The first two incidences in Matthew of calling himself THE Son of Man (in fact the son of the man literally) are:
20 But said to him: Foxes have dens and birds of heaven have roosts, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head. (Matthew 8 )
6 However, in order for you to know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins -- then he said to the paralytic: Get up,
pick up your bed, and go to your home. (Matthew 9 )
The first incidence in Mark of calling himself THE Son of Man (in fact the son of the man literally) is:
10 But in order for you men to know that the Son of man has authority to forgive sins upon the earth, -- he said to the paralytic: (Mark 2 )
The first incidence in Luke of calling himself THE Son of Man (in fact the son of the man literally) is:
24 But in order for you to know that the Son of man has authority on the earth to forgive sins -- he said to the paralyzed man: I say to you, Get up and pick up your little bed and be on your way home. (Luke 5 )
John was imprisoned by Herod before any of these events...
19 But Herod the district ruler, for being reproved by him concerning Herodias the wife of his brother and concerning all the wicked deeds that Herod did,
20 added also this to all those [deeds]: he locked John up in prison. (Luke 3 )
The Gospel of Luke is written in chronological order for Luke himself says to all seekers of God (theophiles)
3 it seemed good also to me, having traced out all things accurately from the first, to write in order to you, most excellent Theophilus, (Luke 1 )
3 it seemed [good] also to me having followed closely from above to all (things) accurately according to subsequence to you to write, most mighty Theophilus, (Luke 1 )
3 edoxe kamoi parhkolouqhkoti anwqen pasin akribwj kaqexhj soi grayai kratiste qeofile (Luke 1 Alex)
3 And it seemed good to me, having followed closely from the start to all (things) accurately successively/consecutively to you to write, most mighty Theophilus, (Luke 1 )
means successively (Thayer) or consecutively (Strong)
So John was locked up in Luke 3 and called himself The Son of Man in Luke 5. The accounts of John's murder by Herod due to the dancing of Herodias' daughter in Matthew and Mark are both retrospective.
1 At that particular time Herod, the district ruler, heard the report about
2 and said to his servants: This is John the Baptist. He was raised up from the dead, and this is why the powerful works are operating in him. (Matthew 14 )
14 Now it got to the ears of King Herod, for the name of [] became public, and people were saying: John the baptizer has been raised from the dead, and on that account the powerful works are operating in him.
15 But others were saying: It is . Still others were saying: It is a prophet like one of the prophets.
16 But when Herod heard it he began to say: The John that I beheaded, this one has been raised up. (Mark 6 )
So Matthew14 and Mark6 although set after referred to himself as the Son of Man, are historical accounts of a previous beheading of John by Herod.
But In Luke 7 and in Matthew 11, John from prison sends two of his disciples ask if he is the coming one.
19 So John summoned a certain 2 of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to say: Are you the Coming One or are we to expect a different one?
20 When they came up to him the men said: John the Baptist dispatched us to you to say, 'Are you the Coming One or are we to expect another?' (Luke 7 )
2 But John, having heard in jail about the works of the Christ, sent by means of his own disciples
3 and said to him: Are you the Coming One, or are we to expect a different one? (Matthew 11 )
So John was still alive when referred to himself as THE son of man in Luke 5. But John was off the pitch being in Herod's prison.
Incidentally the reason that John in prison did not know that was the Christ in circumstances where he personally had baptised him and declared him to be the lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world was that John was possessed by the angel who presided over the entry of into . And must have left John before John sent his two disciples to - see intro18.
The purpose of the above is to establish what being a son of man means. It just means being a son of the man, a son of the creation of God, made in God's image alone, a son of pre-fall Adam. It means being .
26 And God went on to say: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth.
27 And God proceeded to create the man in his
image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them.
28 Further, God blessed them and God said to them: Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth. (Genesis 1 )
So being the son of the man (the definite article is always there before man, but always omitted by new testament translators), means that is a son of pre-fall Adam. Essentially his human body was gene zapped to be what it would have been had Adam not sinned and had all of his ancestors been the equivalents. was a son of a David (Alive on Eden2), a (alive of Eden2) and a Adam (alive on Eden2 - see U54)..
has in the past been given authority to kill adamic people. He murdered the Hebrew babies when Pharaoh ordered them thrown into the Nile.
22 Finally Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying: Every newborn son you are to throw into the river Nile, but every daughter you are to preserve alive. (Exodus 1 )
And he arranged through Hitler for the murder of millions of Jews and others in the Holocaust during the second world war. Neither of these actions led to a revoking of his 6,000 year lease as Caesar over Adam. So his lease permits him to kill adamic people in certain circumstances. In fact the secular Kings of the earth have been killing people whom they do not like or whom they fear since 's lease began. plainly never signed up to the law of Moses!
But needed to ask God's permission to attack Job and was not permitted by God to kill him. But he was directly permitted by God to kill his adamic children.
9 At that answered and said: Is it for nothing that Job has feared God?
10 Have not you yourself put up a hedge about him and about his house and about everything that he has all around? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth.
11 But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please,
and touch everything he has [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.
12 Accordingly said to : Look! Everything that he has is in your hand. Only against him himself do not thrust out your hand! So went out away from the person of . (Job 1 )
18 While this other one was yet speaking, still another one came and proceeded to say: Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their brother the firstborn.
19 And, look! there came a great wind from the region of the wilderness, and it went striking the 4 corners of the house, so that it fell upon the young people and they died. And I got to escape, only I by myself, to tell you. (Job 1 )
finally managed to get permission to torture Job with disease but not to kill him...
5 For a change, thrust out your hand,
please, and touch as far as his bone and his flesh [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.
6 Accordingly said to : There he is in your hand! Only watch out for his soul itself! (Job 2 )
is plainly not prepared tog beyond the order of . So WW2 and the Holocaust and all the murders from Cain to 2012Nisan14, the end of his 6,000 year lease (see U17) we permitted by God. For if not then his lease would have been revoked.
Job makes some interesting comments of the architect of his suffering. He blames God and the bible narrator agrees with him.
21 and say: Naked I came out of my mother's belly, And naked shall I return there. himself has given, and himself has taken away. Let the name of continue to be blessed.
22 In all this Job did not sin or ascribe anything improper to God. (Job 1 )
7 So went out away from the person of and struck Job with a malignant boil from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.
8 And he proceeded to take for himself a fragment of earthenware with which to scrape himself; and he was sitting in among the ashes.
9 Finally his wife said to him: Are you yet holding fast your integrity? Curse God and die!
10 But he said to her: As one of the senseless women speaks, you speak also. Shall we accept merely what is good from the [true] God and not accept also what is bad? In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
(Job 2 )
We discover in U229 that the 7 sons that killed with God's permission, were resurrected, due to their being kept in a salvation covenant by the sacrifices of Job, who was some kind of a priest. Whereas the 3 daughters were not resurrected but were replaced by 3 other daughters, presumably because they were not in a salvation covenant.
So we deduce from the above that Job was . He was not under the adamic death penalty and that is why could not be given permission to kill him. God cannot behave unrighteously. And he permitted to kill Job's children. So under British law at the least, he conspired with to kill 10 adamic people. But no divine law was broken because , through his lease over Adam, has authority as King to kill some of his subjects. How extensive that authority is and how precisely it works we do not yet know. But he plainly has it. It may well be universal in the case of those not in a salvation covenant for the scripture says referring to the sons of the ...
1 After these things the word of came to Abram in a vision, saying: Do not fear, Abram. I am a shield for you. Your reward will be very great. (Genesis 15 )
And in the case of Job's family
10 Have not you yourself put up a hedge about him and about his house and about everything that he has all around? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth. (Job 1 )
had to ask God's permission to take down the hedge and therefore kill Job's children But it would appear that can kill any unfaithful person at will. However if he kills to many of them, then who would he rule over?
18 As for you, Oh king, the Most High God himself gave to Nebuchadnezzar your father the kingdom and the greatness and the dignity and the majesty.
19 And because of the greatness that He gave him, all peoples, national groups and languages proved to be quaking and showing fear before him. Whom he happened to want to, he was killing; and whom he happened to want to, he was striking; and whom he happened to want to, he was exalting; and whom he happened to want to, he was humiliating (Daniel 5 )
That authority to kill 'whom he happened to want to' kill came from his boss. So also has that authority and he delegates it to his earthly kings.
A validation sacrifice body must be a whole burnt offering and is given entirely to God after the sacrifice. so it does not matter whether the body has its head cut off or is full of holes. It does straight to God who accepts it as a sacrifice.
Therefore could not be resurrected in his original body - which was why nobody initially recognised him when he appeared to them. He was resurrected in a different body to the one in which he spent his ministry and that body was given holes by some divine cosmetic surgery as a sign to make it easier for the apostles to recognise him as at least being supernatural.
27 And commencing at Moses and all the Prophets he interpreted to them things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures.
28 Finally they got close to the village where they were journeying, and he made as if he was journeying on farther.
29 But they used pressure upon him, saying: Stay with us,
because it is toward evening and the day has already declined. With that he went in to stay with them.
30 And as he was reclining with them at the meal he took the loaf, blessed it, broke it and began to hand it to them.
31 At that their eyes were fully opened and they recognized him; and he disappeared from them. (Luke 24 )
35 Now they themselves related the [events] on the road and how he became known to them by the breaking of the loaf.
36 While they were speaking of these things he himself stood in their midst [[and said to them: May you have peace.]]
37 But because they were terrified, and had become frightened, they were imagining they beheld a spirit.
38 So he said to them: Why are you troubled, and why is it doubts come up in your hearts?
39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; feel me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones just as you behold that I have.
40 And as he said this he showed them his hands and his feet.
41 But while they were still not believing for sheer joy and were wondering, he said to them: Do you have something there to eat?
42 And they handed him a piece of broiled fish;
43 and he took it and ate it before their eyes. (Luke 24 )