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5 In Gibeon appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God proceeded to say: Request what I should give you.
6 And Solomon said: You yourself have exercised great loving-kindness toward your servant David my father according as he walked before you in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with you;
and you continued keeping toward him this great loving-kindness, so that you gave him a son to sit upon his throne as at this day.
7 And now, my God, you yourself have made your servant king underneath David my father, and I am but a little boy. I do not know how to go out and how to come in [to the temple
in the ark].
8 And your servant is in the middle of your people whom you have chosen, a multitudinous people which not will be divided and not will be counted from multitude.
9 And you must give to your servant an obedient heart to judge your people, to discern between good and bad; for who is able to judge this difficult people of yours?
10 And the word/thing was pleasing in the eyes of my Lords [polite plural?],
because Solomon had requested this word/thing.
11 And God said to him: For the reason that you have requested this word and have not requested for yourself many days nor requested for yourself wealth nor requested the soul of your enemies, and you have requested for yourself understanding to hear judgement
12 look! I shall certainly do according to your words [in Hebrew?].
Hebrew word count of Solomon's words of verses 6-9: 25(30) + 16(17) + 11(13) + 16(19) = 68 (79) This may be the 79 month period between 2026Tishri15, the end of ark rapture, the completion of God's servant, his Kingdom administration, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain, the late 1st death Passover. It may be the case that the s do not ascend until after the great evening meal of God of Revelation19, which is WW3. Indeed until the end of the world.
2019Tishri15 to 2026Tishri15 is the ark collection of God's Kingdom servant comprising the s. s. s, s and s. This 7 year collection lies in the midst of the period from 2012Adar2, when Abrahamic was appointed to feed the s, its last appointment, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of the world.
Abrahamic is appointed to feed the s This completes its appointments. 2012Adar2 X______________________________________ |
The 3rd bride is resurrected into 2 having been Passover executed on 2019TIshri14 2019Tishri15 X_______________________________________ |
The last priestly ark rapture 2026Tishri15 X______________ |
The late 1st death Passover The absolute end of the world 2033Iyyar14 X________________________ |
79 months | 7 years | 79 months |
Verse 6: 1x+2x.(1x+1x+2x)+1x.(1x+1x+1x) = 1x+8x+3x = 12x
Verse 7: 1x+1x+1x+1x+1x = 5x
Verse 8: 1x+½x +½x+1x+1x = 4x
Verse 9: 1x.(1x+1x+1x).1x = 3x
Total: 12x+5x+4x+3x = 24x from 2024Heshvan, the start of subjects appearing at to 2026Heshvan5, when we hand over to the 3rd .
Look! I shall certainly give you a wise and understanding heart, so that one like you there has not happened to be before you, and after you there will not rise up one like you.
13 And additionally what you have not requested I will give you,
additional wealth, additional glory, which not was [given to] man like you in the kings [of Israel] [the saints], all your days [of judging]
[of judging].
14 And if you will walk in my ways to keep my regulations and my commandments, as/like which [ways] David your father walked, I will also lengthen your days. [Solomon should not follow the ways of David, but the
ways to keep regulations and commandments of ]
15 And Solomon awoke, and look! [It was] a dream.
Verse 10: 1x.2x = 2x
Verse 11: 1x+3x+1x+3x+1x = 9x
Verse 12: 1st look! 1x+24x = 25x
Total of God doing according to Solomon's word: 9x.25x = 225x: From 2012Tammuz16, the conversion of cainian s to become to 2031Nisan5, the end of ??
Verse 12 2nd look! 2x.(2x+1x+2x+1x) = 12x
Verse 13: 1x+1x+(2x+2x).(1x+1x).3x.3x = 2x+72x = 74x
Verse14: 3x.(3x+3x)+3x+3x = 33x.
Verse 12-14 from 2nd look! 12x+74x+33x = 119x from 2016Chislev5 Isaaic 's installation over to 2026Heshvan5, our hand over of to the 3rd .
Then he came to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of and offered up burnt sacrifices and rendered up communion offerings and spread a feast for all his servants (1 Kings 3 ).
15.. And he came to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of and offered up burnt sacrifices and rendered up communion offerings and spread a feast for all his servants [Laodicean feast after the evil slave loses control of the congregations and ends his feast].
Laodicea has the woman because they accept her covenant and the woman because they accept her covenant. Their sons are the sons of the respective covenants. s and s.
16 Then [
17 Then the one woman said: Excuse me, my lord [My Lord because Solomon is her husband -
this therefore is the woman NOT the woman], I and this woman are dwelling in one house [Laodicea], so that I gave birth [to saints by valid water baptism into Laodicea up until 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence] close by her in the house.
18 And it came about in the 3rd day
to the giving birth of me [the days of adamic Laodicea, Abrahamic Laodicea, and reappointed Laodicea],
and this woman also proceeded to give birth [by water baptism of s into reappointed Laodicea on 2019Elul10 internally and on 2019Tishri10/Heshvan10/Chislev10/Tebbeth10 externally. So the woman finishes giving birth on 2019Tebbeth10, entrance day into the late 3rd Watchtower Passover, whereas the woman does not finish until reverted Laodicea. the 4th day of her giving birth in the greater meaning. The Jordan dried up when the ark went across from the Watchtower to reappointed Laodicea from 2019Elul10 to 2019Tebbeth10]. And we were together. There was no stranger with us in the house, no one but the 2 of us in the house [no
further covenant, the was not accepted by reappointed Laodicea. There were no s in the house of reappointed Laodicea or adamic Laodicea or Abrahamic Laodicea - WOW. They only came into Reverted Laodicea!!].
19 And the son of this woman died at night,
because she lay upon him [the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th reserve brides die on the Passover nights of 2019Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 due to the obligations of the covenant to die the
free death of the Christ of Romans 6:3].
20 So she got up in the middle of the night [when the Passover execution occurs] and took my son from beside me while your slave girl herself [who should be a part of ] was asleep and laid him in her own bosom, and her dead son she laid in my bosom [Lazarus leant back on ' bosom during the Passover. Laodicean s represent that the s are the ones who have been Passover executed not the
s - which is idiotic].
21 When I got up in the morning [after the night of Watchtower Passovers from 2019Elul14 to 2019Tebbeth14, still during reappointed Laodicea] to nurse my son, why, there he was dead [having died by
Passover execution]. So I examined him closely in the morning, and, look! he did not prove to be my son that I had borne [either a dead true or a fake , they were imposters, doves that were sold or money that had been changed].
22 But the other woman [the woman] said: No, but my son is the living one [judicially and in the ark] and your son is the dead one! [judicially - the is a fake covenant]
All the while this woman [the woman]
was saying: No, but your son is the dead one [physically]
and my son is the living one [physically - your son got Passover executed not mine]. And they kept on speaking before the king.
23 Finally the king said: This one is saying,
'This is my son, the living one, and your son is the dead one!' and that one is saying, 'No, but your son is the dead one and my son is the living one!' [meant angelically and physically. The s say we are the saints and the s are dead physically or angelically - fake saints. The s say we are the saints and the s are all dead physically or fakes - dead angelically]
24 And the king [Gordon,
the mediator of the ] went on to say: You men, get me a sword [a scripture from the bible - 1Kings3 in fact]. So they brought the sword before the king.
25 And the king proceeded to say: You men,
sever the living child [
26 At once the woman whose son was the living one said to the king for her inward emotions were excited toward her son, so that she said: Excuse me, my lord! You men, give her the living child. Do not by any means put him to death [Do not disfellowship him]. All the while this other woman was saying:
Neither mine nor yours will he become. You men, do the severing! [Right.
The s have prevented the child from being accepted or recognised by anybody]
27 At that the king answered and said: You men, give her the living child, and you must by no means put him to death. She is his mother [All the remaining saints are now s. They must be given to the woman in ].
28 And all Israel got to hear of the judicial decision that the king had handed down; and they became fearful because of the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was within him to execute judicial decision (1Kings3).
The Watchtower cannot accept that all s have finished their earthly course because that gives them no basis to be running their church. But they have indeed all gone and they have become a bundle of weeds to be burnt BECAUSE they put their own personal power above the salvation of their adherents..
THIS MEANS THAT ALL s ARE PRESENTLY ALIVE. There are to be no holes in the temple. All stones will be present. The first rapture occurs on 2024Tebbeth16 - see U659.
There were no baptisms of s into reappointed Laodicea at all, because the woman got up in the morning after the church of the night fell to nurse her son singular, the one born in the original Laodicea. So the Jordan dried up for s when the s went across into reappointed Laodicea. Unsanctified people must have been baptised into reappointed Laodicea from 2019Tebbeth11 to 2019Shebat10, the end of entry into that church. These were cainian because was not Caesar (due to 's ministry payback lease) and so could not convert Adam to become during reappointed Laodicea.