John Pierpont Morgan, the famous banker, once said: A Man always has 2 reasons for what he does. A good one and the real one.
A Nigerian politician then expanded this one step further saying: There are 2 reasons why a politician does anything. There is the reason he tells you he is doing it, which is not the reason he is doing it. And there is the real reason he is doing it, which he will never tell you.
Permit me to expand this one step further by saying: There are 2 manifestos that a political party has. The Manifesto they publish, which they rarely deliver, and the manifesto they never publish, which they always deliver.
There has never been a greater gap between rhetoric and reality than that engineered by Barack Obama. He promised unity. But he legislated and practiced racial and sexual orientation and political division. He championed freedom and democracy with his lips but then became a 3½ term dictator who politicised every organ of state in order to turn them all into campaign offices for the democrats. He corrupted the judiciary to the point where Trump undergoes an incessant stream of show trails during the height of an election campaign about which even the famed Harvard Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat who has been practicing law for 60 years, declares on Newsmax that he cannot understand what criminality has actually occurred in any of the 34 counts. Trump was found guilty by a Jury chosen by the prosecuting attorney with no input from the defence attorney. That is not balanced justice. It is a firing squad. He corrupted the DOJ to the point where very few democrats are prosecuted but Republican Jan6 sit-in vote fraud protesters are slanderously labelled insurrectionists and then prosecuted to the ends of the earth in what is most obviously a desperate defence of a fraudulent 2020 election result. The level of persecution they receive being a mirror to the level of election fraud the Dems engaged in.
We Brits can sit over here and rightly laugh at the mess that US politics has become. A mess so corrupt that nobody in the country even knows who their true president really is. Here we stand on the threshold of WW3 and nobody knows who their true commander in chief really is! John Cleese would have trouble conceiving a plot this farcical. The Exposé published my Obama46 article in 2022, which deduces logically that it is Obama. But I don't actually know that for a fact. It could be Kim Kardashian for all I know and for all anyone else in America knows other than the inner circle of democrats and their treasonous antidemocratic globalist intel double agent handlers. Here is the question that is never asked by the US MSM. If the US is a democracy then what is the name of the true commander in chief. What is his name?
At least we know who our Prime Minster was. It was Rishl Sunak right?
Well, here is where the concept of Isomorphism helps us to see things more clearly. During the Bush/Blair partnership invasion of Iraq, it became clear that the UK/US act as one, in military matters (whether in the right as in WW2 or in the wrong as in Gulf War2). And we know we have the 5 eyes joint intelligence operation between the two of us, and Canada and Australia and New Zealand. So the politics of the United States is a mirror of the politics of the UK. Its just that being Americans, they do things in a far more overt, loud and entertaining way than we do.
It was the Job of Obama44 and still is the job of Obama46 to legislate the hidden agenda of the corrupted globalist double agents in the CIA (the 'intelligent' people he loves forming policies with as he told Stephen Colbert when he admitted he would love a 3rd term through a puppet president), whilst pretending to legislate his campaign promises, or if not then pretending to legislate the latest Democrat talking points.
For a President must be a double actor. He first must act as if he is interested in his stated agenda. Then he must hide or sell or excuse the actions that he actually takes, which seem stupid and incompetent when compared to his stated agenda but which just happen to fit perfectly when compared to the hidden agenda of those to whom he has sold out, those whom he truly represents, the international plutocracy.
So the order of power and control in the Whitehouse is Antidemocratic totalitarian globalist CIA double agents controlling presidential advisors controlling Obama, controlling Biden's advisors controlling Biden, or something close to that.
That is not too hard to see in the US. But the US is a mirror of the UK. It is isomorphic. Over here it will be something like...
Antidemocratic totalitarian globalist Intel double agents controlling civil servants in the blob, controlling PMs advisors controlling Rishi or something close to that.
So the minute that Boris declared he was going to sack 90,000 civil servants - his political career was over. And the second that Liz Truss declared that she was going to implement a budget not approved by the OBR or the BofE, both of which are globalist democracy usurping mechanisms, controlled by the real Prime minister of the UK (which is some ghastly hidden globalist sellout committee of totalitarian Marxist social credit scoring sicko control freaks worshipping anything and everything that will end mankind as a species in the shortest possible period of time - from gene rewriting vaccines to the genital mutilation of minors, and from cancelling the sun to the making of farming illegal), the very second she deviated from the undisclosed hidden agenda and went off script, she was ousted faster than one can say Proposition13.
I mean the name: 'The Office Of Budget Responsibility' says it all. They have taken for themselves the responsibility to set our budget. They have stolen that responsibility directly from the Chancellor of the Exchequer. They are in truth the office of Chancellor usurpers. What we need is an office a blob accountability and I would be delighted to run it.
So when you vote, you do not vote for a new president or a new prime minister. You vote for a new dress for the old prime minister or a new suit for the old president. That is it.
Or that was it, until a generation produced some politicians whose balls or whose egos or both were bigger than the hidden agenda. These people were quite brash. They were rather plain speaking. You would not necessarily invite them over for dinner with your more sensitive relatives or work colleagues. They tend not to have a very effective filter between their brains and their tongues.
In other words: They are incapable of the kind of double duplicity that the leadership job normally requires. They do not necessarily possess silken tongues (although JFK did and Trump is pretty folksy and Farage is intellectually quite strong). And for all their faults, many though they are, they offer the one thing that matters. One agenda not two.
They are basically not politicians. When they give you an agenda, that is their agenda. There is no significant hidden agenda. There is only their balls, their egos and their conviction that they are doing what is right for their country. They do not sell out. They will not sell out. Churchill himself was not a sell out of course, and he had as acerbic a tongue as any politician ever possessed. But he was a politician. Whereas Farage is very smart and very astute politically. But he is not a politician. He has failed to be elected 7 times. He has consistently refused to compromise for political office. The only office he ever held was the office of the director of his own funeral in Europe.
Some readers might think that the likes of Trump and Farage are unprincipled men who have risen up at a most unfortunate time and are just messing everything up with their insensitive me first politics. But the writer does not agree. I would argue. that Trump and Farage are the inevitable manifestation of the power of a repressed human spirit. They are required by Newton's 3rd law. They are what makes us what we are as a species. They are the Irish as a race. They are the West Indian on the bob sleigh. They are the Indian cricketer taking on the British empire. They are the Chinese student standing in front of the tank in Tiananmen square. They are the female peace protester standing in front of the Israeli bulldozer, before she is run over. They are the woman in the Garrick club or chained to the railings of Downing street or indeed studying at my college in Cambridge. They are why the demons will lose. They are the glorious manifestation of the incandescent class of the irrepressible spirit of mankind. Because the more irritated the oyster becomes the greater the pearls it produces. And these two are the 21st century pearls necessitated by the terminal level of corruption in the swamp that is UK, US and world politics today. They are both the inevitable consequence of squeezing the pips out of mankind. And they both have had and are having the pips squeezed out of them by the same globalist state, by the international plutocracy.
We live at a time when the majority of voters will discount a genocidal vaccination program mandated by the Tories unopposed by Labour which neither party will seriously investigate (because they just do not care whether you live or you die). If I ask the question: How many people would the vaccines have to have killed or incapacitated before brainwashed heartless robots stopped voting for the uniparty which mandated them? I fear the number would be: All of us.
If I asked the question: How near to WW3 do we have to get before suicidal robot voters stop giving their consent to the uniparty to wipe us all out through that means? I fear the answer would be: The middle of it.
If I asked the question: How many lies does a politician have to tell before you stop believing him or her? I fear the answer would be: I am a Labour voter or I am a Tory voter.
If I asked the question how many children have to have their genitals destroyed before you realise that the uniparty is trying to kill us all and deny us a future? I fear the answer would be: Children do not have a vote
But let me put it this way. If this generation does not have the Cojones to vote for Farage, then the next generation may not have any Cojones at all. Or more likely there will not be a next generation
Exposé readers absolutely know that the anti national democracy, anti national border, anti national sovereignty anti personal independence globalist organisations like the IMF, the WHO, the EU, the UN. the WEF and the G20, see an opportunity to control all of mankind by usurping national democratic politics with international plutocratic politics, using new information technology, using new communication technology, using new AI data analysis technology and using new military technology. They can steal all of our money, as the Chinese government has already done, with an electronic interrupt on every single financial transaction and then a bogus social credit score check as a pretext to deny the transaction.
I mean I was a child of the 50s and a teenager in the 60s and 70s. To my generation in the UK and in the US, the idea that you assess a person's social life with a numerical score is too sick for words. It is so 'not cool' that only a Bill Gates level control freak could ever conceive of it. And to use a numerical representation of a person's social life to deny him a financial transaction is a total non sequitur. It is the adult equivalent to telling a child that he needs to chop his genitals off and destroy his ability to have children or to have satisfying sex, before he has any understanding of the damage he is doing to himself, because nature or God gave him the wrong ones. These pretexts are as transparently false as a MSM opinion poll a week before an election.
The control freaks of this world, through technology, can create a famine. They can destroy human health through vaccinations and immune suppressing pharmaceuticals (and totally ignoring Vitamin D levels). They can engineer a high tech drone WW3 and they can steal every penny we ever earned. If the reader thinks they will not do these things. Sorry. They are already doing them and very publicly.
All of these actions are for the same purpose. It is a chess game. They are placing their pieces around the board in positions to make it checkmate for national sovereignty and for person autonomy.
You don't get to control your life and you don't get to control your government. They get to control both.
If they control your health through immuno suppressive medical interventions. If they control your wealth through social credit score linked financial transaction interrupts. If they control your food, through persecution of farmers, through destruction of food processing plants, through the buying up of huge swathes of farmland and the refusal to farm them, and through EU policies paying farmers to play tiddlywinks rather than grow food, or through a wartime rationing system: Then you have no power at all and they have the power they need to enslave you and to kill you at will. That is the Big Issue.
So which party will permit the globalists to enslave or to kill you?
David Icke can give good reasons not to vote for any political party at all. But when the bus is heading for a cliff, or when the Titanic is heading for an iceberg, being silent is not an option, if you care about mankind. I have friends and relatives whom I told, I actually implored, not to take the vaccines, who now have cancers and other health problems. They could not listen to my advice when I gave it them, and they now regret having fallen for government propaganda. I am sure many have had the same experience. I think the reader will agree with me that harming yourself and destroying your own life is one thing. But playing a role in destroying other people, or our entire species, is something completely different and something one cannot live with.
The purpose of this article is to make it harder for the uniparty to enslave or wipe out my species and to prevent the reader from giving the uniparty the go ahead to do that in the form of a vote and regretting it for the rest of his life which in biblical terms given the time we live in, could be a very long time indeed. Also I hate deceptions and love busting through them.
So here is the real hidden Manifesto of the Labour party and of the Tory Party, that neither will publish because they are lying sellouts, harlots to the electorate and to their voters and to their party members, riding as they do, the fat beast of international plutocracy rather than the thin beast of national democracy and national sovereignty.
1. Destroy food production and create the sort of famine Russia had under communism to gain better control over the people.
2. Continue to invalidate everything the individual stands for and everything the family stands for and everything the country stands for and has stood for in the past in order to replace all forms of self esteem or national pride or family
loyalty with plastic gold stars for your level of compliance to their dictates - like every other control freak. They will especially reward people who snitch on their own relatives.
3. Pave the way to social credit score theft of all wealth enforced by the fiery furnace of WW3. If you do not comply and bow down to the new image of gold, the new s, and if you do not take your vax and register for your digital ID
like a good little corpse, then you will be sent to the front lines along with the 18 year olds, whilst all the time ensuring that the army is understaffed and misses its recruitment targets in order to justify your and their conscription
4. Further destroy national sovereignty and national borders because basically politicians are no longer satisfied with power over one measly little country. They want power over the whole world - all of it. Every single country and every
single person. Its like Ursula Von Der Leyen said: Ve vill expand ze EU to ze North, to ze South to ze East and to ze Vest. Proving herself to be the very definition of an imperialist. An economic imperialist, who achieves with banks what
Putin and Netanyahu and Hitler achieved with tanks and who achieves with bureaucrats, what the British Empire achieved with soldiers.
5. Send home grown men of fighting age out of the country into WW3 and import as many non home grown men of fighting age into the country to police and enslave the rebels that remain here. People born here would not so readily abuse their
fellow Brits. WW3 is as sure as mass immigration, which is a necessary prerequisite for it. Stop the immigration and you delay WW3.
6. Control the internet completely. Remove every book from the digital public library that does not support the enslavement and total control of the people by government. Keep Mein Kampf and Das Capital and remove most of the rest of them.
I mean who needs any other book? All other books are just dismisinformation right?
7. Make it a criminal offence to criticise the government and insist that we all have a flattering picture of our great and beneficent dictator Sir Keir Starmageddon on our office and living room walls (but hopefully not on our bedroom
walls). Any information that is not approved by the ministry of information must be dismisinformation and cannot be taught espoused or articulated. I mean George Orwell lived in Islington and all Labour leaders in the 21st century and many
before have been white men from Islington or Camden. There is no diversity of any sort whatsoever in the leadership of those rank hypocrites. No diversity by gender. No diversity by race. And no meaningful diversity even by post code.
8. Complete the Obamaesque total politicisation of every organ of state from the NHS to education and from the HMRC and the ministry of agriculture. The only service the public sector will be providing, is the political enforcement of the
hidden agenda. They are already proposing to withhold services from the richer members of society (people who do not vote for them generally and who pay the most in tax for those services).
9. Give HR departments in all companies more control over the board of directors. So that governments run every business through HR for the benefit of the state rather than directors running them through management for the benefit of the
customers and the shareholders.
10. Continue the heterophobic and the genderphobic attacks on people's biological gender and sexual orientation, with the aim of wiping out our ability to procreate by sexual reproduction as quickly as possible.
11. Stop enforcing laws against key crimes in order to destroy the effectiveness of the police as the immune system of society.
One of their favourite tricks is to pick the smallest group in any given demographic and to pretend to be their champion in order to be able to attack the larger groups in that demographio.
So for example you pick the smallest racial group and make yourself their champion not because you love them. But because you hate every other racial group and you hate them too. But you need a pretext to attack all the larger racial groups. Likewise you pick the smallest sexual orientation group and make yourself into their champion. Not because you love them. But because you hate every other sexual orientation group and you hate them. But you need a pretext to attack as many people in as many groups as possible.
So that (or something similar or perhaps worse) is what you are voting for if you vote for the Uniparty
I cannot forget this girl who complained about my article exposing the governments' war against humanity. She wanted me to tell her what she could do to fight them. Well here is what we all can do. Refuse to vote for the Uniparty and vote instead for the party that they hate the most. That is plainly and unarguably Reform in the UK and Trump in the US. They are both withstanding epic levels of persecution because they will not accept the agenda above. In fact the Reform manifesto is close to the opposite of the hidden agenda above. Farage is fully aware of what is at stake here. He was too slow on the vaccines. But he met with Dr. Malone last year and now publicly asks for an enquiry in to the excess deaths. Nigel woke up in October 2022. The British Paedophile Corporation rigged the Question Time audience. Chanell4News sent in an actor Andrew Parker who was allegedly paid by Chanell4 through Lee Sorrell Media, to pretend to be a Reform racist and homophobe. That is a serious election law breach and broadcasting regulation breach. It's straight up election fraud actually. I think the election should be suspended pending a full investigation because the trail may go back to a political party, most likely the Tories, who are the more desperate of the uniparty twins at present. It also shows that Reform is neither racist nor homophobic, because the only way they can get such an accusation is to manufacture it with a paid actor. The Times showed its true colours by printing it. A very sad day for British Democracy and for that once great Newspaper.
Predicting a general election outcome is a two variable equation. You need to know HOW people will vote and you need to know IF people will vote. Traditional opinion polls only measure how you might vote. They fail to measure if you will vote. This is because the pollster asks for your opinion. He does not ask you to come and see him and give you his opinion at his office. Whereas the polls I used to do (by fax in the 90s and 00s) and the polls presently done on the internet by @PoliticsUK on, measure a combination of how you will vote and how passionately you feel about voting because you do not have to participate in them. Here is the result of the largest internet poll I have seen with 200,000 votes, That is 100x more votes than a traditional opinion poll.
The online results were reasonably consistent for the last 17 hours of the 24 hour poll. You will not see the results of this poll in the MSM. It is a measure of the passion which Tory voters have for their party (almost none) and the passion which Reform voters have (10x more than Tory voters have). So the Tories will under perform their traditional polling numbers significantly, perhaps by 30% (the fraction of them who will not bother to vote) and Reform will not under perform noticeably, whereas Labour will under perform perhaps by 10%.
Now the true traditional polling numbers I reckon (given the massive uniparty bias that was evident even in my polling days in the 90s and the early 2000s) are something like Labour 36% Reform 25% Tory 18%. So on that basis, taking into account voting passion, I predict the popular vote will be 32.5 Labour to 25 Reform to 13 Tory, levelled up to:.36% : 27.5% : 14.5%
Now that is assuming that no vote counting fraud occurs. And given the 2020 presidential election fraud in the US and the isomorphism between the two countries, I suspect there will be significant cheating. In fact the plan may well be to cheat down to the level of their fake opinion polls. But this election is a 2 horse race, not between the two wings of the Uniparty as the British Paedophile Corporation and the MSM would have you believe - trapping you in that paradigm. It is a 2 horse race between Labour and Reform and Reform are in with a real chance. The Tories are not. The MSM is desperate to hide that from you. But here it is.