10 Because you kept the word about my endurance [Gordon and kept on knocking seeking and asking for the answers of 1Kings18], I will also keep you from the hour of test, which is to come upon the whole inhabited [earth] [all mankind], to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth (Revelation 3).
This refers to a test upon all mankind. But the test is always a baptism. So all of mankind are baptised into the . This must occur during the extra 200 days of baptism during the administration. One can also deduce this from the parable of the sheep and the goats. sits down upon his throne first, i.e. the kingdom of God begins (either in heaven or on earth or both). Then he tests both the sheep, who pass, and the goats, who fail, in the event symbolism. But again, has only one type of test, a baptism. So all of mankind, both the sheep (who pass the love test of Matthew 25) and the goats (who fail the love test of Matthew 25) are baptised and tested. For even if you fail, you have still nonetheless been tested.
On 2008Nisan22, we did not enter into the kingdom of God on earth. But the kingdom of God began in heaven. But on 2012Sivan16 and Laodicea became . is the semi-kingdom of God on earth, because one has to be born of water and of spirit to enter into it. The sons of are sons of the and so are born of water and of spirit in that they are sons of at the least and such a rebirth is by holy spirit - not by men. So those who have been born of water and spirit do enter into the kingdom of God, in fact they inherit it, when begins, according to Matthew 25 (the sheep and the goats).
Once the begins, which is a big sign, faith becomes less important since God becomes more obvious. In fact even today (November16) after the service on 2009November11, Armistice Day, in Westminster Abbey, for the passing away of a generation who volunteered (which was completed by the death of Florence Beatrice Green on 2011Shebat6/7) Whereas the passing away of the generation who had the opportunity to volunteer, from nations in WW1, occurred with the deaths of Violet Brown and Nabi Tajima,,,
Violet Brown was the 2nd last SuperCentenarian born before 1900November11 in a WW1 participating country to die. She died on 2017September15 and was born on 1900March10.
Nabi Tajima was the last SuperCentenarian born before 1900November11 in a WW1 participating country, to die. She died on 2018April21 and was born on 1900August4.
God is getting pretty obvious to those who can read Matthew24.
So the final test on mankind, which takes place amongst a myriad of signs in circumstances where the mountain of the house of is spectacularly raised, is not a test of faith, which has been made largely obsolete due to the signs, but is a test of love as recorded in Matthew 25...
35 For I became hungry and you gave me something to eat; I got thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you received me hospitably,
naked, and you clothed me. I fell sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to me (Matthew 25).
So now is the time for mankind to show our love.
In fact it may well be that a different section of mankind are saved in the time of the end than would have been saved had the time of the end come to the next generation. They take a different test to the test taken by their predecessors (a faith and conscience test), and therefore a different group will pass that test perhaps. The test needs to be different due to the signs, but perhaps also God wishes those who start the kingdom off to be stronger in love than their forefathers with faith who will join them later. For love, as we know, is the cardinal characteristic of sustainable morality.