A Sabbath is the 7th of 7 equal time periods. All Hebrew slaves must be released in the 7th year of slavery.
For Isaaic , the Sabbath is the 7th old secular Tishri1 year after its appointment/installation over on 2016Tishri16/Chislev5. So counting from 2017Tishri1, it runs from 2023Tishri1 to 2024Elul30. The Sabbath release
would be 2023Tishri10, But Isaaic has a monthly Sabbath system not an annual one as does Laodicea.
Isaaic s have had as Caesar since 2020Tebbeth16/Adar5 his appointment/installation. has never had any authority over people (Isaaic or Abrahamic). That is what the gene altering vaccines are all about. So does not own any or people as his slaves. Neither does he own Adam any longer as his slave, since his ministry payback lease over Adam expired on 2019Chislev14, the Watchtower Passover of their prisons of disfellowshipment and disassociation.
So people are not owned by . We are already released to . But he cannot rapture us until the maledictions have ended..
12 In case there should be sold to you your brother, a Hebrew or a Hebrewess, and he has served you 6 of years, then in the 7th year you should send him out from you as one set free [work for 6 years max but stay for another year as part of the family if desired before leaving or leave on the first day of the 7th year] [in the greater meaning the Christian congregation works for 6 presidents and then leaves during the 7th?].
13 And in case you should send him out from you as one set free, you must not send him out empty-handed.
14 You should surely equip him with something from your flock and your threshing floor and your oil and winepress. Just as your God has blessed you, you should give to him.
15 And you must remember that you became a slave in the land of Egypt and your God proceeded to redeem you. That is why I am commanding you this thing today.
16 And it must occur that in case he says to you, 'I shall not go out from your company!' because he does love you and your household, since it was well with him while with you,
17 you must also take an awl [needle]
and put it through his ear and to the door, and he must become your slave to time indefinite. And to your slave girl you should also do this way [physically one chose to be a slave if one was emotionally or financially more secure in that environment than one felt when alone. A slave gives physical headship to another. But spiritually there are many people who give spiritual headship to another. This is idolatry. So in the greater meaning an idolater becomes a slave of his church rather than of Christ. He becomes a Churchian rather than a Christian. His ear is then pinned to the door of the church, he only listens to those who come into his church. He fails to listen to God or to those in any other church which may well mean those in the true church. Many false churches actually command this idolatry - the Watchtower certainly does]
18 It should not be something hard in your eyes when you send him out from your company as one set free; because for double the value of a hired labourer he served you 6 of years, and your God has blessed you in everything that you would do (Deuteronomy 15).
2 In case you should buy a Hebrew slave, he will be a slave 6 years [presidents: Russell to Adams], but in the 7th [president:
Ciranko] he will go out as one set free without charge [into the next true church].
3 If he should come in by himself, by himself he will go out. If he is the owner of a wife, then his wife must go out with him.
4 If his master should give him a wife and she does bear him sons or daughters, the wife and her children will become her master's and he will go out by himself.
5 But if the slave should insistently say, 'I really love my master, my wife and my sons; I do not want to go out as one set free,'
6 then his master must bring him near to the [true] God and must bring him up against the door or the doorpost; and his master must pierce his ear through with an awl, and he must be his slave to time indefinite (Exodus 21).
13 This is what the God of Israel has said, 'I myself concluded a covenant with your forefathers in the day of my bringing them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of servants, saying:
14 At the end of 7 years you men should let go each one his brother, a Hebrew man, who came to be sold to you and who has served you 6 years; and you must let him go free from being with you. But your forefathers did not listen to me, neither did they incline their ear (Jeremiah 34)
Non adamic people do not have as Caesar. We are alien residents in an adamic land. The Pentecost is when the law (secular and sacred) begins to be operational (at least it was on 1513Sivan7). We are now sure that an anointed secular king requires a Pentecost before his law becomes operational.
The 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 make it obvious to those whose ear is not pinned to the church door, that is running the s. Therefore all non idolaters should leave the Watchtower in the 7th presidency (the current president, Robert Ciranko). Whereas Idolaters remain behind with the 7th president. Some of course could buy their freedom due to their hard work (spiritually) prior to the 7th presidency. Very few did.
Likewise mankind has been a slave to for 6x (6,000 years) and the Sabbath release for mankind is the 1,000 year, the seventh time. If one is bound to go to , release from this also occurs during the seventh time (i.e. at any time during the 1,000 years if shown to be repentant). This means that people can be released from throughout the kingdom.
All mankind has a choice between freedom and slavery after 6,000 years. So all mankind gets to choose whether to remain a slave to sin and and have their ear nailed to the door of his system - which becomes . Or to go free from sin and enter into the kingdom of God. God's law compels to offer them this choice at this time. And God obeys his own rules during the entire 1,000 year Sabbath of the Kingdom. Everyone therefore has a choice to leave , subject to its rules. Even mass murderers can leave during the 1,000 years if they are truly repentant. However they must still reap what they have sown and they will have a lot of apologizing to do to relatives etc. But they can do this on the outside after they have shown genuine repentance. You cannot actually want to be free from sin without being repentant. For that is what repentance means.