, which means that the rock mass of Solomon and his 4 cornerstone apostles 
 will have their names permanently inscribed in the heavens, and Solomon's temple will be founded there. Also our hearts will be permanently set by God to be regarded as being sin free.176

2024Adar21/VeAdar21: The inclusive following chief of 50 of 2Kings1 (never referred to as the 2nd chief). His 50 are 2024Shebat2 to 2024Adar21, the late 2NC Pentecost of the Tebbeth1 Abrahamic secular year, following 14 years and 3 months after the first 50 of 2Kings1 from 2010Heshvan2 to 2010Chislev21 (the late 2NC Pentecost of the Tishri1 adamic secular year). It follows day by day 3 month delayed (modulo the years) after the late 2NC Pentecost of the adamic Tishri1 secular year of the 1st fire sign. The 1st fire sign occurred upon Mount Carmel in Israel on 2010Chislev20-23, eating up a member of the 1st 50 and the chief of 50, namely 2010Chislev21. It was the largest fire in Modern Israel's history (apart from the incineration of Gaza that is).

2025Nisan2: The Isaaic 4EC baptism of Caleb, the temple floor.
2025Nisan2: Solomon is laid as the rock mass along with the 4 cornerstone apostles (already attached to him) after the we are  sealed on 2024VeAdar21 (the end of the LW Alienation Times from 2017Adar21). This is a fulfilment of 2Chronicles3:2. In the 2nd [day] of Nisan in the 2nd (Adar) month because 2025Nisan2 = 2024VeAdar26. But not the 2nd day of the 2nd month.
2025Nisan2-9: Elijah4/Solomon is installed as the rock mass of the temple of Solomon2
2025Nisan10 - Iyyar10: The 2NC temple building time of Haggai1 from 1st row baptism day to 5th rwo laying day
2025Nisan2-2026Heshvan5: 574 days of the Isaaic 4EC baptism of Bethzatha in Jerusalems (above and below).
2024VeAdar5: The 5th day of the 6th month of Ezekiel 8:1 of the Tishri1 Isaaic Zoar sacred year, when the hand of God falls of Ezekiel. Verse1 counts 16x to 2024VeAdar21, the rapture of Ezekiel. Verse1-3 counts 63x to 2025Iyyar8, 5th row baptism day, the end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism of 2NC non reserve Kings of the giant 2NC/ELC man of the earthly administrator of the Kingdom of God - Solomon's temple - see point83. Ezekiel is AOP (Elijah4). His hair are those who adhere directly to his headship, the LW 2NCs who are raptured with him. The giant image of a man of Ezekiel8 is Solomon's temple. Elijah4 started rewriting the LW bible research software on 2024Shebat30 (2025February4 afternoon).

111Ezekiel (AOP) sitting in house elders before him on the 5th
day of the 6th month of the Tishri1 adamic secular and Isaaic
Zoar sacred year. The hand of Jehovah falls upon Ezekiel
5th row baptism day
The completion of the Isaaic
baptism of the 2NCs
63x sentence count of Ezekiel 8:1-3

2024VeAdar10: Passover entry day into the Isaaic World Exodus Passover, the Elim Passover.

34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her [2x.(2x+2x.2x)=12x] -- how many times [Indeed. Lets count them!] I wanted to gather your children together [2x.2x=4x] in manner which a hen gathers-together-upon her brood/nest under her wings [1x+2x=3x], but ye people [2x: in old Jerusalem] did not want [it]! (Luke 13 NWT)

34 Jerusalem Jerusalem, the (one) killing the prophets and stoning the (ones) having been sent forth toward her, - how many times I wanted to lead-together-upon the children of you which in manner/way/fashion hen the of herself brood under the wings [gathers together upon], and not yeu wanted! (Luke 13 KIT)

How many times: 12x+4x.3x+2x = 24x of brood gathering + 2x of denial = 26x. Months from 2024Tishri10-14, the ELC resurrection from Hades, the start of the gathering into the chicken coop of the ark by the mother hen, to 2026Chislev5, when mother hen finishes taking over the church of Isaaic Zoar. Then mother hen is the 3rd Holy Spirit. The Cock is Jesus. Also 24x precisely of brood gathering from the resurrection of the ELCs on 2024Tishri10-14 to the rapture of the last 4ECs from 2026Tishri15-21.

The start of the ELC ark resurrection
from Hades into ark based Jerusalem
The start of the 2NC ark rapture from Zoar for
Abrahamic then Laodicean Abrahamic then Isaaic 2NCs
The end of the priestly 4EC rapture
into ark based Jerusalem
24x precisely of How many times of Luke 13:34

1522023Tishri21-2024VeAdar21: The 17x/18x of the concubine of Judges19, fallen with her hands upon the spreading-out/snatching away/basin/vestibule/doorstep/threshold [@s;] (the future rock mass of Gordon laid on 2025Nisan2 and installed on 2025Nisan9). But is not seen to have so fallen by ' the man' until he gets up in the morning and opens the door to the house. She fell until 'the light' of Judges 19:26. See U268. The light of the life, the 4th true church, the LWs, for the life was the light of men, arrives to her in the ark on 2024VeAdar21. The light of Jesus at the start of the 3rd presence arrives to her on 2026Elul16, when we baptise the 1st row cornerstone 1NC apostles into Zoar. So she is seen fallen when her master opens the doors which occurs on 2025Nisan10-17 for 2NC apostles, who are the doors into the temple of Solomon152.

Laodicean Concubine of Judges19 falls
at the fall of Reverted Laodicea.
Then she gets her hands upon the rock mass of Elijah4
late when Elijah of Laodicea meets Elisha (Elijah of Zoar)
Her master, Elijah4 rises up into the ark on 2024VeAdar21
THE LIGHT of the life, (Zoar) enters into them on 2024VeAdar21
The Laodicean ½ apostles (doors) are baptised into the Isaaic 4EC
The 7 day door opening begins from 2025Nisan10-17.
17/18 months

2025Nisan10/14/16: ALL 6½½ remaining non Laodicean apostles and the 2 Laodicean half apostles are baptised/laid as temple stones. Jacob adopted Ephraim and Manasseh as his own. So the 2NC cornerstone apostles baptise their 3 tribe divisional wingmen apostles Abrahamically. Then Elijah4 baptises them Isaaically, adopting them as his own.
2025Nisan10-17:The opening of the 6½½ 2NC  apostolic doors into Zoar. This IS the busting open of  all the springs of the vast deep on 2025Nisan17, the 17th day of the 2nd month of all the 2NCs being in the ark or in Zoar of Genesis 7:11. 
2025Nisan10-17: The installation of the apostolic altar, the opening of the last 6½½ doors of the house of Jehovah. The dead in Christ shall rise first. That is the 1NCs, the HLCs and the ELCs. The 2NCs are the first non dead in Christ to rise into the ark by rapture rather than by resurrection. 
2024VeAdar14: The Isaaic World Exodus Passover, after 2024Shebat the 2nd Isaaic Zoar Jubilee month, is 101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2016Tishri14, the Isaaic Zoar Passover 
2024VeAdar21: The Ark3 rapture of the LW 2NCs after the Isaaic World Exodus Passover on 2024VeAdar14. This rapture must occur during the disassembly of Booths - Leviticus 23:43. Not on 2024VeAdar22, during the Assembly after Booths. The 3rd seah of flour is raised.
2024VeAdar21 - 2026Heshvan5: The 20x ride of the 1st horseman of Revelation 6:2 - starting when he goes out of the world into the ark and ending at the completion of the Isaaic 4EC baptism, the end of the choosing of the priests for the Kingdom of God and the end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit - see U151#6.
2024VeAdar21/22: Mark Registration/Inauguration Day: Mark Registration begins. 60x6 = 360 cubits of the image of Daniel3 before Mark Enforcement begins on 2025Adar21/22 and runs for 80 months of the sentence count of Daniel3:19 and 2400 days of the sentence count of Revelation 13:16-17 to 2032Heshvan21/22.
2025Nisan17/19: 132 + 12+ 12. 2nd row 2NCs Baptised/Laid
2024VeAdar21/22-2025Iyyar21: The 60 cubits height of the image of Daniel3, the period of Mark testing of saints, ending at the rapture of dry 2NC Benjamin from 2025Nisan19-21.
2024VeAdar22: The start of the 1,000 BLC day LW 2NC SECULAR Sabbath to 2027Tebbeth1.
2024VeAdar22: The 2NC assembly in the ark.
2024VeAdar28 = 2025Nisan4-2025Iyyar14: 40 day deluge of Genesis 7:17 starting 7 days of Genesis 7:10 after 2024VeAdar21, the end of 2NC king ark rapture. 
2025Nisan24/26: 1320 + 120 + 120 (3rd row 2NCs baptised/laid)

2025Nisan2 to 2025Iyyar21: The late 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year. This is the inauguration of the temple of Solomon, (which is completed on 2025Iyyar22, 7th row baptism day), to the late 2NC Pentecost of the Isaaic Adar1 secular year, when the gifts of the spirit are poured out. 
2025Iyyar1/3: 13,200 + 1200 + 1200 (4th row 2NCs are baptised/laid)
2025Nisan17 of Genesis 7:11, the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Adar1 Abrahamic secular year. All 12 apostolic springs of the vast deep are broken open, by completing their 7 day installation from 2025Nisan10 to baptise transitively.
2025Nisan8 - 2025Iyyar23: 15 cubits of Genesis 7:20 of waters overwhelming the tall mountains from the end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism for the Kings of the Kingdom to the first day when the waters prevail over the saints rather than breaking even as they do on 2025Iyyar22 (7th row baptism day) - see U154.
2025Iyyar8/10: 132,000 + 12,000 + 12,000 (2NC Temple Building Completed. Elijah passed over to Elisha of 1Kings19). Last 2NCs (5th row) are 4EC baptised/laid.
2025Nisan21-2025Iyyar8: 17x of taking the sandal/bolt from upon the saintly foot of Joshua 5:15. From the meeting of Elijah4 with Peter in the ark at the 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year to 5th row baptism day (the 2NC foot), the end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the non reserve 2NCs of Solomon's temple.
2025Nisan21 (2025April19-20): The 3rd fire sign of 1Kings18:
The attendant (LW church) is instructed to go up now to the top of mount Carmel (garden land) on 2016Adar21, the end of the installations of Isaaic Zoar. Then he fulfils that instruction on 2017Adar21. then he goes back 7x to 2024Adar21. Then we add the 30x/31x sentence count of 1Kings18:42-44 and get to 2025Nisan21/22, the 3rd fire sign. The LW Alienation Times runs for 7x from 2017Adar21 to 2024Adar21. It always seemed to Gordon that this should be the primary malediction of what is a totally Pentecostal contest (denominated in 50s and fire licking up dust - tongues of fire as in Acts2). Since it runs from 2NC Pentecost to 2NC Pentecost. An attack producing a mushroom cloud above the Thames around Dartford East London or above the Hudson in Manhattan.
2025Iyyar15/17  1,320,000 + 120,000 + 120,000 (6th row ELCs baptised/laid) 

2025Iyyar22/24: 13,200,000 + 1,200,000 + 1,200,000  (ELC Temple Building Completed, 7th row ELCs baptised/laid).
2025Iyyar23: 15 cubits above 2025Iyyar8 which is 5th row baptism day, when all the tall mountains (of Kings) are covered. On 2025Iyyar22, 7th row baptism day, the waters brake even with the Lords. On 2025Iyyar23, they prevail over them.
2025Iyyar10: Laodicean city Jericho Jubilee release. The laying of the last Laodicean administration 2NC is completed.
2025Iyyar10: The Laodicean city Jericho Jubilee release, The 10th day of the 8th month of the 7th campaign day/year against Laodicea, the 7th Tishri1 Isaaic sacred year from 2017Tishri1 (excluding 2019Tishri1 to 2020Tishri1). The 5th row Laodicean 2NCs complete their escape from non adamic Abraham into non adamic Isaac on this day having been baptised on 2025Iyyar8 (5th row baptism day).
2025Iyyar10/14: The start of the 8 Isomorphic Happinesses of the Sermon on the Mount of Matthew5, to 2033Iyyar10/14 - see point42
2025Iyyar11: The timber frame, the rafters of the temple of Solomon are completed by this day according to 1Kings 6:38, the 11th day of the 8th month of the Tishri1 Isaaic sacred year. The temple is finished as regards the words (doctrine) and judgements (Chronology and prophecy) of Solomon.
2025Iyyar14-2033Iyyar14: The 8 years of Mark registration compulsion: All (ones), the  small & great, rich & poor, free & slaves of Revelation 13:16. The G20 steal all of our money and give it to the central banking beast, through CBDCs because they already have actually through deliberate derivative debt creation.
2025Iyyar21: 2025May19-20: The leaping rapture of the Benjamin 2NC reserves of Acts3 (during Booths), which ends his Mark testing. The end of the 60 cubits of height of the image of Nebuchadnezzar from 2024VeAdar21/22. 
2025Iyyar21: Late 1st 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year honouring Jesus' rapture of the Isaaic 2NCs. The gifts of the spirit are given to the 2NC apostles.
2025Iyyar21: The operational inauguration of the temple of Solomon in the ark by the giving of the gifts of the spirit, at the late 2NC Pentecost of the Isaaic Adar1 secular year. All Mosaic temples were inaugurated in Nisan or Tishri. This generalises to Cakes or Booths (regular or late).
2025Iyyar21: The gifts of the spirit are given to all 12 apostles, at the late 2NC Pentecost of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year. This Pentecost must have a fulfilment, being the first one of the new year type. Only the apostles will have the capability to confer the gifts as was the case in the 1st century. The smoke filled the temple and no priests could enter when the gifts are poured out. So Benjamin must be raptured before the gifts are given. 
2025Iyyar21 - 2033Iyyar14: The gifts of the spirit are given to the ageless stones of the human 1NCs and HLCs and 2NCs and ELCs and Benjamin for the 96x of 1Corinthians12:28-31. For 7x precisely we are all apostles, prophets, teachers etc by the 9 Hapinesses Principle of the bible code applied to 1Corinthians12  The period of their availability covers all of WW3, which makes that war virtual for people with faith. They must be used to protect people under salvation test from that disaster. See U112#23.
2025Iyyar21/22: 10 horns who are/become 10 Kings begin and 10 toes part iron part clay begin. These are the G20 members administratively and are 10 months of power (Horns) and 10 months of authority (Diadems) chronologically. 

41 And as to that you saw, the feet and the toes [were] partly of potters' clay and partly of iron, [the] kingdom shall be divided. But there shall be in it the strength of iron, because you saw the iron mixed with clay of the potter.
42 And [as] the toes of the feet [were] partly of iron and partly of clay, [so] the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. (Daniel 2 GLT)

The 2750 = 55x50 days of Revelation17:16-17 of the 10 horns giving their G20 Kingdom to the financial/commercial/banking beast run from 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns gain power, to 2032Tebbeth11/12, when the words of God are fulfilled, when the harlot to the electorate of false democratic government is burnt..

2025Iyyar21/22: 2025May19-21: PEACE AND SECURITY are declared (2 declarations, the bible is maximally distributive), 9 months of gestation of the sentence count of 1Thessalonians 5:3, before WW3 begins on 2025Shebat20/21. The sudden destruction that comes to them is WW3. In fact it is standing upon those declaring it (the 10 horns who are 10 kings, the 10 toes which are part iron and part potter's clay - the G20) - who are therefore responsible for WW3 in order to force Digital IDs, in order to steal everyone's money in order to bail out the banks and enslave all mankind.

747 So Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him, into the ark from faces/presence of/before the waters of the deluge 
8 Of every clean beast and of every beast that is not clean and of the flying creatures and everything that moves on the ground,
9 2, 2, they went in to Noah into the ark [] male and female, just as God had commanded Noah

10 And it occurred for/to 7 of the days [literally after they finished boarding] [7 of THE days? What are THE days? The days of boarding or the days of being fully boarded? Well they went in BEFORE the deluge. So it is not the former. So it must be the later. Noah's family, Noah/Jesus and his wife, his sons and his son wives, finish going in on 2024VeAdar21 - the 2NC reserves of Benjamin are not engaged to be married yet] and the waters of the deluge [The 4ECs of the deluge as opposed to the 1ACs of the deluge] came UPON the earth [the 2NC Zoar congregation from 2024VeAdar28=2025Nisan4 to 2025Iyyar14, the 40 days of Genesis 7:17. So 7 days after all the 2NC kings (non reserves) have entered into the ark, the deluge of waters comes upon the earth. This is 6 cubits of the width of the image of Daniel3 after Mark Registration day on 2024VeAdar21]. (Genesis 7 LWT).

1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image which [was] gold. His height [was] 60 cubits; his breadth, 6 cubits. He raised him up/erected him in the plain of Dura, in the jurisdiction of Babylon. (Daniel 3 LWT)

All 2NCs except Benjamin are now
raptured to be with Noah (Jesus)
Mark of the Beast Registration Day.
We can now register for hell
by getting a Digital ID Vaccine passport
Mark becomes operative
Digital IDs start bestowing
physical advantages
2025April1/2/3 (fool's advantages)
2024VeAdar27/28 = 2025Nisan3/4
40 day deluge of Genesis 7:17 begins
Deluge of saints UPON the earth of Zoar begins
Digital IDs start bestowing physical advantages
2025April2/3 (fool's advantages)
2024VeAdar28 = 2025Nisan4
40 day deluge of waters upon
the earth ends due to Mark
compulsion day - see U151#13
7 days of Genesis 7:10 to deluge 6 cubits of the width of the image of Daniel3 40 day deluge of Genesis 7:17

1335 And the sons of Israel pulled up [stakes] from Rameses [Son of the Sun] and camped in Succoth [Booths].
6 And they pulled up [stakes] from Succoth and camped at Etham [Egyptian for boundary of the sea i.e. shoreline - Gesenius], which is in the edge of the wilderness.
7 And they pulled up [stakes] from Etham and turned back to Pihahiroth [mouth of the channels], which [is] before Baal-zephon [hidden Baal]; and they camped before Migdol [Watchtower].
8 And they pulled up [stakes] from Pihahiroth and passed over through the midst of the Sea [on 1513Iyyar10], into the wilderness, and went a journey of 3 days in the wilderness of Etham, and camped at Marah [to rebel, to lash, to be bitter] [on night of 1513Iyyar13].
9 And they pulled up [stakes] from Marah and came to Elim [trees, palm grove - Gesenius]. And in Elim [were] 12 springs of water [12 2NC apostles] and 70 palm trees [Date palms were they? 12 2NC apostles and 70 older men who got some of the spirit upon Moses of Numbers11. These are 70 anointed ones helping Moses, the LXX, and 12 2NC apostles?]. And they camped there [on night of 1513Iyyar14].

46 And they journeyed from Marah and came to Elim, and in Elim were 12 springs of water and 70 date trees, and the children encamped there by the waters.
47 And they journeyed from Elim and came to the wilderness of Sin, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departure from Egypt (Book of Jashar)

1 Later they departed from Elim, and the entire assembly of the sons of Israel finally came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the 15th day to the second month to their coming out of the land of Egypt [literally 1513Iyyar15] [2024Shebat15, the 2nd month of the exodus by rapture into the ark of 2NCs] (Exodus 16 NWT).

Elim was the first Passover when all of Israel was outside of Egyptian control, 1513Iyyar14. The equivalent is 2025Sivan14 after the Benjamin ark rapture on 2025Iyyar21. Zoar has 12 springs on 2025Nisan17, when the 12 apostles are installed to baptise (the altar is installed). We have 70 post date palm tress who are the end times LXX, the 70 of Numbers 11, to whom gave some of the spirit that was upon Moses.

27 After that they came to Elim [Palm trees], where there were 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees. So they went camping there by the water []. (Exodus 15 NWT)
Then they pulled away from Marah and came to Elim. Now in Elim there were 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees. So they camped there. (Numbers 33 NWT)

2 parallel accounts. Spring (2), Palm tree (2). 12 springs are 12 apostles, 70 Palm Trees are the LXX of Moses in Numbers20, who had some of the spirit of Moses.

Palm trees are a preparation period before the arrival of Jesus (palm Monday). Palm trees stand for peace and Jesus is the prince of peace.133

2025Iyyar21-2025Tishri21: 150 days during which the waters of Genesis 7:20 prevail upon the earth from the end of 2NC reserve ark rapture to the start of 4EC ark rapture, when the waters start prevailing/being victorious in the ark. The waters are metonymical waters of the 4EC priests by water baptism. Not the metaphorical waters of the FRCs, who are priests to the LRCs, waters to their land, their group, their congregation, teaching them the 1st law by example - see U154.

24 And the waters were overwhelming/prevailing upon the earth 150 days [from 2371Chislev27 to 2371Iyyar27, when the mountains plural were covered, although from 2371Nisan17, the mountains of Ararat were exposed] [2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd  presence, the restart of the 3EC baptism of 1NCs and HLCs, to 2019Shebat10, the end of the 3EC baptism of the reappointed Laodicea AND 2025Iyyar21, the end of the 2NC reserve ark rapture, so that only the earth, the unsanctified congregation, remains on the planet, to 2025Tishri21, the end of the first 7 days of rapture of waters from 2025Tishri15-21, when the waters start prevailing not on the earth but in the ark. The waters also prevail over the Beast until Mark Enforcement day on 2025Adar21/22] (Genesis 7).

2025Iyyar21/22 - 2032Tebbeth11/12: 55x50=2750 days = 7 years 7 months 20 days of the sentence count of Revelation17:16-17 from the start of the 10 horns, to the physical burning of the harlot of false democratic government by the 10 kings who are 10 horns (G20) and the beast, the fulfilment of the words of God of Revelation 17:16-17. The 10 kings stop giving their kingdom, the G20, to the banking beast - because they no longer have a kingdom. They are sell outs right to the end.. 
2025Sivan10: 1NC Pentecost. The end of the Isaaic 4EC for Benjamin. This is, a stretched out hand of Exodus14 after 2024Tebbeth10, when the 4 cornerstone apostles of Revelation9:13-15 are untied.

2025Ab4-2025Elul18: 2025August1-September13: The greater Registration Decree of Caesar Augustus (as opposed to Caesar Septemberus or Octoberus). Made in August Gregorian or Julian.. 
2025Ab28 (2025August24/25): The stock market goes to ZERO. 164 BLC days of the sentence count of Revelation18:11-13  of stock being worthless counting from the start of the 13 month hour of the devastation of riches of Babylon (from 2024VeAdar21/22 - Mark Registration day - to 2026Nisan21/22) - see U151#18 This is a prophetic biblical interpretation. Elijah4 is not authorised by any worldly regulator to give investment advice!
2025Tishri1-14: Resurrection of the CRC true church proselytes: The dead in Christ shall rise first. These ones being CRCs from true churches in Hades
2025Elul15-21-2026Tishri15-21: 14x7 = 98 days of CRC ark rapture (7,7). All during Cakes-Booths

2025Tebbeth11/12 - 2032Tebbeth11/12: The period of the 7 heads of the sea beast. It ends when the 10 kings of Revelation17 stop giving their power and authority to the beast, when the words of God of Revelation17:17 have been fulfilled at the end of the 55x50=2750 day sentence count of Revelation17:16-17 from 2025Iyyar21/22, the start of the 10 horns.
2025Shebat20/21 - 2032Tishri22/23: The 2402 days of WW3. 7x of Daniel3:19, more than the 2192 day fiery furnace of WW2 was seen to be heated up before from 1939Elul15 (1939September3) when the Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, to the 1945Tishri17 (1945September28) when Japanese forces in Vietnam surrendered above the 16th parallel to the Chinese general Lu Han in Hanoi, concluding the Potsdam agreement.

15Satan's 6,000 year lease from 3989Nisan16 BC ended on 2012Nisan14 AD. Then we had 50 months of Michael's non adamic restoration lease (4 years of being installed as Caesar to Adam/Cain Abraham from 2012Nisan16/Iyyar16/Sivan16 to 2016Sivan14/Tammuz14/Ab14). Then the 2000 day possession payback period from 2012Sivan20/Tammuz16 to 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10. Then the 8 month war of Revelation12:7 to 2022Elul14, the heavenly demonic Passover. Then 6 months of Revelation 12:8 of no place being found for them in heaven plus 31 days of going through the Tsohar and down Jacob's ladder in the ark to to 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession. Then a further 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2023Nisan24 to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession - see U112#16

6004 year
extended ARC
lease ends
over Adam
Jesus is appointed
Caesar to Adam/
Satan's 1254 day
ministry and 
2000 day eviction
payback begins
over Adam/Cain
Satan's ministry
payback ends
over Adam/Cain
Satan's 2000
day eviction
payback ends
Start of war of
Satan loses the
war is Passed
over and tries
to remain in
Eviction from
heaven starts
Demons start
down Jacob's
Demons reach
bottom of Jacob's
ladder. Start of
2000 day Demon
Laodicean FRC
1st crop Passover
of Revelation22.
Demons expelled
from all humans.
Late non
religious LRC
12th crop of
Jesus' 3½ year
antitypical Love
ministry begins
Zoar ends
Final 3½ year ministry
ends. End of dying the
1st/adamic death for
1st/late 1st death Passover
50 month non adamic
Restoration lease
Satan's 1254 day
ministry payback
2000 days
less 1254
8x of war of
6x of no place in
heaven of Rev12:8
1+30 days down
Jacob's ladder
2000 day 21st century
demon possession 
11 months 3½ year antitypical ministry
of Jesus

The 80 month WW3, the fiery furnace of Daniel3:19, is the 80 day grand evening meal of God of Revelation19 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23 - see U151#19. This meal is eaten in the ark, when we are treated to the real time movie of the demons persuading not Adam and Eve to make our species extinct. But the house of Adam, and the house of Eve, to make our species extinct.

17 I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, (NWT)
18 in order that you might eat fleshes of kings and fleshes of chiliarchs and fleshes of strong [men] and fleshes of horses and of the (ones) sitting upon them, and fleshes of all freemen and and of slaves and of little (ones) and of great (ones). (Revelation 19 KIT)

The meal is WW3 from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23. It is not a meal that anybody wants to eat. But it is our inoculation against the futility of war. So eat it we must. It ends at the end of non salvation covenant Adam and non salvation covenant Cain, when there is no flesh left to eat. The Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and the Unprecedented Tribulation on Mark13 end during Hebrew winter on 2028Tebbeth2 (132x of Revelation 19:21 before 2029Iyyar14, the end of FRC victory). But WW3 continues until the summer of 2032.

14815 Whenever therefore you might see the disgusting thing of the desolation the (thing) spoken through Daniel the prophet having stood in place holy, the (one) reading let him be minding,
16 then the (ones) in the Judea let them be fleeing into the mountains,
17 the (one) upon the housetop not let him come down to lift up the (things) out of the house of him,
18 and the (one) in the field not let him return behind to lift up the outer garment of him.
19 Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and the (ones) giving suck in those the days
20 Be yeu praying but in order that not should occur the flight of yeu of winter and not to Sabbath; (Matthew 24 KIT)
20 proseucesqe de    ina    mh   genhtai h fugh umwn ceimwnoj mhde sabbatw (Matthew 24 VatB)
21 will be for then tribulation great of what sort not has occurred from beginning of world until of the now not-but not not should occur.
22 And if not were shortened the days those, not likely was saved all flesh; through but the chosen ones will be shortened the days those. (Matthew 24 KIT)

Verse 19: (2x+2x).2x = 8x: 'the in belly having' is challenging to count. The dog outside the house counts 2x. The dog inside the house counts 1x. The wine in the glass counts 1x. The wine on the table counts 2x. So the [one] in belly having [a baby] counts 1x. Whereas the woman having 2 sons counts 3x. The woman having a son counts 1x for the process of having (an action) and 2x for the condition of possessing sons (a state)
Verse20: 2x.(1x+1x) = 4x
Verse21: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Total: (8x+4x).3x = 36x. But those days are shortened, by the sentence count of 36x in day from 36 months of 1080 days to 1044 days, the exact length of the GT - well WADDUUNO?      

The Great Tribulation runs for 1044 days of the sentence count of Revelation 7:13-17 from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2. 

14 However, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing where it ought not let the reader use discernment, then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.
15 Let the man on the housetop not come down, nor go inside to take anything out of his house;
16 and let the man in the field not return to the things behind to pick up his outer garment.
Woe but to the (ones) in belly having and to the (ones) giving suck in those the days.
18 Be yeu praying but in order that not it might occur of winter;
19 will be for the days those tribulation of which sort not has occurred such from beginning of creation which created the God until the now and not not should occur.
20 And if not shortened Lord the days, not likely was saved all flesh. But through the chosen (ones) whom he chose he shortened the days. (Mark 13 KIT)

Verse 17: (2x+2x).2x = 8x: 'the in belly having' is challenging to count. The dog outside the house counts 2x. The dog inside the house counts 1x. The wine in the glass counts 1x. The wine on the table counts 2x. So the [one] in belly having [a baby] counts 1x. Whereas the woman having 2 sons counts 3x. The woman having a son counts 1x for the process of having (an action) and 2x for the condition of possessing sons (a state)
Verse18: 2x
Verse19: 1x+1x+1x = 3x
Total: (8x+2x).3x = 30x. But THE days are shortened (2x) by 2 days resulting in 28 days of the Unprecedented Tribulation during the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse. These are the 28 days of nuclear war, ending on 2028Tebbeth2, 132 days of the sentence count of Revelation19:21 before 2029Iyyar14, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the late non religious FRC Passover, the end of FRC salvation. So the Unprecedented Tribulation runs from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2.
We take verse 20 logically rather than counting it completely. Shortening the days is recited twice.

So the Great Tribulation reaches into 4 winters148.

Likewise in the judicial example of Sodom and Gomorrah of Genesis19 is explained by Jude...

6 And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.
7 So too Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones [the demons of verse6] had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before [us] as a [warning] example by undergoing the judicial punishment of age-lasting fire (Jude 1 NWT).

And explained by Peter...

5 and he did not hold back from punishing an ancient world, but kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with 7 others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people;
6 and by reducing the cities Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come; (2 Peter 2 NWT)

It is the descended demons who are causing the woke cult and the genital mutilation of minors for the sexual and financial gratification of perverted adults. The lesson of Genesis19 and Leviticus18 and Jude and 2Peter2 is that perversion brings lava. It is that simple. Climate change does not bring lava. Perversion especially of innocent children will bring it. For all the men of the city from boy to old man were trying to have sex with the two angelically possessed men staying with Lot.

4 Before they could lie down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob.
5 And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them. (Genesis 19 NWT).

3 demons to each pig denotes 3 demonic fulfilments of the 2,000 days of possession, making a total of 6,000 days of demon possession, a legion of days. One in the first century and 2 in the 21st (the payback and the possession)15.

2025Shebat20/21-2032Tishri22/23: WW3, the means of Mark Enforcement. Whereas the nuclear part of it, the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13:19, lasts for 28x of the sentence count of Mark13:17-20 from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2. 
There is no Methuselaian transformation until there is an administration change. So we become Methuselaian n the ark on 2026Chislev5? Because mountains of Ararat (curse reversed) are plural. So the Methuselaian transformation should occur in a separate administration to the Isaaic one.
2025Shebat20/21 - 2032Tishri22/23: The period of WW3: 80x of birds (saints) flying in the Ark in midheaven being invited to eat at the great evening meal of God of Revelation19. The meal of God is coincident with WW3. It spans the lava flood, the Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and Revelation7 and the nuclear war of  the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13. 

76Count of the eating of Verse17: 1x.2x.1x.2x.1x.(2x+2x+2x+4x+10x)=4x.20x=80x. From 2025Shebat20/21, the start of WW3, to 2032Tishri22/23, its end. 80 months of Daniel3:19, 7 months of heating up the fiery furnace longer than WW2. The meal of flesh is the ark view of this disaster. See U151#19. The angel standing in the sun issuing the invitation may be AOP (Elijah4).

All birds (saints) flying in midheaven (the ark)
have been ark based since 2025Iyyar21
WW3 begins, the great evening meal of flesh starts
WW3, the great evening meal of God,
the real time presentation of fleshly slaughter, ends. 
A meal we shall never forget. The end of mega death
80x of Revelation 19:17-18

2025Shebat3/4 (2026January26-28): The Dragon is let off his 1000 day chain from 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession. This is the day after the start of WW3.
2025Shebat6/7: 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse of Revelation 6:8 begins and runs to 2028Heshvan14, the end of demon possession, 2000 pigs of Mark5 after 2023Nisan24 - see U112#16
2025Shebat8-2028Tebbeth2: (2026January31/February1 to 2028December23/24). The 1044 days of the Great Tribulation of Matthew24:20-22 and Revelation7:13-17 ending at the end of the 28 day nuclear war of the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark 13:17-20. It is the period of worry about nuclear bombs, Cainian missiles, offensive missiles, starting starting in the 2nd Sabbath of the 5th adamic Jubilee of the post unextended ARC lease Kingdom, during Hebrew winter from 2025Tishri22 to 2026Nisan16, and during Greek winter (from 2025Chislev26, the winter solstice, 2025December21 at 15:04 GMT) to 2025Adar25, the vernal equinox, 2026March20 at 14:40 GMT). 
2025Shebat8-2028Tebbeth2: The 1044 day Great Tribulation of Matthew24 and Revelation7, from the day/2nd day after 2025Shebat6/7, the start of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse of Revelation6:8, to the end of nuclear war. It is the period of worry about and experience of nuclear war.
2025Shebat8-2028Tebbeth2: (2026January31/February1 to 2028December23/24). The 1044 days of Matthew20-22 and Revelation7:13-17 of ones with palm branches coming out of the the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24 and Revelation7.
2025Adar21/22: Mark Enforcement Day by law under the pretext of war. "Digital IDs to fight terrorism". "Digital IDs to fight illegal immigration". "Digital IDs for vaccination status".
2025Adar21/22: 2026March5-7:  Mark Enforcement day. It is now near impossible to buy or sell without the Mark. 80 months of mark enforcement begin and run to 2032Heshvan21/22 (2400 days of Revelation 13:16-17).
2025Adar21/22: 2026March5-7: Mark Criminalisation day. It is now illegal to buy or sell without the Mark. 
2025Adar21/22: (2026March15-17): Cave Idus Martias. Beware the Ides of March. The greater division not of March but of of mankind on Mark Enforcement day, the stabbing of Caesar by all the senators, the political murder of all national Caesars by banker controlled globalists, is 101 months of MENE MENE TEKEL & PARSIN after 2017Elul10, the end of the true church division between Zoar and Laodicea 

11212 Then they returned [on 33Iyyar25] to Jerusalem from a mountain called the Mount of Olive-grove [Zoar - Bethzatha], that is near Jerusalem [the ARK], having way/road of Sabbath [from it] [way of Sabbath is 7x. Really the way of the Sabbath is the way to the Sabbath resting in the ark under Jesus as Caesar].
13 And when [ote] they had entered into the upper chamber [the ARK], they went up where they were staying, Peter as well as John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James [the son] of Alphaeus and Simon the zealous one, and Judas [the son] of James 
14 all these [11x] were persevering of same-mind in the prayer, together with some women [2x] and Mary [1x] the mother of Jesus and with his brothers [2x for those interested or 4x for all of them: James Joses Simon Judas] (Acts 1 LWT)

55 Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? [Binary Question] (Matthew 13 NWT)

Verse 12: 11x+7x = 18x
Verse 13: 11x+11x.11x = 132x
Verse 14: 11x+2x+1x+4x = 18x
Verse 13-14 Total = 18x+132x+18x = 168x from 2026Sivan17, the arrival of the 1NC apostles on earth, to 2026Chislev5, when they finish taking over Zoar.

The Ark rapture, the WAY of the Sabbath is really the way TO the Sabbath of God's rest in the Ark112.

2026Ab5: Peter stood up by 4EC baptism in the midst of the ark raptured/resurrected Kingdom brothers

3rd Bride enters into Ark3
for the 3rd 1NC marriage
Human extraction begins
Peter reaches the bottom
of Jacob's ladder and spends
40 days in the wilderness
Peter stands up by
Isaaic 4ECbaptism
120 names
of Acts2 begin
1st to 6th row of
the 3rd Holy Spirit
is Isaaic 4EC baptised
7th row HLCs are
Isaaic 4EC baptised.
3rd Holy Spirit takes
over Abraham in Zoar
3rd Holy Spirit completes
its takeover of Zoar. It is
installed over Isaac in Zoar
120 names of Acts2 ends
The resurrection of
sealed last chance
saloon Cain.
Human extraction ends
7 years less 72 days 7 years less 73 days

2026Ab5: Peter is Isaaic 4EC baptised by AOL, as the rock mass to the temple of the 3rd Holy Spirit in the midst of the brothers from 2019Tishri17 to 2033Iyyar22 and 120 names before 2026Chislev5. Then 2026Elul16/23/30,
2026Ab5/7: Peter baptised by Caleb into the Isaaic 4EC/transformed from Abraham to Isaac
2026Elul16: The 3rd presence starts by the 4EC baptism of the 1st members of the 3rd Holy Spirit into 2NC Zoar.
2026Elul16: The King comes down to Elisha of 2Kings7. The Isaaic 4EC baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit begins
2026Elul16/18: 11 + 1 + 1 (1st row 1NCs, baptised/transformed from Abraham to Isaac). 
2026Elul16-2026Heshvan5: The 3rd Holy Spirit crosses the Jordan of the 4EC.  This is the 49 day (inclusively) baptism of the 3rd Holy Spirit. This is a 49 day deluge of holy spirits who become waters. NOT the 40 day deluge of waters coming in to Zoar.
 2026Elul16-2026Heshvan5: The start of the 3rd presence, the baptism/laying of the 1st row 1NC apostles, to baptism/laying the 7th row. The inclusive 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1 gets an Isaaic 4EC baptism on 2026Heshvan5.
2026Elul23/25: 132 + 12 + 12 (2nd row 1NCs, baptised/transformed from Abraham to Isaac). 
2026Elul30/Tishri2  1320 + 120 + 120 (3rd row 1NCs are baptised/laid).

2026Tishri7/9: 13,200 + 1200 + 1200 (4th row 1NCs baptised/transformed from Abraham to Isaac)
2026Tishri14/16: 132,000 + 12,000 + 12,000 (5th row, Isaaic 4EC priesthood baptism/transformation of 1NCs completed). 
2026Tishri21/23: 1,320,000 + 120,000 + 120,000 (6th row HLCs baptised/transformed). 
2026Tishri28/30: 13,200,000 + 1,200,000 + 1,200,000  (4EC priesthood cleansing of HLCs completed. 7th row HLCs baptised/transformed).
2026Heshvan5: The 3rd Holy Spirit is installed over Abraham in Isaaic Zoar (at the Isaaic Zoar Pentecost, the Isaaic Zoar installation Pentecost over Abraham)
2026Heshvan5: LWs hand over Abrahamic Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit because she is installed over Abraham.. Elijah4 comes down to the inclusive chief of the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1 on this day to become inferior coregent with Peter over Abraham.
2026Heshvan5: PALM WEDNESDAY: 2026October21: Jesus rides the colt, the son of the ass into the temple. He is riding the Laodicean part of Zoar the son of 4EC Zoar church? This is the antitype of Palm MONDAY on 33Nisan10. 
2026Heshvan5: The hand over to the 3rd Holy Spirit of Abraham in Zoar. 2026Heshvan is an Isaaic Zoar Sabbath month. Heshvan5 is the Isaaic Zoar installation over Abraham Pentecost, the Isaaic Zoar Pentecost.
2026Heshvan5: The end of the Isaaic 4EC baptism. The end of the 574 days of Bethzatha from 2025Nisan2, the Isaaic 4EC baptism of the first ark dweller of Jerusalems (plural). The baptism of Caleb/AOL.
2026Heshvan5: The 4EC baptism ends on earth, 4½ of the far bank before Zoar ends on 2031Iyyar5, the installation and start of Hobah - see U307. It lasts for 574 days of Bethzatha in both Jerusalems from 2025Nisan2 to 2026Heshvan5. Then it continues only in Jerusalem above (ark based Jerusalem) for another 30 days of baptising the 3rd Holy Spirit to 2026Heshvan5. 
2026Heshvan5/7: 1NC and HLC reserves are Isaaic 4EC baptised
2026Heshvan15-21 - 2028Heshvan15-21: 25x7=175 days of FRC rapture 2,2 days of FRC ark entry (herself, 2 man and wife of him, of Genesis 7:2 and Genesis 7:9 and Genesis 7:15). 2 years precisely.
2026Chislev5: The 3rd Holy Spirit is installed over Isaac in Isaaic Zoar (at the Isaaic, Isaaic Zoar Pentecost, the Isaaic Zoar installation Pentecost over Isaac)
2026Chislev5: The hand over to the 3rd Holy Spirit of Isaac in Zoar at the exclusive 3rd chief of 50 of 2Kings1. Chislev5 is the Isaaic Zoar installation over Isaac Pentecost.
2026Chislev5: The start of the 1,000 BLC day SACRED Sabbath of the LWs, when we hand over Isaaic Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit, to 2029Elul15.
2026Chislev5: LWs hand over Isaaic Zoar to the 3rd Holy Spirit because she is installed over Isaac. Elijah4 comes down to the exclusive chief of the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1 on this day to become inferior coregent with Peter over Isaac.
2026Chislev5: The end of the 3600 overseers of 2Chronicles2 from Isaaic Zoar's installation over Isaac on 2016Chislev5, to the 3rd Holy Spirit's installation over Isaac, when they take over Isaaic Zoar. We get 10 years.
2026Tebbeth8 - 2026Shebat9: 31 days of Revelation 17:13-14 of unity of thought of 10 kings having one thought and so giving their kingdom to the beast, ending democracy in the G20 nations of Revelation17, until God's words are fulfilled. These are followed by 21 months of banking beast headship to 2028Heshvan14, the expulsion of the demons.

2027Tishri1: The start of the 7th Sabbath year for Adam in God's family. Whole years from 4027Tishri2 (so from 4026Tishri1 BC) to 2027Tishri1 AD with 6,004 year gap spent in Michael's family from 3993Nisan14 to 2012Nisan14.
2027Tebbeth1: The end of the 1,000 day 2NC secular Sabbath in God's rest in the ark from 2024VeAdar22

2028Tammuz11: The administration of the Kingdom of God and the holy place are given into the hand of the little horn of Daniel 7:25 (the EU, which is running the G20 beast) for 4½ years until 2032Tebbeth11, the end of the 10 Kings giving their G20 kingdom to the Financial/banking/commercial beast, the fulfilment of God's words of Revelation17:16-17. 
2028Tishri1: The start of the 50th Tishri1 secular year of Adam being in Jehovah's family (with a 6,004 year sojourn in Michael's family during the extended ARC lease from 3993Nisan14 to 2012Nisan14)
2028Tishri10: Jubilee release day for the 1st Jubilee of Adam in the congregation of Jehovah from 4026Tishri1 BC, the start of the 1st whole Tishri1 secular year of Adam's life (born on 4027Tishri2 BC) with 6,004 year gap in Michael's family under the ARC lease). Earthly Adam completes his OMC baptism. Entrance into Kingdom salvation ends. Adam is constructively returned to what Satan took from him through Eve. The 10th day of the 50th Tishri1 secular year of Adam being in Jehovah's family (with a 121 Jubilee gap in Michael's family - during his extended ARC lease). Adam can now (from late Atonement day on 2028Heshvan10, entry day into the early Laodicean FRC Passover restoration) be restored by FRC and LRC sealing to what Satan took from him through Eve. 
2028Tishri10: 6054 whole Tishri1 secular years after 4027Tishri2 BC, with 6004 years of the extended ARC lease spend in Micahel's family. So this is the 1st Jubilee release day of Adam in Jehovah's family.
2028Heshvan10: Late Atonement day and late Jubilee release day, starting the Accepting year of Isaiah61 to 2029Heshva10, 6054 years and 1 month after Adam was born. Adam spent 6,004 years in the congregation of Michael under the extended ARC lease from 3993Nisan21 to 2012Nisan14.
2028Heshvan10 to 2029Heshvan10
: The Accepting year of Isaiah61, from late Atonement day, the entrance into the early Laodicea FRC Passover, to entry day into the 12th crop of Revelation22 on late Atonement day
2028Heshvan14: The demonic Passover, the end of demon possession, the end of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horse of the apocalypse of Revelation 6:8 - see U151#6.
2028Heshvan14: Early Laodicean FRC Passover
2028Heshvan14: The end of demon possession. 2,000 pigs of Mark5, after 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession, 30 days of Jacob's ladder plus 1 day for the Tsohar after the eviction from heaven of the Dragon on 2022Adar23.
2028Heshvan14 - 2029Heshvan14: The Time of Distress and Escape of Daniel12 for Daniel's people, Zoarites out of this world, during which everyone of Daniel's people written in the book of sealed salvation escapes into the ark by rapture if FRC and by Hades free resurrection if LRC. .
2028Chislev4-2028Tebbeth2 (2028November25/26-December23/24): The 28 day Nuclear war of the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark13:17-20 occurs in Hebrew winter. The sentence count of the woe of Mark 13:17-20 is 28x. See U659#13


Verse23 relating to 'that day' of the big slaughter: 1x+2x+3x = 6x
Verse24: (3x+3x).2x.2x = 24x
Verse25: (3x.(3x+3x.3x+1x) + 3x.(3x+3x.3x+1x+1x)).1x.3x = (39x+42x).3x = 81x.3x = 243x: From 2028Chislev4, the start of the 28 day Unprecedented Tribulation ending on 2028Tebbeth2, to 2029Ab7, the end of the lava flood.

26 And the light of the moon [1x: month] shall be like the light of the glower/sun [1x: year]. And the glower's/sun's light shall be sevenfold [7x greater than normal= counts as 1x compared to 7x or 8x], as/like the light of seven days [7x], in the day [not literal] of binding up Jehovah [binding] the break of his people, and healing the wound of his blow [That divided FDS4 from Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 GLT).

26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become [for] 7 [times], as/like the light of 7 of days, in the day that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him (NWT).
26 And the moonlight shall be like the light of the sun. And the sun's light shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day of binding up, Jehovah [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of FDS4 in 2, into the LWs and Laodicea]. (GLT)
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glower/sun. And the glower/sun's light shall be 7 glowers/suns, [it shall be] as the light of 7 days, in the day of binding up, Jehovah [binding] the break of His people, and healing the wound of His blow [the division of FDS4 in 2, into the LWs and Laodicea] (GLT)
26 And the light of the moon must become as the light of the glowing [sun]; and the very light of the glowing [sun] will become 7 times as much, [it shall be] like the light of 7 days, in the day that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him [the division of FDS4 in 2, into the LWs and Laodicea] (Isaiah 30 NWT)


2024Shebat15-2026Heshvan5: Verse 26: The day of the binding up of the breakdown and the healing by rapture and by 4EC baptism of the severe wound resulting from the stroke by him: 2x.

2025Nisan2-2025Iyyar8: Verse 26: 1x+1x+1x+7x+1x+7x in a day of A and B = 18x.2x =36x: From the baptism of Caleb on 2025Nisan2 to the baptism of the last 2NC on 2025Iyyar8, the end of the division between 2NCs.
This is the light of 7 days of baptism of the 7 rows of Solomon's temple, 7x of temple baptisms.

Or the light of the sun is for 7x like the light of 7x, making 49x. And the light of the moon is like the light of the sun, making one more light of the sun, which is 50x, which run from last 2NC first fruits on 2025Nisan2, to the late 2NC Pentecost on 2025Iyyar21, when the gifts of the spirit are poured out..
The Laodicean concubine falls with her hands upon the spreading-out/snatching away/basin/vestibule/doorstep/threshold [@s;], for 17x/18x from 2023Tishri21 - 2024VeAdar21/2025Nisan10 - See U268. But is not seen to have so fallen by 'the man' until he gets up in the morning (on 2024VeAdar21) and opens the doors to the house on 2025Nisan10-17, the installation of the 6½½ apostles to baptise transitively.

AND 7x of Isaiah30 of blinding light in the day of binding up the breakdown of all the 2NCs from 2024Tishri15-21 our first properly celebrated Cakes-Booths (from which came U455 and the realisation that we had to retranslate the entire bible) to 2025Iyyar21, the end of the rapture of the saints (Benjamin)

The light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun at the autumnal equinox it being less in length prior to that day. The autumnal equinox in 2024 is September22 at 12:36 (2024Tishri15). Then after sunset on that 2024September22, when the 
Equinox is actually observed, we are in 2024Tishri16, the first whole day after the LW Gentile Times and LW Exedenic Times. The vernal equinox in 2025 is March20 at 08:51 (2024VeAdar15)72

2028Chislev10: Laodicean FRC Passover entry day and early Watchtower FRC Passover entry day
2028Chislev14: The Laodicean FRC Passover and the early Watchtower FRC Passover

Early Passovers are a promise from God to give the blessing of the regular Passover at the regular Passover (whether you attend them or not?)

2028Chislev14-16: The Laodicean FRC Passover gene zap non adamic restoration, held in Zoar.
2028Chislev14-2029Heshvan14: 12 crops of Revelation22 to the end of the accepting year of Isaiah61. The waters feeding the tree come from the throne. So Jesus must be Caesar to Isaac before the tree can crop.
2028Chislev15-21: Laodicean FRC non adamic Cakes
2028Chislev16: 1st crop of Revelation22 completes its non adamic restoration
2028Chislev16/Tebbeth16/Shebat16/Adar16, 2029Nisan16/Iyyar16 = 6 days of FRC ark rapture. Total for birds and CRCs and FRCs is 21x+91x+182x + 6x = 300 cubits of ark length.
2028Chislev24: Nineveh of Reverted Laodicea is overturned, 40 days of Jonah after 2028Heshvan14, the early Laodicean FRC Passover a walking distance of 3 Passover day into the city, the administration of Laodicea. The Nineveh of the Watchtower Bethel city, was turned back to God on 2019Tishri24, 1st 1NC marriage veil lifting day, when the resurrected bride descended back to the marriage feast and they saw behind the veil. 40 days of Jonah after 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover of the Bethels. 
2028Tebbeth2: The end of the 1044 days of Revelation 7:13-17 of the Great Tribulation of Matthew24:20-22, the end of the 28 days of the nuclear war of the Unprecedented Tribulation of Mark 13:17-20.
2028Tebbeth8: 666: The number of days of the Dragon usurping democracy through the G20, the start of the 31 day transfer of power and authority from the 10 horns who are 10 kings (G20 members) to the G20 beast to 2026Shebat9, the end of national power and national authority to 2028Heshvan14, the expulsion of all the demons from the earth, the end of demon possession, the end of the 2000 pigs of Mark5 from 2023Nisan24. 666 days of usurping national democracy. What is the best way usurp national democracy? Form an international agency and use 'international authority' to do it. That is what the UN, the WHO, the WEF, the G20, the IMF and the EU are all about. They are an international means to usurp national democracy.
2028Tebbeth10: Entry day into the JW FRC Passover and the early Christian FRC Passover, and the late Laodicean FRC Passover, the end of faith salvation for Laodiceans. Faith now becomes irrelevant to Laodiceans for salvation purposes. Love is what is required.
2028Tebbeth10: The end of Kingdom entry for Laodicean FRCs. Faith testing now ends for Laodiceans for FRC sealing. Faith now become irrelevant to Laodiceans for salvation purposes.
2028Tebbeth14: The late Laodicean and Watchtower FRC Passover and early Christian FRC Passover.
2028Tebbeth14: The 2nd crop of Revelation22, the late Laodicean FRC Passover. 6004 years of Michael's ARC lease + 6000 days of completed 1AC Abraham's working week after Adam's sin on 3993Nisan14 BC.
2028Tebbeth14-16: The JW FRC Passover gene zap non adamic restoration on the dragnet beach.
2028Shebat2: The 1st 2NC marriage for Laodiceans and non LW at rapture 2NCs,
2028Shebat10: Gordon burns the Watchtower 1AC temple on the 10th day of the 5th month of the Tishri1 isaaic sacred year his 19th Nisan1 adamic sacred then Elul1 abrahamic sacred then Tishr1 isaaic sacred year over the 2NCs - see point38.
2028Shebat10: 2024March20/21: The early Babylonian and Christian FRC Passover and late Watchtower FRC Passover entry day.
2028Shebat10: Entry day into the late JW FRC Passover and the Christian FRC Passover, the end of faith salvation for JWs. Faith now becomes irrelevant to JWs for salvation purposes. Love is what is required.
2028Shebat14: The early Babylonian and Christian FRC Passover and late Watchtower FRC Passover.
2028Shebat14-16: The Christian FRC Passover gene zap non adamic restoration on the dragnet beach.
2028Shebat20 - 2029Elul5: The 195 days of OMC entry of Abraham's negotiation of Genesis 18. 50 potentially righteous in the midst of the city from 2028Shebat20 to 2029Nisan10. The mid point is 2028Adar15 which is also the mid point between 2024Tebbeth16, the start of the sweeping away of the righteous by ark rapture and 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain and this system.
2028Adar1: The 1st day of the initial/primary month of Genesis 8:13, when the earth has dried from the waters upon it because the saints stop their ark based earthly interaction for the 2nd 2NC marriage on 2028Adar2.
2028Adar1: The earth drains dry from the waters upon it of Genesis 8:13. They leave for the marriage. Then the 2NCs must take their honeysun in the marital home in the ark.
2028Adar2: The 2nd 2NC marriage, 144 cubits of Isaaic Zoar 4EC law over the 2NCs after 2016Adar21, the installation of Isaaic Zoar over the 2NCs.
2028Adar2: The 2nd 2NC marriage (the dove of Genesis8 returned to the ark for 2 periods of 7 days - the two 2NC marriage feasts, and the good and faithful slave given 2 talents who gained 2 more enters into 2 marriage feasts - see U35).
2028Adar2-8: The 2nd 2NC marriage feast
2028Adar9: 2nd 2NC marriage veil lifting and marital supper day.
2028Adar10: Early non religious and Babylonian and late Christian FRC Passover entry day
2028Adar10: 2029March1/2: The late Christian FRC Passover entry day. The end of salvation by faith for Christians. Love based salvation only for Christians from this point forwards
2028Adar14-16: Passover execution and standing non adamic gene zap transformation of Babylonian FRCs and Late Christian FRCs on the dragnet beach.

2029Nisan2: The ELC marriage, followed by the ELC Honeysun of Deuteronomy 24:5 from 2029Nisan9 to 2030Nisan9.
2029Nisan2-8: The ELC marriage feast
2029Nisan9:  The ELC marriage veil lifting and marital supper day.
2029Nisan10: Non religious and late Babylonian FRC Passover entry day.
2029Nisan10: The end of faith based salvation for Babylonians (those in non Christian religions).
2029Nisan14: The Non religious and late Babylonian FRC Passover
2029Nisan14-16: Passover execution and standing non adamic gene zap transformation of Non religious FRCs, the 5th crop of Revelation22, to their ark rapture
2029Nisan14 to 2029Iyyar14: The ascension of the LW 2NCs. From the 7 Fat ears of grain which must grow on one stalk (FDS4) and God bringing the sons of Israel out of the midst of Egypt: Exodus 7:5 and the 144 cubit wall of Revelation21.

Isaaic Zoar installed
over the 2NCs
Rosh Hashana of Genesis 8:13
waters upon the earth (saintly 4ECs)
dry off. 2NC earthly interaction ends
The 2nd 2NC
marriage feast
Marital supper
and Veil lifting day
Atonement day
The waters in the earth (priestly) dry out
on the 27th day of the 2nd month of
Genesis 8:14. 4EC earthly interaction ends
6th crop Passover of Revelation22
The end of FRC salvation
Last FRCs are Passover executed
144 cubit wall of Revelation21
a man's measure AND an angel's

We do ascend during 80 months of WW3 because although Revelation19 says...

17 I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, (NWT)
17 And I saw one angel having stood in the sun, and he cried out in voice great saying to all the birds the (ones) flying in midheaven Hither be you led together into the supper the great of the God, (KIT)
18 that you may eat the fleshy parts of kings and the fleshy parts of military commanders and the fleshy parts of strong men and the fleshy parts of horses and of those seated upon them, and the fleshy parts of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great. (Revelation 19 NWT)
18 in order that you might eat fleshes of kings and fleshes of chiliarchs and fleshes of strong [men] and fleshes of horses and of the (ones) sitting upon them, and fleshes of all freemen and and of slaves and of little (ones) and of great (ones). (Revelation 19 KIT).

So we are gathered together to eat the meal in the ark in midheaven. The restaurant has two floors (midheaven and heaven) connected by Jacob's ladder in the ark.21

2029Nisan27: The 27th day of the 2nd month of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year of Genesis 8:14, when the earth had dried off. The CRC priests stop their ark based earthly interaction 20 days before the lava flood begins on 2029Iyyar17.
2029Nisan29-2029Heshvan14: The 195 days of God's merciful responses to Abraham of Genesis18, the final period of LRC sealing for JW 1ACs. After 2029Heshvan14, which is the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22, it is too late to be sealed if you remain in the Watchtower: Get out of her my people!
2029Iyyar14: The last day of FRC ark entry by rapture. The FRCs MUST precede the LRCs into Ark3.
2029Iyyar10: Late non religious FRC and early Laodicean LRC Passover entry day.
2029Iyyar14: The late Passover, the day when Adam was sentenced to die if he was unclean by a dead soul or away on a distant journey on Nisan14 (which he was on 2029Nisan14!)
2029Iyyar14: The Late non religious FRC and early Laodicean LRC Passover.
2029Iyyar14: Ark rapture of the 6th crop FRCs of Revelation22.
2029Iyyar14+: Noah takes the cover off the ark fulfilling Genesis 8:13. So that it can be seen. This cannot be done until faith testing has ended on 2029Iyyar14, the final FRC Passover into the 6th crop of Revelation22. This is the precise antitype of Titus parading those who had escaped from Jerusalem at Gophna on 70 Tammuz19 - see U153.
2029Iyyar14-16: Passover execution and rapture and sleeping non adamic gene zap transformation of ALL the late partaking FRCs (who miss their regular blessing slot), the 6th crop of Revelation22
2029Iyyar15: 2NCs go through the Tsohar into heaven.
2029Iyyar17-2029Ab7: The lava flood execution of non 1AC Adam. The flood of Noah was a Passover for Noah's family. Entry into Noah's ark occurred on 2371Heshvan10, entry day into the 2371Heshvan14 Passover. 2371Heshvan10 (7 days of Genesis 7:4 before the flood began), Passover entry day for a 2371Heshvan14 BC Passover. It was a total execution excepting 8 souls of Noah's immediate family, the Passover house. The food of waters lasted 40 days and 40 nights from 2371Heshvan17 to 2371Chislev26 BC. 
2029Iyyar17-2029Ab7: The lava flood starting 7 days of Genesis 7:4 after the end of FRC entry into Zoar for the final FRC crop of Revelation22 (the 6th crop). All those saved by faith are now in the ark. The end will be by the flood - Daniel 9:26. It should be Jehovah who executes Adam having sentenced Adam himself, because he sinned against Jehovah not against Jesus
2029Iyyar17-2029Ab7: The 40+40 day Lava flood, from the 17th day of the 2nd month of Genesis 7:11, to the end of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman, the absolute end of non 1AC non OMC Adam and non 1AC non OMC Cain. Only Abraham and constructive Abraham are left. 
2029Iyyar17-2029Ab7: The lava flood. The end of non 1AC non OMC Adam and non 1AC non OMC Cain. After this all of Adam and Cain are in salvation covenants. 

All of faithless (non 1AC)  Adam and Cain and All of loveless non OMC Adam and Cain will be volcanically executed by 40+40 day smart lava flood from 2029Iyyar17-2029Ab7 or killed by the 33¼ months ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse from 2025Shebat6/7 to 2028Heshvan14.  Or more likely a dumb lava flood with smart protection 

41 The Son of man will send forth his angels, and they will collect out from his kingdom all things that cause stumbling and persons who are doing lawlessness, (Matthew 13 NWT)

2029Sivan10: Laodicea LRC Passover entry day.
2029Sivan14: The Laodicean LRC and early Watchtower LRC Passover.
2029Sivan14/15: The end of the 195 days of Mark of the beast testing 1AC and OMC entrance from 2028Heshvan29/30 of Abraham's negotiation of Genesis18 - see U154.
2029Sivan14-16: Passover execution and Hades free non adamic ark resurrection of Laodicean LRCs, the 7th crop of Revelation22
2029Tammuz10: JW LRC and early Christian LRC and late Laodicean LRC Passover entry day
2029Tammuz14: JW LRC and early Christian LRC and late Laodicean LRC Passover
2029Tammuz14-16: The JW LRC Passover to Hades free ark resurrection.

2029Ab7: The end of the 40+40 day lava flood from 2029Iyyar17
2029Ab7: The absolute end of non loving non OMC Adam AND of non loving non OMC Cain.
2029Ab7: The end of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse from 2026tishri21, the end of the ark rapture of the 4ECs.
2029Ab7: The end of the authority of the Dragon to kill non 1AC Adam, because non 1AC (faithless) and non OMC (loveless) Adam and Cain have been wiped out by the lava flood.
2029Ab10: Entry day into the Christian LRC Passover.
2029Ab10: Gordon burns the Watchtower OMC temple on the 10th day of the 5th month of the Nisan1 adamic sacred year his 19th Nisan1 adamic sacred then Elul1 abrahamic sacred then Tishr1 isaaic sacred year over the 2NCs - see point38.
2029Ab14: The Christian LRC Passover and late JW LRC Passover and early Babylonian LRC Passover.
2029Ab14-16: The Christian LRC Passover to earthly resurrection from Hades
2029Elul10: Entry day into the 10th crop of Revelation22, the late Christian OMC and the Babylonian OMC Passover and the early non religious LRC Passover entry day.
2029Elul10: The end of the burning of the Great Harlot of Christian Churches of Revelation17, by God. 10th crop entry day of Revelation22. the last day of Zoar entry for Christians
2029Elul14: The 10th crop of Revelation22, the late Christian LRC and Babylonian LRC and early non religious LRC Passover
2029Elul14-16: The Babylonian LRC Passover execution - ark resurrection.
2029Tishri10: Entry day into the 11th crop of Revelation22, the non religious LRC Passover and the late Babylonian LRC Passover. 
2029Tishri10: The end of the burning of the Harlot of Babylon of Revelation17, by God. 11th crop entry day of Revelation22.
2029Tishri10: The end of entry for those from all religions into Zoar. Temple burning day for all false religion. 
2029Tishri14: The non religious LRC and late Babylonian LRC Passover
2029Tishri14-16: The 11th crop of Revelation22, the Passover execution of the non religious LRCs to their earthly resurrection from Hades.
2029Heshvan10: The end of the Accepting year of Isaiah61 from 2028Heshvan10, for the 12 crops of Revelation22 in Zoar. Late Atonement day to late Atonement day. See point40
2029Heshvan10: The end of Kingdom salvation entrance for salvation from the 12 crops of Revelation22. Entry day into the 12th crop.
2029Heshvan14: The late non religious LRC Passover into the 12th crop of Revelation22.. The end of Kingdom salvation through Zoar for LRCs. 
2029Heshvan14: The end of the Time of Distress and ESCAPE (out of this world), during which everyone of Daniel's people of Daniel12:1-2, who is found to be written in the book of sealed salvation, escapes, running from 2028Heshvan14. The period houses the Unprecedented Tribulation and the lava flood.
2029Heshvan14: The end of LRC sealing of JWs still in that church (195 days of God's merciful responses to Abraham of Genesis18 from 2029Nisan29), the 12th crop of Revelation22.
2029Heshvan14: 195 days of JW LRC sealing end of Genesis18. The Watchtower is burnt. No one in it can be sealed anymore. If you remain in it you will go to hell. Get out of her my people!
2029Heshvan14-16: The 12th crop of Revelation22, the Passover execution of ALL the late partaking LRCs to their earthly resurrection from Hades.
2029Heshvan16: 12th crop ark resurrection day of Revelation22.

2 And I saw what seemed to be a glassy sea mingled with fire, and those who come off victorious from the wild beast and from its image and from the number of its name standing by the glassy sea, having harps of God. (Revelation 15 NWT)

The glassy sea is a beautiful thing. A peaceful sea. Those who are without faith and are unrighteous (sea), but full of love for their brother (glassy), the sons of the LRC, the sheep of Matthew25, the loving but blasphemous robber, crucified with Jesus.

2029Heshvan2: Jesus' 3½ year antitypical ministry to Abraham is appointed,
2029Heshvan21 Jesus' 3½ year antitypical ministry to Abraham is installed.
2031Nisan5: The end of Zoar (from Genesis14). The end of entrance into Kingdom salvation for existing OMCs. The end of Abraham recovering all his covenant possessions (that were stolen). He gets more covenant possessions from the 7 days of OMC baptism for those in Hobah. See U307.
2031Nisan5-2033Nisan10/Iyyar10: Entrance into Last Chance saloon for Adam/Cain. Entrance into Hobah, the hiding place of Genesis14, the descended 1AC/OMC church of Melchizedek.

2032Iyyar22: Final time of the End of Daniel12 begins. Babylon stops feeding for 322 days of Revelation18:21-24. Babylon closes its doors and has no more religious meetings.
2032Tishri22/23: WW3 ends after 2402 days from 2025Shebat20/21, 7 months precisely of Daniel3 more than WW2 from 1939Elul15 (September3), when Britain and France declared war on Germany to 1945Tishri17 (September28), when the Japanese surrendered their forces above the 16th parallel to China in Hanoi in Vietnam concluding the Potsdam declaration.
2032Tishri22/23 (2032September29-October1): The end of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 of WW3 from 2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14). It lasts precisely 7x more in month that WW3, which ran for 2192 days from 1939Elul15 (1939September3 - when Britain and France declared war on Germany) to 1945Tishri17 (1945September28 - when the Japanese surrendered above the 16th parallel to the Chinese general Lu Han in Hanoi in Vietnam, completing the Potsdam agreement).
2032Tishri22/23: 2032September29-October1: The end of WW3. So nation states must exist until then. The eagle is specifically excluded from Daniel7, the wings are plucked out. And it is absent from the sea beast of Revelation13. This must be due to the wisdom of the US constitution or the Patriotism of DJ Trump. So the US leaves the G20.
2032Tishri29: Dunghill Dismembering Decree Day of Daniel3: Every Knee Shall Bend day of Romans14 and Isaiah45. 195x of the sentence count of Daniel3:29-30, the final period of LRC sealing ending at the absolute end of Cain, the end of the last chance saloon and all false religion, the late 1st death Passover, 2033Iyyar14. Compare with Daniel 2:5 Your houses will be made a dunghill (Gesenius).
2032Heshvan9/10: The burning of the banking/big tech sea beast of Revelation13, 17 days of Revelation19:20 after it is caught/domesticated on 2032Tishri22/23. This is the denial to its members of salvation. They have run a worldwide concentration camp for Mark refusers and have not repented. This is God's equivalent of the Nuremberg trials. Anyone still a part of the banking/big tech beast after this date goes to Gehenna.
2032Heshvan21/22: End of the 80 months, 2400 days of Mark Enforcement of Revelation13:16-17, from 2025Adar21/22. Mark refusal is now decriminalised.
2032Heshvan21/22: 2032October28-30: 80 months of Mark Enforcement by law end
2032Tebbeth11/12: The end of the 7 heads of the terrible 4th beast of Daniel7, the sea beast of Revelation13, the G20 central bank money beast, from 2025Tebbeth11/12.
2032Tebbeth11/12: The end of the G20 members (the 10 kings who are 10 horns of Revelation17 and 10 Toes part iron part clay of Daniel2) giving their Kingdom to the beast. The fulfilment of Gods words of Revelation17:17.
2032Tebbeth11/12: The end of the burning of the Harlot of Government who have sold out to owners of central banks of Revelation17, by the 10 kings (G20 members). The words of God are accomplished fulfilling Revelation17:16-17 on 2032Tebbeth11/12: 2750x = 55x50 days of the sentence count of the verses after 2025Iyyar21/22, the start of the 10 horns on the beast of Revelation17
2032Tebbeth11/12: The end of the 55x50=2750 days of Revelation17:16-17 from 2025Iyyar21/22. The political harlot (democratic government) and the religious harlot (Babylon) are fully burnt physically by the 10 Kings. No one is left in government or in a religion. 

5911 I kept on beholding at-that-time [!yda] because of the sound of the grandiose words that the horn was speaking; I kept on beholding until the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire.
12 And as for the remainder of [raX, construct noun] the beasts, they caused their rulerships to pass away [hiphil active causative. They (UK/US, Russia and the BRICS, the first 3 beasts of Daniel7) give their stolen rulerships away to the 4th beast from 2026Tebbeth8 (the end of the 10 diadems) to 2032Tebbeth11/12], and there was a lengthening in life [political life] given to them for a season/appointed time [nmz] and a time [!d[] [This is a Hebrew season from the end of the financial/commercial/banking beast, when the 10 kings who are 10 horns making the G20, stop giving the G20 kingdom to it 2750 = 55x50 days of Revelation17:16-17 after 2025Iyyar21/22, which is 2032Tebbeth11/12. Then we have Greek winter from 2032December21 at 07:51 (the winter solstice) - 2032Tebbeth14 to 2033March20 at 07:33 (the vernal equinox) - 2032VeAdar13. Then a time, a month, to 2033Nisan14, the absolute end of Adam, and also the end of the first 3 beasts] (Daniel 7)59.

2033Nisan3/4-10: Entrance into the OMC, during the last week of Daniel9:27, for Adam in the last chance saloon
2033Nisan14: The 1st death Passover for Adam, the absolute end of Adam by Passover execution, 2000 years after Jesus was sacrificed and 6025 years after Adam sinned on 3993Nisan14 BC and 6058½ years after he was born on 4027Tishri2 BC, in the 7th post ARC Jubilee of Adam and the 3rd Jubilee of Jesus' post Quad Gapped Gentile Times lease as Caesar over Adam from 2020Tishri20.
2033Nisan14-2033Iyyar14: 30 days of mourning upon the greater plains of Moab after the end of Zoar by the saved for the sons of Adam going to Gehenna??
2033Nisan16: The Kingdom of God under Jehovah is not appointed over Abraham until 2033Nisan16. So God will be NOT be saying to Adam, Cain or Abraham: Welcome to the Kingdom of God, please put your asbestos shoes on!
2033Nisan16/Sivan5: The Kingdom of Jehovah is appointed/installed over non adamic Abraham.
2033Iyyar3/4-10: Entrance into the OMC, during the last week of Daniel9:27, for Cain in the last chance saloon
2033Iyyar10/14: The end of the 8 Isomorphic Happinesses of Matthew5 from 2025Iyyar10/14, the start of the sermon on the mount of the Zoar administration, which sermon continues through the last chance saloon administration. See point42.
2033Iyyar14, the end of the sweeping away of the righteous and the wicked by Passover execution.

The start of sweeping away the righteous
into the ark by rapture.
The start of the Gentile Call 2NC ark rapture
Mid point of the city of the Watchtower
during the sweeping away of the righteous
into Ark Based Zoar - the Kingdom of Jesus
The end of Sodom (meaning burnt)
The end of the Watchtower church
The absolute end of Cain
4 years 2 months (1500 days inclusively) 1500 days inclusively

2033Iyyar14: The late 1st death Passover for Cain, the absolute end of Cain by Passover execution, in the 3rd Jubilee of Jesus' post Quad Gapped Gentile Times lease as Caesar over Cain from 2020Heshvan16.
2033Iyyar14: The end of the 8x of Mark Registration compulsion of Revelation13:16 from 2025Iyyar14. Mark registration ends, the world ends, Cain ends, adamic death ends.
2033Iyyar14: The end of the 10x of government use of CBDCs (60/6 cubits of Daniel3) from 2023Iyyar14 (Starting with the Chinese government paying staff in e-CNY)
2033Iyyar16/Tammuz5: The Kingdom of Jehovah is appointed/installed over non adamic Isaac.
2033Iyyar22: The end of the 2357x sentence counts for the sheep and the goats of Matthew25:32-46 from 2026Heshvan5, when all the nations are gathered before Jesus running Zoar and ALL the angels are with him (including Benjamin who is raptured on 2025Iyyar21. 2357x of the two sentence counts of the loving ones AND of the non loving ones, from 2028Heshvan5, when Jesus takes over Abrahamic Zoar, to 2033Iyyar22, the resurrection of the sealed cainian last chance salooners, and the descent into Hell of the Kingdom failures, the judgement at the end of the separating of the sheep and the goats through Mark of the Beast deprivation in Zoar and through the last chance saloon, the descended church of the 1AC of Melchizedek and of Yeshua, Hobah of Genesis14, the church of the last week of Daniel 9:27, the church of the final separation, entrance into which runs from 2033Nisan3/4-10 for Adam and from 2033Iyyar3/4-10 for Cain provides 7 days of keeping the covenant in force for the many, i.e. OMC entry - see U902.

66Jesus is installed over Abrahamic Zoar.
We hand Abraham over to Jesus.
All the saints are with him in the ark including Benjamin
2026Heshvan is an Isaaic Zoar monthly Sabbath. OK for a release to the Holy Spirit!
The resurrection from Hades of the LRC sealed last chance cainian salooners back to planet earth.
LRC failures go to Hell. Jesus hands over Abraham to his God death having been brought
to nothing (1Corinthians 15:24) by resurrecting last chance salooners visibly before all Kingdom citizens. And
by entry into the 1st death ending on 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover for Adam and 2033Iyyar14 for Cain
2033Iyyar22 (2nd 1NC first fruits)
2352x/2357x days of the loving and the unloving sheep and goats of Matthew25 see U902

2033Iyyar22: LRC sealed ex adamic Abraham is resurrected back to planet earth at 1NC first fruits.
2033/Iyyar22: Non LRC sealed Adam and Cain are resurrected into Gehenna
2033Iyyar22: LRC sealed ex cainian Abraham is resurrected back to planet earth at the end of the 2357 days of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25 from 2026Heshvan5, when Jesus finishes sitting upon his throne in Zoar (over Abraham) after Benjamin is raptured to be with him.
2033Iyyar22: Jesus brings death to nothing by resurrecting the sealed last chance salooners before all Kingdom citizens. 
2033Sivan5: The Kingdom of Jehovah is installed over Abraham
2033Sivan5: Jesus hands the Kingdom over to his God and Father having brought death, the last enemy, to nothing by resurrection of the last chance salooners back to the earth.
2033Sivan5: The Kingdom Proselyte call to FRCs who died in a true church.
2033Sivan14-16: Abrahamic ark dwellers die to Abraham and gain a standing resurrection to ageless Melchizedek???
2033Sivan16: Jehovah is appointed Caesar over Melchizedek in the ark??
2033Sivan16/Ab5: The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed over Melchizedek?? 
2034Shebat10: The Kingdom Samaritan call to Samaritan FRCs who died in an ex true church. 
2034Shebat12: The Kingdom Samaritan call resurrection of Samaritan FRCs who died in an ex true church.. 
2036Tishri14: The Kingdom Gentile Call to Abrahamic FRCs who died outside a true or ex true church, to be resurrected in reverse order of dying, from last to die to first to die.
2036Tishri14: The much sought after Reverse Ageing Passover. All mankind who are past their prime, start ageing backwards to our optimal form at 7x the speed we aged forwards (7 years per year) in order to retrace the previous 6,000 years within 1,000 years. There is no distinction between Adam and Cain upon Abrahamic resurrection. They are both resurrected in their non adamic Abrahamic bodies, having lost their adamic/cainian bodies in the 1st death. This is the Kingdom Gentile call is to Abraham in Hades.
2036Tishri16: The Kingdom Gentile Call Resurrection of Abrahamic FRCs who died outside a true or ex true church. They are resurrected in reverse order of dying, from last to die to first to die999.



3033: Kingdom Sabbath1 ends
3033: Working Week2 begins
6424Chislev14: Evening of the 6th creative night of the 3rd week begins. Speed of Darkness is now 4c.
9033: Working Week2 ends
9033: Kingdom Sabbath2 begins
9038Ab3: Morning of 7th creative day begins: Speed of light is 360kc. Morning length is 13,030.303030 causal real years. This must be the start of the 2nd 1,000 year Kingdom of God for mankind on this planet. 
9038Ab3: Star Trek begins. Mankind starts colonizing the galaxy.
10,033: Kingdom Sabbath2 ends
10,033: Working Week3 begins
10,174Chislev14: Morning of the 7th creative night of the 4th week begins. God goes on a Sabbath creative night's rest from his angelic creative works. 
16,033: Working Week3 ends
16,033: Kingdom Sabbath3 begins
17,033: Kingdom Sabbath3 ends
17,033: Working Week4 begins
22,068Heshvan22: Evening of 8th creative day begins (7th creative day ends)
23,033: Working Week4 ends
23,033: Kingdom Sabbath4 begins
24,033: Kingdom Sabbath4 ends
24,033: Working Week5 begins
30,033: Working Week5 ends
30,033: Kingdom Sabbath5 begins
31,033: Kingdom Sabbath5 ends
31,033: Working Week6 begins
37,033: Working Week6 ends
37,033: Kingdom Sabbath6 begins
38,033: Kingdom Sabbath6 ends
38,033: Working Week7 begins
44,033: Working Week7 ends
44,033: Kingdom Sabbath7 begins
45,033: Kingdom Sabbath7 ends
45,033: Jubilee begins
46,012: Jubilee ends: The entire house of Adam is now released to Angelicity.

182,674Chislev14 AD: The end of the 50th angelic creative day. All the angelically born angels, the morning stars, are now Gods. Angelic/Dark time ends.

1,112,674Chislev14 AD: 1260 millennia of true churches of Revelation12:6 from 147.324CHislev14, the light unvierse Big Bang and the birth of the angel Michael, end. During these, the woman of the houses of the salvation covenants is fed in the true churches prepared by God through his original sacrifice for angelic 1st death (Tartarus), having fled into the wilderness outside the secular administrations of the rebellious angels of archeden and their successors.
1,112,674Chislev14 AD: 1260 millennia of death (1st angelic, 1st human and 2nd death: Tartarus, Hades and Gehenna) and true churches of Revelation 11:3 end. The end of the 2nd death, when: Death shall be no more, of Revelation 21:4 - is fulfilled, and every human is given everlasting angelic life thanks to the ARC ransom of Michael, who was born at the start of the 1260 millennia of death and of true churches on 147,324Chislev14.. , 

1,142,674Chislev14 AD: The end of the 50th creative day. The end of the light universe. The end of 4D space-time. All of mankind and all the angels have achieved divinity. We are all Gods and cannot be contained in a physical universe any longer. It's a 1,303,030.303030 million year project from the start of the Dark Universe, half way through the 1st angelic creative night until the divinity of the last ex human angel.
1,142,674Chislev14 AD: Lihgt Universe Causal Time ends. God has raised all of his angelic children up to divinity.


First uploaded a finished version of our 2023Sivan5-7 and 2023Sivan20-23 Chronology at 18:38 BST on 2023Nisan30 (April21)
On 2023Iyyar10 this site was fully updated to the 482nd main prediction for 2023Sivan5-7 and 2023Sivan20-22.
First uploaded a finished version of our 2023Sivan29-Tammuz15 and 2023Tammuz20-23 Chronology updated to point31 of U271-11 (our extended 486th main prediction) at 05:35 on 2023Tammuz9 (June29).
First uploaded a finished version of our 2023Elul29-Tishri21 and 2023Tishri20-22 Chronology updated to point31 of U271-11 (our 494th main prediction) at 20:35 on 2023Tishri3 (September20).
First uploaded a finished version of this page for the 496th main prediction on 2023Heshvan10.
First uploaded a finished version of this page with onsite temple building from 2023Heshvan22 for the 496th main prediction on 2023Heshvan14.
First uploaded a finished version of the site fully updated to the 499th main prediction on 2023Shebat19 (2024February3 at 21:00).
First uploaded a finished version of the page for the 501st main prediction on 2024Iyyar25 (just after 8 pm on 2024May4).
First uploaded a finished version of the site for the 501st main prediction on 2024Tammuz17 (23:30 on 2024June25).
First uploaded a zipped version of the updated site other than the latter half of U271-11 and 271-12 site for the 501st main prediction on 2024Tammuz19 (08:30 on 2024June28).
First uploaded a finished version of the entire site including all of U271-11 and all of U271-12 on 2024Ab2 (01:39 2024July11)

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