[357] Numbers 11: Our eyes are on nothing at all except the manna. Give us meat!

1 Now the people became as men having something evil to complain about in the ears of Jehovah. When Jehovah got to hear it, then his anger grew hot, and a fire of Jehovah began to blaze against them and to consume some in the extremity of the camp.
2 When the people began to cry out to Moses, then he made supplication to Jehovah, and the fire sank down.
3 And the name of that place got to be called Taberah, because a fire of Jehovah had blazed against them.
4 And the mixed crowd that was in the midst of them expressed selfish longing, and the sons of Israel [Russell] too began to weep again and say: Who will give us meat to eat? [we want pre packed high protein food]
5 How we remember the fish that we used to eat in Egypt [The Watchtower] for nothing [a few partially decoded understandings with all the work done for them by the Watchtower - the Gentile Times and the 70 weeks of Daniel9 up until Jesus' baptism], the cucumbers and the watermelons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic! [all literal appearing once in the account]
6 But now our soul is dried away [we have lost our water baptism]. Our eyes are on nothing at all except the manna [fully decoded bible understandings, raw leavened scriptures with little or no extra explanation. These require a bit of thought to understand - the material on this site - spiritual space food].
7 And, the manna was like coriander seed, and its look was like the look of bdellium gum.
8 The people spread out and picked it up and ground it in hand mills or pounded it in a mortar, and they boiled it in cooking pots or made it into round cakes, and its taste proved to be like the taste of an oiled sweet cake [you have to work on it to make it edible].
9 And when the dew descended upon the camp by night, the manna would descend upon it [we update our understandings by night].
10 And Moses [Gordon] got to hear the people weeping in their families, each man at the entrance of his tent. And Jehovah's anger began growing very hot, and in the eyes of Moses it was bad.
11 Then Moses said to Jehovah: Why have you caused evil to your servant, and why have I not found favour in your eyes, in placing the load of all this people upon me?
12 Have I myself conceived all this people? [Literally No. Symbolically Yes, by water baptism] Is it I who have given them birth [Literally No. Symbolically yes, being the mediator also of the 2NC], so that you should say to me, 'Carry them in your bosom, just as the male nurse carries the suckling,' to the land/soil [hm'd'a]] about which you swore to their forefathers? [Non adamic land/soil of 2NC Zoar]
13 From where do I have meat to give to all this people? [where are all my trained teachers? A teacher does with his mind what the metabolism of a bull does to make its meat. The teacher presents protein rich pre-digested and repackaged seasoned food. The website is merely protein rich grain. Most people today do not want even to read for themselves. They want an 'expert' to tell them what the book says] For they keep weeping toward me, saying, 'Do give us meat, and let us eat!' [they cannot handle grain. They need teaching not research]
14 I am not able, I by myself, to carry all this people, because they are too heavy for me.
15 So if this is the way you are doing to me, please kill me off altogether, if I have found favour in your eyes, and let me not look upon my calamity [like Jonah. Oh dear. This is an unfulfilled hypothetical].
16 And Jehovah said to Moses: Gather for me 70 men from the older men of Israel, whom you do know that they are older men of the people and scribes of him [the people], and you must take them [a new group including the scribes] to the tent of meeting [the Ark], and they must station themselves there with you [70 months from 2025Sivan to 2031Nisan5, the end of Zoar?: The LXX].
17 And I shall have to come down and speak together with you there; and I shall have to take away some of the spirit that is upon you and place it upon them, and they will have to help you in carrying the load of the people that you may not carry it, just you alone [may not carry it].

Verse 16: 70x.3x.3x+3x.1x+633x+633x+1x = 630x+3x+633x+634x = 1900x
Verse 17: 1x+2x+1x+1x+633x+633x = 1271x
Total: 1900x+1271x = 3171x from 2016Ab14, when Abrahamic Zoar was indeed killed of altogether in order to become Isaaic, to 2025Sivan5, precisely 70 months before the end of Zoar on 2031Nisan5.
The gifts of the spirit are poured out on 2025Iyyar21.

18 And to the people you should say: 'Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow [3x], AND ye will certainly eat meat [3x], because ye have wept in the ears of Jehovah [3x.2x=6x], saying: Who will give us meat to eat [3x], for it was good for us [3x] in Egypts [2x]? And Jehovah will certainly give ye meat, and ye will indeed eat [3x+3x=6x].
19 ye will eat, not one day and not 2 days and not 5 days and not 10 days and not 20 days [not 1+2+5+10+20=38x.3x=114x] ,
20 [ye will eat] until a month of days [30x] until it comes out of yeur nose [singular not dual of nostril/nose but of the plural group] [1x.3x=3x] and it will become a loathing to ye [3x], just because ye rejected Jehovah, who is in your (plural) midst [1½x+1x+1½=4x], and ye went weeping before him, saying: Why is it that we have come out of Egypts?' [3x.2x=6x]

Verse18:  3x+3x.3x.2x.3x.3x.2x+3x+3x=3x+18x.18x+6x = 333x
Verse 19: 3x.(1x+2x+5x+10x+20x) = 3x.38x = 114x
Verse 20: 3x.(1x+30x+3x+3x).(3x.4x+3x.2x.3x.2x) = 3x.37x.48x = 5328x.
Total: 333x+114x+5328x = 5775x + 82 days of no feeding authority (from 2012Sivan14 to 2012Elul6) + 751 days of no feeding authority (from 2017Elul10 to 2019Tishri11) = 6608 days from 2005Sivan14 to 2023Tishri21 (inclusively), the fall of the Watchtower to the final fall of Laodicea: 6608 days of complaining!

21 Then Moses said: The people in the midst of whom I am are 600,000 foot-men [ylig>r: from lg<r< a foot], and yet you -- you have said, 'Meat I shall give them, and they will certainly eat for a month of days'!
Total: 600,000x.5x = 3,000,000 men get fed for a month by Zoar under Moses so presumably this is the first month ot LW ark based feeding for earthlings from 2024VeAdar21 to 2025Nisan21?
22 Will flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, for it to be adequate for them? [literally No. Symbolically, well Laodicea needs to slaughter flocks and herds in order to have enough lamb to celebrate the reappointed Laodicean Passovers on 2019Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14/Chislev14/Tebbeth14 and reverted Laodicea needs them for 2020Tammuz14/Ab14/Elul14/Tishri14/Heshvan14 and Zoar needs them for 2024Tebbeth14 and 2024Shebat14 and 2024VeAdar14, the Abrahamic, Laodicean Abrahamic and Isaaic world Exodus Passovers. Also the flocks and herds from false religion need to be slaughtered as do the prophets of Baal, dying as false worshippers, becoming dead to their previous churches, and dying to Adam, and becoming non adamic and joining the LWs. These are the LWs from false religion] Or will all the fish of the sea be caught for them, for it to be adequate for them? [Literally No. Symbolically Yes, all those living in the sea, the saints from the non religious world, they can teach the JWs, so that the master becomes the pupil. But this is not enough for the LWs, we need the saints from false religion too! Laodicea will need a lot of fish for the final course of the 3 new Watchtower Passovers and adamic Passovers. And we will have have trouble getting enough fish at that time]

Also at a true Passover celebration both meat (lamb or goat) and fish (representing Christian post sacrificial food) are eaten!

23 And Jehovah said to Moses: The hand of Jehovah is cut short, is it? [Literally No. Symbolically Yes, by the Binary Question Principle: The LW Exedenic Times and Gentile Times and Alienation Times, delayed the rapture. His own justice checks his hand] Now you will see whether what I say befalls you or not [so in the greater meaning it does not befall him?].
24 And Moses went out and spoke to the people the words of Jehovah [from Verse16-20: 18/21+17/19+22/24+15/15+21/24 = 93/103 counting hyphenated words as 1/2]. And he went gathering 70 men from the older [ones] of the people and proceeded to have them stand [BY 4EC BAPTISM] round about the tent 
25 And Jehovah came down in a cloud [1x] [for the tuft of hair rapture of Ezekiel8 and with the clouds of the 2nd and 3rd fire signs] and spoke to him [1x] and took away some of the spirit that was upon him [1x for some of the 2x] and put it upon 70 man, the elder [ones] [1x+70x=71x]. And it occurred as the spirit settled down upon them [1x+70x=71x], and/then they prophesied [70x]; but they did not add [to what they had already prophesied] [70x.2x = 140x] 

Verse 24: 1x+93x/103x+70x.3x + 70x.3x + 1x = 94x/104x+421x = 515x/525x 
Verse 25: 1x+1x+1x+71x+71x+70x+70x.2x = 355x 
Verse24-25: 515x/525x+355x = 870x/880x. From 2024VeAdar21, the end of the last malediction, when Moses went out of the world to Jesus in the ark, to 2027Tammuz21/Ab1??


26 Now there were 2 of the men remaining in the camp. The name of the one was Eldad [God has loved], and the name of the other was Medad. And the spirit began to settle down upon them, as they were among those written down, but they had not gone out to the tent. So they proceeded to act as prophets in the camp [continuing to do it so that Joshua thought of restraining them].
27 And a young man went running and reporting to Moses and saying: Eldad and Medad are acting as prophets in the camp!
28 Then Joshua the son of Nun, the minister of Moses from his young manhood on [], responded and said: My lord Moses, restrain them!
29 However, Moses said to him: Are you feeling jealous for me? No, I wish that all of Jehovah's people were prophets, because Jehovah would put his spirit upon them!
30 Later Moses withdrew to the camp, he and the older men of Israel [the ark].
31 And a wind burst forth from Jehovah and began driving quails [priests who are to be raptured and go back and forward from the ark?] from the sea and letting/making them go upon/above the camp about a day's journey this way [?] and about a day's journey that way [], all around the camp, and about 2 cubits above the surface of the earth.

Quails are small weak birds, they do not fly very high. Here they were flying around the camp at a height of 2 cubits for a distance of one day's journey in every direction. So with a net or a board you could stun them or catch them and eat them. They did not fall to the ground or they would have died and gone off. They were there as a low flying food source. In the greater meaning they stand for priests who can commute to and from the ark, flying priests - we presently think. 

32 Then the people got up all that day and all night and all the next day and kept gathering the quail. The one collecting least gathered 10 homers, and they kept spreading them extensively all around the camp for themselves.
33 The meat was yet between their teeth, before it could be chewed, when Jehovah's anger blazed against the people, and Jehovah began striking at the people with a very great slaughter [due to their pointless greed which was a lack of faith. They were looking at a miracle and yet were still not secure enough to only take a few days food. a homer is a bath load. Jehovah only struck those who gathered 10 homers or more].
34 The name of that place came to be called Kibroth-hattaavah [burial places of the craving], because there they buried the people who showed selfish craving.
35 From Kibroth-hattaavah the people pulled away for Hazeroth, and they continued in Hazeroth (Numbers 11).