[456] Classic Gems from Hebrews

Hebrews 9: Jesus suffered many times from the founding of the world
Hebrews 10: The 21 years from the end of Satan's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam, to the end of Adam
Hebrews 11: The Pathological faith test requiring Abraham to sacrifice Isaac
Hebrews 11: The 1NC saints promise to rapture Joseph's bones
Hebrews 11: The faith to see the invisible one and to esteem the reproach of the Christ as riches greater than the treasures of Egypt
Hebrews 11: A Resurrection and a Better Resurrection
Hebrews 13: Therefore let us go out to him outside the camp, bearing the reproach of him

Hebrews 9: Jesus suffered many times from the founding of the world

24 For Christ entered not into holies made by hands, antitypes of the true [things]. But into heaven itself to be made apparent [by divinity] to the face of the God [to advocate] for us right- now.
25 But not in order that he may offer himself many times, even as the chief priest is entering into the holies according to year in blood belonging to another,
26 as if it was necessary [for] him to suffer many times from [the] throwing down of world. But right-now once upon conclusion of the ages [of the law AND of the 4th creative day] he has been revealed into/until [the] disposal of the sin through the sacrifice of him. (Hebrews 9 LWT)

24 For Christ entered not into holies made by hands, antitypes of the true [things]. But into heaven itself to be made apparent [through gaining a divine body] to the face of the God [to advocate] for us right- now.

English uses archetype (type) for the original pattern and antitype for the further pattern. And the tabernacle was as archetype for us in terms of teaching but was actually an antitype of the heavens in terms of temporal sequence.

is the aorist passive infinitive of emfanizw meaning to make appear, to exhibit. So Jesus did not make himself appear to the face of God in the active voice. He was made to appear to God's face in the passive. Of course we are all before God's sight. But we are not face to face with him. For no [120 year max lifespan adamic] man can see God and live. 

20 And He said, You are not able to see My face; for no man can see Me and live. (Exodus 33 GLT)

But when Jesus was elevated to become a God himself, he was made to appear to his face by virtue of his new divine body. He appeared past tense yet he advocated right now. So he was made to appear in a permanent sense to the face of God. so he was elevated to live with God in divinity.

25 But not in order that he may offer himself many times, even as the chief priest is entering into the holies according to year in blood belonging to another,
26 as if it was necessary [for] him to suffer many times from [the] throwing down of world [unfulfilled hypothetical: So Jesus has offered himself many times (as a non adamic human sacrifice). But only once as an angel.]; but right-now once upon conclusion of the ages [of the law AND of the 4th creative day] he has been revealed into/until [the] disposal of the sin through the sacrifice of him. (Hebrews 9 KIT)

The Angel Michael came to earth 7 times in Enoch, Isaac, Job, Jesse, Elisha, Ezekiel and Jesus. All of these appearances were in non adamic bodies. So either he was transferred so as not to see death as in the case of Enoch, or he died sacrificially as a validation sacrifice for a salvation covenant. Jesus was of course the Sabbath, the release to divinity for Michael and the release from adamic sin for mankind - see U506

Hebrews 10: The 21 years from the end of Satan's 6,000 year lease as Caesar to Adam, to the end of Adam

12 But this [male] having offered one sacrifice over/for sins into the perpetuity sat down in/at right [side] of the God,
13 Receiving out [of the world] the remainder [of his people] until the enemies of him should be placed [as] a footstool of the feet of him, (Hebrews 10 LWT)

12 But this [male] having offered one sacrifice over/for sins into the perpetuity sat down in/at right [side] of the God,
13 Receiving out [of the world] the remainder [of his people] [1x] until the enemies of him [2x] should be placed [as] a footstool of the feet of him [10x: which feet are in the ark], (Hebrews 10 LWT)

Verse13: 1x+2x.10x =21x from 2012Nisan16/Sivan5 his post satanic lease appointment/installation as Caesar to Adam, to 2033Nisan14/Iyyar14, the 1st death/late 1st death Passover, when all his enemies finish entering into the 1st death.

Hebrews 11: The Pathological faith test requiring Abraham to sacrifice Isaac

17 In/By faith, being tested, Abraham offered up Isaac; and the [one] having received up the promises was offering up the only begotten [son]
18 to whom it was said: "In Isaac will be called to you seed" [Genesis 21:12]
having reckoned that the God [was] able to raise up even out of dead [ones], from which he also received him in symbolism. (Hebrews 11 LWT)

Abraham as good as offered up Isaac. Isaac was around 33 years old and Abraham was around 133 years old at the time. So Isaac had the strength to prevent the sacrifice had he chosen to do that. So Isaac agreed to be tied up on the altar and offered up. Just as Jesus agreed with his father to be killed on the altar and nailed to it.

Had Isaac not agreed, then Abraham would have been a murderer and not received any further covenants. It is a pathological test of faith. But not merely of the faith of Abraham, but actually of Isaac too. God put Abraham through it 
to the point of execution, because he was going to have to go through it with his son beyond that point.

Also Isaac was non adamic and was therefore God's son as much as he was Abraham's. Michael did not possess Isaac until after he had the twins. Because non adamic humans cannot procreate whilst possessed. That would be interspecies bestiality. 

Hebrews 11: The 1NC saints promise to rapture Joseph's bones

22 By faith dying Joseph remembered about the [future] exodus of the sons of Israel; and commanded concerning his bones (Hebrews 11 LWT)

25 Hence Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying: God will without fail turn his attention to you. Accordingly you must make my bones go up/ascend [hl'[' ] from here [the sons of the JAC in the 3rd Holy Spirit swear to take the 2NC apostles up ascending into the ark out of the Egypt of this world] (Genesis 50 NWT).

Then Jesus promised the angel of Philadelphia that he would keep him too from the hour of the Mark of the Beast test (by ark rapture).

10 Because you kept the word of the endurance of me [Keep on seeking etc.], I too will keep you out of the hour of test, the [one] going to come upon the whole inhabited-world, to test the [ones] dwelling upon the earth. (Revelation 3 LWT)

Hebrews 11: The faith to see the invisible one and to esteem the reproach of the Christ as riches greater than the treasures of Egypt

25 choosing to be abused with the people of the God rather than to have temporary enjoyment of sin, (Hebrews 11 NWT)
26 having esteemed the reproach of the Christ [to be] riches greater than the treasures of the Egypt; for he was looking steadfastly into the wage payment.
27 By faith he left Egypt behind, not having feared the anger of the king, for he persisted [aorist] as seeing the invisible [one] [until he actually saw him at mount Sinai] 
invisible. (Hebrews 11 LWT)

The aorist tense in Greek is for punctiliar actions in the past. It is not for ongoing actions. So it is weird to use the verb karterew to persist, to persevere, in the aorist tense! But Moses did eventually see God, at which point his persistence paid off and could end. Faith is all about seeing the invisible one. For once he becomes visible to you, faith in his existence becomes obsolete.

Hebrews 11: A Resurrection and a Better Resurrection

35 Women received their dead out of/by resurrection [on Eden 2]; but other [males] [the ones not killed] were beaten with sticks [whilst lying down], having not accepted the release by a ransom, in order that they might secure 
a better resurrection. (Hebrews 11 LWT)

Literally the widows of Zarephath and Nain received their sons by resurrection from the dead and men were beaten who would not accept some kind of recanting deal. But in the greater meaning women received their dead on Eden2 and Christians were beaten and held fast to their faith in order to achieve the immediate angelic resurrection, rather that losing their water baptism and falling back on their FRC sealing and receiving only the faith resurrection as non adamic humans after the end of the system (assuming they at least remained faithful but failed the test for the JAC).

Hebrews 13: Therefore let us go out to him OUTSIDE the camp, bearing the reproach of him

9 Do not ye be carried along by multicoloured and foreign teachings. Because it is beautiful [for] the heart to be stabilised by undeserved kindness. Not by food in which the walking [ones: the saints] have not benefited.

Don't be carried away with multicoloured foreign teaching. But do be carried along by multicoloured and domestic teachings. This is the double edged sword, the mirror of the bible. This is how it searches the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 

10 We having an altar out of which to eat, the [ones] serving in the tent do not have authority [to eat/to feed]

Offering typePurposeThing offeredScriptureDemise of the flesh/grain/fruitDemise of blood
Whole BurntDeliberate sinsUnblemished male bull, ram or he goat or 2 doves or 2 pigeonsLeviticus 1Burnt. Ashes taken outside the camp.Sprinkled all over altar
SinSins in ignorancePriests: unblemished bull
Nation: unblemished bull
Ruler: unblemished male hairy-goat of the she goats
Anyone: unblemished female hairy- goat or the she goats
Poor: 2 doves or pigeons
Very poor: a tenth of an ephah of flour with oil and no frankincense.
Leviticus 4-6Bull's flesh is burnt outside the camp
where the burnt offering ashes are taken
Non bull's flesh is eaten by all priests
One bird's flesh burnt outside (sin)
One bird's flesh burnt inside (whole)
Grain offering burnt on altar
Bulls blood is spattered
7x before the curtain
Non bull's blood is put on
the horns of the altar and
around its base.
GuiltUnintentional sinsUnblemished shekel evaluated ram. Compensation of principal + a fifth (Leviticus 5:16 and 6:5)Leviticus 5-7As for sin offering (Leviticus 7:7).As for sin offering
Grainn/aGrain + oil + frankincense + salt of the covenant non leaven and no honeyLeviticus 2Eaten by the Sons of Aaronn/a
Peace Fellowship with GodFat and blood of bull or cow or ram or ewe or he goat or she goatLeviticus 3Eaten by all worshippersSprinkled all over altar
Vow or
Vow completion or
Gratitude to God
Unblemished Bull, Ram, He Goat.Leviticus 7:16-18
Eaten by all worshippers that day and
the next but burnt of the 3rd day.
Sprinkled all over altar
FruitRecognition of God's providence24 But in the 4th year all its fruit will become a holy thing festal praises to Jehovah. (Leviticus 19 LWT)
All 4th year fruits ripe at Booths, should be offered during Booths, the harvest festival.
Leviticus 19:24

The table above excludes gift offerings. Thanks to https://www.neverthirsty.org/bible-qa/qa-archives/question/what-were-the-different-sacrifices/ 

22 And Jehovah commanded to Moses, saying:
23 Command to the sons of Israel, saying: Ye shall not eat any fat of Bull, and lamb and she goat.
24 And [the] fat of a corpse, and [the] fat of a torn [one] may be crafted for any work, and/but to eat yeu will not eat him.
25 for anyone eating from the fat of the beast, from which he is presenting a fire-offering to Jehovah, and/even the eating soul will be be cut off from her peoples.
26 And ye shall not eat any blood in all your dwellings, to the wing, or to the beast.
27 Any soul which will eat any blood, and/even the soul herself shall be cut off from her peoples. (Leviticus 7 LWT)

So no fat and no blood was eaten from animal sacrifices. Furthermore, not fat or blood was to be eaten from any animal under Moses. The must exclude the fat attached to the skin and integral to the flesh, that had already been made to smoke to Jehovah and the burnt blood that did not entirely drain out. Otherwise we are in a Merchant of Venice situation. Interesting nutritional advice about animal fat. This was not a prohibition on human blood transfusions.

The purpose of the above is demonstrate that the ones serving in the tent, the sons of Aaron, DID have authority to eat all sacrificial flesh in the temple except for that of Bulls and of whole burnt offerings.

In the literal meaning they did have authority to eat some flesh but not other flesh. Paul goes on to explain

11 Because the blood of those living-beings is being carried into the holy [places] concerning sin through the chief priest, [whereas something - the flesh] out of these the bodies is [singular] burned down outside the camp.

However in the greater meaning the altar is the 12 apostles and the priesthood is the rest of the church. And the apostles (the altar) in Acts6 define the respective roles of these two groups.

2 So the 12 called the multitude of the disciples to them and said: It is not pleasing for us to leave the word of God to distribute [food] to tables. (Acts 6 NWT)

They are determining that those in a true church should eat from the altar of the apostles who have authority to define church doctrine not from the priesthood who do not.

12 Wherefore Jesus also, in order that he might sanctify the people through the own blood, suffered outside of the gate.
Therefore let us go out to him outside the camp, bearing the reproach of him, (Hebrews 13 LWT)

Amen. the 1NCs and the HLC must leave the Watchtower for Laodicea and the 2NCs and the priests and the faithful and the loving must leave the Watchtower for the LWs, if they wish to follow Christ out of the gate into salvation.

A Jehovah's Witness once asked me why should a JW leave the Watchtower and join the LWs right at the very end of the system. I could not answer him properly at the time. I can answer him now. That is precisely what Jesus did at the very end of the Mosaic system. Moses esteemed the reproach of the Christ as riches greater than the treasures of Egypt. So follow Jesus fully, to follow the lamb whereas he goes, we must enter into his final reproach outside the camp of the dying true church. Jesus followers left the law after it fell as a true church. This was the last test that Jesus faced. So it will be the last test that JWs and Laodiceans face.