(X) Record of my disfellowshipping
Wednesday February 28th 1996: Told I will be disfellowshipped in 7 days time i.e on wednesday March 6th 1996, which is 1996Adar11, 1260 days after 1992Elul11. Right to appeal to another bunch of elders in my circuit.
Told them that they had to give me two warnings before disfellowshipping, and I had received none. Roger said when we saw you two years ago that was a warning. I said you never told me I was being warned for being an apostate at that time. Roger said that in that scripture we do not take that number literally. I did a mock ripping of my shirt. Ray pulled a face at me.
Asked them, did the governing body instruct them to disfellowship me or did they decide for themselves. Tony said they decided for themselves, based on the conversation they had just had.
I had previously offered to undertake to keep my views to myself by an oath which I would not break, saying that I had showed that I was able to do this by my self control in not talking much about my understandings for several years.
Roger said that two members of the congregation had said that they had been stumbled by me! (Stan & Lisa, I guess). They appear both to be prospering in the congregation and Stan was appointed to be a mini man after the supposed stumbling and I haven't spoken to him in two years.
I was disfellowshipped because my views are too divergent from those of the society, 'I have apostate ideas' said Tony Miller. I said there are no such things as apostate ideas, there are only apostate actions. But I was thrown out not for my actions but for my ideas.