This piece of Logic is really important for all who believe in the Christ. It is a part of Pure Mathematics and it works like this...
Existence: England won the football match 1-0.
Uniqueness: The only person who had a goal scoring opportunity in the whole match was Beckham.
Identification: Beckham scored the goal.
Existence: There was a murder committed in a boat containing 10 suspects.
Uniqueness: It was impossible for 9 of them to have committed the crime and very unlikely that the 10th person did it.
Identification: As Sherlock Holmes famously once said: Once we have eliminated the impossible, then what remains, however improbable, must be the truth. So the 10th person was the murderer.
Existence: There was to be a Messiah to the Jews who had to appear in the temple of Judaism.
Uniqueness: The only candidate who fulfilled the relevant prophecies before the Jewish system was destroyed by the Roman General Titus in 70CE, when he burnt the temple, which has not to this day been rebuilt, was of Nazareth.
Identification: of Nazareth was the Messiah.
Existence: The whole bible, every single account in it, is written in a symbolic code. There will eventually be a true Christian church discovers this and accepts those instructions.
Uniqueness: The s are the only church which accepts the coded instructions in the bible.
Identification: The s are a true Christian church.
Existence: There is to be a
Uniqueness: The s are the only church which recognises this.
Identification: They are the church of the .
Existence: There is a generation that must be a sign for the end times according to Matthew 24.
Uniqueness: The only generations that we keep readily available figures for are the veterans of WW1 and of WW2 and the Super-centenarians (on wikipedia).
Identification: Therefore the generation referred to my in Matthew 24 must some combination of the above. In fact it is the generation old enough to have 'risen up' to volunteer to serve in WW1 in nations which fought that war.
Existence: Positive men created the computer. Negative men created computer viruses. Humans also have viruses.
Uniqueness: Positive and negative behaviour is unique to free willed intelligent beings
Identification: Positive free willed intelligent beings created humans (God and the angels of his ) and negative free willed intelligent beings created human viruses (the demons)