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The Fearful Day of is 6 years of Zephaniah 1:14-16 from 2025Shebat6/7 (2026January29-31), the start of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse (the trigger event for the 1044 day of Matthew24 and Revelation7 from 2025Shebat8 to 2028Tebbeth2) to 2031Shebat6/7: 2032January23-25. Whereas the Great Day of is 17 years long from 2016Ab14-16, the died to and was converted to become non adamic , to 2033Iyyar14, the end of the world, the absolute end of Cain. Whereas the Day to of Armies is 95 months of Isaiah 2:11-17 long from 2025Iyyar21, the end of the rapture of the 2Nc reserves, the pouring out of the gifts of the spirit, the elevation of God and his people, to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover. Whereas the Jericho Campaign of and his 3rd against the World runs for 6 whole adamic secular years from 2026Tishri1 to 2032Tishri1, then for 7 months in the 7th campaign year to 2033Nisan, then the Jericho Jubilee release is 2033Iyyar10, the last day of entry into Kingdom salvation, entry day into the late 1st death Passover.
The sad/great/epiphanaic day of is a day of gloominess, darkness, thick cloud etc. This must result either from the US and rom Bill Gates 'solar geo-engineering' blocking out the sun in order to turn this planet into Mars or from a huge volcanic eruption which puts a worldwide ash cloud into the atmosphere. Here is the Reykjanes Peninsular Volcanic eruption 2 miles from Grindavik starting 2023December18 at 22:17 - (2023Tebbeth2)
1 And during that time will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress [2028Heshvan14 to 2029Heshvan14] such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape [via the 12 crops of Revelation22], every one who is found written down in the book [of Kingdom salvation]. (Daniel 12 )
5 who are being safeguarded by God's power through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last appointed time [
502 I shall without fail finish everything off the surface of the ground, is the utterance of .
3 I shall finish off earthling man and beast. I shall finish off the flying creature of the heavens and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked ones; and I will cut off mankind from the surface of the ground, is the utterance of
14 The great day of is near [1x], and it is hurrying near(er) greatly [1x]. The sound of the sad day of is
bitter [1x]. There a strong man cries-out-audibly/clearly [1x].
15 That day is a day of fury/outburst [1x]
a day of distress and anguish [2x]
a day of storm and desolation [2x]
a day of darkness and gloominess [2x]
a day of cloud and thick gloom [2x],
16 a day of shofar/trumpet and alarm/terror signal [2x], upon the inaccessible cities [3x] and upon the high corner towers [3x].
17 And I will cause distress to mankind, and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung.
18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of 's fury [which is the day of , since according to Joel2 that day is a day of fury]; but by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth [Yes, by the 'fire' of his zeal. By Passover execution and by non Adam lava flood execution and by the final failed
execution on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14] (Zephaniah 1).
Israel = 1x. House of Israel = 1x. Sons of Israel = 12x. All the sons of Israel = 13x.
By the 8 Happinesses principle, to the 6 instances of "a day of ...", the deadly part of the day of lasts for 6 years precisely, which must begin as the start of the ride of the 4th Horseman on 2025Shebat6/7 and so ends on 2031Shebat6/7, 8½ months before the end of WW3, on 2032Tishri22/23.
Verse14: 1x+1x+1x+1x = 4x of the Great Day of being near, from 2012Sivan14-16 to 2016Ab14-16, the period Abrahamic .
Verse15: 1x+2x+2x+2x+2x = 9x
Verse16: 2x + 3x + 3x = 8x
The Great Day of of Verse 15-16: 9x+8x = 17x from 2016Ab16, when became Isaaic, to 2033Nisan14/2033Iyyar14 the end of the world, the absolute end of Adam/Cain.
The period of proximity of the Day of is the period of extermination by God of Adamic and s to become . It runs from the adamic to Abrahamic conversion of on 2012Sivan14-16, to the Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion of on 2016Ab14-16. The the Great Day of runs for 17 years from 2016Ab14-16 to the end of the final extermination of Adam/Cain on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st death/late 1st death Passover, the end of entry into the 1st death, the end of non kingdom citizens being alive upon the planet, the end of the 6th recreative day. Everyone on the planet cops it during the 21 years from 2012Sivan14 to 2033Iyyar14, in one way or another.
Those who enter cop it by death to Adam/Cain and a sleeping/ free or resurrection to . So the s (those with faith), the s (those with love) and the double failures (those without love or faith) all die during the day of . There is no escape. The 21 years period of God killing humans from 2012Sivan14 to 2033Iyyar14 is also referred to in Isaiah13.
4 The noise of a multitude in the mountains, as of a great people! A noise of tumult of the kingdoms of nations gathered together; of Hosts is calling up an army for the battle. ()
5 They come from a distant land, from the end of the heavens, and the weapons of His wrath, to destroy all the earth. ( adapted)
6 Howl, you people, for the day of is near! As a despoiling from the Almighty it will come. ()
7 Due to this all hands themselves will drop down [20x], and the whole heart itself of mortal man will melt [1x]. (Isaiah 13 adapted)
So the period of the proximity of the Day of counts as 20x+1x = 21x from 2012Sivan14-16 to 2033Nisan14.Iyyar14, the period during which God kills (by baptism or by lava flood absolutely everyone whom does not kill. But the Great Day of does not begin until 2016Ab14-16 and the Day of , the day of despoiling of man, does not begin until 2025Shebat6/7, the start of the ride of the 4th horseman, and runs for 6x precisely to 2031Shebat6/7.
1 Blow ye a trumpet/shofar in [3x:
for Rosh Hashana, the only one they had at that time]
And shout ye in hill of holiness of me [3x:
for Rosh Hashana]
Let them tremble, all of ones sitting of the land [3x:
for Rosh Hashana, the festival of trumpets, shouting and alarm, terror]
Because he comes, day of [1x]
Because close (he is) [1x]
Verse1: (3x+3x+3x).1x.1x = 9x. from 2016Tishri1, the first Rosh Hashana in Isaaic (appointed/installed over on 2016Tishri16/Chislev5 but an Abrahamic to Isaaic conversion does not involve entry into the 1st death, and so does not defile us. So we keep our constant feature. So we remain a true church with a baptism but with no appointments for our new Isaaic incarnations), to 2025Shebat6/7, the start of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse to 2028Heshvan14, and the start of the 6 year Day of to 2031Shebat6/7..
2 Day of darkness and gloom (he is) [2x]
Day of cloud and darkness of/from clouds [
Like dawn spreading upon the mountains [is] a great and strong people. One like it has not been made to exist from the indefinite past, and after it there will be none again to the years of generation after generation (Joel 2: )
Verse2 re Day of : 2x+2x/4x=4x/6x. These must be 4/6 years of darkness and gloom and cloud and blackness. This is the volcanic and nuclear winter from the of Matthew24 and from the of Mark13 and from the lava flood of Genesis 7/8.
11 The haughty eyes of earthling man must become low [2x], and the loftiness of men must bow down [3x, bow down is singular]; and to separation of him, must be lifted up
in that day [2x].
12 Because day to of armies [1x.3x=3x] upon everyone self-exalted and lofty
and upon everyone lifted up and low [1x.3x+3x+3x+3x+3x=15x];
13 and upon all the cedars of Lebanon the lofty and the lifted up
and upon all the massive trees/oaks of Bashan [3x+3x+3x=9x]
14 and upon all the lofty mountains
and upon all the hills the lifted up [3x+3x=6x]
15 and upon every high tower
and upon every fortified wall [3x+3x=6x]
16 and upon all the ships of Tarshish
and upon all boats the desirable [3x+3x=6x]
17 And the haughtiness of the earthling man [1x]
must bow down, and the loftiness of men [3x]
[it] must become low []; and , to separation of him must be lifted up in that day [2x] (Isaiah 2)
Verse 11-17: 5x+2x.(15x+9x+6x+6x+6x)+6x = 95x. From the start of the Day to [not of] of Armies, the day of elevation of and separation on 2025Iyyar21, the pouring out of the gifts of the spirit at the end of the rapture of the reserves, to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover.. .
So the Day to of Armies runs for 95 months.
18 And the valueless gods themselves will pass away completely.
19 And people will enter into the caves of the rocks and into the holes of the dust because of the dreadfulness of and from his splendid superiority, when he rises up for the earth to suffer shocks.
20 In that day the earthling man will throw his worthless gods of silver and his valueless gods of gold that they had made for him to bow before to the shrewmice/moles/burrowers and to the bats, (Isaiah 2 adapted from the Hebrew).
Whereas the Day of , a.k.a. the fearful day of of Joel2 (as opposed to the great Day of ) runs for 6 years precisely from the start of the ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse on 2025Shebat6/7 to 2031Shebat6/7.
The final Jericho campaign by the 3rd on this world runs for 6 adamic secular years from 2026TIshri1 (after the 3rd presence begins on 2026Elul16) to 2032Tishri1. Then for 7 months in the 7th campaign year to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death Passover, the absolute end of Adam. Then the Jubilee release is 2033Iyyar10, entry day into the late 1st death Passover, the last day of entrance into Kingdom salvation, the end of the release of Kingdom citizens from this world. Then the world ends on 2033Iyyar14.
Verse 20 Those who take the Covid-19 vaccine as a cure for a man made virus (a double CGG codon in a furin cleavage site does not occur in any natural virus. It does occur in bacteria and humans and cows) are seeking salvation from the genes of mice and bats whence it was made and whence the vaccine spikes are copied. of Armies is put on high by the rapture and ark resurrection of the s, half of mankind. And ALL the plastic meaningless media manufactured satanic status of man so beloved by women will be destroyed.
So putting Joel2 and Zephaniah1 and Isaiah2 and Acts2 together:
11 And himself gave his voice before his army. For his camp is exceedingly great/numerous. For powerful is [one] working his word; for the day of is great and exceedingly fearful, and who will
measure/contain/endure him/it? (Joel 2 )
20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before to come day of Lord [ or ], the great and epiphanaic/conspicuous (Acts 2 ).
Well the one working his word can measure it as follows...
1. The period of proximity of the Day of runs for 4 years of conversion from 2012Sivan14-16 to 2016Ab14-16.
2. The Great Day of covers all judicial execution for 17 years from 2016Ab14 to 2033Iyyar14. And it involves the collecting of the great and strong people, the
Zoarites who resist the demonic bullshit of the age.
3. The Fearful Day of runs for 6 years precisely of tragedy from 2025Shebat6/7 to 2031Shebat6/7, from the start of the 33¼ month ride of the 4th horseman.
4. The Day to of Armies runs for 95 months of Isaiah2:11-17 from 2025Iyyar21, the end of the rapture of the reserves and the pouring out of the gifts of the spirit, which elevate , to 2033Nisan14, the 1st death
5. The Day of the 3rd presence of the Lord runs for 80 months on 2026Elul16, 1st row baptism day, to the late 1st death Passover on 2033Iyyar1450.
3 To face of it/Ahead of it [this people] a fire has devoured, and behind it a flame consumes. Like the garden of Eden the land is ahead of it; but behind it is a desolate wilderness,
and there has also proved to be nothing thereof escaping.
4 Its appearance is like the appearance of horses, and like steeds is the way they keep running.
5 As with the sound of chariots on the tops of the mountains they keep skipping about, as with the sound of a flaming fire that is devouring stubble. It is like a mighty people, drawn up in battle order.
6 Because of it, peoples will be in severe pains. As for all faces, they will certainly collect a glow [of excitement].
7 Like powerful men they run. Like men of war they go up a wall. And they go each one in his own ways, and they do not alter their paths.
8 And one another they do not shove. As an able-bodied man in his course, they keep going; and should some fall even among the missiles,
the [others] do not break off course.
9 Into the city they rush. On the wall they run. On the houses they go up. Through the windows they go in like the thief. (Joel 2 )
10 To face of it/at the start of it/before it [this people] [the] land has become agitated [by the plague of gnats, Black Lives Matter,
Antifa, Cancellers, COVID19, a fraudulent US election, a vote fraud protecting capitol protest set up, unjustified lockdowns in order to force vaccination violating the Nuremberg code], [the] heavens have rocked.
11 And himself will certainly give forth his voice before his military force, for his camp is very numerous. For he who is carrying out his word is mighty; for the day of is great and very fear-
inspiring, and who can hold up under it? (Joel 2 )
30 And I [God himself] will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke [Lethal volcanic eruptions].
31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, to face of/AT coming of day of , the great and the fear-inspiring.
32 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of will get away safe; for in Mount and in Jerusalem there will prove to be the escaped ones, just as has said, and in among the survivors, whom is calling (Joel 2 ).
19 And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist,
20 the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood BEFORE the great and epiphanaic day of the Lord arrives (Acts 2 )
So we get a darkened atmosphere full of volcanic ash (not from total solar or lunar eclipses) TO THE FACES OF the Great and Fearful day of , which could be before or could be during it, and which in code terms is two days. And BEFORE the great and epiphanaic Day of the Lord (which presumably begins when becomes present by being baptised into on 2026Elul16, or by finishing being baptised into and taking over on 2026Heshvan5 - Palm Wednesday).
The Day of the Lord ends on 2031Nisan5, the end of (since it starts by his entry into ). hands the Kingdom over to his God and father on 2033Sivan5, at the installation of as Caesar to , having brought to nothing the last enemy death, by visibly resurrecting sealed last chance salooners back to this planet (rather than invisibly resurrecting into an ark in a different dimension), on 2033Nisan17/Iyyar22, who were Passover executed on 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st/late 1st death Passover.
22 'And you people must keep all my statutes and all my judicial decisions and do them, that the land to which I am bringing you to dwell in it may not vomit you out [the land vomits lava]. (Leviticus 20 )
6 Howl, you people, for the day of is near! As a despoiling from the Almighty it will come.
7 That is why all hands themselves will drop down, and the whole heart itself of mortal man will melt.
8 And people have become disturbed. Convulsions and birth pains themselves grab hold; like a woman that is giving birth they have labor pains. They look at each other in amazement. Their faces are inflamed faces.
9 Look! The day of itself is coming, cruel both with fury and with burning anger, in order to make the land an object of astonishment, and that it may annihilate [the land's] sinners out of it.
10 For the very stars of the heavens and their constellations of Kesil will not flash forth their light; the sun will actually grow dark at its going forth, and the moon itself will not cause its light to shine.
11 And I shall certainly bring home [its own] badness upon the productive land, and their own error upon the wicked themselves. And I shall actually cause the pride of the presumptuous ones to cease, and the haughtiness of the tyrants I shall abase.
12 I shall make mortal man rarer than refined gold, and earthling man [rarer] than the gold of Ophir.
13 That is why I shall cause heaven itself to become agitated, and the earth will rock out of its place at the fury of of armies and at the day of his burning anger. (Isaiah 13 )
Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation,
26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.
29 With that he spoke an illustration to them: Note the fig tree and all the other trees:
30 When they are already in the bud [in Adar/Nisan], by observing it you know for yourselves that now the summer is near [6 month Hebrew summer starts on Nisan16, 3 month Greek summer starts in Tammuz] (Luke 21).
21 for then there will be great tribulation [within the time of distress]
such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.
22 In fact, unless those days were cut short [],
not all [chosen] flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short (Matthew 24).
For the full flavour of that day please read the chapters below.
The thing that Isaiah the son of Amoz visioned concerning Judah and Jerusalem:
2 And it must occur in the final part of the days [that] the mountain of the house of will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream.
3 And many peoples will certainly go and say: Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of , to the house of the God of ; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. For out of law will go forth, and the word of out of Jerusalem.
4 And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.
5 Oh men of the house of , come and let us walk in the light of .
6 For you have forsaken your people, the house of . For they have become full of what is from the East, and they are practicers of magic like the Philistines, and with the children of foreigners they abound.
7 And their land is filled with silver and gold, and there is no limit to their treasures. And their land is filled with horses, and there is no limit to their chariots.
8 And their land is filled with valueless gods. To the work of one's hands they bow down, to that which one's fingers have made.
9 And earthling man bows down, and man becomes low, and you cannot possibly pardon them.
10 Enter into the rock and hide yourself in the dust because of the dreadfulness of , and from his splendid superiority.
11 The haughty eyes of earthling man must become low, and the loftiness of men must bow down; and alone must be put on high in that day.
12 For it is the day belonging to of armies. It is upon everyone self-exalted and lofty and upon everyone lifted up and low;
13 and upon all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up and upon all the massive trees of Bashan;
14 and upon all the lofty mountains and upon all the hills that are lifted up;
15 and upon every high tower and upon every fortified wall;
16 and upon all the ships of Tarshish and upon all desirable boats.
17 And the haughtiness of the earthling man must bow down, and the loftiness of men must become low; and alone must be put on high in that day.
18 And the valueless gods themselves will pass away completely.
19 And people will enter into the caves of the rocks and into the holes of the dust because of the dreadfulness of and from his splendid superiority, when he rises up for the earth to suffer shocks.
20 In that day the earthling man will throw his worthless gods of silver and his valueless gods of gold that they had made for him to bow before to the shrewmice and to the bats,
21 in order to enter into the holes in the rocks and into the clefts of the crags, because of the dreadfulness of and from his splendid superiority, when he rises up for the earth to suffer shocks.
22 For your own sakes, hold off from the earthling man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for on what basis is he himself to be taken into account? (Isaiah 2).
The pronouncement against Babylon that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw in vision:
2 Upon a mountain of bare rocks raise up a signal, you men. Lift up the voice to them, wave the hand, that they may come into the entrances of the nobles.
3 I myself have issued the command to my sanctified ones. I have also called my mighty ones for [expressing] my anger, my eminently exultant ones.
4 Listen! A crowd in the mountains,
something like a numerous people! Listen! The uproar of kingdoms, of nations gathered together! of armies is mustering the army of war.
5 They are coming from the land far away,
from the extremity of the heavens, and the weapons of his denunciation,
to wreck all the earth.
6 Howl, you people, for the day of is near! As a despoiling from the Almighty it will come.
7 That is why all hands themselves will drop down, and the whole heart itself of mortal man will melt.
8 And people have become disturbed.
Convulsions and birth pains themselves grab hold; like a woman that is giving birth they have labour pains. They look at each other in amazement. Their faces are inflamed faces.
9 Look! The day of itself is coming, cruel both with fury and with burning anger, in order to make the land an object of astonishment, and that it may annihilate [the land's] sinners out of it.
10 For the very stars of the heavens and their constellations of Kesil will not flash forth their light; the sun will actually grow dark at its going forth, and the moon itself will not cause its light to shine.
11 And I shall certainly bring home [its own] badness upon the productive land, and their own error upon the wicked themselves. And I shall actually cause the pride of the presumptuous ones to cease, and the haughtiness of the tyrants I shall abase.
12 I shall make mortal man rarer than refined gold, and earthling man [rarer] than the gold of Ophir.
13 That is why I shall cause heaven itself to become agitated, and the earth will rock out of its place at the fury of of armies and at the day of his burning anger.
14 And it must occur that, like a gazelle chased away and like a flock without anyone to collect them together, they will turn, each one to his own people; and they will flee, each one to his own land.
15 Every one that is found will be pierced through, and every one that is caught in the sweep will fall by the sword;
16 and their very children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes. Their houses will be pillaged, and their own wives will be raped.
17 Here I am arousing against them the Medes, who account silver itself as nothing and who, as respects gold, take no delight in it.
18 And [their] bows will dash even young men to pieces. And the fruitage of the belly they will not pity; for sons their eye will not feel sorry.
19 And Babylon, the decoration of kingdoms, the beauty of the pride of the Chaldeans, must become as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.
20 She will never be inhabited, nor will she reside for generation after generation. And there the Arab will not pitch his tent, and no shepherds will let [their flocks] lie down there.
21 And there the haunters of waterless regions will certainly lie down, and their houses must be filled with eagle owls. And there the ostriches must reside, and goat-shaped demons themselves will go skipping about there.
22 And jackals must howl in her dwelling towers, and the big snake will be in the palaces of exquisite delight. And the season for her is near to come, and her days themselves will not be postponed (Isaiah 13).
And the word of continued to occur to me, saying:
2 And as for you, Oh son of man, this is what the Sovereign Lord has said to the soil of Israel, 'An end, the end, has come upon the 4 wings/extremities of the land.
3 Now the end is upon you, and I must send my anger against you, and I will judge you according to your ways and bring upon you all your detestable things.
4 And my eye will not feel sorry for you,
neither will I feel compassion, for upon you I shall bring your own ways, and in the midst of you your own detestable things will come to be; and you people will have to know that I am .'
5 This is what the Sovereign Lord has said, 'A calamity, a unique calamity, look! it is coming.
6 An end itself must come. The end must come; it must awaken for you. Look! It is coming.
7 The garland must come to you, Oh inhabiter of the land, the time must come, the day is near. There is confusion,
and not the shouting of the mountains.
8 'Now shortly I shall pour out my rage upon you, and I will bring my anger against you to its finish, and I will judge you according to your ways and bring upon you all your detestable things.
9 Neither will my eye feel sorry nor shall I feel compassion. According to your ways shall I do the bringing upon you yourself, and your own detestable things will come to be right in the midst of you; and you people will have to know that I am doing the smiting.
10 'Look! The day! Look! It is coming. The garland has gone forth. The rod has blossomed. Presumptuousness has sprouted.
11 Violence itself has risen up into a rod of wickedness. It is not from them, nor is it from their wealth; and it is not from their own selves, nor is there any eminency in them.
12 The time must come, the day must arrive. As regards the buyer, let him not rejoice; and as regards the seller,
let him not go into mourning, for there is hot feeling against all its crowd.
13 For to what was sold the seller himself will not return, while their life is yet among the living ones; for the vision is for all its crowd. No one will return, and they will not possess themselves each one of his own life by his own error.
14 'They have blown the trumpet and there has been a preparing of everybody, but there is no one going to the battle,
because my hot feeling is against all its crowd.
15 The sword is outside, and the pestilence and the famine are inside. Whoever is in the field, by the sword he will die, and whoever are in the city, famine and pestilence themselves will devour them.
16 And their escapees will certainly make their escape and become on the mountains like the doves of the valleys, all of which are moaning, each one in his own error.
17 As for all the hands, they keep dropping down; and as for all knees, they keep dripping with water.
18 And they have girded on sackcloth, and shuddering has covered them; and on all faces there is shame and on all their heads there is baldness.
19 'Into the streets they will throw their very silver, and an abhorrent thing their own gold will become. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of 's fury. Their souls they will not satisfy, and their intestines they will not fill, for it has become a stumbling block causing their error.
20 And the decoration of one's ornament --
one has set it as reason for pride; and their detestable images, their disgusting things, they have made with it. That is why I will make it to them an abhorrent thing.
21 And I will give it into the hand of the strangers for plunder and to the wicked ones of the earth for spoil, and they will certainly profane it.
22 'And I shall have to turn away my face from them, and they will actually profane my concealed place, and into it robbers will really come and profane it.
23 'Make the chain, for the land itself has become full of bloodstained judgment and the city itself has become full of violence.
24 And I will bring in the worst ones of the nations, and they will certainly take possession of their houses, and I will cause the pride of the strong ones to cease, and their sanctuaries must be profaned.
25 There will come anguish, and they will certainly seek peace but there will be none.
26 There will come adversity upon adversity, and there will occur report upon report, and people will actually seek a vision from a prophet, and the law itself will perish from a priest and counsel from elderly men.
27 The king himself will go into mourning;
even a chieftain will clothe himself with desolation, and the very hands of the people of the land will get disturbed. According to their way I shall act toward them, and with their judgments I shall judge them; and they will have to know that I am (Ezekiel 7).
And the word of continued to occur to me, saying:
2 Son of man, prophesy concerning the prophets of Israel who are prophesying, and you must say to those prophesying out of their own heart, 'Hear the word of .
3 This is what the Sovereign Lord has said: Woe to the stupid prophets, who are walking after their own spirit,
when there is nothing that they have seen!
4 Like foxes in the devastated places are what your own prophets have become, Oh Israel.
5 you men will certainly not go up into the gaps, neither will you build up a stone wall in behalf of the house of Israel, in order to stand in the battle in the day of .
6 They have visioned what is untrue and a lying divination, those who are saying, 'The utterance of is,' when himself has not sent them, and they have waited to have a word come true.
7 Is it not an untrue vision that you men have visioned, and a lying divination that you have said, when saying, 'The utterance of is,' when I myself have spoken nothing?'
8 'Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord has said: 'For the reason that you men have spoken untruth and you have visioned a lie, therefore here I am against you,' is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord .
9 And my hand has come to be against the prophets that are visioning untruth and that are divining a lie. In the intimate group of my people they will not continue on, and in the register of the house of Israel they will not be written, and to the soil of Israel they will not come; and you people will have to know that I am the Sovereign Lord ,
10 for the reason, yes, for the reason that they have led my people astray, saying, There is peace! when there is no peace, and there is one that is building a partition wall, but in vain there are those plastering it with whitewash.'
11 Say to those plastering with whitewash that it will fall. A flooding downpour will certainly occur, and you, Oh hailstones, will fall, and a blast of windstorms itself will cause a splitting.
12 And, look! the wall must fall. Will it not be said to you men, 'Where is the coating with which you did the plastering?'
13 Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord has said, 'I will also cause a blast of windstorms to burst forth in my rage, and in my anger there will occur a flooding downpour, and in rage there will be hailstones for an extermination.
14 And I will tear down the wall that you men have plastered with whitewash and bring it into contact with the earth, and its foundation must be exposed. And she will certainly fall, and you must come to an end in the midst of her; and you will have to know that I am .'
15 'And I will bring my rage to its finish upon the wall and upon those plastering it with whitewash, and I shall say to you men: The wall is no more, and those plastering it are no more,
16 the prophets of Israel that are prophesying to Jerusalem and that are visioning for her a vision of peace, when there is no peace,' is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord .
17 And as for you, Oh son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people who are acting as prophetesses out of their own heart, and prophesy against them.
18 And you must say, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord has said: Woe to the women sewing bands together upon all elbows and making veils upon the head of every size in order to hunt souls! Are the souls that you women hunt down the ones belonging to my people, and the souls belonging to you the ones that you preserve alive?
19 And will you profane me toward my people for the handfuls of barley and for the morsels of bread, in order to put to death the souls that ought not to die and in order to preserve alive the souls that ought not to live by your lie to my people, the hearers of a lie?'
20 Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord has said, 'Here I am against the bands of you women, with which you are hunting down the souls as though they were flying things, and I will rip them from off your arms and let go the souls that you are hunting down, souls as though they were flying things.
21 And I will rip away your veils and deliver my people out of your hand, and they will no more prove to be in your hand something caught in the hunt; and you will have to know that I am .
22 By reason of dejecting the heart of a righteous one with falsehood, when I myself had not caused him pain, and for making the hands of a wicked one strong so that he would not turn back from his bad way in order to preserve him alive,
23 therefore untruth you women will not keep on visioning, and divination you will divine no longer; and I will deliver my people out of your hand, and you will have to know that I am (Ezekiel 13).
Blow a horn in , Oh men, and shout a war cry in my holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land get agitated; for the day of is coming, for it is near!
2 It is a day of darkness and gloominess,
a day of clouds and thick gloom, like light of dawn spread out upon the mountains. There is a people numerous and mighty; one like it has not been made to exist from the indefinite past, and after it there will be none again to the years of generation after generation.
3 Ahead of it a fire has devoured, and behind it a flame consumes. Like the garden of Eden the land is ahead of it; but behind it is a desolate wilderness, and there has also proved to be nothing thereof escaping.
4 Its appearance is like the appearance of horses, and like steeds is the way they keep running.
5 As with the sound of chariots on the tops of the mountains they keep skipping about, as with the sound of a flaming fire that is devouring stubble. It is like a mighty people, drawn up in battle order.
6 Because of it, peoples will be in severe pains. As for all faces, they will certainly collect a glow [of excitement].
7 Like powerful men they run. Like men of war they go up a wall. And they go each one in his own ways, and they do not alter their paths.
8 And one another they do not shove. As an able-bodied man in his course, they keep going; and should some fall even among the missiles, the [others] do not break off course.
9 Into the city they rush. On the wall they run. On the houses they go up. Through the windows they go in like the thief.
10 Before it [the] land has become agitated, [the] heavens have rocked. Sun and moon themselves have become dark,
and the very stars have withdrawn their brightness.
11 And himself will certainly give forth his voice before his military force, for his camp is very numerous. For he who is carrying out his word is mighty; for the day of is great and very fear-inspiring, and who can hold up under it?
12 And now also, the utterance of is, come back to me with all your hearts, and with fasting and with weeping and with wailing.
13 And rip apart your hearts, and not your garments; and come back to your God, for he is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness, and he will certainly feel regret on account of the calamity.
14 Who is there knowing whether he will turn back and actually feel regret and let remain after it a blessing, a grain offering and a drink offering for your God?
15 Blow a horn in , Oh men. Sanctify a time of fasting. Call together a solemn assembly.
16 Gather [the] people together. Sanctify a congregation. Collect [the] old men together. Gather children and those sucking the breasts together. Let [the] bridegroom go forth from his interior room, and [the] bride from her nuptial chamber.
17 Between the porch and the altar let the priests, the ministers of , weep and say, 'Do feel sorry, Oh , for your people, and do not make your inheritance a reproach, for nations to rule over them. Why should they say among the peoples: Where is their God?'
18 And will be zealous for his land and will show compassion upon his people.
19 And will answer and say to his people, 'Here I am sending to you the grain and the new wine and the oil, and you people will certainly be satisfied with it; and I shall not make you anymore a reproach among the nations.
20 And the northerner I shall put far away from upon you, and I shall actually disperse him to a waterless land and desolated waste, with his face to the eastern sea and his rear section to the western sea. And the stink from him will certainly ascend, and the stench from him will keep ascending; for He will actually do a great thing in what He does.'
21 Do not be fearful, Oh ground. Be joyful and rejoice; for will actually do a great thing in what He does.
22 Do not be fearful, you beasts of the open field, for the pasture grounds of [the] wilderness will certainly grow green. For the tree will actually give its fruitage. The fig tree and the vine must give their vital energy.
23 And, you sons of , be joyful and rejoice in your God; for he will be bound to give you the autumn rain in right measure, and he will bring down upon you people a downpour, autumn rain and spring rain, as at the first.
24 And the threshing floors must be full of [cleansed] grain, and the press vats must overflow with new wine and oil.
25 And I will make compensation to you for the years that the locust, the creeping, unwinged locust, and the cockroach and the caterpillar have eaten, my great military force that I have sent among you.
26 And you will certainly eat, eating and becoming satisfied, and you will be bound to praise the name of your God, who has done with you so wonderfully; and my people will not be ashamed to time indefinite.
27 And you people will have to know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am your God and there is no other.
And my people will not be ashamed to time indefinite.
28 And after that it must occur that I shall pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will certainly prophesy. As for your old men, dreams they will dream.
As for your young men, visions they will see.
29 And even on the menservants and on the maidservants in those days I shall pour out my spirit.
30 And I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke.
31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of .
32 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of will get away safe; for in Mount and in Jerusalem there will prove to be the escaped ones, just as has said, and in among the survivors, whom is calling (Joel 2).
Hear this word that I am taking up over you people as a dirge, Oh house of Israel:
2 The virgin, Israel, has fallen; She cannot get up again. She has been forsaken upon her own ground; There is no one raising her up.
3 For this is what the Sovereign Lord has said, 'The very city that was going forth with 1,000 will have 100 left; and the one going forth with 100 will have 10 left, for the house of Israel.'
4 For this is what has said to the house of Israel, 'Search for me, and keep living.
5 And do not search for Bethel, and to Gilgal you must not come, and to Beer-sheba you must not pass over; because Gilgal itself will without fail go into exile; and as regards Bethel, it will become something uncanny.
6 Search for , and keep living,
that he may not become operative just like fire, Oh house of Joseph, and it may not actually devour, and Bethel may not be with no one to extinguish [it],
7 Oh you who are turning justice into mere wormwood, and the ones who have cast righteousness itself to the earth.
8 The Maker of the Kimah constellation and the Kesil constellation, and the One turning deep shadow into the morning itself, and the One who has made day itself dark as night, the One calling for the waters of the sea, that he may pour them out upon the surface of the earth -- is his name;
9 he who is causing a despoiling to flash forth upon someone strong, that despoiling itself may come upon even a fortified place.
10 'In the gate they have hated a reprover,
and a speaker of perfect things they detest.
11 Therefore, for the reason that you are extracting farm rent from someone lowly, and the tribute of grain you keep taking from him; houses of hewn stone you have built, but you will not keep dwelling in them; and desirable vineyards you have planted, but you will not keep drinking the wine of them.
12 For I have known how many your revolts are and how mighty your sins are, Oh you who are showing hostility toward someone righteous, you who are taking hush money, and the ones who have turned aside poor people even in the gate.
13 Therefore the very one having insight will in that time keep silent, for it will be a calamitous time.
14 'Search for what is good, and not what is bad, to the end that you people may keep living; and that thus the God of armies may come to be with you, just as you have said.
15 Hate what is bad, and love what is good, and give justice a place in the gate. It may be that the God of armies will show favor to the remaining ones of Joseph.'
16 Therefore this is what the God of armies, , has said, 'In all the public squares there will be wailing,
and in all the streets people will be saying: Ah! Ah! And they will have to call a farmer to mourning, and to wailing those experienced in lamentation.'
17 'And in all vineyards there will be wailing; for I shall pass through the midst of you,' has said.
18 'Woe to those who are craving the day of ! What, then, will the day of mean to you people?
It will be darkness, and no light,
19 just as when a man flees because of the lion, and the bear actually meets him; and [as when] he went into the house and supported his hand against the wall, and the serpent bit him.
20 Will not the day of be darkness, and not light; and will it not have gloom, and not brightness?
21 I have hated, I have rejected your festivals, and I shall not enjoy the smell of your solemn assemblies.
22 But if you people offer up to me whole burnt offerings, even in your gift offerings I shall find no pleasure, and on your communion sacrifices of fatlings I shall not look.
23 Remove from me the turmoil of your songs; and the melodious sound of your stringed instruments may I not hear.
24 And let justice roll forth just like waters, and righteousness like a constantly flowing torrent.
25 Was it sacrifices and gift offerings that you people brought near to me in the wilderness for 40 years, Oh house of Israel?
26 And you will certainly carry Sakkuth your king and Kaiwan, your images, the star of your god, whom you made for yourselves.
27 And I will cause you to go into exile beyond Damascus,' he whose name is the God of armies has said (Amos 5).
The word of that occurred to Zephaniah the son of Cushi the son of Gedaliah the son of Amariah the son of Hezekiah in the days of Josiah the son of Amon the king of Judah:
2 I shall without fail finish everything off the surface of the ground, is the utterance of .
3 I shall finish off earthling man and beast. I shall finish off the flying creature of the heavens and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked ones; and I will cut off mankind from the surface of the ground, is the utterance of .
4 And I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and I will cut off from this place the remaining ones of the Baal, the name of the foreign-god priests along with the priests,
5 and those who are bowing down upon the roofs to the army of the heavens, and those who are bowing down, making sworn oaths to and making sworn oaths by Malcam;
6 and those who are drawing back from following and who have not sought and have not inquired of him.
7 Keep silence before the Sovereign Lord ; for the day of is near, for has prepared a sacrifice; he has sanctified his invited ones.
8 And it must occur on the day of 's sacrifice that I will give attention to the princes, and to the sons of the king, and to all those wearing foreign attire.
9 And I will give attention to everyone that is climbing upon the platform in that day, those who are filling the house of their masters with violence and deception.
10 And there must occur on that day, is the utterance of , the sound of an outcry from the Fish Gate, and a howling from the second quarter, and a great crashing from the hills.
11 Howl, you inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the people who are tradesmen have been silenced; all those weighing out silver have been cut off.
12 And it must occur at that time that I shall carefully search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will give attention to the men who are congealing upon their dregs [and] who are saying in their heart,
' will not do good, and he will not do bad.'
13 And their wealth must come to be for pillage and their houses for a desolate waste. And they will build houses, but they will not have occupancy; and they will plant vineyards, but they will not drink the wine of them.
14 The great day of is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying [of it] very much. The sound of the day of is bitter. There a mighty man is letting out a cry.
15 That day is a day of fury, a day of distress and of anguish, a day of storm and of desolation, a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick gloom,
16 a day of horn and of alarm signal,
against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers.
17 And I will cause distress to mankind,
and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung.
18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of 's fury; but by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth (Zephaniah 1).
Look! There is a day coming, belonging to , and the spoil of you will certainly be apportioned out in the midst of you.
2 And I shall certainly gather all the nations against Jerusalem for the war; and the city will actually be captured and the houses be pillaged, and the women themselves will be raped. And half of the city must go forth into the exile; but as for the remaining ones of the people, they will not be cut off from the city.
3 And will certainly go forth and war against those nations as in the day of his warring, in the day of fight.
4 And his feet will actually stand in that day upon the mountain of the olive trees, which is in front of Jerusalem, on the east; and the mountain of the olive trees must be split at its middle, from the sunrising and to the west. There will be a very great valley; and half of the mountain will actually be moved to the north, and half of it to the south.
5 And you people will certainly flee to the valley of my mountains; because the valley of [the] mountains will reach all the way to Azel. And you will have to flee, just as you fled because of the [earth]quake in the days of Uzziah the king of Judah. And my God will certainly come,
all the holy ones being with him.
6 And it must occur in that day [that]
there will prove to be no precious light -- things will be congealed [bad translation].
7 And it must become one day that is known as belonging to . It will not be day, neither will it be night; and it must occur [that] at evening time it will become light.
8 And it must occur in that day [that]
living waters will go forth from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea. In summer and in winter it will occur.
9 And must become king over all the earth. In that day will prove to be one, and his name one.
10 The whole land will be changed like the Arabah, from Geba to Rimmon to the south of Jerusalem; and she must rise and become inhabited in her place, from the Gate of Benjamin all the way to the place of the First Gate, all the way to the Corner Gate, and [from] the Tower of Hananel all the way to the press vats of the king.
11 And people will certainly inhabit her;
and there will occur no more any banning [to destruction], and Jerusalem must be inhabited in security.
12 And this is what will prove to be the scourge with which will scourge all the peoples that will actually do military service against Jerusalem: There will be a rotting away of one's flesh,
while one is standing upon one's feet; and one's very eyes will rot away in their sockets, and one's very tongue will rot away in one's mouth.
13 And it must occur in that day [that]
confusion from will become widespread among them; and they will actually grab hold, each one of the hand of his companion, and his hand will actually come up against the hand of his companion.
14 And Judah itself also will be warring at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the nations round about will certainly be gathered, gold and silver and garments in excessive abundance.
15 And this is how the scourge of the horse, the mule, the camel, and the male ass, and every sort of domestic animal that happens to be in those camps, will prove to be, like this scourge.
16 And it must occur [that], as regards everyone who is left remaining out of all the nations that are coming against Jerusalem, they must also go up from year to year to bow down to the King,
of armies, and to celebrate the festival of the booths.
17 And it must occur that, as regards anyone that does not come up out of the families of the earth to Jerusalem to bow down to the King, of armies, even upon them no pouring rain will occur.
18 And if the family of Egypt itself does not come up and does not actually enter, upon them also there shall be none. The scourge will occur with which scourges the nations that do not come up to celebrate the festival of the booths.
19 This itself will prove to be the [punishment for the] sin of Egypt and the sin of all the nations that do not come up to celebrate the festival of the booths.
20 In that day there will prove to be upon the bells of the horse 'Holiness belongs to !' And the widemouthed cooking pots in the house of must become like the bowls before the altar.
21 And every widemouthed cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah must become something holy belonging to of armies, and all those who are sacrificing must come in and take from them and must do boiling in them. And there will no more prove to be a Canaanite in the house of of armies in that day (Zechariah 14).
For, look! the day is coming that is burning like the furnace, and all the presumptuous ones and all those doing wickedness must become as stubble. And the day that is coming will certainly devour them, of armies has said, so that it will not leave to them either root or bough.
2 And to you who are in fear of my name the sun of righteousness will certainly shine forth, with healing in its wings;
and you will actually go forth and paw the ground like fattened calves.
3 And you people will certainly tread down [the] wicked ones, for they will become as powder under the soles of your feet in the day on which I am acting, of armies has said.
4 Remember, you people, the law of Moses my servant with which I commanded him in Horeb concerning all Israel, even regulations and judicial decisions.
5 Look! I am sending to you people the prophet before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of .
6 And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back toward fathers; in order that I may not come and actually strike the earth with a devoting [of it] to destruction (Malachi 4).