2028Heshvan14 to 2029Heshvan14: The Time of Distress and escape of Daniel12: From the early Laodicean Passover into the 1st crop of Revelation22 to the late non religious Passover into the 12th crop, covering the 28 day nuclear war of the of Mark13:17-20 from 2028Chislev4 to 2028Tebbeth2 and covering the lava flood from 2029Iyyar17 to 2029Ab7, which exterminates all of Adam and Cain who are not in a salvation covenant.
22 Have you entered into the storehouses of the snow,
Or do you see even the storehouses of the hail,
23 Which I have kept back for the time of distress, For the day of fight and war? (Job 38 )
So the time of distress is characterised by both war and heavenly atmospheric fallout.
2 For, look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups; but upon you will shine forth, and upon you his own glory will be seen.
3 And nations will certainly go to your light, and kings to the brightness of your shining forth (Isaiah 60).
37 Watch the blameless one and keep the upright one in sight, For the future of [that] man will be peaceful.
38 But the transgressors themselves will certainly be annihilated together; The future of wicked people will indeed be cut off.
39 And the salvation of the righteous ones is from ;
He is their fortress in the time of distress.
40 And will help them and provide them with escape.
He will provide them with escape from wicked people and save them, Because they have taken refuge in him (Psalm 37).
The Time of Distress marks the end of the gathering into the fortress for escape and salvation by ark rapture.
7 Alas! For that day is a great one, so that there is no other like it, and it is the time of distress for . But he will be saved even out of it.
8 And it must occur in that day, is the utterance of of armies, that I shall break one's yoke from off your neck, and your bands I shall tear in 2, and no more will strangers exploit him as a servant [no more Watchtower or other worldly slavery].
9 And they will certainly serve their God and David their king, whom I shall raise up for them (Jeremiah chapter 30).
1 And during that time will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation [i.e. after the flood] until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book (Daniel 12).
The Time of Distress is a time of escape for God's people into the true church and into the ark.
The of Matthew24:20 is worst thing since the beginning of the world (it runs for 1044 days from 2025Shebat8, the 5th/6th day of WW3, to 2028Tebbeth2, the end of the 28 day nucelar war of the of
Mark13:17-20, the worst thing since creatio.
18 is aware of the days of the faultless ones, And their very inheritance will continue even to time indefinite.
19 They will not be ashamed in the time of calamity, And in the days of famine they will be satisfied. (Psalm 37)
10 Woe to me, Oh my mother, because you have given birth to me, a man subject to quarrel and a man subject to strife with all the earth. I have given no loan, and they have given me no loan. All of them are calling down evil upon me.
11 has said: Surely I will minister to you for good. Surely I will intercede for you in the time of calamity and in the time of distress, against the enemy. (Jeremiah 15)
3 Therefore this is what has said, 'Look! I am thinking up against this family [the house of Russell] a calamity from which you people will not remove your necks,
and you will not walk haughtily; because it is a time of calamity [].
3 to/for + rightly like this said look! + me thinking upon + the + species the + this, calamity/evil which yeu NOT + will cause to yield from + THERE necks of + yeu (p) and + NOT ye will walk elevation that/because time calamity/evil herself (Micah 2 WLCi)
Verse3: (1x.3x+3x)+1x = 7x Perhaps of Mark Enforcement, 2400 days of Revelation13:16-17 from 2025Adar21/22 to 2032Heshvan21/22.
4 In that day one will raise up concerning yeu a proverbial saying and will certainly lament a lamentation,
[in] lamentation. One will have to say: We have positively been despoiled! The very portion of my people he alters. How he removes [it] from me! To the unfaithful one he apportions out our own fields (Micah 2),
2025Adar21/22 - 2032Heshvan21/22: the 80 months Time of Calamity for the Watchtower to do with headship from which necks cannot escape.