Bible Scholars Now Predict a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on the United Nations in Midtown Manhattan on 1 of the 2 Remaining Jewish Sabbaths in August
According to their latest understandings this will be their last prediction of Nuclear Doom and Gloom for the UN and for Midtown Manhattan. They therefore advise people with faith in God not to be in NYC on either of the last two Jewish Sabbaths in August. These run from Sundown Friday August 18th to Sundown Saturday August 19th and from Sundown Friday August 25th to Sundown Saturday August 26th.
London, UK (PRWEB) August 15, 2006 -- The Lords' Witnesses Bible Scholars are
the people that correctly predicted the date of the Beslan terrorist atrocity in
Russia on September 1st 2004.
Although their nuclear predictions have had little success to date, they
correctly predicted that the UN would lose its military headship over
governments last month. This was fulfilled when Israel invaded Lebanon on July
12th, without a UN mandate. And they correctly predicted that it would regain
its military headship over governments this month. This was fulfilled on Friday
August 11th, by means of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which calls for an
immediate ceasefire between Israel and all Lebanon. The UN therefore lost its
military headship for one month as they have been predicting since the G8 summit
at Gleneagles in 2005. The UN did actually lose its headship over the government
of Israel for one month. So they have been very accurate with their non nuclear
predictions. For the details of these predictions see
Their president, Gordon Ritchie, who claims to be the head of the 4th and last
true Christian church, the Lords’ Witnesses, said: "This bomb must go off
on a Sabbath in August in our current understanding. If it does not then we have
run out of options as far as I can see."
The Lords’ Witnesses believe that many bible accounts have extra symbolic
meanings in addition to their literal meanings. They have been working on a
grammatical bible code, which they call the true bible code, which tells the
reader whether a bible account has a greater meaning in addition to its literal
meaning or not.
They have found that the nouns in every bible account obey certain grammatical
rules. They have verified these grammatical rules for around half of the bible
stories in the 4 Gospels. For more information on this see
Their president was recently asked: Why would God make the bible in a manner so
complicated that even people who spend much of their life studying it do not
understand it? He answered as follows: “God told Adam that he would eat bread
in the sweat of his brow. The same is true with spiritual food, which is
accurate bible understanding. God has set his text book at the limit of our
intellectual capability, but not beyond that limit. Mankind has cracked the
genetic code of life. We have sequenced the DNA of the human genome, an
inordinately difficult task. But we have not yet fully cracked the grammatical
code of the bible, the scriptural code of everlasting life. The reason for this
failure is not that this task is more difficult than sequencing the human
genome. It is because the human genome project had a funding of several billion
dollars and a research team of several thousand people, whereas the bible code
project has a funding of a few thousand dollars and a research team of a few
dozen people. The irony is that the victory over age and death that both groups
seek in this research will not come from studying the genome, the code of
physical life, it will come from studying the scriptures, the code of spiritual
The certainly of an everlasting future for mankind in human bodies that do not
age or die comes not from the work that Crick and Watson did in the twentieth
century, but from the work that Christ did in the first century. For the
bible clearly states the Adam and Eve had such bodies before they sinned. And
though they lost those bodies, God, through various ransoms, will not fail to
get them back for us.