This booklet is dedicated to the faithful & discreet slave of the holy of holies
Copyright Gordon S. Ritchie 1992
[G.1] Introduction
This booklet assumes a fair knowledge of the 'Letter to the Society'. The writer hopes that all have enjoyed reading it. Brothers, as regards your reaction to the first book, LS, the writer well knows that you currently are:
'All astonished and' are 'in perplexity saying to one another: "What does this thing purport to be?"' (Acts 2:12).
This is because you are actually right now fulfilling again this very scripture, which seeing as Peter said:
'"And in the last days", God says, "I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh"' (Acts 2:17).
An event which is immediately succeeded by the arrival of the 'great and illustrious day of ' (Acts 2:20). It is manifestly apparent that this pouring out of spirit, and this speaking about the magnificent things of God (verse 11), has a further fulfilment in the 'last days', in fact just before the end. But fear not, because the true God has set a limit to your period of perplexity, and it expires around about now!
This booklet was going to be a whole book! It was going to be the writer's answer to Brother Russell's book: 'The Finished Mystery'. However, the true God has other ideas it would seem. Because, in 2 Samuel 24, and 1 Chron 21, incited David to number Israel and Judah, he then commanded Joab to carry out a registration of the people. In fact he had to:
'Move about, please, through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba' (2 Sam 24:2).
The writer has just performed a greater registration of Judah and Israel. He has therefore had to suspend writing this book about Genesis in order to send the result of this registration to Brooklyn in time to meet the date specified by Samuel, as is explained herebelow and in section [20]. We have seen many times before that in bible prophecy, the spatial symbolises the temporal. So whereas Joab moved about physically through the tribes of physical Israel twelve times, the greater Joab moves about temporally through the tribes of spiritual Israel 12 times. These twelve times are in fact the twelve memorials from 1993 until 2004 inclusive. Yes, has written the number of partakers at these memorials in advance. All that is except the first two, in Nisan 1993 and 1994. This is one reason why we read that:
'Levi and Benjamin he did not register in among them' (1 Chron 21:6).
Which scripture is saying that Joab literally missed two tribes out of the 12 tribes of physical Israel, with the second meaning being that the greater Joab misses out two memorial figures out of the twelve last memorials for spiritual Israel. So this then is the larger meaning of the scripture:
'And I shall certainly know the number of my people' (2 Sam 24:2).
Now this registration result is given by Joab to David 9 months and 20 days after the registration starts (2 Sam 24:8). We examine this account in finer detail in section [20]. Suffice to say here that this period, in the second meaning, starts on the first day of the time of the end, which is February 1, 1992. And the greater registration, in advance, of all of the memorial partakers, which has been requested by (the King) of the writer (the greater Joab) has to arrive in Brooklyn (the greater Jerusalem) for the perusal of the faithful and discreet slave (the greater David), by November 18th 1992, which is 290 days after February 1, 1992. The writer only realised this today, which is the 10th November. These numbers come out of Genesis chapter 5, section [7] of this booklet. Please therefore forgive the poor presentation etc., things are going to be a bit of a rush!
Meanwhile please climb aboard and consider the first part of the book of Genesis with the writer. We start with the scripture in the bible about which himself has borne witness that it has more meanings than most, if not all other scriptures:
'Many that are first will be last, and the last first' (Mark 10:31).
One of these many things is the book of Genesis, which is first in the bible but is to be understood last. Whereas the book of Revelation, which is last in the bible, has been understood first, in the Lord's day.
[G.2] Genesis chapter 1:
'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth' (Gen 1:1).
So this chapter of Genesis is not only about the creation of the earth, it is also about the creation of the heavens. Since it describes the creation of all of the creatures on the earth, it must therefore also describe the creation of all of the creatures in the heavens. This is why we read in Genesis 2:1:
'Thus the heavens and the earth and all their army came to their completion.'
This has the meaning that the account in Genesis one is the creation of the earth and all of the living things in it and of the heavens and of all of the living things, i.e. spirit beings, in them. In other words it is the account of all physical and all spiritual creation.
'Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep; and God's active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters' (Gen 1:1).
The 'surface of the waters' is a repeated concept, it therefore has two meanings, and there is a greater 'surface of the waters' over which 's spirit was moving (Gen 41:25,32; Amos 3:3-7, LS [2]). The physical surface of the waters was the surface of the dihydrogen oxide on the planet earth. The spiritual surface of the waters was the appearance, i.e. character, of all of the spirit creatures in the heavens, none of whom had yet been fully examined in order to determine their allegiance to God, and so they were formless and waste at that time, they were not yet ready to be used because they had not yet demonstrated where their loyalties lay.
The sequence of events in the first day is that first decrees that light should appear and then he actually makes light appear (Gen 1:3-5). These two actions of the decree followed by the creation characterise each of the six creative days is Genesis chapter one. Spelling this out we read:
First day
Decree: Let there be light
Creation: There came to be light
Second day
Decree: Let an expanse come to be
Creation: God proceeded to make an expanse
Third day
Decree: Let the dry land appear
Creation: And it came to be so
Decree: Let the earth cause grass to shoot forth
Creation: The earth began to put forth grass
Fourth day
Decree: Let luminaries come to be
Creation: And God proceeded to make the two great luminaries
Fifth day
Decree: Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls
Creation: And God proceeded to make the great sea monsters
Sixth day
Decree: Let us make man in our image
Creation: And God proceeded to create the man in his image
The decree and subsequent creation are a repeated reference to the creative action, so there is a greater meaning to each physical creation. This greater meaning is the heavenly equivalent or spiritual equivalent to the earthly creation. This spiritual equivalent is the one which is expressed in Genesis as the decree. The earthly creation, in each of the first five days, is mentioned second and is stated as a creation (the situation is a little different in the sixth day). This is why the first ten words in the bible are:
'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth' (Gen 1:1).
Maybe we now understand the first ten words in the bible!
'And God proceeded to say: "Let there be light." Then there came to be light. After that God saw that the light was good, and God brought about a division between the light and the darkness. And God began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a first day' (Gen 1:3-5).
Amen, and these were the events of the 'first day'. Now this 'day' had an evening, i.e. a time period associated with darkness and invisibility, and a morning, i.e. a time period associated with light and visibility. Having created the light we see that pronounces it 'good'. Now the light is associated with the 'Day' which starts with the 'morning' and the darkness is associated with the 'Night', which starts with the 'evening'. So the implication is that the 'day' and the 'morning', which are 'light' and visible, are 'good'. But, the 'night' and the 'evening' which are 'dark' and invisible and not good (John 1:4,5, Col 1:13). Indeed this is why the scripture says 'but the darkness he called Night'.
The physical light on the physical earth created a physical division between day and night, whereas the spiritual light which was shed on the spiritual waters of the heavens created an angelic division into the sons of the darkness and the sons of the light. This was their first inspection, and they became divided into light and dark, or good and not good.
In the first five days of Genesis we see the same division, and the same symbolism. In each day, the evening, being dark, relates to the spiritual meaning, pertaining to the invisible things, which is stated as the decree, which comes first, and bears no pronouncement. Then the morning relates to the physical meaning, the visible creation, which is stated as the creation, which is second and is, except in day 2, pronounced good. And would agree, for he says:
'For you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to light nor darkness' (1 Thess 5:5).
'And God went on to say: "Let an expanse come to be in between the waters and let a dividing occur between the waters and the waters". Then God proceeded to make the expanse and to make a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse. And it came to be so. And God began to call the expanse heaven. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a second day' (Gen 1:6-8).
Physically, in the morning part, this expanse is the atmosphere of the earth, which separates the clouds from the rivers and the seas. But the physical is a mirror of the spiritual. Now whereas the clouds above are clean and pure and distilled and in the light, the seas below are dirty and impure and in the often in the dark. This position reflects the spiritual situation in heaven. In this second day, having determined which angels are loyal to (the sons of the light) and which are not so loyal (the sons of the darkness) the true God then divides his heavenly creatures and separates them by 'an expanse' which is some sort of heavenly barrier, which is symbolised by the atmosphere of the earth. Then the loyal angels are the 'waters that should be above the expanse', and the more autonomous group are the 'waters that should be beneath the expanse' (Gen 1:7), in the heavenly meaning. This is actually spelt out in Psalm 148:4:
'Praise him you heavens of the heavens, and you waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of ; For he himself commanded and they were created'.
We have seen this symbolism of light and darkness all over the scriptures and at the 1992 'light-bearers' conventions. The same division occurred later with the sons of men, we read in John 3:19:
'Now this is the basis for judgement, that the light has come into the world, but men have loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked.'
Yes, their works were following after the works of the angels who preferred the darkness, who were exposed before man was born.
'And God went on to say: "Let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one place and let the dry land appear." And it came to be so. And God began calling the dry land Earth, but the bringing together of the waters he called seas. Further, God saw that it was good' (Gen 1:9,10).
The Septuagint replaces: 'And it came to be so' with:
'And the waters which are under the heaven were collected into their meetings and the dry land appeared'.
The physical meaning is obvious. The spiritual meaning is that the waters beneath, which are the angels who opted for some sort of autonomy (i.e. ate of the spiritual tree of knowledge of good and bad), are all located together in one place or condition, and then they are allowed to develop a guiding structure for themselves. In other words they form some kind of administration. The earth sets the boundaries for and guides the seas, this symbolism is the same as that of Revelation. In fact one has to understand the symbolism of Revelation before one can understand the meaning of Genesis (Mark 10:31).
'And God went on to say: "Let the earth cause grass to shoot forth, vegetation bearing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit according to their kinds, the seed of which is in it, upon the earth." And it came to be so. And the earth began to put forth grass, vegetation bearing seed according to its kind. Then God saw that it was good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a third day' (Gen 1:11-13).
The decree refers to the heavenly part of this creation. In this meaning the vegetation bearing seed is the fruits of the two heavenly administrations, the dark heavenly administration and the administration of the light. The heavenly administration of the light was already there on day one, the administration of the darkness appears on day three. Hence the trees, i.e. high up ones in these administrations, are 'yielding fruit according to their kinds' (verse 11). In other words the administration of the darkness is producing dark fruits and the administration of the light is producing good fruit. It is as said:
'By their fruits you will recognise them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles do they?' (Mat 7:16).
Whereas there is no pronouncement of good or bad in the decree, which refers to the heavenly fruits, which are the two seeds which we eventually see in Gen 3:15, the physical fruit, which is referred to in the creation part of the third day, is declared to be good. This is because the physical creation is all direct from God and so is good, whereas the spiritual creation has left God in part, opting for autonomy, and so is not all good. It is also repeated that the fruits are produced according to kind, which in the physical sense means that orange trees bear oranges etc. In fact all of the reproducing after kind in physical creation has been put there to show to angels and to men that a dark tree produces dark fruit, and a light tree produces light fruit. In other words once a soul has left it will sin, and once a soul has found it will cease sinning.
By now the reader may have remembered that in the Hebrew day, the evening preceded the morning. This fact, which mirrors the order of events in the first six creative days, is showing us that the spiritual situation in each day actually preceded the physical creation by God. In other words, in this third day, first we had the two opposing heavenly administrations (hence 's name) producing various light and dark fruits according to their kinds. Then, second, we had the physical trees and vegetation on the earth producing good and bad fruits to eat. The first spiritual fruits were invisible and associated with the evening, and the second fruits are visible and so are associated with the day, in fact the physical fruits grow by means of light (photosynthesis), which means that they belong to the day, the visible things. So the division into light and dark can represent a division into good and bad and also a division into visible and invisible
This is really incredibly significant, and it answers one of the questions that has always puzzled the reader, namely:
"If is all powerful and perfect and all knowing, then why did he have to create all of the lower animals before he could create man? Why did he not just go straight to man?"
The answer to these is that could well have done this without any difficulty, but he chose not to because he was not creating man as an end result of a lot of earlier prototypes, he was rather matching the progress of his earthly creation to the progress of the dare we say 'evolution' of the two opposing administrations in the heavens. It is obvious that he already knew how to create man even before he said "Let there be light", because man was made 'a little lower than angels' (Heb 2:7) and angels pre-existed this command. What this means is that all of the first five days of creation on this planet came about as a theatrical spectacle to the angels (1 Cor 4:9), for the purposes of instructing them. The true God was physicalising all of the works of the dark and the light administrations in order to demonstrate to all of creation what their fruits really were, he was exposing them, in an unmistakable way, via this planet.
'And God went on to say: "Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years. And they must serve as luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth." And it came to be so. And God proceeded to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars. Thus God put them in the expanse of the heavens to shine upon the earth, and to dominate by day and by night and to make a division between light and darkness. Then God saw that it was good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fourth day' (Gen 1:14-19).
In the physical creation, we know that the Sun and the Moon and the stars were already there, because the Sun is the physical source of light and so must have existed when the command 'Let there be light' was made. So physically what happened in the fourth day was that these heavenly objects became physically discernible, or visible from the earth. Now this situation exactly shadows the spiritual situation, because the Sun is Christ, the greater one dominating the day, and the Moon is , the lesser one dominating the night. Both of these spirit creatures existed even in the first day of creation, as did the physical Sun and Moon. What happened in this fourth day is the emerged as the head one of the sons of the darkness (Col 1:13), and emerged as the head one of the sons of the light (John 3:19). These two are the two great spiritual luminaries, who are shining upon the earth. Now just as moonlight is merely a poor reflection of a minute fraction of sunlight, so , who is a mimic god, is merely a poor reflection of a small fraction of the true light from , who is the exact reflection of . has no light within himself (John 11:10), the Moon also has no light of its own, whereas the Sun has millions of mega-gigawatts of it (John 9:5)!
What this means is that the whole solar system was created as a sign (Gen 1:14). The wording of the scripture is very interesting here, because it does not say that these luminaries are a sign for seasons and for days and years, it actually says:
'They must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years'.
This means that these luminaries will serve not only as signs for the seasons and the days and the years, but also as signs for other things. Now every astronomer knows that the Sun is far brighter than the Moon, but, that on very rare occasions the moon actually succeeds in totally eclipsing the Sun. On these occasions the Moon actually completely blots out the Sun. One could even go so far as to say that the Moon temporarily kills the Sun. With our new found symbolism for these two heavenly bodies we can relate this eclipse to the impalement and death and resurrection of the Christ. In this regard the scripture reads:
'From the sixth hour on a darkness fell over the land, until the ninth hour' (Mat 27:45).
died at the ninth hour. This darkness was a total eclipse of the Sun (a partial one would not have caused darkness), this eclipse is the way that we deduce that died on Friday April 1st 33 CE (Insight 2 p268). What this means is that was symbolising Genesis 3:15 by this and by all total eclipses, which means that was already using the solar system to symbolise Gen 3:15 in the first creative day. It is therefore suggested that:
What this means is that knew everything, before he said: "Let there be light"!
The moon pre-existed this command, because it is a part of the heavens, which were made 'In the beginning' (Gen 1:1). What this means is that may have known from the moment that he created this planet that for example the true people of God would be called by his name in September 1931. In fact this may be the full meaning of the words of Isaiah at 46:8-11:
"Remember this, that you people may muster up courage. Lay it to heart you transgressors. Remember the first things of a long time ago, that I am the divine one and there is no other God, nor anyone like me;
the one telling from the beginning the finale
and from long ago the things that have not been done; the one saying, 'My counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do'; the One calling from the sunrising a bird of prey, from a distant land the man to execute my counsel, I have spoken it; I shall also bring it in. I have formed it, I shall also do it."
We will see further evidence of his complete pre-cognisance in the section on Genesis chapter two.
The writer is not sure whether he can really come to terms with this at all
The reason that the writer cannot come to terms with this is that total pre-cognisance is a belonging of God, not of man, because earthling man cannot direct even his own steps, but the one who knows all things, can (Jer 10:23, 1 John 3:20). We are not permitted to know our own personal fate, this would be very counter-productive indeed, but does know it! This does not mean that it is predetermined by him, it is not. It is determined by us, but God knows how we will fare in our efforts to serve him. This means that when he gives us a warning, we should take it to heart and respond.
The choice is ours, the knowledge of what we will choose is 's!
Because John has said in 1 John 3:20:
'God is greater than our hearts, and knows all things.'
If he 'knows all things' then there is no 'thing' that he does not know. Furthermore, it is here suggested, that creation and Isaiah both are declaring to us: that there is no 'thing' that he did not know from the start.
Another way in which the Sun and the Moon act as a sign is that the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon in diameter, and it is also 400 times further away from the earth (in mean orbit) than the moon is (LS[56]). This is the greater division that is being referred to in verse 18: 'To make a division between the light and the darkness'. The result of this division is 400 times. These two heavenly witnesses to '400 times' tell us that will have 144,000 brothers, because:
400 times (years)=400 x 360 days=144,000 days
The scripture says that the two luminaries will serve as 'signs for... days and years' (Gen 1:14) and it says that the Sun is to 'dominate by day' (Gen 1:18). Well 'by day' the Sun is 'dominating' the Moon by 144,000 of them. Similarly, dominates over his kingdom, the 'Sabbath day' over which he is Lord, by 144,000 of his brothers.
The import of this is that knew, in the first creative day, that his Son would ransom 144,000 humans, that is why he made the Sun, the size that it is compared to the Moon, and that is why he placed the earth in the size of orbit that it has, compared with the orbit of the moon! We therefore have two physical witnesses (Deut 19:15, LS[2]). It is as David said:
'His seed itself will prove to be even to time indefinite, and his throne as the Sun in front of me. As the moon it will be firmly established for time indefinite, And as a faithful witness in the skies' (Psalm 89:36,37).
His seed are 144,000 in number, a number which results from a comparison of the Sun with the moon, whereas Psalm 89 compares his seed and his throne with both of these heavenly bodies which together are a 'faithful witness'. The writer himself is now praising and glorifying the God of the heavens and the earth because he has shown long-suffering and humility to a degree which is beyond comprehension! He has actually waited for thousands or maybe millions of years until now, to allow to develop a system which he knew from the start was not only going to be a total failure but was also going to lead to the death of his son. Although in wisdom we can now say that the fruits of this exposure to the bad in weakness is the prize of a love for the good, which is God, and a resistance to the bad by means of the new personality and a triumph over sin through . The one who has given us an everlasting victory in strength born from the acceptance of a complete humiliation in weakness. This was the course of events for him, and this must also be the course of events for us.
'And God went on to say: "Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let the flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens." And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good' (Gen 1:20,21).
In the decree, the swarming waters are the waters beneath, the ones which have been gathered together and called seas. The flying creatures are in the waters above or the loyal angels, they are said to fly 'over the earth' and 'upon the face of the expanse of the heavens'. These two locations are literally the same location, namely the air, but we have a repetition of location, so we have a greater location, which is in the proximity of the great face of the heavens whose name is . Being near to the 'face of the heavens' means being in the administration of the light, this is the domain of the flying creatures. Now all the angels were already created before even the first day of Genesis 1, so no new spirit being are created here. Rather, the existing spirit beings are 'swarming forth according to their kinds' or developing their characters, following after the Sun or after the moon. This is why, with reference to the physical creation the scripture says: 'God proceeded to create... every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds'. Meaning that the swarming is the taking up roles and positions that occurs after the creation.
Physically, however creates the 'great sea monsters' (the dinosaurs) as a reflection of the sort of creatures that are emerging from waters beneath, the autonomous angels, and the 'winged flying creatures' as a reflection of the angels above. Just as the Sun and the Moon ( and , already were created by before the first day of Genesis 1, and then in the fourth day, they took on their characters, so the waters already existed, but in the fifth day they 'swarmed forth' all exhibiting their characters. In the case of the demons it was the characters of Dinosaurs that they developed for themselves. then blesses all of these beings with a blessing to become many, not a blessing to have authority (Gen 1:22). This blessing refers to both the physical and the spiritual. We then read the last words:
'And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day' (Gen 1:23).
'And God went on to say: "Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind." And it came to be so. And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good.
The decree, we know, refers to the further delineation and distinction of the administrations (earth's) of the light and of the darkness to produce those who exercise authority. We have already seen the two great luminaries appear in the fourth day, we are now seeing the co-luminaries of each system. The domestic animals are the Angel and the other loyal angels who are given authority in heaven, the house of God. These are the cherubs and such-like (May the angel and himself please forgive the writer if this analogy wrong!). The wild animals are the demon prince of Persia (Dan 10:13) and the demons who are given authority by . The moving animals are those is the darkness who decide that they want to be in the light, and those in the light who decide that they would prefer the darkness, the angelic floating-voters!
This all mirrors the situation between humans and animals on the earth. Domestic animals are in subjection to humans and reside with them, whereas wild animals are a law unto themselves and reject man's authority and so do not reside with men but are fenced off because they are a danger. In the same way the loyal angels reside with in heaven but the demons have rejected God's authority, and so they are fenced off for protection and they are separated by the heavenly expanse (Gen 1:6,7). This spiritual barrier is symbolised by the atmosphere of the earth, the earthly expanse, which is a barrier between the clouds (the waters above) and the seas (the waters below). And whereas the clouds are free to move about in three dimensions, the waters below are confined to move in one dimension, downwards, in the rivers or are going nowhere in the seas. So we have got this correct, because the physical is a mirror of the spiritual! Now we reach the most marvellous of scriptures:
'And God went on to say: "Let us make man in our image, and according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth". And God proceeded to create man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them' (Gen 1:26,27).
'Further, God blessed them and God said to them: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth' (Gen 1:28).
In all of the first five days, we have seen that the physical creation mirrors the spiritual situation. We are now being told this for a fact by God, who says:
'Let us make man in our image, and according to our likeness' (verse 26).
We are told that man is a reflection of angels, he is a physicalisation of the spirit beings. He is a miracle! How can one physicalise the concept of love? How can a man or a woman's face, which is just skin and bone, capture this abstract emotion? Poets cannot find the words and yet God has expressed it in silence! Is this not the triumph of ? He has done the impossible. It is as the apostle Matthew said in Mat 19:26:
'Looking at them in the face, said to them: "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"'.
has made a creation that can demonstrate love and hate, joy and sadness, pain and anger, fear and surprise, nonchalance and interest, acceptance and rejection, all of this, merely by the moving of a few facial muscles (Eze 10:14).
So, the first way in which we reflect spirit beings is that we are a physical version of them. But since this isomorphism is repeated, we know from Joseph and from Amos (Gen 41:25,32 Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]) that there is a greater way in which we mirror angels. This greater meaning is that the whole structure of human society is an image of the whole structure of the heavens which are divided into the waters above and the waters below. So much so that actually reconciled all of creation, both heavenly and earthly to himself through the death of a man (Col 1:20,21). It also means that since the spirit world was divided before man was created, then the human world would also become divided, which is a further proof that knew that Adam would sin.
In fact just as in the first five days, the earth was created as a lesson to the angels, likewise in the sixth day man was also created for the benefit of the angels, in order to teach them. But there is something more than this that is being said here. And this is contained in the blessing which is given to man. Because, this blessing is not only one of becoming many, it is also one of having things in subjection. Now subjection was not a feature of the blessing made in the fifth creative day, which referred to the angels. No, it is a feature of the blessing made on man. In fact the blessing on man is a prophecy, a prophecy that we will have in subjection:
'The fish of the sea, the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving about on the earth' (Gen 1:28).
This is a fairly comprehensive subjection! It means that we will have in subjection all of God's creation, the physical and the spiritual. The spiritual fish of the sea are the demons of the waters below, the spiritual flying creatures of the heavens are the angels above, and the spiritual living creatures of the earth are the humans in the kingdom of God. This kingdom is when all of 's creation is subjected to (who was a man) and to his 144,000 ex-human brothers (Hebrews 2:6-9, 1 Cor 15:27,28, Psalm 8).
'"What is man that you keep him in mind, or the son of man that you should take care of him? You made him for a little while lower than angels; with glory and honour you crowned him, and appointed him over the works of your hands. And all things you subjected under his feet." For in that he subjected all things to him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. Now though we do not yet see all things in subjection to him' (1 Cor 15:27,28).
Truly it is being said to you that this is the purpose that had in mind when he created man. He did not create man simply to 'fill the earth', this he could have done with polystyrene!
Well we know, that 's firstborn lost his birthright to , that 's firstborn Esau lost his birthright to , that 's firstborn Reuben lost his birthrights to Judah Levi and Joseph, that Joseph's firstborn Manasseh lost his birthright to Ehpraim and that Judah's firstborn Er lost his birthright to Perez. These things categorically assure us that the nation of Israel, a firstborn son of (Ex 4:22), will lose its birthright to a later born son. It is interesting that the bible does not appear to indicate definitely what happened in the case of the firstborn son of Levi.
Now we have already determined that the physical not only precedes the spiritual for men (1 Cor 15:46), but also pictures the spiritual for angels. Therefore there is an angelic equivalent to the fate of the nation of Israel. This equivalent is the prophecy of Genesis 1:28, which will be fulfilled on Nisan 14, 2008 CE, on which day men will be given the birthright of the angels. Angels were 's firstborn, men are in fact his secondborn. However , the one for whom and through whom all things came into existence (John 1:3) transcends this loss of birthright, even as Levi's firstborn appears so to have done, because in this sense the angel is a priest (or spiritual Levite) according to the manner of , it is as says:
'In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like the son of God, he remains a priest perpetually' (Heb 7:3).
Well, Levi got the firstborn priesthood rights, hence the bible does not appear to show his firstborn son as losing these, because did not lose his right as firstborn of all creation (Col 1:15). In harmony with the justice of , it was his firstborn son's sacrifice as a man which gave him a name which is above every other name named, so that he will be king over all of creation for one thousand years.
'And God went on to say: "Here I have given to you all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the whole earth, and every tree on which there is fruit of a tree bearing seed. To you let it serve as food. And to every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul I have given all green vegetation for food." And it came to be so' (Gen 1:29,30).
We already know that if we take each one of these creatures 'as a soul' in which there is spiritual life then we get the angels and the demons and the undecided ones (the moving animals). This food of the green vegetation is spiritual food. The greater meaning of these two verses is that all of the fruits of the battle of the two seeds (that of and that of the woman - Gen 3:15) on the earth, are to serve as food for, i.e. as a lesson to, men and angels and demons. This is something that we had already understood from logic. Of course, those angels of the waters below are not all going to be consigned to , because would not embark on a massive teaching campaign in the knowledge that it would produce no fruit at all. This is why the 'moving animals' are appearing in this chapter of Genesis.
One can think of one's knowledge that lying leads to injustice as say a rice field in one's physical garden. One's experience of putting one's brother before oneself would be perhaps an orange grove. Those who practice violence would perhaps have toadstools in their lawn. In other words the nine fruitages of the spirit (Gal 5:23,23) can be represented as nine nutritious types of green vegetation, whereas the 19 characteristics of men in the end (2 Tim 3:1-5), would be 19 poisonous plants.
'After that God saw everything he had made and look! it was very good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a sixth day' (Gen 1:31).
[G.3] Genesis chapter 2:
'Now there was a river issuing out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it began to be parted and it became, as it were, four heads. The first one's name is Pishon; it is the one encircling the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good. There also are the bdellium gum and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one encircling the entire land of Cush. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one going to the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates'
(Gen 2:10-14).So this garden, planted by had one river which started in Eden and flowed into it. Eden means pleasure or delight, and so this river is from , the happy God (1 Tim 1:11). Also planted the garden (Gen 2:8), so he would be the one watering it. This river is divided a first and second and third and fourth time. Well, if we divide one time in half, four times, then we get one sixteenth of a time or 22.5 days. If we now take a day for a year then we get 22.5 years. This is the same calculation as Joshua 7 (LS[70]) and Luke 12 (LS[90]). Now the symbolism used by in Matthew 12:25,26, is that the fall of 's system is a division in two, and the destruction of it is a division by four. Similar symbolism is being used here, because the rivers in the garden were prophesying the destruction of 's kingdom over the earth, which is represented by the river which issued out of Eden being divided into four rivers, representing an earthwide destruction.
Any division of 's river is a loss of his kingship because there is no disunity in his camp. The four rivers became 'as it were' four heads. This means that we should view the four rivers as becoming something with four heads. Well the only candidate for this in the bible is found in Daniel chapter 7 verse 6, and is the four headed leopard, which is the last of the rulers of the UN before Armageddon (in the greater meaning of this chapter of Daniel), which is the end of 's rulership over man. It is a part of the fourth beast of Daniel 7 which encompasses all of the three preceding ones (LS[64.2]). So 's system, which started in Eden, ends its life as a four headed Leopard. Now the fourth beast as we have said encompassed the other three, and similarly the river Gihon, which encircled 'the entire land of Cush', represents (Cush was the physical father of Nimrod, was his spiritual father), and 's system encompasses three parts, namely:
False religious: The Euphrates, which watered Babylon
Military: The Hiddekel, which went East of Assyria
Commercial: The Pishon, which encircled Havilah a land of good gold
Assyria we know was Israel's traditional military enemy, and Havilah is spoken of as having gold and commodities, which symbolise commerce. Now we can perform the sealed up cryptic calculation in these verses:
Rivers flowing out of Eden:
Pishon 1 time
Encircles 1 time
Havilah 1 time
gold, bdellium, onyx 3 time
6 times
first river: i.e. x1 6 times
Gihon 1 time
encircles 1 time
Land of Cush 1 time
3 times
second river: i.e. x2 6 times
Hiddekel 1 time
East of: i.e. half encircle .5 times
Assyria 1 time
2.5 times
third river: i.e. x3 7.5 times
Euphrates 1 time
fourth river: i.e. x4 4 times
Total flowing out of Eden = 6+6+7.5+4 = 23.5 times
Less one river flowing in = 22.5 times
This is our second witness to the figure of 22.5 times. This has the meaning that when planted the garden of Eden and put Adam in it, he knew that Adam would sin 22.5 years later (Gen 2:15). This means that Adam entered into 's garden when he was 11 years old exactly. Just as was commissioned to build the temple when he was exactly 11 years old (LS[50]), although he did not get to the temple until he was 11.5 years old in Nisan (Luke 2:41,42). In fact now we know why the time from the commissioning to the inauguration of all of the last five temples was 22.5 years! (LS[94]).
[G.3.1] knew that Adam would sin
The import of this is that the fluid dynamics of the garden of Eden were declaring the fall and the time of the fall of man, from the moment that the garden was planted by . Whilst it is true that the account was not penned until after the event and furthermore it would not have been beyond the wit of the true God to use this split of one river into four rivers to symbolise something else in the event that Adam had passed the test, the fact remains that the symbolism relating to a sin after 22.5 years is the symbolism that has used. And this account is set at the entrance of Adam into the garden in Genesis chapter 2, rather than after the exit in Genesis chapter 4. From this we are forced to conclude that is making it plain to us that he did know that Adam would sin and he also knew when Adam would sin. Notwithstanding that we already know that he knew everything from the moment that he said: "Let there be light" from section [1] in any event. It is even written in the prophets that knew that Adam would sin, for Habakkuk, who is fast becoming the writer's favourite prophet, has said:
'Are you not from long ago, O ? O my God, my one, you do not die. Oh , for a judgement you set it; and, O Rock, for a reproving you have founded it' (Hab 1:12).
This scripture plainly states that has created the earth to be judged and then corrected, this was his whole plan. Therefore he knew that Adam would sin and in fact he designed him or 'set' him to sin. So it is not a question of 'choosing not to look', he is so clever that he would know anyway, he does not need to look it up. Now the fact that the true God knew that Adam would sin, means that God had allowed to set him a task that was impossible for him at that time, namely, to desert his wife in favour of . Let us therefore make no mistake, Adam mark 2 and Adam mark 3 and Adam mark 4 would all have sinned on the same day, had the experiment been run again, because before the entry of , was controlling every factor in the garden. So this mistake was not a weakness peculiar to Adam, it was actually a weakness in all men. This is why his name, Adam, means 'man'. In fact it is a weakness in angels too. Furthermore, man is the chosen vehicle to correct this weakness in all of creation (Psalm 8, Heb 2:6-9)! Therefore we now realise that the scripture in Genesis 2:16,17 is not just a warning, a prohibition with a penalty, it is actually a prophecy. This indeed is why it reads:
'But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it dying, you will die (literal).'
This scripture does not say: 'if you eat from it then you will die', it says: 'in the day' you eat from it or when you eat from it you will positively die. This brings us nicely back to Leviticus chapter 26 (LS[4]). This chapter was not merely a contract with a blessing and a malediction, it was actually a prophecy and a second witness to the Gentile Times being 2520 years long. Similarly Genesis 2:16,17 is a prophecy and we are all still suffering from the malediction associated with that breach of contract.
At this point one might say: this was unfair to Adam! He was going to pay the price for a sin which he could not avoid. So: 'Is there injustice with God? Never may that become so' (Rom 9:14)! For what is this price that Adam paid for his sin? He lost his life, but was it really his to lose? The scripture says:
'The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life' (Rom 6:23).
So his everlasting life was a gift from God. So if Adam had had everlasting life, then his life would have been his, because would have given it to him.
This is a completely trivial observations which follows inescapably from the fact that he died!! One does not need to be a bible scholar to realise this, it is a matter of logic and language. People who live forever do not die, by definition. Actually what Adam had was 'life until time indefinite' or 'life until further notice (all of this is looked at in section [17.1]). Adam's life was therefore not his, because his life was conditional on obedience as measured by the tree of knowledge of good and bad, which means that it could be removed without his consent, which means that it did not belong to him. If Adam's life had been a possession of his and then God had removed it from him without his consent then God would have constituted himself a burglar!
The terms on which Adam was allowed to live were made known to him at the start by (Gen 2:16,17), this is a proof that Adam's life was a belonging of the Most . It was not Adam that was defining what the terms would be, because he did not own his own life! There is therefore no injustice in removing this life (or in suspending it temporarily), if the condition for holding on to it is broken. Life does not become one's own until God gives this gift permanently, as in the case of the brothers of Christ. This means that Adam's life actually was a belonging of 's at the time that sin was found in him. Furthermore, as regards the rest of us, himself says:
'Your blood of your souls shall I ask back' (Gen 9:5).
This he does because it belongs to him, it is something holy, set aside for . We, the dead, do not own our own life, this is why we do not own our own blood, which is the soul or life in our bodies (Gen 9:4). This then is the justice: Adam, for his part, paid a price with something that was not his for a sin which he could not have avoided, whereas we, for our part, are paying a price with something that is not ours for a sin that we have not all committed. Because although tells us that:
'Death spread to all men because they had all sinned' (Rom 5:12).
He qualifies this by saying further that death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses:
'Even over those who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression by Adam' (Rom 5:14).
Now if the death of Adam really had been a price that was paid by Adam himself, then why would God have imposed the extra penalty on him of:
'Cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life' (Gen 3:17).
Was death too good for him, did have to give him pain as well? No sir! Death was not the price that Adam paid, because his life was not his to give, pain was the price he paid, as did Eve:
'I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy' (Gen 3:16).
This pain was not a retributive punishment, it was a corrective punishment. Take for example , says of him, that:
'He learned obedience from the things he suffered' (Heb 5:8).
His pain and suffering was not a retribution from God resulting from any sin, because 'he committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth' (1Peter 2:22). No, his suffering was beneficial, it was in order for him to 'learn obedience'. Now if a sinless man has to suffer pain in order to learn obedience, how much more so will a sinful man have to suffer. This suffering is corrective, and believe it or not, was doing Adam a favour when he threw him out of Eden and gave him pain and suffering! Everything does is for the benefit of his creations. And Adam, having learned and benefited from his sufferings will return into a far better place than the Garden of Eden, because whereas the last man , was the last who was first, the first man Adam, is the first who will be last resurrected (1 Cor 15:45, Mark 10:31, LS[105]). Therefore, although men are created as sinners, they are also created with the ability to learn from their mistakes and to overcome this sin through their faith in , the one who proved categorically that man, given enough tuition, can learn to rely on completely, and so is able to resist all sin.
The view held by some that all of the last six thousand years of pain is the fault of Adam is wrong. For a start the true God was the one who decreed the 6,000 years of pain and suffering not Adam. Secondly Adam, for his part, did not know that his sin would lead to pain and suffering, all he knew was that he would die if he sinned (Gen 2:16,17). So, whilst it is true that 'through one man sin entered into the world' (Rom 5:12), this was not the personal fault of Adam himself, it was a result of the way that man is designed. Neither was it a fault in the design of man, rather it is a deliberate design feature of man that he should sin:
That man would sin was the will of God!
Spelling this out:
[1] For any given sin it is God's expressed will and command that a man should not commit it.
[2] It is also God's will that his creation of man will initially be unable to keep all of his commandments all of the time and that he will therefore sin.
These two statements are not contradictory, although they look it at first sight! Because, it is God's will that men should be allowed to do things that are against his expressed will in the short term. In other words does allow his commands to be broken, which means that:
When a man sins he is doing something which is against God's expressed will, but God is willing to let him do it!
We are not saying that: it is God's will that man should not do his will, because this statement is a true paradox (the writer thinks). Rather, we are saying:
It is God's will that man should many times break his expressed will!
And in the case of Adam things are more acute, because God was not only allowing his one command to be broken he actually wanted this command to be broken, because having had control of all features of the garden of Eden previous to Adam's sin, he could certainly have prepared Adam in such a way that he would have passed the test had he so desired. But he did not do this because it was not his will to do this. Because it was God's will that Adam be tested beyond his capabilities, just as it is his will that all men are similarly tested, because they all sin. And now we have to outspokenly say that:
But it was nevertheless a sin because although it was his will it was not his expressed will. Before you all condemn the writer for heresy and apostasy please consider the following illustration:
Suppose a father wants to teach his secondborn son, his child whom he loves, to always listen to him, because his firstborn son has stopped listening to him and is now suspected of being a jealous homicidal maniac. Suppose too that he would like to put his firstborn to the test to expose just how bad this maniacal son really is. He might tell the secondborn son to do whatever he liked but not to run across the road under any circumstances. This child would not be told why he shouldn't cross the road or that there exist such things as homicidal maniacs, because the father is not only trying to teach him not to cross the road, he is actually trying to teach him to obey his father always. Then he might arrange for a very large and frightening and lethal looking but in fact very lightweight and fairly harmless car to be given to the maniac. He would not let the maniac know that the car was in fact fairly harmless or lightweight, and neither would he tell the child. He would also give the maniac a large gorgeous-looking ice-cream, which both the father and the maniac would know the secondborn child would be unable to resist.
The maniac would then arrange for this ice-cream to suddenly come into view on the other side of the road. The child would then run across the road, being unable to resist the ice-cream, which represents the maximum temptation possible for him, and get run over by the maniac in a fit of homicidal jealousy in the very frightening but very light car. The child would become covered with bruises but would not be killed. The maniac would then be exposed as the murderer that the father suspected he was. And the child, having survived this terrifying experience, would learn once and for all to listen to his father, even when he doesn't fully understand the reasons behind his commands!
Well, this is the account of the Garden of Eden with the symbolism below:
Father God
Adam Secondborn child
Eve Gorgeous Ice-cream
Car Death
Road Tree of knowledge of good and bad
Now in this example it was the Father's expressed will that his son should not cross the road, and furthermore the whole example is designed to teach the son not to cross the road, and to obey his father's expressed will. But in this case it was most certainly the father's will that the son should actually cross the road and get knocked down and therefore learn never to disobey his father again - because this is why he set the whole thing up in the first place! has cryptically spoken about this situation when he said:
'You will therefore say to me: "Why does he yet find fault? For who has withstood his express will? Oh man, who then really are you, to be answering back to God? Shall the thing moulded say to him that moulded it: 'Why did you make me this way?'"' (Romans 9:19).
Yes indeed, Adam has withstood his express will and I am Bezalel, and today we are asking our moulder this very question, in fact we have been asking it for the last few paragraphs. This prophecy is therefore now fulfilled! God made us this way so that we could learn the exceeding love that he has for us, by living in its absence and then finding it! So that we could learn the excelling wisdom of God, by relying on our own and falling down disasterously and then being picked up by God himself, out of his undeserved kindness. He is today still using this technique even on his own beloved nation of whom it was written in advance:
'For God has shut them all up together in disobedience, that he might show all of them mercy' (Rom 11:32).
And it is here suggested that his dealings with Adam were no different. So the resolution of the apparent paradox above, lies in the difference between the expressed will of God, and the will of God. For God expressed to Adam that he should not eat from the tree, but it was actually his will that he should eat from the tree. In other words although told Adam not to eat from the tree, he actually wanted him to eat from the tree, because it would be a lesson for him that would save his spiritual life. This does not make God to be a liar, he did not tell Adam whether or not he wanted him to eat from the tree, he just said:
'You must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die' (Gen 2:17).
A command that he knew Adam would disobey, and a command that he wanted him to disobey in order that he might put on some clothes of experience, to protect himself from further disobedience. This does not mean that Adam did not sin, he most certainly did sin because he disobeyed God, and he 'withstood his express will' so he committed a sin incurring his physical death, which was the prescribed penalty of which he was well aware, and we all have this penalty hanging over our heads. But he did not actually withstand God's will, which was in his case that he should sin, because no man can withstand God's will, but men can withstand his expressed will - the writer thinks.
What the actual will of God is for other men and their sins in each case, the writer does not know, this sort of thing lies at the heart of the way that teaches us. He many times allows us to be tested too far, because we many times sin. But this is in some way beneficial, and once one has got the measure of one's shortcomings, then one can start to do something about them. This is why the law came first and the Christ came second, to resolve the failings that the law exposed. Similarly the tree of Knowledge of good and bad was eaten from first and the tree of life second. In conclusion of the arguments that knew that Adam would sin, the writer would like to quote a scripture that will become very famous among all the servants of God:
'That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and stick to his wife and they must become one flesh' (Gen 2:24).
This scripture is a prophecy. It applies to Adam, who said in the previous verse:
'This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called woman, because out of man this one was taken' (Gen 2:23).
The prophecy is saying that Adam will leave his father who is and his mother who is 's wife, the woman of Gen 3:15, and he will stick to his wife who was Eve, and they must become one flesh. This is saying that Adam will choose Eve over , and that he will leave in favour of Eve. This is the sin which he committed on Nisan 14, 3993 BCE.
A further implication of the above is that Adam and Eve did not 'become one flesh' before Nisan 14, 3993. Because they did not 'become one flesh' until after Adam had left his (heavenly) father and his mother on that day. This is actually a parallel to the covenant that , the last Adam, established on Nisan 14, 33 CE. This is why it was only after the sin that we read:
'After this Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she had to become the mother of everyone living' (Gen 3:20).
She was not able to procreate before this time, in fact it was only when both Adam and Eve entered into the 'long garments of skin' that made for them (Gen 3:21), these being their 1,000 year long lasting fleshly bodies, that they were able to reproduce. This reproduction by the fleshly woman being a type for the reproduction by the heavenly woman whom she prefigures. The heavenly woman gives birth on the third day after Nisan 14, 1918 which is the antetype of Nisan 14, 33 CE, which is the antetype of Nisan 14, 3993 CE.
Had Adam and Eve passed the test of the tree that they faced on Nisan 14, 3993 CE, an eventuality which was never going to occur, then they would not have been able to procreate at all because they would have been declared righteous, having everlasting life. Such life would have therefore been a possession of their children, since like begets like, and this would contradict divine principle, since the kids would not have passed any test but would have had immortal life from the minute they were born. This would have left with just two humans.
From this it is apparent that Adam and his wife were not able to conceive before they sinned, although they were certainly man and wife before this because we read in Genesis 2: 25:
'And both of them continued to be naked, the man and his wife, and yet they did not become ashamed.'
The 64 million dollar question to all fleshly men is therefore: did Adam and eve have intercourse before they sinned? One can certainly reason that they did not because they were not ashamed of their nakedness, like a naked young child, but then why does the scripture say:
'And they began to realize that they were naked. Hence they sowed fig leaves together and made loin covering for themselves' (Gen 3:7)?
Because if they became ashamed after they ate from the tree, then they must have become ashamed of what they had been doing in the past, because the contrast has explicitly been drawn by the holy spirit with their lack of shame at their nakedness before they sinned, and their 'nakedness', which is the cause of their being ashamed, pre-existed their sin. So, whatever it was that they were ashamed about, they had been doing without shame before they sinned. We therefore deduce that they had intercourse before they sinned and for them, being naked and having intercourse, became a thing to be ashamed about, whereas before it was not. This is entirely consistent and indeed prophetic of their judicial situation. Had Adam and Eve had children before they sinned, which would actually have been judicially possible, since although they had spiritual life, they did not own it, then they would have had nothing to be ashamed of since their kids would not have been born in sin. But after their sin, they did have something to be ashamed of since their kids were born in sin, and that is why under law a sin offering was required.
So we can now at last recognise that our embarrassment at our naked bodies is a physicalisation by of the judicial condition of the offspring which they produce in this system. In the next system however, this embarrassment will vanish because our children, and those who are resurrected or walk through unrighteous will have them, will not be born in sin. However those who are resurrected righteous, or those who walk through righteous, will not be able to conceive and hence will not marry, so for them the 64 million dollar question is: What will the righteous men and women do with each other?
********************* SPECULATION*************************
Well the writer does not know right now and neither can he rely on his current desires being satisfied because they are sinful. However we have found that there is no shame to be attached to nakedness and intercourse in the new system, and therefore it would seem that to desire such things would not be unrighteous, and since we know that the true God is opening his 'hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing' (Psalm 145:16), the writer would propose that the thing that they will do to each other will not be dramatically different from what man and wife are doing to each other in this system, although they will not be doing it as man and wife. The writer is not proposing fornication, he is presuming that the true God will announce some new licensing deal, other than marriage, for this act among those who he has declared righteous. The writer would suggest that the righteous will be forbidden from having intercourse with the unrighteous and vice-versa, this would be consistent with reproducing according to kind. In fact there will have to be two covenants, one for the righteous and one for the unrighteous, and these could be prefigured by Lot's daughters, both of whom had intercourse after they left Sodom, albeit in a rather despicable but no doubt very prophetic way.
So if it was God that threw man out of Eden then this action was not just for the benefit of Adam, it was also for the benefit of all his descendants, like righteous Seth, because all the things that God does are for our benefit. Seth, at the time of his son Enosh's birth had begun to 'learn obedience from the things he suffered' (Heb 5:8, Gen 4:26, LS[105]). Now, having realised that we are not much good, a fact that the bible makes very very clear, we have to start working hard to learn submission and loyalty and love and obedience, this is why the scripture says:
'In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground' (Gen 3:19).
This was not because was trying to make life difficult for Adam. It was not because the true God wanted him to get a lot of physical exercise so that he would physically sweat. No, it was because knew that man needs to work very hard spiritually, and to carry out a large amount of spiritual exercise in order to become acceptable to him, and so eat bread from his table, like and and . As Peter has said:
'Yes, for this very reason, by your contributing in response all earnest effort, supply to your faith virtue' (2 Peter 1:5).
He says again:
'If the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, where will the ungodly man and the sinner make a showing' (1 Peter 4:18).
One has to sweat, spiritually, to be saved. is using the physical to picture the spiritual. For instance, how difficult is it to grow thorns and thistles, the fruits of the darkness, in your garden? No problem, the writer's garden is full of them. But as for growing food to eat, or as for producing fruits of the light, well this is not so easy, it takes hard work.
As regards Eve, the physical pain that a woman experiences when giving birth, is there to represent the spiritual pain of the woman of Rev 12:1,2:
'And she was pregnant, and she cries out in her pains and in her agony to give birth'.
's loyal angels, the administration of the light, also had to work very hard, and suffer pains and agony in order to conceive and give birth to the body of the Christ, the 144,000 who have been declared righteous. This job would have been far easier if Adam and Eve had not sinned, hence Eve's pain was increased after her fall. However this easier option was never going to be the case, Adam's sin was always going to happen. Finally consider please the writing of in Romans 5:12:
'That is why, just as through one man sin entered the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they all had sinned.'
We have already seen that we had not all sinned after the likeness of Adam (Rom 5:14). Therefore how is it that 'they had all sinned', even before any of them were born? Well it is because Adam's sin was not his sin, no, it was our sin! His sin was, as we have discussed, not a personal sin of his, but a global demonstration of mankind's sinful heart. Hence he sinned once on behalf of us all. Now mankind has a tendency to blame someone else for their faults. This is what all of 's people have been doing to Adam for the last hundred years. Whereas in truth, by condemning Adam to death we are actually condemning ourselves according to the manner of the Pharisees. Because, it was not only his fault that he sinned it was also our fault. In fact if could not engineer a salvation for Adam, how could he engineer one for us, all of whom are made in his image (1 Cor 15:48)? We are just like the Pharisees who said:
"If we were in the days of our forefathers, we would not be sharers with them in the blood of the prophets" (Mat 23:30).
' response was to call them hypocrites, because they are actually bearing a witness against themselves, namely that they are the sons of those who murdered the prophets. And truly we, the new hypocrites, have learned nothing from this at all. For we, with equal hypocrisy, are condemning our father Adam, for sinning a sin that he was designed to commit, with the big rafter sticking out of our eye, which says: "You are his sons, his sentence is your sentence"! In fact by doing this we may well be sinning in a manner worse than he did. Let us therefore not condemn one whom has saved, the one of dust in whose image we are made, because there are some of us who will not fare as well as he did in the end. In fact this is why angel says in Revelation 1:17,18:
'I am the first and the last and the living one'
Whereas Adam, is the last and the first and the dead one. Because there would be no need to qualify this statement with the words 'the living one' if there wasn't somebody else who was also first and last but was not living. This one was the first Adam, he will be last resurrected and he is currently dead, whereas who was the last Adam, was first resurrected and is currently and has been since times indefinite and will be forever living. So:
Just as was the exact representation of 's very being, so Adam was the exact representation of our very being
(Heb 1:3)!It is as said:
'As the one made of dust is, so the ones made of dust are also; and as the heavenly one is, so those who are heavenly are also' (1 Cor 15:48).
If, therefore, there was a flaw in an exact representation of ourselves, then there is a flaw in us too. Furthermore, this flaw will be an exact representation of the flaw found in Adam, namely: We all want to be our own God. This is what offered to Eve (Gen 3:5). In fact , who can change men's language from one common and universal vocabulary into hundreds of differing ones in one instant, is not regarded by most as being any better at managing their affairs than they are themselves. Notwithstanding the fact that we take several years to learn even one of these languages, the plurality of which created simultaneously in less than a microsecond! Truly this is conceit.
[G.3.2] The law and the tree
This bears an exact parallel with the law of Moses. Consider please the following features of the law:
'It was added to make transgressions manifest' (Gal 3:19).
'By law is the accurate knowledge of sin' (Rom 3:20)
'All those who depend on works of law are under a curse; for it is written: "Cursed is every one that does not continue in all the things written in the scroll of the law in order to do them"' (Rom 5:10)
'The Law has become our tutor leading to Christ' (Gal 3:24).
'The scripture delivered up all things to the custody of sin... we were being guarded under law, being delivered up together into custody' (Gal 3:22,23).
'The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life' (Rom 6:23).
'If a law had been given that was able to give life, then righteousness would actually have been by means of law' (Gal 3:21).
'All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God' (Rom 3:23)
So whereas the tree of knowledge of good and bad made manifest the sin that was in Adam, the law made manifest the sin that was in all men (Gal 3:19). For Adam, having eaten, gained a knowledge of good and bad, and so gained an accurate knowledge of sin, realising that he was spiritually naked, having no protection against sin, and so began to understand the sin that was intrinsic in him. Whereas the law gave all men an accurate knowledge of sin (Rom 3:20), and exposed their inability to desist from it. Whereas Adam, having eaten, was put under a curse (Gen 3:17), the law put all men under a curse. Whereas Adam was never going to be able to avoid taking the fruit, no man was ever declared righteous by law because all sinned and fell short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23).
Whereas the tree of knowledge of good and bad could never give life, because there was a separate tree for this purpose, neither could the law, made a separate provision for this purpose, namely the death of his firstborn son, the twig out of the stump of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1). This is the one who has now become the tree of life! Life results from righteousness and death results from sin, but no-one was declared righteous by law, and so the law condemned all men to death even as the tree condemned Adam in the same way. The curse that Adam was put under, and the pain that he suffered, was teaching him to develop a resistance to sin and showing him that he needed a saviour. This was indeed recognised by Seth at the time of the birth of his son Enosh whose name means 'Mortal man', 'incurable', 'destined to die' (Gen 4:26, LS[105]). Adam was about 235 years old at this time. Similarly the law was a tutor leading to Christ (Gal 3:24). The isomorphism is:
Adam Jews
Tree of knowledge Law
Tree of life
So in conclusion we now know that if foresaw that millions of sinful man could not live up to the 600 laws of Moses (Lev 26:41), he most certainly also foresaw that one sinful man Adam would not be able to live up to the one law of Eden.
[G.3.3] How old was Eve when she sinned?
Then the man said:
"This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, because from man this one was taken"
(Gen 2:23).The word 'one' is appearing twice in close succession. This indicates a calculation (compare John 8:1-11 LS[91A], Rev 17:12,13 LS[53]). The calculation works as follows:
Bone of my bones 2 times
Flesh of my flesh 1 time
From man this one was taken .5 times
(1 splits into 2)_________
3.5 timesThis one actually has the famous form: 'A time, times and half a time' (Rev 12:14), although in this case it is actually: A flesh, bones and half a man! has spoken on this subject also, he says:
'"For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." This sacred secret is great. Now I am speaking with respect to Christ and the congregation' (Ephesians 5:31,32).
Truly the most holy one is amazing. , for his part, knew nothing of the greater meaning of what he was talking about here, because this was a sealed up thing, although this scripture does look like he did actually know, but that would be impossible because knowing the correspondence between Adam and gives you the date of Armageddon, mind you did write this after said what he did at Matthew 24:36! He has just explicitly stated that Gen 2:24, is a sacred secret and that it is a parallel of and his congregation, the greater Adam and the greater Eve. Peter, the last Eve, was born again in Nisan 33 CE (John 20:22). Yes indeed, this sacred secret is truly great!
In fact this very scripture is a second witness to this period of 3.5 times:
'That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife, and they must become one flesh' (Gen 2:24).
The calculation here is:
Man 1 time
Father 1 time
Mother 1 time
Two become one .5 times
3.5 times
Adam said: 'this is at last bone of my bones'. This means that Eve lived for the last 3.5 years of Adam's life before he sinned. In other words if we take 'this one' i.e. 3.5 times 'from man' in particular from his age at his sin, then we get her birth. So we can now say that:
Poor old Eve was only three and a half when she sinned!! Mind you she was born a fully grown perfect woman. must have thought that she was a sitting duck. We now arrive at a very interesting scripture:
'And both of them continued to be naked, the man and his wife, and yet they did not become ashamed' (verse 25).
The physical pictures the spiritual. Both Adam and Eve were spiritually naked, they had no knowledge of sin, they had no resistance to it, because they had never been exposed to it. They had no protection from any past experience of seeing sin. They got all of this when they ate from the tree. Then they were spiritually exposed, they realised that they were sinful and vulnerable. Then they were ashamed. When men and women are naked in public they feel ashamed. This physical feeling of shame before the eyes of men is symbolising their sinful condition before the eyes of the one from whom nothing can be hidden. Therefore we must follow the exhortation of , who says:
'Clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the one who created it' (Col 3:10).
[G.4] Genesis chapter 3
Most of this chapter has been covered in section [3], we will just make two points. Firstly, Gen 3:20 says:
'After this Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she had to become the mother of everyone living.'
Yes, truly she did, but Adam was not to become the father of everyone living, he lost this privilege to Enoch (LS[104]). The scripture is, by omission, making this point! This bears a resemblance to Psalm 51:5: 'In sin my mother conceived me', David is speaking under inspiration as Methuselah here (LS[104]).
Secondly when Adam chose to eat from the tree of the knowledge of 'good and bad', he already had a knowledge of good, because he had been with for 33.5 years previous to this sin. is the only one who is good (Mat 19:17), so a knowledge of good, is equivalent to and in fact is the same statement as: a knowledge of God. Therefore he was not choosing to know any more about the good, he was actually choosing to know about the bad. We now know about bad! And to know about bad, one has to experience it. One cannot experience any bad thing from God, because he never does anything that is bad, because he is the very definition of good. As James says:
'With evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone' (James 1:13).
Therefore, in order to experience bad, had to be released, to mess up mankind. So the tree of knowledge, was the tree of knowledge of 's works, which are the 'bad'. It was actually the key to release . But , the tree of life, has been given the key to lock him back out once more.
[G.5] Genesis chapter 5
'Now Adam had intercourse with Eve his wife and she became pregnant. In time she gave birth to Cain' (Gen 4:1).
Cryptically the meaning of this is that we should take the first sentence 'in time' and then we will get the date of Cain's birth. Well when Adam and Eve (his wife - as opposed to all of the other Eve's that this might have referred to) have intercourse, then the two become one flesh, so this, as we saw in the case of the birth of Eve, stands for half a time. When Eve became pregnant with Cain, then she had one more within herself, so this pregnancy is one time. Adding things up we have 1.5 times. Therefore Cain was born 1.5 times after Nisan 3993 BCE, i.e.:
'Later, she again gave birth, to his brother Abel' (Gen 4:2).
She gave birth again! She gave birth a second time, this fact is actually mentioned twice: once in that the word 'again' is used, and once in that Abel is referred to as Cain's brother, which means that he is a further son of Eve (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]). So Abel was born 2 times or 2 years after Cain. Therefore we now know that:
So himself has now revealed the most glorious of parallels:
Adam settled
Adam born in garden Eve created Adam sins Abel born
Tishri 4027 Tishri 4016 Tishri 3997 Nisan 3993 Tishri 3990
anointed anointed Gentiles
born to build temple as the Messiah killed called
Tishri 2 BCE Tishri 10 CE Tishri 29 CE Nisan 33 CE Tishri 36 CE
Watchtower Start of 2nd 2 witnesses 2 witnesses Great Crowd
Soc. incorp. baptism anointed killed called
_________________________________________________360 days______________
~Tishri 1884 Tishri 1895 Tishri 1914 Nisan 1918 Elul 1922
True were the words of when he said:
'Christ , who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all - this is what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times' (1 Tim 2:6).
We can now see these 'particular times' !
[G.6] The Samaritan call
We have seen the corresponding events to Adam's birth, Adam's entrance into Eden, Eve's birth, Adam's sin and Abel's birth. It therefore remains for us to discover what corresponds with Cain's birth. We have already Seen that Peter is the last Eve (LS[91]). So Eve conceiving is Peter conceiving. Peter and the other ten apostles excepting Thomas, received holy spirit, and were born again on Nisan 16, which makes them good candidates for being firstfruits to the lamb. This we know because we read in John 20:19-23:
'Therefore it was late on that day, the first of the week.....After this he blew upon them and said to them: 'Receive holy spirit. If you forgive the sins of any persons, they stand forgiven to them; if you restrain those of any persons, they stand restrained."'
So Peter himself was inside the door before he applied the first key at Pentecost 33 CE. This key was the call to the Jews who were of the same nation (birth) as the disciples. All of this is the victory over sin and death through of the first ones of his wife, which corresponds with the defeat by sin and death of Eve, in Nisan 3993 CE. The second key, the Samaritan call would therefore correspond with the birth of Cain. We should expect that the Samaritans were first born again 18 months after Nisan 33 CE, i.e. in Tishri 34 CE. Well, in this regard we read in Acts 8:14-17:
'When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they despatched Peter and John to them; and these went down and prayed for them to get holy spirit. For it had not yet fallen upon any one of them, but they had only been baptised in the name of the Lord . Then they went laying their hands upon them, and they began to receive holy spirit.'
Well 'their hands' have 20 fingers and so we have 20 times, but before this Peter and John (the owners of these fingers) were 'despatched' and 'went down' so we subtract the two times that they represent and get 18 times. Now, the heavens above are declaring that:
The earth goes round the sun one time every year
The moon goes round the earth one time every lunar month
The earth goes round itself one time every day
From this we can see that a time can be a day or a year or a month. In other words we have the bible rule of 'a month for a year', this we have seen before in 1 Chron 21:12 (LS[94]). So we can now say that:
What about the further parallel in the Lord's day. Well, we know that the first physical key was the call of the Jews, the second physical key was the call of the Samaritans and the third physical key was the call of the Gentiles. The first spiritual key was therefore the first call of the spiritual Jews, which lasted from Pentecost 33 CE until the end of the first baptism, i.e. Tishri 95 CE. The second spiritual key was the second call to spiritual Israel, the call of the second baptism, which started in Tishri 1895 CE and will end in Nisan 2001 CE. The third spiritual key we know was the calling of the spiritual Gentiles of the Great Crowd, which first started on September 13th 1922, at the end of the Cedar Point convention (see Dan 9:27 LS[74]). Therefore the greater Samaritan call is the call of the brothers of the second temple or second baptism. These ones are spiritual Samaritans in the sense that they are called second.
In fact the baptism of the Samaritans, being first of all 'in the name of the Lord ' (Acts 8:16,17) and then later with holy spirit, through the laying on of hands, is prophetic of the second baptism of anointed Christians. These were first baptised in water, from around 1877 onwards, and then baptised by holy spirit in Tishri 1895 (LS[34]). It would be interesting to see when exactly Brother Russell was baptised, or when the first followers of his were.
[G.7] Genesis chapter 5: The meaning of 666, the number of the wild beast
For many years men have been speculating as to what the meaning of this number in Revelation 13:18 truly is. There are many stories of 'bad luck' associated with this number. The writer himself is humbled in awe at the open-handedness of the superlative one, who is now revealing the sacred secret of this number. The victory is his, our salvation is his and this secret is his. But what possession is there of his that he does not give freely to his children? whether they deserve it or not!
Well the first two verses of Genesis five say:
'This is the book of Adam's history. In the day of God's creating Adam he made him in the likeness of God. Male and female he created them. After that he blessed them and called their name Man, in the day of their being created.'
'In the day' of creation is mentioned twice. Therefore there is a greater day of creation, to which this account is also referring (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]). in the first 'day' the were created male and female, in the greater day they were not, because they become angels. In the first day they were cursed, on account of their disobedience, in the greater day they are blessed on account of the undeserved kindness of the most holy one. The greater day is the Lord's day, and the greater creation, the one that is truly blessed, is that of the 144,000 brothers of Christ. Now we read in verses 3-5 that:
'Adam lived on for 130 years. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and he called his name Seth. And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be 800 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. So all the days of Adam that he lived amounted to 930 years and he died.'
The rest of Genesis five takes a similar form. We see here a repetition of the total number of years of Adam's life, this is once mentioned as 130 plus 800 and once mentioned as 930. Let us make no mistake, this means that there is a greater meaning to the length of Adam's life, and his days of 930 years are standing for something more than just his days being 930 years. This figure of 930 is expressed in the verses as 130 plus the length of the remnant of his days after his firstborn (from the point of view of the line to ). On the other hand, the remnant who follow after the firstborn of are the remainder of the 144,000 who are left on the earth in the Lord's day.
Therefore we deduce that all of the ages of the Ancestors of Noah, as listed below, have something to do with the anointed remnant who are left on the Earth in the Lord's day. The ages are:
Adam 930
Seth 912
Enosh 905
Kenan 840
Mahalalel 895
Jared 962
Enoch 365
Methuselah 969
Lamech 777
At this point we notice that Lamech's age looks rather nice, it is 777 which represents a triply emphasised perfection, in the way that 666 represents a triply emphasised imperfection. We have hopefully by now learned that the spiritual follows the physical (1 Cor 15:46), and that the good follows the bad. So before we try to understand the greater meaning of the 777 years of Lamech's life, let us reconsider the 666 of Rev 13:16-18.
'And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 666.'
To unravel this, we start by considering the words: 'All persons: the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves'. This has a cryptic value of 12 times, because we have six plural groups who are 'all persons' (we are using the rule of a time, times and half a time - Rev 12:14, in the greater meaning - see LS[21.1]).
These persons (12 times) then get a mark (1 time) in their right hand (5 times) or on their forehead (1 time). So all of these persons (12 times) get these things (7 times). This represents 7 x 12 or 84 times. But then the account says, that nobody can buy or sell except a 'person' having the mark (1 time), the name of the wild beast (1 time) or the number of its name (1 time). Since we have been cryptically told to consider 'all persons' we also consider this phrase which has the value of -3 times, because nobody could buy or sell 'except' these ones. Well the whole sum is therefore:
7 X 12 - 3 = 81 times
Now the league of Nation was first formed on June 28, 1919 (YW p206), which means that its first regnal year started in Nisan 1920. 81 years after this is Nisan 2001. This is when everybody is put under compulsion, because this is when the UN takes worldwide power after the manner of Nimrod, who put a lot of people under compulsion himself! In fact the mark in the hand or on the forehead, which itself stands for 7 times, as we saw above, is also standing for the length of the period of this compulsion, which is 7 years, from Nisan 2001 until Nisan 2008. The Image of the wild beast (Rev 13:14,15), breathes for 81 regnal years before it compels!
So Judge Rutherford was right! The image of the wild beast was the League of Nations, the bible predicts its first regnal year!
This number of 666 is said to be both 'a man's number' and 'the number of the wild beast'. This is saying to us that there are two things which this number relates to. We will consider first the number of the wild beast.
[G.7.1] The number of the wild beast
The scriptures have told us that there is a compulsion from the UN which is made in Nisan 2001, which is that everybody should have the mark of the UN on their forehead or on their right hand. As an enforcement procedure for the carrying of this mark, it is impossible to but or sell without having either the mark of the beast, the name of the beast or the number of its name. The writer, for his part, does not know what exactly this mark is going to be but there is one aspect of it which is discernible. This mark is said to be: 'the name of the wild beast, or the number of its name'. This statement is very clever, the 'number of its name' will be the means of buying or selling. A means of buying or selling is a means of exchange. The only means of exchange we use today is money. It is as said to the Pharisees:
'Who's image and inscription is this?' (Mat 22:20).
This mark of the wild beast therefore could well be a UN currency. Which of the first seven kings of this world did not have a currency, bearing his image? The 'number' of its name, would then actually mean the right 'number' of marks of the wild beast to pay for the thing being bought or sold. It is even possible that this will be the UN mark, rather than the UN dollar. In other words it may be tied to the Deutchemark initially!
We are not saying here that the Mark of the beast is solely the appearance of a UN currency, because mere possession of such a currency would not make one liable for (Rev 14:10). But certainly the UN will have a currency, and it is suggested that this will carry its mark or insignia. Furthermore, this currency will be created by Nisan 2001, and a fondness for this currency is not recommended. This is not the whole answer to the earthly meaning of 666, no doubt the true God will reveal the whole picture to one of his servants at his appointed time!
[G.7.2] A Man's number, and the number of partakers at the last 10 partaking memorials
If the reader is surprised at the first meaning, the earthly meaning of the mark of the beast, or such parts of the meaning that we so far can see, then he will be astounded at the heavenly meaning of its number. The revealing of this heavenly meaning is what Isaiah means by a truly wonderful act from (Isaiah 29:14). Revelation 13:18 says:
'Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast'.
Well, who in the bible is attributed wisdom and intelligence?
'And God continued giving Solomon wisdom and understanding in very great measure....And he was wiser than any other man......And he could speak 3,000 proverbs and all his songs came to be 1,005' (1 Kings 4:29-32).
Yes it is Solomon, but where does Solomon calculate 666?
'And the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year amounted up to 666 talents of gold, apart form the men of travel and the profit from the traders and all the kings of the Arabs and the governors of the land' (1 Kings 10:14,15).
If all of this gold 'amounted up' to 666 talents, then somebody must have done a calculation. The first thing we notice is that gold was effectively the means of exchange in the days of Solomon, which is in harmony with the earthly meaning of 666. The second thing we notice is that gold is mentioned twice in verse 14 which means that there is a greater type of gold that this verse is referring to (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]). Now 1 Kings 10 is incredibly prophetic and contains a lot of the greater 'wisdom of Solomon' as does 2 Chronicles 9, the second witness. We are not going to look at this now, because it has to do with the covenant of (see section [21]. However, the writer would point out that the conclusion of LS is actually prophesied in advance at 1 Kings 10:10 and by 1 Kings 10:24,25. The former scripture says:
'Then she gave the king 120 talents of gold and a very large amount of Balsam oil and precious stones. There never came to be the like of that Balsam oil for quantity such as the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.'
The 120 talents of gold, are the 120 years of the faithful and discreet slave of the corporate body of the Watchtower society, from Tishri/Chislev 1884 to Tishri 2004. This slave was appointed on Nisan 14, 1918, when he was 33.5 years old (LS[106]). The Balsam oil is all of the sweet smelling and illuminating understandings (especially about the anointed ones) presented in the 'letter', the precious stones are the likes of the rights of the firstborn (LS[8]) and the Midst prophecy (LS[40]). 1 Kings 10:24,25, has the meaning that the 'letter' should have arrived in Elul 1992, 12 years before the Society is closed down, in Elul 2004 (the gift stands for 12 times). This is when it arrived. Furthermore these verses show that 'all the people of the earth' are going to present similar gifts to the heavenly Christ, this was a part of the conclusion of the 'letter'.
Having reviewed all of this we can understand that the 666 talents of gold represent 666 anointed brothers. These go to Solomon in one year 'apart from' the gold from:
'The men of travel and the profit from the traders and all the Kings of the Arabs and the governors of the land' (1 Kings 10:15 ).
'The men of travel and the merchants who were bringing in and all the kings of the Arabs and the governors of the land who were bringing in gold and silver to Solomon' (2 Chron 9:14 ).
'Besides from men of the ones being merchants and revenue of the ones trading and all of Kings of the Arab and governors of the land' (1 Kings 10:15, NIV Hebrew interlinear).
'Besides from men of the ones being merchants and the ones trading ones bringing and all of the Kings of Arabia and governors of the land ones bringing gold and silver to Solomon' (2 Chron 9:14).
All of the above translations highlight one of the problems of counting lists of things in the bible, because one needs to know all of the correct modes of the words in the original Hebrew to get the correct count, and there are precious few bible translations that have this sort of accuracy. For example the , which is most excellent, translates the 'Kings of the Arab' as the 'Kings of the Arabs'. The former expression having a value of 2 times but the latter has a value of 4 times. In fact all through the where the Hebrew has a people in the singular, the seems to translates this as a plural e.g. in 2 Chron 8:7 says: 'All the people that were left over of the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites', whereas the Hebrew interlinear (NIV) has 'All of the people the one being left from the Hittite and the Amorite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite'.
In fact to fully grasp all of the cryptic meanings of the bible we need an exact literal translation, even if this sounds like nonsense in the modern speech idiom. Returning to the four translations above, 'all' refers to both the 'kings of the Arab' and the 'governors of the land', because this is how the Hebrew is written, and the writer has seen this sort of thing before elsewhere (Lower Beth-horon LS5). Also the Hebrew itself has 'the men of the ones being merchants' rather than simply the 'merchants' in both Kings and Chronicles. So the best guess that we can make on the value is:
Men of merchants 4 times
Traders 2 times
All the kings of the Arab 4 times
All the governors of the land 4 times
Total 14 times
We are employing the rule of a time, times and half a time (Rev 12:14, LS[21.1]). 'All the men' is four times rather than two times, because it is 'some of the men' plus 'the rest of the men', again the writer has seen this meaning of 'all' many times.
So the number of gold talents, 666, has a meaning 'apart from' the gold that arrives in the last 14 years. This extra gold is something that we are not ready to look at yet. Let us therefore look at the heavenly meaning of this, because as the true God says:
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9).
This meaning is that, 666 of the anointed remnant (golden ones) will die, thereby going to the greater Solomon of the heavenly Christ, 'in one year'. The question is: which year? The answer can be found in Genesis chapter 5! We are finally in a position to consider this chapter! The ages of Adam and his descendants were:
Adam 930
Seth 912
Enosh 905
Kenan 910
Mahalalel 895
Jared 962
Enoch 365
Methuselah 969
Lamech 777
So we have 9 numbers here, which we have already established are to do with the anointed remnant in the Lord's day. Now these nine humans were the first ones. But has told us that: 'many that are first shall be last' (Mark 10:31). And the same one has said in Matthew 20:16:
'In this way the last ones will be first and the first ones last.'
So there are many ways in which the first will be last. It is here suggested that we have just found another of them! Following our heavenly understanding of the number 666, let us see what happens if we take these nine numbers of the years of the first dead humans, as the numbers of anointed who die in the last nine years between the last ten memorials at which we still have partakers on the earth. In other words, between the memorial in 1995 and the one in 2004. We then deduce the following:
Decrease1995 - 1996 930 die
1996 - 1997 912 die
1997 - 1998 905 die
1998 - 1999 910 die
1999 - 2000 895 die
2000 - 2001 962 die
2001 - 2002 Enoch (365) who did not die
2002 - 2003 969 die
2003 - 2004 777 die
We have a problem with Enoch, because he did not die. In other words we are left with one year, in fact the first year of absolute power of the UN, after the manner of Nimrod (LS[53,54,54]), for which we do not have a number for the all the anointed ones who die. This is the 'one year' of 1 Kings 10:14 it is suggested. The year in which 666 finish their earthly course therefore corresponds with the year of Enoch. So we do not use Enoch's age at his transference for number who die in this year, instead we employ the figure of 666. This number of the anointed will therefore be a mark for the year in which the UN takes absolute power, and puts everybody under compulsion. It is actually the heavenly mark for this event! It is of course a very good mark for such an event because as stated it represents triple imperfection. But what do we do with the 365 years of Enoch in this case? Well, there is a little period from Nisan 2004 until Tishri 2004, that is left over, and the brothers who die during this time, basically shoot straight up into heaven, being resurrected on Tishri 17 of the same year, so they follow the closest after the pattern of Enoch. We therefore take his age of 365 as being the number of anointed who die between Nisan and Tishri of 2004 CE.
The upshot of this is that we now know all of the memorial figures for the last ten memorials at which partakers will be present, and these are:
Year Sum Partakers
1995 7361 + 930 8291 Adam
1996 6449 + 912 7361 Seth
1997 5544 + 905 6449 Enosh
1998 4634 + 910 5544* Kenan
1999 3739 + 895 4634 Mahalalel
2000 2777 + 962 3739 Jared
2001 2111 + 666* 2777 * Solomon
2002 1142 + 969 2111 Methusaleh
2003 365 + 777* 1142 Lamech
2004 365* 365* Enoch
If we add up all of those who die between Nisan 1995 and Nisan 2004, we get a figure of 7,926 (8,291 - 365 = 7926). Whereas, we know from Daniel chapter 5, that 8,000 will die between Tishri 1995 and Tishri 2004 (See LS[58]). This is a very good agreement. It is also very noticeable that 777 appears as the last three digits of 2777, the number of anointed who are left in Nisan 2001. This is the month when the last one of the third baptism is baptised (Dan 9:27, LS[74]), and 7 stands for divine temporal completeness (LS [47]). Nisan 2001 is the time-wise completion of 's perfect plan as regards his sealing of his chosen ones from all three baptism, hence the 777 part. Furthermore the last week is the second fulfilment of the three maledictions of the Exedenic, Alienation and (LS[76]). Each of these three maledictions, being seven times long, is fulfilled a second time (i.e. 2nd 7x of Kingship and 7x of priestwise and 7x of Exedenic maledictions) in the week of years starting on Nisan 14, 2001, on which day there will be 2777 anointed ones left!
'O the depth of God's wisdom and riches and knowledge......To him be the glory forever, Amen' (Rom 11:33-36).
Furthermore, the seventh watch starts in Nisan 2003, this is the final watch and is led by the greater Benaiah who is a third baptism brother, hence 777. This is when the Great Crowd really becomes 'Great'. They will battle physically with the UN, who are symbolised by 666, i.e.. the 777 class will fight with the 666 class. But the 777 class have and and spiritual Israel fighting for them, so they will prevail. The number 777 is a witness to the divine temporal completion of 's plan to overcome sin and death and . Also we know that comes after 7 times, and we know that he comes after 77 times, so now he is coming at Armageddon visibly after 777 times, in that the 7th watch begins with 777 anointed brothers dying in its first year.
Finally the number at the 1998 memorial, which will be very exciting, is 5544. Well, two fives are ten, the ten kings (horns), and two fours are 8, the eighth king (Rev 17:11,12), putting these together as they are in 5544, we get the ten kings who become the eighth king! The final number of 365 is the total and true and complete number of days in a solar year or time. Now is the greater luminary as we have seen, even 'the light of the world' (John 8:12), the Sun physicalises him, just as Enoch did. So, the last year of the death of his brothers is the Sun's time, which is his time, i.e. a complete solar year a day for a brother, rather than the incomplete Hebrew Calendar.
In other words before he had completed the measure of his resurrected brothers we had an incomplete measure of solar time, but once he finally completes their resurrection, to their full measure of 144,000, then we have a fully complete measure of solar time (and we have finally eclipsed the Hebrew calendar - Amen). Putting this another way, the temporal completion of the heavenly victory by (the Sun) over (the moon) is represented by a change from the Lunar calendar (of ) to the Solar calendar (of ), i.e. we are now in -time (as regards heaven) rather than -time. These numbers are very beautiful, the writer does hope that he has not made any mistakes here.
Whilst these numbers are the exact numbers of those who die faithful between memorials, they are not of necessity the exact numbers of the partakers, because various anointed ones may be ill or in hospital, and congregations may make mistakes etc. The writer does not know whether the true God will compensate for this so that the memorial figures will be an exact reflection of the numbers of deaths in the year and therefore exactly hit the divinely predetermined figures above (assuming that the writer has added them up correctly that is!). In any event they will not be far out! This will be a magnificent display of divine power. has told us that faith is:
'The assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld' (Heb `11:1).
But now, by the open-handedness of God, we have the prospect of a new faith, namely: the evident demonstration of realities which are beheld ! All of this we will see God-willing. What a future has in store!
[G.8] Genesis chapter 6
'Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, then.......' (Gen 6:1).
We have seen 'heavy in numbers' in Nahum 3:15, which referred to the one occurrence of the word 'heavy' in the book of Numbers, at Numbers 11:14 (LS[52]). We now have the second of these cryptic references, which are the writer's favourite, they are truly a wonderful act of (Isaiah 29;14). There is only one incidence of the word 'grow' in Numbers, and it occurs at Numbers 6:5:
'All the days of the vow of his Naziriteship, no razor should pass over his head, until the days that he should be separated to come to the full, he should prove holy by letting the locks of his hair grow.'
We will now discover that there are 3 fulfilments to the 120 year period of Genesis 6:3. One literal, one in the time of Moses, and one in the last days. We start with the latter, the 120 years of the faithful and discreet slave, the greater 'Nazirite class'.
Now whereas Numbers 6:5 is referring to the full length of time before the Nazirite ended his separation to , Genesis 6:3 is referring to the full length of time before the greater Nazirites of the anointed brothers of the faithful and discreet slave all finally end their separation to as men who are set apart as a special possession, and end their separation from by becoming angels. This time being measured from the birth of this faithful slave, which was in Tishri/Chislev 1884 CE, when the Watchtower Society was incorporated. Because Genesis 6:2 reads ():
'Then the angels of the true God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely all whom they chose.'
This was a disgusting thing, but the true God is using the disgusting to symbolise the righteous, he is using the defiled to symbolise the undefiled, he is using the violated wives of the fallen angels and their sons, the Nephilim, to symbolise the virgins who are to be the wife of the Christ. Just as he uses the beautiful earth to symbolise the dark administration of the Demons, just as he uses Belshazzar when tipsy to represent his firstborn son and when sober to represent (Dan 5:2 (), 5:22 (), LS[58]). does not hide evil, like the prudes, rather he is facing it, and he is teaching us to be good by fully exposing us to what is bad!!!
The greater meaning of verse two above is therefore that the angels are choosing the remainder of the bride of the Christ. Furthermore we read in verse 3:
'After that said: "My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a 120 years."'
The first meaning is that mankind at the time of this pronouncement (Nisan 2488 BCE - LS[9,10,11]), had 120 years left (taken as an age - LS[24.2]) before the flood. The second meaning of this is that the anointed ones of the second temple, to whom 's holy spirit has acted in bearing them a witness that they are sons of his, even the ones who are spirit begotten and are 'also flesh', will all die, to twinkle, within 120 years of the birth of the faithful and discreet slave in Tishri/Chislev 1884. This is why we read in the next verse:
'The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and after that.'
The spiritual hybrids of the anointed, the greater mighty ones, the greater Conquerors of the Nephilim, are the ones who partake in the second fulfilment of this verse, i.e. the fulfilment not 'in those days' but the fulfilment 'after that'. This is why we were cryptically referred to the account of the Nazirites in Numbers 6:5. But there is yet one further fulfilment of these verses and it is by Moses, the typical and first anointed faithful and discreet slave of . Moses was the anointed one of the first coming of , himself was the anointed one at his second coming, and the faithful and discreet slave today is the anointed one during his third coming, which is his second presence (LS[60]), which is still in progress, and ends at his revealing on Sivan 29, 2008 CE. May that day come soon! Now as mentioned in LS[106], Moses prefigured the faithful and discreet slave, he was the meekest by far, he lived exactly 120 years, and no man, who died after Moses died, has lived or could live any longer than 120 years, in this system of things. This is the third meaning of Genesis 6:3.
[G.8.1] The final offering of the Nazirite
'And he must present as his offering to , one sound young ram in its first year as a burnt offering, and one sound female lamb in its first year as a sin offering and one sound ram as a communion sacrifice, and a basket of unfermented ring-shaped cakes of fine flour, moistened with oil, and unfermented wafers, smeared with oil, and their grain offering and their drink offerings. And the priest must present them before and render up his sin offering and his burnt offering. and he will render up the ram as a communion sacrifice to along with the basket of unfermented cakes; and the priest must render up its grain offering and its drink offering'
(Num 6:14-17).Summarising this we have:
[1] First: One year old Male and female lambs (with their grain and drink offerings) for sin and burnt offerings
[2] Second: Ram (with its grain and drink offering) for communion sacrifice, together with a basket of:
[a] Unfermented ring shaped cakes
[b] Unfermented wafers
The first sacrifice symbolises , the lamb of God, who atoned for our sins with his whole holy body. The second sacrifice is split into the ram of the communion sacrifice, which symbolises the 80,000 brothers of the first temple, many of whom met , and 11 of whom ate the last supper with him, and the basket of the two types of cakes (plural), which represent the four times (2x2, LS[21.1]) that the second temple brothers are resurrected. The basket is the second temple itself, as a distinct group. The ram and the basket are offered together, because they are to be joined together in heaven, making one body the second sacrifice, with one head the first sacrifice.
[G.9] Noah's
Why was the ark 300 cubits long and 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high? What do these numbers mean? Well, they certainly meant that the ark floated and did the job it was supposed to, saving mankind from the deluge, yes, but there is yet one further job that this ark is supposed to do for mankind. This job relates to a far greater saving than the saving through the flood. It is the saving through of all of mankind, all whom chooses, both the righteous and the unrighteous (Acts 24:15).
Consider for a moment the ' of the covenant', the one made by Bezalel following the instructions of Moses from . This ark was originally called the 'ark of the testimony' (Ex 25:22), this was because the testimony, which was the two tablets of the ten commandments in 's own hand, was placed in the ark (Ex 25:16, Ex 40:20). But look! what is happening in Numbers 10:33?
'So they went marching from the mountain of for a journey of three days, and the ark of 's covenant was marching before them for a journey of three days to search out a resting place for them.'
The greater resting place for the greater spiritual nation of Israel and for the greater Midianites, who 'must serve as eyes for' (Numbers 10:31) the Israelites, is the, the Sabbath over which the greater Moses is Lord. The greater Midianites are the other sheep, especially the prophets of old, who were the ones who saw and knew where the Israelites would 'encamp in the wilderness' (Num 10:31). This period of three days' journey, which is repeated twice (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7), LS[2]) we have seen before. In Genesis 30:36, it was the distance between Laban's flock and 's flock. This distance prefigured the three days' journey that Moses asked Pharaoh permission for in Ex 5:3. Well, even then after the Israelites had been in the wilderness for over a year (Num 1:1), they were still trying to complete this journey of 'three days'! This was some three days!
In fact these three days are the three comings of LS[60]). We are still trying to complete this journey even today! At least now, we are finally in the close of the third day of this journey. But the ark of the testimony has become the ark of 's covenant. This covenant is the Abrahamic covenant, because was the only party with any obligations under the Abrahamic covenant, so it is rightly called 's covenant. Also the ark of the covenant disappeared from Jerusalem just before the exile into Babylon, and did not reappear until John saw it in a vision which actually refers to the first day of the kingdom of God (Rev 11:19, see LS[43,79]), the day when starts ruling mankind directly, once more. This again shows that the word 'covenant' in the name 'ark of the covenant' does not refer to the law covenant, the ten commandments of which were inside the ark, rather it referred to the Abrahamic covenant. Because, the law did not end in Tishri 607 BCE, and the only covenant in force right up to the first day of the kingdom of God is the Abrahamic covenant. The Messianic one ends at the half of the last week of 's system, just as the law ended at the half of the last week of the 70 weeks of years of Dan 9:24 (see LS[74].
So the ark of Moses represented the covenant of , we therefore propose that the ark of Noah also represents this covenant, and that it is a further 'ark of the covenant', and that its dimensions will describe the features of this covenant. So said to Noah:
'Make for yourself an ark out of the wood of a resinous tree. You will make compartments in the ark, and you must cover it inside and outside with tar. And this is how you will make it:
300 cubits the length of the ark
50 cubits its width and
30 cubits its height.
You will make a tsohar for the ark, and you will complete it to the extent of a cubit upward, and the entrance of the ark you will put in its side; you will make it with a lower story, a second story and a third story' (Gen 6:14,16).
This has the meaning that the ark has three stories, each ten cubits high. Furthermore the lower story is below the entrance, since it is called the 'lower story', because it is lower than something, and the only candidate for that something is the entrance. We therefore have the entrance being ten cubits up the side of the ark, and then above the entrance (which is ten cubits high and takes up the whole height of the second story) we have a further story of ten cubits plus a one cubit tsohar. Now the scripture says:
'You will complete it to the extent of a cubit upward'
This has the cryptic meaning that cubits in the vertical direction, with upward being positive, will determine the extent of the Abrahamic covenant.
We take a cubit for a time. Well, to get from the entrance to the top we have to go through 11 times. So there are 11 times above the entrance. To get from the lower story to the entrance we have to go through 10 times. So there are 10 times below the entrance
So if we start at the entrance then we have to go up 11 times to get to one vertical extent (the top) and we have to go down 10 times to get to the other vertical extent (the bottom). When we have made both journeys, the up and the down, then we have covered the full extent of the ark (vertically) starting from the entrance. Therefore we have also covered the complete temporal extent of the Abrahamic covenant, starting from its entrance, which we know was in Nisan 1943 BCE. Therefore we have:
Covenant length=+11 times (upwards) - 10 times (downwards)
We take the 11 times a day for a year, and the 10 times as years, as we did in the other three derivations of the length of this covenant in LS[42,43,91A], then we get:
Covenant length= 3960 times - 10 times = 3950 years
So now we have deduced how long the covenant is from the vertical features of the ark only, after all this is a heavenly covenant! The anointed brothers are making a vertical journey are they not? But what about the other dimensions, what do they mean? Well, the clue to this is the tar that Noah used, because the scripture says:
'You will make compartments in the ark, and you must covet it inside and outside with tar' (Gen 6:14).
The purpose of tar is to fill up completely the physical gaps between the timbers of the ark. This symbolism is pointing to the filling of the temporal gap between the flood, and the validation of the Abrahamic covenant, the entrance to the ark. Well the outside dimensions which we have not yet used are:
300 cubits in length
50 cubits in width
As regards the inside, we now have a close look at the souls which entered into the ark. The whole list is (Gen 6:18 - Gen 7:3):
Noah + wife + 3 sons+ 3 wives 8 times
Flying creatures, plural, sire & mate, by sevens 2x2x7=28 times
Clean wild beasts, plural, sire & mate, by sevens 2x2x7=28 times
Unclean wild beasts, plural, sire & mate 2x2 = 4 times
Domestic animals, plural, sire and mate 2x2 = 4 times
Moving animals, plural, sire and mate 2x2 = 4 times
76 times
The wild beasts, moving animals and domestic animals are three separate groups in Genesis see section [2]. However, said to Noah in Gen 6:18:
'And I do establish my covenant with you, and you must go into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wives with you.'
Which repetitions establish that Noah himself is to be treated as being 'with' his family in two ways, one way obviously is that he was with his family in the ark, the other way is that the one time which his soul represents is to be taken as additional to, or extra to them in this calculation. Noah is set aside, for the purposes of this calculation, just as singled him out and said:
'You are the one I have seen to be righteous before me among this generation' (Gen 7:1).
So if we add the 350 times (a cubit for a time) of the outside dimensions to the 75 times of those inside, excluding Noah, then we get 425 times. If we count 425 times starting from Nisan 2368, the month when the ark hit dry land (Gen 8:4, LS[9,10,11,101]), the month when the tar was no longer serving any function, then we arrive at Nisan 1943, the month when validated his covenant with . This was definitely at the time of 's crossing of the Euphrates on his journey from Haran to Canaan (see section [10]).
Noah lived for 350 times after the flood (Gen 9:28) so if we add the remainder of his life (350 years) to the remainder of the souls with him in the ark (75 souls), then we get the remainder of the years left (350+75=425) before the Abrahamic covenant, taking a soul for a year.
So the dimensions of the ark describe the whole of 's timetable from the flood up to Armageddon as follows:
Nisan 2368 BCE Nisan 1943 BCE Nisan 2008
hits land Abrahamic covenant validated Armageddon
X 425 times X 3950 times X
(350 outside+75 inside) (11 upwards - 10 downwards)
But the ark had three stories, and we only have one covenant by which men are saved, namely the Abrahamic covenant. We will see later that there are in fact three covenants by which men are saved, the Abrahamic covenant, 's covenant (the Melchizedaic covenant?) and Enoch's covenant (the Enochian covenant?) (- see [13]).
[G.10] The Abrahamic covenant was validated on the day that crossed the Euphrates
This covenant was definitely validated at the time of 's crossing of the Euphrates on his journey from Haran to Canaan (Gen 12:1-3, Gal 3:15-17, Gen 15:18, Ex 23:31, 1 Kings 4:21, Ex 12:41, Ex 12:37). Some of which read:
'On that day concluded with Abram a covenant, saying: "To your seed I will give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates' (Gen 15:18).
'And I will fix your boundary from the red sea to the sea of the Philistines and from the wilderness to the river (the Euphrates)' (Ex 23:31).
'As for Solomon, he proved to be ruler over all the kingdoms from the River (the Euphrates) to the land of the Philistines and to the boundary of Egypt' (1 Kings 4:21).
The latter two scriptures show that the physical extent of the land that was given to Israel never extended beyond the Red Sea into Egypt. Therefore it never physically extended right up to the Nile, which is mentioned in Gen 15:18. So this scripture is actually depicting the temporal boundaries of the 430 years mentioned in Ex 12:41:
'And it came about at the end of the 430 years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt'.
Furthermore in Ex 12:37 we read:
'And the sons of Israel proceeded to depart from Rameses for Succoth'
Rameses is identified with Goshen, which was where they all lived, and is in the Nile delta (Insight - Raamses). Therefore on Nisan 14, 1513, the Jews crossed the Nile. Therefore the Nile is not the physical boundary of the Nation of Israel, it is rather the temporal extremity of the 430 years. This means that the Euphrates is the other temporal extremity of the 430 years (in Gen 15:18) in addition to being the physical extremity of the Nation under Solomon. Also we know that Genesis 15 is all about the exact length of the Abrahamic covenant, and about ' death bisecting this length (LS[42]). In fact Gen 15:18, is telling us the events which mark the boundaries of the 430 year period before the Jews would leave Egypt in order to fulfil the promise made in this very verse of the possession of the Land of Israel.
[G.11] Genesis chapter 9
[G.11.1] The holy nature of blood
'And besides that, the blood of your souls shall I ask back'
(Gen 9:5).A very famous scripture, which demonstrates that the blood, which is the soul, which is the life, is a belonging of God. The use that has made of blood is that of atoning for all mankind's sin (collectively). The time between his making the above statement to Noah and the spilling of the blood of his son, the sacrifice of the life of his son, the expiring of the soul of his son, was 2400 years (LS[9,10,11]). This time is cryptically referred to in this very account from verses 2 to 5, which reads:
'And a fear of you and a terror of you will continue upon every living creature of the earth and upon every flying creature of the heavens, upon everything that goes moving on the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea. Into your hand they are now given. Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. Only flesh with its soul - its - blood you must not eat. And, besides that, the blood of your souls shall I ask back. From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back; and from the hand of man, each one who is his brother, shall I ask back the soul of man'.
All 'living' creatures are divided into the three types of 'flying' ones, 'moving on the ground' ones and 'fishes', giving a total value of 6 times, these are then given 'into your hand', which means that the 6 times that they represent are divided into the 5 times that a hand represents leaving 5/6 times. The blood of your souls (2 times) is then asked back from 'the hand of every living creature' (2 x 5/6 times) and from: 'the hand of man, from the hand of each one who is his brother' (2 x 5/6 times). Putting all of this together we have:
2 times x (5/3 times + 5/3 times) = 20/3 times
20/3 times = 2400 days
This is 2400 years, taking a day for a year. So we now have found a further confirmation of the symbolic meaning of Numbers 7:84-88 (see LS[10]), namely that there are 2400 years from the flood until the sacrifice of , on Nisan 14, 33 CE. In fact this period runs from Nisan 2368, when the ark hit dry land, until Nisan 33 CE, when received everlasting life, which is symbolised by dryness (see LS[101]). In fact the top of the first mountain being seen is the first king getting everlasting life.
[G.11.2] The rainbow covenant: 1914 & 2008
'This is the sign of the covenant between me and you and every living soul that is with you, for the generations to time indefinite. My rainbow I do give in the cloud and it must serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth'
(Gen 9:12).This covenant is then repeated a further two times, before the marvellous scripture in verse 17:
'And God repeated to Noah: "This is the sign of the covenant that I do establish between me and all flesh that is upon the earth."'
This makes four repetitions of this covenant. Now a rainbow has seven colours in it, namely:
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
So colours occur in it seven times. Now there are three maledictions which the true God has determined will fall upon mankind pursuant to the fall of man. Namely the Exedenic the Alienation and the . These are the three clouds of the first three repetitions of this covenant. But towards the end of the storm, when the sun comes out (i.e. comes), the rainbow is seen. And administered the three blessings at the end of each of these three Maledictions of seven times length, once at each of his three comings. He is the one who is at the end of the rainbow - so to speak! It is as his apostle said in Rev 10:1:
'And I saw another strong angel descending from heaven arrayed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as the Sun, and his feet were as fiery pillars.'
And now we at last can understand the meaning of the famous scripture in Acts 1:11:
'"Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This who was raised up from you into the sky will come thus in the same manner as you have beheld him going into the sky"'
This is an incredibly important statement, because it has been made by two angels to all of ' apostles. Who went asking him and saying:
'Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?' (Acts 1:6).
They, for their part, were told that knowledge of the 'times or seasons' (Acts 1:7) did not belong to them. No it did not, it belonged exclusively to , but he has revealed it to us. And we, for our part, are being told that we will see coming again, which he did in Tishri 1914, when he restored the heavenly part of the Kingdom to Israel, in fact to a man from the tribe of Judah, by looking 'into the sky'. A phrase that the scripture repeats 3 times. These three are the Exedenic, Alienation and Gentile Times. The three maledictions which are symbolised by the rainbow in the sky. A beautiful beautiful sight, yes, and its seven colours are declaring that the third coming of Christ in kingdom power is seven times after the kingdom was removed from Israel, which was in Tishri 607 BCE! And so were the two angels when they said this to the apostles. Look into the sky and what do you see, its the first, second and third comings of the Christ!
This scripture is saying that men will discern ' second presence by 'seeing' the prophecy of the , a prophecy which is stated by the rainbow, which is seen when men look 'into the sky'.
This prophetic verse of Acts was fulfilled in 1877, when Brother Russell first 'saw' the , and then again on February 1, 1992, when the writer first 'saw', positively, that the were 7 times long.
Even the date of Armageddon, the first day of the kingdom of God, is being declared by the rainbow (the give this date). Truly it has been a case of 's love and 's wisdom triumphing over man's short-sightedness! May this ever continue! The fourth repetition of the rainbow covenant in Genesis 9:17 is therefore the recital which carries the literal meaning, since we have interpreted the first three as being symbolic. Now we quote a scripture which is going to become very famous:
'For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be' (Mat 24:37).
These words have their greatest application in the Kingdom of God [14]. Here they apply to his presence in 1914, which was visible through the which are symbolised by the seven colours of the rainbow, the covenant of which was made in the 'days of Noah'.
[G.12] Genesis chapter 11: The date of the confusing of man's language
'And to Eber there were two sons born. The name of the one was Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided; and the name of his brother was Joktan
' (Gen 10:25).'And Peleg lived on for 30 years. Then he became father to Reu. And after his fathering Reu, Peleg continued to live 209 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters' (Gen 11:18,19).
Peleg was born in Nisan 2267 BCE plus or minus 2 years (Gen 11:10-19). We know that ages are rounded to the nearest year in the bible (LS[24.2]). Now if we divide Peleg's days then we get 119.5 years. If we subtract this from 2267 then we get Tishri 2148 plus or minus 2 years. This is when the languages of mankind were confused to the nearest two years, i.e. half way through Peleg's life. This is the cryptic meaning of the earth being divided 'in his days'. However we can nail the exact date down very elegantly from Genesis 11:3,4:
'And they began to say, each one to the other: "Come on! Let us make bricks and bake them with a burning process." So brick served as stone for them, but bitumen served as mortar for them. They now said: "Come on! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its top on the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be scattered over all the surface of the earth."'
The repeated exhortation 'Come on!' is playing the part usually played by the exhortation 'Look!' (LS[2]). In other words, the holy spirit is actually saying to the reader: 'Come on!' get your thinking cap on, have a look at this one! The bible is not a book about construction projects (see LS[6]). If we have bricks (2 times) and we put mortar (1 time) between them, then we have made three times, in a sandwich. Now who else in the bible built a city with a tower and made a celebrated name for himself? Well consider Song 4:4:
'Your neck is like the tower of David, built in courses of stone'
This tower was in Jerusalem, the royal city of David, of which we read in 1 Chron 11:4-9:
'Later David and all Israel went to Jerusalem......David proceeded to capture the stronghold of , that is to say, the City of David.....And David took up dwelling in the place difficult to approach, that is why they called it the city of David. And he began to build the city all around, from the mound even to the parts round about....And David went on getting greater and greater, for of armies was with him.
David's tower was on the mound (see ref. bible App. 9E). So Genesis 11 is telling us that the language of man was split up 3 times before David built his tower in Jerusalem. David's first regnal year in Jerusalem started in Nisan 1069 BCE (2 Sam 5:4,5, LS[16]). Now if we add 3 times taken a day for a year to this date then we get:
Nisan 1069 + 1080 years (3 times) = Nisan 2149
This date is within 2 years of the less accurate Tishri 2148 BCE, which is, to the nearest 2 years, the mid-point of Peleg's life. So now that we have two witnesses we are able to say for a certainty that:
This result may be of some use in Archaeology! to paraphrase the words of the Cambridge mathematician Dirac, at the end of his twelve page PhD on the Dirac delta function. It may not be quite so useful to those who subscribe to the theory of evolution however.
[G.13] Genesis chapter 11: The timetable of the 28 earthly resurrections of the kingdom of God
Yes, the true God has revealed in his book, not only the date of Armageddon, but also the whole timetable of the, from the point of view of all of the resurrections into it. We have seen the heavenly meaning of the history of Adam in Genesis 5 (section 7), wherefrom we deduced all of the memorial figures for the last 10 memorials. This was an amazing and wonderful display of divine prophetic power. However, God has said, through his prophet Isaiah (29:14):
'Here I am, the one that will act wonderfully again with this people'
Well here he is, and he has done it again, and 'wonderful' is woefully inadequate as a description of the contents of this chapter. is the one who has said:
'"I have kept quiet for a long time. I continued silent. I kept exercising self-control. Like a woman giving birth I am going to groan, pant and gasp at the same time. I shall devastate mountains and hills, and all their vegetation I shall dry up. And I will turn rivers into Islands, and reedy pools I shall dry up. And I will make the blind ones walk in a way that they have not known; in a roadway that they have not known I shall cause them to tread. I shall turn a dark place before them into light, and rugged terrain into level land. These are the things I will do for them, I will not leave them. They must be turned back, they will be ashamed, those who are putting trust in the carved image, those who are saying to a molten image: 'You are our gods.'
Hear you deaf ones! and look forth to see you blind ones! Who is blind if not my servant, and who is deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is blind as the one rewarded or blind as the servant of ? It was a case of seeing many things:
It was a case of opening many ears:
These words apply now to all of his people and especially to his faithful steward. Because, his son has told his people to keep on doing these things (Mat 7:7) but they have not listened to him. No, indeed, they have preferred to listen to what men call 'theocracy', they have invented the doctrine of 'waiting on ' (see LS[106]). But truly it is being said to you today that theocracy does not begin until Nisan 2008 (1 Cor 4:8) and there is much more that is said in advance by on that matter (1 Cor 4). And did not say 'keep on waiting', no, he said 'keep on watching'. And did not ask us to keep on seeking in the Watchtower magazine, he asked us to keep on seeking in God's magazine. Let us make no mistake, following men rather than following is idolatry, even if these men are anointed by himself. This is the carved image, the molten image, carved and moulded by the words of men. But now you people of the true God, you with faith, take heart because:
'To you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people it is not granted' (Mat 13:11).
For has already said in advance:
'Happy are your eyes because they behold, and your ears because they hear. For truly I say to you, many prophets and righteous men desired to see the things you are beholding and did not see them, and to hear the things you are hearing and did not hear them' (Mat 13:16,17).
But as regards the rest, those without faith, the prophecy of Isaiah 6:9,10 applies to them, when says:
'"Hear again and again, O men, but do not understand; and see again and again, but do not get any knowledge. Make the heart of this people unreceptive, and make their very ears unresponsive, and paste their very eyes together, that they may not see with their eyes and with their ears they may not hear, and that their own heart may not understand and that they may not actually turn back and get healing for themselves."'
This is why the bible is written in the marvellous way that it is, it is as said:
'This is why I speak to them by the use of illustrations, because looking, they look in vain, and hearing, they hear in vain, neither do they get the sense of it' (Mat 13:13).
So, we have seen the heavenly meaning of the history of Adam, let us therefore look at the greater meaning of the history of Shem.
'Shem was 100 years old when he became father to Arpachshad 2 years after the deluge. And after his fathering Arpachshad Shem continued to live 500 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters' (Gen 11:10,11).
Let's compare this with the typical entry in the history of Adam, say Gen 5:3-5:
'And Adam lived on for 130 years. Then he became father to (a son in his likeness, in his image, and he called his name) Seth. And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be 800 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. So all the days of Adam amounted to 930 years and he died.'
The bracketed part is unique to Adam, and is saying to us that Adam was a true worshipper eventually (see LS[105]). The underlined part is absent from the typical entry in the history of Shem. It was the underlined part which gave to us the memorial figures. In the history of Shem, the repeated concept is that of fathering, and so there is a greater fathering that this account is referring to (Amos 3:3-7, Gen 41:25,32, LS[2]). Furthermore there is no mention of 'and he died' rather we have the marvellous words:
'And he continued to live'
Well, what is the means by which enables men to 'continue to live'? Is it not the resurrection of the dead? Is it not as said:
'As regards the resurrection of the dead, did you not read what was spoken to you by God saying: "I am the God of and the God of and the God of "? He is the God, not of the dead, but of the living' (Mat 22:31,32).
Yes they 'continued to live'. And the scripture then says that the crowds were astounded at his teaching (verse 33). Now if they were astounded at this, how will they respond to the words of Moses in Genesis 11, transmitted by (see LS[31]), which are going to show us when these three men will be resurrected! Because true were the words of the Christ when he said to Martha:
'"I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life, and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me, will never die at all"' (John 11:25,26).
Martha, Lazarus' sister then said to him:
"Lord, by now he must smell, for it is four days" (John 11:39).
These four are the days of brothers Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz. Because, this whole account is prophetic of the Lord's day, when is 'here' as Mary and Martha both said (John 11:21,32, LS[80]). And now ' words are fulfilled again when he said:
'"Did I not tell you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?" (John 11:40).
Men, brothers, behold the glory of God!
Two years after the greater deluge of Armageddon (Gen 11:10), in Nisan 2010 CE, Shem becomes 'father' to all resurrectees (those continuing to live) born in the last 500 years of 's system, i.e. from Nisan 1508 CE until Nisan 2008 CE. The first (in Shem's history) is the resurrection of the last (ones to die).
'And Arpachshad lived 35 years. Then he became father to Shelah. And after his fathering Shelah Arpachshad continued to live 403 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters' (Gen 11:12,13).
35 years after Nisan 2010 is Nisan 2045 CE, this is the year when Arpachshad becomes 'father' to all resurrectees born in the preceding 403 years of 's system, i.e. from Nisan 1105 until Nisan 1508.
Similarly, 30 years later, in Nisan 2075 CE, Shelah becomes 'father' to all resurrectees born in the preceding 403 years, i.e. from Nisan 702 until Nisan 1105 CE.
Then, 34 years later, in Nisan 2109 CE, Eber becomes 'father' to all resurrectees born in the preceding 430 years, i.e. from Nisan 272 until Nisan 702 CE.
Next, 30 years later, in Nisan 2139 CE, Peleg becomes 'father' to all resurrectees born in the preceding 209 years, i.e. from Nisan 63 CE until Nisan 272 CE. This 'fathering' of Peleg's ends 32 years later in Nisan 2171 CE (when Reu becomes 'father' to Serug).
At this point we suspend the proceedings because Nisan 63 CE was the start of the last week of years of the Jewish system and because just as 'the earth was divided' in the days of Peleg, so the Abrahamic covenant was divided at the death of . Now if we take the full number of the years (or days) of Peleg's life, 239 years from Nisan 272, rather than the remaining 209 after his fathering Reu, then we arrive at Nisan 33 CE. A well known date. It is therefore apparent that the division of the earth in the days of Peleg, mentioned in Gen 10:25, refers to the Midst prophecy, the division of the Abrahamic covenant in Nisan 33 CE, as well as the division of Language in Nisan 2149 BCE. In fact the two events are very much related because in Pentecost 33 CE the effect of the division of language in Nisan 2149 BCE was reversed for the 120 present in the upper room (Acts 1:13,15), who started talking in tongues:
'And they became filled with holy spirit and started to speak with different tongues, just as the spirit was granting them to make utterance' (Acts 2:4).
In fact, we now know why there were 120 of them who were anointed on the first day. This number represents the 120 year life of the faithful and discreet slave, a man for a year (see section 8). Now the Abrahamic covenant is symmetric about Nisan 33, its centre. We well know that it is said of the re-creation in Matthew 19:30:
'But many that are first will be last and the last first'
This expression itself is also symmetric about its centre, in fact whenever the prophets say that the first will be last, they go on to say that the last will be first as well. So following their example we will now reverse the whole timetable of the resurrection which covers the last half of the Abrahamic covenant, to cover the first half of the Abrahamic covenant. In other words, having proceeded from Shem the first, to Peleg the last, we will now proceed from Peleg the last, to Shem the first:
'In this way the last ones will be first and the first ones last'
To quote Matthew 20:16. In fact the account in this chapter is not only about the five heavenly calls (LS[36.1]), it is also about the eleven earthly resurrections in the kingdom of God, during the Abrahamic covenant. This is why the comparison is made between the 'eleventh-hour men' (Mat 20:9) who have worked for one hour, and the first hour men, who have worked for eleven hours. All of this, which signifies 11 times, applies to the eleven resurrections under the Abrahamic covenant. Now please, look at the deep deep meaning of the wonderful scripture in verse 12:
'These last put in one hour's work; still you made them equal to us who bore the burden of the day and the burning heat.'
This day and this heat is the , the first ones resurrected under 's covenant, many of whom will have seen this tribulation, come from a period of 500 years. But this period is equal in length to the period from which the last ones to be resurrected come, which period is from Nisan 1943 BCE until 1443 BCE, as we shall see.
Now we have so far considered only the period from Armageddon backwards to ' death, and we have fulfilled the scripture in Matthew 20 verse 8 which says:
'Call the workers and pay them their wages, proceeding from the last to the first'.
So now, as stated we are going to reverse this procedure, thereby fulfilling the last part of the scripture in verse 16, which having said that the last ones will be first, then says that the first ones will be last.
Repeating the whole timetable symmetrically in reverse gives the following:
Those born from Nisan 207 BCE until Nisan 3 CE are resurrected in a period of 32 years (Reu) in the 1000 year reign.
Those born from Nisan 637 BCE until Nisan 207 BCE are resurrected in the ensuing period of 30 years (Peleg) during the 1000 year reign
Those born from Nisan 1040 BCE until Nisan 637 BCE are resurrected in the ensuing period of 34 years (Eber) during the 1000 year reign
Those born from Nisan 1443 BCE until Nisan 1040 BCE are resurrected in the ensuing period of 30 years (Shelah) during the 1000 year reign.
Those born from Nisan 1943 BCE until Nisan 1443 BCE are resurrected in the ensuing period of 35 years (Arpachshad) during the 1000 year reign.
We now have ten resurrections, which cover the whole length of the Abrahamic covenant with the exception of the 60 years from Nisan 3 CE until Nisan 63 CE. Which period is twice the 30 years of Peleg's life before he became father to Reu. Now we have already seen from Matthew 20 that there are 11 resurrections in the Abrahamic covenant, and we also know that the length of this covenant is 11 times less 10 times (LS[42]). In fact this is precisely the position that we are now in!
We want eleven resurrections but we only have ten of them!
In fact the history of Shem gives to us 11 resurrections but only 10 times or periods in the kingdom of God which correspond to the first five and the last five resurrections. So what do we do now? Evidently there is a further resurrection for those born between Nisan 3 CE and Nisan 63 CE. This is the eleventh resurrection, but how long a period in the kingdom of God does this resurrection take? All we know at the moment is that this period starts in Nisan 2171, at the end of the 32 years of the fifth resurrection.
Well, the writer has the advantage of knowing the whole timetable before writing this section, in fact it is quite a jigsaw puzzle! The length of the period in the kingdom of God during which those born between Nisan 3 and Nisan 63 CE are resurrected is actually one of the last pieces in the jigsaw so we will not determine this period yet. Instead, we press on with the history of Shem, starting from Reu.
[G.13.1] Pre-Abrahamic resurrections
'And Reu lived on for 32 years. Then he became father to Serug. And after his fathering Serug Reu continued to live 207 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
And Serug lived on for 30 years. Then he became father to Nahor. And after his fathering Nahor Serug continued to live 200 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
And Nahor lived on for 29 years. Then he became father to Terah. And after his fathering Terah, Nahor continued to live for 119 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.
And Terah lived on for 70 years after which he became father to Abram, Nahor and Haran'
(Gen 11:20-26).If we continue the resurrection timetable from Nisan 1943 BCE backwards we have:
Those resurrectees, born from Nisan 2150 BCE until Nisan 1943 BCE, who are symbolically fathered by Reu, will be resurrected during a period of 30 years, the period before Serug starts fathering.
Next, the ones born from Nisan 2350 BCE until Nisan 2150 BCE, who are symbolically fathered by Serug, will be resurrected during a period of 29 years, the period before Nahor starts fathering.
Finally, those ones born from Nisan 2469 BCE until Nisan 2350 BCE, who are symbolically fathered by Nahor, will be resurrected during a period of 70 years, the period before Terah starts fathering.
We have now used all of the numbers in the history of Shem, which is very nice. But we have actually crossed over the flood by some 100 years. This is very interesting, because it ties in with the verse at the end of the history of Adam, which takes the same form as verse 26, at the end of the history of Shem, namely:
'And Noah got to be 500 years old. After that Noah became father to Shem, Ham and Japheth' (Gen 5:32).
'And Terah lived on for 70 years, after which he became father to Abram, Nahor and Haran' (Gen 11:26).
Noah was 500 years old in the period from Heshvan 2469 BCE to Heshvan 2468 BCE. This period is at the end of the resurrections prophesied by the history of Shem. So what this is saying to us is that Noah's three sons, who were all born in the pre-flood system, are resurrected with their post-flood descendants, since they were all born after Nisan 2469 BCE. This makes sense because they crossed systems whilst alive, so why should they not do the same thing in the resurrection! We shall see later that other pre-flood people who were born in the hundred years before the flood are not saved in this last resurrection of Nahor.
Therefore, the end of the history of Shem has led us to the end of the history of Adam! There is good reason for this as we shall see. Before we investigate this further, and extend our timetable back to the very beginning, we will have a look at the history of Terah in Gen 11:27-32.
This is a very interesting and cryptic and repetitive history. It will have become evident to the astute reader, that since we have three post flood resurrections that are not covered by the Abrahamic covenant, and since we have also some number of pre-flood resurrections which are going to be covered in Adam's history, then we are a bit short on covenants by which men are saved. Because, as regards the Abrahamic covenant the scripture says:
'All the families of the ground will bless themselves by means of you' (Gen 12:3).
It does not say that all the families of the ground will be saved by means of you. No sir, we need some more covenants. This is where the three sons of Terah, and their wives come in. These three sons, , Nahor and Haran, actually stand for three covenanters with God. We know that they stand for something because they are mentioned by name twice as being sons of Terah, so they are sons of his in a greater sense too (LS[2]). Specifically Enoch is Haran, the firstborn, who died in Ur. is Nahor the secondborn who died in Haran, or in the 'City of Nahor' (Gen 24:10) which may have been Haran, or if not was close by (Insight 2 p462). is himself, the thirdborn, who was buried in Canaan (Gen 23:2, 25:10). Terah is standing for here. The writer is deducing the order of birth of the three sons from the order of appearance on earth of the covenanters that they symbolise. Although the account itself would also point to Haran being born first, and then Nahor, since Nahor married Haran's daughter. Also could not have been born first because he was only 75 when Terah died (Gen 12:4).
A further subtlety is that Haran's wife is not mentioned or named. This is the spirit telling us that the Enochian covenant is not mentioned explicitly or named explicitly in the holy book. However, since he had kids, obviously he had a wife. This is telling us that it is possible to deduce the existence of the Enochian covenant from its fruits, which are mentioned in the holy book. These fruits are the pre-flood resurrections, which we will look at later on. does not resurrect people on an ad hoc basis, he is a God of order, who has an appointed time for everything (Ecc 3:1). Therefore, we can deduce that he has a covenant to cover these resurrections.
Haran dying 'while in company with Terah, his father' is symbolising the ascension of Enoch to , during which Enoch did not actually die (of course Haran did, because he was not Enoch, he is only symbolising Enoch). 's wife Sarah, or more specifically his marriage covenant with her symbolises the Abrahamic covenant. Similarly Haran's un-named wife symbolises the Enochian covenant, and Milcah, the daughter of Haran symbolises the Melchizedaic covenant, the one that follows the Enochian covenant (hence she is the daughter of Haran, who symbolises Enoch). Lot is actually standing for Christ, the 'son of Enoch' in more ways than one, who went to Canaan. The end of this history reads:
'In time, they came to Haran and took up dwelling there. And the days of Terah came to be 205 years. Then Terah died in Haran' (Gen 11:31,32).
This has the meaning that the account should be taken 'in time', in fact the account of the three resurrections 'fathered' by Reu, Serug and Nahor, gives us the time, 526 years (207+200+119), of the Melchizedaic covenant. This covenant runs out, when Terah dies, which is when leaves Haran, which is when the Abrahamic covenant is validated, which is Nisan 1943 BCE, because dwelling in Haran, the abode of Nahor, represents the period of the Melchizedaic covenant. The further subtlety is that Nahor is living in a place which is named after his elder brother, this is a recognition of the efforts of Enoch, in the greater meaning. Furthermore it shows that there is a relationship between Enoch and , which actually is too fantastic for words and we will not look at this yet. We know that is the covenantor for this 526 year covenant because paid tithes to him, and he was said to be: ' of the most high God' (Gen 14:18). Furthermore, the true God himself has sworn respecting an oath referred to by :
' has sworn (and he will feel no regret), "You are a priest forever"' (Heb 7:21).
then continues:
'To that extent also has become the one given in pledge of a better covenant' (Heb 7:22).
In the first meaning the Messianic covenant is better than the Law covenant, but in the greater meaning, it is actually better than the Melchizedaic covenant, the one which resulted from the oath referred to by above (in both senses of the word) and by David below (in both senses of the word) in Psalm 110:4:
has sworn (and he will feel no regret): "You are a priest to time indefinite according to the manner of ".
From which it is evident that first swore an oath respecting , before he swore to . This oath was the Melchizedaic covenant.
Now we return to Genesis 5, in order to finish off our resurrection timetable. We need to find the earthly meaning of this chapter. Verses 3-5 read:
'And Adam lived on for 130 years. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and he called his name Seth. And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be 800 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. So all the days of Adam that he lived amounted to 930 years and he died.'
So Adam's fathering of Seth is a repeated concept, hence he fathers Seth in a greater way too (LS[2]). Now we have used the full length, 930 years, of Adam's life already, in determining the memorial partakers for the last ten memorials at which partakers are present. The number that we have not yet used is 130 years, Adam's age before he becomes a father to the next one in the line to . The question therefore is: How do we use this number? Well the first thing that we notice is that if we add all of the ages before becoming fathers of the sons in the line to , of Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Methuselah and Lamech, then we get:
829 is half of 1658. Tishri 4027 until Heshvan 2369 is 1658 years and one month. We have not included Jared in this sum because he was not the father of Enoch, physically, and we have not included Enoch because he did not die and will not be resurrected into the kingdom of God on earth. So we now realise that these seven ages cover half of the time from Tishri 4027, the birth of Adam, until Tishri 2369, one month before the flood. It appears that anybody who was born in the month of Heshvan, the month of the flood, in the 9 days before the ark door was closed by God on Heshvan 10, or in the next 7 days before the deluge started on Heshvan 17 (Gen 7:11), has had it. Although there was actually a means of escape for these children, because their parents should have taken them into the ark, in which case they could have been saved through the Melchizedaic covenant! The same will be true of anybody born after Nisan 14, 2008, during the 150 days of Armageddon. There is no covenant in force for the saving of these souls. Hence the scripture says:
'Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days' (Mat 24:19).
It would be a pretty daft time to have a kid! Although if you do, you should run to the greater with the baby! In harmony with the principle of the first being last and the last being first we would expect that the whole pre-flood period is covered by the seven ages above from Adam to Lamech in the order listed, followed by the same list in reverse. This would make a total of 14 resurrections, the same number as in the post-flood timetable. To complete the jigsaw, however, some more pieces are needed. We need to know how long a period in the kingdom of God, each of these 14 resurrections take. These periods are found in the accounts of the Kings of Israel, starting from David:
'As for David the son of Jesse, he reigned over all Israel; and the days that he reigned over Israel were 40 years. In Hebron he reigned for seven years, and in Jerusalem he reigned for 33 years.....and Solomon his son began to reign in place of him. As for the affairs of David the King, the first ones and the last, they are written among the words of Samuel the seer, and among the words of Nathan the prophet and among the words of Gad the visionary' (1 Chron 29:26-29).
Notice the appearance of the phrase: 'the first ones and the last', notice too the length of time that David ruled in Jerusalem. It transpires that there are eight other kings with life stories ending in this form (look up 'last' in the concordance!). The scriptures which relate to these are listed below:
'As for the rest of the affairs of Solomon, the first and the last, are they not written among the words of Nathan the prophet and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite and in the record of the visions of Iddo the visionary concerning Jeroboam the son of Nebat. And Solomon continued to reign in Jerusalem over all Israel for 40 years. Finally Solomon lay down with his forefathers'. So they buried him in the city of David his father, and Rehoboam his son began to reign in place of him. (2 Chron 9:29).
'For 17 years he reigned in Jerusalem....As for Rehoboam's affairs, the first and the last, are they not written among the words of Shemaiah the prophet and of Iddo the visionary by genealogical enrolment.Finally Rehoboam lay down with his forefathers and was buried in the city of David; and Abijah his son began to reign in place of him' (2 Chron 12:13-16).
'And look! the affairs of Asa, the first and the last, there they are written in the book of the Kings of Judah and of Israel....Finally Asa lay down with his forefathers and died in the 41st year of his reigning. So they buried him in his grand burial place that he had excavated for himself in the city of David....And Jehoshaphat his son began to reign in place of him.' (2 Chron 16:11-17:1).
'For 25 years he reigned in Jerusalem......As for the rest of the affairs of Jehoshaphat, the first and the last, there they are written among the words of Jehu, the son of Hanani, which were inserted in the book of the kings of Israel .....Finally Jehoshaphat lay down with his forefathers and was buried with his forefathers in the city of David and Jehoram his son began to reign in place of him' (2 Chron 20:31- 21:1).
'Amaziah became king, and for 29 years he reigned in Jerusalem....As for the rest of the affairs of Amaziah, the first and the last, look! are they not written in the Book of the kings of Judah and Israel?....so they carried him upon horses and buried him with his forefathers in the city of Judah. Then all the people of Judah took Uzziah, he being 16 years old, and they made him King in place of his father Amaziah.' (2 Chron 25:1-28).
'Sixteen years old was Uzziah when he began to reign, and for 52 years he reigned in Jerusalem.....And the rest of the affairs of Uzziah, the first and the last, Isaiah the son of Amoz the prophet has written. Finally Uzziah lay down with his forefathers, in the burial field that belonged to the kings, for they said: "He is a leper". And Jotham, his son, began to reign in place of him' (2 Chron 26:3-23).
'Twenty years old was Ahaz when he began to reign, and for 16 years he reigned in Jerusalem.......As for the rest of his affairs and all his ways, the first and the last, there they are written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and of Israel. Finally Ahaz lay down with his forefathers, and they buried him in the city, in Jerusalem, for they did not bring him into the burial places of the kings of Israel. And Hezekiah his son began to reign in place of him' (2 Chron 28:1-27).
'Eight years old was Josiah when he began to reign, and for 31 years he reigned in Jerusalem....And the shooters got to shoot king Josiah...Accordingly his servants took him down from the war chariot and had him ride in the second war chariot that was his and brought him to Jerusalem. Thus he died and was buried in the grave of his forefathers...And his affairs, the first and the last, there they are written in the book of the Kings of Israel and Judah. Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz, the son of Josiah, and made him king in place of his farther in Jerusalem' (2 Chron 34:1-36:1).
Summarising the above scriptures for the 9 kings in tabular form we have:
Affairs are described as: 'the first and the last'
. Affairs written in another book
. . Reigned in Jerusalem
. . . Lay down with forefathers
. . . . Son rules 'in place of' him
. . . . . Buried in Jerusalem
David Y Y Y N Y Y
Solomon Y Y Y Y Y Y
Rehoboam Y Y Y Y Y Y
Asa Y Y Y Y Y Y
Jehoshaphat Y Y Y Y Y Y
Amaziah Y Y Y Y Y Y
Uzziah Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ahaz Y Y Y Y Y Y
Josiah Y Y Y Y Y Y
All of these scriptures which refer to these nine kings are to be interpreted together, just as in the case of Amos chapters 1 and 2 (see LS[54]). The little comments such as:
'Which were inserted in the book of the Kings of Israel' (2 Chron 20:34).
'His servants took him down from the war chariot and had him ride in the second war chariot that was his' (2 Chron 35:24).
all help the reader to understand what the cryptic meaning of these nine scriptures is. The fact that the words: 'the first and the last' appear, tells us that this is to do with the resurrection. The fact that all of these affairs are recorded elsewhere is telling us that these scriptures are to be used elsewhere in the bible. We know this because if we have faith, we know that 's book is complete. The holy spirit does not, therefore, require a bit of assistance from the books of Iddo, Jehu, Shemaiah, Ahijah, Nathan or Hanani in order to fully explain 's purposes for mankind. The reference to these books, is therefore a cryptic reference to another book in the bible. As regards which book this is, well the clue is the phrase: 'lay down with his forefathers', so the book will contain an account of a laying down of forefathers. Furthermore, the son takes over 'in place of' the father, in all of the nine scriptures above, so this book which we are looking for will be a genealogical record of our forefathers and their sons. Now if the first and the last are included then we are talking about Adam and his sons, which brings us back to Genesis 5, the history of Adam.
Now the reigns of these 9 kings are ended by their sons taking over 'in place of' them. Similarly the 7 ages before fatherhood (in the royal line to ) are ended by the appearance of the son, who then himself starts his period before fatherhood in the royal line. So what we now do is to take the length of the reigns of 7 of these 9 kings 'in place of' the ages before royal birth of the son for the seven descendants of Adam. And we take them to be the lengths of the corresponding periods in the royal Kingdom of God, for their respective resurrections. These are the missing pieces of the jigsaw, hence the scripture says:
'Which were inserted in the book of the Kings of Israel' (2 Chron 20:34).
We have inserted them in the book of life of the greater kings of Israel, the book of the resurrection of the dead, the writer of which is Christ (John 11:25). But which seven kings shall we use and to whom do they correspond? The answer to this is provided by the death of king Josiah, about which we read:
'His servants took him down from the war chariot and had him ride in the second war chariot that was his' (2 Chron 35:24).
So in his death he comes down from one chariot, and then he shoots off in another chariot. This identifies him as the middle point of the resurrection, since he is counted twice consecutively. He therefore corresponds to Lamech. We are now able to complete the picture, by continuation in regnal order:
Adam Rehoboam
Seth Asa
Enosh Jehoshaphat
Kenan Amaziah
Mahalalel Uzziah
Methuselah Ahaz
Lamech Josiah
Lamech Josiah
Methuselah Ahaz
Mahalalel Uzziah
Kenan Amaziah
Enosh Jehoshaphat
Seth Asa
Adam Rehoboam
Just as Adam to Lamech are in life order, so Rehoboam to Josiah are in regnal order. There is no reason to miss out any of the above seven kings as we did in the cases of Jared and of Enoch. Now we are left with the two Kings David and Solomon, both of whom prefigure Christ. One of these will fill in the missing length in the of the resurrection under the Abrahamic covenant of those born between Nisan 3 and Nisan 63 CE. In fact it is David, because he is the only one of the 9 kings who was not said to: 'Lie down with his forefathers' (see table). This lying down with one's forefathers, means being included in the resurrection account of our pre-flood forefathers like the other 7 kings. Therefore David must be included in the post-flood account. Therefore his 33 year reign in Jerusalem is the length of the period in the kingdom of God for the resurrection in the middle of the Abrahamic covenant. David is of course a very appropriate figure for this time, since he prefigured , and was the first King of Israel in the line of Judah.
Finally we are left with the 40 year reign in Jerusalem of Solomon. Now he did lay down with his forefathers, therefore he must represent a period in the kingdom of God corresponding to the pre-flood resurrections somehow. He is actually the last piece in the jigsaw as we shall now see by fitting the whole plan together!
Historic period 'father' Kingdom period 'Son'/ 'King'
None None 2008 - 2010 Shem
Nisan 1508 - 2008 CE Shem 2010 - 2045 Arpachshad
Nisan 1105 - 1508 CE Arpachshad 2045 - 2075 Shelah
Nisan 702 - 1105 CE Shelah 2075 - 2109 Eber
Nisan 272 - 702 CE Eber 2109 - 2139 Peleg
Nisan 63 - 272 CE Peleg 2139 - 2171 Reu
Nisan 3 - 63 CE Peleg 2171 - 2204 David
Nisan 207 - 3 CE Peleg 2204 - 2236 Reu
Nisan 637 - 207 BCE Eber 2236 - 2266 Peleg
Nisan 1040 - 637 BCE Shelah 2266 - 2300 Eber
Nisan 1443 - 1040 BCE Arpachshad 2300 - 2330 Shelah
Nisan 1943 - 1443 BCE Shem 2330 - 2365 Arpachshad
None None 2365 - 2367 Shem
Historic period 'father' Kingdom period 'Son'/ 'King'
Nisan 2150 - 1943 BCE Reu 2367 - 2397 Serug
Nisan 2350 - 2150 BCE Serug 2397 - 2426 Nahor
Nisan 2469 - 2350 BCE Nahor 2426 - 2496 Terah
At this point we pause for a moment. We have now got the timetable for the resurrection of all post-flood people. Japheth, the eldest son of Noah (Gen 10:21), the last of the post-flood resurrections, will be resurrected in 2496 CE. The mid-point of the is 12 years later in 2508 CE. Mid-points of systems are often associated with , who plays the pivotal role in the whole of 's plan. In this regard consider the two scriptures:
'And after his fathering Arpachshad, Shem continued to live 500 years' (Gen 11:11).
'And Noah got to be 500 years old. After that Noah became father to Shem, Ham and Japheth' (Gen 5:32).
The former is the start of the history of Shem, which is the story of the post-flood resurrections, the latter is the end of the history of Adam, which is the story of the pre-flood resurrections. The two occurrences of the number 500 in these positions is not a coincidence, it is a prophecy (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]). It is saying that all of the post-flood people are resurrected in the first 500 years of the kingdom and all of the pre-flood people are resurrected in the last 500 years of the kingdom. This is yet another way in which the first will be last and the last first! This means that we cannot simply continue with the pre-flood resurrections immediately after the resurrection of Japheth, no, we need something that lasts more than 12 years in between. Aha! we now know where to put the last piece of the jigsaw. Solomon's 40 year reign, is this piece. This reign is what separates the post-flood from the pre-flood resurrections. But what happens in this 40 year period? Well consider the following scripture:
'And it came about in the 480th year after the sons of Israel came out of Egypt, in the fourth year, in the month of Iyyar, that is the second month, after Solomon became King of Israel, that he proceeded to build the house to ' (1 Kings 6:1).
The second month is mentioned twice, therefore there is a greater second month, and a greater period being referred to here (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]). The 480th year after the exodus from Egypt was 1034 BCE, the temple was inaugurated in Tishri 1026 BCE, the 488th year after the exodus from Egypt. But, the 488th year after the exodus from the greater Egypt of 's world ends in Adar 2496 CE, presumably with the resurrection of Japheth himself. This is the year when we are proposing that the 40 years of Solomon's antitypical reign will start in the kingdom of God. Now the temple that men currently worship in, consists of ' spiritual body and 80,000 of his first century brothers. But the seventh temple, the one that operates in the Kingdom of God, consists of all the 144,000 anointed ones and . It is therefore suggested that:
During this time there will be no resurrections. So this turned out to be a very important piece of the puzzle! We can now continue with the rest of the resurrection timetable:
Historic period 'father' Kingdom period 'Son'/ 'King'
Tishri 2499 - 2369 BCE Adam 2536 - 2553 Rehoboam
Tishri 2604 - 2499 BCE Seth 2553 - 2594 Asa
Tishri 2694 - 2604 BCE Enosh 2594 - 2619 Jehoshaphat
Tishri 2764 - 2694 BCE Kenan 2619 - 2648 Amaziah
Tishri 2829 - 2764 BCE Mahalalel 2648 - 2700 Uzziah
Tishri 3016 - 2829 BCE Methuselah 2700 - 2716 Ahaz
Tishri 3198 - 3016 BCE Lamech 2716 - 2747 Josiah
Tishri 3380 - 3198 BCE Lamech 2747 - 2778 Josiah
Tishri 3567 - 3380 BCE Methuselah 2778 - 2794 Ahaz
Tishri 3632 - 3567 BCE Mahalalel 2794 - 2846 Uzziah
Tishri 3702 - 3632 BCE Kenan 2846 - 2875 Amaziah
Tishri 3792 - 3702 BCE Enosh 2875 - 2900 Jehoshaphat
Tishri 3897 - 3792 BCE Seth 2900 - 2941 Asa
Tishri 4027 - 3897 BCE Adam 2941 - 2958 Rehoboam
So all of the resurrections occur in the period from Nisan 2008 until Nisan 2958, a period of 950 years, the life-span of Noah (Gen 9:29), the saviour from the pre-flood system, and now we understand the blessing that Lamech gave to him:
"This one will bring us comfort from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which has cursed" (Gen 5:29).
Because the comfort is 'from our work' is 'from the pain of our hands', and is 'from the ground which has cursed'. Well work is 1 time, our hands is 20 times (plural men who have two hands which stand for 5 times each), and the ground was cursed for 7 times (Rev 12:14, LS[21.1]). This makes a total of 28 times. Even the 28 resurrections into the kingdom of God, the Sabbath over which the Christ is Lord, of which it is said:
"Neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more" (Rev 21:4).
This confirms the whole plan rather nicely. And now we are able to state one more of the characteristic and sublime ironies of the true God:
Whether you chose to use your mouth to declare the good news of the or not, the very design of your mouth is declaring it! Because, we all have 28 teeth (excluding our 4 wisdom teeth, which are partially concealed). Taking this further, if we include the wisdom teeth then there are 32 teeth and our tongue making 33 members, which stand for the 33 resurrections both earthly and heavenly of all men. The 4 wisdom teeth standing for the 4 resurrections of the second temple, and the tongue standing for the one resurrection of the first temple brothers, the ones who actually met the word of God, and spoke in tongues!
In fact David's resurrection period in the, being 33 years long (2171 CE - 2204 CE), symbolises all 33 of the resurrections of men other than , and it declares that all of these are made possible by his death. If we now reflect on the above timetable, then we see that the Kingdom of God is the grand synthesis of all mankind who have ever lived into one giant family. This synthesis will take 950 years or 95% of the time allotted for this kingdom. So this is the primary purpose of the. The writer, for one, thought that he would be putting his feet up for 1,000 years! Oh well, evidently not! One consequence of this timetable is that most humans, by the time that they reach 3008, will have lived for a total of about 1,000 years, in both of their lives. It is as the song says: "You only live twice"!
This is all so beautiful that we will repeat the whole plan again:
Historic period 'father' Kingdom period 'Son'/ 'King'
None None 2008 - 2010 Shem
Nisan 1508 - 2008 CE Shem 2010 - 2045 Arpachshad
Nisan 1105 - 1508 CE Arpachshad 2045 - 2075 Shelah
Nisan 702 - 1105 CE Shelah 2075 - 2109 Eber
Nisan 272 - 702 CE Eber 2109 - 2139 Peleg
Nisan 63 - 272 CE Peleg 2139 - 2171 Reu
Nisan 3 - 63 CE Peleg 2171 - 2204 David
Nisan 207 - 3 CE Peleg 2204 - 2236 Reu
Nisan 637 - 207 BCE Eber 2236 - 2266 Peleg
Nisan 1040 - 637 BCE Shelah 2266 - 2300 Eber
Nisan 1443 - 1040 BCE Arpachshad 2300 - 2330 Shelah
Nisan 1943 - 1443 BCE Shem 2330 - 2365 Arpachshad
None None 2365 - 2367 Shem
Historic period 'father' Kingdom period 'Son'/ 'King'
Nisan 2150 - 1943 BCE Reu 2367 - 2397 Serug
Nisan 2350 - 2150 BCE Serug 2397 - 2426 Nahor
Nisan 2469 - 2350 BCE Nahor 2426 - 2496 Terah
Historic period 'father' Kingdom period 'Son'/ 'King'
None None 2496 - 2536 Solomon
Historic period 'father' Kingdom period 'Son'/ 'King'
Tishri 2499 - 2369 BCE Adam 2536 - 2553 Rehoboam
Tishri 2604 - 2499 BCE Seth 2553 - 2594 Asa
Tishri 2694 - 2604 BCE Enosh 2594 - 2619 Jehoshaphat
Tishri 2764 - 2694 BCE Kenan 2619 - 2648 Amaziah
Tishri 2829 - 2764 BCE Mahalalel 2648 - 2700 Uzziah
Tishri 3016 - 2829 BCE Methuselah 2700 - 2716 Ahaz
Tishri 3198 - 3016 BCE Lamech 2716 - 2747 Josiah
Tishri 3380 - 3198 BCE Lamech 2747 - 2778 Josiah
Tishri 3567 - 3380 BCE Methuselah 2778 - 2794 Ahaz
Tishri 3632 - 3567 BCE Mahalalel 2794 - 2846 Uzziah
Tishri 3702 - 3632 BCE Kenan 2846 - 2875 Amaziah
Tishri 3792 - 3702 BCE Enosh 2875 - 2900 Jehoshaphat
Tishri 3897 - 3792 BCE Seth 2900 - 2941 Asa
Tishri 4027 - 3897 BCE Adam 2941 - 2958 Rehoboam
Those born in the 'Historic period' are resurrected in the 'Kingdom period'
And as regards the 950 year length of the period in the kingdom during which men are resurrected, have you not read that has said:
'For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be' (Mat 24:37)!
[G.14] Genesis chapter 14
This chapter tells the story of just about everything. In fact it has deep meanings upon deep meanings all of which are stuck together. Or put another way, by Moses:
'The Low plain of Siddim was pits upon pits of bitumen' (Gen 14:10).
The account has an earthly meaning and a heavenly meaning, because the scripture says:
'The most high God, producer of heaven and earth' (Gen 14:19).
This reference to the holy one as being the producer of heaven and earth, is made twice (see also Gen 14:22). This means that there is a greater meaning to this phrase in this chapter. In fact this greater meaning is that this chapter is the story of how is going to produce the new heavens and the new earth in which righteousness is to dwell (2 Peter 3:13), which is the second production or the recreation.
The four kings headed by Chedorlaomer represent Babylon the Great, and the five kings headed by the King of Sodom represent 'the political expression of the kingdom of on earth' to paraphrase the federal council of churches. In fact the king of Sodom is the seventh world power until Nisan 1998, when he becomes the eighth king. We read in verses 4-7 that:
'12 years they had served Chedorlaomer, but the 13th they rebelled. And in the 14th year Chedorlaomer came, and also the kings who were with him, and they inflicted defeats on the Rephaim in Ashteroth-karnaim, and the Zuzim in Ham, and the Emim in Shaveh-kiriathaim, and the Horites in their mountain of Seir, down to El-paran, which is at the wilderness. Then they turned around and came to En-mishpat, that is Kadesh, and defeated the whole field of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites who were dwelling in Hazazon-tamar.'
If 5 kings serve for 12 years, and then 5 kings rebel for 1 year, and then 4 kings conquer 6 nations which since they each are expressed as plural peoples and who fought at one location, stand for 2 times, since the plural is being compared with the singular, then we get the cryptic equation:
5 times x 12 times+5 times x 1 time+4 times x 6 times x 2 times
Kings years kings year kings battles peoples
: 60 + 5 + 48 = 113 timesWe are then told in verses 8,9 that:
'At this point the king of Sodom went on the march, and also the king of Gomorrah and the king of Admah and the king of Zeboim and the king of Bela (that is to say ) and they drew up in battle order against them in the Low plain of Siddim, against Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and Tidal, king of Goiim and Amraphel, king of Shinar, and Arioch, king of Ellasar; 4 kings against the 5.'
This concept of kings being against each other is mentioned three times, so the are three meanings of 'against' in this account (Gen 41:25,32 Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]). The first is the literal meaning, namely that the four kings were fighting against the five. The second is the temporal meaning, namely that we place the five times represented by the five kings, against the four times represented by the four kings and get nine times. But we are told that 'the Kings of Sodom and Gomorrah took to flight... and those who remained fled to the mountainous region' (verse 10). This flight of the remnant to the mountains is the last heavenly resurrection of Tishri 2004, so we deduce that this year is represented by the sixth king out of all the nine kings (because 4 kings plus the two kings of Sodom and Gomorrah is 6 kings). This means that the ninth king is the Hebrew year starting in Nisan 2006 and ending in Nisan 2007. But this leaves a bit left before Armageddon, and this is why verse 9 ends with the words: 'the 4 kings against the 5'.
Reciting that 4 kings were against 5 kings, which is just a repetition of the earlier contents of the verse, does itself establish that there will be a further period relating to these 9 kings, in addition to the period or 9 times meant by the first recital of the 4 and 5 kings earlier in the verse. And this further period has a length of 5/4 times rather than 9 times, which is very cryptic, a fact which the true God is aware of and so we shall see a second witness to this chronology in verses 17-20. So we now have nine times plus a time and a season (a season is a quarter of a time), which is the same chronology as the greater meaning of Daniel chapter 7 (Dan 7:12, see LS[64.2]). The lion-like beast ruled for 2 years, the bear-like one for 3 years (making 5 times), then the leopard-like beast rules for 4 years (times) and then there is a 'lengthening in life given to them for a time and a season', which all adds up to 10.25 times.
We therefore know that this period of 10.25 times ends 90 days into Armageddon or on Tammuz 14, 2008. This is actually the day when loses his physical kingdom over mankind, 15 days after the son of man is revealed. Therefore the King of Sodom going on the march, which occurs at the start of this 10.25 year period, occurs in Nisan 1998. We know that this is the month when the UN becomes the eighth king. So now we know that the period of 113 years prior to this starts in Nisan 1885, the first regnal year of the Watchtower society, or the faithful and discreet slave (although he was not appointed over all his master's possessions at that time). So the 'thirteenth year' of rebellion, which stands for 5 times, since it was a 5 king rebellion, spans Nisan 1945 until Nisan 1950, as we saw in our equation of the 113 times. The UN was set up in June 1945 in San Francisco (Rev book p248). This was a rebellion against God we know, but it was also a rebellion against Babylon the Great, the greater kingdom of Chedorlaomer, because the UN always takes a moral position, which is supposed to be the exclusive domain of Babylon. This is why the church rushed to jump on the bandwagon, they could see their position being eroded. The formation of the UN is actually a struggle between two of the 3 key elements of 's system, and this struggle results in the end of the one and then the end of the other, as Genesis 14 will show. Because as the scripture says:
'Every kingdom divided against itself comes to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand' (Mat 12:25).
The cryptic meaning of this is looked at in LS[58.3].
But the cryptic meaning in no way over-rides or diminishes either the symbolic or the literal meaning of any scripture in the bible.
Here we are using the literal meaning. Divided houses fall! This means that 's people must endeavour to remain united in through , always, even as we change large parts of our belief. We must keep our unity through the next few years when all of these unsealed meaning are made known.
We will succeed if we rely on . After all this job that is given to the faithful and discreet slave today, is not as hard as the job that was given to the faithful and discreet , 2,000 years ago. He had to turn the whole Jewish system upside down and yet maintain unity amongst his followers, all of whom were Jews!
We next read in verse 10 the poignant words:
'Now the low plain of Siddim was pits upon pits of bitumen; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah took to flight and went falling into them, and those who remained fled to the mountainous region'.
The writer himself, is the first to agree that this account is pits upon pits of bitumen. He has been stuck in these pits for about two weeks! However, as usual, has dug him out of his problems, he would suggest, and he finally has some understanding of this chapter of Genesis. Now this battle is between Babylon the great and the United Nations. As regards the timing of this battle, well we read in verses 11 & 12 that:
'Then they (the victors) took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their food and went on their way. They also took Lot, the son of 's brother and his goods and continued on their way. He was then dwelling in Sodom.'
So, this 'going on their way' is repeated. So there are two goings on their way. It is fairly obvious that 'those who remained' who 'fled to the mountainous region' are the last of the anointed remnant who flee to heaven, arriving there in Heshvan 26, 2004, having died symbolically and in at least one case literally on Tishri 15, 2004. So they are one group who go one way. It is also most noticeable that only the two kings of Sodom and of Gomorrah are mentioned as falling into the pits of bitumen, which in this case means that they are stuck to the earth. This is the separation, of Daniel 2:43 in the greater meaning (i.e. of the anointed and the Great Crowd, the 'moist clay class', LS[77.1]). So the Great Crowd and their goods, which are Lot and his goods are the other group who go the other way.
We already know that this occurs in Tishri 2004. But the victors take: all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah (4 times) and all their food (2 times) and Lot (1 time) and his goods (2 times) and continue on their way. This makes a total of 9 times. In the heavenly meaning the 'four kings against the five' is the time that the four resurrected groups of those who will 'rule as kings' become five resurrected groups of those who will 'rule as kings' (Rev 20:6), which is the fifth resurrection on Tishri 17, 2004. After this the two spiritual temples have their full complements of 80,000 and 64,000 brothers, and therefore are 5 against 4, as in Matthew 16:9,10 (see LS[33]). The last resurrection is for all those who die during the 9 times from Tishri 1995 until Tishri 2004, this is the heavenly meaning of the 9 times of the spoils in this scripture. The ones resurrected in Tishri 2004, who are fleeing to the mountains, are all those who die in the preceding 9 times. Now the account just bursts into deep prophetic meaning! We read:
'After that, a man who had escaped came and told the Hebrew. He was then tabernacling among the big trees of Mamre the Amorite, the brother of Eshcol and brother of Aner; and they were owners (masters) of the covenant (literal) of Abram' (Gen 14:13).
The man who escapes, escapes to heaven, because those on earth are taken captive, in fact we know that the Watchtower society is closed on Elul 14, 2004, (LS[49.1]), which is also why the food is said to have been removed. So the man to whom he tells the story is not literally , who is dead in 2004, no it is actually . So is actually standing for , in this account. Now the big trees of Mamre are the anointed Kings of , who are tabernacling with in Heaven, in their entirety in Heshvan 2004. So Mamre is standing for , and therefore the statement that Mamre is an 'owner of the covenant of Abram' is the statement that is an owner of the covenant of . This is a true statement, he owns the Abrahamic covenant, which is made operational by the death of . But who are the other two owners of the covenant, who are Eshcol and Aner? Well the other two owners (or masters) of covenants in 's great plan for the salvation of man are Enoch and . So these two are symbolised by 's confederates. Summarising this we have:
Mamre is
Ana & Eshcol are Enoch &
Lot is Great Crowd
Man who escapes is 8,000 of fifth resurrection
We then read that:
'Abram got to hear that his brother had been taken captive. With that he mustered his trained men, 318 slaves born in his household, and went in pursuit up to Dan' (Gen 14:14).
Lot is standing for the Great Crowd. Abram is standing for we know. does not symbolically 'hear that his brother had been taken captive' until the man who had escaped (i.e. those who had fled to the mountains) comes and tells him. This does not occur until Heshvan 26, 2004 (LS[57]), when the last anointed ones actually ascend into heaven. Let us not forget that Lot and all his goods and the other captives (verse 16) go into captivity at the time that the flight starts, which is Tishri 15, 2004. So the captivity has already lasted 42 days (inclusive) before musters up his 318 slaves. We therefore have a total of:
42 + 318 = 360 days
of captivity before recovers:
'all the goods, and he recovered also Lot, his brother, and his goods and also the women and the people' (Gen 14:16).
The cryptic value of which is:
2 times + 1 time + 2 times + 2 times + 2 times = 9 times
as we saw before. So the release is effected by , after 360 days in captivity. Now we have seen a period of 360 days rather like this before, namely the 360 day change in times and law from Nisan 14, 1918 until Veadar 14, 1919. This period was also split into the first 42 days until Iyyar 25, 1918 (May 7th) when the first century brothers ascended into heaven and the twentieth century brothers were arrested, and then 318 days of captivity until Veadar 14, 1919 when they were granted Bail.
######### EXAMINE THIS CLOSER ################
The Great Crowd descend into captivity not on the same day that the last anointed brothers of the twentieth century ascend into heaven, but rather on the same day that the last one dies, i.e. Tishri 15, 2004. The writer himself is not sure whether this captivity is custodial or is more symbolic. It may well be custodial!
The event that marks the end of this captivity, which occurs 360 literal days after Tishri 15, 2004 is well known to 's people as we shall see. If the memorial in 2004 is on April 5th and in 2005 is on March 26th, then we will be released from captivity on Tishri 4, 2005. This will be the day when Babylon the Great is destroyed, this will be a truly great day. Please notice the similarity between the ambush of Ai in Joshua 8:3,4, and the method employed by Abram (, the greater Joshua) in verse 15:
'And by night he resorted to dividing his forces, he and his slaves, against them, and thus he defeated them'.
Whereas we read in Joshua 8:3-5:
'Accordingly Joshua and all the people of war rose to go up to Ai, and Joshua proceeded to chose 30,000 men, valiant mighty ones, and to send them off by night. and he went on to command them saying: "See, you are lying in ambush against the city to the rear of the city. Do not go very far away from the city, and you must all of you hold yourselves in readiness. As for me and all the people who are with me, we shall go close to the city..'
So, Joshua divided his forces by night, just like Abram. Now we come to a very satisfying scripture, namely:
'Thus he defeated them and kept in pursuit of them up to Hobah, which is to the left of Damascus' (Gen 14:15, literal).
We have already seen in section [2] that to one side of somewhere can mean half a time, cryptically. We also know, from Rev 18:11-13, that the last adherents to the dead city leave it in Adar 2005 (see LS[86]). Well, Adar 2005 is 6 months or half a time after Tishri 2005. So we have confirmed that Babylon is deserted by Adar 2005, and true is the scripture which says:
'Too bad, too bad, you great city' (Rev 18:10).
With the meaning that is will be mourned for 2 times exactly before the Kingdom starts. Next we read in verses 17 & 18:
'Then the king of Sodom went out to meet him after he returned from defeating Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him, to the low plain of Shaveh, that is, the kings low plain. And king of Salem brought out bread and wine, and he was priest of the Most High God.'
This meeting is Armageddon and the bread and the wine is the marriage of the lamb, which occurs on the evening of Nisan 14, 2008, 1975 years to the (Hebrew) day after the last supper in 33 CE on the night before ' death. And now we come to a very deep scripture indeed:
'Then he blessed him and said: "Blessed be Abram of the most high God, producer (who created - lit) of the heaven and the earth; and blessed be the most high God, Who has delivered your oppressors into your hand!" At that Abram gave him a tenth of everything' (Gen 14:19,20).
As regards the earthly account, this is physically blessing , but prophetically and symbolically he is pronouncing both and (who Abram is symbolising) as blessed at the very production of the new heavens and the new earth. Now there were 4 oppressors who are delivered into his hand (5 times) so we have 5/4 times yet again, referring to the 'time and a season' of Dan 7:12. So we have now confirmed that 's kingdom ends on Tammuz 14, 2008, although himself is not actually abyssed until Elul 14, 2008 the last day of Armageddon. As a further subtle nuance, if we take 'oppressors' as 2 times, then we get 2.5 times if we 'deliver them into' a 'hand', because 5/2 is 2.5. This is a reference to the destruction of Babylon occurring 2.5 times before Armageddon, as we saw from Joshua 7,8 (see LS[70]). So this blessing prophesies the time of the demises of both the false religious element and the political element of 's rulership, even as the whole account is about the battle between these two parts of his system. In fact is sitting on a 3 legged stool, and when the first leg breaks, in Tishri 2005, his fall into the abyss has started.
Furthermore is representing somebody in heaven but not (Abram) or , both of whom he pronounces as blessed. Finally we read:
'After that the king of Sodom said to Abram: "Give me the souls, but take the goods for yourself". At this Abram said to the king of Sodom: "I do lift up my hand (in an oath) to the most high God, Producer of the heaven and the earth, that from a thread to a sandal lace, no, I shall take nothing from what is yours, in order that you might not say, 'It was I who made rich'. Nothing for me! Only what the men have already eaten, and the share of the men who went with me, Aner, Eshcol and Mamre, let them have their share' (Gen 14:21-24).
Abram () lifting up his hand, is symbolising the five resurrections (lifting ups) of the anointed under the Messianic covenant, which is a sub-covenant of the Abrahamic covenant. The other sub-covenant of the Abrahamic covenant was the law covenant, this lasted from the 'thread' to the 'sandal lace'. The thread cryptically refers to the blue string of the law:
'Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them that they must make for themselves fringed edges upon the skirts of their garments throughout their generations, and they must put a blue string above the fringed edge of the skirt, "And it must serve as a fringed edge for you, and you must see it and remember all the commandments of "' (Num 16:38,39).
The law ended with the appearance of the one about whom the prophet John spoke, saying:
"I baptise in water. In the midst of you one is standing whom you do not know, the one coming behind me, but the lace of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie" (John 1:26,27).
So Abram is here referring to the entire period of the law, from which he will take nothing. Abram is standing for , and the Messianic covenant started to yield fruit after the law had ended. As regards Mamre, Aner and Eshcol, these are , Enoch and , and they do 'take their share' from this and all of the other periods. As regards the king of Sodom, who is by now simply , because he is stripped of his kingdom, he says: "Give me the souls". And in the great tragedy that is implicit in the last 6,000 years of history, does get all of the souls of those who have ever lived, who are not to be resurrected under the 3 covenants of Aner, Eshcol and Mamre. This is meant in the sense that these souls are all consigned to , i.e. forgets them permanently. Since no souls are saved until after (the owner of the sandal laces) has paid for all of us, the scripture can rightly say that it is not who made (Abram) rich, no, it was himself, on behalf on his father, who paid the price for all of his brothers. Now it remains to consider , this we do in section 15.
[G.15] Who was , and who is ?
[This was a good first attempt, but it is not correct, - see [V.90] - was Jared, Cainan, Jehoida, Daniel and Simeon. was Methuselah, Eber, , Jeremiah and John. was Enoch, , Elisha, Ezekiel and .]
He is described first as: ' of the most high God' (Gen 14:18). This description applies to him at the time that is celebrating 'the evening meal of the lamb's marriage' (Rev 19:9). He actually brings out the bread and the wine on this occasion (Gen 14:18). What this means is that was the priest at this marriage! Putting this another way:
This occurs on Nisan 14, 2008. This is why Abram () is said to pay him a tenth of everything (in one meaning). It is the recognition by of the priesthood of at his wedding. So , is in heaven at that time, and is neither , nor , nor any of the anointed. He is therefore another angel. Now to find out who he is we need to seek some legal advice about covenants, so we ask , the legal expert on the law of . His advice is free! His advice is true! His advice is for our benefit rather than for his benefit! His advice is not given with a view to financial gain for himself, no, rather it is given with a view to everlasting life for his clients. Therefore God has made his law practice, along with his partner Judge Rutherford, his senior partner Christ and his 143,998 other partners a permanent and everlasting partnership in the heavens. This is the case with those who practice in God's law. Characteristically it is very rarely the case with those who practice in man's law, which is 's law, that any advice that is given actually turns out to be in the client's interest. And even if it is in his interest, it is even more rare that this advice is worth even half of the huge amount that is charged for it! However, thanks to God and thanks to his loving son, the angel , who is about to become a judge along with the Christ in perfect justice has said:
'BEHOLD, then how great this man was to whom , the family head, gave a tenth out of the chief spoils' (Heb 7:4).
This scripture means 'Brothers, look, I am telling you who was!' himself actually tells us who is in Hebrews 5:4-6 & 7-10, which scriptures both end with the words:
'According to the manner (lineup - lit) of '
The true meaning of this is that verses 4-10 not only apply to , but also to ! The scriptures read:
'Also a man takes this honour, not of his own accord, but only when he is called by God, just as Aaron also was. So too the Christ did not glorify himself by becoming a high priest, but was glorified by him who spoke with reference to him:
"You are my son: I, today, I have become your father."
Just as he says also in another place:
"You are a priest forever according to the lineup of "
In the days of his flesh (Christ) offered up supplications and also petitions to the one who was able to save him out of death, with strong outcries and tears he was favourably heard for his Godly fear. Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered; and after he had been made perfect he became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those obeying him, because he had been specifically called by God a high priest according to the lineup of .'
So too had days as flesh, he too was initially a son of God, he too became a high priest forever, he too is now immortal, he too is responsible for the everlasting salvation of those obeying him, he too 'learned obedience from the things he suffered', he too was made perfect, he too has become a son in the way that is, or 'according to the manner of ', in that he is an immortal being who was initially born an angel. So who is he? Well the answer is that:
'He had been specifically called by God' (verse 10).
We already know that he is not , it is obvious that he is not , and the only other angel to be specifically called by God is ! Yes:
This being 'called by God' is mentioned twice as is the phrase 'according to the manner of '. This means that there is a greater way in which is called by God, this greater way is that he is called: "". Now the reader may well have found this very hard to understand, in fact the writer and his friend found this hard to interpret themselves. But it is so beautiful that it can only come from . And in no way can we be blamed for finding this so difficult because verse 11 says:
'Concerning him we have much to say and hard to interpret, since you have become dull of hearing.'
This 'him' is the angel , who is now an immortal priest in heaven, who will actually marry to his brothers in about 15.5 years time from today. Some of these brothers have become a little dull of hearing, but they are beloved of and this impairment will not last much longer. Now Peter has said, in his fantastic speech to the older men in Acts 4:11,12.
'This is the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the head of the corner. Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.'
He used these words because whereas there is no other name under heaven, there is actually another name in heaven by which men get saved, and that name is , which means: 'Able-bodied man of God'. On the other hand means: 'first of all, by translation "King of righteousness", and is then also "King of Salem" that is "King of peace" (Heb 7:2). says this having already referred to as "King of Salem" in verse 1. So this being the "King of Salem" has a second meaning, even a heavenly meaning, and the angel appears to be the "King of heavenly Jerusalem" in a sense relating to the loyal angels which is not at all understood by the writer of this book. But the honour is his and the glory is 's.
We are not finished with yet, because he was paid: 'a tenth out of the chief spoils'. Well, these spoils were 9 times, so a tenth would be 9/10ths of a time or 288 days. If we take a day for a year then we get 288 years, the exact length of the ministry of Enoch (see LS[105]). So this period may well have something to do with the ministry of who was . Now things become very interesting indeed because has said regarding him that:
'In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like a son of God, he remains a priest perpetually' (Heb 7:3).
Now who do we know in the scriptures, who appears without any sensible genealogy? Well the answer is Cainan the mysterious intermediary between Arpachshad and Shelah in the Septuagint account of Genesis 11:12,13 and in Luke 3:35,36. Now we know that was truly the 77th in line from God (LS[104]). Therefore the appearance of Cainan in Luke is not a mistake, it is actually a work of the holy spirit. And if we look at the account of Genesis 11:12,13 we see:
'And Arpachshad lived 135 years and he became father to Cainan. And after his producing Cainan Arpachshad lived 430 years and he became father to sons and daughters and he died. And Cainan lived 130 years and became father to Shelah. And after his producing Shelah, Cainan lived 330 years and became father to sons and daughters, and he died.'
A most astonishing of accounts (therefore it must be inspired!?!?). This means that Cainan was born 135 years after Nisan 2366 BCE (approx., taking this as being 2 years after the deluge). In other words Cainan was born somewhere around Nisan 2231 BCE. But, this is exactly 288 years before Nisan 1943 BCE, the start of the Abrahamic covenant. So Cainan's birth is a fulfilment of the scripture:
'At that Abram gave him a tenth of everything' (Gen 14:20).
In the sense that if we go back a tenth of the nine times of the spoils of war (Gen 14:11,12, Gen 14:16) stating from Abram's covenant then we end up in Nisan 2231 BCE at the birth of Cainan. If we combine this chronology with Cainan's incomprehensible genealogy it becomes apparent that he was actually !
Now we combine the Masoretic account of Genesis 11:12,13 with the :
'And Arpachshad lived on 35 years. Then he became father to Shelah. And after his fathering Shelah Arpachshad continued to live 403 years, meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters.'
Believe it or not, the two accounts are not incompatible. The Masoretic does not specify the death of Arpachshad after 403 years, it just says that he had kids during this time, and that he continued to live for 403 years. Therefore we deduce that in fact Arpachshad did not die after the 403 years, rather he continued to live a bit longer until the death as mentioned in the LXX account. So he lived from around Nisan 2366 BCE until 135 + 430 years later, i.e. until around Nisan 1801 BCE. whereas Cainan lived from Nisan 2231 until 130 + 300 years later, i.e. around 1771 BCE. This is a very significant date because it is just after the birth of Levi. So since Cainan was we have a continuity of priests from to Levi, just as we had a continuity of Saviours from Noah to . In other words would have lived long enough to see the baby Levi, just as Noah lived long enough to see the baby , just as Anna and Simeon both, lived long enough to see the baby .
Now we further propose that Arpachshad was too! And so we have a situation where Arpachshad is Cainan. This might, at first sight, be a bit of a worry for the reader but have faith, is perfect, his book is likewise perfect! Consider this proposal please. Arpachshad is born as Arpachshad, then after 35 years he becomes father to Shelah. Then 100 years later he merges with the angel and becomes Cainan, who must have been conceived with holy spirit - after the manner of - because one cannot put a holy angel who: 'stands near before God' (Luke 1:19) into a sinful human descendant of Adam. Therefore Arpachshad, being a son of God, was not a fleshly descendant of Shem. This is therefore another way in which ' priesthood, is 'after the manner of ' (Heb 7:17).
So would have 'merged' with Arpachshad in Nisan 2231 BCE, 288 years before the Abrahamic covenant was validated. This would have been the start of 's ministry. Then in 1801 demerged with Cainan/Arpachshad leaving one human behind, the bible calls this human Cainan therefore rendering Luke 3:36 is true. He certainly could no longer be called plain old Arpachshad after having been host to the angel for 430 years. In other words Arpachshad actually becomes Cainan after the exit of . In this sense Arpachshad 'dies' in 1801 BCE. Then Cainan, the human, finally dies in 1771 BCE. This is a man the writer would like to meet in the resurrection! This sequence of events raises a whole string of questions which will all be answered in section [16].
This all works fine with the exception of the person of Shelah who having been born in 2331 BCE then appears to be born again in 2101 BCE, at which time he was actually 230 years old. I wonder what Nicodemus would have made of that! The key to understanding this situation is the recognition that the says that Arpachshad became father to Cainan and 'produced him', and it uses the same words in the case of Cainan who both became father to and 'produced' Shelah. So just as Arpachshad's fathering Cainan was in truth a change of state of Arpachshad, so Cainan's fathering Shelah was in truth a change of state of Shelah. But, what exactly was this change in state? We start answering this by making a very interesting observation. This is that Arpachshad was 35 when he became father to Shelah, and Cainan was 130 when he produced Shelah, whereas Adam was 35 when he became father to Cain and 130 when he became father to Seth. This is not a coincidence (Amos 3:3-7) no two repetitions in the bible are merely coincidental, the true God knows every letter of his book, and he has not permitted any misleading coincidences to occur in it. Now Eve made prophetic statements at the births of each of Cain and Seth. The statements were:
'I have produced a man with the aid of ' (Gen 4:1).
'God has appointed another seed in place of Abel because Cain killed him' (Gen 4:25).
In the first statement she is speaking under inspiration as firstly Mrs Jared at the birth of Enoch, secondly Mrs Shem at the birth of Arpachshad and thirdly Mary at the birth of . She is describing the three virgin births in the bible. In the second statement she is referring to the two Shelah's. In other words the replacing of Abel with Seth, both of whom carried the seed through which the Christ was to come, prefigures what happened with the two Shelah's. In other words Shelah, who also carried the seed of the Christ was killed by his 'brother', who could have been any member of 's seed at that time. Shelah was then replaced as seed by another human, namely Shelah. In other words he replaced himself. In other words he was resurrected, by God, and re-appointed by God as the seed that he had been before he was killed. The resurrection of Shelah was actually commanded by , this was how Cainan became father to Shelah. This situation transfers Shelah from being before Cainan in genealogy to being after Cainan in genealogy, so that the correct order now is Arpachshad, Cainan, Shelah, as recorded in Luke 3:35,36. Whereas before the resurrection of Shelah, it was Arpachshad, Shelah, Cainan. We can therefore say that:
Hence the words of the apostle are fulfilled when he said of :
'In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like a son of God, he remains a priest perpetually' (Heb 7:3).
Cainan was fatherless and motherless, he was the result of the fusing of Arpachshad with the angel , the one who had no beginning of days (he pre-existed the earth, which defines the concept of a day) and he has no end of life because he is a priest forever (Heb 5:6). So now we have truly Beheld 'how great this man was' (Heb 7:4).
One result of all of this is that was from Nisan 2231 until around Nisan 1801 BCE, a period of 430 years. Although Cainan continued as the high priest for 30 more years until he died around 1771 BCE. This is a length of time that we have seen before (see section 9). Let us therefore reconsider the scripture at Exodus 12:40,41:
'And the dwelling of the sons of Israel who had dwelt in Egypt, was 430 years. And it came about after the 430 years, it even came about on this very day, that all the armies of went out of the land of Egypt'.
So this period of 430 years is mentioned twice, so there is a greater period of 430 years after which 'all the armies of ' come out of Egypt (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]). We have just found this greater period. The angel was the final member of the heavenly army of to leave mankind (the greater Egyptians) before the advent of . He dwelt in Arpachshad for 430 years, before leaving for (the sake of) Cainan!
[G.16] Some revision to our doctrine
The new understanding of in section [15] implies some substantial revisions to our current doctrine on sin and death, on Adam and , on perfect men and imperfect men, on ageing and on genetics. When the writer wrote LS, he initially put in a few heavenly things which he later agreed to remove because they would have possibly caused stumbling to the spiritual babes to whom this material was being presented. The faithful and discreet slave at this time are called spiritual babes not by any initiative from the writer, but rather on the initiative of , who is acting on the initiative of the holy spirit. He says:
'Concerning him we have much to say and hard to interpret, since you have become dull in your hearing. For indeed, although you ought to be teachers in view of the time, you again need someone to teach you from the beginning the elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God; and you have become such as need milk not solid food' (Heb 5:12).
Therefore the writer himself is no longer going to hold back the meanings of these sacred pronouncements, and instead we shall consider very carefully, exactly what type of human beings Adam, Enoch, and actually were.
Arpachshad was born by spirit, he never sinned, because the angel is a priest forever, not a sinner forever. Therefore Arpachshad, who became Cainan, was a perfect sinless man for 595 years, from around 2366 until around 1771 BCE when he died! Now we have read that the 'soul that is sinning it itself will die' (Eze 18:4), and we have read that 'the wages of sin are death' (Rom 6:23 KJ). From these scriptures we deduced that since Enoch did not die, he could not have sinned. But as every mathematician will tell you:
The statement that A implies B is not the same as the statement that B implies A
For example if you are 15 then you are a teenager, but if you are a teenager then this does not mean that you are necessarily 15. So the scriptures do not say that the soul that does not sin will not die. They say that the soul that does sin will die. Now has said that:
'Just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned......' (Rom 5:12).
So Adam passes on both sin and death to his offspring, because all sons of Adam are in his physical image, i.e. in his genetic image, therefore they age and die. But they are also in his spiritual image, being of a design which is shown to be sinful, and was not proven to be able to fully resist sin until the advent of the Christ. Adam demonstrated this predisposition to sin on behalf of all of us. But what if a human is created who is not a descendant of Adam but is a further son of God as Adam was? Now we are in a very interesting situation. This human is not conceived in sin, because he is not a descendant of Adam. However neither is he shown to be without sin because his genetic line has not as yet proved itself, and all that was proven about men before Enoch arrived is that they sin. But it is not a certainty that a man who is not a son of Adam will sin, because such a man is not conceived in sin. Adam did not prove that all men ever created would have to sin, he merely showed that all men have a tendency to sin, a tendency which he passed on to his descendants.
[G.16.1] Enoch, and , 3 sinless men in ageing bodies
Adam therefore cast a shadow over all men, but he did not actually condemn all of them, he merely condemned his own descendants, who have life only by means of a stay of execution which allowed for him, which is why they stand condemned to death as he did. But Enoch for example, did not have life because of a stay of Adam's execution, he was a son of God and therefore owed nothing to Adam and was not a party to his sentence and was not a beneficiary of this stay. However, did not create Enoch with life until time indefinite as a human so long as he did not sin. In other words the true God did not give Enoch a 'tree covenant' like he did to Adam. So let us now consider the legal positions of Enoch and .
Both Enoch and actually proved that other men who are not Adam's descendants do not sin. They both lived lives that were sinless. But this did not mean that they, as humans, should not die. died, and Enoch would have died, had he not been transferred, because they were born into vessels of death, their bodies were the same type genetically as those of Adam's sons at the time. But the death of their bodies did not come from them, it came from the state of mankind at the time, which state came from Adam. In other words they came in the form that all of their brothers, the sons of Adam, existed in at that time. Their form had absolutely nothing to do with them or with their holiness, which is beyond dispute, it had to do with those to whom they were sent. Incidentally, that Enoch would have died had he not seen death, is the meaning of the scripture which says:
'He was transferred so as not to see death' (Heb 11:5).
Words which clearly imply that had he not been transferred he would have seen death. This was not because he was going to be murdered, it was because he was made identical to all of the other 1000 year life-span humans of his time. Just as was made identical to all of the 500 year life-span humans of his time and just as was made identical to all of the 100 year life-span humans of his time.
The special assignments for , and , in Enoch, and , were to come to earth, as humans of the time, and minister to their brothers. It could not be said that these were their 'brothers' if any of these three ministers were existing in a form different from their brothers. So Enoch would have died, and did die because they came to perform a task in a vessel, which being a copy of a contemporary son of Adam, was going to die. It is a simple as that. This was not a judicial matter it was a ministerial matter. Cainan's death was not a judicial punishment on him, it occurred because in the wisdom of , ministers take the same form as their congregations. This is why the 144,000 heavenly ministers of the rulership of righteousness and love, have been men. In 's law, doctors are not administrated by civil servants, no, they are administrated by doctors. Similarly, teachers do not have their curricula determined by politicians, rather they have them determined by teachers. And laws are not drafted by people with a technical legal qualification which they have never used as a lawyer, no , they are drafted by practising lawyers who know what they are doing. This is why , who defined various legal matters for modern day congregations, was a properly trained and much experience lawyer in both the physical and the spiritual law, notwithstanding the fact that every word that he said on these matters in the bible was inspired by the holy spirit. It would be an unthinkable thing, in the righteousness of , to have the whole administration of the healthcare in a country determined by a committee which was chaired by a supermarket owner! Similarly it would be unthinkable for the whole future policy of a supermarket chain to be determined by a professor of surgery. Returning now to Enoch and , neither of these two sinned, and this is why very carefully says:
'For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God' (Rom 3:23).
without defining which group it is all of whom have sinned. This is because it is not true that all men have sinned ( certainly did not and neither did Enoch or ). But it is true that all sons of Adam have sinned, hence we read that has said:
'For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive' (1 Cor 15:22).
We already know that God does not put his sons in somebody else's vessels he puts them in his own vessels.
[G.16.2] Some ungodly practices of
'The deliverer will come out of and turn away ungodly practices from '
(Romans 11:26).Since this scripture is right now having fulfilment, it is apparent that currently is performing several ungodly practices. 'Consequently let him who thinks he is standing beware he does not fall' (1 Cor 10:12). We will only consider one - prayer. Consider please the scripture:
'A certain one of his disciples said to him: "Lord, teach us how to pray, just as John also taught his disciples". Then he said to them: "Whenever you pray, say, "Father let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Give us our bread for the day according to the days requirement. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone that is in debt to us; and do not bring us into temptation"' (Luke 11:1-4).
So how was it that this one of ' disciples did not know how to pray? Surely he would have heard praying out loud for his disciples many times before, just like we do in the Kingdom hall and in our study groups, and before we associate one with another and before we eat. So what is happening here, was this disciple deaf? No sir, rather he had obviously never heard pray out loud before, for if he had then he would not have had to ask this question. It is also pointed out that this was not early on in ' ministry, it appears in chapter 74 of the 'Greatest man' book and occurs a full 3 years after ' baptism (see chapter 72 of 'Greatest man'). This means that did not pray out loud in the hearing of this or indeed any of his disciples (because he said these things to all of 'them') for the first 3 years, which was more than 85% of his ministry! So following his example, which is what Christians are supposed to be doing, we should limit our ostentatious audible prayers to one every 3 years at the least! Being more serious:
's people will have to know that every scripture in the gospels will be fulfilled again and every thing that did at his first presence is prophetic of something that he will do in his second presence, and just as his first century disciples did not know how to pray and had to ask him how to do it back then, so his twentieth century disciples today do not know how to do it and we have to ask him the same question again. In our case he has already answered it for us and this answer is set out herebelow.
In fact there is no record anywhere in the bible, that the writer is aware of, of any human hearing someone else's prayer, or of any person praying out loud, except in one case in John 11:41,42 as we shall see. There are many records however of other people hearing blessings, and of people saying blessings out loud, which we will consider in detail. This is because a blessing is speech to the congregation, whereas a prayer is speech to God. It is even so written:
'Oh hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come' (Psalm 65:2).
Does share this title with anybody else? No, he is the hearer of prayer, whereas all of the congregation are the hearers of blessings. Is the circuit overseer also a 'hearer of prayer'? Are the congregation elders 'hearers of prayer'? No, they are not, so why then do we pray out loud in their hearing? Truly we are behaving like Eli's sons, of which it is written:
'Now the sons of Eli were good for nothing men; they did not acknowledge . As for the due right of the priests from the people, whenever any man was offering a sacrifice, an attendant of the priest came with the 3 pronged fork in his hand, just when the meat was boiling, and he made a thrust into the basin or the two handled cooking pot or the cauldron or the one-handled cooking pot. Anything that the fork might bring up the priest would take for himself. That is the way they would do in Shiloh to all the Israelites coming there' (1 Sam 2:12-14).
What a terrible thing to do! Who would countenance such a thing? Well, the answer to this is we 's witnesses would, and every day at every bible study and in every congregation meeting, and in every group study and at every gathering and in every assembly and at every convention we are all sticking our forks in other people's prayers to . The account continues:
'When the man would say to him: "Let them be sure to make the fat smoke first of all. Then take for yourself just whatever your soul may crave," he actually said: "No, but you should give it now; and if not, I shall have to take it by force!" And the sin of the attendants became very great before ; for the men treated the offering of with disrespect' (1 Sam 2:17).
Yes, they for their part were eating the fat of the lamb before it was made to smoke to , and we for our part are making sacrificial smoke to each other. "Oh wasn't that a lovely prayer brother Babylon!" Yes, it was very tasty, lovely and fatty. "I did enjoy your prayer brother Pharisee". Truly prayers are not offered for the enjoyment of men, they are offered for the enjoyment of God! As regards those who are commended by men for their marvellous prayers is it not written: "Truly they are having their reward in full"? Why do we seek, or at the least attract, commendation from men by praying in a loud voice in front of them like the hypocrites, let us seek instead commendation from God, who has created all men even to pray to him. Has nobody read the words of his firstborn?
'When you pray, you must not be as the hypocrites; because they like to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the broadways to be visible to men. Truly I say to you, they are having their reward in full. You however, when you pray, go into your private room and after shutting your door, pray to your Father who is in secret; then your Father who looks on in secret will repay you' (Mat 6:5,6).
This scripture is quite plainly saying that we should not pray publicly in the kingdom hall. Well, not only have we blatantly trampled all over that counsel, but we have actually surpassed the Pharisees in our hypocrisy and in our big and showy display. Because, they, for their part, prayed ostentatiously in silence, whereas we, for our part, pray ostentatiously out loud! In the case of the Lord's prayer, it is true that this prayer is in the plural, but this is because was speaking to several people when he taught them how to pray. Furthermore there is no reason why one cannot pray for the whole congregation or even for all men, just so long as the prayer is not heard by any other man. We can pray for our brothers but we should not pray to our brothers, audibly. Consider ' actions in the garden of Gethsemane, he said to his disciples:
'"Sit down here while I go over there and pray....Stay here and keep on the watch with me" and going a little way forward, he fell upon his face praying and saying: "My Father, if it is possible let this cup pass away from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will'" (Mat 26:36-39).
This would have been a perfect opportunity for a 'communal prayer' of the type practised in the Kingdom hall, where one man prays out loud on behalf of all the others who are standing around looking like they are praying, and listening to the prayer of the one praying out loud - brother is this lip service or what! But , separated himself from his disciples and prayed by himself to his father. These is no instance of any communal prayer in the bible, communal in the sense that two or more people pray together with one saying the prayer and the others listening in on 's business. No instance that is with the exception of the following one:
'Therefore they took the stone away. Now raised his eyes heavenward and said: "Father I thank you that you have heard me. True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth"' (John 11:41,42).
had already prayed silently to his father that he might resurrect Lazarus. He then spoke directly to out loud, so he prayed out loud. It was a prayer of thanks. then actually told why he was praying out loud, a thing which should not normally be done (Mat 6:5,6, 1 Kings 8:55). He did this because he wanted the crowd to know that it was who had resurrected Lazarus and not him. So he was not praying out loud to glorify himself. In fact his very words were also an explanation to as to why he was speaking out loud in his prayer to him. In other words felt that he should explain publicly his unusual course of praying out loud. Had praying out loud been acceptable he would have prayed out loud in the first prayer, like we do in the Kingdom hall when we ask to do something for us. Also he would not have then felt that he had to justify anything afterwards. The reader may also remember that spoke publicly to his father on one other occasion in Luke 10:21,22:
'In that very hour he became overjoyed in the holy spirit and said: "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of the heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes. Yes, O Father, because to do thus came to be the way approved by you. All things have been delivered to me by the Father and who the Son is no one knows but the Father; and who the Father is, no one knows but the Son, and he to whom the Son is willing to reveal him."'
This is a good one. starts off praising his father publicly, and then he finishes by talking to his disciples. It is suggested therefore that this is not a prayer, since it is directed all over the place. It is seems to be a spontaneous praising, or a spoken psalm of , the sort of thing that we would sing. The writer confesses to being fairly confused as to what exactly this constitutes! In any event in neither of the two public expressions that made to his father did he supplicate him or ask him for anything. Whereas in the model prayer, supplications abound.
Ah, but what about Solomon when he dedicated the temple you might say. Well this is the perfect lesson in the distinction between a prayer and a blessing for all Christians today (1 Kings 8, 2 Chron 6):
'Then the king turned and began to bless all the congregation, while all the congregation were standing up' (1 Kings 8:14).
'The King turned his face and began to bless the congregation of Israel, while all Israel were standing up' (2 Chron 6:3).
Could this be any clearer? He is giving a blessing here, not a prayer, that is why the whole congregation is 'standing up' rather than bowing down. This blessing is directed at the whole congregation, it is speech to the congregation, this is why he is facing them. Then later on we read:
'And Solomon began standing before the altar of in front of all the congregation of Israel, and he now spread out his palms to the heavens; and he went on to say: "O the God of Israel..."'(1 Kings 8:22,23).
'And he began standing before the altar of in front of all the congregation of Israel, and now he spread out his palms (For Solomon had made a platform of copper and then put it in the middle of the enclosure. Its length was 5 cubits, and its width 5 cubits and its height 3 cubits; and he kept standing upon it). And he proceeded to kneel upon his knees in front of all the congregation and to spread out his palms to the heavens'. And he w
went on to say: "Oh the God of Israel...." (2 Chron 6:12,13).
This one is the prayer, because it is speech to . So for the blessing Solomon stands up and faces the whole congregation who are standing erect, just like in a public talk, and he speaks to them. But, for the prayer Solomon turns away from the congregation and faces the altar and kneels and spreads out his palms, he then speaks quietly and privately to his God, this is prayer. As is witnessed in 1 Kings 8:54,55:
'And it came about that, as soon as Solomon finished praying to with all this prayer and request for favour, he rose up from before the altar of , from bending down upon his knees with his palms out to the heavens; and he began to stand and bless all the congregation with a loud voice saying: "Blessed be ..."'
So the blessing is the communal offering and the prayer is the private offering. The blessing is done publicly in the loud voice, in the erect position. The prayer is done privately in a soft voice in the bowed down position. The blessing is the greater communion sacrifice, the prayer is the greater burnt offering (See Insight 2 'offerings'). It is therefore most urgently pointed out that the worshippers should not partake of the burnt offering, which is the prayer, the penalty for this under law was death. It is even written:
'For anyone eating the fat from the beast from which he presents it as an offering made by fire to , the soul that eats must be cut off from his people' (Lev 7:25).
We must therefore keep our 3 pronged forks to ourselves! The faithful and discreet slave has been the 'Eli class' over this one for a long time. They have led all of 's people to a disgraceful folly, it has been the blind leading the blind. We are all right now well and truly in the pit! May the true God have mercy on us all.
This is the extreme danger that we face when a small group of 's servants promulgate the idea that only they can understand the bible. Because they then blind the rest of the congregation with their own blindness. We truly could not be more wrong. The one who saw this first was not the writer but was his associate - Oholiab. May be thanked for showing this to him. The writer is here publicly praising and congratulating Oholiab who has persistently refused to say Amen to all communal prayers. It is therefore probable that he alone has been the only righteous worshipper of for the last six months, which may explain why is was to him that the true God revealed that his Son was Enoch and who can blame Him if that is why He did it?
Very good, so now we are in a position where every meeting of 's people starts and ends with a disgraceful act of worship which is more than likely unacceptable to him because it is condemned by his son (Mat 6:5,6). Truly this is not theocracy it is hypocrisy. As a further example consider 's directions through Moses to Aaron in Numbers 6:22-27:
'Then spoke to Moses, saying: "Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying: 'This is the way you should bless the sons of Israel, saying to them:
"May bless you and keep you. May make his face shine toward you, and may he favour you. May lift up his face toward you and assign peace to you."'
And they must place my name upon the sons of Israel, that I myself may bless them."'
This is speech to the congregation it is not speech to God. One can however say much the same thing in a blessing as one can say in a prayer. Just as one could offer the same lamb as either a communion sacrifice or a burnt offering. For instance one could say the following blessing:
'May who is in heaven be blessed
May his name be Sanctified
May his kingdom come
May his will take place as in heaven also upon the earth
Let our daily bread be given to us
May he forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors
Let him deliver us from temptation and let him deliver us from evil'
This is all speech to the congregation, alternatively one could say:
'May give you your daily bread
May he forgive your debts as you have forgiven your debtors
May he deliver you from temptation'
However, one could not say in a blessing:
'Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us
Lead us not into temptation'
because, this is speech to and so is prayer. So one can ask for things in a blessing, and the blessing can have almost the same content as a prayer, but it is speech to the congregation, not to . One should not in general speak to out loud in public (Mat 6:5,6). There is a way in which we can all praise out loud and publicly however, this is in songs, which are communal musical speech to , but these are obviously not prayers.
These blessings 'place the name of ' (Num 6:27) on his people. They do this through talking to the people audibly. The reader is advised to read all of the blessings in the bible, he will find that they are all speech directed at the congregation (Num 6:22-27, 1 Kings 8:14-21, 1 Kings 8:56-61, Gen 27:27,28, etc.). One cannot direct a blessing at , because as has said:
'Without any dispute, the less is blessed by the greater' (Heb 7:7).
[Although managed to do this in Genesis 14 - Ed.] So a blessing is directed at the congregation, but a prayer is directed at , because, also without any doubt, the greater is prayed to by the less. This is why it is fine to say a blessing in a loud voice, but it is a sin to say a prayer in a loud voice, in the hearing of others (except in very exceptional cases).
This means that we should start and end our meetings with a blessing. This is where a brother speaks to the congregation, who are not praying but are listening 'standing up' (1 Kings 8:14). The brother saying the blessing, could spread his hands out to the congregation as did Aaron in Numbers 6:23. He can say much the same things as he was going to say in his prayer, but he should not say them to God, he should say them to the congregation. When he has something to say to God, let him say it privately. The writer is now going to attempt an example, but having never offered a public prayer he admits that there are many who would be better at this than him!
'May bless this gathering of people today, who have come together in worship of him. May he open our hearts and minds to the things that we are going to discuss from his word the bible. May he send us his spirit, so that we can recall all of the good things that he has shown to us in the past. May his kingdom come soon and may his name be vindicated by his works and sanctified through his son and glorified by us his people now and forever Amen.'
This blessing is not offered through , because it is not offered directly to God, it is spoken to or offered to the congregation, in the hearing also of . Just like the communion sacrifice, it is speech about , but it is not speech to . We are able to speak to each other without using in his capacity as our high priest. gave some nice blessings in his letters:
'May the brothers have peace and love with faith from God the father and the Lord Christ. May the undeserved kindness be with all those loving our Lord Christ in incorruptness' (Ephesians 6:24).
'May the undeserved kindness of the Lord be with you. May my love be with all of you in union with Christ ' (1 Cor 16:22).
These blessings are not through , because they are not directed at God, they are directed at anointed Christians. Brothers, please give this section your careful consideration. When you think about it, the idea of delegating one's personal worship to a third party is pagan, and prayer is personal worship, very personal worship. The Muslims are good at this, they actually pay a third party to do their prayers that they are supposed to do for themselves.
James 5:14
'Is there anyone suffering evil among you? Let him carry on in prayer. Is there anyone in good spirits? Let him sing psalms. Is there anyone sick among you? Let him call the older men of the congregation to him, and let them pray over him, greasing him with oil in the name of . And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well'
(James 5:14,15).Does this not prove that the elders are praying out loud, 'over' the sick man? Well, 'over' in this context does not mean that the elders should pray in a position physically over or above the sick man, it means that they should approach 'over' his sickness. This is the meaning of the Greek words:
proseuxashqwsan ep' auton''
epi' with the accusative when used on persons over whom anything is done, that thereby some benefit may accrue to them, means 'over them' in the sense of 'on their account' or 'about them' (A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament - J H Thayer, for 'epi' with genitive see Rev 5:10 footnote). It is not therefore not true to say that the elders had to be called to the sick one in order that he would actually hear a 'communal prayer' from one of them who is standing vertically above the man. They are called to his side in order to grease 'him with oil'. This greasing could have been physical in the first century (Luke 10:34) or may have been metaphorical, in which case the oil would be comforting words and counsel from the bible (W 75 p255). The 'greasing' is what the sick one would experience himself. One does not grease one greases men. Likewise men do not hear prayer, hears it. If the prayer was said audibly in the hearing of the sick man then there would be no further need for any greasing in addition to the loud prayer.The way the meeting would go, it is suggested, would be that the sick one would talk of his problems to the elders, they would discuss them with him and show him examples from the bible where people have suffered similarly and how they coped with the problem. And then, having understood exactly the sickness of the man, the elders would then both pray silently to on behalf of the man, i.e. over his problems, this would not have to be done in his presence. Hence we read in verse 16:
'Therefore openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may get healed'.
The confession [1] precedes the greasing [2] which is followed by the prayer [3]. It was impossible in the first century to confess down the telephone, so the elders had to visit the sick man personally for the first two stages of this process, but not for the third stage. Although they would have no idea of what to pray about if they hadn't visited him first.
Acts 4:24-31
'Upon hearing this they raised their voices to God and said: "Sovereign Lord, you are the One who made the heaven and the earth and all the things in them, and who through holy spirit said by the mouth of our forefather David, your servant, 'Why did nations become tumultuous.'....And now, , give attention to their threats, and grant your slaves to keep speaking the word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand for healing and while signs and portents occur through the name of your holy servant ." And when they had made supplication, the place in which they were gathered was shaken; and they were one and all filled with holy spirit and were speaking the word of God with boldness.
This is a psalm, which quotes Psalm 2. It is a supplication made through a psalm after the manner of David, whose psalms often contained supplications (Psalm 4:1, 5:1, 6:1 etc. etc.). It is sung by all of the congregation together. It is therefore spoken under inspiration, because otherwise they could not have all said the same words. In fact each person present would have been effectively speaking with 's mind. This sort of thing is referred to by , who says:
'I will sing praise with the (gift of the) spirit, but I will also sing praise with my mind' (1 Cor 14:15).
We will return to 1 Corinthians 14 later. The words of Acts 4 are an inspired psalm, one made with the gift of the spirit, they are not a 'communal prayer' because they are spoken in a raised voice by everybody. In fact they are not a prayer at all.
2 Chronicles 20:3-13
'At this Jehoshaphat became afraid and set his face to search for . So he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. Eventually those of Judah were collected together to inquire of . Even from all the cities of Judah they came to consult . Then Jehoshaphat stood up in the congregation of Judah and of Jerusalem in the house of before the new courtyard, and he proceeded to say: "Oh .....'If there should come upon us calamity, sword, adverse judgement, or pestilence or famine, let us stand before this house and before you (for your name is in this house), that we may call to you for aid out of our distress, and you may hear and save.' And now here the sons of Ammon and Moab and the mountainous region of Seir, whom you did not allow Israel to invade when they were coming out of the lad of Egypt...here they are rewarding us by coming in to drive us out from our possession.... Oh our God, will you not execute judgement upon them?..." All the while all those of Judah were standing before , even their little ones, their wives and their sons'
(2 Chron 20:3-13).Jehoshaphat is quoting from Solomon's prayer in 1 Kings 8:22-53, in which Solomon under inspiration defines how the nation should consult in times of distress. Solomon says:
'Oh my God, to listen to the entreating cry and to the prayer with which your servant is praying before you today; that your eyes may prove to be opened toward this house night and day, toward the place of which you said: "My name will prove to be there", to listen to the prayer with which your servant prays toward this place. And you must listen to the request for favour on the part of your servant and of your people Israel with which they pray towards this place...Whatever prayer, whatever request for favour there may occur on the part of any man of all your people Israel, because they know each one the plague of his own heart, and they actually spread out their palms to this house, then may you yourself hear from the heavens, your established place of dwelling, and you must forgive and act and give to each one according to his ways, because you know his heart (for you yourself alone well know the heart of all the sons of mankind)' (1 Kings 28-39).
These instructions are that each man should pray with whatever is in his own heart. The instruction is not that they should all pray with whatever is in the heart of just one of them, the one who is elected to pray out loud on all of their behalves. Solomon's prayer was silent and so was Jehoshaphat's, they were both talking personally to . We have now found the proper way to conduct communal prayer. Namely, that at the same time, each one should pray himself, talking to with his own mind and his own heart, but not with his own tongue. One should not borrow someone else's mind our heart in order to approach in prayer.
It is ridiculous to suppose that Jehoshaphat spoke audibly and that all of the men of Judah and of Jerusalem and all of the wives and sons and little ones actually heard him! They had no microphones in those days, and there were around 500,000 men of Judah alone in the days of David (1Chron 21:5, 2Samuel 24:9)! What happened was that as directed by Solomon, all of the men, women and kids present said their own personal prayer silently and simultaneously with Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat's prayer is the one that is recorded in the bible in 2 Chronicles 20, it was therefore an inspired prayer.
1 Timothy 2:8
'Therefore I desire that in every place the men carry on prayer, lifting up loyal hands, apart from wrath and debates. Likewise I desire the women to adorn themselves in well arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not in styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb' (1 Timothy 2:8,9).
This is communal prayer, which when properly exercised is prayer wherein all the congregation use their own minds (1 Cor 14:15, 1 Kings 8:38) and which is prayer wherein each man prays himself silently to . What is saying is that the men, who are the ones who do all of the debating because the women are supposed to keep silent, should concentrate their minds less on angry debating with each other and more on prayer to . In other words, the men should stop waving their arms around in debates so much and start raising their hands in prayer a bit more. This implies that they all prayed together, with their minds, just as they all debated together, with their minds, in the congregations of the first century. is saying 'do not debate angrily with each other, debate peaceably with God'! All of which raises another issue about congregation meetings and the debating and questioning that occurs in them which we will not go into here. This scripture does not mean that women should not pray in the congregation. The reason that they are not exhorted to 'pray rather than debate' is because they do not take part in the debates in the first place.
1 Corinthians 14:13-18
This chapter of Corinthians is full of sealed up meaning, it is very repetitive. For the purposes of this section we will just deal with the first meaning of verses 13-18. makes the point that he will pray with his mind in the congregation in preference to praying with the gift of the spirit. He does not say that he will pray with someone else's mind. In fact the concept of praying with someone else's mind is ludicrous the writer would suggest. later says in verse 28 that if there is no translator present, then let the man with the tongue speak to God and himself and 'keep silent in the congregation'.
This, in the literal meaning, is advice to pray silently to God in the congregation.
This is something that we do not do, communally. It is something therefore that we should start to do if we are going to follow Christ. also says:
'If you offer praise with a [gift of the] spirit, how will the man occupying the seat of an ordinary person say "Amen" to your giving of thanks, since he does not know what you are saying? True you give thanks in a fine way, but the other man is not being built up' (1 Cor 14:16,17).
One can give thanks to God in a prayer or in a psalm or in a blessing. One can offer praise to God in any one of these three too. But the term 'giving thanks' when applied to speech in the congregation is normally used to denote a blessing. For example in Matthew 14:19 we have:
'Next he commanded the crowds to recline on the grass and took the 5 loaves and 2 fishes and looking up to heaven, he said a blessing and, after breaking the loaves, he distributed them to the disciples, the disciples in turn to the crowds'.
Incredibly prophetic stuff (LS[33]). And later in Matthew 26:26,27 we read:
'As they continued eating, took a loaf and after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to his disciples, he said: "Take eat, this means my body." Also he took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them saying: "Drink out of it, all of you'.
This makes it clear that 'giving thanks' is a type of blessing. The parallel account in Luke 22:17-19 reads:
'And accepting a cup, he gave thanks and said: "Take this and pass it from one to another among yourselves..." Also he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: "This means my body which is to be given on your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me."'
So Luke is describing as 'giving thanks' what Matthew is describing as a blessing. So 'giving thanks' is a type of blessing. Hence the first century Christian would indeed say "Amen" after somebody had given thanks as referred to by in 1 Cor 14:16, because this expression would have been audible, since it is a blessing and therefore is speech to the congregation.
There are many scriptures which show that prayer is the burnt offering, for example Psalm 141:2, which says:
'May prayer be prepared as incense before you, the raising up of palms as the evening grain offering'.
Well the evening grain offering was prepared as a burnt offering (Num 28:8). Therefore we should prepare our prayers in the same way, as whole burnt offerings, not as communion sacrifices. Also in 2 Chron 7:1 we read:
'Now as soon as Solomon finished praying, the fire itself came down from the heavens and proceeded to consume the burnt offering and the sacrifices and 's glory itself filled the house'.
The consumption of the burnt offering was the visible sign of the acceptance of the prayer, the consumption of the other sacrifices, which were communion sacrifices (2 Chron 7:7, 1 Kings 8:63-65), signified the acceptance of the blessings that Solomon gave. This is why both types of physical sacrifice were offered at the inauguration, they symbolised the two types of spiritual sacrifice, the prayer and the blessing. Psalm 20 also equates prayer with the burnt offering or gift offering:
'May answer you in the day of distress...May he remember your gift offerings, and may he accept your burnt offering as being fat. May he give according to your heart....He will answer us in the day that we call'.
David is saying prayer must be from one's own heart and he is calling prayer the burnt offering which is the gift offering and he is doing this under inspiration. Therefore prayer is the burnt offering! Isaiah too has something to say in this regard, referring to foreigners he says:
'I will also bring them to my holy mountain and make them rejoice inside my house of prayer. Their whole burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be for acceptance upon my altar. For my own house will be called even a house of prayer for all the peoples' (Isaiah 56:7).
This is actually a prophecy which refers to the foreigners of the Great Crowd in the second fulfilment. We will eventually get this right in the Kingdom Halls! Isaiah is quite plainly equating prayer with the 'whole burnt offering', with the emphasis on 'whole'. We end by repeating the words of David:
'Oh hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come' (Psalm 65:2).
The title 'hearer of prayer' uniquely describes , since people of all flesh are not going to come to anyone else. No one else is properly referred to as a 'hearer of prayer'. No one else should therefore be hearing our prayers!
[Blessings are through , in the sense the God will bless through him, for he does everything through him, so the words 'through ', should appear in a blessing, as they do in 's written blessings in his letters. But the blessing is not spoken to the congregation through , it is administered by God, through - Ed.]
[G.17] The
In justice, Adam is condemned to death, this being the penalty for his sin. His sons, who are born during a stay of execution of this sentence, are similarly condemned not by their own actions but by the actions of their erring father. These sons only have life by means of this stay. If Adam cannot be rescued himself, and this stay is not permanently removed, and he is executed permanently, then his sons too will suffer from a permanent removal of their means of life, which is this stay, and therefore they will all die permanently. This is because whatever happens to Adam, in both the short and the long terms, must happen also to his sons, because the both of these are under the one sentence. There were not two sentences passed, one for Adam and one for his sons, no, there was only one, and it applies to them both! Furthermore since ransomed Adam, not his sons, had paid personally for Adam's sin. In this case:
Was ' payment insufficient, does require two payments for one sin, is his justice two souls for one? No sir! In 's justice we can say the following:
Although one has to be a little bit careful here, because technically Adam, although released directly by from the payment for his original sin, could theoretically have sinned at a later date in such a way as to incur death for himself. He could have say murdered his wife, after a few hundred years, this would not condemn any of his children any further than they were already condemned by his original sin, so it would not have affected his kids but it might have precluded him from being resurrected. The writer is not going to consider the legal implications of this because he knows that it did not occur, and it is difficult enough to explain what did occur! Let us fervently hope therefore that Adam is indeed resurrected!
Seriously though, we are assured that he will be because actually paid for him personally. Now in order to Adam, one cannot be a descendant of his, because obviously such descendants cannot offer to pay their life for Adam's life because they are actually dead, from a judicial and a spiritual point of view. They do not have any life to offer. However Enoch, and , were not descendants of Adam. Therefore they, although existing in vessels of death, were actually alive judicially and spiritually. In fact, any one of them could have ransomed Adam. This is quite a difficult concept to grasp. Truly though, if you have difficulty with grasping this, then you do not fully understand life. Life is not a matter of whether or not one is alive as a human, it is a matter of whether or not one is acceptable to . This is why we are born dead, or conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5), whereas Enoch, and were born alive. Hence said:
'As regards the resurrection of the dead, did you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, "I am the God of and the God of and the God of "? He is the God, not of the dead, but of the living' (Mat 22:32).
himself was not conceived in sin, had he been so then his ransoming value would have been zero. Therefore when Mary offered her sin sacrifice at the temple after 40 days, she did this because she was a woman under law, not because was unclean and had therefore made her unclean at his birth, as was the case for every other child born under law. Incidentally this uncleanness is due to the child, not to the mother, this is why it is 80 days for a girl. Just as when was asked to pay the temple tax, a concept which spiritually is ridiculous, he paid it because he was a man under law, and 's servants lead from the front.
It was really of no relevance judicially to himself, whether he came in a 100 year variety or a thousand year variety or an everlasting variety of human (physically), during his first century ministry, because he was going to give to as a ransom his 'life' in Nisan 33, which was well before his expiry date as a human, and this life had nothing to do, judicially, with his human body. But what exactly was ' life? Well the scriptures say the following:
'Who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely that he should be equal to God, No, but he emptied himself and took a slaves form and came to be in the likeness of men. More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. For this very reason God exalted him to a superior position, and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name' (Philip 2:6-9).
Which means that the Angel himself became a human, which means that ' life was angel 's life, which means that ' death was the death of an angel as well as that of a human. In fact angel was the first angel to die (of all those mentioned in the bible as far as the writer is aware). and his demons are all still alive! Even today, he is still the only angel to have ever died (of all those mentioned in the bible as far as the writer is aware). At any stage during his life as a human he could have changed his mind and exited his human body and returned to being the angel just as did from . When 'emptied himself and took a slave's form' (Philip 2:7), he was transferring his life from an indefinitely lasting vessel, like Adam's was before he sinned, into a 100 year lasting vessel. At that time he did not give up his spiritual or judicial life. Therefore he actually had life, that is judicial life, existing in a vessel of the same type as his dead brothers in the first century. Before we progress any further with this we need to define some bible terms:
[G.17.1] Definitions
In this section we define the following terms:
Immortal life
Everlasting life
Indestructible life
Eternal life
Immortal body
Incorruptible body
Indestructible body
Everlasting body
Living to time indefinite
Mortal life
Mortal body
Judicially or spiritually dead
Judicial or spiritual life
Angelic life
A judged soul
Living to God
DEFINITIONS: Immortal life, indestructible life, everlasting life, eternal life.
These are all exactly the same. They mean a life that will exist forever and eternally and without end. Which implies that himself has guaranteed not to terminate or allow to be terminated such a life. Which means that such a life is immortal or indestructible. This immortality relies on an oath from , the rock. has the ability to destroy the soul of any body with 'indestructible life', because he created them in the first place, but he swears that he will not do it.
'The blessings of your father will indeed be superior to the blessings of the eternal mountains, to the ornament of the indefinitely lasting hills' (Gen 49:26).
This passage of scripture is 's blessing of Joseph, and it refers to , whose blessings are greater than those of his anointed brothers, the 'eternal mountains' and the 'indefinitely lasting hills'. Lasting until time indefinite means lasting until further notice basically, it is defined fully below, it is a different thing to having eternal life. Eternal life means that your life will not only last until further notice but also that no further notice of terminating it will be given. That eternal life is immortal life is evident from 1 Cor 15:53,54:
'For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption, and this which is mortal must put on immortality....then the saying will take place that is written: "Death is swallowed up forever.'
These words apply to the anointed ones who 'put on immortality' thereby becoming immortal, which the scripture defines as meaning that, for them, 'death is swallowed up forever', or they do not die forever, or they live forever or they have eternal life. All of this is also a simple matter of the meaning of the English language. As regards the anointed ones of the heavenly calling, they are guaranteed to get this type of life from the moment that they are declared righteous by God. They receive it the moment that they are resurrected by God.
'And the eternal mountains got to be smashed; the indefinitely lasting hills bowed down'
(Hab 3:6).It is impossible for things which are already eternal to be smashed. This scripture means that those who are to become eternal mountains, i.e. the anointed ones, will have to be smashed first. It is a similar terminology to Daniel 12:7: 'As soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy ones to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.' This situation arises because the holy ones are first sealed and promised eternal life, and then they are killed and then they inherit that eternal life.
The Society currently defines everlasting life as a life which will last forever just so long as the living one remains faithful forever. This is not everlasting life, it is in fact life until time indefinite, or life until further notice as we shall see in the definition below. With the Society's definition both Adam and the angel had everlasting life, although in fact did not, because he came in the 100 year form. This is a false and illogical definition. If you have everlasting life then your life will last forever, whatever you do. The writer is amazed that all of 's people have been persuaded to accept a blatant misuse of the English language! If something lasts forever, then how ever long into the future you care to go, this thing is still lasting, that is the meaning of 'lasting forever'. The Society have a similar 'primary school' definition of 'time indefinite' which is not worthy of discussion. This is the blind leading the blind, and whereas said that both will fall into the pit, the Society has granted both Adam and , everlasting life, notwithstanding the fact that both of them fell into the pit of Sheol after having supposedly possessed it! In truth neither Adam nor (before he died) had this sort of life. Both of their lives were dependent of their remaining faithful to , therefore they had life until time indefinite. If had had everlasting life then his test in Nisan 33 CE would have been at the same time impossible and meaningless.
DEFINITIONS: Indefinitely lasting body, incorruptible body
These mean a body which does not deteriorate, and continues to function satisfactorily as a body, unless it is destroyed, or if it is not ever destroyed then it will continue to function as designed forever.
This is not an everlasting body, because such a body may be destroyed in which case it would not have proved to be everlasting. For instance an 'everlasting' light bulb will last forever so long as you do not step on it. It is the same with an indefinitely lasting body. The writer himself is choosing not to use the word 'everlasting' in the sense that the light bulb manufacturer would because he is illuminated by the light of the world, who is Christ, not by General Electric Corporation. It is this distinction that has not been made by the Society and so has led them to believe that Adam had everlasting life, it is suggested. Everlasting life results from a sworn oath from God. makes sworn oaths to souls, but he does not make them to bodies, which have no understanding and are just containing vessels. In this sense the word everlasting can only be applied to a life and not to a body. Non-corrupting or non-deteriorating or non-ageing, or indefinitely lasting is the correct term for bodies, with the exception of 's body.
DEFINITIONS: Immortal body, Indestructible body, Everlasting body
The body of God. No other body is immortal or indestructible or everlasting, because God can destroy any body that he himself has created. Even in the case of an immortal life, could destroy the body containing such a life and then transfer his soul without killing him, into another body as he did with Enoch. Although Enoch did not have everlasting life, he had life until time indefinite. That God alone has an immortal body is the meaning of the scripture which says:
'This manifestation the happy and only potentate will show in his appointed times, the King of those who will rule as kings and Lord of those who will rule as lords, the one alone having immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom not one of men has seen or can see. To him be the glory honour and might everlasting. Amen' (1 Tim 6:15,16).
Unfortunately the society is currently giving this glory to rather than to God. The happy and only potentate is God, the happy God (1 Tim 1:11), the manifestation is the Christ, who is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords, the appointed times are set by the potentate himself who is , the one alone having immortality, the rock (Deut 32:4). God is the only one who has immortality in the sense that he cannot be killed, and neither can he die. As the prophet says:
'Are you not from long ago, Oh ? Oh my God, my one, you do not die. Oh , for a judgement you have set it; Oh Rock, for a reproving you have founded it' (Hab 1:12).
However, and and spiritual Israel have and will have immortality as well, in the sense that has covenanted for them to have it. Not in the sense that they themselves have indestructible bodies and are therefore indestructible themselves.
DEFINITION: Living to time indefinite
A soul will live on until time indefinite if there is no definite time limit that has yet been set on the length of its life. It is important to realise that knows whether and when such a soul will die, because 'God is greater than our hearts and knows all things' (1 John 3:20). Let us be thankful that he does! So a soul lives until time indefinite if and only if has not communicated to that soul that a time limit has been set for his life. In other words 'living until time indefinite' is simply 'living until further notice', which judicial notice, if given at all, is always given to the soul in question.
It is also very important to realise that if a soul has everlasting life then it is also living until time indefinite because a soul which lives forever has no definite time after which it will be no longer living. However a soul which lives until time indefinite does not necessarily live for ever, it merely lives until further notice, which notice may in due course be given to that soul. So living forever implies living until time indefinite but living until time indefinite does not imply living forever. The bible many times makes a distinction between 'time indefinite' and 'forever' (Check the concordance, under 'indefinite' & 'forever'). That 'forever' is a further qualification of 'time indefinite' and not conversely is proved by the fact that the bible uses the phrase: 'To time indefinite even forever' a total of 14 times, but it never once uses the phrase 'Forever even to time indefinite' which is nonsense.
With this definition, Adam was living until time indefinite in the Garden of Eden. Angel was living until time indefinite until he agreed to give his soul as a ransom, at which time he was no longer living until time indefinite because he was then aware of a definite time when he would die. This did not mean that he became mortal at this point, because his death was not inevitable. The whole point of his death was that:
This was what made it sacrificial. Now we make two further definitions:
A soul which is living but which has a set time limit put on its life, which limit is notified to the soul. The soul has no option but to die before the set limit is reached. This need not be a judicial matter.
A body which has a preset maximum life span.
In the case of , he was not mortal, because although he knew when he was going to die, he had the option of living instead, if he should so desire. He had this option because although he was in a mortal body, he could have left this body at any stage and returned to being an angel, in fact he presumably could have returned to his own angelic body which was lying empty in heaven, if this makes any sense. could do this because he was not judicially condemned, and he had not lost his right to angelic life, he had rather chosen to forego it for the sake of his father's name and for the sake of the sons of Adam.
In the case of Cainan, he was not judicially condemned but he was in a mortal body, since he was made after the likeness of the sons of Adam of his day. Therefore he knew that there was a preset limit on his life, and since Cainan himself did not have angelic life, had this and his exit from was the creation of Cainan, Cainan had no option other than to die. Therefore Cainan was actually mortal, having a mortal life. But Cainan himself would have known that he would be resurrected as an immortal or indestructible or everlasting or living forever human in the. This was because his mortality was not a judicial matter in his case.
A who has been sentenced to death by God (Mat 8:22).
The life possessed by a soul which has not been sentenced to death by God.
A spiritual thing is not necessarily a thing to do with spirit creatures, for instance talks about a spiritual man (1 Cor 2:15), this does not mean that the man being referred to is almost an angel, he is rather one who examines all things, both the physical things which are things to do with the world, and the spiritual things which are things to do with God. The Society often uses the word 'Godly' (unfortunately) which is synonymous with the word 'spiritual', which means 'pertaining to God' or 'from God'. Hence spiritual life does not mean 'life as a spirit creature'. For example who has 'life as a spirit creature' right now has been judged (John 16:11), he does not therefore have 'spiritual or judicial life'. Judicial life and spiritual life are the same because the judgement as to life or death is from God, i.e. is a spiritual judgement. The bible itself only uses the term 'spiritual life' in the context of the congregation of the firstborn:
'The congregation of the firstborn who have been enrolled in the heavens, and God the judge of all, and the spiritual lives of the righteous ones who have been made perfect' (Heb 12:23).
These ones have spiritual life, or judicial life, life from the 'judge of all', whilst still existing as humans, because they are declared righteous when they are baptised in holy spirit, even though they have to die physically before they become spirit creatures. So the adjective 'spiritual' does not only mean 'pertaining to a spirit creature'. Indeed it is used in the wider sense much more frequently than in the angelic sense: e.g. (1 Cor 2:13, 2:15, 3:1, 9:11, 10:3, 10:4,12:1, 14:1, etc.).
Spiritual life is not the same as everlasting life. had spiritual life before he died, he obviously did not have everlasting life before he died. If you have everlasting life then you also have spiritual life, the converse is false. To avoid any confusion we make the following definition:
Life as a spirit creature. The life possessed by an angel.
This life is not necessarily an everlasting life, for example has angelic life, but he is not going to be living forever.
A soul which has been consigned to . A soul which will die permanently.
A which has not been consigned to .
Armed with these definitions, we are now in the position of being able to make all sorts of interesting statements about the anointed ones, the Great Crowd, the men of old etc.
The man who has been declared righteous has everlasting judicial life, but he does not get everlasting life until he is resurrected or transerrected. The below is mainly wrong!
: He was judicially dead, all of his life, until he was declared righteous by means of his faith, at which time he became judicially alive. He lived in a mortal body and was mortal, having mortal life. It is as said:
'Did you not read what was spoken by God, saying, "I am the God of and the God of and the God of "? He is the God not of the dead, but of the living" (Mat 22:32).
Being God of the dead is a complete waste of time! Those who serve God, those to whom is their God, keep living! It is as says:
'Whosoever exercises faith in me, even though he dies, yet shall he live' (John 11:25, /KJ).
Incidentally the scripture in Revelation 20:5, saying: 'The rest of the dead did not come to life until after the 1000 years had ended', is a scripture about everlasting life, because the context is a comparison with the first resurrection, that of the anointed ones, the holy ones of God, which is a resurrection to everlasting life. But here the citizens of the Kingdom of God are described as 'dead'! In this context, 'dead' means without everlasting life. Although judicially the Great Crowd are all dead, because they have not paid for their sins by dying and are therefore still under the death sentence from Adam. So in the new system, those who are resurrected into it will be Judicially alive, and have spiritual life until time indefinite in addition to their physical life until time indefinite. But, those who walk through Armageddon, will be judicially or spiritually dead, throughout the 1000 years, and will only achieve judicial life after they pass the test after the end of the kingdom.
Brother Russell: He has everlasting or immortal life in an indefinitely lasting body.
Brother Knorr: He is presently dead physically. But he is alive spiritually, having spiritual or judicial life, because he was not consigned to . He died faithful (Luke 12:38) and so he will be given everlasting life, but right now he has spiritual life, and there will never be a limit set on his life, therefore he has everlasting spiritual life, even though he is dead!
Brother Franz: He is presently alive, in a mortal body, and he is going to die, so he has mortal life in his mortal body. But he has been sealed by holy spirit, and if he endures to the end then when he dies he will be in the position that Brother Knorr currently enjoys, one of having everlasting spiritual life. However, brother Franz has been declared righteous by God, therefore he is not judicially or spiritually, dead, no he actually has spiritual life, but he does not have everlasting spiritual life, because his testing is not yet complete. He therefore has spiritual life until time indefinite, whilst still having mortal life in a mortal body.
A faithful non-anointed brother: This brother is in a mortal body, but there is no preset time for him to die! He therefore has life until time indefinite in a mortal body! Notwithstanding the fact that Judicially and spiritually he is dead! An astounding position to be in. He is physically in a very similar position to that of Adam before he sinned, although Adam was spiritually alive at that time. He is actually in a superb position thanks to Christ, 'the resurrection and the life' (John 11:25) and thanks to the undeserved kindness of his father. For him, God has given an indefinite stay of execution on his death sentence.
There are many more permutations of all of these types of physical and spiritual life. It is hoped that these things are now clear to the reader.
[G.17.2] The ransom part 2 ### rewrite
We now know that had spiritual or judicial life, and in fact he had everlasting judicial life from his circumcision onwards [Way off target - Ed.] But his soul with this judicial status existed as a human being, and so his everlasting judicial life was contained in a mortal body. did not lose his everlasting judicial life when he died. In fact it is impossible to lose everlasting judicial life by its very definition. Neither does any man himself have any say in whether or not he is judicially alive, so he cannot personally give this sort of life as a ransom. But since did have judicial life, and since this was actually everlasting judicial life, then had no claim at all on his physical life. Had not had judicial life then he would have already been sentenced to death, like the sons of Adam and so would already won his blood, and so he would not have been able to offer his physical life as a ransom.
Had not had everlasting judicial life then he would have had to take a test at some time in the future at which he might have lost his life, so thereagain he would not have owned his judicial life and therefore he would not have owned his physical life. However did own his judicial life and therefore he also owned his physical life as a human and therefore he truly was able to offer it to God, this being something that God did not already possess. Now Adam had judicial life but he did not have everlasting judicial life, therefore he did not own his judicial life and neither did he own his physical life. Nevertheless the penalty imposed on him was physical death, for his sin. This penalty itself implies judicial death, this being the grounds for his physical death. Now the ransom itself was very simple it was merely:
' physical life for Adam's physical life
But needed to have everlasting judicial life in order to possess his own physical life and therefore be able to offer it to . Adam did not need to own his physical life in order to be able to lose it. The bodies which contained these lives, whether mortal, everlasting or ex-angelic were irrelevant judicially. did not ransom Adam's body, no, he ransomed Adam's life. Furthermore it was not ' body that ransomed Adam's life, no, it was his life, his physical life at that, not even his judicial life. A ransom of judicial lives is not possible. The writer has physical life, but he is not able to ransom anybody because he is judicially dead so he doesn't own his physical life, although he does have it as an inheritance which he will be given after he dies! Although he is able to describe the ransom paid by his saviour thanks to the efforts of that one and thanks to the love of his Father, and thanks to the holy spirit which has caused it all to be perfectly recorded. Adam will come back in an entirely different body, because his first body is now dust (Gen 3:19).
Adam was merely a human who had not been condemned to death, and therefore was judicially alive, before he sinned. The fact that Adam had no everlasting life has been looked at in section [2.1]. It is also apparent from the fact that there was a tree in the garden of Eden which imparted death, which means that everlasting life was not assured to Adam, which means that it was not his, which means that he did not have it. God of course had the ability to give it as a gift, but he did not ever do this. So the ransom was simply a judicial life for a judicial life. It was also a 33.5 year sinless life for a 33.5 year sinless life. This qualification of being 'sinless' is not at all superfluous because Ezekiel has said that, 'the soul that is sinning it itself will die' (Eze 18:4). Even the anointed ones, who are declared righteous, do die, because they are sons of Adam. So a son of Adam is no good as a ransomer, because even though he may have judicial life, as did , he is going to die physically anyway because of Adam's death sentence, therefore offering his physical life is offering nothing. As regards offering his judicial life, he cannot do this because God has sworn that he will live forever, this is what the righteous decree is.
It is true to say therefore that the ransom was a perfect life for a perfect life, because both Adam and were men who were sinless, having never sinned, and a man who is sinless is a man who is perfect. There are men today who having been declared righteous by God do have judicial life as an inheritance, but they do not have 'perfect life' because although their Adamic sentence has been removed by virtue of ' blood, these men have sinned are still sinning, although they do not make a practice of it. John says of them:
'Everyone who has been born from God does not carry on sin, because he reproductive seed remains in such one, and he cannot practice sin, because he has been born from God' (1 John 3:9).
However, a life that has been perfect so far, is not necessarily an everlasting life, this sort of life requires an unconditional covenant from God not to terminate one's life. Adam certainly did not have such a covenant because he died and God cannot lie. Therefore the ransom was not:
Adam did exist in an incorruptible body, but if Adam had had everlasting life, then he would still be alive today! If the ransom had been one of everlasting lives then we would all inherit everlasting life after Nisan 2008 and would not be let out of the abyss 1000 years later. Therefore Adam was physically quite different to . Adam was a man of perfect flesh, because the tree of life in the garden of Eden effectively reset his ageing clock continually so that he was perfect physically, like we will be in the Kingdom of God, if we endure to the end. But , was a man of imperfect and ageing flesh like Peter and John, those to whom he was sent. Of course this makes his efforts even more remarkable.
Now we are able to understand a sacred thing, because: Why do men die at around 80/90 years old, reaching their prime at around 30/33.5 years old? Well it is because Adam lived for 33.5 years before he sinned and was going to be severely tested aged 30/33.5 years old, in the body of a human of the time, and so God designed us so that would be in his prime when he was tested. In fact Adam, as a perfect physical man failed a simple passive test, and , in an imperfect body, in the sense of one deteriorating by age, passed a very complicated active test. Truly what he did was just incredible! The highest creation of all became the lowest creation of all, lower even than Adam, in order to save him and his sons. True were his words when he said:
'Whoever wants to become great among you must be your minister, and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. Just as the son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many' (Mat 20:27,28).
So ransomed the person of Adam, thereby paying the penalty for Adam's sin and this penalty is no longer applicable as will be witnessed personally by all of Adam's sons who make up the Great Crowd, the modern day 'Adam' or 'man'. We go straight back into the garden of Eden without dying at all, if we keep a tight grip on the word of life. We owe a special debt, a debt such as no other human owes him, because in our case, he has saved not only our spiritual life, but also our physical life. Truly he died that we might not only have life eventually, but further, actually have life continually! However Adam himself died before the value of ' ransom even existed, let alone could be applied to him, and therefore his sons suffer this same fate, all of them, with the exception of the Great Crowd. Of the former group with regard to 'victory' and of the latter group with regard to 'sting' the prophet has said:
'Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?' (Hosea 13:14, 1 Cor 15:55).
Yes, the Great Crowd are not even stung by death, as regards the heavenly meaning of Hosea 13:14, see 1 Cor 15:54-57.
[G.17.3] Cainan will be resurrected
Cainan lived on for 30 years after Arpachshad died. This we know means that the angel exited Cainan and returned to heaven where he became a priest forever, thirty years before Cainan died. Now under Jewish law, a man could not start officiating at the altar until he was 30 years old. In the case of Enoch, the angel was returned to heaven and Enoch disappeared. This did not happen with , so the continued existence of Cainan is telling us something. It is a very marvellous thing in fact that it is telling us. In Hebrews chapter 5 to 7, the words of Psalm 110:4:
' has sworn (and he will feel no regret) You are a priest forever..'
are repeated four times. One of these times at least applies to Cainan, a man who was without being also the angel , for 30 years before he died. Therefore Cainan is a priest forever. So let us consider again Hebrews 7:15-17:
'And it is still more abundantly clear that with a similarity to , there arises another priest, who has become such not according to the power of the law of a commandment depending upon the flesh, but according to the power of an indissoluble life, for in witness it is said: "You are a priest forever according to the manner of "'.
How abundantly clear all of this is to the reader is a matter for them, but as regards the writer, the indissoluble life is that of in one meaning, and also that of Cainan, the human version of him, as it were, because whereas gave up his human existence as a ransom, did not! Let us make no mistake, Cainan is not the Angel , he is Cainan. But he has learned an awful lot by being for 430 years. Cainan too has an indissoluble life, which he merited on his death. He is currently still ticking in 's memory along with all the other ones in memorial tombs. Cainan's priesthood is an everlasting human one. 's priesthood is an everlasting heavenly one. Cainan himself has become a priest 'not according to the law of a commandment depending upon the flesh', no it was according to the power of his indissoluble life, which did not come from Adam, it came from God.
But, he is not ransomed by ! only gave one soul to when he died, he therefore only ransomed Adam. Therefore only Adam and his sons can benefit from this. Cainan was not a son of Adam, therefore ' ransom does not apply to him. So in order for him to be resurrected, would have to make another arrangement. 'Have' is the operative word, because Cainan was neither born in sin, and nor did he himself sin, we know this because swore with respect to him that he would live forever as a priest. From which we can deduce that had to make this oath because Cainan had done nothing so as to incur death. Cainan died for the same reason that Enoch would have died had he not been transferred, namely that his mission was to minister to the dead in a dead vessel, which ministry would therefore end in his death as a human. But has cryptically told us in Hebrews, and his 30 year life apart from as a human is symbolically telling us, that Cainan will be resurrected into the, neither through the Enochian nor the Melchizedaic nor the Abrahamic Covenants, but through the application of the sworn oath from to himself. He will then become priest to all men in the Kingdom of God forever! At what stage in the timetable Cainan will be resurrected the writer does not know, it could be as early as Elul 14, 2008! Or possibly it could be at the arrival of as a human, in 2496 CE.
As a final point, every man in the line of the 75 paternal ancestors between Christ, and God, written in Luke 3, will be resurrected. Enoch is already resurrected. Cainan is in this line. This is the line of the seed, whose members kept their integrity under attack from , until the arrival of . Their salvation is a further meaning of the scripture:
'In sin my mother conceived me' (Psalm 51:5).
This sin will be forgiven in the cases of all of the paternal ancestors of , but not in the cases of all of his maternal ancestors!
Now we are in a position to mention the heavenly things that were omitted from LS. Because we saw in LS[10], that the price that paid in the ransom deal for the sons of Adam, was 1305 days of being without his son, the angel (Num 3:50, Num 7:2-5). The first day of this period was Tishri 10, 29 CE and the last day was Iyyar 25, 33 CE. This means that he was not without his son on Tishri 9, 29 CE. Which means that did not become until Tishri 10, 29 CE. Hence we read that God himself said on that occasion:
"This is my son, the beloved, whom I have approved" (Matt 3:17).
He said this because his son had just become his son . This is the meaning of the scripture:
'Look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove, God's spirit upon him' (Mat 3:16).
The angel entered when he was 30, he entered Enoch when he was 77, and the angel entered Arpachshad when he was 135. The dove or flying creature of the heavens was basically angel , and it landed on ' head thereby taking control of his life. It is not sensible to think that or could have entered into children. The human experience of prior to his thirtieth birthday was combined with the angel in some miraculous way on Tishri 10, 29 CE. The interesting thing about Cainan, as opposed to Enoch and , is that rather than the human inputting side to the life just vanishing, Cainan lived on. So that the angel almost became two souls. This shows the incredibly high position of . His human counterpart just by-passes everything. This is a reflection of 's heavenly position. Cainan will be an extraordinary person!
Now the astute reader may have realised that the Angel was given eternal life at his ascension in 1801 BCE, we can deduce this because David who lived 800 years later wrote in Psalms that has sworn (past tense), to : "You are (present tense) a priest forever". This means that got his everlasting life before got his. This raises the question: Why didn't the second heaven start then. This question is answered prophetically by Noah when he said after a few glasses of wine, which in the bible often implies holy spirit:
'Let God grant ample space to Japheth, And let him reside in the tents of Shem' (Gen 9:27).
Shem is , Japheth, the oldest, is , and Ham is in this prophetic blessing. It was and who supported (Noah) when he gave the angels a free choice whether they wanted to serve him or not. took the lead amongst those who chose not to (see section [2]). tried to compromise his father who had allowed himself to be exposed. In one meaning, the tents of Shem are the 2nd to the 7th heavens, because these are defined by and his brothers. Just as with all the kings of Israel, it was the King himself who built the temple which the priest officiated in. Similarly it was who built the temple for to officiate in. So heavens change when new immortal Kings turn up, not when new immortal priests turn up. Because if they had changed when ascended then Shem would be residing in Japheth's tent. refers to heavens as tents (Heb 9:11) and so does John (Rev 21:3). However, just as was given everlasting life before , so Japheth was older than Shem. This brings us back to John 3:13, and Look! Behold the beauty and perfection of the holy word of God:
'No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven.'
The scripture says no 'man' because had ascended into heaven as an angel, because he left the 'man' of Cainan downstairs (Gen 28:12). Whereas, Enoch ascended as a man in the sense that Enoch, the man, did not die, 'God took him' (Gen 5:24). And if God took him, then he took him to heaven, although of course no physical man can live there, it was who returned, but his life included Enoch's life. So this scripture holds true for the ascensions of both and before the advent of . John himself was not aware of the depth of what he was writing (2 Tim 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21), these things were sealed up until February 1, 1992.
Japheth's being older than Shem does not mean that was born before , in the heavens, he was not (Col 1:15). Furthermore himself resided in Arpachshad, who was a son of Shem, so he resided in a tent provided by Shem, in the sense that he lived in a descendant of Shem. Even as had played a part in building 's spiritual body, long ago, in the times of time indefinite. Of course Shem not only symbolises but also is actually a descendant of his through Enoch, therefore physically , as , was a descendant of as Enoch, the physical reflecting the spiritual (John 1:3). Of course was not in a position to offer eternal life after he ascended from Enoch because he knew that he would have to die as a ransom, and so did (realise this), although he would presumably have earned it from his pre-flood activities as a human just as earned it from his post-flood activities.
[G.18] The Zechariah class
Consider once more angel's 's words to Zechariah, the priest, when he was officiating at the altar:
'I am who stands near before God' (Luke 1:19).
At the time that said this, Zechariah himself was standing near before God, at the altar (Luke 1:8). But who was the man who stood the nearest before God? Yes, it was the high priest, when he entered into the Most , once a year. So is here saying that he is a heavenly high priest himself. And now truly we have found the correct name for the fourth watch of the Watchtower Society, yes:
Because, just as Zechariah did not believe the angel 's words to him in Luke 1:13, the fourth watch of the Watchtower Society did not believe the angel's words to them in Daniel chapter 8 which were fulfilled at their appointed time of February 1, 1992. In fact said to Zechariah:
'But look! you will be silent and not able to speak until the day that these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled at the appointed time' (Luke 1:20).
Whereas the same one said to Daniel: "Here I am causing you to know what will occur in the final part of the denunciation, because it is for the appointed time of the end" (Dan 8:19).
Furthermore Luke has said:
'In the days of Herod, the king of Judea, there happened to be a certain priest named Zechariah of the division of Abijah, and he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. They both were righteous before God because of walking blamelessly in accord with all the commandments and legal requirements of . But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren and they both were well along in years' (Luke 1:5-7).
Notice first the repetition of the silence of Zechariah. This is declaring that there will be a greater silence determined on a greater Zechariah (Gen 41:25,32, Amos 3:3-7, LS[2]). Now if Zechariah was of the priestly division of Abijah, then he was in the eighth watch, at the temple, as it says in 1 Chron 24:10: 'For Abijah the eighth'. But he had 'a wife (1 time) from the daughters of Aaron (2 times)', a singular woman compared with and taken out of plural women, so she stands for a multiplication by one half, which is one compared with two after all (to compare often means divide in mathematics and in the bible). Now Zechariah and his wife are taken together as being righteous, and as being old. The words 'they both' appearing twice, so there is a greater way in which these two are to be taken together and it is that they both, together, represent the fourth watch of the Watchtower Society, because Zechariah represents 8 times and his wife represents half a time, so if we combine these two then we get 4 times, or the 4th watch. We multiply rather than add because if we add 1 plus 1 then we get two, in which case the 2 spouses have become 2, whereas if we multiply 1 by 1 then we get one, in which case the two spouses have become 1 flesh as required!
Well if Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous because of their 'walking blamelessly in accord with all the commandments and legal requirements of ', then it is apparent that they have just been declared righteous by the word of God, in the bible! The fourth watch is also righteous by declaration from God as referred to by in Romans 5:16, since the whole governing body is presently made up of spirit-begotten Christians. It is also beyond dispute that they are all 'well along in years', the writer would suggest with all due deference! In fact Zechariah is brother Franz, the head of the governing body, and Elizabeth, is the rest of this body, during the fourth watch.
These ones are presently offering incense in the form of their prayers and supplications to their God, a further repeated concept in the account. In verse 11 we see that:
''s angel appeared, standing at the right side of the incense altar'.
This would have been looking at the altar from the front, i.e. from the door to the sanctuary (see fig 9C ref. bible). This would mean that was on God's left hand in some sense, since the altar of incense represents His presence as a hearer of prayer. This may have something to do with the fact that sits at God's right hand (Psalm 110:1). A further meaning is that 's position is again indicating a division in two (he is on one of the two sides of the altar) which would convert the eighth division of Abijah into the fourth division or watch.
Now we have seen that the day of this appearance by was, in the greater meaning, February 1, 1992. From this day onwards, the fourth watch of the Watchtower Society is silent and unable to speak until the eighth day after the antitypical birth of the antitypical John the baptist, which birth is sometime in the 9 month after Shebat 1992 (Luke 1:26, 36, 56, 57, 59). Elizabeth's sixth month is referred to twice and so her pregnancy period does stand for a greater period as well. The ninth month after Shebat is Heshvan 1992, (this paragraph is being written on November 4th or Heshvan 5, 1992). We will see a second witness to this period of approximately 9 months in section [20]. This is the time that the Watchtower Society accept that LS is a work resulting from direction by the holy spirit - it is not of course inspired - but it has come as a result of a massive amount of help from the true God. It has also come at his instigation and with his timing.
[G.19] Genesis chapters 12,20 & 26
In Genesis 12:14-20, disguises Sarai as his sister rather than his wife in front of Pharaoh. In Genesis 20: 1-7, he does the same thing for Abimelech. In Genesis 26:7-11, disguises Rebekah as his sister again in front of Abimelech. if we analyse this we have:
[1] Wives are disguised three times
[2] Twice it is the same wife, namely Sarah
[3] Twice it is the same king, namely Abimelech
Well, in the bible, wives of men like often stand for covenants (Gal 4:24). The situation is no different above, because whereas has showed us that Sarah prefigured the New Covenant and prefigured the Mosaic law, in the symbolic drama between them. We now have three disguised or hidden covenants being referred to symbolically by wives pretending to be sisters. In fact these three covenants are the Enochian, the Melchizedaic and the Abrahamic. Three covenants which are very heavily disguised in the bible, so much so that the society doesn't know about the first two and doesn't fully understand the third, which they believe ends after the thousand year reign, when in fact it ends immediately before this reign starts (W80 7/1 p31). The question is which account refers to which covenant? To answer this consider the three scriptures Gen 12:16, Gen 20:5,6, Gen 26:8:
'And he treated Abram well on her account, and he came to have sheep and cattle and asses and menservants and maidservants and she-asses and camels'
'However, Abimelech had not gone near her. Hence he said: ", will you kill a nation that is really righteous? Did he not say to me: 'She is my sister'? and she - did not she too say: 'He is my brother'? In the honesty of my heart and with innocency of my hands I have done this." At that the true God said to him in a dream: "I too have known that in the honesty of your heart you have done this, and I was also holding you back from sinning against me. that is why I did not allow you to touch her."'
'So it came about that as his days there extended themselves Abimelech, king of the Philistines, was looking out of the window and taking in the sight, and there was having a good time with Rebekah his wife.'
The first scripture has a cryptic value of 14 times. The second is a masterpiece, this is being very elegant, because Abimelech, who is making this protestation, has said that he is honest in heart and innocent in hands, making 11 times, but replies by agreeing with respect to the heart but deliberately ignoring the hands, even saying that Abimelech was not allowed to touch Sarah, a job that he would have undertaken using his hands. This is a very subtle way of saying '11 times less 10 times'. The third scripture is a further masterpiece, because if your days extend themselves then rather than representing two times (since 'days' are plural), they represent 3 times. Furthermore the 'nation that is really righteous' that allows to be killed is spiritual Israel, and the one really who 'was looking out of the window' and having a look around was Noah (Gen 8:6).
We know now that there are 14 resurrections, 3 resurrections and 11 resurrections respectively to the Enochian, Melchizedaic and Abrahamic covenants. Therefore Genesis 12 refers to Enoch's, Genesis 20 refers to 's and Genesis 26 refers to 's covenant. Sarah's appearance as the wife in the both Enochian and the Abrahamic accounts is the common factor of the appearance of during both covenants. The double appearance of Abimelech the king in the Melchizedaic and Abrahamic accounts, who was mimicking Noah, represents the common factor between these two covenants, namely that they are both post-flood. Also David was known to look out of a window and then have a good time during the Abrahamic covenant.
[G.20] The registration sin of David
As stated in the introduction (section 1) this booklet is the greater registration of spiritual Israel. It is the second fulfilment of 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chron 21. The symbolism of these two accounts is abstract to say the least. We start with the account in Samuel, the symbolism here is:
The King of Israel Christ
David Faithful and Discreet slave
Joab The writer
Chiefs of military forces His associates
Physical Israel Spiritual Israel
incites David saying: "Go, take a count of Israel and Judah" (2 Sam 24:1). This registration of two peoples is repeated and so also refers to a greater registration of two peoples.
'So the king said to Joab, the chief of the military forces who was with him: "Move about please through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, and you men register the people, and I shall certainly know the number of the people"' (2 Sam 24:2).
As stated in the introduction, the physical moving through the physical twelve tribes whilst registering physical Israel is referring to a greater temporal moving through 12 times, whilst registering the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel. This is the registration of Genesis chapter 5 (section [7]).
Now when we compare the two registration results in the two accounts we find the following:
'And Israel amounted to 800,000 valiant men drawing sword, and the men of Judah were 500,000 men' (2 Sam 24:9).
'And all Israel amounted to 1.1 million men drawing sword, and Judah 470,000 men drawing sword' (1 Chron 21:5).
Oh dear, we now have a bit of a problem! This question is raised in W77 p718, which states that: 'It is unwise to consider this (discrepancy to be) a scribal error'. This is very good reasoning. The rest of the reasoning in this article is not bad at all, seeing that this article was written more than 14 years before the time of the end. So, was Samuel innumerate? Has not seen the discrepancy in these two accounts? Was Ezra prone to exaggeration? Is the fault with the bible or is the fault with the reader?
How good is God? is he pretty good, is he very good, is he really good, or is he totally perfect? Which one would you say? Moses would say the last one (Deut 32:4). So let us take the position that Moses does for the minute, and let us scrutinise this discrepancy, presupposing God to be perfect!
We see that Israel has 800,000 valiant men drawing sword, and 'all' Israel has 1.1 million men. So there is no problem, Israel has a total of 1.1 million men drawing sword, only 800,000 of whom are 'valiant'. In other words 300,000 men of Israel are not particularly valiant. As regards Judah, we have 500,000 men in Judah, and 470,000 men drawing sword. So there is no problem here either, 470,000 were drawing sword and 30,000 were not, making a total of 500,000. Fine so all in all there were 1.6 million men of which 800,000 were valiant and from Israel, 300,000 were not so valiant and from Israel, 470,000 were drawing sword and from Judah and 30,000 were not drawing sword and from Judah. The Watchtower article was not so very far away from this when it said: 'The two accounts may have reckoned the numbers from different viewpoints'.
The writer is now praising and commending the faithful and discreet slave for a 'best possible' article on this subject!
Now we come to the amazing part of these two accounts. The registration of Samuel was said to be carried out by 'Joab and the chiefs of the military forces':
'Finally the king's word prevailed over Joab and the chiefs of the military forces. So Joab and the chiefs of the military forces went out from before the king to register the people Israel' (2 Sam 24:4).
The repetition of Joab and his chiefs establishes them as standing for something greater and they do, they stand for the writer and his associates, but also they represent 5 times (chiefs of forces are 2x2 times). Now it is most important to separate in one's mind the literal registration by literal Joab and the greater cryptic registration by the second Joab. In this greater registration, which actually occurs at the end of a period of 290 days (verse 8), the number of Israel is multiplied by 5 times, because they were all drawing sword, which makes them the subject to Joab (1 time) and the chiefs of the military forces (2x2 times) and they are all in Israel, the group who Joab and his chiefs are cryptically told to register in verse 4. So we have two witnesses to their multiplication by 5 times, neither of which apply to the men of Judah. These men are neither 'drawing sword' nor are they a part of Israel. Therefore in the greater registration, they are not multiplied by five times, so we have a total of:
800,000 x 5 + 500,000 = 4,500,000
This is the number of baptised witnesses today, more or less! The true God knows that this calculation is a bit tenuous so he has provided a second witness in the account of 1 Chron 21, where we read:
'So David said to Joab and the chiefs of the people: "Go, count Israel from Beersheba to Dan and bring it to me that I may know their number"' (1 Chron 21:2).
In this account the registrars only stand for 3 times: 'Joab and the chiefs of the people', because whereas it is certainly true that 'the people' are in the plural, and so chiefs of them is a plural of a plural, which normally means 4 times. When you are a chief of a people you are a chief of a singular group, one is not a chief of two peoples one is a chief of one people. This is not so with military forces, because one people can have several military forces (the infantry, the cavalry etc.). Also these chiefs are not stipulated as just being military chiefs they are said to be chiefs of the people, which has the cryptic meaning that they count all people, both Judah and Israel. Of course literally they are the same chiefs as the 'chiefs of the military forces' of 2 Samuel 24, but we are looking at the cryptic or greater meaning here. So the greater registration comes to a total of:
1,100,000 x 3 + 470,000 x 3 = 4,710,000
But, all the registered ones of both Israel and Judah are drawing sword in this account. So the drawing of sword is mentioned twice, whereas in Samuel's account it was only mentioned once. Therefore this registration has a greater way in which these people are 'drawing sword'. This greater way is that this number of 4.71 million includes all those who die as a result of the drawn sword of 's angel (verse 16), and the greater plague from this angel which is described as:
'For 3 days there is to be a sword of , even pestilence, in the land, with 's angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel' (1 Chron 21:12).
Now in the physical plague 70,000 died. But in the spiritual plague, which rather than lasting for 3 days actually lasts for 3 years, and 3 X 70,000 or 210,000 people die spiritually. These three are the 3 years lasting from Tishri 1992 until Tishri 1995. So the figure of 4,710,000 includes these 210,000 who are stumbled by the cryptic meanings a sad thing. However this is a truly amazing prophetic result, which we now state in big letters:
The bible prophesies that in Tishri 1992 there will be 4.5 million 's witnesses, and that 210,000 will leave the truth over the next three years.
The ones who leave will be the ones who love the faithful and discreet slave and the commandments of men, more than they love God and his commandments. Because the greater Census sin is that the 4th watch is treating 's people as theirs. They have authority over them yes, but they do not own them. Just as David had authority over all Israel, but he did not own all of the people, they belonged to . The total numbers in the truth will actually increase enormously in this period. The greater David will become upset on receipt of this booklet, it is suggested. And during this period, he will say to :
'Is it not I that have sinned and unquestionably done bad? As for these sheep what have they done' ? (1 Chron 21:17).
Incidentally a further reason why only Ezra's account mentions that Levi and Benjamin were left out is that these two stand for two times and Ezra's registration is multiplied by 3 in the greater meaning whereas Samuel's is multiplied by 5 which is two times more. Also in the registration of spiritual Israel recited in Revelation chapter 7, 2 tribes are left out, namely Dan and Ephraim, what the significance of this is, the writer does not know.
Now we perform the most difficult cryptic calculations that we have yet seen, to confirm our interpretations:
'When David (1 time) raised his eyes (2 times) he got to see 's angel (1 time) standing between the earth and the heavens (1.5 times) with his drawn sword in his hand (6 times) extended toward Jerusalem (1 time); and David and the older men covered with sackcloth (4 times) fell upon their faces (2x2 times)' (1 Chron 21:16).
The calculation that is being described is:
1 time+2 times x (1+6+1 times) x 1.5 times - 4 times x 4 times
= 1 + 2x7x1.5 - 16 = 1 + 25 - 16 = 9 times
We multiply the 8 times of the 'angel with the drawn sword in his hand extended towards Jerusalem' by 2 and by 1.5 because this angel is both seen by David's raised eyes (x2) and it is also standing between the earth and the heavens (x1.5). Now this 9 times is the time left for David after the greater scourge stops. It is therefore the period from Tishri 1995 until Tishri 2004. [Sorry, this is garbage -Ed.]
Returning to the Samuel's account, we have the cryptic journey of Joab:
'Then they crossed the Jordan and took up camping at Aroer to the right of the city that is in the middle of the torrent valley, toward the Gadites and to Jazer. After that they came to Gilead, and the land of Tahtimhodshi (the Hittites) and continued on to Danjaan and went around to Sidon. Then they came to the fortress of Tyre and all the cities of the Hivites and of the Canaanites and came to the terminating point in the Negeb of Judah at Beersheba. Thus they went moving through all the land and came to Jerusalem at the end of 9 months and 20 days' (2 Sam 24:5-8).
Aroer was in the middle of the valley and so stands for .5 time, the Gadites stand for 2 times and Jazer is 1 time. Now the camp was in the middle of all three of these peoples and places, this means that it stands for:
(.5 + 1 + 2)/3 = 1 + 1/6 times
The rest of the account is more straightforward, 'all the cities of the Hivites and the Canaanites' is 4 times + 4 times, the Tahtimhodshi were the Hittites according to the (ref. footnote) but in any event they were a plural people, so they stand for 2 times. If the reader adds it all up he will get 16 and one sixth times, or 16 years and two lunar months. This is the exact length of time from Shebat 1992, the first month of the time of the end, until Nisan 2008, the 'terminating point' (verse 7) of this system. This period is therefore the whole length of the time period 'from before the King'. Therefore we also count the 9 months and 20 days, or 290 days from the first day of the time of the end or February 1, 1992. Now this period is stated in days and so it is accurate to the day (LS[24.4]). However the question is: is it days of the Hebrew calendar or days of the Gregorian calendar? The answer is that as in the case of the 360 days of incarceration of the brothers in 1918 (see LS[82]), when a prophecy is stated in days and it is of less than or equal to one Lunar year in length, then we take them to be literal days, i.e. Gregorian days. So this period will expire on November 18th 1992. This is the day when this booklet will arrive in Brooklyn.
[What the sheep do that is wrong is they submit field service reports, and register their means of procreation with , this is a sin on their part against God, it is idolatry, it is the greater registration sin of the sheep. Everyone knows that one submits one's hourly worksheet to one's employer, the one who pays one's wages. The Christian is employed and paid not by the slave but by the master, Christ. So the writer says to all those who have submitted their time sheets to (himself included) truly you have been paid in full! - Ed - the best one was when we used to have a big chart on the wall of the Kingdom Hall of what hours we had done! unbelievable idolatry.]
[G.21] Apologies
The writer again apologises is his manner offends. Please forgive me for my over-enthusiastic presentation. It is much easier to present prophecy from God than it is to present counsel from God or from his son. Section [16.2] on prayer needs to be looked at very quickly. May you all enjoy the results of the greater registration!
Brothers, all of the gospels will now be fulfilled again in their greater meaning, from now until the end. We end with some encouraging and apposite words from the spiritual Lord Chief Justice of God's love, the last apostle:
'For the gifts and the calling of God are not things that he will regret. For just as you were once disobedient to God but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, so also these now have been disobedient with resulting mercy to you, that they themselves also may now be shown mercy. For God has shut them all up together in disobedience, that he might show all of them mercy' (Rom 11:29-32).
'O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgements and past tracing out his ways are! For "Who has come to know 's mind, or who has become his counsellor?" Or, "Who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him?" Because from him and by him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen.'
[G.22] Appendix 1
Barnabus and Matthias were never apostles, took the twelfth place. does not have 13 or 14 apostles, his original purpose was to have 12 and so after Judas Iscariot deviated he appointed , thereby regaining 12 apostles. But this was not to take Judas' place, his place was left desolate (Acts 1:20). was not an apostle to the Jews as was Judas, he was an apostle to the nations, in fact he was the apostle to the nations. Apostles are called personally by . Matthias and Barnabus were never so called. [Barnabus was an apostle, and there were 13 or 14 sons of since he took Ephraim and Manasseh and these two replaced Joseph in the tribal division - so this is all rubbish - Ed.]
[G.23] Appendix 2
Insight 1 p589 'Mary' and 'Joseph' are the wrong way round, Joseph was through Nathan and Mary was through Solomon. [Sorry - wrong - Ed - insight book is correct]
[G.24] Appendix 3: The Divine Plan of the Ages, some additions and corrections
TIME INDEFINITE , Love, Justice, Wisdom, Power; in the first heaven
4027 Tishri 10 Adam created
4016 Tishri Adam put in the Garden of Eden
3997 Tishri 10 Eve created
3993 Nisan 14 Adam sins
3992 Tishri Cain born
3990 Tishri Abel born
2149 Nisan separated men's language at Babel
34 Tishri Samaritans called
2004 Tishri 15 360 days of captivity of Great Crowd starts
2005 Tishri 4 360 days end with the destruction of Babylon the great
2008 Tammuz 14 loses his earthly kingdom, wild beast is caught