[60] John 10: The Doorkeeper, the Shepherd, the Thief and the 2 Flocks

1 Most truly I say to you, He that does not enter through the door into the fold of the sheep but climbs up from-other-place, that one is a thief and a plunderer.
2 But he that enters through the door is shepherd of the sheep.
3 The doorkeeper [qurwroj] opens to this one, and the sheep listen to his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
4 When he has got all his own out, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice.
5 A strange [one] they will by no means follow but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strange [ones].
6 Jesus spoke this parable to them; but they did not know what he was speaking to them. [14]

And God's ex people the JWs have not known. But today, you will know. This is a reader statement - see [Reader Questions].

7 Therefore Jesus said again: Most truly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep [explanation].
8 All those that have come instead of me are thieves and plunderers [explanation]; but the sheep have not listened to them [more of the parable].
9 I am the door [explanation]; whoever enters through me will be saved, and he will go in and out and find pasturage [more of the parable].
10 The thief [of the parable] does not come unless it is to steal and slay and destroy. I have come that they might have life and might have {life} abundantly [just as I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob].
11 I am the shepherd the fine [explanation], the shepherd, the fine places his soul over the sheep.
12 The hired-man [misqwtoj is a noun, Mounce is correct], who is no shepherd and to whom the sheep do not belong as his own, beholds the wolf [lukon] [kata loukon Watchtower - 3rd witness, 3rd church] coming and abandons the sheep and flees -- and the wolf snatches them and scatters them --
13 because he is a hired-man and does not care about the sheep.
14 I am the shepherd, the fine, and I know my [ones] and my [ones] know me, [20]

15 just as [kaqwj] the Father knows me and I know the Father [a stand alone parable]; and I place my soul [the shepherd's soul] over the sheep [more of the parable].
16 And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice [the shepherd's voice], and they will become one flock, one shepherd [more of the parable].

SCNC 3+14 +20+9 = 46 (2 threads)
SINC Day, Night, Light of World, Door (4), (Fold of Sheep), Thief (2), Plunderer (2), (Shepherd of Sheep), Doorkeeper (1), Sheep (10), Voice (3), Name (1),  (Door of Sheep), Pasturage (1), Shepherd (6), Soul (1), Hired-man (2), Wolf (2), Father (2), Fold (2), Flock (1) = 18 (2 threads). There are only two types of sheep (since the noun appears 10x which is divisible by 2 and not by 3. So there cannot be 3 types of Shepherd (which noun appears 6x). so this account must only have 2 symbolic threads.

The fold cannot be the 1NC because the shepherd leads the sheep out of the fold. So the fold is the TCC1 or TCC3 (the congregations of the 1EC and the 3EC).

Event Symbolism 

Sheep are 1ACs under FRC testing
Fold is Laodicea
Other sheep are 1ACs under LRC (OMC) testing
The door is faith in Jesus
Doorkeeper is the Elijah of the true church.

1 Truly, Truly I say to you, He that does not enter into the fold of the sheep [Laodicea] through the door [faith in Jesus/Michael, the mediator of the LRC (OMC)] but goes up some other way [with no faith in Jesus], that one a thief is and a plunderer [a double description] [a procurer of sheep, a leader of a church].
2 But he that enters through the door [a brother with faith in Jesus] is [a] shepherd of the sheep [necessary but not sufficient].
3 The doorkeeper [qurwroj] [Elijah4, Gordon] opens to this one [AOL - Caleb], and the sheep [non adamic 1ACs under FRC testing in Laodicea] listen to his voice [the message of the shepherd], and he calls the owned/specified (idia) sheep by name [by their sanctification covenant  1NC, 2NC or HLC] and leads them out [of Laodicea into the autonomous part of Zoar].
4 When he has got all the specified (idia) [ones] out [of Laodicea], he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice [message].
5 A stranger/one belonging to another [Satan's seed - POL] they will by no means follow but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.
[6 Jesus spoke this comparison to them; but they did not know what the things meant that he was speaking to them] (John 10).

Jesus' explanation of the Event Symbolism:

7 Therefore Jesus said again: Truly, truly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep [1ACs under FRC testing who join the true church].
8 All those that have come in place of me thieves are and plunderers; but the sheep have not listened to them.
9 I am the door; whoever enters through me [with genuine faith in Jesus] will be saved, and he will go in [to Laodicea] and out [of Laodicea] and find pasturage [in Zoar. Laodicea was a sheep pen. Sheep pens are dark, secure, restrictive. Zoar is a pasturages, light, loads of food and freedom. Sheep are penned up in the evening, the first part of the Hebrew day, representing Laodicea or the first church of a presence and free to roam and eat in the morning, the second part of the Hebrew day, representing Zoar or the second church of the presence].
10The thief does not come unless it is to steal and slay and destroy [he stole the 4EC water baptism. He stole the crown of the mediator of the 2NC. He slayed many saints. He destroyed the 4EC that he stole and he destroyed man's opportunity to decode the bible for an entire generation]. I have come that they might have life [non adamic life] and might have {life} exceedingly [non ageing human life].
11 I am the shepherd, the fine [one]. The shepherd, the fine [one] places his soul over the sheep [Jesus' non adamic body was the ransom sacrifice for the LRC/OMC]

11 In reply he would say to them: Let the man that has 2 undergarments/shirts/frocks (the garment worn next to the skin) [it can prefigure a non adamic sealing body - FRC or LRC] share with the man that has none, and let him that has things to eat do the same (Luke 3 NWT)

12 The hired man [faithless man, an opportunist], who is no shepherd [appointed by men but not by God] and to whom the sheep do not belong as his own [having no constructive ownership of sheep in the Kingdom], beholds the wolf [The Man of Lawlessness or perhaps rotten 1NC saints, or Satan's seed of the DAC] coming and abandons the sheep and flees [from the internal power struggle] and the wolf snatches them and scatters them [The wolf wins the internal power struggle due to the nonchalance of the hired man. The wolf then takes authority and snatches the sheep in the fallen church].
13 because he is a hired man [faithless man] and does not care for the sheep.
14 I am the shepherd, the fine [one] and I know my sheep and my sheep know me,
15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I place my soul over the sheep [ransoming the sons of the OMC with his non adamic human Yeshuaian body].
16 And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold [1ACs under OMC testing, who join the true church]; those also I must lead/carry, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd [in Zoar under the 3rd Holy Spirit from 2026Heshvan5/Chislev5, when the 3rd Holy Spirit takes over Abrahamic/Isaaic Zoar. They then merge non adamic Sodom and Zoar together].
17 This is why the Father loves me, because I put down/ surrender my soul, in order that I may receive it again [his non adamic human soul used to ransom Abraham. He gets it back (temporarily) to procreate with. He cannot have OMC sons without having a human soul].
18 No man has taken it away from me, but I surrender it of my own initiative [the OMC]. I have authority to surrender it, and I have authority to receive it again. The commandment on this I received from my Father [who did the same thing when he created the angels]
Again a division resulted among the Jews because of these words [This was said to his disciples who were with him when he cured the blind man and thereafter, and the Jews also heard it, but this is not the sort of thing he would have said to the Pharisees, he only explained his parables to his disciples. A new audience a new account].
20 Many of them were saying: He has a demon and is mad. Why do you listen to him?
21 Others would say: These are not the sayings of a demonized man. A demon cannot open blind people's eyes, can it? [Interesting Binary Question! No. Not unless that demon repents and joins the true church] (John 10).  

The Word Symbolism

Sheep are 1NCs
Sheep fold is a true church
Other sheep are ELCs, HLCs, 2NCs
The door is the 1NC
Doorkeeper is an Elijah.

1 Truly, Truly [successive exclamation, immediate repetition - this means two fulfilments among all word threads?] I say to you, He that does not enter into the fold of the sheep [1NC saints in a true church] through the door [Jesus/Michael, the mediator of the 1NC, the door for the shepherd and the door to angelic life, the door for the 1NC saints] but goes up [to lead the church on the governing body whatever form that takes] some other way [either an unsanctified brother or a saint not in the 1NC], that one a thief is and a plunderer [a double description] [a procurer of sheep, a leader of a church].
2 But he that enters through the door [the 1NC] is [a] shepherd of the sheep [The governing body of the church. Entering through the door is necessary but not sufficient to be the shepherd].
3 The doorkeeper [qurwroj] [An Elijah] opens [the door] to this one [Personally baptising Jesus and the 1NC apostles and the first century presidents - except Epaphras. And Paul, Elijah2, baptising the ELC governing body members. And Russell, Elijah3,  opening to Rutherford but not to Knorr. And Gordon, Elijah4, baptising the 2NC apostles himself], and the sheep [the 1NCs] listen to his voice [the message of the shepherd], and he calls the owned/specified (idia) sheep by name [whilst inside the sheep pen himself, he recognises the saintly status of the named sanctified sheep] and leads them out [of the one true church into another true church].
4 When he has got all the specified (idia) [ones] out [of TCC1 and TCC3], he goes before them [into the new true church], and the sheep follow him [into TCC2 or TCC4. So all the sheep are specified, they are all sanctified], because they know his voice [The shepherds voice].
5 A stranger/one belonging to another [the leader of the next true church, one belonging to another covenant] they will by no means follow but will flee from him [even if they have stolen his baptism], because they do not know the voice of strangers [they do not relate to his interpretational style. They need to be led to the new church by a voice they know].
[6 Jesus spoke this proverb/comparison to them [the sheep not following strangers proverb]; but they did not know what the things meant that he was speaking to them] [first partially understood on 2012Ab6, Friday 00:03. More fully understood on 2019Nisan4, 2019April10, 15:30. More fully understood on 2019Nisan17. More fully understood on 2019Iyyar17] (John 10).

There are two fulfilments (resulting from 'Truly, truly' and possibly 'thief and plunderer') but only one word symbolic thread. The above was said to the Pharisees. But Jesus would not have explained it to them. The above account runs from John 9:1 to John 10:21 

The doorkeeper must open to the shepherd - directly baptising him - as John did with Jesus. John also baptised Peter and all the apostles. John's baptism was intransitive.
Those who go in through the door (are saints in the correct spirit covenant for that door) meet one condition to be the shepherd and are not the thief or the plunderer.
The thief and the plunderer does not even go through the door (i.e is not baptised by the doorkeeper and is either unsanctified or in the wrong spirit covenant for that door)

Russell himself accepted any baptism made by a 3rd party up until his death on October 31 1916. Rutherford was baptised in 1906. So the doorkeeper did open to him. Whereas Nathan Knorr was baptised in 1923 aged 18, so he was not eligible to be a part of the Shepherd. What Charles Russell should have done, had he understood this parable, was to pass his door opening authority on to a successor which he chose. Rutherford was elected which is not how God does things.

Roger Knight who was a thief of the 4EC baptism, did not lead Laodicea. POL (the President of Laodicea) did that. He was Judas Iscariot, from Issachar, the Samaritan call into the 1NC in the Watchtower. So he should not have been leading a 2NC church. So he did not go in to Laodicea through the door and the door was not opened to him directly by Elijah4. So POL was a plunderer. But the reappointed Laodicea has a different leadership which is 1NC and so Charles Russell has to open to the new Shepherd of Laodicea. Jonah, the 1NC spy of Joshua 2, is the head of the new Shepherd.

Jesus' explanation in the Word Symbolism:

7 Therefore Jesus said again: Truly, truly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep [the 1NCs].
8 All those that have come in place of me thieves are and plunderers; but the sheep have not listened to them.
9 I am the door; whoever enters through me [into the 1NC right through to the ARC] will be saved, and he will go in [to the first TCC in a presence] and out [of the first TCC of the presence either by body death or by leaving for the next true church] and find pasturage [either in the second TCC of the presence or in heaven. TCC1/TCC3 were pens, dark, secure, restrictive, TCC2/4 are pasturages, light, loads of food and freedom. Sheep are penned up in the evening, the first part of the Hebrew day, representing the first church of a presence and free to roam and eat in the morning, the second part of the Hebrew day, representing the second church of the presence].
10The thief does not come unless it is to steal and slay and destroy [so he comes 3x to TCC1/2/3]. I have come that they might have life [judicial life] and might have it exceedingly [everlasting life].
11 I am the shepherd, the fine [one]. The shepherd, the fine [one] places his soul over the sheep [Michael ransoms Adam angelically with his everliving angelic soul]

11 In reply he would say to them: Let the man that has 2 undergarments/shirts/frocks (the garment worn next to the skin) [it can prefigure a body] share with the man that has none, and let him that has things to eat do the same (Luke 3 NWT)

12 The hired man [unsanctified, not a son of God, no angelic soul, not a saint], who is no shepherd [appointed by men but not by God] and to whom the sheep do not belong as his own, beholds the wolf [The Man of Lawlessness or perhaps rotten 1NC saints, or Satan's seed of the DAC] coming and abandons the sheep and flees [from the internal power struggle] and the wolf snatches them and scatters them [The wolf wins the internal power struggle due to the nonchalance of the hired man. The wolf then takes authority and snatches the sheep in the fallen church].
13 because he is a hired man [unsanctified] and does not care for the sheep.
14 I am the shepherd, the fine [one] and I know my sheep and my sheep know me,
15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I place my soul over the sheep.
16 And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold [HLCs, ELCs, 2NC FRC Kings, 2NC OMC Kings]; those also I must lead/carry, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd [in TCC2/4 under FDS2/4].
17 This is why the Father loves me, because I put down/surrender my soul, in order that I may receive it again [his everlasting angelic soul used to ransom Adam. He gets it back (temporarily) to procreate with He cannot have angelic sons without having an angelic soul].
18 No man has taken it away from me, but I surrender it of my own initiative [the ARC]. I have authority to surrender it, and I have authority to receive it again. The commandment on this I received from my Father [who did the same thing when he created the angels]
Again a division resulted among the Jews because of these words [This was said to his disciples who were with him when he cured the blind man and thereafter, and the Jews also heard it, but this is not the sort of thing he would have said to the Pharisees, he only explained his parables to his disciples. A new audience a new account].
20 Many of them were saying: He has a demon and is mad. Why do you listen to him?
21 Others would say: These are not the sayings of a demonized man. A demon cannot open blind people's eyes, can it? [Interesting Binary Question!] (John 10).

The fold, the sheep pen, dark and controlling and restricting, is the first church of a presence. The pasture, open, free, unrestricted, light, is the second church of a presence. Now in the Hebrew day, the evening comes before the morning, the night comes before the day. So in the day of the presence, the pen comes before the pasture. But the pasture is mightier than the pen.

Repeated phrases such as: 'I am the door', I am the shepherd the fine [one], means Jesus is the door in two ways and the shepherd in two ways.
I know my sheep and my sheep know me and The father knows me and I know the father are another repetitive prophetic form. The prophetic form 'truly, truly' does not give two fulfilments for each thread, it just gives two fulfilments among all the threads or possibly all the word threads. This means that two threads are identical. 


Old Incorrect Understandings...

The Second Word Symbolism

1 Truly, I say to you, He that does not enter into the fold of the sheep [the 1EC or 3EC] through the door [Jesus, the mediator of the ARC, the door for the shepherd, the door to angelic life] but goes up some other way [falsely claims to be sanctified], that one a thief is and a plunderer.
2 But he that enters through the door [the JAC] is [a] shepherd of the sheep [head of FDS2 or FDS4].
3 The doorkeeper [Elijah 1 or 3, keeps the 1NC saints safe, and is himself another door, the door for the sheep] opens [the door for the sheep] to this one [by water baptising the shepherd], and the sheep [those in the 1EC or 3EC] listen to his voice [message], and he calls the owned/specified (idia) sheep by name [he recognises the status of the sanctified] and leads them out [of the 1EC or 3EC].
4 When he has got all the owned/specified (idia) [ones] [sanctified] out [of the 1EC or 3EC], he goes before them, and the sheep follow him [in FDS2 or FDS4], because they know his voice [message].
5 A stranger they will by no means follow but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.
[6 Jesus spoke this comparison to them; but they did not know what the things meant that he was speaking to them] (John 10).


Symbolic word/phrase

Word count

Word Symbolic meaning

Doorkeeper 1x Mediator of a new covenant, through the door of Jesus (Paul for Bilhah, Gordon for Rachel, someone for Zilpah)
Door 2x Jesus, grants entrance into the true sheepfold to the old FDS and the new FDS
Sheepfold 1x The ACP
Shepherd 1x New FDS who enters through the door of Jesus
Sheep led out of fold n/a Led out of congregation of old FDS into congregation of new FDS
Thief (1) and plunderer (1) na Two people who falsely claim to be baptised in holy spirit (from heaven), someone in the first presence (who may not have been a president) and Milton Henschel, the 5th president of the Watchtower. They appropriate Jesus' flock for themselves.
Climbs up some other place n/a Gets to the top or near to the top of the true congregation without being baptised in holy spirit.
Voice of Strangers 1x Brothers with leadership who pose as sanctified Christians but are not.
Calls his own sheep by name 1x
Sheep 4x Sons of the ACP
Voice 3x Message

1 And to the angel of the congregation in Sardis write: These are the things that he says who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars: I know your deeds, that you have the name that you are alive, but you are dead (Revelation 3).

False anointing claim. Milton Henschel, 5th and last president of the Watchtower.

7 And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write: These are the things he says who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens so that no one will shut, and shuts so that no one opens, 
8 I know your deeds, look! I have set before you an opened door, which no one can shut--that you have a little power, and you kept my word and did not prove false to my name (Revelation 3).

Doorkeeper, 6th congregation, 6th administration of second presence, Gordon, 1st president of the Lord’s Witnesses.

16 And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd (John 10).

Yes but not in the original sheepfold, the congregation of the original FDS, for the new covenant saints are led out of there by the shepherd. They become one flock in the congregation of the new FDS.