Here are the 3 letters which the President of the s sent to the President of the s in order to try and convince the Watchtower to celebrate the Passover according to what is written.
the Attention of Don Adams
001 718 560 xxxx
6th 2006.
my brother in faith and love,
Re: The Memorial Celebration
please accept my apologies for sending this information so near to the date.
Although actually I suppose it is rather appropriate that you will not have time
properly to bake these ideas, this being a feature of the festival of
unfermented cakes!
you know millions of brothers and sisters will put on their best clothes and
turn up at the memorial in faith and out of gratitude to . It therefore is
the duty of the slave to make every possible endeavour to ensure that the
celebration is carried out with a doctrinal competence that matches the faith
and the attire of those who turn up. Further it would be a good idea to
celebrate it in the precise way that the scriptures dictate, in order that our
sacrifices are accepted. For Abel’s sacrifice was accepted not because he had
great faith but because he brought along the correct sacrifice. Whereas Cain’s
sacrifice was rejected not because he had no faith but because he brought along
the incorrect sacrifice.
are very simple. You bring what God asks you to bring. You bring it on the day
he chooses. You bring it to the place that he stipulates. Now Abel bought two
sacrifices, two firstlings, which represent the sacrificial validations of 2
covenants. He got it right, so his sacrifice was accepted. And that is one of
the things I want to get across herein. I want you to get it right too.
are the 4 texts we must consider…
is the First Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12
[] is the First New Covenant mediated by at the last
[] and [] are two other covenants which are beyond the scope of
this fax.
As they continued eating, took a loaf []
and, after saying a blessing, he broke it and, giving it to the disciples, he
said: Take, eat. This is my body.
Also, he took a cup [] and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying:
Drink out of it, all of you;
for this is my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured out in behalf of
many for forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26).
And as they continued eating, he took a loaf [],
said a blessing, broke it and gave it to them, and said: Take it, this is my
And taking a cup [], he offered thanks and gave it to them, and they all
drank out of it.
And he said to them: This is my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured
out in behalf of many (Mark 14).
And, accepting a cup [], he gave thanks and said: Take
this and pass it from one to the other among yourselves;
for I tell you, From now on I will not drink again from the product of the vine
until the kingdom of God arrives.
Also, he took a loaf [], gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying:
This is my body, which is to be given in your behalf. Keep doing this in
remembrance of me.
Also, the cup [] in the same way after they had the evening meal, he
saying: This cup is the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be
poured out in your behalf (Luke 22).
For I received from the Lord that which I also handed on to you, that the Lord
in the night in which he was going to be handed over took a loaf [],
and, after giving thanks, he broke it and said: This is my body which is in your
behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.
He did likewise respecting the cup [] also, after he had the evening
meal, saying: This cup is the new covenant by virtue of my blood. Keep doing
this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me (1.Corinthians 11).
I am going to keep this simple and restrict the explanations
to things that can be fixed before Wednesday. We are going to play spot the
difference on the 4 descriptions of the last supper above. For we know that God
wastes not a drop of bio matter in nature, and not a particle of a letter in the
holy book. Each account by its slight difference from the next, tells us more
information about the Passover and how celebrated it and how we should
celebrated it today.
The hard part of this and the Big Picture is that the Jews
back then and even today drink 4 cups at the Passover. So and the
disciples being Jews under law would have drunk 4 cups on the night of
33Nisan14. And the New Covenant was the last of these 4 cups, the one drunk
after the meal, and the 3 other cups also stand for covenants. But the
Watchtower presently only understands 2 of these covenants. So let us address
these 2 cups.
The loaf and cup of Matthew and the loaf and cup of Mark were
eaten and drunk during the meal. They were taken: As they continued eating.
Whereas the cup of Luke 22:20 and 1 Corinthians 11:25 was taken after the meal.
The cup of Matthew and Mark was said to be: My blood of the covenant, which is
to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. Whereas the cup of
Luke 22:20 and 1 Corinthians 11:25 was said to be: The New Covenant by virtue of
my blood, which is poured out in your behalf. Putting this in tabular form we
Drunk during the meal
Drunk after the meal
My blood of the covenant
The New covenant by virtue of my blood
Poured on in behalf of the many
Poured out in your behalf
The good thing is that the Watchtower know that was the
Angel . So when died, a human died and an angel died. So God had
two souls at his disposal to act as ransoms, a human soul and an angelic soul.
The Angel ransomed Adam angelically and so the new covenant is not
actually the blood of but exists by virtue of his blood (since his blood
ransomed Adam for everyone, not just for the saints). The human body of
ransomed actually as the validation sacrifice for the , this
being the lamb provided by – Jireh.
So the blood poured out for the many is the blood of the ,
the blood of the human. And the blood poured out for the apostles is the
blood of , the blood of the angel. The exists by virtue of this
What does this all mean in practice? It means that the
regular s should drink the cup of the and eat the loaf of the during
the meal. And the remnant should drink the cup of the and eat the loaf of
the after the meal. The remnant would also drink the cup and eat the loaf of
the since they have faith too. In truth sons of , i.e. sons of faith,
take the first cup, and sons of , the sons of the take the last cup.
That was the most difficult thing for me to get across to you
and it is not the whole story but it is doable with present understanding,
since the ‘great crowd’ know that they are saved by the . They should
therefore drink it!!!!
Now we come to the easy part…
[1] The blood
flows round the body, the body does not flow round the blood. So the cup should
be passed from one to another but not the loaf. The loaf should be given to each
partaker by the priest directly, not passed around the room. The body does not
move, the blood moves. Please get
this right or you miss the symbolism of the festival.
[2] The cup was
passed from one to another ‘among themselves’. It was not passed via anyone
else. Only the sons of the , the remnant, can touch the cup of the . If a
member of the great crowd touches that cup he or she defiles it. Please do not
permit this. The remnant should congregate in an inner circle and each of them
should be given personally their loaf and then the cup of their blood should
flow around them, as they define ’ body having eaten the loaf. It should
flow around them alone.
This is what happened in the old days in the Watchtower
before the great crowd came along. Rutherford correctly identified the great
crowd but failed to make the appropriate allowance for their participation in
the memorial. Please do not have ’ blood flowing all over the great crowd
in the memorial celebration. It flows around his body, not around anywhere else.
His body is the remnant, his fiancé, the first new covenant saints. Please
observe this correctly.
That is enough for this fax. The bottom line is this. If you
love God you will make the effort and not care how embarrassing such an effort
might be or how difficult it might be to implement. In fact you should rejoice
in any embarrassment and in any difficulties it should cause you and leap for
joy. went to a country he knew nothing about because God asked it of
him. He made the effort to venture into the unknown because he trusted God. This
again is unknown territory for the s, but what matters is that if you see it
you try and implement it. For then you are a true son of , a son of the
, a son of his faith. It matters less if you screw up having at least tried.
So this would be the new celebration…
[1] Every who attends and in fact anyone else who attends
with faith eats the loaf of the . This loaf is given to everyone by the
priest, it is not passed around
[2] Once the loaves have been eaten and the body of
has been defined, then the cup of the is passed around the whole JW
congregation together with all other who attend who have faith. They all drink
from this cup and the priest tops it up as necessary from the several bottles of
wine that he blessed to be or to symbolise or to represent the blood of the ,
poured of for the many. This priest does not have to be a saint. He merely
needs to be a .
[3] After this the saints, the remnant, form an inner
circle and the priest who must himself be a saint, a remnant brother,
blesses the bread of the and breaks it himself and hands it to the 1NC
saints individually (notice that broke the bread himself in every
account), he offered himself up. We cannot have other people breaking the bread.
They did not offer up. So all the remnant and only the remnant eat this
bread, one piece each, given to them by the priest. That now defines the body of
the Christ.
[4] Then the
priest blesses the cup and passes it to the first remnant brother and the blood
flows round the body. And they all drink. In fact the cup can flow round the
body as many times as it likes as our blood does every day. They carry on until
all the wine is drunk. This is supposed to be a celebration, not a funeral
There is more to consider, but if you attempt to implement
this you will be blessed. I do not speak here from emotion, I speak from hard
scriptural knowledge, although I could just as well speak from emotion since we
both know the love of God.
May God Bless his children
Gordon Ritchie
P.S. We feel that this is so important that it should be discussed face to face.
We stand ready to send a representative from the s to do this with you ASAP.
My fax number is (44) 207 288 7473
My direct line is (44) 207 424 5398
Our Switchboard is (44) 800 027 2002 (This is a commercial company – HyperOs
P.P.S Have a look at 2 Chronicles 30.
Between April 11th and April 16th I,
and most of the s, will be in the Holliday Inn Countryside Lagrange in
Chicago, Front Desk: 1 708 354 4200.
Gordon Ritchie
The Lords’ Witnesses
First Floor
93 Shepperton Road
London N1 3DF
the Attention of Don Adams
001 718 560 xxxx
April 17th 2006.
my brother in faith and love,
Re: A tale of 2 Memorials
We both celebrated the Passover on Wednesday night. At least
we agreed on the date! One of our bible studies, Reggie, from New York, who used
to be a , attended one of your memorials in Long Island, along with his
fleshly brother, who still is a .
Reggie rang me on Thursday morning and we compared our two
celebrations. It was a very enlightening process for the pair of us. Please
permit me therefore to perform the same comparison here for you to consider…
The Long Island celebration was held at the Best Western
Hotel. As Reggie walked into the room he saw some nice flowers and a rather
sombre group of people. His first words to his fleshly brother were: Where is
the coffin?
Then he sat down for an hour during which he was offered no
physical food and no physical drink. He passed ‘the bread and the wine’ from
the brother on one side of him to the brother of the other side of him and was
able to look at the emblems but not to touch them. So he was given no salvation
food, and was therefore unable to confirm any salvation status with respect to
any covenant at that celebration. And the baptised s were no better off
themselves. No one there was able to confirm any salvation status that they
might have had. Reggie said that a nice respectful talk was given about the
history of the Passover, but there were no new understandings revealed in his
talk. Furthermore no brother at the celebration other than the one who gave the
talk said one word in praise to , other than through a kingdom melody.
After an hour, they all had to leave the hotel to make room for the next
But many of the brothers were not entirely satisfied with the
provisions of that celebration, so they went down to the Red Lobster restaurant,
where they sat at a table and actually had a meal. They drank wine and they ate
bread, neither of which regrettably was blessed, but at least they ate
something. They talked about and his sacrifice and the Passover amongst
themselves. They really enjoyed their association at the Red Lobster. But is it
not a tragedy that they had to purchase from a worldly restaurant on Nisan14 the
very association that the Watchtower had been unable to offer them.
By contrast, we held our celebration at a Holiday Inn near
Chicago. We all sat down at a large table (Luke 22:21), both the baptised and
the unbaptised alike. We started with some unblessed wine and bread because we
were hungry and thirsty. Then all those present with faith other than our 7 year
old were able to eat the loaf and drink the wine of the first cup of the
passover, knowing that it represents the Covenant, the sealing
covenant superior to the First Abrahamic Covenant. This we did before the meal
of lamb and bitter greens and unleavened bread as also did. The 4
salvation covenants represented by the 4 cups and the 4 loaves of the original
Passover celebration had been explained to the congregation earlier in the day,
so that those who wished to grasp their significance could do so beforehand.
These 4 cups that and the apostles themselves drank
that night are actually covered in the Watchtower of March 1st 1978
in an article entitled: Memorializing Christ’s death – How much longer?
(incidentally the answer to that question was 30 years). Further the position of
the meal with respect to these 4 cups is covered in the New World Translation
Reference Bible footnote to Psalm 114. For the meal was eaten with the third cup
as we both know.
After the second cup we recited the two Hallel Psalms 113 and
114, one verse each, passing them around the table. We were unable to sing them
in Hebrew, but we did manage to recite them in several other languages. So
everyone at the table including our 7 year old, praised with their lips
in the very words of David (translated into their own languages). Then we all
started the meal and during the meal we all ate the bread and drank the cup of
the First Abrahamic Covenant itself. This is the third cup, the one that is
taken with the meal (Matthew 26:26).
I stood up and revealed a new understanding that we had
received the day before, which related to who would turn up at our celebration.
We were therefore treated to spiritual food that was a mere 24 hours old. Fresh
at the table if you will.
After the meal and the 4th cup, we recited the
Hallel Psalms 115 to 118, one verse each, going round the table. So again
everyone present including our 7 year old had a second chance to praise Jah in
the words of David, with inspired verse, written for this very celebration.
So I cannot resist quoting the famous line from Psalm 118 at
this point... The stone the builders rejected has become the head of the corner
(Psalm 118:22).
was that stone and the Jews were those builders in 33
AD. But I am that stone and you are those builders today. For the physical
temple had 4 corners, and there are 4 cornerstones to the antitypical spiritual
temple, of which is the chief cornerstone. Each cornerstone starts a new
church. The first was , the second was , the third was Charles Taze
Russell, the fourth is writing this letter.
Returning now to the celebration. We all talked and talked
and laughed and drank and wondered at the glory of our God, and at the love of
his son, just as the brothers did in the Red Lobster.
So in summary, in Long Island, the brothers were given no
physical food, no physical drink, no salvation food, no salvation drink, no new
spiritual food, they sat at no table and they uttered none of the words of
praise stipulated for the event and used by and the apostles at that
event. No one had the opportunity to praise God with their own words to their
brother during the festival. No one could discuss their gratitude to for
his sacrifice made that day. No one could share their joy with their brother
during that meeting. It was truly a dead celebration, a celebration for the
dead. Is it not aptly termed a Memorial?
Whereas in Chicago, we sat down at a table as did. We
were given physical food and drink as the apostles were. We ate and we drank the
bread and the wine of the appropriate covenants just as the apostles did. We
praised in the words of David just as the apostles did. We praised
in our own words to our brothers just as the apostles did. We had new spiritual
understandings just as the apostles were given. We all enjoyed ourselves
tremendously just as the apostles did, other than when revealed the new
understanding about Judas. This was a living celebration, a celebration for the
So here are the questions that are begged by this contrast...
If you visited house, would he give you no food?
Would he give you nothing to drink?
Would he show you emblems symbolising salvation but deny you access to them?
Would he refuse to sit down with you at the same table?
Would he deny you an opportunity to praise God in your own words?
Would he deny you an opportunity to praise God through scripture?
Would he fail to find any new understandings for you?
Is he the kind of priest that would serve up 50 year old spiritual food?
So which of our two celebrations then would you say that
Do the brothers at the Red Lobster not give us the answer?
Should the true church not be more appealing and more hospitable even than the
Red Lobster?
Of course you can rightly argue that our wonderfully accurate
and enjoyable and meaningful celebration was only held in one room in Chicago,
whereas your celebration was held in tens of thousands of rooms in hundreds of
countries all over the world. But that tragedy is why the holy spirit through 2
Chronicles 30, 1 Kings 18, Esther 5, Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:25 and the true
bible code etc. etc. has asked us to communicate with you with a view to
persuading you to celebrate this festival: “According to what is written” (2
Chronicles 30:5).
With all the examples in scripture of Kings who did not
listen to those sent by to them, from Saul to Zedekiah, it would surely
be inexcusable for you not to grant us a hearing ear at the least on this vital
matter and agree to discuss it with us face to face. And why do we need yet
another example of a King who is supposed to be representing but who
refuses to listen to instruction from the one whom he sends to him?
Are you truly prepared to run the risk of being blood guilty
for 6 million ’s Witnesses? commanded us to keep doing this
is remembrance of me. This being what he actually did on 33Nisan14. So
either we obey his commandment or we are idolaters and so are condemned,
breaking both his commandment and our covenant obligations. As said: Keep
on making sure what is acceptable to the Lord (Ephesians 5:10).
Or in the words of Charles Taze Russell, quoted in the
Kingdom Proclaimers Book p49…
“Our work . . . has been to bring together these
long scattered fragments of truth and present them to the Lord’s people—not
as new, not as our own, but as the Lord’s. . . We
must disclaim any credit even for the finding and rearrangement of the jewels of
truth.” He further stated: “The work in which the Lord has been pleased to
use our humble talents has been less a work of origination than of
reconstruction, adjustment, harmonization.”
As sons of Russell by water baptism and by faith and by
church, and as sons of by covenant please consider this further fragment
of the Lord’s truth and reconstruct the Passover celebration accordingly.
May bless his people and may you prove to be as
righteous as Hezekiah and as humble as Russell.
Agape Gordon
Fax: 44 207 288 7473
Switchboard: 44 800 027 2002
Direct: 44 207 424 5398
the Attention of Don Adams
001 718 560 xxxx
my brother in faith and love,
Here is the situation that we do not want to be in…
41 Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, 'Be
on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the indefinitely lasting
fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.
For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to eat, and I got thirsty,
but you gave me nothing to drink.(Matthew 25).
Here on the other hand is the situation that we could be in
and the prophecies which we can fulfil if we both want to do something for our
Lord. We can both give him something to eat and something to drink and we both
can fulfil his words in Matthew 26, Mark 14 and Luke 22 below in a few weeks
time, if we have the will to do so…
29 But I tell you, I will by
no means drink henceforth any of this product of the vine [the
cup of the , the vine is ] until that day when I [through
the remnant, my wife, my flesh, my mouth] drink it new with you [plural,
the remnant from at least two apostolic tribes of the 144,000, 12,000 sealed per
apostolic tribe] in the kingdom of my Father (Matthew 26).
25 Truly I say to you, I shall
by no means drink anymore of the product of the vine [of
, the whole covenant tree of the ]
until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God [not
said to be with you] (Mark 14).
15 And he said to them: I have
greatly desired to eat this passover [meal of lamb and
unleavened bread and bitter greens and the 4 loaves of the 4 covenants]
with you before I suffer;
for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it becomes completed [plhrwqh] [celebrated
fully] in the kingdom of God [which must be
before I arrive on earth in Kingdom glory on 2008Iyyar29 at the ends of the 1335
days of Daniel 12 - see 1 Corinthians 11:26] (Luke
Now either we wish to help him out,
or we have some other agenda which is idolatry.
Let me therefore take you through
the reasoning and explain how to give our saviour a meal he has been waiting
for, for 1973 years, since 33Nisan14.
When a saint (First New
Covenant saint, anointed remnant) is baptised in holy spirit he enters into the
and into the baptism test of a spirit baptism. If he passes that test then
he enters into the (Angelic Covenant of for Adam), the
sealing covenant for all spirit baptisms. Likewise when a son of , a
person of faith, has his conscience baptised in water by the angels under the
direction of , he enters into the of Genesis 12:1-3 (First
Abrahamic Covenant), and he enters into the baptism test of a conscience
baptism. If he passes that test he enters into the (Faith Covenant of
for Adam’s human body), the sealing covenant of the faith baptism.
If you want to know more about the 24 salvation covenants in God’s plan to
save mankind please see
Or for a quick overview of the
entire salvation plan please download the Covenant Tree from
So for simplicity, for the purposes
of this letter, the is the sealing covenant for those who pass the baptism
test of the of Luke 22, and the is the sealing covenant for those who
pass the baptism test of the of Genesis 12.
So here are the cups of the
1st cup is the cup of
the , the sealing covenant for the .
2nd cup is the cup of
the , the sealing covenant for the .
3rd cup is the cup of the , drunk with the meal.
4th cup is the cup of the drunk after the meal.
Now and the early first
century Christians initially only partook of one cup and one loaf at the
Passover for said…
16 The cup of blessing which
we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? The loaf which we
break, is it not a sharing in the body of the Christ?
Because there is one loaf, we, although many, are one body, for we are all
partaking of that one loaf (1 Corinthians 10).
So evidently did not make
clear to the apostles the symbolic meaning of the other 3 cups of the Jews at
the last supper itself. Instead he told them that he would not drink certain
cups again for a while. In other words he told them that they would not know the
meaning of certain other cups for a while. However, now, we can understand the 4
puzzling statements that made during the last supper about not eating and
drinking henceforth etc. Here they are:
27 Also, he took a cup [of
the ] and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: Drink
out of it, all of you;
for this is my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured out in behalf of
many [not
just 144,000] for forgiveness of sins.
But I tell you, I will by no means drink henceforth any of this product
of the vine [the cup of the , the vine is ]
until that day when I [through the remnant, my wife, my flesh, my
mouth] drink it new with you [plural, the
remnant from at least two apostolic tribes of the 144,000, 12,000 sealed per
apostolic tribe] in the kingdom of my Father (Matthew 26).
22 And as they continued
eating, he took a loaf [of the ],
said a blessing, broke it and gave it to them, and said: Take it, this is my
And taking a cup [of the ], he offered thanks and gave
it to them, and they all drank out of it.
And he said to them: This is my 'blood of the covenant,' which is to be poured
out in behalf of many [not just the 144,000].
Truly I say to you, I shall by no means drink anymore of the product of
the vine [of , the whole covenant tree of the ]
until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God [not
said to be with you].
Finally, after singing praises, they went out to the Mount of Olives (Mark 14)
15 And he said to them: I have
greatly desired to eat this passover [meal of lamb and
unleavened bread and bitter greens and the 4 loaves of the 4 covenants]
with you before I suffer;
for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it becomes completed [plhrwqh] [celebrated
fully] in the kingdom of God [which must be
before I arrive on earth in Kingdom glory on 2008Iyyar29 at the end of the 1335
days of Daniel 12 - see 1 Corinthians 11:26].
And, accepting a cup [the 1st cup of the Passover, the cup of
the ], he gave thanks and said: Take this and pass it from one to
the other among yourselves;
for I tell you, From now on I will not drink again from the product of
the vine [of , the whole covenant tree of the
] until the kingdom of God arrives.
Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: This
is my body [of the ] which is to be given in
your behalf [not many but you].
Keep doing this in remembrance of me [keep giving thanks for,
breaking and eating the loaf of the in remembrance of me, for the was
truly the loaf of 's body, and breaking it is his death as an angel. But
more generally, keep giving thanks for, breaking and eating all the food of the
passover, the meal and the 4 loaves].
Also, the cup in the same way after they had the evening meal, he saying: This
cup is the new covenant [the cup of the ]
by virtue of my blood [not my blood, but by virtue of my blood],
which is to be poured out in your behalf (Luke 22).
What then is 'the product of the
vine'? Well, is the 'true vine' of the :
1 I am the true vine, and my
Father is the cultivator.
Every branch in me not bearing fruit he takes away, and every one bearing fruit
he cleans, that it may bear more fruit.
You are already clean because of the word that I have spoken to you.
Remain in union with me, and I in union with you. Just as the branch cannot bear
fruit of itself unless it remains in the vine, in the same way neither can you,
unless you remain in union with me.
I am the vine, you are the branches. He that remains in union with me, and I in
union with him, this one bears much fruit; because apart from me you can do
nothing at all (John 15).
is the vine of the CRC
(Church Covenant), the sealing covenant of all water baptisms, and
is the vine of the . All 3 Cherubs, all 3 master covenanters are
vines, and the branches of these 3 vines are shown on our covenant chart of the
24 salvation covenants between God and man - see
So 'the product of the vine' in
Mark and Luke is the blood of , and the vine is the . The is
the most basic and general salvation vine. Its wine, its blood, saves all who
get saved into the kingdom. So it is 'the' vine in the sense that all who are
saved benefit from it. The true vine of the is the final of the 3 salvation
vines, which vine gives everlasting life and which the preceding 2 vines are
subordinate to.
But 'this product of the vine‘ in
Matthew 26, is the blood of the , a subcovenant of the , a branch of the
. It is the blood of the human who died on the stake.
So there it is. The blood of the
and the blood of the have not been drunk since 33Nisan14 by
himself in a possessed human body or by his wife down here, his flesh. Now
, being an angel in heaven would have great difficulty in drinking anything
owing to his not having a mouth. But his fiancé, his wife to be, the new
covenant saints, are still down here. They are his body, they are one flesh with
him by agreement. So they can fulfil the prophetic words of the Christ. He can
drink both of these cups again on 2006Iyyar14, if the true saints will
listen to the voice of their husband.
But says also, of the
particular Passover which he ate on 33Nisan14, that he would not eat it again
until the meal became fully completed in the.
15 And he said to them: I have
greatly desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer;
for I tell you, I will not eat it again until it becomes completed [celebrated
fully] in the kingdom of God (Luke 22).
The began in
1914Tishri at the end of the as we know thanks to Reverend John
Aquila Brown and thanks to Charles Taze Russell and thanks to the holy spirit.
became the heavenly King of that earthly and heavenly Kingdom on
1914Tishri15 actually.
But Rutherford was not appointed as
its vassal king over the sons of the (Isaaic Church Covenant), the water
baptised on earth, until 1918Nisan16, when exclusively appointed the
administration of the Watchtower as his 3rd Faithful and Discreet
Slave or as . So was king over all those baptised into the
congregation administrated by the Watchtower through Rutherford from 1918Nisan16
The becomes
worldwide on 2008Nisan16, precisely 90 years later or one quarter of a time
54 Then he went on to say also
to the crowds: When you see a cloud [of resurrected 1NC
saints in 1918Nisan16 following the pattern of ]
rising in western parts, at once you say, 'A storm is coming,' and it
turns out so.
And when you see that a south wind is blowing, you say, 'There will be a
heat wave,' and it occurs [Armageddon begins on 2008Nisan16, 90 years
or a quarter of a time later].
56 Hypocrites, you know how to
examine the outward appearance of earth and sky, but how is it you do not know
how to examine this particular time? (Luke 12).
South is a quarter
time/cycle/revolution around the compass from West.
Well this year, 2006, since we now
understand the precise structure of the passover of 33Nisan14, is in a
position to eat this meal again in the Kingdom of his father, in the Kingdom of
God, which Kingdom is still at present merely over his official people, the sons
of the , those with a water baptism. He will eat and drink so long as
does not spoil the festival.
He can have the meal, the 4 cups
and the 4 loaves and the lamb itself again, through the new covenant saints. So
your Royal Highnesses, dinner is served! The dinner date is 2006Iyyar14 at
31 Then said to them:
All of you will be stumbled in connection with me on this night, for it
is written: I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be
scattered about (Matthew 26).
The Lord’s Witnesses drank this
cup themselves at the Passover on 2001Nisan14, but no new covenant saints were
with them, so (through his wife, ) has still not yet drunk this
cup again. They drank it again on 2002Nisan14, but no new covenant saints turned
up to that one either. They drank it again on 2003Nisan14, and on 2004Nisan14
and yet again, no new covenant saints turned up.
But at the Passover on 2005Iyyar14,
there was one saint who had joined the s. He drank this cup. At that time,
, through his body, his wife/fiancé effectively drank the blood of the 1AC
anew, in the Kingdom of his Father. had been his father’s heavenly
vassal since 1914Tishri and Rutherford was his first earthly vassal from
1918Nisan. This was a historic occasion, but it was not the fulfilment of
Matthew 26, because did not drink it 'with you'. No apostolic tribes
were there, because the saint in the s is in the reserves, he is yet to go
into an apostolic tribe. The 144,000 are divided into 12 apostolic tribes. Each
tribe has an apostle as its father by water baptism initially and by spirit
baptism finally.
Furthermore the Passover cannot
properly be celebrated with only one saint present. Although the s did
make a gallant attempt to serve God in this matter on 2005Iyyar14. This is
[1] Each saint has to go to the
temple as the Jews did, and the temple is at least one other saint.
[2] The blood has to flow around the body, i.e. be passed from one saint to
[3] The bread representing body is broken, representing his death, but the
pieces need to be eaten by at least two saints in order to symbolise this broken
So mankind has failed to drink the
cup of the and failed to drink the cup of the and failed to eat a
completed and fully celebrated Passover due to the s only having one saint
and due to the s having no water baptism and so all their saints are
unclean in the flesh. So here we all are stumbled in connection with on
the night of the Passover as prophesied. The situation we were all in on
2006Nisan14 is prophesied in 2 Chronicles 30...
2 However, the king and his
princes and all the congregation in Jerusalem resolved to hold the passover in
the 2nd month.
for they had not been able to hold it at that time, because not enough priests,
on the one hand, had sanctified themselves and the people, on the other hand,
had not gathered themselves to Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 30).
The one hand is the JW
congregation, the other hand is the congregation. Different sides of lakes
and two hands are the two complimentary congregations of the two parts of
the presence in bible symbolism. We did not have enough saints at Jerusalem,
having only one of them. And the s had no priests who were clean, having no
water baptism. So neither of us could celebrate the Passover correctly on
But we do have a chance on
2006Iyyar14 to work together to fulfil 2 Chronicles 30 and the words of in
Matthew and Mark and Luke. Shall we therefore give something to eat and to drink
to our hungry and thirsty saviour? Or shall we fry?
explains that we stop
celebrating the Passover, we stop proclaiming the death of the Lord, when he
actually arrives in 2008…
26 For as often as you eat this loaf [of
the ] and drink this cup [of the ],
you keep proclaiming the death of the Lord [as an angel in the case
of the and as a human in the case of the , since all human covenant
mediators have to die], until he arrives [on 2008Iyyar29,
at the end of the 1335 days of Daniel12] (1 Corinthians 11).
So we must drink all 4 cups and eat all 4 loaves and the meal
on or before 2008Nisan14, since the command expires when arrives in
Kingdom glory on 2008Iyyar29 at the end of the 1335 days of Daniel 12 – see
Incidentally does not say
that he will not drink the cup of the again until the. So
must have worked out what the 2nd cup stood for in the Lord's evening meal
and informed the saints who joined his church, the church of . The first
true Christian church run by became corrupted and turned into the Catholic
Church sometime around 75 AD. Peter left it and joined with on
90Tishri10, starting the 2nd part of the 1st presence – see
if you are interested. Peter never hesitated when it came to jumping into water
to get to .
Indeed said...
have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed
the faith.
8 From this time on there is
reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge,
will give me as a reward in that day, yet not only to me, but also to all those
who have loved his manifestation (2 Timothy 4).
The crown of righteousness is given
to those declared righteous in spirit, those sealed in spirit, those baptised
into the .
30 Also, do not be grieving
God's holy spirit, with which you have been sealed for a day of releasing by
ransom (Ephesians 4).
The ransom is that of 's
everlasting angelic spirit for Adam. So then 2006Iyyar14 could be the first time
that the saints get this thing right since 33Nisan14! How miserable and
hopeless we are as servants of the most high God!
24 Miserable man that I am!
Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? (Romans 7).
Now if we do all of the above, then
we will find that rather than going into the indefinitely lasting fire prepared
for the devil and his angels, we shall fulfil again 2 Chronicles 30:27…
27 Finally the priests, the Levites, stood up and blessed the people, and a hearing was granted to their voice, so that their prayer came to his holy dwelling, the heavens (2 Chronicles 30).
The clear implication is that no hearing was granted to them
in the absence of a properly celebrated Passover.
Therefore may almighty God bless our love for his son and
break down the Berlin Wall that our adversary has successfully erected between
us for so long. And may Christ guide my branches over that wall to join
with the hearts of the righteous and the faithful.
For at the end of the day, which is very soon, we all must be
one man churches. One cannot subcontract out one’s faith or one’s salvation
or one’s spirituality to any church, not even to the true church. This being
the first commandment.
P.S My apologies, I was mistaken in my last letter,
Reggie’s brother is no longer a .