We cover the literal (as far as it is literal) interpretation of the 5 accounts of the last supper in U15. The first question in the word symbolic meaning is: Why are there 4 parallel accounts of the last supper in the Gospels and one more in 1 Corinthians11? The answer is that these stand for 5 different Passover celebrations in various churches. We know this from the Parallel account principle of the code. We think the solution is as follows.
Matthew with the meal and one cup and one loaf is the last supper of
Mark with the meal and one cup and one loaf is the last supper of
Luke with the meal and the cups and the loaf not associated with either cup and the cup explicitly mentioned as following the meal are the Watchtower Passovers held in the reappointed Laodicea run by possessed by - See U853
John with the meal but no cups or loaves mentioned is the last supper of the original Laodicea
1 Corinthians with no meal mentioned and only one cup and one loaf is the last supper of .