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the Branch Overseer and the Branch Press Officer
Open Letter to all ’s Witnesses in the Bethels around the world
(2006 May 30th)
Here is the Corrected Sign of Jonah for the wicked generation of the last days – i.e. for us…
Watchtower Administration will be physically destroyed in 11 days from the date
of this letter.
time has come for me to do the sign of Jonah as instructed by the holy spirit.
This instruction came not through any direct revelation, but through the
symbolic interpretation of Jonah chapters 3 and 4, 1 Thessalonians 5, 1 Kings
18, Mark 5 etc. This letter uses ‘you’ to mean the faithful/evil
slave of Matthew 24.
during the reign of Jeroboam, the son of Jehoash, the king of Israel (842-802
BC), Jonah was instructed by God to give this message to the Ninevites…
Only 40 days more and Nineveh will be destroyed (Jonah 3).
today, have 4 scriptural witnesses (1 Thessalonians 5, 1 Kings 18, Acts 1:20,
Jonah 3-4) which instruct me to inform you as a result of our interpretation of
these scriptures, that in 40 days actually from 2006Iyyar2
travelled a walking distance of 1 day - ed], on 2006Sivan12 (which runs from sundown
of June 9th until sundown of June 10th 2006), the
Watchtower administration complex in Brooklyn will be physically destroyed.
purpose of this letter is to give you the biblical evidence for applying this
warning to the Watchtower at this time. And to show you plainly why you are
getting this warning. And to offer you people the opportunity to save yourselves
from this coming judgement and destruction, which starts with the house of God
(1 Peter 4:17), the Bethel, which means ‘house of God’.
our understanding, the Watchtower administration is the greater Nineveh of
Jonah, today, a spiritual Nineveh, a city of spiritual bloodshed (Nahum 3:1). It
is a city that has 120,000 first new covenant () and second new covenant
() saints, who do not know their left hand from their right, within it (Jonah
4:11). They are sanctified, clean in the spirit, but not water baptised. So they
are unclean in the flesh. This makes them all liable for unless they are
re-water baptised into the s. Your efforts to prevent this are nothing short
of spiritual genocide. These unclean saints (clean in spirit and unclean in
flesh) do not understand that there are two true complimentary Christian
churches in each presence. They do not understand this, because you, who know
it, having been told about the and the second true church of this presence
12 years ago, have hidden their salvation status from their eyes since you care
more for your power over them than you do for their spiritual lives.
12 years are the 12 years of the woman with the flow of blood which embarrassed
her and made her flesh unclean. This woman is the (). Her
flow of blood spirit sanctifies those who are in this covenant. These ones have
been washed with the blood of the mediator of the Jacobian Angelic
Covenant, the master spirit baptism covenant of the Abrahamic System - see
The woman is unclean in the flesh because she does not have a water baptism.
Touching the fringe of ’ outer garment is coming into contact with any
person with a true priesthood, that of the s, who are clean to re-water
baptise s. All saints must die with a water baptism or they go to .
have hidden from them the date of Armageddon which you have known for 14 years.
have hidden from them the beauty of the Midst prophecy which you have known for
14 years.
have hidden from them the 7 of the malediction
from 3993Nisan16 when Adam was thrown out of Eden to 1473Nisan15, when the sons
of Israel first ate fruit in the Promised land, this being a land rights curse.
have hidden from them the 7 of the malediction,
wherein no man could be sealed in holy spirit, which ran from the warning given
to Noah in 2368Sivan to Pentecost on 33Sivan6, a priesthood curse.
have hidden from them the complimentary natures of the Gentile, the Exedenic and
the , all 3 being maledictions for 7 on one of
the 3 rights of God’s people, which rights are to have a King appointed by
God, and to have a priesthood which gives everlasting life and to have a blessed
land in which to live. The one malediction ending in the festival of Booths, the
other in the festival of Cakes and the other in the festival of Weeks.
have hidden from them the true nature of which is not a place of the first
death but is rather a place of the second death, the consciousness of a spirit
with no angelic or human body.
have hidden from them the knowledge of the rock solid security of God’s love
for every one of his sons and his daughters which comes from the understanding
fact that God will never destroy a single one of us permanently and that he will
one day save a repentant , for such is his love and such is his wisdom and
such is his power and such is his delight, and there is nothing that is too
extraordinary for him.
You have hidden the true understanding of the ransom of for Adam, which
actually saves Adam, and by doing that saves his covenanted sons. You dishonour
your father Adam. Carry on like this and you will fill up your measure of your
You have hidden from them the true meaning of the parable of the Faithful and
Discreet Slave, which is that you have become the evil slave and will be cut in
two, with the rotten saints remaining in the Watchtower and the faithful saints
going to the land that God is showing them, the administration of the s.
have hidden from them the glory of the second new covenant () for earthly
Kings and Lords.
You have hidden from them the true bible code and its concrete confirmation of
the mechanism by which the scriptures are inspired and its capability to
determine canonicity.
have hidden from them the roles of and in the divine
salvation plan.
You have hidden from them their divine birthright to be Gods like and
like has now become.
have hidden from them the privilege given to all of ’ sons, to pray to
‘our father’ .
You have hidden from them whole chronology that the holy spirit has shown us.
You have hidden from them 22 of the 24 salvation covenants in God’s plan to
save us.
have hidden from them the date and manner of the arrival of as a human
with most of the 144,000 heavenly kings as humans on 2008Iyyar29 at the end of
the 1335 days of Daniel.
have hidden from them all the beauty and power of true bible understanding just
as every false church has done before you.
worse than all of this, you have lied to them and told them that they can never
work these things out by themselves. Because you have fed them the false
Babylonian doctrine that only the priests in the Watchtower, the wide awake John
class, the faithful slave class, are the exclusive channel for divine revelation
of scriptural meaning. Whereas the holy word of Joel and Peter says that…
And in the last days, God says, I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every
sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men
will see visions and your old men will dream dreams (Acts 2).
that in our church it was a 16 year old girl who got the understanding that the
name above every name named is ‘’, and that got that family
name when he was resurrected becoming a God to be worshipped like his father. He
became a mighty God, but not the almighty God.
John Wycliffe and William Tyndale and many others gave their lives so that the
common man might be able to read the bible, and all literacy and most great
literature in my country comes from those sacrifices and from the desire of
mankind to read God’s word for themselves. But you have nullified their
sacrifices by insisting dishonestly that although he can read it, God will never
reveal anything new to the common man since his spirit is restricted only to
work through the ‘Wide awake John class’, the ‘faithful slave class’,
the oldest members of your church. Whereas it has been our experience that the
holy spirit delights in giving the deepest understandings to the youngest
members of our church. It is as himself said…
At that time said in response: I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of
heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and
intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes (Matthew 11).
Why did you not believe words when he said…
A stranger they will by no means follow but will flee from him, because they do
not know the voice of strangers (John 10).
My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me (John 10)?
you believed these words you would have properly assessed the understandings of
and presented them to God’s children knowing that if we are not from God
then you would at worst only lose some goats, but if we are from God, then you
would have not stood in the way of the holy spirit. But even the basic logic of
Gamaliel was beyond your grasp.
have hidden the truth from God’s people for nearly 12 years since you lost
your authority over the remnant, when you became the evil slave on 1994Tammuz30
[1995Tishri15 - Ed],
33½ months after I was sanctified as the mediator of the second new covenant
(). These 12 years also being the 12 baskets of fragments of the feeding of
the 5,000, a basket for a year. It was Joseph who interpreted a basket of bread
as a day in Genesis 40, and it is the greater Joseph who interprets a basket of
bread as a year in Matthew 14, following the instruction of his master who
Though having eyes, do you not see; and though having ears, do you not hear?'
And do you not remember,
when I broke the 5 loaves for the 5,000 [men], how many baskets full of
fragments you took up? They said to him: 12.
When I broke the 7 for the 4,000 [men], how many provision baskets full of
fragments did you take up? And they said to him: 7.
With that he said to them: Do you not yet get the meaning? (Mark 8).
is the numbers of the baskets of fragments that is the key to the greater
meaning of the account. And of course the account has a greater meaning just as
Daniel 4 does, because why else would ask the disciples to remember the
number of baskets of fragments taken up in each feeding miracle?
the 12 years of your 12 baskets have all but run out, so now God is permitting
the destruction of your administrative complex, the Brooklyn Bethel, in order to
free his children from the graveyard of your fallen church.
method of destruction will be Nuclear. The United Nations complex in Manhattan
will be destroyed by a nuclear bomb on 2006Sivan12. This bomb is the fulfilment
of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 and of 1 Kings 18:41-46 and Acts 1:20.
We have deduced these events from these 3 scriptures and others, and we
have two witnesses to the day of your destruction and one further witness to the
month of it. So the chances of our bible interpretations being incorrect are
finite but remote.
as you may know, we have placed 30 adverts in the UK and US newspapers
attempting to prophesy the date in advance of the appearance of the 10 kings
running the UN. 7 of these adverts were chronologically correct, but none of
them was a big enough sign to impress large numbers of people. This is
physically because we had 666 in Revelation 13 rather than 616 which is the true
scriptural number of the beast. So we could not put the jigsaw together for the
first 26 adverts due to this scriptural corruption. However, adverts 27, 28, 29
and 30 were based upon 616 and were chronologically correct but not very
spectacular to the masses as yet. Their full story is at our home page
scripturally there was no way that we were going to do any large sign before we
did the sign of Jonah, since said…
When the crowds were massing together, he started to say: This generation is a
wicked generation; it looks for a sign. But no sign will be given it except the
sign of Jonah.
For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, in the same way will the Son
of man be also to this generation (Luke 11).
So the sign of Jonah must come first. This letter is a warning and the sign in the destruction of the UN on 2006Sivan12. As we calculated the (United Nations Peace Building Commission) is now we believe the effective head of the UN since the (United Nations Security Council) has become 'not legitimate' in the words of Tony Blair and unexpandable according to the Bush Administration. We had hoped that something more visible such as an ouvert declaration of Peace and Security or the visible appearance of the 10 UN kings of Revelation 17 would occur, but not so. And if such a thing had occurred then you would have had a sing before the sing of Jonah. And that is not the test God is putting upon you. You are to make your decision on my preaching not on any sign. For the scripture says...
41 Men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this
generation and will condemn it; because they repented at what
Jonah preached, but, look! something more than Jonah is here (Matthew 12).
So have you less faith than the Ninevites? God gave you all free will. This might be a good time to use it.
On the home page of we show how the took over headship of the UN last weekend in our understanding.
Brooklyn Bethel of course is not the physical target of the bomb, the United
Nations is that target. For the sudden destruction is to be instantly upon the
ones declaring Peace and Security. And the ones making that declaration are
those in the UN across the river from you.
Bethel will be physically destroyed due to its physical proximity (3 miles) to
the United Nations complex. You might say what has that got to do with us?
Surely it is just unfortunate that our head quarters happen to be too near to
the head quarters of the United Nations. But God uses the physical to teach us
about the spiritual. Your sin, as you well know, is that you became spiritually
too close to the United Nations, committing idolatry with them, by riding the
beast of Revelation 17, which represents them, as a UN NGO, for nearly 10 years
from January 28/29 1992, to October 9th 2001.
is fully aware of your physical proximity to the UN…
I know where you are dwelling, that is, where the throne of is; and
yet you keep on holding fast my name, and you did not deny your faith in me even
in the days of Antipas, my witness, the faithful one, who was killed by your
side, where is dwelling (Revelation 2).
you joined up with the organisation where, in your own published understanding,
‘the throne of is’ and where ‘ is dwelling’.
me therefore to explain the gravity of your sin, and the precise punishment that
God gave you for it.
was idolatry under the law of Moses to bring a false God into the temple on
Mount Moriah. It was idolatry to bring in an unclean person into the temple to
help with priestly duties, as if God could not arrange for enough clean people
to carry out those duties. Likewise it is idolatry for a church today to make an
agreement with any external organisation which agreement affects the worship
methods of the church. It is fine to use an external printer to make literature.
It is not idolatry to use an external advertising agency to dream up enticing
headlines and then use them to evangelise with, because we all ask advice from
people about sales methods, and the church as a whole is no different from one
of its members. But it is idolatry to permit an external body to make rules for
our worship. That is the equivalent of allowing a gentile to offer up a lamb in
the temple.
the Watchtower signed the UN NGO agreement, they agreed to promote and support
the ideals of the United Nations Charter. That agreement is idolatry. It is
harlotry. The only ideals the true church should be promoting and supporting are
the ideals of the kingdom of God. Now it is true that a person who works for IBM
might sign an agreement to promote and support the ideals of IBM. And that is
fine so long as those ideals are about computers and not about worship. But the
ideals of the UN charter are the ideals of a Satanic Counterfeit to the Kingdom
of God. They are a vain and pointless attempt to achieve Peace and Security
without God. They are an insult to God and to his love and to his kingdom
provision. The only Peace and Security that any human has, rests entirely on the
sacrifice of Christ. Agreeing to promote and support any other route to
Peace and Security, which route is in competition to the sacrifice of the
Christ, is idolatry for a true Christian and for a true church. Really I should
not have to say any of this to you because it has been covered in so many
Watchtower magazines and is best expressed in the resolution adopted by your
forefathers in the 1963 Everlasting Good News assemblies.
JEHOVAH'S witnesses, met together in [City, State, Country], in one of the
"Everlasting Good News" assemblies being held in a continuous chain
around the whole world this year of 1963, do this day declare and resolve as
THAT, in order to prevent the destruction of the nations by their own means in
war, the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to God's
Messianic kingdom by setting up a society of nations, which, since 1945, has
taken the form and the name of the United Nations, with international
headquarters at New York city. This international organization stands for world
sovereignty by political men. For years men without faith in God's kingdom have
endeavoured to get all people to worship this international image of human
political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact,
the last hope for humanity. To date 111 nations have given worship to this
political image by becoming members of it. However, we, as witnesses of the
Sovereign God , will continue refusing to engage in such idolatrous
worship, for we see, under angelic enlightenment, that God has smitten such
idolaters with a malignant ulcer, symbolically speaking, that will spell death
to them as spiritually diseased image worshipers who worship a man-made
political creation rather than the Creator of heaven and earth;
do not see how I can condemn you in any stronger terms than you have used to
condemn yourselves.
know that the UN will battle with the lamb. And we know that the UN is
represented by a wild beast in scripture. We cannot sign up to promote or
support its agenda without constituting ourselves a wild beast and an enemy of
the lamb…
These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild
These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of
kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful
with him [will do so] (Revelation 17).
married woman who looks for physical or emotional security by making an
agreement to give herself sexually to another man is a Harlot. Any church
married to Christ, which looks for physical security by making an agreement to
give herself spiritually to any earthly organisation is a Harlot church. Russell
put it as follows (Kingdom Proclaimers p52)…
church claiming to be a chaste virgin espoused to Christ, but in reality united
to and supported by the world (beast) we must condemn as being in scriptural
language a harlot church.
me give you this straight. God’s church does not sign any agreement drawn up
by the UN. The UN signs an agreement drawn up by God’s church if they want to
do anything with us. God’s law is superior to man’s law, not vice versa. The
only way we join up with them is if they all get baptised into the church, that
way the temple is kept clean.
Watchtower joining the UN as an NGO on January 28/29 1992 was the transgression
causing desolation of Daniel 8. 4600 solar days (2300 evening sacrifices and
2300 morning sacrifices, a day for a constant feature sacrifice) after this
transgression, the constant feature of true worship in the Watchtower ended and
it became a false religion on September 1st / 2nd 2004
(2004Elul14) – see
is the 1290 days of Daniel 12 before the last day of this system which is
2008Nisan14 – see
2004Elul14, the abomination causing desolation was placed in the Watchtower.
This abomination is a Governing body run by those who claim to be saints,
but are not saints. They are liars and a synagogue of . The Watchtower
is a church of the . As soon as it ceases to be run by saints it becomes
a false religion. We know the 3 criteria that a saint must meet in order to
be sanctified and the only member of the present Governing Body with any chance
of meeting these criteria is Carey Barber.
the desolation caused by the transgression of joining the UN was not the loss of
true religion status on 2004Elul14. It was the loss of water baptism, a baptism
of repentance on 2001Tishri30. For on 2001Tishri30 (October 21/22) Gillies
responded to a UK Guardian Newspaper on behalf of the Watchtower, showing no
repentance at all for their riding the beast. That lack of repentance finished
the water baptism of the Watchtower. For God is not a hypocrite. He will not
permit an organisation with no repentance to carry out a baptism of repentance.
technically, riding the UN Beast caused the Watchtower to lose its water
baptism. But really committing harlotry with the UN is such a daft and
unbelievable thing for the Watchtower to do given their history of condemnation
of the UN from Rutherford, to Knorr and Franz, that it is hard to understand how
they could even consider committing such a blatant sin. Why did they do it? Well
physically it was for the same reasons that the first true Christian church
joined up with Rome forming the Roman Catholic Church in 75Nisan.
UN offered them security, status, protection and access to new nations to
increase the flock etc. But that is not the big picture. For as you must have
experienced many times in many congregations this sort of thing is what a person
or an organisation who/which is corrupted and is hiding his/its corruption ends
up doing. If a woman is committing fornication in a congregation and hiding it,
the holy spirit will be withdrawn from her and she will commit the most daft and
obvious sin, so that the elders can deal with her. For example there was one
girl in a London congregation who edited a pornographic magazine. She ended up
posing for that magazine and was spotted by a brother in her congregation who
read the magazine. The brother was embarrassed but did report her and she was
then rumbled by the elders. That kind of thing is the work of the angels (not
the reading of pornographic magazines, but the withdrawing of holy spirit so
that hidden sins are manifested by obvious sins).
are the same with corporate persons, organisational persons, as they are with
individual persons. Indeed our God is the one who calls all the sons of Israel,
‘Israel’ and ‘my firstborn’. So really the Watchtower had gone rotten
and lost the holy spirit a long time before they joined the UN in an act of
shameless infidelity. Here then are some of the reasons why the holy spirit left
The Watchtower adopted the false Babylonian doctrine of papal infallibility,
saying: The (FDS) being spirit directed, will never
as a group go wrong.
The Watchtower adopted and preached the false Babylonian doctrine of exclusive
divine revelation, saying: The Wide awake John class or the faithful and
discreet slave is the exclusive channel for the holy spirit to reveal scriptural
truth through.
The Watchtower acted dishonestly in adopting and preaching the false Babylonian
doctrine of exclusive divine revelation knowing that Russell got the major
chronological prophecy of the Watchtower (1914) and many other Watchtower
doctrines not by divine revelation but by harmonizing and sifting ideas from
other churches and bible research groups. I quote his words yet again since they
define the sin of the Watchtower so precisely…
work . . . has been to bring together these long scattered fragments
of truth and present them to the Lord’s people - not as new, not as our
own, but as the Lord’s. . . We must disclaim any credit even
for the finding and rearrangement of the jewels of truth.” He further stated:
“The work in which the Lord has been pleased to use our humble talents has
been less a work of origination than of reconstruction, adjustment,
harmonization.” (Kingdom Proclaimers p49).
The Watchtower for the last 50 years has been making all s march round and
round the square of the army barracks and dig trenches which they then fill in
again. It has been eating up all of their time. This is classic control freak
behaviour. Oh yes I really do support your spiritual growth darling but would
you mind taking the children to acting classes on Monday, and to ballet classes
on Tuesday and to dancing classes on Wednesday and to singing classes on
Thursday and to horse riding classes on Friday and to violin classes on Saturday
and to see the grandparents on Sunday and oh would you look at that? I appear to
be controlling your entire week! That is how the controlling spouse does it in
the world. You play this sick game in the church.
scriptural terms you gave the s no Sabbath from 1919Nisan1, the first BLC
calendar day after WW1 and after the imprisonment of Rutherford, when the
brothers were able to organise the preaching, to 2004Elul14 when you became a
false religion - 85 years and 5 months and 13 days. One seventh of this, your
land exile, or administration exile, is 12 years and 1 month and 13½ days. The
sealed saints as a group have been and will be in the wrong administration
for the 12 years and 1 months and 13½ days from 1994Ab2 to 2006Elul15/16 [In
fact from 1994Elul1 to 2006Tishri14/15, in other words right up to Booths 2006 -
Ed]. These
are again the 12 baskets of fragments of the feeding of the 5,000. A year for a
basket of bread.
have replaced God in the eyes of the congregation by these means.
ignored my warnings and the help that I asked for and offered from 1992Elul11 to
1995Adar11, the 1260 days of the second witness of Revelation 11, at the end of
which you threw me out on a day which I knew in advance from Revelation 11. You
disfellowshipped me without any just cause because you did not want to examine
to my scriptural proof from 2 witnesses that the faithful slave had by then
become the evil slave. But as I said at the time, I was not trying to condemn
you people, I was trying to save you and work with you. But you did not want
Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her, --
how often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her
chicks together under her wings! But you people did not want it.
Look! Your house is abandoned to you.
For I say to you, you will by no means see me from henceforth until you say,
'Blessed is he that comes in 's name!' (Matthew 23).
You are blood guilty murderers due to your incorrect stance of blood
transfusions. Yes blood transfusions should be avoided in all scenarios except
life threatening scenarios, since the only purpose and the only permissible use
of blood is to preserve and to save life. We are all saved by a blood
transfusion from Christ, and we are supposed to be following his example.
His blood is only used to save our lives, not to improve our haemoglobin levels
– see
The Watchtower has destroyed and interfered with relationships between brothers
and sisters by putting onerous pharisaical non scriptural burdens on their
behaviour within them, both the married and the unmarried alike. You have not
been quite as bad as the Catholic Church who forbid marriage entirely, which
teaching is from the jealous demons, and you have not been as bad as the
army who have turned their elders into a dating agency, but neither have you
been much better.
You have instituted democracy in your governing body, so that presently the
Watchtower is a 10 headed beast. You take a vote of the Cardinals just as the
Catholic Church does, to make what are supposed to be theocratic decisions.
You have adopted the Babylonian doctrine that everyone who does not remain loyal
to the Watchtower will go to hell. Thereby ruling the church by fear of
as the Catholics have done. Well your success rate might be 1 in 1000, but
God’s is 29% for the and 100% thereafter. For he desires that
all should be saved and attain to repentance and everything that is his delight
he shall do. And he delights in saving every single person that he ever created.
short you have become an image of the very church that Russell set out to
condemn, the Catholic Church. A church formed as a result of a universal
religious control freak move by . And you have ridden the very beast that
Rutherford and Knorr set out to condemn, the UN beast. An organisation formed as
a result of a universal political control freak move from . You have
therefore constituted yourself a harlot church in the words of your founder CTR.
are a disgrace to God and to and to your , Charles Russell, and to
your first King, Judge Rutherford, both of whom were discreet virgins. You are
the wicked slave of Matthew 24, who beats his servants and who gets intoxicated
with his power over his congregation – see
You used to be the Wicked and Sluggish Slave (WSS) of Matthew 25, but now have
moved beyond that state of decay to become the Good for Nothing Slave (GNS) of
that same chapter – see
You are the useless shepherd of Zechariah 11. Your governing body are the swine
herders of Matthew 8, whose swine can only be saved by jumping off the cliff of
your administration into the lake of our baptism.
entire Governing Body of the Watchtower with the possible exception of Carey
Barber are not anointed remnant at all, they are not saints. They have had
no witness born to them by the holy spirit in that regard, they are liars, and a
synagogue of . They are the synagogue of of Revelation 3:9 and I am
the angel of Philadelphia in the first word symbolic thread of Revelation.
of you who know these things and are responsible for them unquestionably deserve
to be incinerated along with the Bethel on 696 / 6106 US (966 / 1066 UK), but
though your sins are as red as scarlet they will become as white as snow should
you choose to repent and come to the festival that commands all Christians
to attend.
Hear the word of , you dictators of Sodom. Give ear to the law of our
God, you people of Gomorrah.
Of what benefit to me is the multitude of your sacrifices? says . I have
had enough of whole burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed animals; and
in the blood of young bulls and male lambs and he-goats I have taken no
Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean [get
remove the badness of your dealings from in front of my eyes; cease to do bad…
Come, now, you people, and let us set matters straight between us, says .
Though the sins of you people should prove to be as scarlet, they will be made
white just like snow; though they should be red like crimson cloth, they will
become even like wool.
If you people show willingness and do listen, the good of the land you will eat.
But if you people refuse and are actually rebellious, with a sword you will be
eaten up; for the very mouth of has spoken [it].
21 Oh how the faithful town has become a prostitute! She was full of justice; righteousness itself used to lodge in her, but now murderers (Isaiah 1).
Yes, you are that prostitute today. The one who rode the beast of Revelation 17. The one with the gold cup in her hand, the gold cup of the first new covenant – see For if Isaiah chapter 2 has a greater fulfilment in the last days then so does Isaiah chapter 1.
did not command only the remnant to eat the last supper, he commanded all those with faith to eat his flesh and to drink his blood…
Accordingly said to them: Most truly I say to you [saints],
Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no
life in yourselves [saints
will not maintain their born again status unless they eat and drink].
He that feeds on my flesh [not
body, but flesh, flesh of the ]
and drinks my blood [of
the ]
has indefinitely [aiwnion]
lasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day [all
those with the faith of ].
For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in
union with him [through
, the mediator of the ]
(John 6)
resurrected on the last day are not the saints, they are not the
anointed remnant. The saints are resurrected during the presence...
But each one in his own rank: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong
to the Christ during his presence [the
saints, his wife].
Next, the end [The
rapture, during Armageddon],
when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to
nothing all government and all authority and power.
For he must rule as king until [God] has put all enemies under his feet [from
1914Tishri to 2008Elul16].
As the last enemy, death is to be brought to nothing [on
2008Elul15, the last day of Armageddon, the last day of adamic death]
(1 Corinthians 15).
resurrected during the last day are those raptured during Armageddon and those
resurrected into the after Armageddon. For the last day is the
1,000 year Sabbath of the, the last day of the week of this
system. So these ones are not saints but are sons of the , the superior
covenant to the . So the sons of the today must drink his blood of the
and eat his flesh of the . Since ’ human body is the ransom for
, the validation sacrifice of the .
if you want to be sure of a resurrection on the last day, then you had better
eat and drink with us, at the correctly celebrated Passover, with all the 4 cups
that the apostles drank on 33Nisan14. These being the cups of the First
covenant, and its sealing covenant, the Faith Covenant, and the First New
Covenant, and its sealing covenant, the Angelic Covenant. We will be
holding the late Passover on 2006Iyyar14, Friday May 12, in the evening. See
proofs of 696 / 6106
first to leave the Watchtower in order to get baptised as an was Barbie M.
who was baptised as an on 2001Shebat22 (Sunday evening, February 10th,
is the 2nd presence Good for nothing slave of Matthew 25.
But there, towards the mountain
was a great herd
of swine,
s with no water baptism after 2001Tishri30]
12 So they entreated
him, saying: Send us into the swine,
that we may enter into them.
13 And he permitted
them. So having come out, the
spirits, the unclean [Legion,
6,000 saints with no water baptism]
entered into the swine
[became swine, unclean in the flesh on 2001Tishri30];
and the herd
rushed over
the precipice
Watchtower] into
the sea [no
longer subject to any administration],
like/about 2,000 [of them], and they were drowning in the sea
as pigs, becoming clean, baptised into the water baptism of the s like the 450
prophets of Baal]
(Mark 5).
for 2,000 days from 2001Shebat22 until 2007Elul11 (inclusive) s leave the
mountain of the Watchtower for the sea and the baptism of the s. They cease
being pigs when they drown in the sea just as the prophets of Baal cease being
false worshippers when they are killed in the torrent valley. So our water
baptism ends on 2007Elul11 inclusive.
here is our interpretation of the relevant part of 1 Kings 18 as it applies
So took 12 stones [12
according to the number of the tribes of the sons of , to whom 's
word had come, saying: Israel is what your name will become [the
, name change means spirit sanctification. God names his spirit sons].
And he went on to build the stones into an altar in the name of and to
make a trench, of about the area sowed with 2 seah measures of seed, all around
the altar [Preparing
for Kings and Lords of 4th Church]
After that he put the woods in order [sorted
out his church doctrine and understanding]
and cut the young bull in pieces [analysed
the scriptures for prophetic and priestly and doctrinal power]
and placed it upon the woods [matched
prophetic power to church understanding].
He now said: Fill 4 large jars [water
baptism for a tribe for each full Jar]
with waters and pour them upon the burnt offering and upon the woods.
Then he said: Do it again. So they did it again. But he said: Do it a 3rd time.
So they did it a 3rd time [4
jars 3 times, The 12 tribes of the Kings and Lords].
Thus the waters went all around the altar, and the trench also he filled with
waters [All
the 144,000 Kings and all the heavenly baptised Lords join the LWs
before the end of the 900 day ‘day’ of ’s Bull. A day for a non
hidden prophet 400 + 450 + 50]
And it came about at the time that the grain offering goes up that ,
the prophet, began
to approach and say: Oh ,
God of and Israel,
today [The
900 day ‘day’ of ’s bull, a day for a visible prophet: 2003Adar19 -
let it be known that you are God in Israel and I am your servant and it is by
your word that I have done all these things [The
900 day ‘day’ of the Watchtower bull ran from 911 – 2001Elul19 to
2003Adar19. The 900 day ‘day’ of ’s bull ends on 2006Elul19 which is
the start of the hour of financial destruction of false religion. During this
day 4, Gordon, get the 10 UN Kings right, the Passover right, the various
nuclear bombs witnessed to in scripture right, the right, the fall of the
Watchtower right, the beginning of the financial destruction of Babylon right
etc etc].
Answer me, Oh , answer me, that this people may know that you, ,
are the [true] God and you yourself have turned their heart back.
At that [i.e.
after the 12 stones are in place, the seed are provisioned for]
the fire of came falling and went eating up the burnt offering and the
woods and the stones and the dust, and the waters that were in the trench it
licked up.
When all the people saw it, they immediately fell upon their faces and said:
is the [true] God! is the [true] God!
Then said to them: Seize the prophets of Baal! Do not let a man of them
escape! At once they seized them, and then brought them down to the
torrent valley of Kishon and slaughtered them there [water
baptizing them into the s, for they are sons of Ahab, they are good hearted
prophetically interested non remnant in the s but mislead and weak. At
least these guys took part in the contest, the prophets of the sacred pole were
nowhere to be seen. They stand for 450 days from 2006Sivan12 to 2007Elul11
inclusive. The last day of the water baptism of the s is 2007Elul11, the last
day of the 2000 days of the pigs drowning in the lake].
41 And [Gordon] said to Ahab [Sealed
saints]: Go up [
42 And Ahab proceeded to go up to eat and drink [on 2006Nisan14, the faithful sealed saints in the Watchtower ate and drank
the passover in the way they always had, not according to the written instructions of
]. As for , he went
up to the top of Carmel [Brooklyn Bethel]
and began crouching to the earth [political
administration] and keeping his face
put between his knees [ was bending his
body into a Mushroom shape - and kissing his backside goodbye! This is Gordon explaining to the Watchtower through
the sign of Jonah letter of 2006Iyyar1 that they would be destroyed by a Nuclear
Bomb which hits the UN (the earth, the political administration of mankind), 40
days after the date of the letter, i.e. on 2006Sivan11, June 8/9 now revised to
2006Sivan12, June 9/10. The sign of
Jonah letter was sent to every Governing Body member and every officer of all 9
corporate bodies used by the Watchtower. A 16 page fax of the letter was sent to
all but 3 of the 112 Bethels (head offices) Worldwide, but only 70 got through].
43 And he said to his attendant/boy [those
under his authority in the church, or those who attend the website]: Go up [Celebrate
the passover a second time, the late passover], now/please [
44 And it came about at the 7th [one/day/time] [Not 7 days after the first or second incorrect dates of 2006Iyyar21 and
2006Iyyar28, but on a sabbath. This is more information about the UN bomb,
rather than being the date of a bomb prior to the UN bomb. Also the 7th time
this happens it is a terrorist nuclear bomb on a sabbath. Both possible meanings
appear to hold true. In fact all 7 bombs occur on sabbaths, they are a release
to since advance warnings save the faithful in the area of the bomb and
awaken the faithful elsewhere] that he got to say: Look! There is a
small cloud like a man's palm [
45 And it came about until this and until that, and the heavens themselves darkened
up with clouds [several nuclear mushroom
clouds, in fact 7 in all] and wind [nuclear blasts]
and a great downpour began to occur [radioactive
fallout]. And Ahab kept
riding and made his way to Jezreel ['God will
sow seed': The
Kingdom of God].
46 And the very hand of proved to be upon , so that he
tucked in his cloak [around] his loins and went running ahead [in
interpretation] of Ahab all the way to Jezreel. (NWT
adapted from the Hebrew).
of occurrences of words in the entire account of 1 Kings 18: Cloud (1), Clouds
(1), Heavens (1), Downpour (2), Waters (6), Woods (6), Sea (2), Jezreel (2).
bible code tells us that ‘cloud’ and ‘heaven’ have one meaning, the
literal meaning, atmospheric cloud and sky. But ‘downpour’ has two meanings,
the literal meaning is rain, the greater meaning is nuclear fallout, another
type of rain in the sky from an atmospheric cloud. Likewise ‘sea’ has two
meanings, the greater meaning being ‘unruly mankind’ - terrorists.
s rush into the s after the 696 / 6106 UN bomb for 450 days, a day for a
prophet of Baal. These days run from 2006Sivan12 to 2007Elul11 inclusively. So the bomb goes
off at the UN on 696 / 6106 (June 9/10 2006).
the first witness to June 9/10 is from the 2000 pigs of Mark 5 and the 450
prophets of Baal of 1 Kings 18 above. For if Joseph can interpret a cow for a
year, then his antitype can interpret a pig for a day and a false prophet for a
day. The second witness is from 1 Thessalonians 5 and the chronology of the UN.
knew in advance and advertised in advance the date of the G8 Gleneagles Summit.
And all spiritual eagles in the glen between the mountain of the Watchtower and
the mountain of the administration should see it. The Image of the UN Beast
is the and it came into existence as a concept at the G8 summit on
2005Tammuz29 (2005July7/8) when the parties there present agreed to sidestep the
UN Security Council veto by creating a second security council, a cloned
security council called a peace commission. The press have commented on the
similarity between the Security Council and the Peace building commission. For
more on this see the home page of
Image of the beast has 10 horns and 7 heads, like the beast has. But these
are 10 months and 7 months making 17 months in the case of the image whereas
they are 10 years and 7 years making 17 years in the case of the beast – see
is an image with a 12 times reduction in size. The 17 months of power and
then headship run from 2005Tammzu29, the G8 Gleneagles summit, to 2006Iyyar29,
when the gets headship of the UN for 7 months, and then to 2006Chislev29
when the 4th incarnation of the UN beast takes over, the General
Assembly start running the beast – see Daniel 7 –
UN General Assembly run the UN for the 616 days of the number of the beast, a
man’s number, since the UN beast is the 3rd horse of the apocalypse in the
first word symbolic meaning of Revelation 13, and it starts riding itself
basically, so becomes a horseman as well as a horse. Also these 616 days are
man’s final attempt to bring peace and security, an attempt which completely
fails and leads to Armageddon. The 616 regnal days of the final form of the UN
run from 2006Chilsev30 to 2008Elul15 inclusive. Perhaps also there is one man
running the UN throughout this period.
had a confirmation of our 2005Tammuz29 date, which we knew in advance from the
above reasoning in the G8 summit. We had a further confirmation of the date of
the breathing of life into the image of the beast (Revelation 13:15) occurring
on September 13th, 67 days later, a date we worked out from the
sentence count of Revelation 13 verses 14 and 15 – see,
with the appearance of the draft outcome document of the world summit on that
day in which the was given life.
the scripture says…
Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the
number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 (666)
(Revelation 13).
why would the holy spirit ask someone to calculate a number which it has given
us explicitly? Well the answer is because it knew that the scriptures would be
corrupted and the more ominous sounding but incorrect 666 would be substituted
for dramatic effect by the Catholic Church.
there would be an
article reveals that a fragment of Papyrus that had been discovered in
Oxyrhynchus in Egypt in 1895, but dated to the mid to late 3rd century AD has
now been properly read by scientists at Oxford University in England who have
determined that the number of the Beast is in fact 616 and not 666. Since the
does not have Revelation, and since this papyrus is the earliest
record of Revelation 13, we must take it seriously.
had already sentence counted verses 16 and 17 of Revelation 17 as follows:
And the 10 horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will:
hate the harlot,
and will make her devastated and naked,
and will eat up her fleshy parts
and will completely burn her in fire
For God put [it] into their [the
10 horn's]
to carry out his thought
and to carry out one thought [the
one thought they had in verse 13]
and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God are
fulfilled 2x (Revelation 17)
In other words the 10 horns give their kingdom to the beast for 616 days, during
which these things occur to the harlot. It is important to realise that Babylon
the great is 'devastated' in the 7 month ‘hour’ from 2006Sivan30 to
2006Tebbeth30, of the 7 year ‘day’ of revelation 18 which runs from
2001Tishri30 when the saints came under a 7 year malediction to 2008Tishri30
when the last group of saints is allowed back into the heavenly camp…because
in one hour she has been devastated!
(Revelation 18:19) - see
she is not 'completely burnt' until Armageddon (as is everyone else left on the
planet at that time). So this would appear to confirm the 616 text as being
we calculated 616 by a sentence count, and we calculated September 13th, the
breath day, by a sentence count, so it is reasonable to do a further
sentence count on 1 Thessalonians 5:3 and pay attention to it, to try and find
out when the sudden destruction actually is. So here are the first and the
second presence fulfilments of 1 Thessalonians 5, and the sentence count of
verse 3…
Presence fulfilment…
is 1st true Christian Church
is 2nd true Christian Church
is 3rd true Christian Church
is 4th true Christian Church
is Isaaic church covenant, the Abrahamic System covenant for water baptism
is the 1st presence good for nothing slave of Matthew 25
is the 4th
is the United Nations Peace Building Commission
s are the Lords’ Witnesses
Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written
to you.
For you yourselves know quite well that [the] Lord’s day [The
second part of the first presence]
is coming exactly as a thief in the night [The
evening part of the second ‘day’ of the first presence began in 75Nisan when
lost its water baptism, and ended in 79Nisan when Peter joined ,
restarting the first presence and making the morning part of the second
‘day’ of the first presence. Their water baptism was taken away by
like a thief in the night in the sense that did not realise that they had
lost it.]
Whenever they may be saying: Peace and Security! [We
have joined up with the Roman state and formed the Roman Catholic Church, so now
we will not be persecuted by the state anymore]
then sudden destruction is coming right to them [75Nisan,
the remnant in lost their water baptism becoming destroyed unless they get
a new one, since all sons of , through the , must also be sons of ,
through the ]
just as the birth-pang [comes] to the woman in belly having [The
woman is , she had a birth pang when declared Peace and Security, many
recognised the error and joined , but no remnant did at that time],
and they will by no means escape [it].
But you, brothers [with
faith and vision in ],
you are not in darkness, so that that day should overtake you as it would
thieves [The
Governing Body of sold out to the Roman State and stole all of ’
possessions, the saints. They were thieves of God’s sons],
for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to
So, then, let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our
For those who sleep [stop
doing bible research]
are accustomed to sleep at night [the
gap in the second presence],
and those who get drunk [their
spiritual power goes to their head]
are usually drunk at night (1 Thessalonians 5).
Presence fulfilment…
Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written
to you.
For you yourselves know quite well that [the] Lord’s day [The
second part of the second presence]
is coming exactly as a thief in the night [The
evening part of the second ‘day’ of the 2nd presence began on 2001Tishri30
when lost its water baptism, and ended on 2005Nisan30 when George joined
, restarting the 2nd presence and making the morning part of the second
‘day’ of the 2nd presence. Their water baptism was taken away by like
a thief in the night in the sense that did not realise that they had lost
Whenever they may be saying: Peace and security! [The
UN starts saying this on 2005September13 when the Draft Outcome Document
appeared, since they then had both a Security council and a Peace building
so those working at the UN would say both Peace and Security as a matter of
course every day. They may be saying it more emphatically after 2006Iyyar29, when the UNPBC
takes over as the new direction of the headship of the UN now that the is
not legitimate and unreformable]
then sudden destruction [oleqroV]
any type of destruction, spiritual, physical, financial etc]
is coming right to them [The
UN is nuked on 2006Sivan12
(June9/10), this being
269/270 solar
days after the draft outcome document of September 13th. The mean
length of a pregnancy is 266 solar days. This is a physical destruction rather
than a spiritual destruction.]
just as the birth-pang [comes] to the woman in belly having [The
woman is , she has a birth pang when the UN is nuked, the 450 prophets of
Baal, a day for a prophet, start joining the s from 2006Sivan12 to
inclusive, the 2000 pigs who jump off the cliff of the Watchtower into the lake
of the baptism of the s],
and they [those
in the UN and near it]
will by no means escape [it].
But you, brothers [with
in ],
you are not in darkness, so that that day should overtake you as it would
thieves [The
Governing Body of have stolen all of ’ possessions, the saints, the
saints in the Watchtower and the anointed remnant, the saints, who came
under the authority of on 1994Ab2 as we informed them at the time. They are
thieves of God’s sons],
for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to
So, then, let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our
For those who sleep [stop
doing bible research]
are accustomed to sleep at night [the
gap in the second presence],
and those who get drunk [their
spiritual power goes to their head]
are usually drunk at night (1 Thessalonians 5).
So yes, the people in the UN did start saying: Peace and Security, on September 13th, when the , the image of the beast of Revelation 13, was given the breath of life, which started the 9 months pregnancy period for . But they continue saying it throughout the 9 months. Then precisely 270 solar days after the started breathing, the woman of gets her first birth pang and the UN is destroyed on 2006Sivan12 (June 9/10).
now we have 1 witness to the very day of 2006Sivan12, and a second witness to
that day plus or minus say a week from the mean length of a pregnancy. But there
is one further witness as well. The attendant saw the terrorist nuclear cloud on
the seventh, the sabbath. And 2006Sivan12 is a sabbath (running from Friday
evening to Saturday evening). The chances of that happening by coincidence are 1
in 7. So the chances of it happening not by coincidence are 6 in 7. So there is
certainly a 6 in 7 or an 85% chance that we have this date right, just from that
sabbath confirmation.
16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two more, in order that at the mouth of two or three witnesses every matter may be established (Matthew 18).
finally a pregnancy which starts on September 13th 2005 would reach
average full term 266 solar days later, on 6 June 2006. Now this is a tempting
date for there to be a nuclear terrorist bomb, for it is 666. But 666 is not
scriptural!!! So instead the baby arrives on 696 or 6106 which is 2006Sivan12, 3
or 4 days late. This baby is the influx into the s due to the sign of
Jonah coming true and the Bull of being obviously accepted. It is a birth
of loads of new s by the woman of the water baptised congregation of the s.
We knew we were pregnant when we got the September 13th date right in
advance with our 28th advert.
Watchtower administration can of course avoid being destroyed on June 9th/10th
by repenting from their UN sin publicly and by leaving the area, presumably to
Patterson. In fact according to the account of Jonah you will do precisely that
and I then get very upset because having saved your lives physically, a lot of
Bethelites show no gratitude to God or to me, for our love and hard work.
Instead they continue to play power games with God and his people
notwithstanding the nuclear destruction of their head office and their physical
salvation from God spoken through me. Make no mistake, the judgement starts with
the house of God, and this is a mini Armageddon for you. The idea is not that
you merely save your souls physically. It is that your learn from this example
and then save your souls spiritually as well by getting baptised as s.
there again has been playing power games with God and his people for
thousands of years and he owes God more than anyone. But know this you faithless
sinners. All the pain you have caused God and his people and all the pain you
will cause them in the future, you will feel for yourselves. For God is not one
to be mocked. And all selfishness
is ultimately self defeating. For you will not be turned off forever when you
die. On the contrary, you will be turned on and you will eat yourselves up with
a fully conscious spirit but with no body in , the Alcatraz of God, from
which no spirit can escape by virtue of their having no body to escape in. And
the price you will pay for taking another 12 years of power over ’ body
is that you will lose 1,000 years of power over your own body, if you do not
Watchtower cannot possibly knock on everyone’s door and ask them for a bible
study and then refuse to study the bible with someone who knocks on their door.
God is not a Hypocrite and neither is . If you are Christians, following
after ’ example, and if you are servants of the true almighty God,
obeying his commandments, then you have no choice but to agree to open your door
to us and to study the bible with us. Just as you ask thousands of people to do
with you, every day, in hundreds of nations throughout the world.
you are not prepared to accept me as a representative of the s in this regard,
since I was disfellowshipped on 1995Adar11, and since you follow the false and
control freak doctrine of shunning those whom you have determined to be
spiritually sick (I was sick and in prison and you visited me not), then we can
send another representative, one who has never been a .
do not be down-hearted, those of you whose consciences still function.
Discipline from God and from his wife the holy spirit are a blessing. And no
good medicine tastes sweet.
for whom loves he disciplines; in fact, he scourges every one whom he
receives as a son (Hebrews 12).
For God is still fighting for you, though you have fallen for the miseries of , the one who sold Eve knowledge of bad on the basis that it would increase her status. And will get his wife back from her abuser, just as Adam did, and those with faith will see all the false anointed remnant hanging around on the earth like lemons after 2008Nisan14, when the last of the true remnant fall asleep in death.
if you are sons of , then follow in the faith of your father and go your
way out of your country [the
administration of the Watchtower],
and from your relatives [the
sons of the water baptism of Russell]
and from the house of your father [the
dead form of worship of the s]
to the country that I shall show you [the
administration of the s].
And come and eat the flesh and drink the blood of the one who died to save
as a human through the and eat the body and drink the blood of the
one who died to save Adam as an angel through the . For there is a grand
evening meal that awaits you and those who were invited have begged off from it.
God needs two witnesses from you to prove that you are a son of not one.
So you must join both the true religions of a presence to guarantee that you
receive the blessing of , which is the citizenship of the.
that blessing be yours.
of the Lords’ Witnesses
Angel of Philadelphia
of the 4th Covenant
of the 2nd New Covenant
To discuss the Passover, or the judgement or the destruction or your transfer
from the s to the s please email
- 218 937 5448 (US)
7955 926 9888 (Germany)
+49 177 3616 234 (Germany)
+43 664 53 59 311 (Austria + Germany + Switzerland)
+43 3182 29994 (Austria + Germany + Switzerland)
207 424 5398 (UK)
`+44 207 288 7473 (UK)
Fax: +43 1804 9541 (Austria)
Fax: +41 33 334 6161 (Switzerland)
Lords’ Witnesses
93 Shepperton Road
London N1 3DF