17 By faith , when he was tested, offered/exhibited , and the man [4] that had gladly received the promises offered/exhibited [his] only-begotten [son],
18 although it had been said to him: What will be called 'your seed' will be through .
19 But he reckoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead; and from there he did receive him also in an illustrative way.
(Hebrews 11 )
's constructive sacrifice prefigures our death to on 2016Ab14 and our resurrection to on 2016Ab16, our edenic restoration applying to the Ram's horns of ex adamic and ex . This thicket might be the hedge/interwoven [thing] around the garden of Eden - DNA [braided/woven/helixed] gene zap?.
1 And it happened after these things, testing [All s],
God said to him, ! And he said, Behold me [All of : All s: s, s, Laodiceans and the 3rd and all other s]
2 And He said, Now take your son, [the /s, the water baptised are sons of 4 who are also s. And s are the angelic sons of the corresponding s in the 3rd , who are
Abrahamic constructively being s], your only/solitary [one/begotten] [s are the only / son after 2013Adar10, when Laodicea lost the
/] whom you love, and go into the land of Moriah [Chosen by Jah. Non adamic land].
And there offer him for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will say to you [The s, , NOT Laodicea, the other mountain].
There offer your only begotten/solitary son upon ONE of the mountains which I will say to you - counts as 3x precisely form one son upon one of two mountains (Moriah = s and = Laodiceans/Hebron - we are not including the mount of Olives here). These are the 3x genetic conversions from Adam/Cain to on 2012Sivan14-16/Tammuz14-16 to on 2016Ab14-16 to Methuselah on ark entry??.
3 And [Abrahamic s IN the 3rd in particular] started up early in the morning and saddled his ass [At the start of the congregation.
owns this ass. So is the s and the ass is a church], and [he] took namely 2 [of] young-men of him with him [Covenants of saints. s and s in the Watchtower], and his son [3EC
s in the Watchtower]. And he divided/split woods of burnt offering [analysed the scriptures for
conversion], and rose up [out of the s into the s] and went towards the place which God had said to him [the second Eden, a
4 And in the 3rd day [s were the 1st day, then adamic/cainian s were the 2nd, then s were the 3rd: Yet another journey of 3 days into the wilderness to worship to our God like Moses requested from Pharaoh] lifted up his eyes [his eyes and his Laodicean
eyes] and saw the place from a distance [via the 2:1 temple ratio prophecy giving us 2012Sivan15 as the date of our becoming , actually courtesy of Emmanuel Diaz on 2008Adar2]..
5 And said to his young-men [Not said to be 2, because there are now 3 of them: s, s and s in Laodicea], Yeu stay here [in
with the ass [the unsanctified Laodicean congregation]. I and the young-man [literally . But young man means saint, so these are the s with a ICC
baptism. This is the of the 3rd - they come over to work with us rather than with Laodicea] will go over there that we may worship and may return to yeu .
6 And took the woods of the burnt offering [the doctrine of Abrahamic and then Isaaic genetic restoration being the blessings of the and the ] and laid [them] upon his son ; and he took in his hand namely the fire and namely the
knife [baptism by fire in the work of the 3rd , as is Passover execution. So this is 3rd ]. And the two of them walked together [3rd
s and s in Adamic : No yet].
7 And spoke to his father and said, My father [Angelic father, this is 3rd ]. And he said, Behold me. And he said, Behold, the fire and the woods! But where [is] the flock-animal to/for a burnt offering?
8 And said, My son, God will see [to] the flock-animal for himself, for a burnt offering. And the two of them walked together [3rd and LW
In Abrahamic : No for yet].
9 And they came to the place which God had said to him.
And built there the altar, and arranged the woods. And he bound his son [by baptism law] and laid him on the altar, from above the woods.
10 And put out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.
11 And the Angel of called to him from the heavens and said, ! ! And he said, Behold me. [3rd s are now Abrahamic in 2 ways. They are
Abrahamic through being s AND Abrahamic through being . It appears that they became Abrahamic on 2012Sivan14 as did true church Adam. They must have been Yeshuaian on resurrection]
12 And He said, Do not lay/put your hand towards the young-man, nor do anything to him. For now I know that you [are] a God-fearer,
and you have not withheld your son, your only [one] [a publicly declared son unlike the Laodiceans who withhold everything and everyone], from Me [by empowering the s to do their own bible research and listen directly to God rather than only to the church administration. Also permitting God to kill them,
knowing that is their edenic restoration. Also declaring their existence to one and all].
13 And lifted up his eyes and looked. And behold!
A ram behind [him] was entangled in a thicket/interwoven [DNA]
in/by its horns [two gene zap DNA thicket by its interpretational power/horns: Non adamic and who is eventually sacrificed to become Methuselah]. And went/walked and took the ram and offered it for a burnt offering underneath his son [Literally was swapped for the ram. In the greater meaning constructive is killed to in order to become
and constructive Methuselah is killed to in order to become Methuselah. Those are the 2 horns].
14 And called the name of that place will see/provide/see to; which is being said to day, In the mount of
it will be seen/provided/seen to [he provided a ransoming sheep in the form of validation sacrifices for covenants. In fact the sheep is actually who ransoms non adamically and is himself . s become and then due to the sacrifice of ].
15 And the Angel of called to out of the heavens a second time [He did not say: , or , . Because had become ].
16 And He said, I have sworn by Myself, declares ,
that on account of this thing you have done, and you have not withheld your son,
your only [one] [a son],
17 that blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens, and as the sand which [is] on the shore of the sea. And your Seed shall possess the gate of His enemies.
18 And in your Seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because you have obeyed My voice.
19 And returned to his young-men [but not to the ass. is not said to return to them] [At the end of the Laodicea Maledictions], and they rose up and went together
[the s and s into the and all into Reverted Laodicea] to Beer-sheba [well of 7]
[to for 7x from 2024Heshvan12, the start of Laodicean entry into to 2031Nisan5, the end of ]. And lived at Beer-sheba [until the end of on 2031Nisan5]. (Genesis 22 )
Day (2), Young-man (5x). Thicket/Interwoven (1x).
2 Young men are 2 covenants of saints. But since they are not named they are not always the same two covenants. And young men (not said to be 2 of them) is 3 covenants of saints)
in this account is ALL of (all s, adamic, cainian, , sealed and unsealed). Father is the Abrahamic 3rd . The s leave 's 2 young men ( s and s) when they become Isaaic on 2016Ab14-16. So Laodiceans did not become Isaaic on 2016Ab14-16.
Beer Sheba, the well of 7 at the desert end of Israel
Verse2: 1x+1x+1x+2x = 5x
Verse3: 1x+1x+3x+1x+3x+1x+1x = 11x
Verse4: 3x.3x = 9x
Verse5: 2x.(2x+1x)+2x.(2x+2x.2x) = 6x+12x = 18x
Verse6: 3x+3x+1x+(1x+1x).5x+2x = 19x
Verse7: 1x+1x+1x+1x.(1x+3x+1x) = 8x
Verse8: 1x+2x = 3x
Verse9: 2x+1x+3x+1x+(1x+1x+3x) = 12x
Verse10: 5x+1x=6x
Verse11: (2x/3x+1x).2x+1x = 7x/9x: Here is defined as , = .
Verse12: (5x+1x).(1x+1x) = 12x
Verse13: (2x+1x).(1x+2x)+1x+1x+1x+1x = 13x
Verse14: 1x.1x = 1x
Verse15: 3x.2x = 6x is not referred to as by the angel, because in the greater meaning he has become .
Verse16: 1x
Verse17: 1x+1x.3x.3x+2x+1x = 13x
Verse18: 3x
Verse19: 2x+3x+3x.7x+7x = 33x
Total verses 2-19: 5x+11x+9x+18x+19x+8x+3x+12x+6x+7x/9x+12x+13x+1x+6x+1x+13x+3x+33x = 180x/182x. 15 years and 2 months: From 2013Adar10, when became his only water baptised son to 2029Iyyar14, the 6tn crop Passover execution of Revelation22, the late non religious Passover, the end of salvation for .
sacrifices constructive (s) to become .
11 In time he came across a place and set about spending the night there because the sun had set. So he took one of the stones of the place and set it as his head supporter and lay down in that place.
12 And he began to dream, and, look! there was a ladder stationed upon the earth and its top reaching up to the heavens; and, look!
there were God's angels/messengers ascending and descending on it.
13 And, look! there was stationed above it, and he proceeded to say: I am the God of your father and the God of . The land upon which you are lying, to you I am going to give it and to your seed.
14 And your seed will certainly become like the dust particles of the earth, and you will certainly spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south, and by means of you and by means of your seed all the families of the ground will certainly bless themselves.
15 And here I am with you and I will keep you in all the way you are going and I will return you to this ground, because I am not going to leave you until I have actually done what I have spoken to you.
16 Then awoke from his sleep and said: Truly is in this place and I myself did not know it.
17 And he grew fearful and added: How fear-inspiring this place is! This is nothing else but the house of God and this is the gate of the heavens. (Genesis 28 )
God returns to the place which has the ladder, which place is the house of God and the gate of the heavens which is the ark which has the temple of Solomon and 's ladder. The place is the departure lounge for the ark.