12 'And on the 15th day of the 7th month you should hold a holy convention. No sort of laborious work must you do, and you must celebrate a festival to 7 days (Numbers 29).
35 'And on the 8th day you should hold a solemn assembly. No sort of laborious work must you do.
36 And you must present as a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, of a restful odour to , one bull, one ram, 7 male lambs each a year old, sound ones (Numbers 29).
34 Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'On the 15th day of this 7th month is the festival of booths for 7 days to .
35 On the first day is a holy convention. No sort of laborious work may you do.
36 7 days you should present an offering made by fire to . On the 8th day [not of the festival, since the festival was only 7 days long. So it is an 8th day after Booths which is a 7 day festival.
But when is the 8th day after Booths? It could be the 8th day counting from the start of the festival or the 8th day counting from the end of the festival. So it is either Tishri22 or Tishri29. Tishri22 is Old Solemn Assembly, the Solemn Assembly of the Jews. Tishri29 is New Solemn Assembly, the Solemn Assembly of the Christians] there should occur a holy convention for you, and you must present an offering made by fire to . It is a solemn assembly. No sort of laborious work may you do (Leviticus 23).
39 However, on the 15th day of the 7th month, when you have gathered the produce of the land, you should celebrate the festival of 7 days. On the first day is a complete rest and on the 8th day [not of the festival, since the festival was only 7 days long. So it is an 8th day after Booths which is a 7 day festival. But when is the 8th day after Booths? It could be the 8th day counting rom the start of the festival or the 8th day counting from the end of the festival. So it is either Tishri22 or Tishri29. Tishri22 is Old Solemn Assembly, the Solemn Assembly of the Jews. Tishri29 is New Solemn Assembly, the Solemn Assembly of the Christians]
is a complete rest [This could mean that Tishri22 is a complete rest and so is Tishri29].
40 And you must take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of splendid trees, the fronds of palm trees and the boughs of branchy trees and poplars of the torrent valley, and you must rejoice before your God 7 days.
41 And you must celebrate it as a festival to 7 days in the year. As a statute to time indefinite during your generations, you should celebrate it in the 7th month.
42 It is in the booths you should dwell 7 days. All the natives in Israel should dwell in the booths,
43 in order that your generations may know that it was in the booths that I made the sons of Israel to dwell when I was bringing them out of the land of Egypt. I am your God (Leviticus 23).
17 Thus all the congregation of those who had come back from the captivity made booths and took up dwelling in the booths; for the sons of Israel had not done that way from the days of Joshua the son of Nun until that day, so that there came to be very great rejoicing.
18 And there was a reading aloud of the book of the law of the [true] God day by day, from the first day until the last day, and they went on holding the festival 7 days, and on the 8th day there was a solemn assembly [Yes, do we count this from the first day or from the last day? Both being mentioned earlier in the verse. Obviously it is not the 8th day of the festival since the 7th day was the last day], according to the rule [what rule? The rule quoted above. The Solemn assembly is on the 8th day after Booths. But what does that mean? The 8th day after the start of Booths (Jewish festival) or the 8th day after the end of Booths (Christian festival). We need to be professors in festival definition ambiguity!] (Nehemiah 8).
1 And on the 24th day of this month the sons of Israel gathered themselves together with fasting and with sackcloth and dirt upon themselves [A Solemn Assembly in fact. Which does not help us at all.].
2 And the seed of Israel proceeded to separate themselves from all the foreigners, and to stand and make confession of their own sins and the errors of their fathers (Nehemiah 9).
9 But on the 8th day they held a solemn assembly, because the inauguration of the altar they had held for 7 days and the festival for 7 days [hmm. 7 days before Booths or 7 days after Booths, in the greater meaning?]
10 And on the 23rd day of the 7th month he sent the people away to their homes, joyful and feeling good at heart over the goodness that had performed toward David and toward Solomon and toward Israel his people (2Chronicles 7).
14 Sanctify a time of fasting. Call together a solemn assembly. Gather together [the] older men, all the inhabitants of the land, to the house of your God, and cry to for aid.
15 Alas for the day; because the day of is near, and like a despoiling from the Almighty One it will come! (Joel 1)
15 Blow a horn in , Oh men. Sanctify a time of fasting.
Call together a solemn assembly.
16 Gather [the] people together. Sanctify a congregation. Collect [the] old men together. Gather children and those sucking the breasts together. Let [the] bridegroom go forth from his interior room, and [the] bride from her nuptial chamber (Joel 2).
Why is this festival there? What does it achieve? What did it represent? It was the last festival of the year. It was something different from the harvest festival of Booths. It will be a time of reflection, once all the saints are in the ark. It is the end of the escape of the saints from the world. It was the last festival, the end of the festival of the year. It is also a mirror image of the Passover occurring as an 8th day of solemn assembly starting with Booths rather than an 8th day of unfermented cakes before the 7 days. So it represents an ending. An ending of false prediction for fire signs would suit the s!
The Solemn Assembly is actually the 8th festival of the year and the 19th festival day of the year. So the woman of the congregation under law would have been bent double at festivals for 18 days before the 19th when she was released form any further festival obligations in that year.
Passover (1), Cakes (7), Pentecost (1), Trumpets (1), Atonement (1), Booths (7), Solemn Assembly (1)
The Law has 6 festivals, the Passover, Firstfruits, Cakes, First Ripe Fruits, Trumpets and Atonement, then it had the 7th (Booths) and then the 8th (Solemn Assembly).
And following the pattern of Jericho the 4th Christian church has have 6 one day festivals in the year, the Passover, Firstfruits, Firstfruits, First Ripe Fruits, Trumpets, Atonement, then the 7 day 7th festival of Booths, which is saying 7 sabbaths, so the next festival is effectively a Jubilee or a 50th festival day.
Now under law the Solemn Assembly was held on Tishri22. But none of the definitions of the festival use that date. They all describe the solemn Assembly as the 8th day of a 7 day festival! One supposes that the holy spirit means the 8th day of dwelling in Booths or the 8th day counting from the first day of Booths. But in the greater meaning it could equally well be the 8th day after Booths which is Tishri29 as seen in all the definitions above. Now God does not permit pointless ambiguity in his scriptures for every particle of every letter has power. So there is to be a Solemn Assembly on the 8th day after Booths, i.e. on Tishri29. And this is the Christianized New Solemn Assembly.
New Pentecost starts counting from the day after the last Sabbath of Old Pentecost. Old Pentecost starts counting from the day after the first Sabbath of Old Pentecost.
New Solemn Assembly starts on the 8th day counting from the last day of Booths.
Old Solemn Assembly starts on the 8th day counting from the first day of Booths.
There is a Tetramenes and the harvest comes says John4. But does the harvest start from the start of the Tetramenes or the end of the Tetramenes? These and classic deliberate bible ambiguities.
How does one celebrate the Solemn Assembly? The bible does not explicitly say. The Jews finish reading the Torah on that day. The New solemn Assembly does represent the release at the end of the festival season. So we thought we would read the last chapter of the OT, Malachi 4, and the last chapter of the NT, Revelation 22. They both could not be more relevant! The Jews often act as unwitting prophets for Christian festivals!