Luke 22:35
He also said to them: When I sent you forth without purse and food pouch and sandals, you did not want for anything, did you? They said: No!
And he said to them When I sent forth you without purse and pouch and sandals, not of anything lacked you? The (ones) but said Of nothing!
Luke 22:36
Then he said to them: But now let the one that has a purse take it up, likewise also a food pouch; and let the one having no sword [appropriate defensive weapon - not a physical sword, since the noun appears 2x in the account] sell his outer garment [means outer garment, the noun only appears once in the account] and buy one [but not take one].
He said but to them But now the (one) having purse let him lift up, likewise also pouch, and the (one) not having let him sell the outer garment of him and let him buy sword.
Luke 22:37
For I tell you that this which is written must be accomplished in me, namely, 'And he was reckoned with lawless ones.'
[When the Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13 becomes law and the s refuse to take it we will be committing a criminal offence] For that which concerns me is having an accomplishment.
I am saying for to you that this the (thing) having been written it is necessary to be finished in me, the And with lawless (ones) he was reckoned; also for the (thing) about me end is having.
Luke 22:38
Then they said: Lord, look! here are 2 swords [ was speaking to the 11 apostles and Lazarus after the last supper. So 2 out of 12 must provide physical security with the appropriate greater sword]
He said to them: It is enough.
The (ones) but said Lord, look! swords here two. The (one) but said to them Sufficient it is.
In summary, 2 armed out of 12 or 2 armed tribes are enough to provide security for the s during the period when we are criminalized by our refusal to take the Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13. A sword is a lethal defensive weapon.
Luke 22:49
When those about him saw what was going to happen, they said: Lord, shall we strike with the sword?
ED Seeing and those about him the was going to be, said to him: O lord, if shall we strike with a sword?
Having seen but the (ones) about him the (thing) going to be said Lord, if shall we strike in sword?
Luke 22:50
A certain one of them even did strike the slave of the high priest and took off his right ear.
ED And struck one a certain of them the slave of the high-priest, and cut off of him the ear the right.
And struck one some out of them of the chief priest the slave and lifted up off the ear of him the right.
Luke 22:51
But in reply said: Let it go as far as this [So yes, strike with the sword, draw blood, but no further than maiming - do not kill]. And he touched the ear and healed him [then heal miraculously through the gifts of the spirit or through medicine if not reserve - - is present].
ED Answering and the said: Let you be till this. And touching the ear of him, he healed him.
Having answered but the said Be you letting until this; and having touched of the ear he healed him.
Matthew 26:50
And said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on , and took him.
But said to him: Fellow, for what purpose are you present? Then they came forward and laid hands on and took him into custody.
Matthew 26:51
And, behold, one of them which were with stretched out [his] hand, and drew his sword, and struck a servant of the high priest's, and smote off his ear.
But, look! one of those with reached out his hand and drew his sword and struck the slave of the high priest and took off his ear.
Matthew 26:52
Then said unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place [so the weapons should be kept in one place]: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword [so we should not take a sword with us when leaving the place where the sword is kept]
Then said to him: Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword.
Matthew 26:53
Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?
Or do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father to supply me at this moment more than 12 legions of angels?
John 18:10
Then Simon Peter, as he had a sword, drew it and struck the slave of the high priest and cut his right ear off. The name of the slave was Malchus.
ED Simon then Peter having a sword, drew her, and struck the of the high-priest slave, and cut off of him the ear the right. Was now a name to the slave Malchus.
Simon therefore Peter having sword drew it and he hit the of the chief priest slave and he cut off of him the ear the right. Was but name to the slave Malchus.
John 18:11
, however, said to Peter: Put the sword into [its] sheath. The cup that the Father has given me, should I not by all means drink it?
ED Said therefore the to the Peter: Put up the sword into the sheath; the cup which has given to me the Father, not not should I drink it?
Said therefore the to the Peter Thrust the sword into the sheath; the cup which has given to me the Father not not should I drink it?
So in summary, have weapons but keep them in one place and in a protective case. This place is obviously the home or congregation centre. We do not take the sword (with us when going outside the place it is kept). For then we do not die by the sword having not taken it. We do not conduct armed preaching campaigns. So 10/12 people go preaching with a food pouch and a purse but no sword. And 2/12 stay at home to guard the congregation base with swords in a protected place. This is how we look after ourselves during the lawless period. The rules of engagement are only use weapons when the ear of the attacker is not functioning - i.e. give him a warning first. Only if he does not listen then use the weapon so as to injure but not so as to kill. Then once the attacker is stopped, if he is injured by us, cure the injury with the gifts of the spirit or with whatever medicines we have.
10 If anyone [is meant] for captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones (Revelation 13).
So do not kill police of government agents with the sword. Go into captivity instead.
50 But said to him: Fellow, for what purpose are you present? Then they came forward and laid hands on and took him into custody.
51 But, look! one of those with reached out his hand and drew his sword and struck the slave of the high priest and took off his ear.
52 Then said to him: Return your sword to its place, for all those who take up the sword [unrighteously as Peter had just done] will die by the sword
[Gnostic. Two different Swords in the same scripture. Like: Let the dead bury the dead. The Judgement sword of God, that divides the soul from the spirit and puts the spirit in ].
53 Or do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father to supply me at this moment more than 12 legions of angels?
54 In that case, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must take place this way? (Matthew 26).
35 He also said to them: When I sent you forth without purse and food pouch and sandals, you did not want for anything,
did you? They said: No!
36 Then he said to them: But now let the one that has a purse take it up, likewise also a food pouch; and let the one having no sword sell his outer garment and buy one [there will come a time when Christians are considered lawless and are outlaws because we refuse the mark of the Beast. At this time we have no protection from the state police so we need to protect ourselves with weapons if necessary. But these must be used righteously, in self defence only. We cannot use credit cards or cheque books, so we need to take a purse with some valuables in it and we need a food pouch since we cannot buy anything from a supermarket].
37 For I tell you that this which is written must be accomplished in me, namely, 'And he was reckoned with lawless ones.' For that which concerns me is having an accomplishment [The true church is reckoned with the lawless after the UN ban comes in, because we refuse to accept the mark of the beast].
38 Then they said: Lord, look! here are 2 swords. He said to them: It is enough [This means we should have a sword 2x. This might be 2 months of requiring security through ones own hand in a period of lawlessness which will last longer.] (Luke 22).
24 Then said to his disciples: If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and continually follow me.
25 For whoever wants to save his soul
[more than he wants the] will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it.
26 For what benefit will it be to a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul? or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16).
23 Then he went on to say to all: If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake day after day and follow me continually.
24 For whoever wants to save his soul
[more than he wants the]
will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for my sake, this one will save it.
25 Really, what does a man benefit himself if he gains the whole world but loses his own self or suffers damage?
26 For whoever becomes ashamed of me and of my words, the Son of man will be ashamed of this one when he arrives in his glory and that of the Father and of the holy angels (Luke 9).
Let the dead bury the dead
All those who take up the sword (unrighteously) will die by the sword
Both the above are Gnostic scriptures. Scriptures in which the same word means two different things, one literal and the other spiritual. Let the judicially dead bury the physically dead. All those who take up the physical sword unrighteously will die by the judgement sword of God (being cast into ).
It is not unrighteous to use a weapon to defend your family, so long as that weapon is only targeting those who are directly attacking your family. Just as it is not unrighteous to want to save your soul. But it is unrighteous in spirit to want to save your soul more than you want to obey God's law. Although that is the greatest test of course.
When the bus is hurtling towards your soul, of course you want to save it and you jump out of the way. When the murderer or kidnapper is hurtling towards your family, of course you want to save them and you jump into the way with your sword if you have one.
But you do not shoot an officer who is arresting a member of your family for breaking the law, however unjust that law may be. He is merely doing his job.
2 If a thief should be found in the act of breaking in and he does get struck and die, there is no bloodguilt for him.
3 If the sun has shone forth upon him, there is bloodguilt for him. He [the thief] is to make compensation without fail. If he has nothing, then he must be sold [into slavery] for the things he stole (Exodus 22) [God is privatising prisons and compensating victims].
So if, with your sword, you do kill a thief in the act of thieving, then there is no bloodguilt. But once the theft is completed you cannot run after him and kill him for the goods. One can kill in self defence only. A thief is a legitimate security risk.