35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away/come beside/arrive. (Matthew 24 )
36 But of that day AND hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. (Matthew 24 )
36 Concerning that day and hour nobody has seen, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. (Matthew 24 adapted from the Greek)
36 But as to that day and that hour, no one knows, neither the angels of Heaven, except My Father only. (Matthew 24 )
36 'And concerning that day and the hour no one hath known -- not even the messengers of the heavens -- except my Father only; (Matthew 24 YLT)
36 About and the day that and hour no one knows, nor the messengers of the heavens, except the Father alone. (Matthew 24 ED)
36 About but the day that and hour no one has known, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, if not the Father only. (Matthew 24 )
36 Peri. de. th/j h`me,raj evkei,nhj kai. w[raj ouvdei.j oi=den ouvde. oi` a;ggeloi tw/n ouvranw/n ouvde. o` ui`o,j eiv mh. o` path.r mo,noj (Matthew 24 WHO)
36 peri de thj hmeraj ekeinhj kai wraj oudeij oide oude oi aggeloi tw ouranwn oude o uioj ei mh o pathr monoj (Matthew 24 SCSα)
36 peri de thj hmeraj ekeinhj kai wraj oudeij oiden oude oi aggeloi twn ouranwn oude o uioj ei mh o pathr monoj (Matthew 24 VatB)
Concerning that day OR the hour nobody knows , neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father.
33 Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is (Mark 13 - ).
Most bibles translate these two verses more or less as above. But the Greek does not say this at all. The Greek word translated 'knows' is oiden . This is the 3rd person singular perfect tense of eido, which means 'I see' like the Latin 'Video'. The perfect tense is used for completed actions in the past. So oiden literally means 'he has seen' . Now either this Greek word 'oiden' is in the present tense or it is in the past tense.
To quote Liddell & Scott Greek Lexicon under 'Eido':
'To know:- the perfect tense "Oida", I have seen, as a present tense verb, in the sense I know, for what one has seen one knows.'
What this means is that: 'Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows' is a linguistically possible sense of the Greek, and this is where the confusion has arisen. But it is not what the Greek actually says, no, the exact literal translation is: 'Concerning that day or the hour nobody has seen (with his mind)' this being meant in the sense of 'Concerning that day or the hour nobody has known.' Young's Literal Translation of the bible has: 'Nobody has known', and ironically the Greek Interlinear Translation of the Watchtower, the Kingdom Interlinear Translation has 'Nobody has known'!
36 About but the day that and hour no one has known, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, if not the Father only (Matthew 24 - Watchtower Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures)
32 And concerning that day and the hour, no one hath known, no even the messengers who are in the heaven, not even the son, except the father (Mark 13 - Young's Literal Translation).
'No one has known', or 'Nobody has seen' has a whole different connotation from 'no one knows' or 'nobody knows', because it is actually saying 'nobody has known in the past'. So with the exact translation, it is evident that was simply saying that no creation had yet been granted a knowledge of the day or the hour from time indefinite up to that time, which was Nisan 11, 33 CE (Matthew 26:2). In any event these two scriptures, seeing as they are written in the past tense cannot be a prohibition on future knowledge of that 'day' and that 'hour'.
No statement about past knowledge can be a prohibition on future knowledge
No man knows for certain the date of his marriage until he has become engaged
likewise did not know the date of Armageddon, which is the date of his marriage to his new covenant bride until he had proposed to them on 33Nisan14. This is why he said what he did on 33Nisan11.
did not know the day or hour of the passing away of the heavens or the earth before he got engaged, because no one know the date of their marriage before they become engaged. And ' marriage, marriages actually are the passing away of the old heavens and the establishment of the new heavens. His wife, the first new covenant saints are the 3rd , the new heavens.
BUT everyone knows the date of their marriage after they get engaged (as did on 33Nisan14 at the last supper).
His first marriage, to the first presence s, occurred on 2008Nisan22, first fruits, after the end of the 6,000 year Angelic Covenant lease from 3993Nisan14 Adam's sin, actually from first fruits after that sin.
His 7th marriage occurred on 2020Tammuz19, 4th first fruits, 12¼ years later.
Furthermore we cannot ignore the words of the prophet Amos who says...
7 The sovereign Lord will not do a single thing without revealing his confidential matter to his servants the prophets (Amos 3).
Obviously at Armageddon God does quite a few very important things and the timing of these things is a confidential matter of his.
Let us rejoice and be overjoyed and let us give him the glory because the marriage of the lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself....
9...Happy are those invited to the evening meal of the lambs marriage (Revelation 19).
As said:
1 Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you.
2 For you yourselves know quite well that the Lord's day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.
3 Whenever it is that they are saying: Peace and security! then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.
4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that that day should come upon you as it would thieves (who operate under a cloak of darkness),
5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness (1Thessalonians 5).
So the Lords day comes as a thief in the night to those in the darkness. But to those in the light it does not come as a thief in the night, it comes in the day, so they can see it coming. It does not come upon them as the day comes upon thieves, because they do not operate under the cover of darkness, they have nothing to hide. So those who walk in the light plainly see this day coming. The Lords day is the 3rd presence from 2026Elul16, when the 1st row apostles are ISaaic baptised into in the antitype of the absurd baptism by John of . For it is who comes as a thief in the night, taking people by rapture.
Here then is the day and the hour that nobody had seen...
8735 Heaven and earth [of the world and of the Watchtower] will pass away/come beside/arrive, but my words will by no means pass away/come beside/arrive.
36 Concerning that day [] AND hour nobody has seen [], neither the angels in heavens nor the Son, but only the Father, alone [monoV] [true when said it, not true after died - Nobody knows the date of their marriage until after they have proposed. But in fact proposed the on 3993Nisan14, so he knew 2008Nisan14 then - unless he was given a lease of indeterminate length? Certainly after the last supper, after his proposal to his wife, he should then know the date of his marriage to that maiden]
(Matthew 24)
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
32 Concerning the day that OR THE hour nobody has seen, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father.
33 Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. (Mark 13 )
The scriptures say concerning that day and/or hour that nobody has known. Well folks, Somebody now knows. And that somebody is about to include you.
That Day OR the Hour is a witness to 12x precisely, being a comparison between 1x and 12x.
That Day AND hour is a witness to 12x precisely by comparison and to 13x imprecisely by addition, being 13 hours.
The accepting year of Isaiah61 for entry into the early regular and late 12 crop Passovers of Reveation22 runs from 2028Heshvan10 to 2029Heshvan10
The s and s of the 12 crops of Revelation22 pass away into the ark directly or via for 11 months from 2028Chislev14 to 2029Heshvan14.
The hour of Isaaic having authority over s on earth (being their heaven) runs for 144 cubits of the wall of Revelation21 from 2016Adar21, Isaaic 's installation over the s, to 2028Adar1, when the earth is dried from the waters upon it (the saints), the day before 2028Adar2, the 2nd marriage in the ark, after which neither the bride nor the groom can leave the marital home (in the ark) for the honeysun of Deuteronomy 24:5. 12 years to the month. 143 months and 10 days.
Whereas the day of the true church heaven of the 2nd and 3rd presences began on 1890Sivan11, the installation of over the s. 143 years and 4 months later is 2033Tishri, 4 months after the is installed over Adam. Is
this when becomes Melchizedaic ???
The Earth of finishes passing away into the ark on 2029Heshvan14, the 12th crop Passover of Revelation22. 13 years before then is 2016Ab14-16, when Abrahamic passed away to become Isaaic .
The heavens of the reserves and the s (the 3rd ) pass away from 2019Tishri14 (the 3rd marriage Passover execution) to 2020Heshvan14 (the 4th marriage Passover execution), 13 months precisely. So it took 13 months precisely for the 3rd to Pass away by Passover execution, and resurrection into the ark.
We think that the last chance saloon does make one upon baptism.
Not fully seen until 2024Iyyar1.
So this scripture, rather than prohibiting advanced knowledge of the day and the hour, actually gives you the length of the hour as being a twelfth of the particular day.87