THE TRUE BIBLE CODE: Every Bible Account Has 1 Literal or Symbolic Meaning And 0-4 Extra Noun Symbolic Meanings Each of Which Has 1 or 2 Fulfilments
Thursday March 27 2025 (Gregorian GMT)
2024 VeAdar 22 until sunset (Biblical Lunar)






Copyright Gordon S. Ritchie 1992



7 [1] Introduction

11 [2] Prophetic form

14 [3] The fundamentals come first

15 [4] Leviticus 26: The first determination of the 70 years of exile in Babylon and the

second determination of the Gentile Times

15 [4.1] The Sabbath keeping part of the contract

16 [4.2] The false worship part of the contract

19 [5] The third determination of the Gentile Times

19 [6] The 70 weeks of years of Daniel 9, re-examined

21 [7] A prophetic parallel to the 70 weeks of years prophecy

22 [8] The three rights of the firstborn

25 [9] The spiritual exile of the Alienation Times

27 [9.1] The exact length of the Alienation Times

31 [10] The first witness to the length of the Alienation Times

37 [11] The Law of Moses: The second and third witnesses to the length of the Alienation


38 [12] The Exedenic Times

40 [13] Cain: The first witness to the length of the of the Exedenic Times

45 [13.1] Adam was born in Tishri 4027 BCE

46 [14] The fall of Jericho: The second witness to the length of the Exedenic Times

50 [15] Elijah & Elisha: The fourth, fifth & sixth witnesses to the Alienation Times

51 [15.1] Elijah and the prophets of Baal

54 [15.2] Elisha cleanses the leprosy of Naaman

54 [16] King David: The fourth witness to the Gentile Times

56 [17] Jacob meets Esau in Genesis 33: The third witness to the Exedenic Times, the

seventh witness to the Alienation Times and the fifth witness to the Gentile


62 [18] Jacob's marriages to Leah and Rachel: The eighth witness to the Alienation Times

and the sixth witness to the Gentile Times

68 [18.1] Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society

72 [19] The thousand year reign begins in Nisan 2008 CE

74 [20] The six years that Jacob worked with Laban for his flock: A witness to the 6,000

year length of the non-sabbath part of the 7th creative day

76 [20.1] The calendar week: The second witness to the 6,000 year non- sabbath part of

the seventh creative day

77 [21] The prophecy of the ten times of Laban's Times: The second determination of the

date of 2008

78 [21.1] A time, times and half a time

83 [22] The 90 years of the Separating Times: The third determination of the date of


84 [23] The second witness to the ten times of Laban's Times

85 [24] The intended accuracy of the bible

85 [24.1] Reigns stated in years are rounded up to the nearest full number of Regnal years,

and accession years are ignored

86 [24.2] Ages stated in years are rounded to the nearest year up or down

87 [24.3] Prophecies stated in years are accurate to the month

87 [24.4] Prophecies stated in days are accurate to the day

87 [24.5] Some finer points relating to accuracy

88 [25] The Between Times prophecies, during the ten times of Laban's Times

88 [25.1] Greedy Gehazi

90 [25.2] Micah's seven shepherds and eight dukes

91 [25.3] Elisha's five or six arrows

93 [25.4] Isaiah's olive tree

93 [25.5] Sanballat's letters to Nehemiah

94 [26] The Gibeonites and the seven sons of Saul: The ninth witness to the Alienation


98 [27] Balaam and the three maledictions that became three blessings

104 [28] The prophecy of the three times to the new covenant: The Temple Times

110 [28.1] What event marked the start of the three times of the Temple Times?

112 [29] The whole timetable of the law, from the annual festivals

115 [30] Ezekiel's mock festival and the sixty unclean years of Zerubbabel's temple

117 [31] The prophecies of the two times of Joseph's Times and the five times of

Benjamin's Times: The tenth witness to the Alienation Times


122 [32] Introduction

123 [33] The famous feedings of the 5,000, the 4,000 and the 144,000

127 [34] The second meanings of the two times of Joseph's Times & the five times of

Benjamin's Times: The Apostate Times

128 [35] Solomon's temple builders: The second witness to the 80,000 of the first temple

and the 64,000 of the second temple

129 [36] Peter's vision of the unclean food: The length of the first baptism

133 [37] The two olive trees of Zechariah 4: The third witness to the 5:4 split of anointed


139 [38] The second witness to the 96 years of the first baptism, and the second witness

that the five times of Benjamin's Times are the five times of the Apostate Times

141 [39] The parable of the ten virgins: The second witness to the five times of the

Apostate Times

142 [40] Jesus Christ is the centre of everything!

145 [41] The Midst prophecy and its witnesses

146 [42] The prophecy of the Covenant Times: Jehovah counts out the length of his

covenant with Abraham

151 [43] The tent cloths of the Tabernacle: The second witness to the length of the

Covenant Times

152 [44] Hezekiah's sign: A further witness to the Midst prophecy

155 [45] The ten lepers: A further witness to the Midst prophecy

156 [46] The Septuagint

157 [47] Seven stands for Divine Temporal Completeness

158 [48] The Unsealing of Daniel

159 [49] Daniel chapter 12

162 [49.1] The 1,290 days of Daniel 12

162 [49.2] The 1,335 days of Daniel 12

165 [50] Daniel chapter 10

167 [51] Daniel chapter 1

171 [52] A classic example of a cryptic interpretation

172 [52A] A second cryptic classic, Joshua 14: The second witness to the end of the testing

of the anointed ones being in the year of 2003 CE

174 [52B] A third cryptic classic, Ezekiel 4: The 91 years from the end of Solomon's temple

times to the inauguration of Zerubbabel's temple

176 [53] Daniel chapter 3

182 [54] The second witness to the prophecy of the 'Last Week'

186 [55] Nimrod: The third witness to the prophecy of the 'Last Week'

187 [56] The heavenly locust

190 [57] The parable of the sower: Three heavenly resurrections

194 [57.1] The Dragnet parable

195 [58] Daniel chapter 5

198 [58.1] The words of a merry Belshazzar

202 [58.2] The Correlation

206 [58.3] The words of Daniel

209 [59] The third heaven

212 [60] The three comings of Jesus

214 [61] How many Natural Jews are there in heaven right now?

216 [62] The second witness to the number of natural Jews in heaven

217 [63] The third witness to the 1:4:4 ratio of the spiritual temples

217 [64] Daniel chapter 7

218 [64.1] The first symbolism of Daniel 7: The last four world powers, before the 8th king

222 [64.2] The second symbolism of Daniel 7: The last ten years of the eighth king

226 [65] Daniel chapter 6

231 [66] Luke chapter 17

232 [66.1] 'Concerning that day or hour, nobody knows'

235 [66.2] The flood and Sodom

239 [67] Haggai: The timetable for the construction of the second temple

241 [68] Daniel chapter 8: The 'time of the end'

242 [68.1] The 2,300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8

246 [68.2] The ram and the goat of Daniel 8

248 [69] The great tribulation of Matthew 24:21

250 [70] The sin of Achan and the ambush of Ai: Babylon the Great in the last days & the

second and third witnesses to the 2,300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8

256 [71] Luke 12: The start of the second baptism until Armageddon

259 [73] All anointed brothers ascend to heaven on the 40th day after the day of their


261 [74] Daniel chapter 9

265 [75] The second witness to the last brother being anointed in Nisan 2001

266 [76] The Gentile Times, the Alienation Times, the Exedenic Times and the Last Week

267 [77] Daniel chapter 2

271 [77.1] The heavenly interpretation of the giant man

274 [77.2] The earthly interpretation of the giant man

275 [78] The book of revelation

276 [79] Joshua 6 and the seven trumpets of Revelation

280 [80] Mary and Martha say: The great crowd will not have to die at all!

282 [81] Revelation chapter 7

282 [81A] Revelation chapter 10

284 [82] Revelation chapter 11

290 [83] Revelation chapter 12

292 [84] Revelation chapter 15

295 [85] Revelation chapter 16

296 [86] Revelation chapter 18

298 [87] Ezra chapters 7&8: The Nethinim, a timetable for the anointed and the third

witness to the five times of the Apostate Times

305 [88] Counsel from the bible for the faithful & discreet slave, and for all of Jehovah's

people, in the 'time of the end'

306 [88.1] Sealed up things

307 [89] Isaiah 29 & Romans 11: The current implications for the faithful & discreet slave

313 [89.1] The 'Wide-awake John class'

316 [89.2] Animal farm: The parable

319 [89.3] The parable of the frightened watchman

321 [90] Luke 12: A few strokes for the 4th watch of the Watchtower Society!

326 [91] The household administrator and the faithful & discreet slave

328 [91A] A new test for canonicity

332 [92] Armageddon: The signs of the times and the Horizon

336 [93] The 90 times of the Separating Times, revisited

337 [94] The four hidden sons of Ornan, the three penalties, the seven temples

341 [95] Jacob's crossing at Jabbok: The whole chronology of the Jews, from the

weaning of Isaac in Nisan 1913 BCE, to the end of the fleshly Abrahamic

covenant in Tishri 36 CE

347 [96] The exact date of Elijah's contest with the prophets of Baal

350 [97] The exact date of Naaman's recovery from leprosy

353 [98] The exact date of the 3.5 year famine in David's reign, which ended with the

exposure of the seven son's of Saul

355 [99] The exact date of Jacob's arrival in Egypt

357 [100] The power of the Midst prophecy

362 [101] 'The end of it will be by the flood'

366 [102] Ezra chapter 10: The second baptism & the third witness to the date of

incorporation of the Watchtower Society; the first witness to the date of

formation of the Watchtower Society


371 [103] The eleven times of Lamech's Times

373 [104] Who was Enoch?

377 [105] Enoch's ministry was temporally central and included Adam

379 [106] Conclusion


384 [1] How many Land Sabbath years were there between Tishri 997 and Tishri 607,

and between Tishri 647 and Tishri 607?

385 [2] The relationship between the 70 missed Land Sabbaths and the 70 weeks of

years of Daniel 9

388 [3] The parallel between Cain & Abel, and the modern day 'Cain class' & 'Abel class'

393 [4] Memorial dates

394 [5] The divine plan of the ages


Fig 1: Map of Jerusalem

Fig 2: Hebrew Calendar

Fig 3: The six stages, five instars and the adult, of the Locust

Fig 4: The Life-line of Noah

Fig 5: Passover dates from 1980 until 2034

Fig 6: The Times, Saturday 20th June 1992, article on UN



May the true God reveal to the reader, the true understanding of all the things written in this book. May the reader and the writer both, prove faithful until the end.

The writer expresses sincerest thanks to the faithful and discreet slave, for all of the work that he has done from which the writer has benefited, and all of the many publications that he has provided, without which this book would never have come into existence.

He also would plead with that one to read this book with urgency because we are now in the true 'time of the end' (Dan 8:17, Dan 11:35, Dan 11:40, Dan 12:4 & Dan 12:9), which is the period during which the book of Daniel is unsealed by holy spirit. Which unsealing reveals that the 1,335 days of Daniel 12:12, rather than being a length of time before a convention in the Albert Hall in 1926 (YW p337,338), is in fact the exact length in days of the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24:21. Which unsealing reveals that Daniel chapter 3, rather than being a story about three Hebrew lads who were thrown into a fiery furnace because they would not bow down to a giant gold statue, is a story about the United Nations replacing the seventh world power as the eight king of Rev 17:11, in Nisan 1998 CE, and then taking absolute worldwide power after the manner of Nimrod in Nisan 2001 CE at the start of the last week (of years) of Satan's system and the rescue of the Great Crowd from the fire of the great tribulation, which starts in the middle of that week. Which unsealing reveals that Daniel's victory over the lions, due to his faultlessness (Dan 6:22), is the victory of the anointed brothers of Christ, over the wild beast and its image, due to their righteousness (Rev 15:2). And that the length of time from Nisan 1918, which is when the brothers of Christ who come from the first century preaching campaign are resurrected, until Armageddon is 90 years, which is why Daniel prayed three times a day, for thirty days. Which unsealing also reveals that whereas the Lord's day did indeed begin in Tishri 1914, the 'time of the end' did not begin in 1914, rather it began on:


The prophecies that reveal this date to us will be dealt with in the second half of this book, they have to do with the 1,290 days of Daniel 12 and the 2,300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8, and the date of Armageddon. For easy reference, and so that the reader is quickly made aware of the potential significance of this work, an accompanying chart: 'The Divine Plan of the Ages' is provided. This 'DPA chart' sets out the chronological part of most of the prophetic understandings in this book. The information in the chart is repeated in Appendix 5. There is no need for the reader to be unduly concerned with the date of Armageddon. This date is one of the least of the many great understandings that Jehovah's prophetic word reveals to his servants in the true 'time of the end', in order to fully prepare them for that fear-inspiring day. The bible, we will see, gives us several prophetic witnesses to the dates of all of the following events:

The eating of the fruit by Adam in the garden of Eden

The murder of Abel by his brother Cain

Jesus' birth

Jesus' baptism

The UN becoming the eighth world power, deposing the seventh

The UN taking absolute & complete worldwide power

The cry of 'peace and security' going up

The worldwide ban on our activities

The first day of the 'Great Tribulation' of Mat 24:21

The destruction of Babylon the Great

The first day of the Kingdom of God

The length in days of God's war of Armageddon

The Son of man being revealed literally

The last anointed brother being sealed

The testing of the anointed ones ending, whilst several are still alive

The last anointed brother dying (a while before Armageddon)

The sealing by holy spirit of brother Russell (this was after his baptism)

The day when brother Knorr entered into heaven

The formation of the Watchtower Society, and the call for 1,000 preachers

The incorporation of the Watchtower Society - this date is prophesied too!

Please see the chart of bible chronology (DPA chart) provided with this book. We will even go so far as to see prophecies relating to all of the past, present and future presidents and governing body members of the Watchtower Society. We will find out what Paul meant by the term 'third heaven', and we will put this into the context of a greater understanding of the structure of heaven itself. We will see that the bible even prophesies how many of the anointed ones will be remaining here on earth, at various times in the Lord's day. We will see that for a certainty the words of the prophet Amos are true, when he said: 'For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets' (Amos 3:7).

We will consider the two scriptures: 'Concerning that day and hour nobody knows' (Mat 24:36), and 'In fact unless those days were cut short no flesh would be saved' (Mat 24:22), in sections 66.1 & 69. However it is here pointed out that Jesus did not say that 'Nobody may know', or that 'Nobody will know', or that 'Nobody can know'. Rather, when asked by his disciples in 33 CE when the end will be (Mat 24:3), he effectively said - Nobody other than God knows that right now! Whereas Daniel, whose book when unsealed provides many witnesses to the date of the first day of the Kingdom of God, has said, referring to the time of the end, that: 'Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant' (Dan 12:4).

The reader might like to reflect on what the climax of Jesus' efforts to save mankind on his father's behalf is. He might like to ask himself why if 'the one telling from the beginning THE FINALE' (Isaiah 46:10) has told, in advance, even the fate of his son's garment in 33 CE (Psalm 22:18), he has omitted to tell us in advance when the climax of his son's efforts will be? Furthermore the scripture says that not only is Jehovah going to tell us 'the finale', i.e. the date of Armageddon, but he is also going to tell it to us, 'from the beginning'. The reader will see, if he reads this book, three very elegant ways of telling the date of the end, from the date of the beginning: One starting from the date of Adam's sin (Nisan 3993 BCE), one starting from the date of Moses' birth (Adar 1593 BCE) and one starting from the date of validation of the Abrahamic covenant (Nisan 1943 BCE).

However, the unsealing in the time of the end (Dan 12:4) does not only apply to the book of Daniel, it actually applies to the whole bible (Isaiah 29:10-12) with the exception of the majority of the book of Revelation, which Jehovah in his kindness had never sealed up (Rev 22:10). The timing and manner of this unsealing on the part of the holy spirit is really wonderful. The first meaning of the bible we know is the literal and the physical. This meaning applied directly to the Jews, the literal and physical chosen people of Jehovah. The second meaning of the bible is the symbolic or illustrative meaning. This meaning was revealed by Jesus, in his first century ministry, who spoke entirely in illustrations (Mat 13:10-15). This was the meaning which was relevant to the first century Christian, the spiritual Jew. There is however a further meaning which is meant for the twentieth century Christian in 'the time of the end', and this meaning is encoded cryptically in the holy word (see sections 21.1, 52, 52A).

The power in the cryptic meanings of the holy word is astounding (Heb 4:12). We will use this power to deduce the whole timetable of events passed and of events future. What is most fantastic, as far as the writer is concerned, is the manner in which these things are encoded in the bible. Because it is in a pleasant, loving, amusing and intriguing way, that the true God has hidden and sealed these things in his book. They are not, for the most part, judgemental or even corrective. They are in fact an ultimate written expression of the overwhelming love that the creator has for his creation of man, and it is indeed a miracle that Jehovah has performed in the time of the end, and true is the scripture which says:

'Therefore here I am, the One that will act wonderfully AGAIN with his people, in a wonderful manner and with something wonderful; and the wisdom of their wise men must perish, and the very understanding of their discreet men will conceal itself.' (Isaiah 29:14)

For the benefit of the reader, the writer has arranged this book in such a way, that each section is hopefully a logical development of the previous sections. Therefore it is strongly recommended that this book is read in the order that it was written. This order is also more or less the order in which the writer himself became able to understand these things.



This book has its origin in a consideration of Leviticus 26, and in the realisation that this chapter is not only defining laws, blessings and maledictions but is also a prophecy. In fact it is a fundamental determination of the length of the Gentile Times. It therefore provides a second witness to Daniel 4, which is very comforting. But not only is it comforting, it should actually have been expected, because the Most High God Jehovah has stated at Deuteronomy 19:15:

"No single witness should rise up against a man respecting any error or sin, in the case of any sin that he may commit. At the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three witnesses the matter should stand good."

So for a matter to 'stand good' or be established under law, there would need to be two witnesses for it. Since it is impossible for God to lie (Hebrew 6:18), this principle one might think applies to men only rather than to God. But the character of Jehovah is such that he would not put a burden on any of his creations, which he himself was not carrying. Which is why he sent us his son, who is the exact representation of his very being (Heb 1:3), to carry all of our sins, and to demonstrate the personality of the true God to all men, before he asked us, his servants, to try to follow in the footsteps of that one, desisting from sin and carrying each other's burdens.

When the pharisees accused Jesus of bearing witness about himself, he said "I am the one that bears witness about myself, and the father who sent me bears witness about me" (John 8:18). So Jesus accepted and applied the principle of 'two = true' (Deut 19:15) to himself, being a man under law at the time, despite the fact that Isaiah had prophesied concerning him, that 'there was no deception in his mouth' (Isaiah 53:9). Similarly Jehovah, who is the original whom his son was representing, would provide his servants with two witnesses in his book the bible, for any important prophecy. Furthermore, although the bible is inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16), it is actually written by men (Rom 3:4). Therefore even in the bible, two witnesses would be required under law. So, for example, when Jehovah told Abraham that his seed would be afflicted for four hundred years at Gen 15:13, we find a second witness at Acts 7:6. There is no chronological prophecy in the bible, of which the writer is aware, for which the true God has only provided one witness.

This concept of 'two=true' actually goes a lot deeper than one might imagine. Because not only do prophecies always have two separate witnesses in the bible, but the prophetic part of each witness is often repeated twice in the same witness! For example in Daniel 4, the phrase 'Seven times themselves', which is the prophetic part of the account, appears three times in verses 23, 25 & 32. This repetition is doing something more than just signifying truth. It turns out that Joseph is the one who explains why there are repetitions of certain phrases in prophecies, and he did this when he explained the meaning of the dream about the 7 cows and the 7 ears of grain to Pharaoh at Gen 41:32, where he said:

"And the fact that the dream was repeated twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the true God and the true God is speeding to do it."

He had previously explained that the two dreams were 'but one' in meaning (Gen 41:25). Now if we examine Gen 41:32, carefully we see that Joseph is saying that when Jehovah repeats something, then it is prophetic (firmly established), and Jehovah is speeding to do it, in other words it will come true at the appointed time. Spelling this out, Joseph is actually giving us the key to all bible prophecy, which is the rule that:


This quite simply means, that if the bible repeats something (in the same account), then the repeated phrase is prophetic, and has a greater meaning. In other words:


This simple rule establishes whether or not a scripture is prophetic. The obligatory second witness to this 'Key' is found in Amos chapter 3:3-7 which says:

'Will TWO walk together unless they have met by appointment?' (verse 3)

'Will a lion roar in the forest when it has no prey? Will a maned lion give forth its voice from its hiding place if it has caught nothing at all?' (verse 4)

'Will a bird fall into a trap on the earth when there is no snare for it? Does a trap go up from the ground when it has absolutely caught nothing?' (5)

'If a horn is blown in a city, do not also the people tremble? If a calamity occurs in the city, is it not Jehovah who has acted?' (verse 6)

'For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a single thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.' (verse 7)

Verse 3 means that if a phrase or concept in the bible is repeated twice, then this is not a coincidence, rather it has been done deliberately and for a purpose.

Verse 4 is a typical example of this. The second question is the first question, these two questions have 'walked together', and they have 'met by appointment'. The two are 'but one' (Gen 41:25).

Verse 5 is a further example of this repetition, even a repetition of an example of a repetition, because the two questions are again 'but one'.

The next verse is telling us what this repetition is all about, it is a horn which is being blown at the reader, which horn means that Jehovah is prophesying. This is how the writer has been given the interpretations in this book, every time he has seen a repetition, he has said to himself AHA! this is a prophecy from Jehovah.

The last verse (verse 7) tells us again that this repetition, which should be like a horn to readers of the bible, indicates prophecy, and that all things that the true God is going to do are prophesied in his book. Yes Jehovah will not do a single thing without revealing his confidential matter to his servants. Now for a long time Jehovah's servants have understood Amos 3:7, they know that Jehovah will tell all in advance. But now, we see that Amos 3:3-6 describes how Jehovah will reveal his confidential matters to his servants. Every repeated phrase or concept in the bible is put there, by the true God, not by coincidence, but 'by appointment' (verse 3), and the repeated phrase or concept itself is prophetic, having a greater meaning. Finally experience has shown the writer that there are a few key words and phrases that indicate cryptic prophetic meaning in an account, and are worth looking out for, these are:











Yes, if the reader has looked at the 'Divine plan of the Ages', which hopefully is still accompanying this book, he will see that there are many wonderful things that are going to be revealed. But before we consider the 'unsealed prophecies' in Daniel, and in fact all over the bible, we need to get a better understanding of fundamental prophecies. We also need to develop a complete and an absolute faith in the perfection of Jehovah, which implies a complete and an absolute faith in the accuracy of his book. It is as his son said:

'For truly I say to you, that sooner would heaven and earth pass away, than for one smallest letter or one particle of a letter to pass away from the law by any means and not all things take place', (Mat 5:18).

These letters, are the letters of the bible. It is also as the Psalmist said: 'The true God, perfect is his way', (Psalm 18:30), and as Moses said: 'The rock, perfect is his activity' (Deut 32:4).

We therefore start off in sections 4, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6, 7 with a review and re-evaluation of the only two long range coded chronological prophecies that true Christians currently understand, namely the Gentile Times of Daniel 4, and the seventy weeks of years of Daniel 9. We shall then discover that there are a few more than two, of these sorts of long range coded prophecies in Jehovah's book. By 'coded' we mean implicit prophecies, i.e. those which require decoding, either by taking a day for a year or a time as 360 days or otherwise. We exclude from this definition explicitly stated ones such as the 400 year affliction - Gen 15:13, the 430 years in Egypt - Ex 12:41, the 390 years of Ezekiel's sleepless nights - Ezek 4:5, the 480th year after the exodus, when Solomon started building the temple - 1 Kings 6:1, 70 years in Babylon - Jer 25:11,12 etc.

Before we launch into an all out examination of the perfection of the scriptures, from the point of view of men with large rafters sticking out of our eyes (Mat 7:3), the writer would like to again express his gratitude, firstly to man's perfect creator, for the generosity which he has clearly demonstrated, in his not holding back even the smallest detail of his plans for his creations, from his creations, even before these plans are implemented, and secondly to his faithful and discreet servant, for his work of behalf of his God, in producing various essential publications, especially the Insight book, the All Scripture book, the New World translation and the Concordance. Without these, this book would have taken until Armageddon to write! It took long enough as it is.




Please read Leviticus 26:1-33 and then consider the summary below:

Verse 1: Obligation on Jews to avoid false worship.

Verse 2: Obligation on Jews to keep Sabbaths.

Verses 3-13: Blessings Jehovah covenants to provide under this agreement.

Verses 14,15: Clauses showing that there are penalties for breaching this covenant.


Verses 16-33: Details of the TWO separate penalties (maledictions) for breaching, the

TWO separate obligations.

This chapter is a contract in law. This contract is split into two parts, it has a false-worship prohibition part, with a blessing and a malediction, and it has a Sabbath-keeping part, with a blessing and a malediction. Now the Jews themselves breached both of their obligations under this contract. They therefore suffered both of the prescribed penalties (maledictions). We will find that the penalty for the 70 Sabbath years that were not kept was the 70 years of exile in Babylon, and we will find out that the penalty for the false worship that they carried on was the 2,520 years of the Gentile Times. Yes the Gentile Times were a penalty resulting from the law of Moses.


The obligation on the Jews was (verse 2): 'You should keep my Sabbaths and stand in awe of my sanctuary, I am Jehovah'.

The penalty for breaching this was (verses 34,35): 'At that time the land will pay of its Sabbaths all the days of its lying desolated, while you are in the land of your enemies. At that time the land will keep Sabbath, as it must repay its Sabbaths. All the days of its lying desolated it will keep Sabbath, for the reason that it did not keep Sabbath during your Sabbaths when you were dwelling upon it.

This penalty is saying that the number of years of exile will equal the number of missed Land Sabbath years. Also the phrasing of the penalty makes it clear that the Jews will breach and this penalty will result in other words this is a prophecy (notice the repetition - section 2). Now we know from 2 Chron 36:21 that this exile was 70 years long. This means that the Jews must have missed 70 Land Sabbath years. Now the extent of the error of the Jews is prophesied by Ezekiel in Ezek 4:4-6, which tells us that the error for Israel is 390 years and the error for Judah is 40 years:

'And as for you, lie upon your left side, and you must lay the error of the house of Israel upon it. For the number of days that you will lie upon it you will carry their error. And I myself must give you the years of their error to the number of 390 days, and you must carry the error of the house of Israel. And you must complete them. And you must lie upon your right side in the second case, and you must carry the error of the house of Judah 40 days. A day for a year, a day for a year is what I have given you.'

These two error periods are the temporal extent of the breaching of the contract in Leviticus 26. Both of these error periods ended in Tishri 607 BCE when the exile started (2 Kings 25:25, Jeremiah 41:1,2), this is looked at in W1972 p310. This means that we have an error period for Israel running from Tishri 997 until Tishri 607, and an error period for Judah running from Tishri 647 until Tishri 607.

If we actually work out how many Land Sabbath years are contained in these two error periods (see appendix 1) we find that there were 63 for Israel in the 390 year period and there were 7 for Judah in the 40 year period. So the total number of missed Land Sabbath years was:

63 + 7 = 70

This is why the exile was 70 years long! The bible does therefore tell us that the Jews failed to keep exactly 70 Sabbaths - Insight 2 p833/4 is incorrect.


The Obligation on the Jews (verse 1) was: 'You must not make valueless Gods for yourselves, and you must not set up a carved image or a sacred pillar for yourselves, and you must not put a stone as a showpiece in your land in order to bow down toward it, for I am Jehovah your God.'

The penalty for breaching this was (verse 18): 'If though, despite these things, you will not listen to me, I shall then have to chastise you SEVEN TIMES AS MUCH for your sins.'

This penalty is repeated in verse 21: 'But if you keep walking in opposition to me and not wishing to listen to me, I shall then have to inflict SEVEN TIMES MORE blows upon you according to your sins.'

The repetition of this penalty establishes as it a prophecy (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). This penalty is a seven-fold penalty. Now the total extent of the error is:

390 years (Israel) + 40 years (Judah) = 430 years

However 70 of these years were Land Sabbaths, and so this error is split into 70 years of missed Sabbath error and 360 years of false worship error:

430 years = 70 years + 360 years

Total error = Sabbath error + False worship error

Therefore the sevenfold penalty for 360 years of false worship error is:

360 years x 7 = 2,520 years

This penalty started to be paid on Tishri 607 BCE, at exactly the same time as when the missed Sabbath penalty started to be paid. So this penalty was all paid up by Tishri 1914, and we have our second determination of the Gentile Times, from the Law of Moses. This split of errors and penalties is what is being said in verse 43:

"All the while the LAND was left abandoned by them and was PAYING off its Sabbaths while THEY themselves were PAYING for their error, because, even because, they had rejected my judicial decisions."

Since the false worship error was not paid off until 1914 we understand why verse 42 reads "And I shall indeed remember my covenant with Jacob; and even my covenant with Isaac and even my covenant with Abraham". Referring to the spiritualised Abrahamic covenant, with the spiritual sons of Israel (Jacob) because at this time the Law covenant was finished, so there would have been no point in remembering it. The Abrahamic covenant (spiritualised) is still in force now as Paul says: "If you belong to Christ you are really Abraham's seed, heirs with reference to a promise" (Gal 3:29). This promise was the Abrahamic covenant. Which was spiritualised in Tishri 36 CE (Dan 9:27).

So the Gentile Times were as long as they were because the Jews sinned for as long as they did, which is truly amazing. But surely this is unfair, one might say, for the sons to suffer for the errors of their fathers. Well look at verse 39:

'As for those remaining among you, they will rot away because of their error in the lands of your enemies. Yes because of the errors of their fathers, with them (i.e. their fathers errors) they will rot away.'

So the bible tells us that the sons will pay for their fathers' errors and in any case this is nothing new for sons of Adam (Romans 9:14,15). Before we deal with the third witness to the Gentile Times being 2,520 years long, let's briefly compare this second determination of the Gentile Times with Daniel's. There are two conceptual difficulties that bible students can have with the Daniel 4 determination (Live forever book, chapter 16), these are:

A. When one first reads about Nebuchadnezzar's dream and Daniel's interpretation of it, it is not immediately apparent that there needs to be any other interpretation than that given by Daniel himself in the account. It is not immediately apparent that there is a larger antitypical fulfilment than the king living 7 years as a beast and then recognising that Jehovah is the most high God. It is not until one grasps the bible concept of dual fulfilment or until one looks at Isaiah 6:13 or Ezekiel 21:25-27, that one can accept that the prophecy really does apply to the Gentile Times. For this reason it is not taught early on in a lot of bible studies.

B. In order to convert '7 times' into 2,520 years we need to invoke the 'Bible rule' which is that of 'A day for a year'. But although this is a bible rule for a lot of prophecies, Daniel 4 does not refer to or state this rule, so one invokes Eze 4:6, Num 14:34 or Dan 9:25 to justify why we are going to take a day for a year. This is also why the 70 weeks of years prophecy (Dan 9:25) is taught first.

Neither of these difficulties exists in the Lev 26 determination, because the day for a year rule is in the prophecy itself at Eze 4:6, which is the scripture which gives us the extent of the breaching of the contract of the law, by the Jews. Also, the dual fulfilment is an integral part of the prophecy, being the two penalties for the two violated obligations of verse 1 and verse 2. This makes Leviticus chapter 26 the perfect way to introduce a student to dual fulfilment because the two fulfilments are explicitly stated and are in fact mathematical complements to each other in that together they add up to make the total error.

The Leviticus 26 determination therefore shows us why the Gentile Times were as long as they were, and shows us the relation between the length of these times and the 70 year exile. But what is more, it also provides a relationship between the Gentile Times and the 70 weeks of years prophecy (see appendix 2). Leviticus 26 even provides a third determination of the times of the nations as we shall see in section 5, in other words:


It is as Jehovah said to Miriam and Aaron: "If there came to be a prophet of yours for Jehovah, it would be in a vision I would make myself known to him. Not so my servant Moses! He is being entrusted with all my house. Mouth to mouth I speak with him, thus showing him, and not by riddles" (Num 11:6-8). So the Gentile Times prophecy was recorded by Moses in Leviticus 26, not as a riddle, and not as a dream or as a vision, but as a straightforward contract in law with penalty clauses.



Returning to Leviticus 26, notice that whilst verses 18 and 21 contain the phrases: "seven times as much" and "seven times more", verses 24 and 28 contain the phrases: "I shall have to strike you seven times for your sins" and "I shall have to chastise you seven times for your sins". These two phrases miss out the concept of "as much" or "more". Since this omission is made twice then to quote Joseph "It is firmly established on the part of God" (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7).

So without any calculation at all Jehovah has told us for a fact that the chastisement period will be seven times. So if we now look at Rev 12, we will see that a time is 360 days, and if we now invoke the 'bible rule' of a day for a year (Num 14:34), then we have a figure of 2,520 years for the Gentile Times from Leviticus, Revelation and Numbers !!

We now have our three witnesses to the length of the Appointed Times of the nations. This derivation is probably the easiest one of the three to explain to a bible student.




The theme scripture for this section is Deuteronomy 32:4, "The rock, perfect is his activity"

The first thing we notice when we look at this prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27, is that from the "going forth of the word", from Artaxerxes (Neh 2:1-6), in Nisan 455 BCE to Tishri 29CE when Jesus became the Christ there were NOT 69 weeks of years or 483 years !! There were in fact 483 and a half years. Now the Most High God Jehovah is not known for being half a year out in any of his calculations (Deut 32:4). As he himself said to Moses "The hand of Jehovah is cut short is it?" (Num 11:23). So if Jehovah is not wrong anywhere then man must be wrong somewhere! This problem is considered in Watchtower 1965 p632, where it is pointed out that maybe we should take the start date for the 70 weeks of years as the orders given by Nehemiah himself at the beginning of the month of Ab (see fig 2) to physically start building the city walls (Neh 2:18, Neh 6:15). Or maybe it should be taken from when the city wall was finally completed on Elul 25, 52 days later (Neh 6:15). However, neither of these dates fully resolve the problem.

However, as mentioned above, we do know that the end-point of the 483 years was Tishri 29 CE, because Jesus certainly died in Nisan 33 CE and his ministry was definitely three and a half years long (Dan 9:27). So why don't we just face it - our start date is wrong ! Since we know that Jehovah is perfect, we know for a fact that whatever word went out it did not go out in Nisan 455, it did not go out in Ab 455, and it did not go out in Elul 455, this is because it went out for a certainty in Tishri 455 BCE. This means that it was not Artaxerxes word of Nehemiah 2 and nor was it Nehemiah's word of Neh 2:18 and nor was it the finishing of the wall described in Nehemiah 6:15. So what word did go out in Tishri 455 BCE? Well, let us have look at Nehemiah 8:1-3:

"And all the people proceeded to gather themselves as one man at the PUBLIC SQUARE that was before the WATER GATE. Then they said to Ezra the copyist to bring the book of the law of Moses, which Jehovah had commanded Israel. Accordingly Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation of men as well as of women and of all intelligent enough to listen, on the FIRST DAY of the SEVENTH MONTH. And he continued to READ ALOUD from it before the PUBLIC SQUARE that is before the WATER GATE, from daybreak until midday."

Thereafter the festival of Booths was re-established (Neh 8:17) and an atonement day would have been held on Tishri 10. So this was the word, God's word, that went out, not the word of Artaxerxes. Daniel 9:25 says:

"She will return and actually be rebuilt with a PUBLIC SQUARE and a MOAT".

Daniel does not say that she will be rebuilt with a WALL! This 'public square and a moat' in Dan 9:24 is referring to the 'public square that is before the Water Gate' in Neh 8:3. This moat may refer to Hezekiah's tunnel leading to the spring at Gihon, this body of water is reached through and is nearest to the Water Gate, which had its own public square, as did the gate of Ephraim (See the map of Jerusalem in fig 1).

Daniel 9:24 says "There are 70 weeks ... to terminate transgression and to finish off sin and to make atonement for error." So this whole prophecy has to do with atonement.

So whereas in Nisan and in Ab and in Elul we had a physical restoration of a wall, in Tishri we had a spiritual restoration of true worship. Which do you think is the more likely start date for the 70 weeks of years prophecy a spiritual restoration and a spiritual rebuilding of true worship resulting from the word of God as spoken by his prophet Ezra or a wall construction project resulting from the word of Artaxerxes?

Hopefully we can now see that the restoration of true worship in Jerusalem, and the atonement on Tishri 1 to 10 in 455 BCE prefigured the atonement and restoration of pure worship afforded us by the Messiah.




We now know that the 70 weeks of years period of Daniel 9 started with a re-establishment of pure worship and an atonement sacrifice, the re-establishment of the festival of Booths (Neh 8:17) and the restating of the oath to obey the law of Moses (Neh 10:29) and keep the Sabbath (Neh 10:31), We therefore can see that this period started in Tishri 455 BCE with an inauguration of acceptable worship in this temple. The physical inauguration of Zerubbabel's temple occurred in the sixth year of the reign of Darius (Ezra 6:15,16) which was 515 BCE (Insight 1 p584), 60.5 years earlier. 486.5 years after Tishri 455 BCE is Nisan 33 CE, when Jesus was resurrected and the spiritual temple of Jesus' spiritual body was inaugurated, and approved (Mat 28:6). So there were 69.5 weeks of years between these two temple inaugurations. Now let us look at the time between the inauguration of the tabernacle in the wilderness and the inauguration of Solomon's temple. How long was this time? Exodus 40:17 reads:

'Accordingly it came about that in the first month, in the second year, on the first day of the month, the tabernacle was set up.' Verse 34 says: "And the cloud began to cover the tent of the meeting and Jehovah's glory filled the tabernacle.'

So on Nisan 1, in 1512 BCE, the second year of the exodus, the God of heaven approved the tabernacle for pure worship. Moses and Aaron then conducted a 7 day inauguration and atonement ceremony (Lev 8:33,34). Precisely 486 and a half years (or 69 and a half weeks of years) later, we read in 1 Kings 8:2:

'So all the men of Israel congregated themselves to King Solomon in the lunar month of Ethanim (Tishri) in the festival that is, the seventh month'.

In the rest of the chapter we read about Solomon's giant inauguration ceremony, and Jehovah again signalled his approval by coming down in a cloud (1 Kings 8:10). Solomon's temple was finished in the eleventh year of Solomon's reign in the month of Heshvan (1 Kings 6:38). Solomon became king in 1037 BCE so the temple was finished in Heshvan 1027 BCE, so the inauguration occurred in Tishri 1026 BCE (Insight 2 p988). Just to recapitulate:

Nisan 1512 to Tishri 1026 is 486 and a half years exactly

Tishri 455 to Nisan 33 CE is 486 and a half years exactly

The former being an exact prophetic type for the latter. Zerubbabel's temple was the greater tabernacle and Jesus' heavenly body was the greater temple of Solomon. This parallel confirms all the arguments advanced by the faithful and discreet slave in the Insight book 2 p989, that those who maintain that Solomon's temple was inaugurated in 1014 BCE are wrong. Now we ask the question that set the writer on the course which transformed this work from a 'letter to the society' into this book:


This is the deepest prophetic question that has yet been asked in this book, and the answer is YES! The reason why there is a parallel is explained in section 8, "The three rights of the firstborn".



In this section we will see that the Gentile Times is associated with the loss by the physical nation of Israel of their right as the firstborn son of Jehovah (Ex 4:22,23), to have one of their number as the King or family head, over all of Jehovah's people. We will then realise that since the firstborn son had three firstborn rights and not only one firstborn right, that there must be two other periods which are similar in form to the Gentile Times, and which represent a loss of each of the other two rights of the firstborn. Because the firstborn in a family (male son from the father) inherited the following three things by right at his father's death:

1. A double portion of his father's property generally land, (Deut 21:17)

2. The Headship of the family. He was the next patriarch

3. The Priesthood of the family. He was the next spiritual head.

The literal sons of the patriarch Israel (Jacob) provide an example of this with the loss of all three firstborn rights by Reuben (who was the oldest son of Jacob) when he slept with his father's concubine Bilhah. (Gen 49:3,4; Gen 35:22). As a result of this act of disloyalty and unfaithfulness against his father his land inheritance went to Joseph (Gen 48:22), whose two sons Ephraim and Manasseh became a tribe each, thereby doubling Joseph's inheritance of all of his father's estate, because Reuben's sons became only one tribe and the land was split up according to the number (twelve) of the tribes. The priesthood went to the sons of Levi, the first high priest was Aaron (Gen 28:1), a son of Levi. The Kingship of all Israel went to the sons of Judah as we know through the royal line of David.

Now what do these firstborn rights prefigure spiritually?

To spiritualise this situation we replace Jacob with Jehovah, we replace Reuben with Adam, we replace Bilhah with Eve and we replace Joseph, Judah and Levi with Jesus and the firstborn spiritually, i.e. the heavenly class, or spiritual Israel.

The spiritual situation is then that Adam was the first fleshly and spiritual human son of Jehovah (he was born with everlasting i.e. spiritual life). He committed an act of spiritual unfaithfulness with Eve against his spiritual father thereby sinning against Jehovah's spirit (Gen 3:17).Whereas Reuben had committed an act of physical unfaithfulness against his physical father, thereby sinning against his father's flesh. Adam lost his land inheritance (the garden of Eden), his patriarchal headship of all mankind and his priesthood of all mankind as a result of his sin. He was thrown out of the garden of Eden, and he died and was therefore head of nothing. Jesus first and then spiritual Israel receive all three firstborn rights because they become a nation of Kings and Priests, "A royal priesthood a Holy nation" (1 Peter 2:9),"they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and they will rule as Kings with him for the 1000 years" (Rev 20:6), and they receive a double inheritance from the estate of their father Jehovah, because they will rule over two realms, the earthly realm and the heavenly realm. For John saw a new heaven and a new earth in Rev 21:1, and Jehovah said in verse 7 'anyone conquering will inherit these things (plural), and I shall be his God and he will be my son'. Whereas Paul has asked to which one of the Angels did he ever say: "You are my son I, today, I have become your father"? (Heb 1:5). Furthermore at his second presence we are told that all God's angels do obeisance do him, whose co-rulers Abraham's seed have become (Heb 1:6).

This parallel is mentioned by Paul at Romans 5:14 and 1 Cor 15:45-49 which reads: "The first man Adam became a living soul, the last Adam became a life giving spirit. Nevertheless, the first is not that which is spiritual, but that which is physical, afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is out of the earth and made of dust; the second man is out of heaven. As the one made of dust so the ones made of dust are also; and as the heavenly one is so those who are heavenly are also. And just as we have born the image of the one made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly one."

There is one further antitype of Reuben's licentiousness, which is to take all Israel, i.e. all the sons of Jacob, who collectively are Jehovah's firstborn, for Reuben, who was Jacob's firstborn. We do this because Jehovah said "Israel is my firstborn, and I say to you send my SON away that he may serve me. But should you refuse me here I am killing your firstborn" (Ex 4:22,23). Also Israel himself was Jehovah's firstborn, as well an Isaac's firstborn, because Jacob was only conceived after Jehovah had cured Rebekah's barrenness (Gen 25:22). The literal sons of Israel would have had all the firstborn rights that the spiritual ones have now but for their unfaithfulness to their spiritual father (1 Samuel 8:7). Which is why, in exodus 19:6, we read "And you yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation".

The fact that the nation of Israel was going to lose all its firstborn rights was firmly established by Jehovah by the two witnesses given to them at Genesis 21:12, in the case of Ishmael and Isaac, and at Genesis 25:32-34, in the case of Esau and Jacob. In both cases the firstborn lost his rights to the second born. This therefore prefigured and indeed prophetically established that physical Israel would lose its birthright to spiritual Israel. Summarising we have:

Firstborn Firstborn Firstborn rights Firstborn

Gen 2:7 Gen 29:32 Gen 48:5 etc Col 1:18

Land: Adam ---> (Jacob) Reuben --->Sons of Joseph -----> Jesus Christ

Priest: Adam ---> (Jacob) Reuben --->Sons of Levi -----> Jesus Christ

King: Adam ---> (Jacob) Reuben --->Sons of Judah -----> Jesus Christ

The purpose of all the above is to demonstrate to the reader that whatever it is that Jehovah is doing with Kingship, he is doing the same thing with Priesthood and Land inheritance, since they are all three part of the same thing namely the rights of the firstborn. We can therefore reasonably expect that just as there has been a 2,520 year Kingship exile period, when no man had Jehovah as his direct ruler, namely the Gentile Times. There has also been a 2,520 year exile of mankind's spiritual head whose name alone is Jehovah, and a 2,520 year land inheritance exile period.

A cursory glance at the figures supports this because 2,520 years before Jesus died was about 120 years before the flood, which was when Jehovah withdrew his spirit from mankind (Gen 6:3), and 2,520 years before the Jews entered the promised land in 1473 was 3993 BCE which would be a reasonable date for an eviction from the garden of Eden (Adam being about 33 years old at the time - he was born around 4026 BCE - Insight 1 p 459). We will now examine these two periods in great detail and see what Jehovah has to say about them.


We know that 120 years before the flood Jehovah alienated himself from mankind. The account of this in Genesis 6:3 reads: "After that Jehovah said, my spirit shall not act TOWARD man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to 120 years." As an aside the word 'also' appears in this scripture because a lot of the 'men' were 'also' fallen angels. So God's spirit started acting against man at that time. In other words God and man became enemies, we became alienated, we were no longer at one we were at two, we were unreconciled and in need of atonement or reconciliation. Genesis 6:6, one of the most moving scriptures in the bible says:

'And Jehovah felt regrets that he made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart.'

What a terrible situation man had put his creator in! Again in verse 7: "I am going to wipe men whom I have created of the surface of the ground.... because I do regret that I have made them." We know this is meant in the sense that men, whom Jehovah had created, had caused him to feel regret. This did not mean that Jehovah felt that he had made a mistake in creating man (this was Satan's view).

We can certainly see why men and his creator Jehovah God became enemies, alienated, at two and unreconciled at that time. There are at least five references in the bible to this state of affairs and to the reconciliation, atonement, peacemaking and unification that Jesus' sacrifice achieved approx 2,520 years later. These are:

Malachi 4:5,6

Ephesians 2:12-16

Romans 5:10

Colossians 1:20,21

2 Corinthians 5:18,19.

All five of these will be quoted here. Please look out for the four aspects of this spiritual enmity:



At two <-----> Atonement

Alienation <-----> Unification

Enemies <-----> At peace

Unreconciled <-----> Reconciled

Malachi 4:5,6: "Look I am sending to you people Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and fear inspiring day of Jehovah. And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back toward fathers; in order that I may not come and actually strike the earth with a devoting of it to destruction." Notice that hearts were to be turned back, implying that they were once turned towards each other and then, at the time of Malachi, they were turned away from each other, and then, that they would be turned back towards one another at the arrival of the prophet Elijah, who is symbolising Jesus Christ in this scripture. Obviously we can read "spirit" for "heart" in the above.

Colossians 1:20,21: "And through him to RECONCILE AGAIN to himself all other things by making PEACE through the blood he shed on the torture stake, no matter whether they are things upon the earth or the things in the heavens. Indeed you who were once ALIENATED and ENEMIES because your minds were on the works that were wicked, he has AGAIN RECONCILED by means of that one's fleshly body through his death."

Paul, the superlative spiritual lawyer sums up the whole situation here. Notice that each time the word 'reconcile' appears, it appears with the word "again". Since this is stated twice we know that it is firmly established on the part of God, that God and all living things were originally reconciled, then they were unreconciled, and then they became reconciled again.

Referring now to Ephesians 2:12-16, the enmity mentioned here was the enmity between the nation of Israel and the Gentiles, an enmity which was an integral part of the law of Moses. But we know that the law was a tutor leading to Christ (Gal 3:24), and as with almost everything that the nation of Israel did physically, this pictured a larger spiritual situation. In this case the physical enmity between Jew and Greek under law, stands for the spiritual enmity between God and man. Which enmity persisted throughout the whole period that Israel was under law, and which enmity Jesus Christ nailed to the torture stake, so the scripture reads:

"that you were at that particular time without Christ, ALIENATED from the state of Israel and STRANGERS to the covenant of the promise, and you had no hope and were WITHOUT GOD in the world. But now in union with Christ Jesus you who were once FAR OFF have come to be NEAR by the blood of Christ. For he is our PEACE, he who made the TWO PARTIES ONE and destroyed the WALL in between that fenced them off. By means of his flesh he abolished the ENMITY of the law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the TWO PEOPLES in union with himself into ONE NEW MAN and make PEACE; and that he might fully RECONCILE BOTH PEOPLES in ONE BODY to GOD through the torture stake, because he had killed off the ENMITY by means of himself" (Eph 2:12-16).

The wall between the Jew and the Greek which pictured the enmity between God and man, was also a type for Jesus' flesh, which was an antitype for the curtain separating the holy from the most holy. When Jesus died, his flesh was destroyed, the temple curtain was rent in two (Mat 27:51), and the wall of the law was knocked down. All of this pictured the end of the enmity between God and man. In fact in verse 16, Paul is actually referring directly to enmity between God and man, when he says "Reconcile both peoples in one body to God." This reconciliation was the knocking down of the wall between God and man, which was symbolised by the knocking down of the wall of the law between the Jew and the Greek.

Paul puts this very encouragingly at Romans 5:10: "For if, when we were enemies, we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, now that we have become reconciled, we shall be saved by his life."

Finally (as a fifth witness) at 2 Corinthians 5:18,19: "But all things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the MINISTRY OF THE RECONCILIATION, namely, that God was by means of Christ reconciling a WORLD to himself".

So by means of the death of Jesus Christ, Jehovah was not just reconciling the Jew to the Greek, he was actually reconciling the whole 'world to himself'. He was in fact ending the Alienation Times.



Jehovah has provided - as we should expect - several witnesses, in the holy word, which firmly establish that the Alienation Times were exactly 2,520 years long, to the month (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:7). We will not reveal what these are yet because it is possible to reach this conclusion by another very beautiful route, which was the route that the writer first took.

There is no argument that the Jews left Egypt in Nisan 1513. This is especially true now that we know for a fact, having performed many calculations correctly (section 4), that the 390 figure in Ezekiel 4:4-6 is the true length of time from Solomon's death to the Exile in Babylon. We also know for a fact that this was exactly 430 years after the Abrahamic covenant was validated when Abraham crossed the river Euphrates, (All Scripture is inspired p286, Gal 3:17, Ex 12:41).

However there is a technical point, which is going to become important to us now. This is the trans-calendral change at 1513 BCE, when the first month of the year changed from Tishri to Nisan (Ex 12:2). Similar care has to be taken here to that which is exercised at the trans-calendral situation at '0 CE'. As the prophet said "And he is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings, giving wisdom to the wise ones and knowledge to the ones knowing discernment" (Dan 2:21).

Abraham was 75 at the time of the validation of his covenant (Gen 12:1-4), so he was born within a few months of Nisan 2018 BCE (see section 24.2). If we now add up all the ages of his ancestors we can place the flood as occurring 352 years prior to this in 2370 BCE, (Insight 1 p460, All Scripture p286). But when we added all the reigns of the Kings from Rehoboam to Zedekiah we got the figure of 393 years for the length of the period from Solomon's death to the Exile (Insight 1 p462). This figure is 3 years too much, because Jehovah has provided an already added up figure of 390 years for this period in the form of Ezekiel's sleepless nights (Ezek 4:5):

'And I myself must give to you the years of their error to the number of 390 days, and you must carry the error of the house of Israel.'

The house of Israel was established in error (1 Kings 12:24-30), therefore the length of its error was the length of its existence. Therefore it existed for 390 years, and since it ceased to exist in Tishri 607, it was established 390 years earlier, in Tishri 997 CE, which was just after Solomon's death. This example shows us that adding up reigns does not necessarily give an accurate answer to the length of time from Solomon's death until the exile.


And if he provided us with a pre-added up figure for this period (390 years as opposed to 393 years), would our loving father not have provided us with a pre-added up figure for the period from the flood to Abraham's birth? Well he did, it's at Genesis 9:28 which tells us:

'And Noah continued to live three hundred and fifty years after the deluge. So all the days of Noah amounted to nine hundred and fifty years and he died.'

Since we already knew that the flood occurred when Noah was 600 years old, i.e. middle aged! (Gen 7:6), Jehovah has stated this 350 year period twice, each time in a different way (once as 350 and once as 950 less 600). But as Joseph said to Pharaoh in Genesis 41:25; "The dream... is but one". And as Amos has said in Amos 3:1; 'Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment'? No sir, our God has 'firmly established' (Gen 41:32) this as a prophetic period. And what was the prophetic significance of Noah's death if he had died 2 years before Abraham was born? Well, who can say? but if he died after Abraham was born, and this period was the time between the flood and Abraham's birth, then this 350 year period would be very significant. So all this is a witness that Noah lived to see the baby Abraham - A most beautiful and loving of interpretations indeed, and an orderly one. We shall see it is a true one, even an interpretation that belongs to Jehovah (Gen 40:8). Consider the following:

1. Would the very definition of love keep Noah alive for 950 years, only for him to die two years before seeing the promised seed, which seed he himself carried as a saviour through the flood?

2. Did Moses walk around the wilderness for 38 years only to die two years before seeing the promised land? No he lived to see the promised land and then died, and furthermore having been a saviour himself, saving a nation and a seed and carrying it through water (the Red Sea), he was an antitype of Noah.

3. The greatest saviour figure to appear was Jesus Christ. Now there were two witnesses, even two prophets, who remained alive until Jesus was born and then died, namely the prophet Simeon (Luke 2:25) and the prophetess Anna (Luke 2:36-38). Please remember that Noah too was a prophet (Gen 9:24-28).

4. If Noah did die just after having seen the baby Abraham, then the period from the flood to Jesus' death would be 2400 years i.e. 2x12x10x10.

From this we can see Saviours and prophets live to see the fulfilment of God's promises. We can therefore strongly assert that Noah died in 2018 BCE, which was the year of Abraham's birth (although we have no direct proof as yet). This would mean that the flood was in progress in Nisan 2368 BCE, which was 350 years before Nisan 2018 BCE which was 75 years before Nisan 1943 BCE, which was when the Abrahamic covenant was validated, which was 430 years before Nisan 1513 BCE (Ex 12:41).

Jesus died on Nisan 14, 33 CE, this is when the reconciliation was fully accomplished. If we count back 2400 years from 14th Nisan 33 CE, we end up in Nisan 2368 BCE, which is 350 years before Abraham's birth, remembering the trans-calendral correction at '0 CE'. Genesis 7:11 tells us that the flood started on Heshvan 17, and ended on Heshvan 27, so Nisan 14 is aroundabout the centre of the flood. So the flood would be from Heshvan 2369 BCE to Heshvan 2368 BCE, (Heshvan was October/ November - see fig 2).

If we count back 120 years before Nisan 2368, which is 2400 years before Nisan 33 CE, then we end up in Nisan 2488 BCE. Now Jehovah said in Gen 6:3;

'My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to 120 years.'

One of the meanings of this is that the 120 years was the length of time that Jehovah determined would be left for the pre-flood system, measured from the time of this directing of Jehovah's spirit away from man. But this time is stated as an age: 'his days shall amount to 120 years'. One of the reasons why the true God has stated this as an age is because in the bible, ages, which are stated in years, are not accurate to the month, whereas time prophecies stated in years are fulfilled accurate to the month. Ages are in fact accurate to the nearest year, see section 24.2. Which is why the 352 figure (or rather 427-75) in Insight 1 p 460, which is the result of adding up the ages of Abraham's ancestors, is inaccurate if we accept the 350 years of Gen 9:28) as the true figure. This means that ages may be as much as six months out. We shall see in the next section that the 350 years figure is indeed the true length of time from the flood to Abraham's birth and so the flood did indeed run from Heshvan 2369 until Heshvan 2368 BCE. Now, in the case of the 120 years of Gen 6:3, this period actually extended from Nisan 2488 BCE (2520 years before Nisan 33 CE) until Heshvan 2369 BCE, the start of the flood. It was therefore 119 years and 7 months (see fig 2). So to the nearest year it was a 120 year period. Jehovah is perfect!



To paraphrase the words of a certain bible study: "One might expect that the book of numbers would contain a few numbers that were relevant to divine prophetic time". We shall now see that it most certainly does. In this section we first of all look at the details of the ransom of the Levites in Num 3:41-51 which, we will see, prophetically determines various features of the ransom sacrifice of the Christ. Then we look at the sum of the presentations of the 12 tribes in Num 7:84:88. Which presentations, we will see, prophetically determine the length of the Alienation Times which ended in that ransom.


Numbers 3:41 tells us:

"And you must take the Levites for me - I am Jehovah - in place of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel, and the DOMESTIC ANIMALS of the Levites in place of all the firstborn among the DOMESTIC ANIMALS of the sons of Israel."

This command is repeated in verse 45, almost word for word, by now we recognise this as Jehovah's way of telling us that this is a prophecy (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). The next few verses tell us that there were 273 more firstborn sons of Israel than there were Levites:

'And as the ransom price of the 273 from the firstborn of the sons of Israel, who are in EXCESS of the Levites, you must take 5 shekels for each individual' (verses 46,47).

We then read in verses 48, 49:

'And you must give the money to Aaron and his sons as the ransom price of those who are in EXCESS of them. So Moses took the money of the redemption price for those who were in EXCESS of the ransom price of the Levites".

Moses then gave this 1365 (273 x 5) shekels to Aaron and his sons (verse 51). We have seen repetition of the whole ransom deal, we have seen repetition of the 'excess' and the payment of the ransom or redemption price for this excess. This means that there is a greater meaning to this ransom deal and a greater meaning to the excess ransom or redemption price (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2).

It is most noticeable that the ransom does not only involve humans but also involves 'domestic animals'. This is mentioned twice and actually follows from the killing of the firstborn of man and beast at the passover in Egypt. Verse 13 describes this:

'For every firstborn is mine. In the day that I struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt I sanctified to myself every firstborn in Israel from man to beast. They should become mine. I am Jehovah.'

Now the human element of this ransom deal was actually individually registered, at Jehovah's command, and an excess was established, and this was then paid for at five shekels a head. The domestic animal element of this ransom was not registered individually in its entirety because one cannot really remember all of ones firstborn animals very easily. Because of this, the domestic animals of the Levites quite simply ransomed 'all the firstborn' among the domestic animals of the sons of Israel. In other words both groups were counted as equal. But whereas the total numbers of domestic animals were not registered, there was an excess of Levitical animals that was registered in Numbers 7:2,3. Here we read that the chieftains of the twelve tribes presented 12 bulls and 6 wagons as an offering before Jehovah. The scriptures say from verse 2:

'Then the chieftains of Israel, the heads of the house of their fathers, made a presentation, they being the chieftains of the tribes and standing over the ones registered, and they brought their offering before Jehovah, six covered wagons and twelve cattle, a wagon for two chieftains and a bull for each one; and they presented them before the tabernacle. At this Jehovah said to Moses: "Accept them from them, as they must serve for carrying on the service of the tent of the meeting, and you must give them to the Levites, each one in proportion to his own service."

So these animals were very special Levitical animals, they were offered before Jehovah, and so were holy and set apart from the other domestic animals of the Levites. They were then given to the Levites and had a sort of priestly-animal function. They became the property of the Levites on Nisan 1, 1512 (Num 7:1), which was a month before the registration and ransom was effected (Num 1:1, 3:1). First of all we notice that their number is repeated and is very emphatically compared with the number (also 12) of the chieftains. Their number is repeated again in verses 7,8). Therefore their number has a greater prophetic meaning (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7 section 2). We have already mentioned that these priestly-animals were actually registered individually and were set aside. Therefore it is apparent that they are treated in a different way from the rest of the Levitical animals, not only in that they are serving as priests but also in that they are a numerically registered excess group with a prophetic significance. This is telling us that they are actually the excess of animals that corresponds to the excess of 273 humans in the ransom deal of Numbers 3:46.

In fact this is witnessed to cryptically by the two statements that the chieftains were: 'Over the ones registered' (verse 2), and that the bulls were proportioned: 'A bull for each one (chieftain)' (verse 3). Combining these two statements, i.e. taking 'a bull for a chieftain' in the statement in verse two, we see that prophetically, the bulls were 'over the ones registered'. In other words, the 12 bulls of the Levitical animal excess were to be taken in addition to (i.e. 'over') the human 'registered' Levites of 22,000 souls, thereby making a total of 22,012 Levitical souls. Which is equivalent to treating them as a registered animal excess over and above the firstborn domestic animals of the sons of Israel. These bulls were also redeemed, because being clean and being offered to Jehovah, they would normally have been killed and eaten by the priests. We then read in Numbers 18:15:

'You should without fail redeem the firstborn of mankind; and the firstborn of the unclean beast you should redeem. And with a redemption price for it for a month old onward you should redeem it, by the estimated value, five silver shekels. Only the firstborn bull or firstborn male lamb or firstborn goat you should not redeem. They are something holy. Their blood you should sprinkle upon the altar.'

So the firstborn of men and unclean animals were to be redeemed at five shekels, but firstborn of clean animals were to be killed. Putting all of this together we see that the 12 bulls, had they been firstborn (which they would have been for an occasion such as this - the first ever offering to the true God from the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel), would normally have been killed because they were clean and therefore unredeemable. But in any case, even if these bulls had been secondborn, they were certainly offered to Jehovah and were not killed. Therefore they were redeemed, even at Jehovah's command, so that they could serve him in his temple - just like the anointed ones today. The redemption price for man or beast was the same - 5 shekels - so they would have been redeemed at 5 shekels per head, just like the other 22,000 Levites. So now we have 22,012 Levite men and animals, and 22,273 firstborn sons of Israel, (Numbers 3:39,43). So having been paid 1365 Shekels by the sons of Israel, the Levites now owed 12x5 or 60 Shekels back, because they had a registered excess of 12 domestic animals. So the total ransom of men and animals was 1305 shekels.

There are no prizes for discerning what this ransom is illustrating here. We have already determined that both the ransom itself and the ransom price of the excess have a greater meaning because they are repeated. We have the following ransom, which is looked at in W 1961 p ###:

Firstborn sons of Israel <----> Sons of Israel's firstborn (Levi)

Levi was the firstborn son of Jacob as far as priestly inheritance was concerned. This ransom is deliberately and very carefully worded above. Levi was Israel's firstborn (as regards priesthood rights), so Levites are the 'sons of Israel's firstborn. Stating the ransom as stated above, clearly demonstrates the justice of Jehovah, because we can see that the two sides effectively have the same weight. If we replace Israel (Jacob) with God we get the ransom below. In other words spiritualising this ransom gives:

Firstborn sons of God <----> God's firstborn

We have God's firstborn on the right side of this ransom rather than 'sons of God's firstborn', because Jesus does not die whereas Levi did, and so Levi lives on through his sons, whereas Jesus lives on period. Restating this we can say:

144,000 anointed sons <----> Jesus

This is therefore the greater ransom. The cost to Jehovah of Jesus' ransom sacrifice was amongst other things, watching the suffering of his son, for 3 years and seven and a half months from Jesus' baptism until his ascension (Dan 9:27). Jesus paid the ransom to his father in heaven on Iyyar 25, 33CE, (Acts 1:3,9), precisely 41 days after finishing his ministry, when he ascended and reappeared before the person of God (Heb 9:24). He had earned this wage on Nisan 14, 33 CE. If we now take 'A day for a shekel' in the total ransom price of 1305 shekels then we are being told that from Jesus' batism into death until payment of the ransom in heaven, there were 1305 days. This is 3 Prophetic Hebrew years (of 360 days) and seven Prophetic Hebrew months (of 30 days) and 15 days in prophetic time (Let the reader use a calculator).


This observation follows from the faith that we have in the fact that Jehovah is perfect (Deut 32:4). Which fact apart from being cited in the scriptures is evident from his works of creation. If we count back 1305 days from Iyyar 25, 33 CE, we end up on Tishri 10, 29 CE (including Tishri 10 and excluding Iyyar 25). Therefore we now know that:


We will see more of this sort of accuracy in the section 100. This date of Tishri 10, is actually an extremely good day for Jesus to be baptised on, because it was Atonement day. And Jesus' whole ministry was the greater 'Atonement day', which is why it was called the ministry of the reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18) because reconciliation is atonement. In fact the reason why Atonement day was always celebrated on Tishri 10 is no doubt that this would be the day that Jesus would be anointed by Jehovah, and his covenant for a kingdom with his father would be validated (Luke 22:29). Although the deeper reason why this was atonement day is because it was the day that Adam was born, and the day that Jesus was born, but we will not go into this now. Furthermore, we now have a new bible rule of:




We now look at the account of the inauguration offering, in Numbers chapter 7, we wonder what this could prefigure! Verses 84 to 88 sum up the total offering as follows:

'This was the inauguration offering of the altar on the day of its being anointed, on the part of the chieftains of Israel: twelve silver dishes, twelve silver bowls, twelve gold cups; 130 shekels to each silver dish and 70 to each bowl, all the silver of the vessels being 2,400 shekels of the holy place. the 12 gold cups full of incense being ten shekels respectively to a cup by the shekel of the holy place, all the gold of the cups being a 120 shekels:'

We have read in the earlier verses that the dishes and bowls contained fine flour for a grain offering, and Jehovah has made no distinction between the contents of the dishes and the bowls, (neither is it easy to discern what, in fact, the difference is between a dish and a bowl).

So all of the inauguration sacrifice was physically contained in two types of physical containers, the first had a physical value of 2400 shekels of silver, the second had a physical value of 120 shekels of gold.

Applying our new bible rule of 'A day for a shekel', together with our old bible rule of 'A day for a year', we get:

All of this sacrifice was temporally contained in two types of temporal containers, the silver post-flood container had a temporal value of 2,400 years, the gold pre-flood container had a temporal value of 120 years.

We remember that in Daniel chapter two the gold head period preceded the silver breasts and arms period in time (see section 77.2). Similarly, we now have a gold period of 120 years followed by a silver period of 2400 years. This is one of the many prophecies in the bible, where the physical stands for the temporal.

Now if we look at Numbers 7:87,88 and we see that the total number of animals sacrificed was 252 (let the reader use discernment, or a calculator). The redemption value of this sacrifice is 252x5 shekels or 1,260 shekels. Not that these animals were redeemed, they were of course killed, but the cost to redeem them would have been 1,260 shekels. Of course Jesus, whom these animals prefigure, was killed himself. Applying the new bible rule of 'A day for a shekel' we have the temporal value of this sacrifice being 1260 days, or 3 years and six months, the length of Jesus' ministry before his sacrifice, which we know was the end of all sacrifices. He was a burnt offering, sin offering and communion sacrifice all in one. Now the bible only states this prophecy to the accuracy of one animal or five shekels or five days, and it is in fact accurate to within five days, since the total time of Jesus' ministry was in fact 3 years and six months and four days, i.e. 1,264 days, because the ministry started on Tishri 10, 29 CE, and finished on Nisan 13 33 CE. This is because he was in the heart of the earth for Nisan 14,15,16 (Mat 12:40). Brothers, this is the perfection of the true God.

So the event which marks the division of time into the two containers, is the flood, which happened 2,400 years before Jesus died. 120 years before this, in the earlier or gold system of things, we know that Jehovah alienated himself from mankind at Genesis 6:3 as discussed above.



2,520 = 3 x 7 x 10 x 12

Divine temporal completeness, organisational completeness (earthly and heavenly), and emphasis, perfection. (In the bible 3 can mean emphasis, although actually it means building temples quite a lot as we will find out, in the second half of this book; 7 means divine temporal completeness (section 47). It is as the proverb says:

'If you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it, in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God' (Prov 2:4,5)

Putting this diagrammatically:

God withdraws his The middle of the flood Jesus dies, God

spirit (Gen 6:3) Ark hits mount Ararat returns his spirit

Alienation begins Systems change Alienation ends

Nisan 2488 BCE Nisan 2368 BCE Nisan 33 CE


120 years X 2,400 years


Both of these witnesses come from the law of Moses, specifically Deuteronomy 15:1,2 and Leviticus chapter 4. The first two verses of Deuteronomy chapter 15 say:

'At the end of every seven years you should make a release'. 'And this is the manner of the release: there will be a releasing by every creditor of the debt that he may let his fellow incur. He should not press his fellow or his brother for payment, because a release to Jehovah must be called.'

So every 2,520 days (7 prophetic years) every man under law had to release his brother from all debts, in a release to Jehovah, i.e. Jehovah effectively paid for them.

This 2,520 days, prefigures the 2,520 years of enmity between man and God, or debt from man to God. This enmity arose due to sin, which is a debt from man to God. But God took this debt on himself. The death of the Christ was a 'release to Jehovah' from all our debts, in that he paid for these personally with his son. We now have our second witness.

Furthermore Leviticus chapter 4 tells us that in a sin offering for the 'high priest' (verses 3,6) or for the 'entire assembly' (verses 13,17), the priest had to spatter the blood seven times before Jehovah. Whereas in a sin offering for a 'chieftain' (verse 22) or a 'soul of the people of the land' (verse 27) this did not occur. This together with the greater meaning is shown in the diagram below:


High Priest 144,000 Co-Kings and Priests

Entire assembly All mankind collectively

Blood spattered seven times Atoning value of Jesus' blood, shed

before altar in sin offering after 7 times, applies immediately

to both of these classes


Chieftains Forefathers, who have already died Souls of the people of the land All mankind individually, i.e. 'as Souls'

No blood spattering in Atoning value of Jesus' blood doesn't

their sin offerings apply immediately to these classes

So we have two groups containing two classes of people. These two groups, under the law, are required to follow two different procedures for their respective sin offerings. The first group of the high priest and the entire assembly, whose sin offerings both involve the spattering of blood seven times before the altar, prefigure the 144,000 anointed priests-to-be, and all of mankind as a group. Therefore the 144,000 individually and mankind collectively are accredited righteousness or atoned for at the end of a period of 2,520 years (seven times), when Jesus' blood is spilt at the altar. The second group, of the chieftains and the souls of the people of the land (i.e. the people of the land as individuals or as souls), prefigure the other sheep of John 10:16, who are not declared righteous as individuals, or individually atoned for, after the seven times of the Alienation Times. However, these ones may well benefit personally and individually from the atoning value of Jesus' blood, after the thousand year reign. This amounts to the prospect of a future atonement for them individually, on the back of an immediate atonement collectively. We now have our third witness to the length of the Alienation Times.




First of all we point out that the existence of the Aaronic priesthood did not prove that Jehovah, mankind's ultimate spiritual head, was no longer alienated from his people. This alienation was manifested in the fact that the high priests under the law were not mediators between God and man. There was only one such mediator before the advent of Jesus, namely Moses and he was not the high priest, and furthermore he did not mediate directly between God and man, he actually mediated between the word of God, the Angel Michael, and man (Gen 42:23,see section 31). Whilst it is true that together Aaron and Moses did provide a high priest and a mediator, for 39 years in the wilderness, the mediation was one of law, the purpose of which was to "make transgression manifest" (Gal 3:10), and to lead the nation to Christ. There was no life that resulted from the law, and so it was not a mediation of reconciliation.


Aaron was therefore a physical high priest and not a spiritual high priest. This is summed up as usual by Paul, in Galatians 32:18-22: "For if the inheritance (i.e. everlasting life) is due to law, it is no longer due to promise; whereas God has kindly given it to Abraham through a promise. Why then the law? It was added to make transgressions manifest, until the seed should arrive (Jesus) to whom the promise had been made; and it was transmitted through angels by the hand of a mediator. Now there is no mediator where one person only is concerned, but God is only one. Is the law therefore against the promises of God? May that never happen! For if a law had been given that WAS ABLE TO GIVE LIFE, righteousness would actually have been by means of law. But the scripture delivered up all things together to the custody of sin, that the promise resulting from faith toward Jesus Christ might be given to those exercising faith."

The situation is entirely different with the Kingship, because David was not a mediator of Kingly benefits he actually was the King of Jehovah's people, who sat on Jehovah's throne, which was described both as the 'throne of David' (1 Kings 2:24), and 'Jehovah's throne' (1 Chron 29:23).

Now we know for a certainty the true God has determined a 2,520 year Kingship exile period, and a 2,520 spiritual headship exile period on Mankind. These two witnesses themselves are a pretty strong indication, if they are not even a proof, that there will also be a 2,520 year land inheritance exile. This is because the third right of the firstborn is for a double portion of his father's estate, and in particular this applied to his father's real estate for the sons of Israel, in the initial physical fulfilment of this principle (see section 8). Adam and his sons were effectively exiled from this when the land was cursed as a result of Adam's sin (Gen 3:17-19). In fact all three exile periods are associated with curses:

Gentile Times: Malediction of Leviticus 26:16-40

Alienation Times: Curse of the law, see Galatians 3:13

Exedenic Times: Curse on the ground of Genesis 3:17-19

In the case of the Gentile Times, the length of the malediction was the length of the times, see section 4. In the Alienation Times, mankind was cursed for the whole period of the times, in that Jehovah's spirit was against them because we were at two with God, which most certainly is an accursed condition to be in. Likewise in the Exedenic Times the length of the curse on the ground is the length of the times. This curse was symbolically lifted when the sons of Adam, who were also sons of Jacob, entered into the promised land and received a typical representation of the land inheritance which those putting faith in the Christ will receive after Armageddon (Jos 5:9-12). We know that the whole scene of the falling of Jericho, the saving of Rahab (Joshua 6), the saving of the Gibeonites and the battle that Jehovah and Joshua fought against the five kings (Joshua 10), who had attacked the Gibeonites, is prophetically typical for the Lord's day, with Spiritual Israel standing for Physical Israel (Watchtower 1967 p624-630). After the battle to save the greater Gibeonites of the Great Crowd, which battle is Armageddon, then we do get our land inheritance. Now it remains to find out for certain just how long the land inheritance exile from the expulsion from Eden until the entering into the promised land actually was.


In this spiritual earthquake of a section, we will discover that Cain, Adam's physical firstborn, had a prophetic part to play in Jehovah's grand purpose for mankind! This is fairly astounding although there have been other unrighteous men who have carried prophetic signs (e.g. the men of Sodom).

The inheritance left us by Adam was sin and death (Rom 5:14-16), and his real estate inheritance was a curse as stated in Genesis 3:17:

Cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. And thorns and thistles it will grow for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field."

Now since Cain was Adam's firstborn, he was in the awful position of coming in line for this disastrous inheritance. Which is precisely what he did. Because he indeed sinned after the likeness of his father (Rom 5:14), he obviously died, and more significantly from the prophetic point of view he inherited the curse on the land, having merited it by his sin of murdering his brother, which was a sin after the likeness of his father's sin, because both sins carried the death penalty. We read in Genesis 4:10:

'At this he said: "What have you done? Listen! Your brothers blood is crying out to me from the ground. And now you are CURSED in banishment from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood at your hand. When you cultivate the ground, it will not give you back its power. A wanderer and a fugitive you will become in the earth."'

So Cain inherited his father's 'curse in banishment from the ground'. In other words Cain was exiled from the power of the land by this curse. Cain then complained about his punishment, expressing his fear that anyone finding him would kill him and Jehovah responded by saying:


This statement is prophetic. It is referred to again in verse 24, which reads "If seven times Cain is to be avenged, then Lamech seventy times and seven." So the two references firmly establish it as true and qualify it for being prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). Watchtower 1973 p 301 makes the point that this sign on Cain was certainly true and recognised at the time.


Well, we know that Jehovah's law is like for like, soul for soul (Ex 21:23). It most certainly is not soul for seven souls. And even if it was, which man is there who has ever been born with seven souls? However, the next part of the verse is:

'And so Jehovah set up a SIGN for Cain in order that no one finding him should strike him' (Gen 4:15).


Because the bible was not written for the literal 'killers of Cain', no it was written for the spiritual 'killers of Cain', (we shall find out what this means later), it was very much written for those who will have 'that which is complete' (which is the completed bible), yes, it was very much written for us! (1 Cor 13:10).

So the immediate physical interpretation of this sign was as given in verse 15, i.e. that no one should strike Cain, (Lamech got that bit right, but the penalty he did not understand - Gen 4:24). But we who are putting faith in the Christ, are no longer seeing with the eyes of men, but are seeing with eyes of faith, because as Jehovah said to Samuel "Not the way man sees is the way God sees" (1 Samuel 16:7). So how did God see this penalty? Let us look at this penalty spiritually.

The spiritual meaning of killing Cain is revealed in the book of Revelation (Just as the identity of the woman in Genesis 3:15 is revealed in the same book), where we find:

"By these three plagues a third of the men were KILLED, from the fire and the smoke and the sulphur which issued forth from their mouths." (Rev 9:18)

"And if anyone wants to harm them, fire issues forth from their mouths and devours their enemies; and if anyone should want to harm them, in this manner he must be KILLED. These have the authority to shut up heaven that no rain should fall during the days of their prophesying." (Rev 11:5,6)

"And when they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer and KILL them." (Rev 11:7)

" And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were KILLED by the earthquake" (Rev 11:13)

Nobody literally died in any of these four events. In the first example 'Killed' we know means pronounced spiritually dead, due to their false worship, it means this also in the second example. In the third example, since it was faithful witnesses who were killed, the killing refers not to the terminating of the life they had, but to the terminating of their true worship. In the fourth example the "killing" refers to the termination of their false worship as members of Christendom. These interpretations are all covered in the Revelation book chapters 23 and 25.

So 'killing' in the bible, can mean the terminating of either true or false worship. If we look at Cain and Abel in this light, then we see that Abel was the true worshipper, and Cain was the false worshipper (Gen 4:3-5):

"And it came about at the expiration of some time that Cain proceeded to bring some fruits of the ground as an offering to Jehovah. But as for Abel, he too brought some FIRSTLINGS of his flock, even their fatty pieces. Now while Jehovah was looking with favour upon Abel and his offering, he did not look with any favour upon Cain and upon his offering."

The prophetic drama between Cain and Abel, is the story all true and false worshippers. This sort of thing is looked at in the recent Watchtower: Dec 1 1991 p9-15

Having looked at all of this we have no problem in understanding what it means to 'KILL CAIN'. It means:


The occurrence of this event would then be signified by:


This would occur simultaneously with and therefore indicate the occurrence of the 'Killing of Cain'. It would also involve the termination of a period of wandering and fugitiveness (Gen 4:14).There is no problem in identifying when all this occurred because one cannot wipe out false worship without first establishing true worship. This happened after the circumcision at Gilgal, as discussed earlier, immediately after which they held the passover:

'On the fourteenth day of the month, in the desert plains of Jericho. And they began to eat some of the yield of the land, the day after the passover, unfermented cakes and roasted grains, on this same day' (Jos 10,11).

This scripture is very significant, this was the first act of pure, clean, true worship that the nation of Israel had ever done, i.e. they killed Cain on that day. Jehovah's nation did not perform any national acts of true worship before the left Egypt. Neither did they perform any such acts in the wilderness because as Stephen has said:

'So God turned and handed them over to render sacred service to the army of the heaven, just as it is written in the book of the prophets: "It was not to me that you offered victims and sacrifices for forty years in the wilderness was it, O house of Israel?"' (Acts 7:42)

The first passover in Israel was the "killing of Cain" that the servants of the true God performed that day, this was actually Jehovah's vengeance on Cain, in that he personally had at last re-established the true worship, after the manner of Abel, that Cain had wiped out.

And the very next day was the first time that God's faithful servants had eaten fruit from the promised land, before this they had been exclusively eating Manna, so the land was no longer cursed, and this was the first time that man had eaten the fruit of uncursed land since the garden of Eden. Yes the Exedenic Times had ended!!!. To prove this, in the next four verses the manna stopped, their eating of the yield of the land is again mentioned (firmly establishing it as prophetic), and then Joshua is told by 'The prince of the army of Jehovah' (God's firstborn) that the ground near Jericho where he is standing is holy - i.e. not under any curse - yes, Joshua is in the promised land (Jos 5:11-15).

And the curse of Cain was lifted on Nisan 14, 1473 CE, the same day (not year) that Jesus released the nation of Israel from the curse of the law, thereby ending the seven times of the Alienation Times! So the Exedenic Times ended on Nisan 14,1473 BCE.

Showing this diagrammatically:

Adam sins Sons of Jacob celebrate first

Ground is cursed Passover in the promised land

Exiled from Eden They eat firstfruits of land next day

Joshua is on holy ground

Nisan 3993 BCE Nisan 1473 BCE


Vengeance 7 times

i.e. 2,520 years

By now the reader will have realised that the Exedenic Times, being seven times, were 2,520 years long, and this is what the Most High God meant by "must suffer vengeance seven times" (Gen 4:15). Therefore we can deduce that the first cursing of the land in Genesis 3:17 occurred in Nisan 3993 BCE. Because although Cain was set up by Jehovah as a sign representing this curse, he had merely inherited it from his father, having sinned in like manner to him. The curse started with Adam and not with Cain. We are now able to say that the bible tells us that:


This was when the land was cursed and when Adam and Eve were thrown out of the garden of Eden. Now Cain himself was said to take up 'residence in the Land of Fugitiveness to the East of Eden' (Gen 4:16). Furthermore we have read in Gen 3:24, that the true God, when he banished Adam and Eve from Eden:

'Drove the man out and posted at the East of the garden of Eden the cherubs and the flaming blade of the sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the tree of life.'

Whereas when Joshua met angel Michael in the promised land in Joshua 5:13, we read:

'And look, and there was a man standing in front of him with his drawn sword in his hand. So Joshua walked up to him and said to him: "Are you for us or for our adversaries?" To this he said "No, but I - as the prince of the army of Jehovah - I have now come."'

These things tell us that the Cherubs guarding the garden, were actually enforcing the Exedenic Times, which is a time in 'the land of fugitiveness'. Because it was not just Cain, it was all of mankind who were fugitives, and especially it was the Jews, until they reached the promised land. This is why both the Cherubs and the 'land of fugitiveness' were to the East of Eden. The sword of Angel Michael, was the replacement for the flaming sword of Gen 3:24. And whereas the flaming sword was 'turning continually to guard the way to the tree of life', we will see later in section 60, that when Jesus came in 1473, he came as the 'way', and when he came in the first century as the 'truth' he said:

'I am the way and the truth and the life' (John 14:6).

And Jesus is the one who really has been guarding the 'way to the tree of life' for all of Jehovah's people, because as the scripture above goes on to say:

'No one comes to the father except through me.'

Yes, the Jesus replaces the cherubs, and the sword that proceeds from his mouth (Rev 2:16), which is the word of Jehovah, replaces the flaming sword of Gen 3:24, as the guarding weapon for the tree of life.


We know that the flood started on Heshvan 17, 2369 BCE and ended on Heshvan 27, 2368 BCE (Gen 7:11, 8:14, 9:28, section 9.1). We know too that Noah was 600 years old when the flood occurred (Gen 7:6), which figure may be up to 359 Jewish days out either way (section 24.2), and yet this flood began in the six hundredth year of his life (Gen 7:11), which is an exact statement. If the reader has a quick look at section 24.2 he will see how Jewish ages are calculated. Armed with this knowledge we know that Noah was born in the Jewish year between Tishri 2369 and Tishri 2368. Therefore the year from Tishri 2019 to Tishri 2018 was his 950th full Jewish year of life, and he was therefore 950 years old all through that year according to the Jewish way of reckoning ages. If we then add up all the ages of the ancestors of Noah, we get a year for the birth of Adam of 4025 BCE, rather than the 4026 of All Scripture Book p286. Neither of these years are necessarily correct, because adding up ages is inaccurate, because these ages maybe up to 359 Jewish days out (section 24.2).

All that we can definitely say from this that Adam was 32 plus or minus 10 years old when he sinned, in Nisan 3993 BCE, because Noah was the 9th in line from Adam and each extra ancestor introduces a possible 1 year error into the sum of all of their ages. Also we do not know when exactly in the ancient Jewish year starting Tishri 2369 Noah was born. However, 33.5 years old (according to the modern way of counting) is a distinct possibility here and we do know that Adam sinned in the month of Nisan in 3993 BCE. Who does this remind us of?? hmmmmmm. Well there is a lot in this parallel, because as a sister said to the writer, Paul has written in 1 Tim 2:6;

'Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all.'

We know that this correspondence is between Adam and Jesus, whom Paul calls 'the last Adam' (1 Cor 15:45). Now does a life which is perfect for 33 years and six months, correspond to a life which was perfect for 32 years and six months or 34 years and six months? Has the one who is perfect in his activities (God), made a correspondence that is a few months out? Was he unable to quite make these two lives balance out, because this task would have been too difficult for the one who has said through his prophet Isaiah: "Everything that is my delight I shall do" (Isaiah 46:10)? No sir, Adam lived for 33.5 years before he sinned!


He died spiritually, when he was 33 years and six months old in the month of Nisan, and not only does it seem to the writer highly probable that he sinned on Nisan 14, 3993 BCE, but if he had not died spiritually on that day then the ransom would not correspond perfectly from a temporal point of view, and so we have no choice but to accept this date for the day on which he sinned. This was the day that Jesus redeemed the situation, and was therefore granted something even better than that which Adam lost. Actually this is further witnessed to by the scripture in Gen 3:8 which identifies Jehovah as: 'Walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day', which gives us a time of the day when the spiritual death sentence was passed, which was after Adam had sinned. This time being later in the afternoon, would have been just after the ninth hour, (which is 3 pm), which was when Jesus, the last Adam (1 Cor 15:45) physically died, gaining spiritual life (Mat 27:46). Bothers this is a very elegant plan we are getting sight of here, very elegant indeed, even divinely beautiful (Acts 7:20)!




This witness is the fall of Jericho itself, as described in Joshua chapter 6. Verse 3 reads:

'And all you men of war must march round the city, going round the city once, that is the way you should do it for six days. And seven priests should carry seven rams horns, before the Ark, and on the seventh day you should march round the city SEVEN TIMES and the priests should blow the horns.'

This whole procedure is then recorded again in verses 12-16, qualifying it to be prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2), not that it could be anything else! The simplest thing to do here is just to state exactly what this meant. Marching round the city for six days, means that the seventh day is a figurative Sabbath or a release to Jehovah (Deut 15:2). Now on the seventh day they marched round Jericho seven times. So they went back to their starting point seven times physically. Now whereas the Jews went back 7 times to the start physically, we are going to go back seven times to the start temporally, because as we have already seen in section 10 and as we will further see in the rest of this book, Jehovah often uses the physical to depict the temporal. So where do we find ourselves? Well it's seven times or 2,520 years before Nisan 1473, i.e. Nisan 3993 BCE when false religion started, and when the ground was cursed as a result. Because just as Cain's curse was a continuation of Adam's curse, so was Cain's false worship a continuation of the first ever act of false worship by a responsible human, namely Adam, at Genesis 3:6, who chose to worship Eve the creation, rather than Jehovah the creator. Which is why Jehovah said to him in verse 17:

'Because you listened to your WIFE'S voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I GAVE you this command, "You must not eat from it," cursed is the ground on your account.'

So this march is prophetically saying that there will be a period of 2,520 years before, Jehovah's people are released from the curse of Cain, and before his people are released from false worship.


Because the release that was represented by the falling down of the walls of Jericho, was a release from false worship. And whereas we read in Joshua 6:5 and in Joshua 6:20:

'And it must occur that when they sound the horn of the ram, when you hear the sound of the horn, all the people should shout a great war cry; and the wall of the city must fall down flat, and the people must go up, each one straight before him.'

'Then the people shouted, when they proceeded to blow the horns. And it came about that as soon as the people heard the sound of the horn and the people began to shout a great war cry, then the wall began to fall down flat. After that the people went up into the city, each one straight before him, and captured the city.'

we read in Jeremiah 51:44, and in Jeremiah 51:58:

'Also the wall itself of Babylon must fall.'

'This is what Jehovah of armies has said: "The wall of Babylon, although broad, will without fail be demolished.'

Didn't you always wonder why Rahab was a harlot? The following things are repeated in this account:

The blowing of the seven horns

The shouting of the war cry

The falling down flat of the wall

Each one going straight up into the city

These four things are prophetic, having a greater meaning (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). Furthermore, since the whole procedure is repeated twice, it too has a greater meaning. There are in fact three symbolic meanings to this drama:

[1] It represents the release from the curse of Cain, and the release from false worship which he represents. This is why we read in verse 26:

'Then Joshua had an oath pronounced at that particular time, saying: "Cursed may the man be before Jehovah who gets up and does build this city, even Jericho. At the forfeit of his firstborn let him lay the foundation of it, and at the forfeit of his youngest let him put up its doors."'

This curse is the continuation of the curse of Cain, because Cain, the firstborn, was the foundation of false religion (or Jericho or Babylon), and Abel, the youngest (at the time) was the escape (the doors). Both of these sons of Adam were forfeited. Cain was lost to Satan and Abel was lost to Hades. He who rebuilds Jericho, re-establishes false worship and hence regains the curse of Cain, which was a land exile curse (Gen 4:11). Now the firstborn land inheritance right of Jacob's sons went to Joseph. His firstborn son from the point of view of inheriting this right was Ephraim, who was also his youngest son (Gen 48:17-19). So now we can say:


This curse is therefore a warning, it is saying that if the Jews rebuild Jericho, i.e. re-establish false worship, then they will again be cursed in exile from the holy land, they will be evicted. It is not at all surprising therefore, that we find in Joshua 16:1:

'And the lot came out for the sons of JOSEPH from the Jordan at JERICHO to the waters of JERICHO eastward, the wilderness going up from JERICHO into the mountainous region of Bethel.'

Although Ephraim quite correctly did not take Jericho itself. The tribe of Benjamin did! (Jos 18:12,21), but they did not rebuild it. 1 Kings 16:34 tells us that it was rebuilt during Elijah's time by a Bethelite (Ephraimite) who did lose his firstborn and his youngest in the process. This prophetically signalled that the Nation of Israel would lose its land inheritance and turn back to false worship. All this occurred, and the judgement was executed in 607 BCE, when they were vomited out of the promised land because they had restarted false worship, yes they had rebuilt Jericho. Ezekiel then tells us in chapter 37 verses 15-25 that the stick of Ephraim (Land inheritance) and the stick of Judah (Kingship inheritance), although separate at the time will become one again under one King. This refers to the Kingdom of God, after Armageddon, in the real promised land with the real land inheritance, and with Jesus as King. It also confirms that Ephraim truly does stand for land inheritance, and so he is the one being referred to in the curse of Jericho. Incidentally the inclusion of the words 'at that particular time' is the holy spirit telling the 'post-unsealing Christian' that this curse relates to a particular prophetic time period. This section of this book was sealed up until after February 1, 1992.

[2] The fall of Jericho further symbolises the fall of literal Babylon, as evidenced by the comparison of Joshua 6 and Jeremiah 51. Also both of these falls were a release from a land exile. The former being a release from the Exedenic exile and the latter from the 'exisraelic' exile if you will.

[3] The final symbolism is that this fall represents the fall of Babylon the Great. This is where all four of the repeated phrases in verse 5 and 20 come in. The seven priests who blew the seven rams horns, prefigure the seven angels who blow the seven trumpets in Revelation, the purpose of the first four of which is to denounce Babylon the Great (see section 79). The large war cry prefigures the preaching work of the brothers before its fall in Nisan 1918 (see section 58.3). The fall of the wall of Jericho which represents the fall of the greater Babylon is also the fall of Satan from heaven which was the division of the greater temple curtain of the spirit creatures in heaven into Satan and his demons, who were evicted, and Michael and his angels who remained. The dividing of this kingdom or curtain enabled the first brothers of Christ (Paul, Peter etc) to be resurrected into heaven, just as the division of the physical temple curtain, and of Jesus flesh enabled him to go into heaven. This is a very deep thing and it is what is meant by the two repeats of:

'And the people must go up, each one straight before him' (verses 5,20)

They are actually going up not into Jericho but into heaven, in this symbolism. The reader probably will not accept all of this symbolism at this time, but do not worry, all of this is explained later in section 58.3 (by Daniel, when his book truly unsealed).

By now it may be apparent to the reader that the whole book of Joshua is going to mirror the book of Revelation. This is because the one is the account of the physical conquest of the false worshipping Canaanites by physical Israel and the other is the account of the spiritual conquest of the false worshipping greater Babylonites by Spiritual Israel. In fact the two spies of Joshua 2:2 prefigure the two witnesses of Rev 11:3. In that they searched out "The LAND and JERICHO" (Jos 2:1) and they preached a sackcloth message to Rahab that her city was doomed. She, for her part, responded positively, and the two spies were the ones who got Rahab and her family out. Whereas the modern day two witnesses are the ones who having preached a sackcloth and ashes message to Babylon the Great before it fell, are now getting men out of her, while there is yet time left. Rahab and her family prefigure those anointed ones who come out of Babylon the Great (the Rahab Class) and the other sheep who make the same exit (the greater family of Rahab). This is why it is said of Rahab in verse 25:

'And she dwells in the midst of Israel down to this day'

The phrase 'down to this day' means that this scripture has an application which will be uncovered in the time of the end, and relates to final ministry it is a cryptic statement, it actually means that this account has an application down to today. We will see this phrase a lot more in this book.


This witness is in fact a double witness involving Elijah and Elisha. Jesus effectively tells us that this pair are a double act, or a double type, at Luke 4:24-27 which reads:

'Truly I tell you that no prophet is accepted in his home territory. For instance, I tell you in truth, There were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months , so that a great famine fell on the land, yet Elijah was sent to none of those (women), but only to Zarephath in the land of Sidon to a widow. Also there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed, but Naaman the man of Syria.'

Jesus is saying that the two examples stand for the same thing, just like Joseph had told to Pharaoh in Genesis 41:25. Since Jesus has combined these two accounts to illustrate his rejection by his own people, let us combine them and see what we get. As an aside notice that immediately after Jesus told his fellow Nazarenes this, they:

1. Took him outside the city to a hill

2. Tried to kill him

3. He miraculously escaped

The account involving Elijah is in 1 Kings 17 and 18, the account involving Elisha is in 2 Kings 4 and 5. When both of these accounts are fused, one gets a pretty accurate account of Jesus' life! The parallel works a follows. Elijah and Elisha both stand for Jesus or Jeshua, or Jehoshua or Jahshua, but nobody was ever called the later in the bible. This is obvious from the names actually, Elijah means " my God is Jehovah", Elisha means, "my God is salvation" and Jeshua (or Jesus) means "Jehovah is salvation" i.e. the name Jesus is the combination of Elijah and Elisha. Isn't Jehovah brilliant!

The symbolism employed in the two accounts is:

Elijah, Elisha = Jesus

Obadiah, Gehazi = The law and the prophets

Prophets of Baal = Pharisees

King Ahab, King Jehoram = Nation of Israel

Jewish woman-2 Kings 4 = Faithful Jews

There are three references to the seven times of the Alienation Times in these accounts. These are the contest between Jehovah and Baal, where Elijah's servant is told to '"Go back", for seven times' (1 Kings 18:43). The raising of the Jewish woman's son by Elisha, where the son blinked 'as many as seven times after which he opened his eyes' (2 Kings 4:35). And the curing of the leper Naaman, where Naaman had to 'plunge into the Jordan seven times' (2 Kings 5:14). We start by considering the account of the contest with the prophets of Baal.


1 Kings 18:1 tells us that the drought that Elijah had petitioned the true God for, was in its third year when Jehovah told Elijah to "Go, show yourself to Ahab, as I am determined to give rain upon the surface of the ground". James (5:17) tells us categorically that the drought lasted three years and six months. At first sight this looks like the true God has made a mistake, in that he has allowed his prophet Samuel (who wrote Kings) to put the third year when he should have put the fourth year. So is Jehovah negligent? Has he not seen this scripture or has he maybe made a mistake? Well, we know that none of these things is the case with the true God, because he is perfect, and there is absolutely nothing in all of his works that we as his imperfect creations, are able or will ever be able, to find fault with. It is as his prophet says: 'There exists no one that can check his hand or say to him, "What have you been doing?"' (Dan 4:35).

Now the reason that Samuel records Jehovah as telling Elijah to go and show himself to Ahab in the third year we shall see in the second half of this book (section 96) is because the drought started in Tishri 934 BCE and the contest was in Nisan 930 BCE, on the 14th day. Which means that if Jehovah had told Elijah to go and find Ahab two or three weeks before the contest, then this command would have occurred in the third full year of the drought (Hebrew years are Nisan to Nisan). Also a drought between Tishri and Nisan of 934 BCE was of no consequence because the harvest occurred in the period from Nisan to Tishri (see fig 2), so this was the third agricultural year of the drought. We know too that this drought is a typical representation of the exposure of the pharisees, wrought by the three and a half year ministry of Jesus, which ended in Nisan, so we would expect that the physical drought in Elijah's time would also end in Nisan.

Obadiah is then told by Elijah to tell Ahab to come and meet Elijah (verses 8,16). This symbolises the angel Michael, the word of God (the greater Elijah), transmitting the law and the prophets to mankind, which is the Hebrew scriptures (the greater Obadiah). Then these scriptures directing the nation of Israel (the greater Ahab) to the Christ (the greater Elijah). This was not just a casual chat between Elijah and Obadiah about king Ahab!

Then the contest occurred, and the details of this contest are a sealed prophecy, the meaning of which is displayed in section 96. After the victory for Jehovah and Elijah, all the false prophets are killed physically, which represents the spiritual death of the pharisees. This ensued after the ministry of Jesus, who himself said to them: 'Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are you to flee from the judgement of Gehenna?' (Mat 23:33). Elijah's attendant (Obadiah?), representing the law, then had to wait until he had gone back to look seven times, before the downpour of rain, which represented Pentecost 33 CE, which was the realisation of the reversal of the withdrawal of God's spirit 120 years before the flood, in Nisan 2448 BCE. The account has a second statement of the fact that it was seven times that Elijah's attendant went back in verse 44:

'It came about on the seventh time that he got to say: "Look! There is a small cloud like a man's palm ascending out of the sea"'.

The two repetitions are a prophetic form (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2) and the occurrence of the word 'Look!' is a further alarm bell to twentieth century bible students. So Elijah's servant, is telling us, that the law was telling us, that this period would be 2,520 years long. Specifically we know that it was the Land Sabbath provision of the law (Deut 15:1,2), see section 11, and the sin offering procedure for the high priest and the assembly (Leviticus 4). This account is therefore both a further witness to the length of the Alienation Times and a confirmation that the law itself provides a witness to the length of these times, which is something that we looked at in section 11. Furthermore this account will also provide a witness that the Alienation Times was symbolised the festival of weeks, so we will find another feature of the law, which pointed to these times.

Now why did the cloud (verse 44) look like a man's palm??........ It was because it prefigured baptism by holy spirit, which was effected by the laying on of hands (Acts 8:17). Please note that the seven times in the physical account occurred between the sacrifice and the downpour, this is not an accident. It is because the seven times of the Alienation Times is also symbolised by the seven weeks of the lack of holy spirit after the physical death of Christ and before the arrival of Pentecost, because a 'week' is a unit of time just as a day or a year or a month is. The greater 'seven times' is of course the seven years of years of the Alienation Times, which ended at the sacrifice of the Christ, rather than the seven weeks of weeks before Pentecost. We now have our fourth witness to the length of the Alienation Times.

This sort of realisation is what this book is all about. Suppose we had ignored the fact that whereas the Alienation Times is supposed to end on Nisan 14, the seven times of this account ends at the downpour, which symbolises Pentecost, which is 52 days after Jesus' death, being the day after the seven weeks of days after his resurrection which was the festival of the firstfruits. Suppose we had said to ourselves, fine we are 52 days out in 2,520 years, we can live with this!

Then we would have missed the whole reason for the date of Pentecost, which is that the seven weeks of weeks, picture the seven years of years of the Alienation Times.

So by having faith in the perfection of Jehovah, we say NO! the true God is not 52 days out, and neither is he even one day out. We then examine the situation further and we find out a wonderful and marvellous thing. For 3,500 years since this festival was instigated, no man has known why it was on the fiftieth day, after the firstfruits (Lev 23:15,16, see fig 2). Well today there is a man who does know. And the reason that he knows is not because of any brilliance on his part, it is not because of any divine vision or supernatural spiritual experience. It is because he has put faith in the perfection of his God, it is because he knows that the true God never makes a mistake. It is an impossible thing for a human to discover a mistake made by the true God. So if we see something that looks like God has made a mistake then we have not got the true interpretation, and the mistake is ours. This humble observation is the basis of many of the interpretations in this book.

We now have a fifth witness to the length of the Alienation Times, even one enshrined in the law itself, namely the festival of weeks. And this account of the contest between Jehovah and Baal has told us that the seven weeks preceding the festival of weeks symbolises the Alienation Times. Because this account compares the seven times of Elijah's attendants going back to look for rain, with the seven weeks of days before Pentecost on Sivan 6, in the first instance. This period of course started with the festival of the firstfruits, which was the first grain offering of the year, hence we read in verse 36:

'And it came about at the time the grain offering goes up that Elijah the prophet began to approach and say: "O Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, today let it be known that you are God in Israel"'.

So this is really the aspect of the Law, which Elijah's servant, who symbolically stands for the law, is telling us was prefiguring the Alienation Times. Paul prophetically confirms this at Galatians 3:13,14, where he tells us that the curse of the law was ended by the death of the Christ, and that this enabled the 'promised spirit' to be outpoured (at Pentecost), we read:

'Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law, by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: "Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake." The purpose was that the blessing of Abraham might come to be by means of Jesus Christ for the nations, that we might receive the promised spirit through our faith.'

Paul is not merely referring to the curse of the Law here, because the removal of this curse did not result in the outpouring of holy spirit, rather it was the removal of the malediction of the Alienation Times, the curse of Genesis 6:3, which was the withdrawal of Jehovah's spirit, that enabled the outpouring at Pentecost of this spirit. It was Jesus who made this possible, and changed the malediction into a blessing.


Naaman was told by Gehazi to go back seven times into the Jordan before he was made clean, representing the 2,520 year alienation period that Jehovah had determined on all nations before he would consider taking them back into his family ending with the reconciliation brought about by the death of the Christ (Col 1:20,21; 2 Cor 5:18,19). Again Gehazi represented the law and the prophets, specifically Deuteronomy 15:1,2, and Leviticus 4, Numbers 16:9 and all the prophecies leading to Christ. The law itself was a tutor leading to Christ (Gal 3:24), for both Jew and Gentile, i.e. both the widow's son and Naaman. This account shows us that whilst the Gentiles were not preached to until Tishri 36 CE, they were collectively, as a group, clean on Nisan 14, 33 CE. We know this anyway because the scripture says: 'for this he did ONCE for all time, when he offered himself up' (Heb 7:27). The prophetic statement of bathing 'seven times' is mentioned twice in verses 10 & 14, and so it has prophetic form (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). There is a lot more to this account (see section 25.1). We now have our sixth witness to the length of the Alienation Times.





We will find out in the second half of this book (Gen 32:14-16, section 95), that King David was anointed in Nisan 1083. This is a new date for bible students. The 430 years from Nisan 1513 to Nisan 1083 have a lovely symmetry with the 430 years in Egypt from Nisan 1943 until Nisan 1513 (Ex 12:41). Consider please the account of Samuel anointing David, at 2 Samuel 16:10 "So Jesse had seven of his sons pass before Samuel; still Samuel said to Jesse: Jehovah has not chosen these." Then when David appeared Jehovah said to his prophet "Get up, anoint him for this is he!".


Or why was Samuel passed SEVEN TIMES by, by the sons of Jesse?

By now the answer to this should be obvious, it was because David, having been anointed, was going to have to wait for seven times to pass by before he became King. 'All this befell' David, to coin a phrase from Daniel 4:28. And David's first regnal year therefore started in Nisan 1076 BCE, seven years after he was anointed. We know another King who had to wait seven times before he became King in 1914, his name is Jesus Christ. So David has 'Done a Nebuchadnezzar' as they say in London. We now have a fourth witness to the Gentile Times being 2,520 years long. In fact David lived like a wild beast during his seven times of exile, hiding in caves and living in the open as a fugitive, whereas Daniel 4:25 says:

"And you they will be driving away from men, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will come to be...and seven times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one he wants he gives it".

Compare this with David's existence in 1 Samuel chapters 22-31. Specifically:

1 Samuel 20:11 1 Samuel 20:19 1 Samuel 20:24

1 Samuel 21:13 1 Samuel 22:1,4 1 Samuel 24:22

1 Samuel 25:1 1 Samuel 27:6,7 1 Samuel 30:1

1 Samuel 21:13 reads "So he disguised his SANITY under their eyes and began acting insane."

Whereas Daniel 4:34 reads "I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up to the heavens my eyes, and my own UNDERSTANDING began to return to me; and I blessed the Most High himself, and the one living to time indefinite I praised and glorified..."

This might almost be called a Psalm of Nebuchadnezzar. As a final technicality, that there were seven son's that passed Samuel by is mentioned twice, in that 1 Sam 16:11 says "Finally Samuel said to Jesse: 'Are these all the boys?' To this he said, 'The youngest one has till now been left out,'" and 1 Samuel 17:12 says "Now David was the son of this Ephrathite from Bethlehem of Judah whose name was Jesse. And he had EIGHT sons.....and David was the youngest." So the matter is firmly established on the part of God, because the true God has given us two witnesses to this passing by occurring seven times (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). Now we can truly understand the last words of samuel at 1 Chron 29:29,30:

'As for the affairs of David the king, the first ones and the last, there they are written among the words of Samuel the seer and among the words of Nathan the prophet and among the words of Gad the visionary, together with all his kingship and his mightiness and the times that passed over him and over Israel and over all the kingdoms of the lands.'

A scripture which quite plainly tells us that the 7 'times that passed over' David, before he became king are the seven times of the Gentile Times, or the times of 'all the kingdoms of the lands'! In fact the scripture also says that these times 'passed over Israel', in other words Israel had to wait for seven times before it got something. Yes indeed, even before it got the promised land, after the seven times of the Exedenic times. In fact even further, the scripture syas that the affairs of David were written in three books, i.e. three times, which means that these 7 times will pass over three times, once over Israel (the Exedenic Times), once over all of the kingdoms of the lands (the Gentile Times) and once over David (prefiguring the Gentile Times, and since David was a type for Jesus, symbolising the Alienation Times as well).


So David's first regnal year started in Nisan 1076 BCE, exactly seven years after his anointing in Nisan 1083 BCE. We know that he was made King of Judah in Hebron sometime before this in 1077 BCE, because he ruled in Hebron for 7 years and six months (2 Sam 2:11), but regnal years start in Nisan (Insight 1 p461), so 1076 was his first regnal year, and 1077 was his accession year. The faithful slave have David's first regnal year as 1077 BCE (not 1076 BCE), but this date is merely a calculation backwards from the fourth year of Solomon's reign (1 Kings 6:1) and Insight 1 p461 admits difficulties with this. These difficulties are resolved by realising that both David and Solomon were coregent in 1037 BCE.

This is evident from the fact that Solomon is referred to as a 'King' three times in 1 Kings 1 at verses 51 and 53, and this was before David had died (1 Kings 2:1). Furthermore 1 Chron 26:31 tells us that in David's fortieth year he assigned duties to the Levites and then showed the temple plans to Solomon (1 Chron 28:11), then he made Solomon King a second time in chapter 29 verse 22,23. The first time for this being recited at 1 Chron 23:1, which was before he assigned all the duties to the Levites (see section 24.1).

So Solomon started reigning in David's fortieth year. So the 33 regnal years in Jerusalem for David started in Nisan 1069 and ended after Nisan 1037, and the 7 years 6 months at Hebron started around Tishri 1077 and ended in Nisan 1069 (2 Sam 5:4,5), and this scripture tells us that David was 30 when he became King so he was 23 when he was anointed. And Solomon's first regnal year started in Nisan 1037 BCE, whilst he was coregent with his father. The second anointing of Solomon may have been an exclusive one, i.e. when the coregency had ended. Saul's first regnal year was therefore 1116 BCE and not 1117 BCE. This is also looked at in the 'All Scripture' book p284 (Regnal and Accession years).


This chapter of Genesis is a witness to all three of the 2,520 year maledictions, which Jehovah has determined on his people, due to their sinfulness. We start at verse 2:

'And he put the maidservants and their children foremost and Leah and her children after them and Rachel and Joseph to the rear of them. And he himself passed on ahead of them and proceeded to BOW DOWN TO THE EARTH SEVEN TIMES until he got near Esau his brother.'

Why did he happen to do this here? Was Jacob in the habit of bowing down to the earth seven times for a brotherly greeting? Well verse 3 says:

'And proceeded to bow down seven times UNTIL HE GOT NEAR HIS BROTHER.'

In other words, the bowing down occurred when he was not near his brother, or when he was far from his brother. So this bowing was a very distant and a very peculiar greeting - if it was a greeting at all. In fact the greeting Jacob did give to Esau was a hug and a kiss and a bursting into tears as we read in verse 4. So what did this bowing down mean - spiritually?

Well to understand this we first notice that he bowed down to the earth seven times. Jacob's actions therefore prophetically tell us that there will be seven times determined for the earth, and that these will pass on ahead, as Jacob did, of the three groups of people who next bow down in front of Esau. In other words there will be a 2,520 year period determined for the earth before each one of three groups:

Servants+kids Leah+kids Rachel+kids

bows down before Esau - So who is Esau representing ?? May Jehovah be praised for revealing this to the friend of his servant, and answering the his prayers! Because verse 10 says:

"If now I have found favour in your eyes, then you must take my gift at my hand, because in harmony with its purpose I have seen your face as though SEEING GOD'S FACE in that you received me with pleasure."

And Jacob later says to Esau in verse 14:

"Let my lord please, pass on ahead of his servant, but I myself continue the journey at my leisure according to THE PACE OF the livestock that is before me and according to THE PACE OF the children until I shall come to my Lord at Seir."

This is the cryptic verse, because Jacob never went to literal mount Seir! Esau turned South for mount Seir and Jacob turned North, re-crossing the Jabbok (Insight 1 p1245). So we now need to find out what the symbolic meaning of Seir is in the bible. Well the bible provides three witnesses as to the meaning of Seir as follows:

"Jehovah from Sinai he came, And he flashed forth from Seir upon them. He beamed forth from the mountainous region of Paran." - Deut 33:2

"Jehovah, at your going forth from Seir, At your marching out of the field of Edom, Earth rocked, heavens also dripped, Clouds also dripped with water. Mountains flowed away from the face of Jehovah. This Sinai away from Jehovah Israel's God." - Judges 5:4,5

"God proceeded to come from TEMAN, even a holy one from mount Paran" - Habakkuk 3:3

Teman was a major city in Edom which is the home of mount Seir, Paran is the Sinai peninsular. All these three scriptures are actually songs, together they 'firmly establish' that Edom/Esau/Seir stand for the Judgement role of Jehovah and Sinai/Jacob/Israel stands for the merciful, generous and abundant in loving kindness role. So he flashes forth from Seir, but he beams forth from Sinai. Yet another double type!

Returning now to verse 10, we now understand that the gifts that Jacob brought to Esau were to appease literal Esau physically and to appease Jehovah spiritually - This is why the chronology of the Jews in section 95 which was represented by various interpretations of the gifts that Jacob offered to Esau, ended with the 70 weeks of years and the end of the Alienation Times. Because at the end of this period, at the half of the week, Jehovah was finally appeased and the Alienation Times had ended, God and man were reconciled, the Esau role had become the Jacob role. Gods face was seen throughout the three and a half year ministry of his son, (who was the exact representation of his very being - Heb 1:3). Also since Jacob himself represents the loving face of Jehovah (i.e. the resident in and beaming from Sinai role, rather than the resident in and flashing from Seir role) Jehovah is effectively appeasing himself, which is what he did in any event, because it was he who paid the ransom and no one else, (Grab your diving bells please!). This was Jehovah's purpose for man, that we would see his face, through his son.

Now in verse 14 the reference to the pace of the animals is confirming that Jacob will not reach mount Seir until the time periods that the intervals in the crossing of the Jabbok stand for are fulfilled and in fact that the animals themselves set the pace - in other words they definitely do stand for the time periods discussed in the section 95. And furthermore the children setting the pace is similarly confirming that the three groups of mothers and kids, determine the prophetic time periods governing the return of Jacob to Seir, which return means the changing of Jehovah's face from judgemental to loving, which means the changing of a malediction into a benediction which means the changing of a curse into a blessing (Num 23&24, section 27). The final part of this return is completed at Armageddon, and these three groups of women and kids are at the end points or changing points of the three 2,520 year prophetic times of exile or of cursing or of malediction in the bible, namely:

THE EXEDENIC TIMES ----> Servants + kids

THE ALIENATION TIMES ----> Leah + kids

THE GENTILE TIMES ----> Rachel + kids

Now we see why Jehovah said: "I loved Jacob but Esau I hated" (Romans 9:13), because the two twins represented the two roles that Jehovah plays, just as the two residences of Sinai and Seir do as well. He much prefers to show love to his people than to judge them, which is why we read in Leviticus 26:21:

"But if you keep walking in opposition to me and not wishing to listen to me, I shall then HAVE to inflict seven times more blows upon you according to your sins."

It is not that our God wants to inflict blows, it is that he has to because he is just. But he hates this role whereas he loves the role of merciful repurchaser. Which is why it is said of him:

"Jehovah, Jehovah a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness and truth, preserving loving kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but by no means will he give exemption from punishment, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons and upon grandsons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation." Ex 34:6,7

Returning to the three groups of Jacob's family. If we spiritualise the first of these groups, the maidservants of Jacob and their children we get: servants of Jehovah and their sons. In other words the Nation of Israel, slaves under law. We know that the Exedenic Times ended 40 years after this nation was born, and under law a mother who has a son is unclean for forty days, (Lev 12:1-4), this has a lot to do with why the Nation of Israel wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years. So Israel became clean and the Exedenic Times ended in 1473 BCE. This end point of these times is represented by Jacob's maidservants and their children. Bilhah and Zilpah, Jacob's maidservants were in a covenant arrangement with Jacob, a covenant of slavery, like the law.

If we spiritualise Leah and her children, i.e. Jacob's first wife and her kids, we get Jesus Christ and his anointed brothers. Because the covenant between Jacob and Leah was not one of slavery, it was a marriage, i.e. a covenant of love. As was the Messianic covenant, and Leah's children represent the further covenanters and beneficiaries under this. As Jesus said to his apostles at the last supper:

"I make a covenant with you just as my father has made a covenant with me for a Kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel." (Luke 22:29,30).

The problem now is - if Leah and her kids stand for Jesus and the anointed, then what can Rachel and Joseph stand for? The answer to this question has already been provided by Joseph himself when he interpreted Pharaoh's dream (Gen 41:25,32) the two things are 'but one', (we have seen this quite a lot now). Just like Elijah and Elisha together were a double type for Jesus. One representing his ministry to the Jews and the other representing his apostles ministry to the Gentiles. Similarly 'Leah + kids' and 'Rachel + Joseph' are a double type for Jesus and his followers (spiritual children).


Well Leah's children included Judah, and Rachel's child at this time, i.e. the time of this bowing down to Esau, was only Joseph. Also Leah was stationed before Rachel, and indeed Jacob married Leah first, then he married Rachel. Also Leah gave birth first and then Rachel, also the eyes of Leah had no luster, whereas Rachel had become beautiful in form and beautiful in countenance.

From this it is evident that Leah stands for Jesus first role on earth as ransomer and redeemer of mankind, and minister to the Jews. A role in which he came born in the royal line of David, from the tribe of Judah. And Leah's children picture Jesus's anointed brothers born again under the new covenant, who were fleshly sons of Abraham. And Rachel stands for Jesus in his second role as heavenly minister to the Gentiles, or spiritual Israel excluding those of that spiritual nation who were also from fleshly Israel, because these are Leah's children. When Jesus became King in heaven in 1914, he was of course in his heavenly or Rachel role. The birth of Joseph symbolises the birth of the Kingdom of God in heaven in Tishri 1914 (see section 18). This birth is Jesus collecting one shoulder (the heavenly one) of his land inheritance, which is the firstborn right that Jacob gave to Joseph. The other shoulder of Jesus' land inheritance is his earthly Kingdom the collection of which is actually symbolised by the birth of Benjamin.


This is because the spiritualised version of this is:


We also know why the rest of Genesis 29:17 reads 'Whereas Rachel had become beautiful in form and beautiful of countenance.' This was because:


Do notice that the scriptures say that Rachel had become beautiful, Jehovah is so exact! This would be a ridiculous thing to say from a physical point of view because Jacob had only met her a month earlier, (Gen 29:14). No Rachel became beautiful of countenance, when Jesus became beautiful in countenance, in that after a long period of time, his countenance became a majestic one, in 1914. At this time as Jesus' role changed from sacrificial and lowly to judicial and exalted. Brothers the bible is not a book which is comparing the physical attributes of sisters, it is a book which is demonstrating the spiritual attributes of God's Son Christ Jesus!

Furthermore the double-type of Elijah-Elisha for Jesus is actually very similar to the double type Leah-Rachel. Because Elijah, who came first ascended to the heavens in a windstorm (2 Kings 2:11), and Elisha who came second anoints Jehu as King and Executioner (2 Kings 9:3). As we saw in section 15, Elijah primarily represented the ministry to the Jews, exposing the prophets of Baal, the typical pharisees, as false worshippers. He was persecuted by Jezebel. Whereas Elisha saw their and Jezebel's downfall the antitype of which is the destruction of Babylon the Great. So putting these two together we get:

ELIJAH prefigures Jesus' earthly role and sacrificial death, i.e. his first

century ministry to the Jews as does LEAH.

ELISHA prefigures Jesus' heavenly role after his death, and later Kingship and execution of divine justice, at his second presence, as does RACHEL.

Although both Elijah and Elisha performed miracles with both Jews and Gentiles, whereas Leah prefigured the Jewish ministry under the fleshly Abrahamic covenant, and Rachel prefigured the wider ministry under the spiritualised or faith driven Abrahamic covenant. See section 18, 'Jacob's marriages to Leah and Rachel '.

In conclusion, the Exedenic Times are represented by the seven times bowing Jacob, in that he passed ahead of his maidservants and their children, who symbolise the greater maidservant of the Nation of Israel and its children, who became clean in Nisan 1473. This date was the end of the Exedenic Times. The Alienation Times are represented by the seven times bowing Jacob, in that he passed ahead of Leah and her children. The first of her children was conceived at Pentecost 33 CE, just after the end of the Alienation Times. The Gentile Times are represented by the seven times bowing Jacob in his passing ahead of Rachel and her children, who are heavenly children, since Rachel represents the heavenly role of Jesus. Joseph's birth as we have said stands for the birth of the heavenly part of the kingdom of God, in 1914, at which time Rachel became 'beautiful of countenance' (since she was representing a King).

Rachel started to become 'beautiful in form' in 1918, when the first parts of the heavenly body of the Christ, which her physical body represents, were resurrected into heaven. This scripture is very reassuring because it provides definite evidence in addition to the three rights of the firstborn that there are three and only three 2,520 year prophetic exile periods determined upon the earth, to which Jacob bowed down. We will look further at Jacob's marriages to Leah and Rachel in section 18. We will see a further proof that mankind suffers only three maledictions of seven times duration in section 27.


In Genesis chapters 29,30 and 31, the story is told of Jacob's arrival at, his 20 year stay in and his departure from, the house of Laban his uncle. This account is a lot more than a romantic story about a shepherd and two sisters! It is in fact nothing less than a summarised account of Jehovah's contentions with mankind during the first 6,000 years of the seventh creative day, which we now know started on Nisan 14, 3993 CE (Gen 4:15, section 13, Jos 6:4, section 14). The account starts at chapter 29 verse 1, with Jacob travelling to visit uncle Laban. On arriving he finds a well with three droves of sheep nearby, waiting to be watered. The account of this in verses 3-12 is too deep to look at now, we will consider it again in section 61.

After this episode at the well, we read that Jacob: 'Dwelt with him (Laban) a month of days' (Gen 29:14). This is the literal translation, as given in the reference bible. Well we have seen the "week of years" in Daniel 9, we have also seen the "Year of years" in Daniel 4 and numerous other seven times prophecies. Now at last we have the:


Yes thirty years, a day for a year, the first thirty years of Jesus' life before his covenant for a Kingdom with his father (Luke 22:29) was validated at his baptism in Tishri 29 CE. During which time Jehovah, the greater Jacob was effectively dwelling with mankind, through the presence of his son. This, believe it or not, is the only scripture that we are so far aware of that shows that Jesus was exactly 30 years old at his baptism, because we know that prophecies which are stated in years are accurate to the month (section 24.3). We are excepting the route via John the baptist and the priestly division of Abijah which served eighth in the temple, and the numerous other circumstantial evidences (See Index under Jesus - Birth date). We will find out the exact day when Jesus was born in section 40. In the meantime we can now say:


It is as Isaiah said: 'The maiden herself will actually become pregnant, and she is giving birth to a son, and she will certainly call his name Immanuel.' (Isaiah 7:14) Immanuel means 'God is with us', obviously God wasn't physically with us, but his son, who is the exact representation of his very being (Heb 1:3), was. Now we do know why Laban said to Jacob, very much under inspiration in verse 14:


It was because Jehovah was going to be with us, through his son, in the flesh of man! Next we read in verse 20:

'And Jacob proceeded to serve seven years for Rachel, but in his eyes they proved to be like some few days because of his love for her. Then Jacob said to Laban: "Give over my wife because my days are up, and let me have relations with her." With that Laban gathered all the men of the place and had a feast.' But then he tricked Jacob, swapping Leah for Rachel, and when asked why by Jacob, Laban says:

"It is not customary to do this way in our place, to give the younger woman before the firstborn. CELEBRATE TO THE FULL THE WEEK OF THIS WOMAN. After that there shall be given to you also this other woman for the service that you can serve with me for seven years more" (Gen 29:27).

Jehovah (Jacob's antitype), has never and will never be tricked by any of his creations, this is because he knows the outcome of everything before he starts it, so he cannot be tricked (Isaiah 46:10). However the nation of Israel (Jehovah's firstborn-Ex 4:22), under the Abrahamic covenant, was to become a 'Kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' (Ex 19:5,6) In other words all of the heaven-bound class of men could have come from fleshly Israel. But this did not happen, and Jehovah knew that it wasn't going to happen. As usual this whole situation is covered beautifully by Paul in Romans 9:24-33, quoting Hosea saying:

'Those not my people I will call my people, and her that was not beloved, "beloved".' And so we read in Acts 15:4 that God 'Turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name,' (Insight 2 p1234).

Jehovah was therefore cheated, in the sense that he paid for 144,000 people from fleshly Israel and only a few thousand responded from this group. So he did not pay any more, but he had to work a bit longer with the nations to seal all of Christ's brothers, which time we shall see is symbolised by Jacob's seven years of work for Rachel.

The 'week of this woman' (i.e Leah), is then the seven years which starts in Tishri 29 CE, when the covenant for a Kingdom between Jesus and God was validated, at Jesus' baptism (Luke 22:29), corresponding to the marriage of Jacob with Leah, who represents Jesus in his ministry to the Jews and sacrificial role. This week ends in Tishri 36 CE, when Jehovah turned his attention to the nations (Acts 15:4). Daniel 9:27 refers to this week saying:

"And he must keep the covenant in force for the many for one week".

This covenant is the Abrahamic covenant, referred to above, and this statement is the same statement as:

'Celebrate to the full, the week of this woman', (Gen 29:27).

Now this covenant was to last to time indefinite, and since there were no conditions imposed on Abraham, it was unbreachable by him. God does not breach any of his covenants and so it is still in force now. In fact it remains in force until all the Israel of God are sealed, and then for a week of years more after that, which week bears a resemblance to this week (Dan 9:27, see section 74). What happened in 36 CE at the 'end of the week', was that Abraham's seed no longer were to be those who inherited the genes of their father, but they were to be those who inherited the faith of their father Abraham, which faith had moved Jehovah to make this covenant with him in the first place, rather than any excellence in Abraham's genes which were in fact pre-programmed to induce sin (Rom 11:17-24,Gal 3:28,29). In other words the covenant was spiritualised, at the end of this week of Leah.

Back in the symbolic drama (Gal 4:24), this spiritualising of the Abrahamic covenant that occurred in 36 CE corresponds to Jacob's marriage to Rachel, that happened at the end of this 'week of Leah'. Then Jacob 'went serving him for yet seven years more' (verse 30). This period is the Gentile Times, seven years of years, after which Jehovah does no further work for Jesus, because he is installed as King and the work is done. At that time Michael is crowned (Rev 6:2). Before then we know that Jehovah was doing the work because as David said: 'Jehovah said to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet"', (Mat 22:44). And after the 7 years of years of the Gentile Times, we know that Jesus was doing the work because Daniel says in chapter 12 verse 4, 'And during that time Michael will stand up.'

Similarly the seven years of service that Jacob gave for Leah, represent seven years of years, i.e. 2,520 years of service that Jehovah gave, until Jesus paid the Ransom in his "Leah role", that is the Alienation Times. The next events in Genesis 29, are Leah's producing Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah. So Leah conceives first, which represents the first anointed brothers being fleshly Jews, there being about 5,000 of them by the time Peter recited his marvellous God-given response to the Pharisees in Acts 4:4-12. The slave girls have two children each and then Leah has her last two before Rachel gives birth to Joseph.

'And it followed that when Rachel had given birth to Joseph, Jacob IMMEDIATELY said to Laban: "Send me away that I may go to my place and to my country"', (verse 25).

At this time Jacob had served the seven years for Rachel (verse 26), so Joseph's birth stands symbolically for and coincides with the birth of the Kingdom of God in the heavens, which birth happened in Tishri 1914, since this was exactly at the end of the seven years of years meant by the service for Rachel. In this symbolism, the birth of Benjamin is the birth of the earthly kingdom of God, which is why Rachel, whose marriage represents the spiritualised Abrahamic covenant, died on giving birth to Benjamin (Gen 35:16-19), because death ends a marriage and the Abrahamic covenant ends of the first day of the Kingdom of God, which is the birth of Benjamin - symbolism par excellence! The birth of Joseph is the birth of the heavenly Kingdom of God, in this symbolism. Please note the prophetic words 'Down to this day' in Genesis 35:20 (section 2). Now we are in a position to understand the prophetic blessing that Jacob made to Joseph at his deathbed. which reads:

'And yet his BOW was dwelling in a permanent place, and the strength of his hands was supple. From the hands of the powerful one of Jacob, from there is the shepherd, the stone of Israel. He is from the God of your father, and he will help you; and he is WITH the Almighty, and he will bless you with the blessings of the heavens above.... They will CONTINUE upon the head of Joseph, even upon the CROWN of the head of the one singled out from his brothers.' - Gen 49:24-26.

'And I saw, and look! a white horse; and the one seated upon it had a BOW; and a CROWN was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.' (Rev 6:2)

Joseph is the heavenly kingdom, which gives Jesus the crown and the bow. The blessing continues:

'Offshoot of a fruit bearing tree, Joseph is the offshoot of a fruit bearing tree, by the fountain, that propels its branches up over a wall.' - Gen 49:22.

Yes Joseph prefigured Jesus, the offshoot of Jehovah the source of life, and the branches that were propelled over a wall, were the arrows that Jehovah prophetically aimed at Babylon: 'Summon against Babylon archers, all who are treading the bow. Encamp against her all around.' (Jer 50:29), the wall of Jericho too, the type for Babylon, fell to Joseph's arrows in that it stood for the release from the land curse of Cain (Jos 6:3-5, see section 14).

Having finished working for Rachel, Jacob now had to work for his flock, he was a hard working man this Jacob, like his father in the heavens, who has an 'abundance of dynamic energy' (Isaiah 40:26). Jacob used a very interesting method of producing sheep which were to be his:

'Then Jacob took for his use staffs still moist of the STORAX tree and of the ALMOND tree and of the PLANE tree,' (verse 37).

He would then put them in the drinking troughs only when 'robust' sheep were around, and then the children of these sheep would be marked as Jacob's.


Is the God of the heavens, of whom referring to the stars, Isaiah said: "It is the one who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name" (Isaiah 40:26), interested in very colourful sheep??

No he is not, this is a symbolic drama (Gal 4:24)! which he has related for our benefit, that we might understand and get the sense of it. In this regard the Insight book tells us that:

1. The Storax tree is literally the WHITE tree, with white petals with a lovely

orange-like fragrance. ( i.e. Holy)

2. The almond branch was Aaron's rod, which budded overnight when

Jehovah approved him to be HIGH PRIEST, (Num 17:8). (i.e. Priests)

3. The Plane tree was the Syrian version of the majestic cedar of Lebanon,

used to prefigure KINGS by Ezekiel in chapter 31. Laban was a Syrian.

BUT it was not quite as majestic as the Cedar of Lebanon. (i.e. Kings)

Put these three together and we get: 'a royal priesthood, a holy nation' (1 Peter 2:9) and 'a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth', (Rev 5:10). There is only one King, the Cedar of Jesus Christ, whereas the anointed ones rule as Kings, in that they exercise his Kingly authority, so they are represented as Plane trees, which were not quite as grand as Cedars, Jehovah's symbolism is perfect. So the flocks stand for mankind and the colourful ones stand for those chosen by God. We say chosen, because he would only offer the three staffs to the 'robust' ones. This pictures the angelic direction of the preaching work. As Jesus said 'Neither throw your pearls before swine' (Mat 7:6). Notice too, that the method of producing God's people nowadays is by exposing them to spiritual food and drink, i.e. exposing them to God's word, which is the same method that Jacob used to get his colourful sheep (Gen 30:38). Verse 42 says:

'But when the flocks showed feebleness he would not locate them there. So the feeble ones always came to be Laban's, but the robust ones Jacob's.' - How true!

Laban is now finally identified as playing the part of Satan, the owner of all the feeble sheep, i.e. wicked men. What is truly fascinating is that this does not become apparent until the end of this symbolic drama, just like in the reality which this represents! Jehovah's wisdom is deep, deep, deep. Chapter 31 verse 2 says:

'When Jacob would look at the face of Laban, here it was not as with him formerly'.

Whereas John says in Rev 12:17: 'And the dragon grew wrathful at the woman, and went off to wage war with the remaining ones of her seed'.

Yes Jacob was symbolically in 'the last days', of his time with Laban, and Jehovah said to him "Return to the land of your fathers and your relatives," (verse 3). So Jacob flees with all his family and flock and Rachel steals the Teraphim that belonged to Laban (verse 19).

The insight book tells us that the Teraphim stood for family inheritance i.e. land inheritance. Rachel stealing this was therefore very significant. Because Satan is the ruler of this world, and he has given it to his sons, who Laban's sons stand for in this drama. So Laban goes chasing after Jacob (verse 23), in order to try and regain his lost earthly land inheritance for his sons. He had already lost his heavenly inheritance at this time. In other words, Rachel stealing the Teraphim prefigured Michael throwing Satan, and his demons (Laban and his sons), out of heaven. We read in verse 25:

'So Laban approached Jacob, as Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain and Laban had PITCHED HIS TENT (Literal translation- ref bible) in the mountainous region of Gilead.'

This reminds us of the King of the North in Daniel 11:45, who is the one of whom Daniel said: 'And he will plant his palatial tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration.'

The grand sea stands for unruly mankind or Laban's flock, and the holy mountain is Jehovah's visible organisation, where we find Jacob's flock. Laban is pitched between the two, having followed and caught up from behind. This also reminds us how important it is to retain the literal renderings of the bible, because this shows us for a certainty, that it is Satan's earthly organisation who will be planting the tents (Dan 11:45), which means that this organisation will be the King of the North at Armageddon. Furthermore, Satan's earthly organisation at this time will be the United Nations, which is the eighth King of Rev 17:11. Therefore we can say that at the end:

The King of the North will be the United Nations

Laban then uses further deception in saying in verse 27:

"Why did you have to run away secretly and outwit me and not tell me, that I might send you away with rejoicing and with songs." A likely story, he had already changed Jacob's wages "ten times" (Gen 31:7).

Do you notice here that Laban is 'transforming himself into an angel of light'? If not then read 2 Corinthians 11:14. We shall return to this ten times later! in the section 21.

Laban then searches everywhere for the Teraphim but does not find it, because Rachel has hidden it. This is signifying that Laban's estate will go to the sons of Rachel when Laban dies rather than to the sons of Laban. Which again is signifying that Satan's estate of the whole planet, will go to the followers of Christ rather than to the sons of Satan, when Satan is finally abyssed, yes:

'The meek ones themselves will posses the earth, and they will indeed find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace' (Psalms 37:11).

But when does this happen? well verses 41,42 say: 'This makes twenty years for me in your house. I have served you, fourteen years for your two daughters and SIX YEARS FOR YOUR FLOCK, and you kept changing my wages TEN TIMES. If the God of my father the God of Abraham and the Dread of Isaac had not proved to be on my side, you would now have sent me away empty handed.'

Both the 'ten times' and the 'twenty years' are mentioned twice, qualifying them to be prophetic. The twenty years we know were temporally consecutive, as far as Jacob was concerned. But the periods that the seven, seven and six years symbolise are not temporally consecutive because there is a large overlap between the Alienation Times and the Gentile Times. We are going to look at both the 'ten times' and the 'six years' in sections 20 & 21. But before we do, we finally look at verses 45-55:


We will now discover that Gen 31:45-55, are a prophecy which says that in the last days, Jehovah's people will be called Jehovah's witnesses & that the collective name for the anointed brother's of Jesus will be the Watchtower Society. Verses 48-50 read:

'And Laban proceeded to say: "This heap is a witness between me and you today." That is why he called its name Galeed, and the WATCHTOWER, because he said: "Let Jehovah keep watch between me and you when we LIE CONCEALED (literal - ref footnote), or ARE SITUATED UNSEEN the one from the other. If you go to afflicting my daughters and if you go taking wives in addition to my daughters, there is no man with us. See!"'

Then Laban goes to 'his own place' -verse 55, and Jacob is met by angels (Gen 32:1). This sounds rather like Satan hurling ridiculous accusations as he is dragged into the Abyss, 'his own place', at Armageddon, at which point he is no longer able to see what is going on, on the earth, and there is no man with Satan and his demons any more, because all such ungodly men who were 'with Satan', have been executed by Jesus at Armageddon. But actually there is a lot more to this business of more wives than at first meets the eye, because the fleshly Abrahamic covenant of Leah's marriage was finished in Tishri 36 CE, the spiritual Abrahamic covenant of Rachel's marriage finishes in Nisan 2008, so this scripture is a prophecy which says that:

After Nisan 2008, Jehovah will conclude more than one new covenant with his people.

Then Jacob being met by the angels, in verse one of the next chapter, is symbolising the last of the anointed remnant being resurrected to the marriage of the lamb (Rev 19:9), where they meet Jehovah, the greater Jacob. Yes, this scripture is very prophetic! Because Laban and his sons 'lying concealed' from us and us from them (Gen 31:49), is Satan and his demons being abyssed for a thousand years (Rev 20:2). The stone that Jacob set up as a pillar (verse 45), was said by Laban to be 'something that bears witness', (verse 52). It was in fact the 'stone that the builders rejected', and the one 'that has become the head of the corner', (Psalms 118:22). The one who himself said, "I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth" (John 18:37).

And when Jacob said to his brothers: "pick up stones" (verse 46), this was Jehovah saying to these 'brothers', find and seal the anointed ones, the first of whom was the apostle Simon, the son of Jonah, to whom Jesus, the pillar, said: "You are Peter, and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it", (Mat 16:18). So his name was changed to Peter, meaning: a piece of rock. Later Peter himself said:

"You yourselves also as LIVING STONES are being built up a spiritual house, for the purpose of a Holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ", (1 Peter 2:5).

As John the baptist said, "God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones". These are the stones in the heap of verse 46: 'And they went making the stones into a heap'. This account is very spiritual because fleshly Jacob did not have any literal brothers with him on this mountain, his only brother was Esau and he was in another mountain at the time, (mount Seir). So when verse 46 says: 'after that they ate there on the heap', this means that these 'brothers', have therefore formed this heap out of stones which then feeds them. So these brothers are themselves the stones in the heap.

Further proof that the pillar is Jesus and the heap is the anointed brothers, is found in the account of Jacob's ladder, in Genesis 28:10-22, set whilst Jacob was on his way to meet Laban. Wherein we read: 'And he took one of the stones of the place and set it as his head supporter, and lay down in that place', (verse 11). The angel Michael certainly is Jehovah's head supporter! Further we read:

'And he began to dream, and look! there was a RISING FLIGHT OF STONES (literal), stationed upon the earth and its top reaching up to the heavens; and look! there were God's angels ascending and descending on it. And look there was Jehovah stationed above it' (verses 12,13).

Whereas Jesus said to the apostle Nathaniel: 'Truly truly I say to you men, You will see heaven opened up and the angels ascending and descending to the Son of man', (John 1:51).

Yes Jacob's 'head supporter', the bottom of the 'ladder' in his dream, was the Son of Man, the bottom of the ladder in Jesus' illustration.

'So Jacob got up early in the morning and took the stone that was there as his head supporter and he set it up as a PILLAR AND HE POURED OIL ON THE TOP OF IT', (verse 18).

This 'pillar' has just been anointed! Finally verse 22 says: 'And this stone that I have set up as a pillar will become a house of God'. Jesus, when he died, became the spiritual temple, i.e. the house of God, so hereagain Jesus Christ is identified with this anointed pillar. This rising flight of stones is a more or less perfect description of the anointed brothers, what are they if they are not a rising flight of 'living stones'?

So the stones in the heap are the 'living stones' of the anointed brothers of Christ. The feeding for such ones, in the last days, is from the faithful and discreet slave (Mat 24:45), and these 'brothers' who are eating from this heap which they themselves made, are the domestics of the spiritual house of 1 Peter 2:5, Mat 24:45. They are Jacob's, (Jehovah's) brothers in the sense that they are brothers yes (albeit of the Christ), who belong to Jehovah, because he purchased them, with his son's life. Once this heap had been made and the 'brothers' were eating from it we are told in verse 49, that Laban called it this witness heap 'Galeed', which means 'witness heap' and 'the Watchtower'!

We do not have to worry about the fact that Laban, (Satan) has called the heap this name, because in the preceding verses 24 and 29, we have two witnesses to the fact that Jehovah had told Laban not to go 'speaking from good to bad' with Jacob, i.e. to speak truthfully to him. (Thank Jehovah for directing his faithful slave, so that the brothers have included the literal translation in the footnotes for this chapter, without it we would be totally lost). Since Laban was speaking to Jacob, throughout these verses, and when he named this witness heap the Watchtower, we can rely on the truth of Laban's statements, because the two witnesses firmly establish its truth on the part of God, (Gen 41:32). In fact it was for this reason that verses 24 and 29 were included in this passage. Furthermore, all of the Bible is inspired of Jehovah, not of Satan, and Laban does most of the talking in these verses. So this scripture is a prophecy which is saying:




We therefore deduce that the faithful and discreet slave of Mat 24:45 will be called the Watchtower.

We are named as the true religion !

This prophecy of Laban's was made over 3,700 years ago! And what is it that this heap does? 'This heap is a witness' (verse 52), in fact it is Jehovah's witness, because verse 51 says: 'God is a witness between me and you'. It is most important to realise here, that the Watchtower Society took its name, in 1879, from Ezekiel 3:17, and Isaiah 21:8-12. And Jehovah's witnesses took their name, in 1931, from Isaiah 43:10 '"You are my witnesses", is the utterance of Jehovah', (w77 p752-3). The brothers did not have the above understanding of Laban and Jacob when they took either of these two names. But even if you do not realise this, this scripture is still saying that at the end, the anointed brothers will be Jehovah's witnesses, and the whole body of them will be called The Watchtower! So whether the society had deliberately orchestrated this or not (which they did not do in any case), the fact remains that since there is now somebody with these two names, and there has been nobody else with these two names for 71 years since 1914, it is apparent from this scripture alone, that Jehovah's Witnesses are the true Christians!!

In verse 54 we read: 'After that Jacob sacrificed a sacrifice in the mountain and invited his brothers to eat bread. Accordingly they ate bread and passed the night in the mountain'. In Revelation 19:9 we read: 'Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb's marriage'. This final meal before Laban (Satan) returns 'to his own place', (verse 55), is the marriage feast in heaven, before Satan is Abyssed: "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years", (Rev 20:1,2)

Now in verse 53, Laban is swearing by the gods of Nahor etc, but Jacob is swearing by the dreaded one of Isaac (literal renderings). The reason for these separate gods for both of the parties is stated in Joshua 24:2:

'This is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said, "it was on the other side of the river that your forefathers dwelt a long time ago, Terah the father of Abraham, and the father of Nahor, and they used to serve other Gods"'.

The footnote to verse 53 in the reference bible is incorrect, the writer ventures to suggest. Since when has Jehovah been lumped together with a few other Gods? The rendering in the New World is also a fairly confusing translation here. The meaning is that Laban wants the Gods of Nahor and of Abraham's father Terah to Judge, whereas Jacob swears by Jehovah - the dreaded one of Isaac. Of course these Gods of Abraham's father and Nahor are false - Jos 24:2. This scripture is actually identifying Laban as Satan. Which is why Jehovah is called the dreaded one of Isaac. Because as we know, the Demons shudder at his name - James 2:19.

So the key to understanding God's purpose for his people, in the last days, is not only the book of Revelation, it is also the book of Genesis!

Yes, we know that we have that which is complete - 1 Cor 13:10 - but do we yet know just how complete it is?




We now know that the Exedenic Times started in Nisan 3993 BCE. This was when Adam was thrown out of the garden of Eden (Gen 4:15, Jos 5:10-15, see section 13). The question now is, was this start coincident with the start of the seventh creative day? Well, in Genesis 4:1, Eve says, at the birth of Cain: "I have produced a man with the AID OF JEHOVAH". This is the last possible candidate for a creative act on the part of Jehovah, because Eve said it was such. And although Eve was not renowned for her spiritual perception, the fact remains that all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial, and Eve must have felt that Jehovah had aided her productive act. However, the scriptures tell us that the normal method of creation employed by the most high God, is for him to create, with his firstborn son beside him as a master worker, (Prov 8:30). Therefore the concept that Eve would create with Jehovah as a co-worker is ludicrous.

Furthermore, if Jehovah really had helped Eve in a creative way, then this would be an admission that the reproductive parts of Adam or Eve were defective, which is an impossibility, given that their purpose was to 'fill the earth', (Gen 1:28), and Jehovah is perfect in his activity - Deut 32:4. So we deduce that this was not a creative act and therefore the last creative act was before the eviction.

Furthermore, since the changing of Adam's genetic make-up from everlasting human to 930 year lasting human, was most certainly a creative act on the part of Jehovah, (albeit a fairly destructive one), since this was done immediately preceding the eviction from Eden and since the cursing of the ground itself was also a creative act on the part of Jehovah, in that the ground was changed from perfect to thorny and thistly (Gen 3:18), by an act of God, it is evident that the sixth creative day was certainly still going right up to the eviction. Hence we now know that Jehovah's sixth creative day ended right at the time of their eviction.

Therefore we can say yes, the seventh creative day began in Nisan 3993 BCE, at the same time that the Exedenic Times started.

So at the memorial this year in 1992, for a certainty, we will be exactly 5984 years into the seventh creative day, (Inspired p286, 287). The length of the non-Sabbath part of the seventh creative day (week), is 6,000 years, so:

The thousand year reign starts in Nisan 2008.

Whilst it is common knowledge to the brothers that there was a burning of the fingers in 1975, which was 6,000 years after 4026 BCE, the statement made in the 'All Scripture' book p287 that "Speculating on future dates based on bible chronology does no good", is a bit of an over-reaction, especially considering that fact that the Society was started on such a "SPECULATION", about 1914.

In 1874 Charles Taze Russel had ONE WITNESS to the fact that the Gentile Times would end in 1914 BCE. He did not even have any signs of the times! In fact all of the evidence around him belied the proximity of the Lord's day.


We now have in the sections of this book preceding this one seventeen witnesses to three 2,520 year periods. Namely the Exedenic Times, the Alienation Times and the Gentile Times.


We don't even need the signs of the times, to know for a certainty that we are in the last days, and that the end is at precisely 16 years away, from the 1992 memorial. If the reader is laughing at the idea that a man can now know when the end is, then it is suggested that he reads section 89.3. There are two scriptures that are probably puzzling the reader right now, these are: Matthew 24:36 which tells us that: "that day and hour nobody knows" and Matthew 24:22 which tells us that: "unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved, but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." We will look at both of these in the sections 66.1 & 69. In the meantime it is apparent that:


But brothers, do not worry if these seventeen witnesses are not enough for you! Because the one who is superabundant in his generosity toward his creation, whom he loved as his sons whilst we were yet behaving as his enemies, has provided for you SIX FURTHER MEANS OF CALCULATING THE DATE OF 2008, and various numbers of scriptural witnesses for each method of calculation! (sections 21,22,40,42,71,87)




As we have seen in Gen 31:41 & in section 18 covering Jacob's stay with Laban in Genesis 31, that Jacob had to work six years for the flock. What does this mean?... Yes Jehovah, the greater Jacob had to deal with imperfection that is one reason why it was six years. But the other reason was that the length of time during which Jehovah worked for the entire flock of redeemed mankind from righteous Abel to the Great Crowd was six thousand years. Now the seven years that Jacob worked for Leah fully and exactly represented the seven years of years of the Alienation Times. Also the seven years that Jacob worked for Rachel, fully and exactly represented the seven years of years of the Gentile Times. So the six years that Jacob worked for the flock must fully and exactly represent the preset 6,000 year period during which Jehovah worked to redeem all of his flock, i.e. a thousand years for a year. There is a prophetic precedent for this in that we can combine:

A day for a year, a day for a year - Numbers 14:34

One day is with Jehovah as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day - 2 Peter 3:8

It is most noticeable that both of these scriptures have the same form, and that the prophetic statement is mentioned twice in both cases. Both statements are therefore in prophetic form (section 2). This is Jehovah telling us that somewhere in the bible we are to take a day for a thousand years. Well, we know that Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath, (Mat 12:8) and that he performed many miracles on the Sabbath (Insight 2 p833). This was not a coincidence, because Paul said: 'There remains a Sabbath resting for the people of God' (Heb 4:9). So the Millenial rule is one example of this taking of a day for a thousand years. Another example of this rule of 'a day for a thousand years' being applied along with the 'day for a year rule', thereby making 'a year for a thousand years' is the 6 years of work that Jacob did for Laban, which represents the 6,000 years of work that Jehovah did to save men from Satan. In fact both examples are the same example, because if you have a 1,000 year Sabbath, then you have a 6,000 year 'rest-of-the-week'. If the reader finds this sort of abstraction hard to swallow, have a look at section 73, or section 97 for more of this sort of thing, and please bear in mind that Joseph interpreted (correctly) a twig and a basket and a cow and an ear of grain for a year (Gen 40,41).

Therefore Jacob's working period for his flock can be taken to give us a further witness to the seventh creative day being in fact 7,000 years long. Also the account in Joshua of the conquest of literal Israel gives us the same figures. Because It took six years for the Jews to complete the major part of the conquest and they rested from their works of fleshly warfare of the seventh year which was a Sabbath year (Jos 14:10, Insight 2 p833). Whereas mankind in general has taken 6,000 years to conquer sin and death, which conquest is achieved by faith and works of faith, and is made possible only because of the undeserved kindness of God. These conquerors 'will rest from their own works', to paraphrase Hebrews 4:10, these being works of spiritual warfare, (Eph 6:10-13), in the Sabbath over which Jesus Christ will rule as Lord of lords and King of kings (Rev 19:16), which is the thousand year kingdom of God on earth.





The scripture at 2 Peter 3:8 says:

'One day is with Jehovah as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.'

This, as we have discussed in section 20, is in most obvious prophetic form. We can apply this 'bible rule' of a day for 1000 years, to the 'Judgement day' of Matthew 11:22 & 11:24. This judgement day, being repeated, has a greater meaning. This greater meaning is found by applying Peter's rule of a day for a thousand years. Similarly we read in Leviticus 23:3:

'Six days may work be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy convention. You may do no sort of work. It is a

Sabbath to Jehovah in all the places where you dwell.'

This Sabbath definition is repeated and therefore prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2), having a greater meaning. The greater Sabbath, is found by applying Peter's prophetic rule of a day for 1000 years. We then have the 6,000 years of work by Jehovah, in his contentions with his creation of man, with his wages from this period of work being 144,000 angels and an uncountable number of 'other sheep'. This is followed by a 1000 year resting period for Jehovah (which is the 'Sabbath to Jehovah' - Lev 23:3), which is the kingdom of God, wherein Jesus and his brothers are doing all of the work.

In the sort of irony that this world is full of, we are going to have over 5 billion people celebrating the Sabbath every week, right up to and in fact beyond (see section 49), the very day of Nisan 14, 2008 CE, which is the first day of the greater Sabbath which all of their seventh day celebrations have been symbolising. And nearly all of these people who celebrate these festivals are not going to accept the existence of the greater festival which their actions have been prophesying 52 times a year for the last 3500 years. It will be just as it was with the Jews. Why are we so blind ??? Why is Satan so successful ??? We will find out in section 49.2 that men will actually celebrate the Sabbath ten times in the kingdom of God, before the son of man is revealed! How can they be that stupid ??? Truly spiritual things are more powerful than physical things.





This prophecy we shall see, is one of the main prophetic themes of the bible. In Genesis 31:7 Jacob says to his wives: "Your father has trifled with me and has changed my wages ten times, but God has not allowed him to do me harm". And in verse 41: "This makes twenty years for me in your house. I have served you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flock, and you kept changing my wages ten times". We know that the appearance of this 'ten times' twice, means that it is prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7).

In sections 18 & 18.1, we learned how Laban pictured Satan and Jacob pictured Jehovah. So if Satan has changed Jehovah's wages ten times, then there is a period of 3600 (360 x 10) years during which Satan has been attempting to cheat Jehovah, we know that he always fails, just as Laban always failed (Gen 31:8-12). Because, although Laban did change Jacob's wages of very colourful sheep, Jehovah then reacted by giving Jacob even more than he would have got if there had been no change in his wages.

Well we know, that Satan has been trying to cheat Jehovah ever since the garden of Eden. But we want to find out when the special wages which the colourful sheep of Gen 30:32 symbolise, were first changed. Because 3,600 years after this is Armageddon, the end of the covenant through which all men are saved. The Jews, i.e. those who were under the fleshly Abrahamic Covenant, were the first people to correspond to the very colourful sheep and goats of Jacob's flock, which he chose by locating his three staffs in front of them when they were in heat, so 'that they might get in heat by the staffs' (Gen 30:41). These three staffs symbolise the covenant to be a 'kingdom of priests and a holy nation' (Ex 19:6, section 18). So these are the wages that Laban is changing. Now the first shepherd of these chosen people was Moses, who used a staff himself in his shepherding work. Moses himself was the first one to fulfil the scripture in Gen 30:31:

'And Jacob went on to say: "You will give me nothing whatsoever! If you will do this thing for me, I shall resume shepherding your flock. I shall continue guarding it."'

This shepherding is repeated twice, and so there is indeed a greater fulfilment, which means a greater shepherd (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). And whereas we read in Gen 30:36 of Laban that:

'He set a distance of three days' journey between himself and Jacob'

Moses & Aaron said to Pharaoh at Ex 5:3:

'The God of the Hebrews has come in touch with us. We want to go, please, a journey of three day into the wilderness and sacrifice to Jehovah our God.'

Which three days were the day of the tabernacle, the day of Solomon's temple and the day of Zerubbabel's temple (see section 29). So the wage changing period is going to start in the time of Moses, the first shepherd of Israel. We must now briefly break off from Laban's Times to insert a section on the famous scripture 'A time, times and half a time'.


We start by performing a cryptic unsealed calculation on the information in Gen 30:35,36. This calculation really belongs in the second half of this book, in the "Unsealed Prophecy" part, but we include it here because it relates to this account. The verses say:

'Then he set aside on that day the he-goats striped and colour-patched and all the she-goats speckled and colour-patched, every one in which there was any white and every one dark brown among the young rams, but he gave them over into the hands of his sons. After that he set a distance of 3 days' journey between himself and Jacob, and Jacob was shepherding the flock of Laban that remained over.'

The cryptic calculation is as follows:

He-goats (both speckled & colour-patched) 2 Times +

She-goats (both speckled and colour-patched) 2 Times +

Partially white young rams 2 Times +

Brown young rams 2 Times +

Total of animals 8 Times

Placed into the hands of Laban's sons 10 Times x

Total 80 Times

In this calculation we take plural things as standing for 2 Times, and we take a hand as standing for 5 Times. The reason for taking plural things as meaning 2 Times is the scriptural form:

'A time, times and half a time' (Rev 12:14, Dan 7:25, Dan 12:7).

In 1877, brother Russel combined this with Rev 12:6 to deduce that a time was 360 days of the prophetic form of the Hebrew calendar, then, taking a day for a year, he calculated the year of the end of the Gentile Times as being 1914 from Daniel 4. In 1992, the writer of this book, having extended this angel's realisation to almost every incidence of the word 'Times' in the bible (see sections 5,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,21 etc.), now extends this whole prophetic form to cover any list of animals or materials or people or belongings, in the following manner:




This turns out to be a major prophetic key to the holy book. Examples of this in the second part of the book occur in sections 36.1, 37, 38, 42, 43, 53, 58, 70, 73, 86, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 etc. The classic example is in section 95. As a further example, why really did John tell us at Rev 18:12,13 that the full stock of Babylon the Great was the following?

Gold Silver Precious stone

Pearls Fine linen Purple

Silk Scarlet Scented wood

Ivory Precious wood Copper

Iron Marble Cinnamon

Indian spice Incense Perfumed oil

Frankincense Wine Olive oil

Fine flour Wheat Cattle

Sheep Horses Coaches

Slaves Human souls

Do we really need to know that she had marble as well as cinnamon? Well, no, but we do really need to know when she will be destroyed by the UN, and this list tells us when this will be (see section 86).

There is even a further application of 'A time, times and half a time', and this is to the concept of 'so many times as much'. In other words in addition to interpreting any scriptures which explicitly state the words 'seven times' as meaning: 7 years or 7 years of years, we can interpret even an implicit appearance 7 times, i.e. just the concept of seven times, in a scripture as also meaning 7 years or 7 years of years. A classic example of this is the scripture in Rev 17:12,13 which says:

'And the TEN horns that you saw mean TEN kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings ONE hour with the wild beast. These have ONE thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.'

Here the number (ten) of horns and kings is twice compared with the number (one) of hours and thoughts. So we have ten times as many horns and kings as we have hours and thoughts. This is an implicit occurrence of ten times, in that the concept only (of ten times) appears in the scripture, via a comparison, but the words 'ten times' do not actually appear themselves. This scripture means that the eighth king of the UN, will rule for ten times, i.e. ten years before Armageddon. So the 7th world power will be deposed in Nisan 1998 (see section 53 for a full explanation).

In summary the progression of understanding of the scripture 'A time, times and half a time' has been as follows:

[1] Applies to the seven 'times' of the Gentile Times in Daniel chapter 4.

[2] Applies to almost every incidence of the word 'times' in the bible.

[3] Applies to many incidences of the concept of 'so many times'.

[4] Applies to many large lists of possessions, materials, animals, humans

etc, singular items standing for 1 time, plural items standing for 2 times and half items standing for half a time.

At the end of the day, if the man on the Clapham omnibus is asked: "What is half of seven?", he replies: "It is three and a half", he does not reply: "It is one plus twice one plus a half." It is therefore manifestly apparent that the true God, who is most certainly able to do anything that the man on the Clapham omnibus is able to do, having created that man, is saying a lot more than "Three and a half times", when he says: "A time, times and half a time". Hopefully the man on the Clapham omnibus will one day know what this greater meaning of this central expression in the bible really is (Dan 12:4)!


As an example of application number [3] above, we take a hand (of Laban's sons - Gen 30:35) as standing for 5 Times, because it has five fingers on it, i.e. fingers occur on it five times. This is an implicit occurrence of five times, i.e. the concept of five times appears but the words 'five times' do not. The symbolism of the hand standing for five times is also used in Daniel chapter 5 (see section 58), in 2 Samuel 21 (see section 98), in Genesis 43 (see section 38) and in Num 14:21 (see section 23).

So we now have a period of 80 years, 'after which he set a distance of three day's journey between himself and Jacob' (verse 36). Having already tied these 3 days up with Ex 5:3, we know that the greater three day period started in Nisan 1513, with the exodus from Egypt, the purpose of which was to go: 'please, a journey of 3 days into the wilderness and sacrifice to Jehovah our God' (Ex 5:3). If we count back 80 years from Nisan 1513 we end up in Nisan 1593 BCE. This is the greater 'day' to which the words 'on that day' of verse 35 refer.

Now, The first time that Satan successfully changed Jehovah's wages, actually killing members of Jehovah's chosen flock was in the time of Moses, in 1593 BCE, around the time that Moses was born, when Pharaoh made the order that "Every newborn son you are to throw into the Nile" (Ex 1:22). The midwives of verse 17 did not kill any Hebrew babies themselves, but this order certainly would have meant the death of several of Jehovah's chosen ones, although we know that Moses escaped. This was when Satan first 'trifled with' (Gen 31:7) Jehovah's flock, which were to produce and to be his wages from the Abrahamic covenant. Because just as Laban removed all of the colourful sheep from Jacob before he could breed them 'on that day' (Gen 30:35), this being the start of his changing of Jacob's wages, so Pharaoh removed all of the newborn sons of Israel from Jehovah, before they could breed on the day that he ordered them to be drowned (Ex 1:22), this being the start of Satan's changing of Jehovah's wages.

Whilst Satan had made attempts on Jehovah's chosen people earlier, such as Esau thinking about killing Jacob, such attempts did not succeed so as to actually change Jehovah's wages. Neither Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, any of the seventy (plus five) souls who went down into Egypt nor any other Hebrew, is recorded in the bible as being killed by agents of Satan up to and until this command of Pharaoh in Exodus 1:22. Judah's sons Er and Onan, were killed by Jehovah (Gen 38:7,10), not by Satan, and Abraham was the first of Jehovah's chosen ones, from whose loins the heavenly stars would come.

That Moses was born in Adar 1593, we know because he died on his 120th birthday in Adar 1473 BCE (Deut 31:2, Deut 32:48,50). After Moses died, the Israelites mourned for thirty days of the desert plains of Moab, at Shittim, (Deut 34:8). They then took three days to reach the Jordan (Jos 1:11, 3:2), and on the fourth day which was Nisan 10, 1473 BCE, they crossed the Jordan (Jos 3:5, 4:19). So the camp must have started leaving Shittim on Nisan 7, and therefore Moses died 23 days before the start of the Jewish year which started on Nisan 1, 1473 BCE. This puts his death in the month of Adar, we do not know when exactly in Adar it was, because we do not know how long the intercalary period was between the end of Adar and the start of Nisan in 1473 (Insight 1 p390).

The bible provides us with two witnesses to the simultaneity of Moses' birth and the order from Pharaoh to throw all the newborn sons of Israel into the Nile. These are at Ex 2:1,2:

'MEANTIME...and brought a son to birth. When she saw how good-looking he was, she kept him concealed for three lunar months'.

And in Acts 7:19,20:

'This one used statecraft against our race and wrongfully forced the fathers to expose their infants, that they might NOT BE PRESERVED ALIVE. IN THAT PARTICULAR TIME Moses was born, and he was divinely beautiful.'

Which, itself, is also a witness that the date of Moses' birth is prophetically significant. From this we can deduce that the order from Pharaoh and the first death of a Hebrew newborn son, occurred in these three months of Moses' concealment, which were Adar, Nisan & Iyyar of 1593 BCE, see fig 2. Which means that Jehovah's wages were first changed in one of these months. Which means that the ten times of Laban's Times started in the period from Adar to Iyyar of 1593 BCE. Our cryptic calculation has already showed us that these Times start in Nisan.

Therefore the ten times, or 3600 years, of Laban's Times, will end in Nisan 2008 CE. Jehovah's wages end when the Abrahamic covenant ends, since this covenant is the means by which men, his wages, are saved. The Abrahamic covenant ends on the first day of the Kingdom of God, because Rachel died on the day that she gave birth to Benjamin (Gen 35:16-20, see sections 17,18) which is the first day of the battle of Armageddon (see sections 49,66). So we now have a second determination of the date of Armageddon which confirms the date of Nisan 2008 in such a way as to firmly establish it, and to give us no choice but to accept it, (Gen 41:32, Deut 19:15). This is a very long range prophecy indeed.

Finally we read in Ex 2:9:

'Pharaoh's daughter then said to her: "Take this child with you and nurse him for me, and I myself shall give you your wages."'

This change in the literal wages of Moses' mother. She was getting a very different wage to the other brick-makers at the time. She lost a son but gained some money, and this symbolises the change in Jehovah's wages due to the death of the newborn sons of his chosen people, that Pharaoh's order led to. This is why her wages are mentioned here. Therefore this order from Pharaoh is truly the start of the fulfilment of the prophecy of the ten times of Laban's Times (Gen 31:7).


Now we read in Exodus 2:1,2 that:

'Meantime, a certain man of the house of Levi went ahead and took a daughter of Levi. And the woman became pregnant and bought a son to birth. When she saw how good looking he was, she kept him concealed for THREE LUNAR MONTHS.'

Truly it is being said to you today, that this child had the same good looks as his great great grandmother's sister (1 Chron 6:1-3), who was Rachel. Whom the bible says:

'had become beautiful in form and beautiful of countenance' (Gen 29:17).

Rachel became beautiful in countenance when Jesus became the king of heaven in Tishri 1914 (see section 18). As regards Moses, the anointed saviour of Jehovah's chosen people, his birth to his priestly Levite parents, was three lunar months (of concealment), or 90 days, before he entered into the royal household of Pharaoh. And as regards the anointed brothers of Jesus, who are going to save Jehovah's chosen people out of the great tribulation, they were born as priests and angels on Nisan 16, 1918 (see section 58.3). This resurrection was the start of Rachel's becoming 'beautiful in form'. They were then concealed for three 'months of years' or 90 years in heaven, after which time they become kings entering into the royal household of Jehovah, in Nisan 2008. They become visible at Armageddon, when they themselves will play a part in the saving by Jehovah of his chosen people of today, the Great Crowd.

So this three months of concealment is a very prophetic three months of concealment, because not only is it marking the start of the ten times of Laban's Times, which provide us with our second means of calculating the date of 2008, but it is also a third witness to and a third means of calculating the date of Armageddon, as being 90 years after Nisan 1918. This 90 year period has more prophecies referring to it in the bible than one might expect (Jos 8, section 70; Dan 6, section 65; Luke 12, section 90; Luke 17, section 66; Mat 12, section 58.3), it will be called the Separating Times (Luke 17:34,35) because it is the period of the separating of the sheep and the goats of Matthew 25:32.


Ten times precisely, and in seven different books, the bible tells us that Jehovah is slow to anger in a form similar to Ex 34:6:

'Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness and truth, preserving loving-kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but by no means giving exemption from punishment, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons and upon grandsons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation.'

These ten recitals of this quality of the true God are actually a cryptic witness to the prophecy of the 'ten times of Laban's Times'! Probably one of the deepest witnesses in the bible. The 'ten times' (see section 21.1) are recorded at:

Ex 34:6 Num 14:18 Neh 9:17 Psalms 86:15 Psalms 103:8

Psalms 145:8 Prov 14:19 Joel 2:13 Jonah 4:2 Nahum 1:3

This has the meaning that Jehovah will contain his anger at the deaths of members of his chosen people, the first of which was in Nisan 1593 BCE, at the time of the birth of Moses, who wrote the first two of these recitals in Exodus and Numbers, for ten times, which is 3,600 years, and then he will get very very angry indeed at Armageddon. The use of these ten different scriptures in a major long term prophecy, is what we call:


Jehovah himself bears witness that this is a true interpretation of the ten statements of Jehovah's mercy when he says in reply to Moses' second recital in Numbers 14:18 of this mercy:

"I do forgive according to your word. And on the other hand, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of Jehovah. But all the men who have been seeing my glory and my signs that I have performed in Egypt and in the wilderness and yet kept testing me these TEN TIMES, and have not listened to my voice, will never see the land about which I swore to their fathers" (Num 14:20-23).

This, in the greater meaning, applies to all wicked mankind, who will not see the kingdom of God. The 'ten times' are the ten times of Laban's Times, which end at Armageddon which is the day when Jehovah stops performing sign for the purpose of saving men, and starts performing signs for the purpose of judging them. As regards the scripture 'On the other hand' well, we already know that a hand symbolises 5 times (since fingers occur on it five times - section 21.1) so if we also include 'the other hand' as well, then we are symbolising ten times. So we now have two recitals, one literal and one implicit or conceptual of 'ten times'. This means that these ten times are indeed a prophecy, even the prophecy of the ten times of Laban's Times.


The bible is perfect, but we have to understand how accurately each prophecy is stated, before we can fully appreciate this. For instance if one agrees to do something next year, then so long as this thing is done in that year, then one has acted perfectly. Whereas, if one agrees to do something on September 30th next year and then one actually gets round to doing it on October 1st, then one has not acted with perfection, even though this latter agreement was stated far more accurately, than was the former. The bible never does the latter, but often does the former.


In 2 Samuel 5:4,5, we read the following:

'Thirty years old was David when he became king. For forty years he ruled as king. In Hebron he ruled as king over Judah for seven years and six months; and in Jerusalem he ruled as king for 33 years over all Israel and Judah.'

If we add the 7.5 years in Hebron to the 33 years in Jerusalem, we get 40.5 years, which is not 40 years. How do we explain this six month discrepancy? Well we have already seen, in section 6, that six month discrepancies are very important, and they tell us fine details about how bible chronology works. This scripture is no exception, it is telling us how all reigns are stated in the bible. The first six months of David's reign in Hebron were from Tishri 1077 until Nisan 1076 BCE (see section 16), this was all during his Accession year (All Scripture p284), which is the year before a king's first regnal year. Regnal years are defined as beginning in the month of Nisan so the year beginning Nisan 1076 was David's first regnal year.


David and Solomon were coregent in David's last regnal year which was 1037 BCE (section 16). This is symbolic of the fact that Jehovah and Jesus are right now Coregent in the Lord's day before Armageddon, whilst all of the greater Levitical assignments are made, the type for which is all of the assignments made by David in his last regnal year (1 Chron 23 - 27). In fact the reason that Solomon was made king twice, the first time being recited in 1 Chron 23:1, before all of these Levitical duties are assigned and the second time being recited in 1 Chron 29:22,23 after they had all been assigned, is because Jesus became king over heaven in 1914, before any of his anointed brothers were resurrected, and then he becomes king over earth in 2008, after all of his anointed brothers have been resurrected and assigned their various duties. During this whole period, Jesus is Coregent with Jehovah as Solomon was with David.

It is apparent from the fact that the sum of the regnal years from Solomon to Zedekiah is 393 (Insight 1 p462), rather than 390 which was the true length of this period, that whereas the accession year is not counted in the reign, the last regnal year is rounded up to make a full year.


In other words the Jews treated a man's age in the same way that they treated a king's reign. To prove this we first consider the example of Noah. This man performed the feat of being 600 years old in his 600th year, something that is very difficult to do in our present way of counting age! The scriptures say:

'And Noah was 600 years old when the deluge occurred on the earth' (Gen 7:6).

'In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the 17th day of the month, on this day all the springs of the vast watery deep were broken open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened' (Gen 7:11).

A most repetitive of scriptures. The 600th year of Noah's life, was the ancient Jewish year starting in Tishri 2369 and ending in Tishri 2368 BC, the year containing the deluge. It is apparent from the wording of verse 11 that Noah's 600th year was all of that year. In other words, according to Jewish reckoning you are in your nth year of life all the way through that year, no matter when in that year your birthday actually falls. What this means is that Noah was either born within the Jewish year from Tishri 2968 to Tishri 2967, which would imply that the Jews counted your 'accession' year as your first year - as regards your age. Or he was born in the Jewish year starting Tishri 2969 BC, in which case the Jews must have ignored a man's accession year and he became one year old when he began his first full year of life. The former way of counting is not very plausible because it would mean that all children are born one year old, although the Jews would also say that they were in their first year. The example of Jesus' visit to the temple 'when he became 12 years old' has sufficient information to determine which of these two counting methods the Jews actually used.

Jesus was born on Tishri 10, 2 BCE (see section ###), and he visited the temple Nisan 11 CE, which was actually the thirteenth Jewish year in which he had lived. But Luke describes this event as occurring:

'When he became 12 years old'

We have already seen that under the Jewish way of counting this would be his twelfth year of life. Therefore Luke was not counting the first six months of his life, in the Jewish year of 2 BCE. So we now know that the statement that Jesus was 12 years old, meant that he was now in his twelfth full Jewish year of life. And by this method of counting it is true to say that 'he became', 12 years old in that very month. As a further point we now know that a one year old lamb and a lamb in its first year are the same thing, namely a lamb which is in its first full Jewish year of life. Therefore Noah was born in the Jewish year starting Tishri 2969 BCE, but his first year of life, was his first full year of life and therefore started in Tishri 2968 BCE.

We have already seen in section 9.1, that adding up all of the Ages of Noah's descendants gives 352 years between the flood and Abraham's birth, whereas in truth there were only 350 years, so the ages give too large a figure. Also adding up all of the ages of Adam's descendants gives 1056 years from his birth until Noah's birth (All Scripture p286), whereas in truth there were at least 1058 years, so, in this case, the ages give too small a figure. This is because Adam was born in Tishri 4027 BCE (section 13.1), and Noah was born between Heshvan 2969 BCE and Heshvan 2968 BCE (section 13.1). Mathematically a Jewish 12 year old could be 11 years and 1 day old or 12 years and 359 days old by the modern method of counting, so adding up a group of ages can introduce an error of +1 or -1 year for each age in the list.


We have seen in section 6, that the seventy weeks of years prophecy, which covers 490 years, is accurate to the month. It starts in Tishri 455 BCE (Neh 8:1-3), and it ends in Tishri 36 CE (Dan 9:27). We have seen that the 70 years of exile in Babylon, which was prophesied in Jeremiah 25:9-12, was fulfilled to the month. Gedaliah was killed in Tishri 607 BCE (Jer 41:1,2) and the worship restarted at the temple site in Jerusalem in Tishri 537 BCE (Ezra 3:1). From these two witnesses to the accuracy of prophecies stated in years, we deduce that all prophecies which are stated in years are accurate to the month (Deut 19:15, 2 Chron 13:1). This is found to be true for every such prophecy which is looked at in this book. The one prophecy which is one month out, is stated as being 'about 36 men' (Jos 7:4 - men stand for years). This is looked at in section 72 (woman 18 years).


We have seen in section 10, that the 1305 net shekels of Numbers 3:50 & 7:3, which stand for the 1305 days of Jesus' non-heavenly existence during his earthly ministry, were fulfilled accurate to the day. This is true for the 1,260 days of Rev 11:3 (section 58.3), it is also true for the 2,300 and the 1,290 and the 1,335 days of Daniel 8:14, Daniel 12:11 and Daniel 12:12, as we shall see in the second half of this book. The 1,260 days that the woman of Revelation 12 spends in the wilderness (Rev 12:6) is also fulfilled accurate to the day (section 83). Furthermore our faith in the perfection of the true God, necessitates all of this to be so.


In Numbers 7:88, there is a prophecy stated in terms of 252 animals, which have a redemption value of 5 shekels per head. Taking a shekel for a day, this prophecy is stated accurate to 5 shekels. We have seen in section 10, that it is fulfilled to within 4 days. This is perfection, because the prophecy was deliberately stated only to five days accuracy in order to indicate that the stated figure could be as much as 4 days out from the true figure.




We will now find quite a few scriptures which depict events which will happen between a certain number of 'times' and that-number-plus-one times into the ten times of Laban's Times. These are all 'between times' prophecies. These timings have been recited by the prophets of Jehovah, not in order to find out roughly i.e. within 360 years, when the various events occurred, which would be of very little use, but in order to indicate the inexorable ticking away of Laban's Times during all the events of the bible. The first one we look at is Greedy Gehazi in 2 Kings 5, which together with Isaiah's olive tree in Isaiah 17:5-9 and Sanballat's letters in Neh 6:1-7 are between times prophecies which count from the start of Laban's Times in Nisan 1593 BCE. The two prophecies of Elisha's five or six arrows in 2 Kings 2:9-15 and the seven shepherds and eight dukes of Micah in Micah 5:5-8, are between times prophecies of Laban's Times, which count from an event up to Armageddon, which is the end of Laban's Times.




Do you know, for many millenia people have been citing this example of greed, but until March 1992, Jehovah had not chosen to reveal to anyone on earth what the full, true, spiritual meaning behind this symbolic drama was! We shall see that this account, like its counterpart of the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal, is absolutely packed with cryptic prophecy. Would you like to know what it is that the one who causes all things to become (Jehovah means: 'He causes to become' in Hebrew - Insight 2 p5), is saying will in fact become through this prophecy?

For a fairly full account of this symbolic drama see section 15.2. This time we will look at the financial arrangements in the drama. Firstly in 2 Kings 5:5 we read: 'So he proceeded to take in his hand TEN TALENTS of silver and 6,000 PIECES of gold and TEN CHANGES of garments'. We then see in verses 15 and 16 that Naaman offers Elisha the whole of this gift. Now this gift is a very symbolic gift. We see that the figure ten is mentioned twice, so this is a prophetic part of the statement. We will see a further example of changes of garments representing times in section 31 (Gen 45:22), where Benjamin was given five changes of mantles. So the ten talents of silver and the ten changes of garments both represent the ten times of the Laban's Times period. Just as Jacob worked for six years for the flock, which stands for the 6,000 years non-Sabbath part of the seventh creative day, and had his wages changed ten times, which stand for the last 3,600 years of these 6,000 years. So the 6,000 'gold' pieces stand for the 6,000 years, and the ten changes of garments and the ten talents of 'silver' stand for the 3,600 years. The 6,000 pieces are gold and the ten talents are silver, because gold precedes silver in time prophecy (Num 7:84-88, section 10, Dan 2, section 77.2, Dan 5, section 58.1).

Now Elisha refuses to accept this gift which represents the entirety of Jehovah's wages, but Gehazi has other ideas. He petitions Naaman for 'a talent of silver and two changes of garments' (verse 22), thereby changing Jehovah's wages symbolically. Naaman then actually gives him 'two talents and two changes of garments', thereby providing a second witness to a change of wages. Laban's Times started in Nisan 1593 so one time into it is Nisan 1233 and two times into it is Nisan 873 BCE. This drama actually occurred during the reign of King Jehoram of Israel, which places it between 917 and 906 BCE (2 Kings 3:10). By Gehazi asking for 'one' out of the 'ten talents' and 'two' out of the 'ten changes' he was actually saying that this event was occurring between 1233 and 873 BCE. By Naaman giving him both 'two changes of garments' and 'two talents' he was saying that the event was nearer the 'two times' marker of 873 BCE, than it was the 'one time' marker of 1233 BCE. Elisha actually tells us cryptically that the silver and the garments do stand for times when he says in verse 26:

'Is it a time to accept silver or accept garments..'

The answer literally is no, but the answer cryptically is yes, thank you Elisha, the silver and the garments are representing times. As mentioned before, this interpretation is not a lot of use to us in determining where exactly in time this event occurred, but it does give us great confidence in the Laban's Times prophecy itself, and the march of prophetic time towards the end of 'Laban's Times' and it demonstrates the marvellous harmony and inspired origin of the bible. Gehazi had no idea about 'Laban's Times' and nor did Naaman when they said what they said in this account. There is actually a lot more cryptic meaning to this account, which is really fantastic, we will look at this in section 97, where we will find that every number in this account has a prophetic significance and we will find the exact date of this change in wages. By the time the reader has finished reading this book, he will more than likely realise that every number in the whole bible has a prophetic significance. For example, why in John 21:11 did the apostles catch 153 big fish??....see section 92. Now if the true God has this sort of control over fish, what sort of control must he have over men? In which case what sort of long-suffering is he displaying towards us, in that he gives us the freedom to make mistake after mistake?





'And you O Bethlehem of Eprath, the one too little to get to be among the thousands of Judah, from you there will come out to me the one who is to become the ruler in Israel' (Micah 5:2). What a fantastic scripture, what a contrast between lowly Bethlehem and the King of Kings that was to be born there! The chronological part of this prophecy is stated in verses 5-8:

'As for the Assyrian, when he comes into our land and when he treads down our dwelling towers, we shall also have to raise up against him SEVEN SHEPHERDS YES EIGHT DUKES of mankind. And they will actually shepherd the land of Assyria with the sword......And the remaining ones of Jacob must become in the midst of many peoples like dew from Jehovah....And the remaining ones of Jacob must become among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among beasts of the forest, like a maned young lion among droves of sheep'.

We have seen that repetition often indicates prophecy (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). In Joseph's dream there were seven cows and also seven ears of grain, and the two stood for the same thing (Gen 41:25). We saw in the account of greedy Gehazi (section 25.1), that there was one talent and two changes of garments. Here we have seven shepherds yes eight dukes, this is also repetition but with the numbers one apart. In these sorts of prophecies there is normally the concept of between or the word midst mentioned strategically, to show that we must look between the two numbers for the prophetic time period.

Since the remaining ones of Jacob are repeated twice, the prophecy refers to them, and this is apparent from the whole sense of the chapter as well. The woman in verse 3 is initially Mary, but finally the woman of Revelation 12, the Assyrian is Israel's traditional nasty enemy, and stands for this in the wider sense, i.e. the eighth King of Rev 17:11, the seven shepherds and eight dukes, are the anointed brothers in heaven because, verse 5 says 'we shall also have to raise up against him seven shepherds', which is referring to the heavenly resurrection of the anointed, the time of their shepherding with the sword is therefore Armageddon. This prophecy is saying that, as regards the Assyrian, from the time 'when he comes into our land and treads upon our (Israel's) dwelling towers' i.e. 740-732 BCE, to the shepherding job at Armageddon, i.e. 2008 CE, there will be between 7 and 8 times or between 2,520 and 2880 years, most certainly a true statement.

The Assyrians took Samaria in 740 BCE and Sennacherib was thwarted in his attempt against Jerusalem in Tishri 731 BCE (section 44,).The comments on the Shepherds and Dukes in the Insight book 1 p658 about what these dukes stand for, are not correct it is suggested.



One would expect Elisha's deathbed prophecy to be one concerning Jesus' second presence, because in the double type of Elijah-Elisha, the two men represent his two ministries, one earthly and the other heavenly, which is why Elijah ascended to heaven before the cloak fell for Elisha, 2 Kings 2:9-15. The double-type splits the two ministries into earthly and heavenly, rather than first century and twentieth century, because Elisha actually represents Jesus from his ascension in 33 CE onwards, see section 15, whereas Jesus' second presence started in 1914 CE. Well the Last thing that Elisha prophesies about would be the last thing that Jesus does, in his Elisha role, which is to execute judgement on the wicked at Armageddon, just like Jehu (2 Kings 10:18,19) his type in Elisha's time, see again section 15.

So we read in 2 Kings 13:17, that Elisha asked the 'King of Israel' to shoot an arrow, he then said "Jehovah's arrow of salvation, even the arrow of salvation against Syria". Notice the repetition of 'arrow of salvation'. He then says "you will certainly strike down Syria at Aphek to the finishing point", and later in verse 19 : "In that case you would certainly be striking down Syria to the finishing point". We again notice the repetition of the striking down of Syria to the finish.

Between these two scriptures we read: 'Then he said to the King of Israel: "Strike the earth." So he struck the earth three times and stopped. And the man of the true God grew indignant at him; hence he said: "It was meant to strike FIVE OR SIX TIMES! In that case you would certainly be striking down Syria to the finishing point, but now it is three times that you will strike down Syria."

The initial fulfilment of this was that King Jehoash did defeat the Syrians three times (verse 25). But the greater fulfilment of this prophecy has to do with something more than King Jehoash. It has to do with Jehovah's arrow of Salvation, the one whom Jehovah shot from the heavens to earth! which arrow landed in the immediate vicinity of the virgin Mary, and was in fact his firstborn son, Jesus who was called the Christ. And the striking down of Syria to the finishing point is Armageddon, which is the finishing point of this prophecy of the 'five or six times', which has as a starting point the salvation of mankind by the arrow from the bow of Jehovah in 33CE. This event therefore occurs between five and six times before Armageddon. The two repeated prophetic statements that we noticed above, namely the 'arrow of salvation' and 'the striking down of Syria', therefore represent the starting point and the end point of the prophecy of the five or six times.

Incidentally the footnote says that the Septuagint and the Vulgate bibles have five or six or seven times, rather than just five or six times. The New World has the inspired record. Five or six or seven destroys the greater meaning of this prophecy! However it is most commendable and necessary that all records are quoted!



This account is found in Isaiah chapter 17. It is not possible to understand this prophecy at all, unless one first understands and knows the prophecy of Laban's Times. This is because as was the case with Gehazi and Sanballat's letters, the times referred to are measured from the start of Laban's Times, so if one does not know when this was, then one is stumped! Whereas with the above accounts of the seven shepherds and eight dukes, and the five or six arrows, the times are measured from Armageddon. Therefore if one knows when this is, but is ignorant of Laban's Times prophecy, then one can still appreciate the temporal significance of the times involved.

Isaiah says that Jehovah says, from verse 5: 'And it must occur that when the harvester is gathering the standing grain and his own arm harvests the ears of grain, he must even become like one gleaning the ears of grain in the low plain of Rephaim. And there must remain in it a gleaning as when there is a beating of the olive tree (notice the repetition of the harvesting of grain) TWO OR THREE ripe olives in the top of the branch; FOUR OR FIVE on the fruit bearing boughs thereof'.

Remember that one can repeat with an 'and' i.e. Gehazi requested 'a talent of silver and two changes of garments, (2 Kings 5:22) or one can repeat with an 'or' i.e. 'two or three ripe olives', (Isaiah 17:6), we then read in verses 7&9:

'In that day earthling man will look up and see his Maker, and his own eyes will gaze at the Holy one of Israel himself' - verse 7

'In that day his fortress cities will become like a place left entirely in woodland, even the branch that they have left entirely on account of the sons of Israel; and it must become a desolate waste.' - verse 9

It is apparent that verse seven is referring to the day of Jesus appearing in the flesh, and verse nine is referring to the day of exile to Babylon. From the double reference to the harvester who gleans with his own arm, who is of course Jesus himself, actually choosing his disciples physically, it is evident that this prophecy refers to this greater harvesting event itself. We know that the exile occurred before the earthly ministry and that is why the 2 or 3 olives are on the 'top' of the tree but the 4 or 5 olives are on the fruit bearing boughs. Because although it is true that the bough grows first before the top of the branch grows, when you glean from such a tree you would glean from the top of the branch first and then from the bough presumably?

In any event the olives stand for times measured from the start of Laban's Times. Two times into them was 873 BCE, three times in was 513 BCE, four times in was 153 BCE and five times in was 208 CE. Again this is not the most accurate of prophecies, but it confirms the progress through the very accurate 'Laban's Times' themselves. Of course 607 - 537 BCE, the exile, is between 873 and 513, and 29 - 33 CE the gleaning, is between 153 BCE and 208 CE.



We have at long last found a prophetic significance for Nehemiah's wall! See section 6. More seriously, this account in Nehemiah chapter 6:1-7 is very straightforward. Sanballat writes to Nehemiah four times saying:

"Do come and let us meet in the villages of the valley plain of O'no" (which did not mean oh no it's the wall again!)

It was in fact a ploy to get Judah to stop working on the wall (we use Judah in the same sense that Jehovah does, i.e. meaning the sons of Judah). Then the fifth time, he says:

'And there are prophets that you have appointed to call out concerning you throughout Jerusalem, saying, "There is a king in Judah!"'.

So before the fifth letter was written, Sanballat hears about this 'King in Judah' . This means that the King of Israel, who is the lion of Judah, i.e. in the line of Judah, i.e. in Judah, will come between four and five times into Laban's Times. That is between the years of 153 BCE and 208 CE. The fact that this has to do with the ten times of Laban's Times is also apparent from Neh 4:1, which reads:

'Now it came about that as soon as Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and highly offended, and he kept deriding the Jews.' We then read in Neh 4:12, 'And it came about that, whenever the Jews dwelling close by them came in, they proceeded to say to us ten times: "They will come up from all the places where you people will return to us."

This ten times is obviously symbolic, nobody repeats anything ten times, each time he 'comes in' to see you. And neither does this mean that their fear was organisationally complete from an earthly point of view, (Rev book p19). So it is a cryptic sign from Jehovah's prophet Nehemiah that there will shortly follow a prophecy based on the Ten times of Laban's Times.




This account is another example of the festival of weeks, i.e. Pentecost, being used to symbolise the Alienation Times (see section 15.1). Pentecost, which was celebrated on Sivan 6, is the day after the seven full weeks of days, which themselves started immediately after the first day of the barley harvest, the festival of the firstfruits, which was Nisan 16 (Lev 23:15,16, Deut 16:9,10).

By now we are aware that the bible is first literal, then symbolic, and lastly cryptic. This account in 2 Samuel 21, is a good example of how Jehovah is using all three of these techniques, to talk to his people in the Lord's day. Summarising the literal events in this chapter, first there is a famine for three years, 'year after year' because of the bloodguilt on the house of Saul, who is responsible for trying to wipe out the Gibeonites. Then King David offers to atone for this, and the Gibeonites require not Gold or Silver but Seven sons of Saul. But they recognise that it is not their position to 'put a man to death in Israel' (verse 4).

King David then chooses seven sons of Saul (two from Rizpah and five from Michal), who are exposed to Jehovah (verse 6). These being put to death in the first days of the barley harvest (verse 9). Then Rizpah conducts a vigil on the dead bodies until 'water poured down upon them from the heavens' (verse 10). King David on hearing this puts the bones of Saul and of Jonathon in 'the burial place of Kish his father' (verse 14). Then we are told how 'Ishbi-benob' thinks about striking David down, with 300 shekels worth of copper spear. But instead, David's servants strike him down together with three other Philistines, born to the Rephaim, making four times that these people are struck down (verses 17,18,19,21). David's servants have meantime sworn to David saying:

"You must not go out with us to battle anymore, that you may not extinguish the lamp of Israel" (verse 17).

The fourth time that the servants of David struck down one born to the Rephaim, that one had 12 fingers split six and six (each hand), 12 toes split six and six, and we are told that these were '24 in number' (verse 20).


This is all very symbolic and very cryptic! The symbolism is as follows:


House of Saul = Fleshly Israel

Saul = Jacob (Israel)

Gibeonites = Faithful Gentiles

King David = Jesus

Famine = Ministry of Jesus

7 Sons of Saul = Festival of weeks & Alienation Times

2 Sons of Rizpah = First two of the seven Alienation Times

5 Sons of Michal = Last five of the seven Alienation Times

Jonathonic covenant = New covenant

Mephiboseth = Spiritual Israel

Kish, Saul's father = Jehovah

Burial place of Kish = Jehovah's memorial tombs

Downpour of water = Pentecost 33 CE

The three years of famine, 'year after year' of verse 1, was ended when the heavens opened in verse 10, which we will see was at Pentecost. Since the full year's harvesting ended in Elul (fig 2), and since verse 1 says 'year after year', then cryptically we are being told that this was a 3.5 year famine, because the extra half year from Tishri onwards before the first of the three full years of famine, would not have been seen as such because nobody was harvesting anything then, (compare 1 Kings 18:1, James 5:17). It is of course impossible to have a three and a half year famine, because famines only happen once a year! There is a further witness to this famine being 3.5 years long later in the account as we shall see. These years represent the 3.5 years of Jesus' ministry which whilst not being a famine for his sheep, highlighted the spiritual famine conditions of the time created by the blind and selfish pharisees, as was the case with Elijah (1 Kings 17:1, section 15.1 & 96).

The bloodguilt on Saul's house (verse 1) is the bloodguilt on the house of Israel, which was highlighted by the Mosaic law, and all of the sacrifices involving the blood of bulls etc that this entailed. This bloodguilt is of course inherited from Adam, and it is this which causes the Gentiles (the greater Gibeonites, in this symbolism) to die. The literal bloodguilt on the house of Saul, who in the literal account 'put the Gibeonites to death' (verse 1), was actually atoned for by one Jew, even one from the tribe of Judah, like King David.

David, i.e. Jesus, makes Atonement for them so that they 'bless the inheritance of Jehovah' (verse 3), which is spiritual Israel, this is symbolising the application of the atoning value of Jesus' ransom sacrifice to the faithful ones of the Gentiles. The Gibeonites lack of interest in gold or silver, reflects the inability of any works of mankind to remove bloodguilt and hence bring life. The recognition of the Gibeonites that it is not their position to 'put a man to death in Israel' is prophetic in the sense that it was fleshly Jews who impaled the son of God, and they bore the bloodguilt for that act. Their statement that the problem lies with the House of Saul, is the statement that mankind is in need of atonement, and the problem was highlighted in the house of Saul and recognised in this house, and then solved through this house. The 'chosen one of Jehovah' in verse 6, is not Saul but is Jesus Christ. All the seven sons of Saul are of course sons of Benjamin, which points forward to the witness to the Alienation Times in section 31.

One reason that Rizpah waited until 'water poured down on them from the heavens' is that the two times that her two sons represent, being 2488 BCE until 1768 BCE, was a time during which a large number of people got very wet in the flood. The downpour of water itself represents the downpour of holy spirit at Pentecost 33 CE after the Alienation Times had ended. The seven sons were exposed to Jehovah (verse 9), 'in the first days of the barley harvest', i.e. Nisan 16, on the festival of the firstfruits (fig 2). The house of Saul therefore lost a son seven times on Nisan 16. The scripture actually says:

'So the seven of them fell together; and they themselves were put to death in the first days of the barley harvest, at the start of the barley harvest' (2 Sam 21:9).

This is a statement in prophetic form (Gen 41:25,32; Amos 3:3-7, section 2). Therefore this falling together and this 'first days of the barley harvest', both of which are repeated twice, both stand for something greater. We have already seen that Rizpah, whose two sons stand for two times, then waited from the death in Nisan 16 until the water poured down, which symbolises and therefore was Pentecost in that year. We therefore deduce that the greater meaning of the death of the seven sons is the seven weeks of days of the festival of weeks, which started on Nisan 16 and ended the day before Pentecost (Lev 23:15,16).


The holy spirit is here telling us that there are two greater meanings to Rizpah's behaviour. The first greater meaning we have seen is the seven weeks before Pentecost in 33 CE. The further meaning to her waiting throughout the seven weeks before Pentecost, is the wait determined on all mankind during the seven times of the Alienation Times, during which there was no downpour of Jehovah's holy spirit. We will see this two and five split of the seven times of the Alienation Times again in section 31, where again the two times part of the split also tells us that there are two greater meanings to the account. Furthermore the five sons of Michal (or Merab, reared by Michal) actually stand for the five times of Benjamin's Times (see section 31) which in turn also stand for the five times of the Apostate Times (see sections 34 & 38).

This is our further witness to the length of the Alienation Times being 7 times long, also all of these 7 sons were fatherless physically before they died (because Saul was already dead), and all mankind was fatherless spiritually for seven times before Jesus died on Nisan 14, thereby ending the Alienation Times (see section 9).

The burial place of Kish is Jehovah's memorial tombs (Mat 27:52,53), for both the anointed and the other sheep, and the bones of mankind do not enter into such officially until after Jesus' death, which is why these bones are transferred, only after the seven sons of Saul have been exposed. Verse 14 ends with 'So God let himself be entreated for the land after this'. This represents the end of the withdrawal not of physical rain but of god's holy spirit. As regards Mephiboseth the son of Jonathon, whose covenant with David prefigured the New Covenant - see section 28, 'the king felt compassion upon Mephiboseth' (verse 7), so he was not killed, even though he was a Son of Saul, who was bloodguilty with respect to the Gibeonites, so really he should have been killed.

This is an exact parallel with the stated symbolism of this account. Saul is fleshly Israel, Mephiboseth is spiritual Israel, these ones have inherited the bloodguilt of their father Jacob (who inherited it from Adam), and are therefore deserving of death. But due to the compassion and undeserved kindness of God, as expressed through his son Jesus, the greater David, they are preserved alive, by virtue of the new covenant, which is the antitype of the covenant between Jonathon and David, which was the covenant which preserved the life of Mephiboseth. The society's various different understandings of what this 'Jonathonic' covenant symbolises are somewhat off this mark, it is suggested (Salvation p128, Su 1401-1, Sr 246-9), see section 28 for a fuller explanation.

The exact length of the famine period is again cryptically defined by the fourth time that the Israelites defeated the Philistines. The 12 toes and the 12 fingers are 'but one' in the words of the prophet Joseph (Gen 41:25), representing the twelve months of the fourth year or fourth 'time' of Jesus' ministry, as opposed to the fourth time that a giant Philistine was killed. Actually one could well liken each year of Jesus' ministry to killing a giant Philistine! Now since the 12 toes and the 12 fingers of this giant fourth Philistine of verse 20, were split six and six, with the man who died being in the middle of his own 12 toes and fingers, so Jesus died in the middle of the 12 months of the fourth year of his ministry. This was when the three and a half year atonement of his ministry ended, thereby 'extinguishing' the greater 'lamp of Israel'. In section 98, we will see that this account actually gives two witnesses to the exact date of the end of this famine, and these witnesses use every concept and number in the account of the killing of the four Philistines. This sort of understanding is therefore scripturally complete. When one understands why every word in a scripture is there, then one has the interpretation that belongs to God (Gen 40:8).




Have you ever wondered why there were three curses that were changed into blessings, in Numbers 23? or why each time before the blessing was forthcoming, Balaam and Balak built seven altars and sacrificed seven bulls and seven rams, one of each on each altar? And why Balaam said to Jehovah before the first sacrifice: "I set the seven altars in rows and I proceeded to offer up a bull and a ram on each altar?" (Num 23:4). If so, then if you have read this book you will probably be able to guess what it is that Jehovah is referring to here. The three maledictions are the Exedenic Times, the Alienation Times and the Gentile Times. The seven bulls and seven rams which are sacrificed sequentially on the seven altars are 'but one' (Gen 41:25) and they represent the seven times needed before each malediction is turned into each blessing. This is why in each of the three accounts of the three curses/blessings in Numbers 23, the sequence of events is as follows:

1. Curse is asked for by Balak

2. Seven bulls and seven rams are sacrificed on seven altars

3. Malediction changed into a blessing

Deuteronomy 23:5 says: "And Jehovah your God did not want to listen to Balaam; but Jehovah your God in your behalf, changed the malediction into a blessing, because Jehovah your God loved you".

Nehemiah 13:2 says: "for they .... went hiring against them Balaam to call down evil upon them. However our God changed the malediction into a benediction".

The account starts in chapter 22, the symbolism employed is:

Balaam = Babylon the Great

Balaak = Satan

princes of Balaak = Demons

She-ass = Jehovah's people (well they were stiff-necked!!)

Jehovah's angel = Jesus (Angel Michael)

Two attendants = Satan's people

With regard to our (i.e. the faithful ones) representation as a she-ass, this may not be too far wide of the mark! We have an awful lot to do in the last sixteen years of this system! Starting in Num 22:5 we see that Balak (Satan) hires Balaam who is from 'Pethor, which is by the river of the sons of his people'. Pethor was in Mesopotamia, the river was the Euphrates (Insight 1 p624, Deut 23:4), in other words in the region of Babylon. Eventually after various financial inducements Balaam sets off on his she-ass towards Balak the King of Moab. This road symbolises the broad and spacious path that leads to destruction of Matthew 7:13. The she-ass is God's people and Babylon the Great is driving them down this road. Now the she-ass sees an angel and then tries to go into the field and get off the road to destruction (verse 23), but Balaam strikes her and forces her back onto the road. This represents the Jews entering the promised land at the end of the Exedenic Times, and Joshua's meeting with the angel Michael (Joshua 5:14, see section 14). Followed by their subsequent expulsions in 740 BCE and 607 BCE. This is actually the first of the three comings of Jesus, and each one of his three comings spell the end of one of the three curses of the Exedenic, Alienation and Gentile Times, see section 60.

Then the she-ass squashes Balaam's foot against a wall, making his position very uncomfortable (verse 25), again due to angelic direction. This represents Jesus' exposure and denunciation of the pharisees, the then representatives of Babylon the Great, at the end of the Alienation Times, his second coming, which was his first visible presence. Finally the she-ass lays down under Balaam, causing him to fall off, or in other words refuses to carry him any further. This is the fall of Babylon the Great, which happens three and a half times (years) after the Gentile Times end, in fact in Nisan 14, 1918 see section 58.3. All three she-ass revolts are angelically guided, and result in beatings from Balaam (Matthew 24:49). All three mark the end of the three maledictions determined on God's people, all of which were demanded by Satan (the greater Balak)!. All three angelic guidances are from Jesus, at his three comings. This is a very very deep and symbolic account, we have been Donkeys in our attempts to understand it. This is why Jehovah's people are symbolised as such here.

We then read a truly marvellous and righteous and just scripture. Because just as Satan used a dumb snake to cause the downfall of mankind, we read that 'Finally Jehovah opened the mouth of the ass'. Jehovah uses a dumb she-ass to condemn Satan in return, and what is more, Satan is forced to agree that the she-ass has not sinned, in other words is forced to admit that God's people are righteous, and admits that he himself is a murderer (verses 28-31). Incidentally the Journey down this road is temporal prophetically, hence the word finally in verse 28. We then find this very prophetic statement from Jehovah's angel:

"Supposing she had not turned aside from before me! For by now even you I should have killed, but her I should have preserved alive" (verse 33).

This represents the destruction of Babylon the Great, and the free gift of life given to God's people. Now we look at the three maledictions that became blessings again in chapter 23. We find that one message of this chapter is that:

The three maledictions are in fact Satan's three main successes with mankind, which have all three been brought about through false religion.

The first success was the fall of Adam due to his following Eve rather than God. Eve was actually a false worshipper at the time, having already eaten herself, she was actually a false prophet, like Balaam! This was the start of the Exedenic Times. The second success was the disgusting state that mankind had reached 120 years before the flood, when Jehovah said that he regretted having made men (Gen 6:3,5-7). This was the start of the Alienation Times, and was brought about by the false prophets of physically materialised demons themselves. The third success was the totally apostatised state of the Jewish nation in 607 BCE, idols in the temple etc (Ezekiel 8:7-16). We know from section 4.2, that the Gentile Times started and indeed took their length from the amount of false worship that preceded these times, (Leviticus 26:18).

But all of these successes were only temporary, thanks to the undeserved kindness of Jehovah.


The first blessing uttered in Num 23:7-10 refers to the end of the Exedenic Times. 'There as a people they keep tabernacling isolated' (verse 9), this is their condition in the promised land. As the scripture says 'You for your part will take possession of the land, and I, for my part, shall give it to you to take possession of it, a land flowing with milk and honey. Jehovah your God I am who divided you off from the peoples' (Lev 20:24, the cross ref).

'Among the nations they do not reckon themselves' (verse 9), we read in Deut 32:8 'When the most high gave the nations an inheritance, when he parted the sons of Adam from one another, he proceeded to fix the boundary of the peoples with regard for the number of the sons of Israel'.

'Let my soul die the death of the upright ones' (verse 10), the cross reference is Psalms 37 where we read in verse 34: 'Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, and he will exalt you to take possession of the earth'.

'And let my end turn out afterward like theirs' (verse 10), the cross reference is Joshua 14:14, which says: 'At that Joshua blessed him and gave Hebron to Caleb the son of Jephunneh as an inheritance. That is why Hebron has come to belong to Caleb... down to this day, for the reason that he followed Jehovah the God of Israel fully.

The pattern of these blessings is amazing, they actually refer prophetically to scriptures describing the end of the Exedenic, Alienation and Gentile Times which had not been written at the time that Moses wrote Numbers!!



The second blessing describes the end of the Alienation Times (verses 19-24).' God is not a man that he should tell lies' (verse 19), this is next said in Psalm 89 which is all about Jesus, verse 35 says: 'Once I have sworn in my holiness to David I will not tell lies', whereas verse 26 reads 'He himself calls out to me, "You are my father"' referring to Jesus.

'neither a son of man that he should feel regret' (verse 19), the cross reference is 1 Samuel 15 :29 where we find 'At this Samuel said to him: "Jehovah has ripped away the royal rule of Israel from you today, and he will certainly give it to a fellowman of yours who is better than you....He is not an earthling man so as to feel regrets"'. This was Samuel telling Saul that he would lose the throne, and just after this David was anointed in 1083 BCE see section 95. David prefigures Jesus, of course, furthermore the references to uncanny power and divination in verses 21,23 are mirrored in 1 Samuel 15:23, where Samuel points out to Saul that rebelliousness is the same as the sin of Divination, and pushing ahead presumptuously the same as using uncanny power and Terraphim.

' Has he himself said it and he will not do it, and has he spoken and will he not carry it out?' (verse 19). This is the rhetorical version of Isaiah 46:10,11 which tells us that Jehovah is 'the one telling from the beginning the finale', and then he says: 'I have even spoken it; I shall also bring it in. I have formed it, I shall also do it.' This is Jehovah telling his servants of his prophetic power, and the cornerstone of his whole plan was the death of his son, which was the end of the Alienation Times.

'A loud hailing of a king is in his midst' (verse 21) this refers to Jesus' death see section 40. 'At this time it may be said regarding Jacob and Israel, "what has God worked out." Behold a people will get up like a lion,' (verse 23). This is referring to Jesus, the lion of Judah, being seen, the pivot in the plan that Jehovah has worked out.


The third blessing refers to the period at the end of the Gentile Times. These times being the third malediction (see section 8, the three rights of the firstborn). The blessing spans verses 4-9 of chapter 24. Verse 5 reads 'How good-looking are your tents, O Jacob, your tabernacles O Israel'. Which reminds us of Deuteronomy 6:10 which says:

'When Jehovah your God will bring you into the land that he swore to your forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give you, great and good looking cities that you did not build, and houses full of all good things that you did not fill.'

Now this scripture was fulfilled initially by the Jews taking cities in the promised land. But since the scripture is also quoted from here in Balaam's third blessing, we see that it applies to the situation after 1914, it is therefore apparent that not every building will be destroyed at Armageddon.

'His King will be higher than Agag, And his Kingdom will be lifted up' (verse 7), we are returning again to 1 Samuel 15, this time it is verse 20, where King Saul overstepped the command of Jehovah by sparing King Agag's life. This is the only King Agag in the bible, and so we must assume that the blessing is referring to him. Now Agag was the head of the Amalekites, in the days of Saul. These were the first people to unilaterally attack the Israelites, after they had left Egypt (Ex 17:8-13). Jehovah therefore made the following pronouncement against them:

'Because a hand is against the throne of Jah, Jehovah will have war with Amalek from generation to generation,' (verse 14).

From which it is evident that the Amalekites and their King stand for the first and traditional enemies of God's people who are Satan the devil and his demonic hordes. It is the king of these ones whom Agag is symbolising, and Jehovah's king will certainly be higher than Satan, and his kingdom will in fact crush and put an end to all of his kingdoms! (Dan 2:44). This point is actually made by Balaam himself in verse 20, where he says:

'Amalek was the first one of the nations, but his end afterward will be even his perishing.'

So the Kingdom which is lifted up (verse 7), is none other than the Kingdom of God, and Jehovah is using the seven year period covering the change of power from Saul to David to symbolise the seven times period covering the change of power from the nation of Israel under the law to Jesus over the heavenly Kingdom. In other words the seven years that David had to wait, after he had been anointed, before he took the Kingdom from Saul, are the Gentile Times. We already know that this is the case from section 16. The insight book 1 p56, of course misses this, since the writers of it are unaware that the Gentile Times prophecy is vividly recited by King David's seven years as a fugitive.

'And their bones he will gnaw, and he will break them to pieces with his arrows' (verse 8), the cross reference is Psalms 2:9: 'You will break them with an iron sceptre, as though a potter's vessel you will dash them to pieces.' As regards the 'arrows', we think of the first of the four horsemen of Rev 6:2, and his bow. Verse 9 is an almost straight quote from Genesis 49:9, the blessing given by Jacob to Judah, whose seed would include the lion of Judah himself. So the whole blessing refers to Jesus in Kingdom power.


The fourth and final utterance of Balaam is prefixed by the words: 'Do come, let me advise you what this people will do to your people afterward in the end of the days', this time period occurs after 1914, and this utterance refers to Armageddon. Balaam now says in verses 15,16:

'The utterance of Balaam the son of Beor, And the utterance of the able bodied man with the eye unsealed. The utterance of the one hearing the sayings of God, and the one knowing the knowledge of the Most High.'

This piece of scripture we already know applies to the Lord's day. What it is saying is therefore that this account was actually sealed up in the sense of Daniel 12:4. Which we know is true, because it embodies most of Jehovah's plan for mankind! The one who understands this account, therefore has his eye unsealed, and is hearing the sayings of God, and is knowing the knowledge of the most high. Even a vision of the almighty, he is seeing (verse 16). This is certainly true, it is also the true God Jehovah's wish, that many will get this knowledge. His prophet has even said as much (Dan 12:4).

Finally there is a very pertinent point that this account makes for the Lord's day. This is that after these three curses which were turned into blessings, the main problem for God's people was fornication (Num 25:1-9). This is actually a prophecy, for the time after the end of the Gentile Times, which is now! God's people are fulfilling this now in their weakness, since as Paul said: 'Who is weak and I am not weak?' (2 Cor 11:29). Because the biggest cause of disfellowshipping is fornication, which is the idolatry of the opposite sex, which was the fall of Adam. Have we learned nothing from his mistake? Therefore what we need is Phinehas (Num 25:7-9), we have to have his hate for this sin, and his jealousy for his God.




The book of 1 Samuel chapter 20, contains the account of the covenant made between David and Jonathon. This account is very, very symbolic, and very cryptic. It is the purpose of this book that the reader is made familiar with the methods used by the Most High God, to convey his thoughts to his people in the time of the end (Dan 8:17), and these methods are cryptic and symbolic. As we gain more experience in seeing Jehovah's interpretations of his book, the bible, we will find that it is a book within a book within a book. In fact in this way Jehovah has communicated three related messages to three sets of people separated by three thousand five hundred years through the very same set of words, a miracle in itself.

The symbolism employed is:

Saul = Fleshly sons of Israel

David = Jesus

Jonathon = Anointed Jewish Christians

Covenant of disclosure = New covenant until Tishri 36 CE

Young attendant = Anointed Gentile Christians

First day of hiding = Nisan 14, 33 CE

Second day of hiding = Nisan 15, 33 CE

Third day of hiding = Nisan 16, 33 CE

(Three) arrows = Salvation (after three times)

Festival of New moon = Passover festival (unfermented cakes)

With this symbolism, we shall find that the account is rich beyond belief. The society has interpreted Jonathon initially as prefiguring the Great Crowd (Salvation p128), presumably as a result of the then recent discovery of the same. SU 140-1 describes him as picturing the 'other sheep' of John 10:16, and SR 246-9 has him prefiguring 'the long line of witnesses of Jehovah before Christ, which extends all the way back to Abel'. Now Jesus told his followers 'You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect' (Matthew 5:48).

If Jonathon did stand for any of the society's attempts at his identity then there would be no room for any identity to be attached to his ATTENDANT, who is mentioned twelve times in the account. And if Jonathon was anything to do with the Great Crowd how would we understand 1 Sam 23:17 &18 where Jonathon says to David:

'You yourself will be king over Israel, and I myself will be second to you........Then the two of them concluded a covenant before Jehovah' ?

We pick up the symbolic interpretation of the account in 1 Sam 20:8, where David says to Jonathon: 'And you must render loving-kindness toward your servant, for it is into a COVENANT OF JEHOVAH, that you have brought your servant with you'. This is the new covenant between Jesus and his anointed brothers, made in 33 CE. Incidentally we know this for a fact because, the new covenant is the covenant which is validated at the end of the three times represented by the three arrows, and these arrows represent salvation, which is the purpose of the new covenant. David then says:

'If there is error in me, put me to death yourself, since why should it be to your father that you should bring me', to which Jonathon answers: 'That is unthinkable respecting you'.

Yes Jesus was free from all error and his brothers were the very ones that did recognise this! In verse 10, David says to Jonathon: 'Who will tell me whether what your father may answer you is harsh'. It was Jesus' brothers who preached the Good News to the Nation of Israel, represented by Saul, and the response to this preaching told Jesus whether they were favourably disposed or unfavourably disposed towards himself. In verse 12, Jonathon says to David:

'Jehovah the God of Israel be a witness that I shall send to my father about this time TOMORROW, OR THE THIRD DAY, and if he is well disposed toward David, shall I not send to you and certainly disclose it to your ear'.

The reference to 'about this time tomorrow' can only be a reference to the time that Jesus died. This is because we are told in verse 24 that immediately after this conversation David proceeded to conceal himself, and we are told in verse 5 that he had to conceal himself until the evening on the third day. We know from Matthew 12:39,40 that Jesus was 'in the heart of the earth' for three days and three nights. Just as Jesus' 'concealment' started in the evening which was the start of Nisan 14 (i.e. when the passover started) i.e. the 'first day' of the festival, so David would in this typical period, conceal himself in the evening which was the start of the first day, which was the 'new moon' (verse 18). Therefore 'this time tomorrow' (verse 12), would be just before the evening or end of the first day of concealment, which was just after Jesus had died, since we know he died at about 3 pm (Mat 27:46). The 'third day' when he came out of concealment, in the evening, corresponds to the time when Jesus was resurrected and appeared to his disciples 'when it was late on that day, the first of the week' (John 20:19). The three days that Jesus' spent 'in the heart of the earth' (Mat 12:39,40) were the first three days of the passover festival.

These first and third days here clearly represent the first and third days of Jesus' concealment (Notice that Jesus was not actually dead throughout all of this period - but then neither was Jonah in the whale - Mat 12:39). Also we remember that the Hebrew day started in the evening. Therefore Jonathon's sounding out of his father at these two times (verse 12) means, the Jonathon Class' sounding out the reaction of natural Jews to Jesus' death (which occurred on the first day) and subsequent resurrection (which occurred on the third day), which sounding work was carried out exclusively by and among the sons of Israel. This statement from Jonathon (verse 12) is actually his obligation under the new covenant, as Jesus said:

'Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things'.

What an exhortation! (Mat 28:19,20), which initially applied only to Natural Jews who were anointed brothers of Christ - the 'Jonathon Class'. This sounding would solicit a response which would show to Jesus, whether these sons of Jacob were well disposed to him or not.

In verse 13 Jonathon repeats that he is the one who will disclose to David, the attitude of his father. This repetition is telling us that this exclusive disclosing stands for something greater than literal Saul's attitude toward literal David. In fact it stands for the exclusivity to the anointed Jews (the Jonathon class) of the preaching campaign for the last 'half of the week' of Daniel 9:27, amongst the sons of Israel (the Saul class). Jonathon then says to David in verse 14:

'And will you not if I shall still be alive, yes will you not exercise the loving kindness of Jehovah toward me, that I may not die? And you will not cut off your own loving-kindness from being with my household to time indefinite. Nor, when Jehovah cuts off the enemies of David, every one from the surface of the ground, will the name of Jonathon be cut off from the house of David'.

The phrase 'that I may not die' refers to the household of Jonathon, and the name of Jonathon, i.e. the Jewish race will be represented amongst the anointed, it does not mean that anointed Christians will not individually all die. As Jesus said: 'Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground AND DIES it remains just one grain; but if it dies, it then bears much fruit' (John 12:24), whilst this here applies to Jesus, we know that his anointed brothers must drink the same cup as he did (Matthew 20:23). Furthermore their covenant needs to be validated with blood, as Paul says: 'For where there is a covenant, the death of the human covenanter needs to be furnished' (Heb 9:16), which lays the matter to rest (in more ways than one).

This cutting off of all of David's enemies from the surface of the ground initially applies to the destruction of Jerusalem, where all of these enemies were sons of Jacob, and then finally to Armageddon. The name of Jonathon is not cut off from the house of David, because all of the anointed brothers of which at least five thousand are Natural Jews (Acts 4:4), at that time have their name in the book of life (Rev 3:5). In verse 17 we read of Jonathon that:

'As he loved his own soul he loved him'. We read in revelation 12:11 of the anointed ones: 'And they did not love their souls even in the face of death'.

We will find out in section 61, just how big the 'Jonathon class' is, we will find out there, how many Jews are in heaven. Next we read in verses 18 and 19, about how David's seat will be vacant on the first day, and on the third day he will be missed very much and he must come to the place where he concealed himself on the 'working day'. The only time in the firstborn son of God's life when his seat was vacant was the three days that he spent in Sheol (Matthew 12:40). He rose on the third day, which was the first day of the week (Matthew 28:1), i.e. the first working day after the Sabbath. And the first thing that the two Maries saw was an angel sitting on a stone (Matthew 28:2), which is why Jonathon said in verse 19 : 'And you must dwell near this stone here'. The footnote to this tells us that the Vulgate bible has 'near the stone, the name of which is Ezel', Ezel means 'God helps', and this help was symbolised by the angel sitting on the stone.

Next Jonathon says that he will shoot three arrows and that he will send the attendant to find these arrows. The other illustration in the bible involving the shooting of three arrows is Elisha's final prophecy - see section 25.3. In that illustration the greater meaning of the arrows was Jesus coming to earth, Jesus was 'Jehovah's arrow of salvation' (2 Kings 13:17). We find the same symbolism in Isaiah 49:2:

'And he proceeded to make my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadow of his hand he has hidden me. And he gradually made me a polished arrow', this refers to Jesus who was 'gradually polished' over many millenia.

The sign of the overshooting of the arrows (verses 20-22), which Jonathon now uses to inform David about whether or not Saul is well disposed towards him, symbolises Jesus having to wait for a period of three times until as Jonathon says in verse 21:

'It means peace for you, and there is nothing the matter as Jehovah is living'

Which statement cryptically refers to the atonement between God and men brought about by Jesus' death. Then if the arrows (i.e. the time for salvation) are 'further away' then David (Jesus) must 'go for Jehovah has sent you away' says Jonathon in verse 22. This means that until the time represented by the three arrows is reached Jesus cannot come and there is no atonement. Of course the three arrows stand for a time period of three times before salvation (because arrows are shot three times, there being three of them!). So we know that there will be a period of three times, or 1080 years before Jesus dies. The question now is: 'We know that these three times start in Nisan 1048 BCE, but what event marks this start??' (1048 BCE is 1080 years before 33 CE).

The greater meaning of this sign therefore is not whether literal Saul is favourably disposed toward literal David, but is whether the Sons of Jacob are ready for the Son of God. This account is difficult to understand because it is a symbolic sign within a literal sign. But then so is Daniel chapter 4. In fact most of Jehovah's long term temporal prophecies take this form. Next in the account we have the three days of concealment. David's excuse for his absence being that he has a family sacrifice in Bethlehem, and that he had to go so that he could see his brothers, this all of course symbolises Jesus' death, which preserved alive his brothers spiritually, thereby enabling Jesus to see them for evermore. Saul says to Jonathon in verse 30:

'Do I not well know that you are choosing the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of the secret parts of your mother?'.

This is the statement that the Jonathon class, i.e. natural Jews who become spiritual Jews, disown themselves and their fleshly inheritance, and choose the reproach of the Christ, despising shame like their exemplar Jesus (Mat 16:24, Heb 11:26, Heb 12:2). Saul then makes the following prophecy in verse 31:

'For all the days that the son of Jesse is alive on the ground, you and your Kingship will not be firmly established.'

The fulfilment of which is that the greater Jonathon's Kingship (i.e. that of the fleshly Jews who become spiritual Jews) is of course firmly established only after Jesus (the greater David) has died and is no longer 'alive on the ground'. Next Jonathon is humiliated by his father and hurt respecting David. This prefigures events such as the flogging of John and Peter in Acts 5:40. The next few verses from 35 to 40 is the account of the calling of the Gentiles. Jonathon says to his attendant:

'Run please, find the arrows that I am shooting.'

This is Peter, the leading member of the Jonathon class applying the third key to the Kingdom, he is telling the Gentiles you too can find salvation (arrows=salvation). This is why in the account of the conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10:19, the Holy spirit says to Peter: 'Look! three men are seeking you', these three men represent the Jews, the Samaritans and the Gentiles, i.e. all three of the groups that were called and were seeking God through Jesus' brothers in the first century (see section 36 and Matthew 20:1-7).

However the arrow is shot beyond the attendant, and when the attendant finally reaches it, Jonathon calls from behind the attendant: 'Is not the arrow further away from you', and then he again calls from behind the attendant THREE TIMES saying: 'In haste! Act quickly! Do not stand still!' (verse 38). The repetition of the fact that Jonathon is calling from behind the attendant shows us that this call is symbolic of something greater (Gen 41:32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). It is quite simply saying that the Attendant class (the Gentiles), will be called third (see section 36.1).

Because the attendant picks up the arrows, after the third call.

This represents the Gentiles getting saved only after the third call. Which explains why we read in verse 39: 'As for the attendant he did not know anything; only Jonathon and David knew about the matter.' This was because the Gentiles were in complete darkness until Tishri 36 CE. Next, we read that:

'Jonathon gave his weapons to his attendant that belonged to him and he said to him: "Go take them into the city".

This is the Jewish brothers of Jesus giving the means of salvation (their weapons) to the Gentile (young attendant class) brother's of Jesus, who then spread the good news in all the cities of the world. In fact this is fulfilled at Acts 10:44. In verse 41 we are back at the resurrection of Jesus, and we read:

'As for David, he rose up from nearby to the South. Then he fell on his face to the earth and bowed THREE TIMES and they began kissing each other and weeping for each other'.

Now we know that the three bows and the three arrows are 'but one' (Gen 41:25), and that they both mean three times or 1080 years. Nor may it have escaped the attention of the reader that there is a play on words as regards bowing down and bow and arrow. We also know that this whole account is symbolic of the three days that Jesus spent in Sheol and of the New Covenant. In other words, these times are the last three times of the seven times of the Alienation Times (see section 9). We are now at last able to fully grasp the symbolic meaning of the last verse. David and Jonathon have sworn saying:

'May Jehovah himself prove to be between me and you and between my offspring and your offspring to time indefinite'.

Jehovah is precisely the person who lies between, or the bond of union between, the Jonathon class and Jesus and his other brothers, because the bond is no longer fleshly, it is now a spiritual bond. Finally David 'rose up and went his way' i.e. to heaven, and Jonathon 'came into the city' i.e. continued spreading the good news. It now remains to determine what event marks the start of the three times here prophesied. The clue to this is that both arrows and bows point to the ground. Incidentally the start of this period cannot be this typical covenant itself because this whole scene occurs before David is made King, which was in 1077 BCE (accession year - see section 16). Finally the three arrows of Salvation also further symbolise the three comings of Jesus, who himself is 'Jehovah's arrow of salvation' (2 Kings 13:17).


There is one important general conclusion that the writer would like to make here, and this is the following:

When one has a logical coherent symbolic meaning for every character in an account, then one will without doubt have the true interpretation of the account.

This is because Jehovah is perfect, and so he has not written ambiguous accounts. He has put precisely enough characters in each account for the reader of the bible to be able to uniquely determine the true meaning, if and only if he considers all of the little points that Jehovah has included, none of which are irrelevant.


Well it transpires that the start of the three times is found in 1 Chronicles 21, where David purchases the threshing floor from Ornan. David has just conducted a census which Jehovah had not instructed him to do and Jehovah instructs Gad, David's visionary to tell him the penalty for this daft act incited by Satan (verse 1). in verse 10 Gad is told to tell David:

'This is what Jehovah has said: "There are THREE THINGS that I am directing against you. Choose for yourself ONE OF THEM, that I may do it to you"'. Gad then says to him: 'Take your pick, whether for THREE YEARS there is to be a famine, or for THREE MONTHS there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake you, or for THREE DAYS there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence'.

So David has to choose one out of these three penalties all of which last for three times, the times involved being years, months and days respectively. This scripture is very important from a prophetic point of view, because it shows that Jehovah uses a day and a month and a year to symbolise a time. Other examples of a month standing for a time are Rev 11:2, see section 82, and Haggai 1:1, section 67. David wisely chooses the sword of Jehovah, and at the end of the pestilence Jehovah's angel tells Gad to say to David:

'that David should go up to erect an altar to Jehovah on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite' (1 Chron 21:18).

In other words David is commanded to start the preparations for building a temple to Jehovah. Then Ornan himself sees David and:

'he immediately went out of the threshing floor and bowed down to David with his face to the earth', (verse 21).

We then read in verse 26 that David built an altar and offered up sacrifices, and proceeded to call upon Jehovah, who answered him with fire from the heavens. And in chapter 22:1 David says: 'This is the house of Jehovah the true God, and this is an altar for burnt offering for Israel'.

Now we remember the clue provided by the three bows and the three arrows in 1 Samuel 20:41,20, and recognise that since both of them point to the ground, they are 'but one' as a clue, and they firmly establish that the threshing floor of Ornan, the ground on which the temple is to be built by Solomon is where the three times of the Temple Times will start. This is further testified to by the 'bowing down with his face to the earth' (compare 1 Sam 20:41) by Ornan himself and the three times of the penalties offered to David. The chosen penalty period ends with a sacrifice accepted by Jehovah. This sacrifice prefigures Jesus' sacrifice, which was most certainly accepted by Jehovah. So in conclusion this prophecy, the three times of the 'Temple Times' tells us that:

David was commissioned to start the temple preparations in Nisan 1048 BCE.

This means that the from the commissioning by Jehovah to prepare the ground for building the temple to the inauguration of the temple in Tishri 1026 BCE, was a period of 22 and a half years. We will see this period again in Daniel 10, section 50. This prophecy is at the heart of many bible prophecies. We will return to it in sections 67 and 94.




This section is really too beautiful for the words of a burnt out mathematics scholar who is trying to follow the son of the most high God, Jehovah. Because every year, all of the annual festivals under the law, were in fact declaring and setting time periods for all of the temple arrangements in the whole period from the start of the law in 1512 BCE to the end of it in 33 CE. Which is yet a further reason why the Christ is saying:

"Keep on asking, and it will be given you, keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking and it will be opened to you," (Mat 7:7).

Well, we have asked, we have sought, we have knocked, and Look! we have had the whole sacrificial menu opened to us! Consider the below chart:



14 2 1 1 70 1 BULLS

7 1 1 1 14 1 RAMS

49 7 7 7 98 7 LAMBS

70 10 9 9 84+98 9 ANIMALS

350 50 45 45 420+490 45 SHEKELS

105 15 12 12 336 * FLOUR M.

21(7/12) 3(1/12) 2(7/12) 2(7/12) 64(2/12) * OIL M.

This chart covers all the annual burnt offerings to Jehovah. It excludes the sin offerings, which were always kids of goats and had no associated grain and oil offerings.

The rule for the grain offerings was 3 tenth of an ephah measures of fine flour for the bull, 2 tenth of an ephah measures for the ram and one tenth of an ephah measure for the lamb. These proportions were in accordance with the size of the animal being burnt. 'FLOUR M.' stands for the flour measure of a tenth of an ephah (Num 28,29). The sum of all of the grain used in one year was 480 ephahs.

The rule for the oil offerings was, half a hin for a bull, a third of a hin for a ram and a quarter of a hin for a lamb. These proportions were to go with the grain offering to make it moist and bind it into cakes. 'OIL M.' stands for the oil measure of a hin. All of these figures are obtained from Numbers chapters 28 and 29. The sum of all of the oil offerings in one year was 94 hins.

The 'SHEKELS' figure is the redemption value of the sacrifice at five shekels a head (Numbers 18:16). Under the Law, the sons of Israel had three temple arrangements, which we will find started and ended on the following dates:

Nisan 1512 BCE -----> Tishri 1026 BCE Tabernacle

Tishri 1026 BCE -----> Tishri 606 BCE Solomon's Temple

Nisan 515 BCE -----> Tishri 515 BCE Zerubbabel CLEAN

Tishri 515 BCE -----> Tishri 455 BCE Zerubbabel UNCLEAN

Tishri 455 BCE -----> Nisan 33 CE Zerubbabel CLEAN

With reference to our chart above, the redemption value of all the animals sacrificed up to but not including the festival of Booths was 490 Shekels, and the tabernacle was used up to but not including the festival of Booths in 1026 BCE. If we now take a shekel for a year (see section 10), we get a time period of 490 years for the tabernacle.


The sacrifices stop at the half of the last week, as they did with Zerubbabel's temple, i.e. 486 and a half years, was the useful lifetime of the tabernacle. Next we examine the inauguration ceremony for Solomon's temple and we see that this was in the festival of Booths and that only bulls and rams were sacrificed. (1 Kings 8:63). Therefore we add up the redemption value of all the bulls and rams in the annual festival of Booths under the law and it is 420 shekels:


Again we have a cutting short at the half of the last week which, since this period ends in Tishri 606 BCE gives a date of Nisan 609 BCE for the last sacrificial use of Solomon's temple. In other words the passover at that time was the last acceptable ceremony. This makes a lot of sense, firstly because the Tishri 607 BCE date for the beginning of the Gentile Times refers to Kingship ending, not to sacrifices ending. And secondly Jeremiah (39:1) tells us:

"In the ninth year of Zedekiah the King of Judah, in the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon and all his military force came to Jerusalem and began to lay siege to it."

This was in Tebeth 609 BCE (see fig 2). We know this because 607 BCE was the eleventh year of Zedekiah (Jer 39:2). It is not likely that Jehovah would be paying any attention to any sacrifices that might have been occurring whilst his anointed executioner, Nebuchadnezzar, was besieging Jerusalem. Also Ezekiel tells us that all sorts of disgusting idolatry was going on in the temple by 612 BCE (Eze 8:1-16). Finally the two witnesses provided by the two temple arrangements either side of Solomon's temple, both of which were cut short at the half of the last week, firmly establish that this is what occurred in the case of Solomon's temple as well.

The remaining 98 lambs left in the festival of Booths have a redemption value of 490 shekels, which taken a 'shekel for a year' (section 10) then provide another witness to the 70 weeks of years prophecy, which ends with the week containing the sacrifice of the lamb of God, in 33 CE.

We have still got a gap between Solomon's temple and the 70 weeks of years part of Zerubbabel's temple. Now how do you fill the gap in your appetite left after you have eaten your meat? That is right, you eat your bread, the grain offering fills the gap! The number of measures of grain used in a year in these sacrifices (excluding the solemn assembly, which symbolises Jesus' death and the end of the law, which was why it was so solemn), was 480 measures. Which stand for 480 years, which splits into the 420 years or 60 weeks of years of imperfect (6 stands for imperfection) worship in Solomon's temple and the 60 years of UNCLEAN worship in Zerubbabel's temple, before Tishri 455 BCE. But we have one further gap between the end of the 420 year period in Tishri 606 BCE and the start of the 60 year period in Tishri 515 BCE.


Well it was the oil that bound the grain offering together was it not! And the total measure of oil that was used in the sacrificial year (excluding solemn assembly), was 94 hins, which stands for the 94 years from the end of sacrifices at the half of the last week of the 60 weeks of years of imperfect worship in Solomon's temple, i.e. Nisan 609 BCE to the inauguration of Zerubbabel's temple in Nisan 515 BCE. So the figurative oil of the 94 years binds the figurative grain of the two periods of unclean and imperfect worship. Notice though that there is a period of six months from Nisan 515 to Tishri 515 which is left over, between the end of the 94 years represented by the oil and the start of the 60 years of Unclean worship represented by some of the grain.

This half year period is excluded from the grain representation precisely because it was clean, because we read in Ezra 6:15-20, that the priests were all clean when they celebrated the passover after the inauguration. Whereas they were not celebrating the festival of Booths properly until 455 BCE (Neh 8:14-18). So the worship would have become unclean six months after the passover in Tishri when they celebrated Booths incorrectly. We will look again at this 60 year unclean period in section 30, and this six month period in section 95.

Summarising this we have three worshipping periods of 490 years. 490 years for the tabernacle, 490 years for Zerubbabel's temple (clean) and although Solomon's temple period was only 420 years, the Babylon exile period was 70 years, which seeing as it was a result of the Land Sabbath violations in the 420 year preceding period (section 4.1) can be added to it to make 490 years. So the whole chronology from 1512 BCE to 33CE is defined and confirmed. Could it be that this is what Jehovah meant when he told Moses to say to Pharaoh:

"And now we want to go please a journey of THREE DAYS into the wilderness, and we want to sacrifice to Jehovah our God"? ( Ex 3:18).

Because the big picture was three 490 year 'days' followed by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which certainly was the sacrifice to their God. We state two results from this section:







Ezekiel 45:9 to 45:25 has got to be one of the funniest and most sarcastic and derisory of divine utterances anywhere in the bible. Jehovah here, has his prophet Ezekiel act as a dead pan comedian. This festival is an absolute joke. First of all Jehovah tells the chieftains to stop defrauding his people, and they must use accurate scales and accurate measures of grain and oil (Ezek 45:10). Then he makes the marvellous statement: "Twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, fifteen shekels should prove to be the Maneh for you", (Eze 45:12).

Insight 2 p404 misses the point here, it is suggested! Yes a Mina (or Maneh) is 50 Shekels, it has always been 50 shekels it was 50 Shekels before Ezekiel wrote his book of the bible and it was still 50 shekels when Ezekiel wrote his book of the bible. Jehovah is defrauding the defrauders, he is prophesying to them in their language, he is catching them in their cunning (Job 5:13) He has swindled them out of ten shekels!

Who has ever heard of making sixty by adding 20+25+15? This is a bent calculation, it should be 20+20+20, but Jehovah has added 5 here and taken away 5 there, just like the crooked chieftains. What this scripture is so eloquently saying to these corrupt chieftains is that:


It is another witness to the sixty year period from Tishri 515 BCE to Tishri 455 BCE of unclean worship at Zerubbabel's temple, a shekel for a year.

Likewise the law that was laid down in the book of Leviticus was the same in 1512 as it was around 600 BCE when Ezekiel wrote his book, and the same as it was in 33 CE, when Jesus died. This is not a case of Jehovah having to correct a few errors that he made in transmitting the law on festivals to Moses, nor is it a case of him changing his mind about how he wants his worshippers to sacrifice, because it is written:

"I am Jehovah I have not changed" (Mal 3:6).

Jehovah is mercilessly mocking the chieftains and priests in the temple just and they had been mercilessly mocking him with their derisory sacrifices.

Have a close look please at what Ezekiel is proposing:

1. Forget about fine flour (Lev 23:13, Num 28:13), mix up some wheat together with barley (Ezek 45:13) -euch!

2. All of Israel club together and see if they can come up with one sheep (Ezek 45:15) as burnt offering, communion sacrifice and atonement sacrifice all in one!

3. As regards oil, forget about a third of a hin and a quarter of a hin to a tenth of an ephah (Num 28:12-14). Use a whole bath load of it or even ten bath loads, the homer measure (Ezek 45:14), and let's use a sixth of an ephah rather than a tenth - we are going swimming!

4. Who needs a priest? Let the chieftains do all the whole burnt offerings and the grain offerings and the drink offerings, during the festivals and during the new moons and during the Sabbaths (Ezek 45:17) this should be no problem for them.

5. Why have atonement day on Tishri 10? let's have it on Nisan 1 and get it over with! (Ezek 45:18-20) What is the point in spattering the blood seven times before the ark (Lev 16:14), just stick some on the four corners of the altar, and on the doorposts!

6. Look don't worry if you mess up the atonement sacrifice, have another crack at it 7 days later (Ezek 45:20)!

7. Let's try the passover without any lambs (Ezek 45:23)!

8. Why use a kid of the goats for a sin offering all the time (Num 28:15)? let's try a buck of the goats, its still a goat isn't it (Ezek 45:23)?

9. A quarter of a hin of oil to a tenth of an ephah of grain (Num 28:12-14)? No that is far too complicated. Let's just use a hin of oil to the ephah of grain (Ezek 45:24) - no problem.

10. When the next festival comes around, don't bother to change what you are doing, just do whatever it was that you did at the last one (Ezek 45:25), its just another festival, what difference does it make anyway? a festival is a festival.

The point is made is it not?




This is the account of Joseph's prime ministership in Egypt in Genesis chapters 41 - 45. We will first of all look at a few aspects of the account, then we will define the symbolism and then we will look at the two times and the five times prophecies themselves. Yes, it's yet another undiscovered prophecy in Genesis. When Paul tells us at Galatians 4:24, referring to Genesis 16, that:

"These things stand as a symbolic drama, for these women (i.e. the marriage covenants therewith) MEAN two covenants, the one from mount Sinai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Hagar...Wherefore, brothers we are children, not of a servant girl, but of the free woman."


No, rather we repeat the words that Jehovah said to Miriam and Aaron: "Hear my words please. If there came to be a prophet of yours for Jehovah, it would be in a vision I would make myself known to him. In a dream I would speak to him. Not so my servant Moses! He is being entrusted with all my house. Mouth to mouth I speak to him, thus showing him, and not by riddles; and the appearance of Jehovah is what he beholds" (Num 12:7,8).

We have already seen how Leah & Rachel stand for the fleshly and spiritualised new covenant (i.e. two other women also 'mean two covenants'). Seeing as there is no reader of the bible who has the relationship with Jehovah that Moses had, we are all in the position of Aaron and Miriam, and Jehovah is speaking to us symbolically. The whole bible has to be viewed with this in mind. Similarly Jesus, the greater Moses, mankind's only other mediator, said to his disciples:

"To you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not granted. For whoever has, more will be given him, and he will be made to abound; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them by the use of illustrations, because looking they look in vain, and hearing, they hear in vain, neither do they get the sense of it" (Mat 13:11-13).

Jesus was using illustrations even here, to tell them why he was using illustrations! Yes the whole bible has to be viewed with this in mind too. So bearing these things in mind, we look at the account of Rachel's death in Gen 35:16-20. Here Rachel dies whilst giving birth to Benjamin. We already know that Rachel's marriage covenant with Jacob symbolises the spiritualised Abrahamic covenant, which commenced in Tishri 36 CE, section 18. We also know that death ends the marriage. Therefore Rachel's death symbolises the end of God's covenant with Abraham. This covenant can only end when God has carried out all of his obligations under it, in other words when 'All the nations of the earth' have blessed themselves, by means of his seed. (Gen 22:18). This is fulfilled when all of spiritual Israel is finally sealed. In this account, Benjamin represents this nation. Now we have seen in section 18, how Joseph, Rachel's firstborn, symbolised the kingdom of God in the heavens and Benjamin, her lastborn, symbolised the kingdom of God on the earth. So Benjamin is symbolising two different things in two different accounts. The reader may already be aware that the same bible characters can symbolise different things in different accounts, we will see a lot of this in the sections of this book covering Daniel. In the story of Joseph, that we are looking at here, in Genesis 41-45, Joseph prefigures Jesus, and Benjamin prefigures his anointed brothers.

Meanwhile the ten brothers (excluding Benjamin and Joseph) had sold Joseph as a slave (compare Judas Iscariot), so that he was as good as dead to his father (Gen 37:28). And Joseph had interpreted Pharaoh's dream as meaning that there would be 7 years of plenty, followed by 7 years of famine, having attributed this interpretation to God (Gen 41:25-32). Joseph had now been made Lord of all Egypt and was responsible for all food distribution, when the famine started, because Jehovah was with him, and he had proved himself loyal to Jehovah, resisting the advances of Potiphar's wife. From this it is apparent that Joseph stands for Jesus Christ, who had proved himself loyal to his father Jehovah. At this point we are helped by the words of Stephen in Acts 7:11-13, which tell us that the first time the brothers went to Joseph for food, Joseph was not made known to them, but the second time he was, and the family stock of Joseph became manifest to Pharaoh.

We also read that Jacob did not send Benjamin the first time that the brothers went to Egypt to buy food, because as he said: "Otherwise a fatal accident may befall him" (Gen 42:4). Verse 7 tells us that:

'When Joseph got to see his brothers, he AT ONCE recognised them, but he made himself UNRECOGNISABLE to them'.

Furthermore Joseph said to the ten brothers: "You are SPIES! You have come to see the exposed condition of the land!" (verse 9)

And he took Simeon as a hostage until they brought him Benjamin. And the brothers reasoned that they were bloodguilty as regards their brother Joseph and we read in verse 23,"As for them, they did not know that Joseph was listening, because there was an INTERPRETER between them."

The best thing to do here is to just spill the beans!

Joseph = Angel Michael

Pharaoh = Jehovah

Jacob = Jehovah

Simeon = Levites

Interpreter = Moses

10 Brothers = Nation of Israel under the law

Benjamin = Spiritual Israel

7 years famine = Alienation Times

Now we can understand what all this is symbolising. Jesus was not made manifest to the Jews under Moses. But it was he through whom Moses talked "mouth to mouth" with Jehovah (Num 12:7,8). This is not surprising since he is the 'word' of God (John 1:1). This also explains why, when Jacob wrestled with the Angel Michael, and when Samson's mother Manoah met the angel Michael, he although being asked by both of them, would not reveal his name (Gen 32:29, Judges 13:18). Now we know why Jacob was not prepared to send Benjamin the first time, and why he was worried that he might be killed. It was because God and Man were enemies at this time, and at two. Jehovah, the greater Jacob and the Nation of Israel under the law, the sons of the ten spies who were bloodguilty, were unreconciled, alienated and enemies, because there were still 1500 years of the Alienation Times left, at the time of Moses (section 9).

The 10 brothers of course prefigure the ten spies of Numbers 13:32, who went to spy out the land of Canaan, whose descendants the sons of Israel were to become. Which descendants were to become bloodguilty for Jesus' death, the greater Joseph. We know too that Jehovah took the Levites in place of all the firstborn of the sons of Israel, this was the first Ransom deal (Numbers 3:45). This deal is prefigured by Simeon ransoming Benjamin, who represents spiritual Israel, the firstborn (excluding Jesus-Joseph) sons of Jehovah (Gen 42:24). Obviously the literal food symbolises the spiritual food, under the law.

Now that we understand the symbolism we can look with something a little closer to Jehovah's eyes, at the second visit of the sons of Israel to Joseph, and the second ransom deal. This time Benjamin comes too and all the brothers receive a banquet. This Banquet is Jesus' ministry to the Nation of Israel. But Benjamin keeps getting five times as much as everyone else (Gen 43:34).


We will find out later! Meantime Joseph has placed his cup in Benjamin's bag. As Jesus asked his disciples: "Can you drink the cup that I am about to drink?" they said to him, "We can." He said to them: "You will indeed drink my cup.." (Mat 20:22,23). Then Judah effectively pays the second ransom for Benjamin, for the sake of his father! (Gen 44:32-34). This symbolises Jesus, the 'Lion of the tribe of Judah', paying the ransom for spiritual Israel, i.e. Benjamin, to vindicate his father's name. And this time Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, as we read in verses 3 and 4 of Gen 45:

"Finally Joseph said to his brothers: 'I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?' But his brothers were unable to answer him at all, because they were disturbed by reason of him. so Joseph said to his brothers: 'Come close to me please.' With that they came close to him."

Jesus came to earth in Tishri 29 CE and said to each one of the sons of Israel 'Is my father still alive' as far as you are concerned? And a lot of them were very disturbed by him, especially the Pharisees. But to those who would listen, he bade them to 'come close'. 'Be my follower', he said to his apostles, (Mark 2:14). Now we come to a very prophetic explanation from Joseph in Gen 45:5-7:

" But now do not feel hurt and do not be angry with yourselves because you sold me here; because FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE GOD SENT ME HERE ahead of you. For this is the SECOND YEAR of the famine in the midst of the earth, and there are yet FIVE YEARS in which there will be no ploughing time or harvest. Consequently God sent me ahead of you in order to place a REMNANT for you men in the earth and to keep you alive by a GREAT ESCAPE."

That it was God who sent Joseph to Rachel we know for sure, because Rachel was barren, Gen 30:23. The seven years of famine stand for the seven years of years of withdrawal of God's spirit, yes the spiritual famine of the Alienation Times. Joseph was sent ahead of the brothers, i.e. the nation of Israel. By how much was he sent ahead? Well when he made this statement there were five years of famine left. And do you remember how he increased Benjamin's portion five times, and Benjamin stands for spiritual Israel. Their first arrival coincides with the end of the Alienation Times:


And Joseph was born 1800 years, or 5 years of years, before Jesus died. In other words these five times of Benjamin's Times are the last five times in the seven times of the Alienation Times. This puts Joseph's birth at Nisan 1768 BCE, which is not of any earth shattering consequence for bible chronology. But it does make a few dates a bit more exact, as we will see in section 99.

No doubt it has not escaped your notice that all of verses 5 to 7 equally well apply to Jesus himself. Finally we read in chapter 45, verse 22, that Joseph gave Benjamin five times as many changes of mantles as he gave the rest of the brothers (this was not because he was going to sweat five times as much, because he had eaten five times as much at the meal that they all had had earlier!). This is indeed the second recital of the prophetic statement of the five times. And as Joseph himself said they are 'but one', (Gen 41:25). Furthermore, we read in Gen 43:10, that Judah said to Jacob:

"But if we had not lingered around, we should by now have been there and back these TWO TIMES"

This is a lovely lesson in how to interpret the bible. Because what happens if we go 'there' and then 'back two times'. Well 'there' is literally referring to Joseph in Egypt, but cryptically it is Joseph's birth, the beginning of the five times. So going back two times takes us to 120 years before the flood, the beginning of the Alienation Times, which confirms that these times are truly a split of the Alienation Times. This prophecy of the two times and the five times, therefore splits the seven times of the Alienation Times in two, at Joseph's birth. So we now have the prophecy of the two times of Joseph's times, which start in Nisan 2488 BCE, when Jehovah and mankind fell out, and end in Nisan 1768 BCE, when Joseph was born.

There is yet a further meaning to these two times and these five times, and to the prophetic words of Joseph at Gen 45:6,7 and the gift of Gen 43:11,12. This we will look at in section 34, where we will find out really why the five times have been called Benjamin's Times.














The writer has used the name 'Unsealed Prophecy' to this part of the book, because it contains the unsealing of Daniel and a lot of cryptic prophecy and cryptic prophetic calculations. In truth, the majority of the first part of this book, was also sealed up until the 'time of the end', but the first part contains the three basic maledictions of seven times, and various other basics, a few of which (chapters 4,5,6,7,8&9) were not sealed up things, hence it is called 'Fundamental Prophecy'.

Having established the fundamentals, we are now in the glorious position of being able to explode in our understanding of bible prophecy, and of the ways of the true God. We are about to uncover a whole new part of Jehovah's plan for man, in great detail. We will discover the consummate and unparalleled elegance of Jehovah's use of illustration. We are going to go a fairly long way towards grasping the very knowledge of God (Prov 2:4). We will indeed uncover a lot of the hidden treasures in the bible (Prov 2:4). The question that we will then have to ask is:

WHY NOW IN 1992 ??

The bible, itself, will answer even this question! We are going to apply all of the techniques and the various understandings that we have now developed in the first half of this book, first to a few interesting prophecies, then to the Book of Daniel and to the Book of Revelation and to the Book of Luke and to the Book of Matthew and to the Book of Ezra. We will discover from Daniel, that before February 1st of this very year of 1992:

The book of Daniel was not and could not be unsealed !

This is assuming that the memorial in 2004 CE is on Tuesday April 5th, which is the day before Jewish passover day (see appendix 4). This date for the time of the end (Dan 12:4) we work out mainly from Daniel 8. As regards the writer of this book:


What a privilege this is. And what a pleasure it is to be able to convey the unlocked book to the faithful and discreet slave of the King of kings. So enough trumpet blowing, let us make a start. Incidentally the writing of this book started in early January 1992, the writer himself did not consider the book of Daniel at all (for the purposes of this book), until early March, and he was not aware that the 'time of the end' does not start until 1992, until about the middle of March, when it had of course already started. In fact had he been aware that it hadn't started, before it did in fact start, on 1 February, then he would for a certainty have been in an unscriptural position! Because, this date was a sealed up thing.



[33] THE FAMOUS FEEDING OF THE 5,000, THE 4,000 AND THE 144,000

'Why are you doing this reasoning among yourselves, because you have no loaves, you with little faith? Do you not yet see the point, or do you not remember the five loaves in the case of the five thousand and how many baskets you took up? Or the seven loaves in the case of the thousand and how many provision baskets you took up?...(Mat 16:8-11)


Yes those unreasoning disciples, what little faith they had, they thought that Jesus was giving them a cookery lesson! Of course we aren't like that are we? Oh no, we know exactly what Jesus was talking about, yes he was demonstrating how God can provide both physical and spiritual food to a large crowd of people, in fact to everyone (W62, p616, W76, p192)......... ..................... Fine well if that was the case why is it that the numbers of loaves and people and baskets are not only mentioned in both the parables, but also repeated by Jesus here when he refers back to the parables, as an example of the lack of faith in his disciples? Why is that?

In fact who really were the numbers of people and baskets and loaves and fishes in this account included in the bible for the benefit of? Truly these things in this account were most certainly not included for the benefit of the first century Christians, they would have had a first or second hand witness to both of these miracles, and knowledge of the meaning of these numbers did not belong to them. It was put there for our benefit. Yes it is for the twentieth century Christians, and Jesus is saying to you, Oh faithful and discreet slave, and he is speaking to us, Oh ye witnesses of Jehovah:

Do you not yet see the point of this parable?

He is speaking right out of the page at us, because we are the ones of little faith who have not discerned the greater meaning of these miracles! But now, let us open our eyes to the full glory of these parables! Because what really are the two great feeding miracles that Jesus Christ has performed?

Are they not the two preaching campaigns that he has personally managed?

Are they not the feeding of the anointed brothers in the first century and then the feeding of the anointed brothers in the twentieth century? Were these campaigns to unimportant to be classed as miracles? Well now that we have asked all of these rhetorical questions we say, yes these two campaigns have been the greatest feeding miracles ever. And now please look at the true meaning of these two miracles:

Two fishes = The first two times of the 7 Alienation Times

Five loaves = The second five times of the 7 Alienation Times

Twelve baskets = Twelve apostles

5,000 = 5,000 persons of Acts 4:4

Meaning = 80,000 anointed brothers from first campaign


Seven loaves = Gentile Times

few small fishes = Both destructions of Jerusalem

Seven baskets = Seven congregations of Revelation 1:11

4,000 = 4,000 anointed brothers in 1890's (JP p33)

Meaning = 64,000 anointed brothers from second campaign

The symbolism that Jehovah uses in truly fantastic. The Alienation Times is explained in section 9, the split of this into two times and five times is explained in section 31. This split occurred at Joseph's birth, which was five times before Jesus died. Now Joseph was the prime minister of Egypt, and was in charge of all physical feeding with grain - hence the five loaves. Whereas in the two times preceding this we had a big flood - hence the two fishes! The little fishes are the smaller symbolic floods which overtook Jerusalem (i.e. God's people) in 607 BCE and 70 CE, as Daniel says - 'the end will be by the flood' (Dan 9:27). The figures of 80,000 and 64,000 for the two preaching campaign are simply the result of splitting the total number of 144,000 brothers in the ratio of 5:4.

80,000 + 64,000 = (5,000+4,000) x 16

So the ratio of 5,000 : 4,000 gives us the ratio of anointed brothers from the two campaigns. The seven congregations in Revelation we know stand for the whole of the anointed brotherhood in the Lord's day.

One major consequence of these figures is that there was a very long period from sometime in the first century until sometime in the 1890's when absolutely nobody was born again at all. This is because all of the 80,000 are associated with the first century preaching campaign and all of the 64,000 are associated with the twentieth century campaign. Which again is because the first group were fed from the 12 baskets of leftovers which represent the twelve apostles themselves, and the second group are fed from the 7 baskets of leftovers which represent the seven congregations of Revelation in the Lord's day. We can also deduce from this that nobody in the 80,000 campaign was anointed after the apostle John died around 100 CE, because after his death, there was nobody from the twelve left alive to feed anyone. In fact the first century campaign is symbolised by the first temple of Solomon, and the twentieth century campaign is symbolised by the second temple of Zerubbabel.

Now we can see why there was a gap between Solomon's temple and Zerubbabel's temple!

Now we can see why there was a 60 year period of unclean worship in Zerubbabel's temple followed by a period of clean worship!

The second spiritual temple of the twentieth century brothers did not bring the 'holy place' into the 'right condition' (Dan 8:14) until 1931 (see section 68.1). Both of the physical temples were shadows of the heavenly things (Heb 8:5). And now we understand what the apostle Paul meant when he said that the day of Jehovah cannot come unless the apostasy comes first (2 Thess 2:2,3). Now we know why James said a James 5:7,8:

'Exercise patience, therefore, brothers, until the presence of the Lord. Look! The farmer keeps waiting for the precious fruit of the earth, exercising patience over it until he gets the early rain and the late rain. You too exercise patience; make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close.'

The 'precious fruit' is anointed Christians, the patience is exercised throughout the period of no rain. The early rain is the first baptism of the 80,000 and the late rain is the second baptism of the 64,000. Notice the word 'Look!' (section 2) and the repetition of 'exercise patience'. This repetition is firmly establishing the fact that there will be a long period of no rain i.e. no anointing with holy spirit, during which time creation will be waiting for the presence of the Lord. This period is the apostasy mentioned by Paul.

As regards the 4,000 in the 1890's, well this was the time when there were 4,000 anointed brothers in the society (JP p33), in fact we shall see later in section 38, exactly, and to the month when all of these, including Charles Taze Russel were actually anointed!!). In the first century case, it appears that the 5,000 had been added within a few days of Pentecost (Acts 2:47,3:1,4:4). The society has records which can be compared with both these figures, the 4,000 brothers in the 1890's and the 64,000 total brothers from the second baptism, this is actually done in section 58.2, the results are amazing, but we do not know enough to appreciate this yet, so we will not go into it here. The writer would just mention here that the large numbers of memorial partakers in 1925 of 90,434, and in 1926 of 89,278, (JP p110) were not all anointed, the Great Crowd was first called in 1922, this may be deduced from the third symbolism of Dan 9:27 (see section 74).

The Watchtower article of June 15 p14,15, 1992 mentions the five thousand of Acts 4:4. It also mentions that there were only 4,000 active publishers in 1918, which is the antitypical year to 33 CE (see section 65). It is just possible that this group of 4,000, rather than the 4,000 of the 1890's is in fact the greater meaning of the 4,000 of Mat 16:9. This figure is the number of earthly brothers, who were preaching just after the resurrection of the first century Christians, in Nisan 1918 (Dan 12:7, Dan 5:25, sections 49, 58.3) whereas the 5,000 is the number who were active just after the resurrection of Jesus. It is also possible that the true God knew that both figures (in the 1890's and in 1918) would be 4,000 when he inspired his firstborn son to say what he did in Mat 16:9!

If the reader is not yet ready to accept this do not worry. We are going to find a whole load more witnesses to this 5:4 split of the anointed brothers between the first and second spiritual temples. However, what is without doubt the most astounding revelation that emerges from this is that:


This is because, that which is complete arrived in 98 CE when the last book was written by John. Since John died in roundabout 100 CE, as mentioned above, nobody was anointed from then on, see sections 38 & 39, so there was nobody who was fed in an approved manner from the bible until the Russelites and the end of the Gentile Times (the seven loaves) and the seven congregations of the Lord's day (the seven provision baskets). The completed bible was written largely for us! We can now also understand the scripture:

'When that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with,' (1 Cor 13:10).

Because this scripture was actually fulfilled at John's death, since he was the last of the ones with the gifts of the spirit, and the last one who could feed the sheep, with the fragments left in the basket of John the son of Zebedee, who was himself the last basket of left overs, from Jesus' gigantic spiritual banquet of his first century ministry. This scripture is saying that the complete bible will arrive at the death of John. In other words it is saying that he will be the last one to write a book or books of the bible.


We have already discerned that the split of the food for the 5,000 into two fishes and five loaves, is the split of the seven times of the Alienation Times into the two times of Joseph's times and the five times of Benjamin's times. We have also determined that there is a large gap from around 100 CE until sometime in the 1890's (the time when there were 4,000 in the society), during which there were no anointings of anybody. This period being the apostasy referred to by Paul (2 Thess 2:3). So this period is aroundabout 1,800 years long, or 5 times long. This period is also the time that mankind has to wait for, before spiritual Israel in again anointed. Now we saw in section 31, which looked at Joseph's and Benjamin's times, that spiritual Israel was symbolised by Benjamin, who was the one who was given five times more food than his older brothers (Gen 43:34), and was given five changes of mantles (Gen 45:22).

So it is beginning to look like the five times of Benjamin's times, which were the last five times of the Alienation Times, are also the length of the period during which there were no sealings of anointed brothers, after the first century ministry, which period we will call the Apostate Times (2 Thess 2:3). In fact we already know that the five times increase in Benjamin's food, represents the length of time that man had to wait for, after Joseph's birth, before spiritual Israel was first fed with holy spirit, at the end of the Alienation Times. But we have also just determined that spiritual Israel is in fact split into two temples. Now since Benjamin represented their entirety in the symbolism in Genesis 41- 45, his five times increase of food, in addition to symbolising the wait of the first temple brothers, would also symbolise the wait determined on the 64,000 brothers of the second temple. These ones therefore also have to wait for the five times of Benjamin's times, after the end of the first baptism, before they would be fed with holy spirit at their first sealing. And whereas the first century brothers were fed with holy spirit after the five times, the twentieth century brothers, were not only fed with holy spirit, but they also were given a change of mantles (Gen 45:22, section 31), even spiritual mantles in heaven, rather than their earthly ones.

What all of this means, is that the two times of Joseph's Times mean, in the first instance, the 720 years from Nisan 2488 until Nisan 1768 BCE, and in the second instance they mean that the five times of Benjamin's Times, is to be interpreted two times. We do not yet quite know enough to examine the scriptures to test this second symbolism. Genesis 43:8-12 is the key to this, because before we can interpret the gift that Jacob sends to Joseph in verses 11 & 12, we need to know the length of the first baptism. We shall find this out in section 36, we shall then return to Joseph and Benjamin in section 38.

Furthermore, as mentioned in section 26, the five sons (of Merab? reference bible footnote) raised by Michal, all of whom were killed in order to atone for the bloodguilt on the house of Saul due to the murder of the Gibeonites (2 Sam 21:4-9), symbolised the five times of Benjamin's Times. And Michal, who was David's first wife, was said to be childless (2 Sam 6:23). This symbolises the two periods of five times, which are symbolised by Benjamin's Times, being periods of no anointing by holy spirit, i.e. nobody being born again. This Apostate Times is a deep thing, like the sealed meaning of Matthew 16:9.


We read in 1 Kings 5:15: 'And Solomon came to have 70,000 burden -bearers, and 80,000 cutters in the mountain'. We read the same thing at 2 Chron 2:2 and 2 Chron 2:18. We do know that the repetition of these figures in 2 Chronicles establishes them as prophetic. We also read in 1 Chron 22:2:

'And David now said to bring ALIEN RESIDENTS that were in the land of Israel, and then he set them as STONE HEWERS to hew SQUARED STONES for building the HOUSE OF THE TRUE GOD'.

Now 2 Chron 2:17 refers to the 80,000 stone cutters as alien residents, so we know that they are one and the same with those mentioned in 1 Chron 22:2. The marvellous thing about the construction of Solomon's temple is that as it says in 1 Kings 6:7;

'As for the house, while it was being built, it was of quarry stone ALREADY COMPLETED that it was built; and as for hammers and axes or any tools of iron, they were not heard in the house while it was being built.'

This is a perfect description of how the real house of Jehovah is being built in the Lord's day, i.e. right now. Because who is there, who can hear, or detect, any physical signs that it is actually being built right now as this book is being written? Furthermore, is it not being built out of already completed, living stones? (1 Peter 2:5, Mat 3:9). So we have 80,000 of these righteous and truthful squared stones in the first temple. We use the term first temple brothers for these ones, because the temple that they build is prefigured by Solomon's temple, which was the first physical temple in Jerusalem. Obviously if there are 80,000 in the first temple, then there are 144,000 - 80,000=64,000 in the second, the greater Zerubbabel's temple.



This length is deduced from the account of the conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10,11, which conversion occurred in Tishri 36 CE. We currently deduce the date of the conversion only from Daniel 9:27, we will find a second witness later in section 74 (the fig tree of Luke 13). Before we tackle the cryptic side of this account, we consider Matthew 20:1-16, which is a timetable for all of the different calls from Jehovah to men. Here Jesus gives us the illustration of a man hiring workers for his vineyard, and quite simply he hires workers at the following times in the day:

first hour = Tishri 29CE - Nisan 33 CE

third hour = Pentecost 33 CE, the first key (Acts 2:15)

sixth hour = Samaritans, 2nd key (Acts 8:17, Acts 10:9)

ninth hour = Gentiles, 3rd key, Tishri 36 CE (Acts 10:3,30)

eleventh hour = Second temple brothers, 1881 onwards

Notice that the holy spirit was outpoured on the day of Pentecost at the third hour (Acts 2:15). Peter was praying, before he had the vision of the unclean animals, at the sixth hour (Acts 10:3), and Jesus asked the Samaritan woman at the well to give him a drink, when 'the hour was about the sixth' (John 4:6). Cornelius and his household received holy spirit at the ninth hour (Acts 10:30). The Watchtower Society was set up in 1881, and a call was put out for 1,000 preachers. It was later incorporated in 1884, which is, in itself, not a proof that the last call and the eleventh hour started in 1881. But we will find out from Daniel 6, Ezra 10 and Ezra 7, that both this call in 1881 and the incorporation in 1884, are prophesied in the bible as being the start of the collection of the modern day, twentieth century, second temple Christians, sections 102 & 65. Note that these calls do not necessarily start with anointings by holy spirit (eg: during the first hour, which was Jesus' earthly ministry, nobody was anointed other than him). Now as regards Peter's vision we read from verse 11:

'And he beheld heaven opened and some sort of vessel descending like a great linen sheet being let down by its four extremities upon the earth; and in it were all sorts of four-footed creatures and creeping things of the earth, and birds of heaven. And a voice came to him: "Rise, Peter, slaughter and eat!" But Peter said: "Not at all Lord, because never have I eaten anything defiled and unclean." And the voice spoke again to him, the second time: "You stop calling defiled the things God has cleansed." This occurred a third time, and immediately the vessel was taken up into heaven.

Then Peter awakes and finds three men downstairs (verse 19), one of whom was 'a devout soldier from among those who were in constant attendance upon him' (verse 7). This whole scenario is repeated in its entirety in Acts 11:5-11, for the benefit of the governing body in Jerusalem back then.


Because we know courtesy of Joseph (Gen 41:25,32), and we know courtesy of Amos (Amos 3:3-7), and we know courtesy of Moses (Deut 19:15) and we will find out later courtesy of Paul (2 Cor 13:1, section 59) that this repetition in the bible establishes the account as prophetic, i.e. of symbolising something greater. In fact, the very things that are repeated in this account are the very things that the true God wants us to look at as being the prophetic part of the account. These things are contained in the two scriptures mentioned above.

Now we know that Peter interpreted this vision as a sign that God now considered the Gentiles clean and acceptable in his sight to be called into the congregation. But this sign was not recorded in the bible for the benefit of Peter, because he had already seen and acted on it, by the time that Luke wrote Acts. No, rather it was recorded as a sign for us, the twentieth century Christians. So what is the greater interpretation of this prophetic sign?

Well as regards the three men, they represent Mr Jew, who is the devout soldier who has been in constant attendance (verse 7), Mr Samaritan, and now also Mr Gentile, because there are now three groups of men who are knocking on the door of the wedding feast (Matthew 22:1-13) accepting the invitation from Jesus via Peter, the key-holder. So as regards the footnote in the reference bible on verse 19, 'B', the vatican manuscript 1209, does not have the inspired version when it says there were only two, because the whole point of this account is that this was the third key, (however it is still a great idea to put all versions in) In fact if the Vatican manuscript was true then there could be no Catholics (who are Gentiles) who were ever called by Jesus (a statement which may not be far from the truth in any event)!

As regards the vision, well great linen sheets represent holiness or cleanness in the bible (Dan 12:7). Being let down from heaven, the sheet would represent cleanness from heaven. This is baptism with holy spirit. Now since the four extremities are mentioned, then the vision is referring the spatial extremity of the cleaning that this sheet does. We have seen several times that the spatial is used to represent the temporal in prophecy (see sections 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 etc etc). So this vision may well be giving us the temporal extremities of cleaning by Holy spirit i.e. being born again, of the first baptism (which is the baptism of the first spiritual temple of brothers). We now count out the value of the vision:

By its four extremities 4 x

In it there were all sorts of four-footed creatures 16

All sorts of creeping things of the earth 4 +

All sorts of birds of heaven 4 +

The four extremities represent four times because there are four times as many extremities as there are sheets. The four footed creatures in it represent eight times because they are plural (2 times) and they have four feet per creature, making a total of 2x4=8. 'All sorts' of them, means plural sorts of them i.e. a further multiplication by 2 making 16. Similarly all sorts of the creeping things is 4 times as is all sorts of birds of heaven. So the linen sheet has 24 times in it and it is let down by its four extremities, but What shall we do with these 4 times? Do we add them to the 24 times in the sheet or do we multiply them by its contents?

Well, in this cryptic inspired writing we see that the sheet is let down by its four extremities, so we realise that this time it is a multiplication that we are being directed towards In other words a multiplication by four. This gives a grand total of 96 times. The whole calculation therefore is:

4 x 2 x (2 x 4 + 2 + 2) = 96 times

Extremites All sorts creatures creepers birds

And we have a total length of time of 96 years, which was the length of the first baptism, which baptism was from holy spirit and resulted in a new birth (John 3:3). Now the first recipient of such was Jesus Christ in Tishri 2 BCE. He was most certainly born again by holy spirit, because he was conceived by the same (Mat 1:20), and he had been born previously in heaven (John 8:58). So the last person was born again in Tishri 95 CE, 96 years later. We find a second witness to this very simply in verse 30, where Cornelius says to Peter:

'Four days ago counting from this hour I was praying in my house at the ninth hour when look! a man in bright raiment stood before me and said, "Cornelius your prayer has been favourably heard and your gifts of mercy have been remembered before God".'

This scripture is telling us to count from the ninth hour, four days ago, until the arrival of Peter at Cornelius' house. Now if we do count from the ninth hour when Cornelius saw his vision (Acts 10:3), to the ninth our four days later when Peter arrived with six other brothers (Acts 11:12), we get 96 hours. Why was this time 96 hours exactly? This question is at the heart of the problem of being given the correct interpretation, Jehovah's own one, of his temporal prophecy,

because this 96 hour period is not a self-contained witness to the first baptism being 96 years long. It is in fact a witness to the correct result of doing the calculation in the first witness of the vision itself!

This is something that we will see again in sections 43 & 71. We know that this 96 hours isn't the main prophecy itself because it is not repeated in the account. Also Jehovah has kindly mentioned that this period started with a vision and there was a man in bright raiment, which directs us to Peter's linen sheet again. Since this result is so important we will state it in really big letters:


There is a very large amount of common sense in this revelation. Firstly, John was locked up on the Island of Patmos at about this time, so this would have been the end of all witnessing work by the apostles, since John was the last one. Secondly, he was the last of the twelve baskets of fragments of spiritual food left over from the feeding of the 5,000 (Mat 16:9, section 33). So at his death there was no more spiritual food available, and therefore there was little point in baptising anybody with holy spirit, only to have them starve in the apostasy.


Have you ever wondered why there is only one lampstand in Zechariah 4:2, and yet in Revelation 11:4 this lampstand seems to be referred to as two lampstands? Have you ever wondered what the bowl is doing on top of the lampstand (Zech 4:2)? Well if so then hopefully your days of wondering are about to end! Zechariah 14 has a primary fulfilment in the persons of Joshua (the high-priest) and Zerubbabel (the governor), who were both anointed to build the physical second temple, which is called Zerubbabel's temple. This was completed in Adar 515 BCE (Ezra 6:15), and inaugurated in Nisan 515 BCE (section 29). We know this because the angel explained this interpretation to Zechariah in verse 14.

We are also told in verse 10, referring to the seven lamps and pipes that: 'These seven are the eyes of Jehovah. They are roving about in all the earth'. This is similar to the introduction in Revelation 1:4 which reads: 'May you have undeserved kindness and peace from "the One who is and who was and who is coming," and from the seven spirits that are before the throne.' These seven eyes and seven spirits represent divine vision and power, which is why we read in verse 6: 'Not by a military force, nor by power, but BY MY SPIRIT, Jehovah of armies has said.' This is what the seven lamps and pipes are all about, in the primary fulfilment. They testify to the divine origin of the two olive trees.

But it does not take 14 verses of Zechariah to explain this. Furthermore an examination of the account reveals a large amount of repetition, which means that there is a large amount of dual fulfilment prophecy in this account (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). One of the striking features of these 14 verses is that Zechariah asks the angel what the whole vision means, and the angel then says to him:

'Do you really not know what these things mean?' In turn Zechariah says: "No my Lord"', (Verse 5).

This conversation is then repeated in verses 11&12, where Zechariah asks the angel twice, what the two olive trees on each side of the lampstand mean. The angel responds:

'Do you really not know what these things mean?' In turn Zechariah says: "No my Lord"' (verse 13).

So we have a lack of understanding which is repeated (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). The point here is that:

If the meaning of a scripture is asked for three times by a prophet of the true God, then this scripture has three fulfilments or meanings. And if an angel of the true God, expresses surprise twice that a meaning is not understood, then there are two meanings that are not understood when they should have been.

So who really is it who has failed to understand this prophecy ??? Is it Zechariah? How many prophets, who by definition are speaking under inspiration, know the meaning of what they are talking about? Consider Daniel 8:27:

'And as for me Daniel, I felt exhausted and was made sick for some days...and there was nobody understanding it.'

No, it is the brothers of the second spiritual temple, the modern day anointed ones, who are prophetically being spoken to 2,500 years in advance. In fact Zechariah 14 is a chapter about their second temple, because, as verses 2&3 say:

'I have seen and look!, there is a lampstand, all of it gold, with a bowl on top of it. And its seven lamps are upon it, even seven; and the lamps that are at the top of it have seven pipes. And there are two olive trees alongside it, one on the right side of the bowl and one on its left side.'

Well the seven lamps, even seven, refer in the second meaning to the seven times of the Gentile Times. We know this because Rev 11:3 & 4 say:

'And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy 1,260 days dressed in sackcloth. These are symbolised by the two olive trees and the two lampstands and are standing before the Lord of the earth.'

Which scripture is obviously something to do with Zechariah 4, notwithstanding the one lampstand discrepancy. So we are now in precisely the same situation as we were in with the 70 weeks of years prophecy in section 6, when we were half a year out - So what do we do?? Do we ignore this small, minor discrepancy of one little lampstand? Well, when Jehovah created mankind, he did not make any mistakes. Jesus Christ proved this, under test from a merciless and lethal adversary. How much more so when he inspired this creation of his to write the books of Zechariah and Revelation? So as in the case of the 70 weeks of years prophecy, the true situation is that:

The extra lampstand is the key to understanding both Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11 !

Because the first lampstand in Zechariah is symbolising the first illumination of this scripture, even the one provided by the angel to Zechariah about the second physical temple. Whereas the second lampstand, that appears in Revelation, is symbolising the second illumination or understanding or fulfilment or meaning of this scripture which is the anointing by holy spirit of the second spiritual temple of brothers. Now this anointing started in the 1890's before the Gentile Times had ended. Hence Rev 11:4 describes both of the two witnesses, who symbolise the two groups of the first and the second temple brothers, who are the two antitypical olive trees, as:

'Standing before the Lord of the earth'

Which has the meaning that the second temple brothers are anointed temporally before Jesus stands up. So again the spatial is symbolising the temporal. The 'standing before' is about as deep as, and bears a strong resemblance to, Dan 12 (see section 49), because Jesus does not become the Lord of the earth in 1914, which is when Michael stands up (Dan 12:1). He become the Lord of the heavens at that time. He only becomes the Lord of the earth in Nisan 2008. Therefore the two witnesses are standing before he is standing at all. But the wording of the scripture, is actually telling us that not only will the two witnesses start to be anointed before Michael stands up in 1914, but also, all the anointed ones of the second temple (and the first temple) will be 'standing' i.e. resurrected in heaven before Jesus becomes the Lord of the earth, in Nisan 2008 CE, although we are not dealing with this point here (see section 49).

So we can now expose the first two symbolisms of Zechariah 14 & Revelation 11:


Two olive trees Joshua & Zerubbabel

Lampstand Primary illumination

Seven lamps Divine origin of construction power


Two olive trees Two witnesses

Two witnesses First temple and second temple brothers

First lampstand, 7 lamps Gentile Times, 7 congregations of Rev 1:20

Seven pipes Seven congregations of Rev 1:20

Second lampstand Rev 11 is the second illumination of Zech 4

We are identifying the two witnesses with the two witnessing campaigns that mankind has been blessed with, namely the 'first century' campaign and the 'twentieth century' campaign (we use these two terms throughout this book, although the writer is aware that the later 'witness' will eventually span three centuries from 1881 - 2008). We will look again at these two witnesses in section 82. The two olive trees represent the two sets of brothers from these campaigns. Zechariah 14, is all about these two separate witnesses/ temples/ baptisms, because the answer to Zechariah's question in verse 12, namely:

'What are the two bunches of twigs of the olive trees that, by means of the two golden tubes, are pouring forth from within themselves the golden liquid'

is: that the two bunches of twigs are the first and second spiritual temples, the antitypes of Solomon's and Zerubbabel's temples. In other words the brothers from the first and second preaching campaigns, are both ruling as kings (i.e. governors or 'Zerubbabels') and are priests of God and of the Christ, i.e. 'Joshuas' (Rev 20:6). The golden liquid, is the holy spirit, because it is Jehovah that makes things grow (1 Cor 3:7). This liquid is poured out of two separate tubes, and not out of one long continuous tube. There are two olive trees, each with bunches of twigs, which twigs are the anointed brothers, as Jesus said: 'I am the vine, you are the branches' (John 15:5), it is not one large olive tree. Jesus has effectively planted two vines in his two preaching campaigns. And each one is 'pouring forth from within' itself so the one does not pour into the other, which all adds up to two separate baptisms, rather than one long baptism.

The second one of these, which is that of the seven congregations of Revelation, the seven pipes or channels of anointing oil, starts just before the end of the Gentile Times, the lampstand which branches into the seven lamps of the seven congregations of Revelation at the beginning of the Lord's day, when the angel Michael becomes Lord initially of the heavens. Now we know what the seven lamp Jewish lampstand means! It means that there will be seven symbolic congregations of God's people after the seven times of the Gentile Times.


Yes, what about the bowl? What is it doing above the lampstand? Well, since the bowl is above the lampstand, it has a command over the lampstand. In fact it is in a similar position to Jesus in Rev 1:12,13, who is in the middle of the seven lampstands which represent the seven congregations in the Lord's day (Rev 1:10). These are represented by the seven pipes and seven lamps in this symbolism and the bowl feeds these pipes. Now the effect of this feeding miracle from the bowl is in fact cryptically encoded in verses 3,11&12, and it amounts to a sixteenfold multiplication as we shall see. Verse 3 is worded:

'And there are TWO olive trees, ONE on the right side of the bowl and ONE on its left side.'

This statement is in prophetic form because there is a repetition of the fact that there is one on each side. This is actually telling us that the two olive trees will stand for two times in this chapter somewhere, because the two is compared with the one, and this comparison, being repeated (twice), is therefore prophetic. So the two trees are going to mean something greater than just the two spiritual temples (if this is possible). Zechariah actually questions the angel as to what the two olive trees mean, in verses 11 and 12. These verses too are in prophetic form:

'And I proceeded to answer and say to him: "What do these TWO OLIVE TREES on the right side of the lampstand and on its left mean?" Then I answered a SECOND TIME and said to him: "What are the TWO BUNCHES OF TWIGS of the olive trees that, by means of the TWO GOLDEN TUBES, are pouring forth from within themselves the golden liquid?"

This is a masterful example of the way Jehovah uses symbolism in prophecy. The question is so prophetic that it is actually the answer to itself! In fact quite a lot of prophetic questions are their own answers (see section 90, Luke 12:41). We know that the two olive trees stand for two times, if we take them a second time we get four trees representing four times, now all trees have twigs on them, and if four trees have for example 13 twigs each, then the total number of twigs is 4 x 13 = 52 twigs. So this symbolism refers to multiplication.

The two bunches of twigs and the two golden tubes both stand for two times as well, because they too are one on each side of the lampstand, in other words they are being compared with one of themselves (the one which is on either of the sides of the lampstand). So the bunches of twigs and the golden tubes together represent four times, in fact they are multiplied together 2x2=4, because the words used in the scripture are 'by' and 'within themselves', which are words pertaining to multiplication - e.g. nine has three threes within itself. So we multiply the four times of the trees by the four times of the twigs and the golden liquid and we get sixteen times.

So now we can put the whole picture together. In the greater fulfilment, the two olive trees stand for the first and the second temple of anointed brothers, who both experience a sixteenfold increase over the numbers of them represented by the bowl on top of the lampstand, which numbers are the 5,000 and the 4,000 of Matthew 16:9, Jesus' two feeding miracles. This increase being brought about not by military power or by force, but by Jehovah's spirit, and in this process, the brothers in each tree will actually feed themselves, which is what the faithful and discreet slave is now doing. Hence the 'two golden tubes are pouring forth from within themselves the golden liquid,' (verse 12). Verse 10 says: 'For who has despised the day of small things' , and when was the day of small things as regards the building of the real temple, the one made from living stones (1 Peter 2:5)? Well it was the day of the 5,000 in the first century (Acts 4:4), and the day of the 4,000 in the late nineteenth century. Diagrammatically we can represent this as below:


Golden tube Lampstand Golden tube Two times

Bunch of twigs Lampstand Bunch of twigs Two times

Second time Two times

Olive tree Lampstand Olive tree Two times


We are now very very happy indeed, because we now almost understand the meaning of something that Zechariah said! We have also found the three prophetic meanings asked for by Zechariah in verses 4, 11 & 12. These are the first and second physical temples, the first and second spiritual temples and the sixteenfold increase in both baptisms, symbolised by the bowl.


Having discovered in section 36.1 that the length of the first baptism was 96 years, we are now in a position to understand Genesis 43:8-12, which read:

'Finally Judah said to Israel his father: "Send the boy with me, that we may get up and go that we may keep alive and not die off, both we and you and our little children. I shall be the one to be surety for him. Out of my hand you may exact the penalty for him. If I fail to bring him to you and present him to you, then I shall have sinned against you for all time. But if we had not lingered around, we should by now have been there and back these two times." So Israel their father said to them: "If then that is the case, do this: Take the finest products of the land in your receptacles and carry them down to the man as a gift:

a little balsam 1

and a little honey 1

labdanum 1

and resinous bark 1

pistachio nuts 2

and almonds 2

Also take double the money 20

in your hand 5

& the money that was returned in the mouth of your bags 10

you will take back in your hand 5


Maybe it was a mistake." (second time) 96

This is the second example in this book of a fully cryptic calculation, the justification for this decoding is set out in section 21.1 which is contains the first example of such a calculation. We will see this sort of thing all over the place in future sections 70,73,94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 etc. The first thing to notice is the marvellous line:

'Take the finest products of the land and carry them down to the man in your receptacles as a gift' (verse 11).

These finest products are the 80,000 brothers of the first spiritual temple, the man is Joseph, these are carried down through time by the 'receptacles' of the twelve tribes of Israel, who descended from the brothers themselves. We are told to take these 'as a gift', which means that this gift is symbolising something which is to do with these 80,000 brothers. If we add up everything in this gift we get 48 units. We count singular things as 1 and plural things as 2, and hands as 5 (because they have 5 fingers) and the money represents ten times because we read in Genesis 42:25, that Joseph said:

'They were to return the money of the (ten) men to each one's individual sack.'

Here the ten men are compared with themselves individually, which comparison yields ten times. That hands do stand for five units is seen again in sections 58.1 & 98. So having got a value of 48 units, or times, for this gift we then see the phrase 'maybe it was a mistake', which of course literally means, maybe Joseph returned their money by mistake. But the result of this is that the brothers have to offer this gift a second time, and in fact the whole trip is the second time that they visit Joseph, and if one makes a mistake, then one tries it a second time. So we take this figure of 48 a second time, i.e. multiply it by two and get 96. This then is the second witness, that the length of the time period during which the finest products of the land are chosen, in the first century, is 96 years.

Furthermore, in verse 9, Judah promises to present Benjamin to Jacob. This symbolises Jesus, the lion of Judah promising to present spiritual Israel in to Jehovah, who is 'in the heavens' (Mat 6:9). This presentation occurs in 1918, after the Apostate Times have ended (for the exact date see section 58.3). So now let us look again at the words of Joseph in Genesis 45:6-8:

'For this is the second year of the famine in the midst of the earth, and there are yet five years in which there will be no ploughing time or harvest. Consequently God sent me ahead of you in order to place a remnant for you men in the earth and to keep you alive by a great escape. So now it was not you who sent me here, but it was the true God, that he might appoint me a father to Pharaoh and a Lord for all his house and as one dominating over all the land of Egypt.'

This initially applied literally to Joseph. But it is very apparent that this also applies to Jesus in his first ministry as the prime minister not of grain in Egypt but of spiritual food among all mankind. The second year of the famine refers actually to his first century ministry, which was a famine for his opponents, the Pharisees were exposed, but not for his followers (the priests in Egypt did not suffer from the famine - Gen 47:22). The reason that this second year or second time refers to what most people would regard as Jesus' first coming or first time, is that his first century ministry was not actually his first coming. It was in fact his second coming because he comes three times, at the end of each of the three maledictions of the Exedenic, Alienation and Gentile Times (see section 60). The first time he came was in Nisan 1473 when he said to Joshua: "I, as the prince of the army of Jehovah, I have now come" (Jos 5:14). So after this second time that Jesus came in his firs century feeding program, which ended in Tishri 95 CE, we have 'five years in which there will be no ploughing time or harvest' (verse 6). These are the five times of the Apostate Times, about which Jesus himself said in the parable of the wheat and the weeds in Matthew 13:30:

'Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the harvest season I will tell the reapers, first to collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up, then go gathering the wheat into my storehouse.'

So we can now say that:



Five were discreet and five were foolish (Mat 25:1-13), which gives us two witnesses to their number, and these two are 'but one' (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), and because their number is repeated the matter is 'firmly established on the part of the true God and the true God is speeding to do it' - because it is a prophecy. Both sets of five virgins fall asleep, whilst waiting for their master, who is of course the Lord Jesus. The oil in their lamps symbolises the anointed heavenly hope of these virgins, as does their virginity itself (Rev 14:4). The number of both sets of virgins is the number of times, for which the bridegroom was delaying, 'a virgin for a time' is the symbolism here! And this means that there was no oil of anointing and no lamps burning with such oil for the whole period of the bridegrooms absence, namely for the five times of the Apostate Times, which times ran from Tishri 95 CE to Tishri 1895 CE. The foolish virgins are the weeds and the discreet virgins are the wheat of Mat 13:24-30. As verse 13 says:

'Keep on the watch therefore because you know neither the day nor the hour.'

We have not known that day or hour (i.e. Tishri 1895) for 97 years after it happened, not until 1992 CE, did we know when the second temple brothers were first anointed! There is a third witness to the length of the Apostate Times in Ezra 8, section 87, and a fourth in 1 Ch 21, section 94.


If you think that you have seen the most beautiful of illustrations, think again! Because this illustration that you are about to witness is truly breath-taking. This is the most powerful chronological prophecy yet revealed, it will be the cornerstone of Mankind's faith that '2008 is the date' (Luke 20:17). Consider the below scriptures if you will:

'And I will tabernacle in the MIDST of the sons of Israel, and I will prove to be their God. And they will certainly know that I am Jehovah their God, who brought them out of Egypt that I may tabernacle in the MIDST of them' (Ex 29:45,46). Note the repetition in this and those following.

'I myself said: "In the MIDST of my days I will go into the gates of Sheol." (Isaiah 38:10)

'See Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshi there; and you must come in and make him get up from the MIDST of his brothers and bring him into the innermost chamber' (2 Kings 9:2).

'For look! the Kingdom of God is in your MIDST' (Luke 17:21).

'And I will cut off your graven images and your pillars from the MIDST of you, and you will no more bow down to the work of your hands. And I will uproot your sacred poles from the MIDST of you and annihilate your cities' (Micah 5:13,14).

'And you must not defile the land in which you are dwelling, in the MIDST of which I am residing; for I Jehovah am residing in the MIDST of the sons of Israel' (Num 35:34).

'And I shall indeed reside in the middle of the sons of Israel' (1 Kings 6:13)

'And I shall certainly put my tabernacle in the MIDST of you, and my soul will not abhor you. And I shall indeed walk in the MIDST of you and prove myself your God (Leviticus 26:11,12).

'In the MIDST of the years Oh bring it to life! In the MIDST of the years may you make it known' (Hab 3:2).

'"Cry out loudly and rejoice, Oh daughter of Zion; for here I am coming, and I will reside in the MIDST of you," is the utterance of Jehovah. "And many nations will certainly become joined to Jehovah in that day, and they will actually become my people; and I will reside in the MIDST of you". And you will have to know that Jehovah of armies himself has sent me to you' (Zech 2:10,11).

'A prophet from your own MIDST, from your brothers, like me, is what Jehovah your God will raise up for you ......... A prophet I shall raise up for them from the MIDST of their brothers, like you, and I shall indeed put my words in his mouth (Deut 18:15-18).

'And he said to the man with the withered hand: "Get up and come to the CENTRE"' (Mark 3:3).

So do you see what is being said all over the scriptures? Jesus' death was the centre 'of the years' (Hab 3:2), and the centre 'of the sons of Israel' (Num 35:34), and do you know what these years were?

They were the very years of the covenant that Jehovah made with his servant Abraham!

Which covenant was validated on Nisan 14, 1943 BCE, and 1975 years after this Jesus died on Nisan 14, 33 CE, and 1975 years after this the covenant ends on Nisan 14, 2008 CE.

Consider the pivotal position of Jesus' sacrifice in the plan shown below:


Nisan 1943 BCE Nisan 33 CE Nisan 2008

Covenant validated Jesus' sacrifice Armageddon

X__________________________________________________________ X

1975 years X 1975 years


Tishri 2 BCE Nisan 33 CE Tishri 66 CE

Jesus Born Jesus' sacrifice Flee to hills

X__________________________________________________________ X

33.5 years X 33.5 years


Tishri 29 CE Nisan 33 CE Tishri 36 CE

Jesus baptised Jesus' sacrifice Third Key

X__________________________________________________________ X

3.5 years X 3.5 years

So the whole plan rests on Jesus' shoulders! Now what sort of balance do you need to rest the whole world on top of one point?


And what is the tendency of the world that is resting on that one point?


And where must the pivotal point be put, in order to support it?


And isn't that what these scriptures are all about? Jesus was literally dead in the centre, his perfection is represented by his temporally perfect position and balance, which you need to have to support the whole world on your shoulders, which world is statically unstable, always tending to fall off.


We now have our fourth method of calculating the date of 2008. We are going to see in section 66.2 that Nisan 14, 2008 CE, is the date of the evening meal of the Lamb's Marriage (Rev 19:9). Because we know this, we are now able to say without doubt that Abraham crossed the Euphrates on Nisan 14, 1943 BCE (Gal 3:17). We know that this is accurate to the day because Jehovah is perfect and so was his son, which means that his son died in the perfect position of dead in the centre of the covenant as discussed above. Furthermore we know that Cestius Gallus surrounded Jerusalem with encamped armies in the festival of Booths in Tishri 66 CE (W74 p426, Luke 21:20). This festival ran from Tishri 15 - Tishri 21, so for perfect symmetry, since Jesus' death is the pivotal point or centre of all things, he must have been born between the days of Tishri 7 and Tishri 13 2 BCE, with Tishri 10, atonement day, being the obvious choice. Not only is it the obvious choice but it is also dead centre of the week from Tishri 7 to Tishri 13, 2 BCE which corresponds with the festival from Tishri 15 to Tishri 21 66 CE. We will see in section 100, that Cestius Gallus did indeed arrive at Jerusalem on Tishri 18, right in the middle of the festival of Booths, so we can now make the following statement:


If we apply similar reasoning to the last week of the fleshly part of the Abrahamic covenant, i.e. from Tishri 29 CE to Tishri 36 CE, then we get a date for the conversion of Cornelius (Acts 10) and his household of, Tishri 18, 36 CE (because Jesus was baptised on Tishri 10, 29 CE). Which would mean that Cornelius had his dream at the ninth hour of Tishri 15 that year (Acts 10:3, section 36). This makes a lot of sense because the festival of Booths is the final harvest celebration.

So: 'Cry out shrilly and shout for joy! Oh you inhabitress of Zion, for great in the MIDST of you is the Holy one of Israel' (Isaiah 12:6).


It is rare for the bible to contain as many witnesses to a prophecy as it does to the midst prophecy. But there again 'The bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying' (Rev 19:10). Because of the singular importance of this prophecy, which all of these witnesses testify to, we are going to look at four further prophecies in the bible, in the next four sections, 42-45, all of which include the midst prophecy itself.


This is a really major prophecy (as the worldly business executives would say), made by Abraham himself in Genesis 15:5-11,17. Sadly the Masoretic text, and the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia version of it do not have the inspired version of verse 11 of this account. Happily the Septuagint does. We say this not out of historical precedent, and not out of the numbers of codices with one or other version, but out of a knowledge of divine prophecy. In other words we say that theocratically (not democratically or even historically) the Septuagint has the divine account of this verse. The New World Translation renders verse 11 as:

'And the birds of prey began to descend upon the carcasses, but Abram kept driving them away'

The Septuagint has it:

'And the birds came down upon the carcasses, even upon the divided parts of them, and Abram sat down by them'

The exact Greek, in English letters, and interlinear translation being:

'Katebi de orvea epi ta somata, epi ta

Came down but birds upon the carcasses upon the

dichotomimata auton kai sunekathisen autois Abram.'

divided parts of them and sat down by them Abram

Whilst there is not much difference from a story telling point of view between these two accounts, there is 2160 years difference from a prophetic point of view - as we shall see. In fact the difference is even greater then this, because without the repetition of the fact that the birds came down, really the prophecy is indecipherable.

We therefore elect to use the New world renderings of all verses other than verse 11, for which we chose the Septuagint rendering. From verse 5 we find:

'He now brought him outside and said: "Look up please, to the heavens and COUNT the stars, if you are possibly able to COUNT them."'

Well, are we able to count the time period during which the stars are chosen? Notice the word look, and the repetition of the counting of the stars (section 2).

'And he went on to say to him; "So your seed will become"' (verse 5).

Yes, they most certainly will!! In fact ever since Iyyar 25, 1918 (section 58.3), at least 80,000 of Abraham's seed have indeed already become stars in the heavens (Rev 1:16, Job 38:7).

'And he put faith in Jehovah; and he proceeded to count it to him as righteousness. Then he added to him: "I am Jehovah...possession"' (verse 6).

So Jehovah is counting something out in terms of Righteousness, and then he is adding it to Abraham. Now this counting as righteousness is referred to all over the bible, Paul himself says, that the scripture says: 'Abraham exercised faith in Jehovah and it was counted to him as righteousness' (Rom 4:3). And he repeats that Abraham was fully convinced, that what God had promised he was also able to do, hence: "it was counted to him as righteousness" (Rom 4:22). So Paul is twice in the same chapter quoting this very scripture FROM THE SEPTUAGINT (the Greek in the Kingdom interlinear is identical to the Greek of the Septuagint for this quote - also the apostles mainly quoted from the Septuagint). To quote the same scripture twice in a chapter of the bible is VERY UNUSUAL INDEED, and not only is it unusual, it is even prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), and it establishes beyond any doubt that the Septuagint version is the inspired version of this account (2 Cor 13:1, Deut 19:15).

But the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has provided us a second witness even to Paul, in the person of Jesus' half brother James, who says at James 2:23 'And the scripture was FULFILLED which says: "Abraham put faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness." Now if this scripture is 'fulfilled' by the sacrifice of Isaac (James 2:21,22), then James is bearing witness that it was actually a prophecy. And if it was fulfilled 400 or so years before it was actually recorded in the bible by Moses, then there most certainly must be a greater fulfilment after Moses had written it down. Furthermore, James too has quoted this very scripture FROM THE SEPTUAGINT. And further still, James has also been used by the holy spirit to clear up a point in the Hebrew scriptures before, in fact it was about the length of the drought in the days of Elijah (1 Kings 17:1, James 5:17). The length of this drought is not explicitly mentioned in the account in Kings, and James makes up for this, so there is a precedent for James shedding extra light on accounts in the Hebrew scriptures with statements in the Greek scriptures. But this scripture is quoted yet again, FROM THE SEPTUAGINT, by Paul in Galatians 3:6, where he says:

'Just as Abraham "put faith in Jehovah and it was counted to him as righteousness." Surely you know that those who adhere to the faith are the ones who are sons of Abraham. Now the scriptures seeing in advance that God would declare people of the nations righteous due to faith, declared the Good news beforehand to Abraham namely: "By means of you all the nations will be blessed."

Now if these scriptures which Paul is referring to, namely the blessing of Gen 12:3, and the counting of Gen 15:6 are 'seeing in advance', then they are in fact prophecies! at least the Septuagint versions most certainly are! Both Paul and James have now told us that this 'counting as righteousness' is prophetic, two fairly impressive witnesses. Continuing from Genesis 15:8 we read, that Abraham said:

'To that he said "Sovereign Lord Jehovah, by what shall I know that I shall take it in possession?"'

The prophetic meaning of this is: how will my seed know when they will enter into the real promised land?

'In turn he said to him: "Take for me a three year old heifer and a three year old she-goat and a three year old ram and a turtle dove and a young pigeon"' (verse 9).

Now all of these animals were used in sin offerings, and to bring about cleanness or righteousness under the law of Moses. By which law the son of Abraham (i.e. the Jew) himself was counted as righteous. But nowhere in the law is an age of an animal to be sacrificed prescribed as anything other than one year old, in other words if its prescribed as being in a certain year of its life, then the year prescribed is always the first year, (look up all the occurrences of the word 'year' in the concordance in the books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy!). A female goat in its first year (or a female kid of the goats), was the prescribed sin offering for an individual who sinned by mistake (Num 15:27, Lev 5:6). The ashes of a young heifer or red heifer were used in the purification from uncleanness due to touching a dead body (Num 19:2-19). In the law, young meant a year old (Lev 9:2,3) a two year old animal was not young. Young rams were used all over the place, one example was the constant feature (Num 28:3). As regards the turtledove and the pigeon, these were always sacrificed in pairs, except in the case of a mother purifying herself, who could use a pair, or a young ram in its first year and a bird (Lev 12:6). In the case of a sin offering, two birds were prescribed (Lev 5:7).

So having revised the law, we are now in a position to count the sacrifice in terms of righteousness under law:

Three year old heifer = Three times

Three year old she-goat = Three times

Three year old ram = Three times

Turtledove = Half a time

Young pigeon = Half a time


Total = Ten times

The three mammals represent three times each, because they were each three times as old as the law prescribed. The two birds both represent half a time, because they were both a half times the number of birds that the law prescribed. Next we see in Gen 15:10 (to get the full picture one should read the New world, the Septuagint and the Biblia Hibraica Stuttgartensia, for this verse) that Abraham cut the mammals in two precisely, right down the middle and arranged them in two rows as below:

Half a heifer Half a heifer

Half a she-goat Half a she-goat

Half a ram Half a ram

Turtledove Young pigeon

Then we read the all important verse eleven again:

'And the birds (of prey) came down upon the carcasses, (even) upon the divided parts of them, and Abram sat down by them.'

The big question is: What are these birds (of prey)? The big answer is Matthew 24:28 'Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.' The second witness to this big answer is Luke 17:37, where his apostles said to Jesus: '"Where Lord?" He said to them: "Where the body is, there also the eagles will be gathered together."' The question posed by the first century apostles of: "Where Lord?" is the question that should be being asked by their twentieth century antitypes, who are their brothers!

Because these birds of prey are eagle-eyed Christians. And these birds 'come down' on the five carcasses and even upon the six divided parts thereof, so they have to come down eleven times. Abram is said to sit down 'by' these carcasses. Well Abram does not sit down until his covenant ends, so the end of the covenant is determined by this coming down through eleven times, and the repetition of the birds coming down, once upon the carcasses and once upon the divided parts of them, reveals that these two statements are prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). So the equation that we now have is:

Length of covenant + Ten times = Eleven times

(Count the stars) (Added to him) (Sacrifice) (Birds of prey)

We of course know that the Abrahamic covenant lasted a lot longer than one time or 360 years. Therefore the eleven times means eleven years of years and the ten times means ten years of days. Jehovah has already given us a clue as to the correct way to look at this equation, in that the ten times were expressed as literal years for the most part in verse 9. So if we follow this expression, then we get:

Length of covenant + 10 years = 3,960 years

Therefore: Length of covenant = 3,950 years

This takes us from Nisan 14, 1943 BCE to Nisan 14, 2008 CE. Where we are taking the 11 times to be 11 x 360 = 3960 years. So this is the fifth witness and the fifth method of calculating the date of 2008. As mentioned above, Jesus himself tells us that this is how we can work out the date when he says: "Where the carcass is, there also the eagles will be gathered together." In other words Jesus is saying, have a look at Genesis 15:5-11! Although Jesus was not himself aware that this was the cryptic meaning to what he was saying because he did not know 'that day and hour' (Mat 24:36) when he made the remarks in Luke 17 (see sections 66 & 66.1). All of which shows that Jesus was speaking under inspiration, (there were precious few prophets who did understand the full meaning of their prophecies). But we have not finished yet, because verse 17 says:

'Look! a smoking furnace and a fiery torch that passed in between the pieces'

Guess who this was! Well what does a fiery torch do? It starts a fire, and what did Jesus say about himself?

'I came to start a fire on the earth, and what more is there for me to wish if it has already been lighted?' (Luke 12:49)

This torch bisected the sacrifice and the meal for the birds, which is telling us that Jesus sets things burning right at the mid-point of the 3,950 years of the Abrahamic covenant, i.e. in Nisan 14, 33 CE. His death really started the bonfire. And just to show how accurate and perfect the creator of mankind is, we notice the smoking furnace pre-existed the torch-lighting, which is what Jesus meant when he said before he died that the fire 'has already been lighted'.

And we are the smouldering furnace, who having been cheated and robbed of our rightful inheritance by the lies and deception of the one who is our enemy, will now through the one who is the truth and was, is and will be for ever our friend, and due to the undeserved kindness of his father, incinerate this planet with the perfect truth about Jehovah's Kingdom.


The construction of the Tabernacle is described in great detail in the bible twice in the book of Exodus. So we have two witnesses from the same book of the bible to its design (Ex:25-28,35-39). We should therefore expect this design to be prophetic, having a second meaning, because this is what it means for something to be in the bible twice (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, 2 Cor 13:1, Deut 19:15, section 2). This account is not repeated because Moses forgot that he had already mentioned it once before! Firstly please look at the excellent illustration of the tabernacle in the Insight book 1 p538. From the picture it can be seen that the ark of the covenant has a cover above it, which was the tabernacle itself. The tabernacle had a cover above it which was the 'tent upon the tabernacle' (Ex 36:14). Now whereas the tabernacle was made out of ten tent cloths (Ex 26:1), the tent itself was made out of eleven tent cloths (Ex 26:7).

Now just as the eleven tent cloths of the Tent of meeting covered both the ten tent cloths of the Tabernacle and the Ark of the covenant, so the eleven times which the tent cloths of the Tent represent, cover both the ten times which the ten tent cloths of the Tabernacle represent and the length of the Abrahamic covenant itself which the Ark of the covenant represents.

We know of course that the ark represented more than the Law covenant, it also represented Jehovah's direct rulership of mankind (Rev 11:19), which rulership will be exercised by the covenanters of the spiritualised Abrahamic covenant, hence the Ark can stand for the whole Abrahamic covenant. So the equation again is:

Length of covenant + Ten times = Eleven times

(Ark of the covenant) (Tabernacle) (Tent of meeting)

Putting this another way, the eleven times of the tent, directly cover the covenant, only if you first take away the ten times of the tabernacle which was underneath it. Which is what the position was physically. If we take the tabernacle times as years and the tent times as years of years, then we get a length for the covenant of 3950 years (3960 - 10 = 3950). This witness is not so much a direct prophecy of the length of the Abrahamic covenant, as it is a confirmation or a second witness, that the calculation that we performed in Gen 15:5-11 in section 42, was performed correctly. Jehovah often provides such confirmations - see sections 36.1, 71.

Now we see why David said under inspiration to Jehovah's prophet Nathan:

'See, now I am dwelling in a house of Cedars while the ark of the true God is dwelling in the middle of tent cloths' (2 Sam 7:2)

And again he says:

'Here I am dwelling in a house of Cedars, but the ark of the covenant of Jehovah is under tent cloths' (1 Chron 17:1)

Now there is one further major symbolism in the midst of the tent and the tabernacle, and that is the way they were joined together. Because the tabernacle was sown together into two pieces of five tent cloths each and then these two pieces were joined up by gold hooks and rings. Whereas the tent was sown together to make two pieces, one of five tent cloths and one of six tent cloths, and these two pieces were joined by copper rings and hooks. The six piece cloth then had its sixth cloth, which was the one at the front of the tabernacle folded in half (Ex 36:8-18, 26:1-13). In other words both covers were joined together at the centre, as far as was possible, and in the case of the eleven tent cloths of the tent of meeting, the join was in the centre of all the unfolded cloths, and the remaining cloth itself was folded in half. All of this symbolically confirms in advance that Jesus would come in the middle of the Abrahamic covenant. As mentioned before, this account is not so much a prophecy as a confirmation, a second witness, which is Jehovah's way of confirming to us, that both the interpretation of the counting as righteousness and the SEPTUAGINT rendering of Abraham's sacrifice in Genesis 15:5-11 are true.

And now we see further why the temple curtain was rent in two as Jesus' death (Mat 27:51). This renting in two of the temple curtain, is telling us that the joins in the tabernacle and in the tent of meeting (the gold and the copper hooks and rings), which was where these two coverings were rent in two, both represent the death of Jesus Christ. So every time the Jews dismantled their tabernacle in the wilderness, to move it, as they did all over the Sinai Peninsular, the tabernacle cloth and the tent of meeting were both rent in two at the rings and hooks, and the temporally central position of the death of the Christ was being symbolically declared!


At the time that Sennacherib had surrounded Jerusalem, and at the time that Jehovah's angel wiped out 185,000 of Sennacherib's men, King Hezekiah got 'sick to the point of dying' (2 Kings 19:35,36, 20:1). Then Isaiah came in and told him that he would 'indeed die and will not live' (2 Kings 20:1). This made Hezekiah very upset indeed, so he prayed to Jehovah and wept profusely. Then Jehovah told Isaiah to say to him:

'This is what Jehovah the God of David your forefather has said: "I have heard your prayer. I have seen your tears. Here I am healing you. On the third day you will go up to the house of Jehovah. And I shall certainly add fifteen years to your days, and out of the palm of the King of Assyria I shall deliver you,' (verse 5,6).

Hezekiah is prefiguring Jesus here, and we know from 2 Kings 18:2, that he reigned for 29 years in Jerusalem, we also know that Sennacherib started his attack on the cities of Judah in the fourteenth year of Hezekiah's reign (2 Kings 18:13), this was before he came up against Jerusalem.

Hezekiah then asks Isaiah in verse 8: 'What is the sign that Jehovah will heal me and I shall certainly go up on the third day to the house of Jehovah?' The repetition of the sign in the next few verses establishes the sign as being prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), and we know that it relates to Jesus, who was the one who really went up to the house of Jehovah on the third day. Isaiah describes the sign in verse 9, as follows:

'Shall the shadow actually go forward ten steps or should it go back ten steps?'

Hezekiah responds:

'It is an easy thing for the shadow to extend itself ten steps, but not that the shadow should go backward ten steps'.

Then the sign itself is described as follows:

'And he made the shadow that had gone down, gradually go back on the steps, that is on the stairs of Ahaz, ten steps backward'.

The repetition of the question by Hezekiah establishes the going up or going down as the prophetic statement in the sign. Furthermore the going down is always mentioned with the going back up, in all three quotes above. The one is compared with the other whenever it is mentioned, and the number of steps is the same, being ten, in both directions. Ten is used to symbolise earthly completeness we know and so the greater meaning of this sign is not that Hezekiah will get better, nor is it just that he will have his reign extended by fifteen years. No, the greater meaning is that the entire length of time that the Abrahamic covenant lasted for, before Jesus' death, is equal to the entire length of time that this covenant lasts for after his death.

This is very clear from Isaiah's own account of this miracle in Isaiah 38:8-10. Where we again see that the sign is repeated and whenever the movement of the shadow down the steps is mentioned, so is the movement of it back up the steps. Immediately after describing this Isaiah then recites Hezekiah's Inspired poem that he wrote at the time of his distress, the first words of which are:

'I myself said: "In the midst of my days I will go into the gates of Sheol"

This was actually the scripture that enabled the writer and a friend of his to understand the midst prophecy, because it demonstrated that the sign of the shadow was a sign of the midst of something, and we knew that the mid-point was Jesus' death, and then since there were ten steps, an earthwise complete number, we looked at the whole of God's plan for the earth, i.e. the whole length of the Abrahamic covenant. What amazed us is that although we had known the date of Nisan 2008 since February 1, we did not realise that Nisan 33 CE was dead centre of the covenant until we saw this scripture in March.

Knowing as we do that Jehovah is perfect, we would expect that this sign and these three days of sickness would occur in the middle of Hezekiah's reign. There are quite a few witnesses to the truth of this in the account. Firstly we know that Hezekiah wanted to go to the temple on the third day, which means that this was the third day of a festival. We know too that this prefigures Jesus being raised on the third day of the festival of the passover. This means that the three days of this sickness occurred on the first three days of either the passover or the festival of Booths, because these were the only two Jewish festivals lasting longer than one day. Now we read in verse 7, that Hezekiah was given a cake of pressed dried figs, which were harvested at the beginning of Tishri (fig 2). Also the fig harvest is used by Jesus to symbolise this month in Luke 13:6-9 (section 74). Furthermore Isaiah was said to have 'Not yet gone out to the middle court, when Jehovah's word itself came to him', (verse 4). When prophets like Isaiah do things like this, it is very important. This is a witness that this sign occurs just before the middle of something. Well the only two candidates for what this something could be are that year, or the whole reign of Hezekiah. Furthermore Hezekiah himself tells us the answer to this in Isaiah 38:10 which says:

'I myself said: "In the MIDST of my years I will go into the gates of Sheol. I must be deprived of the remainder of my years."'

This writing of Hezekiah was inspired by the holy spirit we know. So this sign occurred in the middle of Hezekiah's reign, which was in the middle of his fifteenth regnal year. The middle of the year Elul 30/ Tishri 1 (see fig 2). This is just before Tishri 15, which is the first day of the festival of Booths. So the sign occurred on the first day of the festival of Booths, i.e. Tishri 15, 731 BCE (Hezekiah's first regnal year started Nisan 745 BCE, and his last regnal year started Nisan 717 BCE, 2 Kings 18:1,2). Hezekiah then went up to the house of Jehovah on Tishri 17, which was the third day of that festival. We will see later that Hezekiah's recovery sets a precedent for the resurrections and temple building of the second temple brothers in section 57.


The bible book of Luke, we are going to discover, is a very prophetic book from the chronological point of view, see sections 66, 71 & 72. The parable of the ten lepers is found in Luke 17, which is a very prophetic chapter, dealing with both the second invisible presence of Jesus (verse 20) from 1914 onwards, and the second visible presence at Armageddon (verse 30). The account of the cleansing of the ten lepers (verses 11-19) states that ten lepers were cleansed but only one from another nation gave thanks to Jesus and glory to God. Jesus said: 'Ten were cleansed were they not? where then are the other nine?' So the number of lepers is mentioned twice, establishing this number as prophetic, also the same number ten who were unclean then became clean (because Jesus cleansed them all). Immediately after this parable, Jesus says to the Pharisees: 'The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness, neither will people be saying, "See here!" or "There!" For look! the kingdom of God is in your MIDST,' (verses 20,21).

Now was it just these ten lepers that Jesus made clean when he came as the son of man? No sir, it was all of mankind that he cleansed from the uncleanness of the sin which they inherited from their father Adam. And how many of mankind actually acknowledged this great saving that Jesus did and turned round and Glorified God? Precious few, and most of them were Gentiles. So we can see that the ten lepers stand symbolically for all mankind (earthly completeness), but they also stand symbolically for the entire length of the covenant by which mankind is saved and declared righteous i.e. cleansed, up to the time of Jesus' death. In other words the ten lepers of Luke 17:12 are the ten steps of 2 Kings 20:10, and whilst it is an easy thing for ten men to catch leprosy, it is not such an easy thing for the ten to be cured, likewise it is an easy thing for the shadow to advance down the steps, but it is not so easy for it to retrace its steps and go back up! So this parable is telling us that the Kingdom of God is in the Midst of the covenant, which is why Jesus, under inspiration, states this explicitly immediately after the parable in verse 21. We now have a whole new meaning to the statement 'the Kingdom of God is in your midst!'


The position now is, that we know for certain, that in an absolutely critical piece of scripture, namely Gen 15:11, the Septuagint has the inspired version and the Masoretic text, or at least the BHS version of it is wrong. We also found out in section 25.3, that in 2 Kings 13:19, the BHS is in agreement with the LXX, but the Vulgate is wrong. Furthermore the Septuagint version of the olive trees and lampstand of Zechariah 4, makes more sense than the Masoretic version, because it links up the seven 'pipes' of verse 2 with the two 'tubes' of verse 12. Now if we combine this with the fact that the apostles and Jesus himself quoted around three hundred times from the Septuagint, we find ourselves with room to ask rhetorical questions such as:

'If the Masoretic text is wrong for such a crucial scripture as the covenant by which all men are saved, can it be trusted elsewhere?'

'If the Septuagint was approved by and good enough for the son of God, how is it that it does not have our approval, or do we know better than him?'

Well, before we abandon the Masoretic text for its one omission, there are a quite a few scriptures where the Masoretic text has the inspired record and the Septuagint does not (eg: Dan 3:5 LXX misses out rulership groups from verses 2&3 and misses out an instrument from verses 5,7,10 which is not very helpful, all though it does have the correct number of them in Dan 3:15, Dan 12:7 LXX is also pretty confusing). In the writer's limited experience, the Masoretic normally presents a clearer picture, certainly the New World translation of it does. Also we must remember that our heavenly King chose nearly all of his modern day brothers on the basis of their response to the King James bible! But now that we are looking at every word in detail, in order to get cryptic understandings that we need in the time of the end, we require the benefits of both the Masoretic and the Septuagint - it is suggested. No doubt the discrepancies between the LXX and the Masoretic text are few in number, but they certainly are not light in content.

It is also very difficult to see how one can justify rewriting Hebrew scriptures in a different form to that which they were actually verbally quoted in by the foundation stones of God's temple, not to mention the cornerstone himself.

At the least it would seem prudent to record the LXX version as the main text of the Hebrew original, in these cases, with the BHS rendering as a footnote. It is not at all satisfying to read in Acts 2:27 where Peter quotes from Psalm 16:9 saying:

'On this account my heart became cheerful and my tongue rejoiced greatly. Moreover even my flesh will reside in hope.'

Whereas if we actually read Psalm 16:9 we find:

'Therefore my heart does rejoice, and my glory is inclined to be joyful, also my own flesh will reside in security'

The LXX version of Psalm 16:9 is what Peter was quoting from, how can we change this? And how indeed does this reflect on our perfect creator? Furthermore, in the light of Gen 15:11, it seems to the writer that we are behoven to quote all the places where the Septuagint differs from the BHS as a footnote. Because this correction is not one from man, in the sense that somebody has dug up a reputedly very old manuscript, or there are more of such manuscripts that say the one thing than there are of those that say the other. No, it is from God, in that the correct version, is revealed through a spiritual knowledge, rather than through an archeological knowledge.

Do we not know that seventy, LXX, stands for the product of earthly and temporal completeness?



Seven does not merely mean divine completeness (Rev bk p19), which is a fairly meaningless term because there are precious few examples of any works of Jehovah that are divinely incomplete! It actually stands for divine temporal completeness. Which is why there are 7 days in the week, why the Gentile and Alienation and Exedenic Times were 7 times long and why the seven headed wild beast stands for seven temporally successive kingdoms exercised by Satan over God's people. Indeed the only way in which these seven kingdoms are divinely complete is in a temporal way - they most certainly are not divinely complete by any other measure, because they are kingdoms belonging to Satan, the concept that they are Satanically complete (Rev bk p19) is a contradiction in terms, the writer would suggest.


It was Joseph who said: "Do not interpretations belong to God" (Gen 40:8). And it is his words at Genesis 41:25,32 that are responsible for a large part of this book. There are critics of Daniel who say that Daniel must have lived 500 years after he did, because there is no way that he could have prophesied all that he did in advance. What they are ignorant of, and what this book has already shown in the case of the Gentile Times and the seventy weeks of years prophecies, is that the true God Jehovah, by his own law, provides two witnesses in order to establish a fact firmly. And a large number if not all of the prophecies in Daniel's book are actually repeated elsewhere in the bible, including both the Gentile Times and the seventy weeks of years prophecies. So one cannot write off Daniel in that manner. Now, in the next sections of this book, we will establish a whole load of further prophetic meanings that Daniel couldn't possibly have had any knowledge of, even if he had lived 2,000 years after he did!

Daniel himself said:

'As for me, it is not through any wisdom that exists in me more than any others alive that this secret is revealed to me, except that the interpretation may be made known to the King himself' (Dan 2:30).

These words apply too, to the writer of this book, who is making the interpretation known to the slave of the King, after the manner of Daniel (see section [77]). The writer therefore has a privilege that he does not deserve, because it is a gift. There are two very strong locks that have been active in sealing up Daniel's book. One is the belief that Matthew 24:36 applies all the way up to the first day of Armageddon (or maybe some believe that we will not even know the day and the hour then!) The other is the belief that the faithful and discreet slave have unsealed this book already and that they did this in the 'time of the end', which time began in 1914. Both of these views are absolute and doctrinal amongst the people who are privileged to bear Jehovah's name. However, due to our God's abundant compassion and superabundant love for his chosen people, he has now removed these two seals, but due to his wisdom, he has left it until now, the time of the end, to make this unsealing.

And whilst it is understandable, that we all fell for the former lock, it is amazing to the writer now, with hindsight, that we also fell for the latter. Because we shall see that apart from the fact that 'the time if the end' did not start until February 1st 1992, there is actually no part of the book of Daniel that has had a correct interpretation at all, since 1914. No part that is, with the exception of the correct parts of our understanding of the prophecy of the King of the North in Daniel 11. In fact the only parts of Daniel that we do understand correctly are the ones that either Daniel himself or Angel Gabriel explained explicitly in the book, or that Brother Russel worked out in 1877 (Daniel 4)!


Daniel is totally awestruck at the glorious sight of the angel Gabriel, and is attempting to stand by the great river Hiddekel, which is the river Tigris (Dan 10:4,11). Now in verse 4 of chapter 12, Daniel is told to seal the book up until the time of the end, this sealing is repeated in verse 9, which establishes it as prophetic. Therefore if we understand verses 5 to 8, well then we have broken this seal. These verses were the first verses of Daniel that the holy spirit unsealed to the writer in this book, it was a very beautiful thing indeed. In the vision there are two (men/angels) one standing each side of the great river, the scripture says:

'One on the bank here of the stream and one on the bank there of the stream' (verse 5).

The repetition of the fact that there was one on each bank, establishes their positions as prophetic (Gen 41:25). The LXX has:

'One on one side of the bank of the river, and the other on the other side of the bank of the river'

Which makes the repetition even more obvious. Then one of them asks the man 'clothed with linen who was up above the waters of the stream: "How long will it be to the end of the wonderful things?"' This one (Angel Gabriel) is then again described as 'the man clothed with the linen who was up above the waters of the stream'. He is the third man/angel in the account, and he swears that:

'It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a FINISHING of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, ALL THESE THINGS will come to their finish' (verse 7).

Now Daniel himself described this river, the river Tigris as a 'great river' (Dan 10:4). But truly, truly it is said to you today:


Because this river is nothing less than the stream of Jehovah's chosen and holy human beings who have died in union with his firstborn son, and who through him have conquered the whole world, floating off into heaven. Yes, these ones are literally floating off between the two banks. This river is the sparkling stream of the everlasting glory and light that the true God has given to those who are to be immortal Kings in the heavens, and who will rule with the King of Kings for a thousand years. The width of the river is the length of time during which the living stones are resurrected as spiritual souls. And the banks of the river are the borders to this time. This is why the 'man clothed with linen' (Angel Gabriel) is floating above the stream, he is representing humans floating off as angels, and now we can see why there is one other (man/angel) on each side of the stream:

It is because just as there were 3.5 times from the appointed time of Jesus' presence until this stream started, so there are 3.5 appointed times after this stream finishes until the end, i.e. until Armageddon. And this is what the 3.5 appointed times in verse 7 mean.

This is why there are two men, one on each bank, with their feet on the ground, whereas there is an angel in the middle of the stream (Gabriel) who is floating in mid-air, this is what is called symbolism. So the banks with the ones standing on them, which we knew were prophetic, both stand for 3.5 years, and the stream with the angel Gabriel floating above it, which position and whose attire we also knew was prophetic, stands for the angelic destination of those who conquer in union with Christ. Verse seven says: 'As soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, (THEN) all these things will come to their finish.' The BHS is a lot clearer than the LXX here! The 'finishing of the dashing' occurs when all the holy ones are in heaven which is three and a half years before Armageddon, because Satan cannot cause any of them to fall once they are up there!

In some ways it is a shame to have to reveal this at this point, because one can very easily deduce that all of the holy ones are in heaven three and a half years before Armageddon from Revelation 15:8 - see section 84 for a discussion of this. But if the Kingdom of God were to start with any of the holy ones still on the earth and therefore unmarried, then since Jesus is not having two marriage feasts, he would have to be unmarried as well. In which case there would be no covenant in force for the 144,000 to wield any power as kings or priests, in which case the Kingdom would have actually started without them! That is without any of them!

It is also very difficult to explain how in the days of the earthquake of Uzziah, which day is Armageddon, when Jehovah's earthly people flee to the valley of his mountains, it will be that Jehovah will 'certainly come, ALL the holy ones being with him' (Zech 14:5), if in fact some of the holy ones are still here on the earth, and are therefore not with him? Well if there are any left remaining on the earth at Armageddon then the Kingdom of God will truly have overtaken them. Consider please Rev 19:14,16:

'Also the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen........And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.'

Let us not beat around the bush, these armies that are 'in heaven' are the 144,000 brothers of Christ. We know this because they are wearing white clean fine linen, and in the bible one only gets to wear such white clean fine linen if one has put faith in Jesus, the Lord of lords. It is only the sons of men that this test of faith refers to because all the angels know for a fact who Jesus is. The reader will no doubt draw the comparison with the three men clothed with linen in Daniel 12:6,7, all of whom symbolise anointed brothers of Christ (even though one is of course the angel Gabriel). Furthermore Jesus is here called the King of kings (Rev 19:16), he is not called the King of the number of kings who have so far been resurrected. Logic dictates that these ones do not become kings until after the marriage of the Lamb, which is their investiture. In any event we can now say that:


If we now turn our attention to the near bank of the river of life, we see that this prophecy is actually a witness to the fact that the anointed brothers, who were asleep in death, are raised up in Nisan 1918, which is 3.5 times after Tishri 1914, the time when Michael, the great prince, first stood up (verse 1). This date may also be deduced from Daniel chapters 5 and 7, see sections 58.3 & 64.1. This 3.5 times is the 1,260 days of Rev 11:3. It is therefore not true to say that the three and a half times of prophesying in sackcloth and ashes ended exactly when the brothers were physically locked up in prison i.e. May 7th 1918 (JP p 79), and as a result there was this one and a bit months gap between Jesus becoming King and then the two witnesses of Rev 11:3 starting to prophesy, see sections 58.3 & 82. Furthermore, since we know that the near bank of the stream is exactly 1,260 days long, we also know that this is the length of the far bank, because this whole vision is symmetric, and the same time in verse 7 applies to both banks. Therefore since we know that Armageddon starts on Nisan 14, 2008, we can now say that:


We say Tishri 15 because we are including Nisan 14, 2008 itself in the 1,260 days, just as one does in the case of the near bank - see section 58.3. Furthermore since we know that the Gentile Times ended in Tishri 1914, which was when the Angel Michael stood up as heavenly King (Dan 12:1), then, by adding 3.5 times to this date, we now know that:


Now we come to the matter of the 1,290 days and the 1,335 days of verses 11 & 12. Well these two times are the angel Gabriel's answer to Daniel's question in verse 8: 'O my Lord, what will be the FINAL PART of these things'. So both of these time periods refer to events on the far bank of the stream, not on the near bank thereof.

[49.1] THE 1,290 DAYS OF DANIEL 12

Verse eleven quite simply states that there will be 1,290 days from the removal of the constant feature, and its replacement by the disgusting thing that causes desolation (to the end). In other words the ban will come in ELUL 15, 2004 CE, which is three years and seven months exactly (i.e. 1,290 days) before the end, which is on Nisan 14, 2008 CE. This has very little to do with Cedar point Ohio in 1922 (Daniel bk p333-6), but do not despair, there is a prophecy that does relate to that convention, it is Revelation 12:6 - see section 83. It must be stressed here again that if a prophecy is stated in days then it is accurate to the day (section 24.4), and all prophecies are in terms of the Hebrew calendar, unless Jehovah states otherwise.

[49.2] THE 1,335 DAYS OF DANIEL 12

Yes! no doubt the conventioners who came out of the Albert hall in May 1926 were very happy! (Daniel bk, YW p337-8). But truly truly it is being said to you, and Amen Amen to you it is being said today:

They were not half as happy as the faithful ones will be, when they arrive at the greater Zoar, 75 days after Armageddon starts, i.e. on Sivan 29, 2008 CE, which is the true end of the 1,335 days, and is the day when the son of man is revealed!

This is the most glorious time for the Great Crowd. This is when they know for a fact visibly that they have been saved into the new system. In other words on this day the testing for them ends, and they know that it has ended, because on this day the son of man is revealed! (Luke 17:30) It is in fact 75 days after the Marriage of the lamb, which takes place on Nisan 14, 2008 CE. This marriage marks the first day of the thousand years of the Kingdom of God. Armageddon happens after the Kingdom of God starts, because it is a war fought by spiritual Israel as well as by Christ (Joshua 10). Also because in Genesis 3:15 it is written that the woman's seed will bruise Satan in the head, and in Rev 12:17 we see that her seed include all of Christ's anointed brothers, such ones will not be able to do any bruising to Satan whilst they are humans on the earth. The wording of verse 12 is: 'Happy is the one who is KEEPING IN EXPECTATION and arrives at the 1,335 days'.

Which implies that these ones will be accompanied by those who are not keeping in expectation, so this time is not actually the end of Armageddon. We will see later that this battle rages on for a further 75 days - see section 66.2. We also say that this 75th day is actually the day that the son of man is revealed, because it is at the mid-point of the 150 day preset period for the length of Armageddon (section 66.2), which we know is cut short for the sake of the chosen ones (Mat 24:22), who in this case are the Great Crowd (yes, they are chosen as well!) From the Midst prophecy, in section 40, we know that Jesus' role is temporally central. And just as Jesus gained his reward at the half of the week, having been cut off (Dan 9:27), so the Great Crowd gain their reward at his revealing, at the half of the 150 day period, which for them is cut short. As regards the symbolism of Zoar, see again section 66.2, and bear in mind the words of Jesus in Luke 17:28-30: 'Likewise as it occurred in the days of Lot.... so it will be on that day when the son of man is to be revealed'. This scripture is actually telling us how to work out when the day of revealing will be, namely by referring to the account of the destruction of Sodom, we look at this too in section 66.2.

At this point very large credit has to be given to a bible study who essentially was asking the following rhetorical question, which bears a resemblance to the point made in the Daniel book (YW p223):

'Does Jehovah's great and perfect plan to save all the faithful ones of mankind from sin and death, and to confer immortality on angels for the first time ever, culminate in a convention in the ALBERT HALL IN 1926? Is this really the climax of the plan?'

Whilst it is true that the covenant for this Kingdom was declared in a room above an inn in Jerusalem, the effect and scope of this covenant is far wider than South Kensington! Now since this prophecy is stated in terms of 'days', its fulfilment has to be accurate to the day (see section 24.4), albeit in terms of the days in the prophetic form of the Hebrew calendar. The time period from September 5-13, 1922 to May 25-31, 1926 is indeed three years and eight months and fifteen days of the current Gregorian calendar yes. But the bible is written in terms of the Hebrew calendar, and what the society has done here (in YW p337,338) is to correctly interpret the 1,335 days as three Hebrew years and eight Hebrew months and fifteen days, and then it has counted out this period as three Gregorian years three Gregorian months and fifteen days! It is strongly suggested that you cannot do this!

The writer would respectfully propose that the correct way to calculate the time between these two conventions (although this is academic because this whole calculation is occurring on the wrong bank of the River of life), is firstly to get the dates of the passovers in the two years concerned. These were April 10th in 1922 and March 27th in 1926, then we can calculate that September 5-13, 1922 was 148-156 days after April 10, which was Nisan 14, 1922. This now means that Cedar point was between Elul 12-20 1922, because prophetic months are all 30 days long. Likewise May 25-31 1926 is 59-65 days after March 27th 1926 which was Nisan 14. This now means that the Albert Hall convention was between Sivan 13-19 1926, because prophetic months are all 30 days long. Now the time between Elul 12-20, 1922 and Sivan 13-19, 1926 is three years and eight months and 7 days maximum, so we literally cannot fit 1,335 days between these two conventions. We will find out in section 69, that the 1,335 days is the exact length of the 'great tribulation' of Matthew 24:21 & Rev 7:14. So this period is actually cut short at both ends, in that it starts at the mid point of the last week, and it ends at the mid point of Armageddon. Daniel 12 therefore ends with the salvation of the Great Crowd, and with the length of the great tribulation which they come out of, to which it refers in verse 1, where we see:

'And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as there has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time'.

Hereagain the situation is summed up by Paul in 2 Thess 1:6-8:

'This takes into account that it is righteous on God's part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels.'

Which is actually saying that the Great Tribulation of Mat 24:21 ends with the revealing of the Son of Man. We now know that the day of these two things will be Sivan 29, 2008 CE.

However it must be pointed out, that the attempts to explain Daniel before the time of the end started, were the best possible given the circumstances. Which circumstances were that the Most high God himself was keeping the book sealed until February 1, 1992. It would have been unscriptural if the faithful and discreet slave had actually got any of the things here revealed correct.

The writer is very glad indeed that the society has attempted to understand this 1,335 day period, because without their first attempt, he would not have been in a position to make his second attempt.

Furthermore the writer, for his part, most emphatically praises all of the attempts that the society has made to understand this book of Daniel. Because in making these attempts, which this exposition is merely a further continuation of, we are obeying the words of the Great Prince who is now standing on our behalf (verse 1) who has said to us:

'Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you,' (Mat 7:7).

Therefore if we do not ask, then what are we going to be given? And if we do not seek, then how are we going to find? And if we stop knocking, then which door do we expect him to open to us?


The writer has no understanding that he can add to that of the society for Daniel chapter eleven at this time. However now that we know what the river Tigris stands for, we can get a fuller understanding of chapter ten. The first fulfilment is fairly literal, in that Daniel was mourning for three full weeks (verses 2,3) from Nisan 1, 536 to Nisan 21, 536 BCE (verse 1). We know that these three full weeks are prophetic because this phrase is repeated in verse 3. Well if we take a day for a year then this would bring us to Nisan 515 BCE which is when Zerubbabel's temple was inaugurated (Ezra 6:15-20, section 29). We know that 536 was the third year of Cyrus (verse 1), because his first year started in Nisan 538, because he sacked Babylon in Tishri 16, 539 BCE (see Insight book under Cyrus, or see Nabonidus chronicle) and regnal years started in Nisan for kings of Babylon, and even for Kings of Israel and Judah - see sections 24.1, 96, 97, 98 & Appendix 5.

In Ezra 1:1-4 we find the decree from Cyrus who is commissioned by Jehovah to build the second temple (just as David was commissioned to prepare for the first - section 28.1). In Ezra 3:1 we see that the Jews arrive in Jerusalem in Tishri, and it must have been Tishri 537 because this was the end of the 70 years repayment of Land Sabbaths (see section 4.1, Lev 26:34). So the decree from Cyrus went out sometime in 538 BCE, in other words between 22 and 23 years before the second temple was inaugurated. Now if this period was following after the same period for the first temple, which was a pattern for it, then it would have a length of 22.5 years, and the decree would have gone out in Tishri 538 BCE (see section 94).

However this interpretation alone is just too tame for Jehovah's great prophet Daniel, the one whom the angel Gabriel called 'a very desirable man'. Because Angel Gabriel says in verse 13 that he himself has been contending with the demon prince of Persia, for this very period of twenty one days, and he says that he has 'come to cause you to discern what will befall your people in the final part of the days, because it is a vision yet for the days to come.' So we must look for a greater fulfilment in the 'final part of the days'. This is found in the fact that Daniel reaches the bank of the river Tigris sometime on the twenty fourth day of Nisan (verse 4). Now this bank of the river we know represents 1918 (Nisan), the time when the anointed ones started flowing into heaven, (Dan 12:5-7, section 49). In other words the time when the (first) spiritual temple of Christ's brothers is 'inaugurated' in the sense that priests started going into it. If we take a day for a year again then counting backwards, with the twenty-fourth day of Nisan standing for 1918 CE, then the first day of Nisan would be the year 1895 CE. This day, in the greater fulfilment, is the year when the first of the second temple brothers, including brother Russel were anointed, i.e. baptised with holy spirit, the last time that this had occurred was in Tishri 95 CE, see section 36.1. It was also the year when the heavenly commissioning occurred for the building of the first spiritual temple, the one consisting of the 80,000 first temple brothers. So now we have found the year when Brother Russel was anointed! In fact since both the first and second physical temples in Jerusalem set a pattern for the first and second spiritual temples, we know that the time between the anointing of the first of the second temple brothers, which was the time of the commissioning of the first spiritual temple, and the inauguration of the first spiritual temple in Nisan 1918 CE, was 22.5 years, the same time period that separated the commissionings and inaugurations of the two physical temples. Which means that we now have our third witness to the Apostate Times ending at this commissioning time of Tishri 1895 CE (sections 38 & 39). We can therefore say that:


This date being exactly 1800 years to the month, or five times after the last brother from the first spiritual temple was anointed, in Tishri 95 CE see section 36.1. Furthermore, since every temple which we have so far considered has had a period of 22.5 years between its commissioning and its inauguration. Surely the same period must have occurred between Jesus being commissioned to build his temple and his death in Nisan 33 CE. Well yes, and now we know why Jesus was in the temple for three days when he was aged 12. The account in Luke 2:42-52, tells us that Jesus went up to the temple during the passover, with his parents.

Now since we know that Jesus was born in Tishri, he would not have been exactly 12 years old at this time of year, according to the modern way of reckoning age, because the passover was in Nisan. But he would have become 12 years old in Nisan, since this was the start of his twelfth full Jewish year of life - see section 24.2). We see from verse 41 that his parents went to Jerusalem every year for the passover. This was a long trip from Nazareth, so it was made only once a year. Therefore the first opportunity that Jesus would have had to go to the temple after his being commissioned to build the next one in Tishri 10 CE when he was 11 years old, according to modern and Jewish reckoning, was the passover in Nisan 11 CE. This being 22.5 years before he died and then rose on the third day thereby building the temple of his spiritual body. We can now say that:



My judge is God, (Daniel in Hebrew) and not only my judge, for he is the judge of all the earth (Gen 18:25), and truly he will do what is right. Who then is the one to whom the judging is entrusted? It is the firstborn son (John 5:22), who can judge the afflicted from his experience of affliction, who can judge the lowly in heart from his experience of being even the lowliest one of mankind (Dan 4:17), and who can judge the meek from his position as being the meekest man by far (Num 12:3, Moses prefigured Jesus), and who can judge the righteous from his position as the King of righteousness (Heb 7:2).

In this account we read how Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah grew fat because they ate a lot of vegetables. And we read that these vegetables imparted to these children knowledge and insight and even understanding of visions and dreams! Truly these were very nutritious vegetables indeed! And we read that it was a Guardian who was in charge of giving these children food (verse 11), even an appointed daily allowance (verse 5). And if the food was to be administered in specified amounts at specified times, well then this Guardian would be giving them their 'food at the proper time' (Mat 24:45). We read that the guardian was appointed by the Chief Court Official (verse 11), who had been commanded by the king to prepare these children for 'standing in the palace of the king' (verse 4), for a set period of time of 'three years' (verse 5). We see that when they were brought in before the king, after this set time, they were 'ten times better' than the 'conjurers' that were in the Kings 'royal realm' (verse 20). So having read all of this we soon realise that something greater is being referred to here than merely the diet of some Hebrew Kids in Babylon. In fact we can soon see that the symbolism is:

King Nebuchadnezzar = The true God, Jehovah

Chief court official, Ashpenaz = Jesus Christ

Guardian = Faithful and discreet slave

Daniel Hananiah Mishael Azariah = Spiritual Israelites

The four of them together = '4,000 of Matthew 16:10'

Delicacies of the King = Unclean pleasures of the World

Kings drinking wine = Wine of fornication (Rev 14:8)

Vegetables = Watchtower Soc. publications

Water = Water of life (Rev 22:1)

Ten days of test = Tribulation 10 days (Rev 2:10)

Three years of testing = Time of testing of 2nd temple

This account is all about the length of the period of time that the second temple of anointed Christians are put to the test for. The symbolism is very precise indeed. In verse two the following transportation is repeated:

'And the utensils he brought to the treasure house of his God'

This bringing in of these utensils to the treasure house, is the bringing in of the 64,000 anointed Christians of the second temple into heaven itself. Which is what chapter one of Daniel is about. Now Ashpenaz was the chief of the eunuchs, this might not at first seem like a very flattering title for the firstborn son of God, but consider Matthew 19:12, and then think which angel is there who ever had his own seed? The literal translation of 'royal offspring' (verse 3) is 'seed of the Kingship'. This is exactly what these children are representing, Abraham's seed, 'heirs with reference to a promise' (Gal 3:29), which promise was for a kingship along with the Christ. 'The tongue of the Chaldeans' is the pure language of Zephaniah 3:9, and if you deny this then you deny that Daniel 4 has anything to do with the Gentile Times, this is because:

The symbolism of the royal court of Babylon standing for the royal court of Heaven, is used throughout Daniel, in chapters 1,2,4,5,6.

We then read how the King himself appoints a daily allowance 'from the delicacies of the king', now these delicacies are from a very different king to Jehovah, he is the other greater King of Babylon: King Satan, the King of Babylon the Great, and this is the other symbolism that the whole royal court of Babylon can stand for in the book of Daniel. Of course things can get confusing when the same king is standing symbolically for two very different Kings, but this account avoids ambiguity by only referring to the delicacies of the King and the drinking wine of the King, in the cases where the King is actually Satan. One could say that Jehovah is here tying us up in knots - and one would be correct, which is why we read, that the Queen says of Daniel himself in Daniel 5:12:

'Forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit and knowledge and insight, to interpret dreams and the explanation of RIDDLES and the UNTYING OF KNOTS had been found in him'

Now if the reader really is beginning to understand his God's book then he will know that the Queen is not only referring to Daniel's own ability here, she is rather telling us, that his book has extraordinary insight into Jehovah's purposes, which are presented in the form of Riddles and are all tied up in knots.


Because Daniel himself has said:

'And as for me, it is not through any wisdom that exists in me more than in any others alive that this secret is revealed to me' (Dan 2:30)

So returning to chapter one, just as Daniel and the others were prepared for the court of the King of Babylon, so the anointed Christians of the second temple were and still are being prepared for the court of the King of the whole universe. And just as the preparation for Daniel and the others was in the form of tempting delicacies and wine of the King, such things being desirable to the eyes and desirable to the flesh and being showy in appearance (1 John 2:16), the preparation for the anointed Christians is a testing with the visually attractive and fleshwise appealing and uplifting before men, sins and uncleanness and selfishness and greed, and self-indulgence and self-importance, of Satan's world. Such things being the delicacies and the drinking wine of the ruler of this system of things.

Now Daniel refused these things, and because of this, and because of the requests of (prayers through) the principal court official, the true God (who you will be pleased to know is standing for himself), gave Daniel over to loving-kindness (verse 9) and 'to mercy before the court official' who is also the judge and executioner of this system (Rev 19:15). When this official says to Daniel: 'and should you make my head guilty to the King', we can see that this is referring to the ransom sacrifice, of the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29). And these four were tested for ten days. Now the textbook reason as to why this period was 'ten days' is because ten stands for earthly completeness, and so it does, but truly it is being written to you, that there is a lot more than earthly completeness involved in this number. Because it is appearing twice and even three times, in this account, and so we know that it is prophetic and that it stands for something else, having also a greater meaning.

We are now in a position to unlock this chapter of Daniel and to perform the calculation that this chapter is all about. Three years is 1080 days, if the testing lasts ten days then we have 108 tests during this period. So how many times were they tested? It was 108 times and how long a period is that? It is 108 years and now, we have the new bible rule of:

A test for a year a test for a year, he is giving you!

So this prophecy is saying that the full length of the testing period for the anointed brothers of the second temple is 108 years. This is why in verse 20, the four children were said to be TEN TIMES better than the conjurers in the royal realm. Because we are effectively taking ten times for a time in the 1080 days, which are in fact 1080 times (taking a day for a year), of the three years of the daily allowance. This is the loving kindness of Jehovah, who as we have seen in section 36.1, is leaving us confirmations that he has given us the correct interpretation of his book, and we have calculated correctly. And now what is it that happens after the end of this 108 year period?

'And at the end of the days that the King had said to bring them in, the principal court official also PROCEEDED TO BRING THEM IN before Nebuchadnezzar.' (verse 19)

The Septuagint renders verse 5:

'And the King.....gave orders, to nourish them three years, and that AFTERWARDS, they should stand before the king.'

From these two scriptures it is evident that the last anointed ones come into heaven after the end of this 108 year period. We already know from section 38, that the testing for the anointed ones began in Tishri 1895 CE, so this period of 108 years of test ends in Tishri 2003 CE. We know also from Daniel 12, see section 49, that the river of anointed life stops flowing in Tishri 2004 CE, therefore the testing stops one year before the last anointed ones are brought in. We now state the big result from this chapter, the prophecy of the 108 times:


And from Tishri 2003 CE onwards the anointed remnant will be able to say as did their brother Paul, in 2 Tim 4:8 ;

'From this time on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will give me as a reward in that day.'

As a further point, the changing of the four lads names from Hebrew to Chaldean (verse 7), by the court official (Jesus), represents the change of identity of these four, from fleshly to spiritual when they are born again (John 3:3), showing us that they do indeed stand for the anointed ones. Finally, the four lads who stand for the 4,000 brothers of 1895, at the start of the baptism and testing period, increase to 64,000, due to the food that they get from their Guardian. This again confirms the effect of spiritual food on anointed Christians, as being a 16-fold multiplication (Mat 16:9, sections 33, 37).


The reader will find that from now on, some of the understandings of the bible become fairly cryptic. As an example of how the third meaning, the cryptic meaning of the bible works, consider please the scripture of Nahum 3:15, which says:

'Make yourself heavy in numbers like the locust species; make yourself heavy in numbers like the locust'

This is a statement in 'prophetic form', because it is repeated twice - see section 2. The meaning of this prophecy is explained in section 56, but for the purposes of this example, put yourself in a cheeky frame of mind, an amusing frame of mind, a times crossword (be it New York or London) frame of mind, and consider the phrase:

'HEAVY ........... IN NUMBERS'

What do you think this means? Well if we look up the word 'heavy' in the concordance, we find that this word only occurs once in the book of Numbers. Moses there says:

'I am not able, I by myself, to carry all of this people, because they are too heavy for me.'

So the true God has made a play on words - there is a double meaning to numbers - on the one hand it is the literal number of locusts, but in the cryptic meaning it is the bible book of Numbers , in which the word heavy occurs only once. The account then goes on to describe an anointing with holy spirit of 70 helpers for Moses, who prefigures Jesus. These 70 elders prefigure the locusts of the first woe of Revelation 9:3. This same account then confirms a major detail of the structure of heaven, the home of the locust, which we will not look at now (see section 56). The point being made here is that Jehovah inspired his prophet Nahum to write those words, in full knowledge that at the time of the end, when this understanding is to be given to them, his people would posses a concordance and would be able to make the cryptic connection. This sort of thing is an absolute miracle! This is the way that one gets to know some of the very knowledge of God (Prov 2:4,5), in the time of the end. There is no way that Nahum had the slightest idea of what he was writing about.


9.5 tribes is Tishri 1991 until 2001, the end of the third baptism, which is the one side of the jordan, and then 2 x 3.5 for the other side. The 85 years is from Nisan 1918 until Nisan 2003, the start of the 7th watch who fight Armageddon, but 'the land has no disturbance from war' because the 3 years of the bear end in Nisan 2003. Caleb is Benaiah, Joshua and Eleazar are Joseph, there appears to be a subcovenant to the last covenant, because there are two tribes, Ephraim and Menasseh, unless these are the gold and the silver, i.e. the princes and the Great Crowd.

'"Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of Jehovah sent me out of Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land, and I came bringing him back word just as it was in my heart. And my BROTHERS WHO WENT UP WITH ME caused the heart of the people to melt; but as for me, I followed Jehovah my God fully And now here Jehovah has PRESERVED ME ALIVE just as he PROMISED, these forty-five years since Jehovah made this PROMISE to Moses when Israel walked in the wilderness, and now here I am today eighty-five years old. Yet I am today as strong as on the day of Moses' sending me out. As my power was then, so my power is now FOR THE WAR, both to GO OUT AND COME IN. And now do give me this MOUNTAINOUS REGION that Jehovah PROMISED on that day, for you yourself heard on that day that there were Anakim there and great and fortified cities. Likely Jehovah will be with me and I WILL DISPOSSESS THEM, just as Jehovah has promised."

At that Joshua blessed him and gave Hebron to Caleb the son of Jephunneh AS AN INHERITANCE. That is why Hebron has come to belong to Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite AS AN INHERITANCE DOWN TO THIS DAY, for the reason that he followed Jehovah the God of Israel fully' (Joshua 14:7-14).

The repeated phrases are:

85 years

Jehovah's promise

As an inheritance

Following Jehovah fully

This means that there is a greater period of 85 years, there is a greater inheritance, i.e. a greater Hebron and there is a greater promise than that was made by Jehovah to the greater 'Caleb class', who follow Jehovah fully. To find out what the greater meaning is we look at the scripture in Numbers 14:24, where Jehovah makes this promise to Caleb, here we read:

"As for my servant Caleb, because a different spirit has proved to be with him and he kept following wholly after me, I shall certainly bring him into the land where he has gone, and his offspring will take possession of it."

This 'different spirit' is the holy spirit. Caleb is therefore symbolising the anointed brothers of Christ, these ones are therefore the 'Caleb class'. The greater inheritance which results from the greater promise is heavenly life. Furthermore, just as David first ruled in Hebron and then when all of the tribes had joined him he conquered Jerusalem (2 Sam 5:1-9), so Jesus and his anointed brothers first dwell in the greater Hebron of heaven from Iyyar 25, 1918 until Heshvan 26, 2004 (sections 57, 58.3) when all of their brothers have joined them. At which time, they prepare to move to heavenly Jerusalem on Nisan 14, 2008, the day of the marriage of the lamb (Rev 21:2,9,10).

We can now re-interpret the whole of Joshua 14:7-14, as follows:

'"Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of Jehovah sent me out of Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land, and I came bringing him back word just as it was in my heart. And my BROTHERS WHO WENT UP WITH ME caused the heart of the people to melt; but as for me, I followed Jehovah my God fully

Jesus called the first century brothers, the first part of the 'Caleb class', the ones who had followed his father (and him) fully, out of hades and up to heaven to direct the twentieth century preaching work, and report back to him. Their invisible ascension and more particularly the earthly remnant's visible and parallel (although not simultaneous) release from custody (see section 82) caused the greater Babylonites (false worshippers) to be in 'great fear' (Rev 11:11), i.e. their hearts melted.

And now here Jehovah has PRESERVED ME ALIVE just as he PROMISED, these forty-five years since Jehovah made this PROMISE to Moses when Israel walked in the wilderness, and now here I am today eighty-five years old. Yet I am today as strong as on the day of Moses' sending me out. As my power was then, so my power is now FOR THE WAR, both to GO OUT AND COME IN. And now do give me this MOUNTAINOUS REGION that Jehovah PROMISED on that day, for you yourself heard on that day that there were Anakim there and great and fortified cities. Likely Jehovah will be with me and I WILL DISPOSSESS THEM, just as Jehovah has promised."

This resurrection 'preserved' them 'alive', in order that they would be ready to fight the 'war' of Armageddon. The day of this first resurrection 'on that day' was also the day when the greater 'Anakim' of Satan and his demons were evicted from heaven (their great and fortified city) and 85 years after this 'on that day' heaven itself, i.e. the land containing all of the mountains (i.e. kings) is given to the anointed brothers finally, in that their testing by Satan ends. So 'on that day' they have finally 'followed Jehovah fully' and they have finally received their promised inheritance and the period when many of their number are said to both 'go out and come in' to their ranks is over. 85 years after 1918 is 2003, we already know from Daniel 1 (see section 51), that the testing of the anointed ends in Tishri 2003 CE, so this account is a second witness to this date. Incidentally since the 85 years is stated as an age, it is only accurate to the nearest year, see section 24.2.

The above is a lovely example of how the third dimension of the bible is coded. The key to understanding the cryptic meaning is a consideration of the repeated phrases or concepts in the account (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2).


"And as for you, take for yourself wheat and barley and broad beans and lentils and millet and spelt, and you must put them in one utensil and make them into bread for you, for the number of the days that you are lying upon your side; 390 days you will eat it. And your food that you will eat will be by weight - 20 shekels a day. From time to time you will eat it. And water you will drink merely by measure, the sixth part of a hin. From time to time you will drink" (Ezekiel 4:9-11).

Jehovah then goes on to tell him to bake it over the excrement of mankind and he says further in verse 13:

"Just like this the sons of Israel will eat their bread unclean among the nation to which I will disperse them."

Ezekiel's sleeping habits have given us the whole chronology of the error of the houses of Israel and Judah, the Gentile Times (see section 4.2) and the 70 year exile in Babylon (see section 4.1). We should therefore expect that his eating habits would be of some chronological significance as well. Jehovah has actually told us what this significance is in verse 13. We will see that Ezekiel's diet will tell us just how long the Jews themselves would have to eat 'their bread unclean among the nations'. First of all we analyse his food:

Wheat 1 time

Barley 1 times

Broad beans 2 times

Lentils 2 times

Millet 1 time

Spelt 1 time


Total 8 Times

These 6 foods are compared with the 'one utensil' in which they are baked. We have applied the rule of 'A time, times and half a time' (Rev 12:14, section 21.1). Now if he eats this lovely concoction for 390 days and if he eats it 'by weight' at the rate of 20 shekel's a day, then we have the following calculation

8 x 390 / 20 = 156 times

As regards his drink, well it is 'merely' to be consumed 'by measure' that is 'the sixth part of a hin'. This gives us the next calculation:

390 / 6 = 65 times

Now we read in verse 16 referring prophetically to the Jews in exile:

'And they will have to eat bread by weight and in anxious care, and it will be by measure and in horror that they will drink water itself.'

This is a repetition of the eating by weight and the drinking by measure, which again tells us that there is a greater meaning to the diet of Ezekiel, and that this meaning refers to the length of time that the Nation of Israel will suffer an unclean diet. Furthermore the phrase 'from time to time' appears twice, once at the end of each of the two dietary regulations for Ezekiel. The greater meaning of this phrase is that we should subtract one of the calculated times from the other of the calculated times. This gives the following subtraction:

156 times - 65 times = 91 times

There were 91 years from the end of Solomon's temple times in Nisan 606 BCE, until the inauguration of Zerubbabel's temple in Nisan 515 BCE (see section 29).


In this chapter we find a very nice story about three Hebrew lads who would not bow down to a sixty cubit Gold statue, because they refused to worship any God but Jehovah, who was their God. As a result they were thrown into a fiery furnace by the very angry King. But then an angel rescued them from the furnace and the King was so impressed that he gave an order that anyone who spoke out against the God of these Hebrews, would have his house turned into a public privy. We know of course what this means, because it is really the parable of the integrity keeper, and is an example to all true Christians today to remain faithful even unto death, and it shows us that God can and will protect his servants (w74 p169). Very good but:



Let us see if we can now actually serve God, in that we read his book with a view to understanding what it means! Let us see if we can find the big picture in this account in chapter three. So Nebuchadnezzar builds this giant gold statue which is ten times higher than it is broad, being 6 x 60 cubits. He sets it up 'in the plain of Dura in the Jurisdictional district of Babylon'. So this is symbolically a highly visible idolatrous image which affects the whole Jurisdictional district of Babylon the Great. This district covers the whole earth, brothers, we are all in the jurisdictional district of Babylon the Great! There is a very good reason why this image was ten times higher than it was broad. It is the same reason why we read in Rev 17:11,12:

'And the TEN horns that you saw mean TEN kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for ONE hour with the wild beast. These have ONE thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast.'

So, all ye lovers of the truth: What does this mean? Well we have the number of horns (ten) and the number of Kings (ten) mentioned twice. We have the number of hours (one) and the number of thoughts (one) mentioned twice. Both of these numbers are prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). We have two statements of the comparison between the ten and the one. So we know that the cryptic meaning is ten times (compare Luke 12:52, see section 71). So this last hour long kingship of the eighth king lasts for ten times or ten years. Therefore it starts in Nisan 1998 CE, ten years before the first day of the kingdom of God in Nisan 2008 CE. The ten horns and the one thought are repeated again in verses 16 & 17. So we have found out that:


There is a third witness to Daniel 3 and Revelation 17, for this date of Nisan 1998 in Joshua 7,8 see section 70, and a fourth witness in the ten toes of Daniel 2:42. This understanding helps us to interpret verse 2, which is the crucial verse in this chapter:

'And Nebuchadnezzar himself AS KING sent to assemble...

The Satraps

The Prefects

The Governors

The Counsellors

The Treasurers

The Judges

The Police Magistrates

The Administrators

of ALL THE JURISDICTIONAL DISTRICTS to come to the INAUGURATION OF THE IMAGE, that Nebuchadnezzar the King had set up.'

So why does the bible say that Nebuchadnezzar did this as King? Was he not the King at the time? Of course he most certainly was, and this 'as King' is the cryptic clue from the true God, which helps his true servants to find the true meaning, yes even the unsealed meaning of this chapter. Because what happens if we take this list of the eight rulership groups listed above as king? Well we get the eighth king! The one in Revelation 17:11, who 'springs from the seven' and rules for 'one hour' with 'ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom', and whose ten horns receive authority 'as kings' one hour (Rev 17:12). Actually the Revelation book is not so far away from this on page 195. We next read in verse 3:

'AT THAT TIME the satraps, the prefects and the governors, the counsellors, the treasurers, the judges, the police magistrates and all the administrators were assembling themselves for the INAUGURATION of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the King had set up, AND THEY WERE STANDING IN FRONT OF THE IMAGE that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

The repetition of all eight ruling groups establishes these things as being prophetic (Gen 41:25, 32, Amos 3:3-7) although frankly, their inclusion in the book of Daniel is grounds enough! Now the eight ruling groups standing in front of the image, is prophetic of the fact that the United Nations, the Image of the wild beast (which is itself a wild beast, since like begats like), does stand, with some considerable authority for a while before, i.e. temporally in front of, its being set up as the eighth world power for one hour (ten years). We know of course that it is standing now, and is already very powerful. But this scripture is telling us that we ain't seen nothing yet! The account goes on to describe the inauguration of this already set up statue, which is an exclusive worship ceremony. So now the question is:


The answer to this is to be found in verse five which says:

'AT the time that you hear the sound of......

The Horn

The Pipe

The Zither

The Triangular Harp

The Stringed Instrument

The Bagpipe

All sorts of Musical Instruments

you fall down and worship the image of Gold that Nebuchadnezzar the King has set up.'

This number of instruments in this command is prophetic because it is repeated again in verse 10 and in verse 15. In the account of the result of the sounding of all of these instruments in verse 7, the bagpipe is missed out. So there are 6 instruments plus the 'all sorts' every time the command is recited, and there are 5 plus the 'all sorts' when the bowing down actually occurs. Incidentally the LXX is of no use to us in interpreting Daniel chapter three, it has too few ruling groups in verses 2 & 3 and too few instruments in verses 5 & 10, so we are taking the Masoretic as inspired here.

To help us further, the holy spirit says that the furnace is heated up seven times more than it was customary to heat it up (verse 19), and this is a further confirmation that the number of musical instruments should be seven, because the instruments themselves stand for seven times, and thanks to Jehovah and to the efforts of his son, these seven times will be the last seven years of the furnace of Satan's World, before we are all thrown into the fiery furnace of Armageddon. These seven instruments (six and the 'all sorts') also represent these seven years, i.e. seven times because, at the beginning of every sacred year, which was Tishri 1, there was the day of the trumpet blast (Num 29:1), and this is why the horn is mentioned first in the list of the seven. In other words one would have had to wait for seven times, to get seven soundings from musical instruments under the law, all of which would have been trumpet soundings of course. So this command goes out in Nisan 2001 CE and we can now say that:


This is a different situation to the setting up of the image as the eighth world power in Nisan 1998, because the Anglo-American seventh world power which it replaces, does not completely rule the world. But in 2001, the UN will exert an authority which is worldwide and is absolute, because everybody will have to worship it (verse 4), something that we have never seen before!

There are now two technical points which we will look at. The first is that the when the worship actually occurs, as opposed to the reciting of the command to worship, there are only 5 instruments and the 'all sorts', this may have the meaning that there will be some awful act of worship to the UN that occurs 6 years before the end, i.e. in 2002 CE. The second point is that just as a singular item stands for 1 time and plural items stand for 2 times in bible symbolism, which is a generalisation of 'a time, times and half a time' (Dan 7:25), so the 'all sorts of musical instruments' actually stand for between 1 and 2 times. For the justification for this see section 21.1, for further examples of this see sections: 70, 73, 86, 98 etc. We see here the precision of Jehovah. Because, although Jesus does become the King of the earth on Nisan 14, 2008, the ungodly people will not recognise him as such, nor will they even know that he is the king until he is revealed on Sivan 29, 2008 CE, which is 75 days later, even then the battle of Armageddon rages on until Elul 14, 2008 (see section 66.2), when the UN and Satan are finally finished (Rev 19:20,20:2). Therefore, the period of absolute rulership exerted over the ungodly ones is 7 years and five months, hence the 'all sorts' of musical instruments. This 'all sorts' idea we will see again in section 70.

We can also deduce that the instruments stand for seven times from the experiences of the three Hebrews themselves, who are referred to everywhere as able bodied men. Now having been refusing to worship this image for sometime, these three able bodied men are then 'bound in their mantles' and thrown into the fiery furnace. The following figures are then repeated twice in verses 23 and 24:

Three able bodied men are thrown in the MIDST of the furnace

Four able bodied men are seen in the MIDST of the furnace

Then in verses 26 and 26 we read that: 'Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (three able bodied men) were stepping out from the MIDST of the fire. And the Satraps, the prefects and the governors and the high officials (four groups) of the King that were assembled were beholding these able bodied men.'

Since the musical instruments play for seven times, and the furnace burns for seven times, then the midst of the furnace would be 3.5 times. And this is why such emphasis and repetition is made of the three able bodied men who look like four able bodied men and all the 'midsts', and 3.5 is in the midst of 3 and 4 is it not! Now we already know from Daniel 12 that 'the disgusting thing that is causing desolation' is in position three years and seven months before the Kingdom of God, see section 49.1, which disgusting thing is the UN. We also know that the start of the 1,335 days is Tishri 15, 2004 CE, which is the middle of the last week.

There is a further point that this account is making which relates to the binding in mantles of verse 21. Because in verse 27 we read that 'their mantles had not been changed'. This binding in mantles of the Great Crowd (the three Hebrews) is in direct contrast to the situation that the anointed remnant are in at that time. Because the last anointed ones have their mantles changed from fleshly to spiritual on Tishri 17, 2004, see section 57, whereas all of God's people from, Tishri 15, 2004 onwards, are bound in their fleshly mantles (Dan 12:7, section 49), in the sense that none of the anointed are left.

So if we put all of this together, then the meaning is that on Tishri 15, 2004 CE, we are all thrown into the fiery furnace of the great tribulation (see sections 69, 84)! And what this scripture in Daniel three is telling us is that as soon as this occurs, Jehovah sends his angel to protect us, and then he delivers his people from this furnace, which is very encouraging indeed, not to mention the fact that none of us have a hair of our heads even singed. Now after the three Hebrews are taken out of the furnace, an order is put through by the King that:

'Any people, national group or language that says anything wrong against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego should be dismembered, and its house should be turned into a public privy; forasmuch as there does not exist another God that is able to deliver like this one,' (verse 29).

Well, if whole peoples and national groups are having their houses turned into public privies, because they are opposed to Jehovah's kingdom, then we are in the situation of Daniel 2:44, namely: 'The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that......will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms.' This is Armageddon. Jehovah's people are delivered from this battle on Sivan 29 (see sections 49.2 & 66.2). The time period that they therefore spend in this furnace is 1,335 days of the prophetic Hebrew calendar. This period then is the entire length of the great tribulation of Matthew 24:21 (see section 69). Summarising the results of this chapter, we have:





This sequence of events is also referred to in Daniel 8 (see section 68.2). It is not at all difficult to see how this will work. After the new millenium everyone in the world will be trying to make a 'new start' and get it right. There will be a whole load of political rhetoric, about a 'new world order' for the new millenium, and our last chance to get it right, and let's all join up together etc etc yawn yawn. The result will be that after one year of political fixing, devious manoeuvring and warfare (see section 64.2), the United Nations will take supreme and total power throughout the earth in Nisan 2001. The cry of peace and security (1 Thess 5:3) will come then about because this is the basis on which the UN will take its power, it will offer worldwide peace and security. It is possible that this cry will go up in a lessened form Nisan 1998 as well, although the scriptures make it clear that the alarm signal of Amos 1:14 (section 54) and the grandiose speach of the little horn of Daniel 7:8 (section 64.2), both occur in Nisan 2001. Scripturally this will mark the beginning of the last week of the 6,000 years of the non-Sabbath part of the seventh creative day, which is why the scripture says:

'Whenever it is that they are saying: "Peace and security!" then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them' (1 Thess 5:3).

This scripture will be fulfilled on Nisan 2001, when the cry will go up, and then again in Nisan 2008 when Armageddon will start. This week of years, which bears a resemblance to the week of years beginning Tishri 29, and also to the week of years beginning Nisan 63 and also the week of years beginning Tishri 1914 - see section 74, will be called: THE LAST WEEK


We start the search for this in Zechariah chapter 14:1-9. This is the account of the splitting of the mount of olives, that stumbles various members of Babylon the Great, who may have been born again by their own personal spirit, but not by the spirit of the God whom they do not know. Even a certain ex-newspaper proprietor is buried there in order presumably to secure his place in the resurrection, or maybe he wants to be the first reporter at the event! This account is referring to Armageddon (verses 3,9), and we also notice that there are a lot of things that are getting split in half in these verses. Namely Jerusalem in verse 2, the mountain of the olive trees in verse 4 and the living waters in verse 8. Verse 5 on the other hand is saying:

'And you will have to flee, just as you fled because of the earthquake in the days of Uzziah the King of Judah. And Jehovah my God will certainly come, all the holy angels being with him'

Jesus said in Luke 17:26 'Just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the son of man'.

And at Luke 17:28 'Just as it occurred in the days of Lot....The same way it will be on the day when the son of man is to be revealed'.

We are now going to see that these three parallels mean a lot more than....Armageddon will be like a big earthquake....Armageddon will be like being saved in the ark of Jehovah's organisation......Armageddon will be like escaping from Sodom, and we must not harbour any lingering desires to return there, or we will be salinated. All three accounts actually give us various timings for the various events that occur at this time, because the scripture says: 'JUST AS IT OCCURRED IN THE DAYS OF......'. We will deal with Luke 17 in section 66.2. Meanwhile we look at the account of the vision given to Amos in the days of the earthquake in the reign of Uzziah in Amos chapters one and two.

This account is absolutely full of repetition, which means that it is very prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). There are eight Nations here who revolt, namely:

Syrians Ammon

Philistines Moab

Tyre Judah

Edom Israel

The prophetic statement is: 'On account of three revolts of (the nation), and on account of four, I shall not turn it back (my anger)'. This is repeated eight times, once for each nation. Now if all of these nations revolt three times and then they revolt four times and then Jehovah can no longer hold back his anger on the whole lot of them, then we have a situation where all eight nations revolt for seven times and then it's Armageddon. Which has the meaning that the revolt, which is the eighth world power of the UN taking control of the whole planet in opposition to God and his kingdom after the manner of Nimrod (Gen 10:8-12), will last precisely seven years before Armageddon.

We know that this account is referring to Armageddon because Zechariah has told us so in Zech 14:5. Also one cannot fail to notice that seven is expressed as three and four, in each of the eight revolts in this account, which is strongly suggesting that we should not only look at the SUM of three and four, but also at some other function of them as well, because otherwise the account would just have said 'seven revolts' all the way through. Experience tells us that the only other candidate is the midst (or average) of three and four which is 3.5 years into 'the last week'. So we bear this in mind as we analyse the features of all the eight revolts:

Syria A fire which devours dwelling towers

Cut off the inhabitant and the holder of the sceptre

people go as exiles

Gaza A fire which devours dwelling towers

Cut off the inhabitant and the holder of the sceptre

Handed over a complete body of exiles

Remnant must perish

Tyre A fire which devours dwelling towers

Handed over a complete body of exiles

Forgot covenant of brothers

Edom A fire which devours dwelling towers

Ammon A fire which devours dwelling towers

Alarm signal

King and princes go into exile

Moab A fire which devours dwelling towers

alarm signal

Cut off Judge from midst and kill princes

Judah A fire which devours dwelling towers

Israel None of the above!

Collating all of this: We have seven revolting nations who experience a 'fire which devours their dwelling towers'. We have four revolting nations who exile a complete body or are exiled as a people or whose King and princes are exiled (Syria, Gaza, Tyre & Ammon). We have three revolting nations where Jehovah will cut off their ruling one together with his princes or the inhabitants (Syria, Gaza & Moab).

All of which is not only a second witness to the fire of Armageddon happening after seven times of revolt, but also a witness to the last ones of the anointed brothers of Jesus being cut off and exiled in order to make a complete body due to a covenant of brothers between 3 and 4 times into the last week, i.e. after 3.5 times into it, because this information is held in the accounts of between three and four of the revolting nations. The double reference to the Alarm signal in two of the revolts is telling us that this whole account is a alarm signal. This alarm signal is the cry of peace and security, which marks the start of the 'Last week'.

It is emphasised here that the mere repetition of a word or phrase say seven times DOES NOT MEAN CRYPTICALLY that this word or phrase stands for SEVEN TIMES. But in the case here, we have seven actual revolts by seven nations, rather than the repetition of the same revolt seven times, so this does mean a revolt for seven times.

Now we can return to Zechariah 14:1-9, where in verse two Jehovah has gathered all the nations against Jerusalem for the war. And whereas 'half of the city' are cut off and go into exile, 'the remaining ones of the people' are not cut off from the city. The houses are pillaged and the women are raped. Then these people from the city, flee into the valley created between the two halves of the 'mountain of the olive trees', and then Jehovah comes, all the holy ones being with him. At this time living waters flow half eastward and half westward, and security is established and then the enemies simply rot to pieces where they are standing.

The 'half of the city' that are cut off and exiled, are the anointed ones of the second temple (or second half of the holy city), who are cut off at the half of the last week, and exiled from the earth (being in heaven). The raping and pillaging of the city is the 'disgusting thing that causes desolation' (Dan 12:11), which is in place in Elul 15 2004 CE. The remaining ones of the people of the city are the Great Crowd, who are rescued from this symbolic raping and pillaging and are not 'cut off from the city', since they remain on the earth for 1,000 years. The mountain of the olive trees, is the mountain of the two olive trees of Zech 4:2, and represents protection from both the first and the second temples, i.e. all the 144,000 who are now angels in heaven. Furthermore, since they are referred to as a mountain then it is THEY who have started ruling in heaven, and since Jehovah has his feet on this mountain, we can see that Jehovah is ruling the earth - at last - through this mountain, i.e. via his Kingdom arrangement, so we are at Nisan 14, 2008, in the Kingdom of God.

This splitting of the mountain in half is referring to the time when this protection occurs which is all the way until they are safe in the greater Zoar (see section 66.2). In other words these two halves of the mountain are also the two angels who escorted Lot and his family out of Sodom. This is why we read that 'the valley of the mountains will reach all the way to Azel' (verse 5), because they are protected all the way from the greater Sodom, to the greater Zoar. Which place they arrive at half way through Armageddon on Sivan 29 2008, when the son of man is revealed, which means living water for all of his chosen ones, and a rotting away of one's flesh (verse 12), for all of his enemies. This revealing also occurs at the half of the 150 day length of Armageddon, which is why these living waters (brought by the Christ) are split in half, which fraction is mentioned twice, and therefore stands for something more than a literal splitting in two of water (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, 2 Cor 31:1, Deut 15:9, section 2). The halves of the living water and the halves of the mountain of the olive trees are 'but one' to quote Joseph, both referring to the saving and great joy and life and protection at the end of the 1,335 days of Daniel 12:12, this being half way through Armageddon.

We are now very happy again, because not only do we understand a few verses of Zechariah chapter 4, but we also understand a few verses of Zechariah chapter 14!


In section 54, a throw away comment was made, to the effect that the UN taking full power over all of the earth, will be 'after the manner of Nimrod'. The maker of this comment is deserving of a pat on the back, because he is not the only one who has compared Nimrod to the UN. Consider please Gen 10:9:

'He displayed himself a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. That is why there is a saying: "Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah."

We have a repetition of this mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. We therefore know that there is a greater 'mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah' (Gen 41:24,32; Amos 3:3-7). Continuing the account, verses 10-12 say:

'And the beginning of his kingdom came to be Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land he went forth to Assyria and set himself to building Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah: this is the great city.'

So Nimrod, having set himself up as a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah, builds seven cities, namely Babel to Calah, and then a great city which is between Nineveh and Calah. Well, who really is 'Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah' ? Is it not the UN, once it has taken full control of the entire earth? Yes and this is the reason why 'there is a saying' (verse 9) like this! And these seven cities are the seven years that this revolt against Jehovah will last for (Amos 1&2), which are the last week of Satan's system. The great city of Resen, is the greater Babel, which is destroyed between the 'year of Nineveh', which starts in Nisan 2005 CE and the 'year of Calah' which starts in Nisan 2007 CE. Please notice the split into three cities and four cities, this is also the split in Amos chapters 1&2 into three revolts and four revolts. For the exact timing of the destruction of Babylon the Great see sections 70 & 86.


Superlative upon superlative is entirely inadequate to describe the open-handedness of the one whom the heaven of the heavens cannot contain, and who is living from time indefinite even until time indefinite upon times indefinite. What sort of a God is it who tells his people everything that he is doing, even before he has done any of it? Faith the size of a mustard grain - if only we had it! we could then move mountains, even the mountain of Zion itself would move for us - because we would then be one of the immovable, immortal heavenly brothers of Jesus who make up part of this mountain, which we will see literally moves to make way for them when they enter heaven. Yes for mere men, heaven will move to accommodate them. And not only once will it move, but it has already moved four times for sons of men and it is going to move two times more for them.

Now if Jehovah is using a locust to symbolise his anointed children, how far do we, his faithful servants, expect that this symbolism goes? Is it an approximate symbolism? Does it apply roughly to these gods-to-be? Is it the best symbolism that the true God could come up with given a limited amount of time and resources? Jehovah himself asked this question, of his faithful servant Moses, he said:


Whereas his prophet Daniel has said:


We would therefore do well to consider very carefully the full extent of any half-baked symbolic interpretation that we currently accept, because to do less is to ask of the true God the same question that Moses asked in Numbers. Which account means, much much much more than we yet know. And just as Jehovah showed Moses for his part just how long his hand proves to be. We will now see for our part how complete his symbolism proves to be.

The insight book has a truly inspired section on the Locust. This creature has the following characteristics, we are told (see fig 3):










So which one of these features of the literal locust, that God himself created, does not apply to the heaven-bound brothers that Jehovah himself is symbolising by means of this creation of his? In which aspect of this symbolism is hand of Jehovah actually going to be cut short? We will start our enquiry in Nahum 3:15-17, which is almost quoted in the insight book. There we read the prophetic words:

'Make yourself heavy in numbers like the locust species, make yourself heavy in numbers like the locust'

We then find that the prophet has said: 'As for the locust species, it actually strips off its skin; then it flies away.....and away they certainly flee; and their place is really unknown where they are.'

What more can be said? The bible is here referring to the greater locust stripping off his skin, and then flying away to heaven. Now we know that real locusts do this five times, and that is how they make themselves, and so we are being told that the anointed brothers do the same thing! Because they are told to 'make yourself (heavy in numbers) like the locust'. But this making themselves like a locust is ignoring the three words in the middle, which are 'heavy in numbers'. So reader please, put on your Times crossword hat and strip of your preconceptions about the Holy book and ask yourself: What does this mean this '"HEAVY".... in Numbers'?

Well what about "HEAVY" in the book of Numbers? Look it up in the concordance please! Yes, there is only one occurrence of the word "HEAVY" in the book of Numbers, and guess where it is - yes it is in Numbers 11:14! In the same account wherein Moses thought that Jehovah's hand was cut short! The scripture says:

'I am not able, I by myself, to carry all this people, because they are too HEAVY for me'

So what does Jehovah do? He anoints 70 older men to help Moses, and he says to Moses: 'You must take them to the tent of the meeting, and they must station themselves there with you...and I shall have to take away some of the spirit that is upon you and place it upon them' (verse 17).

Then the account continues in verse 24 with: 'And he went gathering seventy men from the older men of the people and proceeded to have them stand round about the tent. Then Jehovah came down in a cloud and spoke to him and took away some of the spirit that was upon him and put it upon each of the seventy older men.'

These men represent the anointed brothers of Christ, and Moses represents Jesus, we know this much. But right in the middle of this account we have this elaborate statement in verses 19,20:

'You will eat, not one day nor two days nor five days nor ten days nor twenty days, but up to a month of days, until it comes out of your nostrils.'

This is a very roundabout way of saying that they will eat for 30 days, and why is it in the middle of the account about the 70 older men, who are anointed with holy spirit? Well the answer is that this method of reaching 30 days is telling us something about how the heavenly locusts are made, which is why the book of Nahum has sent us here. If one examines the steps that Jehovah takes to get to the full time of thirty days, one will find that he takes five steps. And if one counts the number of stages in time of the whole process that he uses, there are in fact six stages. Now one might think that this is a trivial and unimportant fact, but there again most of the world think the same of Jesus' death! It so happens that this counting of steps is a prophetic form that Jehovah uses more than once in the bible (see section 66.2), and it is used in very important prophecies indeed. Yes we are provided with two witnesses to this form of prophecy, and so it is a true interpretation, even one from the true God himself. And these five steps are the five distinct resurrections of the anointed brothers of Christ, which lead to six heavenly stages in the growth of the heavenly locust, the flying food that is far more nutritious than quails (Num 11:31). The first stage we know is Jesus Christ himself, and the sixth stage is Jesus with all of his 144,000 brothers.

Since now we know that there are these six stages and these five steps, we have discovered that the river of life of Daniel 12:5, is not a continuous river, it is in fact divided into five skin sheddings. Now we will see that the first one occurred on Nisan 16, 1918 (section 58.3), and we know that the last occurs on Tishri 17, 2004, (Dan 12:7, see sections 49 & 57). But when were the other three skin sheddings??? When were the other three heavenly resurrections? Well the answer to this question is given by Jesus himself, in the book of Matthew chapter 13! It is the parable of the sower who went to sow! Finally the writer cannot stop himself from making the following observation:

The first instar, the second instar, the third instar & the fourth instar are currently all in (the) stars !

Furthermore moon and the sun, have diameters in the exact ratio of 400:1, and the sun is exactly 400 times further away from the earth than the moon is. This is why we get a total eclipse of the sun. These two heavenly bodies which the true God has created, are two witnesses to a comparison which results in the figure of 400 times (see section 21.1):

400 Times = 400 x 360 = 144,000 days

This is not a coincidence, because, just as the true God is the author of the bible, so he is the creator of the heavens (Jer 10:12), and it is he who has caused his prophet Amos to say:

'Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment?' (Amos 3:3)

So the physical extent of the two heavenly bodies is declaring the numerical extent of the 144,000 spiritual heavenly bodies: a day for a king. This fulfils the scripture which says:

"Also there will be signs in sun and moon and stars" (Luke 21:25).


This parable is another example of how the third dimension of the bible works, for instance Matthew 13:10,11 says: 'So the disciples came up and said to him: "Why is it you speak to them by the use of illustrations?" In reply he said: "To you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the Kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not granted."'

This scripture is telling us that this illustration of the sower contains sacred secrets about the kingdom of the heavens, that is what these verses mean, at least that is the meaning that Jehovah has released and unsealed now, exclusively for his people in the real 'time of the end' (Dan 12:4), which began on February 1, 1992 (see section 68).

We are then told in verse 17 by Jesus : 'For I truly say to you, many prophets and righteous men desired to see the things that you are beholding and did not see them, and to hear the things that you are hearing and did not hear them.' We are going to see just how true this statement is!

Whereas in the parallel account in Mark 4:13, Jesus says: 'You do not know this illustration, and so how will you understand all the other illustrations?'

The primary application of this was to his first century disciples, but in their case the ignorance lasted only a few minutes, because he explained this illustration to them immediately after making this prophetic statement. So who really does the lack of understanding apply to? Well, it is the twentieth century disciples of the Christ, even the ones for whom this passage was recorded. Because, whilst it was also recorded for the first century disciples, they had what is partial and so they did not have to rely entirely on what is complete (1 Cor 13:10). So we agree with Jesus, and we say "How indeed!" Well, this is not a difficult prophecy to understand once one knows how these sorts of prophecies are written, and the holy spirit has revealed this at last. We are so privileged to be living in this time, hopefully the reader will see this if he has read the earlier parts of the book.

Verse eight says: 'And they began to yield fruit, this one a hundredfold, that one sixty, the other thirty.'

Verse 23 says: 'Who really does bear fruit and produces, this one a hundred fold, that one sixty, the other thirty.'

Mark 4:8 says: 'Coming up and increasing, they began to yield fruit, and they were bearing thirtyfold, and sixty and a hundred.'

Mark 4:20 says: 'Who listen to the word and favourably receive it and bear fruit thirtyfold and sixty and a hundred'

Now this repetition of the 30 the 60 and the 100 means that these numbers stand for something greater, we know this because Joseph told us this is Gen 41:25,32, and Amos told us this Amos 3:3-7 and we know this because the apostle Paul will tell us this in 2 Cor 13:1 (section 59), and Moses has told us this in Deut 19:15 - see section 2. These numbers, being increases, are standing for:

30 times 60 times 100 times

And the start date for these times is the beginning of the second baptism, which was Tishri 1895, this being 22.5 years before Nisan 1918, when the first heavenly temple was finished in the sense that it was ready to accept priests, see sections 38, 49, 70, 94. So the dates of the three increases of the size of the heavenly locust, corresponding to the three intermediate heavenly resurrections, occur in the following years:

Tishri 1925 Tishri 1955 Tishri 1995

This means that the five 'movements of the mountain' of Zion occur on the following five dates: Nisan 1918, Tishri 1925, Tishri 1955, Tishri 1995 and Tishri 2004. We shall see that the firstfruits i.e. the 80,000 brothers of the first temple, are the ones who are raised on Nisan, even on Nisan 16, the festival of the firstfruits, the third day of the passover (Lev 23:10), whereas the second temple of 64,000 brothers all go up in Tishri and in fact on Tishri 17 in the case of 2004, since we know that the symbolic death (Rev 11:7 see section 82) of the whole group occurs on Tishri 15, and the group follows the pattern set by Jesus' death (see section 58.3). We therefore expect the same date for 1925,1955 & 1995, because this is the third day of the final ingathering, the festival of Booths (section 44). This sort of information leaves one speechless!

The situation at the time of the resurrection of 1918, is what Paul, speaking under inspiration as the Lord Jesus, calls 'the third heaven' (2 Cor 12:2, see section 59), having later alluded to the first and second heavens using the symbolism of tents in Hebrews 9:2,3. So we can now say the following:

The first heaven was from Time indefinite to Iyyar 25 33 CE

The second heaven was from Iyyar 25 33 CE to Iyyar 25 1918

The third heaven was from Iyyar 25 1918 to Heshvan 26 1925

The fourth heaven was from Heshvan 26 1925 to Heshvan 26 1955

The fifth heaven is from Heshvan 26 1955 to Heshvan 26 1995

The sixth heaven is from Heshvan 26 1995 to Heshvan 26 2004

The seventh heaven is from Heshvan 26 2004 to Time indefinite

All heavens change on the 42nd day after deaths (which may be literal symbolic or group symbolic see section 73), which is the 40th day after resurrections (all of which are literal!). This is because, firstly, we have a type for this in Jesus' ascension, and secondly there are various prophecies which say this (Acts 12:1-16, see sections 73, 82). If the reader is worried about 1 Cor 15:52: 'In a moment during the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet', just remember that when an eye twinkles it does actually shut! And the 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 years of being dead physically experienced by the second temple brothers, is a mere twinkling of an eye when compared to the more than 1800 years spent asleep in death by Paul himself.

The society has realised the parallel between the first twenty years of King Solomon's reign and the first twenty years of the reign of Jesus in heaven after Babylon has fallen and Satan has been ejected, starting from Nisan 14, 1918 (JP p149, W92 March 1 p20). we can now fill in some further detail into this period. Because 2 Chron 3:2 tells us that the building of his temple started on 'the second month on the second day', which is Jehovah giving us two witnesses to the secondness of this temple, and in fact its construction time being 7 years and six months (1 Kings 6:38,38) if counted from Nisan 1918, ends us up in Tishri 1925, which is when the first resurrection of the anointed brothers from the second temple occurred. It is not hard to see why Judge Rutherford and his brothers thought that they would float off to heaven at that time, they were in fact very close to the truth. What really happened was that whilst Judge Rutherford was waiting to float off into heaven, It was in fact Brother Russel who floated off to heaven right past him! Which is brilliant.

The reader is left to make his or her own comparisons with the other features of literal locusts, other than a further few points. Firstly the heavenly locust is used extensively at Armageddon, which lasts for five months (section 66.2). The type for this use is the use of literal Israel in the battle to save the Gibeonites in Joshua chapter 9, it is also apparent from Rev 19:14. The time between the last anointing of the first temple in Tishri 95 CE, and the first anointing of the second in Tishri 1895 CE was 1800 years or five times (see section 38). This is the number of times that the locust changes its skin, and this period is actually represented as five months at Haggai 1:1 (see section 67). The reference to both 60 times and 100 times in the insight book under 'Locust' is really too much of a coincidence to be the work of men.

And now we have had a glimpse at the order and organisation of the true God. Really it would not be on, to have immortal angels, who can be likened to absolute fixed rocks, just bowling up into heaven at any old time because they died 41 days previously. This is not how the God of order works, we can say with hindsight. It is apparent that the arrival in heaven of a group of immortal beings requires a lot of preparation and readjustment and no doubt a very large celebration and welcome. These angels are very very important persons indeed. Heaven had only one immortal being for a very very long and undefined length of time before Jesus ascended to make the second heaven. It is not an 'everyday occurrence', for immortal angels who are little short of gods themselves, to arrive up there.


As regards the writers of the Watchtower article of June 15, 1992 p17-22.

Please accept the writer's commendation for a lovely article on the dragnet parable. However, to you it was not, at the time of your publishing this Watchtower article, granted to understand the sacred secret of the kingdom of the heavens, which is described in Matthew chapter 13. This sacred secret is the Apostate Times, which is the meaning of the parable of the wheat and the weeds (verses 24-30, 36-43), and the locust structure and timings of the heavenly resurrections, which are the meanings of the parable of the sower in verses 4-8 and 18-23. Once one has understood these heavenly things, then one can understand the heavenly meaning of the parable of the dragnet. Although the understanding of the dragnet parable given in this Watchtower article is a very nice one, it is not the full meaning of this parable.

The dragnet is let down at the beginning of the Apostate Times, which is also the beginning of the wheat and weeds growing period, which is Tishri 95 CE. The net 'got full' (verse 48), when the length of the Apostate Times had been filled in Tishri 1895 CE. This was when the fish of the second baptism were first beached and inspected and put into the four heavenly 'vessels' (verse 48) of the four resurrections of the second spiritual temple, in Tishri 1925, Tishri 1955, Tishri 1995 & Tishri 2004. The angelic separation started in Nisan 1918 at the beginning of the Separating Times (section 93), and as we know covered the earthly kingdom and the heavenly kingdom. The writer confesses to a certain amount of greed in applying the unsealed understandings to our current understandings, it is hoped that all of Jehovah's people will really enjoy doing this for themselves. Incidentally the prophetic words in Mark, in the parallel account, are now fulfilled again, where he says, that Jesus says, referring to the sower parable:

'You do not know this illustration, and so how will you understand all the other illustrations' (Mark 4:13)'.

The meaning of this is that the fourth watch of the Watchtower society (Luke 12:38, section 90), at the start of the 'time of the end', do not understand the heavenly meaning of the sower parable, and so are not able to understand the heavenly meaning (sacred secret) of the dragnet parable, of the wheat and the weeds parable or of the other illustrations of Mark 4 and Matthew 13.


The bible is at the least a perfect and holy three dimensional book. Please visualise it again for a moment as a perfectly formed three dimensional glowing white cube. The particles that make up this cube are the actual words of the bible. If they are viewed from one direction, then we see a literal account, if they are viewed from another direction then the symbolic meaning of the account is seen, but when they are viewed from the third direction, then the cryptic meaning is revealed. Now in days before the time of the end, which began in February 1, 1992, true Christians were only permitted to look at this cube from the first two dimensions, the literal and the symbolic. The world on the other hand, if it could see the cube at all, was looking only from the direction corresponding to the literal dimension. It was Jesus himself who opened up the symbolic meaning of this book, the second dimension of the bible, in the first century (Luke 24:45). Now, in the time of the end, it is no doubt the same one, who has opened up the cryptic dimension of this book. And no longer is it seen as though it is a flat book. It is as Paul has said in Ephesians 3:18 & 19:

'In order that you may be able to fully grasp mentally with all the holy ones, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ, which surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled with the fullness that God gives.'

This book is an exposition, an unsealing, a laying bare of the height (and possibly some of the depth) of the bible, given that we already have its length and breadth. One meaning of Paul's words is that there are at most four meanings to any scripture! An example of a scripture with four meanings is Dan 9:27 (see section 74). It is so true that when one has grasped the third dimension of the holy book, then one knows the love of the Christ, and one is filled with the fullness from God. Because when the reader grasps the three maledictions of seven times, and when he grasps them 16 years before Armageddon, he will know how much Jesus loves him. When the reader understands the Midst prophecy, he will see the love of the Christ, he will even see his own salvation. The Christ will have shown him this salvation, this love truly does surpass knowledge!

We shall see all of these three dimensions in this chapter of Daniel. Chapter 5 is the account of Belshazzar's feast. In verse 1, Belshazzar the son of Nebuchadnezzar is drinking a lot of wine, and he has made a big feast for a thousand of his grandees, and for his concubines and his secondary wives. Now there are several repeated and therefore prophetic statements in this account (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), consider the below list of some of them:

A thousand grandees

Grandees, concubines, and secondary wives (all drinking at the feast)

Praising Gods of gold, silver, copper, iron, wood & stone

Daniel to be clothed with purple and a gold necklace

Daniel to become third one in Kingdom


Drinking of wine

Daniel himself explains the meaning of the writing on the wall (verse 28) to Belshazzar, and indeed his kingdom was given to the Medes and the Persians that night.


When we read about Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the tree in the previous chapter, we know that Daniel related Jehovah's interpretation of the dream to Nebuchadnezzar, who then duly fulfilled this prophecy by living for seven years as a beast. Now all of God's people know that there was a greater fulfilment than this to this dream, do they not?

So why is it that none of them is yet saying that there is a greater fulfilment to this real vision of the writing on the wall? Why is that?

Well the key to understanding this chapter lies in verse 12 which says:

'Forasmuch as an extraordinary spirit and knowledge and insight to interpret dreams and the explanation of riddles and the untying of knots had been found in him.'

Later in verse 16 we find:

'And I myself have heard concerning you that you are able to furnish interpretations and to untie knots themselves'

This repetition of the 'untying of knots', is Jehovah's way of telling us that this chapter is tied up in a knot. Which it most certainly is too! And when the most high himself ties something in a knot, it is very difficult to untie it, one needs a lot of prayer and a lot of mental energy, and a measure of the 'extraordinary spirit' of verse 12 in order to discern the thoughts of the true God. The key to untying this knot is the 'wine' that Belshazzar is under the influence of, because this wine actually stands for holy spirit (as opposed to the ethanolic spirit), and all of his words are inspired. We know that they are inspired because they are in the bible, but in this case they are inspired within the chapter to mean something greater than the literal feast in the literal Babylon, or even the symbolic feast in Babylon the Great. All of the other participants in this chapter are not referred to as being tipsy, and so their words and actions are not to be treated as inspired in this way. This understanding pulls the chapter apart and unties the 'knot' of Daniel five. In other words there are two symbolic or greater meanings to this account, one of which is contained in the wine induced speech and actions of the merry Belshazzar, and the other is contained in the words of Daniel. Daniel was not at all intoxicated because we have read of him:

'But Daniel determined in his heart that he would not pollute himself with the delicacies of the King and with his drinking wine' (Dan 1:8).

We can also deduce that there are two symbolic or greater meanings to this account by the fact that Belshazzar asks what the meaning of the writing on the wall is twice, once in verse 7 and again in verse 16. We will see this again in Daniel chapter 2 (section 77), where King Nebuchadnezzar also asks twice for the meaning of his dream. One also needs to know that the heavenly locust sheds its skin five times, and that there is one resurrection for the 80,000 brothers of the first temple, there are four resurrections for the 64,000 brothers of the second temple (sections 56 & 57), and that food for these represents a sixteenfold increase (section 33). The repeated phrases again are:

A thousand grandees

Grandees, concubines, and secondary wives (all drinking at the feast)

Gods of gold, silver, copper, iron, wood & stone

Daniel to be clothed with purple and a gold necklace

Daniel to become third one in Kingdom


Drinking of wine

The two symbolisms employed are the following:


Belshazzar = The King of Babylon the Great, Satan

Grandees, concubines, wives = Babylon the Great

Gods of gold silver etc = False gods

MENE MENE, TEKEL & PARSIN = Three and a half times

Vessels of Jehovah's house = Two witnesses of Rev 11:3


Belshazzar's words under } = {Belshazzar speaking under inspiration

the influence of wine} {as King Jesus in heaven after 1914

Thousand grandees = 1,000 anointed brothers

Big feast = 16 times increase (Mat 16:9)

Vessels of gold and silver = 80,000 of the first temple

Concubines, 2nd wives = Heavenly courtiers, loyal angels

Daniel clothed+necklace = Anointed take royal spiritual bodies

Daniel himself = The anointed in general

Daniel third one in Kingdom = God > Jesus > 144,000

Nebuchadnezzar = Jehovah

Conjurers and astrologers = Demons

Chaldeans and wise men = Loyal angels

Gods: Gold silver copper } = Gods: i.e. angels with earthly origin,

iron wood and stone } i.e. all the anointed brothers in heaven

Gold and silver gods = 80,000 of first temple

Copper iron wood stone gods = Four resurrections of second temple

Five fingers of man's hand = 80,000 of first temple

Four fingers of back of hand = Four resurrections of second temple

MENE, MENE = Two times

TEKEL = Times

PARSIN = Half time & half time

Lampstand = Main symbolic meaning of this chapter


Belshazzar making a big (long) feast for a thousand of his Grandees, is Jesus in heaven making a big feast for his brothers of the first & second spiritual temples. Which feast symbolises their 16 fold multiplication, just as the 'feasts' for the 5,000 and the 4,000 did (Mat 16:9, section 33; Acts 10:11-16, section 36; 2 Chron 2:10, section 35). Belshazzar is said to drink wine 'in front of the thousand' (verse 1), this is because Jesus, whom Belshazzar speaks as under wine induced inspiration, was resurrected temporally before the feasting at the heavenly resurrections of his brothers. As regards the wine, did Jesus not say:

'I will by no means drink henceforth any of the product of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in the Kingdom of my father' (Mat 26:29)?

'That day' is the Lord's day, which started in Tishri 1914, 3.5 years before the first heavenly resurrection. Belshazzar then calls to 'bring in the vessels of Gold and Silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken away from the temple that was in Jerusalem' (verse 2) this refers to the first temple being called by Jesus up to heaven, the fulfilment of which is Rev 11:12, where a voice from Heaven says "Come on up here". This refers to the ascension of those asleep in death, because the next words are: 'And they went up to heaven in a cloud', which is what happened at Jesus' ascension in Acts 1:9. The concept in the Revelation book that this is in fact the raising of a new nation of living human beings on the planet earth to some sort of ELEVATED SPIRITUAL STATE is MYSTERIOUS AND WRONG it is suggested (see sections 58.3 & 82). The feast is the celebration in heaven of the first angelic resurrection of humans other than that of God's firstborn son (see section 57). It is the most beautiful triumph that mankind has ever had over sin and death, due to the undeserved kindness of God, and the faith of these first century brothers.

So Belshazzar has called to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver, however, we see from verse 3, that his guests only drink out of the gold ones:

'At that time they brought in the vessels of gold that they had taken away from the temple of the house of God that was in Jerusalem, and from them the King and his grandees, his concubines and his secondary wives drank.'

So what happened to the silver ones?? Did Daniel forget about them? No sir, because they are mentioned in the very next verse. So verse 3 is telling us something about the gold vessels in particular. Now the 1,000 grandees represent 1,000 anointed brothers who have been resurrected and are in heaven, since these are the only persons who can drink with Jesus (the greater Belshazzar) in heaven. This feast that they are having represents a sixteen fold increase in their number, as it did in Mat 16:9 (section 33, Acts 10:9-16, section 36). Now if all the 16,000 that these feasted grandees symbolise were able to drink out of the gold vessels alone, i.e. they did not need the silver ones to satisfy their thirst, then we have a witness that these gold vessels also stand for 16,000 anointed brothers (grandees). So we now have a split of the first temple of anointed brothers into:

16,000 Gold 64,000 Silver

The only split that this can represent is:

16,000 Fleshly Jews 64,000 Fleshly Gentiles

We will see further witnesses to this split in sections 61,62,63. We next read in verse 4&5:

'They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold and of silver, copper, iron, wood and stone. At that moment the fingers of a man's hand came forth and were writing in front of the lampstand upon the plaster of the wall of the palace of the king, and the king was beholding the back of the hand that was writing.'

So Belshazzar and the rest of them, again drink wine and then praise 'the gods of gold and of silver, copper, iron, wood and stone'. These were the precise list of building materials that David prepared for the temple in 1 Chron 22:14, and this list is repeated again in 1 Chron 29:2. So this praise is Jesus and the loyal heavenly host, praising all of his brothers. This praise starts when the first group ascends to heaven which is the first course of feast that then occurs. Brothers:

This is a five course meal this feast! One course for each resurrection.

This is one of the meanings of the five fingers of the man's hand of verse 5. But the symbolism goes even further than this! Because the five fingers being compared to the hand, stand for a five times multiplication as well as a five times resurrection. Which has the meaning that the first resurrection, which is the bringing in of the gold and of the silver gods, has a total size of:

5 (fingers) X 16,000 (gold) = 80,000 (gold+silver)

We know that this isn't the only symbolism of this hand, because we have not yet considered the gods of copper, iron, wood and stone, who are the second four resurrections of anointed brothers. Now these ones are symbolised by the back of the hand, because the back of a hand which is writing only has four fingers visible, the thumb (which is the first temple of already resurrected brothers), is hidden, just like the resurrected first temple brothers. The fingers of the man's hand are said to be: 'in front of the lampstand', because what they stand for is not the main symbolic point of this account, or the main 'illumination' of this chapter. This main illumination (Rev 11:3 also uses a lampstand to mean 'the greater illumination', see section 82), has to do with the four fingers of the back of the hand which is what Belshazzar sees, which fingers represent the four second temple resurrections. Therefore the five fingers, all of which are in front of the four resurrections of the second temple, which this lamp stand symbolises, must indeed all be to do with the resurrection of the first temple, which is temporally in front of the four resurrections of the second temple. Hence the five times multiplication above does indeed give the numerical extent of the first temple.

In verse 7 we read that: 'The king was calling out loudly to the conjurers, the Chaldeans and the astrologers. The king was answering and saying to the wise men of Babylon: "Any man that will read this writing and show me its very interpretation, with purple he will be clothed, with a necklace of gold about his neck, and as THE THIRD ONE in the Kingdom he will rule."'

The merry account next continues in verses 13-16, where Belshazzar (Jesus) explains to Daniel (the anointed) that none of the inhabitants of heaven (wise men, conjurers etc) are up to the task of interpreting this writing. This has the meaning that neither the Demons nor the loyal angels are going to rule as the third one with Jesus and Jehovah. But this invitation is being held out to Daniel, who represents the 144,000 anointed brothers of Christ, the invitation is to the wedding feast of Mat 22:2, which is not the feast that is symbolised by this account, because the wedding feast is the celebration of rulership, whereas this feast is the celebration of resurrection. The wedding feast occurs on Nisan 14, 2008 see section 66.2, and is for all of Christ's brothers. Finally after Daniel has interpreted the writing of the wall, he is indeed clothed in purple, with a necklace of gold around his neck, and 'They HERALDED concerning him, that he WAS TO BECOME the third ruler in the Kingdom' (verse 29).

This clothing and necklace is the same as that given to Joseph in Gen 41:42, which says: 'With that Pharaoh removed the signet ring from his own hand and put it upon Joseph's hand and clothed him with garments of fine linen and placed a necklace of gold about his neck'. Joseph in this account stands for Jesus - see section 31. This scene in Egypt symbolises Jehovah giving the Kingdom to Jesus in 1914. This same symbolism in Daniel refers to Jesus then giving his power as king to the rest of his body, which is his brothers, whom Daniel himself symbolises.


Well, the writing of these four fingers of the back of the hand is MENE, MENE, TEKEL & PARSIN, which means literally two minas, a shekel and half shekels, which means prophetically two times (a mina), times (a shekel), and half time (a shekel) and half time (a shekel). Now as we have seen, in the case of the first temple, each finger of the man's hand represented 16,000 anointed brothers of Christ. If we now interpret this writing on the wall and apply it to the four fingers of the back of the hand we get:

32,000 16,000 8,000 8,000

These are the numbers of the anointed Christians who are resurrected in each of the four heavenly resurrections of the second temple. Which is why the writing was on the wall 'of the palace of the king' who under wine-induced inspiration is standing for Jesus in his heavenly palace, and it is the wall of this palace where the names of these ones and their first century brothers are inscribed. And the interpretation of this sign really does lead to them being made a part of the 'Daniel class', and ruling as 'the third one' (after Jehovah and Jesus) in the Kingdom. And so now we understand why Belshazzar said under inspiration (of wine):

'Any man that will read me this writing and show me its very interpretation, with purple he will be clothed and as the third one in the Kingdom he will rule' (verse 7)

Because the very interpretation of this writing, is that it is the list of those who are to be clothed with purple (spirit bodies) and rule as third ones (after God and Jesus) in the Kingdom. Furthermore Daniel interpreted MENE as meaning that God has numbered your Kingdom. But this word occurs twice and is therefore prophetic, having a greater meaning in addition to numbering the days of Babylon (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). This greater meaning is numbering of the brothers of Jesus in the heavenly Kingdom of God. Finally in this instance the interpretation is, (compare Dan 5:26-28):

MENE, God has numbered (the brothers of) your kingdom and has started it.

TEKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and have been found righteous.

PERES, your kingdom has been divided (into two spiritual temples & five resurrections) .

This word 'Peres' being a half-shekel, means a division into two halves here. One might then ask, how can you split 64,000 men into four resurrections, by dividing into two halves? The answer to this is one of the cutest things that the writer has seen. We will discover in section 58.2, that all 64,000 were sealed by 1922. This means that when 32,000 brothers were raised in Tishri 1925, this was a splitting in half of the total number of sealed brothers. This would leave 32,000 remaining on the earth. Then in Tishri 1955, when 16,000 were raised up, this would be a further splitting in half of the earthly remnant, leaving 16,000 as living humans. Then in Tishri 1995 a further 8,000 will be raised, which is the last splitting in half of the earthly remnant, leaving 8,000 anointed ones behind. So each of the three intermediate resurrections are in fact an exact splitting in half or 'Peres'. These three equal splits mathematically confirm that the numbers in each resurrection are correct, because each resurrection has to have half of the number that were raised in the previous one, other than the last one which is equal in size to the previous (Dan 2:33, section 77.1).


This is really fantastic it must be said. We know from section 57 that the third heaven began on Iyyar 25, 1918, resulting from the resurrection on Nisan 14 of the 80,000 first century brothers of Christ. We also know the whole heavenly resurrection timetable for the second temple of the 64,000, we now know the numbers resurrected in each group:

Tishri 1925: 32,000 resurrected *

Tishri 1955: 16,000 resurrected *

Tishri 1995: 8,000 resurrected

Tishri 2004: 8,000 resurrected

We use the order of numbers above because this is the order in the phrase 'mene, mene tekel and Parsin', and this is a different order from the only way that 3.5 times is ever explicitly expressed in the holy book, which is always 'a time, times and half a time' (Rev 12:4 Dan 7:25). There is no instance of the phrase 'times a time and half a time' anywhere, and so the different order in this scripture must be telling us something. Since these resurrection numbers arise out of death, with most of the anointed having been sealed early on in the program, statistically the biggest tranch would not normally occur first, which would point to the numbers in the first two resurrections marked with a star, being reversed. But we know that each of the three intermediate resurrections of 1925,1955 & 1995 are splits in half, so the numbers must be decreasing. This decrease is also witnessed in section 77.1 on Daniel chapter 2.

That the true God should have seen fit to reveal this sort of information to his servants is to the writer just unspeakable. Compare if you will the attitude of worldly governments to what they regard to be politically sensitive information, it is normally hidden from the public for 50 years after the event, before we ever find out - if we indeed do ever find out. And yet here is the God of the heavens, telling men the fine detail of the whole future structure of the universe, 12 years before it happens!!

Truly it is being said today, that this is really how the universe came about, and not the ripple that the NASA satellite recently found in outer space, which we are told confirms the theory of the 'Big Bang'. The only 'Big Bang' that is going to be confirmed for these ones, is the one that is going to occur for 150 days after Nisan 14, 2008 CE! So let us look at the record of Memorial partakers - Do they match these divinely predetermined figures?


1914 ? 1941 23,989 1968 10,619

1915 15,430 1942 24,035 1969 10,368

1916 ? 1943 23,577 1970 10,526

1917 21,274 1944 29,385 1971 10,384

1918 ? 1945 22,324 1972 10,350

1919 17,961 1946 27,587 1973 10,523

1920 ? 1947 26,449 1974 10,723

1921 ? 1948 25,395 1975 10,550

1922 32,661 1949 24,312 1976 10,187

1923 42,000 1950 22,723 1977 10,080

1924 62,696 1951 21,619 1978 9,762

1925 90,434 1952 20,221 1979

1926 89,278 1953 19,108 1980

1927 ? 1954 17,884 1981

1928 17,380 1955 16,815 1982

1929 1956 16,302 1983

1930 1957 15,628 1984

1931 1958 15,037 1985

1932 1959 14,511 1986

1933 1960 13,911 1987 8,808

1934 1961 13,284 1988 8,685

1935 1962 12,714 1989 8,734

1936 1963 12,292 1990 8,869

1937 1964 11,953 1991 8,850

1938 36,732 1965 11,550

1939 29,385 1966 11,179

1940 27,620 1967 10,981

Prophetically the number of remnant brothers should be:

1925/6: 32,000 1955/6: 16,000 1995/6: 8,000

This is assuming that the full number is sealed by 1925, something which is in fact prophesied by the word 'Peres' as we saw in section 58.1, although of course some drop out and are replaced after then. Well.....the figures are:

1922: 32,661 1956: 16,302 1991: 8,850

The match is astounding! The Great Crowd was first called in Elul 1922 (Dan 9:27, see section 74). Unfortunately Jehovah's people were not aware of this at the time, in fact neither are they aware of it today. But this is why the 1923 to 1926 figures of 90,000 odd are higher than 32,000. In fact these figures prove that the Great Crowd was first called between the memorial in 1922 and the memorial in 1923. In 1925 and 1926, 58,000 odd partakers were from the Great Crowd, although they did not know this at the time. Later on in the early 1930's the Great Crowd was recognised, and then in the late 1930's people started realising that they were not anointed, but were members of the Great Crowd. Therefore by 1940 the number of partakers is back to the prophetically expected number. These figures actually show the following:


Now the number of anointed ones at the memorial in Nisan 1956 was 16,302, whereas there should be 16,000 anointed ones left at this time. The number left in 1991 was 8,850, which means that 7,452 of them have died (or disappeared) between 1956 and 1991, which is precisely what we would expect because in 1991 there were only 4 of the 40 years between the fifth and sixth heavens left. Furthermore it is looking very likely that there will be around 8,000 partakers in Nisan 1995/6 which is the precise number that there should be, all faithful ones of whom will die between then and Tishri 2004, when the seventh heaven begins. This is a fantastic agreement!

Furthermore there appears to be just a little refining work going on, although not of a great magnitude, where a few drop out and a few come in. This again ties in with the divine prophetic timetable, wherein the last one to be anointed will be in Nisan 2001 CE (see section 74), and the testing of those ones left will end in Tishri 2003 CE (see section 51). We will see in section 74, that in fact Jehovah started chosing the Great Crowd, who are the spiritual Gentiles on September 13, 1922, which was the last day of the Cedar point convention. This is the exact antitype of the conversion of Cornelius. Because whereas in Tishri 36 CE after 3.5 years of witnessing to themselves, the nation of Natural Israel was commanded to start witnessing to the Natural Gentiles and Peter applied the third physical key. In September 1922 after 1,260 days or 3.5 years of being in the wilderness (Rev 12:6), during which time the seed of the woman was being fed by itself, which seed is Spiritual Israel, the command went out to advertise, and this was the command for Spiritual Israel to start witnessing to the Spiritual Gentiles of the other sheep of John 10:16 and the Angel Peter, in heaven, may well have been the one who applied the third spiritual key.


Returning now to the non-wine-inspired part of the account, Daniel starts by reciting the prophecy of the Gentile Times, and then he chastises Belshazzar and his courtiers for abusing the vessels of Jehovah's house. This is a chastisement on Satan and Babylon the Great, for trampling and inciting the nations to 'trample the holy city underfoot for 42 months' (Rev 11:2). Daniel then tells Belshazzar who is Satan that:

'God has numbered the days of your Kingdom and has finished it' verse 26

So really it is about time that we had an interpretation of the 'writing on the wall' which is actually a numbering of the days of a kingdom! The words used are MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN, which literally mean: A Mina, a Mina, a Shekel and a Half Shekel, if we take PERES rather than PARSIN, (Peres was Daniel's interpretation of Parsin). This is:

A TIME (a shekel) TIMES (a mina) AND HALF A TIME (a shekel)

Which is a very familiar prophetic form (Rev 12:14, Dan 7:25), and stands for three and a half times, and in this case actually for exactly 1,260 days of the Hebrew calendar or three years and six months precisely (Rev 11:3). So the meaning of this is that Satan has a Kingdom through Babylon the Great over God's people for a period of exactly 1,260 days after the Gentile Times end, which times Daniel had recited in verse 18-21, before he chastised Belshazzar. This is a very important result for bible students, because they currently believe that there was a one and a bit month gap between the end of the Gentile Times and the start of these 1,260 days. Whereas with this understanding of Daniel 5 it is evident that Belshazzar took over the day that Nebuchadnezzar died, so the 3.5 times which his kingdom prefigures are consecutive to the Gentile Times which his father's kingdom prefigures. Also Daniel 7:25 confirms this - see section 64.1, and Daniel 12 has already confirmed this, because the 3.5 times represented by the near bank of the river of life starts with the standing up of the angel Michael, which is something that was not sealed up, actually!

Also, since the death of the two witnesses after 42 months of prophesying (Rev 11:3), was an antitype of the death of Jesus after 42 months of prophesying (Rev 11:8), we have a third scriptural witness to the date of their death being Nisan 14 (1918), which was the day when Jesus died (but not the year of course). And whereas Jesus' death was an end to the slavery under the law of Moses, for God's people, the death of the two witnesses was an end to the slavery under Babylon the Great for them. The Gentile Times therefore ended on Tishri 15, 1914, this being precisely 1,260 days of the Hebrew prophetic calendar before Nisan 14, 1918, which makes a lot of sense, because this is the festival of Booths, which the final ingathering (see fig 2). Now we can say that the following events occurred on the days of Nisan 14, 1918 & Nisan 16, 1918:





What! - Do you not know that all of this is what the 'fall of Babylon the Great' means? The woman, it is suggested, is not giving birth to a nation on earth (Rev bk p183), because she is a heavenly woman! and she has a crown of twelve stars, which represents the twelve illuminating apostles, who were the 'twelve provision baskets' of Matthew 16:9 (section 33), who fed all of the royal brothers from the first temple, all 80,000. The fall of Babylon is the fall of Satan its king, which is the raising of Peter and John and Paul and 79,997 other faithful men who have 'conquered him because of the blood of the lamb and because of the word of their witnessing' (Rev 12:11), which is the heavenly birth from the heavenly woman.


This is what the scripture means which says: 'Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down', (Rev 12:10) The salvation is the raising of the dead, the power is the ousting of Satan, and the Kingdom is the fall of Babylon from being a Kingdom over God's chosen people. Incidentally Brother Russel and the sleeping brothers of the second temple were not raised at this time, they had to wait until Tishri 1925 - see section 57. Also, although the first century brothers were raised up to angelic life on the third day of the passover (i.e. Nisan 16) as was their Master, King Jesus, they did not ascend to heaven any quicker than did their master, this occurred on Iyyar 25, 1918 - see section 57, which was actually May 7th 1918, the day that the brothers on earth were arrested, which shows that Satan is very sick indeed, and has total control of this planet. The memorial was March 26, 1918, which is Nisan 14 after sundown (say 6 pm), so Iyyar 25 is 6pm on May 6 until 6 pm on May 7 (see appendix 4). In other words Satan locked up the brothers on earth, on the very day that the apostles entered into heaven. This is another absolutely categorical proof that the International bible students were then and now are the one and only true religion. The Pope was not arrested on that day, and nor was the Archbishop of Canterbury, nor were the head of the Mormons or the heads of the Adventists or Baptists or Congregationalists or Presbyterians, or the Church of God, nor was Billy Graham. It is a very interesting criterion to apply in order to test for the true religion.

That these things are true can also be seen from the account in Joshua 6 of the fall of Jericho. Jericho prefigures Babylon the Great (section 14), and when Jericho fell, the account tells us that: 'The people went into the city, each one straight before him' (Jos 6:20). Joshua himself had said earlier: 'And the wall of the city must fall down flat, and the people must go up, each one straight before him' (Jos 6:5). The two repetitions imply two meanings, i.e. a greater or prophetic meaning as well as a literal meaning (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, 2 Cor 13:1, Deut 19:15, section 2). The greater meaning of this is that when Babylon the Great (the greater Jericho) falls, the first temple of anointed Christians will be raised up to life (the people must go up, each one straight before him). The King of Jericho fell when Jericho fell (Jos 8:2), which is saying that Satan being ousted from heaven is the fall of Babylon.

Now the temple curtain was rent in two at Jesus's death (Mat 27:51), which stood for his flesh ceasing to exist and therefore ceasing to be a barrier to his entry into heaven. Whereas Babylon the Great was rent in two at the death of the two witnesses, because this is the meaning of PERES: 'Your kingdom has been divided' says Daniel in verse 28. And the King of this Kingdom, who is Satan, was the barrier to entry for the first century Christians. This division of Babylon the Great, was the separation of Satan and his demonic hordes from Jesus and the loyal angels in heaven. This is what Jesus meant when he said, referring to Satan's kingdom over God's people which fell on Nisan 14, 1918:

'Every Kingdom divided against itself comes to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. In the same way if Satan expels Satan, he has become divided against himself, how then will his Kingdom stand,' (Mat 12:25,26).

This is a very prophetic scripture, because it is full of repetition of divisions (Gen 41:25,32; Amos 3:3-7, section 2). What it means is that Satan's Kingdom will be divided (i.e. Babylon the Great will fall) at the same time as he is expelled from heaven. And this division and expulsion will occur 90 years before the end of his Kingdom on earth. Because if we divide a time against itself twice, (once for the Kingdom and once for the house) then we get a quarter of a time, which is 90 years, taken a day for a year. This period ends when his kingdom (of the world) 'comes to desolation', and starts with Satans expulsion from heaven. Jesus was not aware of these meanings because he did not know the day or hour of the end whilst he was on earth (Mat 24:36), so this is a proof, that he was speaking on his father's initiative here, even as a prophet (John 8:28, Isaiah 59:21). We shall look again at these last 90 years in sections (65 & 93). Now the really deep thing about this division is the following (Rev 16:19, see section 85):

Satan's kingdom of Babylon the Great falls on Nisan 14, 1918: 'Rent' in 2

Babylon the Great is destroyed (Rev 16:19): 'Split' in 3

Satan's Kingdom of the world is destroyed on Nisan 14, 2008: 'Divided' in 4

So the fall of his spiritual kingdom over God's people in 1918 was a division in two, which symbolises truth (Deut 19:15), showing man that Satan is truly going to lose his kingship in every respect. The destruction of Babylon the Great, which is the end of his spiritual kingdom over all men, will be a division in three, which symbolises emphasis (Rev bk p19), this highly visible desolation will emphasise to men that Satan is finished. The end of his physical kingdom in 2008, is a division in four, which stands for spatial completeness, which is symbolising the total earthwide loss of all of his power, may that day come soon!


Satan's ejection from heaven, which was the dividing of his false religious kingdom over mankind, was also the dividing of the third curtain, which was the resurrection of the one who said in Hebrews 9:2:

'For there was constructed a first tent in which were the lampstand and also the table and the display of loaves; and it is called "the holy place." But behind the second curtain was the tent called "the Most Holy.".....After these things had been constructed this way, the priests enter the first tent at all times to perform the sacred services; but the second (tent) the high priest alone enters once a year, not without blood....Thus the holy spirit makes it plain that the way into the holy place had not yet been made manifest while the first tent was standing.'

Paul tells us in Hebrews 10:20 that Jesus' flesh was this second curtain. But by his double and prophetic reference to a first and second tent and curtain, he is giving witness that not only do these things stand for something greater (the first and second heavens) but also that there may well be other tents and curtains (third, fourth etc) that follow. The same holy spirit then confirms this in a wonderful way in 2 Corinthians 12:2,3 where Paul says (of himself): 'I know a man in union with Christ who, fourteen years ago - whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know; God knows - was caught away, as such, to the third heaven. Yes I know such a man - whether in the body or apart from the body, I do not know, God knows.'

Bible students who understand Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7 will know that the repetition in these verses is prophetic. we have the repeated phrase of:

Whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know; God knows

The spirit of the loving God has not left us in the dark about what this all means because we read in verse 9 that: 'The power of the Christ may like a tent remain over me.' whereas verse 14 says: 'Look! This is the third time I am ready to come to you, and yet I will not become a burden. For I am seeking not your possessions but you; for the children ought not to lay up for their parents, but the parents for their children.' Finally in 2 Cor 13:1-3 we read: 'This is the third time I am coming to you. "At the mouth of two witnesses or of three, every matter must be established." I have said previously and, as if present the second time and yet absent now, I SAY IN ADVANCE to those who have sinned before and to all the rest, that if I ever come again I will not spare..


Christ who is weak toward you but powerful among you.'

Well brothers, this scripture is enough to make a tired and isolated, yet bold and faithful servant of Jehovah cry! Because Paul here is vindicating the whole basis of this book, with a view into the third heaven, which is so prophetic that it is just amazing, it is really wonderful. Because who really is seeking a proof of Christ speaking in Paul? - well it is the writer of this book, who already knew that Paul was speaking under inspiration as if he was the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven, in fact in the second heaven, because it is Jesus Christ who will be 'present the second time' and who was 'absent now', when Paul wrote this account. Well having read the words in large print above, he had his faith confirmed by the holy spirit.

Now the basis of this book is that any phrase in the bible which is repeated, in the same account, is prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, Deut 19:15, section 2). And this is precisely what Jesus himself (as Paul) is saying in 2 Corinthians 13:1-3. He is stating the principle from the Mosaic law of two=true, and then he is applying it to that which he will then 'say in advance', (2 Cor 13:2) which is a prophecy about the third heaven. Thereby confirming that the greater meaning of this principle is that which Joseph had realised under inspiration namely:


Experience also shows that prophecies are often preceded with 'Look!' Now as regards the third heaven, Paul does not know whether he will be 'in the body or apart from the body', this is because after his resurrection on Nisan 14, he actually spends 41 days in a prison like situation (see section 73), where he is not ascended (as did Jesus his forerunner - John 20:17), when he is not in a human body and not exactly in a heavenly body, before he enters this heaven on Iyyar 25 i.e. May 7, 1918. It is also most noticeable that things are established at the mouth of two witnesses or at the mouth of three. So we will find some scriptures which have three repetitions of the prophetic statement, and this means that there are two greater meanings to these accounts.

'The power of the Christ', is that referred to in Rev 12:10, and it remains over him 'like a tent', because it is the third tent, after the likeness of the first two, which were called 'The Holy' and 'The Most Holy'. Yes 'children ought not to lay up for their parents', but Paul, the child of God, did lay up for his parents (Jehovah and the woman with the crown of twelve stars -Rev 12:1), for about 1852 years. He was asleep in death waiting for his parents, and so Paul's laying up comes to an end at the inauguration of the third heaven.

Now the Christ was 'weak toward you' (2 Cor 13:3), in the sense that he had only weak power before Nisan 14 of 1918, and he was 'powerful among you' (2 Cor 13:3), in the sense that on that day he ousted Satan from heaven, and on Nisan 16 he was with his first century brothers ('you'). His full power toward his people then came to pass (Rev 12:10), because Babylon had fallen, and he had appointed the faithful and discreet slave (see section 65). Furthermore the wicked one was not only making Paul weak, so that he prayed three times for his weakness to be removed (2 Cor 12:8), but he was the one who had been curtailing the power of Jesus Christ, three times. Firstly to the Jews who worshipped in the first tent representing the first heaven (Gen 42:23, 43:10, 45:1 Joseph=Jesus, brothers=anointed, section 31), then to the first century Christians, who worshipped in the second tent representing the second heaven, and then with the twentieth century brothers from Tishri 1914 to Nisan 1918, Jesus was weak for a third time on account of Satan. And whereas Paul says in 2 Cor 12:9 that Jesus really said that his, i.e. Paul's 'power is being made perfect in weakness', this had a greater fulfilment in the case of Jesus himself, because it wasn't being 'really said to' Paul so much as being 'really said' of Jesus.

The two repeats of the fact that this is the third time that Paul is ready to come or is coming to the Corinthians (2 Cor 12:14,13:1), prophetically refer to the third time that Jesus comes to them, which is the third heaven, because this meeting of the brothers with the Christ, occurs in heaven and defines the new heaven, which seeing as it is new with respect to the second heaven, is therefore called the third heaven. So we have again confirmed that the first heaven lasted from time indefinite until Iyyar 25, 33 CE, the second heaven lasted from Iyyar 25, 33 CE until Iyyar 25, 1918 CE, and the third heaven started in Iyyar 25, 1918 (see section 57). Each heaven being different because in the first heaven there was only one person who had immortality, whereas in the second heaven there were two such ones, and in the third heaven there were 80,002 such ones. We use the word 'were' because we are no longer in the days of the third heaven - see section 57. So whereas the first curtain of the tent of the meeting gave access to no man into heaven, the second curtain of Jesus' flesh gave access to one man into heaven and the third curtain of Babylon the Great, gave access to 80,000 loyal and faithful men into heaven.


This is so fundamental that we will now examine these comings in greater detail. Jesus said at John 14:6;


When he came first of all in Nisan 14, 1473 BCE he said to Joshua, at Jos 5:14; 'I - as the prince of the army of Jehovah - I HAVE NOW COME'. Jesus came the first time to show the Jews 'the way' to him, by means of the law, which was a 'tutor leading to Christ' (Gal 3:24). Then when he came the second time he was asked by Pontius Pilate: '"Well then, are you a king?" Jesus answered:

"For this I have been born, and for this I HAVE COME INTO THE WORLD, that I should bear witness to the truth"' (John 18:37).

When he came the third time, as King and judge, he was 'the life', because for the first time, humans were resurrected to everlasting life, which is real life or spiritual life, which resurrection started in Nisan 16, 1918. Likewise in John 16:8 we read: 'And when that one (the helper) arrives, he will give the world convincing evidence..

concerning sin and

concerning righteousness and

concerning judgement:

In the first place concerning sin, because they are not exercising faith in me; then concerning righteousness, because I am going to the father and you will behold me no longer; then concerning judgement, because the ruler of this world has been judged.'

The 'first place' is the law, which was concerning sin, since it was 'to make transgressions manifest' (Gal 3:19). Then the second place is concerning righteousness, because Jesus was to 'Terminate the transgression, and to finish of sin, and to make atonement for error, and to bring in righteousness for times indefinite,' (Dan 9:24). The third place was concerning judgement, because 'The hour of the judgement by him has arrived' (Rev 14:7), and it arrived in the Lord's day (Rev 1:10), which is during the third coming. So Jesus' itinerary was the following:

First coming as 'the way' and 'concerning sin'

Second coming as 'the truth' and 'concerning righteousness'

Third coming as 'the life' and 'concerning judgement'

Now the date of Jesus' first coming was Nisan 14, 1473 BCE, which day was the end of the Exedenic Times (section 13). Jesus' second coming climaxed on Nisan 14, 33 CE, which was when he indeed fulfilled the scripture: 'I am going to the father and you will behold me no longer' (John 16:8), which was the end of the Alienation Times (section 9.1). Jesus' third coming was on Tishri 15, 1914 CE, which was the end of the Gentile Times. Which proves true the scripture which says: 'For the bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying' (Rev 19:10).

And was it only Peter who denied the Christ three times before the cock crowed (John 18:27)? Was it not all of mankind who denied him three times, even each of the three times that he came to us, before the end of the spiritual darkness of Satan's world. This is one reason why the very last time that Jesus appeared to men in the flesh on this planet he said to Peter: "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" (John 21:15) and then he said to him the first time "Feed my lambs". Whereas the second time he said to Peter "Shepherd my little sheep", and the third time he said to Peter: "Feed my little sheep". Then Jesus went on to talk about his next coming, which was therefore to be his third, and which John was to live to see (verse 23) in vision. The 'lambs' were the Jews, and the 'sheep' are the Christians, who were personally shepherded by Jesus in the second coming (first century) and fed by him in the third coming (twentieth century).

So the Son, who was born weak, as a lowly human, has been raised up in strength to administer all of the blessings from his father on mankind. For we have as our God one who in his wisdom and on account of his power, is perfecting our power through weakness and one who on account of his love and through the love of his son, is perfecting our love in a world of hatred. One who is perfecting our loyalty and obedience in a world of neither currency and one who is perfecting our faith in him, having staked his name, and given his firstborn son due to his faith in us.

This he has done and is doing in order that we might fully grasp the spiritual gifts that he offers through his son, that we may be thoroughly VACCINATED against all wicked things by exposure to the same things in a weakened physical form in this system, over which Satan, who was born strong as an angel is King. So that we will then become fully resistant to them in the next, over which Jesus and his brothers, all of whom were born weak as men, will rule. And whereas the vaccination is painful it is only temporary, and so it is written of the system to follow that 'neither will pain be anymore' and that 'it itself will stand to times indefinite' (Rev 21:4, Dan 2:44).

Therefore, we can do no better that to quote the words of Stephen at Acts 7:13;

'But Jacob heard there were foodstuffs in Egypt and he sent our forefathers out the FIRST TIME. And during the SECOND TIME Joseph was made known to his brothers; and his family stock became manifest to Pharaoh.'

This second time was the first century ministry of Jesus, the greater Joseph, which means that his second presence in 1914 is in fact his third coming (his first coming was not a presence because, he was not discernible, physically or spiritually at that coming - Gen 42:7-9).

Now, all ye servants of the most high God Jehovah:

Why did Jesus spend three days in the heart of the earth?

Why did Jonah spend three days in the belly of the Whale?

Why was Jesus resurrected on the third day?

Why was the did he rebuild the temple in 3 days?

What do you say?.................................Well, it was because he came to minister to the dead three times, and they only achieved life and were resurrected on the third 'day' that he came. It was because the temple or the arrangement through which men worship Jehovah, was knocked down by Satan in Nisan 3993 BCE. And was not fully rebuilt at Jesus' first coming, and neither was it fully rebuilt at his second coming, no it was fully completed only during his third coming. The third time, or the third day, taking a day for a year. And when Moses asked Pharoah to allow him to go "please a journey of three days into the wilderness, and we want to sacrifice to Jehovah our God" (Ex 3:18), which three days do you think he was talking about in the greatest meaning? It is true that there were three temples of the Jews before Jesus came in the first century, namely the Tabernacle, Solomon's temple and Zerubabbel's temple (section [29]). But the blockbuster picture here is the three comings of Jesus into the spiritual wilderness of the world (Isaiah 9:1,2).


We have already seen the answer to this in Daniel 5, section 58.1. But in this section we will look at the scripture which first led the writer to believe that the true God had revealed, in his book, the number of the heavenly fleshly Jews. The account starts at Genesis chapter 29 verse 1 (see also section 18), with Jacob travelling to visit uncle Laban. On arriving he finds a well with three droves of sheep nearby, waiting to be watered. The method of watering these droves in then described in verses 2&3:

'And there was a great stone over the mouth of the well. When all the droves had been gathered there, they rolled away the stone from of the mouth of the well, and they watered the flocks, after which they returned the stone over the mouth of the well to its place.'

Later in verse 7, when Jacob asks 'them' to water the sheep, he says:

"Why it is yet full day. It is not the time for gathering the herds. WATER the sheep, then go feed them." The shepherd responded "We are not allowed to do so until all the droves are gathered and they actually roll away the stone from off the mouth of the well. Then we must water the sheep."

This is a symbolic drama. We know that Jacob is Jehovah, the water is spiritual life (Rev 22:17), and this water is the main point of this scripture (why is it in capitals in the bible?). Rachel stands for Jesus in his heavenly role as King during his second presence (see section 18). In verse 10 we read:

"When Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother's brother AND THE SHEEP of Laban his mothers brother. Jacob immediately approached and rolled away the stone off the mouth of the well and watered the sheep of Laban his brother. The Jacob kissed Rachel raised his voice and burst into tears."

Spiritually, antitypically, Rachel bringing all her father's sheep to the well, means Jesus resurrecting the 144,000 anointed brothers during the Lord's day in fact from Nisan 16, 1918 until Tishri 17, 2004. We know this because Rachel stands for Jesus in his Kingly role and because the stone is replaced after the droves are watered, which corresponds with the fact that the Great Crowd do not get everlasting life until after the thousand year reign. But why were there 'three droves' of anointed sheep?? We have only got two temples of them so far, the 80,000 of the first temple and the 64,000 of the second temple. This scripture was the first piece of evidence that he saw to support the possibility that the scriptures were referring to the Natural & Spiritual Jews as a separate group that might be numbered somewhere. Because these three droves could be the Tabernacle drove, the Solomon's temple drove, and the Zerubbabel's temple drove. We have by now seen from Daniel 5 (section 58), that this is exactly what they are. Finally let's us look at one more glorious point in this account, which is in verse 11:

'Then Jacob kissed Rachel and raised his voice and burst into tears.'

This verse is Jehovah effectively raising his voice, bursting into tears and expressing his love for his firstborn son in his Rachel role - from where did we get such a fantastic God?? The men who were not allowed to water the sheep until the stone is rolled away are the spiritual shepherds i.e. angels, they gather the droves, in the Lord's day, which was a long way off at the time that Jacob was acting this out, hence he said 'it is yet full day, it is not the time for gathering the herds'. Can you think of another stone that had to be rolled away before someone could get everlasting life? (John 20:1). Restating the result of Daniel 5:



As we have now seen, the three droves of sheep waiting to be watered in Gen 29:2, are indeed the natural Jews, the first century brothers and the twentieth century brothers, or in other words the Tabernacle brothers, the Solomon's temple brothers and the Zerubbabel's temple brothers. Now the size of the courtyard of the priests in the tabernacle was 50 x 100 cubits (Ex 27:9-15), the size of the courtyard of the priests in Solomon's temple was 100 x 200 cubits. We deduce this from the fact that the most holy in Solomon's Temple was twice as large in both dimensions as was the most holy in the Tabernacle, being 20 x 20 x 20 cubits (1 Kings 6:20), rather than 10 x 10 X 10 (Insight 2 p1059), and therefore the courtyard would be twice as large in both dimensions as well, since both temples represent the same original, and were therefore scaled representations of each other. The size of the courtyard of the priests in Zerubbabel's temple was also 100 x 200 cubits, because it was a rebuild on the same site. These courtyards therefore had areas in the ratios of:

1 : 4 : 4

Which is the ratio of the anointed heavenly priests that are associated with each, namely 16,000 : 64,000 : 64,000. And now we do understand why Paul said in Hebrews 9:23:

'Therefore it was necessary that these typical representations of the things in the heavens should be cleansed by these means, but the heavenly things themselves with sacrifices that are better than such sacrifices.'

Now these 'heavenly things' are cleaned by sacrifice, and therefore are the anointed brothers of Christ. So these brothers truly are represented by the three temples, which are referred to as the type for these ones in Hebrews 9:9.


This witness comes from the account of the conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10:1-30. We have looked at this account in section 36.1, as a witness to the 96 years of the first century baptism, and in section 36.2, as a witness to the 16 times effect of spiritual food on anointed Christians. Now we examine it once more from the point of view of numbers of Gentiles compared with Jews. The first thing to remember is that the sheet 'being let down by its four extremities' (verse 11) and containing 'all sorts of four-footed creatures' (verse 12), represents two multiplications by 4, in the cryptic account of the 96 years of the first baptism. Well both Joseph and Amos have told us what this sort of a repetition means in the bible (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), which is a book of which Jesus said in Luke 16:17:

'Indeed it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one particle of a letter of the law to go unfulfilled'.

Now there is very little prospect of heaven and earth passing away, and therefore we would do well to pay attention to every letter of every word in this holy book. Next we find in verse 30 that Cornelius has waited for 96 hours since his vision until Peter arrives. Well this is four days exactly which is four times exactly taking a day for a year. So the Gentiles, without doubt will produce four times as many brothers as the Jews, in the first baptism, the length of which was 96 years. So again we have the equation:

16,000 Jews + 64,000 Gentiles = 80,000 first baptism


We have already seen that Daniel chapters 1,3,4,5,10 employ symbolic symbolism, to coin a phrase of a certain bible student. By this it is meant that these chapters not only have a symbolic meaning, but also have a further symbolic meaning to that symbolic meaning. What the meaning of Daniel chapter 11 is, the writer of this book has no idea! The only chapter of Daniel which does not appear to use symbolic symbolism, i.e. is merely symbolic, is Daniel chapter 12. Although this chapter is doubly symbolic, because the river of life has two banks of 3.5 times, with two men/angels standing on them. We shall now discover in this and the next few sections of this book, that Daniel 7,6,8,9,2 also employ symbolic symbolism, having two or more symbolic meanings, just like the famous Daniel 4.


Daniel has a dream wherein three huge beasts come out of the sea, and then a fourth beast appears having ten horns, then a further little horn appears which plucks out three of the ten horns of this beast (verses 2-8). The first three beasts are described in verses 3-6, which read:

'And four huge beasts were coming out of the sea, each one being different from the others. The first one was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I kept on beholding until its wings were plucked out, and it was lifted up from the earth and was made to stand on two feet like a man, and there was given to it the heart of a man. And, see there! another beast, a second one, it being like a bear. And on one side it was raised up, and there were three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and this is what they were saying to it, "Get up, eat much flesh." After this I kept beholding, and see there! another beast, one like a leopard, but it had four wings of a flying creature on its back. And the beast had four heads, and there was given to it rulership indeed.'

As regards the identity of these beasts, we are told in verse 17 that:

'As for these huge beasts, because they are four, there are four kings that will stand up from the earth. But the holy ones of the supreme one will receive the kingdom for time indefinite, even for time indefinite upon times indefinite.'

This verse is really the key to Daniel chapter 7, because the number, four, of the kings is repeated twice, and the number one is repeated twice. This means that the four beasts which represent four kings have two symbolic meanings, and because they are compared with the number one, twice, we are also being told cryptically that the account is referring to the 'four times' that a king will stand up to rule mankind, and that there will be four greater kings as well as the four kings of the first symbolism. In other words, the four times are the four ruling periods of these four kings, and there are two sets of four kings, one set in each symbolism. Just as the holy ones receive the kingdom from time indefinite until time indefinite upon times indefinite. So the four 'regnal times' or reigns of the four kings of the first symbolism are merely consecutive, but the reigns of the four kings of the second symbolism are 'upon' or superimposed on top of each other as we shall see in the next section.

The Daniel book (YW p166-180) has an identification of the three kings represented by the first three beasts as:

Babylonian Medo-Persian Greek

The first lion-like beast was made to stand on two feet just like a man. This is a reference to the giant man of Daniel chapter 2 (in this first symbolism), who in the earthly symbolism represents the same march of world powers as do these four beasts and the little horn that follows them. The powers represented, are the above three, followed by the Romans and then the British. As regards the second beast, the bear, it was raised up on one side because the Persians became ascendant over the Medes (YW p171), and it had three ribs in its mouth, as opposed to the two wings and the two legs of the first beast, indicating a wider dominion. The Leopard had four wings and four heads, which symbolise a wider still dominion, in fact the Greeks were the first earthwide power of the seven world powers in the bible. This is because they were the first world power to have a large navy. We know that four indicates spatial completeness in the bible. Now we look at the description of the fourth beast in verses 7,8:

'After this I kept beholding in the visions of the night, and see there! a fourth beast, fearsome and terrible and unusually strong. And it had teeth of iron, big ones. It was devouring and crushing, and what was left it was trampling down with its feet. And it was something different from all the other beasts that were prior to it, and it had ten horns. I kept considering the horns, and look! another horn, a small one, came up in among them, and there were three of the first horns that were plucked up before it. And look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn, and there was a mouth speaking grandiose things.'

If Daniel 'kept considering the horns', then we would do well to follow the example of Jehovah's great prophet. In fact this is what the holy spirit is saying to us. When we are told that a prophet of the true God kept on considering something, then we are also being told that all servants of the true God should also keep on considering that thing. Now there were ten horns, and three were plucked out from before the little one that appeared. The angel explains the (first symbolic) meaning of this to Daniel in verse 24:

'And as for the ten horns, out of that kingdom there are ten kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and three kings he will humiliate.'

We know that the fourth beast itself was the Roman world power, which put an end to the Greek world power. We know too that the little horn, which is different from the first ten horns, is the Anglo-American world power of today. Because this dual power was ruling at the beginning of the second baptism, therefore we know that this power is the one referred to by the angel, when he says in verse 25:

'And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the supreme one.'

It would be impossible for any power between the Romans and the Anglo-Americans to do this, because between these two powers was the Apostate Times, during which period there were no 'holy ones of the supreme one'. Now we have been told that the ten horns mean that ten kings will rise up out of the Roman kingdom, and then the little horn will humiliate three of these. History shows that the British humiliated the French and the Spanish and the Dutch (and the Portuguese) during their march to become the pre-eminent world power, and ruler of the waves. We can therefore identify the three kings as three of these nations (see YW p178). But if they only managed to humiliate three of the ten kings then there is a very important piece of arithmetic that we can now perform, namely:

10 - 3 = 7

So there were seven kings left standing. 'Here is where intelligence that has wisdom comes in:

The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not arrived, but when he does he must remain a short while' (Rev 17:9,10).

Yes, the seven headed wild beast of Revelation 13:1 also stands for seven kings, and we read in Rev 13:1,2 :

'And I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads.........Now the wild beast that I saw was like a leopard, but its feet were as those of a bear, and its mouth was as a lion's mouth.'

So the seven headed beast of Revelation also has ten horns, and it has the features of the first three of the beasts of Daniel chapter 7, the lion-like one, the bear-like one and the leopard-like one. All of this is not a coincidence! All of this is telling us two things. Firstly the little horn of Daniel 7:24, which humiliates the three kings, is the seven headed wild beast of Revelation 13:1, which is why it only humiliated three of the ten kings represented by the first symbolic meaning of the ten horns on the fourth beast of Daniel 7:7. Furthermore, this is why the small horn was said to be 'in among them' (verse 7), referring to the remaining seven horns. Secondly the ten horns, and this fourth beast which in the first symbolism represent the ten kings who spring from the Roman world power, further represent the ten kings of Rev 17:12, which says:

'And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast.'

So these ten horns represent both the ten kings from which the little horn emerges (this is the first symbolism of Daniel 7), and also the ten kings which emerge after the end of the reign of the little horn in Nisan 1998, at the start of the reign of the eighth king (this is the second symbolism of Daniel 7, see section 64.2). Finally we consider Daniel 7 verses 25 & 26:

'And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time. And the court proceeded to sit, and his own rulership they finally took away, in order to annihilate him and to destroy him totally.'

The first fulfilment of this verse was that of Rev 11:1-4, namely the 1,260 days of prophesying in sackcloth and ashes of the two witnesses. It is most important to realise that this period was not a change in 'times and law', it was an exact antitype of Jesus' ministry. Furthermore the death of the two witnesses was an exact antitype of the death of Jesus (section 74). However, after Jesus died there was in his case a 3.5 year period of exclusive witnessing to the Jews, which ended with the conversion of Cornelius and the spiritualising of the Abrahamic covenant, which was the calling of the Gentiles. Whereas in the case of the two witnesses, their program of feeding themselves in the wilderness for three and a half years (Rev 12:6), followed by the calling of the spiritual Gentiles of the Great Crowd at the end of the Cedar Point convention on Sept 13, 1922, did not start until March 21, 1919 (see section 83).

Therefore the antitype has a period from Nisan 14, 1918 (March 26th 1918) until March 21st 1919, which was effectively dead time, from the point of view of the build up of the congregation of God's people. This period is the change in 'times and law' referred to in Daniel 7:25, and it ended when the brothers were released on Bail on March 21st 1919 (JP p86, see section 83). This lost time had no effect on any of the prophetic timings of future events other than the delaying, by 360 literal days, of the resumption of the feeding program for the anointed ones until March 21st 1919, and the commencement of the feeding program for the Great Crowd until September 13th 1922. The court that sat and took Satan's rulership away in the first instance (verse 26), is the court that ordered his eviction from heaven on Nisan 14, 1918, the day the Babylon the Great fell (section 58.3), the day that Satan lost his false religious rulership over God's people, the day that the faithful & discreet slave was appointed to rule them (see section 65). It was the ruling of this court, the ruling on the fall of Babylon the Great, which was a fall to the greater Mede and Persian of Jehovah and Jesus, which was not changed. In particular the whole timetable for the demise of Babylon the Great was unaltered by this 360 day delay in the preaching of the Good News. Hence we read in Daniel 6:8:

'Now, O king, may you establish the statute and sign the writing, in order for it not to be changed, according to the law of the Medes and the Persians, which is not annulled.'

This means that the dates for the fall and the destruction of Babylon the Great, and the 90 year 'law' on the time between the fall of Satan from heaven due to the greater Mede and Persian until his fall from the earth at Armageddon, are not 'annulled' by the change in 'times and law' of Daniel 7:25.


We have already seen in the previous section that the ten horns and the fourth beast of Dan 7:7 symbolise the eighth king of Rev 17:11, in the second symbolism. We know that this king rules for ten years starting in Nisan 1998 (section 53), and we find three cryptic witnesses to this period of ten times in Daniel chapter 7. These are:

'And it had ten horns. I kept considering and look! another horn, a small one, came up in among them' (verse 7).

'There were a thousand thousands that kept ministering to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand that kept standing right before him' (verse 10).

'And as for the ten horns, out of that kingdom there are ten kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones' (verse 24).

The first scripture makes a comparison between the ten horns and the one small horn. The second scripture is very obviously saying ten times, twice. The third scripture is comparing ten with one twice, which shows us that these ten horns and kings have a greater symbolic meaning, involving ten times (see section 21.1 for justification). So let us now reconsider this fourth beast in the second symbolism. Verse 8 says:

'Look! another horn, a small one, came up in among them, and there were three of the first horns that were plucked up form before it. And, look! there were eyes like the eyes of a man in this horn, and there was a mouth speaking grandiose things.'

We have now found a verse in the bible which has the word 'Look!' twice. This has the meaning that there are two things that we should look at in this verse. Now the fist 'look!' directs our attention to the three horns that fall before this little horn takes over. This means that the little horn will appear after three times, i.e. it will appear in Nisan 2001. We already know that this is when the UN takes full and absolute worldwide power after the manner of Nimrod (see section 55). Therefore the little horn represents the UN taking this absolute power, which is why it is speaking all of the grandiose things (like 'peace & security' - 1 Thess 5:3). Now this horn then fulfils verse 25 for a second time, because in addition to the harassing of the holy ones that it performed for 3.5 times starting Tishri 1914 (see previous section), it will further 'harass continually the holy ones themselves of the supreme one', who will be 'given into his hand for a time, times and half a time', from Nisan 14, 2001 until Tishri 15, 2004 CE. It will not be able to do any further harassing after this because these holy ones will all have died by then and will all be in heaven 41 days later on Heshvan 26, 2004 (sections 56,57).

The second 'look!' describes this small horn as having the two eyes of a man and as having a boasting mouth. This statement is very cryptic, because the first lion-like beast had 'two feet just like a man', and the second bear-like beast had a mouth with three ribs in it. Now when Joseph heard about Pharaoh's dream of the seven cows and the seven ears of grain, he pronounced that the two dreams, both of which involved the same number of participants, were 'but one' (Gen 41:25). Furthermore his pronouncement was inspired by the one, who himself has said: 'I am Jehovah, I have not changed' (Mal 3:6). So this second feature of the small horn on the fourth beast, namely that it had in it the three things of the two eyes and the one mouth, and the first feature, namely that three horns were 'plucked up' from before it, are but one.

This is possible because the first beast had two 'wings of an eagle' and 'stood up on two feet just like a man' (verse 4), and therefore lasted for two times, in the second symbolism (two wings are compared with one eagle and two feet are compared with one man). The bear-like beast, the 'second one', had 'three ribs in its mouth' (verse 5), and therefore lasted for three times. The third beast had four wings and four heads and was 'one like a leopard' (verse 6), and therefore lasted for four times. This makes a total on nine times (2+3+4), and this is why we read in verse 12:

'But as for the rest of the beasts, their rulerships were taken away, and there was a lengthening in life given to them for a time and a season.'

If we add this time and a season to the nine times of the first three beasts then we get ten times and a season. These ten times of the first three beasts, are the ten times of the fourth beast with the ten horns, which are the ten years of the eighth king, which times run from Nisan 1998 until Nisan 2008 CE. The season is the length of Armageddon, which is five months. Whereas the ten times is the extent of the rulership of the UN over God's people, ten times and a season is the extent of it over the world, because they do not accept the rulership of the kingdom of God, which starts on Nisan 14, 2008, ten times after Nisan 1998.

Now we know why the three horns are said to be 'plucked up' (verse 8) from before the small horn. It is because the wings of the eagle of the first beast were 'plucked out' (verse 4). Now we know why it is that, whereas the bear-like beast had three ribs 'between its teeth' (verse 5), the fourth beast had 'teeth of iron, big ones' (verse 7). Now we know why it was said of the bear-like beast that 'on one side it was raised up' (verse 5), this was because the UN takes absolute worldwide power in Nisan 2001, after one year of its rulership of this organisation, thereby becoming 'raised up' at this time.

So the first three beasts are the first three rulerships of the fourth beast which is the eighth king, in the first nine years of its rule. In other words the history of the UN will be as follows:

Nisan 1998 - Nisan 2000 Rule by the lion-like first beast

Nisan 2000 - Nisan 2003 Rule by the bear-like second beast

Nisan 2003 - Nisan 2007 Rule by the leopard-like third beast

As mentioned in the previous section (64.1): Just as the holy ones receive the kingdom from time indefinite until time indefinite upon times indefinite (verse 18). So the four 'regnal times' or reigns of the four kings of the first symbolism are merely consecutive in time, but the reigns of the four kings of the second symbolism are 'upon' or superimposed on top of, or 'upon' each other, the first three reigning for the first nine years of the ten year reign of the fourth one as we have now seen. This is where things become very interesting, because now we can peer into the future of our planet, thanks to the carefully dispensed prophecy of Daniel, and thanks to the undeserved kindness of Jehovah.


It cannot be a coincidence the UK has a lion for its national emblem and the USA has an eagle, and that these two have been the ones who have set up the UN, when it was 'born-again' in 1945. The scripture is therefore indicating that for the first two years of rulership of the UN as the eighth king, it will still be dominated by the seventh world power. As regards this 'heart of a man' that it is given, we have read in Rev 17:17 that:

'God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out their one thought, by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished.'

So Jehovah puts into the hearts of the lion and the eagle to give their power to the UN, until his purposes are accomplished.


This beast does a lot of eating, and it may have something to do with the eastern block (the Russian bear). This is actually a very grim prophecy indeed. There will be a large number of people killed during the three years of the reign of this beast. These three years run from Nisan 2000 until Nisan 2003, and during this time the UN exerts absolute worldwide power after the manner of Nimrod. It also fulfils the scripture:

'Just like Nimrod a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah' (Gen 10:9)

Nimrod killed a lot of people, because that is how one became mighty back then. Now in the second world war there were about 38 million deaths (Rev bk p250). Yet the bible merely refers to this period as the period when the wild beast 'is not' (Rev 17:11). So when the bible says that they are saying to a wild beast:

'Get up, eat much flesh' (verse 5)

This means that a very large number of people are going to be killed by the UN. It is not inconceivable that this number could be twice or even five times or ten times the number killed in the second world war. On the one hand this is very alarming indeed, and this period may amount to a sort of 'third world war'. But on the other hand there are going to be even more people who are killed at Armageddon, if we are being realistic about these things.


This beast has 'given to it rulership indeed' (verse 6). This means that after Nisan 2003, nobody is questioning the UN anymore. It rules for four times, and it destroys Babylon the Great (too bad, too bad). Four also stands for spatial completeness, so we have a further confirmation of the worldwide power that the UN will exert during this period. What will happen in the last 'time and a season', starting in Nisan 2007 CE, is something that the true God will reveal to us in due course (Amos 3:7).


'And as for the ten horns, out of that kingdom there are ten kings that will rise up; and still another one will rise up after them, and he himself will be different from the first ones, and three kings he will humiliate' (Daniel 7:24).

'And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast' (Rev 17:12).

In the first symbolism of Dan 7:24, these ten kings were ten real kings, three of which were humiliated. Therefore in the second symbolism, the ten kings of Daniel 7:24 will not only stand for ten times starting in Nisan 1998, but also for ten real kings, because this is what Rev 17:12 says. Whilst we can only speculate on who they may be, and on whether they may all be members of a greater security council of the UN, we know for certain that there will be some act on the part on the ten foremost nations of the earth in Nisan 1998, which effectively gives over their power to the UN.


This chapter gives us what is possibly the simplest route of calculating the date of Armageddon. We first of all look for the repeated statements in this chapter, these are:

Whoever petitions anyone other than the king for THIRTY DAYS visits lions

The law of the Medes and the Persians is not annulled


Being thrown into the lion's pit

Daniel is lifted up out of the pit

All of these statements have therefore got a greater meaning. The symbolism employed is the following:

No. of Satraps: 120 = Nisan 1 1885 until Adar 30 2004

No. of High officials: 3 = Nisan 1 2005 until Adar 30 2007

King Darius as himself = King Jesus

King Darius under pres- = Seven headed wild beast

sure from high officials

Satraps & High officials = Christendom and rest of Babylon the Great

Daniel = Anointed brothers of second temple

Lions' pit = The paw of the wild beast+image (UN)

Darius' grandees = Heavenly anointed brothers

The account starts with Darius appointing 120 Satraps, who are to be 'over the Kingdom', and continually reporting to the King, so that the 'King himself might not become the loser' (verse 2). The way in which the Satraps are over the kingdom is prophetic, having a greater meaning because the holy spirit has left us several clues to a greater meaning for their number. In verse 5 & 6 we read:

'Consequently these able-bodied men were saying.....Accordingly these high officials and satraps themselves entered as a throng to the King.'

In verse 11 we read:

'At that time these able-bodied men themselves crowded in a found Daniel.'

These two scriptures are two witnesses, which tell us that the Satraps and the High Officials 'as a throng' i.e. 'crowded' have two meanings (Gen 41:25,23; Amos 3:3-7). The first meaning is that they represent Christendom, and the greater meaning of the 120 Satraps 'as a throng' is the temporal oversight of the Satraps, who stand for the number of years of the oversight of the second temple of anointed brothers, and Daniel stands for these anointed brothers. Now this figure is 120, so this oversight (of the Kingdom interests of the Lord Jesus, the greater Darius) started before 1914, which is why the Satraps were reporting back to their King all the time (verse 2), because he had not yet arrived in Heavenly Kingdom power, and even when he did in 1914, he still hadn't yet arrived in earthly kingdom power. The King was intending to elevate Daniel 'over all the Kingdom' (verse 3), because the Lord Jesus was intending to appoint the faithful and discreet slave, who are the remnant second temple of anointed brothers on earth, over 'all his belongings' (Mat 24:47). The three high officials are then placed over these satraps, and they are over them in the same sense that the Satraps are over the kingdom, i.e. temporally over them. Hereagain the physical is representing the temporal (sections 10,13,14,15,16,18, etc). So these three represent the last three years of oversight, after the end of the 'Satrap period' and before Jesus takes over completely, personally and visibly.

Now, it is evident that a very very important new prophecy has emerged from this. This is that the Lord Jesus, in heaven, appointed these Satraps to report back to him, before he took heavenly power in 1914, and that these Satraps, were making their reports as early as Nisan 1885. We say Nisan 1885 because the 120 Satraps stand for 120 Hebrew years, not Gregorian years. Also these sorts of prophecy where we tie up numbers of days or satraps with actual years, are merely accurate to the year, see section 50, on Daniel 10. The precise temporal meaning is therefore that the first administrative (regnal) year of the Satraps began in Nisan 1885, and the first administrative (regnal) year of the three high officials begins in Nisan 2005. So the question is:


The answer is that the Watchtower Society was incorporated on December 15, 1884, this was its accession year, and so its first administrative (regnal) Hebrew year started three months later in Nisan 1885 (JP p26)! We also know from section 57, that the last resurrection of the anointed brothers of the second temple occurs on Tishri 17, 2004, and so 2004 will be their last administrative year. It is a 120 year administration, the purpose of which is to report back to the heavenly King Jesus. This is the first prophecy which we have found which involves the start date of the Watchtower Society. If only brother Russel had known! But then he was acting out of faith. We will see more witnesses in the scriptures to the date of this incorporation. Meantime we can now say:


We already know from Daniel 12, that the ban on our activities starts on Elul 15, 2004, and the great tribulation starts on Tishri 15, 2004. Combining these things with the result above, we see that:


We read in verse 4, that 'At that time' these high officials and satraps were 'constantly seeking to find some pretext against Daniel respecting the Kingdom', this is the constant harassment that Jehovah's people faced from Christendom during the 1,260 days of prophesying in sackcloth and ashes (Rev 11:3) which ended on Nisan 14, 1918. This harassment resulted in the incarceration of the Governing body of Jehovah's witnesses on the 42nd day after this. The words 'At that time', in verse 4 are telling us that this time is the same time that: 'The King was intending to elevate him (Daniel) over all the kingdom', because of his 'extraordinary spirit' (verse 3).

As regards the identity of this 'extraordinary spirit' - let the reader use discernment, and this elevation of Daniel is the appointing of the faithful and discreet slave of Mat 24:45, the 'Daniel class', in this symbolism. The only pretext that these misled agents of their own death could find was one in the law of Daniel's God (Dan 6:5), which was the same pretext that the authorities of the USA used to lock up the brothers, at the instigation of the American clergy of Christendom, in that it was charged that their God-directed refusal to kill their fellow man, (1John 3:15) amounted to a crime against the state.

Eventually we read in verse 7 that these high officials and satraps persuaded the King to issue the interdict that: 'Whoever makes a petition to any god or man for thirty days except to you O king, should be thrown into the lions' pit' Since this prevented Daniel from worshipping Jehovah, because it precluded him from worshipping any god at all, this interdict stands symbolically for a compulsion to idolatry (and not a compulsion to worship Jesus, because Darius only stands for him when he is acting out of his own will, in this symbolism). The exact antitype of this is Rev 13:15 which says:

'And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.'

An incredibly accurate antitype, the lions' pit being the wrath of the image of the wild beast, which is the UN. Now it hopefully has not escaped the reader's attention that if Daniel is praying 'three times in a day' and if the interdict lasts for 'thirty days'. Then this is saying that the length of the greater interdict is calculated to be:

3 x 30 = 90 TIMES

Now the confirmation that this 90 year period begins on Nisan 14, 1918, which is when the interdict took affect from the point of view of the two witnesses of Rev 11:3, who were killed that day, thereby ceasing to worship anybody, is the repetition of the fact that the law of the Medes and the Persians cannot be annulled. Now we read in Daniel 7:25 about the Seven headed wild beast (here referred to as the small horn on the fourth beast): 'And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time.' Which period we now know runs from Tishri 15, 1914 until Nisan 14, 1918. We know from section 64.1, that the 360 day period from March 26th 1918 (Nisan 14, 1918) until March 21st 1919, was the change in 'times and law' that the small horn managed to effect.

We also know that whilst this change did delay the building up of the congregation, due to the fact that the governing body was in prison and hardly any preaching was possible, it did not delay or 'annul' Jehovah's timetable for Armageddon, which will start on Nisan 14, 2008 whether the small horn of Daniel 7:8 likes it or not. So the meaning of 'the law of the Medes and the Persians cannot be annulled' is that the date of the end, calculated from the fall of Babylon to the greater Mede and Persian of Jehovah and Jesus, cannot be changed or delayed. And so whereas the 1,260 days of feeding in the wilderness (Rev 12:6) were delayed by 360 days and did not start until March 21st 1919, the 90 times of Daniel 6 are not delayed at all, and therefore start on Nisan 14, 1918. Since we have already seen from verse 3, that this pretext being found, which is the two witnesses being killed, is coincident with the appointing of the faithful & discreet slave we can now say that:


So this 90 times from Nisan 14, 1918 would take us to Nisan 14, 2008 CE. The date of the start of the Kingdom of God, which is why we read in verses 25-27:

'Then it was that Darius the King himself wrote to ALL THE PEOPLES, the national groups and the tongues that are dwelling on the earth: "May your peace grow very much! From before me there is being put through an order that IN EVERY DOMINION OF MY KINGDOM, people are to be quaking and fearing before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and one enduring to times indefinite, and his kingdom is one that will not be brought to ruin, and his dominion is forever. He is rescuing and delivering and performing signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth.'

The peace of Jehovah's people will 'grow very much' after he has finished 'rescuing and delivering' (verse 27) them into Zoar, 75 days into Armageddon, see section 66.2. The rest of Mankind will quake in fear when his Kingdom comes in on Nisan 14, 2008, at the end of the 90 times of Daniel 6. During this period of the 90 times we read that Daniel is indeed thrown into the lions' pit, and in verse 17 we read:

'And a stone was brought and placed on the mouth of the pit, and the King sealed it with his signet ring and with the signet ring of his grandees, in order that nothing should be changed in the case of Daniel.'

This refers to the sealing by Holy spirit of those whom Daniel represents (Eph 1:13). The grandees who represent the heavenly anointed brothers of the earthly Daniel class, are sealed with the same signet ring, hence it is their signet ring as well. We then read that Jehovah rescues Daniel, on account of his innocence, which means his righteous standing, which is the righteous standing of all anointed Christians (1 Cor 6:11). And Daniel is then 'lifted up out of the pit'. This is the resurrection of all remaining anointed ones into heaven, which last occurs on Tishri 15, 2004, which is the final harvest. This lifting up out of the lion's pit has its fulfilment in Rev 15:2 which says:

'And I saw what seemed to be a glassy sea mingled with fire, and those who come off victorious from the wild beast and from its image and from the number of its name, standing by the glassy sea having harps of God.'

Which is all the anointed ones in heaven in Tishri 2004 CE. Those who have come off victorious from the wild beast are the 64,000 of the second temple. The 7 bowls are poured out after this!! see section 84. Then we read in verse 24 of the destruction of Babylon the Great by the image of the wild beast (the UN), which destruction occurs between Tishri 2004 and Nisan 2008, for the exact date see sections 70 & 86.

So Daniel chapter 6 is not merely the story of a great prophet of Jehovah who was thrown into a pit of lions and rescued therefrom. It is really the story of the greater Daniel of Jehovah's anointed servants, who are the Watchtower Society. And it starts at the incorporation of the Watchtower Society itself, whose anointed members, having kept their integrity to him, and having avoided any act of worship toward the wild beast or its image, come off victorious and are resurrected into heaven. Finally, the more astute reader may have recognised by now the parallel between the 33.5 year earthly life of Jesus and the first thirty three and a half years of the Watchtower Society, namely:

Jesus anointed Jesus anointed Jesus'

Jesus born to build temple as the Messiah Jesus killed ascension



Tishri 2 BCE Tishri 10 CE Tishri 29 CE Nisan 33 CE Iyyar 33 CE

Watchtower Start of 2nd 2 witnesses 2 witnesses 1st temple

Soc. incorp. baptism anointed killed ascension



~Tishri 1884 Tishri 1895 Tishri 1914 Nisan 1918 Iyyar 1918

The only imperfection in this comparison is the birth of the Watchtower Society as a corporate body, which was officially recognised by the courts on December 15, 1884, which was just over two months late as regards the type of Jesus' life. It would be very interesting to see when the incorporation was actually first applied for by brother Russel, who actually wrote the society's charter himself, which presumably took some time (2 months??). We will look in more detail at this comparison in section 82. Incidentally the instant and total devouring of Daniel's accusers by the lions in verse 24, is the destruction of Babylon the Great by the UN.


As this section is being written, there are (at least) two people on the earth who know that Luke is a book of great cryptic prophecy! Luke himself probably had no idea of just how prophetic his book was, and 'neither the angels of the heavens nor the son' knew about it in those days (Mat 24:36). But we are now at last in 'the time of the end' (Dan 8:17), which time began on February 1 1992. The amazing thing is that the reader will have more than likely read this account many many times before, but never got the full meaning of it. This was due to no shortcoming on his part, it was a miracle, a true and divine and modern day miracle, because:

Jehovah himself had actually sealed up, not only the book of Daniel, but parts of all the books from Genesis through to Revelation, and he had sealed them all until 1 February 1992!

And do you know how he had sealed them? It was by allowing his people to believe that they were in fact unsealed, and that in any event nobody could ever know 'that day or hour' (Mat 24:36). We have considered the unsealing of Daniel in section 43, we will look at Matthew 24:36 in the next section (66.1).


One way to see where the whole earth (since 1975) has gone wrong here, is to look at Mark chapter 13 verses 26,32,33 and Matthew 24:30. Matthew 24:30 and Mark 13:26 describe the day when 'the son of man is to be revealed', it is absolutely imperative to realise that this is not a symbolic or a spiritual revealing. It is a literal revealing which is visible to all men, the result of which is that: 'all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation' (Mat 24:30), this is not something that they would do if the revealing was symbolic or spiritual. If you do not believe that this is literal then you do not believe in a literal Kingdom of God! Brothers it is being said to you that:


Because Apocalypse means - revealing. This is why John himself quotes Matthew 24:30, in Rev 1:7, which says: 'Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves with grief because of him. Yes, Amen.' It is with respect to the timing of this day of revealing that Mark 13:32 says: 'Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven or the Father'. But the very next verse says: 'Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is' which appointed time is referring to 1914 (in the first fulfilment), because this time is the time when the 'man travelling abroad' in verse 34, who is 'the master of the house' in verse 35 returns. Verses 33-36 read:

'Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. It is like a man travelling abroad that left his house and gave the authority to his slaves, to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to keep on the watch. Therefore keep on the watch for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day or at midnight or at cockcrowing or early in the morning; in order that when he arrives suddenly, he does not find you sleeping.'

This is initially referring to the coming of Jesus as the heavenly King in Tishri 1914, at the end of the 'appointed times of the nations' (Luke 21:24). It has a greater fulfilment which is his coming at the 'appointed time of the end' (Dan 8:19), which was February 1, 1992. This was the sudden coming during the fourth watch, which rather than being the fourth watch in the Hebrew day of the doorkeeper, is actually the fourth watch in the Lord's day of the Watchtower Society. The first three were those of doorkeepers Russel, Rutherford and Knorr. The purpose of this coming is to wake his people up, which is why we read in verse 36: 'In order that when he arrives suddenly, he does not find you sleeping'. This scripture is a prophecy which has already been fulfilled, we will look at this in section 90.

Now if verse 32 really did mean that nobody could ever know the date of the revealing of the son of man (which date is Sivan 29, 2008 CE), until presumably that date actually arrived, which hypothesis we will call the 'assumption of fear', then verse 33 would also have to mean the same thing. Namely that nobody could ever know the date of the 'man who had travelled abroad's return (which was Tishri 15, 1914 CE), until the date when he actually returned.

But this did not occur, because brother Russel knew this date in 1877, which was some 37 years previous to its arrival. Therefore our initial hypothesis, the 'assumption of fear' is false, and there is indeed no scriptural reason in Matthew or Mark, why men or angels should not know this later date of the revealing of the son of man, 37 years, or even more than 37 years, before he is actually revealed. A similar argument to the above can be made for Matthew 24:42, which says: 'Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming,' because this too applies to the coming of 1914, in the first fulfilment. There is however a scriptural reason in Daniel chapter eight why men, at the least, cannot know this date until after 1 February 1992. We will look at this in the section on that chapter of Daniel. There are two other reasons why we can in fact know this crucial date. One is that as mentioned in section 1, Jesus was merely answering a question from his disciples as to when the conclusion of the system of things would be (Mat 24:3), when he effectively said: 'I myself do not know that right now'. This would not preclude him or anyone else from knowing the day or the hour at a later date, although in fact nobody had any scriptural proof for this date until the time of the end had begun, which probably is the prophetic import of Matthew 24:36. The final reason why we can know it now, is that we know it anyway!

Now readers and brothers and all men of the earth: 'Taste and see that Jehovah the former of the earth, who formed it even to be inhabited is good Oh you people' (Psalms 34:8, Isaiah 45:18) for 'he has done surpassingly' (Isaiah 12:5). Luke 17:20 says: 'The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness', of course it isn't, why do you think that the whole bible is written in illustrations? Is it not to teach us not to look at the striking and observable things of Satan's visible system, but rather to look behind these, to look at the invisible things, the spiritual things which we see with our heart, which means we see them only if our heart wants to see them. What we see with striking observableness is a lie and a deception, what we see with eyes of faith is the truth, which is the Christ.

But this very chapter tells us that whereas on Nisan 14, 2008 we are not going to see a lot happening, we will not have to wait very long at all before we see Jesus Christ himself. And not only with eyes of faith will we see him then, because the whole world will see him, and it will certainly be with striking observableness and 'every knee will bend' (Isaiah 45:23), and the wicked ones will 'beat themselves with lamentation' (Mat 24:30).

Luke 17:26-30, compares Armageddon to the days of Noah and the days of Lot. Does this mean that we will get very wet at Armageddon? Does it mean that we will be symbolically flooded, with the greater deluge of the wrath of God the almighty? Will we be burned with fire and sulphur? Will we be symbolically burned with the greater fire and sulphur of the judgements of God? All of these questions arise from a two dimensional understanding of the bible, these dimensions being the literal and the symbolic dimensions. But as mentioned in section 58, this book is three dimensional (Eph 3:18). In the time of the end, Jehovah has now made manifest his love for his people in a wonderful way (Isaiah 29:14), he has opened their eyes to the cryptic dimension to his Holy book, which is a dimension of pure fun and of pure love and of pure truth, because Jehovah is the happy God (1 Tim 1:11), and this is the love of the Christ of Eph 3:19.

It is not for the most part a doctrinal or corrective or even judgemental dimension, it is a dimension of salvation, it is as we have already said, his ultimate written expression of his love for his glorious creation of man, which his most glorious creation of his firstborn son has saved. And the manner and timing of this saving he has not hidden from us, and it is most certainly not the case, that no man can know the day or the hour, rather it is the case that for a certainty:

'Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant' (Dan 12:4).

'For the sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a single thing without revealing his confidential matter to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7).'

Now since the last prophet died in the first century, all of the things that Jehovah is going to do must already be recorded in the bible. And of course they are, but they had been sealed up, because Dan 12:4 applies to the sealed bible, which is its third dimension, its cryptic dimension. One might even go so far as to say that the three comings of Jesus, namely the way the truth and the life, which refer to first the law, second to the first century ministry and third to the twentieth century ministry, are expressed in terms of the literal the symbolic and the cryptic respectively. Let us now have a look then at the cryptic meaning of Luke 17:26-30 in the next section.


'Moreover just as it occurred in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the son of man: they were eating, they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage, until that day when Noah entered into the ark, and the flood arrived and destroyed them all. Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building. But on the day that Lot came out of Sodom it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all. The same way it will be on that day when the son of man is to be revealed.'

It is fervently hoped that the very first thing that comes into the reader's mind is Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7. If not then please consider the below helpful reminder:

GEN 41:25,32, AMOS 3:3-7 GEN 41:25,32, AMOS 3:3-7 GEN 41:25,32, AMOS 3:3-7 GEN 41:25,32, AMOS 3:3-7

THIS IS THE KEY, LOOK! EVEN THE KEY YOU ARE BEING GIVEN, BECAUSE THESE THINGS HAVE BEEN HIDDEN DOWN TO THIS DAY! (to phrase the above prophetically). Yes, the two are 'but one', and the concept that is repeated is the concept of marriage, and this is prophetically referring to the greatest of all marriages, the marriage of the lamb, which we know takes place on Nisan 14, 2008 CE. And 'until that day', we are told 'when Noah entered into the ark'. Yes, this is why he entered into the ark seven days before the flood (Gen 7:4), it was because the ark door closes for the anointed in Nisan 2001 CE, seven years before the greater flood of Armageddon, taking a day for a year, in the greater flood (see sections 74,75). Because the scripture says:

'And those going in, male and female of every sort of flesh, went in, just as God had commanded him. After that Jehovah shut the door behind him' (Gen 7:16).

So Jehovah shut the door! This was not because Noah, who had built not only this door, but also the whole Ark, was unable to shut the door to the ark that he himself had built. This scripture is a prophecy, and the seven days of waiting is mentioned in Gen 7:4 and Gen 7:10, which means that there is a greater meaning to the length of this period (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). Well the greater period is the seven years after Nisan 2001 CE when Jehovah shuts the door of the heavenly calling, even the door to which Peter has all three keys.

Now we are beginning to see the resemblance between the week of years starting in Tishri 29 CE, and the last week, the week of years starting in Nisan 2001 CE. In fact the baptism and anointing of Jesus on Tishri 10, 29 CE, seven years before the end of the fleshly Abrahamic covenant, prefigures the last anointing of his brothers on earth in Nisan 2001 CE, seven years before the end of the spiritualised Abrahamic covenant. The flood then lasted for 150 days until the ark found dry land (Gen 8:3), this is the literal length of Armageddon, we will see this by a comparison of the account of the flood with the account of the destruction of Sodom, because these two accounts are 'but one'.

In the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking and getting married (mentioned twice!), all of the things that will occur at the marriage of the lamb (symbolically). Whereas in the days of Lot, they were eating and drinking, yes, but then they were doing everything other than getting married, in fact they were doing four other long term things, namely:


The combining and comparing of these two accounts, which is what Joseph has told us to do under inspiration in Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, shows us that this marriage of the lamb (Rev 19:9), will go completely unnoticed throughout the whole earth, which is why there are four long term pursuits that were going on in Sodom before the end, four meaning four-square and earthwide. And this is what Luke 17:20 means when it says: 'The Kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness'. In other words not only was the heavenly advent of this kingdom invisible but also the earthly advent will have no big fanfare either, which is really a fantastic thing. Because all of the world will actually be in the Kingdom of God, yes even in the thousand year reign, and they will be totally unaware of it!!


Now the question that then is begged is: For how long into the thousand year reign will this situation persist? Or in other words, when will the day be when the lack of striking observableness ends? In other words still, when will be 'that day when the son of man is to be revealed' (verse 30)? In other words, when will the apocalypse about which John has written truly be? Well the scripture has already told us this, because it says that this day will be the same as 'the day that Lot came out of Sodom' (verse 29). So let us look very closely at this account in Genesis 18 and 19. The Key verse is Gen 29:19, which says:

'And it came about that when God brought the cities of the district to ruin, God kept ABRAHAM IN MIND in that he TOOK STEPS to send Lot out in the MIDST of the overthrow, when overthrowing the cities among which Lot had been dwelling.'

The first thing that we notice is the repetition of overthrow, which means that overthrow is standing for something greater than just the District of Sodom. We then notice that Lot is sent out in the midst of the overthrow, and that 'God kept Abraham in mind in that he took steps'. Well how many steps did God take, keeping Abraham in mind?? The answer to this is the negotiation that Jehovah had with Abraham over the number of Righteous men in Sodom. The account of which says, (Gen 18:22-33):

'.....Suppose there are 50 righteous men in the MIDST of the city. Will you then sweep them away and not pardon them for the sake of the 50 righteous who are inside it?.....Then Jehovah said: "If I shall find in Sodom 50 righteous men in the MIDST of the city I will pardon the whole place on their account......"

The repetition of the number of righteous men being fifty, and of the fact that they are in the midst of the city establishes this negotiation as being prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). The steps of this negotiation are the following:

STEP 1 50 to 45

STEP 2 45 to 40

STEP 3 40 to 30

STEP 4 30 to 20

STEP 5 20 to 10

So there were five steps taken between the six stages or figures of the negotiation. This we have seen before in Num 11:19 - see section 56. Now in this account the angels wake Lot up at crack of Dawn, and tell him to get his skates on (Gen 19:15). Lot then gets worried about his ability to flee far enough in one day and so he says to Jehovah in verse 20:

'Please now, this city is nearby to flee there and it is a small thing. May I please escape there - is it not a small thing? - and my soul will live on.'

Jehovah consents and this is a fulfilment of the scripture which says: 'For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no nor will occur again. In fact unless those days were cut short. no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short' (Mat 24:21,22: section 69 deals with other fulfilments to this scripture).

Because the cutting short of the distance that Lot had to run is the cutting short of the length of the great tribulation. In particular, the cutting in half of Armageddon as regards its effect on God's people. Lot ran for one whole day, because he arrived in Zoar, 'when the sun had gone forth over the land' (verse 23). In the Hebrew day, there was only one step - namely the hour. There were no minutes and no seconds and certainly there were no microseconds and nanoseconds like we have today! And so the five steps in the negotiation, that Jehovah took 'to send Lot out of the MIDST of the overthrow' (verse 29), symbolise five hours. And now we are going to apply the well known bible rule of 'a day for a year' this gives us:

5/24 of a day = 5 hours

5/24 of a year = 5 x 360/24 days = 75 days

At last we understand why Abraham negotiated so hard with Jehovah. He was inspired to do so, and this negotiation was not merely buying a better chance for the survival of his nephew Lot, it was actually buying time (75 days), for the Great Crowd to get out of Satan's system, as soon as the Kingdom on earth starts. So now we see that Lot, the nephew of Abraham, being not a part of his immediate family, but part of his extended family, pictures the Great Crowd, whereas Abraham pictures his own seed. And it is pointed out here that the two men Abraham and Lot separated before this time because of their large flocks (Gen 13:9), which separation represents the full number of the anointed being in heaven before the marriage of the lamb. Furthermore, 75 days is the MIDST of the overthrow, and so Armageddon lasts 150 days, as we have seen from the account of the flood. This period of 150 days is mentioned explicitly in Gen 7:24 and Gen 8:3, so it does have a greater meaning (section 2). Thereagain we read in Gen 19:3;

'Then he made a feast for them, and he baked unfermented cakes, and they went to eating.'

So here is a situation where on the night before the overthrow of Sodom, we have angels eating unfermented cakes! Why were they doing this? The passover was not instigated until around 400 years later. Well it was a prophetic thing that they were doing there, they were indicating that the marriage feast of the lamb would be on Nisan 14, and that it would be the night preceding Lot's run to Zoar - which in the Hebrew calendar was actually the same day. Finally we have our second witness to Daniel 12:12 (section 49.2). Yes the Great Crowd will be very 'happy' when they reach the greater Zoar 1,335 days after Tishri 15, 2004 inclusive (Dan 12:12).

There is a second witness to this period of 5 hours, taken a day for a year, and that comes from Gen 19:16,17 which reads:

'Then in the compassion of Jehovah upon him, the men seized hold of his his hand and of the hand of his wife and of the hands of his two daughters and they proceeded to bring him and to station him outside the city.' And it came about that as sonn as they had brought them forth to the outskirts, they (LXX) began to say : "Escape for your soul!'

So all of those who were rescued were removed by the hand. Cryptically the hand stands for 5 times in the bible, due to the five fingers (see sections 38, 58, 98, 21.1). Here it stands for five times, as a second witness to the five times that Jehovah changed the number of people found to be righteous in order for the region to be saved. However we can do better still because the scripture does not say that 'they proceeded to bring them and to station them outside the city' it says rather that: 'they proceeded to bring him and to station him outside the city'. Two references to 'him' rather than to 'them' (Amos 3:3-7, Gen 41:25,31, LS[2]). This is not a mistake! it is telling us something about the number of people (because if you grab four people by the hand you do not end up only taking one out), in fact the total number of people who came out of the city was four, and taking each one by the hand we have 20 times (20 fingers, five on each hand). Because the scripture has twice divided out Lot (him) from the rest. Well this is pretty deep, but Lot is standing for 6 times, his soul and his five fingers, now if his soul escapes, which is what the next few verses are about then he is standing for five times, if he ('him') is divided out from the total ('them'), then the division is:

5/24 times = 5/24 years = 75 days

This is our second witness, although it is more of a confirmation that the first calculation is correct than it is a witness in its own right (see the two sparrows in section 71, and the tent cloths in section 43 for further examples of this). When the Kingdom arrives, we will have 75 days to get right out of Sodom, and we will have to run for our lives. And Jehovah for his part, is 'not able to do a thing until your arriving there' (Gen 19:22). Which is why the Kingdom of God on earth is not coming with any striking observableness. All of the striking observableness is coming after the Great Crowd are safe in Zoar. A plan which Jehovah devised a very long time ago indeed. In fact the timetable of the flood has an even greater significance, to the timetable for the complete vindication of his name, and for the salvation of man, as we shall see in section 101. This is why we read in Daniel 9:26 'And the end of it will be by the flood'.


This small book is the story of three months in the second year of Darius the King, which was the year 520 BCE (Insight 1 p583). It is the story of the recommencing of the building work on the second temple, which had been banned for two years. We shall here discover however, that not only is this the story of the second physical temple in Jerusalem, but it is also the story of the second spiritual temple of Christ's brothers in heaven, the story of the 64,000 anointed ones from the twentieth century. The timetable is as follows:

ELUL 1 'This is what Jehovah of armies has said: "As regards this people, they have said: 'The time has not come, the time of the house of Jehovah, for it to be built'"' (verse 2).

'And Jehovah proceeded to rouse up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, the governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest, and the spirit of all the remaining ones of the people' (verse 14).

ELUL 24 'And they began to enter in and to do the work in the house of Jehovah' (verse 14).

TISHRI 21 'Say please to Zerubbabel.... and to Joshua.. and the remaining ones of the people, saying, "Who is there among you that is remaining over, who saw this house in its former glory?"' (Haggai 2:3)

CHISLEV 24 'And the word of Jehovah proceeded to occur a second time to Haggai on the 24th day of the month, saying: "Say to Zerubbabel the governor of Judah, I am rocking the heavens and the earth. And I shall certainly overthrow the throne of Kingdoms and annihilate the strength of the nations; and I will overthrow (the) chariot and its riders, and (the) horses and their riders will certainly come down, each one by the sword of his brother"' (Haggai 2:22).

"'In that day,' is the utterance of Jehovah of armies, 'I shall take you, O Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, my servant' is the utterance of Jehovah; 'And I shall certainly set you as a seal ring, because you are the one whom I have chosen'" (Haggai 2:23).

The application of this to the second spiritual temple is as follows:

ELUL 1 This is the year 1895, five months after the start of the year, which was Nisan 1. These five months represent five times, from 95 CE to 1895 CE, the Apostate Times section 38. 'A month for a time' is also used in Rev 11:2 - see section 82. This is the year that the greater Zerubbabels and the greater Joshuas, who will be 'priests of God and of the Christ and rule as kings with him' (Rev 20:6) were first anointed, the beginning of the second baptism. It is most important to understand that this baptism was not their (this people's) commissioning to build their second spiritual temple, because this commissioning occurred in Tishri 1982, see section 94, which was 22.5 years before the second spiritual temple was inaugurated on Tishri 17, 2004. But is was the time when the first spiritual temple was commissioned, that which was to be composed of the first century brothers and their King, and this temple was inaugurated on Nisan 16, 1918, when the first temple brothers were raised, 22.5 years later.

ELUL 24 This is the year 1918 (taking a day for a year), when the 'first temple' of brothers entered in to their temple in heaven.

TISHRI 21 This does not appear to stand for a year (the writer is not aware of anything that happened in 1945 related to this scripture), but rather since the scripture is telling us that there is no one left from the first temple, and since Tishri 21 is the first of the 64 days that end on Chislev 24, which is the end of the account of the second temple. it is actually confirming that there will be 64,000 brothers in this second spiritual temple, taking a day for 1000 brothers!

CHISLEV 24 This is the year 2008 (still taking a day for a year). The first scripture in verse 22, is evidently referring to Armageddon. The second in verse 23, is equally evidently referring to the marriage of the lamb, the 'seal ring' is the wedding ring.

This book is really a very clear confirmation of the timetable for Jehovah's second spiritual temple in the heavens. When brother Russel made the most eloquent of remarks about the silver and the gold of Haggai 2:8, he was not permitted to know then, what this timetable meant, but now we are so permitted, as no doubt he is, from his current everlasting heavenly position. There is a much more detailed version of this sort of prophecy in Ezra 10 - see section 102.


There are two features to this chapter. The first feature is the account in verses 3-12, of the ram with the two horns who gets killed by the goat with a conspicuous horn between its eyes, which gets broken and four horns come out of it, towards the four winds of the heavens. Then from one of these four horns, a further small horn comes forth, still on the goat! This horn is the one that causes problems for Jehovah's people. The angel Gabriel tells Daniel what this means in terms of Persia and Greece, which is the first symbolism. He also tells Daniel that the vision is for the 'time of the end', so we know that these horned animals have a greater symbolic meaning than that which was explicitly explained by the angel Gabriel. This greater meaning is applicable now in the time of the end!

Although even if the angel Gabriel had not said this, we would suspect that there was a further meaning to this scripture, because first of all there is a lot of repetition in the account, which means that there is a repetition of meanings as well, i.e. a greater meaning (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). And in the second place this account is in the book of Daniel, so we would suspect it to have more than one meaning!

The second feature is the speech of the holy one who is speaking to the other holy one about the 2,300 evenings and mornings in verse 13-27. Thankfully, in this chapter, these two components are not all tied up in a knot, like the two symbolic meanings of Daniel chapter five were! So we can start by considering the 2,300 evenings and mornings separately.


The reader is recommended to read the chapter on Daniel 12 before reading this, because the symbolism is the same in both chapters, and if he hasn't yet read section 49, on Daniel 12, he has missed something from Jehovah, which is really beautiful. Assuming then, that we are familiar with that chapter of Daniel and section 49; we know that the watercourse of the Ulai, stands for the river of life, which river has banks of Nisan 1918 and of Tishri 2004, both banks being 3.5 times wide. In Daniel chapter 12, there were two men/angels standing one on each bank, and this symbolised the fact that the 3.5 times of verse 7, applied twice, once to each bank. The same symbolism is being used here, because there are two holy ones, and the one asks the other how long the vision will last and the other tells Daniel the answer. So there are in fact two periods of '2,300 evenings and mornings', and since in verse 16, the further able-bodied man whose voice Daniel hears is said to be 'in the MIDST of the Ulai', we know that both of these '2,300 evenings and mornings' periods are in the midst of the river, or in other words occur between the two banks of Nisan 1918 and Tishri 2004.

A further clue is given us in verse 26, where the Angel Gabriel says to Daniel: "And the thing seen, concerning the evening and the morning, which has been said, it is true." Notice that evening and morning are singular here, whereas they were plural in verse 16. This is not a mistake in the bible! It is the angel telling us that there are two periods involved in this vision and one occurs in the morning and one occurs in the evening of the Lord's day, or of the river of life, if you will pardon the mixing of symbolisms. In other words the first period will start pretty close to Nisan 1918, and the second period will end pretty close to Tishri 2004.

Now the name of this vision is :


What do we know about the constant feature? Well it was a sacrifice of two sound year old male lambs, which occurred every day, two times in a day, once in the evening and once in the morning (Num 28:3,4). One lamb was sacrificed in the evening and one lamb was sacrificed in the morning. Jehovah's symbolism is so accurate, because the two periods that this vision represents are also one in the morning and one in the evening, as we have seen already. Now if the constant feature was a sacrifice 'two times in a day', well, then the vision of the constant feature should be interpreted in the same way, and so both the evening and the morning periods would last not for 2,300 days but they would in fact last 4,600 times (2 x 2,300 = 4,600). We then take a day for a year, because 4,600 years is rather long, and we get 4,600 days. Alternatively, if you like, we are taking 'a day for a constant feature sacrifice'.

One further point is that even under the Hebrew calendar, the constant feature was a genuine daily occurrence, it happened every day of the year, including the days which fell after the end of the Hebrew year, and so were in the extra bit of a month that they would add on, the intercalary month or second Adar (Insight 1 p390). What this means is that:


All other prophecies, at least those that we are so far aware of, relate to the prophetic form of the Hebrew calendar. So now that we know exactly how long both of these periods are, in that they are both 4,600 literal days of the gregorian calendar long, the next question is: When did they start, or finish?

Well, the first period ends with the Holy place being 'brought into its right condition' (verse 14). The current understanding of this (which is of course a pre-unsealing understanding, and therefore has to be wrong - Dan 12:4), is that this right condition occurred by announcement in the Watchtower magazine on October 15, 1932 (YW p216)! This is counting 2,300 literal days from May 25, 1926, the convention at the Albert Hall. Well the problem with that interpretation is that, whereas the Watchtower announced that the society was no longer democratic in October 15, 1932, from which it is deduced that the sanctuary was then in the 'right condition', the true God himself had given his name to the members of the society over a year earlier, at the convention in Columbus Ohio, on July 24-30, 1931.

It is therefore suggested that Jehovah had actually brought his sanctuary into its right condition by then. Because if the true God had not done so, we would then have a situation where his name would be associated with something which was not in a right condition, which is an impossibility. This is of course the implication of the society's current position.

So if we count back exactly 4,600 literal days starting from the evening of July 22nd 1931, because the 4,600 days are all 'unclean' days. Also we remember that the Hebrew day starts in the evening, so the Hebrew day from the evening of July 23 to the evening of July 24, since this contained the first day of the convention, was the day that the sanctuary was 'brought into its right condition', and therefore was a 'clean' day. And if we include all the leap years, which occurred in 1920,1924,1928, then we end up on the evening of December 18th 1918:

Dec 18E 1918 to Dec 31E 1918 = 13 days

Jan 1E 1919 to Dec 31E 1931 = 4383 days

Jan 1E 1931 to July 23E 1931 = 204 days


E = Evening. 4600 days

December 18th 1918, from evening onwards, was therefore the first hebrew day after the 'transgression causing desolation' (verse 13). This transgression, which marks the start of this period, was, it is suggested, the letter sent by the Executive committee of the Federal council of churches (Alias Christendom), to President Wilson (Alias the wild beast), which was dated December 18, 1918, (W79 July 1 p7). This abysmal declaration is quoted in the Daniel book (YW p207) and was Christendom siding with the wild beast against the true God, a most desolating transgression. There is a second witness to this being the correct interpretation of the 4,600 days in Joshua 7, see section 70, and a third in Luke 13, see section 72. We should, of course, expect such further witnesses from the author of the Mosaic law (Deut 19:15).

The writer for his part now praises and congratulates the faithful and discreet slave, because whilst they had not been given the absolutely correct interpretations of various matters which were sealed up in any event, the holy spirit has nevertheless directed them in such a way that all of the information that is needed to get the correct interpretation, which one can only do once the bible is unsealed, is actually available from their own publications. This is pretty miraculous, when one considers that these accurate interpretations of the final timetable, were not known. Two examples of this are this letter of Dec 18, in the Daniel book (YW), and the section on the Locust in the Insight book.

Fine, so we know when the first period, the morning period, of 4,600 literal days was. Now the question is: When is the second period, or the evening period, of 4,600 literal days? Well it is easy to find out when this period ends because we are told this in Daniel chapter 12 verse 11 which says:

'And from the time that the constant feature has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be 1,290 days.'

Since the 4,600 days is a vision of the constant feature, it is evident that when this feature has been removed, then this period is over. Now we know from Dan 12:11 (section 49.1) that the 1,290 day period 'from the time that the constant feature has been removed' until Armageddon, started on Elul 15, 2004 CE. In the year 2004, the passover for the Jews is on April 6th according to the Royal Greenwich observatory's calculations. This is normally the same day or one day out from the memorial. The writer, having read all of the Watchtowers on how the memorial is calculated, is still uncertain about how the society does it. He would be grateful for a definitive elucidation. Presumably the date is calculated from precise new moon tables plus 18-30 hours, consideration being given to whether it is night or day in Jerusalem, and then add on 14 days (whilst the writer may have been given the true God's interpretations of the bible, calculating the date of the memorial is something which is beyond his grasp!). It would appear that the information in the Watchtowers is of little use without a new moon timetable for Jerusalem! However the memorial in 1985 was on April 4th as determined by the society. Due to the Metonic Cycle (Insight 1 p390), which shows us that the pattern repeats every 19 years, one would expect that the memorial in 2004 would have to be on the same day, or one day at most out. So combining the Metonic prediction of April 4th with the Jewish prediction of April 6th, since both are at most one day out, we take April 5th as the memorial in 2004 CE.

Anyway subject to any correction to this date for the memorial of April 5th 2004, we calculate that the 1,290 days will start on the 151st day after April 5th (Nisan 14 to Elul 15 exclusive is 150 days), which lands us up on September 4th 2004. Which means that the constant feature will be removed on the Hebrew day starting from the evening of September 4th and ending in the evening of September 5th 2004, because the passover starts in the evening of April 5th. Now if we count back 4,600 literal days from this date, including the leap years of 2004, 2000, 1996, 1992, we end up on the evening of February 1st 1992.

Feb 1E 1992 to Dec 31E 1992 = 335 days

Jan 1E 1993 to Dec 31E 2003 = 4017 days

Jan 1E 2004 to Sep 4E 2004 = 248 days


E=Evening. 4600 days

The angel Gabriel tells us in verse 18 that: 'The vision is for the time of the end'. Therefore we can now say that:


The writer himself first calculated that Armageddon was in 2008 CE, from a parallel to the Gentile and Alienation Times (this parallel was to become the prophecy of the Exedenic Times - section 12), on 21 January 1992. He did not get an explicit bible witness to the Exedenic Times, which first came in the form of the curse of Cain of Gen 4:15, until the very day of February 1, 1992. The main recollection that he now has of February 1, is that he had a pizza with some of the brothers and a sister that evening. The sister asked the writer:

"Have you worked out when Armageddon is yet?"

The writer thought to himself: 'She has asked this question on exactly the right day, because today I know for a fact that its 2008, because I have just understood the greater meaning of the curse of Cain in Gen 4:15 (section 13).' The writer then said to the sister: "Yes". She replied: "So when is it?" The writer then said:

"You will never reach 50!"

It is not necessary for there to have been a convention to mark this date because there was no action taken by the society to correspond with this prophecy. The writer did not turn his attention to the book of Daniel until early March. Daniel itself was therefore allowed to be unsealed by holy spirit by the time that the writer actually had a look at it with a view to understanding its greater meanings.

This date is absolutely crucial in Jehovah's timetable, we are now in the real 'time of the end', which is the run up to Armageddon, during which time, the full meaning of all of the bible will be made available to us by the holy spirit (Dan 12:4). We therefore have a lot of very rewarding work to do!

Obviously, since the book of Daniel is now truly unsealed, as is evidenced by this book - to an extent! - we have to be in the time of the end, which means that 4,600 literal days, must really be the true interpretation of Daniel 8. We would have had severe problems if we had unsealed Daniel before the Holy word prophesied that this was going to happen! There are further witnesses to this in Joshua 7 - see section 70, and Luke 13 - see section 72, as mentioned above.


Finally we will examine the second part of this chapter, which is the account of the ram with the two horns who gets killed by the goat with a conspicuous horn between its eyes, which gets broken and four horns come out of it, towards the four winds of the heavens. Then from one of these four horns, a further small horn comes forth, still on the goat! This horn is the one that causes problems for Jehovah's people, as mentioned earlier.

Angel Gabriel himself has given us the first symbolism of this vision in verses 20-25. This symbolism is the same as the first symbolism of Daniel 7:2-12. We will not look at this here, we will just look at the second symbolism, which relates to the second symbolism of Daniel 7:2-12.

Firstly, it is pretty obvious that the ram with the two horns, wherein the taller horn came up later (verse 3) is the Anglo-American dual world power, indeed we already know that this power is pictured by a wild beast which has 'two horns like a lamb' (Rev 13:11, Rev bk p193). The taller and later horn being the American horn. This ram had been standing before the watercourse (verse 6), because it was standing before Nisan 1918, which is the near bank of the watercourse (see Daniel 12, section 49). Now here we are being given in Daniel 8:1-12, a further genuine prophetic picture of the entire future rulership of mankind under this goat (which succeeds the ram), which will take the following form:

1. The male goat with the conspicuous horn between its eyes, kills the

ram (verse 7).

2. The male goat loses its first horn, and four other conspicuous horns

proceed from it, toward the four winds of the heavens (verse 8).

3. Out of one of these four horns, a small horn comes forth, which

Attacks Jehovah's people and places the disgusting thing that

causes desolation, in the sanctuary, which is the ban (verses 9-11).

4. In a wonderful way he causes ruin, and he stumbles the 'people made

up of the Holy ones' (verse 24).

5. He is finished off at Armageddon.

Since this goat that kills the ram lasts right through until Armageddon, and since we know from section 53, that the UN becomes the eighth world power in Nisan 1998 when it deposes the seventh world power of the ram, and that the UN takes worldwide absolute power in Nisan 2001, the Goat is the UN. What this prophecy is therefore, is the future power structure of this organisation. We already have a very detailed picture of the UN during its ten year reign from Daniel 7:2-12 (section 64.2). The five stages outlined above confirm this picture, thereby providing the necessary second witness (Deut 19:15), to some of the features of this reign.

The male goat killing the ram (verse 7), is the UN deposing the Anglo-American seventh world power in Nisan 1998. The scripture then says:

'But as soon as it became mighty, the great horn was broken, and there proceeded to come up conspicuously four instead of it, towards the four winds of the heavens' (verse 8).

Whereas we have read in Daniel 7:2:

'See there! the four winds of the heavens were stirring up the vast sea. And four huge beasts were coming up out of the sea, each one being different from the others.'

The four horns of Dan 8:8 are the four beasts of Dan 7:2 (section 64.2). The small horn that comes forth (Dan 8:9), is the small horn of Dan 7:8, which represents the UN in absolute worldwide power after the manner of Nimrod. It is the UN which places the ban on our activities on Elul 15, 2004 CE (section 49.1). The UN then causes ruin in a wonderful way (verse 24), which is the destruction of Babylon the Great in Tishri 2005. Finally we know that the UN is finished off at Armageddon.


Matthew 24 verses 20 - 22 are saying:

'Keep praying that your flight will not occur in wintertime, nor on the Sabbath day; for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact unless those days were cut short no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.'

Whereas Matthew 24 verses 29-31 are saying:

'Immediately after the tribulation of those days.....the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves with lamentation, and they will see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds.'

We are also told in Rev 7:14, that the Great Crowd come out of the 'great tribulation'. We have already seen in sections 66.2 & 49.2, that the 150 day 'great tribulation' of Armageddon is cut short at the half way point for the benefit of the flesh of the Great Crowd, so this tribulation would end for them on Sivan 29, 2008. But Mat 24:29 is saying that there is also a tribulation which ends before the powers of the heavens are shaken, and before the great trumpet sound, the last candidate for which is the blowing of the seventh trumpet, which announces the start of the Kingdom of God on Nisan 14, 2008. So there is a tribulation which is also 'great' before Armageddon. The gathering of 'his chosen ones together from the four winds' (verse 31), is the angels grabbing the greater Lot by the hand and dragging him into Zoar during Armageddon, and it is the Mountain of the olive trees splitting in two to protect the Great Crowd as they run up the Kidron valley as far as Azel (Gen 19:16, section 66.2; Zech 14:5, section 54). The chosen ones here are the Great Crowd - the flesh who have just come through the earlier tribulation before Armageddon, and now are being protected during the final tribulation of Armageddon itself.

The start of this first great tribulation can be deduced from Mat 24:20-22. Because this period starts with the disgusting thing in Daniel, 'standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment)' (verse 15). We are now in a position to use discernment, because this is referring in the last fulfilment to Daniel 12:11, and the Ban on our activities by the UN, which starts on Elul 15, 2004 CE - section 49.1. The fleeing of the first century brothers from Jerusalem to the hills of Judea (verse 16), is the last anointed brothers being raised up to the hill of heavenly mount Zion. This is why Jesus said:

'Let the man in the field not return to the house to pick up his outer garment' (verse 18).

Because his outer garment of his flesh is going to be changed for a spiritual outer garment of an angel. Now if this flight does not occur in wintertime (verse 18) then it occurs in summertime, even in the month of Tishri, when both the first century and the twentieth century brothers flee to their respective hills. Now we know from Josephus (section 100) that the first century flight was signalled by the arrival of Cestius Gallus on Tishri 18, 66 CE, which day was a Sabbath. So Jesus is here telling them not to leave at that point but to wait a while until Cestius leaves, and he is telling us that there is a further fulfilment which is not the first century one which started on the Sabbath, but the twenty-first century one, referred to in Daniel 12:11. Now we know from all of the fulfilments of Dan 9:27, that the last week of this system of things, which starts in Nisan 2001, follows the same pattern as the last week of the Jewish system of things, which started in Nisan 63 CE (section 74).

So both of these weeks were cut in half, thereby 'causing sacrifice and gift offering to cease' (Dan 9:27). This is the cutting short referred to in Mat 24:21, and it means that this 'great tribulation' starts on Tishri 15, 2004, at the half of the last week, when the last anointed brother dies. This period actually corresponds precisely with the period during which the seven bowls of Jehovah's anger are poured out Rev 15,16 (see section 84). These bowls are all poured out before the marriage of the lamb starts, because during the pouring out of the bowls, nobody can enter into the sanctuary because of Jehovah's glorious cloud (Rev 15:8), and this sanctuary would have to be operational again on Nisan 14, 2008, when the Kingdom of God starts on earth, because 144,000 priests will need to use it. Therefore the first part of the 'great tribulation' of Matthew 24:21, lasts from Tishri 15, 2004 until Nisan 14, 2008. It is consecutive therefore, with the great tribulation of Armageddon itself. Basically it is one long tribulation, the period of which is exactly coincident with the 1,335 days of Daniel 12:12, which period starts on Tishri 15, 2004 CE, and ends in the greater Zoar, on Sivan 29, 2008. This is another reason why the holy spirit directs the readers discerning attention to Daniel 12 in Matthew 24:15.


This account spans Joshua chapters 7 & 8. We already know that the fall of Jericho, in Joshua chapter 6 prefigures the fall of Babylon, we also already know that the battle to save the Gibeonites in Joshua chapters 9 & 10, prefigures the battle of Armageddon. With this in mind, what do you think that the Ambush of Ai prefigures? .......................................................... Well it is a battle that could not be won until the sin of Achan was atoned for (Jos 7:20). This sin was the taking of items out of Jericho that should have been devoted to destruction, namely 'An official garment from the land of Shinar, a good looking one, and 200 shekels of silver, and one gold bar, 50 shekels being its weight' (Jos 7:21). Then the scriptures say:


A phrase which is repeated in verse 22. If the reader is by now familiar with cryptic bible prophecy, he will recognise three key words in this statement, namely:


These three words here, are the spirit of the true God saying to the twentieth century reader, Look! there is something hidden in the midst of this account. Furthermore in Jos 7:26 we find the phrase: 'Down to this day' twice. Which tells us that whatever it is that is hidden in the midst of this account, refers to events down to today. However, for now we merely recognise that this garment 'from the land of Shinar' is again to do with the greater Babylon (the literal Babylon was located on the plains of Shinar). From all of this it is apparent that in the last days, the greater Ai could not be taken until all Babylonish influences were removed from God's people. In other words not until we had all dug up and removed our babylonish cloaks. The garment from the land of Shinar was said to be 'good-looking', because it symbolises those in the truth, i.e. who look good, who in fact are living the lie, i.e. who are false in their hearts.

Under this garment we find money, which represents the extent of the false Christians in the Watchtower Society. There are 200 shekels of silver and one gold bar of 50 shekels. These moneys represent four times, because firstly there is four times more silver than there is gold, and secondly if 50 shekels is compared to one (gold bar), as it is in verse 21, then 200 shekels stands for four units. These four times are four revolts of false brothers in the Watchtower Society, all of which occurred before Achan's sin was atoned for, which we will find out was in 1931. There is a second witness to these four revolts in Ezra 10:15 (section 102). The society is better equipped to determine when these four rebellions occurred than is the writer. Alternatively this could be one revolt by four brothers on the governing body, the writer does not know the history well enough to comment.

So this account of the destruction of Ai, is therefore the whole story of the destruction of Babylon the Great, and the account is among other things going to tell us exactly when this destruction is scheduled to occur!

'Because the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a single thing unless he has revealed the confidential matter to his servants the prophets' (Amos 3:7).

Looking at the account from chapter seven, the Israelites determine that Ai is an easy target and send up 3,000 men to strike it, but they are defeated and lose 'about 36 men' (verse 4). Joshua then is told prophetically by Jehovah in verse 13:

'Get up! Sanctify the people, and you must say "Sanctify yourselves tomorrow, for this is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said: 'A thing devoted to destruction is in your midst, O Israel. You will not be able to RISE UP AGAINST your enemies until you people have removed the thing devoted to destruction from your midst.'"'

Having been told in verse 12 that:

'And the sons of Israel will not be able to RISE UP AGAINST their enemies. The back is what they will turn before their enemies, because they have become a thing devoted to destruction. I shall not prove to be with you again unless you annihilate the thing devoted to destruction from your midst.'

Then we read in verses 14,15 about a dividing process, this process is repeated in verses 16-19, and in both of these groups of verses the following prophetic statement is made a total of three times:


Since this process of division is mentioned twice and since the above phrase is mentioned thrice, we know that the dividing process is prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), and that this chapter is to be understood prophetically in terms of dividing numbers of able-bodied men by numbers of able-bodied men. The division process is the following (verses 14,15):

Israel is divided: tribe by tribe one tribe picked

family by family one family picked

household by household one house picked able-bodied man by able-bodied man one man picked

The second stating of this is (verses 16-19):

Israel is divided: tribe by tribe Judah picked

family by family Zerahites picked

household by household Zabdi's household

able-bodied man by able-bodied man Achan picked

If we divide the one nation of Israel in half, first by tribe and then by family and then by household and then by man, well then we have divided it in two a total of four times, in other words we have divided it by sixteen. But the holy spirit has born us two prophetic witnesses in verse 12 and in verse 13, that the sons of Israel will not be able to 'rise up against' their enemies until this thing devoted to destruction is removed. So this division, prophetically, is not one of the able-bodied men of Israel, but is rather a division of a prophetic time. And if we divide a time or 360 days by 16, then we get 22.5 days, and if we take a day for a year we get 22.5 years. Now if we count back 22 years and six months from when the spiritual sons of Israel were raised up against their enemies, i.e. Nisan 16, 1918, then we end up in Tishri 1895, the beginning of the second baptism, or second 'sanctification' (verse 13).

This is therefore another witness to the date of the start of the second baptism, or sanctification, being in Tishri 1895 CE, 22.5 years before the first heavenly resurrection, which was the inauguration of the first spiritual temple of Christ and the first century brothers (see also section 94). It is identical in calculation to the witness at Luke 12:52,53 to the start of this baptism - see section 71. It can also be viewed as another witness to the date of the first heavenly resurrection. However there is a lot more in this account yet. Because the next thing that the spiritual Israelites had to do after Babylon had fallen was to wait until the 'holy place' was 'brought into the right condition', (Daniel 8:14). This is second meaning resulting from the prophetic repetition of 'Sanctify the people', 'Sanctify yourselves tomorrow' (verse 13). Because just as the Natural Israelites lost 'about 36 men' when they attempted to take Ai the first time, before they were clean, the spiritual Israelites of the second temple lost about 36 years, before they sanctified themselves and were recognised as clean by Jehovah who at that time gave them his name, in the Columbus Ohio convention of August 24-30 1931 (Dan 8:14, section 68.1). This was is Elul 1931, i.e. 35 years and eleven months after Tishri 1895, or about 36 years after.

We have worked this out 'by able-bodied man' as the spirit has directed us to do. There is a second witness to this time period of 36 years, in Joshua chapter 8, as we shall see. Now if the reader thinks carefully about the phrase:


It is a very peculiar phrase indeed, from a literal point of view. Either it was 36 men or it wasn't 36 men! 36 is not the sort of number that is used when one is approximating to the nearest five or ten men. About 50 men, or about 100 men yes, but about 36 men? this is indeed a peculiar statement to make. It is therefore very evident that this statement has a further meaning than just the literal number of men that fell in the attack.

In Joshua 8, with Jehovah's help, the Israelites do take the city of Ai, by employing an ambush. Summarising this attack, Joshua sends this time 30,000 valiant men (10 times more than the last time) by night, to lie in ambush 'to the rear of the city' (verse 4). This place of ambush is described as: 'Between Bethel and Ai to the West of Ai', and they are said to 'take up QUARTERS' (verse 9) there. The people themselves approached from the front of the city, with the plan of faking a retreat in order to draw out the men from Ai. Then Joshua set 'about 5,000 men' as an ambush to the West of the city again, but at the 'extreme rear of it' (verse 13). Also the main camp was to the North of the city. This plan worked fine, and all the 12,000 men and women of Ai were killed. The women are included here because the destruction of Ai is the destruction of Babylon the Great, the woman of ill-repute.

We have already been directed to divide able-bodied men by able-bodied men, so this is what we now do. First of all we want to find out the time between the destruction of Babylon the Great (the greater Ai) and Armageddon, well this is given us by the 30,000 men who set up an ambush 'At the rear' of the city. This is because in bible symbolism, the physical often stands for the temporal (sections 10, 14, 15, 16, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, etc, etc), and so the rear of the destruction physically is the rear of the destruction temporally. These 30,000 able-bodied men who destroyed Ai, we now divide by the number of able-bodied men and women that they killed i.e. 12,000. This gives us 2.5 times. So we can now say:


Because this date is 2 years and sixth months before Armageddon starts. But did you also notice the little extra force of 5,000 men who were 'at the extreme rear of the city' (verse 13), these are representing the length of the extreme rear temporally of Satan's system, in other words they represent the length of Armageddon. If we divide their number by 12,000, the number who were killed we get 5/12ths of a time which is 5 months or 150 days. So we now have another witness to the length of Armageddon, see section 49.2. Another way of looking at this is: If 30,000 men represent 30 months (2.5 years), then 5,000 men represent five months.

But this is not all, because the number of men who failed to destroy Ai in the first attack, was 'about 3,000 men' which attack represented the sanctuary being brought into the right condition in 1931. If we divide their number by the number of those who succeeded in the final attack, then we get 3,000/30,000 which is a tenth of a time or 36 days. If we take a day for a year then we again get 36 years, as we did in the case of the 36 men.

However the scripture says that 'about 3,000 men' (Joshua 7:4) went up, so this 36 years is not exact to the month, as we saw in the case of the 'about 36 men' (Joshua 7:5) who died. Furthermore there is a witness that there was another striking of the greater Babylon before this because verse 3 says: 'Let about 2,000 men or about 3,000 men go up and strike Ai.' Since the 3,000 symbolise 36 years after Tishri 1895, these 'about' 2,000 would symbolise 24 years after Tishri 1895, which would put us in 'about' Tishri 1919. This was the year that the brothers were exonerated and released from Jail (JP p86) a victory over Babylon the Great, which had incited the authorities to arrest them in the first place.

Now if we look at the ratio of the 30,000:3,000 the other way round, i.e. from the point of view of the final storming of Ai, we get 10 times, because there were 10 times as many in the successful storming as there were in the earlier unsuccessful attempt. And we know from Dan 3:1 & Rev 17:12,13, section 53, that the UN, which is the organisation from which these 30,000 men symbolically come, becomes the eighth king, deposing the seventh in Nisan 1998, ten years before Armageddon. So we now have a further witness to this first regnal year of the UN starting in Nisan 1998. These ten years are exact, which is why the 30,000 figure is an exact figure. The writer is of course aware that mathematically if you divide an exact figure (30,000) by an inexact figure (about 3,000), then you get an inexact figure. But symbolically, just as the event that is referred to is symbolised by the quotient, rather than the divisor (3,000/30,000 refers to the first storming, and 30,000/3,000 refers to the second), so the exactness is also represented by the quotient rather than by the divisor in these divisions.

There is a further prophecy hidden in the cryptic reference to the ambushers taking up 'quarters between Bethel and Ai', and the main camp being to the North of Ai, whereas the ambush was to the west, i.e. a quarter of a circle distant. Both of these quarters refer to a quarter of a time (of years) or 90 years. The time between the first entrance of Christ's brothers into the house of God (Bethel) in Nisan 1918, and the rear of Ai (Armageddon) Nisan 2008, this is the same period as that of Daniel chapter 6, see section 65. The main camp decoy tactic is of course the tactic that will be employed by the true God at the destruction of Babylon, because whilst the churches will have their attention focused on us, they will then be ambushed by the UN which will surprise them no end!

Finally we consider this list of the belongings of Achan which were burnt, in Joshua 7:24:

'Joshua and all Israel with him, now took Achan the son of Zerah and the silver and the official garment and the bar of gold and his sons and his daughters and his bull and his ass and his flock and his tent and everything that was his and they brought them up to the low plain of Achor. Then Joshua said: "Why have you brought ostracism upon us? Jehovah will bring ostracism upon you on this day." With that all Israel went pelting him with stones.'

Please notice the repetition of the 'ostracism' by Jehovah (Gen 41:25,32; Amos 3:3-7). Restating this list we have:

Achan 1

Silver 1

Official garment 1

Gold 1

Sons 2

Daughters 2

Bull 1

Ass 1

Flock 1

Tent 1

Everything that was his 2


Total: 14

'Everything that was his' stands for two times because it is plural and he did have more than one thing so everything is cryptically the same as 'things'. But the scripture also says:

'When I got to see among the spoil an official garment from Shinar, a good-looking one, and 200 shekels of silver and one gold bar, 50 shekels being its weight, then I wanted them and I took them; and look! they are hidden in the earth in the midst of my tent with the money underneath it. At once Joshua sent messengers, and they went running to the tent, and look! it was hidden in his tent with the money underneath it. So they took them from the midst of the tent..' (Joshua 21-23).

Very, very prophetic. The money is actually the silver (not the gold) this is evident from the Hebrew itself (ref bible footnote or find a Hebrew interlinear!) We have two recitals of 'look!', which means that we have to look very hard at this scripture. When we do this then we find the following repeated concepts:

hidden in the midst of the tent

taken from the midst of the tent

money underneath it (the garment)

So there is a greater way in which this spoil is 'hidden in' and 'taken from' the midst of the tent (Gen 41:25,32; Amos 3:3-7). This greater way is that the 360 days or 1 time represented by the tent in the addition of the 14 times above, should have the value of the spoils 'hidden' in its midst or taken from its midst. In other words we subtract (hide, take) this value from the 360 days of the tent itself. Now the silver was hidden unerneath the 'one' garment and the gold was all in the 'one' bar. This is saying to us that we should compare these two packages as whole units, something that we have already done, the result being four times. It also means that the two packages have a value of 200 times and 50 times respectively if we compare their contents to their packages. In Jewish currency the value was the weight, there was no distinction like there is today. So we duly subract this value of 250 times from the 360 days of the tent leaving 110 days (taking a day for a year).

Now the spiritual Jews became 'able to rise up against their enemies' (Joshua 7:12) on Nisan 16, 1918 as we saw above. Therefore we start the time period of the 13 times plus the 110 days on Nisan 16, 1918. Counting 13 times we end up on Nisan 16, 1931, which was the Hebrew day which began on April 3rd (Eve), since the memorial was on April 1st that year. If we then add 110 days we end up with the Hebrew day beginning on July 22rd (Eve) and ending on July 23rd (Eve). This was the last day before the Columbus Ohio convention at which God's people decided to adopt the name Jehovah's witnesses. At least they thought that they were deciding to do this, but of course it was not really a decision made by them at all because it was a decision made by Jehovah. He is the one who decides who does or does not bear his name. What a priviledge it is to bear it.

Now this is not the first time that we have seen a witness to this last Hebrew day of Ostracism, from July 22nd (Eve) until July 23rd (Eve). Because we have seen this day before as the last day of the 4600 days, or 2300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8:14 (section 68.1), during which time the sanctuary was not in the 'right condition'. So we now have the second witness, to this very day. To see why exactly this is the event referred to, consider the next paragraph.

The death of Achan resulted in the end of an Ostracism by Jehovah (Jos 7:25). Well ostracism means that one does not call somebody. So ostracism by Jehovah up to and including the Hebrew day from July 22 (Eve) until July 23 (Eve), 1931, means that the faithful ones were not 'called by Jehovah' until after that time. And the prophetic reason why: 'The name of that place has been called the low plain of Achor down to this day' (Joshua 7:26), which name means the low plain of Ostracism, is that the low plain is the place that all decisions are made by battle. And during the Columbus Ohio convention Jehovah's people had won a very great victory, they had become acceptable to bear the holy name of the most high God, Jehovah. This was the decision that was made at that convention.

This is a fantastic scripture, it is wonderful to confirm that the 2,300 evenings and mornings of Daniel 8:14 do really stand for 4,600 days which end at the Columbus Ohio convention. It is also a confirmation that the 'time of the end' started on February 1, 1992. Yes, true were the words of the prophet Isaiah when he said:

'This one will say: "I belong to Jehovah". And that one will call himself by the name of Jacob, and another will write upon his hand: "Belonging to Jehovah". And by the name of Israel one will betitle himself' (Isaiah 44:5).

And Joshua too is unwittingly prophesying that Jehovah's true people will be first 'called by Jehovah' at a convention starting on July 24th 1931. Now there is only one religious organisation on this planet which fulfils this prophecy and it is:


And there will never be another organisation which can fulfil this prophecy. So weep and howl you false shepherds who are fleecing your flocks, for your days are numbered. And go learn what this means, all of you magic- practicing priests and conjurers and diviners and fancy-dress merchants of Babylon the great:

'For all the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god, but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite even forever' (Micah 4:5).

We started this perambulation in July or Elul 1931, 77 years to the month before the end of Armageddon, which is Elul 2008 CE no one else did this! And therefore there is no true religion other than the one administrated from 25 Columbia heights, Brooklyn, and there is no true God other than Jehovah.


Jesus said at Luke 12:50 'Indeed I have a baptism with which to be baptised, and how I am being distressed until it is finished!' The Lord Jesus then tells us prophetically, how long this period from the beginning of the second baptism to Armageddon (the finish) actually is. With the absolutely marvellous double meaning statement that follows:

'Do you imagine I came to give peace on earth? No, indeed, I tell you, but rather DIVISION.'

Yes, the firstborn son of God came to give us, apart from atonement with his father, salvation, everlasting life, freedom from sin and sickness and pain, and apart from a vision of Jehovah's glory and his perfect life.....a bit of arithmetical division! This division is the following:

'There will be FIVE in ONE house divided three against two and two against three. They will be divided,

father against son and son against father,

mother against daughter and daughter against mother,

mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.' (Luke 12:52,53)

It is not possible to divide five into two equal numbers, both of which are integers. So in order to indicate an equal division, this scripture says that effectively, some houses will be divided 3:2 and some 2:3 so that over the total number of them, the division will be equal. There are four divisions mentioned here, of the five times represented by the FIVE who are in ONE house which means that we should divide five equally four times. In other words we divide five times by 16:

5 x 360 = 1800 1800 / 16 = 112.5 times

We divided five times by sixteen, because the FIVE (inhabitants) are compared with the ONE house in the scripture, and there are five times as many inhabitants as houses. So this is telling us that 'It is finished' 112.5 years after the 'baptism with which to be baptised' starts. If we count back 112.5 years from the finish, which is Nisan 2008, we end up in Tishri 1895. So this confirms the starting date for the first outpouring of Holy spirit on the brothers of the second spiritual temple. Incidentally this calculation is almost identical to the one performed in Joshua 7:14,15 see section 70.

Jehovah, in his love, has provided a confirmation for us that we have the right understanding, through his spirit, by mentioning earlier in the chapter that 'Five sparrows sell for two assarii' (verse 6), which means that one assarii buys 2.5 sparrows, an equal division of five into two equal amounts. Furthermore in verse 59 we read 'I tell you, you will certainly not get out of there until you pay over the last LEPTON'. Jesus did not say this because he was a particle physicist (a Lepton is a fundamental particle), although it must be said that his knowledge of this subject will be a lot greater than that of any human because it was through him that the whole universe was made (John 1:3)! He said it because there are sixteen Leptons (of verse 59) in the two assarii (of verse 6), thereby confirming the sixteenfold division, which is meant by this chapter. The New world translators are to be very much congratulated for including this detail about the Lepton and the Assarii, in the footnotes, because no man knew the meaning of this until after February 1, 1992. So we see that the bible translators are led by holy spirit.


The apostle Peter actually tells us this by his actions in Acts 12:1-17, yes he is acting out a cryptic symbolic drama. We read in verse 3 that he was locked up during the passover. This account prefigures and prophetically establishes Peter's position when he is symbolically killed, being a member of the first of the two witnesses of Rev 11:3 (see section 82), on Nisan 14, 1918, and then literally resurrected on Nisan 16, 1918 (section 58.3). He had to wait around for 41 days after this symbolic death, which is the antitype of Jesus' actual death, before he ascended to heaven. In the account we read that Herod 'intended to produce him for the people after the passover' (verse 4), and then when Herod was 'about to produce him' (verse 6), he was:

Guarded by four shifts of four soldiers 16 days

Held by two chains between two soldiers 4 days

He went through the first Sentinel guard 1 time

He went through the second sentinel guard 2 times

He and his angelic releaser went down one street 1 day


41 days

This is how the holy spirit is talking to us in the time of the end. It is a day for a shift or soldier or chain or street, further classic examples of this which are great fun are 1 Kings 18 - section 96, 2 Kings 5 - section 97, 2 Samuel 21 - section 98. So Peter was produced after the passover. However when he went to Mary's house (verse 12), they thought he was an angel (verse 15). They actually said:

'"It is his angel"' (Acts 12:15).

This is because in the greater meaning of this incarceration he really was an angel at the end of 41 days, and so it really was 'his angel'. And the door that he knocked on (verse 13) was the door to which he had been given all three keys, even the door to the Kingdom of heaven (Mat 16:19), and the gates of Hades have not overpowered this Kingdom, because the scripture which says: 'Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down' (Rev 12:10), has been fulfilled. And the apostle Peter is now in heaven, and he entered in through that heavenly door on Iyyar 25, 1918, precisely 1885 years to the day after his King did. Now if Peter had to wait 41 days, and if Jesus had to wait 41 days, then all of their brothers had to (in the cases of the resurrections of 1918, 1925 & 1955) and will have to (in the cases of the resurrections of 1995 and 2004) wait for 41 days after they die, before they ascend. This may be some sort of quarantine period. This incarceration of Peter is what is cryptically meant by the scripture:

'I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you may BIND on earth will be the thing BOUND in the heavens, and whatever you may LOOSE on earth will be the thing LOOSED in the heavens,' (Mat 16:19).

Notice the repetition of binding and loosing on earth and in heaven (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). Whereas we read in Acts 12:6 that Peter was sleeping 'bound with two chains', and then after he was released, i.e. loosed, the angel told him to 'Rise quickly!' (into heaven). Well 41 days is pretty quick really, the same speed as his master! Finally we read in verse 6 that:

'Peter was sleeping bound with two chains.'

This refers to the two days of Nisan 14 and Nisan 15, during which time Peter was figuratively (and literally) asleep in death, having been symbolically killed on Nisan 14. Then the angel woke him up by 'striking Peter on the side' (verse 7), at which time we read that:

'His chains fell off his hands' (verse 7).

So he was resurrected after 'two chains' i.e. on Nisan 16, 1918. And whereas Peter was struck on his side when he was woken up, Jesus was pierced in his side (Mat 27:49), when he was put to sleep. All of which confirms that Jesus' death and resurrection are a type for that of Peter, and indeed for that of all of his brothers. So we now state in big letters that:

NISAN 14, 1918 Peter was symbolically killed

NISAN 16, 1918 Peter was literally resurrected

IYYAR 25, 1918 Peter ascended into heaven


This chapter of Daniel has already been very carefully considered in section 6, so we are only going to consider verse 27 which relates to the last week of the 70 weeks of years prophecy. This last week is a pattern for three other 'last weeks' including 'the last week', which starts in Nisan 2001 CE. Verse 27 says:

'And he must keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week he will cause gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be one causing desolation; until an extermination, the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate.'


In the first application, this refers to the week of years beginning Tishri 29 CE. It implies that the good news will be restricted to Natural Jews for 7 years after this. There is a second witness to the 3.5 years exclusivity period following the death of the Christ at Luke 13:6-9: wherein the fig tree of Natural Israel has produced (little or) no fruit for three years but the owner of the vineyard tells the vinedresser to give it until the next harvest, which is another 6 months, because figs are harvested in Tishri (appendix 8B ref bible). But it can hardly be said that this restriction to the covenant was 'for the many' (verse 27).


As regards the second 'last week', the 'one lying desolate' was in the first instance Jerusalem, and the extermination occurred, courtesy of General Titus. It started at the passover in Nisan 70 CE, and lasted 142 days. The Christians had fled Jerusalem, thereby leaving the place desolate (compare Dan 12:11), in Tishri 66 CE, following a surrounding by encamped armies by Cestius Gallus (Luke 21:20). At which point gift offering ceased at the half of this 'last week' of the Jewish system of things.


The next 'last week' that this scripture applies to is the week of years starting in Tishri 1914, wherein the two witnesses (Rev 11:3) are killed at the half of the week on Nisan 14, 1918, and ascend on the 42nd day thereafter which is Iyyar 25, 1918, or May 7th 1918, when the brothers on earth descended into jail. This period from the death of the two witnesses on Nisan 14, and including the period in jail is then treated as lost time, and is the 'change in times and law' of Dan 7:25 (section 64.1). The second half of the week starts with the brothers being granted bail on March 21, 1919, see section 64.1. Exactly 1,260 days of the prophetic Hebrew calendar after this was the last day of the Cedar point convention, which was September 13th 1922.

In other words, just as the physical apostle Peter applied the 3rd physical key at the end of the first 'last week' (Dan 9:27) of the physical Jewish system, thereby ending the exclusivity of the Abrahamic covenant to the physical Jews and extending it to the physical Gentiles.......So, it was more than likely the same apostle, in a spiritual body, who applied the 3rd spiritual key at the end of the third 'last week' (Dan 9:27) of the spiritual Jewish system, thereby ending the exclusivity of the Abrahamic covenant to the spiritual Jews and extending it to the spiritual Gentiles of the Great Crowd of Rev 7:9. In this way the scripture is fulfilled which says:

'Nevertheless, the first is not that which is spiritual, but that which is physical, afterward that which is spiritual' (1 Cor 15:46).

The evening of the day of September 13th 1922 was when the Great Crowd started to be called and the exclusivity period for spiritual Israel ended. We have already seen in section 58.2 that the full number of 144,000 spiritual Jews was sealed by 1922. So spiritual Israel also had the covenant kept in force for the week following Jesus' enthronement (anointing) as king in Tishri 1914. Now there is one incredibly important corollary of this, and it is the following:

The true God appears to regard the Hebrew day of Elul 21, 1922, as starting in the evening in Cedar Point time!! Not in the evening in Jerusalem time. This is because the Great Crowd was called at the moment that the Cedar Point convention ended, which was presumably in the evening.

This may mean that memorial dates should be taken as the 14th day after the new moon is first visible (after the spring equinox) at the headquarters of the current true religion in Brooklyn, rather than at the ex-headquarters of the previous true religion in Jerusalem. Because the centre for true worship is no longer in Jerusalem. This one requires some thought and prayer!


The greatest fulfilment of this prophecy relates to 'THE LAST WEEK', by which we mean the week beginning Nisan 2001 CE. Which is the seven years of reign in absolute worldwide domination after the manner of Nimrod, of the eighth King of the UN. At the half of this week, which is Tishri 2004 CE, the last resurrection of anointed ones occurs, and the seventh heaven is born, so gift offering by Christ's brothers ceases. This is also apparent from the fact that the temple sanctuary is for the last three years and six months filled with the smoke of Jehovah's presence (Rev 15:8). Furthermore we at last have a witness that the last anointing with holy spirit occurs in Nisan 2001 CE, because, just as Jesus' baptism marked the start of the first 'last week' of Dan 9:27, so the end of the baptism of his holy brothers marks the start of the last 'last week' of Dan 9:27. But the Abrahamic covenant we know lasts right up until Nisan 2008, as do the ten times of Laban's Times. Which begs the question:


Well, Daniel has already given us the answer to this in the greatest fulfilment of Dan 9:27, where the covenant really is kept in force 'for THE MANY for one week'. In this fulfilment, they really are the many, because they are the Great Crowd, whereas the anointed who are all sealed before this week starts are the few. So Daniel has this time truly surpassed himself, and given us a prophecy with a fourfold fulfilment! (Eph 3:18). Namely the weeks of years starting Tishri 29 CE, Tishri 66 CE, Tishri 1914*, Nisan 2001. The asterisk is used to indicate that the week starting in Tishri 1914, has the period from March 26th 1918 until March 21, 1919 (exclusive), removed from it, this, as mentioned before, is the change in 'times and law' referred to in Daniel 7:25 (section 64.1). This means that the Abrahamic covenant outlives the Messianic covenant. Even as Abraham himself outlived Sarah! We now state our long awaited result:


The below list may be of some help to see all the parallels here.

TISHRI 29 Jesus anointed as messiah, starts ministry

NISAN 33 Jesus dies, mankind saved from death, mankind freed from law

Sacrifice ceases, rule of law ends

IYYAR 33 Jesus ascends on Iyyar 25

TISHRI 36 Exclusivity of Abrahamic covenant to Natural Israel ends


NISAN 63 Start of last week of Jewish system

TISHRI 66 Christians saved from death by fleeing to hills of Judea,

acceptable worship at the temple in Jerusalem ceases

NISAN 70 Jewish system's great tribulation starts, Natural Israel ends

ELUL 70 Jewish system totally destroyed, 90,000 slaves saved


TISHRI 1914 Jesus anointed as king, two witnesses start ministry

NISAN 1918 Two witnesses killed, first temple brothers raised from death, mankind escapes from Babylon's rule

IYYAR 1918 First temple brothers ascend to heaven on Iyyar 25

MAY 7 1918 To MARCH 21 1919 INCARCERATION (discounted out)

MARCH 21, 1919 2nd of Two witnesses resurrected i.e. released from jail, ELUL 1922 Exclusivity of Abrahamic covenant to spiritual Israel ends


NISAN 2001 Last anointing of spiritual Israel, covenant left in force for Great


TISHRI 2004 Last anointed ones killed, raised to flee to mount Zion

HESHVAN 2004 Last 8,000 anointed ones ascend to heaven

NISAN 2008 Armageddon starts, Kingdom of God starts, End of 'World',

Abrahamic covenant ends.

SIVAN 2008 The Great Crowd is safe in Zoar, Son of Man is revealed

ELUL 2008 The 150 day great tribulation of Armageddon ends.

Throughout the history of Jehovah's present-day organisation, his servants have continually been marvellously surprised at the extent of their increase. However, the biggest surprise of them all may yet be in store for them. Because, there is one further very exciting meaning that may be attatched to Daniel 9:27, and this is that many more people may come in to Jehovah's organisation during the last week, than are in it at the start of that week!


We have the witness of Daniel 9:27 - see section 74, we have the witness of Genesis 7:4 - see section 66.2, which we are not relying on at this time. We now consider the anointing and installation of Aaron in Leviticus chapter 8, verses 10-12 read:

'Moses now took the anointing oil and anointed the tabernacle and all that was in it and sanctified them. After that he spattered some of it seven times upon the altar and anointed the altar and all its utensils and the basin and its stand so as to sanctify them. Finally he poured some of the anointing oil upon Aaron's head and anointed him so as to sanctify him.'

Then we read in verse 33, that Moses said to Aaron:

'And you must not go out from the entrance of the tent of meeting for seven days, until the day of fulfilling the days of your installation, because it will take seven days to fill your hand with power.'

The anointing of Aaron as the first high priest, prefigures the finishing of the anointing of the 'greater Aaron' of the 144,000 brothers of Christ. The double mentioning of seven days in this verse establishes its double meaning (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), which is firstly the literal seven days of waiting by Aaron, at the entrance of the tent of the meeting in the wilderness, and secondly the seven years of waiting at the entrance of the sanctuary in heaven by the greater priests and co-kings, the first three and a half of these being a wait for their number to be filled (Rev 6:11), and the second three and a half being a wait for the seven bowls of Jehovah's anger to be poured out (Rev 15:8). They are the ones of whom it can truly be said: "It will take seven days to fill your hand with power" (Lev 8:33).

However there is a further application to the intermediate high priest between the Aaronic priesthood and the priesthood of the seventh heaven, namely the King of kings himself, and the seven times of the Alienation Times (section 9). This was a wait for his high priesthood, which was only made possible because of his atoning sacrifice, and was a manifestation of that atonement and reconciliation. Hence the scripture at Gen 8:10-12, which says that the oil is spattered seven times on the altar, is prefiguring the wait for the seven times of the Alienation Times before the sacrifice of the Christ, this wait starts with the initial alienation of Jehovah's spirit (Gen 6:3).


We will see in section 76, that the seven times of the last week are actually a second fulfilment of the seven times of the Gentile Times, since Babylon the Great basked in shameless luxury for the seven times of the Gentile Times, and she is repayed with 'torment and mourning' from Jehovah for the seven times of the last week, like for like, both to the same extent (Rev 18:7). Similarly, just as man had to wait for the seven times of the Alienation Times until the atonement of the Christ and the start of his priesthood, so man will again have to wait for the seven times of the last week, from the anointing of the last member of his brothers until the start of their priesthood. During this time there is no holy spirit available for baptism, so this spirit is withdrawn, just as it was for the seven times of the Alienation Times (Gen 6:3). Furthermore, just as man had to wait for the seven times of the Exedenic Times from Nisan 3993 BCE until Nisan 1473 BCE, when Jehovah's people entered the promised land and first ate of its fruits (Jos 5:11). So his people will again wait, for seven times, during which time the greater curse of the great tribulation is unleashed on the Jewel of the earth, before they enter into the promised land on Nisan 14, 2008. The 'Great Tribulation' of Matthew 24:21 and Rev 7:14 starts after Nisan 2001, because Rev 7:2,3 say:

'And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying: "Do not harm the earth or the sea until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads."'

And we have already determined that this sealing is finished by Nisan 2001. So now we have a further glimpse at the perfection of Jehovah, who will fulfil all of his three major long term prophecies yet again, simultaneously in the last week of this system - this is going to be some week! Most certainly the words of Samuel have proved true where he said at 2 Sam 22:31: 'The true God, perfect is his way.' And for our part, have we heard the counsel of his son at Mat 5:48, where he says: 'You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect'? But how can we be perfect when we are sinners from our very conception (Psalm 51:5)? Well, we can take a lesson from Abraham, whose faith it was that Jehovah counted as righteousness (Gen 15:6), and so if we have faith in his perfection, will the true God not count this as perfection on our part?


This is a very subtle chapter in the book of Daniel. The holy spirit, has produced a most extraordinary account in this chapter. The writer finds himself in the position that Daniel found himself in at Daniel 4:19, where he says to King Nebuchadnezzar:

'O my Lord, may the dream apply to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries.'

The writer now is answering and saying to the faithful and discreet slave:

My Lord, may this account apply to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries!

The reader is no doubt well acquainted with the King's dream of the giant image of a man, and of Daniel's interpretation of its meaning (which interpretation was revealed by the 'one who is the revealer of secrets'- verse 29). There are several reasons why this is not the only meaning of this immense image. The first reason is that experience shows us that this would be far too tame for Daniel. The second reason is that it does not take 49 verses of the book of Daniel to tell us that there will be four kingdoms after Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom, and that they will all be replaced by the kingdom of God. But these are merely experienced assumptions. The real reason why there is a greater meaning to Daniel 2 is that the account itself tells us that it has a second meaning in verses 6 & 7, because the King asks his servants for an interpretation twice, and this means that there are two interpretations to this dream. When the King asks his servants the second time to tell him what the dream is and what it means, we read in verse 7 that:

'They answered a SECOND TIME and were saying: "Let the king say what the dream is to his servants, and we shall show its very interpretation".'

As mentioned above, the writer for his part would have been extremely surprised if there wasn't, but the surprise of the writer means absolutely nothing, whereas verse 7 means that this dream has a second meaning. At this point, the writer would like to echo the words of Daniel at verses 29,30:

'And as for me, it is not through any wisdom that exists in me more than any others alive that this secret is revealed to me.'

Rather than just bursting into the symbolism, which has been the practice of this book in most of the interpretations, we will deduce each symbolism carefully. First of all we look at King Nebuchadnezzar, the head of the image. To find out who he stands for, in the greater meaning, we just have to read verses 37,38:

'You, O king, the king of kings, you to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, and the strength and the dignity, and into whose hand he has given, wherever the sons of mankind are dwelling, the beasts of the field and the winged creatures of the heavens, and whom he has made ruler over all of them, you yourself are the head of gold.'

It is not at all difficult to see that this is a very accurate and unique description of Jesus Christ in Kingdom power after 1914. If the King is Jesus, then Arioch the chief of the King's bodyguard (verse 14), is the faithful and discreet slave (Mat 24:45), because this one is the chief guard over all the 'bodies' or earthly belongings of the King. The servants of the King (verse 7) are therefore the domestics (Mat 24:45). Whereas the courtiers of Nebuchadnezzar were the magic practicing priests and the conjurers and the sorcerers and the Chaldeans, because he was the King of Babylon, the courtiers of King Jesus are nothing of the sort, but, following after his likeness, they are faithful and righteous by declaration!

However these greater courtiers of King Jesus have been unable to see that this dream has a greater meaning in need of an interpretation, i.e. that there is a 'greater dream' or indeed a greater interpretation. They have even gone so far as to say as their types did in verse 11:

'Nobody else exists who can show it before the king except the gods, whose own dwelling does not exist with flesh at all.'

Because they have misapplied Matthew 24:36, to mean that although we are watchmen, we are blind by heavenly decree, and only God himself can know when the end is. They have also propounded the belief that only the faithful and discreet slave (which is made up of the gods of copper, iron, wood and stone of Daniel 5) will be given the true interpretations of the bible, in the Lord's day. These anointed brothers are the ones whose 'dwelling does not exist with flesh at all', it is suggested. They are the ones who are pictured by the greater meaning of the dream as we will see in section 77.1. Yes, their dwelling is in heaven (John 14:2,3), and whereas they have said that they are the only ones who are given interpretations of Jehovah's book; king Nebuchadnezzar said to his courtiers in verse 8:

'For a fact I am aware that time is what you men are trying to gain, forasmuch as you have perceived that the word is being promulgated by me. For if you do not make known to me the very dream, this one and only sentence is upon you. But it is a LYING AND A WRONG WORD that you have agreed to say before me, UNTIL THE TIME ITSELF HAS CHANGED. Therefore tell me the very dream, and I shall know that you can show the very interpretation of it.'

This is a truly amazing scripture. The reason that nobody has been able to get the greater meaning of this dream, which Daniel himself said was about 'what is to occur in the final part of the days' (verse 28), is that nobody even knew that there was such a greater meaning. Which is the same statement as nobody knew what the dream was - as regards the greater meaning - just like Nebuchadnezzar's conjurers. It is in fact the same reason why nobody was able to unseal this whole book (the bible). Namely that everybody thought that it was already unsealed. Now the meaning of this scripture, it is suggested, is that the Watchtower Society has agreed to propound 'a lying and a wrong word' before Jesus Christ, until 'the time itself has changed'. That was the bad news.......the good news is that, it now has changed because we are now in the time of the end (Dan 12:4), which time began on February 1, 1992.


This lie and wrong word, as mentioned above is that only the anointed will be given interpretations which belong to God, and that they have already unsealed the bible, and that 'no man can ever know the date of the end' (because this one of the things is what the greater meaning of this dream has to do with).

If we think about this, we soon realise that this last lie is a rather illogical position for a watchman to take, because it amounts to the statement that: "I am watching out for something that I, as a man, can never see in advance!" The reason that the society has taken this position is absolutely straightforward. It is fear of man, namely fear of further ridicule of the type they received over the false start in 1975, which nobody talks about, the blame for which has been put by the faithful slave squarely on the shoulders of 'certain brothers'. But by doing this they are bearing witness against themselves, namely that they, who do not wish to associate themselves with the false start in 1975, are not only asleep now, but were also asleep back then, in 1975! Yes, Satan has had a big success here! He has ridiculed the concept of knowing when the end is very successfully in the minds of God's people.

So much so that we read in the 'All scripture' book, that the watchman himself is saying: 'It does no good to use bible chronology to speculate on dates that are still future in the stream of time' ! (p287).


What do we think all the prophecies are for, if they are not to tell us what is going to happen 'on dates that are still future in the stream of time'?? Yes, we were right to be looking hard in 1975, yes, we got it wrong. And it was not just 'certain brothers', no, it was the society itself (W 74 Dec 15 especially p766). But we also got it wrong in 1925, but the ones who remained faithful did not stop looking then. Why, in that case, did we stop looking in 1975? The society should be praised for calculating the date of 1975, and truly they are being told that they were not so far out as they might think, because look! it is not the 1975th year CE that is the end, but it is:


Nisan 14, 2008, is the 1975th memorial. Now we can see why Satan has created a stink around this date, and isn't this what he would be expected to do?

We however, are the ones who are not deterred by this kind of thing, and this date will be shouted around the whole earth, and Satan for his part will lose his kingdom on that day for a certainty:

And his efforts to ridicule our prior knowledge of this date HAVE FAILED.

The writer for his part would very much like to tell the whole planet about this, but he cannot because this is a matter for the faithful and discreet slave.


In addition, any researcher will tell you, and the writer is also a witness, having spent several years doing research into pure mathematics at Cambridge and at Oxford and into computational fluid dynamics at Imperial college, that in genuine research:


Only God can get it right first time! Truly the extent of Jehovah's foreknowledge is mind-blowing. He actually knew when Daniel wrote his book over 2,500 years ago, that not only would nobody be able to unseal it until February 1, 1992, but that they would all think that they had unsealed it, and so they wouldn't even be looking to unseal it. In other words they wouldn't be able to show the king the dream, they weren't even aware that the king had had a dream - in the greater meaning. Please do notice that the scripture does actually use the words 'show its very interpretation' (verse 7). This means to show Jesus, who breaks off from his marriage festivities in heaven to make an inspection of the fourth watch of the faithful and discreet slave (Luke 12:38,39; Mark 13:35,36; section 90), that we have the greater interpretation - in the greater meaning. Right now that one is asking: 'Which one of my people has his eyes open, and has remained on the watch'? The reason that Jehovah knew that this would be the situation, is that which is mentioned in Isaiah 29:10, see section 89.


Now we can state the full symbolism:

King Nebuchadnezzar King Jesus in heavenly power

Arioch Faithful and discreet slave

King's servants, wise men Domestics, anointed remnant individually

Daniel Writer of this book

Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah Writer's associates

Head of gold Jesus Christ

Breasts & arms of silver 80,000 of third heaven/ rem = 64,000

Belly & thighs of copper 32,000 of fourth heaven/ rem = 32,000

Legs of iron 16,000 of fifth heaven/ rem = 16,000

Iron in two feet 8,000+8,000 of sixth & seventh heavens

Moist clay in two feet Great crowd

Again the symbolism is surpassingly accurate. For example, whereas the gold and the silver and the copper and the iron have to be extracted from the earth and then refined, so do all of the 144,001 anointed ones. Whilst the moist clay is easily mouldable by the potter, so the sheeplike members of the Great Crowd are responsive and listen to their master's voice so that they change their personality to that approximating to their leader's. Furthermore, there is a witness that there are 'deep things' and 'concealed things', in this account, in verse 22, where we read that: 'He (Jehovah) is revealing the deep things and the concealed things'.

Now the imminent destruction of all the wise men of Babylon referred to in verse 14, is a reference to the belief promulgated by the greater Arioch that the imminent destruction at Armageddon will occur before anyone knows any of the wonderful details of this climax of Jehovah's plan. Whereas Daniel for his part 'addressed himself with counsel and sensibleness to Arioch', which is the writer of this book addressing himself to the faithful and discreet slave - he suggests:

hopefully with equal sensibleness!

In truth, Jehovah's prophet has pronounced this book as sensible, 2500 years before it was written! Daniel asking the King for more time (verse 16), is the writer obeying the command of his king, the heavenly Jesus Christ when he said:

'Keep on asking, and it will be given you' (Luke 11:9).

Well, he kept asking and asking, and he was given the knowledge that we have got another 16 years more of this system of things left before 2008. In other words, the writer's discovery of the timetable for the end and of the date of the beginning of the 'time of the end', was Jesus effectively giving him and all other men of faith, 16 more years to work out what the bible means. This discovery is not a work of the writer so much as a work of the spirit, because it is a revealing right on cue from the only one who can reveal such things (Dan 8:14, see section 68). This one reveals all things through his son, the King who has effectively had the greater dream.

Arioch making the matter known to Daniel (verse 15), is the faithful slave bringing the writer into the truth, and Daniel telling the matter to his companions (verse 17), is the writer discussing this book with his companions, although there has been very little discussion of it with baptised brothers - for the sake of unity. The companions are bible studies and the writer's study conductor.

As regards the heavenly meaning of the immense image (verses 31-33), the breasts and arms are four in number, the belly and thighs are three in number, the legs are two in number and the feet are two divided, hence each stage in heaven is larger than the following stage - see section 58.1, and the last two are split equally. This is also evident from verse 30 which says: 'And after you there will RISE another kingdom earthward from you'. The rising of this is the resurrection of Nisan 16, 1918, in the greater meaning, and it is earthward from Jesus, because he himself said that: 'No one comes to the father (i.e. rises) except through me, (John 14:6), and earthward from, also means inferior to i.e. smaller than.

There is a further meaning to all of the limbs and breasts and thighs and belly of this image. The silver kingdom is split into four, the copper kingdom is split into three and the iron kingdom is split into two. This is because the remnant of the 64,000 brothers of the second temple, who are left after the ascension or 'rise' of the 80,000 silver brothers of the first temple and the third heaven, i.e. their earthly complement, is split into four resurrections (32,000 then 16,000 then 8,000 then 8,000). Similarly the remnant of the 32,000 brothers who are left over after the ascension of the 32,000 copper brothers of the fourth heaven is split into three resurrections and the remnant of the 16,000 brothers left after the resurrection of the 16,000 iron brothers of the fifth heaven is split into two resurrections. The symbolism of two legs and feet also shows that the last two resurrections will be equal in size.

The third kingdom (copper) it is said will 'rule over the whole earth' (verse 30), because during the reign of these 32,000 brothers of the fourth heaven, who are all resurrected on Tishri 17, 1925 (section 57), the faithful and discreet slave was appointed to rule over all of his master's belongings over the whole earth. The fourth Kingdom (iron) 'will prove to be divided', but whereas the two legs are joined together at the thighs and represent the 16,000 of the fifth heaven, the two feet are not joined together and represent 8,000 each, and two distinct heavens, the sixth and the seventh.

The kingdom of copper was resurrected in Tishri 1925, as mentioned above, so the remnant on the earth after this date, the 'iron class' ?? are the ones who mix with the Great Crowd (who started to be chosen after Cedar point 1922 - see sections 74 & 83). We can now understand fully the meaning of verse 43:

'Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind; but they will not be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with moist clay.'

Yes, the 'iron class' will become unstuck from this planet and be taken out of the world completely, thereby stopping their mixing with the 'moist clay', which is the offspring of mankind, the Great Crowd. Finally the kingdom in the famous scripture in Daniel 2:44, is not only earthly:



We now have a brand new name for the Great Crowd (Rev 7:9), yes we are the

'moist clay class'!


Daniel himself explains this meaning of the giant man, and the YW book chapter 5, identifies all of the kingdoms that his anatomy stands for. These are the Kingdoms that have a rulership over Jehovah's people throughout the Gentile Times. The kingdoms are as listed below:

Gold head = Babylonians

Silver breasts and arms = Medes and Persians

Copper belly and thighs = Greeks

Iron legs = Romans

Two feet of iron/clay = Anglo-American world power

Ten toes = Ten kings of Rev 17:12 (see section 53)

The first point we make is that between 95 CE, or a generation after this, and 1895 CE, was the five times of the Apostate Times, section 38. During this time, there was not only no recognisable member of spiritual Israel on the earth, there were actually no anointed Christians at all on the earth. The kingdoms of this image have a kingdom over Jehovah's chosen people, which were initially the literal Jews, and latterly the spiritual Jews.


It is because, there were no powers who ruled over Jehovah's people from say 200 CE until 1800 CE, because during this time, he had no chosen people, no Jews of any sort, either fleshly or spiritual, none of Abraham's seed alive on the earth. So we do not have to extend the period of rule of the Romans right up to the 18th Century via the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire, to make up for this gap of about 1,400 years from the fall of Rome to the establishing of Britain as ruler of the waves. In fact the whole point of this gap, which is a deliberate 1,400 year gap in the succession of World Powers, from when Rome fell in 410 CE until Britain really started going in 1800 odd, is to tell Jehovah's people that there is also a very large gap between the first temple brothers of the first century, and the second temple brothers of the twentieth century. This is the five times of the Apostate Times (Matthew 25:1-12, see section 39).

The second point is that we are not yet in the 'ten toes' period, which is when in the heavenly symbolism, the 'iron class' (the anointed remnant) and the 'moist clay class' (the Great Crowd) separate. This kingdom is that of the eighth King, which starts in Nisan 1998 CE (Rev 17:12,13, Dan 3:1, section 53). This kingdom lasts for ten years, and this length of time is actually prophesied in Dan 2:42 as being ten years long - 'a toe for a year'.


It is not the object of this book to rewrite the society's excellent book on this last chapter of the bible. However the reader will no doubt be aware that the very powerful tools that have been developed in this book can be applied to the visions of John. Furthermore, the bible's very accurate chronology that is partially and imperfectly exposed in this book (for very accurate chronology read perfect chronology!) has a bearing on the timing of the various plagues and trumpets and bowls and the like in Revelation. We have already dealt with various parts of Revelation in earlier sections. So because time is short, and because Jehovah's organisation currently has one very overfed writer of this book, and millions of hungry (from the chronological point of view at least) other sheep, we will just look at a few nice points which will sharpen our view of the last days a bit further. Incidentally the reason that Jehovah's people have been able to understand the majority of the symbolism of Revelation before the time of the end, whereas they have not been able to understand any of the greater symbolism of Daniel until the time of the end is the comparison between following two scriptures:

'He also tells me: "Do not seal up the words of this scroll, for the appointed time is near.' (Rev 22:10)

'And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of the end. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant' (Dan 12:4).

Yes, Jehovah had sealed up the book of Daniel until February 1, 1992, but in his love, he gave us the signs of the times (Mat 24, Mark 13, Luke 21), and he gave us the wonderful visions of John, to chew on until we reached the time of the end. One of the marvellous things about working for the perfect omnipotent God, who tells his prophets what he is doing in advance (Amos 3:7), is that those who listen to these prophets, know exactly what is going to happen, even before it happens. Therefore the writer knows, for a fact, that the contents of this book will 'become abundant' (Dan 12:4), in the minds of men.


The book of Joshua is a prophetic type for the book of Revelation. This is because the former is the conquest by Natural Israel of the false worshipping Canaanites, and their dispossession from the promised land, and the latter is the conquest by Spiritual Israel of the false worshipping Greater Babylonites and their dispossession from the planet. We would therefore expect to find a lot of things in the book of Joshua which help us to understand the book of Revelation. One example of this is the seven priests with the seven ram's horns marching round Jericho for seven days blowing their horns. They were said to be doing this 'before the ark' (Jos 6:6).

This all prefigures the seven angels with the seven trumpets (Rev 8:2). What Joshua is telling us is that just as all of the seven horns were blown continually throughout the whole siege of Jericho (which stands for Babylon the Great, see section 14), and then they were no longer blown after Jericho fell, so the first four of the seven trumpets of Revelation, the ones whose purpose it was to announce Babylon's fall, are blown continually from Tishri 1914 until Nisan 1918 when it fell. These first four trumpets Stopped being blown at Babylon's fall. This is because their purpose, which was to announce its fall, was determined absolutely at its fall. So it is pointless to blow them after it has fallen. These four trumpets were blown by the two witnesses of Rev 11:3, for 1,260 days. However, the Locusts and the Cavalry, and Satan's confinement to the earth, the first and second and third woes (Rev 8:13), can only have their trumpets blown after Babylon has fallen. Yes the third woe is Satan's proximity to the earth it is suggested.

The fifth trumpet blast which released the Locusts, and the sixth trumpet blast which released the cavalry both occurred at the Cedar point Ohio convention in 1922, because this is when both of these groups were released. The locusts were being fed by themselves, in the wilderness, for 1,260 days prior to this (Rev 12:6), so they were not plaguing anybody from that location. As regards the Cavalry, which is the Great Crowd, they came into existence at the end of these 1,260 days, which is the antitype of the conversion of Cornelius (Acts 10:44). This antitype, is when the Good News is sent not to the Natural Gentiles, but to the Spiritual Gentiles, who are the Great Crowd. So the fifth and sixth trumpets were blown once and once only between September 5-13, 1922. As regards the seventh trumpet, it is said to be sounded for a while and then blown (Rev 10:7).

If we wish to understand the meaning of these two different noises from the seventh trumpet, then we need to look at the prophetic actions of the nation of Israel in the wilderness, which are recorded for our benefit in Numbers 10:1-28. Here we find that:

'If they should blow on just one (trumpet), the chieftains as heads of the thousands of Israel must also keep their appointment with you' (verse 4).

'They should blow a fluctuating blast each time one of them (the camps) pulls away' (verse 5).

'Now when calling the congregation together you should blow, but you must not sound a fluctuating blast' (verse 7).

We therefore deduce that the 'sounding' is this fluctuating blast, which signified a pulling away by one of the camps, and the 'blowing' signalled the gathering together of the head ones of the people. Furthermore, the nation of Israel always pulled away from any given place in the following order:


1. Three-tribe division of Judah Jesus Christ 33

2. Tabernacle carriers first century Christians 1918

3. Three-tribe division of Reuben fourth heaven brothers 1925

4. Sanctuary carriers fifth heaven brothers 1955

5. Three-tribe division of Ephraim sixth heaven brothers 1995

6. Three-tribe division of Dan seventh heaven brothers 2004

The six stages to the breaking of the camp of Natural Israel, correspond to the six heavenly resurrections of spiritual Israel. Jesus was the 'Lion that is of the tribe of Judah' (Rev 5:5). The 80,000 first century brothers of Christ included 16,000 fleshly Jews, who are prefigured in number by the dimensions of the tabernacle (see section 63). These first century brothers therefore included (or carried with them) the 'tabernacle class', and were therefore the greater 'Tabernacle carriers'. The brothers of the fifth heaven, who were the fourth instar of the heavenly locust, were the ones who whilst alive on the earth, saw the 'holy place (sanctuary) brought into its right condition' (Dan 8:14) in 1931. In this sense they were the sanctuary builders, i.e. the greater Kohathites (Num 10:21). From this it is clear that the seventh trumpet will sound five times from Nisan 1918 until Tishri 2004, and then it will blow in Nisan 2008, when all of spiritual Israel congregate for the marriage of the lamb, at the greater tent of the meeting, in heaven.

It is also very helpful to have the correct understanding of what the third woe is. It is suggested that this is not the bringing to ruin of those who are ruining the earth as is put forward in Rev bk p174, because this happens at Armageddon. It is rather suggested that Satan being thrown down to the earth is the third woe, because the bible calls this a woe:

'Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time' (Rev 12:12).

Comparing this with the announcement of the three woes which reads: 'Woe, woe, woe to those dwelling on the earth' (Rev 8:13), one cannot fail to notice a striking resemblance. The three repetitions of the word 'Woe' are telling us that there will be three woes, and each one of these will be called such. Yes the bible says that the 'Devil coming down to you' is a woe, therefore it is the third woe. Now this woe lasts from Nisan 14, 1918, until Nisan 14, 2008, which 90 year period is a prophetic period in the bible (Dan 6, section 65, Luke 17:34,35, section 66, Mat 12:25,26, section 58.3), and contains the whole period of the five soundings of the seventh trumpet (Rev 10:7). At the end of this period, the seventh trumpet is actually blown, because does the apostle John not say:

'And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven saying: 'The Kingdom of the World did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as King forever and ever.' (Rev 11:15)

How is it that we do not understand this scripture? What has this got to do with 1914? Did Jesus become the King of the World in 1914? Brothers, please understand, the whole point of this scripture is the comparison with the testing of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness (Mat 4:8,9) where he offered Jesus this Kingdom of the world and Jesus refused it, and so at that time the Kingdom of the world did not become the Kingdom of the Christ! But here, in Rev 11:15, it finally does, and this is the victory of the Christ, who has conquered the World, by standing fast under this test and others. This is the most glorious of comparisons, and it is between Jesus refusing the kingdom from Satan and accepting it from Jehovah. This situation is the absolute antithesis of Matthew 4:8,9 which says:

'Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he said to him: "All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me."

Well in Rev 11:15 Jesus is given all these things but it is not by Satan that he is given them, it is by Jehovah! Because it is written: 'It is Jehovah your God you must worship' (Matthew 4:10). Therefore, the seventh trumpet is blown, on Nisan 14, 2008, to collect all of the heavenly congregation (Num 10:7) together for the marriage of the lamb.

The third woe, we now know began on Nisan 14, 1918, when Satan was ejected from heaven. And the seventh trumpet announcing this woe was symbolically sounded at that time, presumably for the three days of Nisan 14,15,16, because the first of the two witnesses (the first century brothers) were figuratively killed on Nisan 14 and raised on Nisan 16, 1918 (see sections 58.3 & 82). So a fluctuating trumpet blast, or trumpet sounding, would symbolically have occurred then, announcing this breaking of camp and moving on from death into heavenly life, for the greater tabernacle carriers of spiritual Israel. Now we can understand Paul's words in 1 Cor 15:52 where he says:

'Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep in death, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet. For the last trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall be changed.'

The first century brothers, who have 'fallen asleep' for over 1,800 years, are raised up on Nisan 16, 1918, at the first sounding of the trumpet. The brothers of the second temple, who do not fall asleep in death (for very long, just a few years, a twinkling of an eye), are raised up first on Tishri 17, 1925 (see section 57), and the other resurrections occur on Tishri 17, 1955,1995 and 2004, which are the other four 'days of the sounding of the seventh angel' (Rev 10:7). On Nisan 14, 2008, this trumpet is blown, announcing the Kingdom of God on earth. Furthermore, when does the scripture in Rev 11:18 below really apply?

'But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give their reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth'

Were the dead judged in 1914 (Revelation book p173)? The scriptures tell us that the judging of the dead takes place in the 1000 year Kingdom of God (Rev 20:12, Rev bk p297). Does Jehovah's wrath come in 1914? Surely It is 2008 when this happens. Which prophet was rewarded by his resurrection in 1914? These ones, Daniel included, will come back after the appointed date of 2008.

'And the temple sanctuary of God that is in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple sanctuary. And there occurred lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail' (Rev 11:19).

This could not have occurred in 1914, because the temple sanctuary was not at that time ready to accept any priests. We know that the first priests turned up in Iyyar 1918 (section 57). Furthermore, in both the examples that we have of bringing in the ark into a temple, namely the Tabernacle and Solomon's temple, the ark was only brought in after the temple was completed (Ex 40:21, 1 Kings 8:6), and for the spiritual temple in heaven, the stones that it is built up out of are 'living stones' (1 Peter 2:5), and so its completion means that all of Christ's brothers are in heaven. In which case the earliest date possible for this sighting of the ark would be Heshvan 2004, when the last ascension of the anointed occurs (section 57). But at this time the temple was 'filled with smoke because of the glory of God, and no one was able to enter into the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels had finished' (Rev 15:8), so the ark would not have been very easy to see at that time! But these seven plagues end at Armageddon, so this is the time when the Ark is symbolically seen. This symbolises Jehovah's rulership commencing over the world, i.e. the advent of the kingdom of God. The 'great hail' is a reference to the typical battle of Armageddon in Joshua 10:11.

Now we have the timetable of the trumpets, the first four were blown for 3.5 years, in fact the whole period of the two witnesses prophesying in sackcloth and ashes (Rev 11:3). To be precise, this period was from Tishri 15, 1914 until Nisan 14, 1918 (1,260 days of the Hebrew calendar). The fifth and the sixth trumpets were blown at the Cedar point convention of September 5-13, 1922. The seventh trumpet is sounded five times, once for each resurrection, in Nisan 1918, Tishri 1925, Tishri 1955, Tishri 1995 & Tishri 2004. Then, on Nisan 14, 2008 CE, it is blown, thereby announcing that the Kingdom of God has arrived. The world will not listen to this trumpet (see section 66), just as it has ignored all of the first six trumpets. As regards the three woes, the first woe of the Locusts lasts from Cedar point until Tishri 15, 2004, when the last anointed ones die. The second woe lasts from Cedar point until Nisan 14, 2008 CE, when the Great Crowd stop preaching and start running for Zoar (see section 66.2), because the Abrahamic covenant ends on Nisan 14, 2008 (see section 42). The third woe lasts from Nisan 14, 1918, until the end of Armageddon which is 150 days after Nisan 14, 2008, i.e. Elul 14, 2008, the day that Satan is abyssed!

The correlation of the seven conventions from 1922 until 1928 on page 173 and pages 140-141 of the revelation book, with the seven trumpets causes confusion, because none of these trumpets, were blown at any of the last six of these conventions, it is suggested that this source of confusion is made clearer somehow.


The Gibeonites (Joshua 9) represented the Great Crowd who keep their life and do not have to die. They just walk through Armageddon into the new system, just because they, of all the ones who have put faith in Jehovah and his son, happened to be in the right place at the right time. In other words, just like the faithful Gibeonites, who happened to be in the promised land at the time that it was given to the nation of Israel, the Great Crowd happen to be alive and on earth at the time when the earth is given spiritual Israel, as a kingdom which they rule over from heaven. Because of this the Great Crowd do not have to die. The Gibeonites cheated Jehovah's judgement on all the inhabitants of Canaan by virtue of a promise made by Joshua before the chieftains of the assembly (Joshua 9:15). Likewise the Great crowd will cheat Jehovah's judgement again of death being the wages for all sinners (which they are, like everybody else) by virtue of being faithful yes, by virtue of being there at the right time yes, and by virtue of a promise made by Jesus before Martha (one of the current heavenly chieftains), when he said to Martha:

"I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me even though he dies, will come to life, and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all." (John 11:25,26).

Is it a coincidence that both Mary and Martha say to Jesus:

"Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died." (John 11:21)

"Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died." (John 11:32)?

No Sir! This is without doubt a prophecy. Because the exact same words repeated twice by two witnesses, firmly establish that when Jesus is here (i.e. in the Lord's day) the brothers who are living then will not have to die (Gen 41:25,32 Amos 3:3-7, section 2). This does not apply to the anointed who whilst they do not fall asleep in death (1 Cor 15:52) in this period, they do actually die, having been baptised into death, and "Happy are the dead who die in union with the Lord from this time onward... for the things they did go right with them", (Rev 14:13). Also the resurrection of Lazarus which is the theme of John 11, was an earthly resurrection from a memorial tomb, compare with John 5:28, being an example of what Jesus would do in his Kingdom, in other words an advert for the Kingdom. So the "Lazarus Class" or "Other sheep" of John 10:16, if they are living at Armageddon when Jesus is here not only as King but also as executioner, as was Joshua in 1473 BCE will 'never die at all', having effectively cheated the judgement for their sin, like the Gibeonites.

Furthermore the literal deceit used by the Gibeonites was that whilst they in fact did live in the promised land, they acted as if they lived a long way away from the promised land, by carrying stale provisions and putting on worn out shoes etc (Joshua 9:4,5), so that it appeared to Joshua that their land was no part of the promised land. Likewise the Great Crowd today, although we do live in the world, we act as if we are no part of the world, so that it appears to Jesus that we are no part of the world (John 17:14). Because the world has been judged, along with its ruler (John 16:11).


Verses 2,3 of this chapter say:

'And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of the living God, and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying: "Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads."'

The last one to be so sealed, is sealed in Nisan 2001 (Dan 9:27, section 74, Dan 1, see section 51, Luke 17:26,27, see section 66.2). This we also know is when the UN takes supreme power as the eighth King (Dan 3:1-5, see section 53, Amos 1:1-2:8, see section 54), and the cry of 'peace and security' goes up (1 Thess 5:3, section 53). This is also when Babylon the Great starts to be tormented (Rev 18:6,7, see section 86). This is the 'last week' (see section 74) of Satan's system, and it is when sparks begin to fly.

There is therefore no application of this scripture before this time.


'Now when the seven thunders spoke, I was at the point of writing; but I heard a voice out of heaven say: "Seal up the things the seven thunders spoke, and do not write them down." And the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand to heaven and by the one who lives forever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it and the earth and the things in it and the sea and the things in it, he swore: "There will be no delay any longer; but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish."'

That was Revelation 10:4-7, whereas we read in Daniel 12:4-7

'"And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of the end. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant."............And I began to hear the man clothed with the linen, who was up above the stream, as he proceeded to raise his right hand and his left hand to the heavens and to swear by the One who is alive for time indefinite: "It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half." And as soon as there will be a finishing of the dashing of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish."'

In the one scripture there is an angel who lifts up his hand to heaven and swears by the one who lives forever, and in the other there is an angel who lifts up his hands to heaven and swears by the one who lives for time indefinite. In the one scripture the prophet is told to seal up what is said and not write them down, in the other the prophet is told to seal up the book until the time of the end.

Both scriptures refer to the same sealing

The prophet John does not write down the things he heard in the same sense that the prophets and visionaries of Isaiah 29:11 are unable to read the things out loud. Neither of these prohibitions is literal they are both mental. The prophet does literally write down the things that the seven thunders spoke in the little scroll (Rev 10:2), the contents of which are written down in Revelation chapter 11 (see section 82). The 'prophets and visionaries' of Isaiah 29:10 can read the bible out loud physically because they are not literally illiterate (see section 89). But John writes the 'little scroll' (Revelation chapter 11) in sealed up prophetic form and the prophets of Isaiah 29 are not able to decode or unseal this sort of writing, so they cannot read it 'out loud', in this sense.

The sacred secret referred to in verse 7 is not 'brought to a finish', until:

'The days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet' (Rev 10:7)

This scripture is a second witness to Daniel 12, to the fact that the bible is written in sealed up form. We have seen in section 79, that the seventh angel sound his trumpet five times, in 1918, 1925, 1955, 1995, 2004 and then he blows it once on Nisan 14, 2008. What this means is that we will fully understand all of the sealed up things in the bible (all of which were sealed by holy spirit until Feb 1, 1992), between now and the last sounding of the trumpet, which is in Tishri 2004. Verse 11 says:

"You must prophesy again with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings."

What this means is that Rev 11:9,10, which start with the words: 'And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at...' Is a prophecy about 'many kings' i.e. about the anointed ones, which is written in sealed up form. We will look at this prophecy in section 82.


We have seen in section 58.3, that the 1,260 days of prophesying in sackcloth and ashes (Rev 11:3) extended from Tishri 15, 1914 until Nisan 14, 1918. But, this time is also referred to as 42 months (verse 2). The repetition of this time establishes a greater meaning for it, over and above that of the 1,260 literal days (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). The message of this prophesying was that Babylon the Great was going to fall, which it did on the day that the two witnesses were killed, being 'rent in two' (Mat 27:51, Dan 5:28, section 58.3). This message is summed up entirely in the advert for brother Russell's book, 'The finished mystery' (JP p75). Whereas there was a bit more to the mystery than brother Russell knew at the time he wrote his book, the writer is certain that the same brother who is now alive in heaven, having been resurrected in Tishri 1925, and having seen the subsequent resurrection in Tishri 1955 (section 57), now knows a bit more about this mystery than the society which he was chosen to start does!

The two witnesses of Rev 11:3 are symbolised by the two olive trees of Zechariah 4:3, and by two lampstands we are told in Rev 11:4. The two olive trees represent the two distinct groups of the first and second temples of the anointed brothers of Christ, there being 80,000 brothers in the first group and 64,000 brothers in the second. It is not possible to grasp the full meaning of Revelation 11, without knowing that these two trees represent the first and second physical temples in the first illumination (from the first lampstand) and the first and second spiritual temples in the second illumination (from the second lampstand).

Given this symbolism, it is apparent there this 'killing' that occurred on Nisan 14, 1918, was a very deep 'killing' indeed. The first of the two witnesses, which is the first temple brothers, in the second illumination, were symbolically killed on this day, thereby starting the 41 days of Acts 12:1-10 (section 73). These brothers were raised up to angelic life on Nisan 16, 1918, and then entered heaven on Iyyar 25, 1918, following the same pattern as their leader, Jesus Christ.

The modern day part of the 'two witnesses class', the brothers of the second temple, were effectively started in Tishri 1884 the writer conjectures (it is hoped that this is the date of the application for incorporation of the Watchtower Society by C. T. Russell - the date of incorporation was 15 December). These two witnesses were baptised in Tishri 1895, at the end of the five times of the Apostate Times (Mat 25:1-12, section 39). They were anointed to preach their message, thereby starting their ministry in Tishri 1914, and 1,260 days later they were 'killed' spiritually, in that their preaching worked effectively ceased. On the 42nd day after this, which was May 7th 1918, they were arrested, and descended into the state penitentiary. We therefore have the following pattern:

Jesus anointed Jesus anointed

Jesus born to build temple as the Messiah Jesus killed



Tishri 2 BCE Tishri 10 CE Tishri 29 CE Nisan 14, 33

Watchtower Start of 2nd 2 witnesses 2 witnesses

Soc. incorp. baptism anointed killed



~Tishri 1884 Tishri 1895 Tishri 1914 Nisan 14, 1918

March 21st 1919

Gentiles called

Jesus raised Jesus' ascension third key used _________________________________________________


Nisan 16, 33 CE Iyyar 25, 33 CE Tishri 36 CE

First temple brothers First temple ascension Great Crowd called

resurrected as angels Second temple arrested Spiritual third key used



Nisan 16, 1918 Iyyar 25, 1918 Elul 21 (Sept 13) 1922

The scripture says in verses 8 & 9:

'And their corpses will be on the broadway of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled. And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days.'

The scripture then says in verse 11&12:

'And after the three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them. And they heard a voice out of heaven say to them: "Come on up here." And they went up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them.'

This three and a half day period is mentioned twice, as was the three and a half year period of the prophesying, so both have a greater meaning (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). The revelation book on page 170, tells us that they 'ascended to an elevated spiritual state' in 1919. What amazes the writer is that the word ascend was used, and yet the society does not realise that ascension to heaven is what this scripture is about. Jehovah's people do not ascend to elevated spiritual states - that is what Buddhists do! Jehovah's people actually ascend right into real heaven. The Revelation book also suggests that this three and a half day period is to do with the fact that a corpse in a warm climate will actually start to smell after three and a half literal days, which really is taking the situation literally! But the scripture says that the nations would 'Look at their corpses for three and a half days' it does not say that they would 'smell their corpses for three and a half days' !

The reader may by now have recognised that, very often in the bible, when one has 45 camels it is not the camels that mean anything, rather it is the number of camels that is important. The classic example of this is Acts 12:1-17, see section 73. Therefore in the case of these three and a half days, it is the three and a half that is important. Because for how long did Jesus expose the pharisees in the first century? 3.5 years, and for how long did Elijah expose the prophets of Baal in the tenth century BCE (1 Kings 17:1, James 5:17)? 3.5 years, and for how long is Jehovah himself going to pour out his seven bowls of anger on Satan's system, thoroughly exposing it right up to Armageddon? 3.5 years (he hasn't started pouring yet - see section 84), and for how long did the two witnesses expose Babylon the Great as spiritually dead? 3.5 years, and so what does 3.5 stand for in bible symbolism? Yes, it stands symbolically for a full exposure, and 3.5 days is a full exposure time (in days), or a full exposure time, taken a day for a year.

Fine, but how long a period does this 3.5 days represent? Well, this is where the prophecy of the peoples and nations and tongues and many kings referred to in Rev 10:11 comes in. Before we can get very far with interpreting this we have to look again at the Greek, because there is an error in translation of verse 9, which is almost a prophetic error! In fact just as the translators have not recognised the second meaning of the Greek word: 'ptoma' which means either:

1. A fall, downfall, misfortune, calamity or disaster

2. A corpse or carcass (i.e. a fallen human)

So the society has missed the double meaning of the killing of verse 3, as we have already seen. In fact the true God has used an amazing quantity of finesse in writing this account. Because these two linguistic meanings of this Greek word are not only the two symbolic meanings of the account, in that they are the two demises of the two witness classes, one of which symbolically died on Nisan 14, 1918 to be literally raised on Nisan 16, and the other of which had its preaching work stopped and then suffered the calamity or disaster of imprisonment, but also these two meanings of this Greek word refer to the two cryptic meanings of this account which are the length in days that the first witness class has to wait after its symbolic death before it ascends to heaven, and the length in days from this symbolic death to the end of the incarceration of the second witness class in the State Penitentiary, as we shall see. The Greek for verse 9 (Kingdom interlinear), with the corrected English translation reads:

kai blepousin ek ton laon kai fulon kai

and they are looking at out of the peoples and tribes and

glosson kai ethnon to ptoma auton emeras

tongues and nations the downfall of them days

treis kai emisu, kai ta ptomata auton ouk

three and half, and the corpses of them not

afiousin tethenai eis mnena

they are letting go off to be put into memorial tomb

The New world translators, following after the King James etc, have translated 'ptoma', which is singular, as 'corpses' which is plural. This is not on. No doubt the reason was to harmonise with the 'ptomata' later in the verse, which being plural does not stand for 'downfalls' but does indeed mean 'corpses'. The writer is able to say all of this not because he has a great knowledge of Greek (he is in fact struggling very much in this regard), but rather it is because he has a knowledge of bible prophecy and sealed prophetic form. The whole point of Revelation chapter 11 is these two different meanings of 'ptoma'.

Now we are in a position to tackle the cryptic part of the sealed prophecy of Rev 11, this is verses 9 & 10:

'And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their downfall for three and a half days, and they do not let their corpses be laid in a tomb. And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them and enjoy themselves, and they send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth.'

The writer confesses to having pondered and prayed and begged over this one for quite some time. His pondering would have been a lot shorter had he immediately applied the golden rule for interpreting cryptic prophecy. This rule is to find the repeated phrases (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). The repeated phrase is:

'Those dwelling on the earth'

These people therefore have a greater meaning. Indeed one could have almost deduced this from Rev 10:11. The greater meaning is that they are:

'of peoples and tribes and tongues and nations'

In other words they represent '8 times'. We have applied the rule of:

'A time, times and half a time' (Rev 12:14)

This, in the greater meaning, is saying that singular things can stand for one time, plural things can stand for two times, and half things can stand for half a time (see section 21.1), for examples of this see sections 38, 42, 70, 73, 86, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 etc. The cryptic calculation works as follows:

Those dwelling on the earth look for 3.5 days

i.e. 8 x 3.5 days 28 days

Corpses not laid in a tomb: i.e. less 2 times - 2 days

Two prophets torment those 'dwelling on the earth'

i.e. 2 x 8 times 16 days


Total 42 days

We are taking a time as a day (i.e. a day for a year). It is agreed that this interpretation is not immediately obvious, but then this is (or was) a sealed prophecy. Jehovah, for his part, is well aware of the ambiguity in this calculation and so he has provided many confirmations that the above is correct. First of all in verse 2 we see that the exposure period is 42 months. This representation is a confirmation that the number 42, is the correct answer to the cryptic puzzle of the chapter, although it is not a direct witness to the length of the exposure period itself. We have seen this kind of confirmation before in section 36.1, with the 96 hour wait of Cornelius (Acts 10:30), and we have seen it in section 72, with the five sparrows that sell for two assarii (Luke 12:6).

There is further confirmation that the above is the correct calculation in the scripture itself which says:

'And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them' (verse 10)

'And they will send gifts to one another' (verse 10)

This is two witnesses that the greater meaning of 'those dwelling on the earth' (i.e. the 8 times) is to be used twice in the calculation. The second time, being 'over' or in addition to the first, and being 'another' as compared to the first 'one'. Also the 'gifts' remind us of the cryptic gift the Jacob sent to Joseph (Gen 43:11-14, section 38), specifically we remember that this gift was taken a second time.

So we now have a period of 42 days, during which time the corpses of the two witnesses are not laid in a tomb. Furthermore, we read in verse 11 that after this period, they ascend into heaven. Therefore we now have a further confirmation that the first century brothers ascend into heaven on the 42nd day after their symbolic death. This is the 42nd day after Nisan 14, 1918 (inclusive), which is Iyyar 25, 1918.

Therefore the 3.5 day exposure actually stands firstly for a full exposure for the earthly part of the two witnesses, and its heavenly meaning is that 42 days after the two witnesses are symbolically killed (including the day of killing - Nisan 14 - March 26th), the second temple brothers will be fully exposed for ridicule and shame by Satan's system, when they are arrested on May 7th 1918, and the first temple brothers, the heavenly (at that time) part of the two witnesses, will ascend into heaven this same day, which is what the call of 'come on up here' (Rev 11:12), is all about. Literally verse 12 says:

'They stepped up to heaven in a cloud.'

This is a reference to the 'rising flight of stones' of Jacob's ladder (Gen 28:12 - literal), which scripture says:

'Look! there were God's angels ascending and descending on it.'

These angels are the anointed brothers of Christ. Furthermore, the stepping 'up into heaven in the cloud' (Rev 11:12), is a reference to the cloud of Acts 1:9, in which Jesus ascended, because it does not say 'a cloud' it says 'the cloud'. These sort of distinctions are important in the bible (Gal 3:16). We have a second witness to this period in Acts 12:1-17 - see section 73. The witness in Acts 12 involves Peter being in prison. This points forward to the imprisonment of the brothers at the release into heaven of the angel Peter. The ex-heavenly 'enemies' that 'beheld them' (Rev 11:12) were Satan and his demons who, from their abased and restricted position, having been 'hurled down to the earth' (Rev 12:13) on Nisan 14, saw the 80,000 first century brothers of the Christ, whom they had persecuted mercilessly two thousand years previous to this time, triumph completely over them and over sin and over death, being resurrected on Nisan 16. They saw 80,000 dead humans become 80,000 immortal angels, they saw the victory of God, this is what John means by a 'great sign' (Rev 12:1).

But in this account we have two witnesses, two prophets, two statements of a period of 3.5 days, two statements of a period of 3.5 Hebrew years, two linguistic meanings for the word ptoma and two symbolic meanings to the account. Therefore as already mentioned we will find two cryptic meanings. We already have a cryptic meaning corresponding to the 'corpse' translation of ptoma, which applied to the 'first witness class' of first temple brothers. And now, to appreciate the full and sublime elegance of this chapter of Revelation, we will find out the cryptic meaning that corresponds to the 'downfall' or 'calamity' translation of ptoma, that befalls the 'second witness class' of second temple brothers, the remnant class. This is the termination of their preaching after the 1,260 days and their subsequent imprisonment.

Now in the first cryptic calculation, we considered the exposure of the two witnesses by those dwelling on the earth (8 x 3.5 days), and we considered the exposure of those dwelling on the earth by the two witnesses (2 x 8 times). So for the second cryptic calculation we will also consider both of these periods, in fact we will compare the two exposure periods of 1260 days and 3.5 days. In the bible (and in mathematics), to compare is to divide (see sections 53,70,71,87):

1260 days / 3.5 days = 360 days

This was the exact length of time between the symbolic death on Nisan 14, which was March 26th 1918, and bail being granted to the incarcerated brothers on March 21st 1919 (JP p73,86). We have already seen that this period is the 'Change in times and law' of Daniel 7:25 (section 64.1). March 21st 1919 is the start of the 1260 days of Rev 12:6, see section 83.

The fact that the same set of words are used to depict the two different demises of the two different classes of the two witnesses, is the true God's most eloquent way of telling us that the ascension into heaven is coincident with the descension into custody.


We know from section 58.3, that the male child that is born by the woman of verse 1, is the 80,000 first temple brothers. These ones were 'caught away to God and to his throne' (verse 5), because they were resurrected on Nisan 16, 1918, and then ascended into heaven on Iyyar 25, 1918 (May 7th), where they were to rule as kings in the very near future. We are told that this woman flees into the wilderness for 1,260 days to be fed (verse 6). We now look in detail at verses 13 - 16:

'Now when the dragon saw that it was hurled down to the earth, it persecuted the woman, that gave birth to the male child. But the two wings of the great eagle were given the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is fed for a time and times and half a time away from the face of the serpent. And the serpent disgorged water like a river from its mouth after the woman, to cause her to be drowned by the river. But the earth came to the woman's help, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river that disgorged from its mouth.'

The dragon is Satan, who was hurled down to earth on Nisan 14, 1918, he then persecuted the woman, which is Jehovah's loyal heavenly organisation, which after Nisan 14, 1918, is simply the entire heavenly host, because Satan and his demons have been thrown out. The woman is persecuted, through an attack on her seed, which was a verbal attack inspired by Satan through his false religious arm of the then fallen Babylon the Great. Which results in the arrest of the brothers on May 7th, and their incarceration. The earth comes to the rescue via the courts who eventually grant bail on 21 March 1919, and physically release the brothers from Atlanta penitentiary on March 25, and then on March 26 in Brooklyn, the federal authorities release them from custody. There then follows a period of recuperation for Jehovah's people, which ends with a convention at Cedar point on Sept 5 - 13, 1922, the theme of which is to 'Advertise the king and the kingdom' (JP p86,103). When you start advertising, then you are no longer in the wilderness!

We know that our heavenly father is perfect. One aspect of this perfection is that the 1,260 days mentioned in verse 6 of Rev 12, will be the exact length of time, in days of the prophetic form of the Hebrew calendar, between the release of the brothers and their coming out of the wilderness. The memorial in 1922 was on April 10th, which means that Cedar point was Elul 12 - 20, 1922. We now need to know which Hebrew dates correspond to March 21,25,26, 1919. The memorial in 1919 was April 13th (see appendix 4), so Nisan 1 was March 31st, which means that March 21,25,26 were not in the Hebrew year which started on March 31st 1922. So we look now at the memorial in 1918, which was March 26th, which means that Nisan 1 was on March 13th 1918. The last day of this Hebrew year, which is Adar 30 would then be March 7th 1919. So March 21,25,26 were not in this Hebrew year either!

This is very sad, but all is not lost, because we still have faith in Jehovah's perfection (although we are not too happy with his chosen people's calendar right now!).

So we have no choice but to treat the time from March 8th 1918 until March 30th 1919, as an intercalary second Adar or Veadar (Insight 1 p390). Now that we have put March 21,25,26 in a month (or even if we hadn't done this), we can say yes, these three dates are the 10th,6th,5th days before the start of the Hebrew year corresponding to 1919. Now the bible says 1,260 prophetic Hebrew days were spent in the wilderness, this is the whole of the period from the evening of March 21 1919 (10th day before Nisan 1, 1919) until the evening of September 13th (Elul 20) 1922. Now it is evident that Bail would have been granted by 6 pm on March 21, 1919, because lawyers do not like working late. It is also evident that the brothers came out of the wilderness and actually started their advertising on the evening that the Cedar Point convention ended, because during the convention they were still feeding themselves. The writer himself has experience of coming out of a convention and wanting to tell the world what he had learned immediately. Therefore this 1,260 day period started on the evening of March 21, 1919 and ended on the evening of September 13, 1922.

So our faith in the perfection of Jehovah is rewarded in full yet again.

This is the joy of working with a perfect person. This prophecy is accurate almost to the hour! The feeding of themselves during the 1,260 days (verse 6), is the last half of the week of the third fulfilment the of Dan 9:27, see section 74. The starting of the feeding of people other than themselves is in fact the calling of the Great Crowd. This calling started at 6 pm (Cedar Point time) on 13th September 1922. Futhermore, the fact that the start date of this period (March 21, 1919) is in the 'lost time' period of the Hebrew year (i.e. the intercalary second Adar - see fig 2) is symbolic of the fact the the whole 360 day period from Nisan 14, 1918 until March 21, which is the 'change in times and law' of Dan 7:25, is also treated as 'lost time' in the third 'last week' of Dan 9:27. So now we are a lot happier with the Hebrew Calendar, because its missing period has been used by the most high God to symbolise the missing period in his divine timetable! We now state the calling of the Great Crowd in big letters:


One corollary of this is:



The first words of this chapter are: 'And I saw in heaven another sign, great and wonderful, seven angels with seven plagues.' The very first thing that we should do therefore is have a look at the last 'great sign' that John saw in heaven, because this is what the scripture is saying to us. This great sign is found in Rev 12:1, which reads: 'And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars.' We have already seen in section 58.3, that this woman is not giving birth to any new nation on earth (Rev bk p183), she is giving birth to the 80,000 brothers of the first temple who are raised to life on Nisan 14, 1918. The twelve stars are:

Peter John James

Andrew Philip Thomas

Bartholomew Matthew James (son of Alphaeus)

Simon Judas (son of James) Matthias

These men are the twelve provision baskets of Matthew 16:9, from which the 5,000 were fed thereby increasing sixteenfold to become 80,000 (section 33). This heavenly resurrection was indeed a great sign (see section 82), and the great sign of Rev 15:1 is no less great, because whereas the first sign was the first resurrection of the anointed ones, this last sign is their last resurrection. This fifth resurrection of the anointed ones in Tishri 2004 (section 57), makes the sixth stage of the heavenly locust, which is its adult stage (see section 56, appendix 3), which is the seventh heaven. There is a very important verse in this chapter, which tells us that this sign is indeed the last resurrection, and it is verse 8:

'And the sanctuary became filled with smoke because of the glory of God and because of his power, and no one was able to enter into the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were finished.'

Now at what stage in the construction of the tabernacle in the tent of the meeting, did Jehovah come down in a cloud, and prevent Moses from entering it (Ex 40:34,35)?


And at what stage during the construction of the temple of Solomon did the cloud of Jehovah come down into the temple and prevent the priests from entering it (1 Kings 8:10,11)?


And so at what stage in the construction from 'living stones' of the spiritual temple in heaven does the cloud of Jehovah come down, and prevent the heavenly priests from entering? Yes, you guessed it, Jehovah has provided us with the necessary two witnesses mentioned above......


In other words it was after the last resurrection, which we already know will be on Tishri 17, 2004 (section 57).

But even if we did not know that, we could work out when the heavenly temple would be finished by considering all of the other temples and a certain feature common to each and every one. Namely that all of them were cut short by a half of a week of years, before the end of their designated temple life-span. The tabernacle was designated 490 years (section 29), its use finished after 486.5 years (section 7). Solomon's temple was designated 420 years (section 29), its use finished after 416.5 years. Zerubbabel's temple was designated 490 years (section 29), its use was cut short to 486.5 years, at the death of Jesus. Therefore we have three witnesses to the fact that temple lifespans are cut short by 3.5 years, and in each case it is because the next temple is already built by then. So we know that the temple of Jesus' heavenly body and the first century brothers, will also be cut short by the same amount, because the next temple, which is him and the complete number of his brothers, is already built by then. So this cloud comes down in Tishri 17, 2004, we say Tishri rather than 26 Heshvan, which was the last ascension, because in the case of Jesus, the temple was built in three days (Mat 26:61), being completed on Nisan 16, which was the day of his resurrection, rather than the day of his ascension.

The situation therefore is, that all of the 144,000 anointed brothers are in heaven before the cloud comes down, and before the bowls are poured out. We now understand that the last 3.5 years of bowl pouring on the part of the seven angels, is a full exposure of Satan's corrupt and inept and wicked and selfish and deceitful and arrogant and hypocritical and murderous system, before its ensuing total extermination. Then we read in verse 2:

'And I saw what seemed to be a glassy sea mingled with fire, and those who came off victorious from the wild beast and from its image and from the number of its name, standing by the glassy sea, having harps of God.

Well, if those who have come off victorious from the wild beast have these harps, then those ones, even all of their number, are on mount Zion, i.e. in heaven (Rev 14:1-3). They are singing the song (of salvation) of Moses, because they, the spiritual Israelites, have all been saved from death spiritually through the glassy sea by the greater saviour Jesus, just as the physical Israelites were saved from death physically through the Red sea by the lesser saviour Moses. And whereas the Red Sea was split by the rod of Moses (Ex 14:16), thereby providing a means of escape for the Natural Jews, Babylon the Great was split in two by the sceptre of Jesus (Dan 5:28), thereby providing a means of escape for the spiritual Jews (Psalm 2:9). The song of Moses is in Exodus 15, and is sung after all of physical Israel has come off victorious from Pharaoh. How is it that we think that some of spiritual Israel are left behind when this song is sung in Rev 15:3,4?

Furthermore, Paul has said at 2 Thess 1, to the Great Crowd, who come out of the great tribulation, that God will repay:

'To you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us (the anointed) at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels, in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance on those who do not know God.'

So the revelation of the 'Son of Man', on Sivan 29, 2008 CE (section 69), is also the revelation of his powerful angels. Now if these ones are his, and are powerful, then they are the 144,000 of his body, which is his congregation, who are his brothers, who have been given power already, at the marriage of the lamb on Nisan 14 of that year.

It therefore follows that there is no application of the effects of any of Jehovah's seven bowls of anger, to any events preceding Tishri 2004. And the anointed brothers will not suffer at all from the Great Tribulation of Mat 24:21, or from any of the seven bowls (they will more than likely be on the dispensing end of these bowls).


After the seventh angel has started to pour out his bowl upon the air (verse 17), Babylon, the great city, is split into three parts (verse 19). This symbolism refers to the splitting into two parts that occurred at its fall on Nisan 14, 1918 (Dan 5:28, Rev 12:10, section 58.3). The splitting into three parts, i.e. one part more, represents the total destruction of Satan's false religious kingdom, the next stage (part) after the fall. The last stage is the destruction of Satan's administrative kingdom over the world, by a division into four parts (Mat 12:25,26, section 58.3).


This is another chapter of Revelation which is written in 'sealed up' or 'time of the end', form. It is not necessary to understand the sealed up things in this chapter, in order to understand the symbolism in the book of revelation, so the scripture of Rev 22:10 is not contradicted by having a sealed up item in this chapter. The chronological part starts in verse 6, which reads:

'Render to her even as much as she herself rendered, and do to her twice as much, yes twice the number of the things she did; in the cup in which she put a mixture put twice as much of the mixture for her. To the extent that she glorified herself and lived in shameless luxury, TO THAT EXTENT, give her TORMENT and MOURNING.'

The reader will have seen the scripture which says: 'There is where she is fed for a time and times and half a time' (Rev 12:14). The above is in a similar form (see section 21.1), because, if one renders 'even as much as she herself rendered', then one renders 'a time' as much. If one does to her 'twice as much', then one has done 'times' as much. Twice the number of the things she did is therefore 'times' as much as well. If one puts 'twice as much of the mixture' in her cup as she put in the cup, then one has got 'times' as much mixture. So this scripture is actually saying:

Render to her a time and times and times and times.

Or in other words: Render to her seven times. As regards the extent of her 'shameless luxury', well the temporal extent of this was the seven times of the Gentile Times, because although Babylon the Great survived for another 3.5 years after Tishri 1914, these years were not shameless, because her shame was being exposed by the two witnesses (Rev 11:3, section 82), for all of this time. So if we give her torment and mourning, for this same extent of time, then we are again talking about seven times. Therefore we can now say that:

The torment on Babylon the Great will start in Nisan 2001.

The next question is how much of this period of seven times (years) is going to be torment, and how much of it is going to be mourning? We already know that Babylon the Great is destroyed 2.5 years before Armageddon from the account of the ambush of Ai (Joshua 7:17,18 8:3,25), we are now going to discover the second witness to this timing in Revelation, and also some further detail as to the effect of this destruction. Verse 11 says:

'Also the travelling merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her, because there is no one to buy their full stock anymore.'

Verse 12 then repeats the phrase 'full stock', establishing this full stock as a prophetic full stock (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7). So let us examine it closely, we list its contents:

Gold Silver Precious stone

Pearls Fine linen Purple

Silk Scarlet Scented wood

Ivory Precious wood Copper

Iron Marble Cinnamon

Indian spice Incense Perfumed oil

Frankincense Wine Olive oil

Fine flour Wheat Cattle

Sheep Horses Coaches

Slaves Human souls

This totals up to 27 items of stock and then two further items of stock which are humans. However, verse 16 tells us that such riches as:

Fine linen Purple Scarlet

Gold Precious stone Pearl

have been devastated in one hour. Well if 6 items of stock are devastated in one hour, which is a 'time' is it not? then to devastate 27 items of stock will take 4.5 times as long. Therefore the non-human stock of Babylon the Great is completely exhausted 2.5 times before the end as we saw in Joshua 7&8 - section 70, (because 7 - 4.5 = 2.5). However, since each item of stock is actually standing for two months (6 items are exhausted 12 months which is 1 time), it is apparent that a further 4 months are required for the last two items of stock, namely the slaves and the human souls, to be exhausted. Which means that although she will be totally destroyed formally in Tishri 2005, all of the adherents to Babylon will have left her completely in their hearts by the Hebrew month of Shebat or Adar 2005 CE (see fig 2). We say Shebat or Adar, because this prophecy is stated in double months, and is therefore only accurate to the double month (see section 24). This is two years, or two years and one month before Armageddon. Yet again the true God has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). There is actually an amazing witness to this calculation, and to the calculation in Joshua 7&8, which is so harmonious that it is just breathtaking! It is in Jeremiah 51:12,13 which say:

'Make ready those lying in ambush. For Jehovah has formed the idea and will certainly do what he has spoken against the inhabitants of Babylon. "O woman residing on abounding waters, abundant in treasures, your end has come, the measure of your profit making.'

This scripture recites both of the witnesses that the writer has so far found to the date of the destruction of Babylon the Great, being Tishri 2005 CE. Firstly the ambush of Ai, and in particular the men, 'those lying in ambush' (Jos 8:3), the number of which determines the date of Babylon's destruction, see section 70. Secondly the 29 items of full stock for 'profit making' of Rev 18:12-14, the 'measure' of which determines the 'end'. This means that either Jeremiah knew what the apostle John was going to write 700 years before he wrote it, or the bible is inspired by God. This sort of harmony is fantastic. So not only has Jehovah 'formed the idea', but as his prophet Isaiah says, he is:

'The one telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done....I have formed it, I shall also do it' (Isaiah 46:10).

So we say: 'Too bad, too bad you great city' (Rev 18:10) and we say: 'Too bad, too bad - the great city' (Rev 18:16,19). Yes, we say 'too bad' two times, even the two times which run from Nisan 2006 until Nisan 2008! Which is a witness that the men finally run out in the month of Adar in 2006, rather than in Shebat (fig 2).


Due to the recent Watchtower articles on the Nethinim (W 92 April 15 p13-17), the writer's attention has been directed to the above two chapters, which together provide one of the most fantastic time of the end prophecies that the writer has so far been privileged to understand. This one is really something!

Chapter 7 starts with Ezra showing us his descendance from Aaron. In verses 7 - 10, we read that a group of Israelites led by Ezra, left Babylon on Nisan 1 and reached Jerusalem on Ab 1. In the letter from Artaxerxes, the Jews are told to buy with the silver and gold that they have: bulls, rams, lambs and their grain offerings and their drink offerings, which they will present upon the altar of the house of their God (verse 17). In verse 21&22 we read:

'Everything that Ezra the priest, the copyist of the law of the God of the heavens, requests of you men it will be done promptly, even to a hundred talents of silver and a hundred cor measure of wheat and a hundred bath measures of wine and a hundred bath measures of oil, and salt without limit.'

Next we have in chapter 8 verses 1 - 20 a long list of names. This list is actually the cornerstone of the prophecy. Please consider the following list of returning exiles:

Gershom Daniel Hattush

Zechariah(P) +150 Eliehoenai +200 Shecaniah +300

Ebed + 50 Jeshaiah + 70 Zebediah + 80

Obadiah +218 Shelomith +160 Zechariah(B) + 28

Johanan +110 Eliphelet Jeiel

Shemaiah(A) + 60 Uthai Zabbud + 70

Eliezer Ariel Shemaiah

Elnathan(1) Jarib Elnathan(2)

Nathan Zechariah Meshullam

Joiarib Elnathan(3) Iddo +220

sherebiah + 18 Hashabiah Jeshaiah + 20



12 +606 +11 +430 +11 +718


TOTAL: 1,788 exiles

Whilst it is not immediately apparent that Iddo himself came along, verse 17 says: 'Then I gave command concerning Iddo, the head one in the place Casiphia, and I put in their mouth words to speak to Iddo (and) his brothers the Nethinim in the place Casiphia to bring to us ministers for the house of our God', and we then read in verse 20 that 220 Nethinim turned up. Presumably since Iddo was told to bring these Nethinim rather than to send these Nethinim, then he must have come along himself as well. Furthermore, there is no group in this chapter which does not have a 'head one', and since Iddo is the only candidate for this position as regards the Nethinim, he must have come along. Further still, there is no group which is numbered in such a way as to include the 'head one', so we must assume that the 220 Nethinim of verse 20 excludes Iddo, and that he came along in addition to them, as their head one. It is also easily forgotten that Ezra must be included!

The prophetic verse in this chapter is verse 15, the true meaning of which is amazing. The verse reads:

'And I proceeded to collect them at the river that comes to Ahava; and we kept encamped there three days, that I might scrutinize the people, but none of the sons of Levi did I find there.'

What this verse actually means in part is: Please will the reader scrutinize all of these people whom Ezra collected, because their number will tell him something. We read in verse 31, that the exiles pulled away from the river Ahava on the twelfth day. Now rivers in the bible are often used for baptisms, and able-bodied men often stand for years (Joshua 7:4 section 70), and timetables such as the one in this chapter from Nisan 1 to Ab 1 and thereafter, should often be taken 'a day for a year' for the greater meaning. Well if we combine all of this, then we arrive at the following chronology: We know that the first baptism, that of the first temple brothers, ended in Tishri 95 CE, so we take the 1,788 exiles as 'a man for a year' starting from then. This means that Gershom is the Hebrew year of 96 CE, Daniel is 97 CE etc, and we end up with Ezra, the last in the list, standing for the Hebrew year corresponding to 1883 CE.

Now the next year after this is the Hebrew year starting in Nisan 1884 CE, and this is represented by Nisan 1 (Ezra 7:9), and our calendar now proceeds a 'day for a year'. In which case Nisan 12, the day that they leave and cross the river (Ezra 8:31), is 1895 CE (Hebrew year of), which is the first year of the second baptism (sections 38 & 71). The three days waiting by the river Ahava, is therefore symbolising the job that they are getting baptised to do which is to build the temple (Luke 2:46, Mat 26:61 see section 94). The crossing of the river represents baptism by holy spirit for the second temple brothers. The collecting of them by Ezra is actually the waiting for the collection of the 1788 years to pass before the first year of this second baptism timetable is reached which is 1884. And we all know what happened in 1884 (JP p26):


So now we have our second prophetic witness to the start date of the Watchtower Society. Which any bible student will tell you means that it is the true religion, because two means true in God's book (2 Cor 13:1, Deut 19:15). Now we know why Ezra said (very much under inspiration), 'but none of the sons of Levi did I find there' (verse 15), he did not find any priests on that side of the river because the second baptism did not start until they crossed the river on Nisan 12 (which represents 1895 CE, Hebrew), at which time the first brothers of the second temple became anointed to be priests and to rule as kings (Rev 20:6). And whereas in the case of the physical second temple we read in Zech 4:

'"Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,"' Jehovah of armies has said.'

In the case of the second spiritual temple, Ezra has said in chapter 8 verse 22:

'For I felt ashamed to ask a military force and horsemen from the king to help us against the enemy in the way, because we had said to the king: "The hand of our God is over all those seeking him for good, but his strength and his anger are against all those leaving him.'

We now have a further proof that the one and only group of true servants of God are Jehovah's witnesses. The incorporation of the Watchtower Society, was the greater fulfilment of Ezra 7:9, and the start of the greater exodus from the greater Babylon. The symbolism of the account now becomes very interesting, because, this account may very well be the history of the Watchtower Society, written in advance.

Artaxerxes (with his seven counsellors) = Jesus Christ+Holy spirit

Ezra = Brother Russell

11 named Levites: Eliezer.....Elnathan = Governing body (rest of)

Sherebiah = Judge Rutherford

Hashabiah = Brother Knorr

Jeshaiah = Brother Franz

Iddo = Brother Next

This prophecy may well have the meaning that the next president of the Watchtower Society will be from the Nethinim, i.e. the Great Crowd, and there are 220 other named (verse 20) Nethinim, who seem to be going to do something, and right know only Jehovah knows what this is! Whilst the writer is not very familiar with the history of the society, he is aware that, the governing body has had at various times twelve members including the president. It is also well known that Judge Rutherford was indeed 'A man of discretion' (verse 18), and that there was a very close relationship between brother Knorr and brother Franz, whereas Hashabiah and Jeshaiah were both sons of Merari (verse 19). Now Iddo is said to be in the 'place Casiphia' twice, and so this is prophetic (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), the name of this place literally means place of silversmiths, (Insight 1 p422) it is thought. If so then this place is the Watchtower Society, which is a refinery for those made of spiritual silver, who are the great crowd, (2 Chron 9:14, Malachi 3:3,4) the anointed ones are made of spiritual Gold.

That the society should be so close to the mark, with its understanding of the Nethinim, without having any 'post unsealing' or 'time of the end' understanding is inspiring. What is apparent from this account, is that there is no other anointed candidate for headship of the society. What would put the icing on the cake here is the figures for the appointments to the governing body during the presidencies of Judge Rutherford, and then of the two greater sons of Merari (brothers Knorr and Franz), the writer expects that there were 18 appointments during the former presidency (Sherebiah's 18 sons and brothers), and 20 appointments during the latter two presidencies (Hashabiah's and Jeshiah's 20 sons and brothers). Also since Ezra himself appointed the 11 Levites, then presumably brother Russell himself made 11 governing body appointments.

It is now apparent that having one's name in verses 16-20 of Ezra 8, means that one is on the governing body of the Watchtower Society, in which case the fact that the 220 Nethinim were named, means that there will be 220 members of the Great Crowd who sit on this body in some capacity or other, before this system is ended. Moreover, truly it is being said to you today that not only was Sherebiah a man of Discretion (verse 18), he was also a man of Faith!

He was the first president of the faithful and discreet slave!

And it is apparent that the true God has the sharpest sense of humour in the universe. Now Sherebiah was brought 'according to the good hand of our God' (verse 18), well, who is it really who is standing at, and acting as, the right and good hand of God? It is Jesus Christ, the heavenly King, and he appointed the faithful and discreet slave (Matthew 24:45), so this appointment was 'according to him'. He chose Joseph Rutherford to be the first president of the faithful and discreet slave, the greater Sherebiah.

Continuing with the timetable, the exiles arrive in Jerusalem on Ab 1, which being 120 days after Nisan 1, corresponds to the year 2004 CE. Which we know is the year of the last resurrection of the anointed (Dan 12:7, section 49). All of the anointed are in heaven by Heshvan 2004. The fourth day of dwelling in Jerusalem, is the fourth day after Ab 1, i.e. Ab 5 (this is because on the Hebrew day of arrival, the exiles would have slept outside Jerusalem, and then arrived during daylight, therefore since the three days of dwelling in Jerusalem means three days of sleeping there, i.e. Ab 2,3,4 - verses 32,33). Ab 5 corresponds to the Hebrew year 2008, which is when these anointed ones begin ruling in the kingdom of their father, which corresponds to the weighing out of the 'silver and the gold and the utensils', (verse 33).

Jehovah is a God of love and a God of principal and justice, therefore he has not broken his principals in this account and he has not left us in the dark as to whether or not we have the true understanding. He has provided us with a second witness to these timings in the story of the silver and the gold and the utensils. The key to understanding how this works is verse 34, which says:

'By number and by weight for everything, after which all the weight was written down at that time.'

We should remember that the gold and silver was to be used to buy, bulls, rams, lambs, grain offerings and drink offerings - promptly (Ezra 7:17). Also whereas the money was to be used in part for the purchase of the above, all of the utensils/vessels were to be delivered 'in full' to the temple. This is telling us that the utensils are treated separately from the money. The total amounts of money and utensils (Ezra 8:26,27) were:

650 talents of silver 100 talents of gold

100 silver utensils (worth 2 talents) 20 gold bowls (worth 1,000 darics)

2 utensils of good copper gleaming red, as desirable as gold

There now follows an exercise in the cryptic symbolism of the true God, of the post - unsealing type, for use in understanding his purposes in the time of the end (Dan 12:4). If we look at the utensils 'by weight', then since we have two types of utensils (for which weights are specified) the silver and the gold, we know that we should be dividing their weights, because this is what we did when we saw the phrase 'able-bodied man by able-bodied man' in Joshua 7:17. In the days of Ezra weight was equivalent to worth, so 1,000 darics was a weight of gold bowls (8.4 kg - ref bible), and was also the value of them. Further to the division by weight, we should also perform a division by number, because verse 34 says, 'by weight and by number for everything'. The two divisions are:

1,000 (darics) / 200 (talents) = 5 times

100 (utensils) / 20 (bowls) = 5 times

This gives us two witnesses to the five times of the Apostate times (Mat 25:1-12, section 39), which were the 1800 years from Tishri 95 CE until Tishri 1895 CE, which was the year that the second temple brothers were first baptised, or the year that the exiles crossed the river Ahava in the symbolism of this chapter. However, as regards the money, we know that it has to be used to buy some things promptly. This word promptly, is a little help from the holy spirit because, we have already quoted Ezra 7:21,22 where Artaxerxes requests:

'Everything that Ezra the priest, the copyist of the law of the God of the heavens, requests of you men it will be done promptly, even to a hundred talents of silver and a hundred cor measures of wheat and a hundred bath measures of wine and a hundred bath measures of oil, and salt without limit.'

The greater meaning of which is that out of the 650 talents of silver which is available, 100 cor measures of wheat, 100 bath measures of wine and 100 bath measures of oil, are to be purchased at 100 silver talents to 100 measures. Thereby costing 300 silver talents and leaving a balance of 350 silver talents. Now we can do the division of moneys:

350 (talents of silver) / 100 (talents of gold) = 3.5 times

These 3.5 times result from an excess of gold and silver, over and above what was needed to buy all the sacrifices, which has the meaning that there will be a period of 3.5 times after all of the anointed ones have been sacrificed, before the end of the Abrahamic covenant in Nisan 2008. Furthermore, verse 34 says of this excess, that after the weighing out: 'All the weight was written down at that time', which time is the Hebrew year 2008 represented by Ab 5. So this 3.5 years period is also the period between the reaching Jerusalem and the weighing out, which two events symbolically and respectively depict the last resurrection of the anointed ones and the marriage of the lamb, which is when the anointed ones are installed as rulers.

However, please remember that the money was supposed to buy bulls, rams and lambs as well as their grain and drink offerings (Ezra 7:17). This directs our attention to Ezra 8:35 which describes the sacrifice that these exiles offered to Jehovah at the (site of the) temple at Jerusalem, and which reads:

'The former exiles themselves presented burnt sacrifices to the God of Israel, 12 bulls for all Israel, 96 rams, 77 male lambs, 12 he-goats as a sin offering, everything as a burnt offering to Jehovah.'

The 12 bulls are the powerful ones of this sacrifice and represent the twelve apostles, because as Paul says in Gal 2:8 'He who gave Peter powers necessary for an apostleship to those who are circumcised, gave powers also to me for those who are of the nations'. These twelve we know are the twelve provision baskets of Mat 16:9 (section 33), who feed all of the brothers of the first temple, whose baptism lasted 96 years from Tishri 2 BCE until Tishri 95 CE (Acts 10: 9-16, section 36.1). The length of this 'first baptism' is represented by the number of the rams, and this period immediately preceded the five times of the Apostate times, which in this account is represented by 1,788 exiles and 12 days. The 77 lambs represent the truly perfect lamb of God, even the Christ. The twelve goats are the usual sin offering for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Which just leaves the 'two utensils of good copper, gleaming red, as desirable as gold', (verse 27). They are copper because they are extracted and refined out of the earth, they are gleaming red, blood red, because they die a sacrificial death, they are good copper because they are declared righteous by virtue of their faith, they are as desirable as gold, because they are in union with the one who is the purest of refined gold. These two utensils are the two baptisms into a sacrificial death, of the first and second temples of the brothers of the Christ, the dates of which are witnessed to in this account. The first one spanning Tishri 2 BCE until Tishri 95 CE a period of 96 'rams!', and the second spanning Tishri 1895 CE until the end of the sacrifices in Tishri 2004 CE, a period of 109 'days'.


In Section 77 on Daniel 2, we saw our first counsel for the faithful & discreet slave, in the time of the end. This counsel was a rebuke from the Heavenly King Jesus, for the 'lying' and 'wrong word' that his earthly courtiers had agreed to say (Dan 2:9). This lie being the doctrines that the time of the end started in 1914, that Daniel is already unsealed, i.e. that there is no greater dream. Also that we can never know the date of Armageddon, before the date of Armageddon, i.e. that Arioch would destroy all of the wise men of Babylon without them knowing the meaning of the dream of the king (Dan 2:12). And that nobody can understand the bible 'except the gods, whose own dwelling does not exist with flesh at all' (Dan 2:11). These gods are the anointed ones in Jehovah's organisation, even the ones whose dwelling exists in the heavens (John 14:2,3), we will see that they are not the only ones to whom Jehovah is allowed to reveal his secrets. We will discover in Luke 12, that this rebuke applies to the fourth watch of the Watchtower Society, which is the current one, the fourth presidency. Before we start please remember the proverb:

'The one whom Jehovah loves, he reproves' (Prov 3:12).

And as a second witness, we have the words of Paul:

'Whom Jehovah loves he disciplines' (Heb 12:6).

At the start of this book, the writer described the third meaning of the bible as joyful and loving, true and revealing, but not for the most part judgemental or corrective. Well, Daniel 2 is one exception to this and so are Isaiah 29, Romans 11, Luke 12, and the parallel account in Mark 13. In some ways it is inevitable that if we uncover new prophetic meanings in the bible, then we will uncover new reproofs and corrections that we have to take and make as well - after all the bible is a book of instructions for men. These chapters of the bible are looked at in the two sections, 89 & 90, and some conclusions are drawn in section 91.


There are places in this book where the writer expresses his dismay that the faithful slave has got the wrong understanding of some things. This failing on the writer's part is because he is a sinful human. The administration does have a very large mitigation to their lack of bible understanding at the present time, which is that these things were 'sealed up'. This is indeed why they are only to be beaten with few strokes as we shall see in section 90. They are 'the one that did not understand and so did things deserving of strokes' (Luke 12:48, section 90). This does not exonerate them completely however because they should have understood, because Jehovah is loyal and he did give them the opportunity to have revealed to them the whole contents of this book directly, rather than to the writer, in the first instance, but we will see that they lost this opportunity due to a false step that they took (Rom 11:11,12, section 89.1). We will look at this situation and at this false step in the next few sections.

The concept of sealing up meanings occurs only in a few places in the bible. There are many more references to the sealing with holy spirit of the anointed ones. The scriptures which refer to the sealing up of meaning, excepting the seven seals of the scroll of Revelation chapters 5,6,7,8, are now going to be quoted in their entirety.

'And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of the end' (Dan 12:4).

'Go Daniel, because the words are made secret and sealed up until the time of the end' (Dan 12:9).

'He also tells me: "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the appointed time is near' (Rev 22:10).

"Seal up the things the seven thunders spoke, and do not write them down" (Rev 10:4).

'And for you men the vision of everything becomes like the words of the book that has been sealed up, which they give to someone knowing writing, saying: "Read this out loud please," and he has to say: "I am unable, for it is sealed up" (Isaiah 29:11).

'The utterance of Balaam the son of Beor, and the utterance of the able-bodied man with the eye unsealed' (Num 24:3).

'The utterance of Balaam the son of Beor, and the utterance of the able-bodied man with the eye unsealed' (Num 24:15).

These seven scriptures all refer to the unsealing of Feb 1, 1992. The first two are covered in section 49, the third in section 78, the fourth in section 81A, the fifth in section 89, the sixth and seventh in the section 27. This exhaustive survey shows us that the only unsealing of meaning referred to in the bible, is the one in the time of the end.


It is not an easy thing for a son to correct a father. Nor is it the writer's place to correct anybody. But the true God has allowed him to understand many prophecies to do with the timing and manner of salvation of true worshippers. In doing so he has also allowed him to understand some new points of counsel which apply now. Please do not get upset at the contents of this chapter, and please forgive the writer if his manner offends. Being a mathematician, although he may be great in the understanding of facts and symbolisms and codes and dates, he is not so great in the understanding of people. The writer insists that whereas Jesus' slave and Jehovah's people may have slipped up, they have all been called and chosen because they are the very ones who have recognised that they do slip up. This is why they have come to know and to love Jehovah, so that he can teach them not to slip up. It is as the Psalmist says:

'Instruct me, Oh Jehovah, in your way, And lead me in the path of uprightness on account of my foes' (Psalm 27:11).

The point to grasp about the 29th chapter of Isaiah it is suggested, is that it has a final fulfilment in the time of the end (Dan 8:17), which is when the third meaning of the bible, the cryptic meaning, is unsealed. This is what is referred to in verses 11&12. This is also apparent from verses 1 - 6, which describe the final siege on Jerusalem and then Armageddon in verse 6 itself, that this chapter has to do with the very end of this system. Verses 7&8 then describe how those waging war against Jehovah's people will think that they are going to win and get much spoil, but they will get nothing because they are effectively dreaming. Isaiah 29:7,8 say:

'And it must occur just as in a dream, in a vision of the night, regarding the crowd of all the nations that are waging war against Ariel, even all those waging war against her, and the siege towers against her and those making things tight for her. Yes, it must occur just as when someone hungry dreams and here he is eating, and he actually awakes and here he is tired and his soul is dried out; thus it will occur with the crowd of all nations that are waging war against Mount Zion.'

That these things are prophetic is apparent from all of the repetition in the chapter (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2), which is so ubiquitous that the writer is not going to identify each case individually. The verses which are counsel for the wise men of Jehovah's organisation today are verses 9 - 16, it is suggested. The final 8 verses then describe the success that this counsel is going to have, and how the third meaning of the bible will become known to all before the end:

'And in that day the deaf ones will certainly hear the words of the book, and out of the gloom and out of the darkness even the eyes of the blind one will see' (verse 18).

This is fulfilled in the day when Lebanon is no longer an orchard, but has become a forest (verse 17), so it is now, when we have 4 million brothers - a forest of them! We then read how the meek ones will increase their rejoicing in 'Jehovah himself', and how the poor ones will rejoice in 'Jehovah himself'. This repetition is showing that the point being made is that the meek (Jehovah's people), the ones who are about to possess the earth, only had a partial joy in 'Jehovah himself', before this time, and the poor (spiritually poor, i.e. weak ones of Jehovah's people) were before this time not rejoicing in 'Jehovah himself' but in someone else! Namely the tyrant who is the bragger (verse 20) - this one is getting a part of the rejoicing of Jehovah's people due to Jehovah, for himself.

Verses 22 - 24 then tell of how all of this counsel is addressed to the house of Jacob itself, and how Jacob will not be ashamed despite this reproof, and how: 'Those who are erring in spirit will actually get to know understanding and even those who are grumbling will learn instruction.' Which demonstrates the acceptance of the reproof and the beneficial effect on all concerned, which after all is the point of any reproof in the first place.

Returning to the counsel, we read in verses 9&10:

'Linger you men, and be amazed; blind yourselves, and be blinded. They have become intoxicated, but not with wine; they have moved unsteadily, but not because of intoxicating liquor. For upon you men Jehovah has poured a spirit of DEEP SLEEP; and he closes your eyes the prophets, and he has covered even your heads, the visionaries.'

The meaning of this, although it may not be very palatable, is very clear. These 'prophets and visionaries' are lingering and slow and unsteady and asleep and act as if intoxicated. Now referring to these ones we read in verses 11&12:

'And for you men the vision of everything becomes like the words of the book that has been sealed up, which they give to someone knowing writing (i.e. a prophet or a visionary), saying: "Read this out loud, please" and he has to say: "I am unable, for it is sealed up"; and the book (the bible) must be given to someone that does not know writing (neither a prophet nor a visionary), saying: "Read this out loud please," and he has to say: "I do not know writing at all."

This whole situation is exactly the same as that of Daniel chapter two, where the wise men of Babylon said that what Nebuchadnezzar was asking of them was impossible. Whereas Daniel, who was not of their number at that time, and therefore 'did not know writing', showed to the king, the interpretation of the dream of the giant man, which his God had revealed to him - see section 77.2.

So we now have 'prophets and visionaries', who cannot read aloud, i.e. get the true meaning of the bible, because they are slow and asleep and unsteady and they have blinded themselves. 'And the book MUST BE GIVEN to someone that does not know writing' (verse 12), i.e. someone who is not of their number, i.e. an unbaptised associate, just as Daniel was not of the number of the wise men of Babylon before he told the King what his dream meant, in fact he was only in his second year of learning of the writing of the Chaldeans (Dan 1:4,5; Dan 2:1), or his second year of association. Therefore he 'did not know writing' in the Chaldean language. We are therefore talking about a brother who is not yet a 'publisher', so he does not 'know writing' in that sense. Obviously the reading aloud and the knowing writing are not literal, because if you literally know writing then you can literally read something aloud! If we consider Rev 1:3, we soon see that to 'read aloud' means to understand.

Now as regards these 'prophets and visionaries', well Jehovah says of them, that their present demise has occurred because:

'This people have come near me with their mouth, and they have glorified me merely with their lips, and they have removed their heart itself far from me, and their fear toward me becomes men's commandment that is being taught, therefore here I am, the One that will act wonderfully AGAIN with this people, in a wonderful manner and with something wonderful; and the wisdom of their wise men must perish, and the very understanding of their discreet men will conceal itself'

The holy book is not a sequence of disjointed verses, this wonderful action of verse 14 is what amazes the intoxicated ones in verse 9. These intoxicatees are the 'wise men' of verse 14, who are the 'prophets and the visionaries' of verse 10, who are the ones who 'know writing' in verse 11. Similarly the wonderful act that Jehovah is referring to in verse 14 is the unsealing by holy spirit of verses 10,11 which enables the lesser Daniel (section 77) to 'read aloud', i.e. explain the meaning of the third dimension of the bible, to those who 'do know writing', there aforementioned 'prophets and visionaries'. This is indeed an absolutely incredible and wonderful act. The reason that Jehovah causes an 'unknown' i.e. someone who is not a recognised 'prophet or visionary or wise man' is the reason stated in verse 13, namely that these ones are busy making a name for themselves, and they are not making a name for Jehovah! And Jehovah is having none of it, and so he is going to show his people personally, that it is not any of the so called 'wise men' of his people, who are in fact drunk and lazy, blind and asleep, who are able to understand anything at all, rather it is him who is the revealer of secrets, and he is the one, who will make known to his people what is going to occur in the true and real 'time of the end' (Dan 2:29).

So who are the 'wise men' and 'the prophets' and 'the visionaries' and those 'knowing writing' and even the 'DISCREET men' (verse 14) of Jehovah's people at the time when the one who 'does not know writing' is used to reveal the sealed up meaning of the bible to them??


In the bible the word 'discreet' is occasionally used to indicate cryptically the faithful and discreet slave (Ezra 8:18, Rom 11:25 section 87). Now if these discreet ones do not believe the writer of this book, then believe instead the writer of Romans chapter 11, who himself tackles this whole problem. In an absolutely masterful use of language, Paul says at verse 25:

'For I do not want you, brothers, to be ignorant of this sacred secret, in order for you not to be discreet in your own eyes: that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Israel until the totality (literal) of the people of the nations has come in.'

The Greek word 'pleroma' means literally 'fullness' or 'totality'. The last anointed member of spiritual Israel, will be anointed in Nisan 2001 CE, the full number was actually sealed in 1922 (see section 58.2). So the totality does not come in until 2001, so this scripture is applying now. He or she who is last to be anointed, will of course be a physical Gentile (there are no physical Jews anymore, as far as Jehovah is concerned). The sacred secret referred to in this scripture is therefore the third dimension of the bible. This was unsealed on February 1, 1992 and this is what is referred to in Isaiah 29:11, and this is the greater reason why Paul actually quotes Isaiah 29:10 in the 8th verse of Romans 11.

Now, Paul does not want God's people to be ignorant of the this sacred secret, the writer of this book does not want Jehovah's people to be ignorant of this secret and the true God, Jehovah himself, does not want his people to be ignorant of this secret. Because if it was a secret, then it will one day be revealed. That is why Paul was inspired to write what he did. Because just as the physical Israelites fell asleep when Jesus came physically, so too have the spiritual Israelites right now fallen asleep, now he has come spiritually. Which is why Rom 11:8 reads, quoting Isaiah 29:10, and Jeremiah 5:21 (LXX):

'Just as it is written: "God has given them a spirit of deep sleep, eyes so as not to see and ears so as not to hear, DOWN TO THIS VERY DAY."'

The words 'Down to this very day' are not from Isaiah or Jeremiah, but are from Paul, and as we have seen many times before in this book (Gen 35:20, Jos 14:14, Jos 7:26, sections 18, 52A, 70), this means that the scripture has an application now, in the time of the end, because this is a sealed up expression this 'down to this day'. Now this is a very deep thing, and the revealing of the sacred secret, for which this book is a beginning, is 'something wonderful' from Jehovah, according to Isaiah (Isaiah 29:14). But not only according to Isaiah is it wonderful, because Paul himself says:

'Oh the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgements are and past tracing out his ways are! (Rom 11:33).

So Paul too has acknowledged in advance the supernatural brilliance of the final unsealing. Paul too used the word 'discreet' (verse 25) to symbolise the faithful and discreet slave. Therefore the exhortation of verse 20 & 21 applies now, to this slave, when he says:

'All right! For their lack of faith they were broken off, but you are standing by faith. Quit having lofty ideas, but be in fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. See therefore God's kindness and severity, but toward you there is God's kindness, provided you remain in his kindness; otherwise, you also will be lopped off.'

Brothers, how can the writer add to this exhortation! Paul was a natural branch, and he is alive now in heaven, you are the spiritual branches, make Jehovah happy with your response. Consider the scripture:

'The deliverer will come out of Zion and turn away ungodly practices from Jacob' (Rom 11:26).

The deliverer is Jesus, the time is 1992, let this be fulfilled again through you, spiritual Jacob! Because Paul has said in the first part of verse 26 that:

'In this manner all Israel will be saved.'

All Israel is not saved yet! This manner of their final saving (verse 26), is the 'sacred secret' which is referred to in verse 25! This manner is dealt with in sections 56, 57 & 58 of this book. With regard to this saving and the saving of the Great Crowd we read in verses 11 & 12:

'Therefore I ask, Did they stumble so that they fell completely? Never may that happen! But by their false step there is salvation to people of the nations, to incite them to jealousy (verse 11).

Now if their false step means riches to the world, and their decrease means riches to people of the nations, how much more will the full number (or totality) of them mean it!' (verse 12).

Verse 12 is a copy of verse 11, so we are looking at two meanings and two fulfilments of this scripture (section 2). In the literal application we know that the 'false step' of the physical Jews, caused only 16,000 of them to merit heavenly life (see section 61), and opened the way for 'salvation to the people of the nations', and for 128,000 Gentiles to gain immortal life. But this salvation to the people of the nations is a repeated concept, since it occurs again as 'riches to the people of the nations'. It therefore has a greater meaning (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). This is why Paul asks: 'how much more will the totality of them mean it'. He is actually saying that there is much more to this scripture, and of course nobody knows 'how much more will the totality of' the spiritual Gentiles of the Great Crowd be, because 'no man was able to number' them (Rev 7:9). The greater meaning of this scripture is therefore that:

The false step made by spiritual Israel (which caused Jehovah to pour a spirit of deep sleep on them), prevented them not from gaining salvation themselves, but from seeing the salvation of the Great Crowd for themselves.

The Great Crowd are the spiritual Gentiles (see section 74), and their salvation has been seen by the one who 'does not know writing' (Isaiah 29:11), rather than by the faithful and discreet slave. This scripture is also a witness that spiritual Israel were in line to see this salvation and to receive all of the interpretations exposed in this book and more................. If only they had not taken this false step. But take heart! Because although a false step has been taken, the scripture in verse 11 says:

'Did they stumble so that they fell completely? Never may that happen!

All of this is why the writer, who is a spiritual nobody, not yet even baptised, has been used to write this book. This book is a 'reading out loud' of the bible, to those who 'do know writing'. It is as Jesus said:

'I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes. Yes, O father, because to do thus came to be the way approved by you'

Yes, act wonderfully again Oh Jehovah, and show to all peoples that it is YOU who is the revealer of secrets, and the giver of wisdom to the truly wise. Yes, and the true God is to be publicly praised for this again, just as he was by his own son in Matthew 11:25. This is the way that Jehovah reveals his secrets, through his son. He does not now, and has never chosen, the wise and intellectual one of the day to be the one to whom he reveals his secrets. Rather he choses the carpenter of Bethlehem, the woman of Samaria, the youngest of the eight sons of Jesse, the fishermen of Galilee, in the last days the young store keeper of Pittsburgh, Pa., and in the time of the end, even the unbaptised associate of his Leytonstone congregation!


The Society's excellent Revelation Book on page 16 quotes Rev 1:1,2 which defines the channel for communicating the visions of Revelation from Jehovah to John. We then read:

'God had a channel for communicating Revelation in John's day, and John was the earthly part of that channel. Likewise, God has a channel for giving spiritual nourishment to his 'slaves' today. In his great prophecy concerning the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus identified the earthly part of this channel as "the faithful and discreet slave whom the master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time" (Mat 24:3, 45-47). He uses this John Class in unlocking the meaning of the prophecy.'

This book also says on page 260: 'Milleniums ago Jehovah used other prophets to foretell this epoch marking event. Isaiah spoke of a watchman who "Proceeded to call out like a lion: 'Upon the watchtower, O Jehovah, I am standing constantly by day, and at my guardpost I am stationed by nights'" (Isaiah 21:8).... This watchman well foreshadows the wide-awake John Class today.'

We will see in section 90, and history has shown, that the Watchmen of the first and second and third watches of the Watchtower Society, were indeed wide-awake. But the fourth watch, the current administration, is not! And whereas they are declaring themselves to be wide-awake, the very same prophet whom they quote, is in fact declaring them to be fast-asleep (Isaiah 29:10, section 89), and he is joined in this declaration by the apostle Paul (Rom 11:8, section 89), the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 5:21, section 89) and the son of God (Luke 12:38,39, section 90).

So: Let your wisdom perish all you men who are wise in your own eyes (Isaiah 29:14)! Let your understanding flee from you, all you men who in the one breath quote Joseph, saying: "Do not interpretations belong to God?" (Gen 40:8), and say that you believe that they do (Rev book p 246). And yet in your next breath, on the same page of the Revelation book, you refer to yourselves as the 'John Class', with the meaning that he has to reveal them to you. Or in your own words: "He uses the John Class in unlocking the meaning of this prophecy". So which is it?

Do interpretations belong to God, or do they belong to the 'John Class' ?

Do you see what is happening here? The faithful and discreet slave is appointed over all of his master's belongings (Mat 24:47) yes. But these belongings do not include a single interpretation of any scripture in the bible, because these do not belong to their master, who is the heavenly King Jesus, No, rather they belong to God. So whereas the slave is the unique channel for dispensing to the congregation, it is not of necessity the unique channel for receipt of interpretations from God - John was both as far as the book of Revelation is concerned. Now the true God has for a long time seen fit to reveal a very large amount of his interpretations to the faithful and discreet slave of his firstborn son, yes. Including the one referred to on page 246 of the Revelation book about the UN being the image of the wild beast which 'is not' (Rev 17:11).


Because these interpretations are his, because he is the author of the bible, and there exists no man, who can put those to whom the true God choses to reveal his interpretations to, in any class!!! Now what he has done this year in 1992, the writer would suggest, is that he has revealed no small number of his things, to a spiritual nobody who is not in any class of men, one who does not even know writing (Isaiah 29:10-12), because he is not yet a publisher.

This Jehovah has done in order to expose the self-proclaimed 'Wide-awake John Class' as being neither wide-awake nor the John Class. In fact, rather than 'unlocking the meaning' of Revelation as stated on Page 16, they have in truth only been able to understand the parts of Revelation that were never sealed up in the first place (Rev 22:10). They have also failed to realise that not only parts of Revelation but also parts of the whole bible have been sealed up until this year. The writer is now unable to resist quoting the words of Sir Winston Churchill, referring to the British Civil Servants, when he said:

'No longer are they civil and no longer are they servants! '

The writer hopes that he has not laboured this point too hard. All that is being said in this section is that: Yes, the true God does have a channel for feeding the congregations, but no, he does not have a channel of men to whom he has to reveal his interpretations of his book. He can and has and will again reveal whatever he wants to whoever he wants!

Jehovah himself says, when he is explaining what the false step is that his people have taken, and why he encoded the third dimension of the bible in the way that he has, and why he gave the key to unseal it to an unbaptised associate:

'For the reason that this people have come near me with their mouth, and they have glorified me merely with their lips, and they have removed their heart far away from me, and their fear towards me becomes men's commandment that is being taught' (Isaiah 29:13).


No sir! Because those who call themselves the 'wide-awake John class' are in danger of putting themselves in competition with God, they are also in danger of coveting one of his belongings, namely his interpretations. Also when they realised that they could not themselves get one of these interpretations, namely the date of Armageddon, they felt that that meant that nobody could get it, so they propounded the view that no man can know the day or the hour of Armageddon until presumably this day and hour arrives. This is a doctrine from the Watchtower Society which is false, it is also indicative of arrogance, both towards God and towards his other servants. It is furthermore a result of a very understandable fear of man! see section 89.3. We are more frightened of ridicule of the sort experienced in 1975, than we are of Jehovah, so we have shut our eyes, and fallen asleep, and when the witness is asked to read aloud the timing of the end, he says: 'I am unable, for it is sealed up'. What he means is: 'I am too frightened of the administration to look at the bible and work this date out for myself'. And further the administration itself is too frightened of getting it wrong yet again to make any further attempts to find out when the end could be.

Now what sort of a watchman does this mean that we have become, now that we have decided that the very thing that we are supposed to be watching out for, namely the kingdom of God, we can never see in advance? Well, it is a blind watchman! So the scripture is fulfilled which says:

'Blind yourselves and be blinded' (Isaiah 29:9).

This is one doctrine that obviously we have got wrong, but there is something which has crept into Jehovah's organisation, which is much more serious than this one misinterpretation. It is what we might call the 'John class syndrome', it is the following rather sad situation, which is summed up in the scripture in Luke 11:9:

'keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking and it will be opened to you.'

This exhortation from God's son means that all Christians should keep on asking Jehovah, in prayer, to give us his interpretations of his book, which is the primary location for all of this seeking. It does not mean that we should keep on asking the Watchtower society or the 'John Class' what Jehovah has revealed to them in the Watchtower magazine or in the Revelation book!

And whereas Jesus has told us that if we keep on asking, then it will be given to us: His faithful slave has told us that if we keep on asking then it will not be given to us, because it will be given to them!

And whereas Jesus has told us that if we keep on seeking that we will find: His faithful slave has told us that if we keep on seeking we will not find because they are the only ones who can find!

And whereas Jesus has told us that if we keep on knocking then it will be opened to us: His faithful slave has told us that if we keep on knocking then it will not be opened to us, because it can only be opened to them!

Now Jesus has made this exhortation three times. We therefore deduce that it has an application to the third time that he comes, even to the twenty-first century Christians of today!

This bears a parallel to the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, and is illustrated in the following two examples of Animal farm and of the frightened watchman.


For the whole length of the Apostate Times (95 CE - 1895 CE), the church leaders kept the bible from their congregations at all cost. Firstly they killed anybody who had one. Then they killed anybody who tried to translate one into a language that people actually spoke. Then they excommunicated anybody who tried to understand one. Throughout this time their position was:



Then came the bible students, who totally abhorred this practice and openly condemned it. They said anybody and everybody should read the bible. They said that not only should they read it but they should try and understand it themselves, and thereby develop a relationship with the true God, rather than developing a relationship with the clergy. Because, as far as they were concerned there was only one mediator between God and man and that one was the Christ, and by now the reader is probably aware that it was he, the word of God, who transmitted the whole bible to all of the bible writers. They were even called the International bible students, which is exactly what they were, all of them. So they said:


Then it came about after some time, that the Christ appointed these bible students over all of his belongings, even over all the two-legged ones because they were so faithful and discreet. And the true God gave many of these ones, even the ones whom he had appointed over his belongings, two wings like those of the angels as well as their two legs. But then, after some time, a tendency started to develop amongst those who were administrating the society, the two-winged ones, to flap their wings, and they started to flap their wings about in front of the two-legged bible students, and they were answering and saying to them:


Then it was that the two-legged bible students grew very much afraid, and their knees started to knock and their very hip joints were loosening. They knew that if they discovered something in the bible that the two-winged ones hadn't commented on, or if they discovered that the two-winged ones were even wrong, then the best thing to do was to shut up about it. Because, otherwise, they would be challenging the anointed of Jehovah, who have been declared righteous by God. Which would mean that they were 'running ahead' and that they were 'apostates'. So now, whereas the true God had declared the two-winged ones righteous, the two-legged ones were declaring them not only righteous but also right.

After this practice had become well established, the two-legged ones stopped trying to understand the bible for themselves and just concentrated on understanding what the two-winged ones were telling them they should be thinking about, and they even went as far as calling this bible research! And the two-winged ones gave them so many of their words to read and told them to do so much preaching, that they didn't have any time to read the bible for themselves anyway, at least not in such a way as to draw their own conclusions. So then it came about that no longer were they 'International bible students', they were 'International Watchtower publication students'. In fact the Watchtower had become a kind of 'Talmud' for them. And no longer were they developing any further their relationship with the true God himself, rather they were developing a relationship with the two-winged ones of his servants. Then it was that the two-legged ones themselves actually started to believe the words of the two-winged ones when they said:



Now the true God had allowed all of this to occur, because he is a God of freedom. He is the one who is examining the hearts of all of his two-legged and of his two-winged creatures. He had seen this pattern develop amongst his people so many times before. He had even seen Moses, who was the meekest by far of his servants at the time, become haughty. And the true God himself was not happy with the name that the two-winged ones had made for themselves in front of the two-legged ones, in that they were directing them by flapping their wings about, to pay more attention to understanding and reading aloud their words, than to understanding and reading aloud the words of the true God himself. So he decided to demonstrate to all of his creatures, both the two-legged ones and the two-winged ones, that whereas he has chosen his two-winged ones to dispense his spiritual food, it was he himself who was the one who prepares all of the spiritual food, and it devolves upon him to choose whoever he likes, to whom he will reveal the true understanding of his book. He determined that he would show the two-winged servants of his that not only were they no better at receiving interpretations of the scriptures than the two legged ones, but actually they were not able to receive any interpretations of them at all, unless they were discharging their authority over the two-legged servants in an acceptable manner.

In order to show this emphatically to the two-winged ones and to the two-legged ones, the true God revealed a very large amount of his deep things to a very lowly and inexperienced two-legged one of his servants, who wasn't yet even able to stand on his own two legs! So that it should be known by all of Jehovah's servants, that trying to understand the bible is a duty and privilege and indeed a pleasure that the true God has extended to each and every one of them. Then it was that both the two-winged ones and the two-legged ones were:

'Praising and exalting and glorifying the King of the heavens, because all his works are truth and his ways are justice, and because those who are walking in pride he is able to humiliate,' (Dan 4:37).

And there was a proclamation that was put out by the two-winged ones who were over all of the two-legged ones in authority, saying:


Just as it was said when the International bible students first started.


A watchman was commissioned by his master to look out for a very large storm. He was told to recruit as many slaves as possible for his master before the large storm arrived, so that they could all look out for this very large storm, in order that they could see it in advance and take the necessary measures to protect themselves. As for the master of the house, he had travelled abroad, and he had left the watchman with a book on weather forecasting, because he was worried for his safety. Now this watchman was a very diligent watchman, and he was jumping and starting at even the slightest sign of a storm. He was also training all of his master's servants to be jumping and starting at even the slightest sign of a storm, so that for a certainty this storm would not be missed. He was training these servants that he had recruited for his master, from the book on weather forecasting that his master had left behind.

So that it would come about that the watchman would think that he saw a storm coming, having compared the appearance of the sky with his forecast from his master's book, and he would tell all of his master's slaves about it, and they would all prepare to take cover, and then there would be no storm, because it was a false alarm. It would also come about that one of the slaves of his master would think that he saw a storm on the horizon and would be jumping and starting and shouting and warning everybody and this too would prove to be a false alarm.

However, after the expiration of some time, it happened that there had been no small number of these false alarms, and so all of the people of the land began to ridicule this watchman and his fellow slaves. They would say: 'Where is this promised storm of yours? Why from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as they always have been, and there is no sight of your storm!' So the Watchman began to lose heart at his job, due to the words of these people of the land. And when his fellow slaves saw something that looked like a storm, and made a forecast and told him about it, he wasn't interested, because he was fed up with false alarms, and because he was in fear of what the people of the land might say. On account of this, he even went as far as telling his fellow slaves that the seeing of storms was impossible for them, and that men were no good at weather forecasting, and that in any event, only God would be able to see in advance the very large storm! So his fellow slaves stopped looking for this storm, and the watchman himself gave up looking also.

But look! the master of the house knew that this storm was going to take a while to brew up, and that his slaves might lose heart, this is why he had left them a book on weather forecasting. The watchman, for his part, had made this book available to his fellow slaves, but he had told them that they wouldn't be able to understand it for themselves because he had a sole agency on weather forecasting which he had been given by his master. So the watchman gave the slaves books which he himself had written, books about all of the weather forecasting that had occurred in times past, to keep them occupied, so that they would not see anything and cause him any more embarrassment in front of the people of the land.

However one of his master's slaves, was saying to himself: "If my master's book has accurately predicted the exact time of all of the other storms that have occurred in this land in times past, then why should it not be able to predict the exact time of the very large storm?" He even said to himself, "why would my master have left his slaves this book on weather forecasting, if it was of no use for the most important piece of weather forecasting that would ever occur?"

So this slave actually read this book. Then it was that he discovered how to forecast the weather. So he lost no time in telling some of his fellow slaves, who knew the watchman, about his discovery. But they told him that the watchman himself had had a lot of would-be weather forecasters contacting him in the past, and that he would not really be interested, and that there wasn't really any point to what he was doing, and that the slave should concentrate his activities on reading the many books written by the watchman about all of the weather forecasting that had occurred in the past. Because, this was much more important than his own personal forecasts as to the future weather, which were merely to be viewed as 'pet theories'.

By now this slave was beginning to realise that something was wrong, and that he would have to prove to the watchman that he could forecast the weather, and so he studied even harder at his master's book, and look! this book eventually opened up to him and he could then see exactly when the very large storm was timetabled to occur! Then it was that this slave was praising and glorifying his master and he immediately determined that he would have to speak to the watchman directly and show him all the things that he had learned:



Here we consider the account in Luke chapter 12 from verses 35 to 59. We have already seen the meaning of the division process in verses 51 to 53, which is the prophecy that there will be 112.5 years between the start of the second baptism and Armageddon, in section 71. It is the words of the Apostle Peter, who is the Rock Mass on which the Christ has built his congregation (see section 91), which disclose the second meaning to this account about the faithful and discreet slave. He says in verse 41:

" Lord, are you saying this illustration to US or ALSO to ALL?"

Jesus responds at length, and his response includes two punishments, a beating with many strokes and a beating with few. This tells us that this account does have two applications, and both of these are whilst the 'Master has broken away from the wedding feast' (verse 36-literal). Actually Peter's question itself tells us this, even without the response from Jesus. Furthermore, Jesus himself has already answered this question in Mark 13:37, where he said:

'I say to YOU, I say to ALL, Keep on the watch.'

So without a doubt this prophecy has two fulfilments. Both of these fulfilments occur when Jesus is breaking away from his wedding feast (Luke 12:36). The wedding feast here referred to is not the marriage of the lamb itself, but is the festive pre-nuptual situation in heaven from Nisan 1918 when the first temple brothers were raised, until Tishri 2004 when the last 8,000 of the second temple go up. This is the same feast as the feast of Belshazzar in Daniel 5 - see section 58. Furthermore the double meaning of this feast of Belshazzar, namely the fall and division of Babylon the Great for the first meaning and the division of heavenly resurrections into the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh heavens for the second meaning, is the same double meaning as the double meaning that the apostle Peter is referring to here, when he asks his question in verse 41.

The first application being to Babylon the Great, and the second to the 'Iron feet' class of the immense image of Daniel 2, i.e. the last 16,000 anointed brothers, who are split 8,000 and 8,000 into two resurrections and represented as two separate feet in Daniel chapter 2 (section 77.1). This is why we read in verses 45 & 46:

'But if ever that slave should say in his heart, "My master delays coming", and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, the master of that slave will come on a day that he is not expecting and in an hour that HE does not know, and he will CUT HIM IN TWO, and assign him a part with the unfaithful ones.' (literal)

This is the situation of Daniel 5:2, where Belshazzar is getting a bit merry, and he starts abusing the vessels of Jehovah's house. This result of which is that Babylon is cut in two, being divided in the literal account between the Medes and the Persians. In the first symbolism, of Daniel 5, Babylon the Great falls by being 'rent in two' like the greater temple curtain, thereby enabling the entry of the first temple brothers, the 'holy ones' into heaven, the abode of the 'most holy' (Ex 26:33). Let Jehovah be thanked for inspiring his faithful slave to keep the literal meaning as a footnote, without it we would be lost. Now in the second symbolism, of Daniel 5, which is the greater symbolism of Daniel 2 - see section 77.1, this division occurs in Tishri 1995, being the division between the two feet of the giant image which stand for the 8,000 entrants into each of the sixth and the seventh heavens. Now just as both these two meanings apply to the splitting of 'Parsin' in Daniel five, so the same two meanings apply to the cutting in two of verse 46 above.

And just as in the first application, when Babylon the Great falls, and is cut in two and the faithful and discreet slave is appointed over all of Jesus' belongings in Nisan 1918, and the evil slave is beaten with many strokes, because, whereas Babylon could not read the signs of the times, the second watch of the Watchtower Society could. In the second application, which is to the fourth watch of the Watchtower (verse 38), the administration that is cut in two (verse 46) by the heavenly resurrection of 1995, the faithful slave is beaten with few strokes, because they could not 'see' the arrival of Jesus at Armageddon, whereas the one who 'does not know writing' could (Isaiah 29:11). The fourth watch of the society is its fourth administration, the first three being those of Brothers Russell, Rutherford and Knorr respectively, the greater Ezra, Sherebiah and Hashabiah respectively of Ezra 8:15-20, see section 87.

The administration of the greater Jeshaiah, which name means 'Jehovah is Salvation', the current one, has missed seeing this salvation, which first became visible on 1 February of this year. Not only has it done this, but it has persuaded Jehovah's people to look to its word for their salvation rather than looking to Jehovah's word by reading and attempting to understand for themselves the bible. Which is why Jesus says to all of his people at the time of the end in verses 54-56:

'When you see a cloud rising in western parts, at once you say, "A storm is coming," and it turns out so. And when you see a that a south wind is blowing, you say, "There will be a heatwave", and it occurs. Hypocrites, you know how to examine the outward appearance of the earth and the sky, but how is it that you do not know how to examine THIS PARTICULAR TIME?'

Then Jesus explains why it is that Jehovah's people, right now, today, as the words of this book are written are hypocrites. It is because although they do know about the signs of the times, and how to interpret from them that Armageddon is just over the horizon (for them), they do not know how to interpret the sign just recited, about the storm brewing in the west and the heatwave in the south, which sign actually gives the date of Armageddon, as we shall soon see in the next but one paragraph, and neither do they know how to interpret the sign recited in verses 51-53, which is a further witness to the same date.

Their position, namely that one can never know the date of Armageddon, is therefore condemned as hypocrisy. What they should be saying is we are not competent enough to work out this date, which the true God, in his love, must have included in his book somewhere. They do not know when this date is, not because Jehovah was not prepared to put it in the bible, but because they are not prepared to look for it in the bible. They are all looking for it in the Watchtower magazine. Well it wasn't put in this magazine, it was put in the bible. The May 15, 1990 issue has the stunning cover 'Armageddon When?', but the publishers omit to mention in the magazine itself that they believe that nobody can know the 'when', although it is a lovely article.

Now the cloud that rises in the western parts, is the ascension of the first century brothers of Christ, because whereas Jesus was said to be:

'Lifted up, and a cloud caught him away from their vision' (Acts 1:9).

we read in Rev 11:12:

'And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: "Come on up here." And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them.'

This ascension occurred on Nisan 16, 1918. This is the 'cloud rising in western parts'. The 'heatwave' is Armageddon, which is identified as following from a South wind. West is 90 degrees away from South, 90 degrees is a quarter of a circle, which is a quarter of a time round a circle. A quarter of a time is 90 days. If we take a day for a year, then we get 90 years. 90 years from Nisan 1918 is Nisan 2008, which is Armageddon. This is the 'particular time' which Jesus says that the 'hypocrites' of his people are not able to examine.

Well how is this? Jesus says it is because his sheep are:


Because he says in verse 57:

'Why do you not also judge for yourselves what is righteous'?

We have stopped looking with our minds at the bible. Too often we are merely looking at the bible with the minds of the people who write the society's publications. Whilst this is not a bad thing to do occasionally, it is a bad idea to make a practice of this. We are letting the faithful and discreet slave judge for us. Brothers let us face it: THIS IS NOT A GNAT IT IS A CAMEL!!!!!

The only worth that a human being has is his personal judgement that he makes himself, that he, for his part, is taking a stand on the side of God!! Because that is a work of his faith.

One cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, on one's faith in the Watchtower Society, and neither can one enter in on the faith of the members of this slave. One needs to have personally exercised one's own faith in the true God! Jehovah does not want blind allegiance (Mat 15:14, Isaiah 29:9), he wants enlightened, thought-out, resolved allegiance, this is allegiance based on love for him. We have to personally use the marvellous minds that he has given us. We cannot rely on the minds of those who write the society's publications.

Now the faithful & discreet slave was appointed in 1918 precisely because it did know how to examine the 'signs of the times', this is why Jesus is asking in a surprised way: 'why can't you examine this sign'? Well, we know from Luke 12:40 that it is because they have fallen asleep. As a result of this, the Master has come and arrived and knocked (verse 36), having broken off from the festive celebrations up in heaven, and he has arrived, visibly on the horizon, thereby ending the signs of the times, on February 1, 1992, and he then found that position of the faithful and discreet slave was as he himself had prophesied in verse 46:

'The master of that slave will come on a DAY that he is not expecting him, and in an HOUR THAT HE DOES NOT KNOW'

Yes and the slave knew neither the day nor the hour of the time of the end, when the son of man is revealed to his people, they missed it. This revealing is the revealing of his kingdom on the temporal horizon, which is why there are two witnesses to the date of Armageddon in this account. However, they do have a mitigation to this oversight, which is that 'they did not understand' (verse 48), hence they are only to be 'beaten with few' strokes (verse 48). Whereas Babylon the Great, when they were deposed and cut in two, had no mitigation, because they knew exactly what they should have been doing and they were not doing it, hence they were 'beaten with many strokes'. So the parable of the frightened watchman in section 89.3, is in agreement with Luke 12.

This is why we read in verse 40 that as regards the fourth watch of the faithful and discreet slave:

'You also keep ready, because at an hour that you do not think likely, the son of man is coming'.

This hour was February 1, 1992. This is when Jesus was revealed in the sense that his kingdom became visible, in the sense that it came up from over the horizon, and is now standing square, in full view of all, just under sixteen years away. There are precious few of God's people who thought that we could ever know this date, the writer was certainly not one of them! This scripture is now therefore fulfilled. Incidentally the third watch continued until June 8 1977 when Brother Knorr commenced his twinkling of an eye (1 Cor 15:52, W77 p463), he will be resurrected on Tishri 17, 1995 CE (Mat 13:23, section 57), he will then ascend into heaven on Heshvan 26, 1995 CE (Acts 12:1-17, section 73). The fourth watch took the view that Matthew 24:36, meant that they could never see in advance what they were watching for, namely the kingdom of God. They and all of Jehovah's people had not listened to the words of Jesus at Mark 13:37, which were: 'I say to YOU and I say to ALL keep on the watch', and so they fulfilled the prophecy of verse 36, in that they were found sleeping (Isaiah 29:10).

Mark himself also bears witness that it will be the fourth watch of the Society which is caught napping by Jesus. He says in Mark 13:35,36:

'Therefore keep on the watch, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether late in the day, or at midnight, or at cockcrowing, or early in the morning; in order that when he arrives suddenly, he does not find you sleeping.'

Mark has recited all four watches of the Hebrew night, which as mentioned earlier in this section, stand for the four watches by the society in the Lord's day. Because all four are recited, we know that it is the fourth watch that is caught out, because the cryptic meaning of the recital of all the four watches is: 'Watch four times', i.e. the fourth watch. Luke 12:38 confirms that the second and third watches will not be caught out:

'If he arrives in the second watch, even in the third, and finds them thus, happy are they.'

This is a cryptic prophecy, which means that the second and third watches will be found watching, and so are pronounced happy. Furthermore, we know for a fact that Jesus did not come and catch out any of the first three watches, so it must be the fourth one that is caught napping, because there was no fifth watch in the Hebrew night. So let us wake up, and let us Judge for ourselves - from the bible. Let us stop relying on the faithful and discreet slave to judge for us.


We have looked at the scripture in Matthew 24:47, and we have realised that whereas the faithful slave is appointed over all of the belongings of its master Jesus Christ. Interpretations of the bible do not belong to Jesus, rather they belong to God (Gen 40:8). This is also apparent from the scripture at Matthew 24:36, where Jesus said:

"Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the father."

Which actually is saying that knowledge of this day and hour is a belonging of the Father and it is not a belonging of the Son. Which means that it is not given to the faithful and discreet slave, because whilst they are exclusive over the belongings of the Christ, they are not exclusive over the belongings of the true God. This is why the Father was able to reveal this thing to the writer who is not even baptised. Again we have read in Daniel that he said:

"Let the name of God be blessed from time indefinite even to time indefinite, for wisdom and mightiness - they belong to him. And he is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings, giving wisdom to the wise ones and knowledge to those knowing discernment. He is revealing the deep things and the concealed things." (Daniel 2:20-22)

Which scripture again tells us that it is God who is revealing the meaning of his word, although we do know that he does this through his son. This is again apparent from the scripture in Matthew 16:15,17 where Jesus said to Peter:

'"You though, who do you say I am?" In answer Simon Peter said: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God". In response Jesus said to him: "Happy are you, Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but my father who is in the heavens did."'

Which is a fantastic scripture, because it was the true God, who had revealed the identity of his son, Jesus, to a man, Simon. Jesus responded magnificently to this when he effectively said, fine, because your faith has told you who I really am, I will now tell you who you really are! and he said:

'You are Peter, and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.'

This scripture really sums up the position on interpretations of the holy book. Because it was not Jesus that revealed who he was to Peter, because Jesus was himself flesh and blood at the time, no, it was 'his father who is in the heavens' who revealed this thing. What Jesus then did is he made him the foundation stone of his church. So now, it is very apparent that the faithful and discreet slave is not directly going to get all of the true interpretations of the holy book that will be given to mankind, by God, from now until Armageddon. Even as they have failed to understand this very scripture itself, the writer would suggest, in their understandable zeal to condemn the idea of Apostolic Succession (RS 37-41). Yes, Jesus was the cornerstone of the temple, but he was not the cornerstone of his own congregation. He was not any part of his congregation, he was the priest to and head of this congregation, he does not minister to himself. He is the head, the congregation is the body, it is as Paul says:

'He is the head of the body, the congregation' (Col 1:18).

Please do explain how he is going to marry his wife (body/congregation) in Rev 19:9, if he himself, rather than Peter, is the rock on which his wife is built? Is he going to marry himself? Paul has told us that Jesus is the last Adam (1 Cor 15:45), he is not the last Eve as well is he? Do you not know that Peter is the last Eve, he is the rib, one out of the twelve apostles or ribs of his body, which Jehovah formed into the last Eve. This is why it was he, who was given the keys to the kingdom, because he is effectively conceiving. The scripture in Matthew 16:18, is where Peter is for the first time named by Jesus! Whilst it is true that Simon the son of John is referred to as Peter before this in the book of Matthew, this is merely because he came to be known as Peter, long before Matthew wrote his book. Now the name Peter means 'Rock-mass' does it not? So how is it that he is not the 'Rock-mass' on which the bride of Christ is built, if that is what his name is? Or what indeed is it, that is built on the rock-mass of Peter, if it is not the congregation of the firstborn?

As regards apostolic succession, well, there wasn't even Christian succession! What followed the death of John, was the 1,800 years of the Apostate Times, in which there were not even any anointed Christians, let alone any successive apostles.

Now just as flesh and blood did not reveal the identity of Jesus to Peter, so flesh and blood are not going to reveal anything to the congregation today. Jehovah will reveal things to them - DIRECTLY, as he did to Peter. The point is that it did not come through Jesus. Similarly today, understanding will not necessarily come through the faithful and discreet slave, in the first instance.

To find out how the administration can deal with the fact that understandings of the bible can be coming from any faithful servant of Jehovah, we look at the symbolism used by Jesus. The faithful and discreet slave is a household administrator (Latin: dispensator Luke 12:42), and so let us consider how a typical administrator would operate. The first relevant thing that becomes apparent is that the administrator is not a producer of anything, rather he is a coordinator and collector and distributor. He is in fact the nerve centre of the household. In technological terms he is a data processing centre. Household produce and problems come in, and household produce and solutions go out.

This quite simply means that the administrator needs a product collection network as well as a produce distribution network. The former network is what the current administration does not have.


We are now aware of some parts of the prophetic code which has been used by the true God in his sealed prophecies in the holy book. Since we know the structure of some of this code, we can look at a passage of purported scripture and test to see if it is written in this code. If it is written in this code, then we will be able to unseal the scripture and find the hidden meaning. Obviously if we can do all of this, then the purported scripture is most definitely inspired, and so is canonical. We now have a theocratic acid test for canonicity!

We will now apply this test to the famous John 8:1-11. We are told in the Watchtower of 1970 p761 that:

'Bible scholars agree that this passage of scripture is spurious'

We are told in 'Insight 2' p94 that:

'These verses have obviously been added to the original text.'

Firstly the writer would point out that bible scholars agree that the Jehovah's witnesses themselves are a spurious sect! Secondly he would like to ask those who can see how obvious it is that these verses are a forgery the following question:

'Which one of you could have made a response to the Pharisees as good as:

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" ?' (verse 7)

In fact how many men were there in first century Jerusalem who could silence the Pharisees, so that they left:

'One by one starting with the older men'? (verse 8)

In any event, let's have a look at the verses and see what repetition we can find. The scripture from verse 2 reads:

'At daybreak, however, he again presented himself at the temple, and all the people began coming to him, and he sat down and began to teach them. Now the Scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught at adultery and, after standing her in their MIDST, they said to him: "Teacher this woman has been caught in the act of committing adultery. In the law, Moses prescribed for us to stone such sort of women. What really do you say?" Of course, they were saying this to put him to the test, in order to have something with which to accuse him. But Jesus bent down and began to write with his finger in the ground. When they persisted in asking him, he straightened up and said to them:

"Let the one of you that is sinless be the first to throw a stone at her."

And bending over again he kept on writing in the ground. But those who heard this began going out, one by one, starting with the older men, and he was left alone with the woman that was in their MIDST. Straightening up, Jesus said to her: "Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?" She said: "No one, sir." Jesus said: "Neither to I condemn you. Go your way; from now on practice sin no more."

The repeated things are:

The woman was in the midst of the Pharisees

The woman was caught at adultery

Jesus was writing in the ground

A lot of bending down and straightening up is occurring

This repetition means that we have here a symbolic drama (Gal 4:24, section 2). The symbolism is as follows:

Pharisees = Abraham's offspring

Woman = Nation of Israel

The Law of Moses = The Law of Moses

Jesus = Jesus

Physical adultery = Spiritual adultery

The physical adultery of the woman stands for the spiritual adultery of the nation of Israel. They broke their exclusive worship covenant to Jehovah and went serving foreign Gods, just as she broke her marriage covenant with her husband and went sleeping with another man. In the rest of John 8, the Pharisees make a big noise about being Abraham's offspring (verse 33), but Jesus says to them: "Do the works of your father" (verse 41). Throughout this chapter of John, they play the part of Abraham's offspring (see also section 104), even as they do in this scripture. It was a purpose of the law 'to make transgressions manifest' (Gal 3:19). This is what the law did for the nation of Israel. It exposed their spiritual adultery, whereas the Law of Moses, here, exposed this woman's physical adultery. Now Jesus was the end and the fulfilment of the law, his death was the release from the law and the forgiveness of sins. Jesus' release of the woman who was obviously guilty, a fact recognised by both Jesus and the Pharisees, symbolises his release of the nation of Israel from the Law of Moses. Jesus did not condemn the woman because John himself says of him:

'For God sent forth his son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him' (John 3:17).

Furthermore Jesus himself, after forgiving the sins of the paralytic man, said:

'"However, in order for you to know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins...." Then he said to the paralytic: "get up, pick up your bed, and go to your home"' (Mat 9:6).

So Jesus had the authority to release the woman and to save her. The method of this saving in the greater meaning was Jesus' death. This is one reason why Jesus was writing in the ground with his finger while bent down, and then he was straightening up. These actions symbolise his death and subsequent resurrection. Now we know that this release occurred right in the middle of the Abrahamic covenant (Gen 15:6-11, sections 40,42). This is the greater meaning of the woman's being in the midst of the Pharisees. She was actually released from the midst of the Pharisees, just as the nation of Israel was release at the mid-point of the 'sons of Abraham' i.e. the Abrahamic covenant. But there is more to this account still, because Jesus was not just pointing at the ground with his finger, he was actually writing in the ground (verse 8). This is actually indicating to us, the 'post unsealing Christians' that there is a cryptic prophecy in this little drama.

We start the search for this in verse 9, which is suggesting a calculation because the words 'one by one' appear. This verse says that the exit of the Pharisees started with 'the older men'. This is one of the sort of details that is included for a very good reason. So let us start our calculation at the entrance of these older men in this account, i.e. the Scribes and Pharisees in verse 3:

'Now the Scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught at adultery, and after standing her in their midst, they said.....'

If we apply the cryptic rule of 'a time, times and half a time' (Rev 12:14, section 21.1), we get:

Scribes + Pharisees +Woman+ Stood in midst

2 times 2 times 1 time .5 time = 5.5 Times

These were the ones who came towards Jesus. Then Jesus sent them away in the following manner described in verse 9:

'But those who heard this began going out, one by one, starting with the older men, and he was left alone with the woman that was in their midst.'

Cryptically we have:

one by one + older men

2 Times + 2 Times = 4 Times

Finally he sends away the woman who herself stands for 1 Time, there is no half time amongst those sent away from Jesus because the woman was not in the midst of the Pharisees when she was sent away, rather, she was left alone with Jesus. So we have 5.5 Times for the cryptic value of those who approach Jesus and 5 Times for the value of those who are dismissed. This physical motion, and the statement that Jesus 'was left alone' i.e. as a remainder, is symbolising the following subtraction:

5.5 Times - 5 Times

We know that this time ends at Jesus death, which is when he really releases the greater woman from her spiritual adultery. Since the woman's position represented the mid-point of the Abrahamic covenant, it is not difficult to see that the start of the time above is the start of this covenant and so, just as we did in the calculation of Gen 15:6-11 (section 42), we take the 5.5 Times a day for a year, and the 5 Times a day for a day, and so get the following:

5.5 x 360 - 5 = 1975 Times

This is the length of time from Nisan 14, 1943 until Nisan 14, 33 CE, the first half of the Abrahamic covenant.

So now we can see that our 'spurious text' that was 'obviously added' is possibly the most significant scripture in the whole bible. It is a witness to the Midst prophecy, the length of the Abrahamic covenant, the date of Armageddon, the timing and manner of the release of all mankind from sin, the whole purpose of Jesus' second coming, which was his first presence in the first century (see section 60). In fact there is even a further thing hidden in this scripture. This is the fact that sitting (or bending down) and then standing (or straightening up) occurs three times. This is because Jesus stands up three times on behalf of mankind during the Abrahamic covenant, once at the end of each of the three maledictions of the Exedenic, Alienation and Gentile Times. The three straightening (standing) up's being the three releases from the three bending (siting) down's of these three maledictions, all three of which arose due to spiritual adultery, which is sin. All of this brings to mind the scripture in Acts 4:11:

'The stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the head of the corner.'


Once again we are going to experience the absolute perfection of our father who is in the heavens, whose name it is that is glorified and not least is it glorified in his interpretations of his holy word. This is very beautiful! Let us cast our minds back to the last scene between Jesus and his apostles, in John 21, wherein as in their first scene, the apostles were fishing all night and yet they caught nothing (verses 1-3). There is more to this account than Jesus cooking them fish and chips! (verse 9). The disciples are told by a man on the shore to 'cast the net on the right side of the boat' (verse 6), and the net almost bursts with fish. Then John recognises this as the work of Jesus, so they go to meet him. We are then told in verse 8, that the boat was:


Are we being given a nautical map of the sea of Tiberias by the holy spirit? Then we are told that Jesus is cooking bread and fish, which he gives his disciples for breakfast. What does this remind us of? Can we think of another occasion where Jesus fed people with loaves and fishes? Aha, now we are getting somewhere, because verses 13&14 say:

'Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and the fish likewise. This was the THIRD TIME that Jesus appeared to the disciples after his being raised from the dead.'

The greater meaning of this is: 'This account is telling the twentieth century Christian about the third coming of Jesus Christ' - see section 60, which coming occurs after he has been raised from the dead, and furthermore this account is telling us that the accounts of the feedings of the 5,000 and the 4,000 men, with the loaves and the fishes are also telling us about his third coming, something that we have already seen in section 33. But why were there 153 big fish (verse 11), and why were the apostles two hundred cubits out from the shore when Jesus spoke to them? Well, there were 152 years precisely from the start of the exile to Babylon in Tishri 607 BCE until the recommencement of acceptible worship in Zerubabbel's temple in Tishri 455 BCE (at the festival of Booths, Neh 8:18, section 29). So fishing all night and catching nothing and then catching a catch of full extent 153 fish, is representing that nothing gets caught until the 153rd time, i.e. 152 times of no fish. This is one meaning, there is another meaning which relates to Jonah and the big fish that saved him - see ###.

Furthermore both Zerubabbel's temple and Solomon's temple which was built on the same site, had as their largest dimension 200 cubits, this being the length of the courtyard of the priests. We deduce this because the tabernacle had a courtyard of priests measuring 100 cubits by 50 cubits, and the Most Holy was 10x10x10 cubits, (Insight 2 p509, Ex 36, Ex 38:9-20), whereas Solomon's temple, the first physical temple in Jerusalem, had the Most Holy at 20x20x20, twice as large in every respect. Now since these two temples were both representations of the same thing, namely Jehovah's plan's for man's salvation, we assume that the plan for the tabernacle and the plans for both of the temples all take the same shape, and only differ in scale. This means that the courtyard of the priests in the case of Solomon's temple would be 200 cubits by 100 cubits, although the bible does not state this explicitly. Presumably there is a record of the size of this courtyard somewhere. Therefore the distance from the boat carrying the priests (apostles) to the shore in John 21:8, was the length of the courtyard of the priests in the first and second temples.

Putting this together we see that this night of no fish is a between temples period. In one meaning the apostles represent the first temple brothers, whom they personally feed, whose number is determined by the feeding of the 5,000 with bread and fish( Mat 16:9, section 33), and the period of no fish followed by the giant catch represents the greater or 'Bigger' fulfilment of the 152 years between Solomon's and Zerubabbel's temples, which is the five times of the Apostate Times (section 38). This is also the time between the two baptisms and two feeding miracles of Jesus' second and third comings, both of which are symbolised by bread and fish, the same food that Jesus cooked for his disciples on his last day on earth.

The next verses, namely 15-20, have already been looked at in section 60. We next look at the scripture in verses 22&23, where Jesus says:

'"If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you? You continue following me." In consequence, this saying went out among the brothers that, that disciple would not die. However, Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but: "If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is it to you?"' (John 21:22&23)

What should be the first thing that the reader notices here? Repetition of the words of Jesus, and what should be the first scripture that comes to mind as a result? (Gen 41:25,32), so:


Now, we know that the first fulfilment of this was that John saw Jesus come again in his visions recorded in the book of Revelation.


Yes, and we say 'thank you Jesus', this scripture is of great 'concern' to us the faithful ones at his third coming. In fact it is Jesus' will that his twentieth century brothers 'remain until' he comes. This is why the scripture says at Matthew 24:34:

'Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.'

Now, the way that the twentieth century anointed brothers have been understanding this is not that they will live to 'see Armageddon' in the sense that John did, but rather that they actually be alive right up to Armageddon, which will be within a generation of 1914. In fact they believe that they may even be humans on earth after Armageddon. Therefore they are making the same mistake now, as their first century brothers made back then, because those brothers actually thought that John would live right up until Armageddon. In the typical representation, the apostle John 'saw Jesus come' in vision only. Now as this book is being written, and as the Watchtower servant of the writer's congregation said on the platform today (May 17th 1992):


This is the situation now, because the people in that meeting, could not see Armageddon because - to them - it is just over the Horizon. This is not the case - thanks to Jehovah - for the writer of this book!


Armageddon has now been 'seen' by him. So the scripture in Matthew 24:34 fulfilled for him. It is also going to be fulfilled for all of Jehovah's other servants, and it will be fulfilled within 80 years, or a generation, of 1914. Because, within the next two years, all of the anointed brothers of Jesus remaining will: 'see Armageddon'. But not one of them will live to see it physically as humans, because all of them will be angels, in heaven, three and a half years before it starts. When they 'see it', within the next two years they will say:


Now the scripture in Psalm 90:10 says:

'In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; And if because of special mightiness they are eighty years.'

Counting eighty years on from Tishri 1914, puts us in Tishri 1994. The anointed remnant, who saw 1914, will see the fulfilment of all of the signs of the times, and will 'see' the end, before Tishri 1994 CE. They will see it when they understand the Midst prophecy, namely that Jesus is the centre of all things, including the Abrahamic covenant. They will see it when they realise that it is not one prophecy of seven times that Jehovah has given us, the one prophecy of the Gentile Times, it is in fact three of them, namely the Exedenic Times, the Alienation Times and the Gentile Times. They will also realise, that each of these three periods of exile ends with one of the three comings of Jesus. They will see it when they understand the 90 years of Daniel 6, which started in Nisan 1918. They will see that the son of man is to be revealed on Sivan 29, 2008 CE, half way through the battle of Armageddon, 75 days into the kingdom of God.

Once you have seen when Armageddon is, and it has actually come out from being 'round the corner', and it has actually appeared on the horizon, then you no longer need the 'signs of the times', to tell you that it is just around the corner, or that it is just over the horizon. So at that time the signs of the times are fulfilled for you, their purpose as a sign is finished and so 'all these things' of Mat 24:34 have occurred, or have been seen in the sense that one knows when they will occur. Let us therefore follow the exhortation of the apostle Paul in Hebrews 10:24,25:

'Encouraging one another, all the more as you behold the day drawing near.'


The 90 year period referred to in Luke 12:54,55 - section 90, is the same 90 year period as that which is referred to in Joshua 7:9,13 - section 70, which is the same period that is represented, in the greater meaning, by the 90 days of Moses' concealment (Ex 2:2, section 22), which is the 90 year prophecy of Daniel 6. This 90 years runs from Nisan 1918 until Nisan 2008 as we saw in section 65. There is a further, more revealing reference to this time, in Luke 17:34,35 which says:

'I tell you, in that night two men will be in one bed; the one will be taken along the other will be abandoned. There will be two women grinding at the same mill; the one will be taken along, but the other abandoned.'

Has the prophet Amos not said: "Will two walk together unless they have met by appointment"? (Amos 3:3). Have we not read in Gen 41:25, that the two dreams were 'but one'? If we have then we will know that these two verses are a prophecy. Now the prophecy is one of separation, and it occurs 'in that night', which is symbolising the time before the dawn of the Kingdom of God. This 'time' is subject to two divisions in two, so it is a quarter of a time or 90 days. If we take a day for a year, then we get 90 years, 90 years which end in Nisan 2008, when the day dawns. The reference to the eagles and the carcass in verse 37, is a cryptic reference to Gen 15:11. The account of this sacrifice tells us when the Abrahamic covenant ends - section 42, and this is also the end of the 'night' in verse 34. The 90 years of the Separating Times is the time period during which the sheep are separated from the goats, by Jesus and his angels (first century brothers) through the faithful and discreet slave. Which is why we read in Matthew 25:31;

'When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.'

We can deduce that this time started in Nisan 1918, because, whereas Jesus was enthroned in Tishri 1914, 'all the angels' (from the first temple) were not with him until they had been raised up on Nisan 16, 1918. The faithful slave was appointed two days earlier, on Nisan 14, because that was the day that the evil slave of Babylon the Great was 'cut in two' (Luke 12:46, Dan 5:28). This was two days before the beginning of the Separating Times. In other words, this period started with the separation that was the fall of Babylon the Great, and the separation of the demons (angelic goats) form the loyal angels (angelic sheep) on Nisan 14, when Satan and his hordes were expelled from heaven. This was the greater 'PARSIN' (Daniel 5:28, section 58.3), then, from Nisan 16 onwards, the sheep and the goats started to be separated by Jesus and his 80,000 first century brothers (who were resurrected on that day), through the faithful and discreet slave, who had been appointed two days earlier. We will now restate in big letters that:



Now we are in the wonderful position of being able to understand one of the deepest scriptures yet to be revealed in this book, namely 1 Chron 21:20 which says:

'Meantime Ornan turned back and saw the angel; and his four sons with him were hiding themselves.'

This is not an irrelevant detail. Whenever we see the words 'hide' or 'conceal' in the bible we get very excited - see section 70. Because this cryptically tells us that there is a spiritual gem hidden in the account. Unfortunately with the account of the assassination of Gedaliah, in Jer 40,41, we may get excited at reading in Jer 41:8 that: 'There exist in our possession hidden treasures in the field, wheat and barley and oil and honey', but we do not understand it yet! So returning to this gem, we have four hidden sons of Ornan, who had been threshing wheat, and who had just seen the angel who had commissioned David to buy the site for Solomon's temple. Now the penalties for the Census sin of David were (verse 12):

Three years of famine

Three months: sweeping away from before enemies, killed by their sword

Three days pestilence

We know that David chose the last penalty (verse 13), and that this together with the account in 1 Samuel 20 of the three arrows and the three bows and the 'Jonathonic covenant', all bears witness to the length of the 'Temple Times'. This is the time between the purchase of this site and the death of Jesus, being 1080 years or three times - see section 28. Now this tells us, as we have seen in section 28.1, that Solomon's temple was commissioned in Nisan 1048 BCE, and that there were 22.5 years between the commissioning and the inauguration of this temple, which inauguration occurred in Tishri 1026 (1 Kings 6:38, 1 Kings 8:2).

If Ornan owned the freehold of the site of Solomon's temple, then what would his sons have inherited as their birthright's, his four sons, had David not purchased this from him? It would be four parts of a freehold of a temple site. We have a further witness to this concept, in that Ornan was looking at the angel who commissioned David to buy the place, when we are told that the four sons were hiding. So the four sons represent the four temples that follow Solomon's temple. Yes the four temples, look! even four of them, to phrase this prophetically. Furthermore these sons are a witness that the commissioning of each of these four temples will be 22.5 years before they are inaugurated, like father like son.

Now we already knew that Zerubbabel's temple was commissioned sometime in 538 CE (Ezra 1:1-4) and by comparing types and antitypes we deduced that this occurred in Tishri - see section 50. It was then inaugurated in Nisan 515 BCE (Ezra 6:15,16). So we now have a second witness to this in the four sons of Ornan. We also have confirmed the time when Jesus was commissioned as being Tishri 10 CE, when he was 11 years old, and so he visited the temple in Nisan 11 CE, when he was 11.5 years old. We also have a second witness to the time of the baptism of Brother Russell, by holy spirit, being Tishri 1895 CE, the date of the commissioning of the first spiritual temple of Jesus and his first century brothers. This being his and the other second temple brothers anointing to be the living stones (1 Peter 2:5) of the second spiritual temple, consisting of all 64,000 of themselves, being completed in Tishri 2004 CE (Dan 12:7). But 22.5 years after Tishri 1895 is Nisan 1918, which was when the first temple brothers were raised up and the first spiritual temple was inaugurated, on the third day of the festival (of the Passover) as was the temple of Jesus' spiritual body (Mat 26:61). Therefore the baptism on earth of the first of the second temple brothers, was symbolising the commissioning of the first spiritual temple in heaven.

For the avoidance of doubt, as the lawyers would say, the 'first temple brothers' were baptised between Tishri 2 BCE and Tishri 95 CE, and the 'second temple brothers' are baptised between Tishri 1895 CE and Nisan 2001 CE. The first spiritual temple is inaugurated on Nisan 16, 1918, the third day of the passover festival (the firstfruits) and the second spiritual temple (which contains the whole body of Christ, containing both sets of brothers), is inaugurated on Tishri 17, 2004 CE, the third day of the festival of Booths (the final ingathering). This last temple is represented by the fourth son of Ornan, and it is the body which gets its head at the marriage of the Lamb, which is when it takes power, by virtue of the covenant of that marriage. What this all means is that there was a commissioning of some sort in Nisan 1982, which was 22.5 years before Tishri 17, 2004. We will see a second witness to this in section 102. The question then is:


There needs not be any visible event on earth corresponding to this, because it is a heavenly thing, we will find out what actually happened a little later. To sum up we now have seven temples which have been determined upon mankind, in which they are to worship their God and creator Jehovah, namely:


Jehovah God Adam ------> 1513 BCE

Tabernacle Nisan 1512 ------> Tishri 1026 Nisan 1022

Solomon's temple Tishri 1026 ------> Nisan 609 Tishri 606

Zerubbabel's temple Nisan 515 ------> Nisan 33 CE Tishri 36 CE

Jesus' temple Nisan 33 CE ------> Nisan 1918 Elul 1922

First temple brothers Nisan 1918 ------> Tishri 2004 Nisan 2008

& 2nd temple brothers Tishri 2004 ------> Time indefinite

Acceptable worship in Solomon's temple ended in Nisan 609, see section 29. These seven temples are a very deep thing, they do not temporally correspond to the seven heavens of section 56. The last five of these each had a 22.5 year period, between commissioning by Holy spirit and inauguration, this is shown below:


Solomon's temple Nisan 1048 Tishri 1026

Zerubbabel's temple Tishri 538 Nisan 515

Jesus' temple Tishri 10 CE Nisan 33 CE

First temple brothers Tishri 1895 Nisan 1918

Second temple brothers Nisan 1982 Tishri 2004

Finally we look at the 600 shekels paid by David for this site. We remember that although the prophet Gad gave David three choices for his penalty (1 Chron 21:12), Jehovah had actually said:

"There are three things that I am directing against you. Choose for yourself one of them that I may do it to you" (verse 10).

The inference being, that the other two things he will do to someone else. The three days of pestilence was the one that David chose for himself, and it was completed before the 600 shekels was paid, and having been completed, he could then be commissioned to start preparing for the temple. The other two things are directed against the greater 'you', of Jehovah's people, who also will have to pay a price before they can build any temples. The first thing was a famine for three times. Well three times what David paid is 3 x 600 = 1800, the length in years of the spiritual famine of the Apostate Times, this was the time before the commissioning to build the sixth temple in heaven of the first century brothers of Christ and Jesus, which was symbolised by the start of the second baptism on earth in Tishri 1895.

The second was a sweeping away from before their enemies for three months, which is a quarter of a time, and an overtaking with the sword. A quarter times 600 is 150, and we must remember that we have to add one sword if we are to be overtaken, which makes 151 - see sections 38, 73, 96,97,98,99, for further examples of this sort of thing. This was the exact number of years between Tishri 606, the end of Solomon's temple times (see section 29), and Tishri 455, the start of acceptable worship in Zerubbabel's temple (Neh 8:1, section 6). During which time the Jews were swept away to Babylon. In other words this was the typical period for the 1800 years which the three year penalty represents, because 1800 years is the time between the end of the first baptism, which was for the first temple (first century) brothers, and the start of the second baptism, which was for the second temple (twentieth century brothers). This number of 151 years, is the long awaited second witness to the length of Solomon's temple times being 420 years, the first witness is in section 29.

So this whole account is also about Solomon's temple & Zerubbabel's temple and the time between these two, and then about the temple to be made by the first century Christians & the temple to be made by the twentieth century Christians and the time between the anointings for these two. And now we do know what happened in Nisan 1982, because since there were two different anointings and there were two different typical physical temples, namely Solomon's and Zerubbabel's, then there must be two antitypical spiritual temples. These are the sixth temple of Jesus and his first century or (first spiritual temple) brothers, and the seventh temple of Jesus and his first century brothers and his twentieth century (second spiritual temple) brothers. The 90 years of the Separating Times (Mat 25:31, section 93) from Nisan 1918 are the life of the first temple (that of Jesus and 80,000 first century brothers). It is apparent that the second temple brothers are not actually constituted into a temple as and when they are resurrected, being added on bit by bit, but they have to wait for their full number to be filled before the final temple is made (Rev 6:11). This means that in Nisan 1982, those of the second temple brothers who were in heaven then (in fact there were 48,000 of them see sections 58.1 & 58.2), took on a new position in heaven, which had to do with building the temple. In other words, it looks a bit like this guess:

Brother Russell and Brother Rutherford, and 47,998 of their modern day brothers, started to get involved themselves in directing the preaching

work in Nisan 1982, especially in the work of sealing their brothers.


This chapter of Genesis is the story of Jacob's crossing the ford of Jabbok (verse 22). The account is a masterful piece of cryptic encoding on the part of the true God. The understanding about to be uncovered establishes without a doubt that every word of this chapter is inspired and is in the bible today, exactly as originally written by Moses around 1513 BCE. The slightest mistake or omission would ruin the chronology contained within the account. We start by listing all the participants in this drama, besides Jacob, Esau and the Angel Michael:

She-goats 200 He-goats 20

Sheep 200 Rams 20

Camels giving suck 30 Baby camels *

Cows 40 Bulls 10

She-asses 20 Full grown asses 10

Men with Esau 400 Maidservants 2

Wives 2 Children 11

Menservants 3

The true God has actually described the whole Chronology of the Jews, in terms of these creatures in this list! The participants in this list are found in verses: 6,14,15,17,19 & 22. Throughout this chapter there are various gifts proposed to pacify Esau, and at the end of the chapter Jacob grapples with the Angel Michael. This grappling marks the end of the chronology and prefigures the grappling with men that God's firstborn Son undertook throughout his 3.5 years ministry which ended in Nisan 33 CE. Because he is the one really of whom it can be said (verse 28):

'You have contended with God and with men so that you at last prevailed.'

And whereas this one himself (Angel Michael) blessed Jacob in verse 29, The blessor became the blessed, when he was given the 'name that is above every other name', (Philip 2:9), and he was seated far above 'every name named' (Eph 1:21), as a result of his contentions with mankind.

In the bible, Esau often stands for the Judgemental role of Jehovah, whereas Jacob stands for the loving and saving role of the true God (see section 17). The gifts to pacify Esau, are therefore telling us that Jehovah is alienated from us and is not willing to save anyone throughout the whole of this chronology. This is why the scripture says:

'I loved Jacob, but Esau I hated', (Rom 9:13)

This was not because Jehovah has favourites, or because there was some defect in the Genetic make up of Esau that meant that, due to a mistake on the part of the true God's biological engineering, Esau was going to turn out bad. Never may that be the case, rather it was that Jehovah could look into the future and see the spiritual disaster that Esau was going to become. The true God hated what he knew Esau was going to do, just like he knew that the Jews would break his covenant with them, even before he had made the covenant with them. Now the Esau role of Jehovah was transformed into the Jacob role on the death of his firstborn son on Nisan 14, 33 CE (see section 17). Which was the end of the enmity between God and man, and the end of the Alienation Times (see section 9). So all of these gifts to appease Esau (verses 5,17,19), are symbolising sacrifices to Jehovah during the length of the non-atoned or unreconciled or enmity or alienation period preceding Jesus' death (Gen 33:10). To find out where this chronology starts we look at verse 4 & 5:

'This is what your servant Jacob has said: "With Laban I have resided as an alien and I have stayed for a long time until now. And I have come to have bulls and asses, sheep, and menservants and maidservants, and I would like to send to notify my lord, that I may find favour in your eyes."

We know that Joseph was born in Nisan 1768, which was the end of the two times of Joseph's Times, (section 31). We know too that Jacob worked with uncle Laban for six years after this for his flock (Gen 31:41). Therefore Jacob left Laban in Nisan 1762 BCE. So the 'until now' of verse 4, is this time when Jacob left Laban in Nisan 1762 BCE. Now, if we count the numbers of all of the animals in verse 5, and remember that Jacob sent messengers ahead to Esau (verse 2), and remember that the idea was to find favour in the 'eyes' of Esau. Then we have the following addition:

Messengers sent ahead (plural) 2

Bulls 10

Asses 30

Sheep 200

Menservants 3

Maidservants 2

Esau's eyes (are in) 2


Total 249

Counting 249 years forward from Nisan 1762, puts us in Nisan 1513 BCE, a well know date. This is where the four hundred men with Esau come in. Because verse 6 says:

'IN TIME the messengers returned to Jacob, saying: "We got to your brother Esau, and he is also on his way to meet you with 400 men with him."'

This 'meeting' in the cryptic meaning is the meeting of the end of the time period represented by the 400 men with Esau (which the reader has probably already guessed is the 400 years of affliction of Abraham's seed by the greater Ishmael of Egypt - Gen 15:13, Acts 7:6), with the end of the time period of the 249 years above. The words 'in time' in verse 6, are cryptically telling us to take the numbers in this account as years.

This 400 year period started with the weaning of Isaac (see Insight 1 p1216), and this is why the 10 male asses of verse 14 were said to be 'full-grown', whereas the camels also had their 'young ones'. The holy spirit is giving us confirmation that the weaning of Isaac is indeed the start of this prophecy, in that he was a 'full-grown young ones' (once he was fully weaned). There is of course no literal point in singling out Asses and calling them 'full-grown' at all!


So the two periods of the 249 years and the 400 years meet (verse 6) in Nisan 1513. We are then told that Jacob divided all his flock and his people into two camps, the idea being that if Esau came to one, then the other would escape. The scripture says in verses 7 & 8:

'So he divided the people who were with him, and the flocks and the cattle and the camels into two camps, and he said: "If Esau should come to the one camp and assault it, then there is certain to be a camp remaining to make an escape.'

Now Jacob had 550 animals and 18 people (adding up all those in the list). We cannot include the messengers here because they are only in the symbolic plural, so we do not know how many there were of them, so we cannot divide their number into two camps, since the bible has deliberately not stated what this number is. The total is therefore 568 souls, which is split into two camps. We will use this information later.

Now we consider the account from verse 13 until verse 23, which is the crossing of all that belongs to Jacob in three droves, headed by three servants. As regards the animals of verses 14 & 15, verse 16 tells us:

'Then he handed over to his servants one drove after another by itself, and repeatedly said to his servants: "Cross over ahead of me, and you are to set an interval between drove and drove."'

This interval is the 1,545 years from Nisan 1513 BCE until Nisan 33 CE. The three droves stand for three time periods which exactly fill up these 1,545 years (remember there was no 0 BCE!) The three servants of verses 17-19 are three very well known bible characters as we shall see. A drove being handed over by itself, is actually a reference to a division of the time period represented by each drove into two time periods (i.e. it is divided by itself - see section 87 'by number and by weight', Ezra 8:34). Jacob's division of his animals and people into two camps in verse six is the other witness to this division of all three droves. Now the animals in verses 14 & 15 are referred to by number, by sex, and also by cleanness because some were clean animals under law and some were unclean. Therefore we will get the solution to this problem, and the three time intervals represented by the three droves of verses 17-19, by breaking these animals down according to sex, cleanness and number. We consider the sex division first because this is the first division made in verse 14: '200 she-goats and 20 he goats'.

First the sex division:


440 - 50 = 390 CLEAN

50 - 10 = 40 UNCLEAN

So there were 40 unclean headless females and 390 clean headless females. The two split periods represented by these are firstly the 40 years in the wilderness, from Nisan 1513 until Nisan 1473, during which time Israel was a nation but had no King and was unclean (40 years is often a cleaning period in the bible - hence 'quarantine' which is from the Latin for 40). We know too that Israel had to be 'cleaned' of its older generation in the wilderness. We also know that the worship afforded to Jehovah by the sons of Israel in the wilderness was not clean because Stephen tells us in Acts 7:42, that it is written "It was not to me that you offered victims and sacrifices for forty years in the wilderness, was it O house of Israel?" Then secondly the 390 year clean kingless period starts from Nisan 1473 when the nation became clean, being circumcised again, having crossed the Jordan. As Jehovah said after the circumcision at Gilgal, to Joshua "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you" (Jos 5:9). Nisan 1473 less 390 years is Nisan 1083, so this period ended in Nisan 1083 BCE. This period ends with the anointing of King David, who prefigured Jesus, and was a servant of Jehovah the greater Jacob. Saul although the first king of Israel, was not a very good servant of Jehovah - he was rejected (1 Sam 15:26), and Saul did not prefigure Jesus, the contender of verses 24-32. So the first servant of verse 17, who was behind the first drove, was King David.

Considering next the cleanness division:


440 50 CLEAN


Camels and asses are unclean (Leviticus 11:1-8). So the total number of clean animals was 490 and unclean animals was 60. We know that Zerubbabel's temple was inaugurated in Nisan 515 BCE (Ezra 6:13-16) then cleaned up in Tishri 455 BCE, (Neh 8,9,10,11,12). This leaves six months from Nisan 515 until Tishri 515, then 60 years of unclean worship until Tishri 455 followed by the famous 490 years, or 70 weeks of years, of cleaner worship until Jesus who died at the half of the last week of this prophetic period, which ended in Tishri 36 CE. All this occurred in the night and the contending stopped in the morning (verse 24), this pictures the spiritual darkness that the world would be in until Jesus came as the Messiah, when the people 'who were walking in the darkness saw a great light' (Isaiah 9:2).

This illuminator is the third servant of verse 19. But Zerubbabel's temple was completed in Adar 515 BCE (this is the last month of the Hebrew year), there then followed an inauguration ceremony involving the slaughtering of many animals (Ezra 6:17), they then held the passover on Nisan 14, 515 BCE, this being the next month after Adar (Ezra 6:19, Insight 1 p584). This places the inauguration ceremony later on in Adar or earlier on in Nisan, basically Nisan 1 would be the obvious date, like it was with the tabernacle (Ex 40:17). This means that we have another 6 month discrepancy, because this inauguration was 60 years and six months before Tishri 1, 455 BCE when the word went out to restore and rebuild pure worship in Neh 8:1-3, i.e. when the worship changed from unclean to clean. But Jehovah has not made a mistake here brothers.

No sir, because although Jacob unfortunately did not have any half-camels or half-asses, he did have the 'young ones' of the camels (verse 14). These went half-fare, i.e. they stand for the six months from Nisan 515 until Tishri 515. So the 30 Camels and the 30 Asses and the baby camels, represent the 60.5 years of worship in Zerubbabel's temple before Tishri 455 BCE. The inclusion of the young ones only of the Camels is deliberate and prophetic because Gen 33:13 tells us that the sheep and cattle were also giving suck, but their young ones are not mentioned in chapter 32.

Considering finally the numerical division:

The number of years between Nisan 1083 BCE, when the first drove ends, and Nisan 515 BCE when the third drove starts is 568 years. This is the total number of all the creatures that belonged to Jacob that were divided into two camps in verse 6. We have already quoted verse 7 & 8 which refer to an assault by Esau and a remaining camp that makes an escape. This assault is the destruction of Samaria in 731 BCE by Sennacherib which was under the authority of Jehovah of armies (2 Kings 17:18) and the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BCE by Nebuchadnezzar, who was also an agent of Jehovah (Jer 25:9). Both of these assaults were a showing of the judgemental face of Jehovah, this is the Esau role. We know too that a 'camp remaining' or a remnant were able to 'make an escape' from the siege of Jerusalem into Babylon. This 568 year period from Nisan 1083 until Nisan 515, included the whole time when the sons of Israel were divided into the 'two camps' of Israel and Judah, which was the period from Tishri 997 BCE until Tishri 607 BCE (Ezekiel 4:4-6). Since this 568 year period ends in Nisan 515 BCE, we now know that this was the month when Zerubbabel's temple was inaugurated. The second servant (verse 19) is of course Zerubbabel.

Final summary:

The first servant is King David, the second is Zerubbabel and the third is Jesus, who is prefigured by both David and Zerubbabel. Jesus is the contender of verses 24-32, and the face of God, seen by the sons of Jacob (verse 20). If the reader would fully understand this account then he can add his name to Jacob's as one who has contended with God and man so that he at last prevailed (verse 28)! Two nice results of all this are:



The inauguration date we have already deduced from the annual festivals under the Law (see section 29). We also have a third witness to the seventy weeks of years prophecy. In addition to Appendix 2, which is very mathematical, and provides the second witness to the 70 weeks prophecy. We also have a further witness to the month of Jesus' birth being Tishri. We now have the new bible rule of 'a camel or a she-ass or a sheep or a bull or a cow or a goat for a year'. Not really, but more seriously, the true God is talking in a numerically concrete but a physically abstract way in his book. So we could have a 'banana for a year' if we like. This is the sort of thing Joseph was preparing us for, when he was showing the true interpretations to various dreams as being: a twig for a year, a cow for a year and a basket for a year (Gen 40:10-13, Gen 40:16-19, Gen 41:26). Finally please notice the tell-tale cryptic clue in Gen 32:32; 'Down to this day' - see section 2.


This is where things get very cryptic. This understanding is a lot of fun, we have already dealt with the Alienation Times prophecy and other aspects of this account from 1 Kings 18 in section 15.1. In this section we are going to get to know, what almost every word of this account is saying, and why Jehovah has included these precise words in his book. The result of which will be that just from this one account, we can say for a certainty that the bible is inspired, that we are now in the time of the end, and that Armageddon is in Nisan 14, 2008. We will be getting a fair chunk of 'the very knowledge of God' (Prov 2:5). We now consider in detail the action of the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 18:31-35:

'So Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom Jehovah's word had come, saying "Israel is what your name will become." And he went on to build the stones into an altar in the name of Jehovah and to make a trench, of about the area sowed with two seah measures of seed, all around the altar. After that he put the pieces of wood in order and cut the young bull in pieces and placed it upon the pieces of wood. He now said: "Fill four large jars with water and pour it upon the burnt offering and upon the pieces of wood." Then he said: "Do it again." So they did it again. But he said: "Do it a third time." Thus the water went all around the altar, and the trench also he filled with water.'

So we see that he makes an altar out of 12 stones, we find that he puts on this altar one young bull, and pieces of wood. We find that he pours four large jars of water over the burnt offering (one bull) the pieces of wood, and the altar, then he does this a second time and then he does this a third time. When he has finished, the water itself goes all round the altar and fills up the trench which was the area of sowing for two seah measures of seed. Please notice how all of the quantities are repeated in the account (Gen 41:25,32). So if Elijah took 12 stones that were according to the number of the sons of Jacob, well then these would stand for 12 times, because Jacob had 12 times more sons in number than himself. The bull of the burnt offering is one time, because, although it is cut in pieces (plural) the scripture says - twice - that Elijah placed 'it (singular) upon the wood' (verses 23 & 33), so Elijah regards this sacrifice as a singular sacrifice, and he is Jehovah's prophet! Also the bull prefigures the one whole singular and perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The pieces of wood themselves, on the other hand, are two times (because they are in the plural - compare a time, times and half a time - Rev 12:14, section 21.1). So in total we have so far 15 times. Then Elijah requests the people to pour over this lot four jars of water, this stands for a multiplication by four. He does this again and then a third time, which gives us a multiplication by 4x4x4=64. So we get a total of 15x64=960 times, but then the trench of two seah measures is also filled up which gives us an extra 2 times. so the grand total is 962 times. Putting this pictorially we have:

12 Stones = 12 times +

pieces of wood = 2 times +

One burnt offering = 1 time +

pour over 4 large jars = 4 times x

pour over 4 large jars = 4 times x

pour over 4 large jars = 4 times x

fill 2 seah measure trench = 2 times +


962 times

Obviously the order that this calculation is performed in is critical, this is why we read in verse 33, that he put the pieces of wood 'in order'. There is of course no divinely predetermined order fo 'pieces of wood'. We then read that Elijah petitioned Jehovah 'about the time that the grain offering goes up' (verse 36). This is a cryptic reference to the festival of the firstfruits of the barley harvest, which was on Nisan 16 (Lev 23:5-12). This festival was the first grain offering of the year (Lev 2:12). We already knew that this sacrifice of Elijah's which was accepted by Jehovah and exposed all of the prophets of Baal as false, prefigured the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and therefore it must have also occurred on Nisan 14. We now know that Elijah's sacrifice predates that of Jesus by 962 years!

So this contest occurred on Nisan 14, 930 BCE

We also know from section 15.1, that the seven times that Elijah's servants went back to look for rain (1 Kings 18:43), symbolise the seven weeks of days of the festival of weeks, which period started with the festival of the firstfruits on Nisan 16.

Now we have read in Deut 19:15, that truth is established at the mouth of two witnesses, we have read at 2 Cor 13:1, the same thing, we know that the true God is not one to flout his own laws, even when it is impossible for him to lie, so these laws cannot really be applied to him or to his book. So we would expect to find a further witness to this date in this account, especially as our means of calculation looks tenuous to the newcomer to cryptic interpretations. Well the second witness is provided in this same chapter. In order to find it we must remember that at the end of this period Jesus is cut off, and his death bisects the last week of Zerubbabel's temple, and as we have seen it bisects a lot of other things too - see section 40, appendix 5, DPA chart. So what we do now is we add up everybody who was cut off in this account, or everybody left of whom some of their number were cut off, and then we add to this total everything that is cut in two or bisected in this account. The addition then becomes:

Obadiah's hidden prophets: escaped cut off = 100 verse 4

Horses: escaped cutting off = 2 verse 5

Mules: escaped cutting off = 2 verse 5

Land divided between Ahab & Obadiah = 2 verse 6

Hidden prophets divided into two groups = 2 verse 13

450 prophets of Baal = 450 verse 19

400 prophets of the sacred pole = 400 verse 19

people divided between two opinions = 2 verse 21

two young bulls were cut off and divided = 2 verse 23



There is no way on earth that Elijah new any of this when he made his sacrifice, there is no way that Samuel knew any of this when he wrote 1 Kings.


Who can argue with this now? Incidentally if either of these two had known that their actions and writing meant that the Messiah would come 962 years later, then they would have been truly inspired prophets of God, so either way the bible must be inspired. We know that they did not know however, because this knowledge was sealed up for all men until February 1 1992. The next thing we notice is that this sacrifice occurred right in the middle of the 22 year reign of King Ahab (see appendix 5). So we have another witness to the Midst prophecy (Luke 17:21, section 40). We can now also see why all the various details about horse and mules and opinions and prophets in caves etc, were included in this account!


It is at this point that one begins to understand why the true God has chosen a pure mathematician, to reveal his cryptic interpretations to, in the time of the end (Dan 12:4). Although it has to be said that we are doing nothing more than basic arithmetic, of the sort that nearly all of his servants will understand. It is pretty satisfying to understand this one because the interpretation is not so easy. We can certainly see why the fourth watch of the faithful and discreet slave is only to be beaten with few strokes (Luke 12:48, section 90) when considering this account. You need a very tall watchtower to see anything here! The account is in 2 Kings 5, the first verse that we will look at is the marvellous verse 26:

'Is it a time to accept silver or to accept garments or olive groves or vineyards or sheep or cattle or menservants or maidservants?'

Well you're the boss Elisha! If you say it is a time to accept these eight things, then a time is divided into eight parts, and so in this chapter in various places for a time we are going to read an eighth of a time or 45 days (or years). Now we turn our attention to verse 12 & 13, which say:

'"Are not the Abanah and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Can I not bathe in them and certainly be made clean?" with that he turned and went away in a rage. His servants now approached him and said: "My father, had it been a great thing that the prophet himself had spoken to you, would you not do it? How much more then, since he said to you, 'Bathe and be made clean?'"'

We know that Naaman the bathed in the Jordan 7 times (verse 14). Well if the Abanah and the Pharpar were better than all the water of Israel, then if he had bathed 7 times in both of these as well, he would have overshot the mark. Because what these servants are really asking is: 'How much longer is the time period represented by bathing seven times in all three of these rivers than the true time period.' In other words if he had bathed 21 times, i.e. 7 times in each of the Pharpar, the Abanah and the Jordan, then the time period to which this corresponds, which is:

21 'times' ----> 21 x (360/8) = 21 x 45 = 945 years

(we are taking a time as an eighth of a time here as mentioned above), is going to be longer than the time from Naaman's cleansing to Jesus sin cleansing sacrifice. The question is by how much more is it longer? Well this is the question is not only asked, but also answered by the servants of Naaman, who said "How much more then, since he said to you, 'bathe and be made clean?" So since they provided the answer in the account they must be the answer in the prophecy and since they are in the plural they stand for TWO, therefore Naaman was cured 943 years (945-2) before Jesus died. In the bible, we often find that questions are their own answers (Zech 4:2, section 37, Luke 12, section 90). Well that was pretty abstract, and the true God is aware of the abstractness of that calculation, so he has given us a further witness to these figures in verses 8 & 9, which say:

'And it came about that, as soon as Elisha the man of the true God heard that the king of Israel had ripped his garments apart, he at once sent to the king saying: "Why did you rip your garments apart? Let him come please to me, that he may know that there exists a prophet in Israel." So Naaman came with his horses and his war chariots and stood at the entrance of the house of Elisha.

Well, Naaman had bought with him ten changes of garments (verse 5), which we know from our previous consideration of this account in section 25.1, stand for the ten times of Laban's Times. So if garments being ripped apart is mentioned twice in the account immediately before the arrival of Naaman, we know that the greater meaning is that Naaman rather than bringing ten times worth of garments with him is bringing five times worth of garments, and since it is only the garments that are mentioned, then Naaman himself is standing for the five times that these represent. But Naaman (five times) brings with him his horses, which stand for a two times multiplication, and he brings with him his war chariots, which stand for another two times multiplication, yielding 20 times. Then he is standing at the entrance of the house of Elisha, which is standing for one time. This gives us a grand total of 21 times. These 21 times stand for 945 years as they did above, and if we subtract the two times of the servants as before (verse 13) then we get 943 years once more.

Now we come to the most amazing witness to this 943 year period. Because in verse 17 Naaman asks for: 'some ground, the load of a pair of mules' which being three entities stands for three times. Then we read in verse 18:

'In this thing may Jehovah forgive your servant: When my lord comes into the house of Rimmon to bow down there, and he is supporting himself upon my hand, and I have to bow down at the house of Rimmon, when I bow down at the house of Rimmon, may Jehovah please forgive your servant in this respect.'

This bowing down at the house of Rimmon is mentioned three times. This verse is laced all over with double meanings. The writer would suggest that it is never true to say that just because something is mentioned three times in an account, then it stands for three times, this would be ridiculous, and would lead to all sorts of meanings for everything. However, when the same thing is mentioned three times in one verse, then whilst this does not mean that this thing stands for three times at all, it can mean that the thing that is repeated will have three meanings. In other words just as a repetition twice implies two meanings (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), so repetition three times can imply three meanings, or three fulfilments (e.g. Isaiah 29:14, Rev 8:13). Now of course we understand the literal meaning here of this bowing down, that Naaman did. We also understand the symbolic meaning, because Naaman who stands for 'the faithful Gentiles' - section 15.2, having been cleansed from sin, stops his false religious practices.

But there is also a play on words going on, and there is a third meaning to this verse, because not only was Rimmon a God of the Syrians, but also he was the father of Baanah and Rechab, the Benjamites whom David killed as the last act he did before becoming King over all Israel (2 Samuel 4:12). This would have caused a bowing down at the house of Rimmon of a different sort. Then David himself bowed down three times a 1 Samuel 20, which bowing down represented the three times of the Temple Times (1 Sam 20:41, section 28). So it just so happens that this bowing down at the house of Rimmon, in the cryptic meaning does stand for 'three times'. The writer would repeat however, that this is not because this bowing down is mentioned three times in verse 18 !

So we now have Naaman's request for land and the load of two mules, and we have Naaman's bowing down, both standing for three times, just like we had two witnesses to 21 times in the previous witness to the date of this cleansing. We next read in verse 19 that, Naaman then went away for a good stretch of the land. Then greedy Gehazi goes chasing after him and finally catches him up. This is cryptically telling us that the three times or 1080 years (a day for a year), is longer than the period between Naaman's cleansing and Jesus' death, which it prefigures. Now the amount by which it is longer is calculated from the conversation between Naaman and Gehazi which ensues in verses 22-24, because it was Gehazi who was chasing after him.

Gehazi asks Naaman for: 'A talent of silver and two changes of garments', which stands for three times. Naaman responds by performing three divisions by two, and giving him more than he asked for. He first of all divides two talents by two, then he splits up the two changes of garments, then he splits all this between two attendants, which cryptically symbolises a division by 8 (8=2x2x2). So the amount symbolised is 3/8 times or 135 years. So we now subtract this 135 from the 1080 years of the three times and get 945 years. But in verse 24 Gehazi sent off his two attendants which again is a witness to a subtraction of two from 945 leaving 943. Summarising all of this we have:

3 times (years of years) - 3/8 times - 2 times =1080 - 135 - 2

1080 - 135 - 2 times = 943 years

So Naaman was cleansed in Nisan 911 BCE, which was the mid-point of the 12 regnal years of King Jehoram. Thereby providing a further witness to the Midst prophecy (section 40). This account is the most abstract one that the writer has seen. Which may explain why the true God has put so many witnesses in it, in order that the reader can be sure that he has got the correct answer. Incidentally, there is no way that Naaman and Gehazi and Elisha and King Jehoram and the two attendants could have conspired together to engineer this, with all of them being aware that the Messiah would come in 943 years time. No way at all, this account HAS TO BE INSPIRED!!!


The interpretation of this account as a witness to the Alienation Times was looked at in section 26. We know that this exposure symbolises the sacrificial death of Jesus, and we know that it happened 'At the start of the barley harvest' (2 Sam 20:9), which is a euphemism for Nisan 16 (see fig 2). We are first of all going to deduce the time between this sacrifice and that of the Messiah, by looking at verses 15 to 22, which is an account of four battles against the Philistines. Summarising this account we see that the Philistines were fought four times, we see that the first time the well known Philistine 'Ishbibenob', was eventually stuck down by the hands of both David and Abishai, who came to his help. David was himself in some danger and we read that: 'The men of David swore to him, saying: "You must not go out to the battle anymore, that you may not extinguish the lamp of Israel", (verse 17). This is telling us that this account gives us the time until the greater lamp of Israel, the great light that was seen in Galilee (Isaiah 9:2), will be extinguished.

Now Ishbibenob had a 300 shekel spear and a new sword (2 Sam 21:16). Next, Saph is struck down by the hand of Sibbecai. Next, Goliath is struck down by the hand of Elhanan, and Goliath had a spear, the shaft of which was like the beam of the loom workers. Next, an extraordinary man with fingers and toes 24 in number was struck down by the hand of Jonathon. We are then told in verse 22, that 'These four had been born to the Rephaim in Gath; and they came to fall by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants'. Now if these four men fall by the hands of these ones, then cryptically their falling is to be multiplied by the number of digits on the hands of their executioners. The cryptic meaning of 'hand' here is also evidenced by the counting of all the fingers and toes of the 6 fingered Philistine of verse 20. Summarising all of this we have:

Four battles (four times, a day for a year) = 1,440 times

Ishbibenob struck by hand of David + Abishai = 10 times -

300 shekel spear and new sword = 301 times -

Saph struck by hand of Sibbecai = 5 times -

Goliath struck by hand of Elhanan = 5 times -

Spear like beam of loom WORKERS = 2 times -

Philistine extraordinary struck by hand of Jonathon= 5 times -

24 fingers and toes of this one = 24 times -


1,088 times

The loom workers are plural and so stand for two times (compare Rev 12:14). 1088 years before Nisan 14, 33 CE was Nisan 14, 1056 BCE, this was dead centre of the reign of David, this was when this famine ended. This is actually only our second witness to the first regnal year of King David starting in Nisan 1076 BCE, or equivalently his anointing being in Nisan 1083 BCE, (if we assume the Midst prophecy), the first witness is the crossing at Jabbok - Gen 32:14,15 - see section 95. Of course with a calculation this involved, the perfect and true God would have definitely provided a second witness to this period of 1,088 years, in this account. This it transpires is calculated by adding a few times onto three years of years, rather than by subtracting a few times from four years of years, as in the case of the striking down of the Philistines above. Because the famine is said to last for 'Three years, year after year' (verse 1).

Well, cryptically, this is the remainder of the famine of the Alienation Times, a famine of Jehovah's goodwill, which culminated in the year of Goodwill - Isaiah 61:2, which was the ministry of Jesus, which culminated in his sacrificial death. So we take the three years of the famine as three years of years, i.e. 1080 years (3x360=180). Then the 'year after' this makes 1081 years, and we already know that the death of the seven sons of Saul stands for the seven times of the Alienation Times, so if we add on this, which occurs at the end of the physical famine, then we get the end of the spiritual famine being 1088 years after the end of the physical famine. Thank you brother tenuous! Seriously though, we know that this is the correct interpretation because we have so many witnesses. In the case of the striking down of the Philistines, the reader may have noticed that:


Which means that we now know why the true God included all of the things that he did in those verses. This is what we will call a complete understanding of a scripture, because, in this case, we know why every word in verses 15-22 has been included in the account.


There is a cryptic prophecy in Gen 44:21-28, which gives us the length of the period of time from the beginning of the Alienation Times, which was Nisan 2488 BCE, until Jacob leaves Canaan for Egypt. Verse 21 reads:

'Following that the sons of Israel did so, and Joseph gave them wagons according to pharaoh's orders and gave them provisions for the way.'

Pharaoh's orders for wagons were given in verse 19:

'Take for yourselves wagons from the land of Egypt for your little ones and your wives, and you must lift your father on one and come here.'

There is a comparison being made between the plural (cryptically two) wagons for the little ones and the wives, and the one wagon for the father, so Pharaoh's orders actually stand for a multiplication by two. This is not at all surprising because this whole account is about the two times of Joseph's times. Also there are cryptically three wagons one for each of the father, the little ones and the wives. Now we look at the 'provisions for the way'. Verse 22,23 say:

'To each of them he gave individual changes of clothing, but to Benjamin he gave 300 silver pieces and five changes of mantles. And to his father he sent as follows: ten asses carrying good things of Egypt and ten she-asses carrying grain and bread and sustenance for his father on the way.'

Then we read in verse 24, that he sent the brothers off (all 11 of them) and said to them: 'Do not get exasperated at one another on the way'. This exasperation is a cryptic reference to the Alienation Times or should we say the 'exasperation times' because the scriptures say in Gen 6:6 at the start of the Alienation Times, that men had exasperated the true God:

'And Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart.'

Next in verse 26 Joseph is referred to as the 'one' dominating over all Egypt. And in verse 27 Jacob 'revives in spirit' at the sight of the wagons, and cryptically says in verse 28:

'It is enough! Joseph my son is still alive! Ah, let me go and see him before I die.'

Now we add up everything in this account:


Individual changes of clothing 10

300 silver shekels for Benjamin 300

Five changes of mantles for Benjamin 5

10 Asses carrying good things: 10 x 2 = 20

10 She-asses carrying grain+bread+sustenance: 10 x 3 = 30

Brothers sent off 11

Joseph, 'the one dominating' 1

The wagons for father+little ones+wives 3



The astute reader will notice that whereas we have taken 10 asses to represent 20 because they are carrying 'good things' in the plural, we have taken the wagons for the little ones and for the wives as being one wagon for each even though their load is spoken of in the plural. This is because these wagons were empty on the way to Jacob, and an empty load cannot be plural, and the account ends when Jacob says: 'It is enough', which is before anybody climbs on to any wagons. As mentioned above, the total figure of 380 years is multiplied by two, because this is the meaning of 'Pharaoh's orders' (verse 21). This gives us a figure of 760 years, from the beginning of the exasperation in Nisan 2488 BCE until Jacob decides to 'go and see' Joseph (verse 28) in Egypt. If we subtract 760 years from Nisan 2488 we end up in Nisan 1728 BCE.

There is now an interesting technical point to consider. We saw in section 24.3, that prophecies stated in years are accurate to the month, and we have also seen that the prophecy in Numbers 7:88, which is stated in units of five days, is only accurate to the nearest block of five days (section 10). Therefore, as regards this 760 year prophecy, if it were stated in double years, then it would only be accurate to the double month. However, these 760 years are not stated in 'double years' like the 18 double years of Luke 13:10-17 (section 72), and nor is it like the 252, '5 shekel' animals of Num 7:88 (section 10), the calculation merely involves a multiplication of the total by two (rather than each unit actually symbolising two years), just as the Gentile Times involves a multiplication by 7. Therefore we can certainly say that:

Jacob arrived Egypt in Nisan 1728 BCE.

This is a very good time for Jacob to arrive in Egypt because it is the exact mid-point (to the month) of the 430 years in Egypt of Ex 12:41 & Gal 3:17 (All Scripture p286 refers to this bisecting). This period started in Nisan 1943, at the validation of the Abrahamic covenant, and ended in Nisan 1513 at the exodus from Egypt. This means that Jacob's family leaving Canaan was symbolising Jesus' sacrificial death, which is the centre of all things (section 40). And just as Jacob and his family leaving Canaan for Egypt in the middle of the 430 year period of Egyptian exile for Abraham's physical seed, physically saved their lives, due to the physical food that they received from Joseph. So Jesus' sacrificial death in the middle of the 3,950 year period of exile in Satan's world for the Abraham's spiritual seed, spiritually saved the lives of the spiritual family of Jacob, due to the spiritual food that these ones received from the greater food administrator of Jesus Christ.

This timing fits in well with the account of Joseph's prime ministership in Genesis 40-45, because Joseph became the prime minister at sometime from Tishri 1739 BCE until Tishri 1738 BCE (he was thirty years old - Gen 41:46). Ages and reigns are rounded up to the nearest year in the bible (section 24.1). The seven years of plenty would then start in Tishri 1738, since years started in Tishri at that time. The seven years of famine would therefore start in Tishri 1731. So when Joseph made the statement:

'For this is the second year of the famine in the midst of the earth, and there are yet five years in which there will be no ploughing time or harvest.'

This would have been after the harvest time in 1729 (Nisan to Elul - see fig 2), and before the ploughing time in 1729 (around Tishri - fig 2). This puts the statement around Elul 1729, at the end of the second year of famine (which ended in that month). This leaves about six months for the round trip by the brothers to Canaan and back into Egypt by Nisan 1728 BCE. The writer, for a while, was not certain whether the departure for Egypt or the Arrival in Egypt was being referred to in this account. But considering the example of Abraham's crossing of the Euphrates in Nisan 1943, when he validated his covenant, we see that the 430 year 'dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt' (Ex 12:41, Gal 3:17) was deemed to start in the plains of Shinar, for the purposes of the 430 year prophecy! Therefore we can take a an arrival in Egypt as a departure for Egypt with impunity.


We have now seen that:

[1] Hezekiah's sign of the shadow on the steps of Ahaz occurred on Tishri 15, 731 BCE, in the middle of Hezekiah's reign (section 44).

[2] Elijah triumphed over the 450 prophets of Baal in Nisan 930 BCE, in the middle of the regnal years of King Ahab (section 96).

[3] Naaman was cleansed in Nisan 911 BCE, in the middle of the regnal years of King Jehoram (section 97).

[4] The 3.5 years famine, preceding the exposure of the 7 sons of Saul, ended in Nisan 1056 BCE, in the middle of the regnal years of King David (section 98).

[5] Jacob left for Egypt, in the middle of the 430 years of Egyptian exile of Ex 12:41.

[6] The Son of man is revealed on Sivan 29, 2008 CE, at the mid-point of Armageddon.

[7] Jesus died at the mid-point of the Abrahamic covenant

All seven of these accounts are witnesses to the Midst prophecy - section 40. Jesus and his typical representations are the centre of many things! We also saw in section 40, that just as Jesus' ministry was 1,264 days long, lasting from Tishri 10, 29 CE until Nisan 13, 33 CE (Num 3:50, section 10), so the time from his death on Nisan 14 until the conversion of Cornelius was also 1,264 days, which puts this conversion at 3 pm, Tishri 18, 36 CE (Acts 10:30, section 36.1).

We have seen in section 74, that Daniel 9:27 has four weeks of years which are fulfilments for it, namely those beginning Tishri 29, Nisan 63, Tishri 1914, Nisan 2001. We have seen in Daniel 12 that there is an exact symmetry between the last week of Satan's system and the week in which the witnessing of the two witnesses of Rev 11:3, stopped. From this we deduced that there were 1,260 days (inclusive) between the last anointed ones being cut off (Tishri 15, 2004) and the first day of the kingdom of God (Nisan 14, 2008). Since this cutting off is an antitype of Jesus death, and this whole week is an antitype of all the other three fulfilments of Dan 9:27, it is apparent that there will also be 1,260 days from the beginning of this last week until Tishri 15, 2004 (inclusive). This would put the beginning of this week at Nisan 16, 2001, if we count the 1,260 days inclusively as regards the end days. But with the symmetric period from March 21, 1919 until September 14, 1922 this period was counted exclusively, therefore we do the same with this antitypical period and so the last week starts on Nisan 14 which is 1,260 days (exclusively) from Tishri 15. So we have four periods of 1,260 days in the Lord's day.

We would expect therefore to find four 1,264 day periods in the two weeks of years beginning in 29 and 63 CE in the Jewish system of things. There is a second witness to this which is provided by the powerful Midst prophecy. Because Jesus, the greater Hezekiah went into Sheol in the Midst of his days (Isaiah 38:10), which has the meaning that the number of days of the prophetic Hebrew calendar from Tishri 10, 2 BCE until Nisan 14, 33 CE, is equal to the number of days between Nisan 14, 33 CE and the day in the festival of Booths in 66 CE when Jerusalem was first facing the encamped armies of Cestius Gallus. This would put this day at Tishri 18, 66 CE, which is in agreement with Josephus, who says in Book 2 Chapter 19 of the Wars of the Jews:

"But when Cestius had marched from Antipatris to Lydda, he found the city empty of its men, for the whole multitude were gone up to Jerusalem to the feast of Tabernacles."

Lydda was about 40 kilometres from Jerusalem. Cestius killed a few people in Lydda (see insight book under Lydda), and then marched to Jerusalem and pitched his camp at Gabao, 50 furlongs from the city. All of which is a witness to the arrival of Cestius occurring after the start of the festival.

Also Josephus tells us that Cestius arrived on a Sabbath (although he does not give the exact date), which made the Jews very angry, so they went out and inflicted a great defeat on him:

'But as for the Jews, when they saw the war approaching to their metropolis, they left the feast, and betook themselves to their arms; and taking courage greatly from their magnitude, went in a sudden and disorderly manner to the fight, with a great noise, and without any consideration had of the rest of the seventh day, although the Sabbath was the day to which they had the greatest regard. But the rage which made them forget the religious observation (of the Sabbath) made them too hard for their enemies in the fight.'

We can actually calculate that Tishri 18 was a Sabbath, from the fact that the daylight part of Nisan 15, 33 CE, which was also a Sabbath, was in fact April 2 in the Gregorian calendar (Insight 2 p268, Appendix 4). This means that April 3, 66 CE was also a Sabbath, since it is 12,054 (1,722 x 7) days later. If we now take March 27th, which seems to be the best candidate (see appendix 4), as the daylight part of the memorial date in 66 CE, then it was also a Sabbath, being seven days before April 3. Tishri 18 occurs 154 days or 22 x 7 days after Nisan 14, and so it too is a Sabbath.

If we now apply the midst prophecy to the last week of the Jewish system, and apply Daniel 9:27, then there should be 1,264 days between Tishri 18, 66 CE when Cestius arrived and the day when Titus arrived in Nisan 70 CE. In fact Titus should have arrived on Nisan 22, 70 CE, and this week of years would have commenced on Nisan 14, 63 CE. Well we read in Book 5 chapter 7 of the Wars of the Jews by Flavius Josephus referring to this attack that:

'And thus did the Romans get possession of this first wall, on the fifteenth day of the siege, which was the seventh day of the month of Artimisius.'

This is Iyyar 7, and so the siege started on 23 Nisan 70 CE, which may well have meant that Titus arrived and started making his pointed stakes (Luke 19:43) on Nisan 22, 70 CE. We can now summarise all of our Midst prophecy results in the following 12 seesaws (see also DPA chart):


Nisan 14 1943 BCE Nisan 14 33 CE 14 Nisan 2008

Covenant validated Jesus' sacrifice Armageddon

X__________________________________________________________ X

1975 years X 1975 years


Tishri 10 2 BCE Nisan 14 33 CE 18 Tishri 66 CE

Jesus Born Jesus' sacrifice Flee to hills

X__________________________________________________________ X

33 years 6 months 4 days X 33 years 6 months 4 days


Tishri 10 29 CE Nisan 14 33 CE 18 Tishri 36 CE

Jesus baptised Jesus' sacrifice Third Key

X__________________________________________________________ X

1264 days X 1264 days


Nisan 14 63 CE Tishri 18 66 CE 22 Nisan 70 CE

Last week starts Cestius arrives Titus arrives

X__________________________________________________________ X

1264 days X 1264 days


March 21 1919

Brothers bailed

Tishri 15 1914 CE Nisan 14 1918 CE 14 Sept 1922

Jesus King of heaven 2 Witnesses killed Advertising

X__________________________________________________________ X

1260 days X 1260 days


Nisan 14 2001 CE Tishri 15 2004 CE 14 Nisan 2008

Cry peace & security Last of anointed die Armageddon

X__________________________________________________________ X

1260 days X 1260 days


Nisan 1 1076 BCE Nisan 14 1056 BCE 1 Nisan 1036

Regnal years start 3.5 year famine ends Reign ended

X__________________________________________________________ X

20 regnal years X 20 regnal years


Nisan 1 941 BCE Nisan 14 930 BCE 1 Nisan 919

Regnal years start Elijah beats prophets of Baal Reign ended

X__________________________________________________________ X

11 regnal years X 11 regnal years


Nisan 1 917 BCE Nisan 911 BCE 1 Nisan 905

Regnal years start Naaman cleansed Reign ended

X__________________________________________________________ X

6 regnal years X 6 regnal years


Nisan 1 745 BCE Tishri 15 731 BCE 1 Nisan 716

Regnal years start Sun retraces ten steps Reign ended

X__________________________________________________________ X

14.5 regnal years X 14.5 regnal years

Ten steps of Ahaz Ten steps of Ahaz


Nisan 14 1943 BCE Nisan 14 1728 BCE 14 Nisan 1513

Covenant validated Jacob arrives in Egypt Exile ended

X__________________________________________________________ X

215 years X 215 years


Nisan 14 2008 CE Sivan 29 2008 CE 14 Elul 2008

Kingdom of God starts Son of man revealed Satan abyss

X__________________________________________________________ X

75 days X 75 days


We have four fulfilments to Daniel 9:27, as seen in the twelve seesaws of section 100. But we only have found three fulfilments so far to the scripture in Dan 9:26; 'The end of it will be by the flood'! Which position reminds the writer of the statement by Arnold Schwarzeneggar, the modern day poet and philosopher, who said: "Now that I have got 50 million dollars I find that I am no happier than when I had 48 million dollars". These fulfilments are, the flood in 70 CE of General Titus, the symbolic flood of Armageddon in 2008 CE, and the length of Armageddon being equal in days to the length of the flood, until the Ark found dry land on Nisan 17, 2368, when it hit mount Ararat. The seven days before the flood started, whilst the ark door was shut, prefigure the seven days of Dan 9:27 in their last fulfilment. Normally, in most chapters of the bible, once we have a literal and a symbolic and a cryptic interpretation, we thank Jehovah and we would move on to the next chapter. Not so with Jehovah's prophet Daniel! There is (at least) one further meaning to the title of this section:

'The end of it will be by the flood'

Because, the timetable of the flood is the timetable of the whole of Jehovah's plan to redeem mankind. This timetable actually stretches beyond the thousand year reign! We are given, by this flood, information about what will happen when and after Satan is let loose again in 3008 CE!! Please consider the following chart, which is taken from Genesis 7&8.

Heshvan 10 Ark door shut

Heshvan 17 Flood starts

Chislev 26 Downpour stops

Nisan 17 Ark rests on mount Ararat

Tammuz 1 Tops of mountains appear

Ab 11 Noah opens window of ark

Ab 11 Raven sent out & continues outdoors

Ab 11 Dove sent out & returns

Ab 18 Dove sent out again, returns in evening with olive leaf

Ab 25 Dove sent out again, doesn't return

Tishri 1 Covering of Ark removed and earth's surface is 'drained'

Heshvan 27 Earth totally dry

The main symbolism that we will now look at is the symbolism of:


The first spiritual death of a man occurred in Nisan 3993, when Adam sinned. So this date would correspond with Heshvan 17, the start of the flood. It stopped raining when a man was born to whom a promise was made at Gen 5:29:

'And he proceeded to call his name Noah, saying: "This one will bring us comfort from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which Jehovah has cursed."'

Noah was born in 2968(9) BCE (Gen 7:11, section 9.1), and this year corresponds with Chislev 26, because when it stops raining, then there is hope. The next timetabled event is the appearance of a dry top of a mountain, even the first dry top of a mountain. Well the first dry human was Jesus Christ, who was given spiritual life on Nisan 16, 33 CE, and he is already the top of the mountain which symbolises the rulership of mankind. So Nisan 17 prefigures the year 33 CE. Now the tops of the other mountains, which appeared on Tammuz 1, are his co-kings or his fellow mountains, which have all achieved spiritual life or dryness, by the year 2004, which is what Tammuz 1 represents (mountains symbolise rulership in the bible - Rev 6:16, 16:20 & 17:9). Then one thousand years later in 3008, a test comes onto mankind (Rev 20:7-9), this is the raven test, with Satan being the raven, this test occurs on Ab 11. We know that the raven represents Satan because it does not return to the ark, whereas the dove does return there, and the Ark contains Noah and his family, who have been dry and therefore spiritually alive throughout the whole affair. From which fact we deduce that Noah represents God, and his wife represents his true heavenly servants, his three sons guarantee that there will be three comings of his son Jesus, and their three wives prove that there will be many faithful ones from each coming, who will be given spiritual life eventually. The dove represents holy spirit (Mat 3:16).

So, now we have run out of things to attach to the remaining dates in the timetable of the flood! We have the holy spirit (the dove) returning to Jehovah with an olive leaf, which would seem to be a positive sign 7 literal days after the raven test, then we have the holy spirit remaining with mankind 7 literal days after this, which is presumably an anointing for everlasting life for the sons of men on the earth - something very much longed for by men who know God. 36 literal days after this the cover comes off the Ark! THIS IS AMAZING, because it represents the heavens being opened up to the sons of men! At that time we will be able to see God and to see angels! or maybe even take a trip up there - who knows? 56 literal days later the last vestiges of rebellion which leads to spiritual death, which is symbolised by wetness, have disappeared.

There is actually a witness to what these last literal days stand for, starting from 3008, which is the raven test. This witness is the 7 days before the ark door shut, each day of which stands for a year from 2001 until 2008, when there is no anointing by holy spirit from the greater Noah (see section 66.2). Since this is the only clue we have, and since Jehovah would never mislead his people, because this is the exclusive domain of his and our adversary, we can assume with some confidence that the last 106 days of the flood, from Ab 11 until Heshvan 27 stand for 106 years. This would be a sort of third ministry and third baptism with holy spirit. which would correspond with the second baptism in length (see section 71).

The situation from Heshvan 17 until Ab 11 is therefore as follows:

Heshvan 17 = 3993 BCE

Chislev 26 = 2968 BCE

Nisan 17 = 33 CE

Tammuz 1 = 2004 CE

If these dates are plotted on a graph, with days from Heshvan 17 until Tammuz 1 on the vertical axis and years from 3993 BCE until 2004 CE, one finds that they are all in a perfect straight line, with a gradient of between 26.81 & 26.88 years for a day, see fig 4.


The whole point of the timetable of the flood of water, which represents physical death, is that it is a scale representation of the timetable for sin which leads to spiritual death. The scale used is of no relevance, for example in the crossing at Jabbok (Gen 32:14,15, section 95) a camel stood for a year, this does not in any way mean that there is some divine connection between the camel and the Hebrew year!

To get two points in a straight line is of no consequence because one can draw a straight line between any two points. But the timetable of the flood fits two further points onto the straight line between the first and last points of these four events in the chart above. This means that we have two witnesses to the fact that this line is prophetic, so it is a prophetic line (Deut 19:15, 2 Cor 13:1, Gen 41:25,32 Amos 3:3-7, section 2). Now one cannot quite fit the year 3008 onto this line corresponding with Ab 11. This is not actually very surprising because nobody gets spiritual life when the testing by Satan starts in 3008 CE, rather they get it after this period of testing ends. So how long is this period of testing? or when do they actually become spiritually alive? Well the years on this prophetic 'Life-line' which do correspond with Ab 11 will tell us when they do, because this is the next point on the line, and this line is about spiritual life. Which is what is being symbolised by Noah opening the window of his ark.

Because it says in Gen 8:7 that after that Noah 'sent out a raven', whereas it says in Gen 8:8 that later Noah 'sent out FROM HIM a dove'. Which is because the raven is Satan and he does not come out of the ark spiritually, because he was thrown out of there in Nisan 14, 1918, rather he is let loose from the abyss. So it would not spiritually be necessary to open the window of the ark to let out the raven, which is why Gen 8:6 says that the window of the ark was opened, full stop. So this window opening is referring symbolically to the spiritual life granted at the end of the prophetic line in the years corresponding to Ab 11.

Now there is no escaping doing some mathematics to determine when these years are:

Heshvan 17 Chislev 26 Nisan 17 Tammuz 1

1st day 40th day 151st day 225th day

0 - 1 39 - 40 150 - 151 224 - 225 days

3993 BCE 2968 BCE 33 CE 2004 CE

0 1025 4025 5996 years

From the first day to the 225th represents 5996 years, so to fit a line from the first day to the 225th we require that, 5996 years is 225 days maximum and 223 days minimum (because we can go to each end of both days), this means that the gradient of this line is subject to:

A day is more than 5996/225 = 26.649 years

A day is less than 5996/223 = 26.888 years

Similarly to fit on the point at the 151st day, the gradient is subject to:

A day is more than 4025/151 = 26.656 years

A day is less than 4025/149 = 27.013 years

Similarly to fit on the point at the 40th day, the gradient is subject to:

A day is more than 1025/40 = 25.625 years

A day is less than 1025/38 = 26.974 years

The smallest gradient solution to 2 decimal places is 26.79 years per day passing through (0.740, 3993), (39.001, 2368), (150.983, 33), (224.555, 2004). This gives a period corresponding to Ab 11, the 265th day of the flood, lasting from 3061 until 3088 to the nearest year (extrapolating this smallest gradient line up to the 265th day). The largest gradient solution to 2 decimal places is 26.88 years per day, with the line passing through (0.936, 3993), (39.068, 2968), (150.676, 33), (224.001, 2004). This gives a period corresponding to Ab 11, the 265th day of the flood, lasting from 3079 until 3106. Both of these periods fall in between the years of 3058, which corresponds to Tishri 1, in the day for a year symbolism, which we are proposing after Ab 11, and 3114, which corresponds to Heshvan 27 in this symbolism. This is therefore a second witness, in addition to the first seven days whilst Noah was shut in the ark before it started raining, that taking a day for a year, for the last 106 days of the flood is correct, because with this timetable Ab 11 is the year of 3008, and spiritual life, i.e. dryness, which this life-line represents is imparted between Tishri 1 and Heshvan 27, which stand for 3058 and 3114. So we can now say that:



This is a very cryptic account of the second baptism of Jehovah's people. In this account, Ezra is the heavenly Jesus, and Shecaniah (verse 2) is Brother Russell. In verse 1 Ezra is lying prostrate 'BEFORE the house of Jehovah', and in verse 5 he rises from 'BEFORE the house of Jehovah', this, being repeated, is therefore a prophetic form of being 'Before the house of Jehovah'. It actually means that this part of the account occurs before the commissioning of the building of the first spiritual temple in Tishri 1895 CE. Ezra (Jesus) is weeping and fasting because this period is still in the Apostate Times - see section 38. Shecaniah recognises that all the people have acted unfaithfully in that they have given a dwelling to foreign wives, but he sees that there is yet hope (verse 2), and he suggests the concluding of a covenant to put these foreign wives away and he prophetically tells Ezra to 'Get up, for the matter devolves upon you, and we are with you.' (verse 4). This hope may well have been C. T. Russell's correct determination, made in 1877, of the end of the Gentile Times, the time when the greater Ezra would 'get up' or start 'standing' (Dan 12:1), which gave him a hope of a concrete form for the future. Jesus (the greater Ezra - in this symbolism) was sitting at his father's right hand at the time, and was not due the kingship for another 37 years, but the preparatory work, devolved upon him. Brother Russell recognised this and so he was the head one of the people who were truly 'with' him. Now in verse 7 we read that:

'They caused a call to pass throughout Judah and Jerusalem, for all the former exiles to collect themselves at Jerusalem; and anyone that did not come in three days time, according to the counsel of the princes and the older men - all his goods would be put under ban and he himself be separated from the congregation of the exiled people.'

We then read in verse 9 and in verse 13 about how they were 'shivering...on account of the rain' and how it was 'the season of showers of rain'. We also notice that after three days they are sitting in the temple (verse 9). Following the symbolism of Ezra 8:15, Luke 2:46, Mat 12:40 & Mat 26:61, we know that this refers to a temple building situation, and the water is symbolising a baptism with holy spirit. Verse 12 is a fantastic scripture, because following the instructions from Jesus (the greater Ezra) the whole congregation say with a loud voice:

'Exactly according to your word it devolves upon us to do.'

If this is not a baptismal vow of dedication, what is? Now the three days ended on Chislev 20 (verse 9) and the next date that appears in the account is Tebeth 1 (verses 16,17), where we read that:

'Ezra the priest and the men that were the heads of the fathers for their paternal house, even all of them by their names, now separated themselves and began sitting on the first day of the tenth month to inquire into the matter; and gradually they finished with all the men that had given a dwelling to foreign wives by the first day of the first month'.

When paternal house heads separate themselves by name, then they represent anointed ones. So the date of Tebeth 1 represents the year starting Nisan 1895, the first year of this baptism. Therefore the day of Nisan 1, being 60 days later, represents the year starting Nisan 1955, which is the year when according to this account, 'they finished with all the men that had given a dwelling to foreign wives', this was not the end of the baptism, because it lasts right up until Nisan 2001. This is why we read in verse 13:

'However the people are many, and it is not possible to stand outside; and the business will not take one day or two, for we have rebelled to a great extent in this matter.'

Which has the meaning that the period defined by the two days of Tebeth 1 and Nisan 1 is not the whole extent of the matter. This is further witnesses to in the list of names from verse 20 until verse 44 as we shall see. However, 1955 was the finish of the first two resurrections of anointed brothers, and this account may be referring to the 'day' of brother Russell (who symbolically died along with 32,000 others on Tishri 15, 1925 - sections 57,82 ) and the 'day' of Judge Rutherford (who symbolically died along with 16,000 others on Tishri 15, 1955) by the 'one day or two' of verse 13. Now this means that the date of Chislev 20, which was when everybody had to collect themselves together at Jerusalem or face eviction from the congregation, was the year starting Nisan 1884. This was the year that the Watchtower Society was incorporated (JP 26).

What is more amazing is that the call that went out in the proceeding three days would have started on Chislev 17, which correspond to the year starting Nisan 1881, the year that the Watchtower Society was formed (JP 26), the society was legally incorporated three years later. The Watchtower magazine of April 1881 (which is near enough Nisan 1881), actually put out a call for 1,000 Preachers or 'Colporteurs', this was their first call for such help (JP 26)! This means that this call was actually prophesied in Ezra chapter 10 verse 7 !!


Now this is not all that is prophesied in Ezra chapter ten. Because the clue to the main meaning of this chapter is found in verse 14, which says:


This means that the list of names from verse 15 to 44 is acting representatively for something, just like the list of names in Ezra chapter 8 - see section 87. Well in verse 15, we find four rebellious ones (Jonathon, Jahzeiah, Meshullam and Shabbethai), these ones 'stood up against this'. They are equal in number however, to the four sons of the priests in verse 18 (Maaseiah, Eliezer, Jarib and Gedaliah). These ones 'promised by shaking hands to put their wives away, and that they being guilty, there should be a ram for their guiltiness'. They were not of course the only ones who were guilty, because the whole lot of them were guilty of this practice, as witnessed by Shecaniah in verse 2. This atoning ram is Jehovah's way of showing his servants that the four of verse 15 cancel out the four of verse 19, and are therefore not to be used to stand representatively for anything.


Now we come to the fantastic part, because we have a long list of names of people, even princes, who act representatively. In fact they stand for the Hebrew years from the one starting in Nisan 1895 until the one starting in Nisan 2001, all of the years that contained anointings of Jehovah's people (the last one is anointed on Nisan 14, 2001). Tabulating all this we have:

First Last

Hanani, Zebadiah 1895 1896

Maaseiah, Elijah, Shemaiah, Jehiel, Uzziah 1897 1901

Elioenai, Maaseiah, Ishmael, Nethanel, Jozabad, Eleasah 1902 1907

Jozabad, Shimei, Kelaiah, Pethahiah, Judah, Eliezer (LEVITES) 1908 1913

Eliashib (SINGER) 1914

Shallum, Telem, Uri (GATEKEEPERS) 1915 1917

Ramiah, Izziah, Malchijah, Mijamin, Eleazar, Malchijar, Benaiah 1918 1924

Mattaniah, Zechariah, Jehiel, Abdi, Jeremoth, Elijah 1925 1930

Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, Jeremoth, Zabad, Aziza 1931 1936

Jehohanan, Hananiah, Zabbai, Athlai 1937 1940

Meshullam, Malluch, Adaiah, Jashub, Sheal, Jeremoth 1941 1946

Adna, Chelal, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Matteniah, Bezalel, } 1947

Binnui, Mannasseh } 1954

Eliezer, Isshijah, Malchijah, Shemaiah, Shimeon, } 1955

Benjamin, Malluch, Shemariah } 1962

Mattenai, Mattattah, Zabad, Eliphelet, Jeremai, } 1963

Manasseh, Shimei } 1969

Maadai, Amram, Uel, Benaiah, Bedeiah, Cheluhi, Vaniah, } 1970

Meremoth, Eliashib, Mattaniah, Mattenai, Jaasu } 1981

Shimei, Shelemiah, Nathan, Adaiah, Mahnadebai, } 1982

Shashai, Sharai, Azarel, Shelemiah, Shemariah, Shallum }

Amariah, Joseph } 1994

Jeiel, Mattithiah, Zabad, Zebina, Jaddai, Joel, Benaiah 1995 2001

We have grouped together the sons of the same father, and arrived at the two columns of dates, which indeed are the years of the second baptism. One consequence of this is that those of the anointed who were baptised in say 1957 can call themselves a part of the 'Malchijah class'! We can understand why the Singer (Eliashib) represents 1914, this is because Jesus becoming King in heaven was cause for great joy - so this prophecy is actually a witness to the Gentile Times ending in 1914! Similarly the three years of the Gatekeepers (Shallum, Telem, Uri) end in Adar 1918, and the next month, Nisan 1918, is when the first temple brothers are resurrected.

Brother Russell was of the 'Hanani class', all of the interesting dates are occurring in the left hand column, which represents the first of the group. We are now going to learn a lot from all of these dates. The verse which describes what they stand for is verse 14, which says:

'Let the princes act representatively for all the congregation; and as for all in our cities, who have given a dwelling to foreign wives, let them come at the TIMES APPOINTED and along with the older men of each individual city and its judges, until we have turned back the anger of God.'

The appointed times for each resurrection when the anointed ones would 'come', we know are 1918, 1925, 1955 & 1995. These being the appointed times of the four heavenly resurrections that occur within the second baptism, this account is a second witness to these dates. We also know that Jehovah's 'burning anger' is aroused, after his last anointed one is baptised in Nisan 2001, which end date this account is a further witness to. We know that in 1982 the commissioning of the last temple took place - section 94. We know that in 1931, Jehovah gave his name to his people.

This leaves the Hebrew years starting in Nisan 1897, 1902, 1908, 1915, 1937, 1941, 1947, 1963 & 1970. These must be years in which something in harmony with verse 14 occurred. Well the concept of 'individual cities' is mentioned twice in this verse, which means that there is a greater meaning to these cities. This directs our attention to construction projects. Now we know that the 20 year construction project of King Solomon to build the temple and then the government buildings, was a type for the period from Nisan 1918 until Nisan 1938 (2 Chron 8:1, Insight 2 p989). So the last year of this project was the year starting in Nisan 1937. Also on January 31 1909 (in the Hebrew year starting in Nisan 1908), the society dedicated its new headquarters in Brooklyn, New York (JP p48). The bible school of Gilead (Heap of witness) in New York state was completed and named in 1941 (JP 203). Which leaves 1897, 1902, 1915, 1947, 1963, 1970, years for which the writer has no corresponding event. These dates should provide some interesting research for members of the society who know more about the various projects that have taken place in the past than does the writer.


Please accept the writer's apologies if the reader has fallen off his chair several times already, during his reading of this book. If so, then it is strongly suggested, that to avoid any further bruises, the reader stays on the floor and does not attempt to remount his chair whilst reading these last sections!


'Hear my voice, you wives of Lamech; Give ear to my saying: A man I have killed for wounding me, Yes, a young man for giving me a blow. If seven times Cain is to be avenged, Then Lamech seventy times and seven' (Gen 4:23,24).

We know that the seven times that Cain is to be avenged is the seven times of the Exedenic Times (section 13). These times ended with the first coming of Jesus, who administered the blessing at the end of them (Jos 5:14, section 60). What we have here is Lamech being avenged 77 times, and a comparison being made between the seven times for Cain and the 77 for Lamech. If two numbers are compared in a scripture, then this cryptically indicates a division of these two numbers. In fact even in mathematics, to compare is to divide. For example: if we compare ten bananas with two bananas then we find that the former quantity is five times greater than the latter. This conclusion is reached by a division of ten by two, which gives five. We have seen examples of this in sections 53, 70, 71 & 87.

Now if we compare, i.e. divide 77 with 7, we find that 77 is eleven times more than 7. This song of Lamech is therefore prophetically telling us that there is a period of eleven times, between whatever this killing of the young man who gave Lamech a blow represents and the vengeance for this act being taken. We know that this prophecy starts with the killing of the young man who gave Lamech a blow, because this event is repeated twice in the prophecy (Gen 41:25,23; Amos 3:3-7).

In order to find out who was killed we look at the other time in the bible when 77 and 7 are compared like this, which is Peter speaking to Jesus in Matthew 18:21,22;

'Then Peter came up and said to him: "Lord how many times is my brother to sin against me and am I to forgive him? Up to seven times?" Jesus said to him: "I say to you not up to seven times, but up to 77 times.'

It may not be immediately apparent that this has anything to do with Lamech. But the first time that a man sinned against his brother was when Cain killed Abel (Gen 4:8). The sign that Cain then inherited was that:

'Anyone killing Cain must suffer vengeance seven times' (Gen 4:15).

We know from section 13, that this vengeance was taken seven times later when the Jews undertook their first act of true worship on the passover in 1473 (Jos 5:10,11). On this day they killed the false worship that Cain represented. So the malediction of the Exedenic Times was ended after seven times, and the sin of Cain against his brother was forgiven after seven times, because the land was then freed from the curse associated with this sign. So this is what Peter is cryptically referring to in Mat 18:21, which is also why Abel is referred to twice in Gen 4:8, the account of his murder, as 'Abel his brother', which is of course a totally superfluous qualification to make for Abel, because there were only three male humans on the planet at the time.

So Lamech is referring to the killing of Abel by Cain in his song to his two wives, which killing marks the start of the eleven times of Lamech's times. The blow that Abel is spoken of as having given to Cain was a blow to his pride or to his ego, in that he was shown up in front of Jehovah, which is why his countenance began to fall (Gen 4:5).

To avenge Lamech, we must atone for the bloodguilt that his murderous act represents, which murderous act we have already said symbolises the murder of Abel. This atoning was brought about by the death of another righteous young man, namely Jesus Christ. Who was killed for dealing a blow to the pride of the Pharisees. Jesus' death was also the antitype of Abel's death, and so his death marks the end of the eleven times. Therefore, just as Jehovah set up Cain as a sign at the start of the seven times of the Exedenic Times, and the marching of the Jews round Jericho as a sign at the end of the Exedenic Times (Jos 6:3,4 section 14), so he set up Lamech as a sign at the beginning of the eleven times of Lamech's times, and Peter as a sign at the end of these eleven times. Now eleven times or 3960 years before Nisan 33 CE is Nisan 3928 BCE. Therefore we can now say that:



We now know that Jesus died at the end of the eleven times of Lamech's Times. This is not the entire prophetic content of Lamech's song to his two wives. First let us compare the Genealogy of Lamech the son of Methusael (Gen 4:17,18), with Enoch the son of Jared (Gen 5:1-18):

Adam Adam 1

Cain Seth 2

Enoch Enosh 3

Irad Kenan 4

Mehujael Mahalalel 5

Methushael Jared 6

Lamech Enoch 7

Jude has told us that Enoch was 'the seventh one in line from Adam' (Jude 14). We now see that Lamech was also the seventh one in line from Adam. But his line was through Cain. This leads us to believe that this prophecy of false worshipping Lamech, may have something to do with his counterpart, true worshipping Enoch. Now if one counts all of the descendants from Adam to Jesus through Mary, his fleshly mother, in Luke 3:23-38, we see that Jesus himself was the 70th in line from Enoch (Insight 1 p914), who was the 7th in line from Adam. This is what the 'seventy times and seven' of Gen 4:24 are referring to, because nowhere else in the bible is 77 times described as 70 times and seven, and because Jude has directed us in this direction.

Now what this means is that Lamech was actually symbolically avenged twice, once after seven times of giving birth to sons in the line to Jesus, and once after a further 70 times of giving birth to sons in the line to Jesus. The first vengeance being wrought by Enoch and the second by Jesus. Which means that Enoch must have done a fairly remarkable thing. He must have introduced true worship to the pre-flood world in a similar manner to that which Jesus did, 70 generations later. Jesus himself has told us in Mat 18:21,22, that whatever Enoch did, it did not result in forgiveness, because this did not come about after 7 times, it came about after 77 times. Incidentally, Jesus was the 77th in line from God, as well as the first in line from God! (Luke 3:23-38).

So Enoch is playing a Jesus-like role in the pre-flood period. Now let us look at Gen 5:22-24:

'And after his fathering Methuselah, Enoch went on walking with the true God 300 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch amounted to 365 years. And Enoch kept walking with the true God. Then he was no more, for God took him.'

There is a repetition of Enoch's 'walking with the true God' here. Paul tells us in Hebrews 11:5, that 'Enoch was transferred so as not to see death', which transference is mentioned three times in the verse. The society has made many valiant attempts to understand Enoch, because they recognise that he was a very significant bible character (W 1977 p135, W 1985 Sept 1, p3). But they have not been allowed to understand the sacred secret of his true significance because this was a sealed up thing. However there is one who has been allowed by Jehovah to understand the significance of Enoch and it is not the writer of this book, it is a bible study friend of his. The true God revealed to him that:


Which revelation, apart from being fairly categorically stated by Paul, is also apparent from the fact that all of the other participants in the early part of Genesis have life stories which end with the words: 'And he died', whereas Enoch's life story ends with the words 'God took him' (Gen 5:24). So there can be no doubt that he did not die. Now let us make no mistake, 'the wages sin pays is death' (Rom 6:23). Therefore had Enoch sinned, then he would have died! We know this because Jehovah does not break his own justice, because 'all his ways are justice' (Deut 32:4).

So Enoch never sinned, so Enoch could not have been born in sin, so Enoch was not a fleshly son of Adam, so Enoch was a son of God, so Enoch was born after the manner of Jesus Christ, and in fact Enoch was Jesus Christ!

Enoch's 'transference' was actually an ascension into heaven. This is really the place where Enoch 'kept walking with the true God' (Gen 4:24), this is really what the repetition of this 'walking with the true God' is telling us. Now we can understand why we read in John 3:13, that Jesus himself said:

'No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven.'

This scripture does not say:

'No man will ascend into heaven but he that descended from heaven.'

The scripture is quite plainly telling us that Jesus had ascended into heaven before he descended back to the earth. This is the heavenly thing that he is referring to in verse 12. But Jesus had just said to Nicodemus:

'Are you a teacher in Israel and yet you do not know these things'? (John 3:10).

So this scripture is fulfilled again, by the modern day 'teachers in Israel'! Now we can understand what Jesus meant when he said to the Scribes and Pharisees in John 8:58:

'Before Abraham came into existence I have been.'

He meant that he had already been in existence as a human before Abraham was in existence as a human, and that human was Enoch. This is also apparent from the rest of this account, which reads from verse 51:

'"Most truly I say to you, If anyone observes my word, he will never see death at all." The Jews said to him: "Now we do know you have a demon. Abraham died, also the prophets; but you say, 'If anyone observes my word, he will never taste death at all.' You are not greater than our father Abraham are you? Also the prophets died. Who do you claim to be?"'

The answer to this question is: 'I claim to be Enoch'. Who was certainly greater than Abraham, because he was the great grandfather of Noah. Enoch was unique in that he never saw death, which is prophetically referred to twice in the above scripture (Gen 41:25,32; Amos 3:3-7). Enoch was also the only prophet (Jude 14), who did not die. Enoch could certainly be said to have 'had a demon', because he was surrounded by demons. And just as Jesus came at the end of the seven times of the Exedenic, Alienation and Gentile Times, so he also came at the seventh time that the line of men from God was extended, as Enoch. So we can now state the most amazing understanding of this book, which as mentioned above is courtesy of a certain bible study, and for which him and the writer both are praising and glorifying the true God through Jesus (Enoch), namely:



And now we do understand the words of John, which are in prophetic form, in John 1:3:

'All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.'

This statement is made twice and therefore has two meanings (Gen 41:25,32; Amos 3:3-7). The first meaning is that Jesus worked beside Jehovah as a master worker in the creation of all the things on the earth (Prov 8:30). The second meaning is that he was the great grandfather of Noah!

In fact the Jews killed their own progenitor! He fathered the lot of them - and us! True were the words of Jesus at his death, when he said:

'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do' (Luke 23:34).

So whether you accept that only Jesus can give you everlasting life or not, the fact is that even the life that you now have has come from Jesus, because he is your ancestral father. So the physical prefigures the spiritual!

Enoch was the only perfect person ever to breed. When Adam started breeding he had already sinned. We are all therefore paternal descendants of Enoch rather than of Adam, because Enoch was not a descendant of Adam. This does not mean however that we are not decendants of Adam, we are in fact Maternal descendants of his, because Mrs Enoch was a descendant of his and it is through the female line that mankind inherits sin! This all looks rather similar to Eve handing Adam the fruit. Methuselah inherited Adamic sin from his mother, even though his father, Enoch, was without sin, hence the scripture says:

'In sin my MOTHER conceived me.' (Psalm 51:5)

David was speaking under inspiration as Methusaleh in this verse of the Psalm. Methusaleh was also the longest ever living human, living for 969 years (Gen 4:27). This was because his genes were the best that any imperfect human has ever had, because his father was a perfect human. This symbolically may be the reason why, under Mosaic law, a woman who had given birth to a male child was unclean for seven days, whereas for a female child it was fourteen days (Lev 12).

Furthermore we read in Matthew 11:11 that Jesus said:

'Truly I say to you people, Among those born of women, there has not been raised up a greater (one) than John the Baptist; but a person that is a lesser one in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he is.'

Truly you are being told today, that this is a very deep scripture. The first meaning of 'raised up' is being raised from a child to maturity. John was the greatest ever of all who had grown up from children at that time, with the exception of Jesus himself of course, who whilst he had been 'raised up' from being a child to becoming a man, had not been 'born of women' because the scripture says in Mat 1:20:

'Do not be afraid to take Mary your wife home, for that which is begotten in her is by holy spirit.'

But there is a further meaning to this raising up, and this is a heavenly resurrection. This double meaning is why the words 'raised up' are used in this scripture, because Jesus himself (as Enoch) was a 'greater one than John the Baptist' and he had been 'raised up' into heaven before John was 'raised up' from childhood. But Enoch was not 'born of women' just as Jesus was not 'born of women', they were both conceived by holy spirit. Now who really is the:

'Lesser one in the kingdom of the heavens' who is 'greater than he is' (Mat 11:11)?

Well it is Enoch, the lesser Jesus Christ, and now we can understand verse 9, which says:

'Really then, why did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and far more than a prophet.'

Far more indeed, even the firstborn son of God, who himself played a John the baptist or Elijah-like role (verse 14) when he came as Enoch, because he was not so much preparing the way for Jesus as did John and Elijah, as preparing himself, for the Messianic task that he had in the future, when he would come as Jesus. Furthermore all of this is what 'Enoch' actually means. Consider please, the meaning of the Hebrew name Enoch (Insight 1 p729): One trained up, inaugurated, initiated, dedicated. This was Jesus' inauguration as a man, and as a minister and teacher of men. He spent 288 years (see section 105) training to be the Messiah, so that all of mankind would for a certainty be saved. It is a fantastic thing that he has done for his sons. Therefore we are now in a position to make the understatement of the millenium:

Thank you Enoch.


Just quickly, Adam sinned in Nisan 3993 BCE. The flood stated in Heshvan 2369 BCE, Enoch was transferred in 3038 BCE and was born in 3403 BCE or thereabouts (Gen 5, section 24.2). If Enoch's ministry, which was a vengeance on false worshippers including Lamech, started when he was 77 years (or times) old (Gen 4:24), then it started in 3326 BCE and ended in 3038 BCE. This 288 year ministry started 669 years after 3993 and ended 669 years before 2369. Therefore the mid-point of the ministry was the mid-point of the whole system, which was Tammuz/Ab 3181 BCE. So Enoch's ministry was indeed temporally central to the whole pre-flood system, which actually, itself, means that he was Jesus.

A further dramatic consequence of all of this is that Adam received a witness from Jesus Christ. The firstborn spirit son of God actually met the firstborn fleshly son of God, flesh to flesh. It is inconceivable that this meeting was a waste of Adam's time. Therefore Enoch must have held out to him, the opportunity to repent, due to the undeserved kindness of Jehovah. This would not break Jehovah's justice because Adam died. Having died, Adam, like all other humans, would have been acquitted from his sin (Romans 6:7). If anybody would grasp this opportunity Adam would. It is most evident that the firstborn spirit son of Jehovah is the most perfect of all creation. It would therefore seem to the writer to be highly likely that his firstborn fleshly son, who has been taught by Jehovah for thirty three years, will not turn out to be an permanent failure. Therefore Adam may well have repented and he may well be resurrected into the kingdom of God, if this is the will of his creator. Consider too the case of Eve! She was deceived by somebody who was out of her league. She too has paid for her sins - did she repent at the preaching of Enoch? Both of these two have two good witnesses born about them in that they raised two righteous children, in the souls of Abel and Seth. This brings to mind a very interesting scripture:

'And Adam lived on for 130 years. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and called his name Seth' (Gen 5:3).

The similarity between Adam and Seth is repeated, this may mean that Seth was the spiritual image of his father, in addition to being the physical image of him. Seth was in the line of the righteous ancestors of Enoch, so this bodes well for Adam. Furthermore Eve said at the birth of Seth:

'"God has appointed another seed in the place of Abel, because Cain killed him." And to Seth there was born a son and he proceeded to call his name Enosh. At that time a start was made of calling on the name of Jehovah' (Gen 4:25,26).

PO p66-7 regards this calling on Jehovah's name as false worship. But false worshippers are not allowed to use Jehovah's name. And Enosh was only a baby when this calling occurred so it was Seth who started calling on Jehovah's name and not Enosh. Furthermore, both Seth and Enosh were in the line to Enoch and to Jesus, and there are no false worshippers in this line. The reason that Seth started calling on Jehovah, is that he realised his sinful condition, which is why he called his son Enosh, which means 'incurable', or 'destined to die'. Brothers, Seth repented, he started saying to Jehovah: 'Oh Jehovah, only you can save my son and I from death', this was the sort of calling he was making. This is not the call of a false worshipper, it is the call of a true worshipper.

Furthermore Eve has made a prophecy! She has been used as a prophet of the true God! How was she to know that Seth would be the one through whom the seed would come, if it had not been revealed to her by Jehovah. So Eve has changed from being used by Satan as a false prophetess to her husband in ignorance (Gen 3:6), to being used by Jehovah as a true prophetess to all mankind in knowledge and in truth (Gen 4:25). Things are looking brighter for her too.

Now we have heard it said of those in the recreation, who are to be judged in the thousand years (Mat 19:28) that:

'Many that are first will be last and the last first' (Mat 19:30).

This scripture is a repetition because if the first are last, then it follows that the last cannot also be last and so they have to be first. So the statement that the 'first will be last' is the same statement as 'the last will be first'. Both statements are just indicating a reversing of order. Now if this scripture contains a repetition then it is prophetic and has a greater meaning (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). The literal meaning, in the context of Matthew 19:27-30, is that those last materially will be first spiritually and vice versa. The greater meaning, since this whole passage is referring to the resurrected ones in the kingdom of God, is that those who die last, i.e. in the last few years of Satan's system, will be resurrected first. Equivalently, those who died first, i.e. in the pre-flood period, will be resurrected last. This makes a lot of sense, because the Great Crowd will first see their fathers and then their fathers' fathers and then their fathers' fathers' fathers etc etc. Thus providing a continuity of culture in the resurrection. But there may yet be a greater meaning still to this ubiquitous scripture, there may be even a further way in which the 'first will be last and the last first' (Mat 20:16). This is:

The first Adam will be resurrected last, and the last Adam (1 Cor 15:45) will be resurrected first!!


There is a giant educational task which lies ahead for the Watchtower Society, in presenting the unsealed meanings of the bible to their brothers. This book is only the beginning. The reader will by now have realised that almost every list of people or priests or animals or food or dates or materials in the bible, has a greater meaning. Presenting to Jehovah's people even the contents of this book is a very large task. But the contents of this book may not be even one tenth part of the unsealed meanings of the bible. A large number of servants of Jehovah will have to do a large amount of praying and a large amount of thinking about interpretations in the next few years.

Let us make no mistake, Jehovah does not have to reveal any of these further things to the 'wide-awake John Class' (sections 89.1, 91), because interpretations belong to God, not to his firstborn son. And neither does he have to reveal any further things to the writer of this book. Therefore a very large and effective information gathering network has to be set up, and all of Jehovah's people, even the unbaptised ones, need to be involved. This book shows that Jehovah will use any man of faith, any true worshipper to give his interpretations to. This is a very exciting prospect!

Before the end of this world, each and every point in each and every meaning of the scriptures in the bible, will be understood by at least one of Jehovah's servants. This we know because the true God, being perfect, has not written a partially useless book. We say every meaning rather than every scripture, because often there are many different scriptures with exactly the same meaning, and the true God may have allowed flexibility of this type.

In 1877, when Brother Russell was allowed to work out that the end of the Gentile Times was going to be in 1914, he calculated this date because he had faith that the true God would reveal in advance, in the bible, the date of what he believed was the end of the world. And now, here we are, all four million of us, 115 years later, standing on his shoulders, and we have lost that kind of faith.

How can this be, when his faith in this date was a prime reason why he started the whole organisation up in the first place? How can this be when we now have so much more bible knowledge than he had? Well it is partly because some key parts of our 'bible knowledge' are false. How can this be? Well, it is because, individually, we are not prepared to judge for ourselves what is righteous anymore (Luke 12:57, section 90).

The free thinking experience of Jehovah's people is now so low, that if we are told that Peter is not the rock-mass on which Jesus' congregation is built, when Jesus himself has said:

'You are Peter, and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation' (Mat 16:18).

We actually believe it without question, notwithstanding the fact that Peter's very name means 'rock-mass', a name that he was given by Jesus (see section 91). Our resistance to false teachings from the faithful and discreet slave is now so low, that when we are told that the last words of Jehovah's great prophet Daniel refer to a convention in the Albert Hall in 1926, we actually believe it without question. If Daniel says in Dan 12:12:

'Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the 1,335 days!'

then why has nobody thought of comparing this with the sermon on the mount?

'Happy are the mild-tempered ones since they will inherit the earth' (Mat 5:5).

Jesus did not say, 'happy are the mild-tempered ones since they will see the Albert Hall' does he? No sir, the meek will inherit the earth on Sivan 29, 2008 CE, on the last of the 1,335 days of Daniel 12:12 (see section 49.2)! There are many more examples of this unquestioning acceptance of scriptural falsehoods.

Now what, pray, is the purpose of reading the bible if one cannot ask questions like: what if the Society has got this one wrong? What is the purpose in reading Watchtower after Watchtower on love and faith if we do not have enough faith to recognise that the true God loves us enough to tell us when he is going to bring an end to this world. What sort of a God would send us into Armageddon blind and ignorant? What indeed is the purpose of reading Watchtower after Watchtower on Jehovah's perfection and power, if we are at the same time interpreting his prophecies as being six months out (Dan 9:24)?

Truly there is no purpose at all in reading the bible daily if we believe that we can never personally understand any new truths from it! But this is the position that the 'wide-awake John class' would have us believe. The writer is unaware of any Watchtower which asks faithful men, to submit to the society any new understandings that they may have been allowed to see. The faithful slave have never put out a call to all men of faith, asking them to send in any interpretations that the true God has revealed to them, at least not to the writer's knowledge. If this is indeed true then we have a position of complete hypocrisy. The Society is asking us to read a book which it is implying, if not even openly stating, that we can never understand! If we cannot understand anything new from reading the bible, then we might as well not read it and just read the Society's publications which reveal to us all of the things that have been so far understood by them (see section 89.3).

How can one exhort faithful brothers to do 'personal research' whilst at the same time insisting that the channel for all revelations from God on bible truths is through someone elso other than them (Revelation book p16)? What sort of 'personal research' is such a man supposed to do? But the writer will become bolder still, because the Society has gone even further in their supression of attempts to find bible truth. They have adduced the three weapons of accusations of 'running ahead' and of 'causing disunity' and of 'apostasy'. Faithful men have become scared of these things, and so they should be, because they are very dangerous things, but they are confused and in the dark as to what these three things really are, as is the writer.

Is 'running ahead' discovering something that the Society has not yet commented on in one's personal research? The writer would say not, because such a discovery, if true, is from God, in which case one is not 'running ahead' of God, one is actually responding to the holy spirit. However if one then tried to desiminate this discovery personally, and omitted to inform the faithful slave, then one would presumably be 'running ahead'. What do you say?

What do we do if we think that the Society is wrong? Well, we are told to 'wait on Jehovah'. What this means is that we should wait for the Watchtower society to publish the new understanding - this may be a very long wait! This concept of 'waiting on Jehovah' is often a lie. Truly Jehovah has already acted, because the man of faith has seen the truth and if he has seen the truth then it is Jehovah who has revealed it to him (Gen 40:8). So he is actually waiting not on God but on his Society. This statement 'wait on Jehovah' therefore really means 'forget about Jehovah', who revealed this thing to you. So rather than being in fear of God, we forget about God and any new meanings of his word, and so we remain in fear of man. All of these things are the fulfilment of the words of Isaiah:

'And their fear towards me becomes men's comandment that is being taught' (Isaiah 29:13).

Let us make no mistake, brothers have not stopped questioning because they are stupid, they no longer question because they are frightened! They are frightened of offering any criticism of the faithful and discreet slave. However Isaiah was not so frightened, and nor was Paul when he quoted Isaiah 29:10 (Rom 11:8) and he added the words 'down to this very day' which means that it applies today (see sections 2 & 89). Now it is here pointed out that when C. T. Russell incorporated the Watchtower society in 1884, the purpose was defined to be:

'The disemination of Bible truths in various languages.....' (JP p27)

The purpose was not to diseminate in all languages the belief that nobody could work out bible truths for themselves, unless they were a part of the 'wide-awake John class'. Therefore, if we could perhaps return to the original purpose, then maybe we can once again become 'International bible students'. Finally, before we leave this distasteful subject, the writer would like to nominate the following two phrases for the award of 'Best way to kill bible truth':

'The society probably know that already, they just haven't printed it yet!'

'We will find out about that in the new system!'

The second statement is equivalent to the statement: 'God has not put that in the bible', which is equivalent to the statement: 'I know everything that is in the bible', which is equivalent to the statement: 'I am God'.

Hopefully this point has been laboured enough now.

Remember please the example of faithful Moses, who was born in Adar 1593 and died in Adar 1473 BCE. He lived 120 years exactly. The Watchtower society was incorporated in Dec 1884 (but it is suspected that brother Russell applied for incorporation in Tishri of that year - see section 65). The last anointed ones will die in Tishri 2004, this means that the faithful and discreet slave will 'die' in that month and so that slave will have lived for 120 years exactly as well, although 'he' was not appointed over all of his master's belongings until Nisan 1918 (see section 65) when 'he' was exactly 33.5 years old (an age we have seen before). Now Moses slipped up at the end, he took a position that was actually Jehovah's. He represented that it was he himself that produced the water to save the life of the physical Israelites. This little drama is more than a useful reminder, it is in fact a prophecy, which has now been fulfilled by the 'wide-awake John class'. As a result, whereas they currently believe that some of them will actually go into the promised land (Rev book p296), they will not be allowed so to do. Rather, they will die 3.5 years before Armageddon. They will however be permitted to 'see' the promised land, before they die, as was their symbolic type, the faithful and discreet Moses. We read in Numbers 20:11:

'With that Moses lifted up his hand and struck the crag with his rod twice; and much water began to come out.'

The rock was struck twice, so Moses repeated this action, so it was indeed a prophetic action, one having a greater fulfilment (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, section 2). The physical water from the physical rock, which kept the physical Israelites physically alive back then, is standing for the spiritual water which gives everlasting life (John 4:14), which is the truth from the bible, which comes from the spiritual rock whose name alone is Jehovah (Deut 32:4), which keeps the spiritual Israelites alive spiritually today. And whereas Moses was representing that he was the source of water, the 'wide-awake John class' are today representing that the water can only be discovered by them, thereby constituting themselves a source [89.1]. They will therefore see the promised land, before they die, when they understand the unsealed things in the bible [92], but they will not enter into it. They will also see it, after they die, when they fight the battle of Armageddon as angels, if they endure until Tishri 2003 CE [51,52A].

It is therefore hoped, it is even prophesied (Isaiah 29:9-24, Dan 2:24, Dan 12:4, sections 89, 77, 49), that this book will move the greater Arioch, to put out the call to all faithful servants of Jehovah to start the greatest ever search through the scriptures for all of the now unsealed meanings that are hidden in the bible. Because the bible was writen for all men to try to understand. In faith we can say that it is superfluous for the writer to quote Dan 2:25, but in truth we will quote it anyway:

'Then it was that Arioch, in a hurry, took Daniel in before the king, and this is what he said to him: "I have found an able-bodied man of the exiles of Judah who can make known the interpretation itself to the king."

In any event the load of all this has become far too great for me:



Insight 2 p833/4 explains the workings of the Sabbath year, and of the Jubilee year which having all the features of a Sabbath year was also a Sabbath, in fact a greater one, (Lev 25, Deut 15). Summarising this, the Jews entered the promised land in Nisan 1473 BCE (Jos 4:19), and time was divided into 50 year chunks from then on, each one having seven Sabbaths and then a Jubilee. So the first Sabbath was Tishri 1467 to Tishri 1466, the first Jubilee was Tishri 1424 to Tishri 1423, and the last Jubilee before Jerusalem's fall was Tishri 624 to Tishri 623 and the last Sabbath year was Tishri 610 to Tishri 609 (see fig 2).

So in the forty year error period of Judah, the Jubilee was 624-623. Jerusalem fell spiritually in Tishri 607 (2 Kings 25:25), since we take this fall from the exit of Gedaliah. After the Jubilee the Sabbaths started in 617 and 610, and before the Jubilee they started in 625, 632, 639 and 646. This makes one Jubilee and 6 Sabbaths i.e. 7 Sabbaths in total.

In the 390 year error period of Israel, the Jubilees were in the years starting 974, 924, 874, 824, 774, 724, 674 and 624 i.e. 8 in total. This amounts to seven fifty year periods plus the two periods of 997-974 and 624-607. These have Sabbaths in years starting 975, 982, 989, 996 and 617, 610, and there are 49 Sabbaths in the seven fifty year periods, giving a total of 55 Sabbaths and 8 Jubilees i.e. 63 Sabbaths in total. Adding these up we get:

7 + 63 = 70

So the bible does in fact tell us that the 'Jews had failed to keep exactly 70 Sabbath years', and the statement to the contrary in Insight 2 p833/4 is not true. This we know is the period of time that the Jews spent in exile in Babylon, said exile ending in Tishri 537 BCE (Ezra 3:1). Knowing our loving father as we do would he cause them to pay for 70 Sabbaths if they had only missed 69? (see Psalm 33:5 for the answer).


This witness is quite deep and very beautiful if the reader does not like mathematics then please go to the next section! It comes from the 70 missed Land Sabbaths calculation we looked at earlier. Remember that Daniel 9:25 states "There will be seven weeks also sixty-two weeks". In fact there was one week after this as well (the week starting Tishri 29 CE and ending Tishri 36 CE), making 7 weeks and 63 weeks. Now the missed Land Sabbaths were 7 years for Judah and 63 Years for Israel (Appendix 1), these years were the Sabbath element of 40 years and 390 years of error, after which Jehovah would 'scatter among the Nations' his people (Lev 26:33, section 4). So the same figures of 7 & 63 are appearing twice, once in Leviticus 26 and once in Daniel 9, is this a coincidence? No sir, (Amos 3:3-7).

If we now take a day for a year and spiritualise the missed Land Sabbaths

and the total error period we get:

7 and 63 Sabbath days was the Sabbath element of 7 weeks and 63 weeks after which Jehovah would 'scatter among the nations' his people again, but this time not as an exile, this time it would be to spread the GOOD NEWS! This we know started in 36CE with the conversion of Cornelius (Acts 11:1), and the persecution and scattering started just before this in Israel Acts (8:1), and Paul was converted just before this (Acts 9:3).

Let Jehovah be praised for revealing this to his friend of his servant!

We are also now able to say that all the 70 missed Sabbath years pre-figured Jesus literally (taking a Sabbath day for a Sabbath year). This is what we would expect because the Land Sabbath was a release from debt and Jesus was the greater release from debt to Jehovah and the Sabbath day was a release from works under law and Jesus was the greater release from the law itself.

HOWEVER: This release did not occur exactly at the end of 70 weeks of years. No, it occurred at the half of the 70th week. So is Moses, the prophet of the Most High God Jehovah, half a week out in his prophesying? And is Jehovah's hand in fact cut short by half of a week?

WELL: We do know that the Jews having missed all the 70 Sabbath years in the 430 year error period, or 70 'weeks of years', experienced 430 years with NO RELEASE (i.e. no Sabbaths), followed by a GIANT RELEASE in the form of a 70 year Sabbath (The Sabbath was a release to Jehovah-Deut 15:2). Although the physical Jew would have seen this as 430 years of freedom followed by 70 years of captivity. This evidently prefigured the 70 weeks of no release (no messiah) followed by the giant release (the death of the messiah)- taking a day for a year as above. BUT when we look a little more accurately at the 40 year and the 390 year error periods we find that:

a. The Sabbath year from 646-645 had only one year before it and the

Sabbath year from 610-609 had only two years after it so this period

is CUT OFF half a week of years (3 years and a Sabbath rather than 6

years and a Sabbath) short.

b. The Sabbath year from 996-995 had only one year before it and the

Sabbath year from 610-609 had only two years after it so this period

is CUT OFF half a week of years (3 years and a Sabbath rather than 6

years and a Sabbath) short.

So we have two periods being cut off at the half of the week (Dan 9:26,27) and as Joseph has already told us (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), this is not a coincidence it means that this thing is FIRMLY ESTABLISHED on the part of God. So this prophecy is saying that the release will definitely happen half a week of years short of the end of the 70 weeks, when Jesus was "Released to Jehovah".

Finally if we add both the error periods in (a.) and (b.) above then we get actually get 69 Sabbath years which were either Jubilees or have the other 6 years in their week of years, and one Sabbath year left on its own. Since Jesus ministry is referred to both by Isaiah (61:2) and Jesus (Luke 4:18,19) as "the year of goodwill" and "Jehovah's Acceptable year" in both cases involving a release, then this extra Sabbath prefigures or "is" that year of goodwill. And it occurs at the end of 69 weeks of years, when the Holy of Holies was anointed (Dan 9:24), so we now have the 7 weeks and the 62 weeks and then Jesus' anointing.

To summarise the above we have three prophecies, namely:

1. 70 Sabbath years in 430 error years equates to 70 Sabbath days in 70 weeks (a day for a year) the time period before a release to the nations.

2. Both error periods of 40 and 390 years are cut off in such a way that they each have one Sabbath year associated with only three ordinary years. So they are both cut off at the half of that Sabbath's week of years, and this translates into 69 and a half weeks of years before the Messiah is cut off.

3. If we associate all the error years in the 430 years with their own Sabbath at the end of each week of years (the Jubilees have no associated years, and so are taken as representing a whole week themselves), we find that there are 69 Sabbaths which have their full weeks associated with them in this period, or are Jubilees, and one which is all by itself- this translates into 69 weeks of years followed by Jesus' ministry, the "Year of goodwill".


We now see really, why Jehovah inspired Daniel to write at Dan 9:13,"Just as it is written in the law of Moses, all this calamity- it has come upon us" The cross reference to this being Lev 26:34.

This is hardly worth saying, but evidently the reason for the 7 and 62 split in Daniel 9:25 is the above, and the split in error between Judah and Israel. It is not anything to do with the finishing of any construction projects in Jerusalem! In fact Jehovah has put this 7 & 62 split in the prophecy, precisely to tell us that the 70 weeks of years is related to the 70 missed Land Sabbaths.


The pattern for the battle between true and false worship always takes the following form:

1. Firstborn are false worshippers, secondborn are true

2. False worshippers are exposed by the true worshippers

3. Jehovah warns false worshippers, exhorting them to change

4. False worshippers scheme to kill true worshippers

5. True worshippers are killed, their worship is terminated

6. Later Jehovah restores and resurrects his true worship

7. False worshippers get frightened by this thing from God

8. They are then re-exposed as false and judged as unclean

9. False worshippers killed, and true worshippers get inheritance

This pattern, or minor variations of it, is seen at least seven times in the bible before Armageddon, specifically:


Abel ----> Noah True

Cain ----> Ungodly World at time of Noah False

Abraham ----> Nation of Israel at red sea True

Chaldeans ----> Egyptians False

Two spies in Jericho ----> Nation of Israel in Israel True

Jerichoites ----> Canaanites False

Elijah + 7000 ----> Israelites loyal to Jehu True

Jezebel + prophets ----> Ahab's house, Baal worshippers False

Southern Kingdom ----> Remnant deported to Babylon True

Northern Kingdom ----> Idolaters in Jerusalem in 607 BCE False

Jesus + apostles ----> Christians who fled in 66 CE True

Pharisees ----> Jerusalemites in 70 CE False

Two witnesses ----> Kingdom of God True

Christendom ----> Babylon the Great False

This sort of thing is looked at in the recent Watchtower Dec 1, 1991 p9-15. We are going to look now at the nine aspects of the two systems:


Abel ----> Nation of Israel in Israel True

Cain ----> Canaanites False

Two witnesses ----> Kingdom of God True

Christendom ----> Babylon the Great False

T=Type, A=Antitype:

T1. "And it came about at the expiration of some time that Cain proceeded to bring some fruits of the ground as an offering to Jehovah. But as for Abel, he too brought some FIRSTLINGS of his flock, even their fatty pieces. Now while Jehovah was looking with favour upon Abel and his offering, he did not look with any favour upon Cain and upon his offering." (Gen 4:3-5). So Abel is a true worshipper, offering a blood sacrifice of firstborns. Cain is also worshipping, but his worship is false.

A1. "But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple sanctuary, cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample it underfoot for 42 months. And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth," (Rev 11:2,3).The nations who trample the earthly courtyard of the temple, i.e. persecute the earthly members of Spiritual Israel, are the modern day "Cain class", and are false worshippers. We know that they are worshippers because they are in the courtyard, we know that they are false because they are trampling therein. The two witnesses are the true worshippers (two = true, 2 Cor 13:1, Deut 19:15).

T2. "He did not look with any favour upon Cain and upon his offering." (Gen 4:5). Cain is exposed as a false worshipper by the actions of Abel, and Cain is made to know of Jehovah's disapproval.

A2. "These have the authority to shut up heaven that no rain should fall during the days of their prophesying, and have authority over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every sort of plague as often as they wish," (Rev 11:6). Shutting up the heaven was used by Elijah to expose false Baal worship and turning waters into blood was used by Moses to expose false worship in Egypt as were the plagues (Rev p165, 166). The true worshippers were exposing the false ones by their actions (of preaching judgement messages from the bible).

T3. 'Jehovah said to Cain: "Why are you hot with anger and why has your countenance fallen? If you turn to doing good will there not be an exultation? But if you do not turn to doing good, there is sin crouching at the entrance, and for you is its craving; and will you for your part, get the mastery over it?"' (Gen 4:6,7). Jehovah warns Cain of the dangers of his position and exhorts him to change to true worship.

A3. "And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth," (Rev 11:3). The sackcloth represents a Judgement or warning message, and being from the bible it would have contained many exhortations to repent and change.

T4. 'And Cain said to Abel his brother," Let us go over into the field"' (Gen 4:8). Cain, being angry and jealous, schemes to kill his brother. This is how Satan works as well, and true worshippers bear the brunt of his attacks which are really attacks on Jehovah himself (Rev 12:17).

A4. "The wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer them," (Rev 11:7). History tells us that the Clergy of Christendom schemed to silence Jehovah's people and that they incited the political powers in America (wild beast) to make the war referred to above, with the aim of killing them in the sense of terminating their existence as true worshippers.

T5. "So it came about that while they were in the field Cain proceeded to assault his brother and kill him," (Gen 4:8). Cain physically kills Abel thereby terminating true worship to Jehovah, this being the motive behind the crime. Cain was not so much attacking his brother as trying to get back at God for rejecting him, he did this not by attacking God directly, which is of course impossible, but by attacking God indirectly, in fact by attacking his visible earthly follower at that time (Abel). This is how Satan works as well, and true worshippers bear the brunt of his attacks, which are really attacks on Jehovah himself (Rev 12:17)

A5. "The wild beast that ascends out of the Abyss will make war with them and conquer them AND KILL THEM," (Rev 11:7). True worship is terminated by the political powers by locking up the Governing body of the International Bible Students in prison for a 20 year sentence each. So that they are not killed physically but their true worship is terminated.

T6. 'At that particular time Jehovah said to Joshua: "Make for yourself flint knives and circumcise the sons of Israel again, the second time."' (Joshua 5:2). 'Then Jehovah said to Joshua: "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you." So the name of that place came to be called Gilgal until this day," (Joshua 5:9). After this they celebrated the passover, then the manna stopped and they started eating the produce of the land of Canaan and they went up to attack Jericho. This was the first time after Abel was killed, that Jehovah had a people who were visibly worshipping him in true clean worship. And it occurred in Nisan 1473 BCE. Whilst true worship did begin in Nisan 1512, in the wilderness, it was not clean because the nation was still contaminated with those who would have preferred to be back in Egypt. This reproach on Jehovah had to be rolled away before the worship was pure. This is also testified to in the prophecy of the crossing at Jabbok, where there were to be 40 years of unclean worship and then 390 years of clean worship before the anointing of King David (see the section 95). At this time Jehovah had restored or resurrected true worship. Now the nation of Israel had become the "Abel class", and the inhabitants of Canaan had become the "Cain class".

A6. 'After three and a half days, spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet,' (Rev 11:11). Jehovah resurrected his true witnesses, when the earth came to their rescue and the courts exonerated them and let the Governing body out of prison. This caused true worship to be re-established by Jehovah. Although these true worshippers were living in a world (land) which was owned by the false worshippers, just as the Canaanites owned Israel at the time of the Circumcision at Gilgal (Jos 5:3,9).

T7. 'And they went on to say to Joshua "Jehovah has given all the land into our hand. Consequently all the inhabitants of the land have become disheartened because of us,' (Joshua 2:24). The Canaanites were in great fear on seeing the Israelites, it was the fear of God, because as Rahab said "When we got to hear it, then our hearts began to melt, and no spirit has arisen yet in anybody because of you, for Jehovah your God is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath." (Jos 2:11).

A7. 'And great fear fell upon those beholding them,' (Rev 11:11). 'And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a TENTH of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became FRIGHTENED and gave GLORY to the God of heaven,' (Rev 11:13). Both scriptures refer to the fear that befell the "Cain class" after the "Abel class" were released. The later shows that a tenth (or God's portion) terminated their association with Christendom, and the 7,000 people who were "killed", thereby terminating their association with Christendom, is the same statement re-phrased in Elijah's terminology. Jehovah is again using the same language that he used to Pharaoh in the dream of the famine, i.e. the two are one, and this thing is therefore firmly established on the part of God (Rev p 170). It is as the scripture says "I am Jehovah, I have not changed." (Mal 3:6).

T8. 'And after this he read aloud the words of the law, the blessing and the malediction, according to all that is written in the book of the law,' (Joshua 8:34). The law was the means of exposing the Canaanites as false worshippers, and pronouncing them "unclean", that was used by the sons of Jacob back then. It was of course known to the Jews before they entered the promised land.

A8. 'And they were told to harm no vegetation of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. And it was granted to the locusts, not to kill them, but that these should be tormented five months,' (Rev 9:4,5). 'By these three plagues a third of the men were killed, from the fire and the smoke and the sulphur which issued forth from their mouths,' (Rev 9:18). The locusts we know are the brothers of Christ, the five months we know is the lifetime of a locust, the vegetation, green stuff and trees we know stand for necessary life sustaining elements of Satans system. The unsealed men however stand for Christendom. These ones are EXPOSED by the bible message, not just the law this time. It is interesting that the Jews under Joshua did not harm the literal earth in the promised land they just wiped out the bad people. It is apparent that this is in fact the symbolism that is being used, (Rev p 145). The killing carried out by the cavalry in the second scripture is a spiritual killing, and is equivalent to pronouncing them unclean, like the Canaanites.

T9. Joshua chapters 12 and 13. These describe the execution of the Canaanites, the "Cain class" by Jehovah's executioner Joshua. And the land inheritance going to the nation of Israel, "the Abel class", by apportionment. So that the Firstborn has lost his inheritance to the second born - a common theme in the bible.

A9. Revelation chapters 19 and 21. These describe the execution of the modern day "Cain class", and the subsequent loss of their inheritance to the modern day "Abel class" of Christ's brothers who take over the rulership of planet earth and 'Rule as Kings with him for the thousand years,' (Rev 20:6).





Year CE Memorial evening UK Passover (Royal Observatory)

33 March 31

66 March 26 ?


1917 April 5

1918 March 26

1919 April 13

1922 April 10 ?

1926 March 27

1931 April 1

1950 April 1

1955 April 7

1964 March 28

1969 April 1

1980 March 31 April 1

1983 March 29 March 29

1988 April 1 April 2

1989 March 22 April 20

1990 April 10 April 10

1991 March 30 March 30

1992 April 17 April 18

1999 April 1

2001 April 8 ? April 8

2002 March 28 ? March 28

2004 April 5 ? April 6

2008 March 22 ? April 20

2013 March 26

2021 March 28

2032 March 27


The dates which are questioned are calculated from either the Jewish passover or the Metonic cycle or both. The Metonic cycle tells us that every nineteen years the memorial is on the same day (plus or minus one day). The Gregorian date of the death of Jesus is Friday April 1st (Insight 2 p268). We can extrapolate this 33 years to get a passover in 66 CE at March 27th (Daylight part). This extrapolation has merely been done by looking at various examples of passover dates of April 1, and seeing when the memorial occurred 33 years later, this shows March 27 to be a fairly likely date (plus or minus one day). The writer has this feeling that Nisan 14, 2008 is going to be very near the spring equinox (March 21) indeed, this should make things rather exciting!



TIME INDEFINITE Jehovah, Love, Justice, Wisdom, Power; in the first heaven

4027 Tishri 10 Adam created

3993 Nisan 14 Adam sins; Exedenic Times start

3928 Nisan Cain murders Abel; Lamech's Times start

3403 Enoch born

3326 Enoch's pre-flood ministry starts

3181 Tammuz/Ab Mid-point of Enoch's ministry, and of pre-flood system

3038 Enoch transferred; End of ministry

2968(9) Noah born; Lamech blesses him

2488 Nisan God withdraws his spirit; Alienation Times start

2369 Heshvan 10 Ark door closed

2369 Heshvan 17 The flood starts

2369 Chislev 26 Downpour stops

2368 Nisan 17 Ark rests on mount Ararat

2368 Tammuz 1 Tops of the mountains appear

2368 Ab 11 Ark window opened; Raven sent out; Dove sent out

2368 Heshvan 27 Noah leaves ark

2018 Abraham born

1943 Nisan 14 Abrahamic Covenant validated by crossing Euphrates; Covenant Times start

1913 Nisan Isaac weaned; 400 year affliction of Abraham's seed starts

1782 Nisan Jacob starts working with Laban, 7 years for Leah

1775 Nisan Jacob marries Leah; Starts 7 more years for Rachel

1768 Nisan Jacob finishes working for Rachel; Starts 6 years for flock; Joseph born; Joseph's Times end

1762 Nisan Jacob leaves Laban and sets off to the Jabbok

1738 Tishri 7 years of plenty start; Joseph is now Prime Minister

1731 Tishri 7 years of famine start

1728 Nisan Jacob arrives in Egypt with family

1593 Adar Moses born; 90 day concealment starts

1593 Nisan Pharaoh orders babies into Nile; Laban's Times start

1593 Sivan Moses' 90 day concealment ends

1513 Nisan 14 Passover; Exodus from Egypt into wilderness 40 years; Calendar changed, first month now Nisan; 430 years in Egypt end

1513 Sivan 3 Law covenant validated

1512 Nisan 1 Moses finishes Tabernacle; Jehovah's cloud comes down; Tabernacle times start; Aaron anointed; 12 day inauguration 'day' of altar starts; Judah makes its presentation.

1512 Nisan 8 First day of Aaron's priesthood

1512 Nisan 12 Naphtali makes the final presentation; 12 day inauguration 'day' ends

1473 Adar Moses dies

1473 Nisan 1 First year of the Sabbath timetable; First year of clean

worship under the law

1473 Nisan 10 Israel crosses the Jordan; Circumcision at Gilgal; 40 years in wilderness ends.

1473 Nisan 14 First passover in promised land; First acceptable act of

worship for whole nation under law; Exedenic Times end

1473 Nisan 15 Israelites first eat fruits of promised land; Manna stops

1467 Nisan 1 First Sabbath year under Law

1083 Nisan David anointed to be king; 7 years of exile with beasts of the

field start

1076 Nisan 1 David's first regnal year starts in Hebron; 7 years of exile end

1069 Nisan 1 David's first regnal year in Jerusalem starts

1060 Tishri 3.5 year famine starts

1056 Nisan 14 3.5 year famine ends; 7 sons of Saul killed

1048 Nisan 16 Ornan's threshing floor purchased; David commissioned to start

preparing for Solomon's temple; The Temple Times start

1037 Nisan 1 David's last regnal year starts; Solomon's first regnal year starts

1034 Iyyar 2 Solomon's temple construction begins

1027 Heshvan Temple construction finished

1026 Tishri Temple inaugurated, Solomon's temple times start

1022 Nisan End of Tabernacle times

1014 Solomon's government building work completed

998 Nisan 1 Solomon's last regnal year starts

997 Nisan 1 First regnal year of Rehoboam in Judah; First regnal year of

Jeroboam in Israel

997 Tishri Kingdom split into Israel and Judah; 390 error years of Israel start

980 Nisan 1 Abijam's first regnal year of 3 in Judah; Jeroboam's 18th in Israel

978 Nisan 1 Asa's first regnal year in Judah, he acceded in 977

941 Nisan 1 Ahab's first regnal year of 22 in Israel; Asa's 38th regnal year in


930 Nisan 14 Elijah versus 450 prophets of Baal at mount Carmel

920 Nisan 1 Ahab's last regnal year in Israel

919 Nisan 1 Ahaziah's first regnal year of two in Israel

917 Nisan 1 Jehoram's first regnal year of 12 in Israel

911 Nisan Elisha cleans Naaman of Leprosy

906 Nisan 1 Jehoram's last regnal year in Israel

745 Nisan 1 Hezekiah's first regnal year of 29 in Judah

732 Nisan 1 Year starts in which Sennacherib invades Judah

731 Tishri 15 Hezekiah sick, gets sign in middle of 15th regnal year

731 Tishri 17 Hezekiah recovers, goes up to Jehovah's house

717 Nisan 1 Hezekiah's Last regnal year starts

716 Nisan 1 Manasseh's first regnal year of 55 in Judah

661 Nisan 1 Amon's first regnal year of 2 in Judah

659 Nisan 1 Josiah's first regnal year of 31 in Judah

647 Tishri 40 error years of Judah start; Jeremiah starts prophesying

628 Nisan 1 Counted as Jehoiakim's first regnal year of 11 in Judah

620 Nisan 1 Jehoiakim's first regnal year as tributary to Nebuchadnezzar II

617 Nisan Daniel, Jehoiachin & foremost men taken to Babylon

617 Nisan 1 Counted as Zedekiah's first regnal year of 11 in Judah

609 Nisan End of acceptable worship in Solomon's temple

609 Tebeth 10 Nebuchadnezzar II lays siege to Jerusalem; 9th year of Zedekiah

607 Tishri Assassination of Gedaliah; Start of Gentile Times; Start of 70

years exile in Babylon

606 Tishri End of Solomon's temple times

539 Tishri 16 Babylon falls to Cyrus

538 Tishri Cyrus commissioned to build Zerubbabel's temple

537 Nisan 1 Ezra leaves Babylon with 1787 other exiles

537 Ab 1 Ezra reaches Jerusalem

537 Tishri Sacrifices start in Jerusalem before foundation is laid;

End of 70 years exile in Babylon

536 Nisan 1 Daniel starts his three week fast

536 Iyyar Zerubbabel and Joshua lay foundation to temple

520 Elul 1 Jehovah rouses up the spirits of Zerubbabel and Joshua

515 Adar Zerubbabel's temple is finished

515 Nisan Temple is inaugurated; Clean worship commences

515 Tishri Clean worship in temple ends

455 Nisan Artaxerxes commands rebuilding of Jerusalem

455 Tishri 1 Ezra reads out law from public square by water gate; Clean worship starts; 70 weeks of years of Dan 9 start

2 Tishri 10 Jesus born; 96 years of first baptism begin

10 Tishri Jesus commissioned to build temple of his spiritual body

11 Nisan Jesus in temple for three days

29 Tishri 10 Jesus anointed as the Christ; Baptised in Jordan; Ministry

begins; Kingdom covenant with God validated

33 Nisan 13 Last day of Jesus' 1,264 day ministry

33 Nisan 14 New covenant recited; Jesus impaled at 3 pm= 9th hour; In

'heart of earth' for 3 days; Temple curtain rent in two; End of Law; End of Alienation Times; New covenant validated; God and

man reconciled; Mid-point of Abrahamic Covenant; Lamech's

Times end; Temple Times end

33 Nisan 16 Jesus raised up; Temple of his body inaugurated; Festival of

firstfruits; The 7 weeks of weeks start

33 Iyyar 25 Jesus ascends into heaven; Second heaven starts

33 Sivan 6 Pentecost; Holy spirit poured out; Peter applies first key

36 Tishri 14 3 pm, 9th hour, Cornelius gets vision to send men to Joppa

36 Tishri 15 12 noon, 6th hour, Peter gets vision of unclean food

36 Tishri 18 3 pm, 9th hour, Gentiles called; Peter applies 3rd key;

Abrahamic covenant spiritualised; Cornelius converted

63 Nisan 14 Last week of years of Jewish system begins

66 Tishri 18 Cestius Gallus encamps by Jerusalem, during Booths

70 Nisan 22 Titus surrounds Jerusalem the day after passover week

95 Tishri Last first temple (first century) brother is sealed; First

baptism ends; Apostate Times start

1881 Nisan Watchtower Society formed; Call for 1,000 preachers

1884 Exiles (second temple brothers) start to leave Babylon the Great

1884 Chislev Dec 13, Watchtower Society incorporated

1895 Tishri First of second temple brothers & C. T. Russell are anointed; This

also symbolises the commissioning of the building of the first

spiritual temple of Christ and his first century brothers; Apostate

Times end

1914 Tishri 15 Gentile Times end; Jesus made King of heavens; Two witnesses

of Rev 11:3 start prophesying; First four trumpets of Revelation

start blowing

1918 Nisan 14 March 26, Babylon falls; Faithful & discreet slave appointed;

Satan ousted from heaven; Two witnesses of Rev 11:3 killed;

Start of 360 day change in 'times and law' (Dan 7:25)

1918 Nisan 16 Peter & first temple brothers resurrected; Sixth temple of Jesus &

first century brothers inaugurated

1918 Iyyar 25 May 7, Peter & first temple brothers ascend into heaven;

Governing body of Earthly remnant descend into custody;

Third heaven starts

1918 Tebeth 12 Dec 18, Date of letter from Federal Council of Churches to President Wilson, siding with UN and rejecting Jehovah

1919 Veadar 14 March 21, Brothers released on Bail; End of 360 day change in

'times and law' (Dan 7:25)

1922 Elul 12 5 September, first day of Cedar point convention

1922 Elul 20 13 September, last day of Cedar point convention

1922 Elul 21 14 September, first day of gathering of Great Crowd; 3rd spiritual

key applied (by Peter ?)

1925 Tishri 15 First group of second temple brothers & C. T. Russell symbolically


1925 Tishri 17 C. T. Russell & first group of second temple brothers resurrected

1925 Heshvan 26 First group of second temple brothers ascension; 4th heaven


1931 Ab 8 July 24, first day of Columbus Ohio convention

1931 Ab 14 July 30, last day of Columbus Ohio convention

1955 Tishri 15 Second group of second temple brothers & J. F. Rutherford

symbolically die; Full number is now sealed

1955 Tishri 17 Second group of second temple brothers are raised up

1955 Heshvan 26 Second group of second temple brothers ascension; 5th heaven


1982 Nisan Second temple brothers commissioned to build 2nd spiritual

temple of Christ and all his brothers, which is 7th temple

1992 Shebat 22 February 1, 'time of the end' begins; Daniel unsealed by holy


1995 Tishri 15 Third group of second temple brothers & N. H. Knorr symbolically


1995 Tishri 17 Third group of second temple brothers are resurrected

1995 Heshvan 26 Third group of second temple brothers ascension; Sixth heaven


1998 Nisan Anglo-American seventh world power ends; UN becomes eighth

king; 'One hour' of (Rev 17:12) starts; 2 years of the Lion start

2000 Nisan The three years of the Bear start; UN starts killing a lot of people,

in its quest for absolute power

2001 Nisan 14 UN takes absolute worldwide power; Cry of Peace and Security

goes up; last anointed brother is baptised; Torment of Babylon the Great starts; Last Week starts

2003 Nisan The four years of the Leopard start; killing by UN ends; No one

questions the UN anymore

2004 Elul 15 The work is Banned worldwide; Watchtower Soc. closed

2004 Tishri 15 The last anointed one dies; All the last group of anointed

symbolically die; The Great Tribulation (Mat 24:21) starts

2004 Tishri 17 Last group of anointed brothers are raised, 7th temple inaugurated

2004 Heshvan 26 Last group of second temple brothers ascend, 7th heaven starts

2005 Tishri Babylon the great is destroyed by the UN

2005 Adar Last adherents to the dead city of Babylon leave it forever

2007 Nisan The four years of the Leopard end

2008 Nisan End of sixth temple times

2008 Nisan 14 The Marriage of the lamb occurs; The KINGDOM OF GOD

Starts ON EARTH (invisibly); Armageddon starts; God's

people start their run to the greater Zoar

2008 Sivan 29 God's people are all safe in the greater Zoar; THE SON OF MAN IS REVEALED! Great Crowd is VERY HAPPY! The Great Tribulation for God's people ends; The nations beat themselves with grief, because they are IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD, but will now be thrown out: 'LORD, LORD'!!!

2008 Elul 14 Armageddon ends; Satan is abyssed

TIME INDEFINITE Jehovah, Jesus, 144,000, Love, Justice, Wisdom, Power; in the seventh heaven



TIME INDEFINITE Jehovah, Love, Justice, Wisdom, Power; in the first heaven

4027 Tishri 10 1 Tim 2:6, Gen 4:15, sections 13.1, 100

3993 Nisan 14 Gen 4:15, Jos 6:3-5, sections 13, 14

3928 Nisan Gen 4:23,24, Mat 18:21,22, section 103

3403 Gen 5:18

3326 Gen 4:24, section 105

3181 Tammuz/Ab Section 40, 104, 105

3038 Gen 5:22-24, sections 104,105

2968(9) Gen 5:29, section 9.1

2488 Nisan Gen 6:3, sections 9, 9.1, 10, 11, 15, 18, 27, 31

2369 Heshvan 10 Gen 7:4, sections 9.1, 10, 11

2369 Heshvan 17 Gen 7:11, sections 9.1, 10, 11

2369 Chislev 26 Gen 7:4

2368 Nisan 17 Gen 8:4

2368 Tammuz 1 Gen 8:5

2368 Ab 11 Gen 8:6

2368 Heshvan 27 Gen 8:14,15

2018 Gen 12:4, section 9.1

1943 Nisan 14 Gal 3:17, Ex 12:41, Gen 15:5-11, section 42

1913 Nisan Gen 15:13, Gen 31, section 95

1782 Nisan Gen 31:41, Gen 45:5-8, sections 18 & 31

1775 Nisan Gen 29:27, section 18

1768 Nisan Gen 31:41, Gen 45:5-8, sections 18 &31

1762 Nisan Gen 31:41

1738 Tishri Gen 41:29,30, section 99

1731 Tishri Gen 41:29,30, section 99

1728 Nisan Gen 45:19-28, section 99

1593 Adar Deut 31:2; Deut 32:48,50, section 22

1593 Nisan Ex 1:22, Gen 31:7, sections 21 & 23

1593 Sivan Ex 2:2, section 22

1513 Nisan 14 Ex 12:41, Ex 12:21-23, Ex 12:2, Ex 12:51

1513 Sivan 3 Ex 19:1,16

1512 Nisan 1 Ex 40:2, Ex 40:34, Lev 9:1-4, Num 7: 10-12, sections 29, 7, 84

1512 Nisan 8 Lev 9:1-4, section 54

1512 Nisan 12 Num 7:78, section 10

1473 Adar Deut 31:2; Deut 32:48,50

1473 Nisan 1 Jos 5:10, Deut 29:5

1473 Nisan 10 Jos 4:19

1473 Nisan 14 Jos 5:10, sections 12, 13, 14, 17, 27

1473 Nisan 15 Jos 5:11,12, section 13

1467 Nisan 1 Lev 25:1-4

1083 Nisan Gen 32:14-16, 2 Samuel 21, sections 95, 98, 16

1076 Nisan 1 2 Samuel 5:4,5, 1 Samuel 16:10, section 16

1069 Nisan 1 2 Samuel 5:4,5

1060 Tishri 2 Samuel 21, section 98

1056 Nisan 14 2 Samuel 21, section 98 & 26

1048 Nisan 16 1 Samuel 20:20,41, 1 Chron 21:10-14, sections 28, 28.1, 94

1037 Nisan 1 1 Kings 1:51,53, 1 Chron 23:1, 26:31, 29:22,23, section 16

1034 Iyyar 2 2 Chron 3:2, 1 Kings 6:1

1027 Heshvan 1 Kings 6:1

1026 Tishri 1 Kings 8:2, sections 7, 29

1022 Nisan Sections 7, 29

1014 1 Kings 7:1, 2 Chron 8:1, section 102

998 Nisan 1 2 Chron 9:30

997 Nisan 1 2 Chron 9:31, 1 Kings 12:20

997 Tishri 2 Chron 10:16, Ezekiel 4:4-6

980 Nisan 1 1 Kings 15:2

978 Nisan 1 1 Kings 15:9,10, 1 Kings 16:29

941 Nisan 1 1 Kings 16:29

930 Nisan 14 1 Kings 18, section 96

920 Nisan 1 1 Kings 16:29

919 Nisan 1 1 Kings 22:51

917 Nisan 1 2 Kings 3:1

911 Nisan 2 Kings 5, section 97

906 Nisan 1 2 Kings 3:1

745 Nisan 1 2 Kings 18:1,2

732 Nisan 1 2 Kings 18:13

731 Tishri 15 2 Kings 20, section 44

731 Tishri 17 2 Kings 20, section 44

717 Nisan 1 2 Kings 18:1,2

716 Nisan 1 2 Kings 21:1

661 Nisan 1 2 Kings 21:19

659 Nisan 1 2 Kings 22:1

647 Tishri Ezekiel 4:4-6, 40, Jer 1:2, section 4

628 Nisan 1 2 Kings 23:36

620 Nisan 1 2 Kings 24:1

617 Nisan Daniel 1:1

617 Nisan 1 2 Kings 24:12-18

609 Nisan Sections 29, 94

609 Tebeth 10 2 Kings 25:1,2, Jer 39:1

607 Tishri 2 Kings 25:25,26, Jer 41:1,2, 2 Chron 36:21, Lev

26:18,21,24,28, 1 Samuel 16:10, Genesis 33, Gen 29:27,

Num 23:29, sections 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 27

606 Tishri Sections 29, 94

539 Tishri 16 Nabonidus Chronicle in British Museum

538 Tishri Ezra 1:1-4, 2 Chron 36:22,23, sections 50, 94

537 Nisan 1 Ezra 7:9, section 87

537 Ab 1 Ezra 7:9, section 87

537 Tishri 2 Chron 36:21, Leviticus 26: 34,35, Ezra 3:1, section 4.1,

Appendices 1, 2

536 Nisan 1 Dan 10:1-4, section 50

536 Iyyar Ezra 3:8

520 Elul 1 Haggai 1:1

515 Adar Ezra 6:15, Ezekiel 45:12, count back from Tishri 455, sections

30, 95

515 Nisan Sections 94, 95

515 Tishri Neh 8:14-18, sections 30, 95

455 Nisan Neh 2:1

455 Tishri 1 Neh 8:1-3, section 6

2 Tishri 10 Sections 40, 100

10 Tishri Luke 2:42-52, sections 50, 94

11 Nisan Luke 2:42-52, sections 50, 94

29 Tishri 10 Num 3:50, Num 7:3, Num 18:16, Gen 29:27,28, Dan 9:27,

Mat 3:13-17, Luke 22:29, sections 10, 18, 74

33 Nisan 13 Luke 22:7-14, Mat 12:39,40

33 Nisan 14 Luke 22:20, Luke 23:44-46, Mat 12:39,40, Luke 24:1,

John 20:19, sections 9, 9.1, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 27, 31, 40, 42, 100

33 Nisan 16 John 20:19, Lev 23:15,16, Mark 14:58

33 Iyyar 25 Acts 1:3,9

33 Sivan 6 Acts 2:1-4,15

36 Tishri 14 Acts 10:1-8, 30, section 36, 40,100

36 Tishri 15 Acts 10:9-16, section 36

36 Tishri 18 Acts 10:30,44, Dan 9:27, sections 36, 74, 40, 100

63 Nisan 14 Dan 9:27, sections 40, 74, 100

66 Tishri 18 Dan 9:27, sections 40, 74, 100

70 Nisan 22 Dan 9:27, sections 40, 74, 100

95 Tishri Acts 10:9-16, Gen 43:10-14, Mat 25:1-12 sections 36, 38, 39,


1881 Nisan Ezra 10:7-9, JP p26,28

1884 Dan 6:1, Ezra 7:9, Ezra 8:15,31, sections 65,87

1884 Chislev JP p26

1895 Tishri Ezra 8:31, Ezra 10:19, Mat 25:1-12, Gen 43:10-14, Gen 45:6-8,

Gen 45:22, sections 87, 102, 39, 38, 94

1914 Tishri 15 Dan 4:23, Lev 26:18,21,24,28, 1 Samuel 16:10, Gen 33, Gen

29:27, Num 23:29, Rev 11:1-4, sections 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 27, 82

1918 Nisan 14 Dan 12:1,7, Dan 7:25, Luke 12:46 (literal), Dan 5:28, Dan 9:27,

Mat 24:45-47,51(literal), Rev 11:1-4, Dan 6:3, sections 65, 90,

58.3, 40, 100, 49, 64.1, 82, 74

1918 Nisan 16 John 20:19, Lev 23:15,16, Mark 14:58, Zech 4, Rev 11:1-4,

Acts 12:1-17, Dan 9:27, sections 37, 82, 73, 74, 57

1918 Iyyar 25 Acts 12:1-17, Dan 9:27, Acts 1:3,9, 2 Cor 12:1-7, JP 79,

sections 73, 74, 57

1918 Tebeth 12 W79 July 1 p7, YW p207

1919 Veadar 14 JP p86, Dan 7:25, section 64.1

1922 Elul 12 JP p101

1922 Elul 20 JP p101, Rev 12:6, Dan 9:27, sections 83, 74, 40, 100

1922 Elul 21 Rev 12:6, Dan 9:27, Acts 10:30,44, Rev 7:9, sections 83, 74,

40, 100

1925 Tishri 15 Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20, 2 Kings 20:8, Acts 12:1-17,

Num 11:19,20 sections 44, 73, 56, 57

1925 Tishri 17 Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20, 2 Kings 20:8, Acts 12:1-17,

Num 11:19,20 sections 44, 73, 56, 57

1925 Heshvan 26 Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20, Acts 12:1-17, Num 11:19,20

sections 73, 56, 57

1931 Ab 8 JP p125, Dan 8:14, Jos 7:24,25, Jos 7:5, Luke 13:10 -16,

sections 68.1, 70, 72

1931 Ab 14 JP p125,126

1955 Tishri 15 Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20, 2 Kings 20:8, Acts 12:1-17,

Ezra 10:16,17, Num 11:19,20 sections 44, 73, 56, 57, 102

1955 Tishri 17 Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20, 2 Kings 20:8, Acts12:1-17,

Num 11:19,20 sections 44, 73, 56, 57

1955 Heshvan 26 Matthew 13:8,23, Acts 12:1-17, Num 11:19,20 sections 73, 56,


1982 Nisan 1 Chron 21:20, section 94

1992 Shebat 22 Dan 8:14, Jos 7:5, Jos 7:24,25, Luke 13:10-16, section 68.1,

70, 72

1995 Tishri 15 Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20, 2 Kings 20:8, Acts 12:1-17,

Num 11:19,20 sections 44, 73, 56, 57

1995 Tishri 17 Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20, 2 Kings 20:8, Acts 12:1-17,

Num 11:19,20 sections 44, 73, 56, 57

1995 Heshvan 26 Matthew 13:8,23, Mark 4:8,20, Acts 12:1-17, Num 11:19,20

sections 73, 56, 57

1998 Nisan Dan 3:1, Rev 17:12, Dan 7:10,24, Dan 7:4, sections 53, 64

2000 Nisan Dan 7:5, section 64:2

2001 Nisan 14 Dan 3:5,10,15, Amos 1,2, Zech 14:1-9, Gen 10:8-12, Ezra 10:14, 20-44, Dan 9:27, Lev 8:11,1 Thess 5:3, Rev 18:4-8,

sections 53, 54, 55, 102, 74, 75, 86, 76

2003 Nisan Dan 7:6, section 64.2

2004 Elul 15 Dan 12:11, section 49.1

2004 Tishri 15 Dan 12:7, Ezra 7:9, Ezra 8:32,33, Dan 3:19,24,25, Mat 24:21,

Dan 12:12, Rev 15:8, Gen 19:29, Gen 18:24-33, sections 49,

87, 53, 69, 84, 66

2004 Tishri 17 Acts 12:1-17, 2 Kings 20:8, Dan 9:27, sections 73, 44, 74

2004 Heshvan 26 Acts 12:1-17, Dan 9:27, sections 73,74

2005 Tishri Jos 8:3,25, Rev 18:11-17, Dan 8:24, sections 70, 86, 68

2005 Adar Rev 18:11-17, section 86

2007 Nisan Dan 7:6, section 64.2

2008 Nisan Dan 9:27, sections 74, 40, 100, 94

2008 Nisan 14 Gen 19:3, Rev 19:9, Gen 19:29, Dan 12:12, Rev 16:16,

Gen 19:22, sections 12, 19, 21, 22, 40, 42, 65, 71, 87, 66.2,


2008 Sivan 29 Luke 17, Dan 12:12, Gen 19:29, Gen 18:24-33, Mat 24:21, 22,

29,30,31, Mat 7:21,22, Zech 14:1-9, sections 66,69,49.2,37,40

2008 Elul 14 Jos 8:12,25, Gen 7:24, Dan 9:27, Luke 17, Rev 20:1-3, Gen

19:29, sections 70, 66, 40

TIME INDEFINITE Jehovah, Jesus, 144,000, Love, Justice, Wisdom, Power; in the

7th heaven





3993 Nisan 14 1473 Nisan 14 Exedenic Times

2488 Nisan 33 Nisan 14 Alienation Times

607 Tishri 1914 Tishri 15 Gentile Times

95 Tishri 1895 Tishri Apostate Times

1048 Nisan 16 33 Nisan 16 Temple Times

2488 Nisan 1768 Nisan Joseph's Times

1768 Nisan 33 Nisan 14 Benjamin's Times

1593 Nisan 2008 Nisan 14 Laban's Times

1943 Nisan 14 2008 Nisan 14 Covenant Times

3928 Nisan 33 Nisan 14 Lamech's Times

1918 Nisan 14 2008 Nisan 14 Separating Times


4027 Tishri 10 1512 Nisan 1 Jehovah (1st temple)

1512 Nisan 1 1022 Nisan Tabernacle times (2nd)

1026 Tishri 606 Tishri Solomon's temple times (3rd)

515 Nisan 36 Tishri 18 Zerubbabel's temple times (4th)

33 Nisan 16 1922 Elul 20 Jesus (5th)

1918 Nisan 16 2008 Nisan 14 Jesus + 1st century brothers (6th)

2004 Tishri 17 Time indefinite Jesus + all brothers (7th)


Time indefinite 33 Iyyar 25 First heaven

33 Iyyar 25 1918 Iyyar 25 Second heaven

1918 Iyyar 25 1925 Heshvan 26 Third heaven

1925 Heshvan 26 1955 Heshvan 26 Fourth heaven

1955 Heshvan 26 1995 Heshvan 26 Fifth heaven

1995 Heshvan 26 2004 Heshvan 26 Sixth heaven

2004 Heshvan 26 Time indefinite Seventh heaven



1943 Nisan 14 1513 Nisan 14 430 years, Ex 12:41

2368 Nisan 17 2018 Noah, Gen 9:28,29

1513 Nisan 14 1034 Iyyar 2 480th year, 1 Kings 6:1

997 Tishri 607 Tishri 390 nights, Ezek 4:5

647 Tishri 607 Tishri 40 nights, Ezek 4:6

607 Tishri 537 Tishri 70 years exile, 2 Chron 36:21

455 Tishri 1 36 Tishri 18 70 weeks of years of Dan 9:24


1943 Nisan 14 2008 Nisan 14 Abrahamic Covenant

33 Nisan 14 Mid-point

941 Nisan 1 920 Nisan 1 Ahab's reign

930 Nisan Mid-point

917 Nisan 1 906 Nisan 1 Jehoram's reign

911 Nisan Mid-point

1076 Nisan 1037 Nisan David's reign

1056 Nisan 14 Mid-point

745 Nisan 1 717 Nisan 1 Hezekiah's reign

731 Tishri 15 Mid-point

2 Tishri 10 66 Tishri 18 Jesus to Cestius

33 Nisan 14 Mid-point

1943 Nisan 14 1513 Nisan 14 Egyptian exile

1728 Nisan Mid-point

3326 3038 Enoch's ministry

3181 Mid-point

2008 Nisan 14 2008 Elul 14 Armageddon

2008 Sivan 29 Mid-point



29 Tishri 10 36 Tishri 18 Last week of fleshly Covenant

63 Nisan 14 70 Nisan 22 Last week of Jewish system

1914 Tishri 15 1922 Sept. 13 Last 'week' of Jesus' temple time

2001 Nisan 14 2008 Nisan 14 Last week of sixth temple time

2001 Nisan 14 2004 Tishri 15 1,260 days of 1st half of last week

2004 Tishri 15 2008 Nisan 14 1,260 days of Daniel 12

1919 March 21 1922 Sept. 13 1,260 days in wilderness

1914 Tishri 15 1918 Nisan 14 1,260 days of Rev 11

29 Tishri 10 33 Nisan 14 1,264 Days of Jesus' ministry

33 Nisan 14 36 Tishri 18 1,264 Days until Gentiles called

63 Nisan 14 66 Tishri 18 1,264 Days until Cestius Gallus

66 Tishri 18 70 Nisan 22 1,264 Days until Titus

1918 Nisan 14 1919 Veadar 14 Change in 'Times and Law'


2 Tishri 10 95 Tishri First baptism

1895 Tishri 2001 Nisan 14 Second baptism

1895 Tishri 2008 Nisan 14 Luke 12:50-53

DANIEL 8 & 12

1895 Tishri 1931 July 24 About 36 men of Joshua 7

1918 Nisan 14 1931 July 24 Achan's belongings

1918 Dec 18 1931 July 24 2,300 evenings and mornings (1st)

1992 Feb 1 2004 Elul 15 2,300 evening and mornings (2nd)

2004 Elul 15 2008 Nisan 14 1,290 days of Daniel 12

2004 Tishri 15 2008 Sivan 29 1,335 days of Daniel 12

2008 Nisan 14 2008 Sivan 29 Lot's greater run to Zoar

2008 Nisan 14 2008 Elul 14 Armageddon


1881 Nisan 1884 3 Days of Ezra 10:9

1884 1895 Tishri 11 Days of Ezra 10:9,16

1895 Tishri 1955 Tishri 60 Days of Ezra 10:16,17


1895 Tishri 2008 Nisan 14 'Last days'

1914 Tishri 15 2008 Nisan 14 'Lord's day'

1992 Feb 1 2008 Nisan 14 'Time of the end'


1913 Nisan 1513 Nisan 14 400 years of affliction

1513 Nisan 14 1473 Nisan 10 40 unclean unattached females

1473 Nisan 10 1083 Nisan 1 390 clean unattached females

1083 Nisan 515 Nisan 568 animals and people

515 Tishri 455 Tishri 1 60 unclean animals

455 Tishri 1 36 Tishri 18 490 clean animals


1048 Nisan 1026 Tishri Commissioning to inauguration 3rd

538 Tishri 515 Nisan Commissioning to inauguration 4th

10 Tishri 33 Nisan 16 Commissioning to inauguration 5th

1895 Tishri 1918 Nisan 16 Commissioning to inauguration 6th

1982 Nisan 2004 Tishri 17 Commissioning to inauguration 7th


1512 Nisan 1 1022 Nisan 490 Shekels

1026 Tishri 606 Tishri 420 Ephahs

609 Nisan 515 Nisan 94 Hins

515 Tishri 455 Tishri 1 60 Ephahs

455 Tishri 1 36 Tishri 18 CE 490 Shekels


1998 Nisan 2008 Nisan 'One hour' of UN (Rev 17:12)

1998 Nisan 2000 Nisan Lion

2000 Nisan 2003 Nisan Bear

2003 Nisan 2007 Nisan Leopard

2001 Nisan 14 2008 Nisan 14 UN Absolute power, like Nimrod

2004 Tishri 15 2008 Sivan 29 Great Tribulation (Mat 24:21)

'And Jehovah proceeded to answer me and say: "Write down the vision and set it out plainly upon tablets, in order that the one reading aloud from it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time, it is a disclosure for the end, and it will not tell a lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for without fail it will come true. It will not be late"' (Hab 2:2 - Literal). LXX has 'a tablet' rather than 'tablets', compare Hab 2:14, Isaiah 29:10-12, Dan 8:17, Luke 12:40,45. This scripture is fulfilled in the DPA chart, the contents of which are recited above.

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