32 But, the multitude of those who had believed had one heart and soul, and not even one would say that any of the things he possessed was his own; but they had all things in common.
33 Also, with great power the apostles [the 12 apostolic tribes of the s] continued giving forth the witness concerning the resurrection of the Lord ; and undeserved kindness in large measure was upon them all.
34 In fact, there was not one in need among them; for all those who were possessors of fields/plots [cwriwn] or houses [oikiwn] would sell them and bring the values of the things sold
35 and they would deposit them at the feet of the apostles [120x]. In turn distribution would be made to each one, just as he would have the need.
36 Joseph but, the [one] surnamed Barnabas by the apostles, which means, when translated, Son of Comfort, [who was] a Levite, a Cyprian [noun since it needs to be differentiated from the noun 'Levite'] by the race,
37 Having possession of a field [agrou],
sold it and brought the money and deposited it at the feet of the apostles (Acts 4).
34 Not-but for needy anyone was in them; as many as for possessors of pieces of ground or houses they were, selling they were bearing the values of the (things) being sold
35 and they were placing beside the feet of the apostles; it was being distributed but to each (one) according as likely anyone need was having. (Acts 4 )
Feet (2), Apostles (2), Field (0), House (0).
The second group of apostles are apostolic tribes, for the greater meaning is not a literal apostle and we do not get money deposited at our literal feet. The greater feet of the apostles are the lowest people in their tribe (with authority). These would be the local elders. This is a local congregation based social service. Possibly circuit based if one congregation is a lot richer than another in the same circuit. The giving decisions are made locally, but presumably one congregation can help another or one circuit can help another if necessary. The point is that this is bottom up wealth distribution not top down. So if a congregation has a surplus they give it to the circuit who redistribute it to other congregations in the circuit. If a circuit has a surplus they would give it to the district. And the district would redistribute it to other circuits. If the district has a surplus then they would give it to the next level up. The point is that the poor old apostle gets fed last! This is the precise opposite of what happens in 's world, which includes the Watchtower, where all the money does to the top first and then it trickles down - supposedly - or maybe is just gets spent by the guys at the top.
3 Honour widows that are actually widows.
4 But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let these learn first to practice godly devotion in their own household and to keep paying a due compensation to their parents and grandparents, for this is acceptable in God's sight (1 Timothy 5).
17 Let the older men who preside in a fine way be reckoned worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching (1 Timothy 5).
So the elders cannot get more than twice what is paid to needy widows. This is a measure to stop wide disparity in Congregational remuneration.
1 A certain man, however, Ananias by name, together with Sapphira, the woman of him,
sold a possession
2 and secretly held back some of the price, having known together also of the woman, and he brought just a part and deposited it at the feet of the apostles.
3 But Peter said: Ananias, why has emboldened you to play false to the holy spirit and to hold back secretly some of the price of the field/plot [cwriou]?
4 As long as it remained with you did it not remain yours,
and after it was sold did it not continue in your control? Why was it that you purposed such a deed as this in your heart? You have played false, not to men,
but to God.
5 On hearing these words Ananias fell down and expired.
And great fear came over all those hearing of it.
6 But the younger [ones] rose, wrapped-him-up, and carried him out and buried him.
7 Now after an interval as/about of 3 hours, the woman of him came in, not knowing what had happened.
8 Peter said to her: Tell me, did you [two] sell the field/plot [cwrion] for so much? She said: Yes, for so much.
9 So Peter said to her: Why was it agreed upon between you [two] to make a test of the spirit of the Lord? Look! The feet of those who buried your man/husband are at the door, and they will carry you out.
10 Instantly she fell down at his feet and expired. When the young-men came in they found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her alongside her man/husband.
11 Consequently great fear came over the whole congregation and over all those hearing about these things (Acts 5).
Feet (3), Apostles (2), Ananias (3), Sapphira (1), Wife/Woman (2), Husband/man (3), field/plot (1), Peter (3), House (0).
In Word1 the greater Ananias together with another girl called Sapphira sells another plot of land and keeps some of the money within the knowledge of 'the woman' of the greater Ananias. Perhaps Peter himself, who leads the church at that time, sees this and reacts.