19 And these are the generations of , the son of . begat .
20 And [ and his seed, the covenant house of ] happened to be son of 40 year [the oldest Laodicean by baptism was 40 years old as regards his water baptism when Laodicea stole the water baptism by baptising people without reference to the s - when they took Rebekah - who is Laodicea] at his taking Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel [God destroys or tarrying of God] [Bethuel is Gordon, 4],
the Syrian from Paddan-aram, sister of Laban, the Syrian [a triple designation. Rebekah was Laban's sister. Laban is Russell, 3],
as his wife.
21 And kept on entreating especially for his wife, because she was barren; so let himself be entreated for him, and Rebekah his wife [Laodicea] became pregnant [by stealing the baptism from the s].
22 And the sons [of the , judicially alive] within her began to struggle with each other, so that she said: If this is the way it is, just why am I alive? [reader question: Because you have angelic sons inside you] With that she went to inquire of [always a good idea!].
23 And proceeded to say to her 2 nations [The Laodicean ex sons of the and the sons of the alone. A nation is the descendents of one progenitor.
These two nations/churches are the descendants of 3 and 4] are in your belly/womb [singular], and 2 peoples [groups of saints] will be separated [into two spirit covenants] from your inward parts/internal organs [plural] [her inward parts is a euphemism for the most holy, the preserve of the saints]; and the one people will be stronger than the other people [the s are stronger doctrinally than the s. The s are stronger evangelically than the s], and the older [nation/church]
will serve the younger [nation/church. the s do not serve the s].
24 Gradually her days came to the full for giving birth, and, look! twins were in her belly.
25 Then the first came out red all over like a majestic-garment of hair [sacrificial,
royal; and good at evangelising which bring in those who glue themselves to the body rather than to God. Roman Catholic Cardinals all wear red garments of hair even today!] so they called his name Esau [The saints].
26 And after that his brother came out and his hand was holding onto the heel of Esau [hairy]
[the second true church of a presence guides the heal and saves the foot of the first true church, taking height to be time] ; so he called his name [surplanter] [the saints in the first presence and proselyte call saints in the second presence]. And [was] son of 60 year [on 2013Adar10,
the end of Rebekah having kids for Laodicean . Perhaps at this time the oldest Laodicean by water baptism was 60 years old?] at her giving them birth
27 And the boys got bigger
[more proselyte saints were born again and more reserves were water baptised], and Esau became a man knowing how to hunt [evangelise], a man of the field [field service], but a blameless/plain/morally pure man, dwelling in tents [plural.
several churches in succession - a pearl trader! - a bundle jumper!].
28 And [ and his covenant seed, i.e. s for the most part] loved Esau [the reserve hunters who joined Laodicea], because game/hunting in his mouth [the congregation having to listen to his words/commands, his mouth, being under his authority], whereas Rebekah [Laodicea] was loving [The saints] (Genesis 25).
(5), Rebekah (3), Esau (3), (3),
Rebekah means ensnarer or captivator. Perfect descriptions for the two nations/churches. The first one hunts people down and imprisons them mentally. The second captivates them mentally and liberates their heart and mind. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.
The s, the church of Mary, who sat at ' feet, are stronger interpretationally than the s and younger, whereas the s, the church of Martha, are stronger evangelically and administratively than the s. The conflict arises out of Rebekah's children being alive, i.e. born again saints. It is a battle between living seeds.
This battle occurs between s and the s in the case of the first presence Laodicea inside the Roman Catholic church and it occurs between the s of who joined Laodicea and the s of who joined Laodicea.
The general point being made here is that has two seeds, which make two nations genetically. And the same is true of his covenant seed which makes two churches, from two Elijahs, who are submediators of the . These churches house two distinct and competing born again seeds. The first church of each presence, the 1Nc church, is evangelical and administrative, the church of Esau and Martha. The second church of each presence is researching, learning and teaching, the church of and Mary. Laodicea is the bridge between these two churches,. Poor old Rebekah is pulled in two different directions. But one is backwards into a fallen and false religion, a Samaritan church, and the other is forwards into the next true church.
Barnabas knew that this story had a greater meaning and understood this to refer to the Jews and the Gentiles, the older people of God serving the younger...
1 Now let us see whether this people or the first people hath the inheritance, and whether the covenant had reference to us or to them.
Hear then what the Scripture says concerning the people: And prayed concerning Rebecca his wife, because she was barren, and she conceived. Then Rebecca went forth to enquire of the Lord and the Lord said to her: two nations are in thy womb, and two peoples in thy belly, and one people shall overcome a people, and the greater shall serve the less.
3 You ought to understand who is and who is Rebecca, and of whom he has shown that this people is greater than that people (Epistle of Barnabas 13).
So Barnabas declares that this story has a greater meaning, just as declared in Galatians that the story of Sarah and earlier in Genesis had a greater meaning. Barnabas makes a valiant attempt to interpret Genesis 25, with the Jews struggling with the first century Christians. But the Jews had no subcovenant of the . However the Jews, the older seed, did end up serving the Gentiles as ministers in the first Christian church! Mankind always ends up split into two groups who compete with each other. In every country, even every small island in the world there is a North South divide of some type. This is not the right spirit for a Christian to exhibit. For his battle is not with his brother but with sin and imperfect understanding. We should have the same inquiring spirit that Einstein and both spoke about, keep on asking questions said the one and keep on asking knocking and seeking said the other.