1 And the entire assembly of the sons of Israel proceeded to depart from the wilderness of Sin by stages, which they took according to the order of , and went camping at Rephidim. But there was no water for the people to drink.
2 And the people fell to quarreling with Moses and saying: Give us water that we may drink. But Moses said to them: Why are you quarreling with me? Why do you keep putting to the test?
3 And the people went on thirsting there for water, and the people kept murmuring against Moses and saying: Why is it that you have brought us up out of Egypt to put us and our sons and our livestock to death by thirst?
4 Finally Moses cried out to , saying: What shall I do with this people? A little longer and they will stone me!
5 Then said to Moses: Pass in front of the people and take with you some of the older men of Israel and your rod with which you struck the Nile River. Take it in your hand and you must walk on.
6 Look! I am standing before you there on the rock in Horeb. And you must strike on the rock, and water must come out of it, and the people must drink it. Subsequently Moses did so under the eyes of the older men of Israel.
7 So he called the name of the place Massah and Meribah, because of the quarrelling of the sons of Israel and because of their putting to the test, saying: Is in our midst or not? (Exodus 17 )
16 You must not put your God to the test, the way you put him to the test at Massah. (Deuteronomy 6 )
7 said to him: Again it is written, 'You must not put the Lord your God to the test.' (Matthew 4 )
22 But all the men who have been seeing my glory and my signs that I have performed in Egypt and in the wilderness and yet kept testing me these 10 times, and have not listened to my voice, (Numbers 14 )
1 And the sons of Israel [sons of the ], the entire assembly [the congregation of Laodicea and the s], proceeded to come into the wilderness of Zin [flat] [no administration yet] in the first month [], and the people took up dwelling in Kadesh [holy]. It was there that Miriam died and there that she was buried [Miriam is the ] .
2 Now there did not proved to be waters [Hebrew plural] for the assembly [no water baptisms after 2013Adar10, the end of the 2nd presence. Waters are sons of two waters, sons of both the and the . They ceased to be born after 2013Adar10], and they began to congregate themselves against Moses [The s]
and Aaron [ reserves].
3 And the people went quarrelling with Moses and saying: If only we had expired when our brothers expired before !
[Physically died whilst a ]
4 And why have you men [saints,
and ]
brought 's congregation into this wilderness [Laodicea or the s, not much administrative structure - flat] for us and our beasts of burden [unsanctified ones] to die there?
5 And why have you conducted us up from Egypt to bring us into this evil place? It is not place of seed and of fig and of vine and of pomegranate and waters
not to drink
Verse5: 1x+3x = 4x. Also the list of what the place does not have counts as 4x. these must runs from 2013Adar10, the end of the water baptism for Laodicea, to 2017Elul10, the fall of the church.
6 Then Moses and Aaron came from before the congregation to the entrance of the tent of meeting and fell upon their faces, and 's glory began to appear to them.
7 Then spoke to Moses, saying:
8 Take the rod [authority of the reappointed Laodicea] and call the assembly together, you and Aaron your brother [the reserves in Laodicea], and you must speak to the rock [The descended , the 3rd represented by Charles Russell] before their eyes
[in front of the congregation]
that it may indeed give its waters [Hebrew plural] [the to Laodicea and the again to Sodom]; and you must bring out waters [Hebrew plural] for them from the rock [The descended , the 3rd represented by Charles Russell] and you must give-drink to the assembly [the congregation] and their beasts of burden [unsanctified Laodiceans and Sodomites. They drink but are not said to drink water. They get a dry water baptism].
9 So Moses took the rod from before , just as he had commanded him.
10 After that Moses and Aaron called the congregation together unto faces of the rock, and he proceeded to say to them: Hear, now, you rebels! Is it from this rock that we shall bring out waters [Hebrew plural] for you?
[In the literal account NO, God did it. Moses just hit the rock with a stick. So in the greater meaning YES. Charles Russell baptised an for reappointed Laodicea
and for Sodom]
11 And Moses lifted his hand up [from 2019Tishri10, the re-installation of Laodicea]
and struck the rock with his rod twice [Once for the reappointed Laodicea and once for Sodom] and much waters [Hebrew plural] began to come out [On 2019Tishri24, after 40 days of Jonah from 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover, the Watchtower is turned around or turned back or overturned], and the assembly and their beasts of burden began to drink [not said to be waters. This is the wine of the salvation cups at the Passovers].
12 And said to Moses [the administration of the s and of Laodicea in , who are all raptured from 2024Tebbeth16-20 2024VeAdar15-20] and Aaron [the reserves, the last ones of whom, the 7th bride, is
resurrected on 2020Tammuz15 into 2]: Because ye did not show faith in me to sanctify me before the eyes of the sons of Israel, therefore you will not bring this congregation into the land that I shall certainly give them [No, reappointed Laodicea fell on 2019Adar16 and
Reverted Laodicea fell becoming Sodom on 2023Tishri21. The descended Kings will bring the Laodiceans and the Sodomites into . This page was first put on 2011Sivan21. The scripture cannot be understood to be about a future sin for then researchers or the is forcing us either to sin or to invalidate a scripture which makes God into a liar - neither can be the case]
13 These are the waters [Hebrew plural] of Meribah [contention], because the sons of Israel quarrelled with , so that he was sanctified among them [if only we had done this sooner!].(Numbers 20)
Waters (7), Rock (4). So water is literal-metonymical but rock is metaphorical meaning essentially , more precisely the reserves in the Watchtower.
15 People light a lamp and set it, not under the grain-measuring-bucket, but upon the lampstand,
and it shines upon all those in the house.
16 Likewise let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens (Matthew 5).
10 And spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out onto the dry land (Jonah 2 - )
16 As for you, lift up your rod and stretch your hand out over the sea and split it apart, that the sons of Israel may go through the midst of the sea on dry land (Exodus 14)