[906]   The Fig Trees of Matthew24 Mark13 Luke21 Matthew21 Mark11 Luke13 and John1

6 Then he went on to tell this parable: A certain one had a fig-tree planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it, and found none [aorist. Punctiliar occurrence, one off occurrence, simple occurrence. This tree was never found to have fruit in this vineyard].
Then he said to the [not his] vinedresser, 'Here it is 3 years that I am looking for fruit on this fig-tree, and find none [present]. Cut it out! Why really should it keep the earth useless?'
In reply he said to him, 'Lord, let it alone also this year, until I dig around it and put on manure;
and if then it produces fruit into the [year, the 4th year defined above], sorted [mellon], but if not, you shall cut it out [sometime after that] (Luke 13).'

CNC = 12 (2 threads)
INC = Fig-tree, Vineyard, Fruit, Vinedresser, Years, Earth, Lord, Manure = 8
Fig-tree (2), Fruit (3), Year (2)

The first presence fulfilment has the vineyard as TCC1, the vinedresser as FDS1 and the fig tree as Paul and the ELC saints, a different seed from the 1NC saints represented by the different fruit of figs to grapes. In this case in the 4th year the tree did produce fruit and so FDS2 remained for the most part within FDS1-GNS1 and the Roman Catholic Church actually being afflicted for 400 years??

A fig tree should not be planted in a vineyard. It should be planted in a fig orchard. So this is a 1NC fig tree in a 2NC vineyard or a 2NC fig tree in a 1NC vineyard. The Fig tree is either the Laodicean 2NC saints or the Laodicean 1NC reserves. Jesus abandoned the Watchtower 1NC vineyard on 2005Sivan14. But it was still his vineyard. It just got stolen by Satan. So we have two interpretations here...

Fig Tree is the 2NCs
Vineyard is Abrahamic Laodicea then Reverted Laodicea

Then he went on to tell this parable: A certain one had a fig-tree [The 2NC saints] planted in his vineyard [Reverted Laodicea. Grapes are interpretations by 1NCs here. Figs are interpretations by 2NCs, The vineyard was planted on 2019Adar11, when reverted Laodicea was reappointed as a true church. Jesus is not said to have planted the tree. The 2NC tree just appeared in a 1NC vineyard rather than a fig orchard (2NC church) where one might expect to find it], and he came looking for fruit [figs, 2NCs with a water baptism] on it, and found none [A fig sapling tree takes around 4 years before it produces any figs. But the vineyard owner would not be looking if the tree was too young. This tree was not feeding anyone who came to it - it merely fed itself] [aorist. Punctiliar occurrence, one off occurrence, simple occurrence. This tree was never found to have fruit in this vineyard].
Then he said to the vinedresser [AOL or POL], 'Here it is 3 years [treij etoj] from 2020Tishri1, 2021Tishri1, 2022Tishri1] that I am looking for fruit on this fig-tree, and find none [There was no ongoing 2NC call. No 2NCs with a water baptism]. Cut it out! Why really should it keep the earth useless? [It keeps the LWs useless by denying them our congregation - Why keep the earth useless? Due to the LW Exedenic Times from 2017Tishri15 to 2024Tishri15]
In reply he said to him, 'Lord, let it alone also this year [from 2023Tishri1] until I dig about it [Do some 2NC type bible research myself] and put on manure/dung [The ground is covered in cattle dung, crap understandings from the rank and file congregation];
and if then it produces fruit into the [year specified above], fine [mellon], but if not, you [not the vinedresser, but the master, Jesus] shall cut it out/down/off [Well it did not produce any understandings externally. And Jesus cuts it out into Zoar from 2024Chislev10-2024Tebbeth21 (the end of the seizing of the 450 prophets of Baal by people other than Elijah) then by rapture into the ark from 2024Shebat15-20. Both possible ambiguous meanings of ekkoptw are used - cut out and cut off. The Laodicean Jericho Jubilee release is 2024Heshvan10. From this date the tree is cut out into Hebrew of Zoar by intransitive Abrahamic 4EC baptism after having been cut off as a true church by Jesus on 2023Tishri21] (Luke 13).'

Fig Tree is the 2NCs
Vineyard is non adamic Laodicea

Then he went on to tell this parable: A certain one had a fig-tree [The 2NC saints in non adamic Laodicea] planted in his vineyard [Non adamic Laodicea. Grapes are sons of the 1NC here. Figs are sons of the 2NC, or 2NC LW type bible interpretations, The Fig Tree stops bearing seed on 2011Tishri14, the end of the 100 month Gentile Call from 2003Sivan14 into the 2NC, before non adamic Laodicea. The queen of Sheba did bring a lot of things to Solomon. Perhaps although she had a lot of interpretations they were never given to Laodiceans, the Watchtower prevented that?], and he came looking for fruit [no new understandings] on it, and found none [This tree was not feeding anyone who came to it - it merely fed itself] [aorist. Punctiliar occurrence, one off occurrence, simple occurrence. This tree was never found to have fruit in this vineyard].
Then he said to the vinedresser [AOL or POL], 'Here it is 3 years [Secular/Agricultural years from 2013Tishri1, 2014Tishri1, 2015Tishri1. We use agricultural years because the parable is about a fig tree] that I am looking for fruit on this fig-tree, and find none [There was no ongoing 2NC call. No home grown 2NCs]. Cut it out! Why really should it keep the earth useless? [It keeps the LWs useless by denying them our congregation - Why keep the earth useless? Because of destructive satanic power games]
In reply he said to him, 'Lord, let it alone also this year [2016Tishri1 - 2017Elul30] until I dig about it [Do some 2NC type bible research myself] and put on manure/dung [The ground is covered in cattle dung, crap understandings from the rank and file congregation];
and if then it produces fruit into the [year specified above], fine [mellon], but if not, you [not the vinedresser, but the master, Jesus] shall cut it out/down/off [Well it did not produce any fruit. So it is cut down actually on 2017Elul10, the fall of Laodicea. Both possible ambiguous meanings of ekkoptw are used - cut out and cut off] (Luke 13).'

9 And if it bear fruit, [well]: and if not, [then] after that thou shalt cut it down. (Luke 13 KJV)
9 and [see] if it indeed makes fruit. But if not, in the future you may cut it down. (Luke 13 GLT)
9 and if indeed it may bear fruit -- ;and if not so, thereafter thou shalt cut it off.' (Luke 13 YLT)
9 and if indeed it should make fruit into the being about (to be) if but not indeed, you shall cut out it [ekkoptw]. (Luke 13 KIT)

CNC = 12 (2 threads)
INC = Fig-tree, Vineyard, Fruit, Vinedresser, Years, Earth, Lord, Manure = 8
Fig-tree (2), Fruit (3), Year (2)

9 Indeed the axe is already in position as the root of the trees, every tree therefore not producing fine fruit, is to be cut down and thrown into the fire (Luke 3).

This scripture shows there are to be several true churches that become false! It also shows that Fig trees do not work in vineyards...

16 By their fruits will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they?
17 Likewise every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit;
18 a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit.
19 Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut out and thrown into the fire (Matthew 7).

Repeated Articulations:
Came looking for fruit
But found none
Cut it down

Nathaniel under the fig tree of John1 - see U85

The Parable/Comparison/Throwing-beside/Illustration/Analogy of the Fig Tree

32 Now learn from the fig tree [LWs] as an illustration this point: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and it puts forth leaves [LW church starts expanding - leaves responding to light are Christians, branches are new administration], you know that summer/harvest is near [the final Kingdom harvest, during the apocalypse.of John]
33 Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors. (Matthew 24 NWT)

When the LW church starts expanding then the final harvest of the apocalypse is upon us!

You will never see blossoms on a fig tree. The fruit is the blossom — and it’s actually an inverted flower. At maturity, the interior of the fig contains the remains of the flower, including the small, gritty structures we usually refer to as seeds. These “seeds” are actually unfertilized ovaries that failed to develop, and they give the fig that resin like flavour and texture - https://www.mercurynews.com/2015/07/21/why-fig-trees-never-blossom/  So the fig tree is famous not for putting out young tender branches with leaves like all other trees, but for not having any blossom. The fig itself is an inverted blossom. Fig wasps drill into the fig and pollinates it internally. Learn from the fig tree as a parable or as an illustration/comparison, which can be a metaphorical parable. Here is an illustration of the fig tree bearing fruit.

Laodicea was a fig of the LW fig tree and was the fig tree in the vineyard! The LWs are the fig tree under which Nathaniel (AOL) was seen to be sitting by Gordon. Roger Knight was the female fig-wasp, the 2NC saint, which invaded the Laodicean fig through the ostiole. Laodicea was an entirely hidden church. Everything happened inside the fig. The 1NCs are the male seed of the 4EC. They died at their marriage Passovers in reappointed Laodicea and in non adamic Sodom. But they also created an escape route for the female seed, the 2NCs, who leave Laodicea and enter into the LW fig. No visible blossom, means no attraction to general insects flying (saints) or crawling (faithful), no external evangelism in Laodicea or in the LWs until the harvest. Only church members can see or appreciate our blossom. We have an internal blossom and no external blossom. We have great inner beauty. But we are as ugly as sin on the outside! You have to drill down into our understandings to get the blossom. Can anything good come out of the LWs - Yes, but you have to drill deep to find it.