Brothers in Psalms,
We had a meeting on Friday. You will not believe what you missed - here it is...
An incredible thing happened today at Prophecy Central. We have known for a few weeks that the Mark of the Beast (Digital IDs) begins to be enforced by law and by WW3 front line threats (being thrown into the fiery furnace of Daniel3) on 2025Adar21/22. And that WW3 begins on
2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14).
What I had not realised was that 2025Adar21/22 is 2026March15/16/17. In other words it is the Ides of March. So by warning people that the Mark will become mandatory on that day we have been saying: Beware the Ides of March - which was said by the foreseer Spurinna, the Estruscan to Julius Caesar
a month before the Ides. Then on 44March15 BC (Julian) they met. Caesar responded - The Ides of March are come. Spurinna said, Ay, Caesar, but not yet gone (Julius Caesar - Shakespeare). He was knifed by Brutus, Cassius and a large number
of senators later that day resulting in civil war and really the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire.
Et immolantem haruspex Spurinna monuit, caveret periculum, quod non ultra Martias Idus proferretur. (C. Suetonius Divus Julius)
And burnt offering entrail inspector Spurinna warned: Beware [of a] danger which not beyond the Ides of March would be carried forward
But Mark of the beast enforcement is the start of the 10 diadems of authority of the G20 beast. It is the end of national Caesars, the death of them politically. They will be assassinated by globalist politicians on the Ides of March 2026.
Also Ides (Latin is Idus) is from the Latin verb Iduo meaning to divide. And mankind will be divided into Mark acceptors (concentration camp guards bound for ) and Mark rejectors (camp inmates, God's people, bound for the ). So it is the Ides of the Mark actually.
This conversation occurred between Frank in the US and Gordon in the UK by Zoom. Then Gordon realised that today is the Ides of March (March15/16). The middle of a 31 day March is not March15. But is March 15/16
Spookificent eh?
So here is the deal folks: Mark Registration day is 2024Adar21/22 (2025February24-26). Mark enforcement day is 2025Adar21/22 (2026March15/16/17).
The image of Daniel3 was 60 cubits high and 6 cubits wide with no depth. That is the advertising facade of the Mark, 60x6=360 days of Mark Registration before Mark Enforcement begins ostensibly as a result of WW3 rationing. But actually WW3 is manufactured by the demons to enforce the Mark.
WW3 last for 7 months longer than WW2 because Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded that the fiery furnace be heated up 7x more than it had previously been seen to have been heated. It runs from 2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14) to
2032Tishri22/23 (2032September29-OCtober1).
But all the faithful (Christians. Jews Muslims and even non religious people who have faith in a creator are raptured by 2029Iyyar14-15 (2029April28-30).
So here is a sacred secret for the world to trample upon and ignore, then go back to earning money and buying satanic status with it, which will become not merely valueless but actually terminally toxic to all that hold it after the Ides of March in 2026.
3916 And it is making/composing/creating [poiew] all (ones) [with a digital ID]: The small (ones) and the great (ones), and the rich (ones) and the poor (ones), and the free (ones) and the slaves, in order that they should give to them engraving upon
the hand of them the right or upon the forehead of them, (Revelation 13 )
16 kai poiei pantaj touj mikrouj kai megalouj kai touj ptwcouj kai touj plousiouj kai touj eleuqerouj kai touj doulouj i?na dwsin autw caragma epi thj ceiroj autwn thj dexiaj h epi to
metwpon autwn (Revelation 13 Sinai)
The small (ones) and the great (ones) = all (ones)
The rich (ones) and the poor (ones) = all (ones)
The free (ones) and the slaves = all (ones)
So it is making/composing/creating (digitally) all (ones): All (ones) and all (ones) and all (ones) = 4x precisely of all ones = 8x precisely as a sentence count. These must run from 2025Iyyar14, to 2029Iyyar14, the end of salvation, the 6th crop Passover of Revelation22, the last rapture of s. AND from 2025Iyyar14 to 2033Iyyar14, the entire period of compelled Mark Registration, which is coincident with the 8 Happinesses of Matthew5. So the first 53 days of Mark Registration from 2024VeAdar21/22 must be free of compulsion.
The compulsion on s lasts for 4x precisely. The compulsion on all mankind lasts for 8x precisely. Whereas Mark registration lasts for the 12x of the sentence count of the further specification of all (ones) precisely from the List Specification Principle. This being the time it takes from the start of Mark registration, to the implementation of full Mark Enforcement. It is the same period as the 6x60 = 360 square cubit, 2D view of the face of the image of Daniel3, which is 1 year of Mark Registration without any depth of enforcement from 2024VeAdar21/22 to 2025Adar21/22. Whereas Mark enforcement lasts for the 2400 days (see below) of Revelation13:16-17 from 2025Adar21/22-2032Heshvan21/22,
11 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had 2 horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. (Revelation 13 )
16 And it [other beast with 2 horns like a lamb: The UK and US deep state] is making [poiei]
all [ones] [namely] the small [ones] and the great [ones], and the rich [ones] and the poor [ones], and the free [ones] and the slaves [2x further specified as 12x counts as 2x.12x=24x here]
[receptive] in order that [ina]
they [the sea beast and other beasts] [2x] should give to them [2x: All ones] a mark/engraving upon [+genitive]
their right hand or upon [+dative]
their forehead [1x+5x or 1x+1x] ,
17 and in order that not anyone/someone [of them] [1x]
might be able to buy or sell [(1x + 1x)/2 = 1x] if not the [one]
[1x] having the mark/engraving [in the form of]
the name of the wild beast or the number of its name [1x,(1x+1x)/2 = 1x].
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence count/calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is 616 [see the count for Revelation
13:1-9 - see U271-11#19] (Revelation 13).
Verse 16-17: 5x (the count of 'it': The other beast with 2 horns kike a lamb).2x.12x.2x.2x (all ones).((6x+2x)/2x)+2x.12x.2x.((1x+1x)/2+(1x+1x)/2) = 5x.(2x.12x.2x.2x.4x+2x.12x.4x)=5x.(384x+96x) = 5x.480x = 2400x. 6 years 8 months from 2025Adar21/22, the start of Mark enforcement by the fiery furnace of WW3 and by law, to 2032Heshvan21/22. Then Mark registration continues until 2033Iyyar14, 97¾ months after 2024VeAdar21/22, an hour of the tet of Revelation3 of the 97¾ year day of testing of God's people from early 1935, when the Nazis offered the witnesses in Germany a chance to renounce their faith and pledge allegiance to the fatherland in order to avoid incarceration.. On 2025Adar21/22, the law is changed to criminalise Mark refusers.
The latest that these 12+80=92 months of Mark Registration then enforcement could run to would be 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of Cain. So they must start by 2025Elul. But we are given their start date by John 10:22-24
22 But the festival of renewal/innovation/dedication [egkainia]
from en and kainoj,
meaning in-new] took place in Jerusalems [Ierosolumoij] [Plural:
In the ark and on earth]
[Chislev25-Tebbeth2. Literally this was the rededication of the temple by Judas Maccabeus] [] and it was winter/stormy [2024Chislev25-Tebbeth2
Modern Hebrew Calendar Hanukkah, which is 2024December26/27 to 2025January2/3 Gregorian and 2024Tebbeth21-28 ]
23 and the was walking [through s being in contact with raptured s in the ark after 2024Tebbeth16-20 for Gentile call s] in the temple in the colonnade of the Solomon [Walking, without stumbling means sins are regarded as forgiven, which pictures sainthood.
This is s walking amongst s in the temple of the ark, who are waiting in the colonnade to enter into the temple of Solomon, which has a colonnade but the rock mass is yet to be laid! The rock mass is laid on 2024VeAdar2. A colonnade is where people
gather before entering into the temple]
24 The Jews therefore [oun] encircled him [2x.
One encirclement by the plural Jews, making a 2 month circle around to 2024Shebat25-2024Adar2 (Modern Hebrew), which is 2024Adar21-28 () which is also 2024VeAdar21-28 . 2024VeAdar20 is the end of the non reserve ark rapture.
Because the Jews ate the fish counts as 2x]
and [they] said to him: Until when, the soul of us are you lifting/taking up/removing?
[2x.(1x+!x) = 4x] [This is a self answering question until 4 months after Hanukkah for the rapture of the Benjamite s (completed on 2025Iyyar21/22)] If you are the Christ, say to us outspokenly (John 10 )
This nails the end of the Gentile call rapture to Modern Hebrew Hanukkah, the end of the non reserve rapture to 2024VeAdar20/21 and the end of the reserve rapture to 2025Iyyar21. And that puts the start of the image of Daniel3, 60 cubits of height earlier on 2024VeAdar21. Because the height of the image in cubits is the period of Mark of the beast testing of the saints in days, a day for a cubit.
Also the Angel of Philadelphia has to be kept from the hour of the test and he is raptured on 2024VeAdar20, the first day of that 'hour'. So this gives us.
2024VeAdar21 (2025March26/27): The start of Mark Registration. The day when vaccine status Digital IDs are introduced.
2025Iyyar14 (2025May12/13): The start of Mark Compulsion.
2025August (Gregorian or Julian): The greater Registration decree of Caesar Augustus of Luke2. You MUST register for a digital ID or you are a domestic terrorist, a deplorable, an antivaxxer and various other inapposite slanders.
2025Shebat20/21 (2026February12-14): WW3 begins
2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17): The Ides of March (beware): The start of Mark Enforcement by law and by WW3.
2032Tishri22/23: (2032September29-October1): WW3 ends
2032Heshvan21/22 (2032October28-30): The end of the 2400 days of Revelation13:16-17 of Mark Enforcement.
2033Iyyar14: The end of Mark Registration (because there is no one left to register).
For this timeline it is very obvious that the purpose of WW3 is to enforce the Mark of the Beast. It is the fiery furnace into which digital ID refusers are thrown by conscription
The Plain of Dura (circle)
1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, the height of which was 60 cubits [and] the breadth of which was 6 cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura in the jurisdictional district of Babylon. (Daniel 3 )
The face of the image is the period when it can be seen (when you can get registered) but it is not compelled. Its real purpose is hidden behind the 6x60 = 360 one circle, one Dura (meaning circle in Chaldee) facade.
The hour of the test
10 Because you kept the word of the endurance of me [for 751 main predictions, subpredictions, subsubpredictions and prediction extensions for the 1st/2nd/3rd fire signs!], I will also keep you out of the hour of the test [This is the final love test of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25. Attention all men - if you cannot find faith then find Love for your brothers! Refuse to register for the Mark of the Beast], which is to come upon the whole inhabited [earth] [all those on the planet], to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth [literal - noun counts 1x] (Revelation 3 ).
7 Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. (Matthew 7 ) - That is ' word about endurance.
So (the Angel of Philadelphia, 4) and the s are kept completely out of the hour of the test of the counsel to Philadelphia, by being raptured before the first day of Mark Registration (2024VeAdar21/22).
10 Because you observed the word of the endurance of me, and I you I shall observe out of the hour of the temptation the (one) being about to be coming upon the being inhabited [earth] whole, to tempt the (ones) inhabiting upon the earth. (Revelation 3 )
Verse10: The hour of temptation: 1x+1x.2x.2x.2x = 9x. The count of verse10 is triggered by the word 'hour'. From 2024VeAdar21/22, Mark Registration Day, to 2033Iyyar14, the end of Mark Registration, the absolute end of Cain.
The 10x of compulsion to get registered and bow to the image of Daniel3 begin. China starts paying wages in s (e-CNY) in May 10 years (60/6 cubits) before they end 2023Iyyar14 (May4/5) X__________________________ |
Annual G20 summit is held in Rio de Janeiro 2024Chislev12-13 X________________ |
Digital IDs have their Daniel3:1-3 administrative inauguration 2024Chislev17-18 X_______________ |
Mark Registration Day 2024VeAdar21/22 X_______________ |
8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 begin 2025Iyyar14 X__________ |
Greater Registration Decree of Caesar Augustus in August Gregorian/Julian 2025August1- 2025September13 X_________________ |
The Daniel3 fiery furnace of WW3 begins 2025Shebat20/21 X______________ |
80 months of Mark enforcement by law and by the fiery furnace of WW3 begin 2025Adar21/22 X_____________ |
WW3 ends after 80 months. 7x of Daniel3 more than the 73 month WW2 2032Tishri22/23 X_________________ |
End of 2400 days, 80 months of Mark Enforcement of Revelation 13:16-17 2032Heshvan21/22 X_________________ |
Mark Registration ends after the 97¾ month hour in the 97¾ year day of testing God's people from 1935 Nazi Germany and 8 years of Mark Compulsion of Revelation 13:16 from 2025Iyyar14 2033Iyyar14 X39__________________________ |
2 years - 2 months | 1 year | 7 years + 2 months | 2+1+7 = 10 years |
The 10 horns who are 10 Kings of Revelation17 (the G20 members) are the 10 toes of Daniel2, which are partly of iron and partly of potter's clay (making 20x of the G20) run after the end of the 2 feet, the UK/US world power.
41 And as to that you saw, the feet and the toes [were] partly of potters' clay and partly of iron, [the] kingdom shall be divided. But there shall be in it the strength of iron, because you saw the iron mixed with
clay of the potter.
42 And [as] the toes of the feet [were] partly of iron and partly of clay, [so] the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. (Daniel 2 )
The 2750 = 55x50 days of Revelation17:16-17 of the 10 horns giving their G20 Kingdom to the financial/commercial/banking from 2025Iyyar21/22, when the 10 horns gain power, to 2032Tenneth11/12, when the words of God are fulfilled, when the harlot to the electorate of false democratic government is burnt..
16 And the 10 horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.
17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his judgement,, even to carry out [their] one judgement by giving their kingdom [singular] to the wild beast, until the
words of God will have been fulfilled. (Revelation 17 -)
16 And the ten horns which you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot, and having been desolated they will make her and naked, and the fleshes of her they will eat, and her they will burn down in fire;
17 the for God gave into the hearts of them to do the judgement of him, and to do one judgement and to give the kingdom [singular] of them to the wild beast, until will be
fulfilled the words of the God. (Revelation 17 -)
Then at some point during the period of WW3, from 2025Shebat20/21 to 2032Tishri22/23, the UK/US head is cut off the beast and the wings of the US Eagle are removed from the UK Lion.
Temporally, the 10 Horns = the 10 Kings = the 10 Toes = 10 years from 2023Nisan24, the start of demon possession, to 2033Iyyar14, the absolute end of the world.
Temporally the 10 Horns and the 10 Kings and the 10 Diadems are also 10 months of power, kingship and authority.
Administratively, the 10 horns who are 10 kings = The 10 toes partly of iron and partly of potter's clay = The G20.
Actually Trump (or some other male person) will be inaugurated as the 47th president on 2025January20 (2024Shebat15). He also becomes the second horseman of the apocalypse, after black supremacist, African dictator, genital mutilator, anti Japhethite and anti American traitor and globalist agent Obama46 (Biden) has done his job of destroying the US military, corrupting and politicising absolutely every branch of the public sector, and assassinating US culture by every means at his disposal. We see this because the fiery horse of Revelation 6:4 is a yet to leave the stables (pass its first law) congress and the rider (the president) is yet to be given the great sword (become the commander of the US military). On 2023Tishri15 (US) 2023Tishri16 (UK) (16:48 EDT 2023October3), for the first time in History, a sitting speaker was ousted by congress. That could possibly have lead to Trump becoming speaker and then president. The speaker is the Revelation14 bridle of the 2nd horse of the apocalypse, which is the US Congress.
The Mark of the beast takes the form of accepting a Digital ID, on 2024Adar21/22 = 2024VeAdar21/22 (2025February24-26 or 2025March26-28) Mark Registration day, the start of the year of the face of the Mark (6x60 cubits of the image of Daniel3) without the depth of Mark enforcement. Then on 2025Iyyar21/22, the 10 horns of power for the G20 begin. Mark enforcement (the start of the 10 diadems of authority of the financial beast) begins on 2025Adar21/22 (2026March15-17, the Ides of March of which we must BEWARE). The G20 forces mankind to convert all his money into s, the image of the beast, which they control. When they control all of your money, you are their slave. They have stolen your financial freedom. The EU under Ursula Von Der Leyen and the IMF under Christine Lagarde are pushing this worldwide theft of all personal money. March 2026 is when the remainers will realise how wrong they were to support giving away our sovereignty to people over whom we have no democratic control.
Here's hoping that overturns the tables of the vote counters of Dominion and the Democrats in the false temple of US Democracy and the puppet masters of the UK deep state and blob in removing Boris and Liz and without a single vote being cast, crowning Rishi whom the Tory members had explicitly rejected in favour of Liz.
34 You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of moulded clay and crushed them.
41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of moulded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay.
42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of moulded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. (Daniel 2 )
The Mark of the Beast comes is as a result of the 2nd fire signs on 2024Shebat2 - 2024Adar21/VeAdar21. It is the end of the 7th world power economically. Because the globalist Mark of the Beast conquers the pound and the dollar. This may be coincident with the long overdue recognition that the people of the US voted not for Biden but for Trump in 2020. Because they do not like politicians. And Biden is the archetypical politician. Biden could NEVER outperform Obama. And the argument that he only managed to outperform Obama due to the unpopularity of Trump is plainly false because Trump is incredibly popular as his opinion polls have consistently shown (rigged though they are against him). Whereas Biden is monstrously unpopular in polls (rigged though they are in his favour).
The 2 fire signs hit the feet BEFORE the period of the G20 Beast having power etc., from 2025Iyyar21/22 to 2032Tebbeth11/12, the end of the 10 kings giving their G20 kingdom to the financial/commercial/banking beast. And the UK/US world power, the two feet, the 7th world power, ends when the toes begin. Mick Robinson said that the city and wall street will fall at the same time that the wall of the city of Jericho falls. Pretty accurate39.
The website (currently at is being slowly updated to the new 2033Nisan14, chronology. It will take another couple of weeks to finish.
Blessings and love from God and and Frank and me