21 Leaving there,
now withdrew into the parts (merh) of Tyre and Sidon.
22 And, look! [a] Canaanite woman [living in Canaan but Syro Phoenicean by race from Mark 7],
from those regions came out and cried aloud, saying: Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David. My daughter is badly demonised.
23 But he did not say a word in answer to her. So his disciples came up and began to request him: Send her away; because she keeps crying out after us.
24 In answer he said: I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
25 The [woman] having come was doing obeisance to him, saying:
Lord, help me!
26 In answer he said: It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to little dogs.
27 She said: Yes, Lord; but really the little dogs do eat of the crumbs falling from the table of their masters.
28 Then said in reply to her: Oh woman, great is your faith;
let it happen to you as you wish. And her daughter was healed from that hour on (Matthew 15).
From there he rose up and went into the regions (oria)
of Tyre and Sidon. And he entered into a house and did not want anyone to get to know it. Yet he could not escape notice.
But immediately a woman whose little daughter (qugatrion)
had an unclean spirit heard about him and came and prostrated herself at his feet.
The woman was [a] Greek, [a] Syrophoenician in/by the race, and she kept asking him to expel the demon from her daughter (qugatroV).
But he began by saying to her: First let the children be satisfied, for it is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the little dogs.
In reply, however, she said to him: Yes, Lord, and yet the little dogs underneath the table eat of the crumbs of the little children.
At that he said to her: Because of saying this, go; the demon has gone out of your daughter.
So she went away to her house and found the little child laid on the bed and the demon gone out (Mark 7).
In this account makes the incredible assertion that demon possession of a young girl is bread to the children of Israel (food for thought for the sons of Israel). Putting this in plain English. He is saying that God's people learn from demon possession, it is a scriptural lesson for them. How? Well the lessons as we understand them are set out in the section on Possession, and Transport for London See I14.
To summarize I14, you can only be demon possessed if you fail a spirit sanctification test and therefore get assigned to and effectively become a demon yourself. At that point since is the ruler of the demons and was the ruler of this world at the time of ' ministry, he could authorize a demon in to enter your body and put you into the first death (not into , because demon possession is temporary and you will get your body back at some point and you would know too much had you been to ). The demons themselves are restricted in what they can say when they possess humans. So the husband of this Syrio-Phoenician woman must have been a rotten saint and so must have been a Jew since only these were called during ' ministry. Now the husband owns both his wife and his daughter. So once the demon possesses the husband then he owns the wife and the daughter. He can call his female demon friend and give her the body of the daughter so long as the daughter was under 's authority i.e. not a daughter of the . So evidently, since his daughter was possessed, she had no faith. However the mother did have faith in , she was a daughter of the . Hence she was not possessed herself and she was able to procure the release of her daughter by her faith.
These technical considerations give us the symbolic meaning which is as follows...
From there he rose up and went into the regions (oria)
of Tyre and Sidon [s and s]. And he entered into a house [Some reserves stealthily enter into Laodicea] and did not want anyone to get to know it. Yet he could not escape notice.
But immediately a woman [the unsanctified Laodiceans] whose little daughter (qugatrion)
[the sanctified Laodiceans] had an unclean spirit [being saints with no water baptism]
heard about him and came and prostrated herself at his feet.
The woman was [a] Greek, [a] Syrophoenician in/by the race [dual nationality - an /]
and she kept asking him to expel the demon from her daughter (qugathr).
But he began by saying to her: First let the children be satisfied, for it is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the little-dogs.
In reply, however, she said to him: Yes, Lord, and yet the little dogs underneath the table eat of the crumbs of the little children [unclean Christians hiding under the table of the s, eating the crumbs - these are the Laodiceans].
At that he said to her: Because of saying this, go; the demon has gone out of your daughter (qugathr).
So she went away to her house [, the s]
and found the little-child (paidion) laid on the bed [with a completed water baptism] and the demon gone out (Mark 7).
Matthew has a double designation and so does Mark. Both accounts are parallel accounts and so are covered by the Parallel Account Principle. So we sum the repetitions of nouns in both accounts for the total noun count, and both accounts share the same symbolism, and combine in a non overlapping way to make the whole picture. There are 3 designations for , namely , Lord and son of David, so there are three characters covered by the three designations in all the threads of the parallel accounts. counts as 2x and Lord as 4x, and 'Son of David' counts 1x, so there are two meanings of and two meanings of Lord in the two word symbolic threads of the combined set of parallel accounts. And Son of David takes only the literal meaning in them both.
These are literal accounts, and the literal meaning is as stated above.
Tyre and Sidon stand for Worldwide Commerce (the towns were in Asher's land). This woman is pre-occupied with commerce. Because two cities are mentioned, the whole deal covers two administrations ( and ). Tyre and Sidon are used as possessive adjectives describing their nouns (parts and regions) in these accounts, so they are not limited in meaning by a count.
Woman (2x) is woman in the literal meaning, and then the (bearing children of spirit) in the first word symbolic meaning wherein is her Lord, and then the (bearing children of faith) in the second word symbolic meaning wherein is by omission not her Lord in quite the same way, but she does recognise him as the son of David.
Canaanite (Adjective) Interested in the true religion but not in it.
Daughter (2x) is daughter in the literal meaning, and a subcovenant of the covenant of the woman in the word symbolic meaning. She is the for the and the ZCC for the ??
The is the covenant of Faith, Oh woman great is your faith. This is true of the and the .
Bread (1x) only means spiritual food in all meanings.
Children (1x) means children of the in all meanings.
(1x/2x) is (The human in the literal account and the heavenly God in the word symbolic accounts)
Lord (3x/4x) is a term of respect literally, then the husband of the woman of the , then spiritual leader of those in the
Little dogs (2x) are young like children, trainable dogs. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. These little dogs are the children of the woman, but they are not children of the , hence the symbolism of 'dog'. A dog is domesticated, but it is not clean. Little also in the sense that they are only dogs temporarily. They will eventually become clean. These little dogs are likewise pre-occupied with commerce. Their spiritual vision has second place in their lives.
The two Word symbolic strands are related by faith outside the true religion. The because they never joined and the because they were all disfellowshipped. The disfellowshipped saints of the are pre-occupied with commerce presently. They joined the UN from 1992 to 2001 to gain acceptance for the s in more nations in order to get more converts in order to get better figures and more money. The children of the are in the world chasing money like almost everyone else.
The children of faith are saved by eating the crumbs left over from the meal of the children of the . They digest some smaller pieces of this website. The children of the likewise are saved through crumbs of the great truths given to by God. It is a lovely comparison between pauper children of the and the rich kids of the , rich in the spiritual sense. They both get saved in the same way. They humbly scrape up crumbs from the floor of .
"Syrophoenician" can be used as a noun used or an adjective. The sentence:
The car, German as regards its manufacture.
Uses the word 'German' as an adjective. Likewise, Syrophoenician is used as an adjective in Mark, so Mark has no double designation.
Tyre and Sidon (adjective) | Tyre and Sidon, and then the first and second administrations of the true religion in a presence. Mark is the first presence, Matthew is the second presence. Mark covers and , Matthew covers and . |
Woman (2) | Physical woman, covenant () |
Daughter (2) | Physical daughter, subcovenant () |
Little | Little means 'temporary stage before' |
Little Daughter (1) | pre-subcovenant () |
Children (2) | Physical Children, Children of the |
Little children (1) | Temporarily outside the |
Little dogs (2) | Little dogs, children of the (they eventually become edenic children). |
(3) | |
Unclean spirit (1) | Disfellowshipped |
House (2) | House, Temple |
House entered | House of () |
House woman returned to | House of () |
Table (1) | Spiritual feeding mechanism |
Bread (1) | Spiritual food |
Greek (adjective) | Not a Jew, i.e. not a water baptism woman (she is a spirit baptism woman). |
Syrophoenician (adjective) | Native of Tyre and Sidon ( and ) |
Rose up (verb) | Ascended to heaven |
Lord (1) | Lord |
(1) | |
Laid on the bed | With a resurrection guaranteed, a completed water baptism, this applies to all the sons of the EC1 who join . |