[81] The 3 Tents of the Transfiguration

There are 3 parallel accounts of the transfiguration, in Matthew, Mark, Luke. There is also a reference to the transfiguration in 2Peter. 

17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when words such as these were borne to him by the magnificent glory: This is my son, my beloved, whom I myself have approved.
18 Yes, these words we heard borne from heaven while we were with him in the holy mountain. (2 Peter 1 NWT)

The 3 parallel accounts are just different journalistic viewpoint of the the same miracle in the literal meaning.

1 And after 6 days, Jesus took along Peter and James and John, his brother and brought them up into a lofty mountain privately.
And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone as [wj] the sun, and his outer-garments became white as [wj] the light.
And, look! there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, conversing with him.
Responding Peter said to Jesus: Lord, it is fine for us to be here. If you wish, I will erect 3 tents here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.
While he was yet speaking, look! a bright cloud overshadowed them, and, look! a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is the Son, of me, the beloved [one], [pronoun imbalance but no further substitutions. 2Peter 1:17 has: My son, my beloved for this - which has no pronoun imbalance] in whom I have delighted, listen to him.
And hearing [this] the disciples fell upon their face and became-fearful very much
And Jesus approached and touching them said: Get up and be not fearful.
But having raised their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus himself only (Matthew 17).

2 And after 6 days, Jesus took along Peter and James and John, and brought them up into a lofty mountain to themselves alone. And he was transfigured before them,
and his outer-garments became an exceedingly glistening white, which [oioj] a bleacher upon the earth would not thus be able to whiten.
Also, Elijah with Moses appeared to them, and they were conversing with Jesus.
And responding Peter said to Jesus: Rabbi [Hebrew noun - does not count], it is fine for us to be here, and let us erect 3 tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.
Because, he did not know how he should respond, since they became frightened.
And a cloud came to be, overshadowing them, and a voice came to be out [ek] of the cloud: This is the Son, of me, the beloved [one], [pronoun imbalance but no further substitutions. 2Peter 1:17 has: My son, my beloved for this - which has no pronoun imbalance] listen to him.
And suddenly, they looked around and saw no one with them any longer, except Jesus alone (Mark 9).

27 But I tell you truthfully, There are some of those standing here that will not taste death at all until first they see the kingdom of God. (Luke 9 NWT)

28 But it happened as if/at [wsei] 8 days [this is NOT an approximation] after these words, that he took along Peter and John and James and went up up into the mountain to pray.
And whilst he was praying, the appearance/form of his face [became] different and his clothing [imatismoj] [became] glitteringly white.
Also, look! 2 males were conversing with him, who were Moses and Elijah.
The [ones] appeared in glory and were talking about his departure which he was about to fulfill in Jerusalem.
Now Peter and the [ones] with him were weighed down with sleep; but having awakened fully they saw his glory and the 2 males, the [ones] standing with him.
And it happened that whilst these were being separated from him, Peter said to Jesus: Instructor, it is fine for us to be here, and let us erect 3 tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah, not realizing what he was saying.
But when he was saying these [things] a cloud came to be and began to overshadow them. And in their entering into the cloud, they became fearful.
And a voice came to be out of the cloud, saying: This is the Son of me, the [one] having been chosen [pronoun imbalance but no further substitutions]. Listen to him.
And in/with the voice occurring, Jesus was found alone. But they became silent and reported to nobody in those days any of what they had seen (Luke 9)

CNC (6,2,3,3,4,6,2,3,3) = 32
INC Days, Words, Peter, John, James, Mountain, Appearance of Face, Clothing, Males, Moses, Elijah, Glory, Departure, Jerusalem, Sleep, Jesus, Instructor, Tents, Cloud, Voice, Son = 21

Mathew CNC (7,2,2,6,4,2,1,2) = 26
Matthew INC Days, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Brother, Mountain, Face, Outer-garments, Moses, Elijah, Lord, Tents, Cloud, Voice, Son, Disciples, Eyes = 18

CNC (6,1,3,5,0,4,1) = 20
INC Days, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Mountain, Outer-garments, Elijah, Moses, Tents, Cloud, Voice, Son = 13

Matthew + Mark + Luke CNC = 32+26+20 =78 (3 threads)
Matthew + Mark + Luke 1NC Days (4), Words, Peter (7), John (3), James (3), Mountain (3), Appearance of Face, Clothing (1), Males (2), Moses (6), Elijah (6), Glory, Departure (1), Jerusalem (1), Sleep, Jesus (10), Instructor, Tents (3), Cloud (7), Voice, Son (3) = 21, Brother (1), Face, Outer-garments (2), Lord, Disciples, Eyes = 27 (3 threads)

Matthew 17:1-8 and Mark 9:2-8 and Luke 9:28-36, all the 3 accounts of the transfiguration, are plainly parallel.

But the account has several double designations. So there are 2 Word Symbolic threads. There have to be 3 threads in total (including the literal thread), because the word tent appears 3 times in total. So if there were two threads, then tent would only ever mean a canvas temporary accommodation unit. It is interesting that Peter made 3 tents in each account in each thread and Paul was a tent maker.

1 After these things he departed from Athens and came to Corinth.
2 And he found a certain Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus who had recently come from Italy, and Priscilla his wife, because of the fact that Claudius had ordered all the Jews to depart from Rome. So he went to them
3 and on account of being of the same trade he stayed at their home, and they worked, for they were tentmakers by trade. (Acts 18 NWT)

The TRANSFIGURATION is the remaking of Jesus in the next true church administration . 3 parallel accounts and 2 word symbolic threads gives 6 incidences of this remaking of Jesus. In Luke 9:31 Moses and Elijah are talking about the departure of Jesus from Jerusalem. In the greater meaning this is from an old true church to a new one.

But the transfiguration is not 6 parallel accounts and one word thread. It is 3 parallel accounts and two Word threads. So we are looking for a complete picture with 3 parts twice not a complete picture with 6 parts once.

The 6 churches are 
Laodicea of the first presence?
TCC4, Abrahamic Zoar, Isaaic Zoar, 1NC run Zoar
Laodicea, Abrahamic Laodicea, re-appointed Laodicea, reverted Laodicea

And OF COURSE the 7th true church is the Kingdom of God. AMEN.

Elijah is the supplier of the water baptism to the new church. 
Moses is the law giver, the FDS of the new church. 
The outer garment of Jesus is the Ephod, the priestly cleanliness of the new church.
Peter (7) is invariant and literal in all threads since the noun counts 7x in total. This is because Peter himself was given the keys/bolt/lock of the Kingdom- i.e. for each true church. 
Cloud (7) is invariant signifying acceptance by God
The mountain is the administration of the new church. It contains sacred kings (Moses), 1NC saints (Jesus) and water baptised priests (Elijah)
The cloud coming down on to the mountain is God accepting the new church. 
Tent can mean a covenant or a true church.
Conversing with Jesus is running a true church.
After 6 days means during the Sabbath. This is the missed Sabbath payback period, a rest from serving God immediately after a true church has fallen. See U271-11#77.

The 3 churches are the reappointed Laodicea, Zoar under non adamic FDS4 and Zoar under the 3rd Holy Spirit.

Elijah is the supplier of the water baptism to the 144,000 Kings. 
Moses is the Lords underneath these kings. He is the non royal administration of the Kingdom. 
The outer garment of Jesus is the Ephod, the priestly cleanliness of the new church.
Peter (7) is invariant and literal in all threads since the noun counts 7x in total. This is because Peter himself was given the keys/bolt/lock of the Kingdom for all the Kings. 
Cloud (7) is invariant signifying acceptance by God
The mountain is mount Zion of Revelation14. The Royal Kingdom administration of one group of 144,000 Kings
The cloud coming down on to the mountain is God accepting the Royal Kingdom administration. 
Tent can mean a covenant or a true church.
Conversing with Jesus is running the Kingdom of God.

The 3 administrations of 144,000 Kings are the 1NCs, the 2NC FRCs of Joseph and the 2NC OMCs of Benjamin.
Account Thread New Mountain Moses
(FDS or Kingdom admin)
(actual or body)
Jesus Tent of Moses
(covenant or Body type)
Tent of Elijah
(Covenant or body type)
Tent of Jesus
(covenant or body type)
Peter James
(from old admin)
(from old admin)
Matthew  Word1  Reappointed Laodicea Balaam Russell 1NCs 2NC re-3EC 1NC Descended Peter JW 1NC reserves JW 2NCs AOL/Caleb
Mark Word1 Zoar under non adamic FDS4 non adamic FDS4 Gordon 1NCs 2NC 4EC 1NC Descended Peter Laodicean 1NC Laodicean 2NCs AOP
Luke  Word1 Zoar under the 3rd Holy Spirit Benjamite administration Russell + Gordon 1NCs 2NC re-3EC, 4EC and re-4EC 1NC Descended Peter Zoar 1NCs Zoar 2NCs Peter
Matthew Word2 144,000 1NC Kings HLC administration Heavenly priests 1NCs Angelic Angelic Michaelic Descended Peter     Jesus
Mark Word2 144,000 2NC FRC Josephic Kings  ELC administration Earthly priests 1NCs Angelic Methuselaian Michaelic Descended Peter     Gordon
Luke Word2 144,000 Benjamite 2NC OMC Kings  ELC administration Earthly priests 1NCs Angelic Yeshuaian Michaelic Descended Peter     AOL/Caleb?

In transfiguration symbolism there are three types of temple

1 The tent of Moses is the 3 temples of the law (the tabernacle, Solomon's and Zerubbabel's)
2. The tent of Elijah is the temples of the 4 true Christian churches
3. The tent of Jesus is the temples of the living stones of the sons of the 4 spirit sanctification covenants. So it is the temple of the 1NC,. the temple of the 2NC, the temple of the ELC and the temple of the HLC.

Now the show bread and the candles were in the Holy which stands for the true churches. But the Most Holy was hidden behind the curtain of Jesus' flesh. The Most Holy which contained the ark stands for the saints and these are tested for the ARC.



John died as the evening lamb of Jesus ministry, the first of the two lambs, he died at night. He actually died either 62 weeks or 69 weeks of Daniel9 after Jesus, the word, went forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem pursuant to his baptism on 29Tishri10. So this puts his sacrifice on 30Chislev24 or 49 days later on 30Shebat13. The transfiguration occurred after this. Moses was alive in Eden2. Elijah was alive too being non adamic. So The 3 men got to see Moses and Elijah and Jesus, all of whom were living, having a chat in the literal meaning. 

1 And after 6 days, Jesus took along Peter [named so represents saints - 1NC saints] and James [2NC FRC Kings] and John [2NC OMC Kings], his brother [in the 2NC] and brought them up into a lofty mountain [church administration, FDS3] privately.
And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone as [wV] the sun [the kingdom is far more enlightening than this system, which shines as the moon], and his outer-garments became white as [wV] the light [this is the preaching work of the unsanctified JWs].
And, look! there appeared to them Moses [FDS3] and Elijah [3EC], conversing with him [Jesus did not speak only to Moses who then spoke to Elijah!! Jesus spoke to both the FDS and the church].
Responding Peter [1NC saints] said to Jesus: Lord [Russell was Lord of the 1NC saints and Jesus' representative] it is fine for us to be here. If you wish, I will erect 3 tents here, one for you [1NC covenant] and one for Moses [FDS3] and one for Elijah [3EC].
While he was yet speaking, look! a bright cloud [representing the holy spirit or God's acceptance of the administration represented by the lofty mountain] overshadowed them, and, look! a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is the Son, of me, the beloved, in whom I have delighted, listen to him [Listen to Russell, the mediator of the 3EC, and the last half apostle of the 1NC, please!].
And hearing [this] the disciples fell upon their face and became-fearful very much
And Jesus approached and touching them said: Get up and be not fearful.
But having raised their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus himself only [the other two water baptism covenants, 3EC and 4EC terminate once those churches end and we are left with the everlasting spirit covenant, the ARC, mediated by Jesus, the eternal father of the saints] (Matthew 17).

9 And [epi - at the time] of their descending out of the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying: Tell the vision to no one until the Son of the man is raised up from the dead [ones].
However, the disciples inquired of him, saying: Why, therefore, are the scribes saying that it is necessary for Elijah to come first?
The [one] answering said: Elijah, indeed, is coming and will restore all [things].
However, I am saying to you that Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him but did with him as many [things] as they wanted. Thus also the Son of the man is about to suffer by them.
Then the disciples perceived that he spoke to them about [peri] John, the Baptist [not a double designation due to the ambiguity with John, the brother of James] (Matthew 17).

2 And after 6 days, Jesus took along Peter [1NC saints] and James [ELC saints] and John [HLC saints], and brought them up into a lofty mountain [FDS2] to themselves alone. And he was transfigured before them,
and his outer-garments became an exceedingly glistening white, which [oioV] a bleacher upon the earth would not thus be able to whiten [the outer garments are the unsanctified ones. These are declared righteous in the flesh and sealed into the CRC if they were also in TCC1. Jesus' face is not mentioned because it did not shine in this ELC then HLC church. The 1NC saints had no authority in FDS2 at all].
Also, Elijah with Moses appeared to them, and they were conversing with Jesus.
And responding Peter said to Jesus: Rabbi [Paul was a Jewish instructor and therefore a Rabbi and was Jesus' representative] it is fine for us to be here, and let us erect 3 tents, one for you [1NC] and one for Moses [FDS2] and one for Elijah [2EC].
Because, he did not know how he should respond [the 1NCs did not know how to respond to FDS2 initially], since they became frightened.
And a cloud came to be, overshadowing them, and a voice came to be out [ek] of the cloud: This is the Son of me, the beloved [pronoun imbalance, but God actually said: My son and my beloved - see 2 Peter 1:17] listen to him [Paul, the mediator of the ELC, listen to him please!].
And suddenly, they looked around and saw no one with them any longer, except Jesus alone [FDS2 and the 2EC ended and mankind was just left with Jesus but no true church] (Mark 9).

9 And [epi - at the time] of their going down out [ek] of the mountain, he ordered them to relate to nobody what they saw, until after the Son of the man had risen from the dead [ones].
And they remembered the word, discussing among themselves what this rising from the dead [ones] was.
And they began to question him, saying: Why are the scribes saying that Elijah must come first?
But the [one] said to them: Elijah indeed comes first and restores all [things]; but how is it that it is written about the Son of the man that he should suffer many [things] and be treated contemptuously?
But I say to you that Elijah, has already come, and they did to him as many [things] as they wanted, just as [kaqwV] it is has been written about him (Mark 9)

28 But it happened as if/at [wsei] 8 days [this is NOT an approximation. It is 8 days after THESE WORDS of the previous verse] after these words, that he took along Peter and John and James and went up up into the mountain to pray.
29 And whilst he was praying, the appearance of his face [became] different [more humble, since it is now composed of true 1NC reserves who did not know they had been chosen. Peter James and John must have seen this face before in order that it is different.] and his clothing [became] glitteringly white [all of it, the inner garment of the saints and the outer garment of the unsanctified].
Also, look! 2 males were conversing with him, who were Moses [FDS4] and Elijah [4EC].
The [ones] appeared in glory and were talking about his departure which he was about to fulfill in Jerusalem [The New Passover of the 1NC reserves?].
Now Peter [1NC reserves] and the [ones] with him [in the Watchtower] were weighed down with sleep; but having awakened fully they saw his glory and the 2 males, the [ones] standing with him.
And it happened that whilst these were being separated from him, Peter said to Jesus: Instructor [Gordon is a teacher and is Jesus' representative] it is fine for us to be here, and let us erect 3 tents, one for you [1NC] and one for Moses [FDS4] and one for Elijah [4EC], not realizing what he was saying [because he was acting as a prophet, he was speaking in a symbolic manner which was inspired by God. He was talking about setting up Zoar.]
But when he was saying these [things] a cloud came to be and began to overshadow them. And in their entering into the cloud [containing the ark for the marriage of the 1NC reserves to Jesus] they became fearful.
And a voice came to be out of the cloud, saying: This is my Son, the chosen [one]. Listen to him [Listen to Gordon please! He is chosen as the mediator of the 2NC, the earthly king of the earthly kings].
And in/with the voice occurring, Jesus was found alone. But they became silent and reported to nobody in those days any of what they had seen [the greater ark and Jesus and the marriage] (Luke 9).




Thread Tent of Moses Tent of Elijah
Next True Church
Tent of Jesus Peter James John Son Mountain
Luke  Law Covenant EC1 Ex Law 1NC saints of 1st presence 1NC saints in TCC1 Direct JAC saints in TCC1 ELC saints in TCC1 Michael mediating the 1NC FDS1
Mark EC1 under the law of FDS1 EC2 Ex EC1 1NC saints of 1st presence 1NC saints in TCC2 ELC saints in TCC2 HLC saints in TCC2 Paul mediating the ELC FDS2
Matthew  EC3 under the law of FDS3 EC4 Ex EC3 1NC reserves of 2nd presence  1NC reserves in TCC4 2NC Kings in TCC4 2NC Lords in TCC4 Gordon the 2NC FDS4
Matthew Word2 EC3 under the law of FDS3 EC4  1NC reserves of 2nd presence  1NC reserves in Laodicea  2NC Kings in Laodicea  2NC Lords in Laodicea  Jesus, not AOL who is apostate to FDS4  WSS2 


By covenant we mean church for that covenant according to context.

1 And after 6 days, Jesus took along Peter [named so represents saints - 1NC reserves] and James [2NC Kings] and John [2NC Lords], his brother [in the 2NC] and brought them up into a lofty mountain [church administration, FDS4] privately.
And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone as [wV] the sun [the kingdom is far more enlightening that this system, which shines as the moon], and his outer-garments became white as [wV] the light [this is the sealing in spirit of the members of Jesus' body, the 1NC saints. They need to leave their slavery to the law of the tent of Moses and enter into the tent of Elijah to be sealed, declared righteous in the spirit, get everlasting life as an angel].
And, look! there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, conversing with him [The JWs should speak to the LWs and the 1NC reserves].
Responding Peter [saints] said to Jesus: Lord, it is fine for us to be here. If you wish, I will erect 3 tents here, one for you [1NC covenant] and one for Moses [3EC] and one for Elijah [4EC].
While he was yet speaking, look! a bright cloud [representing the holy spirit or God's acceptance of a temple] overshadowed them, and, look! a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is the Son, of me, the beloved, in whom I have delighted, listen to him [Listen to Gordon, the mediator of the 2NC please!].
And hearing [this] the disciples fell upon their face and became-fearful very much
And Jesus approached and touching them said: Get up and be not fearful.
But having raised their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus himself only [the other two water baptism covenants, 3EC and 4EC terminate once those churches end and we are left with the everlasting spirit covenant, the ARC, mediated by Jesus, the eternal father of the saints] (Matthew 17).

9 And [epi - at the time] of their descending out of the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying: Tell the vision to no one until the Son of the man is raised up from the dead [ones].
However, the disciples inquired of him, saying: Why, therefore, are the scribes saying that it is necessary for Elijah to come first?
The [one] answering said: Elijah, indeed, is coming and will restore all [things].
However, I am saying to you that Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him but did with him as many [things] as they wanted. Thus also the Son of the man is about to suffer by them.
Then the disciples perceived that he spoke to them about [peri] John, the Baptist (Matthew 17).

16 For it was not by following artfully contrived myths that we acquainted you with the power and presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ, but by having become eyewitnesses of the magnificence of that [one].
For he received honour and glory beside God, [ the] Father, [epi - at the time] of [the] voice of the same having been carried to him by the magnificent glory: This is my son, my beloved, [pronoun balance] into whom I have delighted.
Yes, this [was] the voice we heard carried out of heaven [whilst] we were with him in the holy mountain (2 Peter 1).

2 And after 6 days, Jesus took along Peter [1NC saints] and James [ELC saints] and John [HLC saints], and brought them up into a lofty mountain [FDS2] to themselves alone. And he was transfigured before them,
and his outer-garments became an exceedingly glistening white, which [oioV] a bleacher upon the earth would not thus be able to whiten [the angels seal the saints, declaring them righteous in the spirit for everlasting heavenly life].
Also, Elijah with Moses appeared to them, and they were conversing with Jesus.
And responding Peter said to Jesus: Rabbi, it is fine for us to be here, and let us erect 3 tents, one for you [1NC] and one for Moses [1EC] and one for Elijah [2EC].
Because, he did not know how he should respond, since they became frightened.
And a cloud came to be, overshadowing them, and a voice came to be out [ek] of the cloud: This is the Son of me, the beloved [pronoun imbalance, but God actually said: My son and my beloved - see 2 Peter 1:17] listen to him [Paul, the mediator of the ELC, listen to him please!].
And suddenly, they looked around and saw no one with them any longer, except Jesus alone [the other two water baptism covenants, the 1EC and the 2EC terminate once those churches end and we are left with the everlasting spirit covenant, the ARC, mediated by Jesus, the eternal father of the saints] (Mark 9).

9 And [epi - at the time] of their going down out [ek] of the mountain, he ordered them to relate to nobody what they saw, until after the Son of the man had risen from the dead [ones].
And they remembered the word, discussing among themselves what this rising from the dead [ones] was.
And they began to question him, saying: Why are the scribes saying that Elijah must come first?
But the [one] said to them: Elijah indeed comes first and restores all [things]; but how is it that it is written about the Son of the man that he should suffer many [things] and be treated contemptuously?
But I say to you that Elijah, has already come, and they did to him as many [things] as they wanted, just as [kaqwV] it is has been written about him (Mark 9)

28 But it happened approx [wsei] 8 days [as if, or like in the sense of 'approximately', since it was actually 6 days after he told them they would not see death before seeing the Kingdom. 6 days exclusively is 7 days inclusively which is approximately 8 days???] after these words, that he took along Peter [1NC saints] and John [Direct JAC saints] and James [ELC saints] and went up up into the mountain [FDS1] to pray.
And whilst he was praying, the appearance of his face [became] different and his clothing [became] glitteringly white.
Also, look! 2 males were conversing with him, who were Moses [Moses] and Elijah [Elijah].
The [ones] appeared in glory and were talking about his departure which he was about to fulfill in Jerusalem [Jesus being sacrificed].
Now Peter and the [ones] with him were weighed down with sleep; but having awakened fully they saw his glory and the 2 males, the [ones] standing with him.
And it happened that whilst these were being separated from him, Peter said to Jesus: Instructor, it is fine for us to be here, and let us erect 3 tents, one for you [1NC] and one for Moses [Law Covenant] and one for Elijah [1EC], not realizing what he was saying [because he was acting as a prophet, he was speaking in a symbolic manner which was inspired by God].
But when he was saying these [things] a cloud came to be and began to overshadow them. And in their entering into the cloud, they became fearful.
And a voice came to be out of the cloud, saying: This is my Son, the chosen [one]. Listen to him [Listen to Jesus please!].
And in/with the voice occurring, Jesus was found alone. But they became silent and reported to nobody in those days any of what they had seen (Luke 9).

There have to be 3 threads, because the 3 accounts are certainly parallel and the word 'tent' appears 3 times. So if there were two threads, then tent would only ever mean a canvas temporary accommodation unit. 
Tent (3), Moses (6), Elijah (6), Peter (7), James (3), John (3).

Peter was fully awake 'having awakened fully' (Luke 9:32). So this was not a dream it really happened. And as mentioned above all 3 parties were alive.

It is quite a large realisation that TCC1 had two sanctified groups within it.