37 And the sons of Israel proceeded to depart from Rameses for Succoth, the men begin about 600,000 footmen [5x600,000=3,000,000 heavenly baptized saints. Kings and Lords and reserves], besides little ones. (Exodus 12 )
46 yes, all those registered came to be 603,550 [at the start of the wilderness]. (Numbers 1 )
51 These were the registered ones of the sons of Israel:
601,730 [at the end of the wilderness]. (Numbers 26 )
3 And it came about that in the 40th year, in the 11th month, on the first of the month, Moses spoke to the sons of Israel according to all that had commanded him for them, (Deuteronomy 1 )
10 your God has multiplied you, and here you are today like the stars of the heavens for multitude [So there are to be around 601,730 stars of the heavens].
11 May the God of your forefathers increase you 1,000 times as many as you are, and may he bless you just as he has promised you [601,730 million - the number in when the 3rd takes over?]. (Deuteronomy 1 )
There are 288,000 Kings and Queens + 24,000 reserves and 288,000 Kings and Queens + 24,000 reserves, totalling to 624,000 Kings and Queens and reserves. This number is like 601.730 for multitude.