19 And I shall have to break the pride of your strength and make your heavens like iron and your earth like copper (Leviticus 26).
Today (2004 July 12, Tammuz22) I, Gordon, am the happiest and most spiritually calm that I have been since 1991Shebat21 (1992February1), when I first worked out the date of the end of 's 6000 year lease as being 2008Nisan14, from the . Because in 1988, when I first saw the interpretation of Daniel 4 as referring to the , I was captivated. I couldn't articulate at that time what was captivating me. But now I can. It was a two dimensional symbolic algebra. I did a degree in pure maths at Cambridge and algebra was what I was naturally good at. I have a feel for algebra. But the idea that one set of words could have two symbolic meanings was new to me. It is rather like a quadratic verbal equation.
So here 16 years later, I thought that Christ has helped me to the point where I could see the full depth of Daniel 4 (but as usual I was not quite there yet). On the 16 year journey I have seen that the whole bible is written in the same symbolic code as Daniel 4. There are in fact 3 symbolic meanings to this chapter of Daniel. It is a 3 dimensional symbolic algebra. It has an event symbolic thread and two word symbolic threads. There are 4 kings over who lose thier kingship for 7x in each of the two word symbolic threads (one thread for each presence). These is one king in the event symbolic thread.
And 21 years later in 2013Iyyar, Gordon theorized (correctly) that the contest of 1Kings18 involved a 7x prophetic malediction on the s in further fulfilment of Daniel. In fact the from 2017Adar21 to 2024Adar21 was the key malediction to the very Pentecostal 1Kings18 contest wherein instructs his attendant to go back 7x..
The contest certainly seemed like a malediction at times. But it was a blessing for the s in terms of increasing our understandings and keeping us humble). Being a Nebuchadnezzar is not such a bad thing however, for Daniel said of him...
28 However, there exists a God in the heavens who is a Revealer of secrets, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what is to occur in the final part of the days. Your dream and the visions of your head upon your bed -- this it is: (Daniel 2 ).
So the greater Nebuchadnezzar gets to know what is to occur in the final part of the days. And whereas his pride manifested itself in these words...
29 At the end of 12 moons he happened to be walking upon the royal palace of Babylon.
30 The king was answering and saying: Is not this Babylon the Great, that I myself have built for the royal house with the strength of my might and for the dignity of my majesty?
31 While the word was yet in the king's mouth, there was a voice that fell from the heavens: To you it is being said, Oh Nebuchadnezzar the king, 'The kingdom itself has gone away from you,
32 and from mankind they are driving even you away, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will be. Vegetation they will give even to you to eat just like bulls, and 7 times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it.'
33 At that moment the word itself was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar, and from mankind he was being driven away, and vegetation he began to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens his own body got to be wet, until his very hair grew long just like eagles' [feathers] and his nails like birds' [claws].
34 And at the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up to the heavens my eyes, and my own understanding began to return to me; and I blessed the Most High himself, and the One living to time indefinite I praised and glorified, because his rulership is a rulership to time indefinite and his kingdom is for generation after generation.
35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are being considered as merely nothing, and he is doing according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth. And there exists no one that can check his hand or that can say to him, 'What have you been doing?'
36 At the same time my understanding itself began to return to me, and for the dignity of my kingdom my majesty and my brightness themselves began to return to me; and for me even my high royal officers and my grandees began eagerly searching, and I was reestablished upon my own kingdom, and greatness extraordinary was added to me.
37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, am praising and exalting and glorifying the King of the heavens, because all his works are truth and his ways are justice, and because those who are walking in pride he is able to humiliate. (Daniel 4 )
In our case we thought: Is this not the Lords' Witnesses church that we have built by the strength of our understandings for the dignity of our rulership over the faithful. But the truth is, no. Every single understanding that we have was revealed to us by God at a time of his choosing. That is what our 740-747 mistakes in predicting the 2nd and 3rd fire sign are teaching us. No human is quite intelligent enough to see any new part of God's plan clearly without a hand from the holy spirit.
It is not about what we have seen with our minds. It is about what God has shown us due to our hearts.
And here 24 years later is the chart of all the Great periods we have found so far...
7 times pass over a circular banding of iron, making a 7x iron/kingship malediction. 7 times pass over a circular banding of copper, making a 7x copper/priesthood malediction. The tree itself with its top in the heavens provides blessed food from a promised land and when it is cut down produces an Exedenic malediction. So these triple maledictions befall God's official people, and the sons of the in the first presence and the sons of the in the second presence. The the dream recital and the interpretation both mention the band of iron and the band of copper. This gives two extra fulfilments for each of the two word symbolic threads making 4 fulfilments in total of these 3 great 7x maledictions, the Exedenic, the Alienation and the . Then there are in addition two word symbolic threads for the fulfilment of the dream upon Nebuchanezzar.
Nebuchadnezzar lost kingship his for 7 years in the event symbolism of the dream and in the literal fulfilment of the dream...
There is also a notable absence of any record of acts or decrees by the king during 582 to 575 BC (Gleason Archer, Vol 7 Expositor's Bible Commentary) .
12 And in the 5th month, on the 10th day of the month, that is, [in] the 19th year of King Nebuchadrezzar, [586Ab10] the king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan the chief of the bodyguard, who was standing before the king of Babylon, came into Jerusalem.
13 And he proceeded to burn the house of and the house of the king and all the houses of Jerusalem; and every great house he burned with fire.
14 And all the walls of Jerusalem, round about, all the military forces of the Chaldeans that were with the chief of the bodyguard pulled down.
15 And some of the lowly ones of the people and the rest of the people that were left remaining in the city and the deserters that had fallen away to the king of Babylon and the rest of the master workmen Nebuzaradan the chief of the bodyguard took into exile.
16 And some of the lowly ones of the land Nebuzaradan the chief of the bodyguard let remain as vinedressers and as compulsory laborers.
17 And the copper pillars that belonged to the house of and the carriages and the copper sea that was in the house of the Chaldeans broke to pieces and went carrying all the copper of them to Babylon.
18 And the cans and the shovels and the extinguishers and the bowls and the cups and all the copper utensils with which they used to minister they took.
19 And the basins and the fire holders and the bowls and the cans and the lampstands and the cups and the bowls that were of genuine gold, and those that were of genuine silver, the chief of the bodyguard took.
20 And the 2 pillars, the one sea, and the 12 copper bulls that were under [the sea], the carriages, that King Solomon had made for the house of .
There happened to be no weight [taken] of the copper of them - - all these articles.
21 And as regards the pillars, 18 cubits in height was each pillar, and a thread of 12 cubits itself would go around it; and its thickness was 4 fingerbreadths, it being hollow.
22 And the capital upon it was of copper, and the height of the one capital was 5 cubits; and as regards the network and the pomegranates upon the capital, all around, the whole was of copper; and the second pillar had just the same as these, also the pomegranates.
23 And the pomegranates came to be 96, on the sides, all the pomegranates being 100 upon the network round about (Jeremiah 52)
The sons of the lose their priesthood over the unsanctified sons of the for 7 from 586Ab10 when Nebuzaradan burnt Solomon's temple in Jerusalem and removed all the copper to Babylon, this being when the priesthood ended over the sons of the law. When Zerubbabel's temple was rebuilt the priesthood were not sons of the , because there was no ark in that temple, no most holy. When the Christian churches came the congregations over 20 were all saints in , and until 1934Tishri. Then on 1935Iyyar28-Sivan2 the Watchtower held the Washington DC convention where Rutherford announced: Behold the Great Crowd. Then in 1935Ab the 7 Times of the -2- Priesthood Malediction Times ended. Once again sons of the could be priests to unsanctified sons of the . So from the end of Solomon's temple to the end of the law, the sanctified were not priests and the unsanctified were mediating to the unsanctified. Then from ' baptism onwards the sanctified were mediating to the sanctified but not to the unsanctified. Then from 1935Ab onwards, the sanctified were once again priests to the unsanctified. Hence the holy spirit moved President Rutherford to see and to declare the beginnings of the Great Crowd.
The simple and correct interpretation of John Aquila Brown and Charles Russell has the difficulty that the verse:
27 Therefore, Oh king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own sins by righteousness, and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones. Surely [!h] there will occur a lengthening of your prosperity...
Cannot apply to , who was without sin. So the simple concept that the 'second symbolism' of the whole account applies to as King is not correct. But the full decoding using the symbolic structure principle and the successive designations principle untangles the whole mass to reveal the 5 and perhaps 7 periods of 7 times mentioned above. The phrase '7 Times' appears 4 times in the account. Double designations are written in orange.
the king, [aklmwe take as 'the king'
- the pathah being from the definite article? - it is in the emphatic state] to all of the peoples, the nations and the languages that are dwelling in all the earth: May your peace grow great.
2 The signs and the wonders that the God, the Most High
has performed with me, it has seemed good to me to declare.
3 How grand his signs are, and how mighty his wonders are! His kingdom is a kingdom to time indefinite, and his rulership is for generation after generation.
4 I,
Nebuchadnezzar, happened to be at ease in my house and flourishing in my palace.
5 There was a dream that I beheld, and it began to make me afraid. And there were mental images upon my bed and visions of my head that began to frighten me.
6 And from me an order was being put through to bring in before me all the wise men of Babylon,
that they might make known to me the very interpretation of the dream.
7 At that time the magic-practicing priests, the conjurers, the Chaldeans and the astrologers were entering; and I was saying before them what the dream was, but its interpretation they were not making known to me.
8 And at last there came in before me Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar according to the name of my god and in whom there is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I said what the dream was.
9 Oh Belteshazzar,
chief of the magic-practicing priests, because I myself well know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that there is no secret at all that is troubling you, tell [me] the visions of my dream that I have beheld and its interpretation.
10 Now the visions of my head upon my bed I happened to be beholding and, look!...Narrative
A tree in the midst of the earth, the height of which was immense.
11 The tree
[emphatic state] grew up and became strong, and its very height finally reached the heavens, and it was visible to the extremity of the whole earth.
12 Its foliage was fair, and its fruit was abundant, and there was food for all on it. Under it the beast of the field would seek shade, and on its boughs the birds of the heavens would dwell, and from it all flesh would feed itself...Dream
13 'I continued beholding in the visions of my head upon my bed and look!...N
A watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens themselves.
14 He was calling out loudly, and this is what he was saying: Chop the tree
[emphatic state] down, and cut off its boughs. Shake off its foliage, and scatter its fruitage. Let the beast flee from under it, and the birds from its boughs.
15 However, leave its rootstock in the earth [a['r>a], even with a banding of iron and of copper,
among the grass of the field; and in the dew of the heavens let it be wet, and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth.
16 Let its heart
be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given to it,
and let 7 times pass over it.
17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind...D
18 'This was the dream that I saw, I, the King, Nebuchadnezzar,
and you, Oh Belteshazzar, say what the interpretation is, forasmuch as all the [other] wise men of my kingdom are unable to make known to me the interpretation itself. But you are competent, because the spirit of holy gods is in you.'
19 Then Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar, was astonished for a moment, and his very thoughts began to frighten him. The king was answering and saying, 'Oh Belteshazzar, do not let the dream and the interpretation themselves frighten you.' Belteshazzar was answering and saying, 'Oh my lord, may the dream [apply]
to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries...N
20 'The tree
[emphatic state] that you beheld,
that grew great and became strong and the height of which finally reached the heavens and which was visible to all the earth,
21 and the foliage of which was fair, and the fruit of which was abundant, and on which there was food for all; under which the beasts of the field would dwell, and on the boughs of which the birds of the heavens would reside...Recital
22 it is you, Oh king, because you have grown great and become strong, and your grandeur has grown great and reached to the heavens, and your rulership to the extremity of the earth...I
23 And because the king beheld a watcher, and/even a holy one, coming down from the heavens, who was also saying: Chop the tree [emphatic state] down, and ruin it. However, leave its rootstock in the earth [a['r>a], but with a banding of iron and of copper, among the grass of the field, and in the dew of the heavens let it become wet, and with the beasts of the field let its portion be until 7 times themselves pass over it...R
24 this is the interpretation, Oh king, and the decree of the Most High is that which must befall my lord, the king...N
25 And you they will be driving away from men, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will come to be, and the vegetation is what they will give even to you to eat just like bulls; and from the dew of the heavens to you [ones] causing to be drenched, and 7 times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it.
26 And because they said to leave the rootstock that [belongs to] the tree [emphatic state not construct but used possessively], your kingdom will be sure to you after you know that the heavens are ruling.
27 Therefore, Oh king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own sins by righteousness [Cannot refer to ], and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones.
Surely [!h] there will occur a lengthening of your prosperity [still the interpretation]...I
28 All this befell Nebuchadnezzar, the king.
29 At the end of 12 lunar months he happened to be walking upon the royal palace that [was in] Babylon.
30 The king was answering and saying: Is not this Babylon, the Great [emphatic state], that I myself have built for the royal house with the strength of my might and for the dignity of my majesty?
31 While the word was yet in the mouth of the king [construct], there was a voice that fell from the heavens: To you it is being said, Oh Nebuchadnezzar the king [emphatic state], 'The kingdom itself has gone away from you,
32 and from mankind they are driving even you away, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will be.
Vegetation they will give even to you to eat just like bulls, and 7 times
themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it.'
33 At that moment the word itself was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar, and from mankind he was being driven away, and vegetation he began to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens his own body got to be wet, until his very hair grew long just like eagles' [feathers] and his nails like birds' [claws].
34 And at the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up to the heavens my eyes, and my own understanding began to return to me; and I blessed the Most High himself, and the One living to time indefinite I praised and glorified, because his rulership is a rulership to time indefinite and his kingdom is for generation after generation.
35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are being considered as merely nothing, and he is doing according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth. And there exists no one that can check his hand or that can say to him, 'What have you been doing?'
36 At the same time my understanding itself began to return to me, and for the dignity of my kingdom my majesty and my brightness themselves began to return to me; and for me even my high royal officers and my grandees began eagerly searching, and I was reestablished upon my own kingdom, and greatness extraordinary was added to me.
37 Now I,
Nebuchadnezzar, am praising and exalting and glorifying the King of the heavens,
because all his works are truth and his ways are justice, and because those who are walking in pride he is able to humiliate.
I, the king, Nebuchadnezzar, means there are 3 of them (like: I, myself, Daniel).
I, Nebuchadnezzar, means two of them are Nebuchadnezzars.
Dream + Recital + Interpretation (WRONG): Tree (5), Rootstock (Stump of roots)
(3), King (3),
Earth (2), Dew (3), Times (3), Banding (2), Heart (2).
Dream + Recital (OK): Tree (5), Rootstock (Stump of roots) (2), King (1),
Earth (2), Dew (2), Times (2), Banding (2), Heart (2).
Narrative + Interpretation: Babylon (2), Tree (1/0), Nebuchadnezzar (8), Belteshazzar (6), Daniel (2), Rootstock (1), Chaldeans (1), Conjurers (1), Magic practicing priests (1), Astrologers (1), King (11), Lord (2), Earth (0), Dew (1), Times (2), Banding (0), House (2), Palace (2).
Dream Items | Event | Word1 | Word2 |
Tree | Kingship of Nebuchadnezzar | Kingship of a vassal of God over sons of , Jehoahaz - Russell | Kingship of saints over sons of |
7 Times | 7 years from 582 - 575 when there is little evidence of any legislation or construction (Expositor's Bible Commentary) | 7 , 2520 years, 607Tishri BC to 1914Tishri AD | 7 years. 2001Nisan10/14 to 2008Nisan10/14. |
Rootstock/Stump of roots | Courtiers above ground, loyal subjects below | Jews and true Christians, official sons of above and sons of below ground | reserve kings left on earth whilst 144,000 are in heaven |
Dew of heavens | Dew of heavens | baptism for sons of | baptism for sons of |
Binding of copper | Priestly protection | (Temple implements) Priesthood Malediction | (Temple implements) Priesthood Malediction |
Binding of Iron | Military protection | (Strong) Kingship Malediction | (Strong) Kingship Malediction |
Driven from mankind | Driven away from civilisation | Live amongst unsanctified | Live amongst unsanctified |
Beasts of field | Beasts of field | Animalistic men, Period of no true church | Animalistic men, Period of no true church |
Vegetation | Vegetation (like a peasant) | Back to basics bible research | Back to basics bible research |
There was a Pharaoh at both ends of the Jewish line of rulers From Moses to Jehoahaz, from Tutmoses? to Pharaoh Necho.
All rulers from Moses through the judges to Jehoahaz were saints, sons of the , just as the blood line from Adam to were all saints. In the events Nebuchadnezzar, a named king, existed at the start and end of the 7x and actually in the middle. But in the world symbolism we only need the same class of people to exist at the start and end of the 7x. The Davidic kings were all the genetic sons of David, and of , but being saints there were also the born again sons of . So the is really a Spiritual , a period when no saint, no spiritual Jew, no sons of the , no covenant son of , rules over God's official people, who are spiritual , as God's vassal.
The tree of knowledge of good and bad represented God's kingship in the Garden of Eden, and the tree of life represented his priesthood. The story of Eden is about the tree of knowledge of good and bad, but Adam and Eve were thrown out to stop them eating from the tree of life. Likewise here, in the word symbolic meaning applying to sons of the , the symbolism applies to their kingship malediction of the . But since the tree had a binding of Iron which is strong and represents authority or rulership and had a binding of Copper which was the metal used for all the priestly duties in the temple and so represents the priesthood, we deduce that there are two maledictions being represented here. And since there is one band of iron which goes one time around the stump and one band of copper that goes one time around the stump, both maledictions are 1 time of the 7 times that pass over the stump. In other words we have two 7x maledictions. These are described above.
Now the phrase 7x appears 4x in the account which has the dream, the recital the interpretation and the fulfilment. We think this is a way that the code tells us there will be 4 fulfilments of these 7x maledictions. These are...
1. The literal fulfilment on Nebuchadnezzar.
2. The twin maledictions on the sons of the (for 7 ).
3. The twin malediction on the sons of the (for 7 years)
4. The twin maledictions on the sons of the (for 7 months).
Now any saint who dies in the Watchtower (but not in Laodicea) after 2001Tishri30, dies without a water baptism and so loses his associated angel, since a son of (through the ) must also be a son of (through the ). These people may still end up in the. They only go to if they are unrepentant, and they will be unrepentant if they have tasted the powers of the next system of things, but no 2nd presence non reserve saint ever tasted them.
4 For it is impossible as regards those who have once for all been enlightened, and who have tasted the heavenly free gift [singular, spirit sanctification],
and who have become partakers of holy spirit [the holy spirit acts through you],
5 and who have tasted the fine saying of God [the fine details of the meanings of the scriptures] and powers of the coming system of things [so that faith is surplanted by experience, for faith is the demonstration of realities not beheld. So once they have been beheld, faith is obsolete. If you see a man being resurrected then faith is obsolete for you],
6 but who have fallen away, to revive them again to repentance, because they impale the Son of God afresh for themselves and expose him to public shame.
7 For example, the ground that drinks in the rain which often comes upon it, and that then brings forth vegetation suitable to those for whom it is also cultivated, receives in return a blessing from God.
8 But if it produces thorns and thistles, it is rejected and is near to being cursed; and it ends up with being burned (Hebrews 6).
The word 'Daniel' only appears in the phrase 'Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar'. Daniel means 'the bible decoder' in all the word threads. Belteshazzar, is literal Daniel in the event symbolism and Gordon in the first word thread and the Reverend John Aquila Brown in the second word thread.
Tree vision | Stump vision | Tree recital | Stump recital | Tree interpretation | Stump interpretation | Narrative (fulfilment) |
Event | Event | Event | Event | Literal of Event | Literal of Event | Literal |
Word1 () | Word1 () | Word1 () | Word1 () | Word1 of Word1 | Word1 of Word1 | Word1 (s) |
The event symbolic meaning of the dream of the two visions is given by Daniel and the fulfilment was on King Nebuchadnezzar who lost his kingship for 7 times which were 7 months (being realistic or the history books would have to record another king taking regnal years) and then was restored to his throne.
Nebuchadnezzar (8) | Nebuchadnezzar, The King |
The King (11 narrative) | The King over 's seed, Nebuchadnezzar |
My Lord | The Lord of Daniel, The King, Nebuchadnezzar |
Tree (5) | Kingship over 's seed (Nebuchadnezzar), the throne of Babylon was also over 's seed (, , ) |
Stump (3) of roots (Rootstock) | The Kingdom of all of 's seed (who were in the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar) |
Banding (2) of iron and copper | Heavenly and earthly protection |
The Earth (2) | The Babylonian worldly administration, which was also the earthly administration of God's people (i.e. leave God's people in Babylon) |
The Dew (3) of the heavens | The heavenly water baptism of the faithful in Babylon into the . The Law was inoperative in Babylon where the sons of Israel had no access to the temple (which was burnt in any event). So the faithful were baptised into the by the angels |
7 Times (2 narrative) | 7 Times, in this case 7 years. 2520 days the literal meaning of 7 times according to Revelation 12. |
Heart (2) of Mankind, Heart (2) of beast | Spirituality, Animalistic heart of Nebuchadnezzar |
Babylon (2) | Babylon |
Royal Palace (2) | Nebuchanezzar's Royal Palace in Babylon |
Royal House (2) | The family line of Nebuchanezzar |
Walking on the Royal Palace | Walking round the Palace |
Daniel (2) | Daniel, Belteshazzar |
Belteshazzar (6) | Belteshazzar, Daniel |
Chaldeans (1) | Chaldeans |
Conjurers (1) | Conjurers |
Magic Practicing Priests (1) | Priests of Babylon |
Chief of the Magic Practicing Priests (1) | Chief of Babylon |
Astrologers (1) | Astrologers |
Isn't this Babylon that I myself built ? | Yes |
See [123] for the sentence counts of the numerical dimension of the code.
1 Nebuchadnezzar [The remnant of saints],
to all of the peoples, the nations and the languages that are dwelling in all the earth: May your peace grow great.
2 The signs and the wonders that the God has performed with me, it has seemed good to me to declare.
3 How grand his signs are, and how mighty his wonders are! His kingdom is a kingdom to time indefinite, and his rulership is for generation after generation.
4 I,
Nebuchadnezzar, happened to be at ease in my house and flourishing in my palace.
5 There was a dream that I beheld, and it began to make me afraid. And there were mental images upon my bed and visions of my head that began to frighten me.
6 And from me an order was being put through to bring in before me all the wise men of Babylon,
that they might make known to me the very interpretation of the dream.
7 At that time the magic-practicing priests, the conjurers, the Chaldeans and the astrologers were entering; and I was saying before them what the dream was, but its interpretation they were not making known to me.
8 And at last there came in before me Daniel [the bible decoder], whose name is Belteshazzar [Gordon]
according to the name of my god and in whom there is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I said what the dream was.
9 Oh Belteshazzar,
because I myself well know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that there is no secret at all that is troubling you, tell [me] the visions of my dream that I have beheld and its interpretation.
10 Now the visions of my head upon my bed I happened to be beholding and, look!...
A tree []
in the midst of the earth [the earthly administration of 's seed, is at the end of the earth, not in the midst of it], the height of which was immense.
11 The tree
[] grew up and became strong, and its very height finally reached the heavens, and it was visible to the extremity of the whole earth.
12 Its foliage was fair, and its fruit was abundant, and there was food for all on it. Under it the beast of the field would seek shade, and on its boughs the birds of the heavens would dwell, and from it all flesh would feed itself [counts as 100 times from being appointed/installed to feed the saints on 1901Tishri2/Heshvan21, until the loss of the water baptism on 2001Chislev14]...D
13 'I continued beholding in the visions of my head upon my bed and look!...D
A watcher, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens.
14 He was calling out loudly, and saying this: Chop the tree
[//] down, and cut off its boughs. Shake off its foliage, and scatter its fruitage. Let the beast flee from under it, and the birds from its boughs.
15 However, leave its rootstock in the earth, even with a banding that [is made of] iron and copper,
among the grass of the field; and in the dew of the heavens let it be wet [ baptism], and with the beast let its portion be among the vegetation of the earth.
16 Let its heart be changed from that of mankind, and let the heart of a beast be given to it [ lose their spirituality, they act with an animalistic heart] and let 7 times pass over it [2001Tishri30/Heshvan7-2008Tishri30/Heshvan7, Miriam re-admitted].
17 By the decree of watchers the thing is, and [by] the saying of holy ones the request is, to the intent that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one whom he wants to, he gives it and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind...D
18 'This was the dream that I saw, I, the King [over 's seed],
and you, Oh Belteshazzar [Gordon], say what the interpretation is, forasmuch as all the [other] wise men of my kingdom are unable to make known to me the interpretation itself. But you are competent, because the spirit of holy gods is in you.'
19 Then Daniel [the bible decoder], whose name is Belteshazzar [Gordon], was astonished for a moment, and his very thoughts began to frighten him. The king [over 's seed] was answering and saying, 'Oh Belteshazzar [Gordon], do not let the dream and the interpretation themselves frighten you.' Belteshazzar [Gordon] was answering and saying, 'Oh my lord [], may the dream [apply]
to those hating you [//], and its interpretation to your adversaries [//, whereas the recitals refer to ]...N
20 'The tree
[] that you beheld,
that grew great and became strong and the height of which finally reached the heavens and which was visible to all the earth,
21 and the foliage of which was fair, and the fruit of which was abundant, and on which there was food for all; under which the beasts of the field would dwell, and on the boughs of which the birds of the heavens would reside ...R
22 it is you, Oh king [over 's seed], because you have grown great and become strong, and your grandeur has grown great and reached to the heavens, and your rulership to the extremity of the earth...I
23 And because the king beheld a watcher, and/even a holy one, coming down from the heavens, and saying: Chop the tree [] down, and ruin it. However, leave its rootstock [the sons of the , Christians hidden by the earth, the heavenly administration] in the earth, but with a banding that [is made of] iron and copper, among the grass of the field, and in the dew of the heavens let it become wet, and with the beasts of the field let its portion be until 7 times [7 years from 2012Tishri15 to 2019Tishri15 - The saints start ruling the first by themselves it would appear whilst the saints are in this malediction] themselves pass over it...R
24 this is the interpretation, Oh king [//], and the decree of the Most High is that which must befall my lord []...N
25 And you they will be driving away from men, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will come to be, and the vegetation is what they will give even to you to eat just like bulls; and from the dew of the heavens to you [ones] causing to be drenched, and 7 times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it.
26 And because they said to leave the rootstock that [belongs to] the tree [emphatic state not construct but used possessively], your kingdom will be sure to you after you know that the heavens are ruling.
27 Therefore, Oh king, may my counsel seem good to you, and remove your own sins by righteousness [Cannot refer to ], and your iniquity by showing mercy to the poor ones.
Surely [!h] there will occur a lengthening of your prosperity [still the interpretation]...I
28 All this befell Nebuchadnezzar [The remnant of the 2nd presence saints].
29 At the end of 12 lunar months he happened to be walking upon the royal palace [the administration of the Watchtower]
that [was in] Babylon [Babylon the great]
30 Nebuchadnezzar was answering and saying: Is not this Babylon [Babylon the great], that I myself have built for the royal house [the saints] with the strength of my might and for the dignity of my majesty? [Surely I haven't been building a false religion?]
31 While the word was yet in the mouth of Nebuchadnezzar, there was a voice that fell from the heavens: To you it is being said, Oh Nebuchadnezzar,
'The kingdom itself has gone away from you,
32 and from mankind they are driving even you away, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will be.
Vegetation they will give even to you to eat just like bulls, and 7 times themselves will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it.'
33 At that moment the word itself was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar, and from mankind he was being driven away, and vegetation he began to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens his own body got to be wet, until his very hair grew long just like eagles' [feathers] and his nails like birds' [claws].
34 And at the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up to the heavens my eyes, and my own understanding began to return to me; and I blessed the Most High himself, and the One living to time indefinite I praised and glorified, because his rulership is a rulership to time indefinite and his kingdom is for generation after generation.
35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are being considered as merely nothing, and he is doing according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth. And there exists no one that can check his hand or that can say to him, 'What have you been doing?'
36 At the same time my understanding itself began to return to me, and for the dignity of my kingdom my majesty and my brightness themselves began to return to me; and for me even my high royal officers and my grandees began eagerly searching [the angels and resurrected saints], and I was reestablished upon my own kingdom [In heaven in the on 2008Elul19, when Miriam returns], and greatness extraordinary was added to me.
37 Now I,
Nebuchadnezzar, am praising and exalting and glorifying the King of the heavens,
because all his works are truth and his ways are justice, and because those who are walking in pride he is able to humiliate.
Nebuchadnezzar (8) | The remnant of the saints in the second presence |
The King (11 narrative) | The King on earth over 's seed, // then |
My Lord | |
Tree (5) | Kingship over God's official people, the sons of the (occupied by //, then ), the throne of David |
Stump (3) of roots (Rootstock) | The Kingdom of all of God's people (the sons of the who used to be sons of the . But are now hidden Christians) |
Banding (2) of iron and copper | Protected by heavenly saints (iron) and earthly saints (copper) |
The Earth (2) | The heavenly administration of God's people (the administration of the under ). Leave the s in the . |
Dew (1) of the heavens | of those in after its and s after they are is heavenly water into the . |
7 Times (2 - narrative) | 7 Times, which are 7 years from 2001Tishri30 when the Watchtower lost its water baptism until 2008Tishri30 when the saints start ruling again after Armageddon. And then from 2007Adar when the last saint dies until 2014Adar when they start ruling again in the Kingdom of earth. |
Heart (2) of Mankind, Heart (2) of beast | Spirituality, Animalistic composite heart of // |
Babylon (2) | Babylon the Great, the prison for God's true people, the sons of the . This is all false religion. |
Royal Palace (2) | The temple, the worship arrangements of the remnant of saints |
Royal House (2) | The family line of (the saints) |
Walking on the Royal Palace | Suppressing the worship arrangements of the remnant of saints |
Daniel (2) | The Bible Decoder |
Belteshazzar (6) | Gordon |
Chaldeans (1) | s (Citizens of greater Babylon). |
Conjurers (1) | Conjurers (nice name for the blind 'researchers' of the Watchtower) |
Magic Practicing Priests (1) | Decoding Priests (sons of the ) |
Chief of the Magic Practicing Priests (1) | Chief Decoding (Head of ) |
Astrologers (1) | Astrologers |
Isn't this Babylon that I myself built ? | No, although they treat it like it is. |
1 The king [], [aklm we take as 'the king'
- the pathah being from the definite article? - it is in the emphatic state] to all of the peoples, the nations and the languages that are dwelling in all the earth: May your peace grow great.
2 The signs and the wonders that the Most High
has performed with me, it has seemed good to me to declare.
3 How grand his signs are, and how mighty his wonders are! His kingdom is a kingdom to time indefinite, and his rulership is for generation after generation.
4 I, the king, happened to be at ease in my house and flourishing in my palace.
5 There was a dream that I beheld, and it began to make me afraid. And there were mental images upon my bed and visions of my head that began to frighten me.
6 And from me an order was being put through to bring in before me all the wise men of Babylon [all the wise guys in all false religions],
that they might make known to me the very interpretation of the dream.
7 At that time the magic-practicing priests [General bible interpreters], the conjurers, the Chaldeans [everyone in all false religions, i.e. in Babylon the great] and the astrologers were entering; and I was saying before them what the dream was, but its interpretation they were not making known to me.
8 And at last there came in before me Daniel [the bible decoder], whose name is Belteshazzar [John Aquila Brown] according to the name of my god and in whom there is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I said what the dream was [ showed Reverend John Aquila Brown that there was a further meaning to the dream].
9 Oh
chief of the magic-practicing priests [Gordon], because I myself well know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and that there is no secret at all that is troubling you, tell [me] the visions of my dream that I have beheld and its interpretation.
10 Now the visions of my head upon my bed I happened to be beholding and, look!...N
13 'I continued beholding in the visions of my head upon my bed and look!...N
18 'This was the dream that I saw, I, Nebuchadnezzar [the 2nd presence remnant - Russell],
and you, Oh Belteshazzar [John Aquila Brown], say what the interpretation is, forasmuch as all the [other] wise men of my kingdom are unable to make known to me the interpretation itself. But you are competent, because the spirit of holy gods is in you.'
19 Then Daniel [the bible decoder], whose name is Belteshazzar [John Aquila Brown], was astonished for a moment, and his very thoughts began to frighten him. The king []
was answering and saying, 'Oh Belteshazzar [John Aquila Brown], do not let the dream and the interpretation themselves frighten you.' Belteshazzar [John Aquila Brown] was answering and saying, 'Oh my lord [], may the dream [apply]
to those hating you, and its interpretation to your adversaries...N
24 this is the interpretation, Oh king [], and the decree of the Most High is that which must befall the king []...N
28 All this befell the king [].
29 At the end of 12 lunar months he happened to be walking upon the royal palace [of Nebuchadnezzar]
that [was in]
Babylon [Babylon was in Babylon the great,
was in Ezekiel in Babylon at the start of the ].
30 The king []
was answering and saying: Is not this the Great [Nation of Israel], that I myself have built for the royal house [of my saints] with the strength of my might and for the dignity of my majesty?
31 While the word was yet in the mouth of the king, there was a voice that fell from the heavens: To you it is being said, Oh king [], 'The kingdom itself has gone away from you,
32 and from mankind they are driving even you away, and with the beasts of the field your dwelling will be.
Vegetation they will give even to you to eat just like bulls, and 7 times themselves [The ] will pass over you, until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind, and that to the one whom he wants to he gives it [which is , in 1914Tishri].'
33 At that moment the word itself was fulfilled upon the king, and from mankind he was being driven away, and vegetation he began to eat just like bulls, and with the dew of the heavens [the heavenly water baptism into the ] his own body got to be wet [ saints, his wife, his body, disfellowshipped and being only in the ], until his very hair grew long just like eagles' [feathers] and his nails like birds' [claws] [ saints developed wisdom at the end of the and so founded the Watchtower].
34 And at the end of the days I, the king, lifted up to the heavens my eyes, and my own understanding began to return to me; and I blessed the Most High himself, and the One living to time indefinite I praised and glorified, because his rulership is a rulership to time indefinite and his kingdom is for generation after generation.
35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are being considered as merely nothing, and he is doing according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth. And there exists no one that can check his hand or that can say to him, 'What have you been doing?'
36 At the same time my understanding itself began to return to me, and for the dignity of my kingdom my majesty and my brightness themselves began to return to me; and for me even my high royal officers and my grandees began eagerly searching, and I was reestablished upon my own kingdom, and greatness extraordinary was added to me.
37 Now I, the king, am praising and exalting and glorifying the King of the heavens,
because all his works are truth and his ways are justice, and because those who are walking in pride he is able to humiliate.
Nebuchadnezzar (8) | The remnant of the saints in the second presence, in particular Charles Taze Russell. |
The King (12 narrative) | |
My Lord | |
Dew (3) of the heavens | The heavenly water baptism of the faithful during the into the . |
7 Times (2 - narrative) | 7 from 607Tishi to 1914Tishri, The , 2520 years. |
Babylon (2) | Babylon the Great, the prison for God's true people, the sons of the . This is all false religion. |
Royal Palace (2) | Nebuchadnezzar's Royal Palace in Babylon, which is in Babylon the Great |
Royal House (2) | ' family line (the saints) |
Walking on the Royal Palace | was walking around the palace in Ezekiel! |
Daniel (2) | The Bible Decoder |
Belteshazzar (6) | Reverend John Aquila Brown |
Chaldeans (1) | Citizens of Babylon the great. Everyone in all false religions. |
Conjurers (1) | Conjurers (nice name for the blind bible 'researchers') |
Magic Practicing Priests (1) | Researching/Interpreting Priests |
Chief of the Magic Practicing Priests (1) | Chief Researching/Interpreting (Gordon) |
Astrologers (1) | Astrologers |
Isn't this the Great [nation] that I myself built ? | Yes, the physical nation of Israel, over which was the guardian and king and prophet, for all the thanks he got. |
King David and lastly King Jehoahaz, were actually earthly vassals of , who is the heavenly vassal of God. All Kingships are over visible children of i.e. genetic until the end of the . No kingship is directly over the sons of the under the , but these can feed from the tree nonetheless.
#1 old dates, the physical start of the kingdom is now projected for 2012Tebeth