Romans4: The Multifaith and Agnostic Church/Mosque/Synagogue/Temple of Zoar

1 What therefore shall we say Abraham the forefather of us to have found according to flesh?
2 For if Abraham was deemed-righteous/justified out of works, he has a boast. But not toward/respecting God,
3 For what says the scripture? But Abraham put-faith-upon the God, and it was counted to him into righteousness.
4 But to the [one] working the reward is not counted against undeserved kindness but against debt.
5 Whereas to the [one] not working, but putting-faith upon the [one] deeming-righteous the non worshipping/irreverent/ungodly [asebij] [indeed the faithless but loving sons of the OMC], the faith of him is counted into righteousness,

So those with faith (who must worship in some way) are deemed righteous by a God who also deems righteous those who do not worship him at all and therefore have no faith. These guys are the salt of the sea, rather than the salt of the earth.

10 for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things together again in the Christ [When the 3rd Holy Spirit is baptised into Zoar], the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. [Yes,] in him, (Ephesians 1 NWT)

6 Just as also David says: [Oh] the happiness of the man to whom the God is counting righteousness apart from works
7 Happy [are they] the lawlessnesses of whom were forgiven [1ACs non under true church law] and of the sins of whom were covered over [ICCs under true church law]
8 Happy [is a] man whose sin a Lord not not should count [JACs under true church law].
9 Then is the happiness this upon the circumcision or also upon the uncircumcision? For we are saying the faith was counted to the Abraham into righteousness.
10 How/in what manner then was it counted? In circumcision being or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision but in uncircumcision.
11 and he received [the] sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness [out] of the faith of the [covenant - feminine] in [the course of] the uncircumcision, causing him to be father of all the [ones] having-faith/believing through uncircumcision, causing the righteousness to be counted to them.
12 And [to be] father of circumcision to the [ones] not only from circumcision but also to the [ones] following in the footsteps of the faith in uncircumcision of the father of us, Abraham.
13 For not through law [was] the promise to the Abraham or to the seed of him, [for] him to be the heir of a world, but through righteousness of faith;
14 For if the heirs are from law, [then] faith has become worthless and the promise has been invalidated [So the promise applies to those outside true church law too].
15 For the law produces anger, but where law is not neither is transgression [So a practising homosexual not under church law does not sin and can yet be saved through faith]
16 Through this [it is] from faith [that we become heirs], in order that [it is] undeserved kindness that causes the promise to be certain to all the seed, not only to the [seed] from the law but also to the [seed] from [the] faith of Abraham, who is father of us all.
17 Just as it has been written that: A Father of many nations I have set/appointed you: [appointed] in the presence of God whom he believed, the [one] making alive the dead [ones] and calling the [things] not being/existing as being/existing  (Romans 4 LWT)

4 [As for] me, look! my covenant [of Genesis12] is with you, and you will become a father of a crowd of nations [said Jehovah to Abraham at his Genesis17 appearance to him].
5 And your name will not be called Abram [father of elevation - i.e. rapture] anymore, and your name must become Abraham [father of a multitude], because a father of a crowd of nations I have appointed you (Genesis 17 LWT).

The temples of Moses, Solomon, Zerubbabel, Herod and Ezekiel have a most holy, a holy, an inner courtyard and an outer courtyard. These 4 physical spaces define the structure Zoar, the last true church, the Lords Witnesses. 

1. The Most Holy is ark based Zoar (for those who have been raptured). The curtain hides the ark from this world. It is not a wall of stones. It is a curtain, which pictures Jesus' flesh.
2. The Holy is the 4EC water baptised congregation on earth in the LWs.
3. The Inner courtyard is all those with faith (the sons of the 1st law).
4. The outer courtyard is all those with humanity (the sons of the 2nd law).

The inner and outer courtyards both have walls which are separate and different to the walls of the house.
The outer wall for OMCs is the wall of Daniel2, which eventually fills the earth. It is Digital ID registration or deregistration.
The inner wall for the 1ACs is the confession or abandonment of faith in the God of Abraham.

Those who remain in the inner courtyard are putting faith in Jehovah to save them (actually in Jesus who is presently Caesar to all mankind) under Mark of the Beast testing
Those who remain in the outer courtyard are showing love for all mankind by refusing to participate in a worldwide exclusion anti social credit score digital concentration camp

So as from 2024Tebbeth10 of Revelation9:13-15, the 4 cornerstone apostles and all male LWs are released to kill the men who will enter into their tribes. So we can edenically restore 1ACs to become non adamic Abrahamic, dying to Adam or Cain and begin resurrected by the 3rd day to non adamic Abraham. This is not a baptism. It is a covenant blessing mediation. It results in a death and a resurrection therefore it is a forgiveness of all sins. But that only works if the believer was a 1AC, baptised into that covenant on or before 2008Nisan14.

Then once Digital IDs are launched on 2024VeAdar21/22 and people can register for them, the outer temple wall is completed and we can start imparting the non adamic blessing of the OMC to those who reject it and want to join the LWs, without going under 4EC law.

The courtyards are for all the people who don't want to be a Christian priest, but do want to be a kingdom citizen and don't want to go to hell.

So a 2NC saints gets a 4EC baptism with non non adamic blessing  
A 1AC or OMC gets a non adamic blessing with non baptism.
A Christian who wishes to go under church law in order to become a priest in the Kingdom of God, gets both a 4EC baptism and a non adamic Isaaic blessing.
Those who are not 1ACs and not OMCs but wish to join, will actually be given a blessing for the future which applies if and when they become 1ACs or OMCs (which is better than nothing) so long as they are still in the church (i.e. have not taken the mark or renounced their faith).

Satan lost his divine authority over Adam/Cain on 2019Chislev14/Tebbeth10.
Dying to Cain removes Satan's patriarchal authority over the candidate.
Becoming non adamic Abrahamic (the blessing of the 1AC) puts one under the shield of Abraham of Genesis 15.
Becoming non adamic Yeshuaian (the blessing of the OMC) makes one into a child of Jesus which puts you under his protection.

The greater conversion of Cornelius

Just as the first century Christian church expanded to include Gentiles as well as Jews. So the last century Christian church has now expanded to include all with the faith of Abraham and all with the love of the 2nd law.

Indeed we have become the 2nd Eden. Because the first will be last. In Eden there was only one law: Do not eat from the tree. In Zoar for the unbaptised, there will be only one law: Do not take the mark.