[367] The 2 Spies of Joshua 2 who come to see us due to being raptured

1 Then Joshua [the book of Joshua at chapter 2], the son of Nun sent 2 men [the same number as were good spies Joshua and Caleb] out secretly from Shittim [sticks of acacia wood, the wood of the ark] [bundles to be burnt?] as spies [], saying: Go, take a look at the land [the LWs] and Jericho [Laodicea, which became reappointed Laodicea and then became non adamic Sodom]. So they went and came to the house of a prostitute woman whose name was Rahab [Reappointed Laodicea is the house. Rahab is the 1NC. She is named and female, so she is a spirit covenant, the 1NC - a prostitute woman in the line to Jesus - the Mother of Boaz - Matthew 1:5], and they took up lodging there.
2 And it was said to the king of Jericho: Look! Men from the sons of Israel [2 different classes of saints: HLCs and 2NCs from reappointed Laodicea. 1NCs were already in the house of Rahab, who represents the 1NC. Neither the HLCs nor the 2NCs got descended Russell's 3EC baptism of reappointed Laodicea. But they were nonetheless 1AC members of that church] have come in here tonight to search out the land.
3 And the king of Jericho [the administration of the original Laodicea which fell on 2017Elul10] sent to Rahab [1NC reserves in Re-appointed Laodicea and then in non adamic Sodom], saying: Bring out the men that came to you, that have come into your house, for it is to search out all the land that they have come.
4 And the woman took the 2 men [HLCs and 2NCs] and concealed them. And she proceeded to say: Yes, the men did come to me, and I did not know from where they were.
5 And it came about at the closing of the gate by dark that the men went out [unfulfilled literally therefore fulfilled symbolically: 2019Shebat10, the closing of the 3EC gate or 2019Adar16, the closing of the gate into reappointed Laodicea, the fall of that church]. I just do not know where the men have gone. Chase after them quickly, for you will overtake/replace them.

Unfulfilled Hypothetical (lie). So in the greater meaning the spies do go out at the closing of the gates on 2019Shebat10 or 2019Adar16 (the closings of the 3EC and 1AC gates). And the JWs do chase after them just as Pharaoh chased after Israel. And the JWs will overtake them just as Pharaoh did. They are raptured into the ark before the LW 2NCs.

6 She, though, had taken them up to the roof, and she kept them out of sight among stalks of flax laid in rows for her upon the roof [roof is saints, and flax is pre linen. So the spies are saints/rulers/sticks/stalks/reeds/rods under test. 2 rows, one for each covenant. They are hidden saints in a hidden church. They are 2 garden rows like in Mark6. They ae on the roof because they are saints. A Row for a covenant]
7 And the men chased after them in the direction of the Jordan at the fords [crossing points, commencements of baptism into the 4EC on 2019Tammuz2 for Zach and 2023Tishri25 for the Masai10], and they shut the gate [the 3EC gate to reappointed Laodicea was closed on 2019Shebat10 and the 4EC gate to reverted Laodicea was closed on 2022Elul11 for 2NCs and on 2022Tebbeth6 for the unsanctified] immediately after those chasing after them had gone out [they chase for 600 chosen chariots of Pharaoh from 2024Shebat5 to 2026Tishri5 - see U358].
8 As for these, before they could lie down, she herself came up to them on the roof.
9 And she went on to say to the men: I do know that Jehovah will certainly give you the land, and that the fright of you has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land have become disheartened because of you.
10 For we have heard how Jehovah dried up the waters of the Red Sea from faces of you when you came out of Egypt [proved that the Watchtower had lost its water baptism due to UN harlotry this indeed is why Laodicea was permitted to exist], and what you did to the 2 kings of the Amorites [mountain dwellers] who were on the other side of the Jordan [had a 4EC water baptism rather than a 3EC], namely, Sihon [sweeping away] and Og, whom you devoted to destruction [2 Laodicean Governing Body Members who joined Laodicea, the two attendants of Balaam of Numbers 22:22].
11 When we got to hear it, then our hearts began to melt, and no spirit has arisen yet in anybody because of you, for Jehovah your God is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.
12 And now, please, swear to me by Jehovah that, because I have exercised loving-kindness toward you, you also will certainly exercise loving-kindness toward the household of my father, and you must give me a TRUSTWORTHY SIGN [Rahab needs a sign. Rahab has sworn not to contact the LWs in the absence of a trustworthy sign].
13 And you must preserve alive my father [Roger Knight] and my mother [the sons of the 4EC] and my brothers [non Laodicean 1NC reserves] and my sisters [2NCs] and all who belong to them, and you must deliver our souls from death [by non adamic baptism].
14 At that the men said to her: Our soul under ye for to die! [you will all be baptised into our tribal bodies].  Behold! [~ai] If you will not tell about this matter of ours, it must also occur that when Jehovah gives us the land, we also shall certainly exercise loving- kindness and trustworthiness toward you.
15 And she had them descend [out of Jericho] by a rope through the window [??], for her house was on a side of the wall, and it was on the wall that she was dwelling [So they left whilst Laodicea still had a wall, i.e. church law, so before 2017Elul10 or before 2019Adar16 or before 2023Tishri21].

When the wall falls down, then Rahab's house falls down too, since it was built on the wall. The wall of reappointed Laodicea fell down on 2019Adar16. For that is when Laodicea became a false church, so the wall of its law fell to the ground and became earthly rather than heavenly,.

16 And she proceeded to say to them [2x]: Go ye to the mountain [2x] [the administration Reverted Laodicea], lest/because if not then the pursuers [will] meet in you [1x+6x = 7x]; and be ye hidden there 3 of days [3 years of HLC and 2NC saints hidden in Reverted Laodicea or the ark from 2020Sivan12 to 2023Tishri21], until the pursuers have come back [2x.(3x+3x)=12x], and afterward [after the pursuers have come back] ye may go to [not in not by] your own way/direction [1x].

The noun 'day' appears twice in the account as a quantitative genitive so counts 2x. So it takes a greater meaning in the world/noun symbolism which is 'year'.

Fred said to Bill and Ted go ye home = Fred said to Bill go ye home + Fred said to Ted go ye home = 2x+2x = 4x

Verse16: 2x.(2x.7x+2x.(3x+3x)+2x) = 2x.28x = 56x 

17 And the men said to her: We are free from guilt respecting this oath of yours that you have made us swear [this oath not to contact the LWs until they have done a sign. Perhaps the spies are free of this oath of Rahab].

Verse17: 2x.2x.2x=8x

18 Look! [hNEhi] We are coming into the land [2x. And FROM here is the sentence count defining how long we will take to do that]. This rope of thread of coccus/redness [coccus is a worm from which a red dye is extracted - a bloodline] you should tie in the window, which you have had us descend in/by him [1x.2x - the Window, that is, literally. But the window is the ark - which is God's bird's eye view of mankind. It is a window into all the activity of man. It is like the very high mountain which Satan took Jesus to when he showed him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant of time. The CIA would like one of those! so the window of a church is its view of heaven and biblical things, its portal into the bible], and your father and your mother and your brothers and all the household of your father you should gather to yourself, [to/at/in] the house [1x+1x+3x+1x+1x=7x. your Passover house. 6x to Rahab in the house, making 7 in the house].
19 And it must occur that entire/all/any/each ONE who he goes out from the doors [dual] of your house outside [], blood of him will be in head of him [The blood OF the one who goes out from the doors outside counts as 1x], and we shall be free from guilt [2x]; and entire/all/EACH ONE who he continues with you in the house [2x], his blood will be in our head if a hand occurs in him [1x.1x+5x.2x=11x. Yes we have no hand upon Laodiceans. If A then B is NOT (A and NOT B)].
20 And if you should report this matter of ours [1x], and/then we [2x] shall also have become guiltless from this oath of yours that you have made us swear [2x.2x] [an unfulfilled hypothetical. So she will report the matter in another thread]

Total sentence count from look! 
Verse18: 2x+2x+7x = 11x
Verse19: 1x.2x.1x+2x+(5x+1x).2x = 16x
Verse20: 1x+4x = 5x
Total: 11x+16x+5x=32x.

21 And she said: As/like your words [K.] [of verses 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24: 16(19) + 6(6) + 22(27) + 19(22) + 8(10) + 8(13) = 79(97) Hebrew words counting hyphenated words as one word (79) or as several words (97)] as/like/so/thus/accordingly [!Ke] let it be 

hw"q.Ti meaning rope or hope and jWx meaning thread gives a rope of thread or a rope of threads which sounds like the bible code. The window of a church is its view into the bible. It seems that the 2 spies were released from reappointed Laodicea on the basis that they knew there had to be a reverted Laodicea!

Total Hebrew word count = 79x in months from 2019Adar16, the end of the 1AC bloodline of reappointed Laodicea, the fall of that church, to 2026Tishri28, the baptism of the 6th row HLCs into Zoar, the start of the entry of the HLC spy into the land.

Counting Hebrew words appears to be an element of the code.

And she sent them off [2x], and they went/walked [2x: actually outside the land of reappointed Laodicea]. and she tied the scarlet cord in the window [1x: Holding on to word symbolic bible interpretation]

Count = 5x  from 2019Tishri24 to 2019Adar16, the fall of reappointed Laodicea. 5 months of walking outside that church from the 3rd marriage, when the thread was tied in the ark?.

22 And they went/walked [2x - a repetition. Upon the land of Reverted Laodicea] and came to the mountain [2x. of the 3rd Holy Spirit in the ark and of Zoar] and sat down there 3 of days [3 years from 2020 to 2023], until the pursuers had come back [3x]. And the pursuers were seeking [them] in every road [3x.2x.3x=18x. Every sect every way within the Watchtower administration every rebellious study group], and they did not find [them] [3x.2x=6x This appears to be quite an elaborate escape plan!].

Verse22: 2x+2x+2x.(3x+3x) +18x+6x = 4x+12x+18x+6x = 40x of saints walking in Reverted Laodicea from 2020Sivan12 to 2023Tishri21.

5 months of walking outside reappointed Laodicea
40 months of walking inside reverted Laodicea.

23 And the 2 men [2x] turn back [1x], and come down from the mountain [2x: the administration of the 3rd Holy Spirit in the ark], and pass over [2x: The Abrahamic World Exodus Passover on 2024Shebat14 and back to earth from the ark and from fallen Reverted Laodicea to Zoar. But their repentance is not completed until 2024Shebat20, the end of their rapture or perhaps 2024Shebat22, the Abrahamic 2NC assembly in the ark] [The literal spies passed over the Jordan to Joshua who had the ark of the covenant], and come in unto Joshua, son of Nun [2x], and recount to him all the happenings to them [2 spies - the HLCs and the 2NCs tell all the happenings to them - the 1NCs do not -  i.e. 1x/2x.3x.2x=6x/12x. We do/do not permit cross terms, wherein one spy tells Joshua what happened to the other spy. This is all the things that happened to one spy + all the things that happened to the other spy narrated by 2 spies. Total is 6x/12x. The order is mixed up in the greater meaning] (Joshua 2 YLT - adapted)  

Verse 23:
2x+2x+2x+2x+6x/12x =14x/20x: From 2024Shebat20/22.


The order of events in verse 23 does not have to be preserved in the word symbolic meaning since the events are joined with 'and'. 

33 And you must not go out from the entrance of the tent of meeting for 7 days, until the day of fulfilling the days of your installation, because it will take 7 days to fill your hand with power.
34 Just as it has been done this day, Jehovah has commanded to be done so as to make atonement for you.
35 And you will stay at the entrance of the tent of meeting day and night for 7 days, and you must keep the obligatory watch of Jehovah, that you may not die; for so I have been commanded. (Leviticus 8 NWT)

The 1NC reserves in Laodicea are taken out of the missed weekly Sabbath penalty by the 3EC water baptism. But the 2NCs are still under that 5215 + 82 - 47 = 5250 solar day penalty from 2005Sivan14 to 2019Tishri5, because Laodiceans, although autonomous, still have to obey Watchtower law!

Nineveh (the 1NC Watchtower) is turned back to God on 2019Tishri24, 40 days of Jonah after 2019Elul14, the early 1st Watchtower Passover of the Bethels. 

Laodicean Characters
POL: the President of Laodicea. The greater Joash of 2Chronicles24. Baptised into Laodicea in 2006Chislev (7 months before his installation to rule over the 1NCs). Ruled over the 1NC reserves for 40 months from 2007Elul11 to 2010Chislev26/Tebbeth24, tablet shattering days, 40+40 days of Moses up the mountain from 2010Tishri7/Heshvan5, the 5th/6th 1NC Pentecost - see U112#18
AOL the Angel of Laodicea: = Caleb, since AOL buys gold and then owns it and Caleb owns Hebron which is non adamic Laodicea.
Roger Knight: The baptism burglar
??: The HLC spy
Caleb: The 2NC spy. 85 years old, when baptised into Zoar. Year counts once as a noun in Joshua14!
Caleb was the son of Jephunneh of the tribe of Judah (a Laodicean apostle)

6 to the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh (Numbers 13);

Every victim (1NC reserve) member of a Passover group must enter into the Passover house on a Passover entry day or he loses his angel
Every man (saint) member of a Passover group must celebrate a regular or late Passover or he loses his angel
Every beast (unsanctified member of the Passover group) must celebrate in order to remain in his salvation covenant

But we do not talk to them other than through Caleb, the 2NC apostle, who gets all the Laodicean 2NCs as an inheritance. The Laodicean concubine was cut up and sent to all the tribes of Israel. So they must go into one of the two reserve half tribes (from the two 2NC half apostles).  So the 2NC spy is Joseph the father of the 2 Laodicean half tribes and half apostle. Gordon must baptize him. Jonah is Thomas, he fills the holes in Jesus, being the half apostle to the 1NC reserves. He is not one of the 2 spies (as we first thought). The spies are HLCs and 2NCs on the roof of the 1NC house, not in the house of Rahab!

24 And they went on to say to Joshua: Jehovah has truly given all the land into our hand [From 2024Tebbeth, the start of Isaaic 4EC baptism of Laodiceans into Zoar, to 2025SIvan10, the end of 2NC reserve entry into Zoar, the 1NC Pentecost, a stretched out hand of Exodus14 after 2024Tebbeth10, when the 4 cornerstone apostles of Revelation9:13-15 are untied]. And also/additionally all the inhabitants of the land have melted from before/faces/presence of us (Joshua 2 NWT)

3 of days (2) are partitive/quantitative genitives so count as nouns. There are 3 threads to the account. So Mountain is not literal and day takes one greater meaning in the two word symbolic threads (so may or may not be literal in this thread).

Ark Based Laodicea is Hebron, Caleb's Inheritance, and Caleb is AOL, the Angel of Laodicea

6 Then the sons of Judah approached Joshua in Gilgal, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him: You yourself well know the word that Jehovah spoke to Moses the man of the [true] God with regard to me and with regard to you at Kadesh-barnea.
7 Son of 40 year I was when Moses, the servant of Jehovah [Ahab, the Laodicean members of the Governing Body - who were still in a true church up until 2017Elul10 and then again from 2019Ab1 to 2019Adar16] sent me out of Kadesh-barnea to spy out the land, and I came bringing him back word just as it was in my heart [40 years old when he was sent out and 85 years old when he inherits on 2024VeAdar2 (his Isaaic 4EC baptism as Solomon's temple floor). So he becomes 85 years old on 2024Tishri1 and was 80 years old on 2019Tishri1 and 40 years old on 1978Tishri1 (he died on 2012Sivan14 and was resurrected on 2012Sivan15-16 which lost him that year) So he was one of the 12 spies sent out by Knorr to see what could be done after 1975Elul29 failed! He must have been sent out after 1978Tishri1 - the 12 spies of Numbers13 were sent out 2 years into the wilderness penalty which was backdated by 2 years. The 40 year Watchtower wilderness penalty ran from 1976Nisan1 to 2016Nisan1, then the 40 month Laodicea wilderness penalty ran from 2016Nisan1 to 2019Tammuz30.]
8 And my brothers who went up with me caused the heart of the people to melt; but as for me, I followed Jehovah my God fully.
9 Consequently Moses [no longer said to be the servant of Jehovah so this is after their fall on 2017Elul10] swore on that day, saying, 'The land upon which your foot has trod [the congregation of Laodicea - but is no longer treading in authority] will become yours and your sons' as an inheritance to time indefinite, because you have followed Jehovah my God fully' (Joshua 14).

24 As for my servant Caleb, because a different spirit has proved to be with him and he kept following wholly after me, I shall certainly bring him into the land where he has gone, and his offspring will take possession of it [this promise was made at the end of the 40 days of spying] (Numbers 14 NWT).

10 And now here Jehovah has preserved me alive, just as he promised, these 45 years since Jehovah made this promise to Moses [between 1978Tishri1 and 1979Elul30 in the greater meaning. So 45 years to 2024Tishri1 - 2025Elul30, excluding 2012 due to his death ot Adam on 2012Sivan14] when Israel walked in the wilderness, and now here I am today son of 85 years [2024Tishri1-2025Elul30].
11 Yet I am today as strong as on the day of Moses' sending me out. As my power was then, so my power is now for the war, both to go out and to come in.
12 And now [hT'[;] do give me this mountainous region that Jehovah promised on that day [Zoar was in the mountainous region, the autonomous congregation is full of 1NC reserve mountain dwellers], for you yourself heard on that day that there were Anakim [neck people - spies - rubber neckers] there and great fortified cities [The Watchtower administration and the Laodicean administration]. Likely Jehovah will be with me, and I shall certainly dispossess them, just as Jehovah promised [Caleb will dispossess the anakim, the 2NC Laodiceans through baptism. He is Joseph to Gordon's Jacob, He has to half apostlw sons. Jonah, the 1NC reserve spy will baptize the 1st Watchtower Passover 1NC reserves. Since 1NCs must wash the feet of each other].
13 And Joshua blessed him and gave Hebron [The autonomous 1NC reserve congregation in Zoar] to Caleb the son of Jephunneh as an inheritance.
14 That is why Hebron has come to belong to Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite as an inheritance down to this day, for the reason that he followed Jehovah the God of Israel fully.
15 The name of Hebron before that was Kiriath-arba [said Arba was] the great man among the Anakim [Arba was AOL]. And the land had no disturbance from war. (Joshua 14 NWT)

18 I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire that you may become rich, and white outer garments that you may become dressed and that the shame of your nakedness may not become manifested, and eyesalve to rub in your eyes that you may see. (Revelation 3 NWT)

AOL buys gold refined by fire. He buys 1NC reserves refined by fire signs. He owns what he has purchased. He is therefore the half apostle to the autonomous congregation, the owner of Hebron, Caleb. The Laodicean concubine of Judges19 is split up and sent to all the 12 tribes of Israel. This symbolises the reserve tribe which Caleb/AOL is the half apostle to. Just as Levites had no inheritance but were split up amongst the 12 other tribes. Lords and priests are sent into the 12 tribes to fill holes as well as 2NC Kings. 

Fish on the other side of the boat is the instruction from Jesus through Zoar to Laodiceans to start collecting 1NC reserves into the autonomous church and not to collect any 2NCs into that part of Zoar.

AOL has to buy gold refined by fire. So he must be the half apostle to the Watchtower. Gold is 1NC saints and the fire is the 2nd/3rd fire sign. AOL runs the autonomous congregation within Zoar under FDS4. He is the interpreter between Joseph and the brothers. 

These two may be Thomas and his twin of John, since both are half apostles and both are baptised at the same time.

1 To the but one [day] of the Sabbaths Mary the Magdalene is coming early of darkness yet being into the memorial tomb, and is looking at the stone having been lifted off out of the memorial tomb. (John 20 KIT)

19 Being therefore of evening to the day that the one [first] of Sabbaths [the 1st day of 1NC Weeks, 33Nisan16 for FDS1 and 2019Ab27, the 1st Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks, when descended Russell goes to Laodicea - overtly], and of the doors having been locked where were the disciples through the fear of the Jews [1x for it was late + 2x.11x.2x=45x. Watchtower 1NC entry did not begin until 2019Elul10. 11x are specified in verses 24-25], came the Jesus and stood into the midst [of the group 1x+1x = 2x], and he is saying to them Peace to yeu [11x.11x=121x. As Salaam Alaikum in Arabic. Peace be unto you or 'Hello' in middle east speak. No more conflict with the Watchtower].
20 And this having said [11x] he showed also the hands and the side to them [11x.11x=121x. Not said the holes therein - so this visit is from the Holy Spirit itself, Jesus' flesh]. Rejoiced really-truly/therefore/then [oun] the disciples having seen the Lord [11x].
21 Said really-truly/therefore/then [oun] to them the Jesus again Peace to you [No sentence count triggered, a second exhortation for a reappointed true church]; according as has sent forth me the Father, also I am sending you.
22 And this having said he blew in and he is saying to them Receive you spirit holy;
23 likely of some ones you should let go off/forgive the sins they have been let go off/forgiven to them; likely of some ones you may retain they have been retained [you are appointed as a true church with a baptism]. (John 20 KIT)

Verse 19:: 7x+2x.11x.2x+2x+121x = 7x+44x+2x+121x = 174x
Verse 20: 11x+121x+11x = 143x 
Verse19-20: 174x+143x = 317x from 2019Ab27, the 1st Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks to 2020Tammuz14, the 7th 1NC marriage Passover, the end of the 1NCs being on earth.

24 But Thomas, one of the 12 [Laodicean spies or apostles - one of the 12 Laodicean spies - Jonah], the [one] being called Twin, was not with them when Jesus came [on 2019Ab27. Thomas/Jonah, the 1NC reserve Laodicean spy of Joshua2, misses this appearance. But he is there for the next visit, after 8 days after something].
25 Were saying really-truly/then/therefore [oun] to him the other disciples We have seen the Lord [11x.11x=121x. Resurrected 1st and 2nd presence kings. Married to Jesus, his flesh]. The (one) but said to them [11x] If ever not I should see in the hands of him the type/mark of the nails [1x.5x+1x.5x = 10x] and I should thrust the finger of me into the type/mark of the nails [1x+1x: for two holes in 2 hands] and I should thrust of me the hand into the side of him [5x], not not I would believe [1x]  (John 20 NWT-KIT).

Verse 24: 12x.2x+11x+1x = 36x
Verse 25: 11x.11x+11x.(10x+2x+5x+1x) = 121x + 11x.18x = 121x+198x = 319x.. From 2019Ab27 to 2020Tammuz16. From the visit by Russell to the resurrection as Abraham of the 7th 1NC bride.

So the Thomas tribe (doubting 1NC reserves) take 319 days to dispel all doubts (by Passover execution and resurrection) starting from when Russell first appears to Laodicea. So Russell is the 3EC father to the 3rd part of the 2nd presence. Thomas, is Jonah, who is the 1NC spy. So he is a part of Balaam, the administration of Laodicea.

There is also a further, a second, greater Thomas who does not see and does not believe (because the seeing is believing wording is ambiguous). That would be POL (the President of Laodicea)?

26 And after days 8 [2019Elul5, the 9th day of reappointed Laodicea Weeks] again were inside the disciples of him also Thomas with them. Is coming the Jesus [upon/whilst - implied epi] of the doors having been locked [2x. Watchtower 1NC entry did not begin until 2019Elul10], and he stood into the midst [1x+1x] and said Peace unto ye [12x. As Salaam Alaikum in Arabic. Peace be unto you or 'Hello' in middle east speak. No more conflict with Zoar].
27 And he is saying to the Thomas: Be bearing the finger of you here [1x] and see the hands of me [10x. But do not fill the holes in my hands entirely yourself], and be bearing the hand of you [5x] and thrust [it] into the side of me [5x], and not be becoming unbelieving but believing [2x] .
28 Answered Thomas and he said to him The Lord of me [Husband!] and the God of me! [not husband - two greater Thomases. And Jesus is now a God] [2x] (John 20 KIT)
29 Jesus said to him: Because you have seen me have you believed? Happy are those who do not see and yet believe. (John 20 NWT)

Verse 26: from 2019Ab29: 11x+1x+11x+1x+2x+2x+12x = 40x
Verse 27: 1x+10x+5x+5x+2x = 23x
Verse 28: 1x+2x = 3x 
Verse 29:1x+2x+2x = 5x
Verse26-29: 40x+23x+3x+5x = 71x from 2019Elul5 to 2019Heshvan16, the end of the resurrection as non adamic Abraham of the 4th 1NC bride, from the congregations who did not see Russell but believed.

Jesus in the form of the 2nd presence wing of the 3rd Holy Spirit appears to Laodicea overtly, late in the day, on 2019Ab27, the 1st Sabbath of reappointed Laodicean Weeks.

The holes in Jesus' body are the ex members of the 3rd Holy Spirit which the 1NC reserves are to replace. The holes may even be taking a Sabbath for a while. These are the ones that Thomas wishes to see.  They are the Lord of Thomas and so were remnant in the Watchtower. So the holes in the hands are those on the bench, no longer active - disassociated from the 3rd Holy Spirit. The holes in the side are those ejected from the team, dsifellowshipped. They are no longer a part of the bride. Because the hole in the side was made after he had died. When the spear went in water came out but not blood because the plasma was already separated.

1 I have to boast. It is not beneficial; but I shall pass on to supernatural visions and revelations of [the] Lord.
2 I know a man in union with Christ who, 14 years ago -- whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know [So you can be in union with the Christ, married to him and out of the body, i.e. on the bench]; God knows -- was caught away as such to the 3rd heaven.
3 Yes, I know such a man -- whether in the body or apart from the body, I do not know, God knows --
4 that he was caught away into paradise and heard unutterable words which it is not lawful for a man to speak.
5 Over such a man I will boast, but I will not boast over myself, except as respects [my] weaknesses. (2 Corinthians 12 NWT)

Thomas fills the hole in Jesus' side, the disfellowshipped hole with his own flesh. He fills some of the holes in the hands and the disassociated holes themselves return to fill the rest of the holes in the hands. Thomas is the universal body wide hole filler for Jesus. He is the half apostle to the 1NC reserves, he baptizes them. His sons fill all the holes left by the failed 1NC non reserves. 

Thomas is the twin of John the baptist, who made the first presence 1NC reserves. And he is the twin of Caleb the Watchtower half apostle to the 2NC reserves. So Thomas fills the 18 year temporal wound in Jesus' body (from 2001Chislev14, when the Watchtower lost its 3EC water baptism) and he fills the gaps in the body left by 1NC saints who leave it. Russell restarts the 2nd presence on 2019Elul10, by baptising the 2nd 1NC reserve (whenever 2 or 3 are gathered in my name there I am). But Thomas/Jonah, may start the baptism of the ex JW 1NC reserves on 2019Tishri10.

The disciples said: We have seen the Lord. This is because the holes in the 3rd Holy Spirit being 1NC saints, used to be their appointed Lord in the Watchtower.

9 Look! I will give those from the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews, and yet they are not but are lying -- look! I will make them come and do obeisance in-sight-of/before your feet and make them know I have loved you. (Revelation 3 NWT)

So Jesus makes them do this by sending the 3rd Holy Spirit (Russell) to visit them. They do not come as a result of fire signs.

1Kings19: The wind then the quake then the fire then the calm low voice

1 Then Ahab [Laodicean Governing body members] told Jezebel [The balance of the governing body] all that Elijah [AOL, Elijah to Laodicea not due to giving it a baptism but due to getting ready a prepared people for Jesus - This is Caleb] had done and all about how he had killed all the prophets with the sword [of the bible].
2 At that Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying: So may the gods do, and so may they add to it, if at this time tomorrow I shall not make your soul like the soul of each one of them [The GB will disfellowship AOL]!
3 And he became afraid. Consequently he rose up [in spiritual activity] and began to go for his soul [to get a valid water baptism] and came to Beer-sheba [well of the 7 or well of the oath/covenant] [Laodicean baptism - for the 7th church of Revelation2/3], which belongs to Judah [the LWs, the true church]. Then he left his attendant [AOL's assigned governing body assistant] behind there.
4 And he himself went into the wilderness a day's journey [similar to Jonah and Moses], and came and sat down [on a throne?] under a certain broom/juniper tree [Laodicean filtered LW food. A low truncated tree]. And he began to ask that his soul might die and to say: It is enough! Now, Oh Jehovah, take my soul away, for I am no better than my forefathers [This is AOL confronting his failure to save the Watchtower].
5 And [temporal disconnect] he lay down and fell asleep under the broom/juniper tree. But, look! now an angel [Gordon, AOP, Elijah4] was touching him [with the first stolen 4EC baptism]. Then he said to him: Rise up, eat [not drink].
6 When he looked, why, there at his head [the other Elijah, Gordon] was a round cake [] upon heated stones [not lukewarm Laodicean stones but passionate living stones in the LWs] and a jug of water [The Laodicean water baptism]. And he began to eat and drink [But he did not rise up], after which he lay down again [but did not fall asleep. So he was not baptized but was doing research into LW doctrine].
7 And the angel of Jehovah [Gordon, AOP] returned a second time [with the 2nd stolen 4EC baptism in Reverted Laodicea] and touched him and said: Rise up, eat [not drink], for the journey is too much for you [interpretationally].
8 So he rose up [Got baptized into Reverted Laodicea] and ate and drank [on 2020Sivan18], and he kept going in the power of that nourishment for 40 days and 40 nights until the mountain of the [true] God, Horeb [desert] [This must be 2020Elul8, when Reverted Laodicea was installed to feed the 2NCs and so became an official true church mountain/administration to them]

The temple door was made of Juniper wood 1Kings6:34. He eats and drinks the first time but lies down again afterwards - which means he is not water baptised. So he attends the first Passover without being baptized and drinks the faith cup. Then he rises up and eats and drinks again at the second Passover.

9 And [temporal disconnect] there he entered into a cave [of Laodicea], that he might spend the night there; and, look! there was Jehovah's word for him [Laodicea carried the second part of the second presence of the Christ], and it went on to say to him: What is your business here, Elijah? [Being in the Laodicean cave. He is the angel of Laodicea, but he should have contacted the angel of Philadelphia]
10 To this he said: I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies; for the sons of Israel have left your covenant [Many Laodiceans give up on the 2NC and cease to be 2NC saints], your altars they have torn down, and your prophets they have killed with the sword, so that I only am left [who is not pretending to be a 1NC saint when he knows he is not. I am the only non defiler of the cup on the governing body. He AOL=Caleb is the only 2NC left in Laodicea. But as always Unum sufficit] and they begin looking for my soul to take it away [deny my 2NC sainthood].
11 But it said: Go out, and you must stand on the mountain before Jehovah [Go out from reappointed Laodicea and stand upon the mountain of the reverted Laodicea]. And, look! Jehovah is/was passing over/by [from 2020Tammuz14 to 2020Heshvan14, the 7th 1NC marriage Passover to the 4th HLC marriage Passover], and/when a great and strong wind [the Holy Spirit] was rending mountains [dividing the administrations of the Watchtower and Laodicea containing saints] and breaking crags [destabilising administrators] before Jehovah. Jehovah was not in the wind. And after the wind there was a quaking [?]. Jehovah was not in the quaking.
12 And after the quaking there was a fire [before the 2nd and 3rd fire signs]. Jehovah was not in the fire []. And after the fire there was a calm, low voice [of the descended 1NC Kings, who join Zoar from 2026Elul16].

There will be earthquakes in one place after another. Right. Well yes, they are hardly all going to occur in the same place are they? So what is God saying here?

Well the word seismos means a general shaking. It could be an earthquake or it could be a very high wind. Both will shake things up considerably. That is Frank's interpretation. But Dave then came up with one place after another is some kind of a progressive pattern. So perhaps one place after another along a fault line or one place after another along a hurricane path.

In other words we should start to see sequences of shaking events. Indeed that is what we have seen with the two Mexican earthquakes and the two big Hurricanes so far this month, Irma and Maria.

They have both shaken places in a proximate sequence. But then we have a hurricane Jose (Joseph) closely followed by a hurricane Maria (Mary). These logically would be followed by Jesus.

13 And it came about that as soon as Elijah [] heard it, he immediately wrapped his face in his garment/glory/magnificence [?] and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave [the baptism into Reverted Laodicea]; and, look! there was a voice for him, and it proceeded to say to him: What is your business here, Elijah?
14 To this he said: I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies; for the sons of Israel have left your covenant, your altars they have torn down, and your prophets they have killed with the sword, so that I only am left [still celebrating the 2NC. Everyone else has given up on that covenant] and they begin looking for my soul to take it away [].

Verbatim repetition of verse10. Two important fulfilments. One for the 2NC and one for the 4EC?

10715 Jehovah now said to him: Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus [well watered place]; and you must come in and anoint Hazael [one who sees God] [The administration of Reappointed Laodicea] as king over Syria [high region, highland]  
16 And Jehu [Jehovah is he] [The administration of Reverted Laodicea] the son of Nimshi [rescued] [??] you should anoint as king over Israel [1NCs HLCs and 2NCs in Reverted Laodicea]; and Elisha the son of Shaphat [judged] from Abel-meholah [meadow of dancing - kingdom of God] you should anoint as prophet instead of/underneath you [AOL is John to Gordon's Jesus for Laodicea. AOL prepares Laodicea for Gordon who is AOP]

This final anointing is a transfer of authority held by AOL to AOP, Elijah4.

17 And it must occur that the one escaping from Hazael's sword [3EC baptism into Reappointed Laodicea for 1NCs - which kills to Adam and Cain], Jehu will put to death [with the stolen 4EC baptism in reverted Laodicea]; and the one escaping from Jehu's sword [4EC baptism in Reverted Laodicea- which kills to Adam and Cain], Elisha [Gordon, AOP] will put to death [4EC baptism into Zoar which kills to Adam and Cain].
18 And I have let 7,000 remain in Israel, all the knees that have not bent down to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him [is that 14,000 knees and 7,000 with non kissing mouths of 32 teeth counting as 32x7,000 = 224,000. So the total is 238,000. That might be the number of saints of the congregations of Laodicea and non adamic Sodom - since Baal the Governing Body of the Watchtower?].

2024Adar: The 12 yokes are 24 whole Nisan1 sacred years from 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21, Gordon's appointment/installation to rule over the 2NCs to 2023Nisan1 - 2024Nisan1, the 24th Nisan1 sacred year of land preparation. But then Elijah passes over TOWARDS Elisha. 

19 And he went from there [1x] and found Elisha [AOP] the son of Shaphat [judge] [1x] and he was ploughing 12 yokes/pairs to faces of/before him [12x.2x.1x=24x in ONE way (yoke is a noun counting 2x). Faces is a polite plural counting 1x] and he in/at the 12th [12x in TWO ways, no noun. In/at the 12th yoke yes, but also in/at the 12th nothing. Since ambiguity adds: It is AT the 12th yoke and IN the 12th something else. These two fulfilments are required by the nounless number principle]. And Elijah passed over towards him [1x] and threw his garment/robe/glory/magnificence towards him [1x. AOL has magnificence relating to Laodicea and the WTBTS. Gordon, Elisha, now becomes Elijah. This is Caleb (AOL) accepting that Gordon (AOP) is the head of 2NC Zoar]. (1Kings 19)

You cannot plough land unless you own it (or lease it). So this ploughing occurs after Elijah4 is appointed/installed to rule over the 2NCs on 1999Tishri2/Tebbeth21. A whole bull is a whole year. There were no half bulls pulling the plough. So the bulls represent 24 whole years from 2000Nisan1 to 2024Nisan1. Then Elijah of Laodicea passes over towards Elisha of Zoar certainly before the Laodicea Jericho Jubilee release on 2025Iyyar10, when the last Laodicean 2NC escapes into Zoar. We shout the Jericho shout on 2024Tishri1 - see U112#8. So the wall cannot fall down before then. But we now know that the Abrahamic Gentile call 2NC World Exodus by rapture Passover is 2024Tebbeth14. But that festival is celebrated in the church of Melchizedek (the heavenly administrated FRC church). Whereas the Abrahamic Laodicean 2NC World Exodus by rapture Passover is 2024Shebat14, which is celebrated in Hebron of Zoar. We can Isaaic 4EC baptise unsanctified Laodiceans into Hebron of Zoar but not Laodicean 2NCs until the relevant row baptising day. So Elijah4 infiltrates Laodicea by baptism in 2024Adar, in the 12th month of the 25 year of ploughing, for the unsanctified and then on 2024VeAdar2/10/21/28 for the sanctified in the rerun of the 12th month of the year and that is how he is: 'in the 12th'.

Elisha installed to rule
over the 2NCs
3rd 2NC Pentecost
Start of 1st sacred year
of ruling but no yet over
2nd LW joins
Tony baptised
3rd LW joins
Jamie baptised
Start of 1st sacred
year of ruling over 
2NCs (Jamie)
12th pair of sacred Nisan1 years begins
23rd whole sacred year
of ploughing begins
1st Laodicean priest is
intransitively 4EC baptised
into Hebron of Zoar
1st Laodicean 2NC
is intransitively
4EC baptised
12th pair of
sacred Nisan1
years ends
Zoar ends

sacred years202420222020201820162014201220102008200620042002

Logically Elijah finds Elisha After a 12th pair of whole years and in a 12th something else, by the nounless number principle of the code, which states that any nounless number has a double fulfilment.

The reader must understand that Jehovah did not FORGET to put a noun in his word. This was not a Divine typo. This is an example of the Nounless Number Principle of the Bible Code.

We currently have the 12th as 2024Adar, the 12th month of the 24th year of ploughing, when Elijah4 enters into unsanctified Laodicea by baptism of unsanctified Laodiceans on 2024Adar12 perhaps from the 3300 treaders down of 1Kings5 see U659#9 and as 2024VeAdar2-4, in the rerun of the 12th month of the year for the sanctified Laodiceans. The Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release is 2025Iyyar10, the 10th day of the 8th month of the 7th campaign year from 2017Tishri1 (omitting 2019Tishri1 to 2020Elul30, when Laodicea was installed over 1NCs who are over 2NCs). We cannot baptism them until the LW Exedenic Times ends on 2024Tishri15. We must not baptise them into the Gentile call 2NC rapture Passover on 2024Tebbeth14.

Why does Elijah (AOL) have to 'find' Elisha (AOP) when he has stolen his baptism twice? There must be other aspects of Elijah4 which are yet unknown to AOL

Elijah (AOL) throwing the coat upon Elisha (AOP) makes Gordon (AOP) into Elijah and AOL into 'him'. Elijah + Elisha = Jahsha = Jahshua = Yeshua = Jesus.107

20 And he left/released the bulls [24x of the contest not in the yokes] and went running after/behind Elijah [1x-1x=0x/2x. Meaning following. Elijah is now Gordon by virtue of the transfer of the coat. AOL is trying to catch up AOP in understanding after giving up on the contest] and said: Let me [AOL], please, kiss my father [1x] and my mother [1x], and [then] I will walk after/behind you [1x-1x=0x/2x: following]. At this he said to him: Go [1x], return [1x]; for what have I done to you [1x]? [I have told him that he is Caleb the half apostle with Laodicea as his inheritance]
21 And he returned from [walking] after/behind him [1x-1x=0x/2x] and took a yoke of the bulls [2x] and sacrificed him [2x: the yoke of the bulls, rather than the bulls], and in the implements of the bulls he cooked them, the flesh [he cooked in the implements] [2x.3x=6x+3x] and then gave [it] [3x] to the people [singular] [1x], and they proceeded to eat [it] [3x.3x = 9x]. And he rose up [1x: actually into the ark] and walked after/behind Elijah [1x-1x=0x/2x: following] and began to minister to him [1x] (1Kings 19).

Verse 19: 1x+12x+2x+2x = 17x
Verse 20: 24x+2x+1x+1x+2x+(1x+1x).1x = 32x
Verse 21: 2x+2x+2x+6x+3x+3x+1x+9x+1x+2x+1x=32x
Total is 17x+32x+32x =81x from ??