[106]  The 120x of the Warning Times and of Moses

The 120x of the warning times and the 120 year lifespan limit set by God before the flood

1 Now it came about that when the man [~d'a'h'] [the last Adam, Jesus' 1NC wife] started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them [through water baptism into the LWs, but not by the 1NC reserves. However they are to become their subjects in the kingdom. Daughters picture submission, dependency]
2 then the sons of the [true] God [descended 1NC saints] began to notice the daughters of the man [Those in subjection to Jesus - LWs], that they were good-looking [spiritually, though ugly cows physically - Genesis 41]; and they went taking wives for themselves [sealing spirit sanctified LWs], namely, all whom they chose.
3 After that Jehovah said: My spirit shall not act toward the man [Jesus' wife] indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to 120 years [The precise length of the second presence from the heavenly sanctification of Russell until the descend of the Christ - with two gaps in that presence] (Genesis 6).

So at the end of the first 120 year period we got the flood of Noah's flood warning from 2391Heshvan to 2371 Heshvan we get a flood a destruction and an ark. There was also a period of 120 years from 2488Sivan to 2368Sivan, after which 960 year lifespan mankind was terminated and 480 year lifespan mankind began.

Warning that man's remaining days in the pre-flood system shall be 120 years     The flood begins
2391Heshvan                                                                                                             2371Heshvan17
                                                120 years (lifespan of Moses)

Warning that man's lifespan shall be reduced to 120 years                                      Lifespan reduced from 960 to 480 years
2488Sivan                                                                                                                   2368Sivan
                                                120 years (lifespan of Moses)

Warning that man's days in the pre-flood system shall be 120 years                       Lifespan reduced from 960 to 480 years
2391Heshvan                                                                                                              2368Sivan
                                                102-104 years (lifespan of Aaron)

At the end of the 120 years of the life Moses on mount Nebo we got the Promised land, a destruction of the Canaanites and a salvation for the Jews. Aaron his brother died on mountain Hor aged 123 immediately prior to this.

At the end of the 120 years (excluding gaps) of the first presence we got the deluge of 1NC saints and the first rapture and presumably a destruction by exposure of the false 1NC saints in the Catholic church..

At the end of the 120 years (excluding gaps) of the second presence we get the greater flood of angels and the last rapture. A destruction for all faithless mankind and a rapture for the saints.