The fascinating thing for all men of faith, Jews, Christians, Muslims and all others alike, is that said...
15 Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, let the reader use discernment, (Matthew 24 )
26 And after the 62 sevens Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself. And the city and the holy place the people of a leader that is coming will bring to their ruin. And the end of it will be by the flood.
And until [the] end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations.
27 And he must keep [the] covenant in force for the many for one seven; and at the half of the seven he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. And upon the wing of disgusting things there will be the
one causing desolation; and until an extermination, the very thing decided upon will go pouring out also upon the one lying desolate. (Daniel 9 )
40 And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter
into the lands and flood over and pass through (Daniel 11 ).
So the end of the temple mount and the city of Jerusalem may well be triggered by operation Al Aqsa Flood. And until that end, there will be war (says Daniel9). Judaic Sacrifice will restart upon the temple mount (in order that Daniel9:27 can be fulfilled yet again).. THAT is the disgusting thing causing desolation, it being a rejection of the human sacrifice of the Christ, who is now a God to be worshipped, the first angel to achieve our destiny. Yes, Defence Minister Gallant, one day every Palestinian whom you mislabel as an animal will be a God. For we are all made in his image and said.
49 and according as we bore the image of the dusty (one), we should bear also the image of the heavenly (one). (1 Corinthians 15 )
But before then mankind must learn that war is obsolete as a means of dispute resolution. It is just too dangerous with modern military technology.
is presently Caesar to all mankind. The minute you see a Judaic sacrifice made upon the temple mount, a disgusting rejection of the sacrifice of the Christ, a 2nd rejection of the Christ by Jews in Israel, notwithstanding all the
disasters that came upon Israel following their first rejection, FLEE the place. How many times does Christ himself have to end Mosaic sacrifice in Jerusalem?
On Sunday 2023October1 (Tishri16), the 2nd day of Booths (Sukkoth) 602 Israelis stormed the Al Aqsa site (the temple mount) in contravention of international law and the
authority of Jordanian Islamic Waqf which controls the site and East Jerusalem by law but not in practice.
By Tishri20, at least 4,551 settlers had stormed the complex during Booths, according to data from the Islamic Waqf Department - According to the Turkish Anadolu Agency website.
On October1 some Israelis attempted to bring in animal sacrifices: "The al-Quds Governorate published a video on its Facebook account of Jewish settlers trying to enter animal sacrifices inside the complex." - Tasnim news cited above. Those provocations are known to be likely to trigger a war. The 2nd intifada was triggered by a visit of Ariel Sharon into the temple mount site, which is forbidden to Jews by agreement enforced through Jordan. said: When you see the disgusting thing causing desolation standing in the Place, let those in Judea flee to the mountains. Matthew 24:15-20.
The s interpret that disgusting thing to be a Mosaic animal sacrifice altar on the temple mount site. Because whereas the pig on the altar of Moses in the days of the Maccabees defiled the sacrificial altar of Judaism on the rock mass of Moriah. Today the rock mass is the Christ and he ended sacrifices under law when he was sacrificed by the high priest Caiaphas on 33Nisan14 through the Romans and through the crowds who called for his blood in front of Pilate. So restarting animal sacrifices on the rock mass of Moriah is defiling (by treating as invalid) the human sacrifice of the saviour of all creation who right now happens to be Caesar to Israel and to all mankind. He is handling the transition perod between rulership by the Dragon and the. He has started sorting out the sheep from the goats or Matthew25. It is understandable for Israelis to want to offer such sacrifices since they do not accept that was the Messiah. But there is a reason that God permitted a Mosque to be built on the one and only Site of the Jews. It was to show them that the law had ended in respect of its sacrifices and its penalties. But not its morality or its prophetic power.
Because whereas the pig on the altar of Moses in the days of the Maccabees defiled the sacrificial altar of Judaism on the rock mass of Moriah. Today the rock mass is the Christ and he ended sacrifices under law when he was sacrificed by the high priest Caiaphas on 33Nisan14 through the Romans and through the crowds who called for his blood in front of Pilate.
So restarting animal sacrifices on the rock mass of Moriah is defiling (by treating as invalid) the human sacrifice of the saviour of all creation who right now happens to be Caesar to Israel and to all mankind. He is handling the transition perod between rulership by the Dragon and the. He has started sorting out the
sheep from the goats or Matthew25.
It is understandable for Israelis to want to offer such sacrifices since they do not accept that was the Messiah. But there is a reason that God permitted a Mosque to be built on the one and only Site of the Jews. It was to show them that the law had ended in respect of its sacrifices and its penalties. But not its morality or its prophetic power.
Anyone who tries to upstage the firstborn angelic son of God, who is now divine, and has been installed as Caesar/Pharaoh/secular King of all mankind, by offering up a farm animal to his dad, has missed the boat by 1990 years we would suggest.
So our advice to ALL MEN OF ALL FAITH IN A DIVINE CREATOR is to flee to the hills and leave Jerusalem when you see Israeli false worshippers offering animal sacrifices on the temple mount.
This is not the easiest of interpretations to make. But did say: As spoken of by the prophet Daniel let the reader use discernment. And Daniel 9:26 says: The end will be by the flood (meaning the lava flood, the greater flood of Noah). However the present Hamas campaign is called the Al Aqsa flood. That is not a coincidence we interpret.
Netanyahu's relationship with Hamas is a big problem. Gidi Weitz wrote a seminal article in Haaretz on 2023October9, 2 days after the October7 terror attack. His contention is that Netanyahu has admitted that he essentially stokes then manages the fire of Hamas for the purpose of denying Palestinians a state.
This is something I have suspected my whole life. Whenever the International community AND the Israeli government are poised to grant a Palestinian state, the PLO or its successors fire a bunch of totally self defeating rockets into Israel and it's state denied.
“We have neighbors,” he said, “who are our bitter enemies … I send them messages all the time … these days, right now … I mislead them, destabilize them, mock them, and them hit them over the head.” The suspect then continued his lecture: “It’s impossible to reach an agreement with them … Everyone knows this,
but we control the height of the flames.”
Effectively, Netanyahu’s entire worldview collapsed over the course of a single day. He was convinced that he could make deals with corrupt Arab tyrants while ignoring the cornerstone of the Arab-Jewish conflict, the Palestinians. His life’s work was to turn the ship of state from the course steered by his predecessors, from Yitzhak Rabin to Ehud Olmert, and make the two-state solution impossible. En route to this goal,
he found a partner in Hamas.
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
Israel's ambassador to France, Avi Primor admitted on French national TV that Le Hamas c'est the gouvernement Israélien: C'est nous qui avons Créé le Hamas... mais c'est notre creation. (Hamas it's the Israeli Government. It's us who created Hamas... but it's our creation)
The IDF killed 1500 Hamas terrorists in Israel and 200+ Hostages were taken. So the operation must have involved over 2000 active terrorists and a similar number of support staff. It took 2 years to plan.
We live in a surveillance world. We have the technology to recognise faces from space and read newspapers from orbit. We can perform extra judicial killings with pinpoint accuracy from perfect intelligence on Iranian commanders. But we cannot see anything that the entire armed wing of Hamas is doing for 2 years, whilst it is being funded by Iranian commanders?
Not one single Israel friendly intel service saw anything except Egypt, whose warning was ignored?
This is not only the greatest failure in modern Israel's history (Ehud Barak - the Economist). It is the greatest Western intel failure in all history.
The Gaza fence that was breached with a bulldozer and by at least 2,000 terrorists, has the latest surveillance technology. But no response was mounted until several hours after the breach by so many people?
No Western intel agency warned Israel for 2 years that 4,000 Hamas operatives were being funded by Iranians to commit a massive atrocity in Israel? No Western intel service warned Israel to keep its guard up? Their response time to a fence breach by 2000 terrorists is 3 hours? I can get a pizza in 15 minutes!
Here is an IDF girl explaining that a pidgeon cannot get near the gaza wall with out the IDF knowing about it...
Either no intel service in the West is worth keeping and they all should be disbanded, or this Hamas atrocity had the tacit approval of every Western Intel service there is, except Egypt. In which case moreso should they all be disbanded.
Egypt does not want a war between Israel and Hamas because it is first in line for the fallout.
It all goes back to the wise words of RFK before an intelligence agency had him assassinated: What place does a secretive intelligence agency have in a transparent democracy?
I think we are about to find out. They want this conflict because they want WW3. They want WW3 because they want to complete the destruction of Western democracy that began with the assassination of JFK. Then they can implement Chinese style social credit scores, enslave us, steal all our money and deny us every freedom they are being paid by us to protect.
Time to store 12 months of dried food and water and time to strengthen your faith and your humanity.
This is not the time to be coralled into taking sides. In scriptural terms, the intel agencies of this world, are the chlorine coloured horse of Revelation6, the 4th horse of the apocalypse, hard to see and the first WMD deployed in WW1 was mustard gas. The 4th horseman is .
No electricity no food no water no gas for 2 million people in Gaza is a war crime. Israel Defence Minister Yoav Gallant decreed it. Hospitals do not work in those circumstances. The Palestinians in Gaza have not had a vote since 2006.
The mandate Hamas was given in 2006 expired a long time ago. A collective punishment of 2.2 million people of this type is inhuman. Yoav Gallant, accepts the inhumanity of his actions because he attempted to justify his decree by labelling
Palestinians as animals. Whereas many are sons of by circumcision.
Suleiman Bisharat, director of the Yabous Center for Studies in Ramallah, said he sees the name operation "Al Aqsa Flood as a clear message to the occupation, which is committing violations against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa...In the past few weeks, coinciding with the Jewish holidays, Al-Aqsa Mosque has been subjected to very serious violations by the occupation, its ministers and settlers,"
The "Status Quo" as it is known, for the temple mount is that Muslims can worship inside it but Jews must worship outside it. Hence all the Jewish worship at the wailing wall. Breaching that agreement has lead to wars between Israel and Palestine in the past.
I can see a pattern emerging from the fog of war here. Elements of the Israeli government wish to build a 3rd Judaic temple upon the temple mount. Israel provokes Gaza by breaking the Al Aqsa Status Quo agreement, in the weeks before the present war, knowing that such breaches have caused wars in the
past (the 2nd Intifada, the Al Aqsa Intifada, began after opposition leader Ariel Sharon entered the mosque with 1,000 police etc. on 2000September28). Hamas takes the bait, and launches operation Al Aqsa Flood, having been training for years for
yet another attack on Israel. Israel stands down its border security
just long enough to ensure that the attack is sufficiently successful to justify the response it wishes to make.
I do not know if my theory is correct. But we shall soon know because the apocalypse of Revelation is almost upon us, wherein nothing that is concealed will not be revealed."al-aqsa-flood"-and-her-sisters-.ByGVAbr-W6.html
Al Jazeera coverage...
Gentile call s and Laodiceans go into the ark and at the same time see all the disgusting things causing desolation in Babylon and in the Watchtower the ark. That is the fulfilment of Matthew 24:15 for them.
Before the Israeli Hamas civilian massacre fest I thought that Genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced relocation were the worst things that mankind could do to each other. Since this war started I have been sickened more by those who attempt to justify Genocide, ethnic cleansing and forced
relocation in the media.
I am a free speech absolutist like Elon Musk. I am not saying these posts should be banned. I am just saying that the degree of moral bankruptcy necessary for a Jew in particular to attempt to justify a genocide is too depressing for words.
Anyone who attempts to justify genocide has a heart which registers at absolute zero. Any Jew who attempts to justify it is referring the abuse that was meted out to us. This of course is how abuse propagates. The holocaust of WW2 should have been the last one.
The solution to the Israeli Palestinian problem is to recognise that and all his seed are the promised land, not soil and rock between the Nile and the Euphrates.
Also the present operation by Israel is billed as a war against Hamas. But Hamas is not a state and neither is Gaza. It is therefore not a war. It is an abomination. It may well be the abomination that causes desolation standing where it ought not of Mark 13:14.
14 However, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation standing where it ought not let the reader use discernment, then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. (Mark 13 )
Because for Jews to carry out ethnic cleansing under the threat of genocide is an abomination which is standing in Israel right now. It ought not to be standing there because Israel should be the last place on earth where anything
approaching genocide is countenanced. The desolation it causes may be the future holocaust of WW3. So I do think we are looking at the fulfilment of Mark 13:14 here but not Matthew 24:15 which occurs at the holy place of the temple mount, the Al Aqsa site.