ACTS CHAPTER 3 [Blue is the second Word symbolic meaning of the account, the meaning that applies today]
30 Accordingly Cornelius said: 4 days ago counting from this hour I was praying in my house at the 9th hour, when, look! a man in bright raiment stood before me (Acts 10 )
1 Now Peter [ Kings and Lords] and John [ Kings]
were going up into the temple for the hour of prayer, the 9th [why the 9th hour? Peter made the last call into the , the Gentile call to Cornelius at the 9th hour of the day. So the fact that the hour is mentioned at all means this is a call into a spirit covenant and the fact that it is the 9th means it is the last call into a spirit covenant, the Benjamin call into the , through the beautiful gate],
2 and a certain man that was lame from his mother's womb [unsanctified from the time that he entered into the ] was being carried [by the angels to the temple of ], and they would daily put him near the temple door that was called Beautiful [ Sodom, then , because the blessing of the baptism is so incredibly attractive. This is the King baptism], in order to ask gift of mercy [baptism,
a free gift of mercy from God] from those entering into the temple.
3 When he caught sight of Peter and John about to go into the temple he began requesting to get gift of mercy [to be baptised].
4 But Peter, together with John, gazed at him and said: Take a look at us [take a look at our understandings].
5 So he fixed his attention upon them,
expecting to get something from them.
6 However, Peter said: Silver and gold I do not possess [2x: the saints do not have the capability to baptise / Kings/Lords or kings in , these are the gold and the silver respectively], but what I do have [copper,
authority given to reserves to spirit baptise Kings] is what I give you [1x]: In the name of Christ the Nazarene, walk!
[Be sanctified in the name of the Nazarene, walk without stumbling, live without sin to God, this authority comes from the covenant made with the little sprout - the period during which the human mediated spirit baptism occurs starting in Sodom from 2020Heshvan25, veil lifting and martial supper day for the 4th marriage, the marriage of Cana,
meaning place of reeds, for Lords, not rods of sceptres, for kings, when the water is first turned into wine, to the end of the human mediated dry Benjamite King spirit baptism on 2023Iyyar25, 30x later of the parable of the sower and twice the 2 or 3 liquid measures in the 6 jars of the wedding of Cana - see U85]
2 and some man lame out of cavity of mother of him being he was being carried, whom they were putting according to day toward the door of the temple the being said Beautiful of the to be asking gift of mercy beside of the (ones) going their way inside into the temple,
3 who having seen Peter and John being about to be going in into the temple [2x]
he was requesting gift of mercy to receive [1x].
4 Having gazed but Peter into him together with the John [2x]
he said Look into us [2x].
5 The (one) but was facing to them [2x]
expecting something beside them to receive [2x].
6 Said but Peter Silver and gold not is existing to me [2x],
which but I am having [1x] this to you I am giving [1x]; in the name of Christ the Nazarene be walking [1x].
7 And having taken hold of him of the right hand [5x]
he raised up him [1x];
instantly but were made firm the soles of him [2x]
and the ankle bones [2x],
8 and leaping [1x] out he stood [1x] and he was walking [1x],
and he entered together with them [3x]
into the temple walking and leaping and praising the God [3x].
(Acts 3 )
7 And he seized of him of the right hand [dexiaV ceiroV] [5x], raised him up [1x] [Making 6 months of Peter/Russell seizing the Kings of Benjamin of the right hand. Benjamin means son of the RIGHT hand. He raises him up by spirit baptism and then later into the ark] and instantly the soles of him [2x: sole of a foot or palm of a hand is 1x] and his ankle-spheres [2x] were made firm [soles of feet are in contact with the ground, the land, the congregation of . The ankles are needed for leaping, which is the rapture or jumping into the ark using his angelic body]
8 and, leaping-out/forth [1x], he stood [1x], and began walking [1x. gaining a spirit baptism leaping up to heaven to catch an associated angel], and he entered with them into the temple [1x+2x. of Sodom and then of actually], walking [spirit sanctified] and leaping [bouncing up and down to and from the ark - yes see verse 9] and praising God [3x]
Having leapt out he stood, would count as 2x for two separate actions. But leaping out he stood, counts as 1x for one technically described action. In other words he stood by leaping out. Or he leapt to a stance.
The lamer requests a gift of mercy in verse 3:
Verse 4: 2x+2x = 4x
Verse 5: 2x+2x = 4x
Verse 6: 2x+1x.1x+1x = 4x
Verse 7: 5x+1x+2x+2x = 10x
Verse 8: 1x.1x+1x+3x+1x.3x = 8x
Verse 4-8: Total: 4x+4x+4x+10x+8x = 30x from 2020Heshvan25, 4th marriage veil lifting and martial supper day of the wedding of Cana (place of reeds), when Benjamin is called and starts walking in the name of Christ, the Nazarene, to
2023Iyyar25, the end of his 30 months of baptism. Maybe his leaps during his baptism period are in scriptural understanding?
9 And the whole of/all of the people [1x - singular] got sight of him walking and praising God [2x. Classic Omission Symbolism - his leaping was not seen - since one cannot see a rapture, an entrance into the ark].
s cannot baptise Benjamin in . We are his brother not his father. s can. Hence Peter say that he gives the lame beggar what he has not what we have.
10 Moreover, they began to recognize him,
that this was the man that used to sit for gifts of mercy at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, and they became filled with astonishment and ecstasy at what had happened to him.
11 Well, as the man was holding onto Peter and John [following their leadership],
all the people ran together to them at the colonnade, the [one] being called of Solomon surprised out of their wits.
12 When Peter saw this, he said to the people: Men of Israel, why are you wondering over this, or why are you gazing at us as though by personal power or godly devotion we have made him walk?
13 The God of and of and of , the God of our forefathers, has glorified his servant/boy, [ saints],
whom you, for your part, delivered up and disowned before the face of Pilate [The Governing Body], when he had decided to release him.
14 Yes, you disowned that holy and righteous one [The sealed saints], and you asked for a man, a murderer, to be freely granted to you [Milton Henschel],
15 whereas you killed the Chief-leader [Gordon]
of the life []. But God raised him up from the dead [he was sanctified from above as the mediator of the ], of which fact we are witnesses [both the reserves and the kings are such witnesses].
16 Consequently his name, by [our] faith in his name, has made this man strong whom you behold and know, and the faith that is through him has given the man this complete soundness in the sight of all of you.
17 And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, just as your rulers also did.
18 But in this way God has fulfilled the things he announced beforehand through the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ [/Gordon] would suffer.
19 Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, that appointed times/seasons [kairw]
of refreshing may come from the person of the Lord [2 seasons of the s and of ].
20 and that he may send forth the Christ appointed for you, [ saints],
21 whom heaven, indeed, must receive until the times [cronoV] of restoration of all things of which God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets of old time ['
restoration lease from 2012Nisan16].
22 In fact, Moses said, ' God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me [ and Gordon]. You must listen to him according to all the things he speaks to you.
23 Indeed, any soul that does not listen to that Prophet will be completely destroyed from among the people [because that prophet founds the next true church].'
24 And all the prophets, in fact, from Samuel on and those in succession, just as many as have spoken, have also plainly declared these days [in Peter's day and actually in Peter's descended day. So that would include 1Kings18 which was written by
Samuel and therefore MUST to the end times of Jerusalem and of the world].
25 you are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which God covenanted with your forefathers, saying to , 'And in your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed.'
26 To you first God, after raising up his servant/boy, sent him forth to bless you by turning each one away from your wicked deeds (Acts 3).