33 Another parable he spoke to them; Like is the kingdom of the heavens to leaven, which having taken woman hid into of flour seah measures 3 until where/when was leavened whole. (Matthew 13 )
33 allhn parabolh elalhsen autoij legwn omoia esti h basileia twn ouranwn zumh hn labousa gunh enekruyen eij aleurou sata tria ewj ou ezumwqh olon (Matthew 13 SinaiO)
20 And again he said To what shall I liken the kingdom of the God? 21 Like it is to leaven, which having taken woman hid into of flour seah measures 3 until where/when was leavened whole. (Luke 13 )
20 kai palin eipen tini omoiwsw thn basileian tou qeou
21 omoia estin zumh hn labousa gunh enekruyen eij aleurou sata tria ewj ou ezumwqh olon (Luke 13 SinaiO)
33 Another parable he spoke to them. The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven [a raising, a rapture for the saints. Three groups of self raising flour, the s, the s and the s], which a woman [the ] took and hid in 3 Seahs of flour [Reappointed Laodicea for the s, Reverted Laodicea for the s, for the s] until when the whole was fermented/leavened [All the Kings are raptured into the ark by 2024VeAdar22. The Assembly of the Adar1 Isaaic secular year] (Matthew 13 ).
The saints are raptured, nay raised, into the ark. The flour is sifted wheat, true Christians, those in a true church. Saints are self raising flour because we are born again angelic and angels can beam, into the ark. Regular flour, unsanctified true church members, are not self raising. They have to be raised by the saints. . 3 true churches are blessed with raptures of the saints. Reappointed Laodicea (s), Reverted Laodicea (s and s and Abrahamic s), (Isaaic s and non Abrahamic s). These are all hidden until the end of the rapture of all the saints on 2024VeAdar21, the end of the rapture.
20 And again he said To what shall I liken the kingdom of the God? 21 ... It is like leaven [the bible code], which a woman [the holy spirit] took and hid in 3 Seahs of flour [3 meanings of the scriptures, the literal, the event symbolic and the word symbolic], until when the whole was fermented/leavened [decoded] (Luke 13 ).
Seah is from a Hebrew root meaning to define. So there are 3 ways in which bible meanings are defined. Literal, Event Symbolic and Word Symbolic. The woman is the . The leaven is the bible code. This is not all understood until the entire book is fermented/decoded. So there is a time lock on the entire process controlled by the . So God reveals a part of the code which enables a part of the decoding to occur. Then he reveals a further part of the code which enables a further decoding to occur. The flour is the raw material, the holy word itself. So the bible is one pile of flour which is 3 Seahs in weight in this symbolism.
33 ...The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven [a raising, a resurrection for the faithful], which a woman [a covenant, the ] took and hid in 3 Seahs of flour [Gentile call s, Laodicean s, s], until the whole mass was fermented/leavened [All raptured into the ark on 2024Tebbeth16-20 and 2024Shebat15-20 and 2024VeAdar15-20. Hidden until 2024VeAdar22, the full assembly in the ark] (Matthew 13).
21 ... It is like leaven [a raising, a resurrection for the faithful], which a woman [a covenant, the ] took and hid in 3 Seahs of flour [saintly s, priestly s and citizen s] until the whole mass was fermented/leavened [All sealed into the ] (Luke 13).