1 In the 3rd year of Cyrus [derivation uncertain] [] the king of Persia [ Sodom, sacred years from 2020Sivan1?] there was a matter revealed to Daniel [God is my Judge] [], whose name was called Belteshazzar [prince of Baal] [] and the word/saying/matter [was] true, and the warfare/conflict [was] great. And he understood the matter, and he had understanding in the thing seen [he finally understood the prophecies for WW3 and the of Matthew24 and the 2nd and 3rd fire signs and perhaps some of Daniel7 and Daniel8].
2 In those days [the days of the 3rd year or the days of the revealing of the matter? It is BOTH] I myself, Daniel,
had been [perfect tense] mourning [during/for/though all of/through parts of] 3 sevens/weeks days [from 2022Sivan4 to 2022Sivan24, the weekly Sabbath. Mourning presumably as a result of the matter revealed to him in the literal meaning. And indeed in the word symbolic meaning. 3 weeks of mourning for the Jews traditionally runs from Tammuz17 to Ab9 (with only 29 days in Tammuz). It is a mourning for the loss of their form of worship either in the tablets of Moses or the constant features in Solomon's and Zerubbabel's temples. So here, in the greater meaning, this mourning is for the loss of an obsolete form of worship. It is for the loss of Watchtower form of worship].
3 Dainty bread I did not eat, and no flesh or wine entered into my mouth [he did not partake], and in no way did I grease/anoint myself [this is not a baptism since one cannot baptise oneself. reserves anoint themselves as Kings by accepting the cup of the at the Passover] until [no 'the'] 3 sevens days were filled [no Passover emblems no Passover lamb for Daniel who is the 1st Watchtower Passover reserves, during these 3 weeks or at any time before them actually].
Verse 3: (1x+1x+1x+1x).21 days = 84 days of abstaining from 2022Sivan1 to 2022Ab25. Then 3 calendar weeks from 2022Ab27 to 2022Elul18?
4 And on the 24th day to the first month [2022Sivan24.
Daniel is a contest watcher. The word 'Month'
noun-counts 1x in the account. So it means 'month' in all symbolisms] and/while I myself happened to be upon the bank/hand of the great river, he [is],
Hiddekel [rushing torrent, rapid - the Tigris according to the and Easton and Gesenius]
[The bank of the which dried up on 2022Iyyar14]
5 And I raised up my eyes [2x] and looked [1x], and look!/behold! a certain man [was] clothed linens [s - a vision yet for days to come of verse 14], and his hips girded in gold of Uphaz [human mediated procreation of saints, the Kings, through the golden s - which is future to the time when Daniel sees the vision as verse 14 reveals].
6 And his body was like chrysolite/tarshish [s are as destructive to false religion as yellow stone/Tarshish will be to faithless Adam], and his faces like the appearance of lightning [fire from the heavens], and his eyes like fiery torches [illuminating a dark world and pronouncing salvation for and judgement upon it], and his arms and the place of his feet were like the sight of burnished copper [priestly], and the sound of his words was like the sound of a crowd [].
[[[13 and in the midst of the lampstands someone like a son of man, clothed with a garment that reached down to the feet,
and girded at the breasts with a golden girdle [s nursing - feeding].
14 Moreover, his head and his hair were white as white wool [righteous sheep, sons of the ],
as snow,
and his eyes as a fiery flame;
15 and his feet were like fine copper when glowing in a furnace; and his voice was as the sound of many waters [of the future Christian church].
16 And he had in his right hand 7 stars,
and out of his mouth a sharp, long, two-edged sword was protruding, and his countenance was as the sun when it shines in its power (Revelation1).]]]
4 And in the 24th day to the first month and I myself was upon the bank/hand of the great river [1x+5x=6x], he [is],
Hiddekel [1x]
5 And I was raising up my eyes [2x]
and was looking [1x], and look/behold!
a certain man [1x], clothed linens/separates [2x:
Robe + trousers - sash is gold and turban is not mentioned see Leviticys 16:4], and his hips [2x]
girded in gold of Uphaz
6 And his body [1x] was like chrysolite/tarshish [1x], and his faces [1x - polite plural]
like the appearance of lightning [1x], and his eyes [2x] like fiery torches [2x], and his arms [2x] and [area] at-the-feet of him [10x]
was like the sight of burnished copper [1x], and the sound of his words [3x] was like the sound of a crowd [3x. Sounds are not seen with eyes,
They are heard with ears! Each word has a different sound like that of a crowd]
Count of the vision verse4-6: 1x+5x+2x+1x+(2x+1x).(1x.2x+2x+1x+1x+1x+1x+2x+2x+2x+10x+1x)+3x+3x = 6x+3x+3x.25x+6x = 90x from 2022Sivan24, to 2022Elul24, when finds Elisha of 1Kings19 - see U267). .
Weeping in Tammuz of Ezekiel 8:14.
14 So he brought me to the entrance of the gate of the house of , which is toward the north [ outer inner], and, look! there the women were sitting, weeping [for] the [god] Tammuz [sadness or joy in the greater meaning?].
Woman bent double of Luke12 is release during the Sabbath month of 2022Tammuz.
The festival for the deity Tammuz was held throughout the month of Tammuz in midsummer, and celebrated his death and resurrection. The first day of the month of Tammuz was the day of the new moon of the summer solstice. On the second day of the month, there was lamentation over the death of Tammuz, on the 9th, 16th and 17th days torch lit processions, and on the last three days, an image of Tammuz was buried.
Al-Nadim in his 10th century work Kitab al-Fehrest drawing from a work on Syriac calendar feast days, describes a Tammuz festival that took place in the middle of the month of Tammuz. Women bewailed the death of Tammuz at the hands of his master who was said to have "ground his bones in a mill and scattered them to the wind." Consequently, women would forgo the eating of ground foods during the festival time. The same festival is mentioned in the 11th century by Ibn Athir as still taking place in the month of Tammuz on the banks of the Tigris river. -
Tammuz, which is Sumerian is Dumuzid, means "son of life". the s are the life, any church is the life. is a son of a church and therefore is a son of life.
Sodom fell on 2022Tammuz14. That was the end of any part of the Watchtower being a true church.
3 Dainty bread I did not eat, and no flesh or wine entered into my mouth, and in no way did I grease/anoint myself until [no 'the'] 3 sevens days were filled (Daniel10).
The phrase: Until 3 sevens days were filled, omits the word 'the' and so is ambiguous. It could mean until the 3 weeks of mourning pre fire sign mourning are filled or it could mean until a further 3 weeks of post vision not partaking once partaking becomes relevant are filled (i.e. Daniel accepts that he is a reserve). Or it could refer to an entirely different period of 3 sevens.
gets a vision of on 2022Sivan24
2022Sivan4-24: Mourning for 3 weeks before the vision. This is a few day in advance of the minor fast of the Jews to Tisha B'Av (Ab9) from Tammuz17 (with a 29 day Tammuz)
2022Sivan1 - 2022Ab25 of abstaining. Then 3 calendar weeks from 2022Ab27 to 2022Elul18.
That is distributive biblical linguistics. Zechariah 8:19 refers to the minor fast in the 4th month which is Shiva Asara B'Tammuz (17th in Tammuz). On this day according to Jewish tradition
1) Moses smashed the tablets after his first 40 days up the mountain (In fact it was during the daytime of 1513Tammuz16 -see U356)
2) The constant feature ended in Solomon's temple (the wall of Jerusalem was breached on 586Tammuz9 according to Jeremiah 39:2 - The Talmud has the constant feature ending on Tammuz17)
3) The constant feature ceased in Zerubbabel's temple on 70Tammuz17.
2 In the 11th year of Zedekiah [586 BC], in the 4th month, on the 9th day of the month, the city was broken through. (Jeremiah 39 )
19 This is what of armies has said, 'The fast of the 4th [Tammuz17], and the fast of the 5th [Ab9 but should be Ab10], and the fast of the 7th [Tishri10], and the fast of the 10th [Tebbeth10] will become for the house of Judah an exultation and a rejoicing and good festal seasons. So love truth and peace.' (Zechariah 8 )
The modern Hebrew calendar is corrupted to have 29 days in Tammuz. So the 3 weeks of Hebrew fasting run from Tammuz17 to Ab9, which is 22 days not 21.
586Tammuz17 is when the constant feature ended in Solomon's temple, which was burnt on 586Ab10 by Nebuchadnezzar
70Tammuz17 is when the constant feature ended in Zerubbabel's temple, which was burnt on 70Ab10 by Titus.
Daniel did not do A or B until 3 weeks were filled MEANS Daniel did not do A until one period of 3 weeks was filled AND Daniel did not do B until another period of 3 weeks was filled.
The humour here from the is that every one in the Watchtower who partook between 2002Nisan14 and 2019Nisan14 (other than Laodiceans) had anointed themselves, rather than being anointed by God. They were therefore fake s.
This could also refer to the Kings going to the Watchtower and literally dragging the remaining reserves out of their congregation and into Laodicea in time for the relevant Watchtower Passover. In fact the first thing they have to do is tell these humble people that they are actually reserves! The reserves have great hearts but like all humans are too easily brainwashed by posing as an angel of light - i.e. the leader of a true/ex-true church!!!
14 And no wonder, for himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11 )
7 And I saw, I Daniel by myself, the appearance; but as for the men that happened to be with me, they did not see the appearance [This is precisely the same situation as on the road to Damascus. This is a Damascene conversion by ]. However, there was a great trembling that fell upon them, so that they went running away in hiding themselves (Daniel10)
7 Now the men that were journeying with him were standing speechless, hearing, indeed, the sound of a voice, but not beholding any man. (Acts9 )
For you have to be generated from above (born again) to see the, but evidently not to hear it!
The other men did not see 'the appearance'. Yet they ran away trembling and hid themselves from something that they did not see?!? What did they smell the appearance? No they heard the sound of his words.
The Damascene conversion was an appearance of telling who he was and what he should do. This is the same thing again. For the scripture says...
4 and he fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him:
Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? (Acts 9 )
This scripture might refer to the manifestation at the end of the second presence - to the undeclared Watchtower reserves. Saul means 'asked for' in Hebrew (Since Israel asked for Saul as its King). So these reserves are the greater Saul. In fact they are asked for by to be kings! means to make stop or to restrain. So Saul (asked for)
became (make stop) when he stopped persecuting .
He appears to those outside of the temple first because he himself said:
33 thus also you, whenever you might see all these (things), be you knowing that near he is at doors [near in the ark and on earth but outside of the temple doors]. (Matthew 24 )
8 Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. (2 Thessalonians 2 )
7 And I saw, I Daniel, by myself, the appearance; but as for the men that happened to be with me,
they did not see the appearance [This is precisely the same situation as on the road to Damascus. This is a Damascene conversion by . So this will be the first time that Daniel sees this man]. However, there was a great trembling that fell upon them, so that they went running away in hiding themselves
8 And I -- I was left remaining by myself, so that I saw this great appearance [on 2022Sivan24]. And there was left remaining in me no power, and my own dignity became changed upon me to ruination, and I retained no power [They realise that they have no interpretational power at all compared to the 4th church].
9 And I was hearing the sound of his words; and as/when/while I was hearing the sound of his words [which is the sound of the crowd -
for the crowd is enormous, it is the future dimension of the church - way larger than he could possibly imagine], and/then I myself also happened to be fast asleep upon my face,
and my face [to] the earth [humbled].
10 And, look! a hand that touched me, [the hand of the 3rd - getting into the boat of fallen Sodom after 25 or 30 stadia from 2022Tammuz14] and set me shaking upon my knees and the palms of my hands [This is a euphemism for an baptism].
7 And I saw, I Daniel by myself, the appearance [1x+1x=2x]; but as for the men that happened to be with me,
they did not see the appearance [3x+1x=4x]. However, there was a great trembling that fell upon them [3x+1x=4x], and they went running away in hiding themselves [3x]
8 And I -- I was left remaining by myself [1x+1x=2x],
and saw this great appearance [1x]. And there was left remaining in me no power [1x], and my own dignity became changed upon me to ruination [1x not physically upon?], and I retained no power [1x]
9 And I was hearing the sound of his words [3x:
Each word sounds different to the next - for if not we could not be understood!]; and as/when/while I was hearing the sound of his words [3x], and/then I myself also happened to be fast asleep upon my face,
and my face [ to] the earth [2x+1x].
10 And, look! a hand that touched me, [5x] and set me shaking upon my knees and the palms of my hands [5x.(1x+2x+2x)=25x]
Verse7 2x+4x+4x+3x = 13x
Verse8 2x+1x+1x+1x+1x = 6x
Verse9 3x+3x.(2x+1x) = 12x
Verse10 5x+25x = 30x
Total = 13x+6x+12x+30x = 61x from 2022Sivan24-2022Ab25.
11 And he proceeded to say to me: Oh Daniel, you very desirable man [], have understanding in the words that I am speaking to you, and stand up where you were standing [you have fallen with Sodom on 2022Tammuz14 and you lost your water baptism on 2022Iyyar14. But you are re-appointed over the Laodicean church but in Hebron inside rather than in Sodom and rebaptised into the ], for now I have been sent to you. And when he spoke with me this word, I did stand up, shivering.
12 And he went on to say to me: Do not be afraid, Oh Daniel, for from the day the first that you gave your heart to understanding and humbling yourself before your God [on ?] your words have been heard, and I myself have come [as Aaron to Laodicea] because of your words .
13 And the prince/chief of the royal realm of Persia ['s chief, ] is standing in opposition to me for 21
days [from 2022Ab9/14, when joins them in the boat, to 2022Ab30/Elul5, when gets going at the late Pentecost?], and, look! ,
first of the foremost/former chiefs, came to help me [on ?]; and I, for my part, remained there beside the kings of Persia [ Kings in the Persia of the Watchtower].
14 And I have come to cause you to discern what will befall your people in the final part of the days, because it is a vision yet for the days [to come] [this is the second presence Revelation to a further John Class - an antitype to the Revelation of John].
15 Now when he spoke with me words like these, I had set my face to the earth and had become speechless.
16 And, look! one similar to the likeness of the sons of mankind was touching my lips [an angel in a human, a descended ], and I began to open my mouth and speak and say to the one who was standing in front of me: Oh my lord, because of the appearance my convulsions were turned within me [they have to perform interpretational somersaults to catch up with doctrine], and I did not retain any power.
17 So how was the servant of this my lord able to speak with this my lord? And as for me, up to now there kept standing in me no power, and no breath at all was left remaining in me.
18 And the one like the appearance of an earthling man proceeded to touch me again and strengthen me.
19 Then he said: Do not be afraid, Oh very desirable man. May you have peace. Be strong, yes, be strong. And as soon as he spoke with me I exerted my strength and finally said: Let my lord speak, because you have strengthened me.
20 So he went on to say: Do you really know why I have come to you? And now I shall go back to fight with the chief of Persia [/]. When I am going forth, look! also the chief of Greece is coming [ - s are coming into the s].
21 However, I shall tell you the things noted down in the writing of truth, and there is no one holding strongly with me in these [things] but , the chief of you people. (Daniel 10)
Day (7) is literal!
15 'And you must count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day of your bringing the sheaf of the wave offering, 7 Sabbaths. They should prove to be complete.
16 To the day after the 7th Sabbath you should count, 50 days, and you must present a new grain offering to
So you count 7 Sabbaths, which should prove to be complete and you count to the day after the 7th Sabbath, in a further count to completeness. So there is the ambiguity. A Pentecost is both a 49 count and a 50 count.