Annual Schedule of burnt and sin offerings at festivals...
Passover Nisan14: No burnt or sin offering, not a sabbath.
Cakes Nisan15-21: 2 Bulls 1 Ram 7 Lambs 1 Goat each day
Firstfruits Nisan16: No extra burnt or sin offering, not a sabbath
Pentecost Sivan6: 2 Bull 1 Ram 7 Lambs 1 Goat
Trumpets Tishri1: 1 Bull 1 Ram 7 Lambs 1 Goat
Atonement Tishri10: 1 Bull 1 Ram 7 Lambs 1 Goat (+1 Goat for Atonement + 1 Bull for Atonement of the High )
Booths Tishri15-21: 13/12/11/10/9/8/7 Bulls 2 Rams 14 Lambs 1 Goat each day
Solemn/Sacred Assembly: 1 Bull 1 Ram 7 Lambs 1 Goat.
See Numbers28/29 and Leviticus16.
289 burnt offerings + 18 goat sin offerings + 1 bull sin offering of atonement for the high priest on Tishri10 + 1 goat atonement offering for Tishri10, the other one was the scapegoat (50/50 salvation/destruction (maybe + one ram for atonement on Tishri10). The total is therefore 309 (310).
5 shekels redemption for firstborn (man or unclean beast - Numbers3) gives a redemption value for 309 animals of 1545 shekels, which was the length in years of the law from 1513 to 33 AD. So here we take the redemption value of the animals stipulated to be sacrificed in a year under law to give the length in years of the 'day' of the law.
The 8 festivals are 7 churches of the Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple, Zerubbabel's Temple, /2/3/4 and then .
The Passover (Nisan14) The first Christian church from John to ' death.
Cakes (Nisan15-21) The 7 presidents of the 2 true churches and in the first presence.
Weeks (Nisan16 to Sivan6) There were 50 presidents of after the first presence (Revelation 1)
Trumpets (Tishri1) A new Elijah, Elijah3, the water baptism from heaven of Charles Taze Russell.
Atonement (Tishri10) Charles Taze Russell Sanctified from heaven.
Booths (Tishri15-21) 7 Presidents of the two true churches and .
Solemn Assembly (Tishri22)
The Passover (Nisan14) Goshen to Rameses.
Cakes (Nisan15-21) Rameses to Succoth. 7 presidents of the first presence. Succoth is after the end of the presence under .
Ascension day: passing Pihahiroth and Baal Zephon on the way to Etham, this is the rapture in 153 AD
Weeks (Nisan16 and Sivan6) 2 festival days (the 2 days of the journey to Etham and back). But a 50 count of the entire Exodus outside the land of Egypt from 1513Nisan16-1513Sivan6 when the law covenant was made at Mount Sinai (Jabal al lawz in Saudi Arabia - see U356).
Turning around at Etham, heading back to the second presence.
Booths (Camping back at Pihahiroth being overlooked by Migdol (Watchtower) for the 7 day archetype of Booths. 7 presidents of the second presence. Most saints lying under the authority of the Watchtower for these 7 days of the 7 presidencies.
Solemn Assembly: Crossing the Red/Reed Sea into Midian which is .
1. First of Nisan: the sons of Aaron were destroyed in the Tabernacle.
2. Tenth of Nisan: Miriam the prophetess died; the well that followed the Israelites in the wilderness disappeared.
3. Twenty-sixth of Nisan: Joshua the son of Nun died.
4. Tenth of Iyyar: Eli the high priest and his two sons died, and the was captured by the Philistines.
5. Twenty-ninth (twenty-eighth) of Iyyar: Samuel the prophet died.
6. Twenty-third of Siwan: the Israelites ceased bringing the firstlings to Jerusalem in the days of Jeroboam.
7. Twenty-fifth of Siwan: R. Simeon son of Gamaliel, R. son of Elisha, and R. Ḥanina the superior ("segan") of the priests were executed.
8. Twenty-seventh of Siwan: R. Ḥanina son of Teradion was burned while holding a scroll of the Torah.
9. Seventeenth of Tammuz: the tablets were broken; the regular daily sacrifice ceased; Apostemus burned the Law, and introduced an idol into the holy place; the breaking into the city by the Romans (Ta'an. 28b).
10. First of Ab: Aaron the high priest died.
11. Ninth of Ab: it was decreed that Jews who went out of Egypt should not enter Palestine; the Temple was destroyed for the first and the second time; Bether was conquered, and Jerusalem plowed over with a plowshare (ib. 29a).
12. Eighteenth of Ab: the western light was extinguished in the time of Ahaz.
13. Seventh (seventeenth) of Elul: the spies died in a pestilence.
14. Third of Tishri: Gedaliah and his associates were assassinated in Mizpah (II Kings xxv. 25).
15. Fifth of Tishri: twenty Israelites died, and Akiba was imprisoned and afterward executed.
16. Seventh of Tishri: it was decreed that the Israelites should die by sword and by famine on account of the affair of the golden calf (see Meg. Ta'an. ad loc., ed. princeps, Mantua, 1514).
17. Sixth (seventh) of Marḥeshwan: Nebuchadnezzar blinded King Zedekiah after he had slaughtered the latter's children in his presence.
18. Seventh (twenty-eighth) of Kislew: Jehoiakim burned the scroll that Baruch wrote at the dictation of Jeremiah.
19. Eighth of Ṭebet: the Torah was translated into Greek in the time of Ptolemy; there was darkness in the world for three days.
20. Ninth of Ṭebet: incident not explained (death of Ezra, as mentioned in "Kol Bo").
21. Tenth of Ṭebet: the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar began (II Kings xxv. 1; Jer. lii. 4).
22. Eighth (fifth) of Shebaṭ: the righteous (elders) that were in the time of Joshua died.
23. Twenty-third of Shebaṭ: the Israelites gathered to war with the tribe of Benjamin (Judges xx.).
24. Seventh of Adar: Moses died.
25. Ninth of Adar: the controversy between the house of Shammai and that of Hillel.
The Polish Jews are accustomed to fast on the twentieth of Siwan on account of the atrocities committed on that day in 1648 by the Cossacks. Some pious Jews also fast every Monday and Thursday in commemoration of the destruction of the Temple, of the burning of the Torah, and of the desecration of God's name (comp. Luke xviii. 12). The first and second Mondays and the first Thursday of Iyyar and of Marḥeshwan, following the festivals of Passover and of Sukkot respectively, are recognized fasts in most Jewish communities, and were originally instituted to atone for the sins that might have been committed in the pursuit of pleasure during the holidays (Ḳid. 81a; Tos., s.v. "Soḳobo"; Oraḥ Ḥayyim, 492). The burial societies observe a fast-day preceding their annual feast held in the evening. In some places it is observed on the fifteenth of Kislew; in some on the seventh of Adar; while others have other days for its observance (see Burial Society). It is also customary to fast on the eve of New-Year's Day (Tan., Emor, s.v. "U-Leḳaḥtem"), while many fast during all the ten penitential days (Oraḥ Ḥayyim, 581, 2, Isserles' gloss). Some pious Jews fast every Friday, so as to partake of the Sabbath meal with a hearty appetite (ib. 249, 3). The anniversary of the death of one's father or mother ("Jahrzeit") and the day of one's marriage are also observed as fasts (Yoreh De'ah, 402, 11, Isserles' gloss; Eben ha-'Ezer, 61, 1, Isserles' gloss). The first-born fast on the eve of Passover in commemoration of the miracle which was performed in Egypt when all the Egyptian first-born were slain and those of the Israelites were saved.
Even today, the Jews, as a religion, still acts as God's true prophets. The 4 cups of the Seder and the 5th of Elijah bear witness to the correct way to celebrate the Passover for Christians. The Hebrew fast on Tammuz17, tablet shattering day and constant feature termination day for both Solomon's and Zerubbabels' temple, has now become first fruits. But why so many fasts? Well everything done by the Jews in biblically related religious terms is a prophecy for the Christians. So if the Jews fast all the time then Christians will be doing the same thing. In fact they have fasted for 1982 years after die with the small exception of those in . They have never really had any proper understanding of the scriptures. They have never really had a proper spiritual meal. For any church with a fossilized doctrine cannot be being lead by the holy spirit. Since the holy spirit leads by new scriptural revelation.