1 And a reed like a rod [rulership through measuring time with bible chronology] was given me as he said: Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God [ and baptisms and entrance and ark entrance] and the altar [ reserve entrance and baptisms] and those worshiping in it [ and baptism and ark entrance and entrance].
2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary] [This is Laodicea. Not priests who can enter into the temple - not Isaaic], cast it clear out [on 2017Elul10, when Laodicea fell as a true church] and do not measure it [except that 4 has measured it at 195 days of extra kingdom entrance - but perhaps none of these enter into the ark. Perhaps all Kingdom entrance is for the ?], because it has been given to the nations [the 12 tribes of Laodicea, which is run by the 12 apostles of Roger Knight, they are the Laodicean governing body. Nations are descendants of one progenitor. The 12 tribes of Laodicea become nations once they lose their water baptism], and they will trample/tread/walk-on the holy city 42 months []
1 Then the was led up into the wilderness by the spirit, to be tempted by the Devil
2 And having fasted days forty and nights forty latterly he felt hungry. (Matthew 4 )
He was not hungry during the 40 days from 29Tishri10 to 29Heshvan19 inclusively, because he was bouncing back to the ark for his dinner (he fasted whilst in the wilderness). But when ark re-entrance ended he felt hungry on 29Heshvan20. This period of ark re-entry and wilderness preparation must certainly apply to demons possessing people in a true church (Laodicea). It does not appear to apply to demons possessing politicians etc.
3 And I will cause my 2 witnesses to prophesy 1,260 days dressed in sackcloth [3½ years from 2015Shebat21, the start of the 40 day of spying testing, to 2019Ab21, the reappointment of Laodicea over the s. The Sons of the Bridal Chamber cannot fast or mourn when the bridegroom is present from 2019Elul10]
15 And said to them, Can the sons of the bridal chamber mourn [penqew] as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will have been taken from them, and then they will fast [nhsteuw].
(Matthew 9 )
19 And said to them, Can the sons of the bridal chamber fast while the groom is with them? What time they have the groom with them, they cannot fast. (Mark 2 )
34 But he said to them, You are not able to make the sons of the bridal chamber fast while the bridegroom is with them. (Luke 5 )
Laodicea's 1260 days of prophesying in sackcloth ran from 2015Shebat21, the start of the 40 day spying test upon Laodicea (which ran to 2016Nisan1), to 2019Ab21, the appointment of Laodicea over the s. The sons of the bridal chamber (the bride) cannot mourn when the bridegroom is with them. And many Laodiceans are reserves. The groom is with them from 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd presence.
4 These are the 2 olive trees [ and Laodicean priesthood] and the 2 lampstands [ and Laodicean congregations] and are standing before the Lord of the earth.
5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire issues forth from their mouths and devours their enemies; and if anyone should want to harm them,
in this manner he must be killed.
6 These have the authority to shut up heaven that no rain should moisten the days of the prophesying of them,
and they have authority over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every sort of plague as often as they wish (not merely during the 1260 days of their prophesying].
7 And when they have finished their witnessing [NOT their prophesying, their witnessing - which continues after the spirit of life enters us], the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer them and kill them.
8 And their fallen/corpse [singular]
[the two witnesses are now one body in ? Or they always were one body really through the stolen ?] will be on the broad way of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled.
9 And they are looking at - out of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations - the fallen/corpse of them [singular]
for 3 days [feminine] [Laodicea,
reappointed Laodicea, Sodom. 3 days is the transition period]
and an equal-half [hemisu] [neuter]
[But cryptically adamic constructive corpses have half the 240 year max lifespan of a body, 120 years, which is the max lifespan of an adamic body]
[We all share a corpse ageing at half rate],
and they do not let the fallens/corpses of them [plural]
[those executed by the Passovers]
be laid in a tomb [2x.2x]
60 days from 2019Heshvan14 to 2019Tebbeth14, the 1st Watchtower Passover execution to the 3rd. They hide all those executed by the Watchtower Passovers]
10 And those dwelling upon the earth [living financially off the backs of the congregations] rejoice over them and enjoy themselves, and they will send gifts to one another, because these 2 prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth.
11 And at/after [meta]
[the] ['the' is absent from ]
3 days [feminine]
and an equal-half [neuter]
[These 3 are the days of Laodicea,
the reappointed Laodicea, reverted Laodicea (it appears that Laodicea has always been fallen - from the Watchtower as have we!) AND half of the 4th day of after the 3rd day of Reverted Laodicea has ended until the start of '
antitypical 3½ year ministry on 2029Heshvan21. The mid point is 2026Heshvan6. The first whole day of the 3rd being completely baptised into ] spirit of life from God entered into them [2x] [the 3rd is baptised into from
2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5. Then on 2025Heshvan5, it takes over the
Abrahamic part of the church during the Isaaic Sabbath month. That is the antitype of John's absurd baptism of , at which point the previous occupant of that body ()
ascended up into heaven. Whereas the ascension of the s runs from 2029Nisan14-2029Iyyar14. Each is baptised by his son],
and they stood upon their feet [1x+10x+1x+10x=22x:
One stands physically above one's feet], and great fear fell upon those beholding them [(1x+1x).2x.2x=8x. Fear falls upon a person but does not remain physically above that person. It goes into him?].
12 And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them:
Come ye on up here [2x.2x=4x] [into the ark or into heaven]. And they went up into heaven in THE cloud [2x:
The cloud covering the journey up 's ladder], and their enemies []
beheld them [2x.2x=4x]
13 And in that hour [of going up into the ark or into heaven?] a great earthquake/shaking occurred, and a 10th of the city fell [10% of the Watchtower administration join ]; and 7,000 names of men [saints]
were killed by the earthquake/shaking [is this killing by losing their angels?], and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven (Revelation11).
hmi means half isoj means equal. So hmisoj means an equal-half.
Threads (2): Day (4), Fallen/Corpse (3). Month (1)
The sentence count of verses 11+12 from spirit of life to clouds: 2x+22x+8x+2x.2x+2x+4x=42x from 2026Heshvan5, the end of the entry of the 3rd into by baptism, to 2029Iyyar15, the entrance into heaven through the Tsohar, of the s.
Each in the 3rd is baptised by his angelic son, his son from 2026Elul16 to 2026Heshvan5.
Laodicea knows when their 40 days of spying occurred from 2015Shebat21 to 2016Nisan1. They know their night of weeping was 2016Nisan1. So they worked out that is when they entered into the wilderness either by themselves or from this website.
Their 1260 days of prophesying in sackcloth ran from 2015Shebat21, the start of their 40 day spying test upon , which ran to 2016Nisan1, to 2019Ab21, their reappointment to rule over the s. The sons of the bridal chamber cannot mourn when the bridegroom is with them from 2019Elul10, the start of the 3rd part of the 2nd presence (of the bridegroom).
15 At this said to them: The sons of the bridal chamber have no reason to mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, do they? But days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. (Matthew 9 )
They were re-appointed as a true dry church on 2019Ab1. they started burning the temple on 2019Ab10. They had their constant feature restored/reaccepted on 2019Ab14. They were reappointed over the s on 2019Ab21, 5th first fruits, and reinstalled on 2019Tishri10, the 5th Pentecost. They were in the Watchtower and therefore their corpse was seen on the broadway of Sodom and Egypt which is the Watchtower, a place of joining oneself in worship to the men on the governing body and a place of slavery to the Watchtower administration.
Gordon prophesied in sackcloth for 1260 days from 1992Elul11, when the 12 copies of his Letter to the Society were hand delivered with 12 chronological charts to the 12 governing body members in Brooklyn, until 1995Adar11, when he was disfellowshipped. during this period he was not yet appointed as a priest but was a witness of .
Gordon gave his 1260 day witness before he was appointed/installed as priest to feed the s on 1996Nisan18/Sivan7. He was appointed/installed to rule over the s on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21 (when only he was in the church). Actually rain from heaven in the case of Laodicea is the restart of the baptism on 2019Elul10?
Both the corpses of Gordon and Laodicea were not allowed to be laid in a tomb by the s, who condemn to all non s
7,000 names of men, are saints, reserves, those who did not bend the knee to Baal. But only 6,000 of them are sealed. The other 1,000 are killed by dropping dead due to Passover execution?
Perhaps people in the Watchtower looked at the corpse of 4 for 3½ years from 1995Adar11, the disfellowshipping of 4 to 1999Elul11. Then on 1999Elul26, Gordon deduced that he had to start preaching to those outside the Watchtower.