[20b] Gabriel was the firstborn angelic son of Michael. Abraham was also his direct angelic son

Gabriel is a very high form of human/angelic priest, for he stands before Jehovah and announced to Mary the birth of Jesus. Elizabeth was certainly a relative of Mary. So John was a relative of Jesus. This must picture Gabriel who possessed John as being a relative of Michael who possessed Jesus. So let us discover what type of relatives these two are.

Jesus made Peter, his firstborn 1NC covenant son into the head of the 3rd holy spirit, his 1NC wife. So we do not know what happened to Michael's firstborn angelic son. God had Satan before Adam. So presumably Michael had an angelic son before Methuselah. Since he mirrors what God does according to John 5:19.

13 Then a certain one of the crowd said to him: Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me. 
14 He said to him: Man, who appointed me judge or apportioner over you persons? (Luke 12)

Literally no one appointed Jesus a judge under law or an apportioner. But he is appointed judge and apportioner over Eden2 and Eden 3 (the Kingdom of God). Yes saved mankind is divided between two brothers: Melchizedek and Methuselah. They are brothers in pre fall Adam. They were what we will become. For God restores all of his sons to their previous estates - eventually. 

Jesus was a son of David, in fact a son of the non adamic version of David on Eden2 - see U54.

30 This is the one about whom I said, Behind me there comes a man [Jesus] who has overtaken me/advanced in front of me [in authority over the church], because he existed before me [Michael not only pre-existed Gabriel, but must have been a paternal ancestor in order to have rights over Gabriel] (John 1). 

So we now see that Gabriel was a son or a son of a son of Michael. We know that John leapt in the womb when Mary greeted Elizabeth. We now see that perhaps he leapt one step up the family tree in order to overtake his angelic father and be born as a human before he was. The point is that he did not leap twice in the womb. So Michael is the angelic father of Gabriel

Furthermore Melchizedek had Enoch who had Methuselah. Melchizedek himself was not possessed. Michael possessed Enoch and Gabriel possessed Methuselah his son. This father son human relationship between the possessees plainly prefigures the father son angelic relationship between the possessors.

15 And Mahalalel lived on for 65 years. Then he became father to Jared [Melchizedek]
16 And after his fathering Jared Mahalalel continued to live 830 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. 
17 So all the days of Mahalalel amounted to 895 years and he died. 
18 And Jared lived on for 162 years. Then he became father to Enoch. 
19 And after his fathering Enoch Jared continued to live 800 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. 
20 So all the days of Jared amounted to 962 years and he died. 
21 And Enoch lived on for 65 years. Then he became father to Methuselah. 
22 And after his fathering Methuselah Enoch went on walking with the [true] God 300 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. 
23 So all the days of Enoch amounted to 365 years. 
24 And Enoch kept walking with the [true] God. Then he was no more, for God took him. 
25 And Methuselah lived on for 187 years. Then he became father to Lamech. 
26 And after his fathering Lamech Methuselah continued to live 782 years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. 
27 So all the days of Methuselah amounted to 969 years and he died (Genesis 5). 

So just as Enoch who was possessed by Michael fathered Methuselah who was possessed by Gabriel, so Michael fathered Gabriel angelically.

The Kingship in Israel was a different genetic line to the priesthood (David versus Aaron). But Jesus united these two lines by his sacrifice. 

11 Therefore keep bearing in mind that formerly you were people of the nations as to flesh; uncircumcision you were called by that which is called circumcision made in the flesh with hands -- 
12 that you were at that particular time without Christ, alienated from the state of Israel and strangers to the covenants of the promise, and you had no hope and were without God in the world. 
13 But now in union with Christ Jesus you who were once far off have come to be near by the blood of the Christ. 
14 For he is our peace, he who made the 2 parties one and destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off. 
15 By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the Law of commandments consisting in decrees, that he might create the 2 peoples in union with himself into one new man and make peace; 
16 and that he might fully reconcile both peoples in one body to God through the torture stake, because he had killed off the enmity by means of himself. 
17 And he came and declared the good news of peace to you, the ones far off, and peace to those near, 
18 because through him we, both peoples, have the approach to the Father by one spirit (Ephesians 2). 

This does not only apply to Jews and Gentiles, but also to Aaronic priests and Davidic Kings

Jesus united the greater Aaronic Priesthood with the Royal Kingship line so that the apostles were both future kings and priests of the highest order being able to give the gifts of the spirit.  

So in the kingdom the 'Aaronic' priests are the royal King-priests and Lord-priests. But then we have also the non royal Levitical priests. These are the unsanctified sons of the CRC, the Church Ransom Covenant - see intro28. They will be headed by Methuselah on earth and by Gabriel in heaven. So Methuselah is the head of the earthly 'Levites' and Gabriel is his heavenly head.

So the whole Kingdom of God is a family affair of Michael's. 

11 Finally Jehovah said to Moses: How long will this people treat me without respect, and how long will they not put faith in me for all the signs that I performed in among them? 
12 Let me strike them with pestilence and drive them away, and let me make you [into] a nation greater and mightier than they are (Numbers 14 NWT)

Literally Jehovah did not make Moses into a nation greater and mightier than the Sons of Israel. But no word of God goes forth without results and all scripture has power. So in a greater meaning he did do this. He did it with Michael. The Kingdom of God is his patriarchal nation. Everything that Satan tried to take by deception and power games God gave to Michael through sacrifice and love.

The good news is that not all firstborn sons of deities or angels are destined to follow Satan. Gabriel has proven that.

Gabriel is now the mediator and head of the second holy spirit

Michael gained the right to be the mediator of the 2HSC when he agreed to provide his everlasting angelic body as a ransom for Adam. This ransom could be either for angels or humans. Any angelic person (angelically born again human or originally born as an angel) can enter into the ARC and gain everlasting life through the ransom of Jesus. Adam was the blessing mediator of this covenant. So all everlasting life is through Michael and through Adam in the case of humans. Not sure if there is a separate  blessing mediator for the ARC for the original angels or if Adam does that too.

So when Michael was elevated to a God, he could no longer also be the head of Jehovah's wife, the mediator of the 2HSC. So he gave that position to his firstborn angelic son, who actually had the right to inherit the position at the death of Michael as an angel. But the scriptures declare this in other ways too..

26 Therefore Jesus, seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved [Lazarus, his son by resurrection] standing by, said to his mother: Woman, see! Your son! 
27 Next he said to the disciple: See! Your mother! And from that hour on the disciple took her to his own home (John 19). 

In other words Lazarus became the family head of Mary. He inherited that position on Jesus' death because he was the firstborn son of Mary's firstborn human son Jesus (Melchizedek being dead and Gabriel being an angel at the time). But this pictures Gabriel, the firstborn angelic son of Michael becoming the family head of Jesus' mother, the holy spirit. In other words it pictures Gabriel becoming the head, the mediator of the 2HSC. Mind you how he does that whilst having given his angel in validation of the JAC we do not yet understand.

Abraham was another direct angelic son of Michael

1 And Solomon started/perforated to build the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem, in Mount Moriah [chosen by Jah , where was seen to David his father (who was Michael - Jehovah's angel) [OR where (Michael) was seen to David his (Solomon's father)], which [house] he built in the place of David, in the grain floor of Ornan the Jebusite
2 He started/perforated to build in the 2nd in the 2nd month [Chodesh] in the 4th year [day/year] of his reign [] (2Chronicles3)

16 When David raised his eyes, he got to see Jehovah's angel standing between the earth and the heavens with his drawn sword in his hand extended toward Jerusalem; and David and the older men, covered with sackcloth, at once fell down upon their faces. (1 Chronicles 21 NWT)
16 And the angel kept his hand thrust out toward Jerusalem to bring it to ruin; and Jehovah began to feel regret over the calamity, and so he said to the angel that was bringing ruin among the people: It is enough! Now let your hand drop. And Jehovah's angel himself happened to be close by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. (2 Samuel 24 NWT)

Jehovah's angel, the Guardian angel of Israel, who is Michael, was seen by David. So Michael was the father of either Solomon or David - actually both since Solomon is the Angelic son of David as well as his genetic son from Matthew1. In fact they are both the angelic sons of Abraham from Matthew1, which in one thread is the angelic descent of the paternal line to Jesus Therefore Michael was Abraham's DIRECT angelic father from Matthew1 (since the genealogy starts at Abraham).  


1. ELC saints perhaps have a sacrificial first death for around 2000 years in order not to gain Eden2 or heavenly knowledge which would short circuit the Kingdom of God. This is the prime directive of Star Trek basically. the Kingdom of God must advance at a rate determined by its own people.

2. Adam can be resurrected without resurrecting all of those in his salvation covenants. Abraham was!